
=== zach_ is now known as zkriesse
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nisshhi was so close to catching jenkins18:35
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=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as bilalakhtar
nisshhgodbyk, ping20:32
nisshhaquarius, i will sort out the tex live PPA as soon as possible20:33
godbyknisshh: pong20:39
trijntjeis there any news on the screenshot server python issue?20:44
mterry_Is there a technical reason the versions of texlive needed aren't in Ubuntu?  No one to update them or something worse?20:47
dutchiemterry_: i understand that texlive is a bit of a monster to package, so there is a fair bit of lag between upstream releases and them getting into debian, then ubuntu20:49
mterry_Yar, I believe it.  It's just a shame how gross the 'getting texlive on your system' part of contributing to the manual is (looking at it for a separate Ubuntu Developer's Manual which hopes to use same stylesheets etc)20:50
dutchiemterry_: there is slow progress being made on a ppa20:54
mterry_dutchie, yeah?  is there a link?   I don't see texlive-base in any PPA newer than karmic20:55
dutchiei don't think it works yet :)20:55
bilalakhtarmterry_: Are you a member of the desktop team?20:57
mterry_bilalakhtar, yeah20:58
nisshhgodbyk, see mterry_'s question20:59
godbyktrijntje: not yet, I'm afraid.21:00
godbykmterry_: I think jenkins was working on the LaTeX PPA, but he's been really busy lately.21:01
godbykmterry_: But AFAIK, there shouldn't be an technical reasons why it can't be packaged (aside from needing to get more space in your PPA).21:01
godbykmterry_: We contacted the debian package maintainers for the texlive packages and they basically said they're waiting for the next version of debian before they work on new packages (if I remember correctly).21:01
mterry_godbyk, heh.  OK.  Could split across PPAs or something.  Still gross, but...21:02
mterry_godbyk, guh. Understandable, but there's no ETA on that21:02
godbykmterry_: texlive is a big download at the beginning, but once you have it, you can keep it up to date using their updater (called tlmgr).  So it's just the initial cost that's a pain.21:02
godbykmterry_: no ETA that I'm aware of.21:03
mterry_godbyk, yes.  I'm not so worried for myself, but I'm trying to make it easy to contribute21:03
godbykmterry_: If you come up with an easier way I'd love to hear about it.  It's something that holds a lot of people back from contributing to our project, too, I think.21:04
mterry_godbyk, OK.  will ping if I do...  might modify install-pkgs.sh script to do a bit more automatically or something21:05
mterry_Sounds like I don't want to try to package it myself in a PPA (unless difficulty is overblown?  Might be one of those things where someone that didn't know it was impossible could do it)21:05
mterry_godbyk: how difficult would it be to avoid using bits of 2009 that aren't in Ubuntu yet?  Like, is it lots of stuff, or just one icon somewhere?21:06
godbykmterry_: I haven't checked the Maverick stuff yet.  I know for sure that they haven't packaged the ccicons stuff (which just gives us nice-looking Creative Commons icons).21:12
godbykmterry_: Also, if you're wanting to translate to a lot of languages, you'll want the latest polyglossia and csquotes packages.21:12
mterry_hrm, not worrying about translation yet...  but ok21:12
godbykmterry_: We had a big problem with using TeX Live 2008 as packaged in Lucid. The XeLaTeX version was too old.21:13
godbykBut if they've brought XeLaTeX up to date, then you might be able to get away with just manually installing some newer tex packages.21:13
godbyk(You can write a script to do it easily.)21:13
godbykIn short, for plain English stuff, you can get away with what's packaged in Maverick.21:14
godbykThe problems show up when you're trying to translate to a number of different languages.21:14
nisshhgodbyk, right, so only translators need a version newer than whats in maverick?21:24
godbyknisshh: translators and anyone who wants to build translated PDFs.21:24
godbykAt least, I *think* that's true.21:24
godbykI haven't actually tested the packages in Maverick.21:24
nisshhi guess some people will do that21:24
godbykSince I write LaTeX code often enough, I just keep up to date on CTAN (TeX Live) directly.21:24
nisshhnot xelatex21:25
godbykXeLaTeX just gives you access to non-TeX fonts (read: all your normal fonts).21:26
godbykOh, and it understands Unicode.21:26
nisshhah ok21:26
nisshhgodbyk, thanks for pointing out some stuff in the manual session earlier btw :)21:26
nisshhgodbyk, can you do me a favour?21:27
godbykI'm happy to help you guys with the book design or LaTeX code, if you like.21:27
godbyknisshh: Sure.21:27
nisshhoh cool21:27
nisshhgodbyk, if you talk to flan any time soon, can you please tell him i need to speak to him about Quickshot?21:28
nisshhi never seem to be able to get hold of him, even though i have pinged him 10 times21:28
godbyknisshh: Sure. I don't see him too often these days. I think he's really busy with work right now.21:28
nisshhi see21:29
nisshhthat would explain why he isnt replying21:29
godbykI think there's a quickshot-devs mailing list you could try, too21:29
nisshhok, thanks21:29
nisshhalso, any design we do will be later in the cycle, once we have most other things in place21:30
nisshhgodbyk, did you hear about the sprint during the session?21:30
godbykI caught bits and pieces.21:31
godbyk(and yeah, it's easier to design the book after you have more of the content written. that way I have an idea of what needs to go into the design.)21:31
dutchiethose lines had a pretty cascade of spaces21:32
dutchiethen godbyk ruined it21:32
nisshhgodbyk, wasnt there talk not that long ago of using the new Ubuntu color scheme in the natty pdf design?21:32
dutchieshouldn't have put a bracket in there21:32
godbyknisshh: yeah. I've got some of the color stuff in my working dir, but I have to print it a few places to see if it looks okay. then I'll get it committed.21:33
nisshhgodbyk, cool21:34
nisshhaquarius, you there?21:34
nisshhpopey, i didnt know you did the UK loco podcast :)21:35
dutchiepopey is a celebrity!21:36
aquariusnisshh, hi21:39
aquariusnisshh, sorry, gotta go, hopefully we can catch up later21:43
nisshhaquarius, ah, i was just going to say that i will get the PPA back up ASAP, just need to get hold of the maintainer21:46
nisshhthe tex live PPA that is21:46
trijntjegodbyk, I just remember I only thought "ok" when you said the server isnt working yet21:46
godbyktrijntje: ha! no worries. :)21:46
nisshhmeh, nvm....21:47
trijntjeand now that I have repented from my sins, i'm off too bed. Goodnight all21:53

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