
LPCIBotProject db-devel build (105): SUCCESS in 4 hr 0 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/105/01:55
=== Ursinha-bbl is now known as Ursinha
wallyworldanyone running launchpad and storm 0.18, psycopg2 2.2 successfully? release notes for storm 0.18 implies this should work now?02:36
wallyworldi still get the famous ProgrammingError: operator does not exist: text = bytea02:36
wallyworldoh well, back to  psycopg 2.1.302:37
wgrantwallyworld: It's not a Storm bug.02:38
wgrantIt's a Launchpad one.02:38
wgrantStorm has been 2.2-compatible for a while now, IIRC.02:38
wallyworldyeah, but i thought that it could also be fixed in the storm layer as well? clearly i was wrong :-)02:39
LPCIBotProject devel build (161): FAILURE in 3 hr 58 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/161/02:39
wallyworldi just saw in the storm 0.18 release notes that "- Make storm compatible with psycopg2 2.2 " assumed :-)02:40
* mwhudson waves05:26
* thumper waves at mwhudson05:47
* thumper EODs05:47
LPCIBotProject devel build (162): STILL FAILING in 3 hr 29 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/162/06:09
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=jtv][ui=none][no-qa] Improved tests for06:09
LPCIBottranslations.ProductSeriesView and ProductSeriesLanguagesView.06:09
LPCIBotLaunchpadObjectFactory does not require a language code for06:09
LPCIBotPOFiles and such anymore.06:09
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=edwin-grubbs][ui=none][bug=664060] Allow bug supervisors to06:09
LPCIBotconfigure the bug tracker section of their project.06:09
jtvbye thumper06:11
henningeI wonder how to get check_permission working in a unit test (a view test).06:15
henningeI thought "login_person" would do the trick but it seems not.06:16
henningeIt always returns "True"06:16
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
henningeIt may be a layer thing.06:34
adeuringgood morning08:38
thumpermrevell: morning10:16
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thumpermrevell: thanks for the bug reports, I'll get on to it :)10:16
mrevellthanks thumper :) I'll probably file a couple more later and also reply to poolie's comments10:19
thumpermrevell: I've got some ideas, and jml suggested just getting something going so you can then suggest improvements10:19
mrevellCool, I'd be happy to do that, yeah10:20
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lifelessjml: around?12:31
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
jmllifeless: sort of12:42
lifelessjml: could I get your stamp on the layers patch12:42
lifelessfor ec2land12:42
jmllifeless: sure12:42
lifelessthank you12:42
lifelessjml: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~lifeless/launchpad/zope.testing/+merge/39423 for easy reference12:48
lifelessjml: thank you13:04
lifelessUrsinha: we might want to run the stuff that does 'fixed by a commit' at high frequency - or is it the tagger?13:13
matsubarabac, around?13:13
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LPCIBotProject devel build (163): STILL FAILING in 3 hr 57 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/163/13:53
lifelessflacoste: ping13:59
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
StevenKleonardr: Hi, are you around?14:02
leonardrStevenK: yes14:03
StevenKleonardr: There seems to be a change made recently with launchpadlib that it wants to write to /root/.launchpadlib during the test suite14:03
leonardrStevenK: this is when you're testing launchpad, or are you using launchpadlib trunk?14:04
StevenKleonardr: So the slaves are connected to as root, and then I sudo to a hudon user.14:04
StevenKleonardr: Sorry, this is when Hudson is running the full test suite on its build slaves14:04
StevenKlifeless: Speaking of Hudson, you wanted a module enabled14:05
lifelessno, I was saying we might need to14:05
lifelessI need to talk with ops14:06
StevenKlifeless: Sorry, this was like 3 weeks ago when you said you wanted the Chuck Norris plugin :-P14:06
lifelessand it would be 'write a module' (either python or java) to do the devel->stable push.14:06
leonardrok. /root/.launchpadlib is the default location when you run as root. we ran into this problem before and changed the launchpadlib constructor used by launchpad so that it would use a temporary directory14:06
