
eTiger13lee:  if i manually edit that, will it screw anything up? and how does it generate the dynamic info like memory usage and other things?00:00
leegasull: my understanding (which may be wrong) is that you would generally install a long term support release on a server, and use whichever you like on the desktop00:00
leeeTiger13: don't know tbh, I have never cared enough to look into it =)00:00
gasulllee: OK, thanks00:01
mkquisthaving a problem getting one of my pc to share, new install 10.04 on eeebox, cant make shares - get an error that says to "add usershare owner  only=false", tried that, did nothing00:03
bpjuggaloi have a terrible problem with your operating system that continued to happen and go unfixed since 9.10. the problem is every time I start up, compiz or not, the OS freezes and I cannot do anything.00:05
mkquistbpjuggalo: computer type?00:05
bpjuggaloCompaq Persio with Intel GMA 950 graphics card, 2GB of RAM.00:06
mkquistbpjuggalo: what does dmesg say? anything to indicate problems?00:06
bpjuggalothat's the thing, i can't even look into it. nothing specific ever came up, it just... freezes.00:06
Sean93i need to download this file http://www.gamershell.com/download_63072.shtml. i started downloading it with chrome but ubuntu froze so the download is half done. i can't restart it in chrome and the torrent of it makes transmission and rtorrent freeze. how can i download it??00:07
mkquistbpjuggalo: have you tried booting to live cd and looking that way?00:07
FlamingPeanutsoccasionally my firefox shows some images as just noise, any ideas why? It appears to happen only on large images, and more so when they are not in html00:07
message144Hi, I enabled compiz in Ubuntu 10.04 desktop. For some reason my terminal window is transparent now even though the transparency is turned off in the terminal profile options. I am trying to disable the transparency. Any ideas?00:07
mkquistmessage144: make sure your looking at the right profile?00:07
message144mkaay, I only have one profile00:07
mkquistmessage144: one and default? or just the default?00:08
message144mkquist, just default00:08
message144mkquist, the funny thing is that if i enable transparency in the terminal profile options, it becomes even more transparent00:08
Sean93i need to download this file http://www.gamershell.com/download_63072.shtml. i started downloading it with chrome but ubuntu froze so the download is half done. i can't restart it in chrome and the torrent of it makes transmission and rtorrent freeze. how can i download it??00:09
fs-aHi. I have lost /etc/init.d/hal What recreates it? (installing hal or dpkg-reconfigure hal doesn't) Is that service needed (hald)?00:10
TherstriumCan anyone tell me where the the users/passwords for Samba are stored in Ubuntu?00:10
Caleb1134Hello all. I am setting up my first print server and was told to install cupsys, but an apt-get install cupsys returns Unable to locate package cupsys.    Any ideas?00:10
delinquentmedoes ubuntu create a backup partition whenever you install it .. and what file extension would it be00:11
gasulldelinquentme: it doesn't00:12
DanThirsthey im running 10.10, I'm using gnome and i have amarok installed... it plays like 3 seconds of a song really fast00:12
gasulldelinquentme: right now I'm using rdiff-backup but I want to switch to backintime.  I've read good things about it.00:13
delinquentmedoes ubuntu have a defrag option?00:13
Sean93i think im gonna go back to windows. nothing on linux works and it crashes far more than windows00:13
goltoofdelinquentme,   linux doesn't need defrag  :)00:13
Sean93and noone seems to know how to fix anything00:13
delinquentmehaha i was waiting for someone to say that ... really it just doesnt fragment huh??00:13
gasulldelinquentme: you don't need it.  Linux takes care of having your data defragmented, unlike Windows00:14
delinquentmegoltoof, ^00:14
Sean93goltoof: yes it does00:14
PraxiI'm trying to install Snorby on Ubuntu Server 10.04.  When I run this command "rake snorby:setup RAILS_ENV=production" I get an error "Missing the Rails 2.3.2 gem. Please `gem install -v=2.3.2 rails".  I think I installed RoR ok, but apparently I didn't, any suggestions?00:14
delinquentmethats bad ass :D00:14
delinquentmethanks guys!!00:14
plitterhello has someone found a fix for mic on the asus eee 1005px??00:14
Sean93i thought u still needed it for NTFS partitions00:14
gasullSean93: maybe you can be more specific00:14
boysenwhat port do i have to set up my vnc server00:14
goltoofSean93,   less someone else chimes in i guess it's my word against yours00:14
gasullSean93: I mean re: your problems with apps crashing.00:15
boysenwhat port do i have to use to set up my vnc server00:15
Praxiwhatever port you want Boysen?00:15
boysento use to set up my vnc server00:15
Sean93gasull:  i need to download this file http://www.gamershell.com/download_63072.shtml. i started downloading it with chrome but ubuntu froze so the download is half done. i can't restart it in chrome and the torrent of it makes transmission and rtorrent freeze. how can i download it??00:15
null__Has anybody managed to get Google Earth installed on Ubuntu 10.10?00:15
josh1how do I add a user picture, I am using xubuntu 10.04, can't get any help on the xubuntu channel00:15
goltoofSean93,   rephrase the question00:16
boysenhow do i edit my vnc server  what is the common files00:16
boysenhow do i edit my config files of my vnc00:16
switch10_Sean93: wget http://www.gamershell.com/download_63072.shtml00:17
gasullSean93: I use deluge for torrents and works pretty well00:17
Sean931. why does this torrent make every torrent program freeze?00:17
Sean932. how can i download the file using the 9GB i have already downloaded?00:17
PraxiJust go through control panel thing, sorry new to ubuntu Boysen, but I have seen the port number specified00:17
sympt0mis there any sort of command that will display ifconfig similar to ipconfig on windows? i want gateway, ipv4, subnet, and mac listed00:17
Aemaethnull__, yes, it had some trouble, but there is a ppa out there someone's watching00:17
grid_if a profile path has been set to /home/samba/profiles how could a profile be stored at /home/<username>/profile? because this path i wanna change instead00:17
PraxiSean, speaking from windows world, most torrent clients will verify the file before downloading more pieces of it00:18
null__what is a ppa?00:18
gasullSean93: also, to continue a download from the command line:  wget -c http://example.com/foo/bar00:18
erUSULsympt0m: ifconfig displays that00:18
erUSULsympt0m: also « ip a »00:18
Sean93switch10_: that just downloads i file called "download_63072.shtml" not the file i want00:19
sympt0merUSUL, ip a? how would the command look?00:19
Praxianyone ever installed Ruby on Rails in Unbuntu Server 10.04?00:19
erUSULsympt0m: well for gateaway you need « route -n » or « ip route »00:19
colin__I am looking to remove a program named Better Privacy that I downloaded recently.  Where do I go to find this program and remove it?00:19
Sean93gasull: can you give my the exact command including url?00:19
erUSULsympt0m: just like that « ip a »00:19
=== null__ is now known as SpeedDaemon
ariel_gi've added a dns entry and i can ping it from everywhere except the machine it's pointing to...what the hell could be going on?00:20
PraxiGasull, hes downloading a torrent, he needs to reset the torrent in his torrent client I think00:20
Praxior force a check00:20
sympt0mthanks erUSUL00:20
gasullSean93: I don't know the URL.  The command is  wget -c http://...00:20
velkocolin__, this is a browser add on. go to "tools -> add ons" in the firefox menu00:20
switch10_Sean93: you need to give us the exact url.  I gave you the command to download the file the url you gave us pointed to00:20
gasullSean93: you should know the URL you're downloading from00:20
Praxithat download will only get him the .torrent file itself I assume00:20
Sean93 http://www.gamershell.com/download_63072.shtml.00:21
etheretic1goltoof: no difference with smplayer.00:21
Sean93look on there00:21
goltoofgasull, that will only download the .shtml file of that page00:21
Sean93i have tried but i cant get wget to work00:21
colin__thanks velko - i found it00:21
switch10_Sean93: install the program links2 and browse to that url and try downloading it that way.00:22
gasullgoltoof: as I said, Sean93 should know the exact URL00:22
AemaethSpeedDaemon, deb http://dl.google.com/linux/deb/ stable non-free  like this00:22
PraxiSean93: if your trying to do a torrent.....00:22
goltoofetheretic1,   too bad.  i've had better luck playing mkv with smplayer than others.  must be a codec pack out there, or try converting mkv to another format00:22
etheretic1goltoof: aye.00:22
goltoofgasull,   even still, that's only downloading the torrent file00:23
Sean93gasull: i can't find the url, why don't you find it for me if its so easy?00:23
ka1sernobody said it was easy00:23
uRockSilly Question #78: Does Ubuntu have the ability to log into a network utilizing Active Registry?00:23
Sean93nobody said it would be this hard lol00:23
ka1serspecially if it doesn't exist00:23
gasullgoltoof, Sean93: doesn't that page offer torrent downloading as well as direct downloading? If not, forget the wget command00:23
s0diumdoes anyone know how to make the text size smaller in empathy on ubuntu 10.10 please?00:23
erUSULuRock: Active directory ?00:23
anon33__I'm having a lot of trouble configuring my Session environment through auto-login. any help would be really, really appreciated!00:24
erUSUL!samba | uRock00:24
ubottuuRock: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.00:24
goltoofgasull,  PAID direct downloading, sure :)00:24
PraxiSean93: http://www.gamershell.com/download.html?id=63072&torrent=1&cat=demo&filename=Aion2.0.0.2_FullInstaller.zip&ts=1288135435&auth=x17l8o0p00:24
Sean93gasull: yes it does, but the torrent freezes transmission and rtorrent00:24
PraxiTHAT gets you a .torrent file00:24
zanusalright seth_g  I've successfully got both my monitors working... although for some reason, the second monitor is identified as 3 instead of 2.. nevertheless it works.   On the other hand, now, my problems are... whenever I open Catalyst Control Center, the computer restarts.. or gdm I'm not sure...  Also, my AWS Navigator shows on the new monitor now instead of my default one00:24
macki have music playing threw speakers/headphones at the same time..is there a way to stop it ubuntu linux?00:24
uRockerUSUL, yes active directory00:24
anon33__I accidentally specified a "User Defined Session" and can't do anything within Ubuntu. I have auto-login set up with no alternative accounts, so how can I change the session back to Ubuntu Desktop before login?00:24
goltoofSean93,   are other torrents freezing TX ?00:24
Sean93goltoof: no00:25
PraxiThere was no direct download on that page I saw gasull , but I didn't look real hard, just the torrent link hehe00:25
gasullPraxi, Sean93: then my advice is to install deluge  (sudo apt-get install deluge)  and use deluge with that torrent00:26
goltoofSean93,   do you see where the partial file is downloaded?00:26
Sean93gasull: i tried deluge but the torrent wouldn't start. i just sat at checking 0.0%00:27
mcurrananyone know how to create a folder that points to '/'00:27
Sean93goltoof: yes00:27
Sean93it just**00:27
Caleb1134What is the name for CUPs? apt-get cant find cupsys00:27
fennecfox_Hello, Here is my problem helpers:  I have downloaded ubuntu 10.10 3 times and burned it 3 times and every time I try to install my partition with windows, well the in the live cd gparted won't start.  Also there are problems with installing partitions if I skip looking at Gparted.00:27
Aemaeth!cups | Caleb113400:27
ubottuCaleb1134: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows00:27
goltoofSean93,  if you try resuming the torrent in another client then it should resume the download.  If the torrent keeps freezing your client it may be a corrupted .torrent,   in which case try finding another00:28
Caleb1134Aemaeth I already read all that00:28
gasullSean93: maybe there are no seeders for the torrent?00:28
velkoanon33__, can't you just log out? and if you are automatically logged in again - to disable the automatic log in before logging out? on the gdm login screen you'll be able to change your session again00:28
switch10_Sean93: use rtorrent to download that file if you want to see what the problem is.  another gui will just freeze00:28
goltoofgasull,   pretty sure that wouldn't freeze the client... it just won't download00:28
anon33__velko: when i boot up, i'm automatically logged in with a black screen. how might i log out of that?00:28
Caleb1134Aemaeth: It didnt help at all. I found the drivers, but it wont do anything without cups and none of those links help with that00:28
Praxiwas worth a try lol00:28
Sean93switch10_: it freezes rtorrent aswell00:29
anon33__velko: i can't see anything to disable the automatic login once i'm logged in..00:29
PaulB_hey there, just wondering if there is a log for the cron00:29
switch10_Sean93: something is wrong on there end00:29
switch10_Sean93: what errors?00:29
PaulB_one of my crons isnt working00:29
Aemaethsudo apt-get cups is the common unix printing system server;  apt-cache search cups | more  <--this will show you almost anything related to cups00:29
Sean93no errors just completly freezes then i have to kill it and it turns to a zombie process, then i have to reboot00:29
Sean93how do i resume the direct download?00:30
velkoanon33__, you may disable the automatic login by manually editing the file /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf (provided you can switch to a virtual terminal or ssh to the machine)00:30
goltoofSean93, which are you doing .torrent or direct download?   big difference00:30
gasullSean93: remove rtorrent or whatever you have from your system, install deluge, download00:30
Caleb1134Thanks for the help aemaeth, that looks like its working. Scored a couple free laser printers from work and putting them to good use00:30
anon33__velko: and what variables might i need to change in that file?00:30
PraxiAnyone ever installed Snorby?00:31
Sean93goltoof: i have tried both but i would like to finish the download by direct download00:31
goltoofvelko, he should be able to do it from recovery mode?00:31
hugleowhat is pidgin version from ubuntu 10.10?00:31
velkoanon33__, AutomaticLoginEnable=true00:31
anon33__velko: i can boot into recovery and edit that file if it will cancel automatic login00:31
urthmoveris it possible to associate a hostname and port to a friendly name ?00:31
anon33__velko: change to false?00:31
velkoanon33__, yes00:31
message144Is there a way to disable the transparent terminal in the Ubuntu Dust GTK theme?00:32
anon33__velko: i'll give it a shot - thank you!00:32
PraxiSean93: have to use a different site for direct download, that one you linked only offers torrent00:32
velkogoltoof, i don't know. i don't use ubuntu00:32
urthmoverfor example I want m6300 to go to urthmover.ath.cx:22 and freenas to go to urthmover.ath.cx:222200:32
Sean93Praxi: there are direct download links on it aswell00:32
gasullSean93: do you understand the difference between direct download and bittorrent?  In the page you posted there are several links to direct download from different servers, as well as the torrent download00:32
claohi, i installed entrance, and when it configures i choose it a display manager instead of gdm. till, gdm keeps running. how do i disable gdm.? btw, im using gdm200:32
fennecfox_Repaste sorry if someone saw it and is working on it: Hello, Here is my problem helpers:  I have downloaded ubuntu 10.10 3 times and burned it 3 times and every time I try to install my partition with windows, well the in the live cd gparted won't start.  Also there are problems with installing partitions if I skip looking at Gparted.00:32
Aemaethmessage144, i might be wrong, but i think gconf-editor can make it as opaque as you want, also change certain variables00:32
Nattgewwhat package do i need to install for rhythmbox to transfer my ogg files to my ipod?00:33
Sean93gasull: yes i understand the dieffernce00:33
switch10_Nattgew: it doesnt convert them by default?00:33
gasullSean93: OK.  So if you want to do it with the torrent, first remove rtorrent from your system or whatever the program you were using00:33
switch10_Nattgew: It should convert them to mp300:33
RamiroHello guys/girls!!00:33
claoplease help, ho do i stop gdm2 from running so another displaymanager can be run_00:33
RamiroI need help with a Dell 1558 touchpad..00:34
ceno3xhey guys00:34
Praxihttp://www.gamershell.com/download.html?id=63072&mirror=100tb-1&cat=demo&filename=Aion2.0.0.2_FullInstaller.zip&ts=1288136010&auth=03m8mtu1  hmm try that in wget00:34
gasullSean93: do you know how to do that?00:34
=== Ramiro is now known as ralgozino
Praxisee if it downloads a big file hehe00:34
ceno3xmy ubuntu one takes forever to sync, is this a known problem? should I use the beta ppa?00:34
Sean93gasull: yes one sec i have to reboot00:34
gasullSean93: ok00:34
Nattgewswitch10_ - i know it should, but it was giving an error "None of the tracks to be transferred are in a format supported by the target device, and no encoders are available for the supported formats."00:35
Nattgewbut suddenly it works now00:35
gasullSean93: Praxi suggest you do it with direct download using wget.  The command will be:  wget -c http://www.gamershell.com/download.html?id=63072&mirror=100tb-1&cat=demo&filename=Aion2.0.0.2_FullInstaller.zip&ts=1288136010&auth=03m8mtu1  But it's 13GB, so I suggest you use bittorrent.00:35
Praxithat one won't work gasull, it makes a key, the key gets expired00:36
Praxihe has to do it himself, and copy the link address00:36
Praxihas one of those wait for 20 seconds then you can download type things00:37
Smittie3900wgaulle: sean93 is still rebooting I think00:37
gasullPraxi: OK.  Anyway I don't think he read the last thing I said b/c he left the room :)00:37
Praxihehe ya, not sure why he thinks a direct download will work if he can't torrent it :)00:37
gasullPraxi, Smittie3900w: yes, Sean93 might be still rebooting00:37
Praxiits a windows program, not sure why hes even bothering trying to dl it on a nix box00:38
FlamingPeanutsdoes anyone have any idea why my firefox sometimes displays images as noise?00:38
urthmoverhow do I run iperf through an ssh tunnel00:38
Praximan getting my behind kicked trying to install Snorby on my Ubuntu server, curse Ruby on Rails! :)00:39
fennecfox_Am I in the wrong chatroom =/, Ill paste yet again Hello, Here is my problem helpers:  I have downloaded ubuntu 10.10 3 times and burned it 3 times and every time I try to install my partition with windows, well the in the live cd gparted won't start.  Also there are problems with installing partitions if I skip looking at Gparted.00:39
mcurranif I make a symlink to a folder on my desktop like this "sudo ln -s /* /home/desktop/" is it going to take up extra space or no?00:39
jribmcurran: no but you probably don't want a *00:39
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Some_Person"Open proxies are not allowed"?00:40
Nattgewfennecfox_ - are you starting gparted from the livecd? not installing?00:40
Sean93gasull: how do i remove transmission it says Package transmission is not installed, so not removed00:40
TeruFSXmcurran: Every file and directory in / will be linked00:40
Some_PersonIs Nibbles broken?00:41
TeruFSX*replaced with a link to your home folder00:41
gasullAnybody here has tried to downgrade Wine?  I am using 1.3.5 and I'm trying to install 1.2.1.  If I uninstall and install again with  sudo apt-get install wine=1.2-1ubuntu1~lucidppa1  I still get wine-1-3-5 when entering  wine --version.00:41
gasullSean93:  Install deluge:   sudo apt-get install deluge00:42
TeruFSXgasull I'm not sure if you can00:42
Praxihow can I check my Ruby/Rails version on Ubuntu Server?00:42
gasullTeruFSX: why?00:42
goltoofPraxi, ruby -v00:43
TeruFSXi'll try right now00:43
Some_PersonMy Nibbles is broken on two machines!00:43
gasullPraxi: I think you should try a ruby channel.  I'm usually at #python and get good help there.00:43
Praxiawesome thanks goltoof and gasull00:44
CajunTechieHey everyone, I have a quick question: I've recently started developing my first package on Ubuntu. Is it guaranteed to work on most other distros or will I need to tailor to each?00:44
Nattgewfor the unity environment, is there a shortcut key for the upper left ubuntu button?00:44
TeruFSXgasull install the wine-1.2 package after you uninstall wine00:44
gasullSean93: you know the program/game you're downloading is for Windows, right?  How do you plan to run it?00:44
gasullTeruFSX: thanks.  let's see00:44
Sean93gasull: wine00:45
Some_PersonAnyone else having issues with (G?)Nibbles?00:45
velkoCajunTechie, which other distros you have in mind? it won't work on any rpm distro. and (depending on the package dependencies) will most probably not work on debian and derivatives. if you mind ubuntu derivatives - it will most probably work00:46
Sean93gasull: also, although apt-get says transmission isnt installed it is, how do i remove it?00:46
gasullSean93: search at http://www.winehq.org/search if you can actually run it on wine00:46
Sean93gasull:  i already checked :L00:46
gasullSean93:  if it isn't installed, you don't have to remove it00:47
gasullSean93: cool.  now then install deluge :   sudo apt-get install deluge00:47
Sean93gasull: it is installed though, i can still run it00:47
=== Out`Of`Control is now known as Viper
CajunTechievelko: Hmmm...so even creating a metapackage for the other distros won't make it work then? I was thinking RHEL, Fedora, and maybe OpenSUSE00:47
Praxijust install deluge likes hes said quite often now? :)00:47
gasullSean93: close transmission.  if it's uninstalled you won't be able to run it again00:47
sympt0mdoes anyone have any experience with the application "ettercap"?00:48
velkoCajunTechie, what kind of package do you create? a deb archive or some gzipped/bzipped source code package? maybe the misunderstanding is on my side...00:48
Sean93gasull: i just did run it again00:48
fennecfox_nattgew I am starting gparted from the livecd, it looks like its starting then stops and dissapears. thanks any suggestions?00:48
Praxihmm if i do a gem -v says 1.3.700:49
Nattgewfennecfox_ - try running it from a terminal and seeing if it gives any errors00:49
gasullTeruFSX: Thanks.  I was able to downgrade Wine with your help :)00:49
KnickLighterI just edited some drivers following a tutorial to fix my usb wifi - although now my internal wifi (notebook) does not show up in iwconfig, but it does in lsusb .. any ideas?00:49
KnickLighterbluetooth works though00:49
CajunTechievelko: Sorry, got my terms mixed. I'm basically creating software but I've not packaged it yet. I'm open to creating different packages for different distros. Right now, I'm looking @ debs but it looks like I might have to create individual packages?00:49
gasullSean93: sudo apt-get remove --purge transmission00:49
sympt0mdoes anyone have any experience with the application "ettercap"?00:50
velkoCajunTechie, yes you'll have ot00:50
velkoCajunTechie, to*00:50
Sean93Package transmission is not installed, so not removed00:50
gasullsympt0m:  just a bit.  Fire your question00:50
CajunTechievelko: Thank you.  That's kind of what I thought but was hoping to avoid. Oh well, not too tough I take it right?00:50
sympt0mquery gasull00:50
gasullSean93: sudo apt-get remove --purge transmission-common00:50
StaticShocki forget, how do i sudo from gnome-do?00:51
Nattgewwhat package is needed for rhythmbox to transcode ogg to mp3 for an ipod?00:51
Sean93ok, that removed it. incase i want to install it again do i use apt-get install transmission-common?00:52
velkoCajunTechie, package creation is not hard. what can be tricky are the dependencies. if the libraries you use are not present trough the official distro channel/repsitory - you have to package them as well. or if they are present but under different names in the different distros - you have to tweak your package also...00:52
NattgewStaticShock - gksu00:53
CajunTechievelko: Yuck. Oh well, I might focus only on Ubuntu for a bit then move to other platforms as I go. Eventually, I want to support the four I mentioned but Ubuntu is primary right now.00:53
Sean93gasull: ok, that removed it. incase i want to install it again do i use apt-get install transmission-common?00:53
gasullSEan93: yes00:54
gasullSean93:  deluge is installed, right?00:54
Sean93gasull: yes i just installed it and it is checking the file now00:55
velkoCajunTechie, it is possible that you'll get help from volunteers for the packages. just concentrate on your software, the other stuff is easier ;) good luck!00:55
gasullSean93: if not, install it.  Afterwords you should be able to download the torrent with deluge from Firefox.  Try it00:55
Razec /j #ubuntu00:55
CajunTechievelko: Thank you for your help. Made it a lot clearer for me!00:55
noob42can I get some help00:57
gasullnoob42: just ask your question00:57
noob42I can't figure out how to share files in maverick00:58
noob42im new to linux00:58
lucentokay, what do you mean to share files?00:58
lucentshare them to whom?00:58
ChellWhere can I make Gvim (instead of Gedit) make the default text editor/view when clicking on it on desktop of Nautilus? It's not in "preferreded applications" or "File Management Preferences" ?00:58
sammyanyone using x11vnc? it seems determined to deny my LAN client no matter what I try. using -listen and -allow with explicit addresses00:58
noob42me, locally00:58
noob42i right clicked on my folder and hit share00:59
noob42but I dont know how to access it from another computer00:59
sammyin another windows computer, it should show up in your workgroup, or however windows does it these days. on a mac, you should be able to browse to it as well in finder01:00
bobfcincinnatiHey guys probably a dumb question. I'm running Lucid with compiz and I'd like to get my "windows key+d"  combo to pop me to the desktop (like in windows) anyone know if this is possible. I looked through a bunch of options screens but couldn't find anything01:00
gasullChell: try this:  sudo select-editor01:00
noob42im using maverick for both comps01:00
MuscovyI'm having a real issue with bug 665947 ("open with" options not saving). Could anyone assist?01:02
sammybobfcincinnati: check out compizconfig-settings-manager - you should be able to set your keyboard shortcuts in there01:02
electrofreakmy login window is not showing on my primary monitor.01:03
sammybobfcincinnati: just be careful if you change your compiz settings somewhere else, you could overwrite your key shortcut.01:03
Chellgasull, It doesn't seem to work (maybe just on maverick?). After altering it, when I do select-editor again, it says the default (nano? I never selected that) is unchanged.01:04
bobfcincinnatisammy: got it thanks, the default was ctrl+alt+d01:05
bobfcincinnatisammy: which would have been i suppose if I had known what it was :P01:05
noob42I have recently installed two copies of ubuntu, one on my laptop and one on my desktop. I would like to access the files on my laptop from my desktop. They are both on the same network and I attempted to share a folder using the sharing options dialogue box. I don't know how to get to those files on my desktop.01:06
gasullChell: I think it depends on the filetype.  right-click on a file you want to open with GVim, then choose what program to open it with -> GVim01:06
sammybobfcincinnati: there  might be somewhere else to change the very basic ones, a gnome control panel somewhere. I just know compizconfig-settings-manager has shortcuts for *everything*01:06
sammy" denying client: does not match" this has to be one of my favorite error messages ever. I'm stumped.01:06
electrofreakmy login window is not showing on my primary display. does anyone have any ideas how to fix this. It seems to plain and simply go to the secondary display and I can't figure out how to change that01:06
bobfcincinnatisammy: yea I figured it was a gnome setting, but there it was in compiz01:07
sammyelectrofreak: can you set the primary monitor in the monitor settings panel? the one that lets you change resolutions and arrange multiple monitors01:07
Nattgewmy wireless won't connect anymore, and gives the error in syslog "Association request to the driver failed" anyone know how to fix it?01:08
noob42I have recently installed two copies of ubuntu, one on my laptop and one on my desktop. I would like to access the files on my laptop from my desktop. They are both on the same network and I attempted to share a folder using the sharing options dialogue box. I don't know how to get to those files on my desktop.01:08
Sean93gasull: the torrent download 1.2MB of data and then went to 0.0 KiB/s and has stayed there, what should i do?01:09
electrofreaksammy, I have the nvidia drivers, so using the nvidia program... yes, I set my left as my primary. my console seem to obey that, and so does gnome. But my login window is on the right monitor for some reason01:09
sammyelectrofreak: check out this bug: 395314 on launchpad01:10
noob42I have recently installed two copies of ubuntu, one on my laptop and one on my desktop. I would like to access the files on my laptop from my desktop. They are both on the same network and I attempted to share a folder using the sharing options dialogue box. I don't know how to get to those files on my desktop.01:10
AemaethSean93, if you haven't port forwarded the ports your using for your torrent, your router could be refusing all incoming connections, which could be a problem01:10
h00knoob42: You could use Ubuntu One for that01:10
joshyyzHello! does anyone have a Nokia N900?01:10
sammyI'm not sure if its the same gdm version but there's a few workarounds suggested01:11
UnholyTerrornoob42, what have you tried?01:11
Sean93Aemaeth: i did forward them but ill go check to make sure01:11
AemaethSean93, if you're using deluge it will say on the bottom how it's doing with the network01:11
noob42Right clicking and enabling sharing options on the file i wanted to share01:11
electrofreaksammy, thanks. I'lll take a look at it01:11
Aemaethso if you don't see a warning then that should be fine and you have some other problem, me guesses01:11
Sean93Aemaeth: where does it say that?01:11
UnholyTerrorhow about the folder instead?01:12
sammynoob42: have you found where you can browse the network in the file manager?01:12
Chellgasull, no, it doesn't. Not even after a save/exit. I'm opening thesame file.01:12
sammyit should be one of the options under places in the panel at the top01:13
AemaethSean93, for me: when it's not properly forwarded it will be to the right of the "DHT" connections, also to the right of the speed onthe  bottom taskbar if you don't have DHT enabled.  "No incomming connections"01:13
noob42I clicked on where it said network01:13
gasullSean93: I tried downloading your torrent and it was working for me.  I think you should do what Aamaeth says.  You might need to config your router.  You would have to do this if you were in Windows too.01:13
Sean93what port should i use?01:14
newhuishi, my webcam isnt working with ubuntu. how can i fix that?01:14
Aemaethnoob42, this is really complicated, but if you're looking to do a ubuntu one type solution http://fak3r.com/2009/09/14/howto-build-your-own-open-source-dropbox-clone/01:15
gasullChell: right click on the file, then Properties -> Open with -> Add -> GVim Text Editor01:15
gasullChell: Also, right click on the file, then Properties -> Open with -> (select GVim here after having added it to the list)01:16
AemaethSean93, in the torrentclient's "Network" preferences you have the option to give a range of ports, tell your router to forward that entire range.  Then hit the "Test port" button to see if you're good, if green arrow comes up you should be set as far as that, andif  you still have problems idk01:16
Sean93i tried to restart deluge to see if that would help but it wont die01:16
noob42thank you for taking the time to try and help me out, but I just need to get my files from one comp on my network to another, and since ubuntu comes with file sharing options I think I'll find a way to fix this. Also I'm a Noob01:17
Sean93Aemaeth: there is a green arrow01:17
AemaethSean93, hah, mine freezes at shutdown too...01:17
gasullSean93: I dont' know about this, sorry.  Ask Aemaeth.01:17
Sean93Aemaeth: how do i kill it?01:17
gasullSean93: pkill deluge01:17
Aemaethnormally if i hit the close button it will give me an option to "Force Quit"01:17
Sean93gasull: that didn't kill it01:18
Sean93i killed it with kill -1 PID but now its a zombie -.-01:19
Cmdr_W_T_Rikerkill its parent01:19
noob42Thanks Anyway, Unholy Terror01:19
gasullSean93: top01:19
s0diumdoes anyone know if it is possible to change the text size in empathy?01:19
gasullSean93: run top and kill it with it01:19
Sean93Cmdr_W_T_Riker: how do i find its parent?01:20
Sean93gasull: how do i kill with top?01:20
gasullSean93: I meant htop01:20
gasullSean93: sudo apt-get install htop01:20
cmdbbqi have installed steam in wine, and now i am looking for the install files for steam on my hdd. they should (i would think) be under Program Files on the virtual C drive, but the only thing in there is iexplorer so steam runs with all my games and what not, but where are they?01:20
AemaethSean93, or you might be more comfortable with system monitor?01:20
Cmdr_W_T_RikerSean93: i suggest looking at the output of pstree -p01:21
Sean93i dont think torrents are the way to go, how do i resume that download with wget?01:21
Cmdr_W_T_RikerSean93: wget -c01:22
Aemaethcmdbbq, that's odd...there has to be a "steam" folder somewhere, have you searched your entire filesystem just in case?  mine was in /home/user/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Program\ Files/ like you would have thought yours woudl be01:22
gasullSean93: browse that page and find the exact link of the file01:23
gasullSean93: then use wget -c01:23
Sean93Cmdr_W_T_Riker: http://www.gamershell.com/download_63072.shtml here is the link with the mirrors on it. can u try to download the file with wget and then give me the link? i tried this earlier and couldnt get it to work01:23
Gumpyo #ubuntu, ever since i updated to ubuntu 10.04, my sound card no longer shows up at all01:23
Gumpive been trying to fix this for months with no luck01:23
newhuismy intergrated webcam isnt recongnizedcan someone help me?01:23
Gumpi stopped using linux for a while, but i really like it aside from the sound problems. anyone got any suggestions on where to start?01:24
Gumpnewhuis, use google. i got mine working with very little searching01:25
Gumpcant remember exactly what i did though01:25
Cmdr_W_T_RikerSean93: it resumes just fine with wget -c "http://www.gamershell.com/download.html?id=63072&mirror=cdn&cat=demo&filename=Aion2.0.0.2_FullInstaller.zip&ts=1288139124&auth=i2ig6xnx"01:26
h00k!google | Gump01:26
ubottuGump: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.01:26
cjaeis running a gnome-terminal -e mediatomb the best way to have mediatomb start upon reboot? since it is on a wireless connection and needs to wait for authentication of login or keyring for login?01:26
Gumpspeaking of which, why would my sound card disappear when i updated to ubuntu 10.04?01:27
cjaeor can I make the mediatomb daemon pause?01:27
cjaeadding mediatomb to startup list doesnt work either01:27
silent_hDo any of you have a multi-user setup?  If so, is there a clean way to reinstall and keep both users?  I currently have /home on its own partition and when I reinstall only one account exists, then I create the other and it seems fine, but I feel like this is leaving room for error (such as if the user ID changes due to me getting the order wrong).01:27
arrrghhhcjae, isn't there already an upstart script for mediatomb?01:28
arrrghhhcjae, sudo service mediatomb stop/start/restart?01:28
Gumpsilent_h, is it possible to do a clean reinstall and leave the folders and files intact?01:28
electrofreakalright. SO... what hope do I have of getting Suspend or Hibernate to work on my new computer. 890FX chipset (msi board)01:28
Gumpcause i might just do that, im tired of messing with this soundcard bull01:28
silent_hyeah, everything on /home stays since I only reformat the root partition01:28
lucas_plz can someone help me... I want to mount vhd and vdi disk files on my ubuntu host01:28
Sean93Cmdr_W_T_Riker: when i try that command it downloads a file called "download.html?id=63072&mirror=cdn&cat=demo&filename=Aion2.0.0.2_FullInstaller.zip&ts=1288139124&auth=i2ig6xnx"01:29
newhuisgump, not avail01:29
Gumpsilent_h, once root is reformatted, how do you reinstall ubuntu to the partition? doesnt installing ubuntu format the partition?01:29
Gumpnewhuis, try installing a program called "webcam studio"01:29
cjaearrrghhh: ya but wouldnt I have to issue that manually?01:29
arrrghhhelectrofreak, not every mobo supports it in linux... or perhaps not all mobos are supported by linux.  either way you want to look at it.01:29
EeveeTrainerhi does anyone know how i can install Qt4 on ubuntu01:29
Cmdr_W_T_Rikeryeah but it's the file nevertheless, you can check with "file download.htm....." and see that it's a tar.gz archive01:30
arrrghhhcjae, yes, but if the service is in rc.X, it'll start automatically unless you're doing something odd with runlevels.01:30
silent_hGump, I have multiple partitions set up.  / is mounted separately from /home - so when I reinstall, I only have it reformat my "/" (root) partition.  I then tell it to mount /home on the same partition I used to have it on01:30
Cmdr_W_T_Rikerzip archive, i mean01:30
arrrghhhEeveeTrainer, i know kde uses it... what are you needing just qt for?01:30
Cmdr_W_T_RikerSean93: just rename after download. The webste is messing up the filename for it01:30
Gumpoh. well damnit. guess i'm gonna have to reformat the whole partition then01:30
jb0Im looking to override the gnome url handler for ssh:// (by default it mount gvfs), I tried overriding it with gconftool, but that didn't work. Is there a place i can track down how gnome is handling this url scheme?01:30
Cmdr_W_T_RikerSean93: you could also try and find another location of that file01:30
silent_hGump, if you don't have multiple partitions set up already, you could copy everything from your /home directory to a backup drive and use that after you reinstall01:30
Gumpi am gonna turn off ubuntu automatic updates for ever. CURSE AUTOMATIC UPDATES01:30
electrofreakarrrghhh, yes, I do want to look at it. I'd love to get it to work. Any tips on where I could start to troubleshoot the reason. I have an adaptec RAID card... which I had fears about it causing problems for sleep states. But I'm not sure if that is my problem here or not.01:30
Sean93Cmdr_W_T_Riker: the file should be 13.2GB, i have already downloaded 9.2GB of the file01:31
Gumpsilent_h, thanks01:31
EeveeTraineri need qt for a program i'm running !01:31
silent_hso when you reinstall, you can set up multiple partitions to make it easier for next time01:31
cjaearrrghhh: so I have to add that to rc.X?01:31
arrrghhhelectrofreak, this is a desktop?  not sure then.  it works fine on my laptop.01:31
silent_hGump, want a link to a guide on how to do that, or are you good to go?01:31
Cmdr_W_T_RikerSean93: ok, if you have the space available, i would suggest to copy those 9.2 GB somewhere, just in case the wget messes up and you end up with an empty download.01:31
Gumpi already have my disk partitioned into a windows partition and a linux one. never thought of spreading my linux install over multiple partitions01:31
arrrghhhcjae, no i'm saying if it's already there, mediatomb should start automatically.  let's start with square one - do you have an /etct/init.d/mediatomb script?01:31
Gumpsilent_h, i would like a link if youve got one handy01:31
silent_hI can find one here...01:31
Cmdr_W_T_RikerSean93: http://aionirc.com/ncpatch/ here i'm also seeing that file01:31
lucas_plz can someone help me... I want to mount vhd and vdi disk files on my ubuntu host01:32
bastidrazorhttp://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome    Gump01:32
electrofreakarrrghhh, yes, it's a desktop. I'm aware that linux + suspending/hibernating is very spottily supported... but I'm hopeful I could get such working.01:32
Gumpthank you bastidrazor01:32
bastidrazorGump: you're welcome01:32
arrrghhhelectrofreak, well not having your hardware makes it difficult for me to troubleshoot.  did you find anyone else in a search that's using that same board?01:32
arrrghhhelectrofreak, unfortunately not many people use suspend/hibernate on desktops methinks.01:33
cjaearrrghhh: yes cated it and seems to be there01:33
electrofreakarrrghhh, what search? I'm asking for starting points to troubleshoot and maybe figure out how to get it working?01:33
Sean93Cmdr_W_T_Riker: alright i will try that one when it finishes copying, thanks01:33
newhuisgump, why?01:33
silent_hGump, his link was better than what I could quickly find.  For what it's worth, here's how much space I gave my partitions:01:33
arrrghhhcjae, it should start on boot then.... does it not?01:34
electrofreakarrrghhh, alright, I'll spend more time on google. Thanks :-)01:34
cjaearrrghhh: no it doesnt, someone told me there is an issue with it and ubuntu01:34
Gumpubuntu 10.10 isnt only 64bit is it?01:34
arrrghhhelectrofreak, oh, i figured you would've tried to find someone else online that had the same hw... anyhoo, dmesg, syslog and /var/log/messages are good places for indicators...01:34
EeveeTrainerhow can i shut down ubuntu --immediately--?01:34
silent_h"/boot"  200mb01:34
silent_h"/" 15GB01:34
silent_hswap  4gb01:34
silent_h"/home" 300gb (or however much space you have left)01:34
FloodBot1silent_h: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:34
cjaearrrghhh: works just fine if I launch it via cli upon reboot01:35
arrrghhhcjae, oh?  i prefer ps3mediaserver.  what are you streaming to?01:35
littlebearzEeveeTrainer: sudo shutdown -h now01:35
silent_hGump, 10.10 is either 32 or 64 bit01:35
Chellgasull, That did the trick! thanks (sry for late reply)01:35
cjaearrrghhh: ps301:35
Gumpjesus silent_h. my whole hard disk is only like 200gb01:35
Cmdr_W_T_RikerSean93: wget -c -O "filename" <url> to tell wget to which file it should continue downloading01:35
EeveeTrainerlittlebearz: what is -h ?01:35
silent_hdisk space is cheap ;)01:35
Gumpthoughts on 10.10 vs 10.04 anyone?01:35
arrrghhhcjae, you NEED to check out ps3mediaserver then my friend.  WAY batter than mediatomb.01:35
bastidrazorEeveeTrainer: read the man page for shutdown .. type man shutdown01:35
qorepin 10.10 nautilus I can no longer use ~/path in ^l  it gives me "currentdir/~/path not found"01:35
silent_h10.10 seems pretty solid, but I'm still on 10.04 till later this week01:35
cjaearrrghhh: I just am not sure if its my setup or if its an actual bug or something01:36
Gumpmeh. 10.10 it is.01:36
newhuismy intergrated webcam isnt recongnized on ubuntu. can someone help me?01:36
arrrghhhcjae, seriously.  unless mediatomb has made great strides recently, i would ditch it.01:36
bruceberhaving problems with network startup since upgrade to 10.10.  Primary wired interface never comes up. If I manually run dhclient, everything's ok.  Any ideas?01:37
Gumpnewhuis, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam derp?01:37
Sean93Cmdr_W_T_Riker: what is the -O for?01:37
Gumphow new to ubuntu are you newhuis? have you already tried some things?01:37
obengdakoEeveeTrainer, even a faster way is sudo init 0 but just make sure you've saved everything, although this is not the recommended way to shutdown but this really does the job!01:37
lucas_plz can someone help me... I want to mount vhd and vdi disk files on my ubuntu host01:38
Cmdr_W_T_RikerSean93: to tell wget what filename it should save the file to01:38
silent_hGump, ubuntu's help has a guide on partitioning too (on help.ubuntu.com)01:38
cjaearrrghhh: I should be able to have both installed so I can see without conflict correct? and I suppose since it is geared towards ps3 then I should not have it edit much like I do to transcode for ps301:38
Quantum_Iontry using lftp see if it works for you01:38
silent_hin case you wanted even more info01:38
Gumpi know how to partition. my disk is already partitioned. i just didnt think about putting home in a separate partition01:38
arrrghhhbruceber, huh that's an odd one.  anything stick out in /var/log/messages when you boot?01:38
Gumpthe main thing is my freaking sound card disappeared. but oh well, i'll just nuke my current install01:39
arrrghhhcjae, does it all oob.  i think you'll be shocked how much easier it is to setup compared to mediatomb.01:39
silent_hgot ya01:39
Sean93Cmdr_W_T_Riker: do i put in the location of the file or just the name?01:39
newhuisGump, theres nothing about integrated cams01:39
bruceberarrrghhh: not really...  everything looks fine.  drivers properly registered, etc...01:39
silent_hreally the only tough decision is how much space to put in each partition so that's why I thought you might want lots of info01:39
Cmdr_W_T_RikerSean93: if you just enter the filename (without path) then it will be stored in your current directory01:40
arrrghhhbruceber, i don't use dhcp on my server... is there an upstart script for it?01:40
Gumpnewhuis, ...its a webcam. look up if there are drivers for it on your computer manufacturers website01:40
cjaearrrghhh: in repos?01:40
Sean93so if im in the directory of the file i just need the filename?01:40
newhuisGump, you think i didnt do that already? this is my last resort01:40
arrrghhhcjae, i believe it is now.  i have a repo that's has the newest bleeding edge version, but i recommend sticking to the stable version to start with.01:40
Gumpnewhuis, thats why i asked "have you tried anything yet?"01:40
bruceberarrrghhh: there's nothing in /etc/init.d , though I'd assume that it's supposed to be run when /etc/init.d/networking runs01:41
cjaearrrghhh: dont see it on 10.1001:41
arrrghhhcjae, yea it may not be in the repo's yet.  1 sec.01:41
cjaearrrghhh: sorry 10.0401:41
Gumpiirc you need to set up a vloopback device or something like that01:41
Jyggauhm, i am currently rm'ing 140GiB logfiles. Will take about 7 minutes, guess i shouldve just unlinked?01:42
arrrghhhcjae, this will install everything for you - wget -q --no-check-certificate https://svn.paissad.net/misc/stuffs/install_pms-linux.sh -O - | bash01:42
gasullChell: np01:42
cjaearrrghhh: ok thanks01:43
anon33_velko: i got it to work :D thanks so much for your help. it ended up being /etc/gdm/custom.conf01:43
RenderspecIs it possible to upgrade the kernel to have support for "--cmd-owner" in iptables?01:43
Gumpoh god i hate fresh OS installs01:43
silent_hhehe they are always a bit nerve-wracking01:43
silent_hjust make sure you have a good backup though and worst case is you lose some free time01:43
Gumpmy next few hours are gonna be filled with sudo apt-gets :(01:44
silent_halso, I find it handy to keep a list of all applications I end up installing so that after a new one I get on google docs and copy-paste one big-ol sudo apt-get01:44
littlebearzGump: what happend to aptitude01:44
silent_haptitude still exists too, but we have choice here ;)01:44
Jyggathere are about 32 GiB that i cannot locate with du on this server01:45
Gumplol i just like using the terminal. no reason in particular01:45
Jyggadu is giving me du: cannot access `proc/12357/fd/4' tho01:45
arrrghhhi like aptitude better, i haven't had as many issues removing applications with it.  but there's some things that must be fixed with apt-get.  couldn't imagine trying to use just apt lol01:46
rookshow to tell mplayer to exit on buffer underrun?01:46
arrrghhhJygga, /proc is a virtual filesystem.01:46
Gumpfffff.... i hate mplayer01:46
Jyggabut why would there be 32 GiB in there?01:46
Gumphas anyone had any success running divx player on ubuntu instead of mplayer for divx movies?01:47
TeruFSXJygga: it's probably basically a placeholder value01:47
arrrghhhJygga, it doesn't.01:47
Gumpmplayer is incapable of streaming divx, it seems. and vlc player is just as bad01:47
arrrghhhvlc works for me.  i do most of my media viewing thru mah ps3 tho.01:48
rooksGump, how to tell vlc to exit on buffer underrun?01:48
cjaearrrghhh: says I have to install someting else first01:48
Gumpvlc player gets to a point where it starts buffering and the video just suddenly ends for me. highly frustrating01:48
Jyggauhm okay01:49
cjaearrrghhh: dpkg-dev01:49
arrrghhhcjae, huh that script should've done all of it for ya.  what is it asking to install?  i've never heard of dkpg-dev... can you install that?01:49
TeruFSXGump do you have the GStreamer ffmpeg video plugin installed?01:49
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EeveeTrainersorry, what is the fastest way to shut down ubuntu01:50
TeruFSXif you don't know, open Software Center, search for it, and install it if it isn't install01:50
happyfacewhen I maximize a window in 10.10 it covers the top and bottom gnome toolbars. how do I disable that?01:50
TeruFSXEeveeTrainer the power icon in the upper-right corner01:50
TeruFSXit opens a menu01:50
GumpTeruFSX, im doing a fresh install but i will be sure to install it. thanks01:50
Gumpyep, i have it installed01:51
cjaearrrghhh: I trust that is a reliable source?01:53
arrrghhhindeed, see this post01:54
arrrghhhcjae, http://ps3mediaserver.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=558901:54
JohnTeddyti acx111, does this wireless chipset work with Ubuntu 10.10 out of the box?01:54
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TeruFSXJohnTeddy I do not know01:55
TeruFSXtry it!01:55
cjaearrrghhh: bunch of stuff didnt install :(01:57
arrrghhhcjae, hmmm... that's unfortunate.  i've never used the automatic script.  what failed?01:58
YeTr2So, when will ubuntu installer stop failing on LVM and proxy support?01:59
cjaearrrghhh: trying to install what failed01:59
arrrghhhcjae, ok.  sorry... i usually just add the repo, get the gpg key and install pms-linux...02:00
seth_gMy issue is SOLVED. Card AND internal gfx show up in lspci now...   SHORT ANSWER FOR SOME: If you have an asus board DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT buy anything with an nvidia chip. Done...02:00
MarathonDoveHow do I auto-identify in Smuxi IRC client?02:00
cjaearrrghhh: not trying to be rude but this doesnt seem much easier, hope pms is substantially better02:00
Sean93Cmdr_W_T_Riker: is used  wget -c -O "Aion2.0.0.2_FullInstaller.zip" http://aionirc.com/ncpatch/Aion2.0.0.2_FullInstaller.zip but it doesn't seem to be downloading, the curser is just blinking02:01
seth_gso no nvidia video cards unless your asus mb is nvidia too02:01
arrrghhhcjae, lol i wasn't referring to the installation process unfortunately... and i thought it was in the repo's, just an old version...02:01
Cmdr_W_T_RikerSean93: let me give it a try02:01
momentumi have a usb drive; on which I stored my ssh keys for backup; now, how do I overwrite the data on the usb drive?02:02
Cmdr_W_T_RikerSean93: works here.02:02
Sean93Cmdr_W_T_Riker: what is supposed to happen?02:02
Sean93Cmdr_W_T_Riker: and should i be sudo?02:02
mmslowllNotice: Freenode is closing down due to a lack of donations. We'll be turning off the servers at the end of the month. If you have any concerns, please email christel(at)freenode.net mmslowll JoeMaverickSett BinaryCortex momentum edthix wxv zkriesse FiReSTaRT MarathonDove yairgo psycloud aarcane brishu pibarnas bytesaber flypiper anon33_ Renderspec ThomasB2k teddz Draqul Squarism sweetpi coolmadmax EeveeTrainer StrangeCharm con-m02:03
mmslowllNotice: Freenode is closing down due to a lack of donations. We'll be turning off the servers at the end of the month. If you have any concerns, please email christel(at)freenode.net Thphr radsy compaq ariel_g zruty linux-k swex Razec Omar`` ralgozino bonhoffer mzgrideng StaticShock vinithra obengdako KnickLighter pooky ViN86 lukus hellupline Gnea cjcopi magnet Sean93 Some_Person renato starcoder CatCheeto spinningcompass frol jh02:03
mmslowllNotice: Freenode is closing down due to a lack of donations. We'll be turning off the servers at the end of the month. If you have any concerns, please email christel(at)freenode.net Shishire witquicked message144 erth64net Maxwell tylermolamphy MaximLevitsky Error404NotFound Mikelevil DanThirst Sh4wn DDwi creepy_ballerina dhruvasagar Faithful velko marjo vbmendes brandon__ x0rs jmichaelx ymasory_ atyz_ jean-claude cs278 psusi pa02:03
mmslowllNotice: Freenode is closing down due to a lack of donations. We'll be turning off the servers at the end of the month. If you have any concerns, please email christel(at)freenode.net Monotoko Exavion Gerwin Dice-Man kkszysiu jaypur testh chaff wookiehangover Technoviking forzan tensorpudding Grille hudnix kjkjava neitengeuker sardonyx Webu pionar Jordan_U Nephyrin Y_Ichiro Uninst4ll claw ubuntu4shane decanius its_me_gb vitor-br L02:03
mmslowllNotice: Freenode is closing down due to a lack of donations. We'll be turning off the servers at the end of the month. If you have any concerns, please email christel(at)freenode.net nouitfvf spreda Treyno m00se Phrosty Axlin qb basix_ GMeola Bleubeard Chieftain sympt0m TimeRider boxbeatsy MrBlue_NL JEEB Excelsior jhaig FloodBot4 FloodBot2 @FloodBot1 FloodBot3 dborba qorep tgies swoody DjMadness BlackBinary desaiu Dawgmatix choro02:03
Cmdr_W_T_RikerSean93: no, you shouldn't need to have root privileges, unless you're trying to save the file in a dir where you don't have enough permissions. But then you should see wget return an error, not just blinking a cursor02:03
DraqulLol, freenode is closing.02:03
BinaryCortexhas anyone else seen where it says the install failed on everything you try to install from the software center02:03
Sean93Cmdr_W_T_Riker: how should i fix it?02:03
Cmdr_W_T_RikerSean93: did you not accidentally forgot a " at the end of the url?02:04
seth_gisnt freenode closing like closing the internet??02:04
Sean93wget -c -O "Aion2.0.0.2_FullInstaller.zip" http://aionirc.com/ncpatch/Aion2.0.0.2_FullInstaller.zip02:04
YeTr2Draqul: don't feed the trolls02:04
Sean93that is the exact command i used02:04
seth_gor rather closing freenode requires the internet to be closed first02:04
Cmdr_W_T_Rikerthe interwebs shuts down?02:04
YeTr2seth_g: don't feed the trolls02:04
avohey guys, so when you're writing python for linux, you need the #! at the top. (Well not need, but you know what I mean). Generally, it's #!/usr/bin/python. But I also see (and works equally well in my experience), #!/usr/bin/env python. What is the difference, if any, and why would I chose one over the other? thanks!02:04
DraqulYeTr2: I am not. I know freenode is not closing.02:04
BinaryCortexany thoughts on everything saying the install failed even if it works?02:04
Steven_Krebsthe command is fine it's just the servers not responding02:05
seth_gYeTr2, i literally didnt know it was a troll i was worried for a sec02:05
YeTr2Draqul: not so intelligent people might think otherwise.02:05
Cmdr_W_T_RikerSean93: can you test if you can download that file in a browser? just to see that your internet connection is in order02:05
Cmdr_W_T_Rikeror are you downloading it remotely02:05
DraqulYeTr2: Aren't we here to deal with their issues? If they are concerned, let them voice it so we can quash their ignorance. Problem solved ;)02:05
seth_gYeTr2, i also think its funny that i only get replies to non-ubuntu question02:06
chibihogoshinoany one having problems with sound not playing ?02:06
Sean93Cmdr_W_T_Riker: yes, i can download it in my browser02:06
westmiutube - no sound02:06
westmiamaroc ok, but no sound on utube02:07
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YeTr2hmm... notice messages don't show up in my window... darnit.02:08
chibihogoshinoi have no sound output but i do have input ..02:08
cjaearrrghhh: another render is running on your system02:08
chibihogoshinoevery thing plays like its working right02:08
arrrghhhcjae, did you stop mediatomb?02:08
majnoon!ot (for me)02:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:09
arrrghhhcjae, you can have them both installed, but i don't think you can have them both running...02:09
anon33_what's the applet that allows you to shut down, hibernate, restart, etc?02:09
cjaearrrghhh: upnp media server 'mediatomb' was already stopped02:10
arrrghhhcjae, so where are you getting this error?  never seen/heard of it.02:10
cjaearrrghhh: TRACE 19:10:26.579 Media renderer was not recognized. HTTP User agent :UPnP/1.0 [New I/O server worker #1-2] TRACE 19:10:26.727 Media renderer was not recognized. HTTP User agent :UPnP/1.002:11
cjaearrrghhh: under traces in gui02:12
YeTr2seth_g: ubuntu can handle more than two cards at the same time, as ubuntu uses Xorg. It's just ubuntu's silly configuration utility doesn't know how to make it work. If you have two nvidia cards, and they both show up in lspci, use the nvidia-settings command to configure X from the 'nvidia-settings' package.02:12
seth_gso if you have asus mb with ati chipset and you are having trouble with nvidia cards, break all the nvidia cards in half and get ati cards...02:12
seth_gno YeTr202:12
seth_gYeTr2, if the mb has ati chipset nvidia cards will not allow surround view02:13
YeTr2surround view?02:13
Draqulseth_g: Just because nvidia doesn't play as well with Linux as intel does, doesn't mean you can't get it to work.02:13
YeTr2what is surround view?02:13
seth_gas in use the video card but still enable onboard02:13
anon33_what's the name of the applet that has the dropdown menu for shut down, hibernate, etc?02:13
YeTr2that should be a bios setting to enable both.02:14
Draqulanon33_: is it not showing on your panel?02:14
arrrghhhcjae, how did you start it?02:14
anon33_Draqul: I'm trying to add it via command line02:14
anon33_i just need the name02:14
cjaearrrghhh: from menu02:14
sir_tyrionAnybody install ubuntu 10.10 on ibook g4 (ppc) or have experience with ppc?02:14
cjaearrrghhh: also will it be there upon reboot02:14
seth_gYeTr2, you are correct. that option is not available if the chipsets dont match. further, an ati chipset mb will only let one nvidia card work at a time02:14
anon33_ie - nm-applet for the wifi02:14
Draqulanon33_: I am not on Ubuntu, or even in Gnome so I am not sure. I want to say "power_applet". It's something like that.02:14
arrrghhhcjae, i believe so.  try this "sudo service pms-linux force-stop" - then try the menu icon again.02:15
* Draqul is in ArchLinux running openbox02:15
anon33_it's not power-applet02:15
Draqulanon33_: Give me a minute? I'd love to look it up for you. =)02:15
anon33_Draqul: I'd greatly appreciate that (and how you looked it up for future reference :D)02:15
seth_gi had two nvidia cards and ive been pulling my hair out all week trying to get more than one graphics card to work. finally took the whole thing to the computer store and thats what they told me. asus mb with ati is not compatible with nvidia02:16
baba_b00iewhat is unity ?02:16
cjaearrrghhh: does it maybe mean my wii02:16
seth_gso now i have 3 monitors working with no problem02:16
arrrghhhcjae, not sure.  your ps3 should show up in the first tab tho.02:16
seth_gYeTr2, not even an os thing02:16
YeTr2I'm going to say that your specific MB fails if the manufacturer puts such restrictions on it.02:17
seth_gafter all the screwing around though i know X pretty damn well02:17
arch_is_awesomeI would like to find out how to do as show here:02:17
cjaearrrghhh: no ps3 but it is in xmb02:17
arch_is_awesome$1 = /home/user/foo.cpp02:17
Draqulanon33_: Is it "shutdown-applet" or "shutdown applet"?02:17
arch_is_awesomeI want to use /home/user/foo/* in my script to copy a file to a directory in $1's parent02:17
seth_gYeTr2, i was under the assumption as are the techs that if you install a video card the internal graphics are disabled02:17
arrrghhhcjae, hum, that's very odd.  i've been using this application for 2 years now, had very few hiccups/issues.  i've also installed it on 5 other machines of friends...02:18
arch_is_awesomeI had to use an example to explain what I want02:18
arch_is_awesomeI figured this would be the channel with the most people to answer. #gnu did not work02:18
seth_gyou CAN turn the internal gfx on... but in this case only if you are using an ati video card. nvidia card would not allow that bios setting02:18
YeTr2seth_g: I have a machine at home that does no suchs thing. but it is an nForce chipset w/ an nvidia card02:18
UnholyTerrorseth_g, I've not noticed that...02:18
cjaearrrghhh: lastest firmware on ps3 too, although I have one that isnt that I am saving lol02:18
Draqulanon33_: By the way, there's this HUGE online help document known as "Google". It's at http://www.google.com/ and all you do is type in some keywords and presto! (Please excuse the smart-aleckness, but google-fu will take you far)02:18
seth_gUnholyTerror, are you a computer tech?02:18
Draqularch_is_awesome: Why ask here instead of #archlinux?02:19
seth_gbecause the 6 of them disagree with you02:19
anon33_Draqul: Well...obviously I tried that before asking the channel02:19
UnholyTerrorI've had three monitors 1 with onboard intel, 1 with ati card and 1 with nvidia card all on same machine at the same time.02:19
arrrghhhcjae, hahaha my ps3 is up-to-date as well.  gotta be able to access the store :P02:19
seth_gthe 6 techs insisted that if a video card is put in then the mb will always turn the internal graphics off unless you force it back on in the bios02:19
arch_is_awesomeIt is part of coreutils and ubuntu has that. Ubuntu has the biggest user base02:19
arch_is_awesometherefore a quicker answer02:20
seth_gUnholyTerror, there you go with 'Intel' which it is not02:20
UnholyTerrorno, i am not a tech.02:20
arch_is_awesomeAlso I was talking to Draqul02:20
Draqularch_is_awesome: But this chat is centered around Ubuntu support, not arch support. I am on arch as well, and if I have arch questions or concerns I go to #archlinux or ##linux. Not #ubuntu02:20
seth_gforcing the internal graphics ON when a video card is installed is called surround view02:20
YeTr2I used to speak XFree. Then I hit puberty. Now I speak Xorg.02:21
arch_is_awesomeAlthough I think it would still work02:21
seth_gif the video card and internal graphics are not the same chipset then surround view is not available02:21
arch_is_awesomeBut... okay02:21
seth_gintel is good with nvidia02:21
UnholyTerrorran three separate desktops and also linked them via xinerama02:21
arrrghhharch_is_awesome, c'mon man don't come in here with that handle.  at least be discreet about it :P02:22
Draqularrrghhh: His handle is fine.02:22
arrrghhhcjae, so do you see your media at least?  i think with a default configuration it just starts you at '/'02:22
arrrghhhDraqul, i was just joking... settle down.02:22
Draqularrrghhh, arch_is_awesome: as long as arch_is_awesome is not trolling or bashing Ubuntu, etc. he is fine here. =)02:22
sympt0mdoes anyone know about ettercap?02:22
shingenare all .04 versions LTS?02:23
shingene.g., 10.04, 9.04, 8.04.... and 11.04?02:23
aguitelshingen, no02:23
arch_is_awesomeHmmm... maybe I should use a Nick that won't give away my linux usage02:23
canthus13sympt0m: A little. I used to know one of the devs.02:23
arrrghhhshingen, nope.  every 2 years.02:23
aguitelshingen, 8.04 ,10.04 12.0402:23
arrrghhhshingen, so 6.06, 8.04, 10.0402:23
shingenarrrghhh: ahh, thanks... forgot02:23
shingenunity shell in 11.04 makes sense now :)02:23
canthus13sympt0m: AFAIK, it's a dead project.  There hasn't been active development in years.02:24
shingenI asked in ubuntu+1 but they're too silent there :)02:24
arrrghhhshingen, yea with a new release +1 gets pretty quiet.  check it again in march of 2011 ;)02:25
Guest73780I just upgraded to lucid.  I'm on the wireless network, but there's no indicator anywhere saying so.  Shouldn't there be some sort of icon up on the top bar somewhere?02:25
shingenarrrghhh: who is in +2? :)02:25
arrrghhhGuest73780, yes, it should look like radar beams going upwards...?02:25
Draqullol arrrghhh02:25
arrrghhhshingen, don't think that room exists.  kinda getting ot....02:25
cjaearrrghhh: not sure yet dont have any there will let you know02:25
arrrghhhcjae, ok.  the gui is obviously the easiest way to configure it, but there's a conf file as well - PMS.conf, if you prefer.02:26
Guest73780arrrghhh, ok, it's not there.  What's it called and how do I get it there?02:26
DraqulI wish I could set my girlfriend's PMS.conf...02:26
arrrghhhGuest73780, well it's part of nm-applet... try rebooting.02:26
arrrghhhDraqul, yea i always questioned the name of that package... pms-linux.02:27
Guest73780Draqul, dude, that's hilarious...02:27
sympt0mcanthus13, if ettercap is dead, then what should i replace it with?02:27
canthus13It still should work fine.. at least until IPv6 makes it completely obsolete.02:27
sympt0mdid you get my query?02:28
canthus13sympt0m: If I recall correctly, It was pretty stable by 0.7.302:28
arrrghhhsympt0m, is that just a packet sniffer tool?  why not wireshark?02:28
canthus13sympt0m: Yah... I was on another screen.02:28
canthus13arrrghhh: wireshark doesn't support ARP poisoning.02:28
anon33_Dalton: Where's that solution?02:28
sympt0mused for arp poisoning, or at least, thats what i want02:28
arrrghhhcanthus13, oh i see what it is.  nvm.02:28
arrrghhhsympt0m, sorry ;)02:28
sympt0mno prob arrrghhh  ;D02:28
canthus13sympt0m: I don't really remember a whole lot about using it. I haven't touched it in years. too busy doing other stuff.02:29
sympt0mis there an alternative02:29
canthus13sympt0m: arppoison.02:30
canthus13it's a lot more rudimentary than ettercap, though.02:30
sympt0mill look it up thanks canthus1302:30
canthus13it's in arp tools.02:30
Sean93how do i PM someone?02:31
sympt0marp tools is a package on synaptics?02:31
sympt0m#/query <name>02:31
canthus13Not sure.02:31
rhctNight all :)02:31
sympt0mwithout #02:31
YeTr2Sean93: /query username message02:31
canthus13I use backtrack for penetration stuff.02:31
arch_is_awesomeAnyway where does all the money from ubuntu one go?02:31
sympt0mi cant use backtrack on my netbook, 1024x600 doesnt work02:31
arch_is_awesomeDonations? Cannocial (If so for what?)02:32
arrrghhharch_is_awesome, canocial is a company dude...02:32
