
johnny77I was trying to install a gmail notifier made by google when I ran into this error http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/521049/ Can anyone help me?00:58
nhandlerjohnny77: What notifier is this? And any reason for not installing one from the repos?00:59
johnny77nhandler: Honestly, I'm not sure why I didn't check the repos. New to Ubuntu and just didn't think of it. Searched for gmail notifier KDE and found one by google.01:01
johnny77nhandler: have the instructions for the install if that helps. Or should I just use the repo?01:02
nhandlerjohnny77: You should really use the repositories for most of your needs unless you specifically need an application not in them. This will provide you with updates and other benefits. I found kcheckgmail in the repositories which is a kde4 gmail notifier01:03
johnny77nhandler: If I show you the instructions, can you help me get rid of what I did?01:05
nhandlerjohnny77: Yeah, I can try.01:05
nhandlerjohnny77: A link to where you downloaded it from would also be useful01:06
johnny77nhandler: http://code.google.com/p/gmailnotifier/01:08
johnny77nhandler: I bet your shaking your head, "Stupid noob!"01:08
nhandlerjohnny77: You should be able to just follow the Uninstallation instructions on that page to remove it.01:09
phillwjohnny77: that's one thing we never do, the dumb ass-holes are those who do not ask. You asked, so you are not in that category.01:21
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pedro3005phillw ! watch the language :p01:36
phillw!language | pedro300501:37
ubot2pedro3005: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:37
_spacer_question: how come i cannot apply changes to network settings in 10.10 desktop i am trying to set up a static ip.02:23
_spacer_i suppose that should have ended with a ?02:23
Cheri703what do you mean you can't apply changes?02:26
JoeMaverickSetti could apply changes, i just did it.02:26
_spacer_ok maybe we can talk a little about permissions02:30
_spacer_i think that might be the problem02:30
_spacer_i could not apply the changes with the network connections manager02:31
_spacer_hi again..02:31
Cheri703let me check something02:32
_spacer_my acount typ is admin02:32
Cheri703ok, if you go to this link I'm going to give you, and go to the "initial setup" part, which tells you where to find the "interfaces" file, and open that, then hop down to the "writing new schemes" for the static ip part: http://shallowsky.com/linux/networkSchemes.html02:36
Cheri703you don't need to do schemes, just use that to help set up the info02:36
Cheri703that way you can open it with sudo from the terminal02:36
Cheri703and you *should* be able to make it stick02:36
Cheri703(not sure this is the "best" way to do it, but should work)02:36
Cheri703does that make any sense _spacer_?02:38
_spacer_ok cool, i think it does. lets have a go.02:38
_spacer_ok so i dont have permission to save the file02:44
Cheri703first, copy your changes to a new blank file, so you don't have to do it again02:47
Cheri703then close it02:47
Cheri703*close the one it won't let you save02:47
_spacer_ok done02:48
Cheri703k, open up terminal02:49
Cheri703type sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces02:49
Cheri703that *should* open up the file with root privileges02:50
Cheri703then put your changes in and try to save it02:50
* Cheri703 has fingers crossed02:50
Cheri703not sure why it wouldn't let you earlier, but...whatever, now reboot and check settings02:51
Cheri703(so it can reset itself)02:51
_spacer_rebooting now02:52
_spacer_cool thanks02:52
_spacer_i suppose the same should appl for the next edits?02:52
Cheri703yeah, probably02:52
Cheri703you can set up your different connections with that same file02:52
Cheri703I believe02:52
_spacer_the instruct you sent me said to save as interfaces-schemename.  this would have created a brand new scheme?02:54
Cheri703yes I believe so02:55
Cheri703I didn't do the scheme thing, I just used it to manually edit network setups02:55