lifelessStevenK: oh yes. JFDI14:06
StevenKlifeless: Why!?14:06
StevenKleonardr: Has this code recently changed, then?14:09
leonardrStevenK: no, but if someone wrote a test that created a Launchpad object without going through lp.testing.launchpadlib_for, you'd get the old behavior back14:09
leonardrcan you pinpoint when the directory is created? what gets put in that directory?14:10
flacostelifeless: i'm back, sorry, family start-up got stalled this morning14:11
StevenKleonardr: Certainly: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/163/consoleText14:11
StevenKleonardr: If you search for '/root/.launchpadlib'14:12
Ursinhalifeless, it's tagger14:16
jamit looks like the build machine iridium is hung trying to build a webkit build, can anyone confirm?14:17
wgrantjam: Indeed. lamont ^^14:18
leonardrStevenK: so, these errors are in places that don't use lp.testing.launchpadlib_for -- the launchpadlib tests themselves, which are outside of launchpad, and a launchpad test that uses login_with14:18
leonardras to why this is a problem now, i couldn't speculate--the code on my end hasn't changed14:19
leonardri think the best solution would be to change all those calls to use a temporary directory, as launchpadlib_for14:19
StevenKleonardr: I have to admit, I am curious as to why it's only occuring now14:27
LPCIBotProject db-devel build (106): FAILURE in 4 hr 1 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/106/14:27
lamontjam: and what I can tell you is what we all can see from the web ui in launchpad14:27
pooliehow cute: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr-explorer/+bug/66778214:28
StevenKRargh, it just impacted db-devel too14:28
jamlamont: I'm sitting here with shadeslayer (Rohan), who is trying to understand what is going on. Any chance we can just kick it?14:28
lamontI just stabbed it in the face14:29
jamwgrant: is abentley the right person to poke to see if we can understand what is failing here?14:29
jamIt looks like it is failing during the branch update14:29
jambut it seems an odd place to get hung14:30
lifelessUrsinha: ok cool.14:30
lifelessUrsinha: and its running how often now ?14:30
jam(I wonder if it just isn't reporting the 'next' thing.)14:30
Ursinhalifeless, every 5 mins14:30
lifelessabentley: hi; can I help you QA 638637 in some way?14:30
leonardrStevenK: is it possible that /root/.launchpadlib existed before and has been removed? the error is in trying to create the directory14:31
jamabentley: I'm sure deployment-stable takes precedence over the webkit stuff :)14:31
wgrantjam: It could have been bzr hanging there, or the builder could have had a seizure and exploded.14:31
StevenKleonardr: Let me see if a slave is still up14:31
abentleylifeless: You can push a branch, and see if it gets scanned and stuff, I guess.14:31
wgrantlamont: You can't get a shell in a virt builder?14:32
jamwgrant: sure, but both are pretty unlikely14:32
wgrantjam: The latter isn't particularly unlikely.14:32
Ursinhalifeless, you are not reusing branches anymore?14:34
StevenKleonardr: There is no /root/.launchpadlib14:34
leonardrStevenK: my speculation was that there might have been one earlier (preventing this problem) and that its removal caused this problem14:35
jamlamont: it seems that stabbing it in the face leaves it in the "currently building" state?14:35
lifelessUrsinha: Its always been adhoc :)14:37
lifelessUrsinha: sometimes I will, sometimes I won't.14:37
lifelessabentley: qa staging codehosting is not working yet; am going to get it working with losa14:37
jamwgrant: any way to change the status from "it is currently building and should have finished 12hours ago" into some sort of "the build has failed" state?14:37
jamIt is a bit confusing to figure out what is going on.14:38
abentleylifeless: I'd normally qa it on staging, anyhow.14:39
wgrantjam: The builder facestab should have done that.14:41
wgrantI suspect it needs harder stabbing.14:41
wgrantOr buildd-manager is broken.14:42
jamlifeless: what is the issue with codehosting on staging? (I'm concerned it might be my stuff, though comments from yesterday said that it wasn't)14:46
lifelessjam: staging is working, qastaging isn't14:48