arrrghhhsorry canonical02:32
starnhello, does anyone know of audio software that is like fruityloops studio and is just as simple to use or madtracker?02:32
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arch_is_awesomeubutnu one would go to canonical02:32
canthus13sympt0m: Cain & Abel may work under wine.. some folks have done it.02:33
arch_is_awesomeWell okay bye! /part02:33
sympt0mblehhhh i dont want to mess with win02:33
arrrghhharch_is_awesome, i'm pretty sure the ubuntu dev team has some paid developers.  and they gotta pay all those canonical employees :P02:33
arrrghhhah wel02:33
pankajsmeelhi friends02:33
arrrghhh!hi | pankajsmeel02:33
canthus13sympt0m: *shrug*  ettercap should be fine for IPv4... just don't expect bugfixes or new features... unless you do it yourself. :)02:34
shingen!hi | shingen02:34
pankajsmeeli am using ubuntu 10.10 as i heard one of my friends that ubuntu is awesome02:34
arrrghhhdamnit i thought it was that.02:34
sympt0mcanthus13, the problem is, that i cant get the damn thing to work xD02:34
canthus13sympt0m: :( I wish I could help you with that, but I haven't used it in years.02:35
sympt0mcanthus13, thats okay lol, thanks for the advice02:35
pankajsmeelbut i have a slight problem whenever i play video in ubuntu it plays for first 2 minutes but after that all the video and audio play with jerks02:35
cjaearrrghhh: well it is not started upon reboot and now I cannot get it to connect to ps3 at all02:35
pankajsmeelcan any body help me in this issue02:35
* canthus13 lost track of Alor a long time ago...02:36
arrrghhhcjae, let's see if it's running.  fire up a terminal and do "sudo service pms-linux status"02:36
arrrghhhpankajsmeel, what type of video and what are you using to play the video?02:36
RyenHello, so I just upgraded my system and rebooted. Though when I try to boot into Ubuntu it goes to the login screen, but doesn't display the Login area, like where I can pick my user and type in my password. Any ideas?02:36
cjaearrrghhh: running02:37
arrrghhhcjae, hmmm but you don't see it on xmb at all?02:37
DraqulRyen: this was an internal upgrade - ie not from a livecd?02:37
cjaearrrghhh: not upon reboot02:37
pankajsmeeli am using vlc to play the video and the file format is  .mpg,.flv02:37
arrrghhhcjae, is mediatomb also running...?  i'm not sure if they clash or not.02:37
sympt0malright so heres a somewhat related question then: if i put my computer into ip_forward mode, do i need to put it back, or will it switch back when i clost the console?02:38
pankajsmeelany format give the same problem02:38
RyenDraqul: I was signed in at the time and I just did my normal upgrade every night. (sudo apt-get update & upgrade)02:38
arrrghhhpankajsmeel, hmmm do you have ubuntu-restricted-extras instsalled?02:38
pankajsmeelarrrghhh, i dont know how to check it02:38
arrrghhhpankajsmeel, that would be a no then.  please install it.02:39
thebenedicthaving an odd problem: wireless only works after I install *or* remove the broadcom proprietary driver in system->administration->hardware drivers. is the 'hardware drivers' utility doing something else?02:39
DraqulRyen: ok, go to a virtual console - from the login screen hit ctrl+alt+f2, then login and use sudo apt-get install gdm. Let it update02:39
cjaearrrghhh: mt not running02:39
arrrghhhthebenedict, probably killing and restarting networking...02:39
pankajsmeelarrrghhh, i am new to ubuntu pls tell me how to check it02:39
RyenDraqul: Already tried that, because I thought something might have messed it up. It's all up to date.02:40
arrrghhhcjae, so pms-linux started on reboot, but you didn't get it on the xmb... does it show anything in the log?  /var/log/debug-<user>.log02:40
thebenedictarrghhh as in /etc/init.d/networking restart?02:40
DraqulRyen: you can attempt to completely uninstall it (purge), then reinstall it.02:40
arrrghhhpankajsmeel, just install that meta-package, you'll want it.02:40
thebenedictdoing that independently of install/removing the driver doesn't start up the wireless02:40
arrrghhhthebenedict, not sure exactly what it does, but i bet something to that effect.  not sure what it does with modprobe.02:40
thebenedictme neither:)02:41
arrrghhhlol sorry :P02:41
YeTr2... so ubuntu doesn't install aptitude by default...02:41
arrrghhhYeTr2, it... doesn't?02:41
starnhow would i go about getting only audio stuff for ubuntu studio ?02:41
RyenDraqul: Well right now, what I just did, was went into recovery mode; then I told it to give me a prompt and signed in that way. I'm on the computer right now, so I would probably have to sign out again to redo that wouldn't I?02:41
YeTr2just ran an install.. it's not here02:41
jimmy51_according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPod, i should be able to plug in and use my ipod touch02:41
jimmy51_but it just mocks me by doing nothing in amarok and gtkpod02:41
DraqulRyen: most likely02:41
EndasilI just bought an HP Pavilion dv7 laptop.  Many keyboard buttons completely arbitrary as to what's working.  Any suggestions as to where to start?02:42
arrrghhhYeTr2, weird, i have it.  this isn't a fresh install tho.  i didn't install aptitude...02:42
RyenAll right, well I will brb, ill purge it and tell you the result.02:42
YeTr2so, that's 3 things wrong with the installer. trifecta now complete.02:42
cjaearrrghhh: dont see anything02:43
arrrghhhcjae, is the log empty?02:43
cjaearrrghhh: no02:43
arrrghhhcjae, can you pastebin it pls?02:43
DraqulOk - issue number 1 for people who have packages that do not work after a full system upgrade - upgrading your system internally is still not as pretty as it should be! If you have an issue that just doesn't seem to want to be resolved, then go to http://www.ubuntu.com/, download the latest 10.10 iso, check the md5sum, burn it to a disc at the lowest possible burn speed to ensure burn accuracy, then install 10.10 fresh from that livecd. >_> Prob02:43
pankajsmeelarrrghhh, i am installing the package and let me check02:43
arrrghhhcjae, i swear i've never had this much trouble with it ;)02:43
pankajsmeelby the way the songs play for a while and then the jerk appear02:44
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arrrghhhpankajsmeel, you may have another problem, but let's get this out of the way.02:44
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EeveeTrainerhi, how do i start a process in the background when im on ssh?02:46
DraqulEeveeTrainer: using & at the end of a command will background it.02:46
LIMEWIREEeveeTrainer: SCREEN02:46
arrrghhhEeveeTrainer, you can't really start one in the background... you can use screen, and then you can kind of 'minimize' the screen window.02:46
EeveeTrainerscreen ?02:46
cancuengthi, I need to jail an user in a dir. Does somebody know how to doit?02:46
arrrghhhEeveeTrainer, do this.  'screen <program>'.  then hit ctrl-a then d.  this will minimize it.02:47
DraqulLIMEWIRE: contrary to what others may have told you, caps lock is not cruise control for cool. Please disable caps lock.02:47
arrrghhhEeveeTrainer, but you should probably read the manpage as our angry friend LIMEWIRE has pointed out.02:47
oraclehey my ubuntu shutsdown when i hit hibernate. what gives02:47
YeTr2Draqul: but it does make you sound like Billy Mays02:47
arrrghhhoracle, well that's what it is... does it not save your ram to disk tho?02:47
ylmfoshey my ubuntu shutsdown when i hit hibernate. what gives02:48
Draquloracle: Do you have swap? Ram?02:48
oraclearrrghhh, no. it just reboots normally02:48
arrrghhhLIMEWIRE, no, all caps is just kinda odd.02:48
oraclei have swap and ram sure02:48
oraclei figure its a setting or something02:48
ylmfoshey man02:48
arrrghhhoracle, hmmm... never used hibernate.02:48
twinkie_addicti droped back to 10.4 alt install cd i had on cli install i like better then 10.1002:48
YeTr2oracle: how much swap & ram do you have?02:48
ylmfosi wanna think you are fuse02:48
oraclemy home directory is encrypted, could that be why it doesnt hibernate02:48
Draquloracle: No02:48
twinkie_addictwill most likely righ 10.4 till next lts02:48
oracleyetr2, ram is 1gb swap is 5gb02:49
oraclei dont know why it's 502:49
DraqulWhy is swap...oh02:49
starnwhen i plug my ipod in it says "Error mounting: mount fs type, bad option bad superblock on /dev/sdg1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error in some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so.. what should i do??02:49
jimmy51_starn: my ipod fix is about to be to throw it in the trash02:49
Draqulstarn: did you try dmesg | tail like the error message recommended?02:49
YeTr2< jimmy51_> !itouchmyself02:49
YeTr2at least that's what I saw.02:50
YeTr2I've been awake too long02:50
starndraqul i'll try it now..02:50
RyenDraqul: Hey, tried to purge with no success. Still hangs.02:50
sympt0min nano, does WriteOut mean save?02:50
`RadioManyay oracle02:50
sympt0mor... how do i save in nano?02:50
YeTr2sympt0m: yes02:50
DraqulRyen: I do not know what to recommend. Sorry = /02:50
jimmy51_sympt0m: i think ctrl x02:50
Draqulsympt0m: you can save in nano by using ctrl x02:50
jamescarr_i instaLLED 10.10 ON A WIN7 BOX, DONT SEE GRUB WHEN IT BOOS02:51
sympt0mthat says exit though02:51
RyenDraqul: No worries. Might just completely reinstall.02:51
sympt0mdoes it save that way?02:51
starnit says it cannot find valid fat system on sdg1??02:51
Draqulsympt0m: it saves, just use it02:51
jamescarr_STILL BOOTS INTO WIN702:51
sympt0mokay thanks02:51
DraqulRyen: that sounds like a good idea02:51
starnand says bogus number of reserved sectors.02:51
jamescarr_sorryu about the caps02:51
Draqulsympt0m: Be a man and use vim.02:51
manhunterprince_jammys: hello02:51
Draquljamescarr_: Your computer still boots win7?02:51
manhunterjamescarr_: what gvim?02:52
Draqulmanhunter: vim with a gui interface, versus just cli02:52
YeTr2Draqul: be a real man and use ed02:52
starndraqul i don't understand any of this dmesg stuff... i'm assuming bad sectors...02:52
WLUI need to delete all files that have a particular prefix but have non matching extensions to the ones I want to keep. example file1.eps file1.pdf file1.tex file1.log file1.aux and I want to delete all files that match the name file1 and do not have an extension pdf and tex (Of course I have many more files in the directory with the prefix file1)02:52
`RadioManLIMEWIRE-  that was 5 mins ago02:52
DraqulYeTr2: Cult of Vim right here dude. Don't even try to convert me. starn, please pastebin the output.02:52
manhunterjamescarr_: Draqul why do i need gvim?02:52
marvinthemartianany of you guys got time for  quick question on linux and windows shared drive?02:53
YeTr2Draqul: oh, I'm not trying to convert you, I'm just saying that if you want to try something even harder, use ed02:53
Draquljamescarr_: Win likes to overwrite the mbr. When I was dualbooting ubuntu and vista, after so many boots  vista would overwrite the mbr so I couldn't access ubuntu. Trash the microsoft.02:53
YeTr2it's even one less key to type to run the command :)02:53
DraqulYeTr2: I have. It's ok02:53
Draqulmanhunter: you don't. It's a joke.02:53
arrrghhh!ask | marvinthemartian02:53
ubottumarvinthemartian: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:53
starndmesg | tail http://pastebin.com/qu5dPm4N can anyone help me with this? i accept PM's.02:53
marvinthemartianwe have a windows shared drive at work, that well is still password protected. From my Ubuntu system today i wanted to mount that shared drive...it allowed me to do it without a password...02:54
marvinthemartiangave me full access02:54
manhunterDraqul: why joke?02:54
manhunterDraqul: it is #ubuntu not #joke02:54
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Draqulmanhunter: Welcome to Linux - where computing is fun, not tedious.02:54
cjaearrrghhh: cant go to get ready to work in the snow, sorry02:54
cjaearrrghhh: got*02:55
Draqulstarn: run mksf.vfat on the ipod02:55
Draqulmkfs.vfat, my bad starn02:55
marvinthemartianany of you guys recommend new to programming on ubuntu books?02:55
marvinthemartiansince ive just switched from windows02:55
Draqulmarvinthemartian: which language?02:55
arrrghhhcjae, :S sorry dude.  check out that thread i gave ya, it's got a lot of good info.  as does that forum, the linux-specific section.02:56
starnok soo like this? mks.vfat /dev/sdg02:56
marvinthemartianC++, C#, and low Level C would be nice man02:56
Draqulstarn: right02:56
manhunterDraqul: what do you mean?02:56
Draqulmarvinthemartian: Do you know C?02:56
Draqulmanhunter: excuse me?02:56
manhunterDraqul: yes i know C02:56
cjaearrrghhh: k02:56
Draqulmanhunter: I was asking marvinthemartian02:56
manhunterDraqul: do you use gvim?02:57
Draqulmarvinthemartian: Ok, then write a C program and pass it through "gcc", which is the GNU C Compiler. Simple.02:57
Draqulmanhunter: No, I use vim in a terminal, I do not need a gui to hold my hand.02:57
ramkhow to install IE in ubuntu 1002:57
EndasilAnyone know how to diagnose/fix function keys (brightness, volume, etc) on a laptop?02:57
* Gnea glares at ubottu 02:57
manhunterDraqul: why do you need vim?02:57
marvinthemartianOk, but what about c++ and c# any good ebooks/websites i can check out02:57
marvinthemartianI'm having a hard time with the GUI designer in Mono02:58
* Gnea kicks his mic in the area-that-causes-most-pain02:58
jamescarr_manhunter, dont listen to his les. you need eclipse02:58
Draqulmarvinthemartian: http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Programming/Building_C_programs_on_Linux02:58
SeqAnybody know why update-grub fails when one physical volume is on a luks partition?02:58
marvinthemartianis the GTK# designer still real buggy or something?02:58
Draqulmanhunter: Because vim is much faster and more effecient than other editors, in my opinion at least.02:59
Draqulmarvinthemartian: GTK# designer? Like a visual ide?02:59
* spinningcompass snorts02:59
marvinthemartianyea the one with Mono02:59
Endasilxev reports F4 as "p".  Entire keyboard is screwed up/HP Pavilion dv7...  Any ideas?02:59
Draqulmarvinthemartian: I don't work with C (python/perl here), so I wouldn't know. Plus, I do not use visual studios. CLI and VIM are enough for me. VIM is a full IDE imo.03:00
manhunterDraqul: yes , vim is faster03:00
Draqulmarvinthemartian: isn't C# dependant upon the .NET framework provided exclusively through microsoft?03:01
starndraqul i'm really confused on this mkfs.vfat /dev/sdg  thing..03:01
manhunterDraqul: try gvim too,03:01
Draqulmanhunter: I might. =)03:01
marvinthemartianapparently .net isnt what you would think03:01
EndasilActually I think the Ubuntu is just thinking the Function key is pressed when it's not03:01
EndasilIt has it reversed...is that fixable?03:01
marvinthemartianthe .net framework and the c# language got turned over to the language standard commitee03:02
Draqulmarvinthemartian: If it's proprietary it's not worth my time.03:02
manhunterDraqul: copy and paste from vim to firefox or other editor like gedit sometimes make it difficult ,where gvim is good03:02
Draqulmanhunter: good to know, but you're going ot.03:02
marvinthemartianwell, lucky enough the standard on how to make it was given to the linux community03:02
Draqulemacs is of the devil03:02
marvinthemartianbut honestly we needed a rapid application development tool03:02
marvinthemartiandelphi is pretty much died off...03:03
Draqulmarvinthemartian: have you looked into python?03:03
spinningcompassmarvinthemartian: like Eclipse? :)03:03
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PaulB_is a tab needed in the cron * * * * *     sh file.sh03:03
Draqulmarvinthemartian: yes, eclipse is supposed to be sexy03:03
PaulB_in between the time and file?03:03
Draqulstarn: mkfs.vfat -I03:03
PaulB_or can i do * * * * * sh file.sh03:03
manhunterisn't it timeconsuming to do a ubuntu release update every 6 months or so03:03
PaulB_because my cron isnt working03:03
marvinthemartianill have to check it out03:03
manhunterif you have lot of softwares are installed03:03
marvinthemartianon windows when i programmed in java an office buddy used it, while i just did my work from the command line...said it was pretty sweet03:04
Draqulmanhunter: No, we snapshot our installed packages, then when we upgrade we just use the snapshot to update. Simple - fast - awesome03:04
manhunterDraqul: snapshot=?03:05
Draqulmanhunter: Give me a moment and I'll find a how-to guide for you. =)03:05
gurpreetyeah how do you snapshot them?03:05
needinfoDid update on 9.10 today. Now Youtube video does not work. Just black video screen without any controls. Have Firefox 3.6.11. How to troubleshoot or fix this?03:06
starndraqul w/e spelling for your name it says Warning: block count mismatch: found 117023964 but assuming 0.03:06
starnthan gives me crap load of things like -m -s -h -f etc ugh..03:06
Draqulmanhunter, gurpreet: http://www.arsgeek.com/2006/09/19/ubuntu-tricks-how-to-generate-a-list-of-installed-packages-and-use-it-to-reinstall-packages/03:06
Draqulstarn: it's DRAQUL, with a Q03:06
Draqulstarn: bad blocks it is. Tough luck, let me look for a fix03:06
froggymananyone here have a CyberPower UPS?03:07
Endasiloh god03:07
starnok draqul ty. this is been a pain in my you know what with windows for months. and apple said there is nothing wrong with my ipod.03:07
Draqulstarn: http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-repair-bad-sectors-on-an-iPod-3G/03:07
gurpreetDraqul, ahaha that was rich03:07
marvinthemartianHows mysql compare to mssql?03:07
Draqulstarn: I stopped using an iPod after mine blew up03:08
froggymanstarn, you could install rockbox on it03:08
gurpreetEndasil, :)03:08
twinkie_addictwow i just got totaly owned in adom03:08
Draqulgurpreet: I didn't read it. =P It's a pretty well-known method so I assumed it contained the information. My bad if it was bad info - I've forgotten how to do it as it's been a while since I've used Ubuntu03:09
starndraqul i'm tempted to use zune..  Froggymanand rockbox? where and how?! lol oh also. mine is 6g ipod so i really hope this info for 3g helps.03:09
celtiberoDoes anybody know whether a cool terminal that can play a sound whenever something is printed on its window exists or not?03:09
Draqulstarn: Do not use a zune.03:09
ramkanyone point me to install IE03:09
starndraqul any suggestions other than ipod and zune? for i honestly dislike both companies now days.03:10
Draqulstarn: the iPod will work with Linux. Zune is super-ultra-handshake-locked that even Linux Gods cannot break. If you get a Zune you *will* be using Windows.03:10
Draqulstarn: I use a sony walkman. One moment, I have a link to it...03:10
manhunterDraqul: what doest it do?03:10
starnalright :) i like ipod for the 120gb hd to hold all my songs lol03:11
arrrghhhstarn, sansa products work with linux pretty well too.  just drop the music in :P03:11
manhunterDraqul:     dpkg –get-selections | grep -v deinstall > ubuntu-files03:11
Draqulstarn: http://www.google.com/#hl=en&expIds=17259,26637,27182,27294&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&q=sony+walkman+nwz-w252&cp=18&pf=p&sclient=psy&aq=f&aqi=g4g-o1&aql=&oq=sony+walkman+nwz-w&gs_rfai=&pbx=1&fp=62510c6acf0fe428 - I am wearing it and listening to it now. I love it like crazy03:11
MaahesI consider it odd that the live cd does not include a client capable of connecting to IRC by default. The older versions of ubuntu used pidgin by default which could log into irc03:11
twinkie_addicti hate the new chat client in 10.1003:12
Draqulmanhunter: thanks03:12
Draqultwinkie_addict: then install a new one.03:12
froggymanMaahes, there are always webclients03:12
starncan i just use linux to format my ipod.. really don't wanna use xp. though i could. second thought i will follow step by step word by word.. so i'll brb reading and doing crap.03:12
arrrghhh!ot | twinkie_addict03:12
ubottutwinkie_addict: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:12
twinkie_addicti did :) weechat03:13
Draqulstarn: mkfs.vfat formats the filesystem03:13
manhunterDraqul: why?03:13
manhunterDraqul:     dpkg –get-selections | grep -v deinstall > ubuntu-files , what does this command do?03:13
Draqulmanhunter: Looks like it pulls the installed packages and outputs them to a file located @ "ubuntu-files"03:13
YeTr2what the?03:14
veritas_rhois there anything like Dreamweaver that I can get on my Linux machine here for free?03:14
YeTr2Dear Aptitude, what part of -y don't you understand. I said I wanted them installed without questions. why must you still question me?03:14
froggymanveritas_rho, a texteditor?03:14
gurpreetveritas_rho, lookup bluefish03:15
manhunterDraqul: Pulls the installed packages from internet?03:15
DraqulYeTr2: it does that to me too.03:15
manhunterDraqul: downloading the installed packages from internet?03:15
Draqulmanhunter: Dude, are you here to troll?03:15
veritas_rhoim constrained by time...03:15
manhunterDraqul: not at all03:15
manhunterDraqul: trying to be clear03:15
veritas_rhogurpreet: thanks I'm looking03:16
n0de4can anyone help with installing oqgraph on top of mysql-5.1.49-1ubuntu8? i'm not super experienced at linux and i've been stuck on it for an hour or an hour and a half or so03:16
Draqulmanhunter: it pulls them from the installed database. In other words, it just asks the name of each installed package then outputs the names to a file03:16
gurpreetu r welcome03:16
YeTr2veritas_rho: a publishing app? maybe scribed?03:16
RyenHello, today I updated my system as I do every night, and I rebooted. Grub comes up fine and I can choose Ubuntu, but as soon as that comes up I only get this far: http://imagebin.org/120445 . The login box never comes up. Any ideas?03:16
manhunterDraqul: then if do " aptitude dist-upgrade , what will happen?03:16
pankajsmeelarrrghhh, hi friend i have installed ubuntu-restricted-extras still the problem exist03:18
manhunterDraqul: so after "aptitude dist-upgrade" , it will install only the desktop package except other installed software, is it ? right ?03:18
arrrghhhpankajsmeel, are you up to date on everything?03:18
manhunterDraqul: right?03:18
Maahes_this is hilarious, even on the live cd psmouse can lose sync, this time losing sync meant my system went into suspend03:18
shingenpankajsmeel: what video card and cpu do you have?03:18
pankajsmeelarrrghhh, yes i have updated ubuntu just one hour ago03:19
TeruFSXMaahes_ do you know what's with that driver? I have similar issues03:19
TeruFSX(trackpad guy over here)03:19
RobertSaganekhey does anyone play Americas Army here for linux cause i got a server up and running if anyone wants to join03:19
arrrghhhpankajsmeel, yea i guess specs would be my next question... do you have a dedicated video card, etc03:19
pankajsmeelshingen: my processor is core 2 due 2 GhZ03:19
Maahes_TeruFSX: I know acouple potential workarounds, only one of which worked for me, and it worked in an unacceptable way.03:19
Draqulmanhunter: if you use the command issued, it will pull all installed packages. You then fresh install ubuntu and use that file to update the system with all of your old packages.03:19
pankajsmeelarrrghhh: i dont have a dedicated video card03:19
TeruFSXit's not frequent for me, but it happens every once in a while03:20
RobertSaganekhey does anyone play Americas Army here for linux cause i got a server up and running if anyone wants to join03:20
arrrghhhpankajsmeel, so intel then?  for the vid card?03:20
gurpreetnor RobertSaganek i don't play AA03:20
Draqul!ot | RobertSaganek03:20
ubottuRobertSaganek: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:20
pankajsmeelarrrghhh: no dedicated vid card03:21
manhunterDraqul: so it will upgrade  the ubuntu-desktop  first ,03:21
* Draqul has a cookie!03:21
Draqulmanhunter: probably, why don't you try it and let me know?03:21
arrrghhh!pastebin | pankajsmeel, pastebin this output - "sudo lshw -C video"03:21
ubottupankajsmeel, pastebin this output - "sudo lshw -C video": For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:21
starnDraqul! it detected i plugged in a digital audio player!!! should i use rythmbox? or should i see about using rockbox on here?03:21
manhunterDraqul: why may be? didn't you try before?03:21
Draqulpankajsmeel: use sudo apt-get install -y pastebinit && sudo lshw -C video | pastebinit03:22
TeruFSXstarn rhythmbox would be okay. rockbox is a replacement OS for your audio player03:22
Draqulstarn: rhythmbox works well with iPod03:22
Draqulmanhunter: When I used hardy03:22
starnwell if it keeps messing up should i install new os?03:22
manhunterwhat i'm trying to say , if one do "aptitude dist-upgrade" , it will upgrade all installed packages including the ubuntu-desktop, that takes time03:23
Draqulstarn: other than linux? Trash the mp3 player first03:23
veritas_rhoI can't run an apt-get install while I'm installing other stuff in syaptic.. time for a break03:23
manhunterevery six months , doing the aptitude dist-upgrade is cumbersome03:23
Draqulmanhunter: if you do aptitude dist-upgrade then you don't need a snapshot03:23
arrrghhhstarn, i keep all my media on a linux server, then share it to my win machines to update ipods, etc/03:23
Draqulmanhunter: yes, it can be.03:23
arrrghhhstarn, otherwise dual-boot, or VM if you've got good enough hw :D03:24
littlebearzarrrghhh: that's wise03:24
DraqulThere came a time when I had to choose between the Zune my girlfriend gave me, meaning I had to switch to Windows, or lose the love of my life and keep Linux. I chose Linux. Never looked back once.03:24
littlebearzarrrghhh: I put my stuff on an External HDD03:25
ramkim tryin to install IE03:25
RyenHello, today I updated my system as I do every night, and I rebooted. Grub comes up fine and I can choose Ubuntu, but as soon as that comes up I only get this far: http://imagebin.org/120445 . The login box never comes up. Any ideas?03:25
littlebearzDraqul: I would keep both :P03:25
StaticShockwhat's a good packet sniffer that can make decent sense of TCP traffic destined for other machines?03:25
ramkin installed wine03:25
Draqulramk: why?03:25
arrrghhhlittlebearz, well this way all my hdds with media are ext4 - don't have to worry about fragmentation or any of that mess.03:25
veritas_rhoDraqul: kudos03:25
ramki want to access remote web workplace03:25
Draqullittlebearz: To each their own03:25
ramkit needs activex03:25
littlebearzramk: use mstsc.exe then, or rdesktop03:26
manhunterDraqul: if it upgrades all installed packages,then     dpkg –get-selections | grep -v deinstall > ubuntu-files is not necessary,it's all the same doing "aptitude dist-upgrade" and     dpkg –get-selections | grep -v deinstall > ubuntu-files && aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade "03:26
arrrghhhDraqul, i _have_ to run windows for some things.  like my stupid work's remote access...03:26
ramkwhere can i install the mstsc03:26
pankajsmeelarrrghhh: Draqul: http://pastebin.com/Pdtyq19C03:26
manhunterand dpkg –set-selections < ubuntu-files03:26
YeTr2I think the only thing I like about the default ubuntu install is the complete lack of brown.03:26
multipa3anyone know why ubuntu is freezing during every load at the splash screen? I just got a new comp, gtx460 gfx.. bad driver possibly?03:26
manhunterif one has to upgrade all installed packages every six months then why would one use ubuntu?03:27
YeTr2no, wait03:27
Draqularrrghhh: I understand. I am not knocking Windows. It's an excellent OS that gets the job done for most people. I know a lot of people are forced to use it at work, or for some apps. To each their own.03:27
YeTr2I stand corrected, there is brown on the screen. darnit.03:27
DraqulYeTr2: I miss the brown03:27
=== asig2 is now known as asig
TeruFSXmanhunter because one doesn't find it very inconvenient or uses the upgrade tool like me03:27
ramknow i cannot remove wine03:27
TeruFSXramk why not03:27
arrrghhhDraqul, you'll never see a windows server in my house tho friend :D03:27
ramki dont know03:27
ramkyet to figure out03:27
veritas_rhoRyen: when you updated, you upgraded to 9.10 and selected an option to rewrite your grub03:28
Draqulramk: why do you want IE?03:28
TeruFSXwhat are you using to uninstall it03:28
pankajsmeelarrrghhh: Draqul: http://pastebin.com/Pdtyq19C03:28
ramki want to connect remote web workplace03:28
manhunterwhy is the aptitude /apt-get service not available forever?after one year or so this aptitude server is finished then one has to reinstall ubuntu and reinstall all other packages too,that's time consuming cumbersome,disgusting03:28
arrrghhhpankajsmeel, i see it.  i915... haven't found much about it in 10.10.03:28
ramkdraqul:it needs activex03:28
gurpreetramk, i don't know what steps you've followed but this looks promising http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Installation03:28
manhunterTeruFSX: because there are many places in the world where bandwith is very poor03:29
Ryenveritas_rho: No. I have had 10.04 the entire time. I just updated my system since I had to install 38 new packages. I rebooted and now it just hangs.03:29
pankajsmeelarrrghhh: any suggestion what to do next03:29
YeTr2manhunter: stay with the LTS releases if you don't like to try and stay current. those last 2+ years.03:29
manhunterTeruFSX: it will take two days to upgrade all packages03:29
littlebearzRyen: that's why you don't update Lol03:29
TeruFSXmanhunter then either use LTS, don't update for a while, or get CDs03:29
arrrghhhpankajsmeel, not yet...03:29
ramkgurpreet: thx but is there anything without installing IE03:29
Draqulmanhunter: if you don't like it, why not write your own distro, buy a server, and host it yourself?03:29
ramki hate IE03:29
TeruFSXdraqul that's terrible advice03:29
DraqulTeruFSX: how so?03:29
Shishiremanhunter, you may be interested in the Long-Term Support versions.03:29
Tw|sTLTS distros are 3 years support for workstations, 5 years for servers.03:29
pankajsmeelarrrghhh: there is one change after installing ubuntu-restricted-extras i can play mp3 files without any jerk03:30
littlebearzTeruFSX: Draqul is a good advice03:30
gurpreetramk, Remote Desktop maybe??03:30
TeruFSXhow does that fix anything03:30
YeTr2ramk: ies4linux03:30
drewbertOkay, when ubuntu get's up to S for names. The S HAS to be SMARMY.  smarmy serpent, smarmy shrew (like that one cause it's a double entendre), smarmy serval, you name it, as long as you don't also describe it, cause I already picked the adjective03:30
arrrghhhpankajsmeel, hm ok good.  vlc still has video issues?03:30
ShishireUpgrades are never required.  They help fix bugs and add new features, but no upgrade is ever required.03:30
gurpreetthats the link i gave him YeTr203:30
manhunterShishire: yes,you are correct , not only me but also those ,where bandwith is very poor03:30
pankajsmeelarrrghhh: not only vlc but media player had video issues03:30
ramkbut it needs activex remember03:30
drewbertIs Mark Shuttleworth here, cause I need to PM him?03:30
Tw|sTSuave Skunk?03:31
pankajsmeelarrrghhh: is there any specific software required to play flv files in ubuntu03:31
arrrghhhdrewbert, yea dude, you just missed him...03:31
drewbertTw|sT: smarmy skunk03:31
Tw|sTI dig it03:31
drewbertarrrghhh: ARRRGGGGhhhh03:31
Tw|sTright on man03:31
arrrghhhpankajsmeel, i don't believe so.03:31
DraqulI am awaiting Horny Horntoad when they roll the alphabet back around. That release is going to be beast03:32
pankajsmeelarrrghhh: anyway thanks for your help03:32
pankajsmeelarrrghhh: atleast i can hear audio songs03:32
arrrghhhpankajsmeel, sorry... that's a very odd issue.03:32
gurpreetramk, probably a Virtual machine would be a good idea03:32
manhunterRyen: that's why don't do dist-upgrade03:32
arrrghhhpankajsmeel, can you pastebin your /var/log/messages file?03:32
ramkvirtual machi... some one here suggested rdesktop03:33
ramki want to know what is that03:33
pankajsmeelarrrghhh: how to do that03:33
gurpreetthat was me03:33
gurpreetplease elaborate your problem a bit so that we can chew on it03:33
Ryenmanhunter: I didn't do a dist-upgrade.03:33
arrrghhhpankajsmeel, there's probably a slick way to do it, but i'd just open it with gedit and copy/paste it into a pastebin.03:33
veritas_rhoI want to get married to the nerdiest guy on the planet03:34
gurpreeti am here03:34
Ryenmanhunter: I ran 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade'03:34
arrrghhhveritas_rho, do you have an ubuntu related question...?03:34
YeTr2ramk: rdesktop is the linux client for windows remote desktop. you connect to another windows machine and use the browser from that machine.03:34
manhunterRyen: so which system are you on now?03:34
RyenA different partition. Same computer.03:34
YeTr2ramk: it's like VNC, but with more features.03:35
Ryenmanhunter: ^03:35
ubuntui need to make an initrd.gz file out of a directory,help!03:35
TeruFSXRyen what you did was a simple package update03:35
manhunterRyen: operating system?03:35
=== zz_slidinghorn is now known as slidinghorn
DraqulRyen: please stop feeding the troll03:35
drewbertDraqul: you better get the lts version, because that's not coming around for a WHILE03:35
shingenDraqul: I have a shorter shelf life than you, I'm waiting for Xenophobic Xebu03:35
ramkyetr2: thts cool03:35
Tw|sTspeaking of VNC, VNC+XDMCP setup for a GDM login screen per connection, totally rocks!03:35
ramkbut im struggling and sweating ... :(03:35
DraqulXenophobic Xebu! w00t w00t!03:36
shingen21.04 is too long to wait03:36
ramkvnc not workng03:36
Maahes_okay this is a question I don't know if anyone has an answer for: I have a dell laptop, which by default has a bunch of system-keys where the F keys are, and you have to hold down Fn to access the Fkeys, on windows this is a good idea, as you don't use Fkeys all that much, on linux its very annoying03:36
Maahes_Is there a way to reverse this behavior?03:36
Maahes_make them Fkeys by default03:36
DraqulMaahes_: I have those too. You get used to it. You can shortcut their functions using System-Preferences-Keyboard Shortcuts03:36
deexannihilateI just purchased a Targus DVDROM and I cannot get any DVDs to play. It is reading the DVDs but once I open them, the programs open but nothing plays. Anyone know how to fix this?03:37
TeruFSXMaahes_ I think Fn combinations are handled by the keyboard hardware03:37
YeTr2Maahes_: you might be able to change it with xmodmap03:37
TeruFSXdeexannihilate are they commercial DVDs?03:37
Maahes_Hrrm, I wonder if I can map Fn to capslock03:37
pankajsmeelarrrghhh: gedit can not open the file03:37
deexannihilateterufsx: yes03:37
Maahes_That's at least a more convenient mode selector placing03:37
deexannihilateTeruFSX: I've tried two different ones03:38
Tw|sTIt gets kinda memory hungry, but my dev team loves the setup I put together on their servers (HP 8way Xeon box (x2) w/ 32GB ram, & 4TB SAS storage).  They were having to use Xming, which worked well, but it's really optimized for a LAN connection, and some of the dev team come in over VPN, so that was too slow in their case.  VNC+XDMCP hooked 'em up tho03:38
TeruFSXdeexannihilated you will need some third-party software for that03:38
manhunterDraqul: you are troll,not me03:38
TeruFSXyou probably would know if you have it installed; the Ubuntu repositories don't include it03:38
Draqul!op | manhunter is a troll03:39
ubottumanhunter is a troll: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!03:39
gurpreetMaahes_, there is a bios setting in dell laptops to set it to your preference03:39
gurpreetlook that up plz03:39
Maahes_gurpreet: that's useful to know! :) Thanks03:39
pankajsmeelarrrghhh: http://pastebin.com/5ewzdL9K03:39
deexannihilateSuch as what? I have KMPlayer, VLC and Banshee. I looked up the unit and it told me I needed libdvdread and libdvdcss packages which I have installed03:39
TeruFSXah, okay. you have them, then.03:40
TeruFSXpast that I do not know.03:40
deexannihilateTeruFSX: Such as what? I have KMPlayer, VLC and Banshee. I looked up the unit and it told me I needed libdvdread and libdvdcss packages which I have installed03:40
=== slidinghorn is now known as zz_slidinghorn
Maahes_WLU: emacs what?03:40
deexannihilateTeruFSX: ok. thanks03:40
TeruFSXjust installing those packages worked for me last time I tried03:41
Tom1Jordan_U: hello03:41
Tom1do you remember helping me a couple days ago?03:42
=== jinky is now known as jink
RobertSaganeki'm having troubles with docky can some one help03:43
Draqul!ask | RobertSaganek03:43
ubottuRobertSaganek: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:43
gurpreetdeexannihilate, need to install libdvdcss2 gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly etc03:44
RobertSaganekI'm having difficulty with docky03:44
deexannihilategurpreet: I got it to work. I needed the bug fix for it. Thanks03:44
RobertSaganekcould some one help03:44
pankajsmeelarrrghhh: this is complete log file http://pastebin.com/PrS4FwuJ03:44
deexannihilateTeruFSX: I got it to work by installing the bug correction03:45
Tom1I upgraded to 10.10 and am having grub issues, if I reinstall 10.10 on my linux partition will that reinstall grub2 and everything?03:45
RobertSaganekcould some one help me with a docky issue03:45
s0diumcan anyone tell me if its possible to make the font size smaller in empathy?03:45
TeruFSXTom1: It should. Be careful not to erase it, though.03:46
s0diumwhats up Robert?03:46
phpninjahow can I find my $PATH's location ?03:46
YeTr2nothing like a little deathmetal to keep me going all night at work :)03:46
TeruFSXphpninja run echo $PATH03:47
Tom1TeruFSX: erase it?03:47
phpninjathat shows my path, but where is it located? i checked .profile03:47
phpninjain home directory, but it doesnt match up03:47
TeruFSXTom1: don't erase your existing Ubuntu partition if it contains anything you want to keep03:47
RobertSaganeks0dium: having troubles with docky... when i install its fine it runs fine but then all of a sudden my computer craps out and won't restart untill i unplug and pull the bios battery03:48
s0diumthat is a strange problem robert03:48
RobertSaganektell me about it03:48
TeruFSXphpninja I'm not quite sure. I don't think it's set up by bash, though03:48
RenderspecI found out that "There is no way to use iptables with Ubuntu to restrict access based on the program name, because the Ubuntu Linux kernel is not compiled with the options required to enable the --cmd-owner flag." Hope Ubuntu adds this flag option in future. I think it's useful.03:48
Tom1TeruFSX: after the update, I can't get into ubuntu anymore03:49
Tom1TeruFSX: only the windows boot option is functioning correctly03:49
s0diumwhat version of ubuntu are you using robert?03:49
woodyjlwin ubuntu 10.10 how can I change password in terminal?03:49
Terrancecan someone help me to do a proxy server on ubuntu :S or at least a good tutorial ive been trying to google it but nothing helpful03:49
RobertSaganeks0dium: what is the command in terminal so i can past my computer hardware list in pastbin for u03:50
Maahes_oh, last question is there a way defrag FAT partitions from linux?03:50
Maahes_file defragmentation, not block defragmentation03:50
Jordan_UTom1: What happens when you try to boot Ubuntu?03:50
gurpreetMaahes_, no there isn't a reliable way for that03:50
pankajsmeelarrrghhhh: all the files are now playing in movieplayer properly but not in vlc03:51
pankajsmeel thanks everbody03:51
gurpreetRobertSaganek, lspci and lsusb maybe?03:51
Tom1Jordan_U: using the last command you had me use, I now see many linux options on the boot menu. If i try to use the most recent version the monitor stops receiving signal03:51
DraqulIs python now python2/3 in Ubuntu?03:52
gurpreetTerrance, have you tried squid? its easy to setup and run03:52
Tom1Jordan_U: if I pick the oldest version, it shows the login screen for 10.10 (not sure why?) but it seems to be frozen (i can't type or use the keyboard or mouse to do anything)03:52
Maahes_RobertSaganek: sudo lswh > somefile.txt03:52
trismDraqul: python 2.6 is default, but python 3 is available03:52
Draqultrism: I am in Arch and we just switched to python3, so I was curious. =P Thanks03:53
RobertSaganekhttp://pastebin.com/Dn1ttGr9 here is my pastbin03:53
Maahes_RobertSaganek: sorry, lshw03:53
Maahes_I have butterfingers03:53
gurpreetRobertSaganek, thats  sudo lshw > hwlist.txt03:53
RobertSaganekMaahes: their is my past bin... did u see my question03:54
Maahes_RobertSaganek: I didn't see your original question no03:54
RobertSaganekMaahes: docky installs and runs fine but the my computer tards out and won't restart untill i unpulug and remove the bios battery03:55
tioxAsking again, is there a way with Linux's default tools to get the URL of a radio stream that normally would be received by a flash player?03:55
woodyjlwTeruFSX,  thanks that did it03:56
tioxIt's a streamtheworld player I am trying to target.03:56
Tom1Jordan_U: should I just reinstall at this point?03:57
Jordan_UTom1: Try editing the most recent entry, by pressing 'e' at the boot menu, and add "nomodeset" after "quiet splash " (on the same line). Then press ctrl+x to execute the modified entry.03:57
Maahes_RobertSaganek: ..... pastebin /var/log/kern.log and /var/log/messages03:58
Tom1Jordan_U: i don't see a "quiet splash"03:59
Tom1Jordan_U: the first line says "recordfail"03:59
gurpreettiox, amarok rhythmbox both can play internet radio, i don't know whether they play your specific staion03:59
geoff918I'm having trouble compiling software named BondDB http://pastebin.com/94NPehhZ04:00
tioxWouldn't I normally need the IP of the station?04:00
gurpreeta url maybe04:00
Foxhoundz1I need help. I've tried this on #tremulous but it didn't work. Basically...04:01
Foxhoundz1After installing Tremulous 1.1 on Ubuntu 10.10 the touch pad is hypersenitive in-game04:01
Karen_mon ubuntu, I'm trying to keep track of my database layout with sqlite.  Anyone know a good app that will let me change things around with ease?04:02
Foxhoundz1I've turned down the mouse senitivity and acceleration the minimum but It's not working04:02
Tom1Jordan_U: it says "recordfail" for all of the linux boot options actually04:02
fictivewhat would cause my enter key to not input newline in text editors when I'm in a screen (all I see ie. in vim is "M+newline", in nano it looks like it's inserting the HOME value)? inputs newline when I'm not in a screen04:02
Connor1Quick question04:03
starnis there a program for linux like scan disk where it checks the disk for bad sectors than blocks them off from being used?04:03
Connor1Anyone here use nano?04:03
JonathanCI seem to be getting very slow pings/horrible tracert results on Ubuntu 10.10.04:03
Jordan_UTom1: That's normal.04:03
shingenConnor1: yes04:03
Connor1shingen any way to enable an actual word wrap on it?04:03
JonathanCI tried the same thing on my laptop running Windows, and I am actually getting better results.04:03
Connor1I'm tired of typing long lines and having it not wrap my text.04:03
shingenConnor1:  -ww when starting from cli04:03
JonathanCDoes anyone know of a bug/problem that might cause this problem?04:03
fictiveJordan_U: my favorite problem solver :)04:03
shingenConnor1: e.g., nano -ww04:03
Connor1That doesn't help me04:03
Connor1I mean04:03
shingenConnor1: alias it :)04:03
JonathanCIt is very annoying to not be able to browse the internet or do anything online.04:04
Connor1I want it to display the actual wrap04:04
JonathanCAnyone have any ideas?04:04
Maahes_geoff918: have you looked at the c-function being named? It may be a typo on the part of the programmer, maybe you just have a bad release04:04
RobertSaganekMaahes: did you get that and i'm afk for about 5 going to get smoke04:04
Connor1shingen any ideas on doing that?04:04
shingenConnor1: hmmm... never knew nano / pico to actually wrap on screen... could be wrong though... man page for that04:04
Karen_mwhat is a good piece of software to manage sql table layouts ...  those kinds of associations?04:05
JonathanC:( So no one else has my problem?04:05
Tom1Jordan_U: okay, is it bad that there's no "quiet splash"?04:05
gurpreetConnor1, i suggest using gedit if you can, otherwise vim would be a good start04:05
shingenKaren_m: you mean like SQLiteManager ?04:05
Connor1I use a CLI interface.04:05
Maahes_got it RobertSaganek04:05
JonathanC:( back to Fedora then. Cya.04:05
fictiveanyone have any ideas? (this is specific to my user)04:05
obs3rv3rI would suggest nano if for a beginner.04:05
Connor1I'm already used to nano, and I prefer using it04:05
Karen_mi've never used sqlitemanager04:06
shingen I've been using pico for the last 20 years :P04:06
Karen_mchecking it out04:06
Connor1I need a cli text editor for doing classwork.04:06
Connor1Any recommendations? I'm already really used to nano.04:07
Jordan_UTom1: It's not normal but it shouldn't hurt anything. Can you pastebin your grub.cfg or a screenshot of that menu entry?04:07
predsis there any way to do sudo echo " somehostname.com" >> /etc/hosts without getting access denied?04:07
geoff918nano is probably easiest, there is also vi (harder) and pico (never used) which are popular04:07
obs3rv3rConnor1: if you are used to nano. Thats fine. Else vim is something you should start.04:07
Therstriumi second vi or vim04:07
fictiveConnor1: vim :)04:07
Connor1obs3rv3r the text doesn't wrap on screen04:07
shingenpico is nano.... vi is goofy... vim over vi any day04:07
Connor1Which is what I need nano to do...04:07
shingenConnor1: you can't make something that's been around for 20 years do something it can't...04:08
Tom1Jordan_U: how can i screen shot the boot menu?04:08
Jordan_UTom1: Sorry, meant to say photograph :)04:08
Tom1Jordan_U: no worries04:09
starnis there a program for linux like scan disk where it checks the disk for bad sectors than blocks them off from being used?04:09
obs3rv3rConnor1: Try vim. You will love it.04:09
Connor1obs3rv3r it's neat so far04:10
Connor1Except esc :w isn't quitting it04:10
she_dyed :wq04:10
obs3rv3ror :x04:10
geoff918This is the affected file (compile error above) http://pastebin.com/8zm2bH3Y04:10
ScuniziIn the latest Gimp provided by ubuntu, does it have the ability to "stick" the separate windows into one?04:11
Connor1Gpt ot04:11
Connor1Got it*04:11
Connor1Another question04:11
FloodBot1Connor1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:11
Connor1Shut up FloodBot104:11
Connor1Any way to get my ubuntu install to boot directly into a CLI environment?04:11
psusiemacs >> vim ;_04:11
she_dyedhit e at boot04:11
pi3chanybody uses lftp?04:12
she_dyedand enter 304:12
Tom1Jordan_U: http://pastebin.com/4kq8zGnK04:12
Connor1she_dyed isn't there a file I can edit?04:12
klyncpi3ch: i have used it but not for a while04:12
she_dyedyes in grub04:12
Tom1Jordan_U: I typed it in so there might be minor typos04:12
Connor1she_dyed any tutorialon this?04:12
Maahes_RobertSaganek: From those logs the only thing I can see is you have a buggy usb mouse, did you shutdown normally or crash? lets try pastebin ing /var/log/boot.log04:12
gurpreetstarn, lookup badblocks but be very carefull when you use it04:12
she_dyed!grub | Connor104:12
ubottuConnor1: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.04:12
magicblaze0073is anyone using toshiba protege r705/700 + ubuntu here? My ubuntu freezes quite frequently on this laptop...04:12
magicblaze0073any ideas on how to debug this?04:12
obs3rv3rshe_dyed: or just stop gdm from starting04:12
klyncwhat's the best way to install sun's jdk in ubuntu? download and run the installer from their site, or is there a make-java-pkg like in debian?04:13
obs3rv3rshe_dyed: sorry its Connor1 .04:13
TeruFSXmagicblaze0073 is it a full freeze or a mouse freeze?04:13
starngurpreet alright. no problem using on my broken ipod if this don't work i'm gonna hammer it with an real hammer..04:13
she_dyedobs3rv3r: thanks for the input tho =)04:13
Jordan_UTom1: That looks fine. Add the "nomodeset" after "ro".04:13
klyncConnor1: it might be enough for you to just start the installer, and hit ctrl-alt-f2 to get a console04:13
Connor1I don't want to do that04:13
fictiveJordan_U: do you have some time to help me with a little problem again? :)04:13
obs3rv3rConnor1: all 3 options :P ?04:13
Connor1I already do that04:13
shingenConnor1: mod your init ring to not start gdm04:13
Connor1Where is it located?04:14
gurpreetstarn, yes you can use it on your ipod04:14
* obs3rv3r sysv-rc-conf a very very useful tool04:14
shingenConnor1: it's prolly init ring 5 or something, check rc.5....04:14
gurpreetbut again carefill with the syntax04:14
magicblaze0073TeruFSX: Full freeze04:14
magicblaze0073only reboot makes it work04:14
starngurpreet please say it's easy to use... and maybe has an gui......04:14
magicblaze0073i replaced the hard drive with ssd and loaded ubuntu on it...it boots, i could update/upgrade using apt-get...tried to look into dmesg, but cant figure out whats wrong04:15
she_dyedall the gui goodness was sucked into the ipod04:15
Connor1I already tried to edit /etc/inittab but it was blank04:15
Connor1Any ideas?04:15
Tom1Jordan_U: the resolution is messed up but it logged into 10.10!04:15
RobertSaganekMaahes: boot.log is very short04:16
Jordan_UTom1: Great. What graphics card do you have?04:16
obs3rv3rConnor1: use sysv-rc-conf and locate gdm and stop it from starting.04:16
shingenwhoops, that's applicable on other distros, not debian bested ones...    sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove or sudo update-rc.d -f gdm defaults04:17
Connor1obs3rv3r will do04:17
magicblaze0073TeruFSX: my dmesg -> paste.pocoo.org/show/28205204:17
magicblaze0073any ideas on how to find out whats wrong?04:17
magicblaze0073the screen dims out quite fast on the machine...04:18
Tom1Jordan_U: it's an ati radeon 467004:18
TeruFSXwell there's that oops04:18
TeruFSXprobably hangs after that04:18
TeruFSXi'll look into it a bit more04:18
fictivewhat would cause my enter key to not input newline in text editors when I'm in a screen (all I see ie. in vim is "M+newline", in nano it looks like it's inserting the HOME value)? inputs newline when I'm not in a screen. This is specific to my user, only on my server.04:19
marckitosCan you suggest a software like dreamweaver working on ubuntu ?04:19
n0de4can anyone help with installing oqgraph on top of mysql-5.1.49-1ubuntu8? i'm not super experienced at linux and i've been stuck on it for an hour or an hour and a half or so04:19
Gnea!info screem04:19
ubottuPackage screem does not exist in maverick04:19
Gnea!info screem lucid04:19
ubottuPackage screem does not exist in lucid04:19
* Gnea gives up04:20
fictiveGnea: screen?04:20
Tom1Jordan_U: can i just re-download the proprietary driver or will that do bad things again?04:20
magicblaze0073can the acpi be switched off?04:20
pibarnasGnea: byobu04:20
Guest10739i noobed my only sudoer out of the sudoers file04:20
Gneafictive: screeM04:20
=== Guest10739 is now known as gdoteof_home
fictiveGnea: was just making sure, hehe04:20
gdoteof_homechanged his group04:21
gdoteof_homemy group04:21
andrewfreedoes an installed ssh server on a ubuntu desktop start regardless if the user logs into the GUI or not?04:21
psusiandrewfree, yes04:21
fictiveandrewfree: yes04:21
marckitosCan you suggest a software like dreamweaver working on ubuntu ?04:21
magicblaze0073k, when my laptop freezes, it starts the fan at full speed and hangs...could this be acpi?04:21
andrewfreeok thought so, thanks.04:21
Gnea!info gphpedit04:22
ubottugphpedit (source: gphpedit): development environment for PHP/HTML/CSS. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.97+20100226-1 (maverick), package size 545 kB, installed size 1416 kB04:22
gdoteof_homemagicblaze0073: its probably getting too hot04:22
fictivemarckitos: you could probably emulate dreamweaver with wine?04:22
Gnea!info gwrite04:22
ubottugwrite (source: gwrite): simple GTK+ HTML5 rich text editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.0-1 (maverick), package size 42 kB, installed size 328 kB04:22
Connor1I'm running sysv-rc-conf, but gdm isn't checked anywhere in the list.04:22
magicblaze0073gdoteof_home: dont think so. It starts the fan as soon as it hangs...at full speed...till i reboot04:22
gdoteof_homeor run a vm with stripped down xp and run dream weaver in that04:22
magicblaze0073then its quiet till it doesnt hang again04:22
Jordan_UTom1: If the current proprietary driver supports your card yes. When you say download thought it suggests you're not installing via System > Administration > Hardware drivers. Installing the driver from ATI's website is a bad idea.04:23
quiescenstechnically no, a lot of systems automatically turn the fans to full when things stop responding, it doesn't neccesarily indicate an overheating issue04:23
marckitosfictive, thank you man !04:23
gdoteof_homei see.  i thought it may be getting really hot, and then the fans go on to cool it when it hangs04:23
Tom1Jordan_U: I'm using System > Administration > Additional Drivers04:23
Jordan_UTom1: Ok, then yes. Installing the proprietary driver again should solve the problem.04:24
fictivemarckitos: no problem04:24
magicblaze0073quiescens: how do i debug whats causing it?04:25
=== Hrimfaxi_ is now known as Hrimfaxi
lzsha ha04:25
ghostnik11hi i am running lubuntu 10.10 in virtualbox as guest os on virtualbox 3.2.8 and i am trying to figure out how to get the resolution from 800 X 600 to 1024 X 76804:26
quiescenstoo hard to tell, all you really know is something is causing a hard lock, the fan thing is likely irrelevant04:26
ghostnik11host os is ubuntu 10.0404:26
shado`_If I switch to Novell Suse, will I definitely have to pay, or is there a trial period for Linux Enterprise Desktop 1104:26
Jordan_Ughostnik11: Install the guest additions.04:27
Connor1I got the CLI shit working, thanks for everyone's help.04:27
Connor1Google fixed it in the end lol04:27
TeruFSXshado`_: I guess openSUSE could serve as a trial04:27
h00k!language | Connor104:27
ubottuConnor1: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:27
geoff918openSUSE isn't bad (just don't try to get support, the forums are nasty)04:27
magicblaze0073in my ubuntu 10.10 there is no kernel line in grub+edit...how do i set acpi=off?04:27
yao_ziyuandoes ubuntu use pulseaudio by default?04:27
shado`_Jordan: that`s for me right ?04:27
Connor1Language happens04:28
pibarnaswill gnome stop to be the ubuntu main interface? is it true?04:28
magicblaze0073the vmlinuz line needs the acpi=off?04:28
EeveeTrainer!thanks | Connor104:28
ubottuConnor1: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)04:28
ghostnik11jordan_u; did that already in fact when i go to monitor settings it says vbox and only gives me the options of 800 x 600, 640 x 400, then 800 x 600 again04:28
geoff918hmm, I tried compiling a much earlier stable release (I was compiling stable release) and still same error. Frustrating.04:28
shado`_geoff918: thanx04:28
Tom1Jordan_U: resolution is fixed, thank you...is it bad if there is a lot of scrolling output when i select the linux option from the grub menu?04:29
TeruFSXmagicblaze0073: likely.04:29
shado`_Terufsx: what do u mean ?04:29
TeruFSXshado`_: SUSE Enterprise is based on openSUSE (I think)04:30
magicblaze0073TeruFSX: You are right about opensuse+suse E.04:30
Jordan_UTom1: No. That output is because you you don't have "quiet splash". You can add back quiet splash in /etc/default/grub, specifically GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash". Be sure to run "sudo update-grub" after editing /etc/default/grub.04:30
shado`_Novell owns it though04:30
TeruFSXyao_ziyuan: ubuntu does use pulseaudio04:30
Maahes_... I just hosed my pendrive by doing a dd operation backward =(04:31
shado`_Novell wants to make $$$04:31
TeruFSXshado`_: but because of that the products will be similar. thus, you can get an idea of what SUSE is like with openSUSE04:31
TeruFSXi'm not sure if there is a legitimate trial or not04:31
shado`_what, like shareware ?04:31
Maahes_Now I have to set up rvm again, ruby koans, my tmux rc my vimrc, my compiz settings, a whole host of install stuff etc =(04:31
shado`_that`s my point: if I install it I might get snagged04:32
Tom1Jordan_U: hmm, i don't think i have a grub direction in /etc/default/04:32
TeruFSXshado`_: that's why you use openSUSE first04:32
she_dyedwhy dont you ask in their channel04:32
she_dyedshado`_: ^04:32
TeruFSXto try out the general SUSE experience04:32
yao_ziyuanTeruFSX: i don't know why distros with fresh packages (e.g. ubuntu, fedora) all use pulseaudio by default. on my machine, pulseaudio can't mix sounds. i always have to manually disable it.04:32
Jordan_UTom1: Ahh, I forgot you were left with some packages not fully installed. Run "sudo apt-get install grub-pc".04:32
TeruFSXyao_ziyuan: I assume they have decided it is generally the best option.04:33
yao_ziyuanTeruFSX: all right, so my machine which was bought in 2003 is outdated.04:33
shado`_Teru: is opensuse available on the Ubuntu Software download ?04:34
Tom1Jordan_U: i get the blue pop-up screen04:34
TeruFSXshado`_: openSUSE is a completely separate OS04:34
TeruFSXso it is not available there04:34
Tom1Jordan_U: "this system has files from the grub legacy boot loader installed....finish conversion to grub 2 now?"04:34
magicblaze0073Terhow do i install the alsa-driver? apt-get says not found?04:34
shado`_Then I`m confused between the two04:34
Jordan_UTom1: Yes.04:34
TeruFSXshado`_: it's like Fedora (openSUSE) and RHEL (SUSE Enterprise)04:35
shado`_ok geoff918: gotcha04:35
anirudhrshado`, OpenSUSE is a different distro. :)04:35
geoff918No, no, Fedora is the open version of Red Hat04:35
cainhorasecjoin ubuntu04:35
cainhorasecqjoin ubuntu04:35
geoff918openSUSE is the open version of SUSE04:35
Tom1Jordan_U: i have to pick the grub install device04:35
TeruFSXgeoff918 same relation, though04:35
klyncseriously folks, has ubuntu stripped out debian's make-java-pkg app? or am i just forgetting the name?04:35
geoff918TeruFSX: Yes, analogous: just the wrong analogy :)04:36
Jordan_UTom1: What are the options? (just need the sdXY portition).04:36
geoff918Then there's Ubuntu which is the open version of the commercial Ubuntu04:36
TeruFSXwhat I mean was Fedora is to RHEL as openSUSE is to SUSE Enterprise04:36
Tom1Jordan_U: sda and sda5 (windows and linux, respectively, right?)04:36
geoff918Right, I got you TeruFSX, I'm not trying to give you a hard time04:37
Jordan_UTom1: Select just sda. The options are the mbr of your hard drive and your Ubuntu partition. You almost always want to install grub to the mbr.04:39
geoff918shado`_ Do you have any questions about which 'version' you ought to be downloading or installing? (I'm not sure what your experience level is with this stuff)04:39
shado`_thanx you guys04:39
Deihmosevery ubuntu distro does not work right with 5.1 audio04:39
geoff918shado`_ BTW--Default for SUSE is KDE (not Gnome like Ubuntu)04:39
shado`_geoff: not yet04:39
Tom1Jordan_U: so the mbr is associated with the windows partition?04:39
Deihmosis there some kind of problem with 5.1 and linux?04:39
Jordan_UTom1: No. It has nothing to do with windows vs linux.04:40
daycan i kick youuuuuuu04:40
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shado`_Geoff: I still a novice since Iǜe only been on LInux for about 4 months04:40
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shado`_geoff: I alrady have KDE04:40
geoff918Well, I tried Ubuntu (first attempt at linux) with 8.04. I hate to say it, but I...well, despised it...04:40
psusiTom1, the mbr is what DEFINES partitions... and contains the initial boot code the bios loads04:40
geoff918Switched to Suse and loved it04:40
ghostnik11jordan_U: this is what I get when i post lspci | grep VGA04:41
geoff918then random bugs started happening04:41
shado`_and Gnome of course04:41
geoff918lots of errors all over the place04:41
geoff918and then tried Ubuntu 9.04 and loved it. Been with Ubuntu since04:41
ghostnik11jordan_U: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH VirtualBox Graphics Adapter04:41
klyncoutdated: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JavaInstallation04:41
acu_Is there any PCIe or PCI way expansion ? I run out of PCI slots and do not know what to do04:42
shado`_geoff: do u pay for Suse: what does `open` mean ?04:42
magicblaze0073toshiba + acpi + ubuntu + laptop = trouble. I guess I should try opensuse?04:42
geoff918shado`_ I do love yum04:42
geoff918shado`_ you don't pay for openSUSE (at least you don't have to, you can always donate)04:42
psusiacu_, buy a motherboard that has more slots, or find a way to use less slots04:42
Tom1Jordan_U: okay, it finished installing04:43
magicblaze0073opensuse = reinstall everything every 2 years... :)04:43
shado`_so Novell Suse has got to be different04:43
magicblaze0073toshiba + ubuntu = unresolved crash/hang problem : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1550219&page=504:43
Jordan_UTom1: Ok. Reboot and you should see a splash screen instead of scrolling text.04:43
sha0Here's a weird one: Can I change the cwd of a process via sudo and /proc/ or something?04:43
Tom1okay, do i need to modify /etc/default/grub still?04:44
shado`_I bookmarked the webpage to download opensuse04:44
geoff918shado`_ you'll find that opensuse has tons of software in its repositories (amazingly much), and I do really enjoy yum as a package manager. But, it just seemed to break on me after awhile (standard updates would sometimes throw the system for a very bad curve)04:44
shado`_my KDE is unstable: the desktops keep switching04:44
Tom1Jordan_U: nevermind, it's already in the file04:44
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shado`_then it`s hard to find the app I was on04:45
geoff918shado`_ I love the appearance of KDE. I don't really enjoy anything else about it.04:45
geoff918shado`_ Do you have a shortcut key enabled or 'screen hot spots'?04:45
shado`_me too I love KDE04:46
Jordan_UTom1: The lack of the file was why the options weren't there in the first place. Installing the package installed Ubuntu's default settings as well.04:46
geoff918shado`_ Well, do you need multiple desktops. A quick and dirty fix may be to simply reduce your number of desktops to 1.04:46
shado`_well I really need at least 2: I a tutor who wants to teleconference on 1, and the other would be for email04:47
geoff918shado`_ Ah, well that's pretty much out. (Except you may be able to do better with just two.)04:47
Tom1Jordan_U: uh oh, the login screen is frozen again now04:47
shado`_Geoff: but yeah, you are right: I can reduce04:48
shado`_I`l try it with just 2 then04:48
geoff918shado`_ I wonder if you could open more than one graphical session? e.g. use the one on F7, but also create a separate gdm session on another like F6?04:48
geoff918oops, kdm?04:48
Tom1Jordan_U: nevermind, it became unfrozen somehow?04:49
pickett_u can04:50
shado`_Geoff, I am writing notes about everything: I`ll try f7 too04:50
anirudhrgeoff918, If you have a graphics card that supports it, you can use multiple monitors and extend your desktop.04:50
shado`_Geoff: it`s not easy to switch from windows to Linux04:51
shado`_I love Linux because there`s so much to learn04:51
Tom1Jordan_U: thank you so much for your help, what is the proper way to edit the grub2 boot menu so i don't have future problems again?04:53
* tiox facepalms04:53
katronixserfcan someone tell me which package provides cmp?04:53
Jordan_UTom1: Edit settings in /etc/default/grub, and if you want to remove old kernels just uninstall them via apt/synaptic.04:53
tioxI knew the station's ID the entire time, I think i was malforming the .pls address.04:54
tioxAnyway, if people want to listen to WJXQ, 106.1 online, http://3033.live.streamtheworld.com:80/WJXQFMAACCMP304:54
geoff918Sorry, I was playing with the session and corrupted my display. I was jumping around ctl-alt-f1, ctl-alt-f204:54
anirudhrkatronixserf, cmp, to compare two files?04:54
geoff918Windows to Linux is not actually that hard. But, it is a completely different paradigm. I do find Linux actually easier in most any way you can imagine.04:55
magicblaze0073k, if i switch off acpi, my laptop does not hang. So it was acpi that was hanging it. Any ideas on how to fix this?04:55
geoff918For one, well when the machine has an error--it comes out in plain english not hex dump.04:55
geoff918magicblaze0073: you can change your boot flags to fix that04:56
katronixserfanirudhr yes04:56
anirudhrkatronixserf, diffutils04:57
anirudhrkatronixserf, No problem. :) Just a quick search away.04:57
shado`_geoff918: how come u disconnected ?04:58
PyjamaSpanksince i've upgraded to 10.10, Deluge has started using 100% of 1 core of my CPU, any ideas?04:58
Tom1Jordan_U: will sudo gedit grub & allow me to modify grub?04:59
geoff918shado`_ I went ahead and corrupted my display when I was playing around. Hah.04:59
shado`_we`re only human04:59
Jordan_UTom1: No, you would use "gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub".04:59
magicblaze0073geoff918: I can switch off acpi, but does that have any side effects. Also, no sensors show up on my box04:59
shado`_so far04:59
gartralhow do i schedule a fsck check on reboot?04:59
geoff918shado`_ I had no screen, so I used a ctl-alt-f1 and went through the log-in without any visual feedback. Then I followed it with the sudo shutdown -r now, password05:00
Tom1Jordan_U: ahh graphical sudo or whatever...thank you05:00
shado`_I try to stay away from terminal commands as much as possible05:00
Jordan_UTom1: You're welcome.05:00
shado`_Termianl goes way back to Unix05:01
geoff918shado`_ Well, I do know a few things around the CLI. That for one helps to ensure I don't go corrupting data because it forces the clean shutdown05:01
shado`_Terminal: my hands get ahead of me05:01
geoff918shado`_ Yes, well TBH my favorite OS is still DOS. Which is probably why I'm at home at the *nix CLI.05:01
shado`_what`s the CLi ?05:01
zcat[1]geoff918:  magic sysreq?05:02
geoff918Command Line Interface05:02
Tom1Jordan_U: and "sudo update-grub" after i modify anything in grub?05:02
anirudhrTom1, Yes.05:02
she_dyedgartral: shutdown -f -r now05:02
Jordan_UTom1: Yes.05:02
Tom1thank you05:02
geoff918shado`_ If you try to stay away from the CLI, you may not be *that* interested in openSUSE.05:03
shado`_oh Command Line Interface: I agree I liked most versions of dos: I have been using computers since 197305:03
shado`_why ?05:03
Jordan_UTom1: You're welcome.05:04
shado`_geoff: so open suse relies on terminal commands ?05:04
geoff918shado`_ Ubuntu is probably the distro that most wants to get entirely away from terminal commands. It's the easiest to switch over to, and has the best n00b support05:04