_spacer_yeah makes sense, once this is up and running i cant think of anyreason it would need to change.02:57
_spacer_ok so im on the network but no internet03:00
Cheri703you might need to add a dns line03:03
Cheri703let me see if I can find the right format03:03
_spacer_in the interfaces file?03:04
Cheri703try this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-networking-configuration-using-command-line.html03:05
_spacer_ok dumb question03:49
_spacer_editing interface file...03:50
_spacer_adress- ip adress of this computer03:50
_spacer_netmask= netmask03:50
_spacer_network- router ip03:51
_spacer_broadcast= calculated03:51
_spacer_gateway= internet ip03:51
_spacer_ does this make sense?03:52
Cheri703uhm...hang on a sec03:53
Cheri703gateway is the same as network for most router setups I *think*03:54
_spacer_i think you are right03:57
_spacer_i'm not seeing anything for dns address03:58
_spacer_o wait there it is...03:58
_spacer_i think that did it04:00
Cheri703kk, working?04:01
_spacer_first part is04:01
javatexananyone know how to make a virtualbox virtual machine out of a live ubuntu box?04:21
yax51I seem to be missing my gnome-volume-control-applet. Where can I find it so I can add it the panel once again?04:36
JoeMaverickSettyax51: right click panel > add to panel > indicator applet, that might help.04:37
yax51the indicator applet is on and running, but there is no volume control04:38
JoeMaverickSettyax51: try this link; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23055804:40
yax51cool...how do I install the gnome-media package?04:42
JoeMaverickSettyax51: System > Administration > Synaptics Package Manager04:42
JoeMaverickSettyax51: in the search box type, without quotes, "gnome-media"04:44
yax51is it the gnome-media-common?04:44
JoeMaverickSettaccording to mine i've both gnome-media and gnome-media-common, but i suggest you mark gnome-media.04:45
JoeMaverickSettas according to the post, it should be gnome-media.04:45
yax51or the lidgnome-media0?04:45
JoeMaverickSettyax51: i suggest you try gnome-media first. :)04:47
yax51nevermind I found it...04:47
yax51ok, got them re-installed...going to reboot and see if that works!04:47
yax51hmm still no volume control....04:52
JoeMaverickSettyax51: i think this might do; http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=865245805:00
yax1no dice :(05:09
yax1I found a work around05:20
yax51I was able to add alsa mixer for gnome to the panel, but still no keyboard shortcuts05:21
yax51ok, I am trying to go to #ubuntu-beginners via empathy and it says I'm the only one there. I have an IRC account, and was able to get on there before, but I can;t seem to get on now...even before I came to the web IRC05:37
=== Guest13869 is now known as tarora
DrecondiusHello, I'm not sure if this is the place to go but I really need help08:46
DrecondiusI cannot for the life of me get my wireless adapter to work in 10.1008:46
Cheri703what is the model? and/or what issue are you seeing?08:46
Cheri703*disclaimer* it's almost 4am here and I'm sick, so I apologize in advance if I'm unable to resolve the issue08:47
DrecondiusIt's a Belkin Wireless N Basic model F7D1101   it does absolutely nothing in ubuntu08:47
Drecondiusi have installed ndiswrapper and installed the 32 and 64 bit drivers to no avail08:48
Drecondiusworking will respond back in a few moments08:49
* bioterror keeps fingers crossed :D08:54
Drecondiusquick question08:55
Drecondiushow do i copy a file to a protected area08:56
bioterrorwith: sudo08:56
Drecondiusi hit enter too soon08:56
bioterrorsudo mkdir RTL8192SU08:56
Drecondiusi have already made the directory i need to copy the file from downloads to the directory08:57
bioterrorsudo mv D08:57
bioterrorsudo mv ~/Download/blaablaa.bin /lib/firmware/RTL8192SU/08:57
bioterrormv = move08:57
Drecondiusthat clarified it08:58
Drecondiusthank you08:58
bioterrorremember to use tab key to complete ;)08:58
Drecondiusim thinking windoze and copy08:58
bioterroryou dont have to write all files exactly, you can complete words with tabkey08:58
