
adaboI can't get php to work on Ubuntu Server. I've already tried these steps(after fresh install of server): http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/installing-php5-and-apache-on-ubuntu/00:00
Diamondcitefognrain: Which OS is going to be your guest?00:00
adabohtml works, but not php00:00
fognraina variety, XP, Vista and Ubuntu00:01
mkhanyisiadabo, sudo apt-get install php5 php5-mysql00:01
adabomkhanyisi: ok00:02
Diamondcitefognrain: So something like samba should work for you.00:02
Diamondcitemkhanyisi: Does ubuntu auto cofigure apache's configuration to activate PHP?00:02
mkhanyisiDiamondcite, i think so00:03
determinologyquestion where is the tmp foldier on ubuntu linux? Keep in mind this pc is dual boot as wll..When i goto places file system tmp its not there00:03
adabo"php5 is alread the newest version" "php5-mysql is already the newest version"00:03
mkhanyisiDiamondcite, i think the gymnastics of editting apache files are on the low00:03
Diamondcitedeterminology: Try /tmp /var/tmp ~/tmp00:03
adaboWhen I type php code into index.html, the page is blank00:04
adabo<?php phpinfo(); ?>00:04
Nach0zhello... um, how do i copy a directory when the "sudo cp" command says "ommiting directory <directory i want to copy>" ?00:04
Diamondciteadabo: Shouldn't php files end in .php ?00:04
jrib!lamp | adabo00:04
ubottuadabo: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)00:04
jribadabo: read the instructions there and follow the troubleshooting steps00:04
fognrainDiamondcite thanks00:04
DiamondciteNach0z: cp -r from_dir to_dir00:04
adabojrib: Good idea. Thanks00:05
adaboDiamondcite: You can run php in html00:05
jribadabo: php won't get interpreted in files ending in .html by default if that's what you are doing (I believe)00:05
mkhanyisiadabo, to rename index.html to adabo.php00:05
UnholyTerroradabo, you have to tell apache what file extensions you want to process as php00:05
mkhanyisiadabo then: http://localhost/adabo.php00:05
adabojrib, mkhanyisi, UnholyTerror: Ok.00:06
adaboDidn't think of that00:06
mkhanyisiadabo, but you are right, you can embed php in .html files00:07
UnholyTerroradobe, /etc/apache200:07
mkhanyisiUnholyTerror, its adabo , not acrobat00:07
adabomkhanyisi: Though I'm sure it is a setting in the config. I totally overlooked that.00:07
adaboThank's for the heads up guys.00:08
adabomkhanyisi: You were right. I renamed it to adabo.php and added it to the address bar and it loaded fine: http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/1978/ss20101028011018.png00:10
she_dyedyou been in secret talks UnholyTerror !00:10
adaboStill should load from html though :(00:10
jribadabo: why do you want to use php in files ending in html out of curiousity?00:11
UnholyTerroradabo, AddHandler directive in /etc/apache200:11
adaboI have no idea. I suspect because I am following directions from another user.00:11
jribadabo: I would just leave it be and use .php for php to be honest00:12
adaboUnholyTerror: Ok. I'll look into that.00:12
f_mulderIm using samba on my ubuntu desktop so I can share files between windows and ubuntu...but now I have some rar files in an folder ... and when I try to unzip them with winrar in windows I get the error message :"access denied"..why is that :O? (I still can open them up with winrar and drag/drop or extract)00:12
f_mulderin that folder*00:12
UnholyTerroradabo, AddHandler directive in /etc/apache2/mods_enabled00:12
Diamondcitef_mulder: so windows CAN read from that file?00:12
adabojrib: Ok. I suppose you are right. I'm new to this as you can tell00:12
adaboUnholyTerror: Now yo ulost me00:13
ilyekkakaiHelp! This morning my wireless card didn't come on and it won't get detected. How do i fix it?00:14
ilyekkakaiIt was working last night just fine00:15
UnholyTerroradabo, AddHandler directive in /etc/apache2/mods_enabled/php5_conf00:15
ilyekkakaibut this morning it decided to pack up and die.00:15
UnholyTerrormy config on this laptop is different than my server.00:16
adaboUnholyTerror: Ok. I'm with you so far. I think00:16
Diamondciteilyekkakai: So you don't see a way to enable it from network manager?(right click)00:16
pelmenguys, how do i disable udev on startup ?00:16
BobSapphi there what application is best to rip music from my cd collection to mp3?00:17
BobSappor maybe flac00:17
UnholyTerrordefault looks like it sends .phtml through PHP.00:17
DiamondciteBobSapp: k3b is pretty good for a GUI to rip with.00:17
BobSappI used to use grip00:17
ilyekkakaiDiamondcite, it doesn't even show up any more. It is as though it is turned off - but the wireless switch on the laptop is on00:17
BobSappi suppose k3b wont hurt since i have kde libs anyway00:17
Praxihow do I tell what my apache user is?00:18
Diamondciteilyekkakai: I don't suppose a complete shutdown and startup works either?00:18
BobSappthanks Diamondcite00:18
ilyekkakaiDiamondcite, I tried restarting, shutting down, taking out the battery...00:18
DiamondciteBobSapp: I'm too used to KDE apps, so I'm sorry if it's a burden to intsll that much x.x00:18
UnholyTerroradabo, <FilesMatch "\.ph(p3?|tml)$">SetHandler application/x-httpd-php    </FilesMatch>00:18
BobSappDiamondcite: nah its cool i have some other kde apps anyway00:19
Diamondciteilyekkakai: I can't be of too much help at the moment.. if it doesn't show up on lspci or lsusb I have no idea at the moment.00:19
Praxiif I'm trying to chown a directory for apache, how do I know what user to chown to?00:19
DiamondciteTime to dinner!00:19
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mbroekerPraxi, ubuntu and debian let the apache2 service run as www-data00:20
Praxiawesome thanks mbroeker00:20
mbroekerPraxi, but never ever chown the webroot, eg /var/www to www-data:www-data00:20
adaboUnholyTerror: Yes I have the same line of code as that00:20
ilyekkakaiDiamondcite, it doesn't show up if I ls  PCI or USB00:20
UnholyTerroradabo, you can alter that line to say <FilesMatch "\.ph(p3?|tml)|html$">   I think.00:20
mbroekerPraxi, people from the internet do NOT need writeaccess to your files or your setup is wrong :)00:21
adaboUnholyTerror: Oh I see. Well if breaks, we'll find out :D00:21
PraxiDoes this look correct ? sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /apps00:21
UnholyTerrorit's a pattern match... but will send everything .php .php3 .phtml .html through PHP whether there is PHP code in it or not.00:22
PraxiI'm getting a permissions problem, but only to a sub directory, I copied that sub directory from my user directory, I assume it took its permissions with it00:22
mbroekerPraxi, give write-access to files only when it is necessary. eg, an sqllite database file must be writable, other things not00:22
Praximy website can't even read the directory00:23
ilyekkakaiHelp my wireless card in laptop decided to die this morning.The wireless switch on the laptop is on...  It refuses to show up in lspci and it was working fine last night. can anyone help get it working again?00:23
UnholyTerrorPraxi, nope00:23
PraxiI did a chmod -R 755 on the directory, the problem didn't change00:23
geitenneukerwho is the boss?00:24
Praxiso when I copied it, it inherited the parent permissions of its new location?  Is that right UnholyTerror ?  Thanks!00:24
mbroekeryou need a Alias /apps /apps/ <Directory /apps/> ... </Directory> entry in /etc/apache2/conf.d/apps.conf00:24
UnholyTerrormust be user-group that server is running as or at least be able to be read by 'others'00:24
Praxistill doesn't fix the problem, but helps me out hehe00:24
mbroekerPraxi, ^^^00:24
UnholyTerrorit should have kept the original permissions00:24
UnholyTerrorwhat are the perms?00:25
PraxiSorry total linux newbie, can I check that with chmod?00:25
UnholyTerrorls -l /path/to/file00:25
Praxi They are drwxr-xr-x 14 root root 4096 2010-10-27 09:43 Snorby00:26
Praxioh wait thats to a sub folder00:26
pelmenguys, what could be the problem. If i have my IR receiver in the box, ubuntu waits good 3 minutes before startung gdm. If I remove it, it starts perfectly fine ?00:26
pelmen^USB ir receiver00:27
Praxiits trying to find a network over IR? :)  no clue hehe00:27
pelmendamn... ok, then different question . :) how do i disable udev on boot (i think it has problems)00:28
Praximbroeker: looking at your suggestion, is that also how I shorten the name?  currently where I buried the app /var/www/apps/Snorby/public is going to make a really annoying URL, will your suggestion allow me to make it easier?00:29
UnholyTerrorPraxi, chown user:group /path/to/file00:29
alp82did anybody try to use a sidewinder joystick with force feedback?00:29
alp82i just realized that i have one in my closet for several years without touching it00:30
poincare101where is the grub menu.lst file on ubuntu?00:31
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dksoba2010I've installed ubuntu 10.10 w/USB drive on my Dell T3500 workstation at school. I had to enable "noacpi" option for the usb install to work. Now when trying to boot from the hard drive ubuntu drops into a shell (Busy Box v1.15.3). Said "Gave up waiting for root device". I'm assuming I need to do something with the "noacpi" option somewhere but I'm not sure where to go or how to search for this.00:32
UnholyTerror /boot00:32
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OblatWhat does this error mean when I run a sh? Cannot convert string "nil2" to type FrontStruct.00:33
f_mulderDiamondcite, yes it can reed the .zip/.rar file ... I can open it with winrar and extract .. but if I just right click on it and then choose "Extract here" then I don't have the permissions :(00:35
timis  there an autoCAD program for linux?00:35
valiumhi all just popped in to get suggestions on live/hot disk imaging tools for a ubuntu server.  Any suggestions00:36
Diamondcitef_mulder: Sounds like it's a read only share.. did you make it writeable in samba?00:36
furii'd like to be able to use the G buttons along with the M buttons, and the applets, for the logitech G510. how can i do this?00:36
scokerhello my friendlys00:36
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UnholyTerrorpoincare101, no menu.lst in latest ubuntus00:37
UnholyTerrorwhich one are you using?00:37
poincare101UnholyTerror: what is the equivalent, I am using 10.1000:38
valiumtim : http://www.tech-edv.co.at/lunix/CADlinks.html00:38
UnholyTerrorit will be simpler for me to tell you to google grub2 tutorial00:38
timis that something you known of, or did you just google it?00:38
UnholyTerrorpoincare101, what did you want to do?00:39
poincare101UnholyTerror: Let me tell you what I'm trying to do, I'm trying to get Windows on top of my list so that I don't have to hit the down key several times when I have to boot windows00:39
major0211hey all00:39
poincare101UnholyTerror: how?00:40
UnholyTerrorpoincare101, go into /etc/grub.d folder00:40
major0211may i ask a question bout ubuntu 10.10 netbook remix ?00:40
King_Troopaanyone know if its possible to make downloads go to RAM until completed, to allow the HDD to spin down ?00:40
dlynesworkKing_Troopa, Just create a ram drive, and set that as your download directory00:41
dlynesworkKing_Troopa, then move it somewhere else after the download, manually00:41
dlynesworkKing_Troopa, or, make sure your /tmp directory is mounted on a ram drive and wait until firefox has fully downloaded it before telling it where to save the file00:42
UnholyTerrorpoincare101, ???00:42
f_mulderDiamondcite, yes it's writeable00:42
goltoofmajor0211, don't ask to ask, just ask00:42
f_mulderah Diamondcite I think I know what the problem is... while adding new folders to my share folder ... they don't become writeabel00:43
King_Troopadlyneswork so how do i create a ram drive? is there a package in the Software Center relating to that?00:43
f_mulderDiamondcite, can't I manage that somehow so they will automaticly be writeabel as wellP?00:43
dlynesworkKing_Troopa, http://www.google.ca/#sclient=psy&hl=en&q=how+do+i+create+a+ram+drive+in+linux%3F&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&pbx=1&fp=d5e9603c0c44c0de00:44
plouffeWhat's the name of the flash plugin in FF now?00:44
King_Troopalol thanks00:44
dlynesworkKing_Troopa, first hit should help you00:44
Diamondcitef_mulder: It might have something to do with the umask, but I never had to do such a thing00:45
UnholyTerrorpoincare101, ???00:45
f_mulderhm okey Diamondcite ...I'll try to set chmod -R as well00:47
blackshirtumask ??00:48
blackshirtf_mulder ???00:48
King_Troopadlyneswork the first hit assumes that red hat is being used. does that change anything..?00:48
f_mulderblackshirt, I don00:48
f_mulder't know what umask is00:48
dlynesworkKing_Troopa, not really...it's all pretty much linux00:48
Guest50375hallo o.o00:48
major0211correct, goltoof ...a friend and i both installed the 10.10 onto our netbooks, but his graphic drivers screwed up since he plugged in a second display ... well ... the thing is that he actually has a different gui, he has contextmenus and a better structured start menu ....00:49
major0211Guest ... hier mir Englisch ^^00:49
blackshirtumask is for set file mode00:49
Guest50375i installed ubuntu studio.. and i was wondering.. since the interface sucked, if i can update the regular ubuntu into it00:49
Guest50375ok, lol. i know english00:49
jags_howdy, anyone know how to get the latest version of empathy in 10.04, on my 10.10 desktop I can link contacts together if they are redundant, this option is not available in empathy on 10.0400:49
blackshirtGuest: yes00:50
john38Hey i got a question00:50
jags_do I need to use the developer ppa?00:50
Guest50375blackshirt, how?00:50
ka1seris there a way to make a sleep of less than 1 second in a bash script???00:50
she_dyedka1ser: smallest is second00:50
john38Why does my computer say ......Deactivating procesess....etc..00:50
john38when i shut down00:50
ka1sershe_dyed: =(00:50
Guest50375scheiße.. i tried putting in the normal ubuntu disk and updating it00:51
blackshirtGuest: basic system on ubuntu is same..00:51
john38Why does my computer say ......Deactivating procesess....etc..00:52
john38when i shut down00:52
Guest50375i know, but no themes, no my documents or anything... and most of the original ubuntu 10.10 programs aren'T installed.00:52
she_dyedbecause its shutting down, its like fyi only john3800:53
Loshkika1ser: the gnu version of sleep apparently allows floating point. Try sleep --help and see if yours does too...00:53
john38she_dyed, yeah but on my regular computer it just shuts off without any of those messages00:54
Guest50375i want to have a regular copy of ubuntu.. with ubuntu studio in it.... i tried loading ubuntu then updating to ubuntu studio. it only installed core programs.. my mic doesnt work.. and i have to manually add stuff.. and most of the midi stuff doesnt work.. but it works on ubuntu studio...00:54
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john38she_dyed, does it have to do with under powered systems?00:54
compaqanyone know of any good flash/swf channels here?00:54
she_dyedjohn38: idk, maybe the splash settings differ?00:54
gccostabranyone using nVidia 160M and having issues with the window borders + compiz?00:54
Guest50375if i put the regular ubuntu repos and stuff with the ubuntu studio, would it update to regular? or just add more stuff to the repos without really doing anything?00:55
blackshirtjust remove ubuntustudio-desktop, and install your favourite DM00:55
|GaiJin|I have an old Medion RAM2010 laptop, with ubuntu 10.04 newly installed on it. BUt I am having problems activating the wlan hardware (Fn+f2) Is there a way one might go around this=00:55
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blackshirt@Guest: you can mix repository from ubuntu studio or regular gnome ubuntu00:56
test1234type ifconfig00:56
test1234does it see the device00:57
jags_whats the best terminal based irc app?00:57
she_dyedweechat jags_ hands down00:57
jags_she_dyed, cool i'll get00:57
JoeMaverickSettjags_: http://irssi.org ;)00:57
she_dyed|GaiJin|: on other laptops the Fn works only at BIOS time00:58
|GaiJin|I know it worked before, had it on a older version, but had to install windows that time to get it activated, and set bios to remember last state.00:58
Guest50375blackshirt: ok, so when i add the repos from the original maverick release, it SHOULD update like the regular one?00:58
