
phdpI have files with errors in their name (from windows), I'm trying to delete them but I can't. What can I do >00:42
davidearneyNew to Linux and (obviously) kubuntu. I'm having a wireless problem.00:45
davidearneyMy system is "seeing" my wireless adapter, I'm able to "see" wireless networks, but I can't connect.00:46
davidearneyI'm trying to connect to a WEP router, and I'm getting as far as authentication, and then everything stalls.00:47
davidearneyI'm on kubuntu 10.10 and I updated the network adapter drives to the BC43 drivers earlier today.00:47
davidearneyI'm using the default network manager, so I'm assuming that's knetworkmanager.00:48
EagleScreendavidearney: hello00:56
davidearneyEagleScreen: hi00:57
EagleScreenI supose you have got a Broadcom wifi card00:57
davidearney4312 to be exact00:58
EagleScreenwhat driver do you usually use? b43 or wl, know difference between them?00:58
davidearneyI am totally new to linux. this is a first install for me. I downloaded the b43 driver this afternoon.00:59
EagleScreendavidearney: which Kubuntu version?00:59
davidearneyI was able to see wireless networks last night when I installed, but I could not even get as far as I'm getting now.00:59
EagleScreendavidearney: there are two alternative drivers to use your card: 'b43': free driver (open source, included in the Linux kernel), but it requires the installaiton of non-free firmware, this sometimes cause problems with some card, overall in the LPHY models01:01
davidearneywell, whatever I installed earlier today, it was free.01:02
EagleScreenand the "wl" driver: restricted (non-free), developed by Broadcom, it is not free software but works better in some cards01:02
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davidearneySo, what you're saying is I should download and pay for Broadcom's driver.01:03
johnny77I'm having a little trouble working with the desktops. I'm new to Kubuntu and might be doing something wrong or not possible.01:03
EagleScreendavidearney: did you install b43 firmware with "Additional Drivers" assistant?01:03
EagleScreenjohnny77: ??01:04
EagleScreendavidearney: non-free does NOT means to pay01:04
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EagleScreenFree Software is the software which source code is open and public01:04
davidearneyOh, you mean proprietary drivers.01:04
davidearneynot open source.01:05
EagleScreenyes, you can use it for free01:05
EagleScreendavidearney: please open a temrinal01:07
EagleScreenK-Menu -> Applications -> system -> Terminal01:07
johnny77EagleScreen: I'm having trouble getting icons onto the desktop I want. I currently have three and if I hit add to desktop on a menu item it adds it to the second one even though I'm on the third.01:07
davidearneyOkay, I'm in Terminal. Sorry, got a phone call there.01:09
EagleScreendavidearney: type "lspci" and hit enter01:09
EagleScreenjohnny77: I dont fully understand you, could you take a screenshot and pastebin it?01:10
davidearneywhat are you looking for?01:10
EagleScreencopy the text and paste it here http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/ abd share it; i am looking for your model, it is important to know if it is lpphy branch01:11
davidearneyIt is.01:11
EagleScreenfor instance, do you see 04:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01)?01:12
davidearneyI'm lookin at it right now in the last line of the output.01:12
davidearneyThat's exactly what I see.01:12
EagleScreenokay then I recommend you the restricted "wl" driver01:12
EagleScreendavidearney: please open software management01:13
EagleScreenApplications -> System -> Software Management (Kpackagekit)01:13
EagleScreenon the search flield, look for "b43"01:13
EagleScreenand you will see some packages listed01:13
EagleScreenpackages like those: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=b43&searchon=names&suite=maverick&section=all01:14
davidearneytwo entries.01:14
yukongti am trying to use kde and gnome wit the kubuntu 10.10. is there any way to keep the kde programs out of gnome and the other way around?01:14
EagleScreenwhich are them?01:14
johnny77EagleScreen: I have three desktops. If I'm in desktop 3, click application launcher menu, find an application, right click and click "add to desktop" it will put the icon on the second desktop, not the current desktop.01:14
davidearneyand firmware-b43-lpphy-installer01:14
EagleScreenjohnny77: my KDE put it on the two Desktops I have01:15
davidearneyoh, and both of them have green check marks.01:15
EagleScreendavidearney: is the last one marked as already installed?01:16
davidearneyif that's what the green check marks mean, then yes.01:16
EagleScreenthen you must uninstall both of them01:16
EagleScreento install later the wl driver01:17
davidearneyremoving them now.01:17
EagleScreenafter you do it, you must search for bcmwl-kernel-source package and install it01:18
davidearneylet me get this straight....that driver only supports ad hoc connections......01:19
EagleScreendavidearney: the wl driver only support ad hoc connections? where did you find that information?01:22
davidearneyI am forum searching at the same time as we're talking, and I stumbled upon an erroneous comment.01:23
EagleScreenwl connects well to routers01:23
EagleScreenand it is contained in the bcmwl-kernel-source package01:24
davidearneyOkay, I'm downloading the package now.01:24
davidearneythe Linux STA driver source.01:24
davidearneyOkay, that's installed.01:25
EagleScreendavidearney: it would be useful if you could test this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bcmwl/+bug/66648301:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 666483 in bcmwl (Ubuntu) "wl module is not loaded at boot up" [Undecided,New]01:26
EagleScreenread that bug report please01:26
davidearneyread it...not that I know what I'm looking at....again, new to Linux.01:28
davidearneybut I'm assuming that I need to run sudo modprobe wl to get my card working?01:29
EagleScreenyes davidearneyyou must run it on the terminal01:30
EagleScreenbut dont worry, there is a workaround to avoid having to do it each time you boot up01:30
davidearney just ran it....01:30
EagleScreendavidearney: listen..01:31
EagleScreenthe firmware of your old b43 driver is probably still loaded inside the card,a nd it wont work with wl driver until the old firmware dissapear01:31
EagleScreento erase the old firmware you must shutdown and turn your computer off, you must completly turn off your computer and disconect it from the power suplly for at least 10 second01:32