bioterrorthe one above caps lock08:58
bioterrormakes working in terminal alot easier08:59
bioterrorsoon you will notice that, GUI is slow when you try to do tasks like that ;)08:59
bioterrorhi swoody08:59
swoodyheya bioterror :)09:00
Drecondiuscan you link that page again09:02
Drecondiusi think i fubared something09:02
bioterror http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=152281509:03
Drecondiusround 209:08
Drecondiusstill no power to the device and i followed it to the letter09:15
Drecondiuswell maybe not can i rename a directory?09:15
bioterrordo you see it if you say "ifconfig"?09:15
bioterrorsudo mv directory newnameforthedirectory09:16
DrecondiusRound 409:21
Drecondiussuch a pick os09:21
Cheri703once more into the breach!09:21
Cheri703nah, picky hardware09:21
DrecondiusAlas I thought that I had slain the beast but it yet lives09:27
Drecondiusgot power, found the network09:27
Drecondiuswon't connect09:27
bioterrorhey, almost there! ;D09:27
Drecondiusperhaps a different bin file?09:28
Drecondiusor perhaps on the router's end09:28
Drecondiuswould being installed through wubi have anything to do with it?09:29
Cheri703another link for you to check out: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149133309:29
Drecondiustried those backports before09:30
Drecondiusterrible fate09:30
Drecondiusit see's the network, it connects09:30
Drecondiusthen disconnects09:30
DrecondiusI've done everything i can on the router's end09:41
LeMoiLibhello world! I'm trying to install code::blocks on my computer. I downloaded this tarball: codeblocks-10.05-1-debian-i386.tar.bz211:21
LeMoiLibuntar it and got a file full of .deb that I don't understand11:22
LeMoiLibCan someone help me pursue the process11:22
LeMoiLibthis is what I got:11:22
bioterrorLeMoiLib, why oh why11:30
bioterrorLeMoiLib, what's wrong with the one in the repository?11:31
bioterrorVersion: 8.02-0ubuntu411:31
LeMoiLibjust wanted the latest one!11:31
LeMoiLibhi bio!11:31
bioterrordoes the latest offer something that you need?-)11:31
=== seidos is now known as fictionalphiloso
=== fictionalphiloso is now known as seidos
LeMoiLibI'm sure at this stage!11:32
LeMoiLibso playing secure!11:32
bioterrorwell, put your dpkg -iR sing :D11:33
bioterrorhope you dont mess any dependencies with that one11:33
LeMoiLibI'm scare now! I already install the dependencies from synaptic, they where up to date! So now I just want the IDE itself.11:36
LeMoiLibI manage to install everything follows the error dependencies each time as you where suspecting! I would like to know how do I find where all this was installed in case I want to uninstall it?11:57
Silver_Fox_Hello ikt .12:05
iktHow are you going?12:05
Silver_Fox_I am fine, how are you ikt  ?12:05
iktpretty good, got a bit more free time on my hands now so I'm focusing on getting back into ubuntu full on :D12:05
Silver_Fox_Oh good, I missed seeing you about.12:07
lukjadSilver_Fox_ !12:15
Silver_Fox_Hello lukjad .12:15
lukjadSilver_Fox_ I wrote a story, would you like to read it?12:16
Silver_Fox_I will bookmark and read later. Is this acceptable lukjad .12:16
lukjadSilver_Fox_ http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/dwt7j/mine_own_heart_part_1_into_the_world/12:16
shahanI lost my network indicator on my top panel14:26
shahanSilver_Fox_, hi14:28
Silver_Fox_Hello shahan.14:31
shahanSilver_Fox_, hi14:32
shahanSilver_Fox_, after a long days we meet :)14:32
zeroseven0183Hi shahan14:33
shahanzeroseven0183, Hello :)14:33
zeroseven0183You mentioned you lost your network indicator?14:33
zeroseven0183Just add the Notification Area applet14:33
shahanzeroseven0183, ya14:34
shahanzeroseven0183, tnx... actually I forgot its name :)14:34
shahanzeroseven0183, tnx again14:34
zeroseven0183It's good for me to be back14:35
JeffJasskyHey, guys. Brand new to Ubuntu this morning (and linux) and I've been tasked with setting up a web server with apache, php, mysql, email, ftp, etc.. Could anyone point me in the direction I might need to go? Any tutorials on using apt-get, dealing with repositories, etc? Thanks, everyone :)14:42