|GaiJin|I will try... thanks she_dyed00:58
she_dyedgl man00:58
jags_I'll try them both00:58
blackshirtGuest: yes,00:59
she_dyedok jags_ see how they did it in the old days with irssi =)00:59
Guest50375awesome. i'll try it. thank you so much! i really enjoy all the features of the regular one..00:59
Guest50375ubuntu studio has almost none of them00:59
pc500I have a box which I was doing a release upgade via SSH and lost connection.  Is it possible to resume the upgrade process still running in th ebackground?  I can still SSH into it.  Or should I just reboot and see what happens?  What's the best recovery method?01:00
Guest50375like rhythembox... and other stuff and themes... and evne the "my documents" folder :C01:00
|GaiJin|no luck:(...01:00
f_mulderhm I  have my umask set to 022 in a folder ... but when I create a new folder in that folder I don't get the write-premissions ... why is that??01:00
UnholyTerrorit isn't css01:01
valiumpc500 - i would try and resume the upgrade via ssh first.  As a general rule its stated that you shouldnt do major upgrades via ssh but this isnt always possible01:01
LoshkiGuest50375: make a full backup before you start. Although it's supposed to all work together fine in theory, in practice it might be a huge mess...01:01
dlbike76Hello.  I'm considering upgrading from Lucid to Maverick using dist upgrade, but is there a way to revert if I encounter problems?01:01
pc500valium - I tried but apt-get has a lock file still present01:01
pc500valium - I can remove it, but I do see the upgrade process running still in ps aux01:01
pc500(I know it's probably stuck on a plese set something screen)01:02
Guest50375Loshki: ok thank you01:02
valiumpc500 - is it a zombie process01:02
Guest50375Loshki: i hope this works.. lol. i do have everything backed up on an external so, here it goes01:02
marcuyis it ok to install ubuntu 32bits on a 64 bits computer with 2GB RAM? or another question.. is it worth to install a 64 bits version on a PC with 2 GB RAM?01:03
valiumpc500 - you can try and kill the process and then restart it from the beginning01:03
SankyWhat's the quick way to move the toolbar icons (x v ^) to the right?  I know it has something to do with editing the registry.  I would google but I cannot word it well.01:03
UnholyTerroryes, no01:03
valiumpc500 - do you have physical access to the machine01:03
UnholyTerrorSanky ???01:04
pc500valium - says no upgrade avialable01:04
pc500valium - No, but I do have VNC access to an IP kvm.01:04
SankyUnholyTerror, this is more a gnome question - the toolbar icons like close, hide, expand :|01:04
valiumpc500 - ok.  Is the server mission critical?01:04
pc500not really01:04
Cmdr_W_T_Rikerpc500: next time start the upgrade at least inside a screen so you can attach later if needed01:05
RoughNeckI am in Scurry TX, does anyone know of any one close to me that can come give me some help?01:05
UnholyTerrorYou want a toolbar on the side - drag it over there.01:05
pc500Cmdr_W_T_Riker - good idea :)01:05
SankyUnholyTerror, I'm talking about the window.. ones.  ugh.  the one (currently) to the left of the window icon and title01:05
UnholyTerrorcloser than the internet?01:05
valiumpc500 - yeah i agree with Cmdr01:05
RoughNeckYes in person01:06
valiumpc500 - try a reboot and see what comes out the other end01:06
pc500valium - But at this point I can reboot it I guess and try again, but it migh tbe fubarred01:06
RoughNeckI am having issues and need some who can see what I am seeing01:06
UnholyTerroroh... I don't think you can do that.01:06
SankyUnholyTerror, there was a way, because I did it before01:06
valiumRoughNeck - what system do you have?01:06
RoughNeckUbuntu 10.1001:06
valiumRoughNeck - server or desktop01:07
UnholyTerroroh, i understand now... yes you can... in gconf editor01:07
[thor]Sanky: window manager?01:07
valiumyou ccan install teamviewer and I can take a look if you like01:07
UnholyTerrorbut I don't know what it was.01:07
Sanky[02:07:18] <[thor]> Sanky: window manager? gnome01:07
pc500I love teamviewer01:07
Sankyuh derp01:07
valiumpc500 - yeah i use it to support about 300 machines.  It rocks01:08
pc500I wish someone made a good open source tool that does the same thing01:08
SankyBut never mind that, I found it;  thanks01:08
RoughNeckWell there is a problem with that everything I need to do my system shuts off half way through01:08
RoughNeckso in person would be a lot easier01:08
pc500valium - It's really good for either having a machine always "phone home" -- or remote 1-of support01:08
RoughNeckI have a bad motherboard01:08
mankashmy system freezes sometimes and then I haev to restart it01:08
pc500valium - Or maybe if they had a "host your own" solution I'd lik eit more01:08
valiumRoughNeck - yeah sounds like motherboard, power supply or ram01:08
schoppenhauerhello. does the ubuntu alternate cd have support for lvm and encryption (like debian has)?01:09
valiumpc500 - yeah that would be cooler01:09
RoughNeckno mother board, have already gotten that far on my own01:09
rwwschoppenhauer: yes01:09
Jordan_Uschoppenhauer: Yes.01:09
spinningcompassWhat might cause a laptop to require the shift key to be held down for Linux to function? (at boot-time, when upgrading packages,..)01:09
valiumRoughNeck - boot your machine with a liive CD and see if you get the same error.  The run a memtest01:09
RoughNeckyes it does01:09
Bilzhello. trying to mount a .bin file in ubuntu. some research says use bchunk. However they all seem to talk abotu a .cue file and I don't have a .cue file. Is it possible to do it without a .cue file?01:09
UnholyTerrorspinningcompass, ???01:09
valiumspinningcompass - you might have a disk that is not mounting correctly01:10
Bilzsorry i should have sdaid convert01:10
Bilzto a .iso01:10
UnholyTerrorBilz, yes01:10
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spinningcompassUnholyTerror: Bear in mind I've been using Linux for 13 years & I've never seen this. :( It boots and runs *if* the shift key is held down. It's not the OS. I *think* it's a hardware glitch. The laptop performs OK but, every so often, it freezes up until you tap the Shift key.01:10
valiumrighto, back to my question.  Anyone know of a live imaging solution for linux?01:10
schoppenhauerrww, Jordan_U thanks01:10
ToStItOsI have Lucid Lynx what could be some reasons why my usb flash drive will no longer accept files from my music folder using  'drag and drop"?01:11
valiumspinningcompass - are you using grub2.  and is it only at boottime?01:11
[thor]Bilz: Brasero should burn .bin files just fine01:11
UnholyTerrorweird! probably not an option to replace the keyboard, huh?01:11
gusswakis there a web interface solution to manage and multiple background processes running by multiple web sessions ?01:11
spinningcompassvalium: No, it's at runtime also, but I know where you're going with that. :)01:11
spinningcompassUnholyTerror: That's a good idea. In the meantime, I've used chewing gum & scotch tape to hold the Shift key down.01:11
scott_inovalium, what are your needs for imaging01:12
spinningcompassUnholyTerror: It's alright because I use it as a server (don't laugh, it's a Toshiba NB2305 running as a server)01:12
RedNifrehow to close gwibber? I'm still getting those "you are authorized by facebook" pop ups all the time and I have given up on solving this problem. >:(01:12
pc500valium - it told me some shit was curropted -- then I ran dpkg -a -something as it said and it seems ot be continuing where it left off01:12
Bilz[thor], i dont want to burn, i just want to convert to .iso so i can mount it01:12
UnholyTerrorI wouldn't laugh... use what you got!01:12
RoughNeckAnyone know how to find Ubuntu groups in Dallas area?01:12
h00k!language | pc50001:12
ubottupc500: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:12
UnholyTerrorI use my desktop as a server.01:12
spinningcompassUnholyTerror: Amen. It was <$300 for a server. It's a bargain. All it needed was some chewing gum :)01:12
valiumscott_ino - i need to create daily images of mission critical servers that are running mysql, apache and samba01:12
UnholyTerrorBilz, what have you tried?01:13
Cmdr_W_T_Rikervalium: ever consideted rsnapshot?01:13
rwwRoughNeck: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TexasTeam and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DallasTeam01:13
[thor]Bilz: i use Furious ISO Mount for my .bin/iso/nrg mounting needs01:13
Guest10739so i removed myself from the sudoers file01:13
Cmdr_W_T_Rikerbah i hate this ipod keyboard01:13
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BilzUnholyTerror, I installed bchunk, and now I run bchunk image.bin image.iso, no luck, bchunk image.bin image.cue image.iso (even tho .cue doesnt exist) an dno luck01:13
gdoteof_homeI know i can boot to single user mode01:13
RoughNeckok will look now trhank you01:13
valiumCmdr_W_T_Riker - yeah i currently use a script that functions like rsnapshot but it wont grab mysql databases on the fly01:14
UnholyTerrorhave you tried simply renaming the file to .iso?01:14
gdoteof_homebut, I think there is a part of having to mount the drive01:14
[thor]Bilz: https://launchpad.net/furiusisomount/01:14
gdoteof_homethat i can't find a step by step guide on.  and i only hvae this machine here01:14
valiumCmdr_W_T_Riker - i currently perform a dump of the mysql databse then run rsnapshot01:14
gdoteof_homegood news is I have a bowl full of pizza bites01:15
Cmdr_W_T_Rikervalium: ok, and dumping your DBs right before your rsync script is not goog enough?01:15
scott_inovalium, yeah doing that stuff on the fly is tricky... no really sure the best way t go about that as most of the stuff I know needs an unmounted partition01:15
Praximbroeker: you still here?01:15
valiumscott_ino - yeah clonezilla and partimage will do it if unmounted.  Acronis has a product but its pretty pricey01:15
UnholyTerrorBilz, have you tried simply renaming the file to .iso?01:15
ToStItOsI need some assistance with my usb flash drive I am using Lucid Lynx01:15
BilzUnholyTerror, i have not01:16
scott_inovalium, might have to go that route, is company paying for it ;)01:16
dclakejoin #omg!ubuntu!01:16
UnholyTerrortry that, then simply mount /folder isofile.iso01:17
valiumscott_ino - yeah some companies are larger than others though, and I have some charities too that I service.01:17
Praxisorry still working on my apache problem, got stuck fixing the bosses mac.  Anyways, mbroeker suggested "you need a Alias /apps /apps/ <Directory /apps/> ... </Directory> entry in /etc/apache2/conf.d/apps.conf" was hoping to get a little help with what hes wanting me to do here01:17
Codingcactushttp://codingcactus.info sign up for forums01:17
Codingcactushttp://codingcactus.info sign up for forums01:17
Codingcactushttp://codingcactus.info sign up for forums01:17
FloodBot1Codingcactus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:17
UnholyTerrorPraxi, did you try my fix?01:18
valiumscott_ino - btfs will allow hot imaging but its still in beta i think01:18
Praximy directory had the same permissions (755) as the directories that were working01:18
BilzUnholyTerror, didnt work01:18
Jordan_Uvalium: One option is using LVM then snapshotting and imaging the snapshot.01:18
Bilz[thor], going to try ur idea01:18
Praxiunless I missed your suggestion UnholyTerror , scrolling back through now01:19
LicuadoraWhen the instructions for compiling a program says: mkdir build, cd build, Does that means it is going to be a new folder outside /usr/share/ where all the programs usually are?01:19
valiumJordan_U - thats a good idea01:19
UnholyTerrorwhat did you try, Bilz? errors?01:19
LicuadoraOr do I have to type the path of /usr/shar/build?01:19
valiumJordan_U - to be honest i have stuggled with LVM a little01:19
ToStItOsI have Lucid Lynx what could be some reasons why my flash drive won't let me transfer files from my music folder to my flash drive?01:20
valiumJordan_U - i should really sit down and spend some time with it.01:20
Mythmondoes anyone have a eeepc 1015PEM ?01:20
Jordan_UToStItOs: What filesystem?01:20
LicuadoraBetter yet, how do I upgrade a program if it is not in the repository?01:20
UnholyTerrorBilz, what did you try, ? errors?01:21
marcuyI've lost the psk of my wireless connection and I can't access the router to see it, but I have it stored in my ubuntu 10.04, as it appears with wildcards, is it possible to decode in any way?01:21
valiumthanks everyone!  much appreciated!  speak with you all again soon!01:21
LicuadoraI mean, the program is in the repository, but there is a new version, and I want it!01:21
ToStItOsJordan_U, Catfish01:21
h00k!botsnack | for valium01:21
ubottufor valium: Yum! Err, I mean, APT!01:21
mbroekerPraxi, you don't need the alias if /var/www/apps/*** exists01:22
Bilzrenaming to .iso and mounting, unsuccessful i think.01:22
Bilzcould be a dud file i guess01:22
Praxiit does, trying to figure out what I screwed up hehe01:22
=== Guest10739 is now known as gdoteof_home
Praxithe alias would be nice though to shorten up the URL though01:22
ToStItOsJordan_U, Thunar file manager01:22
St0n3-C0lLucuadora : Try updating your repos and see if the newer version is available or not, if still not - you may want to go and check out Ubuntu PPAs or other third-party sites which makes latest apps for ubuntu01:23
Mythmondoes anyone know if ubuntu 10.10 is using the new broadcom open source drivers? Are they in the mainline kernel?01:23
gdoteof_homeok.  So if I removed myself from the sudoers file, and my boot doesn't stop at grub, am I simply SOL?01:23
Jordan_UMythmon: No and no.01:24
she_dyedtiy neab gdoteof_home there is no countdown at grub even a few seconds01:24
ToStItOsNeed assistance with my usb flash drive I am using Ubuntu Lucid Lynx01:24
Praximbroeker and UnholyTerror heres the actual error in my apache error.log "Directory index forbidden by Options directive: /var/www/apps/Snorby/public/"01:24
zealiodI am trying to ping a device behind a bridge I have defined on the network - why can't i do this?01:24
gdoteof_homeshe_dyed: no it doesn't even show01:24
zealiodI receive ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted01:24
Mythmongdoteof_home: you could use a live disk/usb and go in a change the sudoers file by hand, assuming you dont have it encrypted.01:24
Jordan_Ugdoteof_home: Hold shift during boot.01:25
gdoteof_homei don't.  that makes sense.  i don't have one though but can get one tomorrow01:25
gdoteof_homeJordan_U: thanks, trying01:25
UnholyTerrorBilz, error?01:25
Nach0zhey ihow  can I tell ubuntu to list what's listening on what ports from Terminal?01:26
Mythmoni have a problem where my wireless will disconnect from any network (known working) after about a minute. it worked a few days ago.01:26
UnholyTerrorPraxi, so your just going to that directory in the browser and that's the error?01:27
Mythmoni am using a broadcom BCM431301:27
Praxitrying to pastiey my apache2.conf file, assume I dorked something up in there01:28
wjdennyhaving issues with webcam being nothing but bright green.. has anyone found a solution besides setting LD_PRELOAD (that didnt work for me)01:28
ToStItOsMy flash drive will not let me drag and drop files from music folder any solutions on solving this? I have Lucid lynx01:28
UnholyTerrorpermissions probably.01:28
Cmdr_W_T_RikerNach0z: netstat -ntlp01:29
RyagaHi guys, is there a way to lower a single application's volume?01:29
UnholyTerrorPraxi, do you have an index.html (.php) file in there?01:29
Jordan_UToStItOs: In thunar, open the the USB drive and right click within the directory, then select "properties". At the bottom right there is an area labeled "Filesystem type:", what does it say is the filesystem type? Or, pastebin the output of "sudo blkid" in a terminal.01:29
f_muldersomeone in here using rtorrent? I would need some help with a on_finished function...?01:30
=== moniker is now known as Guest97130
Jordan_URyaga: Yes, in System > Preferences > Sound.01:30
EeveeTrainerhey how do you run a process in the background? im using warty warhog01:30
ceciliahello. iv installed ubuntu netbook on my philco that came with mandriva01:30
Viper550EeveeTrainer, why are you using warty01:30
Cmdr_W_T_RikerEeveeTrainer: screen, nohup or job control in bash01:30