davidearneyif you're worrying about me having to reboot....I'm on IRC here on my Mac, and the ubuntu machine is sitting beside me.01:32
EagleScreendo you understand?01:32
davidearneyyep. Do that all the time. I'm  a Windoze IT guy.01:33
davidearneytrying to change my evil ways.01:33
davidearneyrebooting now.01:33
EagleScreendisconect electric source for at least 10 seconds01:33
EagleScreenthen boot Kubuntu up and check the conenction01:34
davidearneythat would be the battery, in this case.01:34
EagleScreenplease first check it before running "sudo modprobe wl"01:35
davidearneyroger that.01:35
EagleScreenI want to see if all users are affected by that bug01:35
EagleScreenyou might not be affected01:35
davidearneyyou a Linux ddev?01:36
EagleScreennot exactly01:36
EagleScreenbut i have tried to maintain some packages in Debian01:37
davidearneywell, just as an FYI.01:37
EagleScreensubmitted some patches to Kubuntu bugs01:37
davidearneyThis machine is dual boot W7 and kUbuntu01:37
EagleScreenI think the Windows driver and the wl driver share the same firmware, so you shouldn't have problems01:38
EagleScreendavidearney: what happens with that driver?01:39
davidearneyRight now, the interface just prompted me for the passphrase.....01:39
davidearneywhich it was doing before.01:40
davidearneyNo IP Address, stuck at "Configuring interface"01:40
davidearneyand the driver is listed as "wl"01:40
EagleScreendavidearney: click on manage connections, see wireless connections recordered, remove yours, apply, accept and try to connect again01:41
EagleScreendid it connect property?01:43
davidearneyStuck on "Setting IP Address....wait....just switched to Waiting for Auth, and is prompting me for the passphrase or Hex key again.01:44
EagleScreendavidearney: you might be entering the code wrongly, or just choosing a wrong encryption type01:45
EagleScreenif your password is WEP, be sure you choose the right option (128 bits OR 40/64 bits)01:46
davidearneyI have WiFiFoFum on my iPhone...which gave me all the properties that I needed for the connection.01:46
davidearneylet me retry....01:46
EagleScreenif you password is 10 characters from 0 to 9 and from A to F then you use a 64 bits WEP01:47
davidearneyOh, my god01:47
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davidearneywhoever set up this WEP connection is a terrible person.01:47
davidearneynot only is it just 64-bit...but it's just a simple 10-digit number.01:48
davidearneyI was defaulting to 128, because I thought that might be a "little" bit better choice when they set it up 5 years ago.01:48
davidearneyby the way....I'm at my grandfather's house. Living with him for a while so I can take care of him after a hospital stay.....I'm not changing anything on his network, but I should.01:49
EagleScreenif the key is not the router's default, it is not easy to discover or to crack it01:49
EagleScreenthen did you connect?01:50
davidearneyI just did....thanks to you.01:50
EagleScreenwow.. good to hear01:50
EagleScreenso I understand that you aren't affected by the LP: #666483 Bug01:51
davidearneyyou, Sir, are a god.01:51
davidearneyI would have to agree with that assesment.01:51
davidearneyI can let you know more about my system if you would like.01:51
EagleScreenokay, useful to know01:51
davidearneymaybe dump my lspci somewhere?01:51
EagleScreendu you install from final 10.10 release CD?01:53
davidearneyBasically, yes. I downloaded the latest 10.10 iso01:53
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davidearneyEagleScreen: I really appreciate your assistance. Really01:56
EagleScreenthanks, you are welcome01:56
EagleScreenjust enjoy Linux, and share it01:57
davidearneyI will. I'm actually going to do thematic posts on my blog and twitter about my progress with Linux.01:57
davidearneyEagleScreen: I just have one more basic question.01:58
EagleScreenfeel free to ask them01:58
davidearneyI ran across some install instructions earlier today and part of the instructions were to su into root01:58
davidearneyI attempted to do this in terminal and was prompted for a password.01:59
davidearneyI used my admin password and still got told I didn't have the appropriate rights.01:59
davidearneyI haven't set any other passwords I'm aware  of...so I'm not sure what's wrong there.01:59
EagleScreenso that manual wasn't made for Ubuntu, lol01:59
davidearneyOkay, but it was under the ubuntu install instructions for OpenOffice.02:00
EagleScreenalways, first try to look for packages for applications in Kpackagekit tool or on Launchpad PPA's repositories02:00
davidearneyI know there is MOST of OO in kubuntu, but not all of OO if I am looking in the right places.02:00
davidearneycan do02:01
EagleScreenin Ubuntu you must use "sudo su" to become root02:01
davidearneythat would explain that.02:01
EagleScreenor just run any command preceded by sudo02:02
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davidearneyand I don't have a problem using kpackagekit until I get more advanced as a user.02:04
EagleScreenanother nice tool for installing and uninstalling packages is "moun" it is just another package manager, I prefer it02:05
nerdy_kidEagleScreen: except for gui apps, those get gtksu or kdesudo02:05
davidearneydoes launchpad have an installer like the kpackagekit?02:05
EagleScreenlaunchpad repositories can be added to your system and then you will see the packages in that repository in the package manager you use02:06
EagleScreenbut each project or team has their own repository02:06
davidearneyah, okay.02:06
davidearneyand I'm sure.....instructions on how to add them to your system?02:06
EagleScreentwo ways: by command line or by "graphical interface"02:07
EagleScreenchoose one02:07
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claydohhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu#Managing Repositories in Kubuntu (version 9.04 - Jaunty Jackalope and later)02:08
EagleScreennice link02:08
claydoh err https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu02:08
claydohtho I do need to update it a bit for Maverick, as kpackagekit looks a little different there02:10
davidearneyclaydoh: sweet! thanks.02:10
davidearneyEagleScreen: Thanks again. You were a great help02:11
davidearneyGlad you're so familiar with the Broadcom problem.02:11
EagleScreenyes i am because I have got one02:13
davidearneylaters all.02:14
johnny77When I am in the application launcher menu, right click on an application and pick "add to desktop" it always puts it on my second desktop doesn't matter which desktop is current.02:59
