
spivMorning folks.00:06
mgzevenin' spiv.00:06
jelmergood arvo spiv00:06
peitschiehiya spiv :)00:20
peitschiei'm good morning as well :P00:20
=== Ursinha-bbl is now known as Ursinha
peitschiei just merged a bunch of uncommitted changes from an svn working directory to a bzr branch... i just felt congratulations were in order to jelmer and co for such awesome escape routes02:26
twbI happened to run bzr for the first time in a while, and it's complaining:05:02
twb /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/Crypto/Util/randpool.py:40: RandomPool_DeprecationWarning: This application uses RandomPool, which is BROKEN in older releases.  See http://www.pycrypto.org/randpool-broken05:02
ubot5Launchpad bug 271791 in paramiko "Paramiko depends on RandomPool (affected: 5, heat: 22)" [Medium,Triaged]05:05
spivtwb: probably due to old paramiko?05:05
twbspiv: NFI; I'm running sid, probably no paramiko at all05:06
twbSorry, I have python-paramiko 1.7.6-5 installed05:06
spivbzr doesn't use Crypto.Util.randpool directly at all.05:06
twbOK, no worries.05:06
fullermdDoesn't have to be old.  TTBOMK there IS no fixed paramiko release.05:06
fullermdLast I looked, there wasn't even a merged fix.05:07
spiv(And only tries to import Crypto in the test suite)05:07
spivfullermd: oh, :(05:07
twbIs there a straightforward way to get the equivalent of hg's "[extension] color =" (i.e. --color=auto in diff/log -p)05:07
fullermdNope, still nothing landed since April.05:08
jbowtietwb: bzr cdiff in plugin 'bzrtools' should do what you want05:08
twbI don't want to run a different command, I want it to be automatic when I run normal diff05:09
spivbzr alias diff=cdiff05:09
spivThere's almost certainly room for improvement.05:09
twbI'd also like it to auto-run the pager, like git does by default and (somehow, I can't see where) I have enabled for hg05:10
twbcdiff also doesn't give me color in log -p, which is more important to me than diff05:13
twb(Usually I only use diff via emacs' vc, which does its own colourizing.)05:13
twbHmph, "bzr help bzrtools" isn't very helpful.  It just emits the module docstring05:14
jbowtietwb: I think the pager is bug 21371805:14
ubot5Launchpad bug 213718 in Bazaar "Use bzr-pager by default (affected: 3, heat: 41)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21371805:14
twbAh, bzr-pager isn't in released versions?05:15
jbowtieIt's not installed by default as far as I know ('bzr plugins' will tell you if its installed)05:17
twbAt least it's straightforward to add plugins to bzr05:17
jbowtietwb: Adding color to log output would be bug 59762605:20
ubot5Launchpad bug 597626 in Bazaar "bzrlib should support color (affected: 2, heat: 4)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59762605:20
jbowtietwb: looking through the mailing list poolie is on record says that cdiff should be merged into standard diff05:21
twbEw, it assumes SGR compatibility?05:21
twbIt should ask terminfo05:21
twbYeah, it does assume SGR05:21
jbowtietwb: If you work up a patch, I'll review it.  :)05:22
twbEh, I only use bzr for one customer repo.  Actually contributing is too much like work05:22
jbowtieWell, if you can comment on the bug it'll help me when I actually get around to implementing it.05:23
jbowtieThat way I can at least do it right.  :P05:24
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
vilahi all !07:28
mgzmorning vila.07:28
vilamgz: hey !07:29
mgzdo you know what the current advice is for antivirus software messing with file moves is?07:31
twbdon't run it?07:32
mgzthat doesn't sound persuasive.07:33
mgzbut by all means put that in bug 663957 for me twb.07:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 663957 in Bazaar "TransformRenameFailed and Unprintable exception (affected: 1, heat: 8)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66395707:35
bob2 /wii mgz07:35
mgzis that advice or a mistyped irc command, and are you the IBM Rob Weir?07:37
vilamgz: I don't fully disagree with twb :-/ I can't see what bzr can do about such unspecified random behaviours.... Retry once ?07:37
vilaCan the anti-virus be parametrized to ignore files under .bzr ?07:37
mgzI thought there was something about telling things not to look in certain dirs, but haven't dealt with any of this myself.07:38
bob2mgz: sorry, was just wondering if you were the submitter (and no, a different one)07:38
vilaAnd retrying... in TreeTransform... talk about a nightmare :-/07:39
mgzbob2: nope, just the commenter on that bug.07:39
vilaas for not using rename() to move directories....07:40
mgzI'm not certain that bug is down to a background process locking the files, though it was my first guess, but can't think of much useful to suggest to track the problem down.07:41
vilaI'm pretty sure there are bugs around the exception handling for renames involving non-ascii paths though, str(exception) is evil07:42
mgzyeah, I've got a branch for that.07:42
mgzneeds tidying up and the testtools version bump.07:43
mgz(the str(exception) stuff, that is)07:43
vilamgz: you mean you modified bzrlib.errors.py to not use str(e) or something else ?07:43
vilaEeerk, battery leak is bad isn't it ?07:44
