=== raeez is now known as theblueone [09:35] forgive me if this is naive, but where does upstart log to on ubuntu maverick 10.10 by default? I can't seem to find this anywhere [09:36] syslog [09:39] ion: thx [10:01] ion: as an extension, though the 'console logged' stanza seems to be default in upstart >0.6, it doesn't seem as if indiv. processes output is logged to syslog—is there a location I can find these, or is more work required? [10:45] There’s no such setting in 0.6. Output logging provided by Upstart is in TODO, but for now, you’ll need to implement your own. E.g. [10:45] script [10:45] exec >/path/to/log 2>&1 [10:45] (the usual stuff) [10:45] end script