
Some_PersonI was recently kickbanned from #ubuntu with the message "Open proxies are not allowed" by FloodBot1. I also got a PM from FloodBot1 saying "Sorry, anonymous connections are not allowed. Type « /topic » for more information. Join #ubuntu-ops if you believe this to be a mistake." I identified with nickserv and joined again with no problems, but I am wondering why this has happened to me but not other anon users00:49
Some_Person(and no, there are no open proxies running from this IP)00:50
IdleOneSome_Person: I have no clue why you got banned01:15
IdleOnemistake maybe01:16
IdleOnebots are not perfect :)01:16
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mmslowll appears to be abusive - 4)02:03
gordubottu, unity is A desktop shell for the gnome/ubuntu platform, http://unity.ubuntu.com02:24
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, gord said: ubottu, unity is A desktop shell for the gnome/ubuntu platform, http://unity.ubuntu.com02:24
IdleOneubottu: unity is <reply> Unity is a desktop shell for the gnome/ubuntu platform, http://unity.ubuntu.com02:25
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, IdleOne said: ubottu: unity is <reply> Unity is a desktop shell for the gnome/ubuntu platform, http://unity.ubuntu.com02:25
gorddamn people that are smarter than me, knowing the syntaxes :(02:27
IdleOnedon't know that I am smarter, but thanks for the compliment02:29
elkyWe should probably be quoting shuttleworth's keynote from monday "Unity is a shell for gnome, but it is not gnome shell" or similar03:15
gordsounds like a good idea, i just put the first thing that came into my head in there because a factoid didn't exist03:28
elkygord, you still haven't come and said hi :(03:29
elkyalso, pici tries to claim he doesn't sound like he's from jersey03:30
elkygord, we could also quote jdub, but that'd just be trolling :P03:30
gordbecause i have been useless this uds :( i only managed to say hello to daviey today. i'll wear my omnomnom shirt tomorrow so grab me if i'm wandering along in a "i'v been here for over a week!!" daze03:31
ubottuDraqul called the ops in #ubuntu (manhunter is a troll)03:39
elkyJordan_U, is there something we need to look at?03:43
h00ksure, ubottu, I'll review the ban, but I'm not going to remove them yet :(04:56
tonyyarussoHow about unity is is <reply> "These are MY machines!  MY MACHINES!" - Mark Shuttleworth :P08:31
=== MenZa is now known as lhavelund
txwikingerPici: When are you finished with the curacao12 channel?15:03
* txwikinger wants to attend a session there15:03
Picitxwikinger: the channel name changed, so just make sure that you're looking at #ubuntu-uds-Curacao1+215:04
Picinot #ubuntu-uds-Curacao1215:04
jpdsCouldn't we just have named it 3$ ?15:04
txwikingerPici: well. they just move the session.. so my request is obsolete :D15:07
PiciOh well.15:07
ikoniaPici: thank you20:07
Piciikonia: np20:08
PiciJust happened to notice it.20:08
ubottuIn #ubuntu, kpoman said: ubottu: it is more about main services like apache etc... that I want to disable... it is not session startup, it is system startup21:15
ubottuIn ubottu, drubin said: where is uk22:48
PiciDid he lose it?22:51
ikoniahi drubin22:54
drubinhi ikonia22:55
ikoniaI've just updated bacta's ban in +1 after another jewkonia troll attempt22:55
ikoniadrubin: what's up ?22:55
drubinikonia: oops. I thought loco team opers were asked to joined #ubuntu-ops but it was #ubuntu-irc22:56
drubinsorry to bother. ;)22:56
ikonianot a problem22:56
ikoniait's no bother22:56
drubinikonia: :) thanks bye22:56
Seeker`ikonia: can staff not do anything about him?23:34
IdleOneyes but it would be illegal23:34
IdleOnein most countries23:35

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