daddysmurfI have a multi-seat desktop. On one seat, I have the normal ubuntu/gnome setup. On the other, I have X/flux/mythtv. I just bought a remote control, I've installed lirc, and I want gnome to ignore the remote so I can have it directed to the mythtv X instance. I cannot figure out how to make gnome stop receiving events from the remote control. How can I do this?05:05
Tom1Jordan_U: so should the old ubuntu versions still work on my machine?05:05
shado`_yeh I know, but if I want to use CLI, I just cut and paste05:05
geoff918shado`_ Doesn't rely upon, no. You'll merely find yourself there more than you expect. Ubuntu--I have friends that NEVER go to terminal.05:05
blakkheimand then you have people like me who basically live in the terminal05:05
daddysmurfgeoff918: to have linux and not use cli is a tragedy05:05
shado`_exactly what I want, automatic software install so I can concentrate on work and fun05:06
Jordan_UTom1: You don't actually have the old version installed still, just the old version's kernel.05:06
shado`_Geoff: Ubuntu does that well05:06
ramksee when linux is running and i just close my laptop .... reopen again after a while.... linux doesnt repond... doesnt open the previous state or doenst shows me the login window.05:06
Jordan_UTom1: Though I may have minunderstood your question.05:06
geoff918Agreed. I love the CLI, too. But, I understand why some people avoid it. I try to offer advice *away* from the terminal whenever possible for newer users because it can be daunting05:06
ramkany idea on tht ?05:06
Tom1Jordan_U: no, that was what i was wondering, thank you05:06
shingengui requires too many steps to get stuff done... gui walkthroughs are best done in VoDs, not in text :)05:07
gartralhow do i force gedit to open a file as plain text, ignoring special chars so that it shows something, not just the "bwah! i don't understand this, i'm not opening it" error?05:07
shado`_Geoff: terminal is really for hard core programmers05:07
blakkheimshado`_: not really05:07
geoff918shado`_ No, no. I'm not a programmer at all.05:07
EeveeTrainer!hi | gartral05:07
shingenhard core users perhaps05:07
aboSamoorcan anyone help to make the volume indicator goes more than 100% from my Fn key ?05:07
prince_jammysyou want to turn it up to 11?05:08
gartralshado`_: no, terminal is for people who care to know what's actually going on in their system.05:08
shado`_ok enlighten me again05:08
aL3xshado`_: WTF05:08
blakkheimwell said gartral05:08
Jordan_UTom1: You're welcome.05:08
aL3x"terminal is only for hardcore pogrammers' HAHAHAHAHAHAHA05:08
Gnea!language | aL3x05:08
ubottuaL3x: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:08
gartralblakkheim: thank you. as a matter of fact, i'm in irssi, in terminal right now! :P05:09
blakkheimgartral: me too :305:09
aL3xlanguage? i didnt say anything05:09
geoff918shado`_ Honestly, I find a sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade -y to be much faster and more effective than the whole GUI update manager thing05:09
EeveeTrainer!welcome | eeveetrainer05:09
aboSamoorprince_jammys, I do not where is the problem ? but making it 100% is making the sound so low, so everytime I have to go to the sound preferences and raise to the max which is higher than 100%05:09
Scunizishado`_: terminal is for those who have recognized its power and speed to get some things done.  Even you can learn the basics.. It's not programming, but controlling your computer easier/faster than the gui will do for some tasks.05:09
shado`_I am logging all this05:09
GneaaL3x: we know what 'wtf' means, that doesn't hide it.05:10
EeveeTrainerhi, how do i make a rooted bin?05:10
aL3xGnea: seriously? you cant even abbreviate in here?05:10
GneaaL3x: seriously.05:10
gartralblakkheim: i.. could never get the hang of screen. i know how to use it, but i always end up loosing it between reconnects05:10
geoff918@aboSamoor are you talking about the main settings? I had an issue with earlier Ubuntu versions that required alsamixer to be adjusted at the CLI05:10
shado`_scunizi: ok05:10
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daddysmurfis wtf really a nogo?05:10
prince_jammysoh boy05:10
shingenlol, I see a kb coming05:10
wtf_my real name is wallace thomas ferguson :P05:11
Scuniziwtf_: that might get you bounced05:11
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gartralaL3x: please keep in mind this is an international english-speaking channel, abbreviations are primarily a Americanism05:11
geoff918huh, I didn't realize that acronyms were specific to America05:11
daddysmurfI guess that means to stick to the ever-favorite "wtfuzzies"05:12
gartralgeoff918: i said primarily, not specifically05:12
shado`_I thought wtf meant,,,,,,,Nevermind05:12
Tom1Jordan_U: the login screen remains frozen for 1-2 minutes sometimes...is there something else i should run to make sure everything was updated correctly?05:12
Jordan_UTom1: "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"05:12
geoff918Yes, nobody can destroy the English language quite as decisively as an American, I suppose. (I'm American)05:12
shado`_and a Canadian05:13
shado`_eh ?05:13
geoff918shado'_ What's that aboot?05:13
Gneaalexlea: alright then?05:13
Tom1Jordan_U: okay, it didn't change anything...is that a bad sign?05:13
shado`_u mean about ?05:13
IdleOne!ot | geoff918 shado`05:13
ubottugeoff918 shado`: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:13
Scunizigeoff918: try translating Frank Zappa lyrics to any other language.. near impossible without getting into american social interaction, historic references etc..05:13
geoff918Well, we are quite ethnocentric: Canadians actually *are* Americans (North America)05:14
shado`_ok ubottu05:14
aboSamoorgeoff918, yes,  I am talking that 100% in the sound volume is not the max and not even close05:14
alexleaGnea: no one appreciates my sense of humor :(05:14
daddysmurfgeoff918: that is not ok.05:14
geoff918@aboSamoor can you open a terminal window?05:15
daddysmurfthat's like calling a Tarheels fan a "person"05:15
Gneaalexlea: it's just misplaced, we're a support channel and take it quite seriously.05:15
Jordan_UTom1: It means that the problem probably isn't that you have an incomplete upgrade.05:15
aboSamoorgeoff918, yes, I am a linux user for long time ;)05:15
geoff918can you try the alsamixer route?05:15
alexleaGnea: well, my point i was tryng to make is *sometimes* abbreviations dont mean the same things for the same people05:15
Tom1Jordan_U: okay, i never noticed it with previous versions of ubuntu though05:16
alexleaGnea: i am all about following rules, usually...and now that i am aware i will not even use abbreviations in here...05:16
FloodBot1jerry: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:16
Gneaalexlea: which is quite offtopic. do you have an ubuntu-related question?05:16
Scunizi!cn | jerry05:16
ubottujerry: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:16
magicblaze0073helios-eclipse has not arrived on ubuntu?05:16
Gneaalexlea: that's cool05:16
alexleaGnea: i actually thought i was in #macosx when i saw the terminal comment05:16
alexleaGnea: but no, i have no quesitons...i am an answerer05:16
jerryplease speak chinese05:16
electrofreakI just realized my fresh ubuntu install did not see my DVD burners... neither of them. any ideas?05:17
aboSamoorgeoff918, alsamixer is still reaching the same 100% but not the max05:17
rwwjerry: /join #ubuntu-cn05:17
jerryi dont speak english05:17
Gneaalexlea: awesome05:17
Jordan_UTom1: If you log out and back in again does the login screen freeze the same way?05:17
jerryhow to make full screen?05:18
digital_838Why does Ubuntu download packages during installation?  Isn't everything on the CD?05:18
electrofreakdigital_838, for updates05:18
Tom1Jordan_U: yes, i tried it several times05:18
digital_838But I didn't check the option to download updates.05:18
Tom1Jordan_U: sometimes it's better though05:19
digital_838So why would it download them anyway?05:19
jerrydo you speak chinese  icant speak english05:19
electrofreakdigital_838, did you select to install non-free stuff? MP3, Flash player, etc...?05:19
Scunizidigital_838: if you're plugged into the net it will update some packages for you on install... you still need a full "update" after install to catch everything.05:19
digital_838Ok thanks.05:19
digital_838And last question... Is PulseAudio working ok for you guys?05:20
* Gnea doesn't use pulseaudio05:20
digital_838Ok thanks again05:20
jerryi don't understand05:20
Gneajerry: you need help in chinese?05:20
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:20
jerry i cant speak english05:21
digital_838I cannot play World of Warcraft anymore using Wine with whatever PulseAudio changes happened between 10.4 and 10.1005:21
JoeMaverickSett!cn | jerry05:21
ubottujerry: please see above05:21
Gneajerry: but you can speak chinese?05:21
digital_838The sound lasts about 30 seconds, starts stuttering and then just quits entirely.05:21
Gneajerry: okay, #ubuntu is English-only.05:21
digital_838Is there a #Wine channel?05:21
Gneajerry: #ubuntu-cn, #ubuntu-tw and #ubuntu-hk are chinese, depending on which area you prefer05:21
Gneadigital_838: #winehq05:21
Jordan_UTom1: When the login screen freezes can you even move the cursor?05:21
Gneajerry: does that make sense?05:22
beejeebushi, i'm having trouble getting virtualbox-3.2 running on maverick05:22
beejeebusbeejeebus: version 3.2.10 leads to the output in the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/yKPfxMGi05:22
beejeebusi'm using the virtualbox repository as per: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads05:22
Maahesdoes the "Make Startup Disk" option of creating a usb install allow you to choose the size of the swap partition?05:22
digital_838Gnea do you use Alsa instead of Pulse Audio?05:22
Gneadigital_838: yes05:22
Tom1Jordan_U: no, I can't hit enter either05:22
digital_838Gnea:  It's all stable and good even after removing PulseAudio?05:23
Gneadigital_838: on my systems, yes05:23
digital_838Cool thx.05:23
digital_838Appreciate the info Gnea05:23
Gneadigital_838: there are some soundcards that require pulseaudio for full use, though05:23
Scunizibeejeebus: looks like you have a bad dkms.conf file.. you might rename it and try the install again.. your paste/post shows the actual location of the file.05:23
beejeebusScunizi: thanks, i'll give that a whirl05:24
digital_838Gnea:  I could be wrong, but it seems to me that PulseAudio is lagging my whole system.  I get lots of messages in /Var/Logs/Messages and the system gets periods of sluggishness for a few seconds and then it just goes away.  Like I could type, and my input is being buffered and not displayed.  After a few seconds, everything catches up.  I want to see if this is PulseAudio causing this.05:25
digital_838So I'm going to try to remove it.05:25
grokgovpulseaudio has caused me a lot of issues as well...05:26
Gneadigital_838: unfortunately, pulseaudio hasn't been designed within ubuntu very well to do proper detection, it just blindly assumes that it will work05:26
MaahesAnyone? Ever made a USB install with the ubuntu disk?05:26
Gnea!usb | Maahes05:26
ubottuMaahes: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent05:26
digital_838Did they do something different in 10.10 with PulseAudio that they did in Lucid?  Could it just be a Kernel issue?05:27
Gneadigital_838: pulseaudio is a daemon, not a kernel module. it sits on top of alsa, basically05:28
Scunizidigital_838: I occationally get that "lag" with the computer on my 10.04 kubuntu install as well.. haven't had time to try figuring it out.05:28
Tom1Jordan_U: i just did a complete shutdown and the curse is still frozen at the login screen05:28
Scunizidigital_838: although it's not consistant.. I put my machine through a lot during the day..05:29
digital_838Same here05:29
Scunizidigital_838: my suspicion is the video driver.. I'm currently using the stock supplied nvidia driver from Hardware Manager.. it's not the most current driver available..05:30
digital_838Scunizi that seems like a likely suspect.05:30
digital_838I hate doing manual installs of the NVidia driver tho : (05:30
digital_838But I guess that's something to try too.  Thanks05:31
Scunizidigital_838: don't bother.. it's a real pain on 10.10 & 10.04.. there's a PPA with the latest on Launchpad that makes it a breeze05:31
Jordan_UTom1: Could you pastebin the output of "dmesg" and the contents of /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?05:31
apz_Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy-backports/universe/binary-powerpc/Packages.gz  404 Not Found [IP: 80]05:32
Tom1the output doesn't all fit in the terminal05:32
aidrocsidHow do i mark files as executable?05:33
blakkheimaidrocsid: man chmod05:33
apz_is edgy the only one with ppc?05:33
Scuniziaidrocsid: sudo chmod +x <file name>05:33
apz_just using it as a simple server :)05:33
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Tom1Jordan_U: here is the log file http://paste.ubuntu.com/520558/05:36
apz_any help?05:37
Tom1what would you like me to do about the terminal output?05:37
Jordan_Uapz_: No, there are current releases with PPC support, they're just not officially supported by Ubuntu/Canonical.05:37
hax0r1what's the name of ubuntu's 10.04 theme? Where can I find it?05:38
MaahesGnea: It didn't exactly answer the question I had though, which was: Does installing from ubuntu allow you to choose the size of the swap partition?05:38
ScuniziMaahes: only if you manually do the partitioning while in that section during install. Or by partitioning prior to install.05:39
daddysmurfhow can I tell aptitude/synaptic to not upgrade my kernel?05:39
gartralMaahes: yes, but you need to partition manually05:39
GneaMaahes: oh, you didn't ask that initially. yes, you can.05:39
MaahesGnea: I had, but about 20 lines above, I was referring to my previous question. It's cool ^_^05:40
Jordan_Uapz_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCDownloads05:40
GneaMaahes: cheers :)05:40
mustuGood Morning05:40
nullp0interi am trying to use pgrep click to find the pids of programs called clickxxxx but it isnt returning anything...any ideas?05:40
MaahesIt saves me a lot of time to be able to do it that way. Otherwise I'd have to go over to the windows machine I have admin rights on, download, and install that way, because the usb-creator utility requires admin rights for some reason05:41
billy_hi folks - where do i go to get the source code for mlocate?05:41
Scunizibilly_: you might find it on packages.ubuntu.com05:41
Gneabilly_: by using apt-get source05:42
Tom1Jordan_U: okay, i figured it out...here is the output from the terminal http://paste.ubuntu.com/520560/05:42
billy_thanks folks05:42
Gneabilly_: apt-get source mlocate05:42
neo__Hola a todos05:42
gartralMaahes: it requires elevated rights because it bypasses Windows' drive cacheing and directly writes to the usb stick (considered dangerous for some f-ed-up reason)05:42
OEPI'm working on restoring my grub2 (ubu 10.04) after a windows install... I've used the livecd method mentioned in the docs but I ended up with a grub prompt.. anyone else got a favorite method to do it?05:42
gartral!es | neo__05:42
ubottuneo__: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.05:42
eaerthdoes anyone have an acer in here?05:43
eaerthaspire 5100 to be specific - but all i'm wondering about are the etools quick keys on the keyboard.05:43
Gneaeaerth: that's not going to get you far... you're better off just stating the problem and make/model #05:43
eaerthGnea: it's not necessarily a problem so much as an inquiry... i can't seem to find it searching the net.05:44
rbnicknejnullp0inter, 'pgrep click' should return what you're after. if it returns nothing, there are no running copies of that/those programs05:44
eaerthi'm just wondering if it's possible to hotkey acer's quick keys in ubuntu?05:44
Scunizieaerth: try the live cd and see if they work05:45
nullp0interrbnicknej: i needed pgrep -f ...thanks though!05:45
eaerthScunizi: sorry, try the live cd to check if there is a driver for it orrr?05:45
Gneaeaerth: etools quick keys?05:45
eaerthGnea: yes05:45
Scunizieaerth: oh.. you looking for a driver ? to make the keys active?05:45
Jordan_UTom1: I don't have any ideas at the moment.05:46
Gneaeaerth: I'm not following.... you want to make inactive keys active?05:46
eaerthi know it's an acer/windows thing but i was thinking maybe it could be made compatible with ubuntu? 'S05:46
Tom1Jordan_U: no problem, it's getting pretty late here05:46
eaerthScunizi: yessss05:46
Tom1Jordan_U: thank you so much for your help the past few days though05:46
eaerthGnea: yessir.05:46
Gnea!keys | eaerth05:46
ubottueaerth: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts05:46
Gneaeaerth: get keytouch05:46
jukis there anything to check for backdoors05:46
Scunizieaerth: these are "special" keys on your computer?  You might find they work out of the box.. try the live cd.. otherwise you can alway try mapping them with keytouch05:47
Tom1Jordan_U: you saved me a ton of time and software installation headaches05:47
Jordan_UTom1: You're welcome.05:47
eaerthGnea, Scunizi, yeah, i have to map them but i can't fgure out what keymap to use from the provided ones, simply Acer Laptop mayhap?05:47
Gneaeaerth: no idea05:48
Scunizieaerth: typically the keyboard is autodiscovered on install or when running the live cd.. mapping with keytouch is after all that.05:49
eaerthGnea, Scunizi - thanks guys, i'm checking out keytouch right now, hopefully it works! :D05:49
eaerthbasically want to hotkey a toggle for compiz/metacity because for some reason compiz is giving me a black screen from time to time... maybe taking too mch cpu perhaps? i don't know... i can't figure out what's causing it but i'm hoping this toggle will at least get me out of the black screen without having to shut down every time.05:50
Scunizieaerth: ah.. you could use .bash_aliases to put the command in.. when it black screens ctrl+alt+F2 login and then issue the command you associate with the alias.. ctrl+alt+F7 back to gui05:52
infidtrying to wine a .exe and it says to 'install the windows version of mono to use .NET' what should i do?05:52
katronixserfinstall mono05:53
prabhahi all05:53
eaerthScunizi: that's the thing though, i think compiz takes over the whole screen so even when i try bringing up terminal it stays black... but some process still work because i can still shut down properly...05:54
prabhawhen i try creating the base image of Windows 2003 server with qemu-kvm. the windows machine boots again and agin with the setup files05:54
Scunizieaerth: go direct to a tty with ctrl+alt+f2 .. might lag a bit to get there.. but it should get there.05:55
infidkatronixserf: how though? in wine? normally, what?05:56
katronixserfnormally, windows doesn't use mono05:56
Scuniziprabha: you doing that direct from the cd or did you create an iso from the cd?05:56
MagusOTB_how do I install the oracle JRE?05:56
ScuniziMagusOTB_: sudo apt-get install sun-java-jre05:57
MagusOTBScunizi: thanks05:57
prabhai m doing from iso05:57
eaerthScunizi: alright, i'll try that too... thanks man.05:57
prabhakvm -m 1024 -cdrom /root/windows-server.iso -drive file=windownew.img,if=scsi,boot=off -nographic -vnc :105:57
prabhai m using this command05:58
Scuniziprabha: perhaps a bad iso.. sorry I really don't have any idea.. perhaps there's a qemu channel.05:58
allairehow can I check under what user apache is running? I'm on ubuntu 10.0405:58
ajay_me using too05:58
prabhai can view in the vnc viewer05:58
ajay_on Xampp05:58
MagusOTBScunii: no such package...05:58
prabhabut it keeps on coming to setup file05:58
Scuniziallaire: it runs under www-data I believe05:58
obs3rv3rallaire: Yes it runs under www-data in Ubuntu.05:58
ScuniziMagusOTB: use synaptic package manager and enable the partners repository.. refresh.. search for sun-java.. should be there.05:59
allaireso for upload directory or logs directory, I should chown it to that user?05:59
allaireinstead of using chmod 77705:59
Scuniziallaire: you tring to install joomla or something?05:59
obs3rv3rallaire: Yes the uploads directory if has write permissions to that user should suffice.06:00
Scuniziallaire: then yes.. chown for that user.06:00
SorayaHi Guys in my updates configurations i have a option for maverick look  http://imagebin.org/120463 im using 10.4 lucid06:01
allairebut if I chown it to that specific user, I wont be able to upload anything in it via my sftp no?06:01
MagusOTBScunizi: for future reference, it's sun-java6-jre06:01
Sorayacan i install updates from maverick ?06:01
Sorayain my 10.4 vertion06:01
ScuniziMagusOTB: I knew I missed something.. glad you found it.06:01
Jordan_USoraya: No.06:01
MagusOTBSoraya: it's not a question of CAN, it's a question of SHOULD, and the answer is no.06:02
Sorayaok,too bad :(06:02
eaerthSoraya: well good morninggg06:02
=== jeff_ is now known as Guest2051
Guest2051I added a user to the admin group but the user can't sudo su to root, anyone know why?06:03
prabhawhen i m trying to create a base image of windows 2003 server,the windows boot with the setup files again and again06:03
Jordan_U!root | Guest205106:03
ubottuGuest2051: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo06:03
=== dtcummin_away is now known as dtcummin
dr0idhow to get rid of chat logs ?06:03
dr0idon skype06:04
gartralGuest2051: you didn't add them to the sudoers file, did ya?06:04
Guest2051gartral, i used visudo06:04
ScuniziGuest2051: sudo is normal.. sometimes you have to have extended root access to install something.. sudo -i will get you to the same place you expected with sudo su.. but correctly.06:04
Guest2051Scunizi, sudo -i does not work.. I can sudo su to root using the user I used to install ubuntu, how do I duplicate this functionality with a new user?06:06
gartralGuest2051: SUDOERS file06:06
gartralGuest2051: man sudo06:06
ScuniziGuest2051: sorry above my paygrade.. gartral might have the answer06:07
Guest2051gartral, i'm very familiar w/ sudoers, it has this line "%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL" and the user in question is in the admin group (via /etc/groups)06:07
Jordan_UGuest2051: Can you pastebin your /etc/sudoers and the output of "groups" as one of the users that can't use sudo?06:07
jamescar1hmmm.. my mousepad doesnt work :(06:07
_jesse_dr0id: they are in ~/.Skype/06:09
dr0idin chatsync folder?06:10
_jesse_dr0id: nah under your username06:10
_jesse_dr0id: .Skype/USERNAME/*.dbb06:10
Guest2051Jordan_U, paste bin: http://dpaste.com/264767/  ... i want the adfrontiers user to have sudo su - access just like the brett user has.06:10
dr0id_jesse_: quite a few .dbb files06:11
dr0idbut lesser than the people to whome I talk lol :P06:11
_jesse_dr0id: hmm, well that's where they all are stored06:12
dr0id_jesse_: I got 88contacts but only 22 dbb file, so are you sure again ?06:13
NerwenGreenI'm trying out Ubuntu using the live CD (10.04.1). I tried to mount a flash drive using sudo, but it tells me I need a password? What's the password to user ubuntu?06:13
ScuniziNerwenGreen: hit enter06:14
NerwenGreenwhen I did that, it told me "ubuntu is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported."06:14
_jesse_dr0id: I believe that the chats are logged in the same file06:14
_jesse_dr0id: chatmsg256.dbb e.g. could have many chats06:15
dr0idhow can I open them ?06:15
dr0idsay in gedit/kate ?06:15
Jordan_UGuest2051: What is the exact error from sudo, and could you please actually pastebin the output of "groups" as user adfrontiers?06:15
_jesse_dr0id: no they are in some byte format06:16
dr0idalso along with me, my partner remains online on this account, so when he is offline and say I am talking to somebody, then he comes online, can he see those chat logs?06:16
_jesse_dr0id: I believe skype has a way to view them06:16
_jesse_dr0id: on seperate computers?06:16
gartraldr0id: yes, skype stores all logs on their servers.. there's not really a way to get them off06:17
_jesse_dr0id: I'm not sure06:17
xsylonsomeone speaks Romanian?06:17
xsylonsomeone speaks Romanian?06:17
_jesse_try asking #skype06:17
dr0idgartral: issh :(06:17
gartraldr0id: case in point: don't use skype.. ever06:17
xsylonvorbeste careva romana?06:18
xsylonvorbeste careva romana?06:18
xsylonvorbeste careva romana?06:18
FloodBot1xsylon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:18
_jesse_gartral: are you sure the logs are stored centrally? I'm having trouble finding that in the docs06:18
dr0idgartral: #skype says it's stored in the computer :)06:19
dr0id_jesse_: also #skype has only 3 buds :P06:19
Jordan_UGuest2051: I know it may seem pointless, but since your /etc/group looks fine and it sounds like your /etc/sudoers is correct as well it means there's something we're missing, so it helps to just confirm that the user is in the group as expected.06:20
pranay_09hi, could anyone please tell me a good software for karoke in ubuntu, i installed pykaroke but it's not working06:21
Guest2051Jordan_U, the missing part is I was entering in the wrong password, I changed the password and now it works. Thanks06:21
Jordan_UGuest2051: You're welcome.06:22
_jesse_dr0id: I'm thinking the logs aren't stored centrally, but you could test it empircally06:22
ramkhow to install openSSL06:22
Guest2051so yeah i am gonna work for google rite, but I get stumped with the wrong password.. I amaze myself06:23
obs3rv3rramk: search for it on the synaptic package manager.06:23
ramkoh ok06:23
Pr3nt1c3I'm having trouble getting a morse-code training program (morse) working:  errors are -> a) I don't appear to have access to the speaker from the terminal, and b) I don't have perms to use /dev/console (chmod a+w)06:23
voidmageis ubuntu-mozilla-security still the right ppa for firefox 4.0? it's showing up as empty on launchpad06:23
ScuniziPr3nt1c3: there's an ubuntu ham channel.. I think it's #ubuntu-ham.. there's also a Ham group on Launchpad and it might have reference for the right channel.06:25
coz_Pr3nt1c3,   did you see this?   http://www.cydeweys.com/blog/2008/06/23/learn-morse-code-in-linux/06:25
gartralPr3nt1c3: are you sure your trying to use the right sound server?06:26
Pr3nt1c3actually, I was browsing catb.org, and noticed the prog... so I ran an apt-get06:26
Pr3nt1c3I can now run it, but no sound06:26
hariomHi, is there any way to know the origin country of a file?06:26
Pr3nt1c3gartral, not sure... I have 10.10, and ALSA running... and there's no option in terminal - profile prefs to choose sound server06:27
Jordan_Uhariom: The most likely anser is no, but what type of file?06:28
Pr3nt1c3gartral, and there's no option in morse to select sound server06:29
NerwenGreenWhat's the password for user ubuntu to use sudo from a 10.04.1 live CD? Hitting enter just gets me "ubuntu is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported."06:29
neitengeukerNerwenGreen: the password is 123406:29
hariomJordan_U: It is an open office file06:29
hariomExcel file06:30
coz_Pr3nt1c3,   in terminal if you do   morse -i  does it report a permission problem?06:30
NerwenGreenneitengeuker: it says "sorry, try again"06:30
Pr3nt1c3coz_, not any more, I fixed the perms06:31
Pr3nt1c3now it's just sound06:31
pseudomorphHey folks, I have an issue with Banshee's output volume compared to other apps (Rythmbox, Mplayer etc). While all the other app output vol's are about the same Banshee is _really_ quiet, even with the internal slider up at 100%. Ubuntu 10.04 & Banshee 1.8 from thePPA. Any ideas?06:31
flaccidwhats the password to the ubuntu user on the desktop cd? screen is locked and is asking for pass06:32
coz_Pr3nt1c3,   mm same here  actually    have you tried    aldo    sudo apt-get install aldo   although i would reach about it first06:32
Pr3nt1c3hmm, no I haven't coz_06:32
_jesse_flaccid: just leave it blank06:32
flaccid_jesse_: it says authentication failure06:33
_jesse_then something went wrong06:33
_jesse_it's just the normal live CD ?06:33
=== Schoentoon_ is now known as Schoentoon
Pr3nt1c3afk: if anyone knows how to get speakers working for morse from terminal, let me know (I've already enabled systm speaker, and a sound theme from alsa prefs)06:34
coz_Pr3nt1c3,   here is alist of  possible trainers   http://blog.mypapit.net/2007/06/morse-code-training-application-on-ubuntu-linux.html    here is aldo's homepage   http://www.nongnu.org/aldo/     and this is the link I gave before for morse    http://www.nongnu.org/aldo/06:34
flaccid_jesse_: yes desktop 10.10 cd06:34
_jesse_flaccid: hrm06:34
_jesse_flaccid: try rebooting it06:34
goltoof_so there's vim tutor... are there any other console tutors like that for say python? php? shell?06:35
coz_Pr3nt1c3,  did you open a terminal and type  alsamixer   and take a look at the sliders to see if volume is down or muted?06:36
ramkobs3rv3r: how to login to synaptic package manager as administrator06:38
brokendatapointhi all, how would i look for a sound process that is making an unusual sound effect at seemingly random times?06:38
rocket16Is it possible to implement the functionality in Nautilus, by virtue of which Dolphin is able to play Videos without opening them (in the sidebar)?06:39
rocket16ramk: Well, whenever you open it, it asks for the password and you're logged in as the root.06:39
ramkits doesnt ask me for my password06:40
obs3rv3rramk: System>Adminstration>synaptic package manager .... give a password.06:40
ramkit jus opens06:40
coz_ramk,  did you open it within the last few minutes of having opened it?06:40
rocket16ramk: Then whenever you make changed, it will ask you the password.06:40
ramkits not asking06:40
rocket16* changes06:41
rocket16coz_ os right, sometimes root privileges remain for 10 minutes (sudo/gksudo).06:41
obs3rv3rrocket16: true .06:41
obs3rv3rrocket16: 5 minutes I guess .06:41
Jordan_Uhariom: While I wouldn't rule out the possibility I wouldn't know specifically to go about it. Some information that I wouldn't be surprised to see in an Excel file would be the time zone (for dates) and the local currency symbol. The codepage would certainly be in the Exel file, but these days that will almost always be UTF8 no matter what country it's from.06:41
rocket16obs3rv3r: Indeed, I am not sure regarding the duration.06:42
coz_rocket16,  does dolphin allow mouse over video?  is that what you meant?06:42
coz_i doubt it though06:42
rocket16coz_: Actually, whenever you select the video, you get a small display in the right, on the sidebar (video preview). And you get small buttons like 'Play', 'Pause', 'Stop' and so on. When one clicks on 'Play', it starts playing on the preview window.06:43
rocket16coz_: It uses Phonon.06:44
rocket16Hi hgh06:44
coz_ramk,   if you open synaptic  once   the system will hold onto your password for several minutes until it is released  so when you re open synaptic it will NOT ask for password   I am not sure of the current  password  time limit on maverick06:44
coz_rocket16,  ah ok06:44
=== ubuntu is now known as OEP
hghhey can someone help me with some c++ programing ?06:44
hghhi rocket1606:45
coz_rocket16,  I am not sure there is a nautilus "video prview"  for side panel ...that one you may have to google  for a bit :)06:45
coz_rocket16,  unless , of course someone here knows :)06:45
hghi cannot get this to run , http://pastebin.com/nAT9qg8N06:45
ramkwhen i closed and opened it again06:45
TheSargeCan you dist-upgrade to amd64 from i386?06:45
ramkits still not asking06:45
rocket16coz_: Indeed, I tried the same, and the results are negative. :D06:45
coz_ramk,   right  then you will not get a password prompt06:45
rocket16coz_: Still, thanks for the help. :)06:45
hghi am really new to this  cpp06:45
OEPI'm  failing really bad at recovering grub2 after a windows install; has anyone had any luck with this?06:45
Maaheswhat's the command to see what running processes are using a particular resource?06:46
rocket16hgh: I believe ##C++ will help.06:46
OEPMaahes: lsof I think06:46
coz_rocket16,  sorry I have searched and tried various optons for  even mouse over video preview  and none out there ..at least none that seem to work well06:46
ramkwhere i can set that wen everytime i  open synaptic06:46
ramki want prompt06:46
hghi tried that channel , but i cannot ##c++ Cannot send to channel06:46
TheSargeAnyone? Dist-upgrade from i386 to amd64?06:46
rocket16hgh: Then ##C++-basic will be better06:47
galoisfieldMaahes: type top06:47
coz_ramk,  that one I am not sure of... it is set  systemically to hold on to the password for a few minutes  ...maybe less...06:47
ramksome command to set the pref i believe06:47
gurpreetMaahes, if you meant a file then look up lsof06:47
ramklet me go a round for it06:47
Maahesgaloisfield: nono, what I mean is. I have a volume I can't unmount because something is using something in it. I want to find out what is using the volume and kill it.06:47
ramksometimes im confuzed which level im in for that app in linux06:48
ramksometimes i need super user06:48
OEPMaahes: wild guess, but lsof /dev/* ?06:48
ramkelse sometime it doenst care06:48
krishnanduOEP, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows06:48
TheSargeDying distro I guess everyone went to Ubuntu?06:48
rocket16ramk: In a terminal, type ""gksudo --description /usr/share/applications/synaptic.desktop /usr/sbin/synaptic". If it asks for password, it's ok. Or else, you're already using it as the root.06:48
galoisfieldMaahes: then lsof shud work i thnk..06:48
coz_rank  its not that it doesnt care...it is simply holding onto the password  for a minute or so ...it will expire06:49
OEPkrishnandu: yeah I am reading that... I've followed the standard grub-install method and got different results each time06:49
rocket16ramk: Without the quotes certainly.06:49
_jesse_TheSarge: that sounds like a bad idea; I'd just wipe and start from scratch06:49
krishnanduOEP, Ohh...I followed that and I succeeded06:49
OEPkrishnandu: hah, I must have something special going on. out of curiosity, what was your partition setup like?06:50
ramkrocket16: it didnt ask still06:50
TheSarge_jesse_: Eh the wireless sucks to setup though06:50
ramkim really confuzed more now06:50
krishnanduOEP, / and swap06:51
rocket16ramk: Then you're already the root. No need to worry, you are just having the sudo privileges.06:51
roberto_ola galera06:51
_jesse_TheSarge: ah, well switching to 64bit would more than likely use different wifi drivers anyway if that's what you are referring to?06:51
ramki dont want to be in as root06:51
krishnanduOEP, Windows - NTFS-Data-/-swap-arch06:51
TheSarge_jesse_: ouch I didn't think of that06:51
ramki want to see my privileges? where can i ?06:51
obs3rv3rramk group06:52
=== krishnandu is now known as Krishnandu
OEPkrishnandu: ok. I have windows on sda1 with boot there, /, /home, and swap all on sdb. I've since merged /boot and /06:52
OEPI really miss Old Grub :(06:52
coz_ramk,   when I open synaptic for the first time it asks  for password,,, then I close synaptic .. shortly afterwards I open synaptic again because i want to install something else...but it will not ask for password  again  since the password did not expire from when I just opened it06:52
hghslackware irc ?anyone ?06:53
KrishnanduOEP, Then I think you must install grub2 in sdb. Not sure.06:53
wcchandlerCould it be possible to select different software to be installed on Ubuntu before installation?  My problem is that I want to install an entire system, not a live system on a 2GB thumb drive06:53
_jesse_TheSarge: run the 64bit live cd just to see; perhaps you'll be lucky and it'll work out of the box06:53
ramkcoz: i understood what u said.... all im asking is where i can defer it . i want it to ask everytime the password06:53
coz_maybe there is a way to  disable the time for password expiration06:53
Krishnanduhgh, ##slackware06:53
ramki dont want it to store the pass06:53
OEPKrishnandu: well that's the drive which it overwrites the MBR right? I put it in sda, and it booted, but I only got a grub prompt with no OS choices...06:53
OEPnow I get the error [some-UUID]: device not found06:54
coz_ramk,   mm   well I believe that would be stored in  /etc/shadow06:54
coz_ramk,  let me check06:55
KrishnanduOEP, Well...that means the drive is not there.06:55
neitengeukerhemp is stored in /etc/weed06:55
obs3rv3rramk: are you in the roots group ?06:55
ramkdont know06:55
OEPKrishnandu: hehe, ok I just installed grub to sdb's MBR so let's see what happens06:56
_jesse_ramk: `sudo visudo` and add the line Defaultstimestamp_timeout = 006:56
obs3rv3rneitengeuker:  a bad thing I cannot smoke up my hemp tee and get high :)06:56
KrishnanduOEP, :)06:56
_jesse_ramk: that will tell it not to cache06:56
suncityi have   problem  my ubuntu desktop06:56
_jesse_ramk: should be Defaults     timestamp_timeout = 006:56
_jesse_with spaces06:56
_jesse_or tabs or whatever06:56
ramkcool will try..... i can reset it back too right06:56
_jesse_ramk: yeah just remove or comment that line06:56
OEP(To whom I was talking to before): The result was it booted to hda anyway and got sad it couldn't find the device06:58
pawpawhi all. Anyone knows how to install windows from USB by creating the bootable usb windows installation image on Ubuntu only?06:59
KrishnanduOEP, which device sda or sdb??07:00
KrishnanduOEP, sorry, hda or hdb??07:00
OEPKrishnandu: sorry, sda07:00
OEPoh that it couldn't find some UUID which probably doesn't exist anymore07:00
OEPor perhaps a UUID which was located on the other disk that it didn't know about07:01
KrishnanduOEP, no idea :(07:01
OEPhehe I'm going to swap them out and see if I can force windows to like being on SATA207:01
KrishnanduOEP, Did you tried ubuntuforums??07:02
ramk_jesse_: tried it but when i save it asks for save under different name and saved and sudoers.tmp not changed07:02
OEPKrishnandu: nope I have not yet07:03
ramkneed to overwrite the sudoers.tmp07:03
barberanHi. I need some RADIUS solution on my ubuntu server07:03
OEPswapping the hard drives has it boot to the other hard drive and gives me a functional grub prompt :P07:04
KrishnanduOEP, Well, then try it if no one is able to answer here..07:04
_jesse_ramk: it asks to be saved under a different name? hmm let me see07:04
OEPKrishnandu: I will try it out before turning in for the night, thanks :)07:05
KrishnanduOEP, :)07:05
_jesse_ramk: works for me fine07:05
_jesse_ramk: what is the exact message it gives you?07:06
Pr3nt1c3coz_, I did, they're all up @ full volume, system beep is on, and my sound theme is standard ubu07:06
coz_Pr3nt1c3,   oh!  mm I am not at all familiar with morese   altho   aldo works here .. i installed both to test07:06
ramki opened .tmp ... pasted the line.... saved.... File Name to Write: /etc/sudoers.tmp07:07
safetynetIs there a channel for Ubuntu begginers?07:07
coz_Pr3nt1c3,   here I cant get morese to use speaker  or sound card   aldo does07:07
ramk_jesse_: what i give for the file name07:07
_jesse_ramk: no, you shouldn't edit the file directly07:07
_jesse_ramk: do `sudo visudo`07:07
_jesse_to edit the file07:07
ramki did thro sudo visudo07:08
_jesse_what editor does it use?07:08
ubottuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.07:08
deepakkis there any test chatroom where i can try out irc commands07:08
=== deepakk is now known as dkannan
ramkgnu nano07:08
LOLPIEdoes anyone here know c++07:08
_jesse_dkannan: you realize you can just join a channel that doesn't exists and it will create it yes?07:08
ramk_jesse_: gnu nano07:09
Krishnandudkannan, Join any channel say your name #dkannan and try them out so no-one gets disturbed07:09
_jesse_ramk: gotcha, and when you go to save it prompts for the filename, and then what happens if you try to save it to that file?07:09
tgiesanyone know off the top of their head the name of the actual binary for the gnome "appearance" applet07:09
ramkbut how i gave same path /etc/sudoers.tmp07:10
ramki thro error07:10
Pr3nt1c3yeah, but I can't use aldo to take input directly from input / keyboard... only random, or file.07:10
coz_tgies,   do you mean  gnome-appearance-properties07:10
dkannan_jesse_: thx never thought of that. duh07:10
tgiesyes, thank you07:10
ramkbut how i gave same p07:10
ramk_jesse_: it comes back silently to the same line07:10
coz_ramk,   this is a link that expains what _jesse_  is trying to tell you  http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/how-to-change-sudo-password-time-out-in.html07:11
_jesse_ramk: what error message does it give you?07:12
ramk>>> /etc/sudoers: syntax error near line 28 <<<07:13
neitengeukeri am looking for  a girl with some ubuntu knowledge for special hours behind the screen07:13
flaccidaren't we all07:13
coz_neitengeuker,  wow thats interesting  but go to #ubuntu-offtopic07:13
coz_neitengeuker,  and good luck :)07:14
dkannanKrishnandu: how does that work, if my name has a hash in the beginning am i invisble?07:14
_jesse_ramk: you are probably pasting the wrong line, copy/paste Defaults         timestamp_timeout = 007:15
_jesse_make sure that all ends up on one line07:15
neitengeukeryour name sounds klingon07:15
Krishnandu!offtopic | dkannan07:15
ubottudkannan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:15
Krishnandudkannan, Come thr07:15
ramki pasted ...... Defaults timestamp_timeout = 007:16
ramkall in one line07:16
_jesse_ramk: it should look like this: http://pastebin.com/JTYSA42g07:17
_jesse_note line 907:17
ramkit worked07:20
ramki pasted it as the line line07:20
ramkthx jesse and coz07:20
ramki wonder whats wrong with pasting the line as the last line07:21
MonthOLDpicklewhats the difference between xchat and xchat-gnome?07:21
ramkany syntax based??07:21
Jordan_UOEP: So at this point Ubuntu is booting but you can't boot windows?07:21
voidmagei've installed firefox 4.0 from ubuntu-mozilla daily and it's not detecting my flash plugin, what steps do i need to do to fix this?07:22
_jesse_ramk: hmm not sure, wouldn't think it would matter07:22
ramk_jesse_: makes me wonder and will be on my task list to understand07:23
_jesse_ramk: :)07:23
kazooIs there anyway to stop Ubuntu from locking when i am not using it07:23
kazoooh and i'm on Ubuntu 10.1007:24
suncityOh  i am  on ubuntu 10.1007:24
suncitywho use 10.10?07:24
ramk_jesse_: are u always log in to thiss channel.... if so i am a beginner i want to pester some one to understand ....07:25
ramkif so i want to pester u :)07:25
suncitycan  i use android  theme  on ubuntu 10.10?07:27
suncitycan  i use android  theme  on ubuntu 10.10?07:27
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obs3rv3rsuncity: if there is ... why would you not ?07:27
suncitycan  i use android  theme  on ubuntu 10.10? who have that  theme?07:27
adzyHi All!07:28
_jesse_ramk: I am usually, but I would hardly consider myself anything more than a novice ;)07:28
kazooIs there anyway to stop Ubuntu from locking when i am not using it?07:28
celtiberoCan anybody help me, please?07:28
celtiberoMy Ubuntu is behaving very strange!07:28
kazooI tried to go to battery but there's "Do Nothing"07:28
_jesse_!ask | celtibero07:28
ramk_jesse_: then i dont exist :)07:28
ubottuceltibero: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:28
kazoono *07:28
suncitywho have  android  theme  or  Ubuntu 10.10?07:29
obs3rv3rkazoo: check on screen saver.07:29
_jesse_ramk: :P07:29
suncitywho have  android  theme  for  Ubuntu 10.10?07:29
obs3rv3r!flood > suncity07:29
ubottusuncity, please see my private message07:29
celtibero_jesse_ The problem comes whenever I try to make Jack and pulseaudio work together. If I uninstall PulseAudio, I have to manually type "startx" to go into the graphical interface.07:30
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ramk_jesse_: i can pester u then.... i want to be born....07:31
ranjanHi all,07:31
kazoothank-you obs3rv3r07:31
ranjani am trying to compile the indicator-me in fedora, and got a dependency problem for indicator >= 0.3.14. Where can i get the indicator package specified there?07:32
bazhangranjan, try #fedora this is ubuntu support07:32
Karen_mif you have an array ref,   my $aref = func();  is there a way to set it as a normal array without an additional  line?   my (@{$ref}) = func();  or something?07:32
MonthOLDpickleGuys I am having issues with panes going off the screen mainly the buttons where you would hit okay or cancel..like trying to set up mail07:32
MonthOLDpickleIts due to my resolution and screen size07:32
ranjanbazhang, ok, but you might be knowing about the packages no?07:32
bazhangranjan, no, its nothing to do with ubuntu support, ##linux or #fedora07:33
MonthOLDpickleanybody know a fix?07:33
ranjanbazhang, k07:33
obs3rv3rMonthOLDpickle: screen resolution if you were using another display unit along with your system.07:34
MonthOLDpickleNo default07:34
MonthOLDpicklefresh install07:34
Jordan_UMonthOLDpickle: Hold alt and click+drag the window past the top of the screen.07:34
MonthOLDpickle8.9 screen at 1024x80007:34
NOMADICUSIt seems to me that #debian is currently not accessible.  Is anyone else able to get to it, or is it just something misconfigured on my end?07:34
_jesse_NOMADICUS: I joined it fine07:35
coz_NOMADICUS,   I can get into #debian from here07:35
bazhangNOMADICUS, its set +r so you need to register07:35
mal10cNOMADICUS: I can get into #debian07:35
_jesse_NOMADICUS: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup07:35
bazhang!register | NOMADICUS07:35
ubottuNOMADICUS: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode07:35
MonthOLDpickleJordan_U, Holding alt and clicking has no effect07:35
bazhangMonthOLDpickle, alt and drag07:36
Balsaqneed help pulse audio bug?07:36
faryshtaI hibernated my machine and then had to reboot manually when it didn't responded. The problem is that my audio isn't working now.07:36
NOMADICUS_jesse_: bazhang: faryshta: mal10c: _jesse_: bazhang: Ok, thanks!07:36
celtiberoHello again07:36
Balsaqscreen goes black flashes07:36
Balsaqreboot and its ok for awhile07:36
Balsaqsays something about pulse audio07:36
celtibero_jesse_ I've lost my Ubuntu loading screen...07:37
faryshtaBalsaq you talking to me?07:37
Jordan_UMonthOLDpickle: You dragged the mouse?07:37
Balsaqanyone who can help07:37
Balsaqmust be  hell of a bug in 100407:37
celtibero_jesse_ Also, whenever I try to initiate the Jack server, it just doesn't work...07:37
Balsaqanyone know of a fix07:37
faryshtaWhich is your problem?07:37
_jesse_celtibero: :/ I don't know anything about Jack07:37
celtibero_jesse_ It's pulseaudio's fault...07:37
Balsaqscreen goes black after an hour07:38
celtibero_jesse_ Do you know anyone who does?07:38
Krishnandu!patient | Balsaq07:38
_jesse_or much about pulseaudio for that matter07:38
_jesse_not offhand07:38
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions07:38
coz_celtibero,   you might want to try   #pulseaudio channel07:38
Krishnandu!flood | Balsaq07:39
ubottuBalsaq: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:39
timany ideas where I can learn bulgarian free with ubuntu?? I have been on a very unsuccessful hunt07:39
Balsaqno thanks but i appreciate the offer07:39
calamityHey all, I'm having issues with gnomad2. when I plug in my Zen Mozaic in, mtp doesn't detect the device.07:40
calamityI can access it through nautilus though. :\07:40
celtiberocoz__ Thank you very much07:40
Krishnandu!cn | v_v07:41
ubottuv_v: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:41
MonthOLDpicklethanks guys07:43
ylmfhello everybody.07:44
juk_i purged apache why 80 still open?07:46
calamityHey all, I'm having issues with gnomad2. when I plug in my Zen Mozaic in, mtp doesn't detect the device.07:46
lallu_which is best email client for ubuntu07:46
coz_calamity,   I have no experience with that ...sorry07:46
Euawhat's wrong?07:47
kisukeanyone know of a good compressed FS?07:49
lacrymologydoes anyone know what boulloncube is?07:50
lacrymologygoogle doesn't appear to07:50
kisukeEua: nihon'go?07:50
lacrymologykisuke: that's chinese07:51
gschwepp!cn | Eua07:51
ubottuEua: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:51
Jordan_Ukisuke: btrfs may be an option, what's your use case?07:52
kisukelacrymology: cant always tell the differnce beteween that and japanesse so i asked (rather ctudly) if it was japanesse07:52
biansteri've got named running on an intranet that resolves internal DNS and was working properly until I changed the zone file by deleting some entries that I wanted to handled by a public DNS. The problem is that all the private domain names don't get resolved while the public ones are07:52
kisukeJordan_U: an external HDD, that used as a backup/sneakernet storage device07:53
biansterI realised after editing and restarting bind9 that the zone serial wasn't updated. But I'm still getting the problem after incrementing the serial and restarting bind907:54
faryshtaI hibernated my machine and then had to reboot manually when it didn't responded. The problem is that my audio isn't working now.07:55
lacrymologyok, so different question: does anyone know how to make a bootable USB pen from some linux image (puredyne) without using the startup disc creator tool? because it failed with a "bad OS identification string: GNU/Linux" error message, and puredyne's method which includes a script of their own seems to lock up my machine completely (which I didn't think was possible on linux)07:56
EuaSome would say Chinese?07:58
blakkheim!cn | Eua07:59
ubottuEua: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:59
dw-just when I thought I found a nice photo app in f-spot I get crashes in 10.10/64 :)  http://paste.ubuntu.com/520618/07:59
Bridge|ok so i know how to find/use on-screen keyboard for login, but once i'm logged into ubuntu 10.04 where do i find the onsreeen keyboard?07:59
faryshtaAti audio problems. What to do?08:00
dw-Bridge|: I figured it out. alt-f2 -> onboard08:00
Bridge|ah i dont have a keyboard!!08:00
dw-Bridge|: haha08:00
Bridge|i tried assitive technologies and tits not under there08:01
dw-Bridge|: load a terminal and copy/paste some letters rofl08:01
Bridge|in the system==>prefs08:01
kisukefaryshta: does your card have restricted drivers?08:01
Bridge|so i have no idea where to look08:01
coz_Bridge|,   there is a virtual keyboard I know of that I install on occasion... I dont know if it can be called for login however  and there is one on maverick let me find it08:02
K-RichHi all, Empathy seems to be lacking in IRC support, can someone suggest a good alternative?08:02
dw-theres one called onboardl oad a terminal and copy/paste this: onboard08:02
Jordan_Ukisuke: compFUSEd is an option.08:02
kisukeK-Rich: xchat, used to e included with ubuntu, and its solid08:02
coz_Bridge|,   go to system/preferences/main menu08:02
Bridge|naw i'm basically look for a mopuse only way to get to the onboard keyboard theat u can use on ubuntu login by default08:02
blakkheimK-Rich: irssi08:02
kisukeJordan_U: any place you are pulling from?08:03
dw-Bridge|: add 'onboard' to your login script ?08:03
celtiberoI need help with pulseaudio and jack, please...08:03
coz_Bridge|,   in the left column click   "Universal Access"  and in the right column tick the "onBOard"  box...close out of that and in the main Applications menu under Universal access  click the onBoard for the on screenkeyboard and look into its settings08:03
kisukeceltibero: can you be any more specific please? the more information we have the better we can help you08:04
Jordan_Ukisuke: google :)08:04
coz_Bridge|,   i dont see  and options on the on screen keybaird for changing settings  but let me search for that08:04
Bridge|ty coz08:05
kisukeJordan_U: ugh, thisis one fof the few time i dislike using google, looking omore for people who'd used it before08:05
Bridge|thats all i needed08:05
coz_Bridge|,  there is another one that can be installed named   Florence08:05
coz_Bridge|,  but again   I dont know about the settings for login08:05
faryshtakisuke not at all. My card haven't used restricted drivers since Ubuntu 7.04 when I installed it.08:05
K-Richafter looking, does pidgin work with the me menu?08:06
coz_Bridge|,  but when you enable that in the Main menu also enable the settings options08:06
faryshtaThe last time I was using it I hibernated and couldn't wake up my computer back.08:07
Bridge|yea, this is the a 24/7 box i have running and no kb attached, i dont feel like find a nother kb atm i have three boxes in this rooom and another next door, , and i try to keep them with the least wires, any thing Vrtual kb does everything i need, But thanks a ton08:07
faryshtaThen I rebooted manually and audio went to hell.08:07
celtiberokisuke Ok, the thing is: I'm a musician, and I need JACK server to make Ardour work. PulseAudio doesn't let me do that, and whenever I eliminate it, my boot screen disappears, among other strange things...08:07
kisukeK-Rich: me menu?08:07
celtiberokisuke I've been trying to make it work since Karmic was released, without success.08:08
kisukeceltibero: did you auto remove packages?08:08
celtiberokisuke I did.08:08
Jordan_Uceltibero: You can setup pulse on top of Jack, though I'm not sure why removing puseaudio would affect your boot screen.08:08
K-Richkisuke: where it says my name and i can update twitter and all08:08
kisukeceltibero: try the kernal ppa08:08
celtiberokisuke What's that?08:08
kisukek- i *think* so, but i have no clue how to do it08:09
dw-kindly add this to the bug list for 10.10/64 with f-spot http://paste.ubuntu.com/520618/ :)08:09
compaqHi, say I have a bunch of files arbitrarily named but with same type and I want to change their names to first.jpg, second.jpg, third.jpg, How would I do this?08:09
dw-compaq: theres some popular program that i dont know the name of08:09
kisuke!kernel > celtibero08:10
ubottuceltibero, please see my private message08:10
dw-compaq: just type rename into Synaptic08:10
Blue1compaq: you can use nautilus, or just simply mv oldfilename newfilename08:11
kisukeceltibero: that help you understand what a kernel is any?08:11
celtiberokisuke Yes, thank you.08:11
celtiberokisuke What is kernel ppa, by the way?08:11
compaqBlue1, yeah, mv works, things is I want to do them in batch, not one at a time08:12
kisukeceltibero: let me get the ubuntu kernal PPA up and i will give you the link,08:12
Blue1compaq: let me see - -I think you might want mmv can't remember the name08:12
kisukeceltibero: PPA are repositorys on launchpad, usually used to distrubite code thats not in the main repos08:12
kisuke!ppa > celtibero08:13
ubottuceltibero, please see my private message08:13
faryshtaAudio not working after hibernation. What do?08:13
Blue1compaq: yeah mmv functions more like windows allows wildcarding.08:13
compaqits alright, I will just write a bash script and use a for loop08:13
kisukefaryshta: replug the cord, and see if it restarts?08:14
kisukeceltibero: you follow?08:14
faryshtakisuke what cord?08:14
kisukeceltibero: https://launchpad.net/~kernel-ppa/+archive/ppa08:15
kisukefaryshta: are you using a 3.5mm jack, s/pdif or HDMI?08:15
kisukefaryshta: or a set of internal speakers?08:15
celtiberokisuke Yes08:16
faryshtaInternal laptop sound system.08:16
dw-wow f-spot is b0rked. (f-spot:9079): GdkPixbuf-CRITICAL **: gdk_pixbuf_new_subpixbuf: assertion `src_x >= 0 && src_x + width <= src_pixbuf->width' failed08:16
faryshtaLet me plug my earings and see what happens.08:16
celtiberokisuke What do I do with that?08:16
dw-bunch of those almost crashed my comp til i killed it08:16
kisukeceltibero: add it to your sources and update ypur PC, see if that works08:16
bassoanyone got the ubuntu backpack?08:17
kisukefaryshta: what is your audio system?08:17
=== vincent is now known as Guest82675
faryshtakisuke, 00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB4x0 High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)08:18
dusfi'm trying to search all .log files in .irssi/irclogs for the string irssi but the command $HOME -name '*.log' -exec grep "irssi" /dev/null '{}' + is giving the error 'dusf is a directory'. how should i edit it please?08:18
dean[w]I just plugged in a second monitor and im having troubles making the correct monitor the primary display08:18
dean[w]any ideas? there's no option in System > Monitors to select the primary08:19
kisukefaryshta: i meant software side. are you using asla or pulse audio (or both?)08:19
matthewg42does anyone know if it's possible to change the directory which flashplayer uses from ~/.macromedia to something else.  Perhaps an environment variable?08:19
faryshtakisuke how do I know?08:20
kisukefaryshta: open synaptic and search for them08:20
cyclist_2Hello, there! I wish I could say 'I give up on GoogleEarth', but I really like the program and until very recently it was working great; does anyone have an alternative [sort of temporary fix] so that I can have the program running om my Lucid machine again [yes, it did work on this very same machine until recently...]?08:22
celtiberoWhat happens if you purge ubuntu-desktop package?08:22
compaqceltibero, I'm guessing, you lose your desktop08:23
faryshtakisuke, I have pulse-audio and alsa installed.08:23
dennisneed some help with ubuntu 10.1008:23
compaqfaryshta, me too, I think everyone, ie.it is normal I guess08:23
faryshtakisuke, Ohh I forgot that I upgraded my system before hibernating.08:23
dennisinstalled it on my asus 1016p netbook08:23
celtiberoThat's why I CAN'T uninstall pulseaudio08:23
kisukefaryshta: that might do it lol08:24
faryshtakisuke no I mean I already have it upgraded.08:24
faryshtaIt was after the upgrade when the audio failed.08:24
kisukefaryshta: did you need a restart?08:24
faryshtaI restarted because of the hibernation process.08:25
celtiberoI don't have ubuntu-desktop installed and I'm on X!!!08:26
dennishow can i increase the screen brightness on my netbook? used windows before and it was way brighter there08:27
kisukefaryshta: so you thought you hibernated andthen restarted?08:27
dennisanyone willing to help the newbie?08:28
kisukeceltibero: do yo uahve gnome installed?08:29
faryshtadennis which model is it?08:29
celtiberokisuke Yes08:29
celtiberokisuke I do have it installed.08:29
kisukefaryshta: ok, we just left my league08:29
faryshtakisuke, what do you mean with that?08:29
kisukeceltibero: then you have ubuntu desktop installed (or should at anyrate)08:29
coz_dennis,   well  you can set it to  100%  with  sudo echo 100 > /proc/acpi/video/NVID/LCD/brightness   i would assume changing the "100" to a l ower number should work also  but let me check if there is a gui app for this in netbook08:30
dw-cyclist_2: for that we/you'd have to figure out the problem :)08:30
kisukedennis: you have a battery in your notification area?08:30
celtiberokisuke No, it's not installed.08:32
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=== zz_Grille is now known as Grille
kisukeceltibero: oh, wait you said purge i read that as remove, if yo upurge it, then its nolonger in apts cache08:33
dusfi'm trying to search all .log files in .irssi/irclogs for the string irssi but the command $HOME -name '*.log' -exec grep "irssi" /dev/null '{}' + is giving the error 'dusf is a directory'. how should i edit it please?08:33
celtiberokisuke Then...?08:33
kisukeceltibero: nothing except free up a little bit of space08:34
_MAD_Diplomatis mAD08:34
celtiberokisuke How come my boot screen doesn't appear, then?08:34
kisukeceltibero: did anything else get uninstalled with ubuntu-desktop?08:35
debuggerboydusf : can you try     grep -lir "irssi" *.log08:35
=== help is now known as helpmepls
celtiberokisuke Yes, other packages which I don't remember right now, most of them starting with "pulseaudio"08:35
kisukeceltibero: ther could be your problem, try resinstalling ubuntu-desktop08:36
helpmeplsummmm hi08:36
celtiberokisuke If I do, pulseaudio is automatically selected for being installed as well...08:37
blakkheimceltibero: ubuntu-desktop pulls in all the bloat of a default install08:37
kisukeceltibero: ok one sec08:37
helpmeplsa little question. Does anyone know how to make gprof (prof) do a mon.out gmon.out file so that it is called 10 times08:38
LOLPIEdoes anyone here know c++?08:38
blakkheimLOLPIE: /j #c++08:38
dusfdebuggerboy: it's given me a list of log files, a long list08:38
LOLPIEblakkheim, i cant chat in there..08:38
kisukeWTF ARE WE USING PULSE AUDIO????? IT HAS A TENDENCY TO BREAK STUFF!!!!! sorry had to get that off my chest. ^^;08:38
blakkheimLOLPIE: it's not on topic here though, so..08:38
dusfdebuggerboy: and i have to be in a specific directory, rather than search several08:38
LOLPIE##c++ cannot sned to channel.08:38
LOLPIEwhat doe sthat mean08:38
wjdennyi'm having trouble with a built-in lenovo easycamera, dmesg shows uvcvideo driver was loaded, but all i get is a green screen. i've found similar problems on forums, but none of their solutions worked and the problems didn't quite match.08:38
blakkheim!register > LOLPIE08:39
ubottuLOLPIE, please see my private message08:39
kisukeceltibero: you night just need to deal with it then, sorry08:39
celtiberoThis isn't definitely an O.S. for musicians, undoubtely08:39
helpmeplscan someone help me in priv ? :)08:39
rwwLOLPIE: ##c++ blocks people who aren't identified with nickserv from speaking. See the message from ubottu for information on registering.08:39
celtiberokisuke My night?08:39
blakkheimkisuke: avoid pulseaudio like the plague08:39
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kisukeblakkheim: impossible, ubuntu-desktop _requires_ it08:39
blakkheimkisuke: then don't use ubuntu-desktop08:40
=== sven is now known as Guest20697
celtiberoblakkheim By the way, What is ubuntu-desktop?08:40
blakkheimceltibero: a GIANT metapackage that installs all the bloated trash from a default gnome install of ubuntu08:40
kisukeblakkheim: you know of anyway to log in with a GUI otherwise? makes log screen dsapear08:40
kisukeceltibero: i reccomend you switch to linux mint08:41
jpds!mint | kisuke08:41
ubottukisuke: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org08:41
helpmeplscan someone help me on priv with prof or gprof thingie ?08:41
kisukejpds: nive reading fail08:41
blakkheim"nive" spelling fail08:41
celtiberoblakkheim I'm logging with a GUI, and ubuntu-desktop is not installed in my Ubuntu...08:42
helpmeplssigh ;( or jsut tell me where to ask other channel maybe08:42
blakkheimceltibero: yeah you don't need it08:42
kisukeBlackBinary: im on a laptop with only my screen for light, and it after local midnight, lets see you spell perfectly :P08:42
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BlackBinarykisuke: ?08:43
blakkheimkisuke: i will, with my light-up keyboard :308:43
celtiberoblakkheim I don't need it? But... it's the graphical interface, isn't it?08:43
kisukeblakkheim: was not an option for my asus otherwise i would have it08:43
blakkheimceltibero: not at all08:43
wizzhow to know my own ip?08:43
blakkheimwizz: curl whatismyip.org08:43
racecar56wizz: http://whatismyip.com08:43
jpdskisuke: No, I was just saying that Mint isn't supported here.08:44
celtiberoblakkheim So, I can use Jack without PulseAudio and not run the risk of losing my GUI?08:44
racecar56i'm trying to resize a NTFS partition but gparted fails with "ERROR: rl_expand: bad LCN: -2"08:44
blakkheimceltibero: i don't know anything about jack08:44
blakkheimceltibero: but ubuntu-desktop is not needed for anything, it's not even a real package08:44
celtiberoblakkheim What does it do, then?08:45
blakkheimceltibero: it's a way to easily pull in (i don't know why someone would ever do this) all of the default programs in a vanilla installation08:45
kisukejpds: PM, dont want to get into a public arguement, and drag the whole channel in08:45
rww!ubuntu-desktop | celtibero08:45
ubottuceltibero: k/ed/x/l/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.08:45
ubottuA meta-package is a package that simply depends upon other packages and brings them in. It's not a real package, but a very useful package that can drag in other package versions.08:45
kisukeit was a reccomendation, not me giving support for it08:46
wjdennyi'm having trouble with a built-in lenovo easycamera, dmesg shows uvcvideo driver was loaded, but all i get is a green screen. i've found similar problems on forums, but none of their solutions worked and the problems didn't quite match.08:46
celtiberoblakkheim I removed it but still have the games, for example. And OpenOffice, which is installed by default.08:46
blakkheimceltibero: yeah, removing it doesn't  actually remove anything, that's what i am trying to tell you08:47
celtiberoblakkheim Ok, I think I understand now...08:47
TimeRiderJust removes the 'list of packages to install script'08:48
celtiberoYes, I understand...08:48
TimeRider'/etc/init.d/gdm stop' that'll sort out your gui woes :)08:48
celtiberoDo you know any way to recover the boot screen? I lost it when I installed LIRC?08:48
knoppiesIs there still a large difference in drivers for nvidea and ati cards? I know a few years ago driver support for ati cards was rather bad.08:51
snipeanyone know of a simple system monitor for desktop in lucid?08:52
knoppiessnipe, conky08:52
racecar56or gkrellm08:52
celtiberoI have another question: How do I disable the sounds when pressing buttons?08:52
hyperstreamHey guys, was there a new default font in 10.10 ?08:52
kisukeknoppies: that seem to have reversed itself, if mt memory is keeping up with me08:52
knoppieskisuke, I like the sound of that. I hope your right.08:52
racecar56knoppies: if so, not as much08:53
snipei installed conky but can't find it in apps, is there some command to start it?08:53
sudipta<hyperstream>yeah,ubuntu font08:53
JoeCoolNetbookHow do I set Nano as the default text based file editor?08:53
digital_838It's a shame Maverick had to ship with kernel 2.6.3508:53
racecar56celtibero: System>Preferences>Sound08:53
digital_838Because that kernel version sux08:53
knoppiessnipe, conky08:53
kisukeknoppies: dont quote me on that08:53
celtiberoracecar56 It doesn't appear on the drop down menu.08:53
racecar56celtibero: and uncheck "Enable window and button sounds" oh08:53
hyperstreamsudipta, i dont even need my glasses anymore, its friggen great08:53
knoppieskisuke, thanks.08:53
racecar56celtibero: don't know, you're missing some package then?08:54
celtiberoracecar56 PulseAudio :s08:54
sudipta<hyperstream>sure it is08:54
knoppiessnipe, you might want to edit the config file to your liking, if I am not mistaken the default one is rather horid.08:54
