
=== Keybuk_ is now known as Keybuk
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
LQSome of the widgets are sometimes missing from the GNOME panel on login - is this GNOME or Ubuntu? Will Unity have the same problem?12:54
LQThe widget problem seems to be most prevalent on Live USBs but it can happen on the installed desktop also, being completely random.12:59
robert_ancelldesrt, I'm pimping dconf in #ubuntu-uds-bonaire414:19
desrtnice :)14:21
desrtvuntz and i are dealing with some gnome stuff14:21
desrtwe're still in our room14:21
seb128desrt, did you sleep this night? ;-)14:32
seb128or did you spend the night on yesterday's discussion14:32
desrtrobert_ancell: hey14:33
desrtseb128: we went upstairs and vuntz told me i was right :)14:33
desrtrobert_ancell: i'm in the room now14:33
seb128desrt, he probably just wanted to go to bed ;-)14:34
desrtseb128: :)14:35
desrtrobert_ancell: where's all of the talk about dconf?!14:35
seb128desrt, not a lot of talk, just suggesting compiz upstream to use it14:36
desrti agree!14:36
robert_ancelldesrt, yes, smspillaz said he would look at making a compiz settings backend14:39
ubot2Factoid 'JKWDGJSDJG' not found14:40
desrtthey should just use GSettings :)14:40
RAOF_They're just talking about using glib in compiz core, so…14:43
=== oubiwann is now known as oubiwann-away
=== oubiwann-away is now known as oubiwann
Goog_Joshhello, does somebody knows how to change size of window's border in 10.1016:30
jpds 16:32
mterryGoog_Josh, you can do it, just a very small grab area (1-pixel wide)16:35
and471Goog_Josh, you would have to change your metacity theme16:35
mterryGoog_Josh, oh, that's what you were asking (how to make it more than 1 pixel)?16:35
Goog_Joshyes to the latter message16:37
mterryyeah, just change metacity theme (Appearances)16:37
jcastroGoog_Josh: http://askubuntu.com/questions/4109/increase-resize-margin-on-windows16:38
Goog_Joshthanks for you16:38
ronocBertrand, ping16:42
Goog_Joshone more question: how to set inclusion numeric keys(numlock) by boot?16:47
Goog_JoshDoes anyone know the answer?16:51
Goog_Josh does anyone know how to fix the bug with sleep mode in 10.1016:57
ronocBertrand, ping again17:16
Bertrandronoc: pong17:22
ronocBertrand, hey did you catch my question earlier ?17:22
Bertrandronoc: I don't see it in my backlog. What was it ?17:23
ronocWould banshee have any interest in supporting the playlist extension to mpris ?17:23
ronocBertrand, ^17:23
=== bdrung_ubucon is now known as bdrung_uni
Bertrandronoc: Seems quite easy, so I don't see any problems to implement it. I guess the idea is to show those playlists in the sound menu ?17:30
ronocBertrand, indeed17:30
ronocBertrand, I was hoping to get this in for Natty17:31
Bertrandronoc: I should be able to find some time in the coming months, or someone else can beat me to it ;)17:31
Bertrandronoc: Would you mind filing a bug on http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=banshee so that I don't forget about it ?17:32
ronocBertrand, I will propose the changes to the mpris list, can you show some interest with a response, Alex is not too keen but with some client interest it should be accepted17:32
ronocBertrand, will do17:33
ronocBertrand, the functionality is described in the spec on the wiki17:34
Bertrandronoc: I'm now subscribed to the mpris list, probably should have done that earlier ;)17:39
ronocBertrand, good stuff17:40
Bertrandronoc: Have fun at UDS !17:40
ronocBertrand, its going well, been here for over 10 days now.17:41
ronocBertrand, get back to London Monday17:41
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
jcastroRAOF__: I need upvotes please!20:05
RAOF__jcastro: For which questions?  I've done an upvote sweep already.20:05
jcastroRAOF__: oh ok, thanks.20:05
jcastroI am just wondering why people are voting for ones that are obviously rumors with no citation20:06
RAOF__Because they're jucy rumours!20:06
jcastroif someone sees didrocks can you tell him that this page ius blank21:10
jcastrohttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDSProceedings/N/PackageSelectionAndSystemDefaults#Bringing the Ubuntu Desktop and Netbook favors closer21:10
jcastroand it's not supposed to be21:10
bilalakhtarI think didrocks is at UDS, right? Then it should be easy for jcastro to find him21:11
jcastroI am trying to21:12
jcastroso I am leaving him a message21:12
jcastroand yes, I know he's here /somewhere/, heh21:12
nisshhdidrocks, you around?22:29
didrocksnisshh: sure22:29
nisshhdidrocks, jcastro was in her earlier looking for you22:29
nisshhdidrocks, he said to tell you thisL22:29
didrocksnisshh: we are in the same room22:30
didrocksjcastro: that's the question you asked me previously?22:30
nisshhhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDSProceedings/N/PackageSelectionAndSystemDefaults#Bringing the Ubuntu Desktop and Netbook favors closer22:30
didrocksjames_w: stop slackering and scratching your head :-)22:30
nisshhhe said that page is blank and it isnt supposed to be22:30
didrocksnisshh: I pasted on the linked blueprint22:30
nisshhdidrocks, dont talk to me about it, i dont even know what your talking about :)22:31
didrocksahah :)22:31
didrocksnisshh: thanks for the info, all is correct! :-)22:31
nisshhdidrocks, thats my public service done for the day :)22:31
didrocksnisshh: :-)22:31
jcastronisshh: thanks!22:46
nisshhjcastro, yw :)22:50

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