
linuxman410lubuntu keeps crashing every time i try to install it01:29
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MonthOLDpicklecrashing as in screen goes blank and computer beeps or01:35
MonthOLDpickleit sits there not moving torwards the end?01:35
MonthOLDpickleif its just sits there at the end saying intsalling or w/e with a tip screen thats kpg or something it doesn't show progress and may take a loonnngggg timmmeee.01:36
MonthOLDpickleanyways bbl01:36
linuxman410no crashes as i try to install the installer crashes01:36
linuxman410it crashes and will not let me install01:38
phillwlinuxman410: what is the spec of the computer you are trying to install on01:39
phillwlinuxman410: and, also have you checked the cd has burned cleanly?01:40
linuxman410it is a atom processor 1.6 dualcore with 1 gig of ram and 80 gig sata drive01:40
phillwlinuxman410: are you using 10.10 Lubuntu?01:41
phillwhave you used the self check on the CD ?01:42
linuxman410i am installing from thumb drive computer has no cdrom01:42
phillwlinuxman410: you still have that option to check it01:43
linuxman410i will check it01:43
phillwI suspect that it is a corrupt download01:44
phillwcheck the iso file out01:44
phillwlinuxman410: http://go2.wordpress.com/?id=725X1342&site=gilir.wordpress.com&url=http%3A%2F%2Fpeople.ubuntu.com%2F~gilir%2Fmd5sum.txt&sref=http%3A%2F%2Fgilir.wordpress.com%2F2010%2F10%2F10%2Flubuntu-10-10-is-released%2F01:48
phillwlinuxman410: sorry, an quicker link is http://people.ubuntu.com/~gilir/md5sum.txt01:49
linuxman410phillw completey checked disk an iso nothing wrong with it02:02
mlsmithHey guys02:06
mlsmithDid anybody notice that in the installer it shows the 'e' (Elementary) logo instead of the Lubuntu logo?02:08
phillwlinuxman410: I'm puzzled, as I've seen it flagged up before. The only thing I can really suggest is re-burn the memory stick.02:10
phillw*I've never seen it flagged up before*02:10
linuxman410ok will try02:10
mlsmithIt's no big deal...i knew what i was really installing :-)02:11
mlsmithI just happen to notice little details like that02:11
phillwmlsmith: drop it onto the mailing list via https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/GettingInvolved you good people are our eyes and ears for Lubuntu02:12
mlsmithphillw, will do. Thanks for the suggestion.02:14
mlsmithphillw, I only see the LXDE developers mailing list on the url you provided me. Is that that one you were referring too?02:24
phillwmlsmith: https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-desktop02:26
mlsmithphillw, thank you...I figured it out just as you sent that. I was expecting to see a Mailman mailing list02:33
mlsmithIt didn't initially occur to me that it was through Launchpad02:33
MonthOLDpickletacos were goooood!03:43
donnieHi Guys i am downloading Lubuntu as of now. I wanted to know if i can use all the softwares that i use with Ubuntu.07:02
bioterroryou can07:03
bioterrorit's your choise to use gnome-related softwares ;)07:03
donnieWhat about looks?07:04
bioterrormine looks damn good without gnome07:04
donnieI don't like the default lxde looks.07:04
bioterroru dont like it? :(07:05
bioterrorwish I could use it all day along!07:06
donnieYeah i have been a gnome user for couple of years and lately Ubuntu getting beautiful day by day07:06
bioterrorI really have to disagree07:07
donnieLubuntu is less resource intensive should i expect less heating problems.07:08
bioterrorbut I've seen FVWM2 and IceWM from the beginning07:08
donniei will find out in couple of minutes.07:09
bioterrorhe got lost in the world of lubuntu! ;D07:41
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donniejust intalled Lubuntu but can't connect to wifi09:13
bioterrorhow so09:14
bioterrorcan you see the wireless interface?09:14
donnieinitially the card was disabled09:16
donniei installed restricted driver09:16
donniei can detect wireless but i can't connect to mine09:16
donniei have broadcomm wifi card09:16
bioterrorjust a moment09:17
bioterrorcan you say the model of your laptop and the manufacturer09:18
donnieDell Inspiron 6400/E150509:19
donnie       description: Ethernet interface09:20
donnie       product: BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX09:20
donnie       vendor: Broadcom Corporation09:20
bioterroroh, new dell09:20
bioterrorbroadcom firmwares are not opensource or something like that, and that's why they're not inculuded in basic installation09:20
donniewlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1b:fc:10:e7:0309:21
donnie          inet6 addr: fe80::21b:fcff:fe10:e703/64 Scope:Link09:21
donnie          UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:109:21
donnie          RX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:009:21
donnie          TX packets:23 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:009:21
donnie          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100009:21
donnie          RX bytes:1126 (1.1 KB)  TX bytes:2840 (2.8 KB)09:21
bioterrorcan you say "ifconfig wlan0 up"09:21
bioterrorsudo ifconfig...09:21
donnieyeah that is why i installed resricted drivers09:21
bioterroroh yeah09:21
bioterroroho, FIN!09:39
bioterrorporvoon suunnalta ;)09:40
bioterrortoimiiko lubuntu ongelmitta, vai onko ongelmia ilmennyt?09:41
FIN-joppiihan hyvin pelittää09:41
bioterrorno loisto homma09:41
FIN-joppitulin kyselemään vähän neuvoja09:41
FIN-joppionko asiantuntemusta?:D09:42
bioterrorvoi ollakki, pistä tulemaan09:42
bioterrorlaitetaan vaikka englanniksi09:42
FIN-joppiok, the problem is that cpu mode is "ondemand" and i like to change it to "powersave" mode or adjust clockspeed manually, how can i do this09:43
bioterrorI think gnome-power-manger does it by itself09:46
FIN-joppithe reason to do this is because my laptop fan is like helicopter when it turns on :)09:46
FIN-joppiyep it changes the frequency automatically.. but i like to manual adjust...09:47
bioterrorCpufreq (EEE-PC 4G only)09:48
bioterrorAfter a fresh install of Mandriva the EEE-PC CPU will run at 900MHz. You can decrease this in /etc/sysconfig/cpufreq:09:49
bioterrorcpufreqd - fully configurable daemon for dynamic frequency and voltage scaling09:49
bioterrorcpufrequtils - utilities to deal with the cpufreq Linux kernel feature09:49
FIN-joppiok i got it work now09:51
bioterrormy dell d420 is so quiet when the fan is blowing ;)09:52
FIN-joppipretty fast this lubuntu, much faster than ubu..09:59
bioterroryeah, and still looks damn good ;)09:59
hyperairbioterror, FIN-joppi: there was some research done which said that ondemand is better for power consumption than powersave is.10:00
bioterroryeah, same thing with my car ;)10:01
bioterrorwhen I'm gathering 80km/h speed, I use my turbo charger ;)10:01
bioterrorwith 2nd gear ;)10:01
hyperairno seriously10:01
bioterrorit eats less gas than driving slow10:02
hyperairthe reason ondemand is supposed to be better than powersave is because ondemand bumps the CPU freq up higher faster, allowing tasks to finish faster, allowing the CPU to go back into one of the deep sleep modes10:02
FIN-joppihmm.. do you know how can i make laptop sleep, when lets say 10 minutes idle..10:07
bioterrorthat should be edited from the battery icon in your systemtray ;)10:08
FIN-joppido not have it :D10:08
bioterrortake off the power cord10:08
bioterrorunplug it10:08
FIN-joppiive got no battery10:09
FIN-joppiits dead10:09
bioterrorthen we should sugget that the icon is always visible10:09
FIN-joppithanks to you all.. time to eat :) -->10:15
eexeZhow install nvidia driver (nvidia 7900GS) on lubuntu ?11:57
jingjanghi, how can i install OOo_3.2.1_Linux_x86_install-deb_en-US.tar.gz (download from openoffice.org) ? (i'm running Lubuntu of course :) thanks12:40
bioterrorjingjang, use apt-get12:40
bioterrorjingjang, in terminal "sudo apt-get install openof<press tab key>12:41
jingjangbioterror: yeah but  i dont know what name of openoffice its12:41
jingjangok i got it12:41
bioterrorthat's the packet name12:41
jingjangit work, thanks man12:42
bioterrorit's suggested to use your own repository12:42
bioterrorand not just any deb file from the internet, becouse it doesnt mess up your dependencies12:42
jingjangi've download OOo_3.2.1_Linux_x86_install-deb_en-US.tar.gz from openoffice.org, is there a way to install from it ?12:42
bioterrorVersion: 1:3.2.0-7ubuntu4.112:49
bioterrorthat's in my 10.0412:49
bioterrorit's not 3.2.1, but it's damn close and I dont have to do anything else than say "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org"12:50
jingjanginstall process is done, and openoffice now running perfectly12:56
bioterroryeah, it's easy like a sunday morning ,)12:56
bioterrorjingjang, remember to remove abiword and other stuff that you dont need anymore )13:04
jingjangi use: apt-get remove abiword13:09
jingjangfacebook is blocked in my country :(13:10
jingjangin vietnam, they block facebook13:11
bioterrorusa didnt liberate your country after all then ;)13:11