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johnny77Not trying to spam, but I had to reboot can anyone help me?03:16
johnny77I don't know what happened, but I think my KDE is totally screwed up.03:20
johnny77When I am in the application launcher menu, right click on an application and pick "add to desktop" it always puts it on my second desktop doesn't matter which desktop is current.03:32
earneydgotta admit...so far I'm liking Linux quite a bit.03:53
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chemtailThe battery monitor widget no longer has a "CPU Policy" section when editing profiles, just an "Enable system powersaving" tickbox.  How do I get the former back?05:02
chemtailIn 10.10, I should add.05:03
chemtail(and yes, I have acpi enabled and working, and can use eg. 'cpufreq-set' to change the cpu frequency, so it's working on the baser levels)05:03
jmichaelxchemtail: i have this complaint as well. seems this option has been removed... no idea why05:07
jmichaelxchemtail: chemtailby far not my only complaint about maverick05:07
chemtailwell, it fixed a few problems for me, added a few others .. my usual experience :p05:08
chemtailI've just noticed that the cooling fan is speeding up a lot more often after my upgrade to 10.1005:08
chemtailThen again, it's running non-stop once the CPU goes above 45 degrees Celcius anyway, and that goes for any distro I've ever run this laptop with (Acer Aspire 5738zg)05:09
jmichaelxchemtail: yes, that is how it goes... very dependent upon what hardware one has. however, have to constantly deal with regressions with each upgrade can be discouraging05:09
jmichaelxchemtail: with these CPU frequency-scaling settings, i have to wonder whether or not this is a KDE issue, or a kubuntu packaging issue05:10
chemtailI'm guessing it's the battery monitor expecting some cmdline utility to do the actual controlling which it can't find.05:11
jmichaelxchemtail: i have a dell inspiron e1505 laptop, and kubuntu 10.10 runs terribly on it, between the horrid intel mobile graphics performance, and this CPU freq issue05:11
chemtailI thought Intel gave out open source drivers for those things, would expect the performance to be about as good as it can get for a low-end gpu.05:13
jmichaelxchemtail: with 10.10, MAJOR regressions appeared05:14
jmichaelxi am planning to either re-install 10.04(.1) on this laptop, or else go with fedora 14 (providing it does not have this same problem)05:15
chemtailConsidering how some things improved and others stopped working, I'm just gonna do what I always do when I can't solve it in a few hours.05:15
chemtailSit back and wait for the laptop to grow old enough that all the issues are fixed.05:16
jmichaelxchemtail: i dunno, i would have thought that at 4 years old, this lappy was already well-seasoned... i actually retrieved this laptop froma trash pile05:17
chemtailok, that's a little disappointing then05:17
jmichaelxi pulled 2 laptops out of a recycle pile at the small college where i work in as many days05:18
chemtailfree hardware.!05:19
chemtaili like making servers from old laptops05:19
chemtailthey fit in my closet05:19
jmichaelxyep. i am not the type that usually wins anything, but i hit the jackpot during that E-waste drive05:19
jmichaelxchemtail: i had thought about doing just that! i am wanting to set up a web-server in my apartment.... i was not sure how well a laptop would stand up to always being on, etc.05:20
jmichaelxso, today, i finally ordered a bare-bones "mini-top" from newegg... for $21005:20
chemtailin my experience it's mainly about how much dust it gathers and whether or not it's on the floor or some other relatively cool area.05:21
chemtailhave an old 1.2Ghz doing various duties that's on 24/7 all year05:22
jmichaelxwell, i think this mini-top will do the trick... plus serve as an HTPC.... AT $200, i am really impressed with the specs05:22
jmichaelxchemtail: that is awesome05:22
chemtaili've only ever seen one die from such at a friend's place, after running in a smoke-filled room for a year05:22
jmichaelxi have a desire to switch entirely to low-wattage systems, over time05:25
chemtailnothing beats an old laptop for a cheap server, imo.  built-in keyboard, mouse and monitor for fixing and debugging, usually runs quiet, small and easy to move, built-in UPS ..05:27
chemtailand, as you mentioned, low on power consumption by design05:27
jmichaelxyes, i like the idea a lot, and have seen where others have used laptops as servers in areas where low energy consumption was essential05:29
jmichaelxvery strange, my router/WAP just went down05:36
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zito-j pontevedra_joven05:58
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RadSurferis there a repository for 'w32codecs' ?06:42
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org06:45
nixternalRadSurfer: /home/nixternal/Downloads/jfmtt.png06:45
nixternalthat won't work :)06:45
nixternalhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu  <- but that will06:46
RadSurferw32codecs_20071007-0medibuntu2.1_i386.deb  14M apparently :-)06:47
RadSurferw32codecs depends on libstdc++5 (>= 1:3.3.4-1); however: Package libstdc++5 is not installed.06:49
RadSurferwell, thats no good!06:49
RadSurferwhat do I do now?06:50
RadSurferI package contains 'libstdc++5' ?06:51
RadSurferOk. wonder if this works now06:54
moetunes!find libstdc++507:01
ubottuFile libstdc++5 found in libstdc++507:01
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level1I'm trying to boot from a pen drive.  I get the splash screen, but it never moves beyond that.  When I switch to the VTs, there are blank.  I'm thinking of trying one of the boot options to see if that helps.  Does anyone have any suggestions?08:15
level1hmmm I tried all the options and it worked, apparently08:18
bionegative<level1> ctrl+alt+F2 login and startx may allso work from that point.08:25
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bushwakkoanyone know how to get networkmanager to connect with vpnc? I got it to configure it, and it appears in the task bar thingy, but there is no connect button or anything10:57
bionegative<bushwakko>If you have it configured allready try just "/etc/init.d/networking restart" and see what happens11:54
bushwakkobionegative: I havent check connect automatically, because I don't want that11:55
bionegativeis it up in "ifconfig"11:57
bionegativei have had simillar problem but restarting network worked for me.11:58
