
=== Omega is now known as KarlMarx
=== KarlMarx is now known as LeonhardEuler
=== LeonhardEuler is now known as |Omega|
=== |Omega| is now known as Omega
bilalakhtarivanka: Not at the conference?11:38
ivankabilalakhtar: not at 6.30 in the morning, no :-)11:38
bilalakhtarivanka: YOu live in orlando?11:38
ivankabilalakhtar: no11:39
bilalakhtarivanka: I was wondering why you don't have a conference/ubuntudevelopersummit/* cloak11:40
bilalakhtarivanka: you had one yesterday11:40
czajkowskiiainfarrell: ello you about ?15:26
czajkowskiiainfarrell: the design blog is great, but when you view posts using Chromium there is a lot of text over lapping http://twitpic.com/31l9bu/full15:27
czajkowskiasking you as i was reading your blog15:27
iainfarrellczajkowski: Hey there15:27
iainfarrellI'm actually just discussing that with Richard on our side15:27
czajkowskiI know it's not your blog post, I see it happening the whole time15:27
iainfarrellthe chromium rendering is very buggy compared to chrome15:28
czajkowskiiainfarrell: :D15:28
czajkowskigord: I forgot about this channel15:28
iainfarrellczajkowski: I don't think there's anything we can do short of tell the Chromium guys15:29
iainfarrellI've got the dailies ppa15:29
iainfarrelland it still hasn't fixed it15:29
iainfarrellI just have to refresh the page15:29
kenvandineklattimer, look at my comment on bug 63767115:29
ubot5Launchpad bug 637671 in ibus (Ubuntu) "ibus python 100 % cpu for ever (affected: 28, heat: 156)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63767115:29
klattimerkenvandine: will do15:29
kenvandinebasically i had to tweak the patch a little more so it didn't traceback... and it doesn't peg the CPU anymore15:30
czajkowskiiainfarrell: ah thats fair enough just wondered was it something to do with the theme ?15:30
kenvandinebut doesn't do anything15:30
kenvandineso wondering if it is worth uploading just to fix the CPU load?15:30
klattimerkenvandine: does the preferences menu item load?15:31
kenvandinewell, the menu item is there15:31
kenvandinebut it doesn't do anything15:31
klattimeroh, then the patch is borkage15:31
klattimerhmm, it looks so similar to my patch I thought it'd be OK15:31
klattimerI'll try and work on it now15:31
iainfarrellczajkowski: It happens on all web pages from time to time so I think it's Chromium related15:31
iainfarrelldoesn't happen in Chrome15:31
czajkowskiiainfarrell: oki thanks.15:32
iainfarrellnw czajkowski15:32
czajkowskikenvandine: who is the person I need to nab later on to show them my od indicators ?15:32
kenvandineczajkowski, it's tedg... he actually knows about the bug15:32
kenvandinebut has no idea how to fix it15:32
czajkowskitis an odd bug :)15:33
kenvandineyeah... he has never seen it so easily reproducable though15:33
czajkowskiI can see myself installing unity to stop seeing it15:33
czajkowskikenvandine: tell him he can have my laptop to see it happen over and over :)15:33
kenvandinebut he really thinks it is a gnome-panel bug15:33
kenvandinebut i am not sure i believe him :)15:33
kenvandineif i tell him that, i think he'll hide from me :)15:34
kenvandinei'll try to nab him and you later15:34
czajkowskithanks kenvandine15:34
czajkowskigwibber working perfectly now though15:34
klattimerkenvandine: do you have the packages built in a repo?15:35
klattimerthat'd help15:35
klattimerotherwise I'll just grab your bzr branch15:36
kenvandineno... i just built it in pbuilder15:39
kenvandineit fails for me without pbuilder...15:39
kenvandinetries to build gir stuff15:39
kenvandinei have too much crap installed :)15:39
klattimer1kenvandine: I'm at the back end of the conference coridor now15:52
=== oubiwann is now known as oubiwann-away
klattimerkenvandine: it's taking an age to pull this branch :/16:09
=== oubiwann-away is now known as oubiwann
klattimerkenvandine: I'm also in the same room as you16:09
c10udhi, any way to set/force indicate-server icon with a custom path or something?16:15

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