jamlifeless: k, I guess i'm not fully aware of what the differences are14:50
noodles775mars: Hi! Have you had a chance to look at gmb's issue (launchpad-dev mailing list, 'Problems with FeatureFlags and test isolation')?14:51
jamwgrant: well, atm I suspect buildd-manager, because webkit has 2 jobs that were killed but are now listed as "currently building"14:52
marsnoodles775, no, I have not looked at it.  I think deryck said he would have a look14:53
noodles775mars: ok, thanks. I'll check with deryck when he's available.14:54
marsnoodles775, I asked gary_poster about someone in our team picking that up, but then deryck offered to help14:54
flacostebigjools: are you sure you wanted to land the new async build manager? it will be rolled-out soon15:22
lifelessabentley: ok, so it scanned my new branch and an incremetnal push ok15:33
lifelessabentley: is that sufficient, do you think ?15:33
abentleylifeless: Well, merge detection also needed to be tested, but I've done that, and marked it qa-ok.15:33
lifelessEdwin-afk: https://devpad.canonical.com/~lpqateam/qa_reports/deployment-stable.html - whats up with 1176215:42
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bigjoolsflacoste: yes, it's QA-OK.15:53
bigjoolsI need to mark the bugs.15:54
bigjoolsjml: around?15:55
flacostebigjools: that's great!15:56
bigjoolsflacoste: I need to land one more branch though, but it won't block rollout.  The new process seems to hammer the database harder than I want, so I need to back off the polling intervals.15:57
lifelesssinzui: https://devpad.canonical.com/~lpqateam/qa_reports/deployment-stable.html - whats up with 1176216:07
lifelessmwhudson: http://launchpad.net/bugs/660264 is ok right, in the absence of config changes?16:08
* mwhudson looks16:10
mwhudsonlifeless: it's ok in the sense of 'do no harm' indeed16:11
lifelessStevenK: https://devpad.canonical.com/~lpqateam/qa_reports/deployment-stable.html rev 11778 bug 66438016:19
StevenKlifeless: Er? It says edwin for me16:20
lifelessStevenK: yes, look at the bottom16:20
StevenKlifeless: I will look at doing that after I've emptied my plate16:21
lifelessStevenK: is it lunchtime?16:22
StevenKlifeless: Sigh16:22
StevenKI'm in the middle of two things. Mental plate16:22
lifelessmwhudson: jam: so forking server for bzr+ssh - can you describe somewhere what needs to be changed to test it? bazaar.qastaging is now working with the 'normal' service, so its ready to reconfigure to test.16:22
lifelessStevenK: cool, great and thanks.16:22
mwhudsonlifeless: i believe jam has written at least one email containing the needed steps16:23
mwhudsonlifeless: Subject: Re: QAing the forking codehosting server16:23
lifelessmwhudson: not in my mail16:24
* mwhudson forwards16:24
mwhudsonlifeless: it would be good to time bzr ping bzr+ssh://bazaar.qastaging.launchpad.net/ a few times before we test it i guess16:25
lifelessbah, I don't have that plugged in16:26
lifelessbut yes16:26
mwhudsoni guess doing in from somewhere where ssh setup latency is not the dominant factor would be a good idea too...16:26
jamecho hello | ssh bazaar.qastaging.launchpad.net bzr serve --inet --directory=/ --allow-writes16:26
jcsackettleonardr: ping.16:27
leonardrjcsackett, hi16:27
jama bit long, but always works, and doesn't need to have extra code installed :)16:27
mwhudsonit tells me permission denied in just 0.7s!16:28
* mwhudson fiddles16:28
jcsackettleonardr: hi. i just read your review note. do you want me to add notice in the 1.7.0 block or add a new one?16:28
jcsackett(in NEWS.txt)16:29
jammwhudson: it lets me in with a proper ssh-key16:29
leonardrjcsackett: add it to 1.7.0, it's not out yet16:29
jamwith my password cached, it is 3.3s from a machine in France16:30
jaminterestingly, bazaar.staging denies me16:30
EdwinGrubbslifeless: why does https://devpad.canonical.com/~lpqateam/qa_reports/deployment-stable.html list my bug as qa-bad, when it is tagged qa-ok? I didn't think I was supposed to remove the bad-commit-N tag.16:30
jamthough I have a different key on that machine16:30
jamnon-staging is 3-7s for me16:31
jam(3, 7.1, 4.6, ...)16:31
lifelessEdwinGrubbs: you're not16:31