ceciliaits very nice, but i couldnt find how to set the touchpado to work scrolling01:31
Praxihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/521098/  checking if I do01:31
ceciliait would be awesome if i could use double finger01:31
RyagaThere should be a 'link' to that in the sound dock thingy really.01:31
UnholyTerrorPraxi, ok, hold...01:31
PraxiSorry, I just don't know enough about this :(01:31
Flooby27I'd like to fuck the Glade bitch01:31
Jordan_UEeveeTrainer: Warty warthog has not been supported for years and is completely insecure. Install a supported version of Ubuntu, and don't connect the current Warty machine to the internet.01:32
h00k!language | Flooby2701:32
ubottuFlooby27: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:32
Jordan_U!cn | r00tsh3ll01:32
ubottur00tsh3ll: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk01:32
LicuadoraWhen the instructions for compiling a program says: mkdir build, cd build, Does that means it is going to be a new folder outside /usr/share/ where all the programs usually are?01:33
EeveeTraineris jaunty jackalope supported?01:33
DiamondciteLicuadora: It just looks like it's saying to make a dir called "build" and change into it.. just for compiling.01:33
LicuadoraShould I set the path like this:  mkdir/usr/share/build?01:33
administracao_boa noite!01:33
UnholyTerrorPraxi, and I know nothing about rails... but sounds like apache is trying to serve up a directory index and is not able to because of a config error or permissions.01:34
DiamondciteLicuadora: Where the program will be in the end after installation is different.01:34
Jordan_ULicuadora: No.01:34
EeveeTrainer!cn | r00tsh3ll01:34
ubottur00tsh3ll: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk01:34
Praxiya, I assume its not a problem with Rails, because Rails throws its own error01:34
LicuadoraDiamondicite: Ok, so the program will be shown in Aplications<soundvideo<01:34
Jordan_Ur00tsh3ll: What are you trying to install?01:34
Praxigotta be something I dorked up in those directives01:35
PraxiI copied someone elses from a tutorial01:35
Jordan_ULicuadora: Probably not, since you're installing from source (which is not recommended).01:35
DiamondciteLicuadora: Not what I meant.. I'm assuming you are trying to compile a program which will eventually involve the words "make" and "make install"01:35
LicuadoraJordan_U: So where can I find the program after being installed?01:35
LicuadoraDiamondcite, YES01:36
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
DiamondciteLicuadora: Those programs will install else where in the system depending on what that program is.. usualy /usr/bin or /usr/loca/bin01:36
EeveeTrainer!root | eeveetrainer01:36
ubottuEeveeTrainer, please see my private message01:36
Jordan_ULicuadora: What are you trying to install?01:36
LicuadoraJordan_U, : LinuxMultiMediaStudio01:36
UnholyTerrorPraxi, I don't know what else totell you. :(01:36
Praxinp, thanks for your help, great to have a comiserating voice :)01:37
* hunab is here01:37
hunabwhois hunab01:37
LicuadoraJordan_U,  There is this new version on their web page, and is not shown in the repositories01:37
h00k!cn | r00tsh3ll01:37
ubottur00tsh3ll: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk01:37
marcuyI know my wireless SSID and my hashed password PSK-WPA is there a way to recover my wireless password?01:38
Diamondciterootsh3ll,你有什么要问吗? (Google translate) 试着问 #ubuntu-cn01:38
Jordan_ULicuadora: Use their PPA: https://launchpad.net/~tobydox/+archive/lmms01:39
BauldrickLicuadora: I've not read most of what you said... but checkinstall will give you a .deb to install/uninstall via dpkg ..01:39
LicuadoraBauldrick, The term checkinstall is new for me01:39
andornautI'm trying to use upstart to start a python script and change the ionice and nice levels. The first part works, but the second doesn't. After upstart runs the io/nice lvl is unchanged. Any idea what im doing wrong? http://pastebin.com/Md376uNa01:40
Diamondciter00tsh3ll: 请以英文输入在这个地方。(Google Translated - Please type in English in this place.)01:40
h00k!cn | r00tsh3ll01:41
dlbike76Hello.  I'm considering upgrading from Lucid to Maverick using dist upgrade, but is there a way to revert if I encounter problems?01:41
Diamondciteh00k, I'll move this to a PM to try to get a better understanding..01:42
DiamondciteSo much translating...01:42
wedwo-r00tsh3ll, is trolling you - anthony.freenode.net is out of Irvine CA01:42
ToStItOsNeed help with my usb flash cannot drag and drop files to it01:43
LicuadoraJordan_U, It worked,  How do you know where to find the repositories, they where not in their home page01:43
UnholyTerrorToStItOs, permissions01:44
LicuadoraJordan_U, PPA they call  it01:44
Diamondciter00tsh3ll: Please check your Messages! Look on the left with my name! (请检查您的邮件!看在与我的名字离开了!)01:44
Jordan_ULicuadora: It was on their home page, just go to Downloads > Ubuntu01:44
JerryI'm having installing Ubuntu 10.10.  Can someone help me out?01:46
h00k!anyone | Jerry01:46
ubottuJerry: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:46
blackshirtJerry : what the problems ??01:46
Jerryso i booted off a live cd01:46
starnhello, is there away to check for opengl updates?01:46
Jerrythen the installation just hangs at the f dots under ubuntu01:47
h00k!backtrack | r00tsh3ll01:47
ubottur00tsh3ll: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)01:47
UnholyTerrorToStItOs, or read-only01:47
h00kDiamondcite: good luck :)01:47
Daniel1nooo! my pc is broken.01:47
Diamondciteh00k: I was going to try to help.. but I'm being ignored x.x01:48
ToStItOsUnholyTerror, how do I get the permissions set up correctly01:48
DiamondciteWon't answer my PMs..01:48
wedwo-r00tsh3ll, is trolling you - anthony.freenode.net is out of Irvine CA01:48
UnholyTerrorToStItOs, in a terminal, type: mount01:48
* hunab is wondering what you find the best IRC client..01:48
Diamondcitewedwo-: What is that irc server supposed to mean?01:49
h00kwedwo-: people connect to random servers.01:49
EeveeTrainerhow do i install linux01:49
wedwo-Diamondcite, take a PM?01:49
Daniel1Diamondcite: Internet.Relay01:49
Diamondcitewedwo-: Sure pm freely01:49
she_dyedto him that is01:49
Daniel1.Chat I.R.C.01:49
DiamondciteDaniel1: I know it's an irc server... but what does that have to do with that user?01:49
ToStItOsUnholyTerror,  ok01:50
FloodBot1r00tsh3ll: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:50
Daniel1Diamondcite: which user?01:50
she_dyedhit him with your best shot FloodBot101:50
UnholyTerrorToStItOs, find your USB stick in the output, what does it say?01:50
DiamondciteDaniel1: r00tsh3ll by wedwo-.01:51
Diamondciter00tsh3ll: So answer my private message and stop trying to talk in this channel.. we don't do Chinese here... (所以,回答我的私人信息并停止试图说服此频道..我们在这里不做中...)01:51
ToStItOsUnholyTerror, let me send you the output01:51
MTec007im tried to get gwibber to work with facebook, but it hasnt updated at all in about two weeks, since the first time i ran it01:51
Daniel1Diamondcite: Is a floodbot, or something, i guess.01:52
Praxir00tsh3ll is that new bot that won the turig test01:52
JoeMaverickSettMTec007: read this; http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/10/gwibber-facebook-and-one-bug-2/01:52
MTec007JoeMaverickSett: will do01:53
DiamondcitePraxi: (Off Topic: So it's a brand new bot with enough text knowledge to kind of answer some questions?)01:53
Daniel1xD xD xD01:54
hunabcmon why would you wanna use facebook01:54
yxz97how I install last adobe-flashplugin from cli01:54
hunabor google or twitter or all the other BS01:54
yxz97I have a page which says I need the last version01:54
yxz97but when I do apt-get upgrade adobe-flashplugin says I have the last one01:55
EeveeTrainercan someone help me? how do i install linux ?01:55
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
h00kubottu: tell EeveeTrainer about manual01:55
ubottuEeveeTrainer, please see my private message01:55
Daniel1what's happenning with my country? is rare.01:55
h00kEeveeTrainer: that may help you install Ubuntu01:55
yxz97and in the web page of adobe in firefox I get an erro which says ... apt is not associated protocol !!!01:55
PraxiDiamondcite: was a joke on this slashdot story http://tech.slashdot.org/story/10/10/24/1754216/Chatbot-Suzette-Wins-20th-Annual-Loebner-Prize-Fools-One-Judge01:55
cdubyais there a script available that can traverse a folder structure, locate and convert any movie files to another format?01:56
EeveeTraineris ubuntu a linux ?01:57
hunabthink before you ask..01:57
TeruFSXEeveeTrainer yes01:57
MTec007JoeMaverickSett: that link is not working, just looking for a fix01:57
ceciliahello. iv installed ubuntu netbook on my philco that came with mandriva01:57
h00kubottu: ubuntu | EeveeTrainer01:57
ubottuEeveeTrainer: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com01:57
EeveeTrainerwait is ubuntu a linux or a unix01:58
ceciliaits very nice, but i couldnt find how to set the touchpad to work scrolling01:58
JoeMaverickSettEeveeTrainer: please read this; http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu01:58
ceciliait would be awesome if i could use double finger01:58
DiamondciteUnix doesn't have THIS many versions01:58
hunablinux is a familymember of unix01:58
hunaband is prefferable..01:58
Praxijust by the fact you can type unix it seems like you should know :)01:59
JoeMaverickSettMTec007: from the look of the post, there won't be any fix for now. the developer is trying to negotiate the API calls between FB and gwibber. that's all i understand.01:59
she_dyedcecilia any other distros you've tried?02:00
hunabtry pentoo02:00
servidortu-br/j #ubunu02:00
h00kPlease discuss other distros elsewhere, this channel is for Ubuntu support questions02:00
she_dyedcecilia: any of them did the scroll you mentioned?02:01
ceciliayes. the philosofy never ends02:01
MTec007JoeMaverickSett: thats funny. did they even test it before adding it to ubuntu02:01
ceciliayes she_dyed my hp notebook with ubuntu 10.04 does that02:01
ceciliacant remember wich app my son installed02:01
easy_enemy_my windows xp wont boot on my pc anymore what should I do?02:01
freygrimrodinstall *nix of course ;-P02:01
hunabyou can visit distrowatch website but thy dont list all02:01
=== ng_ is now known as NG_
JoeMaverickSettMTec007: as i'm not the developer, i could not tell you. :)02:02
MTec007JoeMaverickSett: i know, it was just a statement02:02
h00keasy_enemy_: is it a Windows related problem?02:02
h00keasy_enemy_: or a Grub related problem?02:03
she_dyedcecilia: ah it is possible that /etc/X11/xorg.conf had the settings just right in 10.0402:03
Praxianyone familiar with ntop?02:04
* freygrimrod serves up some cheese to go with the following whine* Am I the only one who has found Ubuntu to be complete worthless crap ever since they went ext4 never gotten it to function right under a 64bit environment figured I'd tryyyyy 10.10.... alas... I may give up forever02:04
Praxigetting an error "Please enable make sure that the ntop html/ directory is properly installed" on it now =/02:04
hunabpraxi.. your funny02:04
r00tsh3llI want to know a set of custom-made ubuntu can penetrate the network test platform02:04
hunabtry htop ?02:04
PraxiI try hunab02:04
Praxiis that a newer version of ntop? should I go start googling it?02:05
she_dyedcecilia: maybe not an app but correct settings for a touchapd02:05
=== Pinna is now known as Pinako|wet
hunabi will never recommend google anymore02:05
Praxilol how come hunab?02:05
hunabto nosy02:06
Praxihmmm htop is a process viewer, thats not what I need :)02:06
freygrimrodagreed but have yet to find great alternatives02:06
freygrimrodicerocket for blogs/twitter is good but other than that02:06
hunabtry watch netstat -tnlanp02:06
easy_enemyi just decided to remove ubuntu... i dont know what to do02:07
Praxithats something I can use to monitor traffic and then dump it on a webpage for management to look at?02:07
hunabstarted with altavista 15 years ago, their nice02:07
yxz97I have a problem with apt-get02:08
Praxieasy_enemy: so you had a dual boot, removed linux, and now xp won't boot? if so boot of a windows disc, goto console and do a fdisk /mbr02:08
yxz97cannot find the last version of flash player02:08
yxz97any idea how to clean this?02:08
DiamondcitePraxi: iftop is live stats... not dumpable.. what type of traffic? Inside going out in bytes? Or where everyone is going?02:08
mankashhow to fix wifi driver fro my card02:08
Praxiwhere and how much, got MRTG running, it gives me a good look at overall useage, but now when its busy, I need to be able to see why its busy02:09
easy_enemythe real question is even thou i press f12 to boot a specific device or del for setup its not working it goes directly to grub so how should i boot my windows xp back?02:09
compaqI can play dvd02:09
mankashmy system gets hung if I try to copy big file through heavy traffic through that wifi card02:10
Praxieasy_enemy: fdisk /mbr02:10
compaqsorry, I mean I can't play dvd, and I did the libdvdread4 instructions to run the sh script, and then rebooted, but still when I play dvd, it says cant read resource02:10
Praxiassuming you want to lose grub, and just use the windows default02:10
EeveeTrainerhi what is the difference between pico and nano02:10
easy_enemyi want to install my windows xp back to my pc02:11
IdleOne!fixmbr | easy_enemy02:11
ubottueasy_enemy: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.02:11
IdleOnehmm sorry wrong factoid02:11
Praxihaha thanks IdleOne was just heading there :)02:11
hunabeasier is to first install windows and then your linux distro02:11
compaqeasy_enemy, its easy, you pop in the cd, and then enter this command: fixmbr02:11
IdleOneeasy_enemy: you can ask in ##windows about restoring the windows boot loader02:11
PraxiI just answered that! :)02:12
compaqdon't worry, easy_enemy will be back eventually, they all will, lol, it took me a couple tries before I switched to Linux and totally gave up on windows02:13
hunabonly the gaming part... :02:13
PraxiI can't, too much I can't do in linux as well as you can in the windows part =/02:13
andaiMe and a friend have been using the same account for a while, but we'd like to split it into two. Can I just copy the hidden directories of the programs i use into my new homefolder?02:13
compaqanyone can help me get dvd working?  it says cant read resource, and I installed libdvdread4 and ran the sh02:13
easy_enemyw8 so i insert windows xp go to terminal and enter fixmbr?02:13
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:14
Praxitried it at work, it was a pita, couldn't manage all my windows servers, open office wasn't compatible enough, yada yada02:14
compaqeasy_enemy, yeah, start it, select fix system or something, and then prompt eventually comes, there just enter fixmbr02:14
Praxieasy_enemy: fdisk /mbr is the windows way of rebuilding its bootloader, IdleOne  linked you how to fix grub itself02:15
BlueSherpaif I'm behind a firewall that blocks port 22 (ssh) on a remote server, is there a way to use port forwarding to create a work around?02:15
hunabA good alternative is to make a Gparted usb stick..02:16
DiamondcitePraxi: Sounds like a typical 'excuse' I would like to hear further details of your issues ^_^02:16
IdleOneeasy_enemy: what you need to do is type /join ##windows and ask them how to fix the Windows boot loader.02:16
hunabthere is a Gparted distro which will fit nicely on an usb stick02:16
Praxiok, show me a good way to manage 200+ windows servers on ubuntu :)02:16
Praxiwindows world I can use visionap or royal TS and manage all my servers from one window.02:17
compaqPraxi, go to windows channel02:17
Praxilol what for02:17
Praxihe just asked why I can't use a linux distro as my main at work, I told him why :)02:18
compaqok, rant away, I am not moderator, its not busy anyway, but I am trying to get Linux help here02:18
IdleOneno ranting please and stay on topic02:18
DiamondcitePraxi: I do use Linux as my main distro as work.. Only things that MUST use windows are done in a VM(such as activeX or windows specific vpns..)02:19
PraxiI tried vmware and the sun product (its name escapes me atm), they have issues if you RDP through them.02:20