celtiberoI hate PulseAudio08:54
knoppiesthanks racecar56.08:54
racecar56knoppies: y/w08:54
digital_838ewww pulseaudio08:54
digital_838Although I read the lead dev of PulseAudio blames Ubuntu for their packaging of it.08:55
racecar56celtibero: gnome-media08:55
racecar56celtibero: that package provides it08:55
snipethanks knoppies .. that was more simple than i expected lol08:55
digital_838How long is a typical wait before we see Kernel 2.6.36 released?08:55
digital_838Anyone have an educated guess?08:56
celtiberoracecar56 Thanks08:56
knoppiessnipe, My pleasure. You can use google to find some nice conky config file setups.08:56
knoppiessnipe, I could also pastebin mine.08:56
snipei'm still pretty new to ubuntu .. how would i get to pastebin to see them?08:57
digital_838What is pastebin?08:58
digital_838ubottu pastebin08:58
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:58
noob-tuxdoes anyone here are aware about firefox extention called firesheep?08:58
muppisCan't get libvirtd listen tls in Maverick. Added --listen argument to /etc/init/libvirt-bin.conf and restarted daemon without any effect.08:58
digital_838Get what?08:59
king_sonI am a new ubuntu user.... when i installed readline 6.0 tarball my root terminal would auto close & after i restart i cannot login to Ubuntu08:59
kisukenoob-tux: why?09:00
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blakkheimnoob-tux: yes09:00
digital_838who is sysop?09:00
king_soncan any1 help me?09:01
blakkheimking_son: be patient09:01
king_sonok :)09:01
Recon_Hello everyone09:01
digital_838Hello Recon_09:01
XlaitsHello everyone.09:01
digital_838Hello Xlaits09:02
digital_838Good to have you aboard09:02
XlaitsI was wondering if someone could help me with mud-mecha, ruby, and the corelation of the two.09:02
digital_838The concierge is offering complimentary cheese to go with all the wine tonight.09:02
kisukedigital_838: WINE or whine?09:03
digital_838; )09:03
Xlaitskisuke: both09:03
wjdennyhaving trouble with uvcvideo/v4l-0/1/2 .. webcam shows only green screen in all programs, any suggestions?09:03
LDChello guys. I want to konw if you follow the habit of partitioning a huge HDD (500GB) into smaller partitions or is it OK to hav one huge parittion? I have a 400GB partition on my HDD and after 1 year it's now becoming a pain with frequent disconnections. It's an NTFS, wonder if that's the case. any suggestions?09:04
digital_838You should be able to have a huge partition just fine09:05
noob-tuxblakkheim: does firesheep works only on winOS? or same as in *nix distros?09:05
digital_838I dual boot NTFS/EXT4 with a gig split between em.09:05
XlaitsDoes anyone know anything about mud-mecha?09:05
hyperstreamLDC, i personally use: a partition for: /, one for /home and if i want to have MS>Lin Lin>MS i might have a third partition as NTFS09:05
hyperstreamOh and not to forget swap area :)09:05
Recon_Could anyone help me debug this c++ program I've been workin' on09:06
hyperstreamRecon_, try #C++09:06
blakkheimnoob-tux: there are other ways to do the same thing on linux09:06
Recon_Thank you very much Hyperstream09:06
hyperstreamRecon_, not a problem09:07
digital_838Do you have any problems with upgrades if you preserve your /home ?   Do you clean it up prior/after?09:07
LDCwhat i have is a 500GB HDD with 60GB and 400GB NTFS partitions followed by 250GB HDD with 35GB NTFS for windows XP, 10GB for Linux Ubuntu and the remaining for NTFS partition. my 250GB never gave me problems but the 500gb always has even though it's a one year old replacement hyperstream09:07
XlaitsI really hate being ignored...09:07
wrongplaceme too09:07
* blakkheim puts you both on ignore 09:08
=== Seqis is now known as Grumpalicious
hyperstreamdigital_838, i always xfer my home off onto another external drive before hand, and generally start fresh... perhaps re-use the chrome / .xchat2 folders09:08
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kisukenoob-tux: the only firesheep addon im finding is a person theme, are yo tring to install it?09:08
XlaitsAS I asked, I'm trying to compile MUD-mecha. It forced me to install ruby, and now is telling me that the version of Ruby I installed is smaller. I installed 1.9.1 and it's asking for 1.9. Anyone able to help?09:09
digital_838hyperstream:  Thanks... that's a good idea.  I think I'll start trying that.  I hate having to rebuild all that afterwards.09:09
noob-tuxblakkheim: so for now there's no stoping this firesheep in *nix distros am i right? but the great thing on having *nix distros is that the attacker spend time on breakin those packets  the decrypted ones right?09:09
hyperstreamLDC, might be a hardware issue, im not sure, ive brought motherboards, where the pc speaker had to be ripped out as it thought there was no graphics card(according to the beep code in manual) it worked fine and booted into an os lol, died 2 months later09:09
JoeCoolNetbookHow do I get out of this thing?09:09
blakkheimnoob-tux: it's easy to circumvent if that's your goal, i thought you were trying to use it09:09
XlaitsJoeCoolNetbook: Close the window.09:09
racecar56i'm doing a chkdsk on Windows so i might get this fixed09:09
hyperstreamdigital_838, yeah, always tomboy notes of things you wish to keep when you reinstall etc. Then when it comes to the crunch you wont forget any applications to backup/export/store files :P09:10
JoeCoolNetbookctrl-X doesn't work, :q doesn't work09:10
noob-tuxblakkheim: nope...i ain't using such things..... :) i just want to know some ways of preventions09:10
hyperstreamJoeCoolNetbook, which client?09:10
XlaitsI will get annoying if I have to. I really need help here.09:10
blakkheimnoob-tux: this addon is not doing anything new at all, it's just making it so any idiot can do a MitM attack09:10
XlaitsAS I asked, I'm trying to compile MUD-mecha. It forced me to install ruby, and now is telling me that the version of Ruby I installed is smaller. I installed 1.9.1 and it's asking for 1.9. Anyone able to help?09:10
hyperstreamXlaits, obviously no one knows anything about your issue09:10
blakkheimnoob-tux: any time you are on an untrusted network you should tunnel your traffic through ssh09:11
JoeCoolNetbookhyperstream no idea.  In CLI text editor for git09:11
hyperstreamXlaits, you need to wait, and read the guidelines09:11
Xlaitshyperstream: I know, but at least SOMEONE could TRY to be helpful.09:11
hyperstreamXlaits, people dont get paid to assist you :(. If i knew anything in regards to your issue i would have helped :/09:11
kisuke!patence > Xlaits09:11
Nimrodelis bitchx available for ubuntu 10.10?09:11
hyperstreamXlaits, try a few keywords on google while waiting, thats what i do09:11
Gnea!info bitchx09:11
ubottuPackage bitchx does not exist in maverick09:11
noob-tuxblakkheim: they're just using things easy....those wannabe's.....i can do it using wireshark but in that i need to convert things so it takes time...well atleast i know what i'm doing rather using such lame firesheep easy to use hehehe09:12
Xlaitshyperstream: I know, I know. I can't google, because I always get crap.09:12
Recon_Uhm could someone link me to the c++ channel? I got led right back here lol09:12
blakkheimnoob-tux: yeah, basically09:12
Xlaitskisuke: Thank you, but I'm not a doctor.09:12
noob-tuxNimrodel: download bitchX but not advisable cause there's no support on bitchX dues to some flaws09:12
hyperstreamXlaits, got to mix up the keywords, i would brain storm at a time like this lol, otherwise just sit and wait patently09:12
Gnea!info irssi09:12
ubottuirssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.15-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 1067 kB, installed size 2876 kB09:12
noob-tuxNimrodel: use irssi instead! or xchat will do09:13
kisukeXlaits: i cant spell right now, tring to get the litteral bot to say something *throws ubottu the bird*09:13
horribleXlaits: we can't offer support for getting MUD-Mecha running, since it's not one of the softwares supported by ubuntu. i'm referring you to the MUD-Mecha support: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mud-mecha/support09:13
kisukeRecon_: is your nick registered?09:13
dannersi have a server with apt-cacher-ng, can i configure the server to use also the apt-cache?09:13
horribledanners: yes.09:13
kisuke!afk > hyperstream09:14
ubottuhyperstream, please see my private message09:14
Recon_Does it have to be to access that channel?09:14
Nimrodelnoob-tux:  I usually use irssi because I like the terminal but I liked bitchx better... Thanks anyways!09:14
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noob-tuxblakkheim: ehehe...actually i'm not yet that good on doin some tunneling stuffs....but i'm reading stuffs regarding to ssh tunneling...09:14
nyoHi, i need to reinstall grub with root in (hd0,7) instead on (hd0,0), but I'm unable to boot on ubuntu, either the livecd seems to not help me at all... hints?09:14
dannershorrible: thanks09:14
horrible!away > Putr09:14
ubottuPutr, please see my private message09:14
hyperstreamkisuke, have you even read that?09:14
hyperstream!afk > kisuke09:14
ubottukisuke, please see my private message09:14
RudyValenciaWhen I try to install postgresql it tells me the packages can't be verified and asks if I want to install without verification, what's happening here?09:14
Xlaitshorrible: Apparently, not a SINGLE program I've tried is compatable with ubuntu! KYLIX isn't, AweMUD isn't... FFFF....09:14
hyperstreamkisuke, please be sure you know what you are sending to users in private.09:14
noob-tuxNimrodel: u can use bitchX but risky tho....so bet ur life on it! :)09:14
horribleXlaits: they may or may not be compatible, but we can't provide support for it09:15
Xlaitshorrible: besides, I need help COMPILING it, not getting it running.09:15
Recon_Anyone know why I can't talk in the c++ channel?09:15
kisukehyperstream: yes, and ive had it used on me before, the same basic rule applys09:15
Xlaitshorrible: as in './configue'09:15
horribleXlaits: oh, that's even harder for us to help you with09:15
Nimrodelnoob-tux: I see... Thanks :)09:15
hyperstreamkisuke, i dont have a message, nor a nick change.09:15
horribleXlaits: but as a general tip i recommend you install the -dev versions of the libraries needed by ./configure09:15
Xlaitshorrible: alright, let me try that.09:16
hyperstreamkisuke, <kisuke> wants you to know: You should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu <-- didnt apply to me, im simply letting the users know that ive left and wont respond as im afk. This is being polite in a minimal manner.09:16
hyperstreamafk guys.09:16
Recon_Does anyone know why I can't chat in the C++ room?09:17
kisukeXlaits: if yo uwant compatibility use debian, ubuntu is a rebuild of debian, with a focus on kiss09:17
blakkheim!register | Recon_09:17
ubottuRecon_: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode09:17
kisukehyperstream: and thats not a message?09:17
Xlaitskisuke: Debian?09:17
Xlaitshorrible: that did nothing to help me. At least I tried, right?09:17
tadofor some reason thunderbird opens links in chromium and not in firefox, which is the default browser. i can't find any setting to change that... ideas?09:18
=== kyle2 is now known as kv102t
kisuke!debian > Xlaits09:18
ubottuXlaits, please see my private message09:18
neitengeukerim a geitenneuker09:18
digital_838Chrome let's you change that inside of the settings.09:18
horribleXlaits: getting a software to compile is a hairy business and the only one that can really help you is the developer in many cases. unless they provided you with detailed instructions09:18
cola4231hi all09:18
cola4231how to uninstall wine09:19
digital_838cola4231- what version of Ubuntu?09:19
Xlaitshorrible: again, I'm just trying to use the ./configure to get it installed. T_T Why, Ubuntu... why are you such a pain?09:19
YeTr2Xlaits: I'm bored. I'll gelp you with compiling stuffs.09:19
=== gurpreet is now known as n3rV3
kisukecola4231: run "sudo apt-get remove wine" in a terminal09:20
XlaitsYeTr2: You will!? Thanks!09:20
uLinuxcola4231: or go to Applications > Software Center, search for Wine and uninstall09:20
YeTr2Xlaits: aptitude install build-essential09:20
* kisuke thinks hes alittle to used to BASHing at problems09:20
emmanuelola ubunteros09:21
horribleXlaits: the ./configure is provided by MUD-Mecha, not Ubuntu. i'm surprised you choose to blame ubuntu when MUD-Mecha isn't working09:21
uLinuxemmanuel: hello09:21
XlaitsYeTr2: Already taken care of... and... aptitude?09:21
emmanuelalguien de aki abla español09:21
noob-tuxis there any mp3 player that plays as background? hehe09:21
YeTr2Xlaits: better than apt-get. handles dependencies09:21
uLinux!es | emmanuel09:21
ubottuemmanuel: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.09:21
Xlaitshorrible: I blame Ubuntu for being a hassle to work with. It's been nothing but "Install this to install that"09:21
YeTr2Xlaits: in that case, pastebin some ./configure for me.09:21
kisukeuLinux: beet me to it :P09:21
n3rV3noob-tux look up mp3blaster09:22
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XlaitsYeTr2: Alright. Pastebin link, if you will?09:22
uLinuxkisuke: beet?09:22
=== MenZa is now known as lhavelund
kisukeuLinux: beat* sorry09:22
XlaitsYeTr2: Nevermind, found it. Here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/520650/09:23
noob-tuxYeTr2: paste.ubuntu.com09:23
emmanueloye ubottu??09:23
Recon_Uhm is there a specific way to log in?09:23
cola4231i uninsatl wine but aplcation still have wine09:23
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide09:24
uLinuxcola4231: try to launch wine.. i bet the shortcut wasnt removed.09:24
kisukecola4231: how did you install wine?09:24
JVBhow i can remove myfile.fc from /home/user/betand.fc to /var/lib/data    ??09:24
uLinuxJVB: you mean move09:24
obs3rv3rsudo mv src dst09:24
emmanuela todos los ubunteros ke ablen español entren a /join #ubuntu-es por que tengo una mega bulnerabilidad ke acabo de entrar bueno no se si mega pero yo creo ke es bulnerabilidad?09:24
uLinuxJVB: mv /home/user/betand.fc /var/lib/data09:25
kisukeRecon_: try "/join #c++"09:25
cola4231yes sortcut cant clear09:25
JVBthanks !09:25
n2diygnome power manager is trying to shut down my computer, the user log indicates the power button is being pressed, but nothing is near the button? Ideas?09:25
emmanuelke acabo de encontrar en ubuntu yo creo ke la trae desde ase mucho?09:25
XlaitsYeTr2: I used the aptitude build-dep. Alredy have everything.09:25
kisukeemmanuel: no habla espanol, lo scento09:26
YeTr2Xlaits: "ls -l `which ruby`"09:26
emmanueldont worry kisuke?09:26
uLinuxcola4231: you can disable or remove the shortcut from the menu, go to System > Preferences > main menu09:26
XlaitsYeTr2: Ummm....09:26
calamitySo libmtp seems like it's not able to detect media devices connected to the computer. theey're definitely mounted and I can see them in lsusb but yeah09:27
uLinuxcola4231: then you select uncheck the box for Wine ;)09:27
XlaitsYeTr2: Yeah, not pulling anythign up.09:27
kisukecalamity: are yo umissing a package that libmtp needs to probe said devices?09:27
YeTr2Xlaits: one second09:28
calamitykisuke, I don't know. I think I have everything09:28
calamityHow would I check?09:28
cola4231ok thanks09:28
digital_838I'm giving up on the 2.6.35 kernel.09:28
XlaitsYeTr2: Sure, I'll wait. -goes to get poptarts while waiting-09:28
digital_838It is laggy and sluggish.09:28
rportnoyanyone can help09:28
kisukecalamity: check synaptic, and search for it there, or check the documentation for libmtp, to see if it needs anything extra done09:29
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode09:29
slookcouple questions, has anyone else experience slowness with the installation of 10.10?09:29
rportnoyi was installed backtrack 4 r1 but the network09:29
rportnoyvery slow09:29
rportnoyand too many RX packet errors09:30
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.09:30
lfa33Hi team, I am using kickstart/preseed installation where it ftp gets the preseed but because of the ftp part the "preseed/include string x.file" does not work. Is it possible to chanload the startup phase to ftp get more preseed files or include ftp files?09:30
blakkheimrportnoy: we don't do backtrack support here09:30
rportnoybut it's based on ubuntu?09:30
blakkheim!backtrack > rportnoy09:30
ubotturportnoy, please see my private message09:30
YeTr2Xlaits: ls -l /usr/bin/ruby09:30
emmanuelEscribe texto o la dirección de un sitio web o traduce un documento.09:30
emmanueltraducción del español al inglés09:30
emmanuelsorry everyone, I just found a vulnerability in ubuntu? someone knowledgeable to give me the reason and thus be 2?09:30
FloodBot1emmanuel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:30
XlaitsYeTr2: WTF? 1.8!?09:31
emmanuelups sorry09:31
YeTr2Xlaits: :P09:31
rportnoyok, thanks all09:31
LOLPIEhow do i check if im registered09:31
XlaitsYeTr2: I KNOW I installed 1.9.109:31
LOLPIEim still unable to chat in some channels09:31
YeTr2Xlaits: 1.9.1 doesn't set up the symlink09:31
rportnoyblakkheim what is !backtrack > rportnoy?09:31
XlaitsYeTr2: D'oH!09:31
YeTr2Xlaits: actually, it's bad-form all around, /etc/alternatives should be handling it.09:31
blakkheimrportnoy: it sends you a PM, read it09:31
emmanueltengo un problema en virtual box09:32
emmanuello instale pero no tengo red?09:32
emmanuelake se debera?09:32
blakkheimemmanuel: /join #ubuntu-es09:32
XlaitsYeTr2: And how do I fix ths?09:32
rportnoyok thanks blakkheim09:32
YeTr2Xlaits: you should be able to specifiy the ruby executable in the configure script, or you can change the symlink.09:32
YeTr2you could just try removing the old version if you don't intend to use it.09:33
XlaitsYeTr2: Which is easier?09:33
YeTr2Xlaits: pastebin `./configure --help`09:33
dazappaso. I'm running ubuntu 10.10 netbook edition off a usb stick, and I went to "try ubuntu" to which it said I didn't have a driver necessary to run unity09:33
muppisCan't get libvirtd listen tcp/tls in Maverick. Added --listen argument to /etc/init/libvirt-bin.conf and restarted daemon without any effect. Also initctl --reload-configuration and killing process has no effect. Do I really need reboot whole machine?09:34
dazappa(running an nvidia 310-m) -- if I install it to disk is there a way to find a possible driver?09:34
bbgollhi all09:34
dazappaI'd much rather run unity over the standard gnome09:34
bbgollwhat is canonical IS09:35
YeTr2dazappa: I think it's required to set up certs or it won't work09:35
lfa33muppis: i think I read somewhere that it is a bug09:35
hasenhi guys09:35
kisukedazappa: try using an eariler version of ubuntu09:35
XlaitsYeTr2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/520656/09:35
kisukehey hasen09:35
muppislfa33, great...09:35
hasenis here some help me how to make my own IRC channel and register it?09:35
lfa33muppis: but u need to confirm it09:35
lfa33I have a vage memory of it09:35
kisukehasen: try in #freenode09:36
Xlaits!guidelines > hasen09:36
ubottuhasen, please see my private message09:36
bbgollwhat is RT ticket with canonical IS?09:36
dazappakisuke: it's not that it doesn't work (I'm currently running it), it's that it won't run unity which is the interface I'd like09:36
kisukedazappa: give me a second, i dont think i have ever heard of unity09:37
lfa33muppis: but it is proberly just to patch the init.d script for it09:37
muppislfa33, that not used anymore. Converted to Upstart09:38
YeTr2Xlaits: http://groups.google.com/group/rails-oceania/browse_thread/thread/8a2b256d117db49f09:38
XlaitsYeTr2: And this is?09:38
YeTr2Xlaits: short example for using /etc/alternatives for managing ruby09:39
racecar56i solved my problem09:39
hasenguys, i got confused how to make IRC channel and register it09:39
YeTr2Xlaits: or you can use rvm09:39
racecar56i did chkdsk, defragged and chkdsk again or something like that09:39
kisukeok WTF?09:40
XlaitsYeTr2: Hopefully, it'll fix everything. I'm a complete newbie at this. T_T09:40
kisuke!unity > kisuke09:40
kisukehasen: ask in #freenode, this is the ubuntu support channel09:40
YeTr2Xlaits: rvm is a ruby gem, it can help manage your ruby installations and make fun stuff happen09:41
hasenkisuke: how can i?09:41
YeTr2Xlaits: looks easier than /etc/alternatives09:41
kisukehasen: type "/join #freenode" with out the quotes09:41
XlaitsYeTr2: X3 Good! How exactly do I do that?09:41
YeTr2http://www.adras.com/Setting-to-Ruby-1-9-in-Ubuntu.t38410-48.html about mid-way down the page09:42
cola4231i install some software with wine , but cant uninsall , new i uncheck the wine and install it again but aplication dont show wine09:43
kisukecola4231: open synaptic and search for wine, make sure all packages are uninstalled09:44
airtonixcola4231, ... any software you install with wine (aka windows software) is most likely going to exist in the hidden directory ".wine" under your home folder09:44
XlaitsYeTr2: Hmm?09:45
racecar56i'm done here, bye all09:46
kisukedazappa: you still there?09:47
dazappakisuke: yes09:47
cola4231i install again wine but no show in application09:47
XlaitsYeTr2: I used that link, and then ran the ./configure. This is the output error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/520659/09:47
adxp`is it possible to have a single server masquerade as having an entire class C space of IPs?09:48
airtonixadxp`, maybe, if you create enough virtual ethernet interfaces09:49
kisukedazappa: ok as far as i can tell unity is just a theme for gnome, you were getting an error when tring ot run a live USB right?09:49
adxp`airtonix: hm, yeah, I was hoping for a way around that09:49
dazappakisuke: indeed I was09:49
adxp`airtonix: it seems not-unreasonable to want to avoid having 256 virtul interfaces, but still have a many-to-one mapping09:49
adxp`(airtonix: I know this is more a pure-linux rather than an ubuntu thing)09:50
airtonixadxp`, or you could use some kind of arp spam09:50
kisukedazappa: can you give me a racap? i dont wanna scroll up several dozen lines of text :(09:50
dazappakisuke: live 10.10 netbook edition, when it started it complained about not having a driver so it defaulted to standard gnome09:51
F_JoeyDoes anyone know of an alternative programme to readline 6.1?09:51
dazappakisuke: I guess propriatary drivers from nvidia weren't on the usb disk, so all I can really do is hope if I install to the hdd then install drivers, unity will be content with the driver09:51
kisukedazappa: ok, that makes no sence what so ever, if it did not have a driver, why did it boot at all? or into vesa mode?09:51
kisukedazappa: try forceing vesa mode09:52
EvaLuaTehello world09:52
dazappakisuke: it has a driver, gnome's started happily atm. I think the driver would the be same prop. driver for, ex. compiz effects09:52
kisukeanyone got the unity specs on hand?09:52
jpdskisuke: unity.ubuntu.com ?09:52
dazappakisuke: rather, the one it wants09:52
kisukedazappa: if it can start gnome, i see no reason why it cannot start another desktop enviorment, can you give me the exact error text?09:53
XlaitsYeTr2: Hello?09:53
YeTr2Xlaits: I'm thinking09:53
XlaitsYeTr2: Just making sure you're still with me, here.09:54
dazappakisuke: "No required driver detected for unity"09:54
kisukejpds: thanks, unfourtunatly that does not show up on the first page of google09:54
cola4231how to show wine in application09:54
kisukedazappa: owwww, thats not english,thats engrish, or an not error error09:55
kisukecola4231: i think we have hit the end of what we can do for ya, im gonna point you over to the wine channel09:55
kisuke!wine > cola423109:55
ubottucola4231, please see my private message09:55
nebulamacro recorder (replay ) best pogram ????09:56
YeTr2Xlaits: where can i get a copy of this app?09:56
dazappaah well, that was the error. blame the devs for engrish. time to test...09:56
XlaitsYeTr2: search MUD server on SourceForge. I'll find a direct link if you want.09:56
YeTr2got it09:56
XlaitsYeTr2: You got it?09:57
cola4231befor a guy call me to uncheck the wine in system main09:57
XlaitsYeTr2: Just in case: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mud-mecha/09:57
kisukewhy does canonical insist on using shades of red?09:57
cola4231now cant find it out09:57
nebulamacro recorder (replay ) best pogram ????09:58
kisukecola4231: look at ubottu's private mesage, it will tell you a better place to ask09:58
uLinuxkisuke: because they have no taste? :p09:58
kisukeuLinux: either that or they want people ot have eyestrain09:59
noob-tuxwhat's the next step for ubuntu distro now that cannonical leaving gnome? :(09:59
nbubuntuhi anyone know where I can find emesene plugin ? I went to the website but I can't find the plugin download section10:00
F_Joey:O cannonical is leaving gnome!!10:00
hot_wheelzhi anyone know  if http://www.sierrawireless.com/productsandservices/AirCard/USBModems/aircard_312u.aspx works OTB in 10.1010:00
jpdsF_Joey: No.10:00
uLinuxwhat speculation is that10:00
F_Joeythank god :)10:00
EvaLuaTesometimes after I lock the screen and the try to unlock it by typing my password+[Enter] the window says "checking..." and stays like that and won't do anything, the only solution after that is to reset X. Any idea how I could identify the problem and/or how to fix it?10:01
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:01
calamitykisuke, I have checked, and I have all the libmtp packages10:01
kisukeplease excuse me while i go gouge my eyes out witha rusty fork10:01
XlaitsYeTr2: Got it?10:01
cola4231cant find you10:01
cola4231kisuke: cant find you in ubottu10:02
n2diygnome power manager is trying to shut down my computer, the user log indicates the power button is being pressed, but nothing is near the button? Ideas?10:02
kisukecola4231: um, say again please?10:02
kandelhello. i recived this error. http://pastebin.com/FMVdU8ND how can i resolve? thanks10:03
n2diyIs there any reason to run GPM on a desktop?10:04
kisukekandel: yo ucomputer is set to italian?10:04
zealiod_can anyone help me NAT eth1.1 and eth1.2 through to eth1. the vlans are on different subnets and I need to provide DHCP for them on the same range, so though I could masquarade them?10:04
cola4231say what10:04
kandelerror in elaboraate pips...10:04
YeTr2Xlaits: working on it.10:04
zealiod_perhaps with iptables?10:04
nbubuntuhi anyone know where I can find emesene plugin ? I went to the website but I can't find the plugin download section10:04
XlaitsYeTr2: Thanks. Can you PM me, so I can be free of the clutter?10:05
=== hasen is now known as ubuntu-af
* linkThis sends Cordial Greetings10:06
uLinuxHow can I remove eth0 and eth1?10:06
kisukenbubuntu: try googling  emesene download ubuntu10:07
EvaLuaTeanyone ^ ?10:07
kisukeuLinux: why would you want to those are your ethernet ports10:08
uLinux!anyone | EvaLuaTe10:08
ubottuEvaLuaTe: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:08
uLinuxkisuke: on virtual machine ;)10:08
EvaLuaTeuLinux, I asked my question earlier...10:08
kisukeuLinux: what program?10:09
uLinuxkisuke: i was using bridged eth0.. now im using NAT eth1 but i would like to remove the old entry for eth010:09
uLinuxso i can use nat on eth010:09
noob-tuxwhat's the next step for ubuntu distro now that cannonical leaving gnome? :(10:09
jpdsnoob-tux: They're not.10:09
kisukeuLinux: VMware or virtualbox?10:09
uLinuxkisuke: virtualbox10:10
kisukeuLinux: did you swithch the first ethernet adapter to nat, or did you disable it?10:10
uLinuxkisuke: i disabled it i guess10:11
uLinuxkisuke: or switched.. i changed bridged to nat10:11
uLinuxkisuke: and then ubuntu added eth1 for nat10:11
noob-tuxjpds: not? i'll give u a link on it :)10:11
linkThisCan I upgrade 64-bit 8.10 to 64-bit 9.04 using the 64-bit 9.04 disc?10:11
kisukeuLinux: that is strange, not sure wht to say10:11
EvaLuaTeok, I'll try to rephrase my question then. If I have problems with my login screen (it hangs saying "checking..." after I type my password+[Enter]), what log files should I be looking in for more info on the problem?10:12
uLinuxill figure out :p10:12
noob-tuxjpds: http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9192878/Canonical_Ubuntu_splits_from_GNOME_over_design_issues?taxonomyId=12210:12
kisukeEvaLuaTe: are yo usure the password is right?10:12
hyperstreamEvaLuaTe, is that after a few attempts(it starts sitting at checking password)10:13
EvaLuaTekisuke, even if it wouldn't be, shouldn't it just say "incorrect password" and let me type it in again? I mean, it jsut hangs doing nothing, the only solution after that is for me to kill x with ctrl+alt+bksp10:13
jpdsnoob-tux: That's just the skin, it will still have all the GNOME applications installed.10:13
St018hi guys10:13
EvaLuaTehyperstream, no, it's at the first attempt (not every time though, I'd say about 50% of the times I lock my screen and then try to unlock it)10:13
hyperstreamEvaLuaTe, anything in /var/log/auth.log ?10:13
kisukeEvaLuaTe: i have had it take 30 seconds when i ntered an incorrect password to tell me that it was incorrect10:14
St018how can i add an application to gnome-do and run application10:14
kisukeEvaLuaTe: you should be able to look at the end of dmesg and se what is happening10:14
lollohi all10:14
jpdsnoob-tux: "Other elements of GNOME besides the shell will continue to be used", even says it in the article itself.10:14
St018do u know how can i add application to gnome do10:15
St018and run application10:15
lollotnx St01810:15
St018thx for what?10:15
St018is anybody there?10:16
EvaLuaTehyperstream, http://pastebin.com/yU3CY5Nk , I guess that around 11:54 was the last time I had that problem, so that error might be relevant (although I have no idea what it means...)10:16
linkThisCan I upgrade 64-bit 8.10 to 64-bit 9.04 using the 64-bit 9.04 disc?10:16
jpdsSt018: GNOME Do adds applications to its database itself.10:17
XlaitsYeTr2: Still with me, here?10:17
jpdslinkThis: Yes, you'll need the alternative one though.10:17
=== root is now known as Guest8512
Jordan_UlinkThis: Only if it's the alternate install CD.10:17
Jordan_U!upgrade | linkThis10:17
ubottulinkThis: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade10:17
=== Guest8512 is now known as ramram
EvaLuaTekisuke, like I said, I have this happen every now and then, and believe me, even though my laptop is pretty fast and should check that password in a second, I even waited more than a minute the first couple of times I have had this happen, and there was still nothing, I guess this is a bug and has nothing to do with how long it takes to check the password10:17
jpds!msg | St01810:17
ubottuSt018: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.10:17
linkThisJordan_U: Okay, I'll download the alternate at Uni :P10:18
St018not an application10:18
St018eclipse on gnome-do10:18
Jordan_UlinkThis: Trying to take advantage of your universities faster connection?10:18
kisukeEvaLuaTe: what sis your up time when this happens?10:18
jpdsJordan_U: Oh, yes, that's what it's there for.10:19
St018executable version not installed10:19
hyperstreamEvaLuaTe, im just having a google around for yah bud10:19
EvaLuaTekisuke, depends, right now it's around 4H for example...10:19
Jordan_Ulidaobing: You might want to get the install DVD, which contains all of the main repository. Note that you don't need to actually burn it to a CD/DVD to upgrade with it or use it as a repository.10:20
EvaLuaTehyperstream, thank you :) I also tried searching for that error in auth.log and found this site http://linuxindetails.wordpress.com/2009/12/30/gnome-keyring-daemon-unsupported-key-algorithm-in-certificate-1-2-840-10045-2-1/10:20
kisukeEvaLuaTe: its late for me, im out, i wish you the best of luck, sorry i cant help ya10:20
uLinuxkisuke: just found the solution "sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules" and then disable or remove eth0 and rename eth1 to eth0 ;)10:20
YeTr2Xlaits: sorry, It's not looking good.10:21
EvaLuaTehyperstream, if that login problem is related to that error message, that might be a solution...10:21
hyperstreamEvaLuaTe, about the best i can get too10:21
XlaitsYeTr2: Damn...10:21
hyperstreamXlaits, what is your issue again bud, which software?10:22
XlaitsYeTr2: ruby10:22
XlaitsYeTr2: Well, originally, ruby....10:22
Scarra3Sup everyone10:22
Scarra3So I am back again to get some help.10:22
XlaitsYeTr2: Well, NOW it can't find the ruby libraries...10:22
Scarra3I still can not get the alps touchpad on laptop to work with ubuntu 10.1010:23
YeTr2Xlaits: yeah, I can see that plain as day :)10:23
EvaLuaTehyperstream, ok then, I installed that libpam-unix2 package and I'm curios what happens. I'll also try to check the logs again after getting that error to see if I can find anything else of use. Thank you very much for your help for now :)10:23
XlaitsYeTr2: T_T Thank you. I know that I'm capitain obvious.10:23
Scarra3Anyone have any ideas or suggestions10:24
* dddw werken10:24
hyperstreamEvaLuaTe, not a problem lol, you found the result :)10:25
* YeTr2 hisses10:25
YeTr2they turned the lights back on at work >.<10:25
St018i cant use alt +tab10:25
St018how can i fix it10:25
St018and super +tab doesnt work neither10:26
Scarra3Anyone know how to get an alps touchpad to work in ubuntu 10.1010:28
St018can some1 answer me10:29
hyperstreamScarra3, did/does it work in 9.10 ?10:29
blakkheim!enter | St01810:29
ubottuSt018: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:29
XlaitsYeTr2: So... grim futures for my mud-mecha?10:29
hyperstreamSt018, if no one knows the answer, how can they answer you?10:29
Scarra3hyperstream: Idk its a brand new laptop10:29
YeTr2I dunno10:29
YeTr2I'm trying something silly.10:29
hyperstreamScarra3, what is this idk ?10:29
Scarra3i don't know10:30
hyperstreamYeTr2, is that a MUD client or a game server?10:30
hyperstreamScarra3, ahh, thanks for that10:30
hyperstreamScarra3, laptop brand and model ?10:30
Scarra3Anyways my laptop is a brand new Sony Vaio E Series VPCEE32FX10:30
hyperstreamScarra3, what is the touch pad referred as? (lspci i think)10:31
SyriaWhich one do you guys think its better, Avant or docky?10:31
YeTr2aptitude install *ruby* -y10:31
hyperstreamYeTr2, ?10:31
YeTr2I'm making sure it's all there10:32
Scarra3hyperstream: Btw im trying to use Ubuntu 10.10 x64 and yes my processor is a x64 processor10:32
hyperstreamScarra3, it seems it may work in 10.04 - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1449001&page=210:33
Scarra3hyperstream: Then why wouldn't it work on 10.10 if the driver was already in the kernel10:34
hyperstreamScarra3, not sure, with this laptop, 9.10 would work, but had issues with 10.0410:35
Scarra3http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1449001&page=9 read the last post10:35
RodemireHallo everyone, quick question: I have Twinview working at home on Maverick. Is it possible to now have two separate audio feeds from my PC such that one person can be listening to another app like tvtime while I am listening to Rhythmbox? What would I need to do it?10:37
hyperstreamRodemire, i believe you would need two sound cards, and set the applications to use the opposite cards.10:37
XlaitsYeTr2: News update?10:38
Scarra3Anyone else have an idea?10:38
al_nz2whats the command to make a connection to my ddwrt router which has vpn enabled with openvpn on my laptop? i cant make head nor tail of the man page10:38
modarhello every one10:39
YeTr2Xlaits: I'm hungry10:39
Rodemire@hyperstream: so it can't be done with one soundcard? Like using the line out for one feed and the headphone jack for another feed?10:39
ilorhi, I'm looking for a screensaver that shows cpu and memory usage. Does anyone know something like it?10:39
modarhow can i throw terminal see all neighbour computers in local network?10:40
hyperstreamRodemire, not that ive heard of10:40
XlaitsYeTr2: Same. Waiting on my toaster scrambles top be done. >.< And anything new on mud-mecha?10:40
hyperstreammodar, huh?10:40
ManikDepresifI have a question regarding to HP ProLiant Microserver and ubuntu installation. anyone around might help?10:40
nigelb!anyone | ManikDepresif10:40
ubottuManikDepresif: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:40
airtonixRodemire, video card != audio card10:40
hyperstreamManikDepresif, ask the question.10:40
ManikDepresifnice :) I am interested to buying a HP ProLiant Microserver to install ubuntu server and use it as NAS10:41
ManikDepresifit is not certified for any other os than microsoft server family and redhat enterprise10:41
ManikDepresifand hp doesnt know whether it is possible to install or not :)10:42
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:42
ManikDepresifsorry about that, will try10:42
hyperstreamManikDepresif, http://www.dancewithshadows.com/tech/hp-targets-smbs-with-proliant-microserver/10:44
hyperstreamThe server is also compatible with (but not certified for) Ubuntu and Windows XP, Vista and 7.10:44
john38whats the best music program for Ubuntu?10:45
ManikDepresifso this means, I can install ubuntu. sorry for bugging, I just want to be sure before making the decision :(10:45
hyperstreamManikDepresif, according to that site yes.10:45
hyperstream!best > john3810:45
ubottujohn38, please see my private message10:45
ManikDepresifok :) thanks a lot for your help10:46
hyperstreamNot a problem man, hope it all works out :)10:46
modar how can i  list all neighbour computers in local network by terminal?10:46
ManikDepresifthanks :) and wish you a pleasant day :)10:46
ubottuAu revoir!10:46
XlaitsYeTr2: >.<10:46
tmbgany practical differences to installing kde on ubuntu versus running kubuntu?10:46
jpds!info nmap | modar10:46
ubottumodar: nmap (source: nmap): The Network Mapper. In component main, is extra. Version 5.21-1~build1 (maverick), package size 1737 kB, installed size 7052 kB10:46
ghalebhello, I have ubuntu 8.10 installed on a pc and I reinsrted the hard drive into another pc, now the system is not workin and initramfs comes in, any body help me what to do to launch the kernel ?10:46
YeTr2Xlaits: yeah, aside from grabbing ruby 1.9 from source, compiling it, and installing it to /opt or something, I'm out of ideas.10:47
XlaitsYeTr2: Damn. Damn damn damn. DAMN! Crap, now I'm stuck with F'k'n RPMUD...10:47
hyperstreamghaleb, Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex), released on 30 October 2008,[60][61] was Canonical's ninth release of Ubuntu. Support ended on 30 April 201010:48
ghalebhyperstream: I know, I don't know what to do, I can't reinstall the system all over again10:49
YeTr2Xlaits: or, you could try ruby from one of the PPA's10:50
XlaitsYeTr2: PPA?10:50
hyperstreamghaleb, i would stick it into another machine as a slave, recover all the data required, and use a newer release of ubuntu10:50
ghalebhyperstream: the /home and all data is on another disk10:51
ghalebhyperstream: it's nightmare to reinstall the whole system again10:51
wisevoyagerHi! Does anyone know the easiest way to upgrade ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10? tq10:51
ghalebhyperstream: it works as a server :(10:51
Xlaitswisevoyager: Get a 10.10 distro.10:51
hyperstreamghaleb, im sorry mate, im not sure never used 8.10.10:52
hyperstreamback in 2010:52
wisevoyagerXlaits, how can I do that?10:52
Cmdr_W_T_Rikerghaleb: the kernel is probably running, but the root filesystem might not be mounted. Do the start up messages tell you anything why it can't properly boot? be sure to take away the 'quiet' option in boot parameters10:52
Cmdr_W_T_Rikeralso you don't want 'splash'10:52
muppisHow I prevent respawn from upstart?10:52
Xlaitswisevoyager: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu10:52
=== ty is now known as Guest86220
wisevoyagerXlaits, thx :D10:53
Xlaitswisevoyager: A word of warning, though...10:53
ghalebCmdr_W_T_Riker: thanks ,it tells me "Kernel alive"10:53
muppisProgram is already running and even I comment respawn out, it still respawns.10:53
Xlaitswisevoyager: It WILL erase everything on your HDD...10:53
Cmdr_W_T_Rikerwisevoyager: easiest is to use the upgrade option from inside your running 10.04. Takes long, though. if you have teh bandwidth and the resources, you might consdier reinstalling10:54
liberanhello. i need a gui program that will search for word within document. in googleing i found a searchmonkey, but before i install it, i wanted to ask does anone recommend some other similar program10:54
blakkheimliberan: just use grep10:55
Xlaitsliberan: Trial and error my friend. Try it, then find something else if you don't like it.10:55
XlaitsYeTr2: What's ppa?10:55
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.10:55
Cmdr_W_T_Rikerliberan: doesn't any GUI text editor support searching words inside a document? If you watn to do this recursively, over numerous files, consider using grep in the command line interface.10:55
XlaitsYeTr2: Nevermind.10:55
liberanblakkheim,  i am aware of grep command. i asked for gui. Xlaits that is good suggestion, but for example, i had to download 5 different mp3 players to find one that will do the trick for now10:56
Xlaitsliberan: Well, that's how I do things. If something dosn't work, try a different program.10:57
liberanCmdr_W_T_Riker, actually, for exact thing i need now, grep would do, but sometimes i need something that gui is much more useful and friendly to a newbie10:57
liberanthis comes in comparision to m$ os, such trivial things are very easy to do for newbie.10:58
ghalebCmdr_W_T_Riker: it stops at run_program: '/sbin/modprobe' abnormal exit , USB Universial Host Controller Interface Driver v3.010:59
ghalebudev_rules_rules_apply_format: unknown format variable '$PWJ3"'11:00
ghaleband stucks here11:00
ghalebALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/..... doext not exist, opping to shell!11:00
ghalebCmdr_W_T_Riker: any idea ?11:01
Cmdr_W_T_Rikeri'm not sure, no. I would probably personally mount the disk in another machine, securing the data etc11:01
Cmdr_W_T_Rikeryou might want to upgrade to a newer version, anyways11:01
john38anybody here know where the Banshee executable program is in Ubuntu11:02
ghalebCmdr_W_T_Riker: yeah.. no way .. reinstalling on another disk, thank you all11:03
ghalebis it safe to replace new /etc with old /etc ?11:03
john38anybody here know where the Banshee executable program is in Ubuntu11:03
zealiodhow can I route 5 vlans to one interface?11:03
obs3rv3rzealiod: by that you mean creating 5 vlans in one physical interface ? or doing policy based route outward?11:04
zealiodobs3rv3r: I have 5 vlans on eth1.111, eth.112, etc - I want to route them all to eth011:05
zealiodobs3rv3r: they are all on different subnets.... what subnet does eth0 need to have the traffic routed to it?11:05
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obs3rv3rzealiod: if they are on different subnets. the subnet on eth0 should itself be reachable.11:06
zealiodobs3rv3r: so how can i configure it?11:07
obs3rv3rzealiod: please explain your scenario . I am still confused about what you are trying to do.11:07
bindiI'm using ubuntu on my HTPC, and I have a slight problem. Even though I am using the correct resolution, the image is sized incorrectly (overscan?) and I cant find any options to change this. Ubuntu 10.04, 42" TV using DVI-HDMI. Intel integrated graphics (core i3 530)11:08
zealiodobs3rv3r: i am trying to accommodate 5 vlans on the network that already exist but just provide one DHCP range - so I thought if I routed those 5 vlans to one interface I can just provide DHCP on that interface11:08
=== wolf is now known as Guest16395
=== Guest16395 is now known as wolfhound
SpandiHelllo what does this error message mean hd0,0NTF5S, No Wuibldr . Ubuntu was installed on Vista and it ran very well for a few days until I started receiveing this message ?11:13
SpandiHello everyone  I wonder what does this error message mean hd0,0 NTF5S, No Wuibldr . Ubuntu was installed on Vista and it ran very well for a few days until I started receiveing this message ?11:16
SpandiWould I be able to recover the Ubuntu system or I require to go for a fresh install ?11:16
wolfhoundHello, I wanted to know, how to install gnome Login Screen?11:17
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
muppisSpandi, you are using Wubi?11:18
Cmdr_W_T_RikerSpandi: you could mount the wubi filesystem from say running a linux livecd, as it is just an image file inside vista. I'm not sure how you would need to fix this boot problem, though11:18
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muppisMost likely only way to fix it is reinstallation.11:19
geekosopheris there a way to hide a few entries from grub list without deleting the respective kernels from the system?11:20
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SpandiYes WUBI I think I got the ISO image CD downloaded and burnt a CD out of it11:25
SpandiWon't I be able to recover the OS at all ??11:25
muppisSpandi, if you have enough diskspace, copy current installation image to different name, reinstall and then copy it back.11:26
ravimaddulahi iam unable to make a calls through my sip account in empany internet messenger11:27
ravimaddulacould any one guide my  to the processs11:27
SpandiCMDR WT Riker , so do you think the boot file has been damaged ?11:27
muppisgeekosopher, old grub used to have setting for that, but now I can't found it from grub2 settings.11:28
geekosophermuppis: even I am searching for it all over after switching from jaunty to maverick :(11:28
Cmdr_W_T_RikerSpandi: i don't know11:29
geekosophermuppis: the community help page has information on how to add custom entries, but nothing to remove entries11:29
SpandiMuppis thanks but are reffering to the entire Ubuntu director that exists under the C: of VISTA ?11:30
ravimaddulahow to enable my sip account in empany messenger11:30
NaznazHey, some time ago, my login screen window where I can select the user isn't skinned anymore and looks totally ugly :-) How can I fix that? And is there a possibility to skin the whole GDM? It seems there was some time ago but it's gone with the new versions :(11:30
blaaHello, I'm trying to install ubuntu 10.10 in my pc, with a 22" 1900x1024 monitor11:32
blaabut the resolution is a mess11:32
blaasomebody can help me?11:32
muppisSpandi, yes.11:32
SpandiThanks Muppis but would there be any other repair tools recovery tools  ?  :)11:33
muppisgeekosopher, there is for -loop in /etc/grub.d/10_linux which search installed kernels. You can alter that. (Starts: list=`for i in /boot/vm... )11:33
tikhello, why audio device in /dev does pulseaudio listen too?11:34
tiker which11:34
tiki noticed there is no more dsp11:34
muppisSpandi, I have no idea. I have used wubi only twice.11:34
seth_gif i run lspci -Q it updates the name of the onboard video but reverts on reboot. if I use sudo will it save?11:36
Martiini?? question ?? howcome there is 2 partition layouts on my HDD ... one partition scheme is editable in windows .. second hdd layout editable in linux ??? I already accidentally deleted a working win xp partition11:36
Martiini<Martiini> ?? question ?? howcome there is 2 partition layouts on my HDD ... one partition scheme is editable in windows .. second hdd layout editable in linux ??? I already accidentally deleted a working win xp partition11:36
Martiini<-- Mir has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)11:36
Martiini przem has quit (Client Quit)11:36
Martiini--> przem (~przemek@absx149.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) has joined #suse11:36
Martiini<Martiini> ?? howcome linux give me differing disk layout from what windows gives me ??11:36
FloodBot1Martiini: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:36
bullgard4tracker-search-tool 0.8.17-0ubuntu1 hits only in ~, although ~/.config/tracker/tracker.cfg shows: "WatchDirectoryRoots=~; /usr/src/; /usr/share/doc;" Why does Tracker Search Tool nothing under the other 2 directories?11:36
serenatorhi. why doesnt my mouse work in egoshooter games? both my usb and cable mouse usually work fine, but already in the menu of a game (nexuiz/cube2) the mouse is extremely slow and freezes for several seconds whenever I move it. I have tried disabling mouse acceleration, increasing sensitivity and starting in windowed mode, but nothing worked.11:37
NaznazHey, some time ago, my login screen window where I can select the user isn't skinned anymore and looks totally ugly :-) How can I fix that? And is there a possibility to skin the whole GDM? It seems there was some time ago but it's gone with the new versions :(11:37
geekosophermuppis: i know very little about scripting... so will need a bit of explaining11:39
blackshirtwhat the matters11:40
Martiinianyone smart here ??11:40
Martiiniplease help11:40
Martiiniok then11:41
Martiininice chatroom this ...11:41
coz_martian,  what is the issue again?11:42
coz_martian,  sorry wrong name11:42
gaveenMartiini, it'd be easy if you just ask the question :)11:42
Martiinimartian .. Im not from Mars11:42
MartiiniI live on earth11:42
Martiini<Martiini> ?? howcome linux give me differing disk layout from what windows gives me ??11:42
coz_Martiini,   what is the issue again11:42
Martiini?? question ?? howcome there is 2 partition layouts on my HDD ... one partition scheme is editable in windows .. second hdd layout editable in linux ??? I already accidentally deleted a working win xp partition11:42
Martiinithat is the question ...11:42
coz_Martiini,  well windows and linux do not layout the hard drive the same11:43
Martiinihow do I make parted recognise hdd partition layout the same as windows11:43
etheretic1Martiini: try testdisk.11:43
ravimaddula_hi how to set up my sip acct in emphany11:43
Martiinietheretic1,  I have11:43
Martiinietheretic1,  I already tried testdisk11:44
=== Midahklorian is now known as adabo
etheretic1Martiini: gddrescue?11:44
NaznazHey, some time ago, my login screen window where I can select the user isn't skinned anymore and looks totally ugly :-) How can I fix that? And is there a possibility to skin the whole GDM? It seems there was some time ago but it's gone with the new versions :(11:44
zetherooI installed Unity on my desktop running 10.10 and logged in with it enabled but it did not load up correctly and everything seems frozen though I can still move the mouse cursor around ... so I cannot log out to change it back to the original Gnome standard ... pls help11:45
MartiiniNaznaz,  how does gdm theming affect your ability to use linux ??11:45
hateballzetheroo: switch to tty1 and restart GDM11:45
gaveenMartiini, Disk layout shouldn't be different. You are probably confusing notations with layout. I.e., primary, extended and logical partition should be the same. Only Windows shows them with different drive letters11:45
NaznazMartiini, how did you help me?11:45
zetheroohateball: by tty do you mean command line?11:45
hateballzetheroo: Yes11:46
MartiiniNaznaz, by telling you .. that you dont need gdm themeing11:46
zetheroohateball: ok ... how do i restart the gdm?11:46
hateballzetheroo: ctrl+alt+f1, log in, service gdm restart, ctrl+alt+f7 if it doesnt move you there by itself11:46
greppyMartiini: I don't think your opinion that themeing is not needed, while it is available in GDM, is helpful.11:46
gaveenMartiini, it's Naznaz 's preference11:46
NaznazMartiini, there's a lot things you don't need but maybe want? This is a channel for questions about Ubuntu so please stop bitching11:46
Naznazgreppy, gaveen thanks11:47
MartiiniNaznaz,  stop crying about your gdm themeing ....11:47
zetheroohateball: restart: Rejected send message11:47
hateballzetheroo: sorry, you need to sudo it11:47
hateballzetheroo: sudo service gdm restart11:48
zetheroohateball: ok cool that worked :)11:48
hateballzetheroo: happy times then!11:48
zetheroohateball: and it seems that Unity has loaded :)11:48
snipeis this the right place to ask questions about conky and a imlib problem?11:49
dave65anyone running the zend framwork app here?11:49
fs-ahow can you symlink on desktop with drag and drop?11:49
zetheroohateball: though it's acting very sluggish11:49
hateballzetheroo: from what little I've used it, it seems to act that way...11:49
jribfs-a: you should be able to create a symlink in the gui by right clicking11:49
NaznazMartiini, if you don't care about my questions, just read over them. It is not yours to decide what I ask here, so please leave me to my problems and questions. I want to know that so I ended up here, same as you.11:50
fs-aah and then moving. ok. nasty11:50
zetheroohateball: is it because it's running on a desktop as opposed to on a Netbook?11:50
hateballfs-a: you can hold Alt while you drag11:50
fs-athat doesn't do symlink11:50
Martiiniwtf!!! I just did .. apt-get install gddrescue .. and I get "gddrescue: command not found"11:50
fs-aah, it asks..11:51
NaznazMartiini, try hddrescue11:51
hateballfs-a: you should get a menu that lets you copy, move, symlink11:51
F_JoeyI need help please....I cannot login after installing readline in Ubuntu(Maverick)11:51
MartiiniNaznaz,  no such thing as hddrescue11:51
enriqI try to compile a c program using alsa and get: In function `sys_alsa_do_open_midi': testsysex.c:(.text+0x95): undefined reference to `post'11:51
hateballzetheroo: Nah, that should not matter. I've used it like 3 minutes tho so I dont really know about it :)11:52
zetheroohateball: ok well thanks for your help ;)11:52
MartiiniNaznaz,  hddrescue .. in windows, yes .. but Im on ubuntu currently11:52
MartiiniI HATE computers !!!!11:54
Martiinibinary processing units .. buggy software .. non-working operating systems11:55
muppisMartiini, me too. I'm still working with them.11:55
bindiseriously. anyone got their image scaled correctly using intel integrated connected to a tv?11:57
MartiiniThank You VERY MUCH !!!! now I get "Unable to open file or device /dev/sda" ... WTF !!!11:57
muppisMartiini, have you checked there is such a device?11:58
Martiinimuppis,  .. sorry ... I wasnt "root"11:59
Martiinimy bad11:59
bullgard4tracker-search-tool 0.8.17-0ubuntu1 hits only in ~, although ~/.config/tracker/tracker.cfg shows: "WatchDirectoryRoots=~; /usr/src/; /usr/share/doc;" Why does Tracker Search Tool find nothing under the other 2 directories?11:59
n8wim tryin to solve problems related to "hibernation" on 10.10....the first error i get is this: hibernate-disk:Warning: Tuxonice binary signature file not found.12:01
n8wim testin it by usin --dry-run.... sudo hibernate-disk -v2 --dry-run12:02
adaboHi :) First time to install Ubuntu Server 10.10. I'd like to install php. This is my error12:02
n8wanyone havin the same problem?12:02
zambaabe: php -h isn't the way to install php12:02
zambaadabo, even12:03
greppyadabo: did you run the command it suggested?12:03
adaboI forgot something12:04
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ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »12:06
adabogreppy, zamba: the png I posted is where I'm at12:07
zambaadabo: aren't the instructions for what you need to do pretty straight-forward?12:09
adaboNot at all12:09
zambaoh, a new png12:09
adaboI've never used linux12:10
=== ShaunoftheDead is now known as Shaun
zambaadabo: apt-get search php5-cli12:10
zambano.. hehe12:10
zambaapt-cache search php5-cli12:10
zamba<- only uses aptitude12:10
zambaadabo: and try apt-get update first12:11
adaboThank for the help zamba. Putting up with a complete newbie.12:11
fs-aHow can I denote the current directory in a right click on a folder e.g. command "git gui $1", what the right one in place of $1?12:11
fs-a(on the 'open with other application..')12:12
geirhafs-a: %f if I remember correctly12:13
geirhafs-a: http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html12:14
a2zhey all. whenever i try to open a gui program with sudo or under root i get the terminal message no protocol specified cannot connect to xserver. What do i need to do?12:14
fs-ait doesn't even get more than 1 word:(12:14
F_Joeycan any1 help me? :)12:15
adabozamba: It's not able to connect. I did not install ubuntu correctly on this vbox. I'll hop over to that channel and see if they can help with that.12:15
zambaadabo: i suspect you haven't got the internet connectivity sorted out12:16
adabozamba: ^12:16
geirhafs-a: Huh? one word?12:17
zambaadabo: there you go12:17
zambaadabo: set up network bridge.. that's the easiest12:18
zambaadabo: in vbox12:18
fs-afuck it. i'd be running git gui from win712:18
adabozamba: Got it working :o Wrong network adapter selected ._.12:18
bindiI'm using ubuntu on my HTPC, and I have a slight problem. Even though I am using the correct resolution, the image is sized incorrectly (overscan?) and I cant find any options to change this. Ubuntu 10.04, 42" TV using DVI-HDMI. Intel integrated graphics (core i3 530)12:19
adabozamba: Now do I try to install php again?12:19
zambaadabo: yup12:20
adabozamba: Great! Got it now. Thanks12:21
tasmaniacAnybody got any expericence with ubuntu 10.04 and compaq presario cq56 laptop12:22
obsidiethare any of you guys having a problem with flash not working in fullscreen12:23
zambaobsidieth: indeed12:23
obsidiethif the video is already playing it will freeze, but if you pause then fullscreen it, seems to sometimes work12:23
obsidiethit really seems to function fine if you pause it before hitting the fullscreen button.12:26
obsidiethand vice versa.12:26
obsidiethi cant be the only one.12:26
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete12:27
fazzilhi all12:27
fazzilhow to use compiz?12:27
rypervencheIs using "ctrl + alt + backspace" the exact same as logging out? Are there any differences what so ever?12:27
LjLrypervenche: it's different. logging out asks all open programs to close orderdly first. ctrl+alt+backspace just suddenly kills X.12:28
rypervencheLjL: Ah, good to know, thank you. Is it possible to hotkey the logout process?12:28
LjLrypervenche: i don't know12:29
obsidiethhm looks like there might be a fix.12:29
rypervencheLjL: Ok, thanks a lot.12:29
jianfei_Yang: I cannot read Chinese12:29
rypervencheHi yang_12:30
rypervencheAh, left :P12:30
=== jianfei_ is now known as jianfei
wisevoyager     /msg nickserv register wisevoyager aura4966@yahoo.com12:31
LjL!identify | wisevoyager12:31
ubottuwisevoyager: You can identify automatically by using your NickServ password as the server password in your IRC client. When identifying manually, do NOT send the command from a channel's tab, or a typo may give away your password. If that happened, type « /msg NickServ set password <new-password> » in the server tab as soon as possible.12:31
wisevoyagerubttu, thank you!12:32
obsidiethnext thing, changing the gdm to represent your current wallpaper12:32
obsidiethwhats the best way ot do that.12:32
rypervencheHow can I take a screenshot of my screen when I have my "Places" list open?12:35
n2diyIs there any reason to run GPM on a desktop?12:37
hyperstreamrypervenche, huh, didnt know that it wouldnt take it, quite interesting - id look at some alternative screen recording software perhaps12:37
psycho_oreosn2diy, as in the mouse pointer? I guess its mainly there for the power users who still likes to use CLI :) that would include me myself12:37
obsidiethrypervenche: use scrot with the -d switch12:38
JuJuBeeGot some weird behavior.  Trying to fix the prefs for Google-Chrome.  every time I try to rm -rf .config/Google-Chrome/Default, it fails telling me User Stylesheets not empty.  Custom.css is in there.  When I try to rm Custom.css, I don't get an error but ls still shows it is there..  I tried sudo, but no luck.  I own it and have rw  but cannot delete it.  Chrome is not running.12:39
n2diypsycho_oreos: no, as in GPM insisting my power button is being pressed, and constantly opening the interactive logoff/shutdown window.12:40
TopGearhi people12:40
TopGeargtkpod won't recognize my ipod touch second gen...12:40
TopGearit doesn't see it, and it isn't mounted anywhere....12:40
psycho_oreosn2diy, ahh ok my bad, different GPM then :)12:40
hyperstreamTopGear, nothing in dmesg?12:41
n2diypsycho_oreos: np,12:41
TopGearhyperstream, how do I check that?12:41
hyperstreamTopGear, open up a terminal and type dmesg12:41
TopGeareh, that program isn't installed.... oh, forgot to mention, i'm using KDE12:42
hyperstreamTopGear, can you see it in lsusb when you attach it?12:42
hyperstreamTopGear, sorry i have no experience with KDE12:42
TopGearBus 002 Device 006: ID 05ac:1293 Apple, Inc. iPod Touch 2.Gen12:42
hyperstreamSo ubuntu is seeing it12:42
TopGearyeah, but it doesn't mount it anywhere... strange desktop manager, KDE :p12:43
aguitelhow to try unity in 10.04 ?12:43
TopGearoh, well, i'll join #kubuntu :-)12:43
JuJuBeeSomeone tell me why I have ????? in http://pastie.org/125249212:43
marccc^JuJuBee: HTML?12:44
hyperstreamJuJuBee, you dont have access, did you install as sudo (root user) perhaps?12:44
Goku_#join berlin12:44
uLinuxI've added multiple Indicator Applets to panel but I can't see them. How do i remove?12:44
marccc^I'm having a problem with the linker, i am getting:12:45
=== marcel01_ is now known as marcel01
marccc^/usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/crt1.o(.debug_info): relocation 0 has invalid symbol index 1112:45
JuJuBeemarccc^: no, not html and hyperstream I just mv Default Backup and then ran chrome then mv Backup Default12:45
JuJuBeeI can't even chown back using sudo...12:45
hyperstreamJuJuBee, sudo ls -la Default/12:46
hyperstreamJuJuBee, this is sounding strange if you are unable to chown it as sudo12:46
JuJuBeehyperstream: http://pastie.org/125249612:46
raidghostATI Radeon HD5870 vs GeForce GTX 46012:47
hyperstreamJuJuBee, i just did the same thing today(fresh install of 10.10 and xfered my chrome Default folder over as well)12:47
hyperstreamJuJuBee, and your active account is knichel ?12:47
vijay 12:48
hyperstreamJuJuBee, got me stumped ..12:48
marccc^has any seen this before:?12:49
marccc^pressent128.c sbox_opt.c x86cpuinfo.c12:49
marccc^pressent128.c sbox_opt.c x86cpuinfo.c:D12:49
=== nouitfvf is now known as nouitfvf|aw
marccc^not that :-(12:49
marccc^but this :12:49
hyperstreammarccc^, use pastebin for excessive lines12:49
marccc^/usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/crt1.o(.debug_info): relocation 0 has invalid symbol index 1112:49
hyperstreammarccc^, what are you doing to prevoke that?12:50
liberanhi. after i did restart today, i cant log in into ubuntu or into rescure mode. grub is properly installed, i see my ubuntu, ubuntu rescure mode, memory test and winxp options, but when i click on ubuntu or ubuntu rescue system just hangs. what to do?12:50
marccc^i'm compiling some simple code12:50
hyperstreammarccc^, perhaps join ##C or #C++ ?12:50
liberani would google the thing out, but i dont know what exactly is a problem12:50
marccc^but it looks like it only on ubuntu12:51
momentumdoes ubuntu 10.04 have TRIM support for ssd?12:51
jblmarccc^: could you check this to see if this is your problem: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=56348112:51
SyriaI don't know how to set compiz settings!12:52
liberanwhen i go on rescue, it starts to load, and stops after line /script/intr or something like that12:52
rypervencheobsidieth: Ah, gnome-screenshot has a -d option, that works just fine. Thank you.12:53
hyperstreamjbl, 3rd jan 2010 ;/12:53
hyperstreamrypervenche, thats handy to know :)12:53
MPXIs there any way I can just make a screenshot of a selected area of the screen? It just might be some text (dragging the mouse to select area would be nice)12:54
=== nouitfvf is now known as nouitfvf|aw
suigenerislive cd gparted is refusing to start X. any help?12:54
hyperstreamrypervenche, how do you manage to run that while the places menu is open ?12:54
raidghostI got 2 laptop choose: GeForce GTX 460,Core i7-740QM,6GB RAM,500GB SSD/HDD,DVD±RW, and Radeon HD5870,Core i7-720QM,6GB RAM,500GB Hybrid HDD,DVD±RW,webcam,BT, (What specs to choose?) The diff of i7-740QM and i7-720QM (What gives the best performance?)12:55
liberansuigeneris: go on custom settings, and select apropriate resolution and driver mode for load, example 1024 768 and nv (nvidia) ati (radeon) etc12:55
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.12:56
MPXraidghost, the 5870 outperforms the 460 easily. So if it is gaming you're after, theres your answer12:56
rypervenchehypermodern: I run it in a terminal and it works fine. I suppose I could do alt-F2 as well so it doesn't mess up my screen.12:56
suigenerisliberan type 1?12:56
hyperstreamrypervenche, when ever i try to click the terminal, the menu dissapears12:56
rypervenchehypermodern: You type "gnome-screenshot -d 5" hit enter, then click on the menu and wait.12:57
liberanif you go on custom, you pick what resolution you are sure your computer support, i had to select 5 for a laptop i was fixing, his native resolution, and ati for his drivers, suigeneris12:57
hyperstreamrypervenche, ahh, crap sorry bud, i should read the man pages hehe- thanks for the info12:57
rypervenchehypermodern: No problem. As long as we're learning there's no problem at all :)12:58
snipei've been trying to set up conky for the first time and messed up somewhere .. any help here with that?12:59
ikoniasnipe: what's the problem?12:59
hypermodernIs there a way to update Ubuntu Studio from version 10.04 to 10.10 from Synaptic?12:59
ikoniahypermodern: process should be the same as normal ubuntu12:59
ikonia!upgrade > hypermodern12:59
ubottuhypermodern, please see my private message12:59
liberanToday after update, i did restart, i get to a grub, but then when i click on ubuntu or ubuntu rescue mode, system just hangs. i am able to boot into winxp. what can it be a problem? GNOME crash? what can i do to locate problem so that i can google for a solution12:59
hypermodernOK, thank you, I'm running regular 10.10 and wanted to get the app updates.13:00
ikonialiberan: what point is it hanging at ?13:00
liberanikonia: in ubuntu just after i enter it, and in ubuntu rescue, it starts to load, but stops after loading some file in  /script/13:01
snipei installed it once but didn't like the default screen , i tried to change it by following post in the forums and then it wouldn't start. i tried to uninstall to start over but the conky files are still there.13:01
ikoniasnipe: the conky config files will remain until you manually delete them13:02
ikonialiberan: I need you to get the exact error when booting rescue mode please13:02
snipehow do i manually delet them .. move to trash is greyed out ?13:02
liberanok, ikonia , i will reboot now and write the line after the system stops to load13:02