jcsackettleonardr: dig. and what's the landing policy for launchpadlib? looks like all the landings on trunk have been by you? or feel free to point me to docs if they're around for this.16:31
lifelessEdwinGrubbs: you're meant to have landed a commit with [rollback=xxxxx] where xxxxx is the bad commit16:31
lifelessEdwinGrubbs: until thats landed the qa tagger ignores the qa-* tags.16:31
leonardrjcsackett: bzr co the trunk, then merge and commit16:32
lifelessEdwinGrubbs: this is because we have to pair the bad commit with the fixed commit.16:32
EdwinGrubbslifeless: but what if I fix the bug instead of rolling it back. Should I still tag it with [rollback=xxxx]?16:32
jcsackettleonardr: dig. thanks!16:32
lifelessEdwinGrubbs: yes, sadly.16:32
lifelessEdwinGrubbs: is that what happened here?16:32
lifelessEdwinGrubbs: what commit fixed it ?16:33
jamshadeslayer: ATM, it looks like we're disabling your daily build, until we can figure out why it is crashing.16:34
EdwinGrubbslifeless: if you look at revision 11763, it has the same info, since I had tried to get a losa to cancel the previous pqm run. I thought the cancelling had succeeded, which is why I landed it again with the same message.16:34
shadeslayerjam: feel free to :)16:34
EdwinGrubbslifeless: I guess I should just land an empty branch with [rollback=xxxx] in it then.16:35
lifelessEdwinGrubbs: no need16:36
lifelessEdwinGrubbs: I'll explicitly call it out16:36
EdwinGrubbsok, thansk16:36
StevenKlifeless: 11778 QA'd16:47
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
jmlbigjools: hi16:56
bigjoolsjml: hi - just wanted to tell you that I tracked down why the b-m was using so much CPU16:57
bigjoolsprobably best to explain in person16:58
flacostejml: if you have time, i'd like your opinion on the new release schedule proposed by henninge, especially its impact on the bug jam16:58
lifelessflacoste: I need to talk with you about a) storm and b) my leave (which is still darn vague)17:02
jmlflacoste: I'll try to look at it today.17:08
lifelessmwhudson: I forwarded that mail to losas@17:11
jamlifeless: you don't ever get to leave. I thought you knew that17:11
lifelessjam: hah17:12
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LPCIBotProject db-devel build (107): STILL FAILING in 3 hr 58 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/107/19:10
lifelessflacoste: calling19:12
=== benji-lunch is now known as benji
lifelessis it really still week 1?19:37
LPCIBotProject devel build (164): STILL FAILING in 3 hr 58 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/164/19:39
rockstarabentley, yo.19:47
abentleyrockstar: yo.19:47
rockstarabentley, I'm having a hard time writing a test that will reproduce what Chex did today.19:48
abentleyrockstar: have you tried it out locally?19:48
rockstarabentley, I wonder if you might have a better idea what's going on there.19:48
rockstarabentley, I have.  I also wrote a test that will do exactly the same thing.19:48
rockstarabentley, I just thought you might have a cursory "oh yeah, I think that problem might be in X"  If you don't, don't worry about it.  I'll sort it out.19:50
abentleyrockstar: Nothing strikes me.  I'd look at whether updateContextFromData is doing badness.19:52
rockstarabentley, I suspect there's something admin specific here.19:52
jamrockstar: you mean accidentally reassigning to himself?20:21
jammwhudson explained what happened in a different (but similar) page20:21
rockstarjam, if I see him, I will ask.20:22
jamhe explained it to me20:22
jamsaid that there is a dropdown which contains a list of your id + groups you are in20:22
jamand tries to select the current group which matches the owner20:22
jambut if it can't find that group, it just selects the first line20:23
jamwhich is you20:23
jambut for admins20:23
jamthey aren't in the existing group20:23
jamso it always selects themselves20:23
jamideally, admins would just have a text-entry box20:23
jamsince they can set it to anyone20:23
jamotherwise you have to play a game of "find the common group", set it to that, then have the user set it back to themselves20:23
lifelessjam: so, I've forwarded your instructions to losas; but if you wanted to drive the testing of the forking service that wuld be best20:23
lifelessjam: the code is deployed20:24
jamlifeless: I'm happy to do the testing, but what about startup scripts, etc?20:24
