
=== jbs is now known as Bernardo|Away
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=== jbs is now known as Bernardo|Away
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=== jbs is now known as Bernardo|Away
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hyperairSarvatt, bryceh: is nvidia-96 working in maverick?13:18
Sarvattnope, no nvidia-96 compatible yet13:18
ionsarvatt: Did you notice my message, btw?13:19
hyperairSarvatt: goddamn nvidia.13:19
Sarvattno never got a message13:19
Sarvatthotel wireless is crap and kicking me off a lot :(13:20
* Sarvatt checks irclogs.ubuntu.com13:21
ionsarvatt: It would be nice to get the Provides: xserver-xorg-video-… stuff back to the fglrx packaging. Otherwise, we’re back in the situation where some xorg update in natty will break fglrx and the fglrx package doesn’t do anything to defer it. For easy backports, how about a list like “natty→760 maverick→760 lucid→7x0 karmic→7x0” in debian/rules and pick both the fglrx object directory and the Provides string based on the distro version the ...13:22
ion... package is being built for? When xorg becomes incompatible in natty, fglrx will refuse to be installed alongside, and whenever there’s an update to fglrx that is compatible again, one just has to add it to the packaging and change debian/rules to say the equivalent of “natty→770” or whatever.13:22
Sarvattion: we've got at least 4 months to worry about that and will do it next package update, the consensus at UDS seemed to be sticking with 1.9.x if at all possible though13:24
Sarvattalso xserver 1.10's abi won't be in the X.Org 7.7 katamari for it to go in 770, i'm sure they'll just make 760 support both if they even bother13:32
Sarvattion: sorry, ubuflu caught up to me there.. a part of the problem is that the xserver-xorg-video-foo stuff changed completely in xserver that wasn't in lucid and backporting the abi stuff needs a ton of changes in the rules, the 760/750/740 stuff is mapped to X.Org katamari releases13:44
Sarvatti dont know which folder supports xserver 1.8's video abi actually, hmm.. wonder if they just skipped it completely13:48
Sarvattno reason for me to drop the serverabi target from maverick or natty packages though at any rate14:05
Sarvattugh these icecast streams are unusably quiet, so much for staying in the hotel room and listening remotely to not get people sick today :)14:06
RAOF_Heh.  What are you listening to?14:06
Sarvattunity switch to compiz14:07
RAOF_I presume that's the one that I'm in :)14:07
Sarvattoh it hadnt started yet haha14:08
RAOF_I think the compiz-specific one is actually tomorrow.14:09
Sarvatti like that there's a Git for Bzr users session :)14:10
SarvattRAOF_: oh it got rescheduled?14:12
RAOF_Sarvatt: Yeah.  Always. :)14:12
RAOF_http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-n/2010-10-28/ - tomorrow at 9.14:13
Sarvattoh sheesh I was looking at tomorrows schedule14:14
RAOF_You're sick - it's allowable to be a bit foggy :)14:14
Sarvattcnd: you're marked essential at 2 sessions at 4:15?14:35
cndlet me check14:35
cndSarvatt, which sessions?14:36
cndI see gesture support in gtk/gnome applications14:36
SarvattGesture Support in GTK/GNOME Applications and Flexibility in support for different touchscreens/hardware configurations14:36
cndoh yeah14:37
cndso I think the GTK one is wrong14:37
cndit also appears right above it14:37
cndat 15:0014:37
Sarvattoh gotcha14:37
cndI'll sort it out with oubiwann14:37
cndthanks for the heads up!14:37
SarvattRAOF_: this multi monitor discussion seems to be mostly gnome problems instead of X..16:56
Sarvattahh beat me to it bryce :)16:56
RAOF_As I say, X is perfect :)16:56
Sarvatti missed the first half, locked myself out of the room and went to cvs for medicine :( found recordings though! http://mirrors.tumbleweed.org.za/uds-n/16:59
* Sarvatt tries to dig around for some lists of GL hardware limiations18:15
knittlhi. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/318325 news on this bug?19:23
ubot4`Launchpad bug 318325 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (Fedora) (and 2 other projects) "[X1100] flickering after resume from ram (affects: 17) (dups: 2) (heat: 88)" [Undecided,New]19:23
knittli want to try xorg-edgers ppa from launchpad19:28
knittlwhich ppa should i add? nouveau/edgers-ppa-kernel-source19:29
ScottKRAOF_: Would it be possible to have the x* packages generate -dgb packages?  How do you handle xorg-edgers not having -dbsym packages?19:47
ScottKIt would solve out no debug symbols for the drivers problem as we discussed in the session.19:49
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knittlhm. xorg-edgers did not help19:52
