
drubinOk I need to get going.. ping me if there is any other info I can help with.00:01
drubinor if you want a bug reported00:01
paultag_Hey LP-ers. I'm trying to write a script to auto-deny proposed members from a team -- I am so far as getting the_team.proposed_members00:43
paultag_How do I set them to Declined from there?00:43
paultag_I tried doing a setStatus( status="Declined", comment="..." )00:45
paultag_but that does not work at all00:45
wgrantpaultag_: I'm not sure it's exposed directly. proposed_members returns the actual person objects, whereas you want the team_memberships.00:46
paultag_wgrant: how should I be going about it ( and how can I only run this on proposed members ) ?00:46
wgrantpaultag_: We should eventually expose a direct method to do it, but for now you can construct the team_membership URL manually.00:47
paultag_wgrant: e.g. snag the person-name and add that to the API URL base, use that to fire off a new object ( or something like that ) ?00:48
wgrantpaultag_: Right. A team membership's URL is at /~TEAM/+member/PERSON00:48
paultag_wgrant: Oustanding. Thanks for the help!00:48
wgrantpaultag_: Then you should be able to setStatus on that.00:48
wgrantfor p in team.proposed_members:00:49
wgrant    lp.load('/~%s/+member/%s' % team.name, p.name).setStatus(status='Declined', comment="blah blah")00:49
wgrantSomething like that.00:49
wgrantI forgot some parentheses, but you get the idea.00:49
paultag_wgrant: thanks so much :)00:50
paultag_this will *finally* automate the lame process of kicking people out of the queue00:50
wgrantpaultag_: Do you want to set the team to Restricted, maybe?00:51
wgrantThen you only have to kick everybody out one more time.00:51
paultag_wgrant: Well, we want only teams to join the team -- lp:~locoteams00:51
paultag_wgrant: but we have to kick the people who join out, and LP can't set teams to be meta-only00:51
wgrantpaultag_: Ah, there's no easy way to do that. Unless you make it Restricted and add them manually.00:51
paultag_wgrant: so I'm putting this in the new loco council audit tool :)00:51
paultag_wgrant: have it run on a cron, do an is_team check and approve or deny :)00:52
MTecknologyI wonder if it's a bug that I deactivated an account (was logged out) logged back in, and was able to get to https://launchpad.net/~projects-kalliki-deactivatedaccount00:54
MTecknologyI'm logged in as a deactivated account and looking at the account details00:54
MTecknologywgrant: bug?00:55
wgrantMTecknology: If you log in again, it undeactivates.00:56
wgrantSince the SSO login account is not part of LP, it isn't deactivated when you deactivate your LP account.00:56
MTecknologythat's neat00:56
wgrantYes, this is a bit awkward.00:56
wgrantBut it will all become clear soon when LP becomes a normal OpenID consumer.00:56
MTecknologywgrant: so I can keep having -deactivatedaccount appended to the user name if i deactivate and log in again00:57
wgrantMTecknology: I believe so!00:57
MTecknologywgrant: I think that sounds like icky :P00:57
MTecknologywgrant: at least it's known though- i thought i stumbled into something funky00:58
paultag_wgrant: Just worked wonders. You're my hero :)01:02
wgrantpaultag_: Great01:03
gelliothI want to help to translate an application but isn't in launchpad...02:14
gelliothhow can I add it?02:14
gelliothDo I explained me?02:17
=== Ursinha-bbl is now known as Ursinha
psusihas there been a delay with processing bugs for expiry?  and why can't you manually set the status to expired?04:43
Ursinhalifeless, that 'assignee' problem was another one, it was displaying the wrong error message when lp was out of reach06:21
Ursinhalifeless, I've checked and fixed06:22
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ricotzmthaddon, hello, please have a look at https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+question/13074309:14
mthaddonricotz: I'll need to look into what's involved there - typically it's best to ping the CHR rather than me directly thouh09:25
mthaddoner, though09:25
ricotzmthaddon, sorry, but i am not comfortable having this build sitting there and blocking this builder for so long09:27
mthaddonricotz: np, I'm just letting you know about the best way to get your problem taken care of09:28
ricotzmthaddon, alright, thanks09:29
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lifelessUrsinha-afk: thanks10:46