phoenix_i am not able to connect my nokia phone to my computer using bluedevil12:22
edonhi, sound is not working on kde it says "The audio playback device HDA Intel (CONEXANT Analog) does not work", this is the default device i used, and it used to work before, but i switched the default device for hdmi output, and when i switched back it didn't work12:26
phoenix_edon: did you restart after that12:29
edonphoenix_: yes12:29
phoenix_edon: did it aked you to remove the device?12:29
phoenix_edon: did it asked you to remove the device?12:29
edonphoenix_: yes it did, i said no12:30
phoenix_edon: did you change any bios settings, like "disable onboard audio"?12:30
edonphoenix_: no, it works well with mplayer and  firefox, just not in amarok and whatever uses phonon i guess12:31
DarthFrogedon: Have you checked the devices set to receive output in System Settings/Multimedia/Phonon?12:32
edonDarthFrog: yes, the default one (which i used to use) is disabled now, it's grey12:33
edoneven though it's the default one12:33
phoenix_edon: is your device visible in the phonon output devices12:33
edonphoenix_: yes, but it says this device is currently not available12:34
DarthFrogIs Pulseaudio set to be the active device?12:35
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edonDarthFrog: how do you set that? I use Xine as a backend on phonon12:37
DarthFrogNot there.  In the output device section.12:37
DarthFrogXine or gstreamer, should make no difference.12:38
edonDarthFrog: there is one device with the name Playback/recording through pulseaudio sound server, it's the last option to use, and it is active12:39
DarthFrogYou need to configure Pulseaudio, I believe.  Well, I had to, and it's still working for me. :-)  YMMV.12:39
DarthFrogTry this: "sudo apt-get install pavumeter paman padevchooser paprefs"   Then run padevchooser, which will put an applet in your System Tray.  Use that to configure Pulseaudio.12:40
vietco ai o day ko12:41
vietanswer me plz12:41
edonDarthFrog: ok i will try that, thanks12:41
DarthFrogedon: Good luck.  Let us know how it works.12:41
vietwho are you12:42
vietand what is this programe for :)12:42
vietjust chatting or st else ?12:42
DarthFrog!kubuntu | viet12:42
ubottuviet: kubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde12:42
DarthFrogviet: If you want to chat, go to #kubuntu-offtopic12:43
vietyou are user or helpdesk ?12:43
DarthFrogEverybody here is a user.12:44
vietthanks :D12:44
vieti have a problem with WINE12:45
vietwhen i click on Browse in C:12:45
DarthFrogviet: You might get the help you need in #wine.12:45
phoenix_i am not able to connect my nokia phone to my computer using bluedevil, can any one help me12:45
bazhangviet, try #winehq12:46
edonDarthFrog: i just made that device the default one and it seems to be working, thanks for all the help12:50
DarthFrogedon: Glad to hear it.  Glad I was able to help.12:50
* DarthFrog thinks that those packages should be installed by default and padevchooser run by default, if PulseAudio is going to be the default sound server on Kubuntu.12:51
DarthFrogSound in Linux is a mess, a real dog's breakfast.12:52
viethow can i install sound in kubuntu :|12:55
vietno sound for music :-s12:55
vietanyone can help, plz ?12:56
progre55hi guys. I have ubuntu + kubuntu-desktop, but using the KDM session all the time. When I have a dual monitor, and the second monitor is a bit bigger, and I click on the "empty space" under the smaller monitor, I loose the kdm desktop and have the gdm desktop instead, with the wallpaper I've installed on my ubuntu. Any suggestions, please?12:58
DarthFrogUmm, don't do that?13:01
progre55DarthFrog: well, not on purpose of course =)13:33
sergapoHi people13:33
sergapoanybody know why mp4 video play very slowly in ubuntu 10.1013:35
johnny77I'm having trouble with the virtual desktops. No matter which desktop is current, if I click "add to desktop" from the application launcher menu it puts the icon in the same desktop.13:38
BluesKajHey folks13:42
DarthFrogHide the cheese!  BluesKaj is here!13:43
hsquaredhi all, something severe crashed my kubuntu; what is the default panel software for kubuntu?13:44
BluesKajhavarti ftw ...hi DarthFrog :)13:44
BluesKajhsquared, plasma13:44
hsquaredthanks, I'll check if this is installed13:45
hsquaredthen xfce4 stuff is not wanted13:46
BluesKajhsquared, rifgt click on the desktop/add panel13:46
BluesKajxfce isn't kubuntu13:46
hsquaredI found plenty of those "recover my taskbar" faq entries, but the problem seems togo deeper13:47
DarthFrogXfce4 is Xubuntu.13:47
BluesKajkubuntu is kde desktop13:47
hsquaredright click unfortunatelly does not work any more :-/13:47
BluesKajit won't help on xfce, hsquared ...ask in #xubuntu13:48
DarthFrogXubuntu has its own charms.  I like it on low-powered systems, esp. laptops.13:48
hsquaredis there a way to force reinstall plasma with it's default options?13:48
hsquaredI can't even start "plasma-desktop from Alt+F2"13:49
hsquaredsorry " went wrong13:49
hsquaredah, plasma is not installed :-)13:50
hsquaredI'll try that13:50
BluesKajhsquared, we assumed you have kde desktop..pls join #xubuntu for your solution13:50
hsquaredwell, one day I had kubuntu installed and I want my KDE back13:51
hsquaredso, plasma was the right way, yep?13:51
DarthFroghsquared: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"13:52
hsquaredI tried sudo apt-get install plasma-desktop13:52
* BluesKaj shakes his head13:53
hsquaredand startet plasma-desktop13:53
hsquaredthat worked13:53
hsquaredDarthFrog: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" will reinstall kubuntu completely?13:53
DarthFrogre-install?  No.  Install, yes, if it's not already there.13:54
DarthFrogIt's a meta-package that will gather in dependencies.13:54
hsquaredo.k., understand that13:55
hsquaredthe install once was a Kubuntu 9.04 from a CD, so KDE of course13:56
hsquaredthen went to 9.10 and today to 10.04 LTS13:56
hsquaredthat should be fine for a while13:56
hsquaredhow plasma was lost ... better don't ask13:57
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:57
DarthFroghsquared: How about this: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade".  All on one line.13:57
hsquaredwell, it's back, and looks good. Thanks for your help.13:57
hsquaredDarthFrog: that would take me to 10.10, right? I think 10.04 is fine for the moment.13:58
BluesKajhs noaXess that will upgrade your desktop , to upgrade to 10.10 the command is sudo do-release-upgrade13:59
BluesKajoops hsquared13:59