bioterrorwell, I can tell you something13:11
bioterroryou dont miss much13:11
bioterrorcheck that one ;)13:12
jingjangthey blocked facebook because human rights here is poor13:19
bioterrorhi gilri13:43
bioterrorany news from the uds?-)13:43
gilirhi bioterror13:45
gilirbioterror: I'll do a summarize after the uds13:45
bioterrorwish I could enjoy that nice warm weather at Orlando ;)13:46
gilirit's currenly very hot, and the air is very wet, and it's only 9 AM :/13:52
bioterroryou're going to sweat :D13:52
gilirhopefully, we have air conditionning :p13:53
jingjanglubuntu doen't allow me to change desktop background color (only allow me to change background image) i need to set my bg to black13:56
jingjanglubuntu 10.1013:57
jingjangi've check it in Desktop preferences13:57
jingjangah, ok now13:58
bioterrorI see a desktop and I want it painted black14:03
jingjangblack color is good coz its save me power good for eyes... so i set all my pc, handhell to black theme14:04
bioterroryou have CRT monitor?14:05
jingjangboth, crt and lcd14:05
bioterrorwhite screen uses more power on CRT's14:05
bioterrorwith LCD it does not mater14:05
jingjanggood to know14:06
jingjangmedia codec14:08
jingjangihave to install all of them each time install new linux system14:08
jingjangall is done14:08
bioterrorwhen you get your system ready14:09
bioterroryou can use clonezilla to make an image of it ,)14:09
jingjangthanks, i'm searching it on google :)14:10
jingjanggood to know, new disc clone software14:10
jingjangbut linux upgrade it 6month each time14:11
jingjangi'm reinstall each 6month, and you ?14:11
mmaksimovHi. What's the "official" taskmanager in Lubuntu 10.10? I have one freshly installed system and one upgraded from 10.04, and they use different ones.... lxtask for a fresh system and xfce4-taskmanager for an upgraded AFAIR.....14:36
bioterrori prefer htop in terminal14:57
bioterrorbetter than gui14:57
mmaksimovbioterror, but there still _is_ a graphical taskamanger included in Lubuntu, and if upgraded and fresh installs differ there may be a bug somewhere :)15:13
johnny77I just installed Lubuntu and can't figure out how to edit touchpad settings. Also menu editing would be helpful.16:17
bioterrorjohnny77, what's missing from your menu?16:27
johnny77bioterror: Hey, I think it is because I have Ubuntu, K, X and L installed. The menu has gotten kind of wonky. Just want to clean up.16:30
johnny77bioterror: Any ideas on the touchpad/mouse properties?16:30
bioterrorsorry, I gotta go to another room16:31
nk_can some one help me acess windows7 or point me to something to read?16:33
nk_søren klype16:49
nk_can some one help me acess windows7 or point me to something to read?17:07
johnny77Anyone know how to edit the menu?17:33
friTTe|i use to download alacarte from Synaptic manager17:34
friTTe|for the menu editing, might grab some other dependencies but nothing that have any effect on the system as far as i know17:34
johnny77friTTe|: It doesn't seem that alacarte has any affect on the Lubuntu menu.17:35
friTTe|hmm i use it on my computers17:35
friTTe|drag and drop items from Internet to Office and stuff like that?17:36
friTTe|i might have misunderstood you17:36
johnny77I've installed Lubuntu from within Ubuntu. If that makes a difference.17:38
friTTe|hm ok17:38
friTTe|well i have clean installs, but that should work anyway17:38
friTTe|but im not sure17:38
johnny77If I understand correctly alacarte controls the application menu in Ubuntu. It doesn't seem to affect Lubuntu.17:38
friTTe|hmm ok17:39
friTTe|i use that one for my menu editing, easy to use gui17:39
friTTe|but if you went from Ubu to Lubu im not sure17:39
friTTe|But yeah that one is gnome17:40
johnny77Would you know how to edit touchpad settings?17:40
friTTe|what do you wanna edit17:42
friTTe|thast one for disabling tap to click17:43
johnny77friTTe|: Thank you. The tap to click has been fixed.17:47
friTTe|good =) no problems17:48
friTTe|glad i could be of help17:48
johnny77friTTe|: I think I just stumbled onto the menu edit.17:49
friTTe|hehe ok17:49
friTTe|johnny77,  how do you like the Lubu experience this far then?17:59
friTTe|i got it on diff machines, even my maindesktop..and that one got pretty much RAM, but the speed is awesome17:59
friTTe|the minimalism is lovely, tired of Compiz and cubes and stuff =D18:01
johnny77friTTe|: It's not too bad. I like the simple feel for it, but want to make sure it will give me the options I need.18:01