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micahgis there no longer a way to disable the edge redirect (I can't convert to question anymore)14:02
kklimonda_micahg: on every page, other than main one, there is a link in the bottom right corner14:13
micahgkklimonda_: you actually see the link ATM?14:13
kklimonda_no, I saw it few days ago14:13
micahgkklimonda_: right ;)14:13
kklimonda_you are right, it's gone! ;)14:14
* micahg goes to file LP support request14:15
wgrantmicahg, kklimonda_: edge is being removed soon.14:15
wgrantIt and production should now be running the same code.14:15
wgrantBut we haven't switched the redirect off yet.14:15
kklimonda_wgrant: right, I was just going to say that and got sidetracked14:16
micahgwgrant: right, but for some reason on edge I couldn't convert and it would time out and on non-edge it would time out, but still convert to question in most cases14:16
wgrantmicahg: The code is identical. I wonder if the timeouts are still different.14:17
micahgwgrant: idk, just files a support request as I already have a bug for the timeout14:18
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ftaare the builders stuck or something? ("start in 1h" for ~12h)16:10
ftahttps://edge.launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/staging/+build/2005064 => started 10 days ago???16:11
* lamont lost scrollback - what builder is alleged to be stuck?16:15
Nafallo16:10:23 < fta> are the builders stuck or something? ("start in 1h" for ~12h)16:15
Nafallo16:11:29 < fta> https://edge.launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/staging/+build/2005064 => started 10 days ago???16:15
* lamont slaps pluot up side the head. as for starting in one hour, that's a guess, and sometimes it can be wrong. (build URL welcome) <-- fta16:17
TheUnifta: i'm seeing the same16:19
TheUni"start in 1 hour"... "created 12 hours ago"16:19
lamontTheUni: URL?16:19
lamontthanks - looking into it now16:21
ftalamont, https://edge.launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa/+packages16:23
* bigjools looking at it16:23
bigjoolslamont: it's the usual b-m failure16:23
lamontfta: thanks, and should be happier nw16:32
ftalamont, thank you. what was the problem btw?16:33
lamontbuild-manager has a bug.  we seem to have it it.  I have no knowledge beyond that16:36
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TheUnilamont: have you given my builders a kick?16:59
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TheUnilamont: ping. this is holding back our release :(17:54
TheUnihaha nm17:54
TheUni1 building now, 1 to go17:54
TheUniehm, wtf?17:57
TheUniit started building, now back to needs building.17:58
odb|fidel_hi - maybe a stupid question but is there a way to "bookmark/follow/fav" projects as registered launchpad user besides being part of a project?17:58
rockstarTheUni, there are some oddities going on with the build farm.18:00
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psusihi, bug #263944 will not allow me to set the status of the grub task to WONTFIX to match the others.  what should I do?19:22
ubot5Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list.index(x): x not in list (https://launchpad.net/bugs/263944)19:22
shtylmanwhen I try to add an openpgp key to my onsite lp install.. I get an error... zope trackback stuff19:22
shtylmando you guys care about these?19:22
shtylman(Error ID: OOPS-1762X7)19:23
shtylmanI can't really get to that page :)19:24
mwhudsonand i don't think it would help :-)19:24
mwhudsonthere will be an oops file somewhere on your system19:24
mwhudsonin /var/tmp/lperr i think unless you've changed stuff in the config19:24
shtylmanam I looking for a particular file there?19:26
mwhudsonthe newest one, i guess, it'll be in a directory YYYY-MM-DD19:27
shtylmanyea.. got that far :)19:27
shtylmanshould I pastebin that for ya?19:27
mwhudsonthat's strange, but probably not the one you want :/19:29
mwhudson(that's basically a 404)19:29
shtylmanThe keyserver is not running, help!")19:31
shtylmanthat is basically what the end says19:31
shtylmanwhich is usefull info19:31
shtylmanhow do I start the keyserver :)19:31
shtylmanshould I even be bothering with the keyserver?19:32
LaneySomething wrong with uploading?19:43
Laney(SFTP) uploads hanging19:43
StevenKLaney: Bug 66322219:56
ubot5Launchpad bug 663222 in Soyuz "sftp upload hangs (affected: 2, heat: 25)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66322219:56