knittlflickering did go away, but screen stays blank19:52
knittli would be more than happy to provide additional information19:53
SarvattScottK: they have them already19:54
Sarvatteven in the archive, -dbgsym isnt really useful for X stuff since they all have -dbg19:55
Sarvattoutside of a few oddball libs19:55
ScottKOK.  I asked udslogger to join us19:58
ScottKSince he thought they weren't there.  19:59
ScottKMaybe I asked for the wrong thing.19:59
RAOF_(Also, ppas should have dbgsyms soonish)20:07
Sarvattreally? i quite liked that pkg-create-dbgsym wasn't run on a ppa because it meant i had working X dbg packages unlike the archive ones for lucid :D20:11
ricotzSarvatt, hi, any plans to start the natty pocket for edgers?20:15
Sarvattricotz: haven't decided what to do with it yet, got any ideas?20:16
Sarvatti'm questioning the worth of building all the libs this time around20:17
ricotzSarvatt, mhh, i see, i am currently using the natty repos so i was hoping to get some proper builds for it20:18
ricotznot sure if the packaging is final yet? might be some discussions on uds propably20:19
Sarvattthe packaging?20:19
Sarvatti've got git versions of all of the X libs and protos in lucid and maverick but its not really needed in natty at the moment, but not updating those is going to mean natty has older stuff20:20
ricotzi just read some things about switching to as gallium default20:20
Sarvattricotz: oh i already did all that in edgers20:20
Sarvattricotz: its safe to use the maverick repo on natty still at any rate20:21
Sarvatti'm thinking of just leaving off all the protos and libs for natty this time around20:22
ricotzoh really, what does the experimental contain?20:22
ricotzyeah if there arent required that is fine20:23
Sarvatti only needed to add those for the xserver 1.6-1.7-1.8 transitions, but ended up having to keep them around because of the + :(20:23
Sarvattok will start uploading things now then20:23
RAOF_I think it's reoasonable to not do any extra work on the libs unless it looks like there are potentially interesting fixes in them.20:24
ricotzSarvatt, no need to hurry perhaps you are makeing some other decisions this week20:24
Sarvattthis is the latest i've held off updating to the new release since intrepid, needed a working laptop for UDS and all :)20:24
Sarvattricotz: i'm sick as a dog with ubuflu in the hotel room and its all automated, no biggie at all20:25
ricotzSarvatt, you are still using mutter?20:26
Sarvattactually, I ran the update script earlier today already, it'll have to wait until tomorrow for most of the stuff20:26
Sarvattnope good old metacity20:26
ricotzok,  i remember you were say that you are using mutter out of my ppa20:27
Sarvattexcitement in the PPA recently?20:27
ricotzthere is a package for mutter 2.91 now ;)20:27
ricotzgnome-shell is working on intel for me, but nouveau has problems20:28
Sarvatti think nouveau has problems in general now that they added the page flip stuff20:28
ricotzyeah, also crashes 0ad for me20:29
RAOF_Oh, really?  When did pageflip go in?20:29
ricotzRAOF_, 5 days ago20:30
Sarvatt6 days ago for the libdrm side20:30
RAOF_Yay!  More bug source.20:31
Sarvattoh wait, its only <nv50 actually20:31
Sarvatti'm kinda scared to build all the X libs on natty anyway :)20:33
Sarvatt(gcc 4.5 and all..)20:33
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Sarvattwell, i'm down to one page flip hang a week on 945, definitely an improvement20:46
Sarvattone of the commits we just pulled into the maverick-proposed kernel fixed page flip hangs completely on 965 for someone in #intel-gfx20:47
RAOF_So we should probably drop the disablement patch from Natty, at least to begin with.20:48
RAOF_(that worked *awesomely* at the Prague sprint ;))20:48
SarvattI cant reproduce this xvfb bug with just the commands run in the build process, guess I have to build openjdk (on an atom..)20:54
RAOF_I need to get Sam to update the ssh forwarding at home; then you could have access to an amd64 at least.20:55
Sarvattit looks like a dbus problem to me, maybe it only happens in a chroot anyway20:58
=== Bernardo|Away is now known as jbs
kcjCan anyone here help me with this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/665734 please? 22:29
ubot4`Launchpad bug 665734 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Xorg freezes when viewing website in Firefox. (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New]22:29
* bryceh_ looks quizzically at ubot4`22:31
kcjI did that.22:32
bryceh_kcj, ahh22:33
bryceh_thought we had a bot auto-reporting bugs as filed again or something22:33

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