ikonialiberan: perfect13:02
ikoniasnipe: how did you edit them ?13:03
ikoniasnipe: and exactly which files did you edit13:03
alin_pandaI want to redirect the output of a cron job to a log file. So I wrote in crontab the line: * * * * * /home/oracle/test.sh &> /home/oracle/test.log #END Instead of writing the output to the specified logfile, an empty logfile is created but the output is sent by email. If I replace &> with >> the output is appended correctly to the logfile. However, I need to be able to use &> because my job executes several other scripts that use &> to write to13:03
alin_pandalogfile. It is kinda hard to track down all the &> and replace them with >>. So, why would &> create an empty file and send the output be email instead of writing it to the specified logfile?13:03
=== karthee_ is now known as karthee
snipeactually i never did .. the way i understood the directions was to create a .conkyrc file in home ... that's where everything went south13:04
uLinuxproblem solved.. indicator-sound was missing13:04
snipethe conky file in /etc is untouched13:04
ikoniasnipe: thats correct, so if you remove your .conkyrc file, it will go back to default13:04
snipei'll try again but i get a error .. missing text blosk in config .. program calling Imlib ... value null .... will get it word for word in a sec13:06
ikonia!pastebin > snipe13:06
ubottusnipe, please see my private message13:06
snipewill paste in a sec .. restarting to get the error13:07
AsadI was trying to install this package using sudo apt-get install php5-curl ...  It's stuck on unpacking forever. Any ideas on how to debug it?13:07
uLinuxmy front audio jack was working before I remove pulseaudio now i have pulseaudio installed but still doesnt work. is there anyway to restore audio drivers and configuration files?13:07
uLinuxor should i reinstall alsa13:08
ikoniaAsad: does it hang each time you try ?13:08
snipei just re installed again and i'm back to default13:09
AsadYes, ikonia .. I have to kill the process since it never completes (for 20 mins+) ... and then i have to delete lock files too13:09
ikoniasnipe: there we go, problem solved13:09
ikoniaAsad: it maybe worth removing the cache file for it, /var/apt/cache (I think - I don't have an ubuntu box here to test)13:10
snipelol .. i don't know how we fixed it but it worked13:10
ikoniaAsad: also makes sure you do a sudo apt-get update first13:10
freeakshi there13:10
ikoniasnipe: my magic control13:10
root_hi everybody13:10
freeakshow can i choose my default desktop without using gdm ?13:10
snipelol .. when you're not busy i'll take some more direction on changing it ... try to avoid the mess again13:11
freeaksi would like to setup another desktop as default for when i use startx command13:11
a2zfreeaks: default desktop or login manager?13:11
freeaksa2z, i don't use gdm at all, i don't want. i use startx command instead13:12
freeaksi start from root term13:12
snipei can use gedit to make or copy the rc files correct?13:12
freeaksa2z, so, default desktop13:12
a2zfreeaks: what other desktops do u have installed?13:12
freeakskde and netbook remix and lxde13:13
freeaksa2z, kde and netbook remix and lxde (at the moment default is gnome)13:13
a2zfreeaks: which one do u want between the three?13:13
freeaksi would like to be able to switch at will13:13
freeaksi don't know where the setting are stored13:13
freeaksa2z, in fedora it's in /etc/default/desktop ...i don't know for ubuntu13:14
Tom___freeaks: add /usr/bin/*whatever* in ~/.xsession13:15
freeaksTom___, i would like a global setting13:15
TopGearI can't make my ubuntu 10.10 install recognize my ipod touch13:15
liberanafter starting ubuntu rescue from grub, system stops to load after :" Begin: Running /scripts/init-botom... Done" ikonia . and anyone else who can help :)13:16
yosehello all13:16
Tom___freeaks: could be /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc?13:17
liberanunderline is still blinking, but nothing happens after few minutes13:17
freeaksTom___, i don't think so13:17
TopGearipodtun, do you know thing about ipod touch in ubuntu?13:17
magicblaze0071Anyone here good with acpi? My laptop hangs when i switch it on...very frequently13:17
obsidiethcan you force compiz efects to ignore a certain program13:17
yosecss how are you man ?13:17
Tom___freeaks: my bad, should read the thread further..13:18
freeaksTom___, np, thanks for trying to help btw13:18
wesselI'm looking for some software that can do nice plots, at the moment I'm using GNU plot, but I don't really like it.13:19
rubydiamondhi guys.. what is 1 in this line13:19
rubydiamondtcp6       0      0 ::1:3001                :::*                    LISTEN      27381/ssh13:19
rubydiamond::1 I mean13:19
Asadno luck ikonia ... after removing the package, running update and trying it again ... how can i manually install it? Like rpm -ihv in CentOS ...13:19
muppisI fixed libvirt -related problem, actually it init didn't read changes in configuration when respawning. I made script that launches actual program with correct arguments.13:20
ikoniaAsad: did you remove the cache file /13:20
AsadYes, I did remove the package from cache ikonia .. it downloaded the same one again13:20
ikoniaAsad: you can manually install it with dpkg -i but that won't pull in the dependencies13:20
Asadall the dependencies are already installed, ikonia .. ok thanks.. let me try that13:21
n2diyI'm getting ready to go on a buy, sell or trade radio program, and I need a thirty second sound bite to sell one of my boxes, I'm going to mention how versatile it is, and it has free tech. support, any other ideas?13:21
ikonian2diy: not really something we can help with, it's up to you how you market your machine13:22
Tom___freeaks: are you trying to swith between them from the command promt? says [http://www.xfree86.org/current/startx.1.html] here that the global config files are here /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit?13:23
n2diyikonia: ok, but I'm not off topic?13:23
ikonian2diy: you are really13:23
n2diyikonia: ok,13:23
ct529anyone out there who knows the name of the kernel module that must be loaded in order for the cpufreq utilities to work, please?13:24
liberanafter update today i cant load ubuntu or ubuntu rescue. grub is installed after starting ubuntu rescue from grub, system stops to load after :" Begin: Running /scripts/init-botom... Done" how can i locate problem so that i can try to google it13:28
liberanbecause i dont have a clue now13:28
XerossHey, As soon as Xorg starts my system crashes13:29
XerossI have tried removing the xorg.conf, generating a new one13:29
Xerossmanually setting it to use VESA results in a display not being found13:30
muppisliberan, it is trying to mount wrong partition as root. Check where your real root is and compare it kernel param and make changes.13:30
XerossAll I get is a black screen (Backlight on) and a system that doesn't respond (ctrl+alt+f1, ctrl+alt+del, etc)13:30
hyperstreamliberan, perhaps: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1271827 , i searched: /scripts/init-botom hang13:31
alin_pandaWhy would &> cron job output redirection create an empty file and send the output be email instead of writing it to the specified logfile?13:32
bindiwhy am i not seeing any partitions in ubuntu installer_13:33
bindigparted shows it all corectly13:33
she_dyedalin_panda: the email is not the output,its a regular thin13:33
XerossI guess no one knows...13:34
hyperstreamXeross, yep..13:34
Xerosshyperstream: It's annoying, AMD released fixed drivers and I can't even install them13:34
Xerosshyperstream: Hmm any chance you can hook me up with a guide on how to use iwconfig to connect to a wireless network ?13:34
hyperstreamXeross, i would personally backup any data and reinstall the system :/13:34
she_dyedalin_panda: did you remember to give the output a name?13:35
Xerosshyperstream; All it needs are updated drivers...13:35
hyperstreamXeross, only guides i would refer you to are googled ones hehe13:35
she_dyedXeross: man iwconfig has examples13:35
XerossStill weird that it doesnt fall back to VESA13:35
alin_pandashe_dyed: the cron job looks like this * * * * * /home/oracle/test.sh &> /home/oracle/test.log13:36
she_dyedalin_panda: and no test.log13:36
ikoniaalin_panda: that's a very regular job, every minute of every day13:36
liberanmuppis: my root is on sda5, how can i check kernel param? hyperstream , i will try later what that topic says, although it is not for maveric13:37
jMCgHello happy people.13:37
alin_pandashe_dyed: i know it's executing every minute. what do you mean by "and no test.log"13:37
she_dyedalin_panda: i'm asking if a log was created13:38
muppisliberan, hold shift -key pressed when it start loading grub, so you can access grub menu.13:38
alin_pandashe_dyed: yes, the file test.log is created but it is empty13:38
jMCgI'm trying to make actual use of systemtap, so I added the ddebs repositories to my sources.list, running aptitude update fails fantastically: http://pastebin.com/raM7SfNy13:38
she_dyedalin_panda: run it regular, in a terminal, no cron. delete the log first13:39
XerossWhy wont iwconfig set the essid :/13:39
she_dyedalin_panda: if the same thing happens, then, situation normal13:40
obsidiethhow do you change the font size of pidgin13:40
obsidiethit doesnt abide by my themes font size settings13:40
obsidiethnor have its own option13:40
cbush15I need help with bopm on my vps13:40
XerossI'll just hook it up to a crosswire cable13:40
cbush15It dosent dectect openproxys13:40
she_dyedXeross: how did you enter the iwconfig command?13:41
alin_pandashe_dyed: i just did. the file test.log was created and it contains the correct output13:41
she_dyedalin_panda: oh try the cron without '&'13:42
jMCgobsidieth: http://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/Using%20Pidgin#HowdoIchangethefontPidginusesThebackgroundcolor13:43
alin_pandashe_dyed: if i run the cron without &, the file test.log is created and contains the correct output. but i need it to run with & too13:44
obsidieththe document font doesnt alter it13:44
obsidiethunless i must restart pidgin?13:44
airtonixXeross... no people know.. just not glued to the screen 24/713:45
Kingsywhat is the best sftp server for ubuntu?13:46
she_dyedalin_panda: you might have to make a script to run your script because you need 2 outputs13:46
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.13:46
Kingsyit would be nice to have something with a GUI.. but thats really not neccessary13:46
hyperstream!best > Kingsy13:47
ubottuKingsy, please see my private message13:47
airtonixKingsy, i doubt you will find a "SSH SERVER" with a gui for linux. but hey surprise me!13:47
Kingsyi suppose a GUI isnt neccessary.. I could just use an app via the shell13:48
rp2xterm -e vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config & , right?13:48
Kingsydoes ubuntu have something built in for this?13:48
airtonixKingsy, sudo apt-get install openssh-server13:48
Kingsydoes it have a manual? :)13:49
rp2man sshd_config13:49
airtonixKingsy, man sshd13:49
rp2or whatever13:49
Kingsynp thanks13:49
airtonixKingsy, when you refer to a GUI, don't forget that nautilus (the default gnome file manager) can connect to ssh servers.13:50
she_dyedhey thats gui enough13:50
airtonixshe_dyed, it's not a server gui .13:50
she_dyedoh misread the question, my bad13:50
she_dyedwont it prompt anyway13:51
Kingsyairtonix - naw its not connecting to a server.. I have a shell or filezilla for that.. but I have setup port forwarding on my router so I wanted to setup a server13:51
alin_pandashe_dyed: actually, what i need to do is test.sh to get a webpage using "curl http://webpage &> /home/oracle/webpage.html", my problem is that the webpage is also sent by email and not written to the html file13:51
airtonixKingsy, it definitely does connect to ssh servers... i do it all the time.13:52
Xerosshyperstream: Glad I didn't listen to you13:52
Kingsyairtonix - but I want to set up an SFTP Server.. not connect to one13:52
Xerosshyperstream: New drivers installed, and it works again13:52
airtonixKingsy, and? use the command i gave you.13:52
Kingsyyea .. heh I was just talkin :)13:53
Xerosshyperstream: Yet normally you are indeed pretty much out of luck if Xorg decidedes to throw a hissy fit13:53
airtonixXeross, if you are trying to set an ESSID using iwconfig on a desktop...just remember that Network Manager will interfer if you have a wifi profile enabled for auto connect13:53
she_dyedalin_panda: ouch, maybe their tech support/services has something that they do besides email13:53
airtonixXeross, (Network Manager will do its dance regardless of the state of X )13:53
Xerossairtonix: I was asking because X was messed up and I needed new drivers, but I just decided to use a crosswire cable instead of spending ages trying to get wirelss to work on the CLI13:54
Xerossairtonix: Even when I'm in a fallback root shell ?13:54
alin_pandashe_dyed: what "tech support/services" are you reffering to?13:54
airtonixXeross, it will if sudo service status | grep network-manager shows a x13:54
she_dyedalin_panda: the ones that email the form?13:54
Kingsywhat is the difference between /etc/init/ and /etc/init.d/ ? both exist right?13:54
Xerossairtonix: Ah well it's irrelevant now13:55
MariJonesHi all13:55
airtonixKingsy, as far as i know, ubuntu is moving away from simply using the scripts in /etc/init.d/13:56
sipiorKingsy: the former governs the "upstart" startup schema, whilst the latter comes from the historical sysvinit.13:56
alin_pandashe_dyed: what i meant is that cron is sending the webpage by email (like it does by default) instead of writing it to the file (like i specified by &>)13:56
* cousin_mario installed ubuntu netbook edition, but after the first boot an error message appeared and now it's switched again to the default gnome desktop. How do I re-enable Unity?13:57
Kingsysipior - hmm is there a website someone that tells you about the linux file system? I find it very confusing13:57
MariJonesWe have two offices. The first one has a server with shared network drives. The second one connects to these folders through VPN. The problem, due the connexion some times is very slow to fetch the files. We decided to add a second Linux server in the second office, wehre somehow we keep a synced copy of the content of the first office, so when any file changes, it is synced. Any good software for this for Linux/Ubuntu Server?13:57
peter__have goot somebody problem with lagging when watching video in fullscreen?13:57
LjLcousin_mario: should be an option in GDM after you put in your user name13:57
peter__i mean flash video.. youtube?13:58
vargadanishello, I need some help with OOo Writer.. Is it possible to change the contents of the header on a specific page? If so how?13:58
airtonixXeross, btw it's actually : sudo service status | grep network-manager ... and you can configure network-manager with the confs in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/13:58
sipiorKingsy: there's certainly a fair bit of historical baggage. might be a good place to start: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard13:58
vargadanisbtw 10.10 is really cool with all the new nice font rendering :)13:58
airtonixXeross, gah... i mean  sudo service network-manager status13:58
Xerossairtonix: Doesn't matter as gnome is already running again including compiz13:59
she_dyedalin_panda: the & is throwing it to batch mode, remember, and the email could be a result of that (has to let youknow the result) http://webpage &> /home/oracle/webpage.html13:59
airtonixXeross, ;) if you say so... but i garuntee you it will matter later13:59
peter__have goot somebody problem with lagging when watching video in fullscreen?13:59
Kingsysipior - thanks13:59
dafoxhi. Does anyone know where the default menu settings are stored? By default when a new user is created the menu does not contain the 'Development' sub menu. I would like to enable that menu by default for new users. I've looked at the in /etc/xdg and /usr/share/{applications,desktop-entries} but I can't seem to find it.14:00
Xerossairtonix: Define later ?14:00
juki enabled port forwarding on my router for transmission on port it's using however it says ports is closed14:00
rp2dafox: what's the point? won't it be empty? isn't it just a matter of installing some app that belongs there??14:01
dafoxno, I'm there will be an application installed by default14:01
rp2then why would the menu still be empty? have you tested it?14:01
bullgard4'man tracker-miner-fs': "tracker-miner-fs mines information about applications and files only." What does it mean »to mine information«?14:02
airtonixjuk, make sure ufw is running and you have a port open for it with ufw : sudo ufw enable && sudo ufw allow in on eth0 to any port XXX (were XXX is the port number you opened)14:02
Xerossairtonix: Perhaps now already, the network applet icon thing isn't appearing in GNome14:02
airtonixXeross, killall nm-applet && killall gnome-panel && nm-applet &14:03
MariJonesWe have two offices. The first one has a server with shared network drives. The second one connects to these folders through VPN. The problem, due the connexion some times is very slow to fetch the files. We decided to add a second Linux server in the second office, wehre somehow we keep a synced copy of the content of the first office, so when any file changes, it is synced. Any good software for this for Linux/Ubuntu Server?14:03
airtonixMariJones, there is a few14:04
Xerossairtonix: Nothing, perhaps I am missing something on my panel ?14:04
rp2do both ends write to these files?14:04
MariJonesairtonix, like?14:04
airtonixXeross, do you have the notification-panel applet ?14:04
rp2rsync is the command to synchronize files14:04
kubancto which folder do i unzip Gnome icon theme?14:04
rp2systems exist that build upon it14:04
airtonixkubanc, ~/.icons14:04
MariJonesrp2, yes14:05
cousin_marioLjL: man, you're everywhere:)14:05
rp2(but i haven't used any of them)14:05
MariJonesrp2, but I mean something visual, where to create rules, etc..14:05
rp2i understand ...14:05
airtonixMariJones, maybe Unison might appeal to you14:05
MariJonesairtonix, Unison?14:05
MariJonesairtonix, let me check14:05
kubancairtonix, thnx14:06
airtonix!info unison14:06
ubottuunison (source: unison): A file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.32.52-1ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 574 kB, installed size 1376 kB14:06
chadiplease please tell me how to disable multi-touch gestures on ubuntu maverick.. it's causing my pc to crash!   I only want single touch.14:06
jukairtonix: i did what you told me, didn't work14:06
MariJonesdoes it have a UI?14:06
airtonixjuk, did you restart transmission ?14:06
cousin_marioLjL: unfortunately, it didn't work14:06
rp2i think it's important to know whether both ends can write files and how fast changes are supposed to be reflected14:06
Xerossairtonix: Looks like it14:06
cousin_marioLjL: the same requester came up, showing the message copied here: http://pastebin.com/irUGW66Y14:06
Xerossairtonix: have it but is empty14:07
MariJonesrp2, as I said above, both sides can write, and at any time14:07
airtonixXeross, check that you do not have copies of nm-applet running that were started by root.14:07
LjLcousin_mario: oh. Unity requires OpenGL support with a couple of modern driver features. i imagine that message means you either have an old card, or don't have the proprietary driver for it enabled.14:07
alin_pandashe_dyed: i thought the & was used to redirect both the stderr and stdout to the file14:07
Xerossairtonix: This was a clean boot and according to ps I do not14:07
jukairtonix: taking too long, testing14:08
airtonixXeross, are there any files in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ ?14:08
rp2marijones: ok sorry14:08
she_dyedalin_panda: AND throws to batch14:08
MariJonesUnison is not what I am looking for14:09
rp2why not?14:09
Xerossairtonix: Nope14:09
cousin_marioLjL: I'm trying it under virtualbox. I suppose the 3D support is not enough for it.14:09
airtonixMariJones, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/unison-file-synchronization-tool.html14:09
LjLcousin_mario: err, no, definitely not :P forget about it14:09
she_dyedalin_panda: run ir oncli, your term is freed up to do next command g right?14:09
MariJonesbecause my network is administrated by people that are not expert in Linux, and they are used to Windows Server tools (graphical interfaces, etc..)14:09
LjLcousin_mario: not even the GeForce FX5200 i have on my computer is enough14:09
she_dyedalin_panda: run it* on cli14:09
dafoxrp2: I'm sorry, my wireless just dropped. What was my last message?14:10
cousin_marioLjL: so, what is it like anyway?14:10
airtonixMariJones, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/conduit-synchronize-your-data-in-easy-way.html14:10
LjLcousin_mario: slow14:10
cousin_marioLjL: I just read it will be the default since nutty narwhal and wanted to see it myself14:10
cousin_marioLjL: does it have any merits?14:10
wahbyhi Guys14:10
alin_pandashe_dyed: i don't quite understand what you want me to do..14:11
om26ercousin_mario, first its Natty :)14:11
cousin_marioom26er: oook:)14:11
sipiorMariJones: depending on the amount of data you want to keep synchronised, dropbox might be of use to you.14:11
rp2dafox: (3:01:37 PM) dafox: no, I'm there will be an application installed by default14:11
she_dyedalin_panda: test it on cli14:11
=== marcel01_ is now known as marcel01
MariJonessipior, we thought about DorpBox, but we have up to 1T14:12
LjLcousin_mario: well, i'd say it has the merit of dealing with maximized, borderless windows a bit better than the old Netbook Remix used to (with horrible hacks like Maximus). i hear the file searching is also somewhat refined, but i haven't really tried it. personally i don't really look forward to it being default on desktops. also, i'm told some things in it will change for desktop Natty14:12
wahbyi Have problem with my size of disk14:12
=== wam_ is now known as Guest41570
airtonixMariJones, i think there is something similar to dropbox where you can host the server privately14:12
sipiorMariJones: sparkelshare is another (self-hosted) possibility, but it's still in beta at the moment...14:12
cousin_marioLjL: I've never used anything else, but I guess I'll try a livecd14:12
dafoxrp2: if I enable the menu for one user (right-click, edit, enable development) than the menu appears and has one entry in it14:12
sipiorMariJones: sparkleshare, rather.14:12
dafoxrp2: just the whole 'development' submenu is hidden by default. I want to reverse that default so that it shows up in new accounts14:12
airtonixMariJones, http://sparkleshare.org/14:13
=== Alexander1 is now known as Alexander
jukairtonix: should nmap show it as opened port?14:14
alin_pandashe_dyed: if you mean that i should try to run the script on the command line, i already did, and it works as expected. the problem is happening only when running in cron14:14
MariJonesIT'S NOT ON YET14:14
MariJonesit's not working yet14:14
Xerossairtonix: So that would be bad right ?14:14
airtonixjuk, it should. yes.14:14
MariJonesNO ON14:14
she_dyedtry it without the & too, alin_panda14:14
RogerBRHi People, i try to install Ubuntu Netbook and the screen lock in this message: Syslinux 4.02 2010-07-21 EDD Copyright (C) 1994-2010 H. Peter Anwin et Al14:14
MariJonesFUCK YOU14:14
FloodBot4MariJones: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:15
sipiorthat was bizarre.14:15
jukairtonix: only 22 631 listed14:15
RogerBRthere are solution for this ?14:15
airtonixjuk, you are using eth0 as the interface to access network yeah ?14:15
jukairtonix: yes14:16
=== ITXpander is now known as MagicalITXpander
juktransmission says it's closed as well as nmap14:16
dewey_anyone got a good resource about getting/installing a ssl certificate?14:16
snipethanks  to those who helped with my conky issues .. it's up and running now14:16
airtonixjuk, and you used nmap to test this from another computer right ?14:16
dewey_read that a ip based ssl certificate isn't neccasery anymore, but that's what most of the docs say14:17
jukairtonix: no, nmap localhost14:17
wahbyi want admin help me plzz14:17
alin_pandashe_dyed: like i said earlier, without & it is working. but i need it to work with &14:17
airtonixjuk, what does ' sudo ufw status ' say ?14:18
Kingsythe reason I mentioned a GUI for an SFTP server in linux.. is.. what would happen if you wanted to monitor your FTP? for example how do you know if someone is on your FTP? would you have to constantly run shell commands to check?14:18
she_dyedalin_panda: and like i said you need 2 outputs so maybe 2 scripts instead of 1 will do the job14:18
rp2what happened to MariJones? prior to the ban i mean14:18
Kingsywith a GUI for example the icon would change next to the system clock.. so you could see if someone was on your server or not14:18
jukairtonix: Status: inactive14:18
airtonixKingsy, ssh authentication is logged in /var/log/auth14:18
kubanchow will ati moblity radeon x1400 work on ubuntu 10.10? does anybody have any problems with it?14:18
Xerossairtonix: Disregard that, my group memberships decided to reset14:19
dafoxrp2: I think I have it. If I add "NoDisplay=false" to the desktop entry it works14:19
dafoxrp2 thanks14:19
airtonixjuk, juk, did you run the ufw command i gave you earlier ?  : sudo ufw enable && sudo ufw allow in on eth0 to any port XXX (were XXX is the port number you opened)14:19
rp2dafox: sorry i couldn't really help ...14:19
rp2interesting double negative there14:19
Kingsyairtonix - well yea but thats a log.. does that mean in order to keep an eye on who is on your server you have to keep refreshing that log file? cos thats not very helpful14:19
airtonixKingsy, you can use the log-viewer in the System - Administration menu to monitor that log file14:19
she_dyedalin_panda: like the second one gets the &> output, first one gets webpage14:19
nerdy_kidhi, I am trying to encode a video with ffmpeg using the mp3 audio encoder but it says "unknown encoder 'mp3'".  I have tried 'lame' and 'libmp3lame' but they return the same thing.  lame is installed.14:20
jukairtonix: yes, sure14:20
Kingsyhmm id idnt know about a log-viewer.. let me check that out14:20
Xerossairtonix: Well that didn't work14:20
airtonixKingsy, also when someone has authenticated and logged in via ssh they will show up as a logged in user via the command "who"14:20
senglinkcan anyone know, when mobile boardband already appear but can not enable or connects14:21
senglinkcan anyone know, when mobile boardband already appear but can not enable or connects14:21
=== dewey__ is now known as dewey_
tim_obgwibber just notified me of a twitter response from a year ago.... wtf14:21
wahbythis me problem14:21
jukairtonix: xxx is assigned to forward to me in router and transmission using it also14:21
airtonixKingsy, to rule out gconf problems, create a new user and login with that one to see if the nm-applet shows up14:21
wahbyhow can extend my disk or partitions14:22
Kingsyairtonix - what I mean is its not very helpful if the information is available but you have to find it.. say for example.. you wanted to know when someone was on your server.. and you check you log every 30 mins.. when you check the user will have logged in and out by then14:22
alin_pandashe_dyed: i'm not sure i can do what you're suggesting because of the structure and content of the scripts i need to run in cron. i just needed to understand why the & is throwing the output to email. thanks for your assistance14:22
airtonixKingsy, sure, but logviewer updates when the file changes...14:22
jukairtonix: i don't think i gain much speed by letting incomming connections in and also compromising ubuntu14:23
Kingsyso the information you are seeing isnt current.. as you don't notice the user on the server until they are gone..14:23
she_dyednerdy_kid: man mplayer to see how to enter lame and lame options14:23
airtonixjuk, ...14:23
wahbysee my problem plzzzzzzzzz   http://paste.ubuntu.com/520759/14:23
Kingsyairtonix - yea but that means you need to have a log file open all the time.. :S14:23
Xerosswahby: What do you not understand in that message ?14:23
airtonixjuk, allowing incoming connections with torrents means others can upload from you.14:23
she_dyedyou're welcome alin_panda i feel you are close, though to the solution14:23
k5673wahby: you do have another disk14:23
Kingsyis there not a nice icon that sites in the system panel? that would be best :)14:23
airtonixKingsy, how else are you going to know when a user is logged in ?14:24
Xerossairtonix: Adding myself to netdev group and rebooting did the trick14:24
Kingsylol exactly14:24
k5673wahby: or unpartitioned space in your actual disk?14:24
wahby yes but how to me extened it14:24
jukairtonix: if my upload speed is limited it doesn't make sence14:24
airtonixKingsy, you have to do the same thing on windows too.14:24
k5673wahby: Try to use gparted14:24
she_dyedalin_panda: btw what does the email say, cron succeeded or finished14:24
=== MagicalITXpander is now known as ITXpander
k5673wahby:Or the gparted live cd14:24
k5673wahby: Too easy to do with14:25
=== Termana_ is now known as Termana
k5673wahby: Give it a try14:25
Kingsyairtonix - you don't, you use a SFTP server app that has an icon that runs in the tray14:25
wahbyi can't because i have partition in meddle14:25
Kingsywhen a user logs in the icon turns blue..14:25
k5673wahby: Ah14:25
wahbyi try befor14:25
Kingsyso because the icon is always visible you can instantly see when someone logs in or out14:25
airtonixKingsy, which you have to either keep open or click open every so often to see who is logged on.14:25
k5673wahby: Why don't you format the unused space and mount it to use it in Ubuntu?14:26
Kingsyairtonix - no its a system service that sits in the tray and changes colours depending on if a user is logged in out or transferring14:26
airtonixKingK, its just a notification tray icon that responds to logfiles.14:26
airtonixKingsy, you could use conky, and use commands like : watch -n1 -d "who --lookup"14:27
Kingsywhich is what I am looking for :)14:27
Kingsycool let me look that up14:27
alin_pandashe_dyed: it doesn't say anything about the cron, it just displays what i expected to find in the files14:27
wahbyi hate formate14:28
Kingsyairtonix - that is EXACTLY what I want14:28
wahbybecause i have 300 GB space14:28
airtonixKingsy, the watch command is nice14:28
airtonixKingsy, http://librenix.com/?page=Monitoring14:29
nerdy_kidshe_dyed  I need to use ffmpeg and cant find any info about lame in there.  basically i just need the name of the mp3 audio encoder.  dont know why 'lame' wont work though.14:29
wahbyi want Attach with low space14:29
wahbyk5673 : are you here14:30
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.14:31
Leman_Russhey guys.  I am trying to copy a song to my ipod, using rhythm box, but I am getting permission denied14:31
k5673wahby: i'm here14:31
wahbyhow can i solve that problem14:32
=== AaronMT_ is now known as AaronMT
k5673wahby: OK. Two alternatives. Format the unused space and mount it, OR Backup all your data and format it right to have contiguous space.14:33
amarcolinolastlog amarcolino14:33
k5673wahby: Or get a new disk14:34
wahbyhow i extend my partition14:34
unobtruseanyone have any idea why my laptop would suddenly switch off at 23h00 each day once logged into ubuntu. i installed it with wubi in windows. no problems in windows14:35
k5673wahby: You said there's a partition between the problematic one and the unallocated space. Right?14:35
amarcolinowahby, sorry for interrupting but what you're suggesting 'extending' is only possible with LVM, which I doubt you're using14:35
coolsanmy computer screen is splitted up into 8 parts14:36
k5673wahby: So, you can't move a partition, only resize it14:36
coolsani hve a very big problem14:37
coolsanplzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz helpppppp14:37
=== AaronMT_ is now known as AaronMT
k5673wahby: Your alternatives are few. Just allocate the unused one and use it.14:37
k5673coolsan: ask14:37
coolsank5673: my computer screen is splitted up into 8 parts14:38
k5673coolsan: what do you mean with split?14:38
coolsanmeans my display looks like tiles14:38
coolsanmeans my display looks like tiled14:38
coolsank5673: ok i telling u in detail14:39
wahbyok how me resize the partitions14:39
jukairtonix: so how undo your command14:39
coolsank5673: i working on pc and suddenly it stopped working n shutdown14:39
airtonixjuk, sudo ufw reset14:39
k5673coolsan: Can you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:39
coolsank5673: when i start again i see1 se14:40
airtonixjuk, honestly, if you're concerned about "comprimises" don't connect to the internet. not to mention port forward ports to your computer.14:40
bruceberSo I just upgraded to 10.10, and it went pretty smoothly.  But... I have a piece of hardware who's drivers have a problem with kernel 2.6.35 ... so... can I safely revert to kernel 2.6.32 in 10.10 without major breakage?14:40
wahbythan you14:41
k5673wahby: OK14:41
unobtrusek5673: are you like the official "helper" here :P14:41
nerdy_kidanyone know why '-acodec mp3' returns 'codec unknown' in ffmpeg?14:42
k5673k5673: No. But i learn a lot helping!14:42
unobtrusehaha... i see14:42
k5673unobstruse: No, but i learn a lot helping!14:42
k5673Talking to myself again.14:42
unobtrusek5673: no prob14:42
=== Alexander1 is now known as Alexander
unobtruseso... anyone have any idea why my laptop would suddenly switch off at 23h00 each day once logged into ubuntu. i installed it with wubi in windows. no problems in windows14:43
jukairtonix: yeah you right, but that's like increasing chances to be exposed14:43
nerdy_kidk5673 I do it all the time :P14:43
k5673nerdy_kid: yeah!14:44
k5673It helps you a lot, when solving issues in a 200-hosts ubuntu network.14:44
philsfhi. I can't upgrade from lucid from maverick. When I try, the updater wants to install a blacklisted package and aborts. It wasn't previously installed, I tried installing the lucid version and still get the error. I don't think I have the reverse dependencies installed14:45
coolsank5673: i restart i see rainbow like colors on my screen it has 8 parts14:45
she_dyednerdy_kid: try it without -acodec mp3, then after that doesnt work try -f mp314:45
k5673coolsan: Yo can do the following. Rename your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and restart. X11 will use the defaults.14:46
coolsank5673: my desktop looking 8 same type window14:46
coolsank5673: rename what????14:46
k5673coolsan: that's the main X11 configuration file. It seems an issue with X1114:47
NaeddyrNot critical, just curious: Hi. I'm trying to install my Aiptek Hyperpen 12000u using the aiptek drivers from the repositories, and following the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AiptekTablet . I have checked and double-checked the conf files. I have the same problem as some other people on the forums, viz. after a boot or reinsertion of the usb tablet, hovering with the stylus works, but after using the nib once14:47
Naeddyr, it loses that capability. There is also no pressure levels, and naturally the other buttons don't work. I checked Xorg.0.log, and after the evdev stuff refering to Aiptek, there's two lines of udev, one which is "(II) config/udev: Adding input device Aiptek (/dev/input/mouse1)" and the one following "(II) No input driver/identifier specified (ignoring)". As I said, not critical (I'll just boot into XP), but it would be nice to14:47
Naeddyrget this to work. Thank you in advance.14:47
FloodBot4Naeddyr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:47
nerdy_kidshe_dyed I did ffmpeg -i FILE -f mp3 FILE  and it said 'codec id 86017 not found for output stream'.  im a noob at video encoding sorry14:48
coolsank5673: can i rename it as before it is means xorg.conf14:48
k5673coolsan: as root, do mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.BAK and restart14:48
Naeddyroops, that line went a little overboard.14:48
she_dyeddont apologize nerdy_kid. been there14:48
she_dyedstill there i think =) nerdy_kid14:49
bushbaby1nerdy_kid, you tried installing ubuntu-restricted-extras for the mp3 codec?14:50
she_dyednerdy_kid: see if it includes mp3 on the list: ffmpeg -formats14:50
coolsank5673: can't move14:52
nerdy_kidshe_dyed I have kubuntu-restricted-extras installed, and mp3 is on the list of supported formats from -formats.  that is why i am rather confused14:52
karma_policei'm trying to share my music folder over a windows network using samba... i can access the folder from windows however i cannot access any subfolders within the shared music folder... access denied14:52
=== AaronMT_ is now known as AaronMT
coolsank5673: when i m starting it distroying main screen14:54
coolsank5673: distroying screen before boot menu14:54
she_dyeddamm nerdy_kid you got all that you need...14:54
airtonixjuk, shrug, as long as you are not forwarding ports and you're not using wifi whats to worry about ?14:54
pupnikanyone alive?14:55
nerdy_kidshe_dyed strange.....14:55
karma_policei was about to ask the same14:55
jukairtonix: well, nothing really14:56
pupnikno chat in any channels.  scary times. :P14:56
Naeddyrit's the zombie apocalypse14:56
she_dyedtry mencoder too nerdy_kid if you want to see if it even tries, not the whole thing14:56
she_dyednerdy_kid: are you able to play mp3's14:57
she_dyedand watch videos as well14:57
dlynesworkIs linux 2.6.32 available for Jaunty?14:57
nerdy_kidshe_dyed yes to both, all my codec seem to be installed, I can encode mp3 also (have done it) but not sure if the encoder was ffmpeg or not.  im gonna give mencoder a shot one sec14:58
ActionParsnipdlyneswork: jaunty is EOL and not supported now dude14:58
dlynesworkActionParsnip, that doesn't mean that 2.6.32 wouldn't be available14:58
she_dyedremember nerdy_kid that came with mplayer so the man page is the same14:58
ActionParsnipdlyneswork: it will be hard to find debs for it as its not supported, you could compile the source or find somewhere with debs for the kernel14:59
ActionParsnipdlyneswork: due to it being EOL you will have a hard time finding stuff14:59
dlynesworkActionParsnip, theoretically 2.6.32 from 10.04 should work though, shouldn't it?  seeing as how it shouldn't be dependent on libc?15:00
nerdy_kidshe_dyed mencoder wouldn't do it either, but it is encoding with mp2 fine right now15:00
ActionParsnipdlyneswork: if you want to try it you can but the Lucid kernel is compiled for Lucid15:00
dlynesworkActionParsnip, well, is there a switch for dpkg that will tell me about any dependencies?15:01
nerdy_kidshe_dyed ffmpeg encodes with mp2 as well15:01
dlynesworkActionParsnip, 9.1 and higher have other issues that currently prevent us from using them15:01
ActionParsnipdlyneswork: if you dont have the deps, the package will not install and the output wil tell you what is needed15:01
dlynesworkActionParsnip, and we don't have the time to fix those issues until another month down the road, or so15:02
ActionParsnipdlyneswork: theres this I just found: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/15:02
nerdy_kidshe_dyed ffmpeg can supposibly encode mp2, and decode and encode mp3 according to -formats15:02
she_dyednerdy_kid: hmm ever reinstall stuff?15:02
dlynesworkActionParsnip, linux-image still includes the modules?15:02
ActionParsnipdlyneswork: should do yes15:02
coolsank5673: i didn't find any xorg.conf15:03
dlynesworkActionParsnip, thanks15:03
nerdy_kidshe_dyed such as?15:03
dlynesworkActionParsnip, much appreciated15:03
ActionParsnipdlyneswork: what you are doing is not hugely advised and not supported so you are flying by the seat of you pants dude :)15:03
she_dyednerdy_kid: i was thinking uninstall the restricted then put it back in15:03
coolsanActionParsnip:  my screen tiled into 8 parts15:03
k5673coolsan: what version of ubuntu are you using?15:03
she_dyednerdy_kid: you ARE in kubuntu right?15:04
coolsanActionParsnip: blurred15:04
coolsank5673: 10.0415:04
nerdy_kidshe_dyed yeah, ill give it a shot, but dont think it will do anything15:04
she_dyednerdy_kid: did you try also in #kubuntu or am i looking at a mirrored channel =)15:05
Rigorm0rtisHello. I've been having an issue with my laptop ever since upgrading to Ubuntu 10.10 from 10.04. Whenever I boot the latest kernel (the one that came with 10.10) I don't see anything on the screen. The system appears to be booting normally (judging by hard disk activity), it's just that I never get anything on the screen. The only way to boot my system (and have a display) is to use an old kernel left over from 10.04. My system15:05
Rigorm0rtisis a laptop (HP Elitebook 2730p) running intel graphics.15:05
manuel_I'm having trouble installing globalmenu on ubuntu 10.10. Terminal gave me a error "15:05
manuel_<nerdy_kid> she_dyed yeah, ill give it a shot, but dont think it will do anything15:05
manuel_* sixhat (~sixhat@ has joined #ubuntu15:05
manuel_* iNtERrUpT (~interrupt@ has joined #ubuntu15:05
manuel_* jani123 (~janik@xdsl-83-150-84-65.nebulazone.fi) has joined #ubuntu15:05
FloodBot4manuel_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:05
manuel_<she_dyed> nerdy_kid: did you try also in #kubuntu or am i looking at a mirrored channel =)15:05
nerdy_kidshe_dyed no I didn't try in kubuntu as this is more of a generic issue.  they usually arent as helpful as the people in here :)15:05
dlynesworkActionParsnip, yeah...just trying a quick fix for the time being on a test machine15:06
dlynesworkActionParsnip, if it works, we'll deploy it onto the cluster15:06
she_dyednerdy_kid: but this time, see if anything is indicated in the log15:06
dlynesworkActionParsnip, otherwise, we'll have no choice but to try to get 10.04 working, i think...or maybe forgo this kernel altogether until a month down the road15:06
ActionParsnipRigorm0rtis: www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html15:06
she_dyednerdy_kid: if you can run command line apt-get or something15:07
philsfhi. I can't upgrade from lucid from maverick. When I try, the updater wants to install a blacklisted package and aborts. It wasn't previously installed, I tried installing the lucid version and still get the error. I don't think I have any of the reverse dependencies installed. What do I do to upgrade to maverick?15:08
k5673coolsan: Ah15:08
burntoutlampoops sorry mischan15:09
nerdy_kidshe_dyed it reinstalled fine.  idk, maybe ill make a post on the forums about it15:09
k5673 coolsan: as root, run X -config15:09
she_dyedok nerdy_kid  good luck15:09
nerdy_kidshe_dyed thanks for your help15:09
k5673coolsan: X -configure15:09
she_dyedyou're welcome, nerdy_kid  i'll bring some popcorn when it works15:10
nerdy_kidshe_dyed lol15:10
coolsani run it15:10
coolsank5673: i run it15:10
k5673coolsan: the command created an xorg.conf.new in your home directory15:11
ActionParsnipk5673: i thought it was: sudo Xorg -configure15:11
Rigorm0rtisActionParsnip, my system doesn't use an nvidia card, and neither of those two solutions worked.15:11
ActionParsnipRigorm0rtis: it works with other chips too.15:11
ActionParsnipRigorm0rtis: if you boot to root recovery mode, then run: su foo    replace foo with your username, then run:   startx    do you get a desktop?15:12
k5673coolsan: as root, do cp /home/xxx/xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:12
she_dyeddamm its the way he entered the command d'oh15:12
adaboWhat programs come installed with Ubuntu Server? I'm looking for a file browser/commander15:12
she_dyedj #kubuntu15:12
ActionParsnipadabo: you can install wc15:13
ActionParsnip!info wc15:13
ubottuPackage wc does not exist in maverick15:13
adaboActionParsnip: WC, thanks15:13
Rigorm0rtisActionParsnip, Recovery mode shows me some text on the screen for a bit, then goes blank.15:13
coolsank5673: there is no file created in home folder15:13
ActionParsnip!info mc15:14
ubottumc (source: mc): Midnight Commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 3: (maverick), package size 2104 kB, installed size 6432 kB15:14
ActionParsnipadabo: its mc  dude, my bad15:14
ActionParsnipRigorm0rtis: ok then run:  less /var/log/Xorg.0.log     it will give clues15:14
adaboActionParsnip: Is it command line?15:14
chuckh1958Is there a way in empathy to list the people that are in an IRC channel?15:14
ActionParsnipadabo: indeed: http://tuxtraining.com/2008/03/23/file-management-in-the-terminal-with-midnight-commander15:15
chuckh1958Or should I just forget emapthy and go back to pidgin?15:16
adaboActionParsnip: Wow! This is my first time to run an OS outside of win. It's already done installing mc o_o15:16
rp2what was wrong with pidgin?15:16
ActionParsnipchuckh1958: i suggest pidgin :)15:16
adaboand I'm looking at it15:16
ActionParsnipadabo: easy stuff15:17
coolsank5673: ??15:17
chuckh1958rp2: nothing. Juyst thought I'd try empathy since that became the default for maverick.15:17
Rigorm0rtisActionParsnip, I should add that I've tried the latest mainline kernel builds, and the current mainline (, that matches the current Ubuntu kernel) also does not work, but the next kernel ( does work.15:17
chuckh1958rp2: so far not liking it too much for IRC15:17
coolsanit blurred and tiled in 8 screen just after starting before boot menu15:18
ActionParsnipRigorm0rtis: use the 35.7 kernel then :)15:18
coolsank5673: it blurred and tiled in 8 screen just after starting before boot menu15:18
Rigorm0rtisActionParsnip, but then my VGA out does not work.15:18
k5673coolsan: Mmmmmm15:19
she_dyedcoolsan: but it could be just showing the exact same words from the ram of the video card15:19
k5673coolsan: put an default xorg.conf in /etc/X1115:19
rp2what's better for IRC with empathy? i use pidgin mostly for IRC15:20
coolsank5673: she_dyed  where is default xorg.conf15:20
ActionParsnipRigorm0rtis: then get an xorg.conf file rocking and it will :)15:21
she_dyed /etc/X11 coolsan like k5673 said15:21
ActionParsniprp2: all clients are equal15:21
coolsanshe_dyed:  where is default xorg.conf15:21
chuckh1958rp2: So far I see nothing better with empathy for IRC15:21
ActionParsniprp2: they just have different strengths, try a few, see which you prefer15:21
coolsani am in etc/x1115:22
lucianhey whats the command to install a pack?15:22
k5673coolsan: i will give an default xorg.conf15:22
lucian sudo atp-install?15:22
chuckh1958rp2: Unless there are features I'm not seeing. or maybe another package like the pidgin plugins, it's proabably more rudimentary than chatzilla15:22
Kingsyhas anyone ever had the problem with rdesktop when you connect and the mouse doesnt move around? but when you click the mouse moves to where you have clicked.. but you cant see it moving dynamically?15:22
rp2i don't want to try unless i have a concrete reason to. there's literally thousands of things out there i might try15:23
chuckh1958Dropping off and installing pidgin.15:23
lucianhey any other application messenger like?15:23
ActionParsnip!irc | rp215:23
ubotturp2: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines15:23
rp2kingsy: i haven't had that problem. maybe the pointer is a little slow to move but it's never been like that for me15:23
ActionParsniplucian: messenger in what way?15:24
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution15:24
lucianpidgin like15:24
rp2ActionParsnip: ?15:24
gypsymauroI want to give a test drive to unity on 10.10 virtualbox guest, but it says "no required driver detected for unity"15:24
gypsymauroany hint?15:24
ActionParsniplucian: what protocols do you use?15:24
wlun #emacs15:24
lucianyahoo and msn15:24
coolsank5673: ?15:24
ActionParsniprp2: click the link ubottu gave, it lists some IRC clients there15:24
Rigorm0rtisActionParsnip, what would my xorg.conf have to do with anything when if I change kernels it works fine? Like I said, when I use the old kernel from 10.04 everything works just fine.15:25
k5673coolsan: http://pastebin.com/EaAaqiEA15:25
Kingsyrp2 - damn15:25
ActionParsnipgypsymauro: you need 3D accelleration afaik15:25
luciankopete  is stil working?15:25
k5673coolsan: paste that in a file named xorg.conf and place it in /etc/X1115:25
ActionParsnipRigorm0rtis: if your video card doesn't work, it may be udev failing to detect the settings. So you can use an xorg.conf file to TELL the system what to use and it should work15:25
coolsank5673: ok15:25
lieuwehey, the sensor command prints lots of ALARMs, is this normal? pastebin of results: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/282230/15:26
Rigorm0rtisActionParsnip, How can I do that?15:26
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rp2ok that link does give somewhat of an impression of the different clients which is helpful15:26
gypsymauroActionParsnip: damn15:26
ActionParsnipRigorm0rtis: you cn run:   sudo Xorg -configure   then run:  sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf    then read online to find sample files / code15:27
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chadiubuntu maverick is having trouble connecting to a mschapv2 network that is a bit crowded with students, like in the library for example. anyone else with similar issues? winblows seven connects fine.15:27
Sean93how do i unzip a file in terminal?15:28
rrittenhouseIs there a current issue with grub-pc hanging on 10.04 when updating?15:28
fghin what package are the mkbootmsg command?15:29
juk_liu: /join #ubuntu-cn15:29
lucianwho knows a way to get back on the default video driver from ubuntu install after i messed up some settings?15:30
karma_policei cannot access windows machines over the network.. i can browse to them.. i get Failed to retrieve share list from server15:30
Rigorm0rtisActionParsnip, When I try Xorg -configure, I get "Server is already active for display 0". The system is running right now with the display not working and I'm accessing it via ssh.15:31
oy__so many people15:31
ActionParsnipRigorm0rtis: i believe it makes the file in $HOME15:31
adaboActionParsnip: Does mc work in root only? Or can I use it in my account? I get a permission denied (13) when copyin15:31
ActionParsnipRigorm0rtis: either way, you need the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf to be setup nice15:32
ActionParsnipadabo: it will run as your user. If you need access to root only writable areas then it will need running with sudo15:32
fghin what package are the mkbootmsg command?15:32
ActionParsnipfgh: try:   dpkg -S mkbootmsg15:33
adaboActionParsnip: Any links to help me figure out what you said? Aside from a linux for newbs.. >_> lol15:33
fghactionparsnip: fgh@fgh:~$ sudo dpkg -S mkbootmsg15:34
fghdpkg: *mkbootmsg* not found.15:34
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ActionParsnipadabo: if it needs root access, lauch the app prefixed with sudo15:34
adaboasks for password :)15:34
adabothanks ActionParsnip15:34
Sean93hoe do i unzip using terminal? when i try "unzip filename" it says inflating files but dowsnt seem to extract them15:35
karma_policewhere is everyone??????????15:35
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ActionParsnipSean93: unzip file.zip15:35
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Sean93ActionParsnip: what does inflating mean? is that it extracting the files?15:36
ActionParsnipSean93: http://linux.about.com/od/commands/a/blcmdl1_unzipx.htm15:36
ActionParsnipSean93: yes its getting the files out. Are the files large/15:37
Sean93ok i think it works, guess i should be more patient lol15:38
ActionParsnipSean93: then thats why. It takes time to inflate large files. You can't expect (for example) a 4Gb file to instantly leap out of a zip file15:38
Bauldrickstrange question, but, how would I change the timestamp of all files within a directory?? like chown -R changes ownership...??15:38
ActionParsnipSean93: the operation will take time based on CPU speed / cache, RAM amount / speed and HDD speed / cache15:38
wtuffahahello, console-kit-daemon on my 9.10 server is using 170MB, is that normal ?15:39
k5673Bauldrick: use touch15:40
k5673Bauldrick: http://linux.die.net/man/1/touch15:40
Bauldrickthank-you k567315:41
k5673Bauldrick: OK15:41
HookProcesswhen I do "diff --text before.reg after.reg" it floods the screen ofcourse with alot of info, readable15:42
HookProcessbut the problem is... if i pipe it15:42
HookProcess"diff --text before.reg after.reg > test.log"15:42
HookProcessnot readable at all :) how come?15:42
she_dyedHookProcess: whats the output like, text?15:44
HookProcessthing is when i write the output to a file, its flooded with ^@ and each line ends with ^M^@15:45
she_dyeddid they originally from from windows or dos by any chance15:45
HookProcessdo i need to convert the output to something ?15:45
luciani have a realteck ac97 where can i get a good driver for it?15:45
HookProcessya, windows15:45
cutouthi I have installed LAMP server on ubuntu and added my website, but I want to add a mail server too and a mail webclient like roundcube? how can I do this?15:45
crimsunlucian: you should already have a "good driver for it."15:46
she_dyedHookProcess: dos2nix or dos2unix15:46
HookProcessah, ill try that15:46
BluesKajhiyas all15:46
crimsunlucian: are you having problems with your sound card?15:46
she_dyedHookProcess: might be on your system already if not go and get it15:46
lucianits buggy it get wird sounds15:46
she_dyedHookProcess: np15:46
crimsunlucian: can you be more specific about "wird [sic] sounds?"15:46
tensorpuddingcutout: this isn't really the channel to ask about that. there's a ton of different mailserver softwares and configuring/securing them is very involved.15:46
fghin what package are the mkbootmsg command?15:46
dlynesworkActionParsnip, Thanks...seems to have worked....needed to download the nvidia driver from their website, because the jaunty version didn't work with the upgraded kernel15:47
lucianit does not produce a clear sound15:47
cutouttensorpudding: is there any of them on the ppa, give a hint please...15:47
dlynesworkIs there a reason why the kernel is compiled with a different version of gcc than what shipped with jaunty?15:47
DragonKeeperany webdesign programs native to linux ... if so can anyone here recommend any ?15:47
tensorpuddingcutout: postfix and exim are two popular mailservers available, and are well-documented at their prospective websites, as roundcube probably is as well15:47
dlynesworkDragonKeeper, define 'webdesign program'15:48
crimsunlucian: what sort of unpleasant sounds are produced instead?15:48
DragonKeeperhttp  php  comatible  program to design webpages15:48
cutouttensorpudding: thanks15:48
tensorpuddingcutout: the former two are definitely available in Ubuntu's package repositories. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Exim415:48
cutoutthanks again :) tensorpudding15:49
dlynesworkDragonKeeper, Does it need to be able to do php, or is that just a nice-to-have?15:49
e01i had problems while listening mp3s15:50
goltoofDragonKeeper,  Quantus15:50
chuckh1958I'm testing out my notifications. Could someone please say my nick in a message?15:50
DragonKeeperok ty15:50
goltoofDragonKeeper,  I don't know if linux native, but it works15:50
mawxhi chuckh195815:50
e01i am setup from sound preference to using surround 5.1, and in tests it works15:50
she_dyedchuckh1958: no15:50
chuckh1958mawx: she_dyed: Thanks. It didn't send a notice15:51
NaznazHey, some time ago, my login screen window where I can select the user isn't skinned anymore and looks totally ugly :-) How can I fix that? And is there a possibility to skin the whole GDM? It seems there was some time ago but it's gone with the new versions :(15:51
e01but when play some mp3 in rhythmbox or totem, it not play as it is play in analog sterio mode15:51
she_dyedchuckh1958: but the plugin is loaded?15:51
Ashfire908Hi. Is there a way to install a i386 package on Ubuntu amd64?15:51
e01is there fix for this?15:51
chuckh1958Ah. I see where it put it. On the top right of the pidgin window but didn't notify via libnotify15:51
dlynesworkDragonKeeper, I believe he meant 'Quanta'15:52
dlynesworkgoltoof, right?15:52
aeon-ltdAshfire908: yes you can have 32bit binaries in 64bit versions15:52
tensorpuddingAshfire908: but you need 32bit libraries15:52
Ashfire908How would I set that up?15:52
tensorpuddingAshfire908: i.e. every library that your 32-bit executable is supposed to link to needs to be available in 32-bit form.15:52
lucian<crimsun>  like a broken subufer15:53
goltoofwhat's going on?  i keep getting disconnected every time i ask a question15:53
dlynesworkIs jaunty the only ubuntu where the kernel is compiled with a different version of gcc than what the distro ships with?15:53
goltoofcan anyone see this?15:53
woodyjlwhow can I create a shortcut to my desktop of my wow exe file? also when I set permissions to executable id dose not stay checked. any idea why?15:53
tensorpuddingthere is a package which provides a lot of 32-bit libraries for Unix systems15:53
dlynesworkgoltoof, yes...we can see you just fine15:53
goltoofsomeone grunt, please15:53
dlynesworkgoltoof, it's your connection15:53
tensorpuddingi think it's called ia32-libs15:53
mawxgoltoof: grunt15:53
lucianu know the that sound i don know how to call it15:53
tensorpudding!de | golfi15:54
ubottugolfi: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.15:54
chuckh1958looking at pidgin notification plugin. Whats the difference between "raise" window v. "present" window?15:54
Ashfire908tensorpudding, Ok. Should have mentioned this is a .deb package (not from a package list or such), does that matter?15:54
tensorpuddingAshfire908: there's decent odds it won't work15:55
tensorpuddingwhy do you need to run this 32-bit deb, anyway?15:55
she_dyedchuckh1958: present means show it on desk if its minimized, raise- put on top of windows15:55
she_dyedchuckh1958: do you have it in a tray sometimes?15:56
zeushi all, i have a netpc aspire one and i'd like to reinstall a fresh ubuntu. can anyone tell me where do i get install disk ?15:56
Ashfire908tensorpudding, Adobe AIR. No, I don't like it, but I want to use something that uses it, so...15:56
tensorpuddingit should be available in 64-bit also15:56
chuckh1958she_dyed: thanks. Looks like one of them pops up a libnitify balloon too if it's minimized.15:56
tensorpuddingif not, it's probably because if you tried to install it it won't work.15:56
she_dyedchuckh1958: thats what you're after right15:57
chuckh1958she_dyed: yes. All I really want is a balloon15:57
home-aloneHi . how t check md5sum for xubuntu iso15:57
Ashfire908tensorpudding, They only have an option for different packages. I don't see a way to get a 64-bit one, and the deb installer says it's for i386.15:58
aeon-ltd!md5 | home-alone15:58
ubottuhome-alone: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:58
tensorpuddingAIR supposedly will work on 64-bit if you provide 32-bit libraries, but it hasn't been fully tested15:58
chuckh1958she_dyed: might even be coming from the libnotify popups plugin15:58
chuckh1958There's just no comparison between empathy and pidgin when it comes to IRC.15:58
tensorpuddingAshfire908: http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/521/cpsid_52132.html#main_ins_air2_64bit_ubuntu90415:58
adaboIs ubuntu server command line only?15:59
tensorpuddingAshfire908: This probably could be adapted to 10.10/10.0415:59
Ashfire908tensorpudding, Oh, well if Adobe claims it, then it probably won't work...15:59
sipioradabo: doesn't have to be.15:59
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home-alonewell i downloaded that for windows it says md5sum is different .what could be the reason16:00
tensorpuddingAshfire908: you need to create a bunch of softlinks for dynamic 32-bit libraries so that AIR knows how to find them, but such that they don't confuse ld and get loaded for 64-bit programs16:00
adabosipior: What do you mean?16:00
fmigpauloHi-yo all16:00
NaznazHey, some time ago, my login screen window where I can select the user isn't skinned anymore and looks totally ugly :-) How can I fix that? And is there a possibility to skin the whole GDM? It seems there was some time ago but it's gone with the new versions :(16:01
sipioradabo: you can install whatever you like on an ubuntu server machine, including graphical applications.16:01
woodyjlwwhen I go to properties on my wow.exe file and go to permissions and check the "allow executing file as program"  it un checks. any idea why?  im running wine and the game works fine but I cant get it to work as shortcut cause of permissions.  ubuntu 10.10 and wow folder is on a different drive from copied from previous windows install16:01
tensorpuddingAshfire908: those getlibs debs are probably not going to work though, and it doesn't seem that they're available from Ubuntu.16:01
fmigpauloubuntu 10 is a crap16:01
adabosipior: So out of the box, ubuntu is command line, am i correct?16:01
sipioradabo: out of the box, ubuntu server is, yes.16:02
neo_hi, i have a problem with the "startup disk creator" utility. everytime i try to install ubuntu into a pen drive,more or less at 60%, it stops and says "Error, can't read from /tmp/i943nm96". Can someone help me?16:02
adaboserver... sorry16:02
adabosipior: Perhaps a suggestion for a gui?16:02
Ashfire908tensorpudding, Looks like it's from some Ubuntu Forums member.16:02
sipioradabo: why?16:02
tensorpuddingreal servers need them not16:02
jrgpfmigpaulo: that attitude just annoys us16:02
sipioradabo: i mean, what are you planning on using the thing for?16:03
adabosipior: I'm curious :) Just experimenting.16:03
fmigpaulosorry for showing my state of mind16:03
tensorpuddingwindowmaker is a good gui16:03
sipioradabo: gnome is perfectly serviceable; there's certainly no lack of choices on that front.16:04
adabosipior: OK! :)16:04
tensorpuddingit's so bland looking that you won't get distracted by eye-candy, and it'll run light on any graphics16:04
home-alonecan a virus currupt an iso file..?16:04
fmigpaulojrgp: Its my first time losing data because of OS16:04
adabotensorpudding: Perfect :D16:04
adaboSo I take it gnome is not installed on server?16:05
HookProcesshome-alone, it can, but I cant remember if ive ever seen such virus16:05
geirhahome-alone: If the virus has write access to it, and if that's one of the things the virus does, then sure.16:05
edxshi, does anyone know how to get tmux panes to copy and paste with XWindows?  Regular tmux windows work, but panes do not.16:05
she_dyededxs: you use mouse-copy and paste?16:06
Ashfire908tensorpudding, Eh, it's not worth messing up my system.16:07
dnivrahello. I am using Ubuntu 10.10. When I suspend my laptop, it does indeed suspend. But when I press the power button to resume, it simply restarts. Is there a solution to this problem?16:07
home-aloneare there small games with online multiplayer for ubuntu16:08
llutzdnivra:  add "resume=UUID=<uuid of your swap partition>"  to  /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume, run" sudo update-initramfs -u" after that16:08
she_dyeddnivra: with my desktop all i need to do is a light push on the power, without pushing it all the way, just halfway16:08
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Ashfire908dnivra, Did you try waking it up with the keyboard instead (if your laptop supports that)?16:09
dnivrashe_dyed, well i just have to give a slight jab too-it worked fine in 10.04.16:09
edxsshe_dyed:  yes, but I don't care as long as I can paste crap from firefox into a pane.16:09
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dnivraAshfire908, no i need to press the power button. that's how i have always done it.16:09
she_dyededxs: see if holding alt or shift will help in mouse-paste16:09
Ashfire908dnivra, Oh, sorry, didn't know it worked on 10.04, you can ignore me then.16:10
dnivrallutz, it already contains that particular line.16:10
tensorpuddingAshfire908: If you really want to test it out, you could try making a 32-bit chroot16:10
Ashfire908tensorpudding, That's too much like work.16:10
tensorpuddingAshfire908: interfacing with said chroot is tricky though16:10
she_dyedtalk about a sledgehammer16:11
ubuntuhello guys16:11
tensorpuddingI don't really know what Adobe AIR is though, nor really care.16:11
edxsshe_dyed:  I got a grabby hand, but I still couldn't even select text with the mouse in any pane.16:12
woodyjlwcan I get help with chmod?  I have a world of warcraft folder  on my Storage 1 hard drive and I cant get it to give permissions through properties. I tried to cd in terminal to that drive but no luck16:12
she_dyededxs not even with alt or shift held down16:13
ubuntuI can't start virtual machine on ubuntu only when using debugging mode16:13
dnivrawoodyjlw, why not use the GUI to set permissions?16:13
dnivrawoodyjlw, i meant what is wrong if you try using the properties window?16:13
ubuntuI mean Windows Xp as Virtual on ubuntu16:13
she_dyedwoodyjlw: FAT or NTFS16:14
edxs  she_dyed:  ooh, shift worked.  thanks!16:14
ustrunIs there a graphical version of grub? I tried Burg but it doesnt work16:14
Sonderbladehow can you mount those samba shares that nautilus finds in the network neighbourhood?16:14
she_dyededxs: i'm glad you KNOW mouse copy/paste16:14
woodyjlwdnivra,  when I go to properties window and click allow execute the check goes away16:14
ramirohi, there's an annoying bug bugging me, but I'm still unsure who it belongs to. I have ubuntu 10.04, I open terminal, maximize it. then I open firefox, and maximize it. When I click the X button to close firefox, the click goes through to the X button and closes terminal. This happens with firefox on top of any other program too. and now I just got it again on mandriva linux16:15
she_dyedwow true transparency16:15
fepwhen i use nmap, how do i choose if i want to use wlan0 or eth0 to scan?16:15
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fepthey are connected to two different AP16:16
dnivrawoodyjlw, she_dyed's right. ntfs is the problem. you need to set permissions as root. that will work I think.16:16
BlaDe^Hi guys I'm not sure if this is really an appropriate place to ask, but I've just installed 10.04 onto my server (it's been taken out of co-loc) and i'm trying to set everything back up16:16
Electrumhello all16:17
feplet me rewrite the question, when i use nmap, how do i choose if i want to use wlan0 or eth0 to scan from?16:17