lifelesshop into launchpad-ops20:24
lifelessask losa there20:24
rockstarjam, huh.  I have a test that would indicate that's not what's happening, but what you say makes sense.20:25
jamrockstar: I don't know specifically what is happening. Just that mwh said it was happening on another page, and they fixed it somehow20:26
rockstarjam, yeah, I just talked to sinzui about it.20:26
jamsorry, mt20:26
jamrockstar, is poolie near you? vila would like to chat with him in #bzr20:28
rockstarjam, poolie is not here.  Just deryck and I.20:28
rockstarjam, actually, turns out that's EXACTLY what's wrong.20:35
rockstarjam, also, I apparently already had a test that CLAIMED to be testing it, but it wasn't.20:35
jamrockstar: I'm glad I could be proxy-help for mwh20:36
rockstarjam, :)  Thanks.20:37
lifelessderyck: hi20:42
deryckhi lifeless20:43
lifelessif you're in the main hall, I'm just qaing a bugs patch20:43
lifelesswould like your input20:43
derycklifeless, sure, be right there.20:43
thumperabentley: ping20:51
abentleythumper: pong20:51
thumperabentley: quick call?20:51
abentleythumper: sure.20:51
lifelessgary_poster: hi20:59
gary_posterhey lifeless20:59
lifelessgary_poster: https://devpad.canonical.com/~lpqateam/qa_reports/deployment-stable.html rev 1179220:59
gary_posterlifeless, just changed it21:00
gary_posterlike, seconds ago :-)21:00
lifelessderyck: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/65908521:03
* deryck looks21:03
derycklifeless, so I'm 85% sure that one is qa-ok.  But I cannot know for sure without pinging allenap about it.21:08
deryckallenap, around?21:09
allenapderyck: Whassup?21:09
deryckallenap, see the bug lifeless pointed me at above... is it qa-ok?21:10
thumperabentley: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gstreamer0.1021:10
allenapderyck: I have tried a few times to test this in staging/qastaging but it keeps timing out, so qa-untestable I'd say.21:11
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deryckallenap, there's nothing changed in functionality?  Just moving code around?21:12
allenapderyck: The implementation has changed quite a bit, but the tests didn't much.21:13
deryckallenap, hmmmm21:13
deryckallenap, what should I look at to qa this on staging?21:13
* allenap tries to remember21:14
abentleythumper: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~abentley/+archive/ppa/+builds21:19
allenapderyck: Okay. Calculating structural subscribers has been refactored, but the code changed little. The difference is that the bug change notification code now uses the new structural subscriber code (getStructuralSubscribers) instead of getBugNotificationsRecipients.21:19
allenapderyck: So we need to change some bugs and check that structural subscribers are notified.21:20
bigjoolsabentley: I have bad news for you.  Backing out the buildd revision has cured our build farm ills.  There's not much chance of it going back in.21:20
allenapderyck: I *think* that if it's wrong we will send too little bug mail.21:20
allenapderyck: Well, or too much.21:20
deryckallenap, ah, ok.  I can poke at that then and see what happens.21:21
bigjoolsabentley: but I would like us to analyse the  changes and how they could have caused buildds to become slow to respond to probes21:21
abentleybigjools: okay.  Do you have any logs?21:22
bigjoolsabentley: sort of.  It looks like it's eating memory which causes the machine to slow down too much (swapping)21:23
bigjoolsabentley: we have got strace logs, tcp dumps but no buildd logs since they are virtual21:24
bigjoolsabentley: what changes did that buildd revision have?21:24
abentleybigjools: It has an updated version of bzr-builder, it builds outside the chroot, and it uses xen-detect to ensure it doesn't build in an unvirtualized situation.21:28
bigjoolsabentley: I wonder if bzr-builder regressed somehow then21:29
thumperbigjools: ok, so where to from here?21:29
bigjoolsthumper: we need to re-create this problem on dogfood21:30
thumperbigjools: ok, do it! :)21:30
bigjoolsthen we can start to diagnose it outside of production21:30
* bigjools stares at thumper21:31
* thumper deflects the stare with a cunning mirror like shield21:31
allenapderyck: It's still timing out all the time for me.21:32