noaXessBluesKaj: hey.. :)...14:00
DarthFroghsquared: No, that will simply bring your 10.04 system up to date.14:00
BluesKajhi , srry i mistyped the tab14:00
noaXessBluesKaj: no prob... you wanted to just bring me away from business ;)..14:00
hsquaredDarthFrog:  thank you, I'll try that then.14:00
johnny77I have three desktops, and if I click "add to desktop" in the application launcher menu it always adds it to desktop 2, not the current desktop. Anyone help?14:00
BluesKajaha, noaXess ..time for a break, anyway :)14:01
noaXessBluesKaj: espresso ;).. enjoy14:01
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!14:04
hsquaredo.k. guys, I say a big thank you, you brought a lot of relief with a few lines of commands, thanks!14:06
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JuJuBeeIve been using NIS for login for several years now.  I always have problems with yppasswdd not running on the NIS Master.  I am considering switching to LDAP .  Anyone know a good how to for a noob to set up ldap?  Im using 10.04 both server and clients14:24
sander__*JuJuBee -> http://www.opinsys.fi/en/setting-up-openldap-on-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-part214:29
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BluesKajI'm running maverick on our media server pc , and for some reason if I open a  file with kate in the run command the fonts on the the toolbar are very small ( the monitor is a 42" plasma tv). However if I open saved and edited text files in kate the toolbar fonts set to the settings in /system settings / application appearance14:58
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lontrahi, how i can make kde start w/ desktop effects by default... i always have to over ride it with alt+shift+f1216:32
lontraalso my apps always open slow initially ... and i have a quick computer. this is unrelated to kde but i am curious if something might be up with localhost or something and that's why they open slowly16:32
node808this is a dead channel17:06
urgenI think it has to do with noise vs signal17:08
urgenbeing the default channel for quassel17:08
urgenthat means lots of people who are neophytes parking here17:08
urgenand then the vast number of diconnects making it difficult to hold a conversation17:09
urgenquassel should have set the default to #quassel17:09
urgenbut then they'd be swamped there :-)17:09
urgenit is nice to try to help people learn about IRC but pre-configuring an IRC client isn't that helpful17:10
urgenI do like the irc://irc.freenode.net/kubuntu protocol option17:10
urgenif you could extend that to also configure the standard requirements of a connection I think we'd have this problem solved17:11
urgenof course, by the time you see this it will have scrolled off the end of your buffer due to the timeouts17:13
urgenand we'll be back to dead channel state again17:13
Guest34103how to find out size of file?17:27
KukuNutls -al file17:29
Guest34103but easier?17:30
Guest34103it is acceptable17:31
Picils -alh   may be better17:31
KukuNutGuest34103: how much easier do you want?17:32
Guest34103throw kate editor directly17:32
Guest34103without dance with tambourine17:32
urgenno dance and tambourine! oh man!17:33
KukuNutGuest34103: if you are in dolphin, right click file and select properties. is that easy enough?17:34
urgenit sounds like Guest34103 is looking for a way to keep a running tab on the document size as it is being typed17:34
urgeninside the editor17:34
Guest34103KukuNut  this path get me 2B ..... but file is 3800 bytes  (through right button)17:35
urgenyes, I see a document browser tab17:37
Guest34103microkontroller requires precision in file size! so guys!   it is not ping-pong... it is microcontroller17:37
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assdriverso what.... thanks17:39
FushigidaneI'm completly new to kubuntu and i havea  question17:39
assdriverFushigidane ok17:39
Fushigidanehow do i install java?17:39
assdriverFushigidane apt-get install java17:39
assdriverFushigidane sudo apt-get install java17:40
assdriverurgen do you have question too?17:40
Fushigidaneterminal says it's unable to locate itve looked around and its confusing. can17:40
Fushigidane*terminal says it's unable to locate it17:40
assdriverFushigidane terminal can't say .... terminal write17:41
Fushigidanehar har17:41
urgenFushigidane, use KPackageKit17:41
Fushigidaneim not sure what to do after i open it17:42
assdriverFushigidane  yes... use KPackageKit17:42
urgenit says Search Packages17:42
KukuNutFushigidane: sudo aptitude search java to find find out the pkg name17:42
KukuNutFushigidane: then aptitude install pkg-name17:43
urgenbut it won't find brand name things17:43
urgenonly open source17:43
Fushigidaneis it 'OpenJDK Java Runtime' ?17:43
urgensome java applications require Sun/Oracle version17:43
urgensome don't mind17:43
urgenRuntime does most of the jobs you need17:43
urgendoes OpenJDK show a X or an empty box?17:44
urgenoh I mean a downpointing arrow17:45
Fushigidaneall i see is the name, description, and the little gnome dude17:45
Fushigidanewhen i click on it it offers the option to install17:45
urgenwhat do you need java for?17:45
urgenjust web stuff?17:45
Fushigidaneyeah, and later il lprobably purchase minecraft17:46
urgenso when you install things often there are 'dependencies' and sometimes some components can conflict with other installed packages17:46
urgenso when you go to install something it will often pop up a list of things that it thinks have to happen before it can proceed with your request17:47
urgenyou need to read that list to make sure something else that is essential to how you do business in linux isn't being uninstalled17:47
urgenmost the time just adding other dependencies doesn't hurt17:48
Fushigidanethis copy of kubuntu is completly fresh, if that helps17:48
urgenso it would be nice to add some other sources to your package manager17:48
Fushigidaneim still unsure what to do17:48
urgenit only knows the opensource licenses17:48
Fushigidanehow do i add more sources then?17:49
urgenthere are other package libraries that allow you free use but the license does not allow free distribution in the fresh install17:49
Fushigidanei dont even know what that means17:50
urgenthat's why I mentioned it17:50
urgenthis is an essential homework lesson17:50
urgenall people new to any linux have to learn about sources17:50
Fushigidanewilling to learn17:51
urgenin kpackagekit is says Settings17:51
urgenthen there is Edit Software Sources17:51