woodyjlwdnivra, ok so in terminal how do I set root? sorry I have done this before but forgot16:17
BlaDe^and i'm getting: libtool: link: `ext/date/php_date.lo' is not a valid libtool object ---   make: *** [sapi/fpm/php-fpm] Error 116:17
ubuntuwhat game!16:17
dnivrawoodyjlw, set AS root user. prefix "sudo" before the command.16:17
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sipiorfep: the man page for nmap gives information about the "-e" switch, which should do what you want.16:17
she_dyedramiro maybe the focus still stayed on the prior app, check your window focus settings16:17
fepsipior: thanks16:18
she_dyedramiro like the term was still ACTIVE and had focus16:18
ramiroshe_dyed: but does it still matter who has focus when you can see the X button and click on it? (I can see from the title bar name that it's firefox I intend to close)16:18
she_dyedramiro: and FF was the last thing you opened right?16:19
TheSelbyhello... any nvidia tv-out expert here ?16:20
woodyjlwdnivra,  can I set myself as root in terminal and then go to permissions and check the allow execute16:20
rp2she_dyed: focus can be configured in many window managers16:20
BlaDe^TheSelby:  mine works fine, what's the problem?16:20
she_dyedrp2 i know16:20
dnivrawoodyjlw, no that doesn't work.16:20
BlaDe^are you using hdmi or vga ?16:20
rp2i don't maximize much so i haven't run into this16:20
dnivrawoodyjlw, just use chmod. that's easy :).16:21
she_dyedrp2 neither do I =)16:21
dnivraor open nautilus as root "gksudo nautilus" and then use the GUI to set permissions.16:21
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate16:21
home-aloneI have open office 3.2 I want to remove all office softwares except writer and calc how to do that16:21
dnivrawoodyjlw, or open nautilus as root "gksudo nautilus" and then use the GUI to set permissions.16:21
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CrankyGeekIs there a good Windows Server 2008 chat room? I am having problems getting a Win2008 R2 server to work with a linux DNS server.....16:21
VSpikeOnly my 2.6.32-22 grub entry works. http://pastebin.com/TMBpMa2q ... My archlinux & memtest ones work fine btw. I can't see any difference between the Ubuntu ones -- what am I missing?16:22
ramiroshe_dyed: hmm, can't reproduce anymore to see the correct order =(16:22
ramirowill try again later16:22
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VSpikeHm just noticed too that the 2.6.32-25 lines have no initrd16:23
mrbdotseQ: My internal harddrive now has 13 damaged sectors so I've gotten a new HDD. I've got a hotswap bay that I can use to configure it before swapping. What would be the easiest method of transferring/replicating *all* partitions from it to the new harddrive (they're different sizes too, btw). It's mixed Win7/NTFS and Ubuntu partitions.16:23
VSpikeThose have just been added through an update though. The 2.6.32-24 was there before and that does not work16:23
DelvienVSpike :)16:23
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VSpikeI should add that the error is a kernel panic saying it cant find root16:24
cwhaleyjrdoes anyone know if it is possible to install the previous netbook interface along with the new unitiy on on ubuntu?16:24
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DelvienVSpike: Here is one of my enteries, as an example to follow : http://pastebin.com/5XKFHVKA16:25
VSpikemrbdotse: ddrescue I think16:25
Delviencwhaleyjr: probably.... might be buggy though16:25
cwhaleyjrdid they have a name for the previous one besides the netbook interface?16:26
VSpikemrbdotse: you mean the contents of the partitions too? Or just the partition setup?16:26
mrbdotseVSpike: all of it. Partitions, bootmanagers, MBRs, etc.16:26
lallu_when i try to install a theme in ubuntu a msg. comes ..........."can't move directory over directory"16:27
ustrunIs there a graphical version of grub? I tried Burg but it doesnt work16:28
VSpikemrbdotse: package gddrescue ... something like "ddrescue -r 4 -b 4096 /dev/sdc /dev/sdd ~/recovery.log"16:28
anixhi folks.  is there a database in the internet with all known USB-IDs as used by lsusb?16:29
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jpdsanix: Yes.16:29
VSpikemrbdotse: probably need a sudo on that. /dev/sdc is SOURCE and /dev/sdd is DEST ... make sure you get them the right way round other wise you zap everything16:29
jpdsanix: Look at: less $(which update-pciids)16:29
mrbdotseVSpike: :P16:29
mrbdotseVSpike: thanks16:29
lallu_when i try to install a theme in ubuntu a msg. comes ..........."can't move directory over "       what is this anyone know16:29
joebbWhy use Ubuntu instead of Debian ?16:30
mrbdotseVSpike: no problems running that while running ubuntu on one of the partitions or should I boot up on a live usb?16:30
VSpikemrbdotse: That should just copy block for block all data from whatever drive you put first to whatever drive you put second ... note the lack of a partition number afterwards (e.g. /dev/sdc1) .. that mean you get the mbr and partition table too16:31
Rigorm0rtisHello. I've been having an issue with my laptop ever since upgrading to Ubuntu 10.10 from 10.04. Whenever I boot the latest kernel (the one that came with 10.10) I don't see anything on the screen. The system appears to be booting normally (judging by hard disk activity), it's just that I never get anything on the screen. The only way to boot my system (and have a display) is to use an old kernel left over from 10.04. My system16:31
Rigorm0rtisis a laptop (HP Elitebook 2730p) running intel graphics. I should add that I've tried the latest mainline kernel builds, and the current mainline (, that matches the current Ubuntu kernel) also does not work, but the next kernel ( does work.16:31
VSpikemrbdotse: live usb preferable16:31
sipiorjoebb: this isn't an advocacy forum.16:31
bruddlerhey, i just installed Lubuntu and wanted to write something into my xorg.conf - but there is no xorg.conf in /etc/X11 !? how can that be? :D16:31
mrbdotseVSpike: preferable, but not necessary? =P *lazy and quite possibly lost the USB.. somewhere...*16:32
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VSpikemrbdotse: probably not necessary no although there is a small risk. if possible boot with recovery mode and use single user root console16:33
BlaDe^can anyone help me with: libtool: link: `ext/date/php_date.lo' is not a valid libtool object ---   make: *** [sapi/fpm/php-fpm] Error     ?16:33
VSpikewhat does the "search" line do in grub2 ?16:33
mrbdotseVSpike: ta16:33
destr0hi there, i have a question, i'm using 10.04 ubuntu amd64 and i want to change the theme of pidgin (in some moment it changes itself, i dont know how, but it is normal again) somebody can help me? i have h4x0r theme but i dont know how to install it16:34
VSpikebruddler: xorg.conf is mostly not needed any more16:34
VSpikebruddler: what do you need to write?16:35
anixjpds: thank you.  didn't help.  vendor ID 17ef is unknown (surprising, it's lenovo)16:35
destr0hi there, i have a question, i'm using 10.04 ubuntu amd64 and i want to change the theme of pidgin (in some moment it changes itself, i dont know how, but it is normal again) somebody can help me? i have h4x0r theme but i dont know how to install it v (please help me :) )16:36
VSpikeanix: did you try just googling for it, out of interest?16:37
mrbdotseAlright... first some TV... then some ddrescue...16:39
anixVSpike: yes, i googled, but with no success.  lsusb on ThinkPad W700 (model 2758-MRG) brings up the ID  17ef:1008 which i suspect to be the integrated cam, but either no-one has problems with the camera under Ubuntu (10.04, 10.10 32bit) or the camera has a different USB which isn't shown because the camera may be defect16:39
starnis there away to restore a partition that was being moved/resized but was cut off due to a power-outage? any kind of recovery tools???16:40
she_dyedor anix or nobody uses the cam on that model on ubuntu =(16:41
she_dyedanix: ever had it work on any nix distro?16:41
sipiorstarn: might be helpful: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk16:41
starnmaybe it was my windows partition lol so if it can recover ntfs i will be happy. i was still in middlle of getting important files onto linux :|16:42
mcmlxxixmmm.. anyone else having trouble loading gnome-terminal from vnc?16:42
DefcomI got this error when i try to install ubuntu :    mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed: Input/output error  any help?16:43
mcmlxxixthe only way I can get to a bash shell is via SSH16:43
adaboHow do I start ubuntu-desktop on server once it's instaleld?16:43
mcmlxxixjust updated to 10.10 last night16:43
Reyukenis pure-ftpd no longer included in any repositories?16:43
ninjaiHey guys, I'm looking for VPN server software that will run on linux, but allow windows clients to connect.  I tried openvpn, however it has a 2 connection limit.  Anyone have any experience with this?16:43
mcmlxxixninjai: xrdp?16:43
Reyukeni clearly have lots of repos added, but it keeps telling me it cant find the package pure-ftpd16:43
she_dyedwhat about without the d at the end Reyuken16:44
jpdsReyuken: It's in the universe repo.16:44
anixshe_dyed: never used any other OS or distro on that machine, so i can't even tell if h/w is defect.  i have found forum posts with lsusb output where 17ef:1008 was included, for other ThinkPad models though, and no further information about cam16:44
ninjaimcmlxxix: No, VPN server, not RDP server.  I need them to authenticate to my LAN with a VPN server located on a linux box.16:44
jpdsReyuken: But you probably want #ubuntu-server.16:45
mcmlxxixxrdp works with vpn and rdp16:45
Reyukenim not every experiences, so bear with me :P16:45
Reyukenbut it looks like i have hadded universe16:45
Reyukenoh , sorry16:45
ninjaimcmlxxix: I need them in my lan, not on the linux box.  VPN != RDP16:45
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she_dyedanix those numbers translate to the cam brand and model?16:46
mcmlxxixguess i didnt understand the question then.16:46
ninjaimcmlxxix: A VPN server allows clients to connect to your LAN via an encrypted channel.  Once connected to the LAN, they have access to both their personal LAN _and_ your LAN.  Nothing to do with RDP necessarily.16:47
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.16:47
anixshe_dyed: there is 17ef:6004 which i learned is the integrated digitizer.  but no information found on 17ef:1008, which may be the cam, or may not.  but there is nothing else that could be the integrated cam.16:47
mcmlxxixninjai: my bad. my eyes saw vpn but my brain processed it as VNC16:48
Sean93how do i install this? http://www.gamershell.com/download_63072.shtml16:48
anixeither i can get a lsusb of a perfectly working ThinkPad W700 that shows the integrated cam, or i find something that explains what 17ef:1008 is16:49
Sean93it asks me to insert disk 016:49
ninjaimcmlxxix: No problem.16:49
sympt0malright guys, i really need some help getting my resolution to change higher than 800x600... i just dont know where to start. *begs for help*16:50
she_dyedanix my experience is, dmesg out would translate those numbers for you e.g. Creative Labs  Webcam  and that means a successful detection, if it stayed numbers it went duh on you16:50
NertilUbuntu rox/16:51
anixNertil: Yes! :)16:51
matthiasgorgensHi.  Is it possible to install a x86 package in an x86-64 system?  I am trying to install the Citrix Receiver on a 64bit install.  Thanks.16:51
she_dyedanix: does the lenovo website indicate the model or chipset16:51
anixshe_dyed: oh, OK, i'll check dmesg.  and the lenovo website didn't have the information i was looking for16:52
anix(or i were not able to find)16:52
she_dyedanix or bootmsg16:52
she_dyedanix: if you know the other cam works you could save some time16:53
starnso sipior what is the partition does not mount???16:53
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Nertilany other sharing service like samba?16:54
anixshe_dyed: which other cam?  i have another notebook W500, smaller model, and ubuntu 10.04 where the integrated cam works perfectly (17ef:4807).16:54
sipiorstarn: care to provide a bit more context?16:54
lucianhey who can help me get back on my initial ubuntu audio driver?16:54
she_dyedanix oh you mentioned another thinkpad w70016:55
starnthe 260gb partition for windows will not mount at all soo testdisk is only scanning the partitions that it can see [linux]16:55
anixshe_dyed: sorry for the confusion.  i use the W500 where the cam is supported.  but on the W700 there is the problem with unknown usb-id16:55
she_dyedanix: gotcha16:56
sipiorstarn: have you looked through the FAQ, and all the extensive documentation available?16:56
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.16:56
starni am right now.. i'm as well middle of quick scan to see if it can detect anything..16:56
Nertilany other sharing service like samba?16:57
starnsuper glad power outage did not effect linux16:58
jpdsNertil: NFS? SSHFS?16:58
Nertildont know16:58
Nertilgive me examples or tutorials to read16:58
mcmlxxix10.10 is killing me16:58
kpomanhi all !16:58
mcmlxxixfor some reason after the update hitting the D key via VNC was set to minimize all windows16:58
pikariohi. what is the fastest way to shut down the computer  ?16:58
mcmlxxixgnome-terminal is broken16:58
Nertilpikario from the buton16:59
ninjaimcmlxxix: Upgrading a distro is usually a bad idea, which is why I usually do a clean wipe.16:59
kpomanguys I am having a problem here, http://pastebin.com/Wq3Dk0ee16:59
mcmlxxixyeah im realizing that now16:59
mcmlxxixunfortunately im at work at the moment and I cant do anything abouit it16:59
kpomanconflciting packages when updating. basically it cannot install util-linux, i tried to install manually and says libc6 should be other, then I try to install that other libc6, then error again17:00
kpomanhelp !17:00
mcmlxxixi can only experience the broken-ness remotely17:00
livingdaylightgreetings OoBoonTeros!17:02
mthiffauAnybody in here good at setting up iptables firewalls?17:02
kpomanthe inital error is this: E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'util-linux'.Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)17:02
kpomanhelp please !17:02
juk_kpoman: use apt-get install17:02
blackshirtuse apt-get -f install17:02
livingdaylightmy printer brother DCP 167C which was previously working on Lucid Lynx is no longer working since upgrading. Anyone?17:03
kpomanjuk_: same error: E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'util-linux'.Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)17:03
ethereticmthiffau: use firestarter.17:03
kpomanjuk_: I want to solve this please17:03
juk_kpoman: what command are you issuing?17:03
mthiffauetheretic: This is on ubuntu server, its a headless machine that's not running X17:03
blackshirtkpoman try remove util-linux form /var/cache/apt/archives directory17:04
kpomanapt-get update, apt-get upgrade, then apt-get dist-upgrade ... it got stock on the upgrade doing update of util-linux ... i then tried to dpkg -i it17:04
blackshirtand try again apt-get -f install17:04
kpomanblackshirt: already did that. it redownloaded the same one17:04
tensorpuddingmthiffau: you can use ufw instead17:04
RoughNeckHow do I take the Ubuntu on my laptop and create a mirror image of it on my desktop? With out losing, files-settings-tweaks-apps-everything. As I have spent a lot of time putting together the perfect working environment for me, now I need to have the exact same on my tower. I have tried Clonezilla, but my computer shuts down half way through, I tried Partimage, but no luck there either. Please Help.........17:05
juk_kpoman: you shoudn't pass argument to apt-get update17:06
kpomanjuk_: i dont pass arguments to it17:06
pothitesting (please forgive me)17:06
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kpomanblackshirt: apt-get -f install the_package ?17:07
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juk_kpoman: what you mean updating lib...17:07
blackshirtkpoman: no ? just apt-get -f install17:07
kpomanblackshirt: see the output here17:07
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kpomanblackshirt: http://pastebin.com/JfVi4C6117:07
kpomanto make it clearer I dont know how to go over this17:08
juk_kpoman: use apt-get install libwhatever17:08
sympt0mif i were to want to take a driver from ubuntu, and use it in another distro, how would i go about doing that?17:08
kpomanjuk_: http://pastebin.com/T94vhhSv17:09
blackshirthei..nothing wrong17:09
jehnHi! I've got some problems with my wired LAN connection. I cant access internet after a fresh install of the desktop version...17:09
blackshirtkpoman: nothing wrong with your outputs17:10
kpomanblackshirt: yes, the error17:10
kpomanblackshirt: it is not upgrading. it is stuck on that util-linux package17:10
jehnI wonder if someone could help me out and tell me how to get my internet access working?17:10
kpomanwhich seems to rely on another glibc : http://pastebin.com/iMXaBKGf17:11
RoughNeckHow do I take the Ubuntu on my laptop and create a mirror image of it on my desktop? With out losing, files-settings-tweaks-apps-everything. As I have spent a lot of time putting together the perfect working environment for me, now I need to have the exact same on my tower. I have tried Clonezilla, but my computer shuts down half way through, I tried Partimage, but no luck there either. Please Help.........17:11
starnwhere is the chat channel [bored] waiting for scans to finish...17:11
jenkinbrsympt0m, you would actually want to get the source code for the said driver, and re-compile it on the other distro. This is because different distros often have different things going on within the kernel17:11
jenkinbrstarn, #ubuntu-offtopic17:12
blackshirtok, what about your sources.list, may be you mixed sources ??17:12
sympt0mjenkinbr, where would i find the source code?17:12
jehnstarn: You could help me out with my internet access (wired, lan)?17:12
starnthank you.. love linux and people whom help [much better than micro$oft]17:13
hihihihiis there a reason why do-release-upgrade doesnt work on 10.04 yet?17:13
jenkinbrsympt0m, that depends on the driver; which one are we talking about?17:13
Wavesonicsdo UVC compliants webcams work just fine w\ webcam-server?17:13
sympt0mbasically, my resolution is stuck at 800x600 on backtrack. i want 1024x600 =/17:14
sympt0mmy chipset is intel GMA 315017:14
Nertilwich one is good program for video calls but not skype17:14
blackshirtkpoman?? still here ??17:14
Kyle__How do you force a rebuild of your initrd?17:14
Defcom{initramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed: Input/output error    - i got this error when i try install, any solution for this?17:15
PerfDaveI'm running Ubuntu 10.04. I've lost the passphrase for my encrypted homedir, but have a string of 16 hex digits I wrote down when I generated the encryption. Can I use that to regain access to my files?17:15
kpomanblackshirt: yep, just uninstalled libc6-i686 (conflicting with main libc6)17:15
ThisistodeGuys I have a problem: Ive made an USB boot thing for Windows XP, and Im attempting to install it on my Ubuntu netbook (dualboot) but I got this odd error missing HAL.dll, checked around and someone suggested I should modify my boot.ini, something about partitions but I have no idea what to do.17:15
PeterNLHi, what is a good a/v capturing program that can record video from v4l2 and audio from line-in, and displays the video while it is recording?17:15
sipiorPerfDave: no, 'fraid not.17:15
RoughNeckHow do I take the Ubuntu on my laptop and create a mirror image of it on my desktop? With out losing, files-settings-tweaks-apps-everything. As I have spent a lot of time putting together the perfect working environment for me, now I need to have the exact same on my tower. I have tried Clonezilla, but my computer shuts down half way through, I tried Partimage, but no luck there either. Please Help.........17:15
Kyle__PeterNL: You can always use mencoder for that.17:15
PerfDavesipior: Fair enough, what's those 16 hex digits for then?17:15
juk_kpoman: you using 10.1017:15
sipiorPerfDave: probably a fingerprint for the key17:16
Kyle__PeterNL: Well, except for the viewing while recording, but you can launch mplayer again'st the file yorue recording at the same time, so it would be close.17:16
blackshirtkpoman: everything solved ??17:16
jehnHow can I check if my LAN drivers are installed corectly in ubuntu?17:16
PerfDavesipior: Hmm, can I regenerate the fingerprint of the key to check?17:16
kpomanblackshirt: lot of problems still ... let me launch a command and I post back here... just a mi nute17:16
PeterNLKyle__: sure? I thought I could only open it once at a time...17:16
SJrDid they completely change the way Grub menus work in Maverick?17:16
kpomanblackshirt: i had to force install of libc, then libc6, then util-linux allowed to install, then had to -f install17:17
blackshirtjehn: you can use lspci -v | grep Ethernet17:17
juk_SJr: yep17:17
jehnOk gonna try17:17
kpomannow doing again the upgrade juk_17:17
sipiorPerfDave: sure, in principle. but this has no bearing on recovering your data.17:17
RoughNeckHow do I take the Ubuntu on my laptop and create a mirror image of it on my desktop? With out losing, files-settings-tweaks-apps-everything. As I have spent a lot of time putting together the perfect working environment for me, now I need to have the exact same on my tower. I have tried Clonezilla, but my computer shuts down half way through, I tried Partimage, but no luck there either. Please Help.........17:17
SJrjuk_ how can I stop X from startting on boot, permanently, grub menu stuff seems kinda annoyingly difficult17:18
juk_SJr: you need now chroot to restore password if forgot17:18
Quantum_IonRoughNeck, Simple buy an external USB hardrive and install Linux on it17:18
SJrjuk_ don't need to restore password need to prevent X from starting on boot17:18
airtonixRoughNeck, if your computer shutsdown haldway through then you have bigger issues17:18
SJrCan't I just remove gdm from somewhere17:18
RoughNeckQuantum_Ion I want the excat same settings I have now17:18
progre55want to upgrade apache2 on karmic. tried to download the packages manually from the maverick repos, but with all those dependencies.. =) any other ways? or should better I add the maverick repos to the sources?17:19
Quantum_IonRoughNeck, you can use use rysnc to make a clone to17:19
juk_SJr: i guess it's has nothing to do with grub17:19
RoughNeckno I tried everything17:19
she_dyedRoughNeck: what about video though, they dont have the same card do they17:19
SJrWell someone said that I should add text as a boot option, and that would stop it, but that's annoying.17:19
RoughNeckEverything the same ones a laptop the other is a tower17:20
sniperjo_is there any way i can restrict a ssh users commands17:20
mrconfused786how do i know if i am running ubuntu desktop or server ?17:20
kpomanblackshirt: new error: http://pastebin.com/X39BE9uX ... and the commands i did lastly are these: http://pastebin.com/wjFAv71e17:20
PeterNLmrconfused786: ubuntu server has no GUI.17:20
RoughNeckperhaps I need to go back to mac17:20
mrconfused786i installed a gui later on17:20
airtonixmrconfused786, you won't17:20
Quantum_Ionlol go back to Mac17:20
mrconfused786but is there a way via command to see?17:20
PeterNLmrconfused786: buy you van install one anyway. To be sure, sun uname -a17:20
mrconfused786uname or something17:20
Quantum_Ionuname -a17:20
Mankdim<PeterNL> but u can install gui on server edition17:21
Mankdim<PeterNL> after that how do u know?17:21
sweetozkelliwjat is the best room for general chat?17:21
airtonix!ot | sweetozkelli17:21
ubottusweetozkelli: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:21
PeterNLuname -a, like I and Quantum_Ion said.17:21
aminaHi, I am installing Ubuntu 10.10 on a SSD Drive. Can I use ext4 + journaling? Also I read that I had to enable discard/TRIM and noatime, how do I do this?17:21
sweetozkelliwhat is the best room for general chat?17:21
mrconfused786Linux blah 2.6.32-21-generic-pae #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 09:39:35 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux17:21
mrconfused786so is this server or desktop ?17:22
Quantum_Ion!general chat17:22
airtonixPeterNL, that actually does not reveal if you are using server or desktop originated isntall17:22
SJrAh I guess removing kdm does it17:22
kpomanblackshirt: it is a real nightmare !!!17:22
airtonixmrconfused786, like i said... once a certain amount of things have changed you can't tell.17:22
zealiodis it possible to rebuild my kernel without 8021Q?17:22
PeterNLIf it's a server install it has a server kernal. mrconfused786 does not have a server kernel, so it's safe to say it is (or was) a desktop version17:23
kpomanblackshirt: http://pastebin.com/f9LtGdL617:23
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kpomandonno wtf is goin on17:23
airtonixmrconfused786, all you can do is make an educated guess....and if you are not the owner of the box then why do you care and what are you doing there ?17:23
mrconfused786so we are using vmware and an ubuntu image17:23
mrconfused786at work17:23
Quantum_Iontry this command -->  cat /etc/lsb-release17:23
mrconfused786i want the same thing at home so i cna learn.17:23
seeker7my dvd on my ubuntu box clunks when i push b utton to open.  If i use a paperclip and push button it opens with no problem17:24
mrconfused786i want the lamp stack runnign.17:24
GorlistHi! I need some help with ubuntu 10.10, and my TV Card which is a HVR-1200. In 10.04 it worked fine, however since moving to the latest im finding it get stuck or freezes every so often17:24
qjcgthe add-apt-repository command isn't available on my new Maverick install ... is there a new command to conveniently add PPAs?17:24
mrconfused786so not sure what to download17:24
mechaniclesHi all17:24
Quantum_Ionseeker7, maybe you need a new DVD drive ???17:24
RoughNeckI GIVE UP Ubuntu is not user friendly17:24
airtonixmrconfused786, it shouldn't matter... installing lamp on desktop is done the same way as it is on the server version.17:24
jiffe1is there a guide that talks about building a source package after its been downloaded and a patch added to the patch directory?17:24
Albert_hi all can anyone help me with vpn for ubuntu 10.1017:24
Gorlistand as a result im not able todo a full channel scan etc17:24
Quantum_IonRoughNeck, lol@Ubuntu Linux not being user friendly ???17:24
PeterNLmrconfused786: if you just want a LAMP server, get the Server edition anyway.17:24
jpdsqjcg: From Software Centre there should be a Software Sources button which will let you add them easily.17:25
kpomanjuk_: still there ? :s17:25
kpomanblackshirt: still there ?17:25
airtonixQuantum_Ion, still doesn't reveal isntall origin17:25
kpomanhelp !17:25
qjcgjpds: it's an ubuntu server install, no GUI17:25
juk_kpoman: yeah, but afraid useless for you17:25
blackshirtkpoman: yes,,, :d17:25
sysdocRoughNeck, see your pm17:25
RoughNeckThis should be easy, but this pice of crap is not working17:25
m3FHow could i make a remote desktop connection over internet? Which software could I use? I have vnc viewer in my Ubuntu, but It tries to connect only over the LAN.17:25
Quantum_Ionairtonix, lol good grief !17:25
seeker7Quantum_Ton: I tried to put a different dvd in and same activity occurred so I do not think it is the drive could ubuntu not be recongnizeing it fully?  I can load software from it17:26
airtonixqjcg, have you tried copying the command from lucid (it is just a python script)17:26
kpomanjuk_: blackshirt: see here.... i just want to go on with the dist upgrade. .. it is complaining all the time about bad dependencies or whatever ... http://pastebin.com/LTHnimDt17:26
jpdsqjcg: In Edit → Software Sources.17:26
NaznazHey, some time ago, my login screen window where I can select the user isn't skinned anymore and looks totally ugly :-) How can I fix that? And is there a possibility to skin the whole GDM? It seems there was some time ago but it's gone with the new versions :(17:26
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kpomanwhy isnt it able to resume the upgrade ? please17:26
qjcgairtonix: true enough.... just wondering why it was removed i guess!17:26
kpomanblackshirt: any idea ?17:26
Albert_hi all can anyone help me with vpn for ubuntu 10.10 please :(17:26
Quantum_Ionyou people ask too much of a Free Operating System17:26
sipiorRoughNeck: repeat your question every ten minutes or so, someone will likely be able to help you before much longer.17:26
mcmlxxixfor the sake of curiousity, since im running dual xp/ubuntu with ext2fsd working smoothly...is it possible to wipe the ext3 volume and reinstall ubuntu from xp?17:27
airtonixqjcg, another reason not to "upgrade" or "install" early releases....17:27
mechaniclesI just upgraded my ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 but after that ubuntu has become slow . how to solve it?17:27
jpdsqjcg: Ah, right, sorry.17:27
Quantum_Ionsupposed to let new releases marinate for a while before you upgrade17:27
qjcgairtonix: sounds like it17:27
jpdsDjMadness: Install python-software-properties ?17:27
jpdsqjcg: ↑17:27
mrconfused786are the ubuntu images created by ubuntu for vmware17:28
juk_!upgrade | kpoman17:28
ubottukpoman: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade17:28
mrconfused786or vice versa or someone else ?17:28
noob-tuxmy banshee just crashed....how can i correct it?17:28
sipiorQuantum_Ion: marinate! good choice of word!17:28
mrconfused786trying to find where i can download the image from.17:28
sipiorQuantum_Ion: i guess it marinates in the tears of frustrated users :-)17:28
airtonixQuantum_Ion, never upgrade.... always clean install qith partitioned home folder17:28
she_dyedSJr: lol17:28
bruddler<VSpike> bruddler: xorg.conf is mostly not needed any more <VSpike> bruddler: what do you need to write? --> an openbox manual says i have to write sth down into it to get transparency17:28
kpomanubottu: i am in special conditions here. only ssh access, no gui tool, a first failed update from 9.10 to 10.10, a reboot in the middle, and now stuck with lot of broken dependencies. i just want to resume the damn update :( help17:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:29
qjcgjpds: aha! it's installed now17:29
Quantum_Ionsipior, lol@marinate and wait for the bugs to be worked out17:29
blackshirt@kpoman: use aptitude -y safe-upgrade17:29
Albert_hi all can anyone help me with vpn for ubuntu 10.1017:29
Quantum_Ionairtonix, I use rsync to back up my files most Ubuntu Linux users don't17:29
mcmlxxixe.g. let the fools upgrade blindly (like myself) and expose the bugs17:30
blackshirt@Albert: using openvpn17:30
kpomanblackshirt: cool ! that one seems to work better17:30
airtonixQuantum_Ion, im using back-in-time (which i think uses rsync )17:30
Quantum_Ionmcmlxxix, expose the bugs if you have time for it17:30
mcmlxxixim going to see if i can use wubi in combination with ext2fsd to overwrite my current installation of 10.10 on the ext3 volume17:30
mcmlxxixi forsee epic failure17:31
ThisistodeI have a winodws xp .iso and I want to make it into a bootable USB installer17:31
PeterNLmcmlxxix: sure you want to screw your current setup? there's no way back...17:31
mcmlxxixpeternl: my current setup is already screwed17:31
kpomanblackshirt: but it fails on the same error: see the complete output here:17:31
seeker7new issue where to get geforce nividia drivers for a card that has svideo and monitor ports17:31
PeterNLmcmlxxix: hmmm. Then just do it :D17:31
mcmlxxixyeah.. i just want to revert to 10.0417:31
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she_dyedmcmlxxix: have a cold one in the fridge?17:32
mrconfused786hey guys is this a safe place to download that server image for vmware ? http://sourceforge.net/projects/thoughtpolicevm/files/Ubuntu/ubuntu-server-10.04/ubuntu-server-10.04-i386.zip/download17:32
mcmlxxixshe_dyed: im at work :(17:32
kpomanblackshirt: http://pastebin.com/Ai1MHzsa17:32
Quantum_Ion1.always make sure you have a usb external harddrive it will save you a lot of time in case your primary drive fails and make regular backups17:32
mcmlxxixotherwise i'd just do it the right way from the machine itself17:32
kpomanblackshirt: big error again ! :( please help !17:32
markbenQuantum_Ion: or you can trt Ubuntu One or Dropbox.  They work like simple offsite backups.17:33
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blackshirtwait a minute17:33
sniperjo_is there anyway to create a list of commands a user can execute?17:34
airtonixThisistode, this is not a windows support channel17:34
livingdaylightThis Brother DCP-167C  was working nicely on Lucid Lynx; however, since upgrading to Meerkat.com the scanner is no longer 'recognized' Anyone?17:35
chadiubuntu maverick is having trouble connecting to a mschapv2 network that is a bit crowded with students, like in the library for example. anyone else with similar issues? winblows seven connects fine. how can I debug the problem?17:35
IdleOneThisistode: ask ##windows maybe they will help you17:35
JixeI'm having problems with soundcloud and ubuntu -- the play button doesnt work17:35
livingdaylightany suggestions how i can fix this? where to look for the problem?17:35
mustafai have sound problem17:36
livingdaylightmustafa, i have printer problem17:36
sybaritenwebOK so i tried doing sudo apt-get install weechat. I already have weechat installed. But appearently i am running some dev version. Coz it says weechat-dev-curses will be REMOVED. Any way of telling whicvh version of weechat-curses i am gonna get if i continue with the command?17:36
livingdaylightmustafa, can you help me?17:36
mustafawhat type printer you have17:36
furidoes anyone know of drivers for the g510 keyboard?17:36
blackshirt1kpoman: running aptitude update before17:37
JixeIs this an ubuntu support channel?17:37
mustafa<livingdaylight> what type printer you have17:37
jiffe1is there a way to find out what parameters are being used with configure to build a package?17:37
ka1serwhats the best tftp server (deamon) out there? I used to use one in the past but it worked through xinetd... is there anything more direct? perhaps with a front-end there as well?17:37
slipp3dI'm having an isues with bluetooth (not connecting or dropping the connections) any thoughts on where to start with fixing this?17:37
blackshirt1kpoman: still here ?17:37
kpomanblackshirt: same error17:38
kpomanblackshirt1: apt-get update etc...17:38
sniperjo_is there anyway to create a command whitelist for a user?17:38
kpomanblackshirt1: dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libgnomekbd4_2.32.0-0ubuntu1_i386.deb (--unpack)17:38
blackshirt1what your apt sources.list, may be you mix something17:39
kpomanblackshirt1: where do i download sources.list for maverick us.archive.ubuntu ?17:39
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IdleOnelivingdaylight: http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/instruction_prn1a.html17:41
blackshirt1kpoman : can you paste your sources.list contents ??17:41
zthim using ubuntu studio but my grub seems messed up, there's no way for me to enter a menu and choose what kernel to boot from? all that happens is that ticking _ and pressing various buttons (esc space and so on) don't help at all. what to do?17:42
livingdaylightIdleOne, yes, that's the one I installed back when I was using Lucid. It worked. However, as I said, since upgrade to Meerkat it now no longer sees the scanner. I've gone to that page and re-downloaded but gebi installer tells me they're already installed. So, what could be the problem?17:42
wrobycan someone give me a config file for a tomcat server17:43
noob-tuxbeen using ubuntu distro but i still don't know lots of things...hehehe....can anyone give me some things to do around ubuntu? hehehe17:43
* mcmlxxix curiously awaits the result of this experiment17:43
MaahesI'm having a weird issue: I added the ubuntu-kernel ppa to my sources, and synaptic shows it in my sources under the repositories tab, but does not show it as a source under origion, and no new packages are available17:44
Maahesnoob-tux: what kinds of things would you like to do?17:45
noob-tuxi dunno17:45
blackshirt1kpoman: still here ?17:45
noob-tuxi'm done doing 3D desktop17:45
ka1serwhats the best tftp server (deamon) out there? I used to use one in the past but it worked through xinetd... is there anything more direct? perhaps with a front-end there as well?17:45
noob-tuxall i wanna know is compiling but i dunno17:45
fazzilwhy my compiz didnt work?17:46
poopuserHi all. How can I disable the "You can't do that" sound?17:46
IdleOnelivingdaylight: don't know, something probably changed in Maverick. Maybe report a bug to Brother17:46
sweetozkelli 17:46
kpomanblackshirt1: yes, still here, just a minute17:47
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Maahesnoob-tux: compiling is a little different for each software package. Some require autoconf, others require different make utils, the best way to learn how to compile is to find a package you want to install from source, and follow the instructions in the README file for that package in its source directory17:47
* mcmlxxix wonders why wubi is downloading ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso17:48
mcmlxxixsince my system is 32 bit intel :|17:48
livingdaylightIdleOne, i note that the link you gave doesn't say anything about ubuntu 10.1017:48
Maahesmcmlxxix: what's your system specs?17:48
Maahesintel will run amd64 btw.17:48
livingdaylightIdleOne, do you think reinstalling would/could fix it?17:48
mcmlxxixmaahes: p4 3.2 ghz17:48
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Maahesit referrs to amd's 64bit extensions to x8617:49
IdleOnelivingdaylight: worth a shot for sure17:49
mcmlxxixah.. ok17:49
noob-tuxMaahes: thanx i'll try to download ubuntu manual for dummies i might learn things from it :)17:49
mcmlxxixfair enough17:49
livingdaylightIdleOne, so when Gdebi installer tells me that it is already installed - click on 'reinstall' ?17:49
Maahesmcmlxxix: but you should be able to tell wubi to install 32bit17:49
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IdleOnelivingdaylight: yes and also check to see you have brscan installed17:50
MaahesI'm having a weird issue: I added the ubuntu-kernel ppa to my sources, and synaptic shows it in my sources under the repositories tab, but does not show it as a source under origion, and no new packages are available17:50
kpomanblackshirt1: where do I download a sources.list ? pelase17:50
livingdaylightIdleOne, gdebi told me both are installed - remember the printer works... its the scanner that is not 'seen'17:51
Maaheskpoman: why are you trying to download a sources.list?17:51
mcmlxxixmaahes: didnt see that option, though I didnt try looking for any configuration beyond the UI17:51
jiffe1is there a way to find out what parameters are being used with configure to build a package?17:51
Protocol84ok I have 1 HDD with 2 partitions, first one has ubuntu secon has UE how do I get rid of the first one and expand my second one to fill the space, without messing everything up?17:51
kpomanMaahes: because everything if broken17:51
IdleOnelivingdaylight: what does gksudo xsane report?17:51
jg47hmguys im trying to install windows 7 above ubundu. when i put the disc in the cdrom and says that my system has ext4  and i need ntfs. how to make linux ntfs and install windows????? (please help)17:52
blackshirt1kpoman: where are you come from ??17:53
mcmlxxixfound a "10 things to do after installing ubuntu 10.10" list17:53
spacebug-jg47hm: you can't have them on the same partition17:53
Poizhanjg47hm:You need seperate partitions.17:53
Protocol84umm I thounk you are suppise to install windows first then ubuntu17:53
livingdaylightIdleOne, nothing happens. should printer be on?17:53
mcmlxxixnumber 11 should be "reinstall 10.04"17:53
Maahesjg47hm: make a new partition of unallocated space using gparted, install windows there, you may have to manually add windows to grub17:53
IdleOnelivingdaylight: you might need to install xsane first17:53
Buttons840i'm frustrated with ssh/scp and rsync, they always stall, and when i kill the transfer and reissue the command it starts right up - it's as though one packet got lost and it give up completely and just sits there...?17:53
Netronix_yop !17:54
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IdleOnelivingdaylight: and yes the printer should be turned on17:54
jg47hmMaahes> how to make new partition with ntfs file system (in details please im amateur)17:54
livingdaylightIdleOne, simple-scan was installed and printer/scanner worked previously in 10.04. Could Ubuntu have removed xsane during upgrade?17:55
goltoofi'm still running 10.04... Is there a specific command to upgrade the system to 10.10?17:55
okaycooli had got this working few years ago, but i forgot. I have this laptop with synaptic touchpad whose keyboard/touchpad does not work on ubuntu, except sometimes.17:55
okaycoolwhen i do acpi=off and something else like disabling the audio it works.17:55
IdleOnelivingdaylight: it may have but I doubt it.17:56
blackshirt1goltool: you can using update-manager or apt-get upgrade17:56
okaycoolwhat was that other parameter to provide while boot i forgot17:56
jg47hmblackshirt1: ???17:56
livingdaylightIdleOne, then I don't see how that will now make simple-scan recognize scanner17:56
blackshirt1you mean make ntfs partition from linux ??17:56
IdleOnelivingdaylight: unfortunately I am having similar issues with my brother scanner. Not having much luck getting it to work here either17:56
goltoof blackshirt1   sudo apt-get upgrade doesn not upgrade the system17:56
goltoof blackshirt1   to  10.1017:57
jehnHow can I get my " 00:0e.0 Ethernet Controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co.,Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+(rev10)" working??17:57
blackshirt1sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:57
Maahesjg47hm: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/larry/resize/resizing.htm and http://gparted.sourceforge.net/larry/generalities/gparted.htm the first one tells you how to resize an existing partition, and the second how to make a new partition17:57
blackshirt1or update-manager17:57
Maahes(as well as everything else about gparted, in general)17:57
neizquick question: Ubuntu 10.10: I have two monitors.  Is there a way to get a taskbar on the second monitor? (panel along the bottom of 2nd screen)17:57
goltoof blackshirt1, still nada17:57
okaycoolwas there something like ro splash quiet for boot parameter/17:58
jg47hm<Maahes> thanks17:58
livingdaylightIdleOne, oh! you got one too.... they're lovely printers, but not greatly complatible with Linux unfortunately. All the more why I'm gutted as it was running smoothly printer and scanner in Lucid Lynx.17:58
livingdaylightIdleOne, hate when upgrading breaks stuff17:58
MaahesI'm having a weird issue: I added the ubuntu-kernel ppa to my sources, and synaptic shows it in my sources under the repositories tab, but does not show it as a source under origion, and no new packages are available17:58
helppheys need help, how to increase the brightness?17:58
goltoofblackshirt1,  update manager gives me nada... none of these methods upgrade the system to 10.1017:58
enjalothey guys, just want to show off the 10.10 release party we had :) http://enja.org/2010/10/27/10-10-ubuntu-release-party-tallahassee-fl/17:58
IdleOnelivingdaylight: I think this is something that changed in maverick and brother needs to fix to be compatible with 10.10.17:58
blackshirt1you must using 10.10 repository, run update and then upgrade17:59
goltoofblackshirt1,  how do i use said 10.10 repository?17:59
NaznazHey, some time ago, my login screen window where I can select the user isn't skinned anymore and looks totally ugly :-) How can I fix that? And is there a possibility to skin the whole GDM? It seems there was some time ago but it's gone with the new versions :(17:59
IdleOnelivingdaylight: all I can say is email Brother (I assume they have a bug report process) and let them know what is going on. Also yes brother makes nice machines.18:00
Gorlist1Hi, just wondered how can I tell what firmware a device of mine is running?18:00
blackshirt1edit your sources.list in /etc/apt/sources.list to use maverick18:00
blackshirt1aka 10.1018:00
helppif i want to decrease the brightness on battery  how ?18:01
noob-tuxi got a usb drive...i put it on my xp desktop and my av detected a virus on it...but cannot be deleted....i pulled it out and i put it on my ubuntu am i safe? or i just did the dumbiest thing?18:01
IdleOnegoltoof: what you need to do is go to Software Sources and change from LTS only to Normal Releases and then 10.10 will be offered18:01
she_dyedhelpp: i'd try the BIOS settings first18:01
helppshe_dyed, thx18:02
MaahesI'm having a weird issue: I added the ubuntu-kernel ppa to my sources, and synaptic shows it in my sources under the repositories tab, but does not show it as a source under origion, and no new packages are available18:02
madmax_xnoob-tux, no in ubuntu you can run the avast linux client on the drive to remove the virus or you can just wipe it completely18:02
she_dyedhelpp: you're welcome18:02
mcmlxxixexperiment failed, as predicted18:04
neiz_goltoof: got d/c, but did that help?18:04
goltoofblackshirt1,  so change each line in sources.list to maverick?18:04
mcmlxxixi thought wubi would create a new ext partition18:04
BodsdaHi, how can I grep for the string    -1     It keeps giving me the generic error to look at the help file when I do    ls -lahR | grep -118:04
IdleOnegoltoof: that can break your install. I don't recommend it18:04
tripelbOpinion/Suggestion for UbuntuL (sorry but I may never figure out the "official" channel for suggestions) Re Audio Gain control on the Panel. viz: I'd like (an option of?) + and - buttons to click. Or once vol. is opened a way to go by stages. (I'd like it vertical to but that's not what this comment is about.) As it is not it is difficult to control. It goes HIGH too easily. I may want to keep it quiet for friends in the room. Right n18:05
tripelbow I do not even have the option to mute it then adjust it. MUTE it, It might help to have numbers on it so I can set a level I have liked before. I'd like to mute it with one click. Altogether it's considerably less sophisticated/comfortable/useful than I would like,less friendly/harmonious too. THanks for listening. I'd like Ubuntu to be easier to use. THis is a surface property but another one that could be a deal-breaker.18:05
noob-tuxmadmax_x: do i need to install avast linux? i dont have it here now18:05
MAXXInão consigo entrar no  jogo?18:05
IdleOne!br | MAXXI18:05
ubottuMAXXI: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:05
tripelbavast! for Linux/Unix Servers is an antivirus solution for Linux and BSD environments, primarily intended for Linux (or BSD) based servers.18:05
she_dyedBodsda: you might mean  \-1 not just -118:05
goltoofIdleOne,  i like to try this from terminal, but if you recommend using Software Sources...  do i just change each source to maverick?18:06
goltoofneiz_,   didn't get your last message, sorry18:06
tripelbDoes Ubuntu get viruses????? !!18:06
goltooftripelb,  no :)18:06
she_dyedtripelb: you miss them already?18:06
IdleOnegoltoof: in Software Sources click the Updates tab, at the bottom you will see LTS release only, change that to Normal Releases18:06
Bodsdashe_dyed: cheers, that got me to the right place, "\-1" worked... it did need to be quoted though :) cheers18:06
tripelbgoltoof, then what's the point of avast.  she_dyed oh yes I do. With pleasure. And on toast.18:07
she_dyedah thanks too Bodsda18:07
Gorlist1how can I list the firmware a device is using?18:07
IdleOnegoltoof: there is a way to change it via terminal but I don't know it.18:07
neiz_goltoof: go to System->Administration->Update Manager. Click "Settings", enter your password and then under the Updates tabs, change the dropdown for Release upgrade from whatever it is to "Normal Releases" refresh Update Manager and then 10.10 update will show up.18:07
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tripelb<-- has no Ubuntu problems. This is a wonderful thing. So I'm reading about shell scripts now.18:08
sinisterstufif dpkg-scanpackes says "Package X is repeat" does that mean I can delete it?18:08
goltoofneiz_, thanks!   another question, should i upgrade or is a fresh reinstall better?  last time i upgraded (to Lucid)  a lot of stuff was broke and had to reformat18:09
jack__How do I change wallpaper?18:09
seekerInSeattleHello anyone can you  help me with a partition question??18:10
mcmlxxixtripelb: ubuntu occasionally gets an STD from its wild and reckless lifestyle18:10
neiz_goltoof:  I did an upgrade and had a very customized install... havn't had a single problem 2 months in now :)18:10
Sky[x]clean install is better than upgrade :)18:11
seekerInSeattleI have 3  partitions know what two of them are but not sure what is in the 3rd is there anything in Linux that will give a clue to what distro is in which partition?18:11
IdleOnejack__: right click on the desktop and click change desktop background18:11
NaznazUm, I got a nasty problem, I rm -r /usr/share/vlc/skins2 and now VLC doens't work anymore, even after a reinstall. Can any1 help me please?18:11
jack__IdleOne, thanks18:11
goltoofSky[x],  aye18:11
zthim using ubuntu studio but my grub seems messed up, there's no way for me to enter a menu and choose what kernel to boot from? all that happens is that ticking _ and pressing various buttons (esc space and so on) don't help at all. what to do?18:11
seekerInSeattleAnyone that wants to help me please put answer in a color that will stand out...18:11
neiz_Naznaz: maybe sudo apt-get remove vlc | sudo apt-get install vlc        might work18:11
Naznazneiz_, i already tried18:12
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noob-tuxmadmax_x: i think i dont need a anti virus on my distro! :) all viruses are made to work on windows OS's......and in *nix   .exe is not recognized correct me if i'm wrong... :)18:12
anirudhrNaznaz, Why don't you "sudo apt-get purge vlc" and then reinstall it?18:12
goshi, if limewire has been closed, what will be the next?18:12
LjL!ot | gos18:12
ubottugos: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:12
seekerInSeattleanyone able to help me:??18:13
goltoofnoob-tux, i thin kthe last successful linux virus was in the late 90's.18:13
WilsonzaizaiseekerInSeattle : did u identify the 3rd partition format?18:13
Kyle__seekerInSeattle: Mount them.  Look in them.18:13
anirudhrThe purge option should remove all config files. So, when you reinstall, they will all be installed again.18:13
goltoofseekerInSeattle, what's up?18:13
seekerInSeattleIts probably same for all of them my friend helping me says..18:14
WilsonzaizaiseakerInSeattle : How bout mounting it in look whats inside?18:14
anirudhrseekerInSeattle, "cat /etc/*-release" will tell you which Linux distro is in /. You can try "cat /media/partition/etc/*-release" after mounting it.18:14
Naznazanirudhr, thanks, now I only need to find out how to remove the ugly theme that hasn't even buttons for configuring vlc x)18:15
seekerInSeattleTelling my freind helping me to do that..18:15
noob-tuxgoltoof: so u say...that on this era viruses can't penetrate on a *nix distros?18:15
Naznazah there it is18:15
=== ^Mostafa is now known as Mostafa
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PaperBearhi chaps... I'vm having trouble with dual monitors on ati radeon under 10.10 - whether I use catalyst or motiro preferences the settings aren't stored. can i make the changes manually (xorg.conf)?18:16
MaahesI'm having a weird issue: I added the ubuntu-kernel ppa to my sources, and synaptic shows it in my sources under the repositories tab, but does not show it as a source under origion, and no new packages are available18:16
seekerInSeattleI think we will try the cat command I didnt understand it myself..18:16
MaahesPaperBear: Before you do that, what dual monitor support are you using?18:16
PaperBearMaahes, I have tried using the catalyst control center... just simple multi display desktop (I havent enabled xinerama)18:17
Sean93how do i install this? http://www.gamershell.com/download_63072.shtml it asks me to insert disk 018:17
seekerInSeattlePlease    repeat the cat comand so I can cut and paste it to print it whover said it..; )18:18
^Mostafahisto, i want use a proxy program that can help me to open block sites, is thee any program for ubuntu 10.4?18:19
anirudhrseekerInSeattle, Assume the partition is mounted in /media/volume. Then, do "cat /media/volume/etc/*-release".18:19
SJrAnyone know how SWT applications decide which theme to use?18:19
seekerInSeattleThanks hold whover is helping me..: )18:20
vearixhello! i am having problems with my synaptics touchpad. it works fine after a fresh install but after i log onto my windows partition and back onto ubuntu, using two fingers causes crusor to jump all over the place. I cant find what's wrong or what has changed18:21
rypervencheI use "ubuntu" as my default fonts. How can I find the default font used for Chinese?18:22
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anirudhrrypervenche, Try "apt-cache search ttf chinese". :)18:23
^Mostafait there any good proxy program for ubuntu?18:24
seekerInSeattleWho   was helping me..where do you find the dir "media"??18:24
glaucousI'm wondering if someone would like to help me debug an ATI/AMD GPU program I wrote for Linux/Ubuntu. It requires the fglrx/ATI proprietary drivers. Doesn't require any install, no sudo, and the command I need testing only GETS information about the GPU.18:24
anirudhrseekerInSeattle, I was helping you. Where are these partitions of yours mounted?18:24
rypervencheNo no, I want to know what the current default Chinese font is on my system.18:24
furii'd like to be able to get my G510 up to its fullest functionality. i'd like to use the applets for it. not panel applets, but applets that appear on its screen.18:24
seekerInSeattleanirud: Not sure I am much a nooby  to Linux..18:25
seekerInSeattleAnirud:  Think it is on the HD?? : )18:25
furii'd like to be able to get my G510 up to its fullest functionality. i'd like to use the applets that came with it for it, like the clock and the media thing. not panel applets, but applets that appear on its screen.18:26
seekerInSeattleAnirud you gonna ba around got to break for lunch here be here in 10 or so?18:26
SilasleI get this error message when booting Xubuntu (i have checked the md5 of the iso): http://paste.ubuntu.com/520888/18:26
shane4ubuntuHelp, I somehow deleted files (they are not in the trash) in my home dir, I need to recover them any ideas???  I can't unmount /home to do this18:27
mooglenorphHi, I'd like to get the page size for a postscript file on the command line.18:27
mooglenorphI know I can use pdfinfo to do this for a pdf. I haven't been able to find a similar command for .ps files, after much googling.18:27
IdleOne!undelete | shane4ubuntu18:27
ubottushane4ubuntu: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel18:27
rypervencheHow do I find the current default Chinese font used on my system? I have "Ubuntu" as my default font, so I would like to know what my system chooses when Chinese is shown.18:28
vearixhello! i am having problems with my synaptics touchpad. it works fine after a fresh install but after i log onto my windows partition and back onto ubuntu, using two fingers causes crusor to jump all over the place. I cant find what's wrong or what has changed18:28
m_fuldercan I somehow make my terminal window a specified size when I open one program?18:28
aeon-ltdm_fulder: you can only set the geometry for the whole term not for one app, iirc18:29
shane4ubuntuIdleOne, thanks, I think I formated my /home to ext4, but I don't remember, any way to tell what it is? fdisk just says 83 linux18:29
Maahesokay, just had a look, looks like twinview is no longer a separate package, yes you can create an entry entry in xorg.conf.d/ I don't know what number of precedence you should give your file though, but I suggest trying 9918:29
m_fulderah damn :(18:29
ZolI set up nginx with PHP and MySQL for a few months ago and it's been running fine for a long while. Just now I bought a new domain and added the virtual host for it after I'd set up the DNS for the domain where I bought it. My problem is that when I visit the site, I get redirected to another website that I host (the first one that I set up several months ago). What gives?18:29
MaahesI'm having a weird issue: I added the ubuntu-kernel ppa to my sources, and synaptic shows it in my sources under the repositories tab, but does not show it as a source under origion, and no new packages are available18:30
she_dyedm_fulder: for another app, a different size?18:30
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jg47hmgays i jast installed qparted and i choose the /dev/sda1. im trying to make new partition with ntfs file system when i het the button Patrition the button resize/move is desable... how to make ntfs partition???18:31
hblounthi. i have a usb live boot drive but when i try to boot my old desktop with it, doesnt boot from usb, just goes to win xp. i set it to boot from usb in bios. the usb drive works to live boot on my laptop...18:31
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Zolthis is my virtual host file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/520891/18:32
MaahesZol: not saying your question won't be answered here but you might have better luck in #nginx or ##networking18:32
Guest41400alguien que me ayude en programacion adp18:32
IdleOneshane4ubuntu: not sure, try installing hardinfo package that should give you plenty of information18:32
rypervencheHow do I find the current default Chinese font used on my system? I have "Ubuntu" as my default font, so I would like to know what my system chooses when Chinese is shown.18:32
ZolMaahes: Thanks!18:32
MaahesZol: np :)18:33
IdleOneshane4ubuntu: System > Administration > Disk Utility has info.18:33
Maahesrypervenche: change your language to chinese either in an app like openoffice, or globally, the package is ttf-somethingsomething-cn18:34
qkumberscan anyone help me with kvm/qemu overlays? The documentation seems light18:34
halthere is a seminar that was held on gotomeeting today, and I was disappointed to discover that they didn't support linux.  Does anyone know of any alternative services offering similar functionality that support more platforms?18:34
qkumbersi used vmbuilder to create my machine, do I have to use virt-manager to enable overlays?18:35
duncan_mooglenorph: maybe you could do ps2pdf <filename> to convert the .ps ot .pdf, then use pdfinfo to find the pagesize? Otherwise, maybe look at GhostScript/GhostViz18:35
jg47hm gays i jast installed qparted and i choose the /dev/sda1. im trying to make new partition with ntfs file system when i het the button Patrition the button resize/move is desable... how to make ntfs partition???18:35
okaycooli am using version 10.10. While booting what key do i press to go to the boot parameters screen?18:35
rypervencheMaahes: I'm already using zh_TW, but I know the system font is one of the "Hei" fonts, I just want to know which one it is.18:35
madmax_xjg47hm, unmount18:35
madmax_xjg47hm, might have to do it with a live cd18:36
IdleOnejg47hm: you need to unmount the partition18:36
Maaheshal: https://www.yugma.com/18:36
IdleOneand yes has to be done with live cd18:36
* madmax_x tags IdleOne in18:36
IdleOneokaycool: the shift key18:36
vearixhello! i am having problems with my synaptics touchpad. it works fine after a fresh install but after i log onto my windows partition and back onto ubuntu, using two fingers causes crusor to jump all over the place. I cant find what's wrong or what has changed18:36
IdleOnemadmax_x: lol that's cool you can keep going :)18:36
jshriverGreetings I recently bought a quad core Xeon system. Would you recommend 32bit or 64bit Ubuntu? I've had problems with 64bit in the past.18:36
fepif i want to uninstall something i installed with apt-get, can i do apt-get remove software ?18:37
madmax_xvearix, are you shutting down correctly?18:37
IdleOnefep: yes18:37
mooglenorphduncan_: thanks... I've been trying to figure out the ghostscript docs, they're fairly dense.18:37
shane4ubuntuIdleOne, thanks18:37
fepIdleOne: then it removes everything it installed combined with the software?18:37
hallooks good Maahes , thank you18:37
vearixmadmax_x: I'm using the shut down button on both win7 and ubuntu to shut down18:37
PaperBeardoes anyone know where the catalyst control center stores its settings? or if I can somehow override its behaviour elsewhere? it isnt storing my settings18:37
fepIdleOne: like extra packages and so18:38
zaxonspoxhello, did someone installed Corel 9 under Wine?18:38
DragonKeeper error while loading shared libraries: libQtGui.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory   """ how do i fix this ?18:38
IdleOnefep: yes, it will remove any unneeded dependencies along with it.18:38
fepIdleOne: ok, thanks18:38
madmax_xvearix, check the settings in ubuntu the 2 os's should be independant...is it a wubi install?18:38
lieuwehey, i'm looking for a torrent client for on my server, so it needs an webinterface. but google isn't really helping, any ideas?18:38
madmax_xlieuwe, i think utorrent and avast support this18:39
ka1seris there a way to send some text to a terminal running in another process? perhaps having the PID??18:39
jg47hmIdleOne, how to unmount the partition18:39
okaycooli want to save acpi=off in the boot parameters, where do i find the boot file?18:39
IdleOnejg47hm: you need to boot into a Ubuntu live cd and run gparted18:39
okaycool /boot/grub then?18:39
madmax_xjg47hm, boot live cd and use gparted there you can unmount from within gparted by right clicking18:39
ZolMaahes: They managed to help me instantly. :)18:40
vearixmadmax_x: not a wubi install. 2 seperate partitions. this happened to me before and fresh isntall of ubuntu always fixes it. i noticed that it only starts when i boot into win7, then turn off, then boot into ubuntu18:40
ZolMaahes: Thanks again!18:40
MaahesZol: np =)18:40
madmax_xvearix, are you rebooting or shutdown wait poweron?18:40
vearixmadmax_x: rebooting18:40
lieuwemadmax_x: yes, but you need to set those up trough the gui, which isn't an option for me18:40
ThisistodeExcept Evolution Mail, is there some app I can use to sync up with Google Calendar?18:41
ThisistodeI really wish to have a standalone program to handle my Google Caneldar and sync up with it etc.18:41
vearixmadmax_x: problem only happens when two or more fingers touch the touchpad.18:41
fepIdleOne: i dont need "apt-get --purge remove putty" ? only "apt-get remove putty" ?18:41
okaycoolmany things has changed. the boot loader configs are not in /etc/grub anymore , where do i find them?18:41
okaycoolneed to edit the boot parameters18:42
IdleOnefep: -purge will also remove the configs18:42
crimsunokaycool: /etc/default/grub18:42
IdleOnefep: it's up to you really.18:42
Maahesrypervenche: AR PL  ShanHeiSun Uni18:42
phoe6Hello, I just installed Meerkat. I used to ues mingetty in /etc/inittab for auto-login. I am trying to find out what should I do now as /etc/inittab is no longer present.18:42
PaperBearis /etc/X11/xorg.conf now defunct?18:42
fepIdleOne: also the config? i though remove removed everything18:42
IdleOnefep: for more clear explanation see man apt-get18:42
crimsunPaperBear: has been for several releases18:42
PaperBearcrimsun - where is that stored in 10.10?18:43
zaxonspoxhello, did someone installed Corel 9 under Wine?18:43
MaahesPaperBear: yes its now  /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/18:43
Maahesyou create a file to configure a specific thing and give it precedence with a prefix number18:44
IdleOnezaxonspox: ask in #winehq18:44
zaxonspoxIdleOne, ok, thx18:44
MaahesI'm having a weird issue: I added the ubuntu-kernel ppa to my sources, and synaptic shows it in my sources under the repositories tab, but does not show it as a source under origion, and no new packages are availablez18:44
Quantum_IonMaahes, How do you find this file on 10.04 -> xorg.conf.d18:45
seekerInSeattleanirudhr are you still here??18:45
PaperBearMaahes - so can I put an xorg.conf in there to force the display settings I want to use?18:45
okaycoolalright i have this in my grub config http://pastebin.com/TsDAW1WV . where do i add acpi=off ? i'm trying to get my synaptic keyboard working18:45
anirudhrseekerInSeattle, Yes I am.18:45
seekerInSeattleOk Anirud: where do you find the media directory??18:46
MaahesPaperBear: Put a file lets say we'll call it 99-display-settings.conf paste just the contents of what display fixes you want. Not a full xorg.conf18:46
rypervencheMaahes: Thanks, where did you find that? I would like to know where I can change it.18:46
Quantum_IonI cannot find this -> xorg.conf.d in my Ubuntu 10.04 install at all18:46
SankyHello, for some reason, Ubuntu opens shell files in gedit by default.  Can I change this behavior?18:46
MaahesQuantum_Ion: as far as I know, 10.04 still has a xorg.conf18:46
qkumberscan one use qemu overlays with virsh? the only docs use virt-manager18:46
seekerInSeattleAnirudhr we found which was which thank you so much for your help!!! Tusend Tak!!!18:47
trijntjeSanky, rigth click, properties, etc18:47
Quantum_IonMaahes, I think my X-server is using some kind of wrapper for my Xsession18:47
anirudhrseekerInSeattle, You are welcome. :) What does "Tusend Tak" mean, and in which language? :)18:47
Quantum_IonThey keep moving files around in Ubuntu Linux all the time it is becoming annoying18:47
seekerInSeattleOg Anirudhr It was Norwegian last I checked!! : )18:48
seekerInSeattleMeans Thousand thanks! : )18:48
EighteensHello everyone, i've tried googling my problem, only to find others are having a problem with pusleaudio hogging up the cpu, makes listening to music frustrating, if i use rhythmbox, however songbird is less cpu intensive, as it seems on my system, anyway, i looked in the gnome-system-monitor, and i noticed pusleaudio running, and if i kill it, it restarts on it's own, is there anything i can do about that? reclaiming wasted cpu cycl18:48