compaqMy Linux box won't play dvd, I've been running Ubuntu for couple years and never noticed, cause I usually play dvd's on my debian desktop, but just now I tried to play on my ubuntu laptop, and it says cant read resource, and I followed the instructions to install restricted-extras, but it still doesn't work02:20
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DiamondcitePraxi: May I PM?02:20
Praxitried VLC Player maybe compaq ?02:20
Praxiya of course diamond02:21
compaqPraxi, yep02:21
Praxifor the fun of it have you tried a different physical dvd drive?02:21
Praxioh wait this was a laptop wasn't it, hard to get extras02:21
TeruFSXcompaq https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs02:21
compaqPraxi, nevermind you, but the drive is working02:21
compaqTeruFSX, I did that stuff, and still02:22
hunabis it a burned dvd?02:22
compaqhunab, no, its original02:23
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=== fryomi is now known as fcon
TeruFSXhmm I'll try to play a DVD soon; see what happens02:26
Praxicompaq: I have a lot of experience with wierd laser issues on drives.  If you think you did all the software parts correctly, that COULD leave a minor issue with the drive.  I've had plenty of drives that would read a data CD, audio CD, or data DVD, but not a movie.  Doesn't mean its your issue, but its an amazingly easy step to try on a PC :)02:28
DiamondcitePraxi: Maybe he is just missing something like dvd decryption?02:28
snakesqznsanyone else running compiz with ATI have really bad vsync issues when moving wobbly windows around?02:28
Praxicould be, but he sounded pretty confident that he did everything right, from VLC player and the Tutorials people linked for him02:29
compaqPraxi, nevermind you, like I said before02:29
compaqPraxi, nevermind you, like I said before02:29
UnholyTerrorPraxi, http://www.nagios.org/02:29
Praxiya got nagios too, like that one :)02:29
andrilhello all02:29
Praxilittle harder to configure though, and doesn't seem to do as much for the actual useage02:29
andrilanyone still using 10.04?02:30
Jinxed--I'm trying to figure out how to use socat to connect my terminal to a serial port so that I could type input the serial port (as if you were connected with putty) and then get the response02:30
cdubyaandril, sure02:30
Jinxed--I was starting with someting like this: socat READLINE,history=$HOME/.cmd_history /dev/ttyS0,raw,echo=0,crnl02:30
andrilcdubya, good me too :)02:30
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birdy29One ? Can you upgrade while being on VNC ? Said I cannot do it over port 22?02:31
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Plutonian17does someone know a simple way to browse windows shares from Unity?02:32
Diamondcitebirdy29: upgrade which?02:32
Diamondcitebirdy29: Upgrades packages or whole distros?02:32
birdy29whole thing.02:33
Diamondcitebirdy29: You really can't get physical access to the machine?02:33
birdy29VM in chicago.02:33
Praxican't get into the host birdy29 ?02:34
Diamondcitebirdy29: Ouch.. I was going to say you can try to do this over X11 forwarding, but part of the upgrade might bring down the network connection.02:34
Praxior is it the host your trying to upgrade?02:34
OblatWhat does this error mean when I run a sh? Cannot convert string "nil2" to type FrontStruct.02:34
DiamondcitePraxi: Seems the box in question is in an inaccessible location by physical means.02:34
UnholyTerrorOblat, what program?02:35
Sean93i get this error after trying to configure ushare "Errors were encountered while processing: ushare" and "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"02:35
Praxiya, if he can't upgrade the guest, maybe he can access the host, and control it locally02:35
compaqSean93, looks like you have synaptic open or something similar02:36
DiamondcitePraxi: It might be a co-located server more than a VM?02:36
h00k!language | poincare10102:36
ubottupoincare101: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:36
IdleOne!language | poincare10102:36
Sean93compaq: i dont02:36
UnholyTerrorpoincare101, ???02:36
HapticI need to install software on my computer to run my printer. How can I install this software (its from a disk) on Ubuntu?02:36
OblatUnholyTerror, it's a sh script02:36
Praxiya could be Diamondcite02:36
compaqSean93, oh, nevermind then, maybe you have mixed up distro versions02:36
DiamondciteHaptic: The CD has linux drivers?02:36
UnholyTerrorlooks like some variables are not set to what they should be.02:37
Dr_WillisHaptic:  You are surs the disk actually has lnux software? that would be odd..02:37
Sean93im on 10.1002:37
xanguaHaptic: notmally you just conect a printer and use it inmediatly; check if it's supported02:37
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows02:37
DiamondciteHaptic: Have you tried to see if Ubuntu already supports the printer? Also what might that printer be?02:37
DarkMasterHalo 02:37
HapticIts a Kodak wireless printer02:37
OblatUnholyTerror, the script works on another computer so it can't be the script02:37
Sean93how do i backup a file using terminal?02:37
UnholyTerrorif only it worked that way...02:37
Dr_WillisSean93:  cp foo foo.backup02:38
=== Mo_ is now known as Birdy29x
Birdy29xOkay, I am back now. I was the one talking about upgrading the distro over SSH02:39
Birdy29xMind you, it's a VPS, with DMEhosting, if you've ever heard of them.02:39
UnholyTerrorpoincare101, did you get your grub thing sorted?02:39
DiamondciteHaptic: Incomplete information.. Linux support could not be verrified. please provide the full model name.02:39
=== Birdy29x is now known as birdy29
DiamondciteDr_Willis: Won't "cp -a foo foo.backup" be better since it seems timestamps and users?02:40
HapticKodak ESP Office 615002:40
birdy29Anyone know?02:40
lvellaa patch was just submitted in the git master of radeon Xorg driver, and I need it02:40
Diamondcitebirdy29: I never tried that.. so I cannot answer you..02:41
lvellawhat is the best way of doing so without screwing my system?02:41
OblatUnholyTerror, so what is the issue and how do I fix it?02:41
birdy29Well, I saw there is step by step for command line upgrade. However, it will upgrade that way but some things do not get configured.02:41
Dr_WillisDiamondcite:  ive rarely needed that02:42
jcastroHi, I am answering questions about unity: http://castrojo.tumblr.com/post/1418582606/cutting-through-the-noise-about-unity02:42
blackbirdy29: whats the problem ??02:43
naiteonhey guys, I removed ALL the operating systems from my laptop but grub is somehow still on my laptop and now I cant install any OS, nor the LiveCD runs!!02:43
jcastroif people come in asking about unity please point them there and we will help answer questions02:43
compaqActually, I used to play dvd's, I think it is from doing the system updates which constantly pop up, that my dvd playing is broken02:43
Dr_Willisnaiteon:  you can use 'dd' to zero the HD and remove grub. (you will need to repartition the HD) but Grub should not be preventing OS's from installing.. and definatly NOT prevent the cd's from booting.02:43
kodemageI have a question about the02:44
kodemageLet me start over. I have a question about the UI on my ubuntu 10.10 installation with UNR installed, should I ask my question here?02:44
naiteonDr_Willis: Well i change boot order, and it just ignores any bootable cd, and says : unknown filesystem grub rescue>02:44
blackyes, nothing wrong kodeimage02:45
naiteonok I will try to type dd02:45
UnholyTerrorit's a start02:45
naiteonDr_Willis: dd unknown command02:45
Dr_Willisnaiteon:  sounds luike the cd's you are booting from are bad. or other issue.02:45
naiteonnope, just used them.02:46
Dr_Willisnaiteon:  dd is a bash command - you may be at the grub shell.02:46
kodemageI want to change the bar at the top, remove the username and the mail icon, I don't use evolution and there's only ever one user automatically logged on. I can't right click the panel, or more exactly when I do nothing happens. How do I customize the top bar in the UI?02:46
DiamondciteHaptic: You might need to install the c2esp driver to get this printer working at all   http://cupsdriverkodak.sourceforge.net/02:46
naiteonDr_Willis: i have no operating system, and grub rescue is on and not letting me to do anything!02:46
birdy29Yes -- GOOD question, how can you get rid of those links in the bar?02:46
cdubyahow can I loop through a directory in bash checking for particular file types and then take any matches and convert them with ffmpeg?02:47
Dr_Willisnaiteon:  if you are booting from the CD. Grub wouldent matter.02:47
kodemagethanks, under previous iterations you could right click the panel and click remove from panel02:47
birdy29Yeah, it's not working that way now.02:47
birdy29I can't figure it out either.02:47
kodemageI can't find a configuration tool in the applications, google all references previous iterations02:48
Haptichow exactly do I install the driver?02:48
naiteonDr_Willis: it never happened to me before, it simply ignores the live cd, windows 7 installation cd. Weird02:48
trismkodemage: the mail icon is indicator-messages, so you can uninstall that to remove the icon (otherwise you would lose your volume applet if you remove it from the panel), the user name applet is indicator-applet-session, which you should be able to right-click and remove (I don't know why you can't)02:48
naiteonwhat can i do from this grub rescue> to be able to launch my cds? my bios is set properly too02:49
kodemagewhere do I remove these from? sudo apt-get remove [...]?02:49
DiamondciteHaptic: I would answer.. but I'm too sleepy.. please ask the question, "How do I install the c2esp driver from source?"02:49
trismkodemage: although that will remove the suspend/log out/shutdown applet, but they will be moved to the System menu02:49
ilyekkakaiI want to move my boot partition and grub to a new partition on a different disk. How do I do this?02:49
trismkodemage: yes, sudo apt-get remove indicator-messages;02:49
Plutonian17jcastro : I will ask you in the link.02:49
Benkinoobyi am watching a video on youtube and analyze the traffic with wireshark. i always thought movies and stuff will be streamed with udp, but i always get tcp packages02:50
HapticHow do I install the c2esp driver from source?02:50
UnholyTerrornaiteon, you need to know what the drive designation of the cd player first.02:50
Wavesonicswas the webcam-server package remove from the official repos?02:50
Benkinoobyi am watching a video on youtube and analyze the traffic with wireshark. i always thought movies and stuff will be streamed with udp, but i always get tcp packages. why is that?02:50
tim_I am trying to set up ushare to stream music to my xbox. should I set the USHARE_IFACE perameter to the wireless device. That is my assumption02:50
birdy29@ trism doing that remove for those bars, would you need to restart?02:50
kodemagenow, will this remove all the indicators? for wifi, bluetooth, dropbox, volume, evolution, time, etc. ?02:50
naiteonUnholyTerror: yeah but how? i can only use ls from that grub rescue, and it shows me 5 partitions including the (hd0)02:50
UnholyTerrornaiteon, what does BIOS say it is?02:51
trismbirdy29: you might not need to, at most you'd need to log out then back in02:51
kodemageI want to leave a couple indicators, BT, Wifi, etc...02:51
trismkodemage: no, indicator-messages is only the mail icon, that has evolution/gwibber/pidgin/liferea, etc02:51
kodemagekk, brb trying02:51
naiteonUnholyTerror: Let me check that out, not sure if it says anything about it you mean the driver name or what?02:52
UnholyTerrorinstead of HD0...02:52
birdy29trism: that worked. thank you! =D02:52
xanguakodemage: or you could just remove indicator from the panel and add the notification area02:53
kodemagexan how do I do that?02:53
kodemagethat is my original question02:53
xanguaright clic> remove02:53
UnholyTerrornaiteon, hold up02:53
kodemagedoes nothing02:53
naiteonUnholyTerror:  oh02:53
phoenixsamprashow can I use my 3g modem huawei with ubuntu?02:53
naiteonUnholyTerror: man thank you so much02:53
naiteonUnholyTerror: I saw what I was doing wrong!02:53
* naiteon is ashamed02:53
kodemagemight be a UNR thing, but I think it's a 10.10 thing02:53
birdy29What would cause this error.02:54
UnholyTerrornaiteon, you have the grub prompt up on the machine in question?02:54
birdy29Please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and02:54
birdy29include the files in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ in the bug report.02:54
birdy29E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)02:54
birdy29It went onto upgrade, then gave me this error message:02:54
birdy29Errors were encountered while processing:02:54
birdy29 procps02:54
birdy29 udev02:54
FloodBot1birdy29: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:54
xanguakodemage: using netbook edition¿ http://maketecheasier.com/unlock-gnome-panel-in-ubuntu-netbook-edition-une/2010/04/2502:54
kodemageI am02:54
naiteonUnholyTerror: yes but now it is working thank you for your patience and attention, it was my bios... it somehow changed the boot order again...02:54
kodemagexangua: reading02:54
BuenGenioapparently "webmin" has been obsoleted in Ubuntu02:54
birdy29This error happens upon upgrading 10.4 to 10.1002:55
birdy29E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)02:55
BuenGenioare there any other tools that replace it ?02:55
naiteoni feel like those lames now haha02:55
phoenixsamprashow to setup nvidia drivers?02:55
UnholyTerroryes, but to give you some info... grub is very powerful.02:55
Therstriumis there an apt-get equivalent of the a "yum provides" command?02:55
Wavesonicsargggggg webcam-server package was removed for 10.10?!02:55
naiteonUnholyTerror: Really? I see lots of nice enhancement in this grub2 :) I was just scared it would not let me have my laptop again working properly!02:56
BuenGenioTherstrium, apt-file search <pattern>02:56
TherstriumBuenGenio: thanks!02:56
BuenGenioTherstrium, but you might have to 'apt-get install apt-file' first02:56
UnholyTerrorsure it will02:57
kodemageok, the apt-get remove commands worked well enough, I'll read about unlocking the notification area later, thanks all02:57
UnholyTerrorhow many OS's you have there?02:57
BuenGeniophoenixsampras, there is a graphical tool for installing Hardware Drivers in System->Administration I believe02:57
kodemageno, wait, the user indicator is still there and I removed indicator-applet-session02:57
ironsightI have an asus g60vx laptop, and my slash button puts out <. It is a USA laptop, set to USA keymap. The only layout I could find that made it correct was a UK layout, but more of the shift+1/2/3/4/etc keys were wrong. Anyone had this issue?02:58
ironsight(backslash button that is)02:58
ironsight(one above enter)02:58
Wavesonicscan i grab the 10.04 repos so I can get a package?02:58
BuenGenioso no Webmin alternatives?02:58
ironsight_did anyone get my last 3 things I said in here (about a minute ago)02:58
=== ironsight_ is now known as IronSight
UnholyTerrorso redo the keyboard02:59
Sir_LetoDoes anyone have any idea why deluge barely seeds?02:59
IronSightUnholyTerror, checking out all the buttons, nothing is a backslash03:00
UnholyTerrorso redo the keyboard03:00
snakesqznsAH it's doing it again!  My system just gets really sluggish for no apparent reason.  CPU usage is at 2% but it's acting like it's at 100%.  Even typing is impacted.  Like if I hold down 'X', rather than smoothly typing a series of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, it types in bursts (XXXXXX, pause, XXXXXXXXX, pause, XXXXXX)03:00
=== cable is now known as Guest62711
IronSightUnholyTerror, ... can you be more specific?03:00
snakesqznsdisks don't appear active, gigs of free memory,03:00
Wavesonicsis there some package BESIDES webcam-server in 10.10? Or did they just remove that for fun03:01
UnholyTerrorSystem->Preferences->Keyboard->Layout tab03:01
IronSightUnholyTerror, that's the thing, no USA layout gives me that key03:01
UnholyTerrorwhat about INT03:02
IronSightI've tested all the english sets03:02
IronSightsame deal03:02
feenHi. I was looking for screensavers and I downloaded some .tar.gz files. But as I drag and drop them to the screensavers list, it says they weren't properly recognized as wallpapers. Is there any other model for screensavers? If so, where can I find some?03:02
IronSightlemme try again, maybe I missed some international03:02