bigjoolsFor anyone wondering, we have a problem on the build farm.  All builders are going into manual mode so some updates can be made, things will be back soon.20:04
psusihow's the auto expiry going?  I thought that should have been done by now, but I'm still seeing a bunch of bugs that have not expired yet, but should be.  BTW, why can't you set it by hand?20:08
thekornhi launchpadders,20:14
thekornare branches of ubuntu packages updated automatically?20:14
thekorne.g. should lp:ubuntu/gjs be the source of the ubuntu package of gjs in natty?20:15
geserthekorn: yes (as far as I understand it), but see also http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/gjs.html20:19
thekorngeser: ok, thanks. this explains why all gjs branches since lucid are outdated20:20
shtylmandoes a local launchpad install need a local keyserver?20:39
rryanhi guys, i'm trying to get my project setup with LP translations. we use qt translations. I converted a blank ts file with ts2po into a POT and I pushed that. Launchpad picked it up as our template. I then converted our existing TS files for de/it/fr to .po using lconvert and put them in the same directory as the first template, just as the guidelines said to, but when I pushed, the .po's ended up in the import queue as "No import20:39
rryantarget selected yet." but I can't figure out how to assign them to the POT. They're in the same directory, which the upload guidelines say implies it should be a translation of the template.20:39
rryanFor blank TS file I mean a file with 800 phrases, but no translations20:39
dpmrryan, I think there are no Launchpad Translations developers around right now. Would you mind posting your question on https://answers.launchpad.net/rosetta/+addquestion , so they can help you when they're back?20:41
rryanah ok20:41
dpmrryan, np, also note that this week many people are away at the Ubuntu Developer Summit, so folks might not be too responsive until next week20:42
rryanah right :)20:42
dpmrryan, also, looking at the .po files in the queue, they don't seem to have a valid PO file header20:45
rryanhmm well I botched the first two which are marked deleted..  de.pot and fr.pot20:46
rryando you mean de.po, it.po, or fr.po ?20:46
shtylmanare build receipies currently disabled?20:50
bigjoolsshtylman: the build farm is sick, we're fixing it.  There is a very large backlog.20:52
thumperbigjools: what did you do?20:52
StevenKDon't ask that20:52
danilosthumper, it's what *you* did!20:52
thumperdanilos: what did I do?20:52
bigjoolsthumper: I want to do quite a lot20:52
bigjoolssome of it involves violence20:52
danilosthumper, how could I know, I just know who to blame20:53
StevenKdanilos: But it's *always* wgrant's fault20:53
danilosoh! oh...20:53
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shtylmanwhat is the best way to push code to my local launchpad install?21:43
shtylmanlp:~name won't work21:43
shtylmanas it does for the main site I imagine?21:43
shtylmanI tried that ^21:44
shtylmanbut was met with limited... (none) success :)21:44
wgrantshtylman: bzr+ssh://name16@bazaar.launchpad.dev:5022/~name16/+junk/stuff might work.21:53
shtylmanssh: connect to host bazaar.launchpad.dev port 5022: Connection refused21:55
wgrantshtylman: Have you run 'make run_codehosting'?21:55
StevenKshtylman: Are you doing 'make run' ?21:55
shtylmanI am using make run21:55
shtylmannot make run_codehosting21:55
StevenKOh, it needs thpecial one, then21:55
shtylmanseparate from the other one?21:56
shtylmanor does make run_codehosting include make run?21:56
wgrantIt includes it.21:56
shtylmansame ssh error with make run_codehosting21:57
shtylmanbzr push lp://dev/~shtylman/+junk/stuff21:59
shtylmanthat seemed to work when I used --create-prefix22:00
shtylmanbut it didn't ask for my ssh key password.. just asked for password directly22:00
shtylmanand I also don't see the branch in the launchpad.dev webview22:00
shtylmanyes.. I have added my ssh key to my launchpad.dev account22:00
wgrantshtylman: Your real sshd is running on port 22. LP's is on 5022.22:04
wgrantSo you probably just pushed to your home directory.22:04
shtylmanwgrant: exciting22:04
shtylmanand true22:04
shtylmanvery interesting22:05
shtylmanwell... good to know regular ssh still works :)22:05
shtylmanso then why is 5022 not working :(22:05
wgrantshtylman: 'make run_codehosting' is running?22:06
shtylmancause I do see it starting the service on 502222:06
StevenKshtylman: fuser 5022/tcp22:07