mgz...they tend to contain nasty things, yes07:44
vilaAA battery, no smell though07:44
mgz^yeah, fixed that unprintable exception stuff.07:44
vilamgz: you rock ;)07:45
vila5000mAh AA batteries were too good to be true :-/07:47
* spiv EODs07:59
idlecoolhi people.. i have a trouble using bzr08:37
idlecoolhow to pull changes from the trunk if the current copy has a modified config file and doesnot intended to change08:37
GaryvdMidlecool: Just pull. Bazaar will maintain that working change.08:39
GaryvdMidlecool: The only thing which will make that change go away, is bzr revert08:40
idlecoolokay... let me check..08:40
idlecoolokay! i am working on a webframework, i need to install it to use it08:41
idlecooli did a checkout of the latest release and made modifications to the config file.08:42
idlecoolnow while i commit i dont want the config files to get updated nor the cache files which are created while using the framework.08:43
idlecooli just want the files which i have modified to get update while a merge, commit, push08:44
vilaidlecool: if you intend to keep these changes around, the safe way is to commit them and then *merge* from trunk instead of pulling08:44
vilaoh, you want to stay compatible with trunk08:45
vilayou are on your own then, it's always tricky to keep uncommitted changes floating around08:45
vilayou may want to try looms but you will still need to remember to always commit in the right thread (well, that's what looms are for anyway)08:46
GaryvdMI use loom to do this, but I would not recommend it for a beginner.08:46
idlecoolokay! if i dont do a bzr add then new temp/cache files will not be added.. am i getting right08:47
GaryvdMidlecool: Yes08:47
idlecoolthe only thing left will be my config file08:48
idlecoolok! then i should have  a look at loom then. hope i get it working soon. :)08:48
idlecoolanyways thanx :)08:48
awilkinspeitschie, I may have missed some ; but I find that on Windows a combo of Powershell or cygwin bash + the qbzr stuff makes for a nice compromise for missing Tortoise12:36
peitschie_awilkins: hiya :)... i have another programmer that swears by that too!12:36
awilkinsThere is TortoiseBZR of course, but I find it makes my machine thrash on the working trees that I manage12:37
awilkinsThat was a long while ago I tried it last though12:37
peitschie_i agree about tortisebzr... i like the context menu stuff... always turn off the icons atm12:37
peitschie_my poor computer has enough trouble running a few instances of VS2010 lol12:37
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
awilkinsMostly I develop on Java right now ; the bzr-eclipse plugin is OK, not really tried the one that uses qbzr12:38
awilkinsFor C# I use SharpDevelop12:38
peitschie_ahh... i did try that once a while back12:38
peitschie_sharpdevelop... i'll need to check that out12:39
Takthere's monodevelop-bzr for monodevelop ;-)12:39
awilkinsThe guts of VS with a much smaller install footprint12:39
peitschie_oh... thats cool!  I never knew12:39
awilkinsIt's not VS - it's an IDE12:39
peitschie_i've never actually been a big fan of IDE plugins for my source control tho i must say12:40
awilkinsI find the cli more fluent12:40
peitschie_awlikins: +10 lol12:40
peitschie_i am also much less liable to miss files and such12:40
awilkinsAnd bad experiences with the VSS plugin for VB6 have biased my judgement12:40
peitschie_and with bzr's auto-rename and intuitive add behaviour.... cli is very speedy and convenient12:40
peitschie_*only* thing i'd find it useful for is inline annotation somehow12:41
peitschie_but i dont know of many plugins that do that :(12:41
TakMD trunk has a nice annotation view12:41
Takone sec, I'll screenshot12:42
peitschie_oh... thats pretty hot!12:42
peitschie_i'm glad i hang out here... all neat kinds of dev tools i never realised existed!12:44
Takscreenshot, finally: http://i.imgur.com/5LNLX.png12:57
peitschie_i can never look at my poor poor VS the same again :(13:01
peitschie_i will need to forever be unsatisfied that is isn't monodevelop >_<13:01
peitschie_thanks for that Tak :)13:02
Takanother nice thing is that it has that unified UI for svn, bzr (with monodevelop-bzr) and git (sort-of, so far)13:04
GaryvdMTak: Are you the author of monodevelop-bzr?13:09
Takjelmer, me, and palango, I believe13:10
GaryvdMOh - ok - it looks cool.13:11
Takyeah - I'm dogfooding it daily, when I'm working on bzr-hosted projects13:11
peitschie_Tak: is it a lot of work to build MD from trunk?13:12
Takmmm, depends on the OS13:13
peitschie_tak: ubuntu in my private time which is wen i'd be using it :)13:14
Takon debian or ubuntu, it's pretty straightforward: apt-get build-dep monodevelop; git clone git://github.com/mono/monodevelop; cd monodevelop; ./configure && make13:14
peitschie_ahh... very straightforward!  thanks :)13:14
TakI think on ubuntu, you'd have to download and build mono-addins 0.5 from mono-project.com as well13:15
peitschie_thanks for the help Tak... i'm still trying to get it all to get together... but will tackle more tomorrow :)13:58
peitschie_hopefully tomorrow night i can get shiny new MD going :D13:58