Guest62711I am having a couple of problems with 10.10; first is the update manager will not update anything; second, when i try activate my hardware it keeps saying  SystemError:installAchives()failed03:02
=== Guest62711 is now known as cabble
IronSighthrm, there was a keyboard model "asus laptop" lemme try that :/03:03
DragonKeeperi just noticed a glitch in ubuntu 10.0403:03
birdy29wishes he did not keep getting errors when upgrading. UGH. I guess it's my fault for trying it on a VPS.03:03
phoenixsampraswhat is the last version of ubuntu?03:03
cabbleI am having a couple of problems with 10.10; first is the update manager will not update anything; second, when i try activate my hardware it keeps saying  SystemError:installAchives()failed. can someone help please?03:04
phoenixsamprashow to know what version do i have?03:04
Cogucould somebody help me with virtualbox? it just work as 800x60003:04
birdy29cat /etc/issue03:04
Coguwhat should I do to put it on 1024x768?03:04
DiamondciteCogu: install the guest additions03:05
snakesqznsah, found a long thread on this issue: http://art.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1592245&page=203:05
CoguDiamondcite, i tried but it seems to dont work03:05
cabbleI am having a couple of problems with 10.10; first is the update manager will not update anything; second, when i try activate my hardware it keeps saying  SystemError:installAchives()failed. can someone help please?03:05
DiamondciteCogu: are those guest additions drivers loaded?03:05
DragonKeepereveryone else getting the glitch of :   if a window is pulled down where the taskbar overlaps it   then you cant click on a minimized app to view it ......03:05
DiamondciteDragonKeeper: Never had that problem03:06
kodemageWhat is the name of the package that I should remove to get rid of the chat indicator on the menu bar in ubuntu 10.10 UNR? it's the little bubble and your user name03:06
UnholyTerrorIronSight, ???03:07
IronSightjust tried all internationals on english too03:07
UnholyTerrorwhat make?03:07
IronSightasus g60vx03:07
al_nz1i have open vpn and want to connetc back to my router (running dd-wrt) with open VPN - anyone have any idea of the syntax? the man pages for open vpn were very complicated03:07
DiamondciteCogu: try these instructions: http://www.linuxformat.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=643803:08
IronSightUnholyTerror, which is weird because the splashtop instant on linux os built into the motherboard has a perfect working keyboard :/03:08
cabbleI am having trouble with activating my hardware03:08
charlesnodoes anyone want to help me with my sansa clip on 9.1003:08
birdy29Has anyone upgrade 10.04 LTS to 10.0 -- While having an account on a VPS?03:08
Diamondcitecabble: which parts of it?03:09
kodemagewhat kind of trouble?03:09
DragonKeeperDiamondcite normally when its a terminal being overlapped03:09
DiamondciteWhich hardware are you trying to activate?03:09
UnholyTerrorI show an ASUS/ASUS laptop entry here.03:09
birdy29Were you talking to me?03:09
IronSightUnholyTerror, yep, tried it03:09
IronSightunder keyboard model03:10
IronSightsame thing happens03:10
IronSighttried it aswell03:10
UnholyTerrortried generics?03:10
DiamondciteDragonKeeper: I can minimize and un-minimize terminals fine...03:10
kodemagefound it, indicator-me03:10
cabblei am trying activate a graphic driver03:10
IronSightgoing through some generics right now03:11
Diamondcitecabble: ati? nvidia? relics'r'us?03:11
UnholyTerrorgeneric/evdev managed keyboard?03:11
charlesnoubuntu no longer recognizes my mp3 player (MSC mode), anyone know why?03:11
ilyekkakaiI have 2 hard disks in this laptop. Ubuntu and all my files are installed on the 2nd drive. Vista is installed on the 1st drive which is also the boot drive. I want to remove Vista and reformat the 1st drive as ext4 and make the 2nd drive the boot drive. I used gparted to remove all the partitions on the 1st drive and created a new partition ext4 on it. Now how do I get the 2nd drive to be the boot drive?03:11
DragonKeeperDimondcite  a open window needs to be pulled down so its covered by the taskbar     then try click to unminimize a different app thats within the windows ( if u understand that)03:12
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kodemageilyekkakai: use gparted to flag it as bootable03:12
kodemageilyekkakai: then adjust your bios03:12
DiamondciteDragonKeeper: No issues.. mind you... I can't move the title bar INTO the bottom part.03:13
kodemageilyekkakai: ok, you may need to install grub too... god I'm probably not supposed to be here talking...03:13
DragonKeeperDimondcite  maybe its just me then :S03:13
ColinMHello, world.03:14
IronSightUnholyTerror, looks like this will solve my issues: http://forum.notebookreview.com/asus/405784-g51-linux-backslash-pipe-key-remapping.html03:14
DiamondciteDragonKeeper: Think right clicking can save you?03:14
akashmanoharI'm tryingsudo chmod and it's giving me a permissions error03:14
IronSightUnholyTerror, thanks for the help03:14
charlesnoAnyone have any clue as to why a USB device isn't being detected03:14
Diamondcitecharlesno: ALL USB or just some?03:15
charlesnoJust 103:15
charlesnoAn mp3 player,MSC/USB mode03:15
Diamondcitecharlesno: Would you can to be more specific? Do you know if it's supposed to work in Linux?03:15
akashmanoharI'm trying sudo chmod on a directory and it's giving me a "operations not permitted" error03:15
RuudjahHi all, just switched to linux from windows, trying to install OneNote using Wine, could not execute .exe installer on mounted 2nd HDD, as solution edited /etc/fstab (noexec --> exec). This worked. But: HDD2 still is not letting me execute the .exe. Do I need to restart something in order to make it work03:15
charlesnoDiamondcite: I'm on 9.10, It has worked for 6 months just fine. But today it hasn't been working. I plug it in and nothing is detected.03:16
Ruudjahie after editing /etc/fstab, do i need to restart a service (daemon?)03:16
DragonKeeperDimondcite  nah its like it crashes the taskbar it covers03:16
rammyIRCi want to install Android SDK03:16
zipp0hello everyone03:17
rammyIRCits failing when i install Eclipse Plugin ADT03:17
zipp0when i replied an email, i see a blue icon in font of email which replied03:17
zipp0but some email not have that blue icon03:17
zipp0could anyone tell me why? and how can i fix? plz03:18
Diamondcitecharlesno: Things have changed... but I really can't seem to answer you question at the moment.. does it work on another box?03:18
t3hp00kyAnyone know if there is  a web-based virtualization project?03:18
t3hp00kylike PHP based03:18
Ruudjahthere is a webbased virt project03:18
* zipp0 is using thunderbird03:18
RuudjahI think the frontend uses a html5 VNC client03:18
cabblei am trying activate a graphic driver03:18
charlesnoDiamondcite: I don't have another computer to test it on. But the device itself is functional. Also, yesterday I plugged it in and after an hour Ubuntu decided to recognize it.03:18
Draqulcabble: You know the card type?03:19
t3hp00kyI was wondering because I'd like to load a web-based linux but I cannot find any source on web-based virtualization03:19
Ruudjahcant remember the name03:19
Ruudjahits a cloud based service03:20
Diamondcitecharlesno: Maybe the USB port is acting up?03:20
Ruudjahmake account, create box, then view/login using a browser03:20
Draqulcabble: lspci | grep -i video03:21
t3hp00kyIs it open sourced ?03:21
charlesnoDiamondcite: I've tried different ports. They are not the problem. But I think I may have had some kernel updates yesterday. I wonder if that is a possibility03:21
t3hp00kyand is code avalible?03:21
cabblei do not understand03:21
Ruudjahhttp://guacamole.sourceforge.net/ this, but it connects to a cloud vm03:21
cabbleuse in tern=minal03:21
Draqulcabble: run that in a terminal and paste the output here03:21
ilyekkakaiok, that worked... now new question... on my 2nd drive I had a 50Gb partition NTFS which Vista was using, now it is just unallocated space... how do I add it to the ext4 partition already on that drive?03:21
Ruudjahcant remember the nam03:22
Ruudjahbut if u google clever for fewminutrs you should be able to find it03:22
t3hp00kyYes thanks for the link03:22
Ruudjahneed to reboot03:22
t3hp00kyhelped me out03:22
Ruudjahok, gl03:22
cabbleUsage: lspci [<switches>]03:24
cabbleBasic display modes:03:24
cabble-mmProduce machine-readable output (single -m for an obsolete format)03:24
cabble-tShow bus tree03:24
cabbleDisplay options:03:24
FloodBot1cabble: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:24
cabble-vBe verbose (-vv for very verbose)03:24
shane4ubuntudoes anyone know how to include a time type stamp in a log, like:  echo $(time)  or something to get the time to be given?  for a script03:24
Draqulcabble: sudo apt-get install -y pastebinit && lspci | grep -i video | pastebinit03:24
RyagaI love how Ubuntu's archive manager works.03:25
RyagaI just installed 7zip and Rar and to my delight it still uses the archive manager :)03:25
anygivennamefail2ban config does not all work03:26
shane4ubuntuohhh, found it:  echo "$(date +%H:%M:%S)"03:26
Ruudjahjust rebooted03:28
Ruudjahscreen resolution set to 1024x768. Cannot change it to native resolution?03:29
anygivennameanyone knows how to let fail2ban settings work03:29
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:29
Sean93when trying to fix my ushare install i get this error. http://paste.ubuntu.com/521142/03:30
furii'd like to be able to use the G buttons along with the M buttons, and the applets, for the logitech G510. how can i do this?03:32
Sean93!spam | r00tsh3ll03:32
* spinningcompass blinks03:33
furican someone help me with this?03:34
furii've been sitting here like allday03:34
ironsightjust to prove it works... \\\\\ :D03:35
ahaney3should the mount command take a long time to complete?03:36
ironsightsilly laptop maker for making a non-standard key on the keyboard :/03:36
Draqulahaney3: no03:36
ahaney3any ideas what would cause it to hang?03:36
Draqulahaney3: spite03:36
ahaney3sudo mount /dev/sdb7 /mnt/storage03:36
Sean93when trying to fix my ushare install i get this error. http://paste.ubuntu.com/521142/03:37
ahaney3Draqul, lol "sudo eject /dev/spite" ?03:37
Draqulahaney3: No, I do not know what the issue is there. If you didn't have perms it would just kick back an error - so...03:37
Loshkiahaney3: usually it's pretty quick, unless the drive has to spin up or it's a networked drive. Does the partition fsck ok?03:37
ahaney3I'll try it03:37
tim_does file sharing/streaming between ubuntu/windows looking better these days?03:38
furii'd like to be able to use the G buttons along with the M buttons, and the applets, for the logitech G510. how can i do this?03:38
ahaney3no, it doesn't and fsck suggests I try e2fsck03:39
ahaney3which then also complains03:39
ahaney3is the drive hosed?03:39
rookstim_ i think nowadays you can write on windows partitioins, and on windows there aree programs to make linux ext3 partitions look like a drive to windows03:39
ironsightcheck the S.M.A.R.T. status?03:40
tim_rooks what happened to good olle samba?03:40
Loshkiahaney3: maybe, or it might just be the partition got corrupted. I agree with ironsight. Check the SMART data next...03:40
ahaney3so, go ahead and make fun, how?03:41
furican someone please help me with this problem?03:42
garyholtfuri: what problem?03:42
Loshkiahaney3: sudo gsmartcontrol if you have it. sudo smartctl /dev/sdb if you don't. Then look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S.M.A.R.T.03:42
furigaryholt: i've been talking about it all day long03:42
garyholtfuri: I just came in03:42
furigaryholt: oh03:42
furigaryholt: well, nevertheless, i'd like to know if i can bring the logitech G510 to its fullest use; on windows, you can put applets on the screen, and the bindable keys on it are bindable, and you can use the mode keys. on linux, the screen just always says G510, and the function keys are F1 - F12 and the last 6 are 1 - 6 on the numberline, and the mode keys are unusable.03:43
stizaanyone know of a good way (from ubuntu) to get multiple livecd iso's on a usb from linux?03:44
ironsightfuri, hrm, check out the hotkey mapping area?03:44
garyholtfuri: ok ..hold on a sec03:44
furiironsight: i'm sorry? what do you mean?03:44
ironsighthold on, lemme pull it up03:44
ironsightsystem>prefferences>keyboard shortcuts03:45
jshriverAnyone here use Amazon EC2?03:45
ahaney3smartctl is in the repo?03:45
jshriverI just created an instance but not sure how to delete it. Nifty to create an Ubuntu VM there :)03:46
ZykoticK9furi, looks like this forum post about the g510 got as much input as your IRC question http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1571482  sorry man I have no ideas, good luck.03:46
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garyholtfuri: it seems that it has pretty bad support for ubuntu :S03:47
Sean93when trying to fix my ushare install i get this error. http://paste.ubuntu.com/521142/03:47
garyholtfuri: is ubuntu your main OS?03:47
furigaryholt: yes03:47
furigaryholt: in fact, i have no other partitions03:48
furigaryholt: tested it on my mom's vista computer03:48
furigaryholt: and the stuff it could do was AWESOME03:48
ZykoticK9Sean93, i'd try running "sudo apt-get -f install" to see if it can fix what's currently broken03:48
garyholtfuri: did it contain any drivers for linux?03:49
ZykoticK9garyholt, no linux drivers - windows/mac only03:49
garyholtfuri: if not ... have you tried to run the software via wine?03:49
Sean93ZykoticK9: i get the same errors03:49
furigaryholt: no, only windows and linux, just like the N52te, which i traded in for this for that EXACT reason03:49
furigaryholt: yes, i tried wine, even on N52, it doesn't change anything03:50
ZykoticK9Sean93, i'm not really surprised (it was doing the same thing basically) -- sorry i gots nothin'.  Good luck man.03:50
Sean93ZykoticK9: thanks for trying03:50
garyholtfuri: did you change wine settings from xp to windows 7 ?03:50
furigaryholt: actually, no... not until after i did it; before i switched to 7 i think i had it on vista03:51
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furigaryholt: should i have it on xp?03:51
garyholtfuri: well originally it's xp but u can trie to change it to windows 703:51
ZykoticK9furi, garyholt i doubt using wine for hardware (even a keyboard) is going to work.03:51
garyholtZykoticK9: I got my old logitech to work that way03:51
sweetpifuri: run xev and see if the keys even trigger an event, if not youll need a driver that likely doesnt exist. as for the lcd, if it is generic you might be able to fiddle with it. the "applets" are not going to work without a native port or maybe wine(doubt it)03:52
ahaney3sorry I'm looking for smartctl in the repo and I don't see it03:52
ironsightahaney3, some bios can check the SMART status03:52
ZykoticK9garyholt, well then, i guess it's worth a shot ;)  sorry guys, best of luck.03:52
ahaney3it's a remote machine03:52
ahaney3can I do it via ssh?03:52
furisweetpi: do you mean the G keys or the M keys or just regular keys?03:53
Digital_838!Info Kernel03:53
furisweetpi: or should i try them all?03:53
ironsightI check my smart status in windows :/03:53
Digital_838ubottu kernel03:53
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages03:53
Digital_838Anyone know when the 2.6.36 kernel will hit the updates for Maverick?03:53
ahaney3ironsight, :(03:54
psusiDigital_838, it won't03:54
furisweetpi: tried pressing the M keys and they didn't work03:54
sweetpifuri: just try them all and maybe copy the output(if any)03:54
Digital_838psusi:  Why not?03:54
ironsightDigital_838, could always compile it yourself if you are impatient :)03:54
furisweetpi: the regular keys get output; if i press 1 and hit G13 they get the EXACT same output03:54
Digital_838What are those for?03:55
psusiDigital_838, because -updates is for service releases to fix critical bugs03:55
furiG13 is intended a bindable key but apparently isn't03:55
spuddoggI'm trying to be able to forward X to my windows pc at work.  I keep getting Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: localhost:10:003:55
psusiDigital_838, testing03:55
spuddogganyone have an idea?03:55
Digital_838psusi:  But even with testing they won't move it into the updates?03:55