bigjoolsthumper: are you batfink in disguise!21:32
deryckallenap, every bug is timing out?  Or trying to do something times out?21:32
allenapderyck: Trying to create a structural subscription (I don't have any) is timing out.21:33
allenapderyck: Ah. If I go to +subscribe directly it works. I can't get any project pages to work.21:33
deryckallenap, do you think it's related to your work?  Or just qa/staging?21:33
deryckah right21:33
lifelessallenap: what project did you try?21:34
allenaplifeless: malone and scriptify (one of mine with no artifacts apart from a single trunk branch)21:34
lifelessallenap: also we can raise the timout on qastaging instantly if needed (via a feature flag)21:35
allenapAh yes.21:35
lifelesswe should look at the timeout you got though, it may be a problem for prod too21:35
allenaplifeless: Okay, I'll file a bug for it.21:37
lifelessallenap: got an OOPS ID ?21:38
lifelessallenap: so, do we think this change is ok ?21:38
allenaplifeless: I think it's fairly safe, but I haven't been able to QA it so far. I also (or someone) needs to look in the shared catch-all mailbox.21:39
allenapChex: Did you find a shared mailbox for qastaging?21:40
lifelessallenap: launchpad-ops, ping the losa :)21:40
allenaplifeless: OOPS-1762QS2221:43
jcsackettbzr uncommit and bzr shelve may be the two best commands ever.21:43
StevenKbzr needs a 'bzr moo'21:43
jcsackett'bzr garh' might actually work. :-P21:44
jcsackett"This version control tool doesn't have cow powers. It does however have a pained `lifeless`."21:44
StevenKjcsackett: It's super cow powers :-P21:45
allenaplifeless: I think it might be a cold cache kind of problem, because it's now snappy on staging, having timed out consistently 10-20 minutes ago.21:45
lifelessallenap: or load, ok.21:45
StevenKlifeless, jcsackett: http://paste.ubuntu.com/521648/21:46
jcsackettStevenK: that's terrible. and hilarious.21:48
wgrantbigjools: Why can't we get logs?21:55
wgrantbigjools: Surely someone has access to the host...21:55
bigjoolsit's a VM21:55
wgrantBut there is a host.21:55
wgrantHost can poke at VM FS.21:55
bigjoolswhich does not have any logs21:55
bigjoolsno, it can't21:55
lifelessallenap: https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=1762QS22 - 11seconds of sql21:56
wgrantbigjools: Have you checked the bzr versions on the VMs?21:57
bigjoolsI've not checked anything21:57
mwhudsonbuild-dependcies: ... package-that-adds-lamonts-ssh-key-in-postinst ...21:57
wgrantUnless you are running a very strangely mangled Xen, I don't see how the host can't poke around in the VM's filesystem and grab logs.21:58
allenaplifeless: That query has some EXISTS smells in it too. I'll file a bug for it now.21:58
lifelessallenap: exists isn't necessarily bad, but I agree that it would benefit from eyeballing.21:58
lifelessallenap: - so +1 on that21:58
wallyworld_abentley: thumper: standup?22:03
allenaplifeless, deryck: I have to go now. There's still no word on the qastaging mailbox. I am also away tomorrow, but I can probably find an hour in the morning if necessary.22:05
lifelessallenap: how can I help22:07
lifelessallenap: e.g. if the mail is in the mailbox, its ok ?22:07
abentleywallyworld_: thumper is having a call with flacoste.22:07
wallyworld_abentley: ok. i'llbe here when he's done22:08
allenaplifeless: Mail for bug changes should be sent to structural subscribers. If, say, a bug task is assigned to a milestone to which someone is subscribed, they should also get bug mail. Also distro subscribers should get source package bug mail.22:08
lifelessok and in this case we shouls expect ...?22:09
allenaplifeless: The same bug mail as everyone else, but with a rationale that explains that they're subscribed to a milestone, or the distro.22:12
allenaplifeless: Just to check, r11794 is not-ok, but everything else can be pushed out?22:16
allenapSo it's not blocking lots of stuff yet.22:16
lifelessallenap: its blocking 20 revs22:18
allenaplifeless: Ah, okay, deployment-stable.html doesn't show the subsequent revs that are prevented from rolling out.22:19
thumperabentley, wallyworld_: standup now?22:19
thumperhttp://www.shopwithmaverick.com/wp-content/uploads/wpsc/product_images/meerkats%20wall%20back%20-4.jpg :-)22:21