shtylman5022/tcp:             886422:07
StevenKOkay, ssh -v bazaar.launchpad.dev -p 502222:08
shtylmandebug1: connect to address port 5022: Connection refused22:08
wgrantWhat about plain localhost:5022?22:08
StevenKThen something is lying22:09
shtylmanI wouldn't want to make this too easy :)22:09
shtylmannope.. don't run those22:09
wgrantsudo netstat -lnp | grep 502222:09
shtylmantcp        0      0*               LISTEN      8864/python22:10
shtylmanseems that it is listening on :8822:10
shtylmanbut bazaar is aliased to .9922:10
shtylmanI used rocketfield to mod the /etc/hosts file22:10
StevenKSmoking gun22:10
wgrantbazaar.lp.dev is meant to be .9922:11
wgrantBut it wasn't always.22:11
shtylmanthen how come it is listening on .88?22:11
wgrantMaybe codehosting was never altered to listen on .99 as well.22:11
StevenKPatches welcome22:12
shtylmanas always :)22:12
shtylmanis .99 the proper listen sub ?22:13
wgrantWhat does 'proper' mean?22:13
shtylmanwell.. I mean one is listening on .8822:13
shtylmanand the alias is for .9922:14
shtylmanso .. something is the canonical version here22:14
wgrantThe alias is on .99 mostly because HTTPS vhosts didn't work until recently.22:14
shtylmancanonical being the word not the company :)22:14
shtylmanI see22:14
wgrantPeople probably use launchpad.dev to access dev codehosting, not bazaar.launchpad.dev.22:14
shtylmanI see22:14
shtylmanwell... that certainly is progress :) .. now it just rejects the key22:17
shtylmansaying it doesn't match one on file22:17
wgrantThat makes sense.22:17
shtylmandoes it?22:17
shtylmanglad it does22:17
wgrantWell, it checks by hostname.22:18
shtylmanis there something to be done about that?22:18
shtylmanhostname of what? the machine I am pushing from?22:19
wgrantSince you SSHed into port 22 first, it remembered your system's host key.22:19
shtylmanoh jesus22:19
shtylmanI see what you mean22:19
wgrantSo remove the relevant lines from known_hosts.22:19
wgrantAnd it should be happy.22:19
shtylmandoes lp keep it's own known hosts?22:20
wgrantIt's your client's. So ~/.ssh/known_hosts.22:22
shtylmanfigured... so yea.. no go22:22
shtylmanI removed that file22:22
wgrantNo go?22:22
shtylmancause I don't keep anything relevant in that anyhow22:22
shtylmanbzr push bzr+ssh://launchpad.dev:5022/~shtylman/+junk/stuff22:22
shtylmanpermission denied22:22
wgrantYou probably need a username.22:23
shtylmansame problem22:23
wgrantDo you have your SSH key added to your dev LP account?22:23
shtylmanI tried both22:23
wgrantWhat's the error message?22:23
shtylmanPermission denied (publickey).22:23
shtylmanbzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.22:23
shtylmanand on the server output: unauthorized login: Your SSH key does not match any key registered for Launchpad user shtylman22:23
shtylmanwhich is pretty clear22:24
shtylmanbut I checked the key22:24
shtylmanit is there22:24
wgrantI'd double check.22:24
shtylmanI will delete the old one and reimport it22:24
shtylmanto be safe22:24
shtylmanall is well.. apparently my vim paste is broken so even though it was an exact character match in the output of lp.. something was off22:25
shtylmanmaybe a spurious space22:25
shtylmanwgrant: thanks for the assistance :)22:26
shtylmannow I battle on22:26
shtylmannow I gotta learn how to cook with receipies22:29
shtylmanhow do I add a distribution series22:31
shtylmancan I do that through the web interface?22:31
wgrantshtylman: You can. You need to be an admin.22:34
shtylmanI am admin! hahaha22:34
wgrantshtylman: But you should be using my script to set up Ubuntu.22:34
wgrantOr you have no hope :)22:34
shtylmanoh noes!22:35
shtylmanwhat will that script do for me??22:36
shtylmanis it magical?22:36
wgrantshtylman: It's not too long. But it will create distroserieses and architectures and archives and components and selections and sourcepackageformatselections and archivepermissions and ... and ... and ....22:39
=== LinuxJedi is now known as LinuxJedi|away
shtylmanwhen will the build receipies thing be enabled for launchpad? I take it it is down cause of the buildfarm "issue" ?23:25
thumpershtylman: as in general availability?23:40
thumpershtylman: when we've tweaked the UI a little more23:40
thumpershtylman: edge shows it23:41
shtylmanas long as edge shows it :)23:41
thumperand soon, when edge goes, the beta team will still see it on prod23:41

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