progre55I installed libc6 from backports, but now I want to downgrade. when I say "apt-get remove libc6" ubuntu wants to remove half of my server. any suggestions, please?18:48
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seekerInSeattleOk thanks again I am out of here!! : )18:48
Quantum_IonI will have to find a way to use the find command to search for ----> xorg.conf.d in my Ubuntu Linux 10.0418:48
progre55I upgraded* libc6 from maverick repos18:48
Sankytrijntje: I get to the "open with" section, where do I set the terminal?18:48
anirudhrseekerInSeattle, Ah okay. Cool. You are welcome. :)18:48
SankyOh, maybe I should put "sh" in "use a custom command"18:49
SankyAh, that worked!  Thanks :D18:49
Maahes_rypervenche: /etc/fonts/conf.avail/69-language-selector-zh-tw.conf18:49
lieuweis it possible to ping a machine in xsec intervals until it responds using only the ping command?18:50
qkumbersHow does one use overlays with KVM?18:50
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Maahes_Anyone: I'm having an issue where the kernel-ppa is in my apt/sources.list.d/ responds to apt-get update, and shows under repositories in Synaptic, but does not show up in Origin in Synaptic.18:51
OnyxHey there18:51
OnyxMay somebody help me about the nVidia driver ?18:52
Quantum_IonMaahes_, I ran this command ->  find / -name xorg.conf.d18:53
rypervencheMaahes_: Does it go in order? I don't see which one in the family of fonts is used.18:53
Maahes_Quantum_Ion:  no /18:54
anirudhrOnyx, What about the nvidia driver?18:54
Quantum_IonMasshuu, The results were --- >/usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.d18:54
DragonKeeperhow do i uninstall libs ?18:54
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Onyxhum... I had the 195 driver befor upgrading to 26018:55
Onyxwith the 195, I had 300 fps in Nexuiz18:55
OnyxNow, I got 6018:55
perlmonkey2Ah, did I miss 10.10 coming out?  When did that happen?18:55
aeon-ltdDragonKeeper: same way you uninstall anything, but libs are usually dependencies for multiple apps18:55
Quantum_Ionwhen I change into this directory ---> /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.d18:55
Maahes_rypervenche: back up the file, replace all instances of AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni with your font18:55
Quantum_IonI get 4 files ---> 05-evdev.conf  10-synaptics.conf  10-vmmouse.conf  10-wacom.conf18:56
anirudhrOnyx, Ouch. Why did you change drivers?18:56
ohshaith55hello i installed kde on my ubuntu 10.10 and can't remove it now :( can someone help me?18:56
DragonKeeperaeon-ltd  i know but there seems to be a problem with 1 lib package so wondered what the command would be to uninstall it18:56
lieuweahox: apt-get remove whatev18:56
Maahes_This trackpad bug is the most annoying ubuntu bug ever. my trackpad now intermittently causes my laptop to go into suspend18:56
Quantum_IonMaahes_, Do you remember back in the days when X had only one central file for configuration18:57
Quantum_IonNow it has 418:57
goltoofi'm going to reinstall to 10.10.. should i do server version since i need LAMP ?18:57
Quantum_IonIt used to be xconf.org now it is 05-evdev.conf  10-synaptics.conf  10-vmmouse.conf  10-wacom.conf18:57
madmax_xgoltoof, will you ever be sitting in fron of the machine18:57
Maahes_Quantum_Ion: most of X is configured automagically, and dynamically, if you want to override it for some reason, you create a file in that directory18:57
stahello guys!! when i right or left click on my wireless mouse it double click anyways.. how can i fix that? my regular mouse works fine :(18:58
goltoofwhat's the big difference between regular and server editions, is server edition okay if it's my main work pc?18:58
ben_qsta is that a logitech mouse?18:58
goltoofmadmax_x,  yes, my main work machine18:58
Quantum_IonMaahes_, How do I generate an xconf.conf file from this 05-evdev.conf  10-synaptics.conf  10-vmmouse.conf  10-wacom.conf18:58
madmax_xben_q, as in ben_q drives in the 3360?18:58
staben_q it is a SIGMA mouse.. logitech solution may work as well18:58
Maahes_goltoof: server has a different kernel designed to use lots of ram, among other things. You can use it for a desktop, but really it's no general help unless you're running a server18:59
madmax_xgoltoof, then you prob want a desktop enviornment18:59
ben_qsta, there is no solution, logitech mice have a bug with double clicking, that won't affect SIGMA mice18:59
rypervencheMaahes_: But really what I want to know is, why is AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni chosen and not one of the other fonts? Where is my system told which of the fonts is the one to be used?18:59
ben_qmadmax_x, what?18:59
madmax_xgoltoof, the server is cli and you would have to install X...desktop has X and you would have to install lamp18:59
cansuanyone knows how i make the keyring never locked again for my wireless connection18:59
furii'd like to be able to get my G510 up to its fullest functionality. i'd like to use the applets that came with it for it, like the clock and the media thing. not panel applets, but applets that appear on its screen.18:59
goltoofthx,  i figured that, just thought i'd check18:59
madmax_xben_q, you nick is it a referance to the xbox dvd drive19:00
staben_q any idea of what should I do?19:00
Maahes_rypervenche: in that file, that file defines what fonts are used for rendering the different chinese writing systems.19:00
ben_qmadmax_x, is it now.. well, lucky me :D19:00
ben_qsta, nope, sorry, I bought a new mouse after my logitech started to double click all the time19:01
NaznazI want to copy some files with the same file type located in different subdirectories to another folder without copying the directory, what's the command for that?19:01
Maahes_Quantum_Ion: you don't, You instead create a file with just the snippet of configuration, for whatever it is you want to replace the default behavior for.19:01
stathank you thank you :)19:01
sweetozkelli 19:01
cansuanyone knows how i make the keyring never locked again for my wireless connection19:01
cansuanyone knows how i make the keyring never locked again for my wireless connection19:01
stahope i find a solution19:01
furii'd like to be able to get my G510 up to its fullest functionality. i'd like to use the applets that came with it for it, like the clock and the media thing. not panel applets, but applets that appear on its screen.19:01
cansuit never stops asking for my internet password19:01
cansueach time i run my computer19:02
madmax_xcansu, dont spam19:02
rypervencheMaahes_: But why AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni? Where does it say that that one is chosen for my desktop?19:02
Maahes_rypervenche: because thats the default font for19:02
Maahes_Hei under the ttf-package for chinese19:02
Maahes_-tw that is19:02
Maahes_cansu: does it ask it just once, or continuously?19:03
cansuMaahes_ each time i open my computer19:03
Quantum_IonMasshuu, looks like I am going to to have to do a cut and paste on all 4 files into one xorg.conf file19:03
madmax_xcansu, is it the wireless password or unlock the default keyring19:03
okaycooli am getting a command prompt after booting, its not showing the gui anymore. what did i do?19:03
Maahes_cansu: each time you shut your computer off, or each time you go into suspend or hibernate19:04
okaycooli just edited the grub file to append acpi=off19:04
Quantum_IonMaahes_, basically I an trying to configure an X server for FreeBSD from my Ubuntu linux generated xconfig19:04
cansumadmax_x , it is the wireless password to unloack the default keyring :S19:04
cansuMaahes_ on / off19:04
ThisistodeOh I forgot to see if I got any answers19:04
Maahes_Quantum_Ion: those files by themselves will not make an xorg.conf file.19:04
Maahes_Quantum_Ion: I would be suspicious of doing that because FreeBSD may have very different identifiers and kernel drivers.19:05
ThisistodeIm looking for a calendar app to sync up with Google Mail, anyone know an alternative to Evolution mail? I've been looking at SUnbird but it looks like they closed that project :S19:05
PeterNLHi, what is a good a/v capturing program that can record video from v4l2 and audio from line-in, and at the same time display the video while it is recording?19:05
Quantum_Ioncansu, Go to System - > Preferences -> StartUp Applications  and disable keyring by unchecking the box at startup and reboot19:05
Sky[x]what to use for msn/FB/google tlak ? :>19:06
Maahes_Thisistode: Firebird19:06
furii'd like to be able to get my G510 up to its fullest functionality. i'd like to use the applets that came with it for it, like the clock and the media thing. not panel applets, but applets that appear on its screen.19:06
mbroekerokaycool, reboot your pc and hold down the shift key during boot to get to the grub2 menu19:06
Quantum_IonMaahes_, That is the way I used to configure X on FreeBSD back in the old days before Ubuntu using Redhat X generator I would just pull the x conf file from Linux and transfer it to FreeBSD and it worked19:06
madmax_xSky[x], epiphany19:06
rypervencheMaahes_: Thank you a lot :)19:07
Sky[x]not browser i need some client like pidgin ... :)19:07
Maahes_Quantum_Ion: you might try a centos disk's xorg.conf I believe Ubuntu has non-standard configuration.19:07
ThisistodeSky try Empathy? it handles FB I think19:07
Maahes_rypervenche: np :)19:07
cansuQuantum_Ion which option is it ??19:07
Maahes_Anyone: I'm having an issue where the kernel-ppa is in my apt/sources.list.d/ responds to apt-get update, and shows under repositories in Synaptic, but does not show up in Origin in Synaptic.19:08
madmax_xSky[x], empathy im client supports alot of protocals aim msn facebook gtalk irc and much more19:08
andrew__i have a quick question19:09
andrew__anyone know about the hardware compatibility of the eee PC with ubuntu?19:10
drcodeahi ll19:10
drcodehi all19:10
drcodeis there console program for auto mount hdd , portable hdd and so?19:10
okaycoolmbroeker: thanks, i was only pressing & leaving the shift key19:10
NaznazI want to copy some files with the same file type located in different subdirectories to another folder without copying the directory, what's the command for that?19:10
madmax_xdrcode, /etc/fstab19:10
madmax_xNaznaz, do a recursive search for the file extention  then copy paste intop a new folder19:11
Naznazoh gosh I'm silly19:11
Naznazmadmax_x, thanks :D19:11
madmax_xNaznaz, im sure some guru has a commandline string for that but thats how i do it19:12
andrew__my eee pc's earphone jack wont work with 10.10 how can i tell if this is a hardware or software issue?19:12
Naznazmadmax_x, yes for it's on my NAS I thought I needed a bash script but actually I can it access via NFS, so thanks a lot :-)19:12
madmax_xandrew__, look around in sound preferances19:12
andrew__thanks all19:13
madmax_xNaznaz, you neeed the files or just a list?...i think : locate -r *.jpg > list.txt19:14
goltoofi don't want to upgrade to 10.10, i want to reinstall, what's the best way to back up all my current settings ?  I'd like a way to reinstall as many of the current programs/settings automatically, instead of redoing each one by one.19:14
Naznazmadmax_x, I need to copy the files so I can toy around with them19:14
cansuQuantum_Ion which option is it ??19:16
PeterNLHi, what is a good a/v capturing program that can record video from v4l2 and audio from line-in, and at the same time display the video while it is recording?19:16
CkhiKuzadIs it possible to tunnel X11 apps into windows over SSH?19:16
citytaurHi at all, can simeone give me a hint? How can I save the settings in NVIDIA X Server Settings? every restart my resolution is at 800x600 :( thx19:17
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madmax_xcitytaur, run nvidia x serversettings as root19:17
snipecan anyone tell me where the cpu temp is in the file system?19:17
llutzCkhiKuzad: sure, use putty, x-forwarding and a x-server on windows19:18
__cool__CkhiKuzad: you need an X server on windows then, like i.w. the one from cygwin.com ... then you even don't have to use putty19:18
citytaurthx @ maxmax_x I'm new to ubuntu, i try my luck :)19:18
CkhiKuzadllutz, __cool__, If I dont have an x server on windows, is it possible to tunnel a wine app? since it's an .EXE app?19:19
snipei'm trying to set up cpu temp in conky and not sure where to find it19:20
PeterNLsnipe: sensors19:20
llutzCkhiKuzad: if it uses X as output, you'll need an x-server19:20
snipethanks peter .. noob here , can you direct me to that19:21
__cool__CkhiKuzad: or you use the remote desktop way, like using a vncserver instead of the standard x server. but that would not be x tunneling ofc19:21
PeterNLtype sensors into the terminal19:21
snipethank you19:21
CkhiKuzad__cool__, that would work with using OpenSSH?19:21
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.19:22
PeterNLHmmm. Didn't know ubottu knew that19:22
__cool__Chieftain: sure you can tunnel vnc connections through ssh... but it's not the x protocol and you have to tell the wine application to use an 'secondary' server like the vncserver...19:23
__cool__Chieftain: oops19:23
__cool__CkhiKuzad: ^^19:23
CkhiKuzadAlright, thank you __cool__19:24
CkhiKuzadnow, second question time.19:24
she_dyedand thats all the time we have thaankyou19:24
CkhiKuzadFor some reason my Virtual terminals, that could be accessed with CTRL+ALT+F[1-8] are disabled.19:25
yaaari hate to ask a question this broad. but does anybody have pointers on setting up a webserver that's (relatively) safe running multiple sites which may not have completely trusted code? i keep having injection attacks and form manipulations come up (usually either send a ton of spam or launch some ssh dictionary attack) and drag the whole box down. since they're all running as www-data it's...19:25
yaaar...hard to track down the offending site.19:25
sagarhi i m using ubuntu 10.04 and network icon is missing in my top panel and i m unable to select my network so what should i do for this.?19:25
aeon-ltdCkhiKuzad: laptop?, do you have a Fn (function key)19:25
CkhiKuzadaeon-ltd, no. it's a desktop.19:25
PeterNLyaaar: not really possible. Don't run untrusted code, or make sure you know where the dangerous code is.19:26
orko69_How can I increase the font-size of the text in the virtual terminals, CTRL+ALT+F[1-8]?19:26
goltoofsagar, restart gnome-panel19:26
CkhiKuzadaeon-ltd, I have the F keys at the top of the keyboard. F[1-8] is shortened for F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F819:26
PeterNLyaaar: anything in the apache error/access logs?19:26
sagargoltoof: how to restart19:26
yaaarPeterNL: then how do hosting companies run? they can't trust all their customers' code...19:26
trismCkhiKuzad: curious, what does: service tty2 status; return?19:26
goltoofsagar, forgot,  looking...19:27
PeterNLyaaar: php safe mode helps a bit, but they should check their customer's code every once in a while.19:27
CkhiKuzadtrism: ckhikuzad@Skynet-Terminal:~$ service tty2 status;19:27
CkhiKuzadtty2 start/running, process 62719:27
sagargotloof: ok19:27
madmax_xgoltoof, terminal "sudo killall  gnome-panel"19:28
PeterNLOr they use VMs. That might be the safest solution besides using dedicated servers (which might be way too expensive anyway)19:28
madmax_xgoltoof, gnome-panel &19:28
albech_what are the new features in 10.10?19:28
goltoofsagar, only problem with restarting gnome panel is it removes your quick icons19:28
sagargotloof: ok19:29
trismCkhiKuzad: alright, so they are running, not sure why you can't access them, perhaps some driver issue19:29
goltoofmadmax_x, is there a way to restart without it removing quick links?19:29
RyannHey, I need some help - I downloaded ubuntu 10.10 and used 3 different softwares  that put it onto usb that would then make it bootable. I used UltraISO Premium like I always would, I used universal USB installer from PendriveLinux.com and I also used unetbootin. I also tried it to a 4GB USB drive and also to a 4GB SDHC card. So, in total 6 different tries. They all failed in the same way - I would tap F9 to boot from USB at startup then19:29
CkhiKuzadtrism, what is the shortcut to access one? maybe i've got it wrong19:29
sagargotloof: then what should i do..?19:29
yaaarPeterNL: php.net says safe mode is deprecated. and i find it highly unlikely that hosting companies are auditing all their customers' sites for security vulnerabilities19:29
RyannThen it would just hang there, and do nothing. No lights on USB flashing, no hard disk light flashing.19:29
PeterNLyaaar: indeed. safe mode is dead. But it was a way to make hosting companies lifes easier.19:30
trismCkhiKuzad: you had it correct19:30
PeterNLyaaar: there must be a way to have each user run apache as himseld, and not www-data. But I don't know19:30
goltoofsagar,  sudo killall  gnome-panel19:30
CkhiKuzadtrism, where can i configure it, then?19:30
orko69_@Ryann, It will help you if you use a CD instead of the usb install.19:30
orko69_@Ryann, Even I had problems with the usb install.19:31
goltoofsagar, as i stated it removes quick links, not sure how to restart without losing them19:31
nemchikanyone by chance know how to hide join/leave notifications in xchat-gnome?19:31
Ryannorko69_: Yeah, i read that there were some problems with the USB install. I thought maybe someone might know a fix, in here.19:31
goltoofnamchik, right click on the room, under settings19:31
sagargotloof: ok n thanx19:31
nitsis it possible to install the server edition and desktop edition on the same machine? if so is it similar to installing two flavours of ubuntu on the same machine?19:32
Ryannorko69_: Is it not possible to install it via USB for now, then?19:32
goltoofi don't want to upgrade to 10.10, i want to reinstall, what's the best way to back up all my current settings ?  I'd like a way to reinstall as many of the current programs/settings automatically, instead of redoing each one by one.19:32
CkhiKuzadAlright, its official. the shortcut to access my virtual terminals has been disabled. i need help re-enabling it.19:33
goltoofnits, not practical, you can install lamp server on desktop edition and make it a server19:33
nitsgoltoof: then what's the deal with the server edition?19:33
orko69_@Ryann, I would not say that.19:34
Ryannorko69_: Do you know of anything that would help me in booting it from USB?19:34
zupbHi, guys. I saw webinar. And now it's in my adobe cash, because i can listen it. Where i can find this audio file?19:34
goltoofnits, it's cli only and comes with apache mysql php, you can install x and use it as desktop but it has different ram configs, etc to work as a server19:34
BlaDe^Hi guys I created a symbolic link for php to /usr/local/bin/php but the php command still doesn't work --- what else should I do?19:34
nitsgoltoof: oh......19:35
nitsgoltoof: Thanks for explaining :)19:35
goltoofnits,  sudo tasksel install lamp-server   ... turns your desktop into a server :)19:35
orko69_@Ryann Which version of Ubuntu are you using to prepare the startup-disk?19:35
nitsgoltoof: sweet Thanks :)19:35
jsidhutrying to install ubuntu 10.10 via WUBI. I already have the latest ISO downloaded, ubuntu-10.10-desktop-amd64.iso and placed in the same folder as the wubi installed (C:\wubi) When I launch the wubi installer, it still wants to download the 64bit iso via torrent.. how do i stop it and make it use the iso I lready downloaded??19:35
jsidhu(please note im not trying to force a 32bit vs a 64bit install, I know about the --32bit flag...)19:36
banking30horas[AutoGreetz] HellCome !!!19:37
RoastedIf I'm running an Ubuntu desktop with DHCP, how can I see what addresses it hands out?19:38
RoastedI guess I'm looking for the "DHCP" that we find on Windows servers to view the leases, etc.19:38
llutzRoasted: ifconfig19:38
Roastedthat gives me the addresses I've handed OUT?19:38
Roastedlike I want to see the mac addresses and IPs of all clients that got an address from me.19:39
llutzRoasted: ups, you run dhcpd? doesn't it have a log /var/log/...19:39
okaycoolwhat is this keyring popping up everytime i boot?19:39
jschall_is the 2.6.36 kernel going to be made available in meerkat?19:39
okaycoolasking for password before it connects to wireless19:39
llutzRoasted: look at /var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases19:40
CkhiKuzadI really need help. My TTY Virtual Terminal sessions are disabled.19:40
orko69_@okaycool, You got to setup the wireless network as available to all users to prevent it from asking everytime.19:40
Roastedllutz, I see, but the mac address of the system that just pulled an IP from me doesnt appear to be listed... sigh19:41
dasenhi guys, do you have any idea where one can submit ideas and complaints about the new unity user interface to the ubuntu people?19:41
okaycoolorko69_: thanks, did that19:41
orko69_@okaycool, right-click on the network-applet, Edit connections...19:41
jsidhuis there a wubi installer for 10.10? The one I downloaded from ubuntu keeps trying to install 10.04..19:43
okaycoolyes :)19:43
jsidhuoh heyyyy19:44
=== Neil_Bulley is now known as dynoman
dynomanI'm running 10.10 and would like to know how to use a static ip for that machine ?19:46
llutzdynoman: use /etc/network/interfaces or set static-ip in networkmanager19:47
reggie_is it possible to add 32 bit libs to a 64 bit install like windows 7?19:47
reggie_so that I can install 32 bit apps19:47
dynomanthanks, can i use two network cards and port them19:47
CkhiKuzadIs there a program that is used to modify grub2, like startup-manager for grub legacy?19:52
reggie_use burg instead much nicer than GRUB19:53
MikeHonchoHey all, is there a photo editor that's a bit more like ACDSee?19:56
CkhiKuzadreggie_, I will not use a bootloader that i know nothing about19:56
MikeHonchoI don't need Gimp, but Shotwell is too simple.19:56
CkhiKuzadMikeHoncho, try F-Spot. it should be in your graphics menu19:56
Rapphi everyone!19:57
=== patrick is now known as Guest45721
dynomanhi rapp19:57
CkhiKuzad!hi | Rapp19:57
CkhiKuzad... ubottu must be down19:57
reggie_ok np but it should be used as default in ubuntu just too freakin nice19:57
lucid_guyFirst Windows7 Workstation, Samba 3.4.9 backend.  I can join the domain, but when logging in receive "The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed" .. urg .. applied MS patch to join the domain, also tried a number of suggestions from google with no luck .. anyone?19:57
CkhiKuzad!hello | Rapp19:57
MikeHonchoFspot has even less features than shotwell.19:57
ubottuyes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)19:57
ubottuGirls exist on the internet. See http://www.escapistmagazine.com/print/17/27 | http://www.xkcd.com/322/ | For more interesting reading: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/19:57
liberangirls get even boot going19:58
Rappmy / partition gets mounted in fstab via some UUID. however, my swap gets mounted as /dev/sda1. can i change that? or alternatively: when adding 1 or 2 USB HDs, they become sda and sdb, and my swap cannot be activated, the sda USB disk cannot be mounted (because it is listed in fstab) and KDE goes crazy.19:58
CkhiKuzadyet !hi is down ._.19:58
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".19:58
vademecumnew install trying to get flashplayer http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/flash but can't get to past "use this source" page19:58
PiciCkhiKuzad: It doesn't exist.19:58
jehnCan someone help me get my networkcard working in Ubntu Desktop 10.10? ( 00:0e.0 Ethernet Controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co.,Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+(rev10))19:58
CkhiKuzadPici, then what has everyone said to newbies when they come in and say just hello.19:59
noob-tuxhow can i change ubuntu logo on the panel? this small ubuntu logo on the upper left corner of the screen? i want to change it...is it possible?19:59
Wormholeciao a tutti19:59
PiciCkhiKuzad: They say hi to them.19:59
CkhiKuzadPici, there used to be a !hi command to make ubottu do a little introduction to them19:59
PiciCkhiKuzad: And it was removed because it was being used intead of having actual interaction with them.20:00
CkhiKuzadah. now i know, Pici. thank you.20:00
CkhiKuzadnoob-tux, apt-get install ubuntu-tweak20:00
=== Pilif12p|afk is now known as Pilif12p
=== don is now known as Guest72148
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete20:01
bluefox83so anyone know how to replace empathy with pidgin? i really REALLY hate empathy and it's not-very-flexible config options20:02
Rappok, found my answer. i can generate a uuid for the swap with uuidgen, and add that to the swap partition using mkswap and then edit fstab20:02
bmussonis there a way to make mouse clicks count in the unlock screen password?20:02
tioxbluefox83: Yeah.20:02
tioxGo into synaptic and uncheck everythig Empathy, then install Pidgin.20:03
tioxRather, uhm...20:03
tioxMark everything Empathy for complete removal.20:03
liberanafter todays update i was not able to boot into ubuntu. i had boot on ubuntu rescue stopped on "Begin: running ´/scripts/init-bottom... Done" and then just stayed there. Did several things, restored, updated system via live cd, updated grub several times, then i run testdisk, fixed partitions, rerun grub rescue, now disk is clean of all errors, grub is loaded, but i get this error now:...20:03
bluefox83tiox: so when i click on the chat button it will open pidgin automatically?20:03
liberan...plymouth main process(329) terminated with status 120:03
tioxWhat chat button?20:03
THAC0I restarted apache but it failed, now it won't start at all, says: (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address :S20:04
bluefox83tiox: well, there's this neat little icon on my menubar that has an envelope, if i click it, there are options, one of which is "chat"20:04
tioxMy general experience is, if you install everything for Pidgin (libnotify and all that jazz), it should work and be integrated with the indicator applet.20:04
liberani am able to get into winxp via grub20:04
tioxJust remove everything Empathy (completely) then install everything for Pidgin.20:04
tioxNot terribly difficult.20:04
tioxI have t working like you want it.20:04
tioxMind you, bluefox83, pIDGIN WAS THE MESSENGER FOR uBUNTU 9.0420:05
tioxAnd caps fail.20:05
reggie_how come boxee is plagued with dependency issues20:05
tioxPoint is, everything that came with 9.04 for Pidgin is still there in the Maverick repos.20:05
Praxihmm what happens if I have a file open in nano, and my ubuntu server restarts?  On a test system, was looking at httpd.conf as su, and my coworker booted the box not realizing I was working on it20:06
Praxiand now when I look at httpd.conf its blank20:06
tioxAnd I also recommend you install the Purple Plugin Pack if you use IRC a bunch. If not for anything, for IRC Helper.20:06
tiox(D'oh, redundant)20:07
=== Malkavian is now known as Malkavian_
cdubyaI'm trying to create a video dvd using devede and the sound is coming out quite a bit behind the video. Is there a setting I need to check to make sure the video and audio match when the iso file is created?20:09
cdubyaI'm using Devede20:09
lafferdoes compiz work with ati cards?20:10
she_dyedpraxi maybe there is a workfile like  .httpd.conf~ (hidden)20:11
madmax_xlaffer, yes20:11
RoastedIs there any way to view my DHCP leases within ebox on an Ubuntu server running DHCP?20:11
madmax_xlaffer, im running it now20:11
PeterNLlaffer: i'm running it every day20:11
madmax_xRoasted, arp -a?20:11
Praxiif I do a find / -name *httpd.conf will that find it?20:11
she_dyedPraxi: or ls -al in your home and where the original sits20:12
PeterNLtry ls -lA /etc/apache220:12
laffermadmax_x: glxinfo gives me an error20:12
NertilWhy skype wont recognize my webcam,20:13
JuJuBeeWhat is a decent 2D drawing program for architecture?  Don't need full architect stuff, just to sketch a house layout.20:13
Nertil! skype20:14
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga20:14
=== rhys is now known as Guest23113
ubottuekiga is an Internet telephony application included with Ubuntu, which supports the SIP and H323 protocols. Information and help at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ekiga20:14
Praxiif I was editing the file as SU where would the home directory be?20:15
Sir_LetoWubi won't boot when I plug my other drive in.20:15
Sir_LetoI get dropped to the rescue promt20:15
LjLPraxi: /root20:16
Sir_LetoWhen I do ls, it lists the root directory.20:16
Sir_LetoHowever, when I chdir to /hosts, the ubuntu folder isn't there.20:17
Sir_LetoI think it's confusing my drives.20:17
NertilWhy skype wont recognize my webcam,20:17
NertilWhy skype wont recognize my webcam,20:17
NertilWhy skype wont recognize my webcam,20:17
FloodBot4Nertil: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:17
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.20:18
reggie_has anyone been successful with a boxee 64 bit install?20:18
NertilWhy skype wont recognize my webcam,20:18
Nertilweird and stupid ubuntu20:18
Nertilvery disapointed20:18
sobersabrehi. I want to add an init script on ubuntu 10.04 server. what tool shall I use: update-rc.d or something else ?20:18
sobersabreI wrote the script.20:19
sobersabrefrom skeleton.20:19
sobersabreit seems to work.20:19
LjLNertil: skype isn't part of Ubuntu. does the webcam work in other applications?20:19
Sir_LetoNertil, see if it works in cheese webcam booth20:19
Roastedcheese is a good program to figure out if your webcam is wo rking20:19
NertilSir_Leto yes20:20
Nertilit works20:20
nanovanyhello!! friends20:20
Sir_LetoWas there are partial netslpit or something?20:21
LjLNertil: then perhaps you should blame skype and not ubuntu. have you considered using free alternatives? there are several SIP clients in Ubuntu, like Ekiga... i think Empathy supports it too20:21
LjLSir_Leto: not that i saw20:21
=== metal_ is now known as illogic
nanovanyI have problems, I think with the grafic card , because I use cheese for my web cam, but now it is so slow.. the cheese..20:21
=== illogic is now known as ill0gic
nanovanyand I installed otr aplicattion20:21
reggie_anyone have boxee experience20:21
nanovanyand it is te same20:21
DasEinanovany: pastebin you /var/logXorg.0.log20:23
Sir_LetoNertil, try LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype20:23
DasEinanovany: know how to do it ?20:24
nanovanyno I dont know DasEi20:24
DasEinanovany: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:24
lafferxserver-xgl doesn't appear on synaptic20:25
DasEinanovany: terminal will respond an URL, give this here20:25
Sir_Letohow do I hide quits and joins in this channel only?20:25
kubancwhere do i put gnome window themes?20:26
Sir_Letogo to preferences -> appearance and click install20:27
madmax_xSir_Leto, rightclick channel settings>hide join part messages20:27
Sir_Letomadmax_x, thanks20:28
DasEinanovany: problems ?20:28
laffermadmax_x: how did you install xgl?20:28
madmax_x?? sudo apt-get isntall ccsm20:29
Stian_Noen nordmenn her som kan hjelpe meg litt?20:29
=== mordred is now known as mtaylor2
laffermadmax_x: is it for me?20:30
madmax_xlaffer, yes20:30
zaxonspoxhello did someone had an  Wine error "fixme:ole:DllRegisterServer stub" ?20:30
laffer?? sudo apt-get install ccsm20:30
guntbert!no | Stian_20:30
ubottuStian_: Hvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!20:30
Stian_okay =)20:30
reggie_is it possible to install a deb from the command line once downloaded20:30
madmax_xlaffer u dont think i installed xgl20:30
macoreggie_: sudo dpkg -i *.deb20:30
DasEireggie_: yes20:30
reggie_ok cool let me give it a try20:31
laffermadmax_x: there's no package ccsm20:31
madmax_xlaffer,  im using the propritary ati drivers20:31
reggie_huh should I point it to the path to the deb package20:31
reggie_cd Downloads20:31
PeterNLHi, what is a good a/v capturing program that can record video from v4l2 and audio from line-in, and at the same time display the video while it is recording?20:31
noob-tuxi always get gpg error stating badsig everytime i'll update my distro.....and someone told me that it is due to my system time, cause i got dualboot on my system one is win7 and my ubuntu....is it possible that i got this error due to the system clock? that i didnt get the realtime?20:31
madmax_xlaffer, h/o20:31
laffermadmax_x: ?20:32
Sir_LetoNertil, did that work?20:32
madmax_xlaffer, hold on20:32
Sir_LetoCan someone answer my question?20:32
seidoswhat is the "d" in drwxr-xr-x?20:32
reggie_thank you guys that worked perfectly20:33
llutzseidos: directory20:33
Marcus_Jahseidos, is a directory20:33
Praxiwhen working with apache, I am trying to setup a vhost, how do I tell what the URL will be?20:33
reggie_one last thing is there a way of installing all of the 32 bit libs so that I can install certain 32 bit apps20:33
she_dyedPraxi: btw were you ablet to find the workfile intact?20:34
wgwinnwhen running the 'install to hard drive' utility on the ubuntu 10.04 install disks, does it lock the dpkg database for the 'live' os ?20:34
reggie_or is that not practical20:34
=== gkjlaksdj is now known as dail34
Praxiyes, it was me being stupid :(20:34
jarleHas anybody been able to have AdobeAIR apps (like twhirl, Tweetdeck or Spaz) to open links in browser in ubuntu 10.10? I'm starting to think that this is a problem with AdobeAIR on ubuntu 10.10, as I had this working fine in 10.04...20:34
PraxiI was looking for the default file, but ubuntu changes where it is20:34
she_dyedPraxi: no more questions your Honor20:34
PraxiI was looking for httpd.conf but it was actually apahce2.conf20:34
nanovanyno DasEI, I am wainting because I am installing a program from the repositories...20:34
nanovanyjust a little moment jejejejej please20:35
* spanda waves20:35
Praxihumility is a hard trait to remember :)20:35
madmax_xlaffer, sudo apt-get install compiz20:35
Sir_LetoWubi won't boot when I plug my other drive in.20:35
Sir_LetoI get dropped to the rescue promt.20:35
DragonKeeperi need webcam support for my messenger amsn and kopete and empathy are not working for cam :S    anyother messengers to use ?20:35
Sir_LetoWhen I do ls, it lists the root directory.20:35
laffermadmax_x: done20:35
DasEinanovany: slow connection so20:35
madmax_xrun ccsm20:35
madmax_xlaffer sudo ccsm20:35
ZweiHi, I'm installing Sun JDK on ubuntu, I've reached this screen and don't know how to get out: http://imgur.com/o6Yf4.png20:35
she_dyedSir_Leto: whats on the other drive anyway20:35
nanovanyyeah, 50 kb / seg xD20:35
dail34Set up openssh server at home behind a router to ssh into it, complete with a dyndns.org account. Now I want to use it as a vpn server so I can browse securely while out with ma netbook. Question: which set up and where are the instructions!!!!20:36
DasEiDragonKeeper: does the camera itself works with cheese ?20:36
goltoof"Could not install 'likewise-open'"   upgrading to 10.10,  is this a common error?20:36
ZweiI've tried highlighting the OK button.20:36
StrumpaHello everyone! I am a new Ubuntu user! I was just wondering how I can make ubuntu stop asking me for a password when I do stuff?20:36
ZweiNothing works20:36
goltoofhappened last time i upgraded20:36
Sir_LetoWindows server 2008R220:36
dail34@Strumpa that is a security feature, no?20:36
DasEiStrumpa: you won't, sudo keeps alive for ~15min in default20:36
DragonKeeperDasEi  ?   cheese ?20:36
madmax_xlaffer, pm20:36
nanovanyI am installing kdnlive to edit videos jejeje20:36
Strumpa@dail34 I guess so? :P20:36
Sir_LetoMy brother borrowed my server, so I put my drive in my desktop20:36
DasEi!info cheese | DragonKeeper20:37
StrumpaDasEi: Huh?20:37
spandadail34: http://charlieharvey.org.uk/page/ssh_socks_proxy re ssh proxy/vpn20:37
ubottuDragonKeeper: cheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component main, is optional. Version 2.32.0-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 61 kB, installed size 260 kB20:37
DasEi!sudo | Strumpa20:37
ubottuStrumpa: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo20:37
=== afkdabo is now known as adabo
she_dyedSir_Leto: but is it part of the wubi install?20:37
chris_help... I can't see videoes with vlc anymore...20:37
goltoofchris_ reinstall20:37
DragonKeeperDasEi  ill check20:37
she_dyedSir_Leto: try hooking it up AFTER the boot process finishes20:37
kl0xhi people20:37
StrumpaDasEi: Sorry, that does'nt help me very much. I'm totally new at Linux. Sorry :S20:38
Sir_LetoIt doesn't show up then, it's a SATA drive20:38
DasEiStrumpa: if you issue several commands, after once given your PW, sudo won't ask again within 15 minutes, longeing which each new sudo20:38
DragonKeeperDasEi  yes it works perfectly20:38
laffermadmax_x: compiz isn't working. I open ccsm but none of the effects work20:38
lindsaymobil22thank god i am not banned anymore20:38
kl0xI'm looking for the answer to the question: How can I exit shell after running 'nohup command' while this stills running20:38
Sir_LetoI loads grub from the vista drive, and then tries to load ubuntu from the windows sever drive.20:38
kl0xlike nohup thunderbird  && exit20:39
dail34@spanda oh, that seems beautifully easy. off to try. thanks!20:39
DasEiDragonKeeper: then just for a test call kopete as root, to see if it's a permission Problem (don't let it become habit, if it works)20:39
StrumpaDasEi: Well, I dont know if I use this Sudo. But everytime I want to install a new program or anything install a driver or something. Ubuntu asks me for my password.20:39
Sir_LetoCould I just move the folder over?20:39
spandadail34: kk20:39
lindsaymobil22Has anyone tried to downgrade the GDM in ubuntu 10.10? To the themeable gdm that is, and if so, does that also downgrade gnome's version in general?20:39
wgwinnkl0x, whats nohup comand & exit get you ?20:39
madmax_xlaffer, system>preferances>apperance>visual effects tab>20:39
jarlekl0x: using screen maybe?20:39
she_dyed Sir_Leto which one, why not a copy20:39
StrumpaDasEi: Some sort of authentification.20:40
DasEiStrumpa: you speack of GUI's then, mostly commandline is used, but it's the same mechanism20:40
madmax_xlaffer pm20:40
kl0xwgwinn: if I try to launch thunderbird it launches it and keeps running (the terminal screen)20:40
reggie_if I wanted to force a 32 bit install would I use this line exactly: sudo dpkg -i - -force-architecture20:40
kl0xjarle: trying to avoid that20:40
StrumpaDasEi: Okey, I think I understand. But this cannot be disabled?20:40
seidosllutz, Marcus_Jah thank you comrades20:40
reggie_or would I replace architecture with 32bit??20:40
DasEiStrumpa: it's a linux way of of protecting the sys from unauthorized use20:40
furii'd like to be able to get my G510 up to its fullest functionality. i'd like to use the applets that came with it for it, like the clock and the media thing. not panel applets, but applets that appear on its screen.20:40
Sir_LetoIt loads grub from the drive that wubi is on. Grub tries to boot from the second drive, which doesn't have wubi on it.20:41
DasEiStrumpa: you could, but that would underun the idea behind it20:41
Sir_LetoCould I just move the Ubuntu folder?20:41
reggie_does anyone know the answer to my question20:41
StrumpaDasEi: Yes, I understand. But It's rather annoying because noone else uses my computer. Ever!20:41
kl0xwgwinn: I launch it through script20:41
Praxiplug the sata drive into a drive buddy (makes it usb) then plug it in after boot Sir_Leto ?20:41
DasEiStrumpa: you're online, apparently ;-)20:41
kl0xwgwinn: [ "$mypassword" == "$PASS" ] && echo "." && nohup /usr/lib/thunderbird-3.0.9/thunderbird_exe $1 & exit 0 || exit 020:42
Sir_Letodrive buddy?20:42
StrumpaDasEi: I thought Linux was pretty safe? :P20:42
she_dyedSir_Leto: its wubi, which is essentally for test drving20:42
SianaGearzStrumpa, you have to protect your computer if you want to ever have any open ports or services running on it, even a home network, or by accident.20:42
datacrusherhow do i change my keyring password? iv recently installed the netbook remix but the password is "ubuntu"20:42
Sir_LetoI don't have another drive to partition, so I just use Wubi20:42
DragonKeeperDasEi  ok well i ran kopete in root i can go into settings to change what camera to use but there is no button to ask the contact if they want to view =S20:42
she_dyedSir_Leto: i would if i dont store critical data on the wubi side/ubuntu yet20:42
DasEiStrumpa: let say you want to issue several commands, use the terminal.. maybe it's safer because of it's concept ?!20:42
PraxiSir_Leto: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812232002 <--something like that20:43
SianaGearzStrumpa: well THAT is exactly the reason linux is safe :) and vista/7 are safe-ish too.20:43
andeeeukHey everyone20:43
PraxiSorry bare in mind I only got half the conversation, sounds like having the drive in on bootup is causing you a problem20:43
Sir_LetoCan't I just point grub to the right drive?20:43
DasEiStrumpa: open a terminal.. I'll show you20:43
PeterNLHi, what is a good a/v capturing program that can record video from v4l2 and audio from line-in, and at the same time display the video while it is recording?20:43
StrumpaOkey, I guess I'll keep this password thingy then :P20:43
Praxiyes you can20:43
Praxiwhat version of grub you have makes it change the command to do it a lot :)20:44
SianaGearzStrumpa: you can of course undermine ever safety mechanism, by, say, allowing users to gain superuser rights without password entry. then every program with internet access becomes a potential rootkit.20:44
StrumpaDasEi: Terminal = Open20:44
eaerthcan someone help me figure out why i get an input/output error with my external HDD?20:44
andeeeukI have Guayadeque music player and it is not appearing in my sound indicator20:44
Sir_LetoI have ubuntu 10.1020:44
andeeeukdoes anyone know why?20:44
DasEiStrumpa: sudo apt-get update20:44
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.20:44
DasEiStrumpa: PW to be given once20:44
nothingspecialandeeeuk: What sound indicator?20:44
SianaGearzandeeeuk: probably because it doesn't know what pulseaudio is.20:44
Praxi!grub2 Sir_Leto20:44
andeeeukthe indicator in ubuntu 10.1020:44
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:44
Praxigreat minds think alike, and so do ours!20:45
StrumpaDasEi: Hmm, I can't enter any password??20:45
kl0xSome1 forgot me!20:45
andeeeuki thought it would appear there like Rhythmbox?20:45
DasEiStrumpa: what is a pass-word then, you're kidding ?20:45
andeeeukis that not right?20:45
eaerthi can't even transfer files over to my HDD... ;[20:45
nothingspecialandeeeuk: In the system tray thingy?20:45
kl0xandeeeuk probably not the best player, maybe not famous enough20:46
StrumpaDasEi: It says  [sudo] password for henrik(ME):20:46
Praxithat help at all Sir_Leto ?20:46
andeeeukyeah, i thought that20:46
StrumpaDasEi: But I cannot enter anything?20:46
guntbertStrumpa: you will not get any feedback while typing the PW20:46
nothingspecialandeeeuk: It`s in the settings somewhere20:46
DragonKeeperDasEi  ok well i ran kopete in root i can go into settings to change what camera to use but there is no button to ask the contact if they want to view =S20:46
nanovanyhey DasEi20:46
Sir_LetoYeah, I know where to look now.20:46
nanovanyYa hice eso20:46
andeeeukbut i have seen it in other peoples menu20:46
PeterNLHi, what is a good a/v capturing program that can record video from v4l2 and audio from line-in, and at the same time display the video while it is recording?20:46
guntbertStrumpa: just type it20:46
nanovanyaah, I did it20:46
DasEiStrumpa: so enter your user pass20:46
ActionParsnipStrumpa: just type your pass, it wont give feedback but keep typing20:46
Praxihow can I tell what my URL is for a virtual in ubuntu?20:46
andeeeuki have checke the settings and dont know what it could be20:46
DasEinanovany: url ?20:46
StrumpaOh, lol didnt know that :P20:47
Praxierr that came out wrong, how can I tell what my URL is for a virtual host in apache20:47
guntbert!who | andeeeuk20:47
ubottuandeeeuk: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:47
nanovanybut, what about this?20:47
StrumpaDasEi: Okey, DasEi. What did that show me? :P20:47
nothingspecialandeeeuk: andeeeuk I`m running in console mode remotely, I`m sure it`s in the first preferences section20:47
eaerthdoes anyone else has problems putting files on external hdd20:47
DasEiDragonKeeper: i can't understand that sentence; camera is found but .. ? please rephrase20:47
StrumpaDasEi: Some stuff came up.20:47
nameless`hi there20:47
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:47
DasEiStrumpa: let the update finish20:47
Sir_Letorestarting to see if it works.20:48
ActionParsnipeaerth: none at all, look at your mount options20:48
kl0xdidn know that, thanks ubottu =P20:48
andeeeuknothingspecial: ok thanks i will have a look20:48
StrumpaDasEi: I updated when I first got in so there are no more updates I think20:48
DasEiStrumpa: press enter if it asks you if.. Y/n20:48
eaerthActionParsnip: my mount options seems fine...20:48
nameless`does anyone knows a gedit plugin that does indent C code ?20:48
DasEiStrumpa: done ?20:48
nothingspecialandeeeuk: If I remember, the settings are under the library thing in the menus20:48
StrumpaDasEi: Yes20:48
eaerthwhen it mounts the folder comes and then i can't add files20:48
goltoofscribes > gedit20:48
ActionParsnipeaerth: they can't be or you'd be able to write data.....20:49
DasEiStrumpa: sudo apt-get upgrade20:49
DragonKeeperDasEi  kopete running as root.  settings can find and use the cam  but in the contact window there is no way for me to send my cam out for someone else to view20:49
Darxus"require threads;" is causing perl to say "This Perl not built to support threads"  I verified the path is /usr/bin/perl, and that file matches the md5sum on another machine which is not giving me this error.  What broke?20:49
eaerthActionParsnip: i get input/output error20:49
DarxusBoth machines are running Lucid, 64 bit.20:49
ActionParsnipeaerth: then unmount the partition and fsck it20:49
eaerthActionParsnip: fsck in terminal?20:49
ActionParsnipeaerth: yes, make sure its healthy20:50
biggestchops#join gluster20:50
DasEiDragonKeeper: your contacts arent there, this might be because root uses another folder then regular user does, so got a permission problem then, close root-kopete and check groups (user >> video, dialout, whatever)20:50
BlaDe^Hi guys I created a symbolic link for php to /usr/local/bin/php but the php command still doesn't work --- what else should I do?20:50
zthim using ubuntu studio but my grub seems messed up, there's no way for me to enter a menu and choose what kernel to boot from? all that happens is that ticking _ and pressing various buttons (esc space and so on) don't help at all. what to do?20:50
DasEiStrumpa: see it now won't ask again ?20:51
andeeeuk<nothingspecial> do you have this running like this yourself?20:51
eaerthActionParsnip: fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2?20:51
StrumpaDasEi: Hmm, now it said something about. "Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/. Is another process using it?" And the same about some "administartioncatalog"20:51
DasEiStrumpa: it keeps up like this for 15 min, each sudo longers it again for this time20:51
SianaGearzandeeeuk: pm :)20:51
DasEiStrumpa: synaptics open ? softwarecenter ?20:51
BriteLeafI am trying to install a game in ubuntu 10.10 using the CL and it tries to install into the .opt directory.  When I hit forward, it says the directory /opt is not writable by the user. I have tried it both in user mode and sudo mode. I am a Linux noob. Any ideas anyone?20:51
nothingspecialandeeeuk: On another machine, this one doesn`t have X but I know it appears in the tray and supports notifications and what have you20:51
ActionParsnipeaerth: if you just run fsck with suitable options on the unmounted partition, it should make sure itsok20:51
she_dyedDragonKeeper: no broadcast button, it might be some other menu20:52
StrumpaDasEi: Oh, yeah. Synaptics. Closed it now.20:52
andeeeuk<SianaGearz: ok thanks20:52
ActionParsnip!fixapt | Strumpa20:52
ubottuStrumpa: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »20:52
DasEiStrumpa: :)20:52
StrumpaActionParsnip: What is that? :P20:52
StrumpaDasEi: I guess I have alot to learn about this :)20:52
ActionParsnipzth: boot to livecd and chroot to the installed OS then run: sudo update-grub20:53
DragonKeeperDasEi  she_dyed     there isnt any sort of broadcast or video button that i can see :S20:53
ActionParsnipStrumpa: why the sticky out tongue?20:53
eaerthActionParsnip: it's totally unmounted and i still get the same fsck response...20:53
DasEinanovany: kernel 2.6.24-27, which distro ?20:53
StrumpaActionParsnip: I am sorry. That wont happen again.20:53
eaerthActionParsnip: i really need this to work so i can fresh install ;[20:53
ActionParsnipStrumpa: if you get that output it is likely your packages are locked20:53
she_dyedDragonKeeper: any of your buddies there right now?20:53
guntbertStrumpa: did anybody give you already a hint for the ubuntu-manual? http://ubuntu-manual.org/20:54
ActionParsnipeaerth: if you data is unhealthy, yes20:54
StrumpaActionParsnip: I just closed Synaptics and then it worked :)20:54
Strumpaguntbert: Nope. I'm totally new. I'll check it out ;)20:54
nanovany:S:S.. distro, I dont know what  it is, I am new in ubuntu jejeje..20:54
ActionParsnipStrumpa: same deal, only ONE app can access the packages at one time20:54
Strumpaguntbert: Thanks :)20:54
eaerthActionParsnip: it should be fine i just had it up not two hours ago and was transferring files.20:54
DragonKeepershe_dyed   yes on my contact list   -- not physically in the room20:54
DasEiStrumpa: read the links one provides here, part by part you'll get it20:55
StrumpaActionParsnip: Yes, I know. I just didn't realize I had Synaptics running.20:55
ActionParsnipnanovany: "Linux" is the kernel, the "distro" or distribution is what is built around, in this case it's Ubuntu20:55
Chillanceok, so, after I just now update my Ubuntu 10.04, the icons in Wine are blue! How do I change that?20:55
eaerthActionParsnip: i tried to create a text document there and it wouldn't let me do that or add files... i think i can still take files from there and put it on my machine fine.20:55
ActionParsnipStrumpa: every day is a school day20:55
Andre_GondimIf I need to connect with dial up, and I only have a live cd in my hand, how may I do this20:55
she_dyedDragonKeeper: i'm only thinking that it's super fancy that it will show 'broadcast' when you're chatting with someone...20:55
ActionParsnipeaerth: i suggest you fsck -a /dev/partitionname    to ensure its health, then check mount options20:56
StrumpaDasEi, ActionParsnip: I guess so :)20:56
Sean93how do i install this? http://www.gamershell.com/download_63072.shtml it asks me to insert disk 020:56
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StrumpaI really like these jelly windows though :D20:56
kl0xcompiz rulz20:56
nanovanyaaah oookk, jeje20:56
ActionParsnipSean93: 13Gb!!!?20:56
nanovanyUBUNTU 10.10 maverick20:56
BlaDe^can anyone help me with the symbolic link for php ?20:57
BlaDe^I created the link to /usr/local/bin/php but the php command still doesn't work --- what else should I do?20:57
DragonKeepershe_dyed  there is nothing that says video or broadcast   i checked all menus on every windows  i even looked at configure toolbars incase the button wasnt there by default20:57
Sean93ActionParsnip: yes20:57
ActionParsnipSean93: did you download via the torrent?20:57
LjLBlaDe^: uuh, you compiled your own PHP?20:57
Sean93no wget20:57
BlaDe^yeah LjL20:57
furii'd like to be able to get my G510 up to its fullest functionality. i'd like to use the applets that came with it for it, like the clock and the media thing. not panel applets, but applets that appear on its screen.20:57
LjLBlaDe^: ... why?20:58
eaerthActionParsnip: No such file or directory while trying to open /dev/sbd120:58
eaerth/dev/sbd1: The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext220:58
eaerthfilesystem. (it's not ext2 though, it's ext3/ext4)20:58
Sean93ActionParsnip: no wget20:58
BlaDe^I needed to make some changes to the core20:58
she_dyedDragonKeeper: what i'm trying to say is start a chat with someone20:58
ActionParsnipeaerth: if you run:  sudo fdisk -l    you can list the available partitions20:58
she_dyedDragonKeeper: just the regular chat and see if anything changes in the window20:58
kl0xhow come nohup /usr/lib/thunderbird-3.0.9/thunderbird_exe $1 & exit doesn't work in script but does in shell?20:59
ActionParsnipSean93: did you md5 test the file you downloaded?20:59
LjLBlaDe^: uhm, you could always "apt-get source php", make the changes and then dpkg-build. anyway... so you created a symlink from what to /usr/local/bin/php?20:59
DragonKeepershe_dyed   yes im in a chat window   there is nothing :S     i thought kopete had webcam support20:59
DasEinanovany: ?20:59
Sean93ActionParsnip: no, how do i do that?20:59
eaerthActionParsnip: well wouldn't it not show up because you had me unmount it?20:59
nanovanyI am using UBUNTU 10.10 maverick DasEi20:59
ShwayHey, I need some help with Ubuntu20:59
fabrijzQUESTION i have a lenovo t61 laptop but the screen doesnt work  so im working with another screen conected to the vga port but everytime i try to install ubuntu the external screen goes to sleep .. it happens when i use wubi or directly from the cd. Is there away to go around this?20:59
she_dyedDragonKeeper: who told you that20:59
BlaDe^LjL:  from /usr/local/php/bin/php-5.3.320:59
ActionParsnipSean93: you need the MD5 sum that the file is supposed to have, then run: md5sum filename    to calculate the file's md5 you have20:59
LjLBlaDe^: what happens exactly when you run "php"?21:00
BlaDe^it says to get it from apt21:00
DasEinanovany: the ati driver seems to have loaded fine, so what again was the issue then ?21:00
Sean93how do i use ubotto21:00
LjLBlaDe^: is /usr/local/bin in the PATH? type "echo $PATH"21:00
LjL!usage > Sean93    (Sean93, see the private message from ubottu)21:00
Sean93or is it ubottu?21:00
DasEi!brain > Sean9321:00
ubottuSean93, please see my private message21:00
spandaeaerth: are you mounting /dev/sdb1 somehow, what cmd are u using?21:00
kl0xfabrijz, i guess install ubuntu in vm and learn steps and o it blind! xD21:00
BlaDe^LjL:  blade@spooshi:/usr/local/php/bin$ ./php-5.3.3 -v21:00
BlaDe^that works21:00
DragonKeepershe_dyed   google  +   kopete settings wuddnt have a webcam device section if doesnt support :S21:00
ActionParsnipSean93: it's ubottu, you can use her factoids by typing:   !factoid     replace factoid with what you need21:01
LjLBlaDe^: ok, that doesn't mean it's in the path though21:01
Pindakaashi i am trying to learn the ubuntu server guide but what does the command "chown do ? can someone explain that to a noob?21:01
BlaDe^LjL: -bash: echo /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games: No such file or directory21:01
eaerthspanda: i'd like to mount it and use it but i can only get as far as mounting it and i can't transfer files to it, i'm getting an input/output error when i try... ;[21:01
DasEiPindakaas: own a file or folder to a user21:01
she_dyedDragonKeeper: time to /j #kopete21:01
fabrijzkl0x thnks u think thats the only solution? :-/21:01
Pindakaasso it adds the richts of a folder to a specific user21:01
BlaDe^LjL:  lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   29 2010-10-27 14:32 php -> /usr/local/php5/bin/php-5.3.321:01
spandaeaerth: what are you typing something like sudo mount /dev/sdX /mnt/somewhere -o rw21:02
DasEiPindakaas: other way round, users rights to a target21:02
kl0xfabrijz, i guess21:02
BriteLeafI am trying to install a game in ubuntu 10.10 using the CL and it tries to install into the /opt directory.  When I hit forward, it says the directory /opt is not writable by the user. I have tried it both in user mode and sudo mode. I am a Linux noob. Any ideas anyone?21:02
xrage445i have a problem with the latest version of ubuntu (10.10). Intel GMA 950 or something causes it to freeze and i can't read dmesg or system message, same thing happens to single-user mode.21:02
Pindakaasthank you dasei it clears things up21:02
she_dyedfabrijz: how do you know the first screen isnt working, no IBM logo when booted by itself?21:02
guntbertPindakaas: for managing a server you will need several CLI tools -- learn how to use them with man (ie man chown     in this case)21:02
nanovanybut I don know:s..21:02
DasEiPindakaas: welcome, a reading one :)21:02
LjLBlaDe^: that's weird. but wait, the "ls" output you just gave says /usr/local/php5/bin/php-5.3.3, but earlier you were doing /usr/local/php/bin/php-5.3.3 (without the "5") - maybe it's that? is /usr/local/php5 actually there?21:02
nanovanycuando actualize el ubuntu a 10.10 ocurrio este problema21:03
eaerthspanda: i'm running "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /media/Oneiros"21:03
eaerthspanda: woops, not hda1 - it's sbd121:03
BlaDe^ah crap!21:03
BlaDe^my bad21:03
Pindakaas"a reading one"? dont you get them here?21:03
nanovanyWhen I upgrade ubuntu to 10.10 this problem occurred21:03
k5673!ubuntu-es > k567321:03
Pindakaas@ dasei : what would be the essentials to use the "man" command on for a beginner?21:04
spandaeaerth: and its an ext3/4 partition?21:04
nomadon_carte son non reconnu:ubuntu maverick avec netbook aspire one 753. merci de m'aider ubuntero débutant21:04
LjL!fr | nomadon_21:04
ubottunomadon_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:04
spandaor ntfs?21:04
ActionParsniphi nek21:04
DasEiPindakaas: chown ? hehe, see:21:04
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/21:04
Nekdo you know where I can have the spotify-fixed ?21:04
fabrijzshe dyed: i got ibm logo(lenovo) and i also get the option to choose from (i guess grub) you know when u have 5 secs to choose other options i even got the screen to choose if i want to install ubuntu, try it or do mem test but after that nothing21:04
eaerthspanda: correct, it's ext3/4.21:05
Pindakaasi have already donwloaded that in PDF. I will try to use man as much as i can. Thank you for the good advice :D21:05
DasEi!bash > Pindakaas21:05
ActionParsnipNek: what spotify-fixed?21:05
ubottuPindakaas, please see my private message21:05
k5673!es > nanovany21:05
ubottunanovany, please see my private message21:05
eaerthi'm about to throw my computer out the window.21:05
she_dyedfabrijz: does it have the Blue Fn key21:05
spandaeaerth: mount -text3 /dev.sdb1 /medeia/Yourdir ?21:05
Pindakaasthanks again DasEi21:05
Sean93ActionParsnip: how do i find out what the proper md5 should be?21:06
xrage445Will anyone help me?21:06
she_dyedfabrijz: and another blue icon showing twin screens?21:06
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DasEiPindakaas: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal21:06
aeon-ltd!ask | xrage44521:06
ubottuxrage445: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:06
Sir_Letogrub-update didn't work, and now ubuntu isn't bootable at all, I should've edited the file instead of relying on that21:06
spandaeaerth: sry /dev/sdb121:06
zaxonspoxwhere are stored options for CD automount in Ub 10.10?21:06
NekActionParsnip, with the new ubuntu, spotify doesn't work. One guy told to me that it exist a package for fix spotify21:06
kl0xomg, howcome "nohup /usr/lib/thunderbird-3.0.9/thunderbird $1 & exit" doest'n work in a script21:06
fabrijzshe_dyed: of course unless ur not talking about my keyboard :p21:06
xrage445I'm having issues with the latest installment of ubuntu. It freezes on startup[graphics: intel gma 950] and I can't even read dmesg because there is nothing in there.21:07
ActionParsnipSean93: i'd just search for the hash you generate., this is how you CHECK the file you have. You have failed to check the consistency of the file you downloaded so you have no idea if the file is good or not. Torrents add extra checks to the data21:07
vieweri'm trying to get IPBlock to start automatically at boot, it has an "Autostart" settings checkbox which is checked, but when x starts ipblock doesn't, yet it seems like the iplist backend might be running blocking stuff, but i dont know if it would run the automatic updates like the ipblock frontend..., how can I make the ipblock gui run on startup (being that it wants sudo privaleges to run)?21:07
Pindakaasyes that is stuf i am really hapy with. I am going back to study it. Thank you !21:07
ActionParsnipNek: the native one?21:07
she_dyedfabrijz: ok good, this might prevent the external from sleeping21:07
BriteLeafI am trying to install a game in ubuntu 10.10 using the CL and it tries to install into the /opt directory.  When I hit forward, it says the directory /opt is not writable by the user. I have tried it both in user mode and sudo mode. I am a Linux noob. Any ideas anyone?21:07
ActionParsnipviewer: add it in your user startup items21:07
NekActionParsnip, yep21:07
ActionParsnipBriteLeaf: run the installer with sudo21:07
Sir_Letols list (memdisk) (hd0) (hd0,msdos1), etc21:07
DasEiPindakaas:np, let's keep each other running, have fun21:07
kl0xbriteleaf give it permissions temporaly21:08
Sir_LetoI did something wrong21:08
viewerActionParsnip, but would I have to do gksudo and type the pasword in every time i boot?21:08
BriteLeaftried that, as I stated21:08
sanduz2How come if I have a bunch of torrents downloading, my cache fills up to the brim and everything becomes slower?21:08
she_dyedfabrijz: at boot you hold the Fn and press the twin screen thing, there are 3 settings you cycle through, 1 is solo screen laptop, 2 is clone, 3 is solo external21:08
ActionParsnipNek: i see, i use the windows one via wine as I am on an unlimited free account21:08
fabrijzshe_dyed: yeah i did that but nothing happens21:08
she_dyedfabrijz: remember to press FN at BIOS time, not during boot process21:09
Sir_Letosanduz2, are you using Transmission? It sucks relly bad.21:09
BriteLeafkl0x: how do I give it permissions?21:09
ActionParsnipBriteLeaf: sudo should give it full access. You could try making the folder it is destined for in /opt then use sudo chown to make the folder owned by your user21:09
sanduz2nope im using deluge but i think the same thing did happen in transmission21:09
DasEisanduz2: I don't know what your bandwith is, but for my experiences more than a 4 at the same time are overkill in efficency21:09
kl0xbriteleaf chown better yup21:09
Sir_LetoMaybe your drive is slow.21:09
sanduz2DasEi, i dont mean bandwidth. linux starts to cache everything and then the system itself becomes a little slow at times21:10
BriteLeafthanks. I'll try that then21:10
fabrijzshe_dyed: yeah havent done that thanks ill tryit right now!21:10
sanduz2right now my cache is maxed out21:10
she_dyedfabrijz: most people forget that last item21:10
DasEisanduz2: what is a bunch of torrents, a dozen ? your ram ? cache settings of deluge ?21:10
eaerthspanda: yeah, now it's saying it doesn't exist... and i'm looking right at it...21:10
ActionParsnipSir_Leto: transmission is fine21:11
haarphey, this might sound like a stupid question. but when i use longer keys in ecryptfs, will this impact cpu load when reading the fs?21:11
Sir_LetoIt uses a ton of cpu21:11
Segfault198This might be a silly question, but is anyone experiencing really really slow download speeds with apt-get?21:11
DasEisanduz2: also regressed the maximum number of simultaneous connections ?21:11
spandaeaerth: lol. what msg exactly?21:11
eaerthspanda: mount: mount point media/Osperous does not exist21:11
haarpSir_Leto: are you referring to my question?21:11
guntbertSegfault198: use another mirror21:11
spandaeaerth: you missed the leading / ?21:11
sanduz2DasEi, i have like 30 torrents, my ram is 4GB, cache size: 512, cache expiry: 60, max connections: 200021:12
guntbert!who | Sir_Leto21:12
ubottuSir_Leto: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:12
eaerthspanda: oh jees, what the heck is wrong with me.21:12
spandaeaerth: i.e. /media/Osperous ?21:12
Segfault198guntbert: Thanks, I have but I don't mind trying another!21:12
sanduz2DasEi, this happpens all the time on linux when i have a lot of torrents, it even happened on ubuntu 10.04 before i messed with any settings21:12
DasEisanduz2: so set connection to a 128, maximum 4 torrents a time.. there you go for a 16MB/line downside21:12
guntbertSegfault198: sometimes some mirrors deliver very slowly21:13
zaxonspoxwhere are stored options for CD automount in Ub 10.10?21:13
Segfault198gunbert: I've noticed. I just couldn't decide if it was on my end or not. Never hurts to get some feedback.21:13
sanduz2DasEi, but why does linux cache all my torrents? it doesnt seem to be useful21:13
DasEisanduz2: and if you got less bandwith, even 2 or 3 torrents are right21:13
kpomanguys, is there a way to see which services are scheduled to be autostarted ?^I think one of them is freezing the machine. I want to start one by one on failsafe mode to check which one freezes21:14
DasEisanduz2: it does it to not kill your disk21:14
sanduz2my bandwidth is fine, its the system itself that lags21:14
kpomanI suppose it is some powermanager or acpi related one21:14
sanduz2ah, that is a good point DasEi cant have my disk dying :)21:14
sanduz2ill keep the lag then lol21:14
eaerth1good grief... the entire reason i'm trying to back this up is because the screen keeps going black on me and it just did it again...21:14
eaerth1spanda: what was that command again?21:14
ActionParsnip!startup | kpoman21:15
ubottukpoman: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot21:15
spandaeaerth1: mount -text4 /dev/sdb1 /media/yourmountpoint21:15
vieweri am trying to boot to a front end like a kiosk, and if i put ipblock in my user startup programs, i would have to type my password into gksudo at boot every time (right? not kiosky), is it possible to set it up so that it is launched differently or from somewhere else that automatically has access?21:15
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eaerth1spanda: 3 or 4?21:15
DasEisanduz2: you could make it write to disk directly, but first that's real disk-stress (also mind re-checking), second slow on high loads21:15
kpomanubottu: it is more about main services like apache etc... that I want to disable... it is not session startup, it is system startup21:15
spandaeaerth1: or text3 to mount as ext321:15
spandaeaerth1: sry -text321:16
DasEisanduz2: and also defrags stronger then21:16
DasEi!bum | kpoman21:16