ZykoticK9Digital_838, Ubuntu uses a time-based release scheme - thus no rolling updates of software, you need to wait for a new version to get updated versions of included software (with security/bug exceptions)03:55
Digital_838psusi:  I mean after done testing.03:55
ironsightfuri, perhaps the correct driver for that keyboard has not been coded :(03:55
stiltzkinalright guys I really need your help here. I've got a kernel problem where ksoftirqd uses 100% of my system resources. From Googling it looks like it's a longstanding issue with no real solution other than to try a different kernel or different network hardware. This is a laptop, so I can't exactly change the network hardware. I'm running 10.10, 2.6.35-22-generic with all the latest updates applied. If anyone has any exper03:56
stiltzkinience with this I'd really appreciate some help. This is very frustrating.03:56
furiironsight: my life in a nutshell03:56
Digital_838Well that really stinks  because the 2.6.35 kernel is laggy and sluggish for a lot of folks.03:56
sweetpifuri: youll need a custom program to do that if they dont have drivers for linux03:56
Digital_838I wish for the 2.6.35 kernel to go away.03:56
stiltzkinDigital_838, just fyi, I've had this problem with previous kernels as well. Only never on every single boot03:57
Digital_838There's a huge thread in the forums of people having issues with this 2.6.35 kernels and the 2.6.36 kernel makes all those issues disappear.03:57
spuddoggI'm trying to be able to forward X to my windows pc at work.  I keep getting Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: localhost:10:0   I'm connecting via SSH with the X forwarding enabled in putty.  any ideas?03:57
ironsightfuri, there's a couple of gaming peripherals that do not work (a couple gaming mice made for WoW)03:57
ahaney3smartctl is in the smartmontools package, fyi03:57
stiltzkinDigital_838, I have Windows booted on the machine right now. _windows_. That should tell you how frustrated I am.03:57
furiironsight: but it's not a mouse03:57
furiironsight: it's a gaming keyboard03:58
ironsightit's in the same family of drivers though03:58
Digital_838stiltzin you should try the 2.6.36 kernel.03:58
furiironsight: i guess03:58
Digital_838Really its loads better03:58
ironsighthuman interface drivers03:58
Digital_838You load 3 debs and Maverick gets wings!03:58
sweetpifuri: it could be done, but a dev would need access to the keyboard.. lookingg at the price, I doubt thats gonna happen03:58
stiltzkinDigital_838, how do I get the new kernel downloaded and installed when an unkillable process is using 100% of my cpu though03:58
psusiDigital_838, no... stable releases only get bug fixes, not new versions just because they are there...03:58
furisweetpi: that's simply because it's me with the problem; i'm sure if it was someone else, it'd be a lot better simply because it isn't me and my bad luck03:59
Digital_838stiltzin:  It happens that fast on every boot?03:59
stiltzkinDigital_838, my fan is cranking at max even before GNOME loads, so I can tell it's immediate03:59
Digital_838stiltzkin:  mine was more intermittent.  Except using Wine where it was 100% trashed.03:59
Digital_838stiltzkin:  Is that a driver issue?04:00
furisweetpi: problems have been stacking up and nobody has helped me with any of them04:00
thomas|StaplAnyone have Any clue as to how to get 10.4 basic ubuntu to install,? during the processs errors varrie,  iv tryed No ACPI on/off and remove "quite" aswell as "nosplash" with these options Iv nearly got it installed but get "hung" on checking battery (and its a desktop)04:00
ironsightstiltzkin, amd?04:00
stiltzkinDigital_838, a driver issue how? I think it's a softirqd bug. As in the software doesn't know how to properly use the hardware. I guess...?04:00
=== akashmanohar is now known as SingAlong
Digital_83810.10 was the worse Ubuntu release for me in years.04:00
stiltzkinironsight, yeah, amd6404:00
Digital_838And I've got hardware that's 2-3 years old.  Should be just at the sweet spot.04:01
SingAlongDigital_838: its bad if you are using it on a netbook. else its all fine04:01
ironsightI had overheating issues on my older amd64 dual cores on a few distros04:01
ironsightintel has great drivers though for cpu scaling that keeps it cool in linux04:01
Digital_838SingAlong:  there's a large thread in the forums filled with folks having problems with the Kernel alone.04:01
sweetpifuri: your asking for something that doesnt exist, nobody will be able to help with that unless they are a developer and also have that keyboard04:01
Digital_838Then Gwibber, which they promoted as part of this release, is borked for tons of people.04:01
stiltzkinironsight, yep this is a dual core. I don't have any other heat issues, everything is normally very quiet and cool. This however really starts to cook things. Which I do not like. This is an expensive laptop04:02
spuddoggI'm trying to be able to forward X to my windows pc at work.  I keep getting Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: localhost:10:0   I'm connecting via SSH with the X forwarding enabled in putty.  any ideas?04:02
Digital_838How can you have a social networking release when the facebook aggregator you're promoting doesn't even work?04:02
furisweetpi: but my other problems aren't about HID stuff, and even then, nobody could help04:02
stiltzkinDigital_838, yeah I agree...neither of those things worked for me initially, and I guess come to think of it they still don't04:02
Digital_838or more accurately, takes absolute trickery to install.04:02
sweetpifuri: like what? maybe try rephrasing the question04:03
furisweetpi: music-applet04:03
Digital_838I know it's a bit OT but I really think Shuttleworth should reconsider the every 6 month release cycle.04:03
furisweetpi: well, the other issue is HID04:03
furisweetpi: bamboo tablet04:03
SingAlongI tried to edit my fstab and screwed up (after all there's a first time for everything). http://pastie.org/private/8qjj5t7wbjobglhkwjlzq04:03
ironsightDigital_838, agreed04:03
stiltzkinso is there any way to prevent this from happening? I was shocked to see that there's basically no way to stop the process from respawning04:03
Digital_838And how did they sell him on a font over more stable pulse audio?04:03
thomas|StaplIf no one has any idea to my issue, could i be pointed in the direction of the most stable revison04:04
stiltzkinDigital_838, don't even get me started on pulse. Took me 3 hours to get Skype working because of Pulse04:04
ironsightpulse is a headache04:04
Digital_838stiltzkin:  Lol- you've got plenty of company.04:04
ironsightpulse kills my linux gaming04:04
Digital_838ironsight: ditto04:04
SingAlongDigital_838: oh. ya I had fan problems on my toshiba satellite M505 S4975 laptop. bought a new one yesterday. it used to overheat up to 65c and thewifi went down quickly. it worked fine on windows tho04:05
SingAlonganyone on this? http://pastie.org/private/8qjj5t7wbjobglhkwjlzq04:05
Digital_838Funny thing when I researched some of the PulseAudio issues, turns out the PA lead dev is ticked off at Ubuntu because he says they're packaging it wrong and he keeps getting the blame for it not working.04:05
ironsightDigital_838, I dunno about that, I read it too, it was a bit far fetched04:05
stiltzkinALSA, with proper configuration and _up to date_ settings, is all that's really needed. But I digress. I'm more interested in unbricking my laptop right now. It's completely useless with this problem04:05
SingAlongDigital_838: the fan _just didnt work_ on the toshiba. but ubuntu 10.10 is awesome here on my new HP Probook 4420s. Just that I screwed up my fstab :P04:05
Digital_838stiltzkin can you do like a very minimal (no gui) install just to see what's going on?04:06
Digital_838stiltzkin:  Like have it not start X right away?04:06
SingAlongin the fstab should i set umask to 777 or anything else?04:06
ironsightDigital_838, you mean alt install?04:06
sweetpifuri: If nobody responds to your question, it doesnt mean they are ignoring you. either they dont know the answer or it doesnt interest them. there is also ##linux for more generic linux topics04:06
pknwhen i try to boot from ubuntu 10.10 cd on my new build, it says no live file system found...i do have the usb - cd drive connected as well as a ocz ssd sata. What am i missing?04:07
stiltzkinDigital_838, oh I can get to terminal and everything. I've got Fluxbox installed as well, and that loads fine. It's just much slower than usual since everything can only use one core04:07
Digital_838ironsight:  Yeah i guess.  I'm still a n00b at this but there has to be something like that where you can jsut get the base installed.04:07
stiltzkinDigital_838, would dmesg help? I can pastebin it04:07
furisweetpi: sorry for being so blunt and rude, i'm just fed up04:07
furisweetpi: to the point of where i'm having second thoughts on installing ubuntu in the first place04:08
ironsightfuri, it can be aggrivating, we all understand that.04:08
Digital_838stiltzkin:  I'm a noob.  The only thing I know about Ubuntu is what I Googled from others.  But I can tell you that recommendation for the new Kernel hit a homerun for me.  If you can get your system to just load three packages, that's all you have to do.04:08
stiltzkinDigital_838, alright maybe I'll try to get them to install. Thanks for the tip...I just wish I knew how to really fix this04:09
Digital_838And I love Linux... but the next person who says Microsoft Windows is evil is welcome to come over here and get my PulseAudio working in under 3 hours.04:09
stiltzkinDigital_838, well _now_ I know how to do it in under 3 hours ;)04:10
AegNuddelOn another computer, I noticed that Ubuntu Studio had more fonts.  I don't want to have to install Ubuntu studio to get fonts on this computer, but would like to know if there is a package of fonts (either the ones or similar to the ones) in Ubuntu studio.04:10
Digital_838sudo apt-get pulseaudio purge04:10
pkn(initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system ..04:10
ironsightThe next person who ports my unreal engine3 games will be my god04:10
stiltzkinDigital_838, close, I was gonna say sudo rm -rf /04:10
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!04:10
Digital_838stiltzkin:  lol04:10
stiltzkinDigital_838, oh...oops, guess that sets of an alarm here04:11
sweetpithomas|Stapl: stop that04:11
ahaney3aw, now that's not very nice04:11
Digital_838Ubottu is sure funny at times04:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:11
AegNuddelunless you know you want to wipe your system...04:12
furisudo rm -rf sure sounds like a fun command, really fun...yeah...04:12
stiltzkinthere are more interesting ways to do that. like piping urandom to your entire disk with dd04:12
furisounds like a simulation of suicide04:13
john38i cant see my windows when i reduce they disappear??04:13
AegNuddelOn another computer, I noticed that Ubuntu Studio had more fonts.  I don't want to have to install Ubuntu studio to get fonts on this computer, but would like to know if there is a package of fonts (either the ones or similar to the ones) in Ubuntu studio.04:13
AegNuddelis my real question04:13
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john38i cant see my windows when i reduce they disappear??04:14
stiltzkinAegNuddel, I honestly have no idea, but I bet if you google the names of a few of the fonts you want installed (I'm presuming they're free fonts) you can probably find some kind of package04:14
yawhat does the docky helper do? i turn some of them on, but nothing happened...04:14
AegNuddeldon't really know em by name yet04:14
stiltzkinAegNuddel, oh, also you can check to see if Ubuntu Studio has its own repositories (it probably does) and then search them for fonts packages04:15
john38Anybody know if its possible to flash BIOS on ubuntu???04:15
stiltzkinjohn38, like, you mean from within ubuntu?04:16
john38stiltzkin, i mean whatever within or out04:16
ironsightthere, all done setting up the nvidia, looks good :D http://i54.tinypic.com/28i97jb.png04:16
Jyggayou dont oot into any operating system to meddle with your bios if you are sane04:17
stiltzkinjohn38, well certainly there are ways of flashing your bios. I think normally you don't do that in a running OS though04:17
stiltzkinyeah what Jygga said04:17
john38stiltzkin, well then does ubuntu have boot into Dos or something04:17
Jyggajohn38 you just need a usbb stick04:18
ironsightjohn38, you should check out making a bootable dos cd for flashing04:18
ironsightlike freedos04:18
stiltzkinjohn38, no...ubuntu has its own commandline, not DOS. Why do you need to reflash your bios anyway? Lost password?04:18
john38stiltzkin, i just want to update bios04:19
jsninjajohn38, it is possible to flash the bios of dell machines04:19
Jyggago to the website of your mainboard manufacturer and read up on what they want you to do04:19
jsninjajohn38, the dell flash API has been implemented in open source tools. So you can flash from your desktop like in windows.04:19
AegNuddelthere we go04:20
=== BlueSherpa_ is now known as BlueSherpa
john38jsninja, this is not a Dell machine its custom P4 3.2ghz Asus mobo system04:20
jsninjajohn38, for other manufactures you'll need to boot into DOS from a usb key, cd, floppy... FreeDOS usually works04:20
ironsightunetbootin can make a freedos usb stick04:21
joyocohow to use it04:21
john38What would cause slow scrolling on a website04:22
john38or search engine04:22
john38ram, video card?04:22
spndiHello my Ubuntu conked off after working pretty well for some days. I have installed it it on Vista. Now it gives an error message Try (hd0,0 NT5S) No Wuibldr Try ((hd0,1 NT5S)  and then brings up another screen which says "Minimal bash like editing is supported for the first word. Tab list is possible command complete. I wonder if anybody can help me ?04:22
Sean93john38: is it jittery? like it repainting the page04:22
john38Sean93, no if I scroll down its slow and when i type something on search auto complete is slow04:23
Sean93john38: then I'm not sure04:24
ironsightjohn38, perhaps alot of flash bogging down the page?04:24
AegNuddelWhat does the name of the distro do in the commands?  when it says like "lucid main"04:24
stiltzkinAegNuddel, just specifies which repository to get the packages from04:25
Scunizi_AegNuddel: that refers to the repositories that hold packages/programs.  "Main" is the primary repository that is supported and tested by Ubuntu04:25
Sean93anyone installed Aoin on linux?04:26
john38Sean93, now that you asked when i boot into ubuntu before the ubuntu splash or after im not sure the screen is different color its all weird then desktop loads04:26
AegNuddelI accidentally put the wrong distro name as I pasted it from an older source04:26
AegNuddelWill it matter?04:27
_MAD_DiplomatoR Beach Club04:27
Scunizi_AegNuddel: you should only use packages from the repos that are designed for a specific release.04:27
_MAD_Diplomatwrong channel04:27
roknirAegNuddel: did you actually apt-get update and apt-get upgrade before fixing it though?  if not, i doubt it matters.04:27
AegNuddeloh man04:27
Sean93john38: that's over my head. I'm still new to linux, I just help with problems I have solved personally :P04:28
AegNuddelI hadn't done that and it's just fonts really04:28
john38Anybody know what can cause weird colors on screen before boot???04:28
JoeMaverickSett!cn | joyoco04:28
ubottujoyoco: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk04:28
stiltzkinDigital_838, successfully applied the 2.6.36 .debs, rebooting with crossed fingers...04:28
AegNuddelI found the studio fonts thing but it was designed for feisty and I have lucid here04:28
Scunizi_AegNuddel: for fonts you can find many on the net.. put them in your /home/.fonts directory.. fontmatrix is a good font management program for turning fonts on and off.04:29
Digital_838stiltzkin:  I'm cheering for ya!04:29
AegNuddelScunizi, I know that much04:29
Random832so i've noticed in the past few days a bunch of people coming in here speaking chinese04:30
Random832did the default irc channel on the chinese localization of ubuntu not get set up?04:30
EeveeTrainerhi, how can i edit an sql table  ?04:30
sweetpijohn38: loose cable, bad ram or bad video card.. could be a number of things04:31
