
Q-FUNKWRT bug #396286 it appears that kernel 2.6.36 solves it. Could the fix be backported to karmic/lucid/maverick please?11:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 396286 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[Geode LX] [ION603] kernels >= 2.6.31 fail to boot [initramfs] (affects: 2) (heat: 30)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39628611:42
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vanhoofquick q ... when doing verification on a bug that has a fixed in -proposed, after I post my validation, is it on my to update the verification tag?17:22
* vanhoof doesnt want to step on toe17:22
diwicvanhoof, I believe you should remove "verification-needed" and add "verfication-done"17:40
Sarvattvanhoof: sru verification team does it, it needs 2 community acks if they can't confirm it themselves18:30
Sarvattin the verification section here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates18:31
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
vanhoofSarvatt: doubt anyone will be able to confirm that bug community wise :)20:34
vanhoofSarvatt: if you want to add an ack from the box you have that'd be cool too20:34
Sarvattyou and me did :)20:34
* vanhoof looks20:34
robtowHave been reading about troubles with 2.6.35 kernel on Dell e6510 laptops - boots but no display with Intel integrated graphics.; have experienced same. 2.6.31 kernel does boot up with X. Is there a later kernel that works well with Dell e6510?22:46
ppetrakirobtow,  doesn't work at all? or only from suspend/resume?22:47
robtowppettraki - it boots; but no X display - I can even log in, typing carefully (and here the log in sound). But there is no X Windows.22:48
robtowI do not have the Nvidia card, so the fixes that pertain to Nvidia are not relevent.22:48
ppetrakiso I swear we fixed that already, for the onboard graphics22:50
ppetraki10.4.1 should have the fixes22:50
robtowI am currently running 10.10.22:50
robtowI installed 9.04, and then did upgrades all the way through 10.10.22:51
ppetrakiso you never touched lucid then?22:51
robtow10,4 would not install. 10.10 would install, but not give graphics. 9.10 froze after install. 9.04 worked, but with no networking; it recognized an external USB wifi adapter; after updating to 9.10 the Broadcomm driver worked for the internal network adapter.22:52
robtowwhich kernel is in 10.04.1?22:53
ppetrakiwhatever is in updates -122:53
ppetrakiso it should have some arrandale fixes in there22:54
ppetrakiburn it to a usb stick and give it try, it'll be pretty obvious if it works22:54
ppetrakiif not, disable kms :(22:55
robtowThe DVD I have is Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS22:55
robtowWe tried it several times, to no avail.22:56
robtowI tried booting with nomodeset, did not help22:57
ppetrakitry  "i915.modeset=0 xforcevesa" :(22:59
ppetrakiwithout the sad face22:59
robtow...I saw on the Canonical website that there is a validated 64 bit 10.10 for e6510; but I can't find where to get it.... I have Texas Instruments purchasing trying to get inside info at Dell about it.23:00
ppetrakirobtow, oh the cert site... actually, you should be able to get the media directly from dell23:01
robtowThat's what I'm trying to get our IT/purchasing people to do. After three days they can't find out *how*.23:02
ppetrakirobtow, just call support23:03

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