friTTe|you can get most options,18:02
MonthOLDpickletalking about lubuntu right18:02
friTTe|only thing i have changed is added a conky and moved the menubar to the top and added another at the bottom18:02
MonthOLDpickleYea I love it except for bluetooth is funky =p18:02
friTTe|i havent tried that one tbh18:02
friTTe|hmm i lied...i have tried and couldnt get the pairing work with my X1018:03
friTTe|but thats no biggie18:03
johnny77Well, sorry guys. It looks like it is not allowing me to run one of my programs. I was able to run it in gnome with sh freeplane.sh, but now it's not working.18:06
bioterrorit's not up to lubuntu18:07
friTTe|sorry to hear18:07
bioterrorwhat does it say?18:07
johnny77hold on let me try again.18:07
mark76Hey bioterror18:07
bioterrorhey mark18:07
mark76I've just been surveyed by MORI18:08
johnny77bioterror: Your magic.18:09
friTTe|johnny77,  did it work now :)18:09
johnny77is there a way to change the terminal background?18:33
bioterrorfor what18:33
johnny77the blue cloud background in the terminal makes it hard to read the words. Can I change it?18:34
bioterrorwhat? :D18:34
bioterrorxterm -bg black -fg grey +sb -fn fixed18:35
bioterrorI dont know which terminal you're using18:35
johnny77it's the lxterminal18:36
bioterrorhave you checked the preferences?18:36
mark76How long has lxterminal had a blue cloud background by default? :/18:38
bioterrorI'm running 10.10 and I dont have18:39
bioterrorand I have not configured my lxterminal18:39
bioterrordunno about these mix-up-lubuntus18:39
bioterrorwhen people are running Ubuntu with kubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-desktop and lubuntu-desktop on same platform18:40
mark76I'm running KDE, Gnome and LXDE.18:40
mark76Plus one other18:40
mark76Oh... And Xfce18:40
bioterrorI've always said apt-get remove --purge kde\* and gnome\* if I'n trying something other18:41
MonthOLDpickleno openbox18:41
bioterrorLXDE sounds like a synthetic drug18:41
mark76It's what you're using right now18:41
mark76Unless you aren't18:41
johnny77mark76: You sound like me. I've got all four installed to see which I like better.18:42
mark76I have five plus PekWM :D18:43
bioterroroh you boys18:43
mark76I'd install GNUStep/Windowmaker as well if it still worked18:43
bioterrorare you dating 5 girls at the time, so that you know which one is best? :D18:44
bioterrorrunning on lubuntu18:44
mark76No :p18:45
bioterroroh yes!18:45
bioterrorworks like a dream18:45
mark76It's the GNUStep components that don't work18:45
johnny77bioterror: do you have only Lubuntu?18:46
bioterrorjohnny77, on this laptop yes18:46
bioterrorI have only one wife18:46
bioterrorone computer, one os18:46
bioterrorI also have two bikes with only one gear ;)18:46
bioterrormark76, http://repo.or.cz/w/wmaker-crm.git if you're interested18:46
johnny77bioterror: Why do you like Lubuntu versus the others?18:47
bioterrordifferent purposes18:47
bioterrorbut I happen to run Linux Mint on my desktop machine18:47
bioterrorwhich has more cpu and RAM to waste on Gnome18:47
bioterrorbut I like lubuntu on laptop18:48
bioterrorit's just fast18:48
bioterrorand looks good by default18:48
bioterrorand that new default ubuntu, it's so fcuked up18:48
bioterrorwhy they had to move close,min,max buttons to the left side of the tittlebar18:49
bioterrorwhy it's so daaaamn dark18:49
johnny77bioterror: do you know how to edit the Lubuntu menu?18:49
bioterrorit's handle with .desktop -file18:50
bioterrorit's handle with .desktop -files18:50
pizuxyop hello20:11
pizuxis someone could test my script ?20:11
pizuxto create pcmafm to /dir desktop file20:12
pizuxit works with zenity20:12
sam__hey to all of you  it is kurdistan from a friends laptop21:36
sam__:) he finally moved from xp to lubuntu21:36
phillwsam__: welcome :D21:38
sam__he is a happy :) dude21:39
bioterrorhaha, nice move! ;D21:39
sam__yeah really nice move21:40
sam__his computer is like light compare to old durty xp21:40
sam__and it was really durty21:40
llogiqGood evening, folks.23:39
llogiqI think I found out why the brightness hotkeys on my netbook do not work. gnome-power-manager is calling a /usr/sbin/gnome-power-backlight-helper which isn't there.23:41
llogiqSo I don't even need to configure openbox, I just need to somehow get or write this helper.23:42
llogiqIt does not appear to be in any package.23:43
* llogiq is going to file a bug report.23:52
llogiqcu folks. g'night.23:55

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