AndrewMCJeffJassky: you may want to try #ubuntu-server14:46
zeroseven0183JeffJassky: Since you're new to Ubuntu, we suggest you start by reading the Ubuntu Manual http://ubuntu-manual.org/14:50
zeroseven0183You can download it from the link. It's free14:50
johnny77is there a big difference between Xubuntu and Ubuntu? They look similar when compared with Kubuntu.14:51
zeroseven0183Yes, johnny77. Although Ubuntu and Xubuntu looks almost the same but they're different.14:51
zeroseven0183Ubuntu uses the Gnome desktop environment while [X]ubuntu uses Xfce.14:52
zeroseven0183Xfce, as many know, is a lightweight DE.14:54
JeffJasskyzeroseven0183: Thanks. I actually spent about an hour browsing through that yesterday.14:54
zeroseven0183JeffJassky: Well, that's good.14:54
johnny77zeroseven0183: I understand that they use different DE, but in practical use, which would be better to install.14:56
zeroseven0183Still depends on your needs14:57
zeroseven0183I use Gnome a lot. For me, it's the easiest to use.14:57
zeroseven0183But you can use both, one at a time of course14:58
johnny77zeroseven0183: I actually have all three installed. New to the Ubuntu family; only installed a dual boot a couple of weeks ago. Trying to pick which I like the best.14:59
bioterrorha,xubuntu is not that lightweight if we throww lubuntu into this match15:00
zeroseven0183bioterror: Right. I'm also testing Lubuntu :-)15:00
bioterrorgood ;)15:00
johnny77zeroseven0183: what makes Xfce and gnome different? Should I choose Xfce because I'm on a netbook? KDE seems to need to much resources.15:01
zeroseven0183johnny77: So I think you're doing great.15:01
bioterrorhope we get this official family status15:01
zeroseven0183Hmmm.. If you use netbook, have you tried Ubuntu Unity?15:01
bioterrorif youre going to surf, read emails and irc with yout notebook, i sugggest lubuntu15:02
zeroseven0183bioterror: praying for Lubuntu15:02
bioterrorit can really compete with xubuntu15:02
zeroseven0183johnny77: See (and download) it here http://www.ubuntu.com/netbook15:02
zeroseven0183bioterror: Actually, I prefer Lubuntu over Xubuntu.15:03
zeroseven0183bioterror: But ever since, I'm an avid fan of Gnome15:03
johnny77zeroseven0183: I hate unity. I originally installed Ubuntu Netbook 10.04.15:03
zeroseven0183Hmmm I see.15:04
johnny77Should I install Lubuntu to give it a fair shake? As lightweight as it is, will it still give me the options the others do.15:04
zeroseven0183johnyy77: Sure why not15:05
zeroseven0183johnny77: Sure15:05
bioterrorbe careful with lubuntu, it can be love on a first sight ;)15:06
zeroseven0183johnny77: Let me do the honor to give you the link before bioterror does15:08
zeroseven0183it's here http://people.ubuntu.com/~gilir/lubuntu-10.10.iso15:08
zeroseven0183Alright, it's late night here and I should be out15:10
zeroseven0183see you tomorrow people15:10
bioterroronly 5pm15:10
bioterrorlaters 0715:11
johnny77Can I not install Lubuntu through the software center?15:11
bioterrornope, i dont think so15:12
bioterrormake a usb stick with unetbootin15:12
bioterrorhi hobgoblin15:12
hobgoblinhello bioterror15:13
bioterrormy dear stalker :D15:14
bioterrortook a while to connect you :D15:14
hobgoblinyou calling me a hat?15:14
Silver_Fox_bioterror,  http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51cIUSK6YwL._SL500_AA300_.jpg15:17
bioterrorgotta check when i get home15:17
hobgoblinbang bang - the emperor's dead15:17
Silver_Fox_A stalker is a type of hat.15:17
hobgoblinand emperor was a deer15:17
bioterrorthis touch screens  select sucks15:18
Silver_Fox_Then don't use it.15:18
bioterrorand since nokia replaced my n97 navi with mini, i cant start selection15:19
bioterrori can only blame myself :D15:19
bioterrori cant start with keyboard15:20
bioterrorand that screen just isnt that accurate15:20
johnny77when I login I have options for a Xfce session and a Xubuntu session. What is the difference?15:42
=== genupulas is now known as rajdha