urgenbefore we change anything we should learn what a software source is, what it does, and how to find out where to get some new ones17:51
urgenso the lesson is medium sized17:51
urgentakes just a little while to focus on17:51
FushigidaneI'm guessing a source is a database17:52
urgenone of the critical ones is the source that manages security updates17:52
urgenthe master library of all bug fixes and hole patches17:53
urgenthat's already built in17:53
urgenthe ones they leave out are the fun ones17:53
urgenso click Edit Software Sources17:54
urgenand then it should ask you for your admin password17:54
Fushigidane'edit origins'?17:54
crunch2Hi,  i would like to know how can i change the permission of files with extension .llf inside of  a folder to read and write? thks in advance17:54
urgencrunch2, did you already find: http://www.manpagez.com/man/1/chmod/17:55
urgenFushigidane, it doesn't say edit origins here but maybe yours is slightly different version than mine17:56
urgenwhat happens if you click that?17:56
Fushigidanebrings up the 'software sources' window with5 tabs17:57
urgenso on the first tab are all those boxes checked?17:57
crunch2urgen:  i was giving a look but cant find any suitable example17:58
paddyI am buying a new computer and have no clue about what video card would would need. A must have is dual monitor support at 1600x1200 through dvi. 3D-wise I would like to run xplane very smoothly an the full monitor resolution with high graphics settings; any recommendations?17:58
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urgencrunch2, sudo chmod a+rw filename.llf17:59
Fushigidaneyes: Canonical-supported open source software (main); Community-maintained open source software (nuiverse); proprietary drivers for devices (restricted) ; software restricted by copyright or legal issues (multiverse); and source code17:59
urgenFushigidane, so you can see that there are lots of googley clues here to search on for more background17:59
urgenin my tab called Other Software I have a rather long list of extras that I've added17:59
crunch2urgen: do you know if i can add to the command something like *.llf* to give rw permissions to all files that have extension .lllf18:00
urgenbecause I've wanted to add things like Google Chrome18:00
crunch2urgen: *.llf18:00
urgencrunch2, sudo chmod a+rw *.llf18:01
urgenif you are in the directory that you want to change things in18:01
crunch2urgen:  thnks! and what about to give rw permissions to all users?18:02
urgenthe a means all users18:02
urgenthe plus means add this change18:03
urgenthe r is read the w is write18:03
urgenx means execute18:03
urgenso chmod a+xrw whatever.file means do whatever you want18:03
urgenwhich, of course, is not safe to give to just anyone18:03
urgenchmod a-rw whatever.file means take that permission away18:04
urgenor chmod a-x18:04
urgenFushigidane, here's a good orientation landmark: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu18:08
urgenthat provides a great example of what I am talking about18:08
Fushigidanewould that one have java?18:09
Machtini don't get it.. i got those kernel processes (red in htop) which use up my cpu.. but i'd love to know what it is that uses up my cpu.. it's not in the process list18:09
Fushigidanei hope i typed al lthat out correctly anyway18:11
urgenanyway, now you are getting warmed up to the drill, eh?18:12
Fushigidanei use 10.10. will this link still apply?18:12
urgenit is very important to let your package management system control installation of software because linux is a tightly woven web of systems18:13
urgenknocking one out of whack makes the whole platform unstable and eventually die in "dependency hell"18:13
FushigidaneCould not obtain a write lock on the cache, falling back to read-only mode. You won't be able to install, remove or upgrade packages. However, you can still search in the package database and browse packages. You apparently do not have sufficient permissions to install or remove programs. You may need to run this program as user root (or through kdesudo) to gain write access.18:13
urgenso we try to keep things lined up in such a way that smooth transitions are introduced when there are upgrades and updates18:13
Fushigidanewrong text18:14
urgenthat one says you need to have used your admin password to make changes18:14
urgenyou got 10.10 .. hmn I'm behind the times :-)18:15
node808urgen, I was able to see your response to my dead channel comment..informative...thank you18:15
Fushigidanethe text i was trying to copy basically says failed to fetch cdrom18:16
urgenso you18:16
urgensee that the cdrom is a box checked in your list of sources18:16
urgenuncheck it18:16
urgenunless you want to put the cdrom in everytime you do an update18:17
urgenwhich is already "old" software anyway18:17
Fushigidanegood to know18:17
urgenwe only want current stuff running18:17
urgenthe cdrom saves time if you have a slow connection18:18
Fushigidaneseems to have worked (?) that time. no cd-rom was asked for18:18
urgenwhen you add new sources it has to re-index the catalog of known software18:19
urgenthat's what it was trying to do18:19
urgenand it wanted to walk through the cdrom again to make sure things hadn't changed there too18:19
Fushigidane:| because a CD-rom will change itself over time through magic. lol18:20
urgenya it's *almost* smart18:20
Fushigidaneand now i know why it isnt needed to be checked18:20
urgenso, also, in linux,,, even though it seems more less easy, is to see how these graphical interfaces are doing basic command line jobs18:22
urgenso in terminal you type: sudo apt-get update18:22
urgenand: sudo apt-get upgrade18:22
urgenand you see the basic process that all these bells and whistles are accomplishing behind the scenes18:23
urgenthis means go update your list of what is considered current18:23
urgenand make only safe changes that won't tip the apple cart so that we are as current as can be expected18:23
urgenwhich is something the system tries to do automagically all the time now18:24
Fushigidanedoing that now, also, did everythign under the 'addding the repository' are for medibuntu18:24
urgenbut we use to have to do manually18:24
Fushigidane*area for18:24
urgenya so now you can add media related tools18:24
urgenwhich is always nice18:24
urgensupport for various movie and audio formats18:25
urgenFushigidane, so,,,,, http://aroundtheweb.info/2010/10/install-sun-java-ubuntu-10-10-maverick-meerkat-official-partner-repository/18:28
urgenI am finding some 10.10 helpful hints in google18:28