=== oubiwann is now known as oubiwann-away
ronnyanyone knows if bzr-svn can be coerced into importing svn exernals as if they where part of the file tree16:09
=== oubiwann-away is now known as oubiwann
=== BasicPRO is now known as BasicOSX
lamalexCan I ask tarmac questions in here? I'm trying to set up the command plugin to run test suite via make check, but "verify_command = ./autogen.sh; make check" doesn't work. It can't find the commands to run. Anyone have a tip?16:30
lamalexI assume the problem is ./16:31
eydaimonhow can I set up bzr to use my own pager when doing bzr diff?18:18
zookoHm, I need this but for bzr: http://twitter.com/bos31337/status/2807263084418:24
vilazooko: bzr-fast-import ?18:31
glyphhey guys18:43
glyphthat thing that always happens to me when I try using bzr for something new just happened to me again18:43
glyphbzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.BzrCheckError: Internal check failed: Cannot add revision(s) to repository: missing chk node(s) for id_to_entry maps18:43
glyphplease tell me that there is a workaround for this18:43
dashhmm yeah i think i got this earlier18:44
dashyou're not gonna like this18:45
glyphI bet I won't18:45
glyphdash: hit me18:45
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
dashglyph: bzr reconcile --canonicalize-chks18:46
dashi think18:46
dashand you need 2.3b2, if i remember right18:46
glyphlooks like https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/48560118:47
ubot5Launchpad bug 485601 in Bazaar "missing chk node(s) for id_to_entry maps (affected: 3, heat: 15)" [Medium,Incomplete]18:47
dashyeah i may be getting this confused with a different thing.18:48
zookovila: thanks!18:53
glyphdash: As bad as my experiences have been with release versions of bzr, my experiences with versions that have 'b' in the name have not been better :)19:06
glyphI am going to see if any workarounds might help me19:07
fullermdWell, we could make some 'a' releases instead.  That might help, since 'a' is better than 'b', right?19:07
glyphwell, blowing away my shared repository and re-fetching everything seems to have fixed things for now19:54
vilapoolie: ping20:03
vilaanyone in touch or wired with poolie, thanks for forwarding ;)20:04
vilajam: ping20:16
jami vila20:16
jamwhat's up?20:16
vilajam: hey ! Can you forward my ping to poolie ?20:17
jamif I see him. he isn't right next to me20:17
vilabah, it's the revolution here, there are killing kings all over again...20:17
vilajam: ok, thnks20:18
vilawell, kings... slight exaggeration, they cancelled trains...20:18
jamvila: pretty much the same thing as beheading your national leader....20:18
* vila drools20:19
fullermdIf they behead a king WITH a train, THAT I'd pay to see.  That would be awesome.20:19
vilajam: oh, by the way the ping's TTL is a couple of hours at least20:20
vilafullermd: I wonder what kind of filter you have.... I *thought* I'll catch you with the kings but..... less than 3 minutes ? Wow20:21
fullermdWell, there's certainly no filter between my brain and my mouth; ask anybody I know.  So it stands to reason I must have REALLY good filters elsewhere, to balance things out.20:22
vila. o O (That's soo off-topic while not answering the question that it should be masterpiece of its kind...)20:25
fullermdMy work here is done.20:25
vila> bash.org20:26
jamvila: fullermd has no filter, he just sits on a socket which streams all irc conversation 24x720:29
fullermdDirect to the brain.  It makes my ear itch when people use caps lock.20:29
vilaSAY WHAT ?20:32
* fullermd scratches frantically.20:33
=== BasicPRO is now known as BasicOSX
eydaimonhow can I set up bzr to use my own pager when doing bzr diff?22:21
mgzeydaimon: bzr-pager and the PAGER env var22:22
eydaimonmy PAGER env is set. I don't seem to have a bzr-pager command22:36
mgzit's a plugin. you can get it from lp:bzr-pager if you don't already have it.22:37
eydaimonseems like an odd thing not to work with by default. but installing now22:49
eydaimon[~ki]% bzr st22:54
eydaimonbzr: ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory22:55
eydaimonI get errors no matter what I do after installing the pluign22:55
eydaimonmaybe it doesn't work with 2.2.122:56
mgzpastebin the traceback from you .bzr.log?22:57
eydaimonok, one sec22:57
mgzokay, that's pretty clear.23:02
mgzdo `$PAGER --help` in your console?23:03
mgzwhatever you've got in the var doesn't seem to be on your path.23:04
eydaimonwell, this is my pager: col -b | view -R -23:20
peitschiemornin everyone :)23:23
mgzis setting a shell expression as your pager even valid?23:29
mgzjust put that in a sh script on your disk somewhere as set your PAGER to that path.23:29
eydaimonmgz: been using it for years without an issue :)23:41
mgzit may be valid, or just happen to work with most things, I was just suggesting a way you could make bzr-pager work for you now.23:42
fullermdYou've been using it where it got expanded by the shell  :p23:42
mgzfeel free to file a bug against it tool.23:42
fullermdExec'ing that string is unlikely to work well, though...23:42
eydaimonmgz: yes, appriciated :)23:42

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