roknirjohn38: could be misconfigured drivers, problems with the plymouth screen, etc.04:31
stiltzkinDigital_838, well...so far it looks good! no process usage. Thanks a ton for the tip. Unfortunately I won't really know whether or not this is fixed until it starts doing it again. I've been between 5 or 6 kernels before and sometimes it's an infrequent problem that can be solved with one reboot, and then other times (like now) it happens every time. This definitely looks like it helped though!04:32
john38sweetpi, after unpluggin VGA cable it does not show up anymore but im hesitant04:32
name_i am now in ubuntu live. in terminal i am root on my main system. error that i get when i try to load is Plymouth main process (329) terminated with status 1. when i try to run apt-get update then apt-get dist-upgrade i get this error: Failed to symbolic-link /boot/initrd.img-2.6.35-22-generic to initrd.img: File exists04:32
name_dpkg: error processing linux-image-2.6.35-22-generic (--configure):04:32
name_ subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 17. help?04:32
name_error on starting my hdd system is plymouth main proces.... second error is while in live cd04:33
john38sweetpi, these are my specs P4 3.2ghz, Corsiar DDR400 2x 512ram, Ati Radeon 9800pro04:33
name_all started to happen today after update. i mean, yesterday.04:33
sweetpijohn38: and?04:34
ironsightdon't worry about weird colors on the screen if you installed drivers for your ati04:34
ironsightjohn38, ^04:34
john38what do you think is the culprit04:35
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name_i fixed my partition table with testdisk, edited fstab while in live cd so that only loads swap and / , recheck my winxp partition with chkdsk. i am running out of options here04:35
ironsightvideo drivers, but it's no biggy04:35
stiltzkinDigital_838, ironsight: thanks very much for the help, gentlemen. looks like I'm at least up and running again, for now :)04:35
john38is getting a nvidia card instead fix it?04:35
ironsightunless you use the free but inferior drivers you will have funky colors04:35
sweetpijohn38: you unplugged that cable, and it went away.. so I say loose cable04:35
ironsightjohn38, nvidia has the same issue04:36
Digital_838stiltzkin:   Glad its better!04:36
ironsightironsight, just ignore it or shut off the splash screen04:36
ironsightI suggest ignoring it myself04:36
john38ironsight, one more thing when load search engine its slow as i scroll, "a search engine!"04:37
john38ironsight, but other sites are normal04:37
ironsightjohn38, I use google chrome04:38
ironsightironsight, but for you, with a gig of ram... try seamonkey04:38
* ironsight facepalms for being up for 24 hours04:38
john38ironsight, i got a P4 3.2ghz and 1GB of ram shouldnt that be enough04:38
ironsighttry chrome or opera, you might see an improvement04:39
john38ironsight, or should 2GB be enough04:39
ironsightchrome uses webkit I think04:39
ironsightwhich is quite fast04:39
* Sean93 congratulates ironsight04:39
john38ironsight, i dont have problems with firefox04:40
xxiaoanyone can gobby to gobby.ubuntu.com?04:40
ironsightSean93, ?04:40
Sean93on being up for 24 hours lol04:40
ironsightmy day off :P04:40
Sean93a day well spent lol04:41
ironsightI wasn't in here all day :P04:41
* ironsight grumbles something about diapers04:41
Sean93ok all, i think its time for bed04:43
Digital_838Nite Sean04:43
oddtodHello all. Is there a way to change the scroll speed in Ubuntu with gnome shell?04:44
javatexanhey guys, I am trying to make a virtual machine out of a running ubuntu box, then reinstall the box as a virtual machine box and put the ubuntu vm back on it.... anyone had success doing this?  The ubuntu machine does have some databases running on it so I am not sure if a tar of / will work.  Any ideas?  Thanks.04:44
alanlan69anybody with some assembly language knowledge?04:44
Digital_838javatexan:  You just made me dizzy04:44
Scunizi_javatexan: vmware has a tool to make a vm out of a running install.. you can load a vmware vm image into vbox.04:45
alanlan69anybody know how is the time of day represented in linux?04:45
javatexanokay, it will actually be a ubuntu virtual machine server....I don't remember what they called it.  THanks04:45
name_grub is installed, repaired, i see my ubuntu and winxp partition. i can go in winxp with no problem, on Ubuntu when i try to load is Plymouth main process (329) terminated with status 1. i am googling andtrying stuff for couple of hours now. anyone with similar problem today? i am now in livecd04:45
Jyggatry ddate alanlan69 ;)04:45
furihow do you disconnect from ONLY a channel on irssi?04:46
oddtodjavatexan: what vm software are you using?04:46
javatexanDigital_838: I know what you mean04:46
alanlan69i am sorry for my ignorance, but i am not very familiar with linux, i am just a recent fan.04:46
Scunizi_furi: /window part04:46
javatexanoddtod: just the one in ubuntu server04:46
alanlan69and i happen to be in an assembly language class this semester04:46
furiScunizi_: didn't work04:46
oddtodjavatexan: xen? Virtual box? Vmware?04:46
Scunizi_furi: is it the only channel you're in?04:46
alanlan69and i have a homework question saying: how is the time of day represented in linux?04:46
Scunizi_furi: try /window close04:47
furiScunizi_: no, i'm in 3 channels right now04:47
Jygga that question is a little vague alanlan6904:47
alanlan69i know!!!04:47
alanlan69this prof is crazy!04:47
name_if prof is hot then its ok04:47
alanlan69but a friend told me it has to do with precision or something, as in milliseconds,etc04:47
oddtodalanlan69: i'm assuming there is a leading question04:47
ironsightso... he wants you to write a program for linux in assembly that messes with linux date and time?04:48
oddtodalanlan69: "with a clock" is the correct answer04:48
javatexanoddtod: it looks like KVM is the default for the ubuntu server04:48
alanlan69well, that is the question and then is asks the same about windows, java, mac, etc04:48
Jyggaoh maye he would like you to read up on time representation as epoch time ?04:48
Jyggathere you go then04:48
bradgWhere should I ask a question regarding Ettercap?04:49
oddtodjavatexan: and you're looking to take a physical server and virtualize it right?04:49
alanlan69he said it has to do with precision, as in milliseconds, or nanoseconds, etc04:49
javatexanoddtod: yes04:49
ironsightalanlan69, like... make a timer in assembly?04:49
alanlan69he siad something about an enhanced capture timer datasheet04:50
alanlan69but i have no idea what that is or where to find it, this class is hard, and i am just a beginner04:50
ironsighthe told you to do this without showing you the basics of how to do it?04:50
alanlan69yes, he is ten year, he doesn't care04:51
alanlan69ten year = prof in college who cant get fired no matter what04:51
ZykoticK9alanlan69, the word you are looking for is "tenure"04:52
letasdoes anyone know if I have openvpn and apache running on the same ubuntu server, if I can04:52
alanlan69tenure, correct,04:52
letassee apache's website through the openvpn server private IP?04:52
oddtodjavatexan: http://alexharrington.co.uk/2009/09/23/linux-p2v/ there you go sir. Following those will get you P2V using KVM04:52
alanlan69i am ESL04:52
oddtodjavatexan: good luck04:52
javatexanthanks oddtod04:52
ironsightI have never coded a timer, let alone in assembly04:52
ironsightI like a little bit of a higher language than assembly04:52
oddtodten year HAHAAH04:53
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ironsightI mean, linux was coded in c04:53
hiexpo? when 9.10 support ends does that mean ho more repo updates or just helping end04:53
javatexanalanlan69: should be easy in assembly to get a precise timer, assembly is fast04:53
ironsightand c is easy compared to assembly04:53
ZykoticK9hiexpo, no more security updates is the real issue04:53
hiexpoZykoticK9, yes04:54
ironsightalanlan69, google for "assembly timer example"04:54
alanlan69but i dont understand the question, how is time of day represented in each of the folllowing systems:  Windows, Mac, Linux, GPS, Java.04:54
javatexanalanlan69: you might as well type in the actual question, its a little hard to read your mind.  LOL04:54
alanlan69jaja, sorry,04:55
name_grub is installed, repaired, i see my ubuntu and winxp partition. i can go in winxp with no problem, on Ubuntu when i try to load is Plymouth main process (329) terminated with status 1. i am googling andtrying stuff for couple of hours now. anyone with similar problem today? i am now in livecd.04:55
ZykoticK9alanlan69, your homework assignment is NOT ubuntu related, and thus off-topic for this channel.  perhaps ##linux might help?  best of luck.04:55
name_ZykoticK9, tnx, i was aobut to say same04:55
cutoutwhen I type tasksel on 10.04 it says command not found, how can I install it?04:55
javatexanLOL, the  youth04:56
alanlan69i know i know, sorry to bother, i just thought one of you geniuses might be able to help me.04:56
UbuntuLilyEver since I upgraded to 10.10 from 10.4 I keep getting prompted for an update for Krita but it will not allow me to select it and Krita doesn't open either04:56
ironsightcutout, sudo apt-get install tasksel04:56
UbuntuLilyAny ideas?04:56
voidmagegthumb question: where is the find duplicates button?04:57
oddtodname_ it seems like your menu file prlly got hosed up. i don't remember where that file is i thought it was in /boot/grub/menu*.lst04:57
con-man!ubottu | botabuse04:57
ubottubotabuse: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots04:57
oddtodbut i can't seem to find mine04:57
ironsightUbuntuLily, some things can break on updates in ubuntu, I suggest next time you build from scratch to put /home on a separate partition than / then you can install from scratch on the update without losing your stuff in /home04:58
UbuntuLilyI am setup that way already04:58
ironsightahh ok04:58
UbuntuLilyI just thought the update was safe04:59
ironsighthardly anymore :(04:59
ironsightit's like rolling the dice04:59
ironsightwait, update or dist-upgrade?05:00
doc|homehey, I'm using anacron (I think) and have set up a user cron using crontab -e. It doesn't seem to be getting run. Anyone got any suggestions why? No .allow or .deny files are used :/05:00
voidmageanyone know?05:01
oddtodname_ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 that is what you're looking for. There should be an area on there discussing the differences between grub 1 and grub 205:01
name_oddtod, ubuntu 10.10 uses grub2. quote:"#05:01
name_Grub Legacy uses boot/grub/menu.lst.05:01
name_Grub 2 uses uses boot/grub/grub.cfg. " i reinstalled grub several times. i now think it could be kernel issue , but i have only latest one on grub, and dont know how to install older ones05:01
FloodBot1name_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:01
CkhiKuzadAn ISO image that i downloaded tonight, (Spent 2 hours downloading) downloaded as an iso and an iso.105:02
CkhiKuzadhow do i merge them?05:02
name_i thought it was in a same line..05:02
jeroth1Is ubuntu one password reset broken? Ive had it send me a confirmation code 3 times over 4 days. I use gmail and have checked my junk folder.05:03
oddtodname_ yeah if you don't care about the install just blow it away and reinstall. A fresh install shouldn't matter05:03
jgautierlets say i have a command that i can run on the terminal "npm" how can i figure out what npm points to?05:03
jiohdiCkhiKuzad: if they are mergable, the first thing I would do is rename iso to iso.0 then cat them togethr05:03
jiohdiCkhiKuzad: cat iso.* > new.iso05:04
jeroth1Is Ubuntu one password reset broken? Ive had it send me a confirmation code 3 times over 4 days. I use gmail and have checked my junk folder.05:04
name_oddtod, there is nothing too important on my ubuntu partition, yet i would like to see what programs i have installed so that i can reinstall ones i liked, i didnt memorized them, and also i might check my download folder, but i can do that from livecd i am in now05:04
UbuntuLilyIronsite - whats the difference?05:04
CkhiKuzadjiohdi, alright. so i would do 'cat bt2.iso.0 bt2.iso.1 > backtrack.iso'05:04
jeroth1jgautier: are you saying where the program is located? You can run the command "whereis yourcommand"05:04
jiohdiCkhiKuzad: if they are mergable that should do it05:05
name_oddtod, thing is, i wanna know how to fix this stuff , it is a good for learning05:05
CkhiKuzadalright, thank you jiohdi05:05
ironsightUbuntuLily, major upgrades or software changes in the repo05:05
she_dyed  /bye05:05
ironsightsometimes it isn't sane about how it handles the updates05:05
UbuntuLilySorry for my stupidity... I dont understand05:05
jeroth1Anyone know if Ubuntu one password reset is broken?05:05
gonzo_Alright, everyone, I apologize beforehand for my lack of knowledge.  2 days in to ubuntu with no previous linux experience.  i cant get the backlit keyboard on my asus towork?05:06
ironsightjeroth1, you could email ubuntu one team maybe?05:06
oddtodname_ if its not a fresh install meaning you had a machine that was working it broke and then you wiped the disk and reinstalled. then most likely grub broke you then reinstalled grub(fixed grub) now need to adjust the settings of the boot file to fix this.05:06
ZykoticK9UbuntuLily, the biggest difference between "sudo apt-get upgrade" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" is the dist-upgrade will install NEW packages, while the "upgrade" will not05:06
jeroth1thanks ironsight i thought i would just ask the community :)05:06
UbuntuLilyGotcha. I am just using the GUI "Update Manager"05:07
ZykoticK9UbuntuLily, Update Manger = dist-upgrade from cli05:07
ZykoticK9jeroth1, you might want to try asking in the #ubuntuone channel ;)  they might know.05:08
oddtodname_ do a paste bin of your /boot/grub/grub.cfg05:08
CkhiKuzadjiohdi, thank you very much. the cat appeared to work. now the only challenge is to get it to burn.05:08
jeroth1ZykoticK9:ha! Yeah, that might help har har har *headsmack*05:08
jiohdiCkhiKuzad: (^_^)05:08
name_oddtod, it is an old install "installed day when 10.10 came out". grub2 i reinstalled several times, and i fixed any problem partition table might have, or winxp ntfs partition errors. i also removed from fstab all ntfs partitions i had there for autoload05:08
UbuntuLilyAlso dont know if its related but my battery indicator hasn't worked right since either05:09
spndiHello my Ubuntu conked off after working pretty well for some days. I have installed it it on Vista. Now it gives an error message Try (hd0,0 NT5S) No Wuibldr Try ((hd0,1 NT5S) and then brings up another screen which says "Minimal bash like editing is supported for the first word. Tab list is possible command complete. I wonder if anybody can help me ?05:09
CkhiKuzadjiohdi, Your expertise of Linux far surpasses mine, the burning is working, and hopefully my back track CD will soon join my Ubuntu, Frenzy, and Slax LiveCDs.05:10
ChinaForgeHello,I upgrade my Ubuntu to 10.10,but i can't copy file to windows share folders,report invalid parameters. why?05:10
jiohdiCkhiKuzad: I am still a newbie, but had my share of learning in the last year05:10
name_i always go over updates list (not that i understand it really) to see if something i regulary use is getting updated, but today i didnt so i dont know if kernel was updated.05:10
name_can someone with latest updates on 10.10 tell me what their version of kernel is05:10
ZykoticK9name_, 2.6.35-22-generic if it helps...05:11
gonzo_Alright, everyone, I apologize beforehand for my lack of knowledge.  2 days in to ubuntu with no previous linux experience.  i cant get the backlit keyboard on my asus towork?05:11
CkhiKuzadjiohdi, I've been using Linux since i was 13, yet i am, unfortunately still a newbie compared to almost everyone else.05:11
spndiAny idea people ??05:11
jiohdiCkhiKuzad: I went through about 14 re-installs my first year... learning curve :)05:12
spinningcompassCkhiKuzad: You sound like a martial artist to me. :) We never stop learning. Either you quit or you learn more.  :)05:13
ZykoticK9spndi, i'm sorry to say this, but Wubi issues don't typically get many answers - more experienced users avoid it, and thus can't really help with Wubi-specific issues.  Hopefully someone can help, best of luck.05:13