urgen"adding sun java to ubuntu 10.10"18:28
urgenbrings up stuff that should look familiar now18:29
urgenand will add the ability to add Sun Java18:29
urgenwhich I get better mileage with than the open java version(s)18:29
urgenit is suppose to be all the same but isn't18:29
urgeneach evolutionary path has subtle differences that add up after a while18:30
urgenand Java will probably die now that Oracle owns Sun18:30
urgenApple already depricated it18:31
urgenjust like Flash18:31
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Fushigidaneokay trying it now. was afk18:33
Fushigidaneknow of anything off-hand i can use to test and see if it works?18:36
urgendo add sun java after you add the repository18:37
urgenjust adding the repository does not install the software18:37
urgengo back to search and type java and then pick the one that says Sun JRE18:37
urgenit may want to uninstall the other java version first18:37
Fushigidane'' something is wrong. java is not working ''18:38
urgenwhich you should allow18:38
lontrawhat's the global menubar for kubuntu called?18:38
lontranevermind ;)18:38
Fushigidanei don't see it :/18:38
urgen6 is current18:39
Fushigidanesays it's installed, but nothing is working18:39
urgenso there's a conflict18:39
Fushigidaneas well as -plugins -fonts and -bin18:39
urgenor, ya, the plugin is not in the right place18:40
Fushigidaneoh boy i know this is gonna be good news18:40
urgenor the permissions are not correct18:40
Fushigidaneokay, as a new guy i can honestly say... wut?18:40
urgenof course18:40
urgenanyone can18:41
Fushigidaneso where do i go from here?18:41
urgenthis lesson in patience is completely the norm in linux18:41
Fushigidanegood thing im patient18:41
urgenwell.. there was a suggestion earlier18:42
urgenone that mentioned aptitude18:42
urgenaptitude has bigger muscles than the GUI or just simple apt18:42
urgenit knows how to find conflicts and resolve them18:42
urgenbut it also requires more savvy18:42
urgenmaybe we set that up as plan B18:43
urgenwith plan A being, 1. click Software Updates, do what it say, and 2. then, if things still are not working, uninstall all java things and reinstall only sun versions18:44
Fushigidaneupdating now. there were only 218:44
urgenit's always a good idea to keep good notes as you make changes so you can walk back down the path in reverse if you need to, later18:45
urgenor to explain to someone else what's been going on18:45
Fushigidanea lady bug (which i assume is a bug patch) and a shiled with an !18:45
urgenyes, install them all18:45
Fushigidaneokay now for part 218:45
urgenyou can click the + to see some details18:45
urgengood stuff to learn about as it goes18:45
jacksonjeanyone have advice on how to get daul monitor setups to persist between logons?18:45
Fushigidanestill broke. uninstalling18:45
urgenjacksonje, I can't recall the trick required for that one18:46
Fushigidaneafter it's uninstalled, do i have to do anything special, like 'sudo update'?18:48
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Fushigidaneokay its all uninstalled18:51
Fushigidanehmm... sun java isnt even appearing in the list now18:52
Fushigidaneoops my bad filter fail18:53
Fushigidaneokay so i have to option to D/L sun-java6 -bin, -demo, -fonts, -javadb, -jdk, -jre, -plugin, and -source18:54
Fushigidaneurgen, dod i install all of them than?18:55
urgenwell.. I'm thinking in some of the how to add sun java to 10.10 articles18:56
urgenthey had some helpful command line rm file scripts18:56
urgento 'deep scrub'18:57
sresuError: <kstartupconfig4 does not exist or fails. The error code is 3. Check>. This error occurs after booting the system. Before allowing me log in, there comes a small dialog box in the top left of the screen displaying the error and allowing me only to press Okay. Afterwards it continues to log in. How to fix thiss error?18:57
urgenbecause the uninstalls don't always get everything18:57
urgenno on bin, demo, db, jdk, and source.. yes on jre and plugin18:58
urgenalthough jdk is the full version and jre is lite18:59
urgenso sometimes you need some of that extra stuff, but not too often18:59
urgenbetter to just go lite until you need it18:59
urgensudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin19:01
urgenis what ubuntuguide.org says19:01
francisco_tHi, I installed 4.5.2 from kubuntu-ppa... Should I keep activated ppa?19:01
Fushigidaneokay says i need to system restart. brb19:04
urgenso.. I'm guessing that you want to keep your distribution in step with your package sources19:06
urgennot sure how that matches with your question as I've not installed ppa sources19:06
Fushigidane_okay back19:07
Fushigidane_YAY IT WORKS :D19:07
Fushigidane_thank you thank you thank you19:07
urgenand now you are officially a genius like the rest of us19:07
Fushigidane_not likley, i was dropped a lot19:07
urgenbut the dance is always very similar19:08
urgenand once you been through the steps it gets easier19:08
Fushigidane_okay, things i learned today. Terminal is your friend. Sudo update and sudo upgrade sometimes necessary. get more sources.19:08
urgenfrancisco_t, is just asking a similar question but regarding a different repository19:08
urgenat least I hope it was a similar question19:11
francisco_tI upgraded to 4.5.2... I'm not sure if there is "experimental" packages in the kubuntu-ppa, and I should disable the ppa, but you are right, because if i need install another kde apps for example, i need keep the same version19:14
francisco_tthanks urgen :)19:14
francisco_tAnd... from kubuntu-ppa the kde 4.5.2 will move to official ubuntu updates repository in maverick?19:16
sresuCan anyone help me with my question?19:18
urgenbetter to ask the question first19:20
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sresuurgen: Its already asked b4, please scroll so that I don't flood..19:40
LogicallyDashingDesktop effects work fine on startup, but gradually slow down as I open and close applications--then stay slow when I don't have any open anymore. Any idea why this might be?19:41
sresuurgen: Error: <kstartupconfig4 does not exist or fails. The error code is 3. Check>. This error occurs after booting the system. Before allowing me log in, there comes a small dialog box in the top left of the screen displaying the error and allowing me only to press Okay. Afterwards it continues to log in. How to fix this error?19:41
urgensresu check permissions?19:44
urgenlike something in your home directory accidentally changed during an update19:44