rajdhacan any one tell me how can i do linux pkg programming with c language16:13
AuzboZlol even lookin at the #ubuntu room does my head in16:16
AuzboZdamn microsux and its makin me stupid16:16
bioterrorSilver_Fox_, Ahh... sherlock hat :D16:26
Silver_Fox_Pleasure bioterror .16:28
Goog_Joshhello, does somebody knows how to change size of window's border in 10.1016:30
Goog_Joshone more question: how to set inclusion numeric keys(numlock) by boot?16:49
AuzboZthats a q i would like answered too16:51
Goog_Josh does anyone know how to fix the bug with sleep mode in 10.1016:58
johnny77I installed Ubuntu 10.04 UNR on my netbook. Since then I've upgraded to 10.10 and installed K, L, and X variants. Now my menu is all jacked up. Does anyone know how to edit the menu in Lubuntu?17:23
ubot2If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome17:30
IdleOnejohnny77: see above17:30
IdleOnehmm wait17:30
IdleOnethat won't help17:30
IdleOneUNR has a different set of packages17:31
Aitrus41Decided to triple boot my netbook.  Installed XP, then Windows 7, then Ubuntu. Can boot into W7 and Ubuntu 10 but XP is not showing in the boot menu.  How would I fix this? XP is listed by fdisk as /dev/sda1, W7 is sda2 and Ubuntu is /sda317:31
johnny77IdleOne: I'm not saying I want to remove the other DEs. My applications menu is all messed up and I want to clean it up, but the alacarte menu editor does not work in Lubuntu. Is there a way to edit the menu.17:32
IdleOnejohnny77: I don't know how to edit the menu in Lubuntu but you can try asking in #lubuntu17:33
johnny77IdleOne: thanks.17:33
=== SuperHark is now known as MichealH
shahanlooking for something light software for spreadsheet like MS Excell. Open Office is so resource consuming...19:03
pedro3005shahan, there was one19:04
pedro3005I forgot the name19:04
shahanI have chosen Abiword instead of Open Office writer, now looking for alternative for Spreadsheet19:04
pedro3005gnumeric I think19:04
shahanpedro3005, hmm... let me install it from software center and test19:05
shahanany software for Presentation?19:05
aveilleuxshahan: pedro3005 is right, it's gnumeric. Gnumeric is pretty powerful.19:05
shahanaveilleux, hmm19:06
aveilleuxshahan: For presentation there's really no other viable option19:06
aveilleuxshahan: The only one I can think of it barely complete and text doesn't render properly (Can't remember the name)19:06
aveilleuxshahan: You may want to look into the K Office Suite.19:06
shahanaveilleux, that means its KDE?19:07
aveilleuxshahan: It uses the Qt libraries, which KDE is built on. It runs fine under GNOME though.19:07
pedro3005aveilleux, well, it's really not lightweight19:08
aveilleuxpedro3005: at least it's not Java-based19:08
* aveilleux pictures Java like a lumbering Gelatinous Cube with a movement speed penalty, while C and Python are nimble rouges with +3 Boots of Elvish Swiftness19:09
aveilleuxAnd Qt is somewhere in the middle19:10
aveilleuxA Human Druid probably19:10
pedro3005python? fast?19:10
pedro3005does not compute19:10
pedro3005I love python but I must admit19:10
aveilleuxI've always seen Python apps run pretty quickly.19:11
aveilleuxCould be the algorithms, though.19:11
pedro3005well because usually they're small19:11
pedro3005not very fair to compare some 200-line python script to a full office suite like openoffice19:11
aveilleuxI use Faces19:13
aveilleuxIt's written in Python, and pretty quick19:13
karthick__How to register XCHAT19:20
manishkarthick__: register Xchat?19:20
manishyou mean register nickname?19:20
manishkarthick__: on windows?19:20
karthick__InternetRelayChat  Registration19:21
manishkarthick__: pretty vagye19:22
manishplease be more precise19:22
rajdhakarthick__,  /msg NickServ <password> <email>19:22
manishkarthick__: you probably means to register the nickname you have used19:22
manishrajdha: if he is using XChat on windows, then probably it can also mean registering as XChat for windows is trialware19:23
karthick__i have installed xchat via terminal19:23
karthick__using ubuntu 10.04 not windows19:23
