
=== micahg changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team: | Seamonkey 2.0.10 in http://is.gd/dsudW, please test | Firefox 3.6.12 in Hardy-Maverick | Thunderbird 3.1.x Now in Maverick/Daily PPA, Coming to Stable PPA Soon | Firefox 4.0 Beta PPA http://is.gd/f6TM4 | Report Mozilla PPA bugs here: http://is.gd/dPML
=== debfx_ is now known as debfx
micahgbdrung: can mozilla-devscripts fail a build ATM or are there rules changes necessary as well?16:02
ftaasac, do you have some upstream skia guys in the room?16:07
asacfta: unfortunately not16:15
asacfta: if you know someone and can send him to #ubuntu-uds-bonaire that would be great ... if not we check the details afterwards16:16
ftaa bit late to do that16:16
asacbut maybe someone is around just now ;)16:17
ftaskia is a dedicated team, it's not the chromium team16:17
asacbut is not that important ... this session is mostly about documenting the rational etc. and then going to skia and ask if they want that contribution from us16:18
micahgchrisccoulson: I think I'll do 2 fixes for the nobinonly issue, the first is to fix thunderbird, then later to fix m-devscripts to fail teh build, sound ok?16:22
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, that sounds fine16:22
micahgchrisccoulson: k16:22
ftaasac, what use do you have for skia (outside of chrom*)16:23
micahgchrisccoulson: is it worth reuploading thunderbird for this, or this just needs to be before the next upload?16:26
chrisccoulsonthe next upload is fine16:26
ftaasac, i'll find skia PoCs for you16:27
asacfta: thanks ... you could add that to the gobby document or send a mail ... please use asac at linaro.org ;)16:27
asacmy other email is completely busted :/16:27
ftaasac, http://code.google.com/p/skia/wiki/FAQ16:32
* micahg just realized conkeror can be sync'd after uploading :-/16:34
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fta\o/ i'm done with my squeezebox py stack21:28
ftanow i need to make a gui and an indicator21:29
ftabut i suck at GUIs :P21:29
bdrungmicahg: what do you mean with 'fail a build'?21:46
micahgbdrung: if a non 0 value is returned will the builds continue?21:46
micahgbdrung: i.e. nobinonly was failing, is there something I can add to m-devscripts to make the build fail under that condition w/out updating the d/rules file?21:47
bdrungmicahg: mozilla-devscripts has many script. about which one are you talking?21:47
bdrungmicahg: show me the log21:48
micahgbdrung: bug 66781921:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 667819 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "get-orig-source target is failing to clean binary files from the source tarball (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66781921:49
* bdrung has to take a shower first.21:49
micahgbdrung: I don't have the actual log ATM, I can create one later21:49
ftaasac, i assume you have your answers now (skia)22:12
BUGabundofta: http://android-pt.com/desirehd-1st-photos http://gadgets.fotos.bugabundo.net22:13

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