urgenfor instance check that .ICEauthority is not owned by root19:47
ubuntuFTWCan someone help me here, or is there a different channel I have to go?19:52
ubuntuFTWSeriously go fuck Ubuntu.19:53
sresuurgen: .ICEauthority right?19:58
sresuurgen: No its not owned by root19:59
urgenanything else?20:00
urgenlike .Xauthority?20:00
urgenI'm not totally familiar with that error, but the stage of the game it shows up in suggests something has changed during configuration/launch20:01
sresuurgen: Yes, I see that. .Xauthority is also not owned by root20:02
sresuurgen: And I'm not sure what all things to be checked for such error, hence the question20:02
urgenI found this in a google search:20:03
urgenI may have found a workaround. For some reason ~/.kde belongs to root in my system. If that's your case, run20:03
urgensomeone else had .kde changed and the same error that you got showed up20:03
urgensudo chown -R username.username /home/username/.kde20:04
urgenthat's why I gave you a general clue20:04
urgenlook around see what you see20:04
sresuurgen: Please link me to that search page20:04
sresuurgen: Thanks. I'll see :)20:05
urgenAfter you install KDE, you have .kde folder inside your home directory [/home/yourusername/.kde]. Remove/Rename(recommended) that to something else.20:06
urgen [hossain@localhost ~]$ mv .kde/ kdebackup20:06
urgendifferent solution, similar20:06
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nafrihello, i want to monitor(view logs/messages/connections etc) coming on my telnet server20:35
nafrihow can i do that? which log file should i tail/monitor?20:35
metatagghey guys! how come my widgets wont let me resize or move them?20:42
metataggthey just pop back to the same position they had before i tried to edit them20:44
metatagganyone got a clue?20:50
daniel_is there a good place where i could post a "kubuntu installation experience feedback" ? :)20:54
sresumetatagg: Are your widgets locked?20:57
radarIs anyone else haveing a problem with KRfb?21:03
radaranyone here?21:04
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rorkyes, there are people here but not everybody is looking every minute21:06
radarI am having a problem with VNC and KDE desktop sharing...The screen intermitently goes black then comes back. it has worked fine for a week now these issues are happening on my work pc and iphone21:07
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radar225i think i see my problem21:18
radar225does anyone here use desktop sharing with vnc? I just found my problem but dont know the solution and forum search does not yield my problem21:21
30BAADNJNhi all, can i install both java-sun-6 jre and java-sun-5 jre? (and choise which one i want to use depending on my apps?)21:31
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alesansince the new kubuntu I am facing a ton of bugs21:32
alesanis there any way I can report them?21:32
BluesKaj30BAADNJN, is java acting up or not working ?21:32
alesanso maybe they are fixed?21:32
MauiBluesKaj: i'm running java-sun-6 now, but i need 1.5 version to compile and run my code21:33
BluesKajwhat bugs , alesan ?21:34
alesanBluesKaj, the "sleep" functin is absolutely unusable21:36
alesanmost of the times, if I "suspend to ram", it does not suspend... and I need to shutdown21:36
alesaneven if I make it to suspend mode, most of the times it does not wakeup21:36
alesanwhen I connect my second monitor, the task bar always moves to it21:37
BluesKajalesan, yeah, I've seen that mentioned , but dunno if it's fixed21:37
alesanwhile I wish to keep on the original monitor21:37
alesanthe taskbar itself is badly colored when I move it to my main monitor21:38
BluesKajMaui, perhaps if you logged on a sa different user , you could run 1.521:38
alesanwhen I detach from the docking station the desktop disappears21:38
alesansometimes the screen goes blank, sometimes the desktop seem to think it is a higher resolution and I cannot use the task bar anymore21:38
MauiBluesKaj, thank you :) i'll try with another user21:39
Mauisee u21:39
Eniakhey everyone ;) how's it goin ?21:41
alesanBluesKaj is there anything I can do to report bugs?21:41
Eniaki have to refresh many times in any browser on kubuntu to display the site21:42
Eniakdoes anybody know what can i do to fix that small problem?21:42
danie568is there a good place where i could post a "kubuntu installation experience feedback" ? :)21:43
DickieCHi, peeps21:54
DickieCNo onen talking here...?21:55
danie568well, me :)21:57
DickieCHello, danie568.21:57
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caligais there a good place where i could post a "kubuntu installation experience feedback" ? :)22:02
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit22:26
apparlehi guys22:37
apparlehow to install compiz on kubuntu?22:37
roger_apparle: apt-get install compiz ccsd ?22:49
apparlewha is ccsd?22:49
apparle!info ccsd22:50
ubottuPackage ccsd does not exist in maverick22:50
roger_compiz settings control panel22:50
apparleI installed and enabled compiz-kde22:51
apparleall the title bars have disappeared22:52
roger_apparle: open the konsole and type compiz --replace22:52
Sonic132Anyone know how to install the Cricket A600 USB Modem in Kubuntu 10.04? I tried the whole flipflop.sh thing and while it outputted a lot of information. It didn't seem to add anything to Network Config. What am I doing wrong? Also, I only have one Cricket modem. So if I try this I have to d/c and r/c to post more.22:55
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Sonic132So anyone know how to install the Cricket Cal-comp A600 usb modem in Kubuntu 10.04? I tried the flipflop.sh thing and the lsusb doesn't show it installed. Also it doesn't show up under Network Config.23:17
noaXesshow can i fix that? warning, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 41567 package 'virtualbox-3.0':23:22
noaXesserror in Version string '3.0.12-54655_Ubuntu_karmic': invalid character in revision number23:22
Sonic132Is that like a broken package? Booting in recovery mode gives the option to fix broken packages. But I'm no expert.23:23
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Sonic132Trying to figure out how to (1)Get the video to work in other modes than 'safe graphics mode' and also. (2)Figure out how to install the Cal-Comp A600 Cricket Usb modem...under Kubuntu 10.0423:25
Sonic132Also, I guess I'll go do my yard work. I'll be back later. Maybe someone can help me then.23:36
raikoanybody here??23:55

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