lifelessallenap: yes22:25
marsallenap, fwiw, we're working on that22:26
lifelessUrsinha: hey22:30
lifelessUrsinha: what did you think of my qatagger improvement requests22:31
flacostelifeless: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~flacoste/launchpad/ppr-constant-memory/+merge/39578 if you have some time22:33
lifelesshow much memory is it taking now ?22:35
flacostelifeless: i'd say something like 800M, but that's because of the 400M cache size22:36
flacostelifeless: i didn't get that locally (since 300k are using 56M of storage)22:36
Ursinhalifeless, I'm implementing the "codebrowse url on reports" now, which is fairly simple22:36
Ursinhathe other one I'll have to take a deeper look22:37
flacostelifeless: i'm it's using now 576M on sodium (still only inserting)22:37
UrsinhaI'm fixing the bug that shows all revisions instead of all until the not-ok one22:37
Ursinhathat flacoste reported22:37
flacostewith over 5M requests inserted22:37
flacostei think it will think up to ~5h to generate a daily though22:38
flacostesince it took 2h last time22:38
thumperbzr missing --mine-only ../db-devel22:40
* wallyworld_ afk briefly to do school dropoff22:47
rockstarthumper, do you know much about custom widgets in forms?22:51
rockstar(sinzui was supposed to help me, but I think he forgot)22:51
thumperrockstar: some22:51
rockstarthumper, I need to use a different widget in the form in the user has launchpad.Admin on the form.22:52
rockstarthumper, we discovered a bug today where the select box for choosing on owner for a recipe re-assigns ownership of the recipe if an admin edits it.22:52
thumperrockstar: take a look at the branch edit form22:52
thumperrockstar: we do exactly that22:52
thumperrockstar: for admins editing branches22:52
rockstarI looked around, but couldn't see anything.22:53
* rockstar looks22:53
thumperrockstar: around line 1000 of code.browser.branch.py22:53
rockstarOh crap.  I think I figured it out...22:55
rockstarI was on the right track, just forgot to call the setUpFields on the superclass...  :/22:55
LPCIBotProject devel build (165): STILL FAILING in 3 hr 33 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/165/23:12
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=jml][ui=none][no-qa] [r=jml]Fix layers to teardown always not just23:12
LPCIBotfixing teardown in our code base and freeing us from the tyranny of23:12
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=allenap][ui=none][bug=667687] Fix deactivateAccount to handle23:12
LPCIBotdrivers correctly.23:12
gary_posterwallyworld_: back?23:27
wallyworld_gary_poster: yes. thanks for the great email. i was going to respond this morning23:27
wallyworld_i'll do the stuff you outlined23:28
gary_posterwallyworld_: great.  happy to help23:28
gary_poster(all I was going to do was see if there was anything we ought to talk about before I ran away)23:28
gary_posterso I'm running away then :-)23:29
wallyworld_gary_poster: np. the email spelt it all out extremely well. bye23:29
thumperDone. 9470605 items in 949 iterations23:43
lifelessis that 9.4M items? how long did it take?23:44
thumperlifeless: a while, but not too long23:52
thumperlifeless: and yes it is 9.4M items23:52
lifelessthumper: how long, do you know?23:52
thumper9.4 mostly useless items23:53
thumperlifeless: I can check23:53
lifelessplease, I'm very curious23:53
thumperlifeless: it won't be as long with the next run time though23:53
thumperlifeless: as it'll only be deleting around 30k items23:53
thumpernah, 20k items23:53
thumperlifeless: 3778.052 seconds,23:54
thumperaverage size 9979.563215 (2506.74270824/s)23:54
thumperso based on the time there, daily garbo for this should take around 4s23:55
lifeless1 hour?! wow. Was it multiple transactions ?23:55
thumperlifeless: yes, 949 of them23:55
lifelesswhew :)23:55
thumperlifeless: written the garbo way23:55
lifelessI trusted23:55
lifelessI'm just happy it panned out23:55
thumperit did23:55
thumpernow to see if it makes a difference at all23:55
thumperhopefully with that and the fix I've done for mailing lists we should see a difference23:56
thumperon the private xmlrpc server23:56
* thumper closes up for lunch23:58

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