spandaeaerth: 4 if its ext4 3 if its ext321:16
ubottukpoman: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto21:16
sanduz2thank you DasEi , ill definitely take the lag over a dead disk and fragmentation21:16
spandaeaerth: they're backward compatible so mounting ext4 as 3 is cool.21:17
DasEisanduz2: which bandwith do you have downside ?21:17
viewer!grub | viewer21:17
ubottuviewer, please see my private message21:17
PeterNLHi, what is a good a/v capturing program that can record video from v4l2 and audio from line-in, and at the same time display the video while it is recording?21:17
sanduz2i have like 25mbps21:17
spandaeaerth1: 4 if its ext4 3 if its ext321:17
spandaeaerth1: they're backward compatible so mounting ext4 as 3 is cool.21:17
DasEikpoman: bum is also an convienent app vor viewing/modifying startup21:17
sanduz2DasEi, currently its at 1.5mbs21:17
FletchsWhere is a group password stored if it lists x in the /etc/group file? Im using sles10 and there is no gshadow file21:17
=== tomas-_|away is now known as tomas-_
zaxonspoxwhere are stored options for CD automount in Ub 10.10?21:18
ActionParsnipzaxonspox: can you expand on that please21:18
kl0xhow come i can't run 'nohup /usr/lib/thunderbird-3.0.9/thunderbird_exe $1 & exit' from script21:18
ActionParsnipzaxonspox: if you add the CD in /etc/fstab    then it will automount just fine21:18
xrage445ubuntu (latest) freezes on startup, started doing this at around 9.10 - cant read dmesg or single-user because well, it all freezes, im able to do stuff for like 10 seconds.. can anyone help me with that?21:19
kpomanDasEi: I only have command line, the machine is 2500km far from here21:19
ActionParsnipkl0x: you can21:19
zaxonspoxActionParsnip, my CD is mounted with rights 0500, i need i.e. 0755 where is the config file for automounting CD options?21:19
eaerth1spanda: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or so ;[21:19
ActionParsnipzaxonspox: edit the entry in /etc/fstab21:19
kpomanDasEi: and it is freezing when booting. I managed to boot in failsafe mode and now am over ssh21:19
DasEisanduz2: I'd set it not to more then 200 connections, cache blocks not smaller < 512k, 5 torrents same time21:20
zaxonspoxActionParsnip, in Ub 10.10 i have nothing about CD in /etc/fstab21:20
ActionParsnipkl0x: if you use:  killall thunderbird_exe    it will die21:20
kpomanDasEi: I want to get rid of everything that autostarts, because it seems something is causing freeze. I would love to disable acpi and to put only those services I need: ssh and mysql21:20
ActionParsnip!fstab | zaxonspox21:20
ubottuzaxonspox: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions21:20
spandaeaerth1: sounds like you don't have a fs on that drive; what does dmesg | tail give?21:20
ActionParsnipzaxonspox: that link has an entry for CD you can add in /etc/fstab   for the optical drive21:20
kpomanDasEi: so how do I disable acpi from grub ? and how do I list the services currently auto-started, and get rid of some of them ?21:20
DasEikpoman: but it wasn't headless before ? configure ssh for x, update the machine and before : analyse the logs to see what went wrong21:21
kl0xActionParsnip, what i want is to call thunderbird through nohup and exit while it runs21:21
istevenmondoes anyone knows if VRRP does still have the patent issues with CISCO?21:21
zaxonspoxActionParsnip, i do understand that, but WHY my CD is automounted WITHOUT ANY cd entries in fstab?21:21
kl0xActionParsnip, and it doesn't work in script21:21
sanduz2DasEi, what does the "max connections" mean exactly? how many people can connect to your computer? why is it bad to put this high?21:21
kpomanDasEi: I cant analyse the logs. it is a remote machine and it freezes. i cant even see logs.21:21
kpomanDasEi: how do I list auto-start services ?21:21
ActionParsnipzaxonspox: it uses stuff in gnome, but if you want different options you can use fstab21:21
DasEikpoman: you could give i manually from the grubmenue, but over ssh.. acpi=off works, got to put it in grub21:22
kpomanDasEi: and how to disable some of them ?21:22
kpomanDasEi: let me take it out from grub ... just a minute21:22
zaxonspoxActionParsnip, i can put stuff in fstab, but i would like to know how it works now "in the gnome stuff"21:22
DasEisanduz2: I dont about deluge, but for usual best connectons get sorted, else you will ned more host-ressources, obvious, nor ?21:23
kpomandasei: is this enought ? kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.35-22-generic root=UUID=d9365f24-31c1-447c-84f8-3ea1a19537cd ro quiet splash noacpi21:23
ActionParsnipzaxonspox: that I am unsure of but I'm sure the many search engines online can tell you21:23
DasEikpoman: try acpi=off21:23
sanduz2DasEi, hmm okay thank you21:23
ubottuFor a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions21:23
PeterNLHi, what is a good a/v capturing program that can record video from v4l2 and audio from line-in, and at the same time display the video while it is recording?21:23
DasEikpoman: and..21:24
jghkhjkkHow do I find out my hostname that my isp assigns to me?21:24
kpomanDasEi: I put both ... coacpi and acpi=off21:24
DasEikpoman:in a state like this, maybe have a working default to boot case you mess (locking yourself out, otherwise)21:24
DasEikpoman: I wouldN't try that, see above21:24
spandaeaerth1: how abt sudo fdisk /dev/hdc -l21:25
ActionParsnipjghkhjkk: cpc1-seac10-0-0-cust324.7-2.cable.virginmedia.com21:25
kpomanDasEi: i didnt understand what you said21:25
ActionParsnipjghkhjkk: http://www.hcidata.info/host2ip.htm21:25
DasEikpoman: first watch the logs, and see whats up, then..21:25
kl0xActionParsnip, you forgot about me..mmm i see21:25
kl0xActionParsnip, =P21:25
kpomanDasEi: I edited menu.lst and have add noacpi and acpi=off at the end of the default entry21:25
ActionParsnipjghkhjkk: your IP can be seen with http://www.ipchicken.com21:25
DasEikpoman: update/grade the box, alter ssh to allow x, then..21:25
kpomanDasEi: I cant watch the logs21:26
jghkhjkkActionParsnip, is  cpc1-seac10-0-0-cust324.7-2.cable.virginmedia.com my hostname?21:26
DasEikpoman: make sure a reboot won't kill shh access, too21:26
kpomanDasEi: what do you mean by alter ssh to allow x ? I dont want xorg !21:26
DasEikpoman: why  no logs ?21:26
ActionParsnipkl0x: i have no reply so have nothing intelligent to add, so said nothing so others can add21:26
eaerth1spanda: yeah nothing happened when i ran that. ;\21:26
ActionParsnipjghkhjkk: you IP appears to be
kpomanDasEi: because the machine freezes !!! then when it reboots i dont have the last logs21:26
Sean93where can i host an image file temporarily, just so i can show it to you?21:26
kl0xActionParsnip, i know i know i was just kidding21:26
jghkhjkkbut I don't have a hostname?21:26
kpomanDasEi: of the last thing it did... i should boot over a livecd to see21:26
ActionParsnipSean93: imageshack21:26
spandaeaerth1: sounds to me like you've got a broken hard drive ...21:27
DasEikpoman: in the beginning you said it has had working x and now that won't work no more21:27
kpomanDasEi: and i am 2500km from there21:27
FletchsWhere are group passwords stored if "x" is listed as the password in /etc/group and there is no gshadow file? Its a bonus question for class, we are using SUSE 10.21:27
eaerth1spanda: dude don't sayyyyyyyyy thatttt it's not even mine. ;S21:27
kl0xalright ppl, c ya, have fun, peave & love lol21:27
jghkhjkkI guess I don't have a hostname :(21:27
kpomanDasEi: i dont need x, i want now to disable everything but ssh21:27
spandaeaerth1: anything in the dmesg?21:27
ActionParsnipFletchs: in /etc/shadow21:27
eaerth1maybe i can try plugging it into my mom's windows laptop and see if it works? because i think the files on it are still okay...21:27
DasEikpoman: ok then, no ssh x21:27
kpomanDasEi: no, i just want ssh and some basics21:27
jghkhjkkActionParsnip, so I don't have a hostname?21:28
kpomanDasEi: how do i list the autostarted services ?21:28
DasEikpoman: but you know can ssh in ?21:28
eaerth1spanda: says the same thing21:28
LjLjghkhjkk: if your IP had a reverse hostname, it'd show up when you do /whois jghkhjkk21:28
FletchsActionParsnip:  isnt that just for users and not groups?21:28
kpomanDasEi: no, i told someone there to manually configure eth0 and start ssh21:28
spandaeaerth1: you'd need windows support for ext3 or ext4 to read it.21:28
kpomanDasEi: and that person took 2 hours to configure eth0 and start ssh21:28
dalton2345Hi everyone, I'm just wondering, I'm still on karmic should I upgrade to 10.1021:28
kpomanDasEi: on failsafe mode btw21:28
DasEikpoman: aah, oh je21:29
spandaeaerth1: it isn't a drive off a windows machine is it?21:29
eaerth1spanda: well it was used mainly on a windows.21:29
ActionParsnipFletchs: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Shadow-Password-HOWTO-2.html21:29
jghkhjkkLjL, I'm using mobile internet, perhaps that's why they don't have a hostname....21:29
eaerth1spanda: and i know it works because i've used it quite a bit in the past with no trouble...21:29
Sean93ok, i trying to install a game in wine. It starts installing fine but then tells me to mount disk0. I'm not sure how to do that. This is the contents of the installation folder http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/897/screenshotaion2002fulli.png21:29
kpomanDasEi: that is why i want a safe-booting box first. I mean, get rid of everything but ssh, then start adding services and see what happens21:29
jghkhjkkI didn't know you could have no hostname....21:29
rwwdalton2345: I'd recommend upgrading to Lucid and then staying on it for two years. It's an LTS, so it's supported for a lot longer, and if you stay on LTSes you only need to upgrade every two years.21:29
xrage4451.2 hours of waiting, i'll ask and wait another hour for assistance. why is ubuntu (latest) freezing on startup? even if i disable compiz. won't even let me read  dmesg or system logs.21:29
spandaeaerth1: oh OK, probably its either ntfs or fat, not ext 3 or 421:29
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eaerth1yeah it's ntfs21:29
LjLjghkhjkk: actually there's a few non-mobile ISPs that provide no hostnames21:29
spandatry mount -tvfat /dev/sdb1 ...21:29
PeterNLHi, what is a good a/v capturing program that can record video from v4l2 and audio from line-in, and at the same time display the video while it is recording?21:29
dalton2345rww: isn't karmic a LTS21:30
rwwdalton2345: no21:30
spandaeaerth1: try mount -tvfat /dev/sdb121:30
jghkhjkkIs it normal for mobile ISPs to provide no hostname?21:30
kpomanDasEi: so the question is: how to see what is autostarted ? and how to get rid of as much as possible stuff there21:30
dail34Set up an ssh server, and am seemingly browsing the internet through a SOCKS connection through it. Also configured Dropbox to use it. However: is there an easy way to switch all my traffic to the socks server?21:30
jghkhjkkAs in 3G internet21:30
spandaeaerth1: and then try mount -tntfs /dev/sdb1 /media/...21:30
zaxonspoxActionParsnip, the entry for cd in fstab looks like this: /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom0 iso9660 ro,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks,uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=utf8,mode=0700,dmode=0700 0 0 and msg: Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with: mount: only root can mount21:30
DasEikpoman: so well.. but if can ssh in, you can now view the logs, too, and find waht goes rung, and also can configure grub to boot safemode, though then ssh isn't up.. this also needs to be altered21:30
rwwdalton2345: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases21:30
dalton2345rww: i will download the ISO, and do a clean install, do u like it?21:30
dalton2345rww: do you like 10.1021:31
spandadail34: sweet. There's a gnome setting YMMV, I believe21:31
eaerth1spanda: ah, the first one i don't think worked as it isn't recognizing -tvfat as a command21:31
ActionParsnipzaxonspox: then run:   sudo mount /media/cdrom021:31
Sean93How do i make top display only zombie processes21:31
spandaeaerth1: mount -t vfat /dev/sdb /media/... ?21:32
jagshey did they fix gnome-do docky interface yet in 10.10?21:32
jagsI'm using the old version, Is it safe to upgrade yet?21:32
PeterNLHi, what is a good a/v capturing program that can record video from v4l2 and audio from line-in, and at the same time display the video while it is recording?21:33
rwwdalton2345: I haven't used 10.10 much. 10.04 (lucid) is good, though.21:33
ezhanginhey guys, why would my video playback be pausing all the time with 10.10?21:33
spandadail34: system|preferences|network proxy21:33
dail34@spanda Yes, you're right, under System>Network Proxy21:33
ezhanginIt's playing off a RAID-5 that's also torrenting but this wasn't happening with 10.0421:33
DasEikpoman: which distro is that box running ?21:33
fogobogoPeterNL: mplayer?21:33
dail34ha, yes. Thanks so much! I was getting rather bogged down with SSH_VPN/openvpn servers/VPN whatnot.21:33
PeterNLfogobogo: how do I do that with mplayer?21:34
spandadail34: np :-)21:34
fogobogoPeterNL: by reading the manual21:34
DasEi!info vdr | PeterNL:21:34
ubottuPeterNL:: vdr (source: vdr): Video Disk Recorder for DVB cards. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.6.0-18ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 829 kB, installed size 2540 kB21:34
dalton2345rww: ah ok, i will do a clean install, i heard upgrading can erase the grub21:34
eaerth1spanda: that seemed to mount it but i still can't transfer files over to it...21:34
ActionParsnipSean93: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/killing-zombie-process.html21:34
PeterNLI'll try vdr. Thanks DasEi!21:34
ka1serthat Network proxy is just for gnome applications.21:34
eaerth1is it possible this has to do with fstab?21:35
DasEi PeterNL: several vdr do that, mythtv should, too21:35
* PeterNL doesn't like mplayer21:35
spandaeaerth: can you /see/ files on it?21:35
abehad701i'm new to xubuntu. just installed on a toshiba portege r100. trying to change my display to 1024x768 but there is no option for anythign greater than 800x600. i've been searching the web for hours trying to find the answer and nothign seems to work. my biggest problem is that the most common solution involves editing xorg.conf, which i don't have (and i don't think is used anymore if i understand correctly). does anyone know how i can fix this? my graphics21:35
abehad701 card is a trident cyberblade xp4m3221:35
eaerth1spanda: yes i can see files fine.21:35
spandaeaerth1: and what's the file permissions if you look at them i.e. ls -al /media/O...21:35
eaerth1spanda: i can even retrieve files from it no problem. just can't put anything on it for some reason...21:36
DasEiPeterNL: the later is quite a huge packet with several extensions, be aware of some config coming to you ten21:36
wolfganggold!info vdr21:36
ubottuvdr (source: vdr): Video Disk Recorder for DVB cards. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.6.0-18ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 829 kB, installed size 2540 kB21:36
ActionParsnipabehad701: can you run:  lspci | grep -i vga    what is output?21:36
PeterNLI know mythtv, not what I'm looking for...21:36
kpomanDasEi: sorry on the phone21:36
DasEikpoman: which distro is that box running ?21:36
wolfganggold!info mythtv21:36
ubottumythtv (source: mythtv): A personal video recorder application (client and server). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.23.1+fixes26437-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 30 kB, installed size 56 kB21:36
kpomanDasEi: 10.1021:36
eaerth1spanda: owner is root21:36
spandaeaerth1: did you mount it as ntfs21:36
furii'd like to be able to use the G buttons along with the M buttons, and the applets, for the logitech G510. how can i do this?21:37
PeterNLDasEi: my source is not a DVb card. Should I use vdr?21:37
hyperstream!xubuntu-channels > abehad70121:37
ubottuabehad701, please see my private message21:37
spandaeaerth1: are u trying to put files on /as/ root?21:37
DasEikpoman: so startup is handled /etc/init then mainly, and some /etc/init.d/21:37
Sean93ok, i trying to install a game in wine. It starts installing fine but then tells me to mount disk0. I'm not sure how to do that. This is the contents of the installation folder http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/897/screenshotaion2002fulli.png21:37
eaerth1spanda: yes, i opened it in a nautilus with root privs21:37
ActionParsnipSean93: did you check the appdb for compatibility?21:37
=== jhaig1 is now known as jhaig
StarnHello. mmm Irssi for windows ^.^ now than. i got my entire hd wiped. so now i got windows only. 283gb free hd.. suggested amount for ubuntu would be?? 140gb? about half?21:38
Sean93ActionParsnip: no, i will now21:38
DasEiPeterNL: IT's longer ago, I did this with.. tvtime and .. an vdr app I don't remeber, on an analog card, I think it was vdr21:38
eaerth1spanda: i don't know why it'd be root though, earlier i was transferring files over to it with no problem, as myself as the user, not root.21:38
hyperstreamSean93, #wine might be able to help also21:38
mmestnikHello, I've reported this previously(perhaps just yesterday) and now I have a lot more information.  After booting up I'll login and get Compiz and gtk-window-decorator.  However none of the windows have boarders, but they can be moved and resized by selecting these options from there task-bar menu.21:38
hyperstreamSean93, opps21:38
ActionParsnipStarn: 10Gb for / is fine21:38
spandaeaerth1: have a fiddle with the mount options -- you probably need -o rw, user21:39
hyperstreamSean93, try #winehq *21:39
ActionParsnipStarn: the rest for /home with 2xRAM for swap unless you have more than 2Gb in which case make swap 1xRAM21:39
mmestnikHow can I change the settings so that I get a generic window manager?  I don't care if it's compiz or not, anything is better then this.21:39
Starnactionparsnip alright sounds good enough for me. that is about how much i used with windows 7. before my hd got wiped now i'm on vista :(21:39
eaerth1spanda: how do i do that? and how do i achieve -o rw, user?21:39
StarnActionParsnip: i have 1gb ram.21:39
ActionParsnipStarn: then 2Gb for swap21:40
spandaeaerth1: tute at http://my.opera.com/lounge/forums/topic.dml?id=8344021:40
DasEikpoman:if you say frezing is a problem, I'd tip xserver or full disk, the later you can easily check.. and pull the logs else it's a walk in the dark21:40
StarnActionParsnip: alright thanks man! so 12gb total for ubuntu 10 for OS and stuff 2 for swap. sound good?21:40
hyperstreamActionParsnip, do you know, if its any performance loss if you make the swap far greater than your physical ram?21:40
eaerth1spanda: if it means anything, i installed ntfs configuration tool and that doesn't help either when i enable read/write...21:41
ActionParsnipStarn: sure if 2Gb for your user data is enough. You can probably get away with 6Gb for /21:41
ActionParsniphyperstream: in servers more swap is better21:41
ActionParsnipabehad701: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1329192&highlight=trident21:41
hyperstreamActionParsnip, thanks21:41
spandaeaerth1: did u mount the drive as ntfs? i.e. you typed mount -t ntfs ?21:42
spandaor did u type -tvfat ?21:42
StarnActionParsnip: thanks. i'll setup ubuntu when windows is done updating.. know windows this will take a life time ;P21:42
kpomanDasEi: what do you mean by xserver or fulldisk ? i dont u nderstand21:42
ChizCan anyone help me to start lxde? :-)21:42
viewerdoes anyone know if iplist does its own automatic updates or if the updates done in the IPBlock front end are special code in the front end?21:43
eaerth1spanda: yes, i typed the second command you sent me, -t ntfs or whatever.21:43
ChizI installed Ubuntu 6.06.221:43
DasEispanda: since few distros ntfs is mostly registered without t-option in default21:43
ChizBut there is no GUI :-(21:43
DasEikpoman: if that box freezes at bootup, there must be a reason..21:43
lontrahi i am trying to remove emacs23 and when i do apt-get installs emacs22 ... how can i make emacs23 get fully removed?21:43
ChizHow to start any gui there?21:43
guntbertChiz: that is very old and not supported any more21:43
spandaeaerth1: oh, ok, ntfs writeability used not to be supported. think there's something you can do with ntfs-3g21:44
DasEiChiz: use a newer distro, that's eof21:44
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100421:44
kpomanDasEi: see, the machine boots, then I am able to ping it... then I log into it ... then about 20seconds, it freezes, dont ping it anymore, and there (2500km from here) nothing does nothing21:44
Chizguntbert, but 10th version is to cool for my PC = ((21:44
eaerth1spanda: yeah, that one was the first thing i tried originally and it worked but i tried it again recently and it's mounting but not letting me write.21:44
wolfganggoldchiz:  try something lightweight like puppy21:45
wolfganggoldor damn small linux21:45
DasEikpoman: if you said, it took someone 2 h to setup ssh in safemode, could better save data and do a fresh, headless install then21:45
pooltablehelp with p2p online vieso install to watch caves game?21:46
kpomanDasEi: so i am able to ping, ssh to it ... then some seconds later, it freezes. so i think it is something autostarted on it ... i thought it was the x server, so i moved gdm.conf to gdm.conf.bkp21:46
pooltableor any other way to get it to work thanks21:47
DasEikpoman: oo, could have removed gdm && xorg, they sounds scary to me21:47
mobasherhow do i reconfigure Nautilus...it's not showing me files in the views21:47
DasEiChiz: specs of the box ?21:47
lontrahow can i force emacs to get removed and not install emacs23?21:48
fogobogolontra: uhm.. what?21:49
* spanda returns from google21:49
spandaeaerth1: http://www.fslog.com/2006/11/29/mount-ntfs-filesystem-readwrite-on-ubuntu/21:49
lontrafogobogo: it seems that emacs is totally borked on my system. if i try to remove emacs23, apt-get installs emacs22, if i then remove emacs22, it installs emacs23, now it's trying to install emacs-snapshot!21:49
Sean93I have windows XP as a duel boot right now but i never use it since i changed to ubuntu about a week ago. should i delete it and run it in virtualbox if i need it? are there any benefits to duel boot/virtualbox21:49
DasEikpoman: or if saving is a problem, set up a persistent live usb with ssh enabled, put it over, and stick it in, if data saving/fresh installisn't fine21:49
spandaeaerth1: change last command to just mount -a21:50
fogobogolontra: lol21:50
ka1seris there a way to send some text to a terminal running in another process? perhaps having the PID???21:50
lontrafogobogo: yup :)21:50
eaerth1k, thanks21:50
hyperstreamSean93, dual boot, is what most users would use when they want to game, running the game natively in windows = best result, you can how ever install a windows xp inside of ubuntu using virtual box, and attempt to game that way :)21:50
fogobogolontra: how do you remove21:50
lontrafogobogo: you know i think i finally got it ... i had to remove auctex first21:51
fogobogointeresting dependecy handling21:51
vdubhackhow do you make networking and networkmanager not load on startup?21:51
guntbertspanda: you saw, that that article was very old?21:51
Sean93my windows partition is 900GB and my ubuntu is 100GB. How can i change it so it is the other way around?21:51
pooltableany one?21:52
pooltablewith help on p2p online viedo to watch a game?21:52
hyperstreamSean93, use personally would use a partitioning software (windows based) partition magic or something of the sorts21:52
ka1serGparted does a good work21:53
=== gilaniali_ is now known as gilaniali
Sean93what would happen if i used Gparted in ubuntu?21:53
hyperstreamSean93, if you dont use windows, just redo both os's perhaps? (format the drive)21:53
spandaguntbert: yah don't have a newwer link ...21:53
hyperstreamSean93, im not sure it can be used to resize partitions.21:53
ka1sersean93: it will work21:53
kpomanDasEi: you need to understand that i am not behind the machine. it is 2500km from here. i dont have anybody there to help doing stuff. i only have an ssh right now21:53
ka1serI use it all the time to resize partitions...21:53
hyperstreamka1ser, there we go :)21:54
kpomanDasEi: so i want to disable everything but ssh and some basic stuff. where does ubuntu have the autostarted stuff ? this is the question.21:54
vdubhackanyone know how to make networking and networkmanger not load on startup and make it so I have to manually start them?21:54
guntbertspanda: I didn't follow the conversation, but wouldn't be https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions more appropriate?21:54
kpomanDasEi: i know of gentoo. you have /etc/runlevels/xyz and you link start script stuff to the desired runlevel21:55
nimbioticsHello yall. (ubuntu 10.04 &  Audacity 1.3.12) I use GV a lot and need to record some of the calls I make. How can I record these calls? so far I either record mic input or spkrs out, but not both. how can I record both?? TIA!21:55
DasEikpoman: so least pulled the logs ? I could ssh in, but that's your own risk and I won't gurantee damage isn't bader afterwards, a usb image is only 1 gb21:55
fgnfgnryDo you guys use Ubuntu or Kubuntu?21:55
guntbertrunlevels  | kpoman21:55
spandaguntbert: good suggestion!21:55
guntbertspanda: :)21:55
kpomanDasEi: i have the logs yes, from my current session and maybe some older stuff21:56
spandaeaerth: what guntbert said ;-)21:56
DasEikpoman: from your questions, that's nothing I can explain so fast.. see above for the ubuntu structure21:56
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kpomanDasEi: these are the files I do have by now: http://pastebin.com/4F3EdVHh21:56
guntbertfgnfgnry: this channel is for ubuntu support mainly, kubuntu support in #kubuntu21:57
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kpomanDasEi: but i dont know **when** it freezes. i just know it freezes about 30 seconds  **after** launching ssh and networking21:57
kpomanDasEi: i guessed it was X, but apparently not (i renamed gdm to take rid of X)21:57
DasEikpoman: that's a ls -l of the logdir, least get dmesg as textfile and the syslog.. really, that's not a funny idea in this way21:58
ka1servdubhack: I haven't tried but perhaps update-rc.d -f networking && update-rc.d network-manager could work, the njust start them with sudo service network start and sudo service network-manager start21:58
ka1serupdate-rc.d -f network-manager I meant21:58
karanany online21:58
DasEikpoman: and yo say it freezes every 20 seconds.. and you do some stuff I really can't advise, like renaming conffiles "in the wilde n dark".. that will only bork more21:59
ZolHow can I tell what port I should use if I try to connect with Filezilla to my VPS via SFTP?22:00
Zolvia SSH*22:00
llutzZol: 2222:00
Sean93what should i use to stream files (including mkv) to my xbox 36022:00
kpomanDasEi: see here the last lines before freeze from messages:22:00
Zolllutz: thanks!22:00
vdubhackka1ser: Thanks :) I will try that22:00
DasEikpoman: the only thing I can offer then is sshing myself, but after such approaches.. if you had somebody bringing you there, maybe saving of data and pop in a cd and do fresh install is the only right way then22:01
kpomanDasEi: see here the last lines before freeze; you may see there is nothing special about them: http://pastebin.com/FXRgkt7h22:01
ka1servdubhack: np... if somethings goes wrong you can reinstall it with update-rc.d networking defaults and update-rc.d network-manager22:01
llutzZol: sftp is basically ssh, so its using ssh-prt 2222:01
kpomanDasEi: i think it is related to some acpi / pm / whatever22:02
kpomanDasEi: by now i would look at what autostarts, and disable most of that22:02
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vdubhackka1ser: thanks :) wasnt as easy to find on google for some reason :P22:02
DasEikpoman: which can't be undestood in half an hour, coming from the old runlevel thing, it's handled by the scripts in /etc/init, AND the old rc.d-system22:03
kpomanDasEi: i do understand that scripts are added to some folder/runlevel, and based on dependencies or rules they are started. i suppose there is a way to list those services and remove some. for example, remove apache22:05
DasEikpoman: in short, acpi is a bios related thing ubuntu on older machines handles succesfullitself. on meerkat graphics are often a problem, especially after dist-upgrades, and moving the config is not the way to a clean system, you would have to purge the whole trouble-causing packet(s) then)22:05
sebikulDasEi, you can configure the startup process with this package, sysv-rc-conf22:05
Sean93what should i use to stream files (including mkv) to my xbox 36022:05
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sebikulinstall it using synaptic and run in a terminal "sudo sysv-rc-conf"22:06
b0otAny ideas on what would be the eaiest way to have somethign read what is comming in from a serial port do so simple manipulation and send it off to a speicfic ip/port?22:06
ka1servdubhack: ;)22:06
fgnfgnryis KDE better than GNOME?22:06
DasEisebikul: could you tell kpoman, then ? it's a remote ssh'd machine with some manually killed configs, which tends to freeze22:06
kpomanDasEi: yes it was a quick and dirty fix to discard having freezex because of gdm / X22:06
eaerthspanda: wow, dude... this is... wow, yeah, i'm about to make smashes all over the place.22:07
eaerthspanda: it's still not letting me create a directory, transfer files, nothing... wtf...22:07
Praxihow do I list what gems are installed22:07
kpomanDasEi: it freezes spontaneously after some seconds. how do i, for example, disable network manager, apache, etc... from being autostarted ?22:07
sebikulkopman, run this command, "sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf & sudo sysv-rc-conf"22:07
llutzfgnfgnry: yes/no/maybe22:07
sebikulyou will be able tu manage the startup ising it22:08
kpomansebikul: let me try it out22:08
kpomansebikul: remember I only have command line here right ?22:08
* DasEi off for food22:08
shattHello there.22:08
sebikulyes, it has no gui22:08
kpomansebikul: cool it is curses based22:08
FletchsWhere are group passwords stored if "x" is listed as the password in /etc/group and there is no gshadow file? Its a bonus question for class, we are using SUSE 10.22:09
Some_PersonI'm still having fairly frequent crashes22:09
PiciFletchs: This channel is only for Ubuntu support.22:09
PiciFletchs: #ubuntu-offtopic or a SuSe support channel would be more appropriate.22:09
kpomansebikul: a lot of them are marked on 5 runlevels !22:10
kpomansebikul: how is that possible ?22:10
danfoxHello, I'd like help compiling an open source C++ application which has thus far only been compiled for Windows and Mac, and then hopefully to make a deb of it to share. It has a file 'lpub.qrc' which I think means I have to use qmake, so I have installed qmake and qt4 development files along with g++. I try running 'qmake -project', 'qmake -makefile' and then 'make' but I keep getting errors during the make. I managed to bl22:10
danfoxunder my way past one make error by commenting out the line it complained about, but now I've run into another for which the solution is a lot less common-sense and a lot more actual know-how, which I lack. Can anyone here help?22:10
FletchsPici: Does ubuntu use a gshadow file?22:10
sebikulkpoman, i have no idea, it depends on the process. if you are sure you can disable it just untick in the 5 runlevels22:10
llutz!runlevel > kpoman22:10
ubottukpoman, please see my private message22:10
shattAlright, I just setup Ubuntu 10 server and opted for an encrypted LVM volume and generated a huge 50char keyphrase for it.  However, I did not realize I would have to enter the keyphrase at console everytime I reboot the box.22:10
shattIs there a way to automate that procedure?22:11
qkumbersdoes anyone know how to make a backup of a multisession disk that may have apple HFS partition? Preferably from the command line.22:11
kpomansebikul: i got this: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.22:11
kpomansebikul: does that mean this tool is obsolete ?22:11
qkumberswill dd read multisession cds?22:11
sebikulkpoman, no, it's not, i am currently using it in maverick, you can work with it, just disable the processes that you don't need22:12
soid_hey guys, where can I find keyboard configuration for gnome? some of my keys don't work correctly22:12
kpomansebikul: dasei: i am disabling everyhtin apm / acpi related22:13
zealiodhow do i disable 80211Q vlans on the kernal22:13
danfoxsoid: System-Preferences-Keyboard22:13
Sean93what should i use to stream files (including mkv) to my xbox 360??22:13
qkumbersdoes anyone know how to create an iso out of a multisession cd?22:13
soid_danfox: it's not enough. may be there is any confing file?22:14
sebikulSean93, check this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xbox360Media22:14
hyperstreamSean93, ushare - from a quick google search22:14
FletchsWhere are group passwords stored if "x" is listed as the password in /etc/group and there is no gshadow file? Its a bonus question for class.22:14
danfoxsoid: I don't know about config files, what language is your keyboard layout for and is it proven to fully work?22:15
hyperstreamSean93, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=799048 second post, actually says you cant stream MKV because it isnt one of the xbox 360's support formats?22:15
nickbabenkoDoes anyone know if a Ralink 3060 chipset will work with 10.10? I've installed the driver from Ralink, the device shows up yet no wireless networks are shown.22:15
kpomansebikul: how do i save do i just quit ?22:15
sebikulkpoman, it's saved in rt, just press "q" to exit and return to command line22:16
sebikulhyperstream, you can do a rt conversion22:16
soid_danfox: layouts work correctly. tab switching doesn't work using control+pageup/down22:16
kpomansebikul: is there a way to auto-fsck if necessary ?22:16
danfoxsoid: on any particular app or all?22:17
kpomansebikul: what i want is to be able to have only a online box with ssh at least22:17
sebikulkpoman, as far as i know it's done automatically at startup after x starts, i dont know how many exactly22:17
Praxianyone used passenger before?22:18
soid_danfox: in gnome-terminal, gedit it doesn't work. but in firefox it's ok22:18
kpomansebikul: after kernel starts22:18
soid_danfox: I think it depends on gnome configuration22:18
soid_danfox: firefox seems to fix it by itself22:19
ka1sersooo... is there a way to send some text to a terminal running in another process? perhaps having the PID???22:19
kpomansebikul: ok one last thing: where do I setup network interfaces ? (i dont want to use networking manager!)22:19
danfoxsoid: Yeah, Firefox has separate settings. In that case I can't help you, I'm not fully versed in the way the gnome config files work.22:19
kpomansebikul: basically i need one eth0, with an alias eth0:122:19
ka1sersebikul: in /etc/network/interfaces22:20
kpomansebikul: where is the correct place to set ip for eth0 and eth0:! ?22:20
ka1sersorry... kpoman22:20
sebikulkpoman, no idea how to setup network interfaces, maybe you can look at the ubuntu docs, there must be something there22:20
DCGstudioshey guys, working on a full disk encryption and going through alot of information. I was wondering if anyone knew what the actual difference between the automatic (IMHO inflexible) Alternate-CD crypto setup and creating it manully with LVM/LUKS22:20
soid_danfox: may be you know what could I do next? debug or something?22:20
kpomankalser: ok let me take a look at it22:21
nimbioticsHello yall. (ubuntu 10.04 &  Audacity 1.3.12) I use GV a lot and need to record some of the calls I make. How can I record these calls? so far I either record mic input or spkrs out, but not both. how can I record both?? TIA!22:21
kpomanka1ser: let me take a look22:21
danfoxsoid: just try to get the attention of someone else on here, who knows about gnome config files *shrug*22:21
ka1serkpoman: man interfaces22:21
sebikulkpoman, about autofsck, check at this, there is some useful info, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutoFsck22:21
soid_also it prints "~5" when I press control+pageup22:22
danfoxAnyway, back to the task in hand: Hello, I'd like help compiling an open source C++ application which has thus far only been compiled for Windows and Mac, and then hopefully to make a deb of it to share. It has a file 'lpub.qrc' which I think means I have to use qmake, so I have installed qmake and qt4 development files along with g++. I try running 'qmake -project', 'qmake -makefile' and then 'make' but I keep getting error22:22
danfoxs during the make. I managed to blunder my way past one make error by commenting out the line it complained about, but now I've run into another for which the solution is a lot less common-sense and a lot more actual know-how, which I lack. Can anyone here help?22:22
kpomansebikul: do you know what should be the syntax in setting up eth0 and also an alias eth0:1 ?22:22
danfoxsoid: have you checked your keyboard shortcuts in System-Preferences? They may be set wrong?22:22
sebikuldanfox, you need to check which libraries the soft is using and install them22:23
soid_Guys who's here proficient in gnome/X11 config files especially regarding keyboard settings?22:23
DCGstudiosAnyone know the differnce between the automatic (IMHO inflexible) Alternate-CD crypto setup compared to manually setting up LVM/LUKS partitions? Looking for the most secure full disk encryption method.22:23
sebikulkpoman, no, sorry, no idea22:23
danfoxsebikul: It's not a dependancy issue I have here, it appears to be internal to the code.22:23
ZolHow do I download a file from the internet in the terminal?22:23
dvd-user hey i have .iso dvd now i want just to copy a part from the dvd lets say kissing moment 10min how to do this22:23
JibadeehaZol, wget22:24
ZolJibadeeha: Thanks!22:24
sebikuldanfox, the contact the developer and tell him you want to compile an unix binary, to please adapt the code22:24
pooltablehi help with p2p online viedo ??22:24
dvd-user hey i have .iso dvd now i want just to copy a part from the dvd lets say kissing moment 10min how to do this22:24
danfoxsebikul: I figured that would take too long, if I can get a working version of this within the next day or two it'll be a boon for a project I have upcoming.22:25
soid_danfox: hmmm.. can't find settings regarding tab switching in Keyboard Shortcuts22:26
danfoxsebikul: besides, if it's already been compiled for Mac, surely that's close-enough related to Unix and Linux to work with only minor tweaks?22:26
danfoxsoid: I don't know then.22:26
danfoxsebikul: or am I being too optimistic? :-P22:27
soid_danfox: found it in gnome-terminal settings. it's ok22:27
sebikulsoid_, what are you trying to do?22:27
soid_danfox: I've fixed it!!22:28
sebikuldanfox, the best thing to do is contact the developer to get his help, he is the one who knows most about the code22:28
danfoxsoid: well done :-)22:28
soid_sebikul: control+pageUp/down didn't work for tab switching22:28
danfoxsebikul: fair do's. If you reckon that's the quickest fix and all...22:28
pc500I have a box which I was doing a release upgade via SSH and lost connection.  Is it possible to resume the upgrade process still running in th ebackground?  I can still SSH into it.22:29
pc500but of course, apt-get still has things locked.22:29
soid_so I've checked gnome-terminal shortcuts settings and it was set to control+pageup/down. but when I redefined it it shown "control KP + Pageup/down"22:30
soid_but I didn't fix it for google chrome22:31
soid_it seems my pageup/down defined as "KP pageup". can I redefine it as usual pageup?22:32
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ehcahWhat am I missing about OpenGroupware?   http://www.opengroupware.org/en/applications/index.html    There is nothing to install?22:37
vademecumrunning sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin on fresh 10.10 fail error msg:E: Package 'adobe-flashplugin' has no installation candidate22:37
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UpAllNightBraindoes xchat support auto away22:39
pc500I have a box which I was doing a release upgade via SSH and lost connection.  Is it possible to resume the upgrade process still running in th ebackground?  I can still SSH into it.  Or should I just reboot and see what happens?  What's the best recovery method?22:39
warflyri would like to have users authenticate against a mysql database; currently i have vsftpd using pam-mysql which authorizes against the database and maps to a linux user account 'user1'.  I would prefer to have openssh do the same (on a seperate instance that is already setup), however i'm not sure how i could use username/password from mysql and map to a unix user account userid; ive attempted22:40
warflyrto use nss-mysql which is functional although id prefer to keep these users isolated to only sshd and ftpd; another solution would be preventing users from nss mysql logon to all services except sshd/vsftpd (maybe using selinux?)... any suggestions?22:40
elisboaDoes anyone know if Ubuntu 10.04 already recognizes the huawei 3g USB modem?22:41
soid_guys, could please someone show me an output of: /usr/bin/xmodmap -pke | grep -i down22:42
mvblairI can't get to the GRUB menu by pressing SHIFT+ESC or just ESC within the first three seconds of turning on my computer. Any suggestions?22:42
soid_i wanna know how pagedown key defined there22:43
ethereticIs there a way to make testdisk stop at a given freespace level on disk 1 - say 10GB - and make it suggest another hdd , like disk 2, to save files from another damaged hdd, disk 3? $man testdisk is quite mum on the issue, afaicr.22:43
SianaGearzelisboa: i recall huawei works. you need a simple app which switched it from cdrom mode to radio mode.22:43
soid_guys, could please someone show me an output of: /usr/bin/xmodmap -pke | grep -i down (I wanna know how pagedown key defined there)22:45
soid_roxdragon: hi22:45
roxdragonwhat's the command for reinstall alsamixer??22:45
DrDamnitEvolution keeps crashing instantly upon launch. I how do I remove EVERYTHING associated with it? Already did apt-get remove evolution, and then re-installed, but it still crashes, so something was not removed...22:45
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roxdragonalsamixer: no such directory22:45
Praxican anyone help me understand the apache2.conf file? I have some instructions that say Modify the default site to look like this: then go on to add some lines.  Is the default site just my web root?  can I add those lines anywhere?22:45
elisboaSianaGearz: hmm, thank you very much. I'll gg for it :). I'm installing 10.04 netbook editiona here22:46
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Jinxed--How would I connect to a serial port via terminal to send/recieve stuff from it22:46
brandon_Okay i had php working one day and today when i went to go to my website it won't work, and if i type in my domainname/index.php it ask's me if i wan't to save the PHP file, for  some reason it does not wan't to read the PHP File.22:46
roxdragonalsamixer: no such directory22:47
ethereticDrDamnit: apt-get purge22:47
warflyrJinxed-- http://tlab.org/huawei-e220-3g-usb-data-card-with-tele2-in-ubuntu-linux22:47
soid_PLEASE guys, could someone show me an output of: /usr/bin/xmodmap -pke | grep -i down (I wanna know how pagedown key defined there)22:47
SianaGearzelisboa: http://www.draisberghof.de/usb_modeswitch/22:47
soid_hm... nobody can just type a command...22:48
elisboaSianaGearz: again, thanks :)22:48
brandon_Okay i had php working one day and today when i went to go to my website it won't work, and if i type in my domainname/index.php it ask's me if i wan't to save the PHP file, for  some reason it does not wan't to read the PHP File, i think this started when i had to force reboot my OS.22:48
ethereticno testdisk gurus present?22:48
SianaGearzelisboa: i think what warflyr posted might have been for you too22:48
Praxisorry soid_ I only have server22:48
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warflyrbrandon_ look for the 'DirectoryIndex' directive in your apache configuration22:49
Namachielibrandon, sounds like your php module isnt loaded22:49
Namachieliapache cant parse the php files22:49
DrDamnitetheretic: done. Only removed 7,000kB. There are at least 2GB of files that are associated with it... where are they?22:49
warflyrgrrr not directory index22:49
soid_Praxi: hey you think all here use windows?:)22:49
brandon_erm where would my apache.conf file be located..22:49
Namachielicd / then find | grep apache.conf22:50
Praxihaha of course not, but any response is better than no response :)22:50
Praxihate it when you ask a question and you get no response :)22:50
ethereticDrDamnit: probably emails. tried --reconfigure?22:50
mvblairI'm using Windows right now at the library, 'cause I can't get Ubuntu to load at home! :-) Any suggestions for getting into the GRUB menu when ESC or ESC+SHIFT doesn't work?22:50
brandon_/etc/apache2 ?22:50
elisboamvblair: have you already tried Ctrl?22:51
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mvblairDo I just do CTRL or CTRL+ESC?22:51
Praxi!grub2 mvblair22:51
warflyrbrandon_, try to execute php from the command line22:51
elisboamvblair: just ctrl I believe22:51
* etheretic uses webmail and is in he dark re. ppp etc.22:51
Praxidepends on your version of grub22:52
mvblairThanks, Elisboa. I'm pulling my laptop out right now to try it. Praxi, I'm not sure what !grub2 means. I'm a dope.22:52
SianaGearzperhaps mvblair doesn't have any grub at all.22:52
brandon_it look's like it's reading apache2.conf22:52
Praximvblair just type !grub222:52
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:52
brandon_i looked in httpd.conf and it's blank.22:52
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mvblairNah, the CTRL doesn't work. :-(22:52
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:53
Praxihaha brandon_ I did that too today.  omg my httpd.conf is blank!22:53
Praxiwhen I was really meaning to read apache2.conf :)22:53
mbroekerbrandon_, less /etc/apache2/apache2.conf22:53
SianaGearzmvblair: what did you do to your grub? did you misconfigure it, or did you install a operating system which doesn't respect foreign bootloaders/MBRs?22:53
warflyri just setup a centos vm and everything is mixed up again (uses httpd.conf rather than apache2.conf) o.022:53
mbroekerbrandon_, but you don't need to change that file22:54
Praxiapache2 -V isn't it? to see what your conf file is?22:54
mvblairSiana, I tried to update to Ubuntu 10.04 from 9.04. Now I've got this problem where I can't get anywhere. My computer logo comes on, the Ubuntu logo comes on, and then I go to a black screen. :-(22:54
brandon_It is apache2.conf that's the main conf file22:54
brandon_what do i need to edit to allow PHP?22:54
mbroekerbrandon_, ls /etc/apache2/mods-enabled and check whether php5.conf and php5.load show up22:55
brandon_only php5.load22:55
brandon_no php5.conf22:55
SianaGearzmvblair: ah great so grub works. wonder which is it though :)22:55
anon33_is there a way to launch the gnome control center from the command line? ie - what's its executable?22:55
anon33_and if someone could inform me as to how to find an applications executable i'd greatly appreciate it22:56
brandon_oh no there both there.22:56
DrDamnitetheretic: Figured out that it didn't remove .evolution/ so removed that. Will try reconfigure.22:56
SianaGearzmvblair: and apparently your distro is misconfigured somewhere - like cannot mount root disk or so.22:56
mbroekerbrandon_, sudo a2dismod php5 && a2enmod php5 && sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart22:56
ethereticresend : Is there a way to make testdisk stop at a given freespace level on disk 1 - say 10GB - and make it suggest another hdd , like disk 2, to save files from another damaged hdd, disk 3? $man testdisk is quite mum on the issue, afaicr.22:56
mvblairSiana, does it matter what version it is? Are there different commands to open it or something?22:56
anon33_jatt: thanks!22:56
DDwibrandon_, isn't that annoying? see http://www.ben.io/wordpress/?p=12922:56
ethereticDrDamnit: can't hurt.22:56
brandon_It disabled modphp22:57
SianaGearzuhm i don't remember :) but i suppose grub1 and grub2 are different. :) depending on how you upgraded, you might be stuck with grub1 (should be upped to grub2) or you may have grub2.22:57
mbroekerbrandon_, sudo a2enmod php522:57
mbroekeramd restart apache2 finally after the surgery :)22:58
brandon_i did that command one mroe time22:58
brandon_more *22:58
brandon_nope still want's ask's me if i wan't to dl index.php22:58
tmanhey i have kinda a noob question. well two, 1 when you delete a partion with gparted does that reduce the physical size of the hd or no? 2 does creating a new partion table reduce the size of the hd?22:59
brandon_it still asks me *22:59
aeon-ltdtman: no a 80gb hdd is always gonna be a 80gb unless sectors get nuked22:59
tensorpuddinganyone use banshee?23:00
tmanalright so if i create a new partion table and that wipes my partions that is not gonna reduce the size at all. is that right?23:00
aeon-ltd!anyone | tensorpudding23:00
ubottutensorpudding: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:00
aeon-ltdtman: no, but if i were going to create a new table over the old one, i'd dban, or use some method to fully 'clean' the hdd23:01
brandon_mbroeker, should i redo L.A.M.P?23:01
fengshaunI just upgraded wubi from 9.10 to 10.04 and it doesn't boot anymore!  It just goes straight into windows.  How can I fix it?23:01
tensorpuddingI'm trying to figure out what the play queue actually means, since putting things in it doesn't mean they actually play23:02
aeon-ltdfengshaun: hold shift or esc at boot to get to grub23:02
tmanare those linux commands or programs? sorry for my dumb question i just wanna learn and be sure of what im doing.23:02
ethereticobottu: because noone answers/knows?23:02
fengshaunaeon-ltd: I will try that now, thanks!23:02
fengshaunetheretic: ubottu is a bot!23:02
aeon-ltdtman: dban, is dariks boot and nuke, it wipes hdds23:03
mbroekerbrandon_, if it doesn't hurt, do it. but use confmiss options or purge it before reinstalling23:03
tmanok thank you very much. you helped me a lot.23:03
DrDamnitetheretic: Still getting a segmentation fault.23:04
mbroekerbrandon_, but i would check the /var/www/index.php file23:04
brandon_well it's in my Home Directory.23:04
mbroekerbrandon_, and /var/log/apache2/error.log23:04
aeon-ltdtensorpudding: if its anything like sonata, play queue, is just a compilation by you of songs you want in your current playlist23:04
Nertilwhy i must type everytime i run skype this env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype23:05
tensorpuddingaeon-ltd: i add songs to the queue, and click the song in the queue. the song plays. then after that song is over, it starts playing things in my library instead of going to the next song23:05
Nertilhow can i make to do automatically23:05
tensorpuddingmeh, there's a help feature in the app23:06
tensorpuddingbut no help on their website23:06
tensorpuddingthat's the opposite of expectations23:06
Nertilwhy i must type everytime i run skype this env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype23:07
Nertilhow can i make to do automatically23:07
mbroekerNertil, that's a workaround for old cams. it's preloads a compatibility library23:07
jatthow do you run skype?23:07
Nertilby desktop23:07
Nertilwill help me someon please23:08
tg_somebody knows what23:10
jattyou said you type something to run skype and then you said you run it by desktop23:10
tg_cat -N temp.txt &>/dev/null23:10
jatthow do you run it23:10
anon33_how do i find the executable for a program?23:10
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tg_i don't understand what the &> does (and google doesn't search for &> :( )23:11
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tg_also man cat says that -N is no valid parameter23:11
Nertiljatt if i run by desktop no video23:11
fengshaunaeon-ltd: nope, I got an error: wubilder not found, then: file not found, then the computer restarted!23:12
Nertili must run everytime with that command from terminal23:12
fengshaunwubilder and wubilder.mbr are in c:\ and c:\ubuntu23:12
rypervencheDoes anyone have totem-pps working on thier system?23:12
Patric3Virtual terminals used to be configured in /etc/inittab.  Lucid uses upstart - where has this config moved to ?23:13
anon33_warflyr: well, not where it's located. the executable for it. ie - i wanted to see what the command is for the bluetooth applet23:13
aeon-ltdfengshaun: was this installed via wubi?23:13
andaiWill "sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop" also remove Firefox (more specifically, its user settings)?23:14
xanguaandai: no23:14
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xanguaandai: actually nothing will happen if you only remove a metapackage23:15
luca__Good evening all.. I'd like to run a very simple script at startup - could anyone help please?23:15
Patric3In Lucid, how can I change the key combination used for virtual text terminals (e.g. Ctrl+Alt+1 etc) ?23:15
geitenneukeri got some prolmems with my geit23:15
fengshaun_aeon-ltd: sorry, disconnected23:15
ka1seris there a way to send some command to a terminal running in another process (other than the one where I typed the command)? perhaps having the PID???23:17
aeon-ltdfengshaun_: you may have some files missing, try http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1400210#3 i found that after searching around and can't really give you first hand a reccommendation23:17
xpticalhey guys.  How can I move a window from desktop 1 to desktop 2 when I'm in "single display desktop (multi-desktop)" mode?23:17
aeon-ltd!ask | geitenneuker23:18
ubottugeitenneuker: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:18
wadI used to play LAN-based RTS games, such as Starcraft, AOE, Warcraft, etc. They are so fun with multiple people. Now I've got a bunch of linux boxen in my house, but none of these work... are there fun games like this for Ubuntu? Any favorites?23:19
Diamondcitexptical: Can't you click on the title bar to move it to another work space?23:19
Diamondcitexptical: Another option is to make it show on all desktops, move to the one you want, and then show only on that desktop.23:20
xpticalIt isn't a workspace problem.  I have two monitors each with their own virtual desktops23:20
Diamondcitewad: Starcraft in TCP/IP LAN mode is fine.23:20
Diamondcitexptical: So are they linked?23:20
ka1sernvm... I just found a program to do that... I just had to build it myself...23:20
Diamondcitexptical: Or 2 completely seperate ie.. you can log out of one and the other stays logged in.23:21
roxdragonalsamixer: no such directory23:21
roxdragonwhat's the command for reinstall alsamixer??23:21
xpticalNot really.  I mean, they are on the same PC, but separate23:21
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wadDiamondcite, I own the game (Several licences, actually), but does it run under linux? I didn't think so.23:21
aeon-ltdroxdragon: sudo apt-get install alsa-utils23:21
xpticaleach has its own set of virtual desktops23:21
Luos7can anyone help me out with a problem i might have, downloading ubuntu to my specific laptop23:21
Diamondcitewad: I could always play SC on multiple systems.. for some games I was limited to 2 systems (Had to point broadcast to 1 specific IP address)23:22
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roxdragonaeon-ltd, ok23:22
roxdragonalsamixer: no such directory23:22
roxdragon/usr/bin/alsamixer exist23:22
aeon-ltdroxdragon: ok what are you trying to do?23:23
wadDiamondcite, wait, what? It's a Windows game. Does it work under wine or something like that?23:23
nimbioticsis there anything like restore point for windows in ubuntu (10.04)?? IA!23:24
xpticalWhy does flash eat my CPU?23:25
Maahes_in a persistent usb, is it possible to resize the /cdrom/ directory?23:25
Diamondcitewad: yes it does work under wine.. Most games should work under wine. I know for a fact that Starcraft and Warcraft III work under wine with multi player.. since I did it last month between linux and a windows computer.23:25
roxdragonaeon-ltd,  how to solve?23:25
wadDiamondcite, Ah, cool! Time to get wine going!23:26
TohuwOn Ubuntu 10.10, I cannot play most audio/video files in Totem or Rhythmbox when a USB device is plugged in. Can anyone confirm this problem? More importantly, is anyone aware of a fix for it?23:26
Tohuwnimbiotics: by default, no. What are you trying to revert?23:26
Maahes_nimbiotics: there's something like Time Machine for linux: timevault23:26
Diamondcitewad: One more thing.. be sure to be using the wine from ppa, not the one that comes with ubuntu by default.23:26
wadDiamondcite, Ah, okay. Is something wrong with the Ubuntu wine?23:27
TohuwMaahes_: That isn't what he was asking about.23:27
UmeaboySince you're all awake here......... I was wondering.....is there some kind of USBspy-program/script to see what happens when a device boots?23:27
Diamondcitewad: Not really.. just.. it only updates once every six months.. compared to then once a month release rate...23:28
Maahes_I figured making snapshots of the whole disk sufficed to work as a restore point23:28
UmeaboyI found such tool for Windows, but can't use it since I'm on x86_64 arch.23:28
malobueno¿cómo entro a un canal en español?23:28
UmeaboyI haven't tested it in Wine either.23:28
Maahes_Umeaboy: check out the logs. kern.log, dmesg, etc.23:28
Maahes_They give pretty detailed information23:28
Umeaboymalobueno: Try #ubuntu-es23:28
J_A_Campbellwhat is an Intel Core i3 considered? one program said amd6423:29
UmeaboyMaahes_: It's for a closed source device.23:29
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga23:29
TohuwDiamondcite: That isn't true. The version of Wine present in the default repos is updated wheneever the next stable Ubuntu-ized version is finished. While it lags behind the release schedule of WINE in the PPA, it is usually more stable for most users, and therefore recommended unless you need a feature not present in the current maintained  version.23:30
nimbioticsTohuw, i made a mess w/my audio devices trying to get stereo mix23:30
nimbioticsTohuw, i made a mess w/my audio devices trying to get stereo mix23:30
TohuwJ_A_Campbell: amd6423:30
DiamondciteTohuw: Really? My mistake then.. but I tend to look forward to new release, so sorry about that.23:30
nimbioticsMaahes_, Thanks!23:31
zealioddo my vlans need ip addresses?23:31
poincare101Hello everyone. I just installed ubuntu 10.10 with unetbootin, and I'm getting this funny pink line at the left edge of my screen (doesn't show up in windows)23:31
poincare101can I fix it?23:31
Tohuwzealiod: that depends on what you want to do with your vlan23:31
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zealiodTohuw: well at the mo, nothing23:32
Maahes_Umeaboy: see the testusb package23:32
zealiodTohuw: I want to treat the vlan traffic like any other traffic23:32
Tohuwpoincare101, perhaps your resolution is set incorrectly23:32
Maahes_Umeaboy: wait it's not in the ubuntu repos by default23:33
mobasheris there a channel which provides support for wine / winetricks apps23:33
Nertilld.so: object '/usr/lib32/libv4l/v4l1compat.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored23:33
poincare101poincare101: how can I check?23:33
Maahes_Umeaboy: http://linux-usb-test.sourceforge.net/23:33
newclimbanyone has some hint about the driver sis 671 with ubuntu 10.1023:33
Tohuwzealiod: then you probably want IP addresses, if you plan to talk to it using TCP/IP stack.23:33
xangua!appdb | mobasher23:33
ubottumobasher: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help23:33
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:33
furii'd like to be able to use the G buttons along with the M buttons, and the applets, for the logitech G510. how can i do this?23:33
mobasherxangua=>> thx23:34
daniel25what is the off topic room?23:34
UmeaboyMaahes_: Thanks. ;)23:34
Tohuw!offtopic | daniel2523:34
ubottudaniel25: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:34
zealiodTohuw: I'd like all the traffic from the 4 vlans to have the same DHCP server - not issue diff subnets - I know its not possible to have vlans on the same subnet... is there a solution?23:34
newclimb anyone has some hint about the driver sis 671 with ubuntu 10.1023:35
mobasherxangua=>> have you ever came across with this error-> wine: Install the Windows version of Mono to run .NET executables23:35
xanguamobasher: no23:35
xanguammm mono isn't  already installed in ubuntu¿23:36
Tohuwzealiod: Yes. The easiest way would probably be virtualization, but it depends on what you're testing or doing with them. What works best is going to depend on how you want it done, and why you want multiple VLANs in the first place.23:36
mobasherxangua=>> k thx23:36
Tohuwxangua: yes, it is23:36
mobasherxangua=>> it's there..but not sure why this error23:36
zealiodTohuw: what is virtualiasation?23:36
xanguamobasher: the message says install the WINDOWS version of mono, tried that¿23:36
Tohuwmobasher: do what the error says to do: isntall tthe windows version of mono23:36
DiamondciteTohuw: Won't the wine tricks versions of .NET do?23:37
TohuwDiamondcite: apparently WINE doesn't seem to think so, if it's giving that error23:37
mobasherxangua=>> mono is installed -< http://pastebin.com/b6T6FXC023:38
DiamondciteTohuw: There are 3 different versions of dotnet## in winetricks.. can't say I have had it fail yet...23:38
Tohuwzealiod: Virtualization is a rather involved topic. You may want to research it.23:38
Tohuwmobasher: try what Diamondcite suggested if you feel the urge, perhaps it will work/work better23:39
mobasherTohuw=>> i understand but it's already installed23:39
TohuwOn Ubuntu 10.10, I cannot play most audio/video files in Totem or Rhythmbox when a USB device is plugged in. Can anyone confirm this problem? More importantly, is anyone aware of a fix for it?23:39
DiamondciteTohuw: You mean it plays with a USB device isn't plugged in?23:39
Praxiby default does chmod work recursively?23:39
zealiodTohuw: I have inherited a system where network traffic is coming into my ubuntu box from 10 diff VLANs, for example eth1.111, eth.112 - I want them all to share the same DHCP range, and if possible the same subnet.... but that's looking unlikely23:39
digitalslaveanyone know how to turn off cpu frequency scaling to play older games?23:40
Tohuwzealiod: without abstracting the network (e.g. implementing a proxy network to tie in all the connections), I don't think so. Try #ubuntu-server, someone may have some deft trick.23:41
Tohuwdigitalslave: try the applet meant for controlling the CPU scaling. (Right click on the panel > Add to Panel > CPU Scaling or so)23:41
newclimbanyone has some hint about the driver sis 671 with ubuntu 10.1023:41
cloud_xff7hi friend23:42
cloud_xff7sala en ubuntu en español?23:42
zealiodTohuw: how would proxy network be made?23:42
digitalslaveTohuw, that is a monitor not a controller?23:43
metataggcloud_xff7: join #ubuntu-es23:43
metataggcloud_xff7: no problem23:43
Tohuwzealiod: that would be complicated, and outside the scope of this channel. I'm somewhat pressed for time, but try asking around in networking-related channels like #ubuntu-server23:43
h00kPraxi: by default, no23:44
h00kPraxi: but you can with -R23:44
Tohuwdigitalslave: sorry, that it had controlling capabilities as well. my apologies.23:44
Maahes_this sucks, I just found out its next to impossible to install a new kernel on a persistent usb23:44
PraxiThanks h00k23:44
astrostlRepository-type question: what is the difference between dists/ and pool/ ?  I was just experimenting with a local (rsync) mirror, and I was kinda surprised to have a mincd bootstrap fine with dists/lucid* but then bomb out on a missing pool.23:44
digitalslavecpu scaling used to be powernowd - what is it in 10.10?23:44
Praxigetting a "you don't have permissions" blah blah on a new site I setup on a server trying to figure out why hehe23:44
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Stefanos90hello, how can i instal the CC compiler for C++?23:47
jrib!compiling | Stefanos9023:47
ubottuStefanos90: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)23:47
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astrostlRepository-type question: what is the difference between dists/ and pool/ ?  I was just experimenting with a local (rsync) mirror, and I was kinda surprised to have a mincd bootstrap fine with dists/lucid* but then bomb out on a missing pool.23:49
astrostlAlternate: is there a 'legend' for the repository directories/contents in general?23:49
astrostlFound http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components but still wondering about 'dists' versus 'pool'23:51
newclimbanyone know some hint about to install sis671 in ubuntu 10.1064bits23:52
dazappashould I report a bug with unity (in 10.10 netbook) with the standard bug reporter? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs23:53
astrostlowell :)23:54
furiwrong channel23:54
furii meant to say23:54
furii'd like to be able to use the G buttons along with the M buttons, and the applets, for the logitech G510. how can i do this?23:54
Viper550Okay, complete noob question; can the installer resize a NTFS partition?23:55
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mobasheranyone knows why my game in wine can't detect cd ?23:56
jribI'm using xmonad through a .xsession script and running startx.  I do not launch gnome-session.  Burning a dvd works fine using growisofs.  However brasero does not recognize the blank dvd at all (requests for me to insert one).  Nautilus also does not show the blank dvd.  If I start gnome-session it works.  How can I use brasero and nautilus to burn a dvd without running gnome-session?23:56
newclimbanyone know some hint about to install sis671 in ubuntu 10.1064bits23:57
AviMarcusis there a way to see my open windows in two lines?23:58
fognrainis it possible to configure Ubuntu Desktop Edition to function as a proper Network File Server (complete with Users & Passwords)23:58
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