rajdhamanish,  he is doing the registration ...so thats not a problem either windows or linux19:24
manishrajdha: I meant XChat port of windows is trialware19:24
manishbtw he told that he is on 10.0419:24
karthick__where should i type /msg NickServ <password> <email>19:24
manishkarthick__: where you are typing the messages :)19:24
manishdont put anything before the /19:25
rajdhakarthick__,  yes right there19:25
rajdhakarthick__, waz up? got it19:26
rajdhakarthick__,  u will going to get a mail with conformation link19:27
rajdhakarthick__,  i think some code19:27
karthick__Invalid command19:28
rajdhakarthick__, by pasting here in the given format u will going to complete ur reg19:28
karthick__it says invalid command19:28
rajdhakarthick__,    "/msg NickServ REGISTER  <password> <email-address>"19:30
karthick__"/msg NickServ REGISTER password87 deenath1984@gmail.com19:31
karthick__"/msg NickServ REGISTER password87 deenath1984@gmail.com"19:31
rajdhakarthick__,  remove quotes  before /19:31
rajdhaand after /19:32
rajdhakarthick__,  i placed them for ur understanding19:32
shahanexcuse me...19:32
rajdhakarthick__,  just type without Quotes19:32
shahanThis place is only for ubuntu discussion19:32
rajdhashahan,  hiiiiiiiiiii19:32
karthick__yes i have registered :)19:32
rajdhashahan,  2 devil19:33
aveilleuxkarthick__: You might want to pick a different password19:33
shahanyou can ask this type of question to #freenode19:33
shahannot here19:33
aveilleuxshahan: They can ask this kind of question her19:33
rajdhashahan,  come 2 devil channel19:33
rajdhaaveilleux,  right19:34
aveilleuxshahan: It's a beginner's question, is it not?19:34
rajdhashahan,  if we know means whats wrong if we help19:34
karthick__I wont b asking these types of questions again..Sorry!19:36
ehcahHello.  Is there a method like under MS WinX that from run: //driveshare-name/user   I can connect from ubuntu?20:43
ehcahI currently have an unRaid server setup.  I can open the IP address, but that brings up only the server shares.  I need to upload and remove some config files.20:43
ehcahI normally telnet to the IP of the box to make modifications.20:43
karthick87what about samba server..?20:44
ehcahNot sure?20:45
ehcahI used to make the changes from Windows 7 using the //share name20:45
ehcahkarthick87:  All of the Samba clients I can find want to either mount, or browse shares on my laptop.  I am trying to get to a box on my LAN.21:02
bioterrorI'm not really following21:04
ehcahbioterror: me?21:04
bioterrorhi phillw21:06
ehcahI have an unRaid NAS box on my network.  I need to modify some of its config files.  I can access its shares easy enough, but can only access the server via telnet.21:06
ehcahI need to copy and paste several files back on forth on the OS, which isn't shared.21:06
bioterroris there a special share folder21:06
bioterrorlike windows has admin$ and c$21:06
ehcahshould be the root, something like //ehcah-NAS/21:07
ehcahI have to stop thinking of shares in windows terms, don't I.21:07
bioterrorit doesnt matter21:07
bioterroryou can say in terminal "smbtree" ;)21:08
bioterrorif it's a public, you should see it21:09
ehcahMy file DHCP... Server shows up, but not the unRaid box.21:09
ehcahI guess it's not public.21:09
bioterroropen your filemanager, press ctrl+l and type smb://ip.address.of.teh_nas/21:10
ehcahI can open the file manager and do that, I have it bookmarked in fact.  All I get are my created shares.21:11
karthick87what is dig command..?21:14
bioterrordig is same as nslookup21:14
johnny77can I install the KDE desktop environment without installing Kubuntu?21:15
karthick87i dont know even nslookup command,pls explain me21:15
johnny77bioterror: was that of course for me?21:17
bioterrorfor karthick8721:17
karthick87how to view hardware information via terminal..?21:38
ehcahCan someone point me to a tutorial for assigning static names on top of static IP's for my network devices?  cName records or alias' maybe?23:56

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