CkhiKuzadjiohdi, I now have a backtrack 3 LiveCD \o/. And spinningcompass, I took martial arts classes until my family's income dropped below poverty level, and we couldn't afford the classes. anyway that's enough of my being off-topic.05:14
jiohdispndi: wubi worked for me on initial install, but after an update, the boot failed05:15
rubydiamondhi guys.. how to use ssh tunnel .. to use transmission for downloading torrents..05:15
rubydiamondfrom my office05:15
rubydiamondis it possible ?05:15
rubydiamondI have a VPS05:15
jiohdiCkhiKuzad: very good :)05:15
spinningcompassCkhiKuzad: I think martial arts fits very well into the spirit of ubuntu. ;)05:15
phroggieI'm getting [Errno 5] Input/output error when it starts to copy files during installation. Installing netbook remix on an eeepc, side by side with Win7.05:16
phroggiei've tried a CD, two USB drives, and a SDcard05:16
phroggieand I'm pretty sure it's not the hard drive, becuase win7 works fine, and ubuntu 10.10 desktop edition works fine...05:17
os2macSo I have a questiona about Unity. everytime I try to run it under a virtual box guest I get errors for no driver. any ideas?05:17
name_ linux-image-generic-pae depends on linux-image-2.6.35-23-generic-pae ,however:05:17
name_  Package linux-image-2.6.35-23-generic-pae is not configured yet.05:17
name_ how to do that within live cd05:17
ZykoticK9phroggie, from a livecd/usb environment if you run the terminal command "dmesg" is it also filled with I/O errors?  (would suggest a bad/failing HD)05:17
terr_Does anyone know if Ubuntu can run on an Iphone or a blackberry?05:17
name_didnt want that. damn xchat!!05:17
krishnanduphroggie, Check your RAM with memtest86+. Probably the curprit is RAM.05:17
terr_Also I'm looking for an IRC channel for OpenOffice05:17
CkhiKuzadspinningcompass, it fits more into linux in general. as the jargon file says: "To follow the path, look to the master(s), follow the master(s), walk with the master(s), see through the master(s), become the master."05:17
phroggieI'll try dmesg and a memtest and report back. Thanks guys05:18
CkhiKuzadLike Kung-fu.05:18
ZykoticK9!openoffice | terr_05:18
ubottuterr_: a free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". For (unofficial) repositories containing OpenOffice.org 3, see https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa. User help available in #openoffice.org.05:18
oddtodname_ yes xchat's fault you don't know how to use it or pastebin05:18
krishnanduphroggie, Well...the burning media you are using may also be the root of problem, But I'm ignoring it now coz you tried usb too.05:18
rubydiamondhi guys.. how to use ssh tunnel .. to use transmission for downloading torrents using software like 'transmission' on ubuntu ?05:18
rubydiamondanybody tried it ?05:18
jiohdiCkhiKuzad: to format the path, look to the dearly gparted05:18
* name_ slaps oddtod 05:18
* CkhiKuzad facepalms about the epic pun05:19
CkhiKuzadAnyway, i'm going to test this LiveCD, thanks for your help jiohdi, nice talking to you spinningcompass05:19
name_i would paste it as one line if i knew why it paste it in 305:19
v1nsaihey all where could I put a script that runs on startup and return from suspend with root priveleges?05:19
terr_ubottu: thanx - found it.05:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:19
phroggielots of errors with dmesg05:19
spinningcompassand you :)05:19
phroggiebut no IO errors05:19
ZykoticK9phroggie, i'd try md5 testing your ISO image you are using to burn then...05:20
krishnanduphroggie, boot using the live cd and choose memtest86+05:20
phroggiei'm running memtest now05:20
ZykoticK9phroggie, memtest takes HOURS, just so you know - probably best to leave running overnight.05:21
phroggieOH lol05:21
Patric3How can I disabled Ctrl+Alt+F1 going to a text terminal ?05:21
blakkheimPatric3: why would you do that05:21
krishnanduphroggie, so...did you burned the CD in 8x or higher speed??05:21
fazzilhi all05:22
phroggiei burned it fast, but I'm getting the exact same error with two different USB sticks AND an sdcard05:22
terr_Does Ubuntyu support a voice to text option?05:22
Patric3blakkheim: When I am connected to a Windows RDP Server and using VMWare VI Client, I'm currently unable to send a Ctrl+Alt+F# to a *nix guest05:22
phroggiesdcard is lightning fast compared to the rest, so I've been using that05:22
krishnanduPatric3, Why would you..?? That's Unix feature. Multiuser, Multitasking05:22
Patric3as above05:22
jeroth1Patric3: I believe you change your xorg.conf and set the option. "Option "DontVTSwitch" "true" "05:23
Patric3i.e. my local box switches05:23
Patric3I want all other text terms to switch if possible except for F105:23
terr_Patric3: write a small app which will send this to the client05:23
Patric3How ?05:23
terr_GUN C05:24
krishnanduphroggie, You should not burn CD/DVD(specifically OS ISO's) above 8x. So chances are media is faulty. But I guess in your case it's RAM as you mentioned you've tried USB too05:24
terr_GNU C pardon05:24
Patric3Virtual terminals used to be controlled in /etc/inittab but since the move to upstart I'm not sure how to mod this behaviour05:24
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name_Patric3, did you tried using CTRL+SUPER+ALT+F1 in vmware05:24
Patric3I will try that05:24
terr_If you go to www.gnu.com and check the docs for Glibc they have complete docs on how to open a port and write a bit of glue code05:25
Patric3(although that key combination is verging on Mac key combinations ;-)05:25
ZykoticK9phroggie, if the ISO you are using is bad, no matter what you burn it to (or copy it to for USB) the results will still be bad, you really should md5 the iso to at least know the download was successful.  anyways, do what you wish, good luck.05:25
name_SUPER as m$windows key05:25
spndiJiohdi, What is the alternative05:25
Patric3I was just getting at the crazy multiple key combinations in OS X ;-)05:25
terr_Patric3: looks like you are nicely fixed up05:25
JerryDoes anyone know how to fix this upon restart "No init found. Try passing init= bootarg." ?05:25
phroggiethanks zykotick9, yeah I'm looking for the md5 now, they don't make it as easy to find as they used to05:25
ironsightnice, hulu works in browser without their desktop app05:26
ZykoticK9!md5sums | phroggie05:26
ubottuphroggie: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.05:26
Patric3Hmmm.... no dice.  My local Ubuntu box switches to text mode05:26
terr_does anyone know if Ubuntu cna run on an iphone?  what about in a VM?05:26
spndizkotick9, Where could i get help for Wubi issues ?05:26
krishnanduphroggie, Ya ZykoticK9 is right. Did you use torrent for downloading the ISO's..?? Direct download sometimes get corrupted05:26
philip_serious issues with Ubuntu 10.10 install, I only get a black screen05:27
jiohdispndi: wubi makes an imagefile within windows and then points to it, it seems that this file changes with updates and is no longer where it should be, the alternative is to format the disk, install ubuntu first than windows and grub2 will allow dual boot05:27
ZykoticK9spndi, here, but typically there isn't much help i'm affraid.  best of luck.05:27
iulianrandom question ...what knowledge would one need to be a game developer/programmer? besides languages how much is physics & calc used?05:27
jeroth1iulian:Basic answer... lots.05:27
JerryCan anyone help me with this message upon restart "No init found. Try passing init= bootarg." ?05:27
doc|homehey, I'm using anacron (I think) and have set up a user cron using crontab -e. It doesn't seem to be getting run. Anyone got any suggestions why? No .allow or .deny files are used :/05:27
ZykoticK9spndi, FYI jiohdi just gave you the wrong order for dual booting - always install windows first05:27
jiohdispndi: sorry, yes ZykoticK9 is right05:28
iulianjeroth1: What would be a good place to start? Im studying calc 2 and Java right now05:29
jiohdispndi: or you can just repartition the disk with gparted and allow for a blank partition, and ubuntu will install itself on that without harming the windows and then allow dual boot05:29
krishnandu!offtopic | iulian05:29
ubottuiulian: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:29
terr_I would like to know if Ubuntu can do this.  I would like to go to www.bnn.com (possibly www.bnn.ca) and tap into their recorded programming and have it displayed on my TV with the sound on the TV as well.  What hardware would I need to set this up?05:29
JerryCan anyone PLEASE help me with this message upon restart "No init found. Try passing init= bootarg." ?05:29
jeroth1jeroth1: Good place to start would be right where you are. Stay in school and get your CS degree. Gotta be great at programming to start with.05:29
TheValuum_Windows is lagging down my laptop pretty bad, I was thinking of giving ubuntu another try. Do you all think I could get it running right without much trouble, I remember running into problems getting all the drivers to work (laptop is 3 years old I believe)05:30
kbmaisonwhat about a CIS degree05:30
jiohdiJerry: its telling you that the masterboot record does not contain the address for your init file05:30
jiohdiJerry: something got corrupted05:30
spndiJiohdi I am beginner. I am on Vista with two partitions C and D and Vista is on C and Ubuntu I see is also under C05:30
philip_LiveCD blank screen on boot. intel graphics. Can anyone help?05:30
jiohdispndi: that is what wubi does05:31
jsninjaiulian, forget Java. C++ is for serious game development. Theres a bunch of open source game engines to start with to build on. Also the web is becoming much more game friendly with HTML5 canvas (2d) and WebGL. So If you want to make games in a browser an easier place to start would be JavaScript+WebGL or three.js05:31
Jerryjiohdi: How do I fix the masterboot?05:31
krishnandujiohdi, better dump wubi and do a proper install05:31
jiohdikrishnandu: that was my suggestiong05:32
spndiHow can that be ?05:32
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krishnandujiohdi, :)05:32
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jiohdispndi: its because wubi creates some sort of fake file within windows that becomes ubuntu on boot up05:32
spndiAre you saying dual boot is not the way to run Ubuntu ?05:32
jsninjaiulian, http://www.ogre3d.org/05:32
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Jerryjiohdi: how can i fix it if something is corrupt?05:33
jiohdispndi: dual boot works just fine, but wubi is not a true dual boot05:33
krishnandujiohdi, that would be spndi05:33
ZykoticK9spndi, Wubi is NOT the same as dual-booting05:33
spndiOH OK05:33
phroggiewubi is dependent on windows05:33
jiohdiJerry: reinstalling is all I know05:33
toe_ubuntu studio has firewire driver support atomatically right?05:33
krishnanduspndi, Wubi installs it under windows environment05:33
jsninjaiulian, http://www.crystalspace3d.org/main/Main_Page05:33
phroggiealso, iirc there are some features that wubi doesn't support, or doesn't support "as well"05:33
spndiSo How do I go about installing it on D drive ??05:34
jiohdispndi: wubi ubuntu is not a true install, its a file within windows05:34
spndiYesh I saw that Jiohdi05:34
krishnanduYa chances are ubuntu installed with wubi will break down now and then. So better do a proper install05:34
jsninjaiulian, http://khronos.org/webgl/wiki/Main_Page05:34
jeroth1spndi: I believe you have to install it on your active partition. I may be wrong, but I believe it has to be on C:05:34
spndiand I was a little surprise but not after your explanation now05:34
jsninjaiulian, http://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/05:35
jiohdispndi: easiest way is to remove the d drive, just leave it blank, unformatted, and ubuntu will detect it and ask to be installed there05:35
krishnanduYa that's right.05:35
spndiJiohdi how do I remove the D drive then ?05:35
terr_if I want to install unbuntu in a VM is there a good way to do this?05:35
jiohdispndi: you need a live cd and then use gparted05:35
TheValuum_what is wubi05:35
rocket161Would anyone kindly point me to a script for accessing Mobile phones via Ubuntu (like a folder)? I used it and it worked for my mobile Samsung SGH-J600, but can't remember the name.05:35
jsninjaiulian, http://box2d-js.sourceforge.net/ http://www.box2d.org/05:35
phroggiejeroth1: I've installed wubi to a partition other than the windows one before05:36
jeroth1phroggie:As I said I may be wrong. :) thanks man05:36
phroggiejust letting you know =D05:36
jiohdiTheValuum_: wubi is a windows program that pretends to install ubuntu but its actually more of a virtual install within windows05:36
iulianjsninja, thank you sir05:36
jeroth1phroggie:They say you learn something new everyday, I usually learn about 100 new things ha.05:36
bradgIf I installed Ettercap using Ubuntu Software Center, where would the files have likely gone?05:36
TheValuum_Ah, interesting. I want to install ubuntu on this withering laptop but I had driver problems last time05:36
spndiOK so live CD is different from Wubi installation, is it ??05:36
phroggievery different05:36
jeroth1TheValuum_: Run the command "whereis ettercap"05:37
krishnanduyes spndi05:37
jiohdiTheValuum_: if its old and low memory/processor speed, you might try something like puppy or quirky instead of ubuntu05:37
TheValuum_I think I'll give it another try, i need a lighter OS for all I do on this laptop05:37
toe_live cd is runnning from your cd installation is running from your ha05:37
jeroth1Okay ive had too much alcohol, now giving advice to wrong people. im out haha05:38
spndiOK so live CD is different from Wubi installation, is it :)05:38
TheValuum_Oh no it's was a $2k-$3k laptop 3 or 4 years ago, i just couldnt get proper sound or video working. This was with ubuntu a few years ago, I think i could get it to work now05:38
FunkyDudedoes anyone know how to compile as3 on ubuntu using mxmlc05:38
jiohdispndi: a live cd is just an install disk with ubuntu on it... you can run it LIVE without installing05:38
toe_live cd chance to try out the os before you install it05:38
jiohdispndi: in LIVE mode you can use programs like gparted to alter the disk before you try to install05:38
spndiWell I am going to the Ubuntu download page now05:39
davfTrying to setup a ubuntu no gui using hostapd as a bridged firewall. hostapd not working05:40
toe_i have a firewire card i havent used ubuntu sense version 6.06 and wondering is the correct drivers installed automatically for it . running ubuntu studio maverick05:40
spndiBut I wonder why the ubuntu page didn't alert me of the pitfalls of installing a wubi05:40
jiohdispndi: probably because few actually try?05:41
krishnanduspndi, all the methods are mentioned there. You should have read it.05:41
gurpreettoe_, depends on your hardware05:41
krishnanduit's mentioned there that wubi install is not a proper install(I think so)05:41
gurpreetif you have an old machine it will be install05:41
toe_gurpreet_ , what do you mean05:42
spndiI don't think it compares and contrasts different methods KRishnandu05:42
krishnanduno it doesn't compares05:42
krishnanduBut the methods are mentioned.05:42
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spndiI am referring to the pitfalls...05:42
spndiYes you are right it lists methods05:43
krishnanduBut if you plan to use Ubuntu in long term then wubi is wrong choise.05:43
BlueSherpaanyone know how to use ssh to redirect a port on a local machine?05:43
spndiSure I understand now after my machine collapses on me05:43
juk_BlueSherpa: ssh has that ability to redirect?05:44
spndiShould I use option 2 Krishnandu ?05:44
doc|homeI've set up a user cron using crontab -e. It doesn't seem to be getting run. Anyone got any suggestions why? No .allow or .deny files are used :/05:44
BlueSherpaI'm trying to listen on port 9999 and redirect it to 2205:44
BlueSherpajuk_: yea, you can do port forwarding with ssh05:44
BlueSherpajuk_: here's one tutorial that I'm trying to understand  http://www.debianadmin.com/howto-use-ssh-local-and-remote-port-forwarding.html05:45
krishnanduspndi, Download the live cd. Burn it to a cd(Remember to burn it not more than 8x)05:45
jiohdispndi: on wki.ubuntu.com/wubiguide it lists boot problems-- sometimes windows moves files into a hidden folder called c:\found.00005:45
_jesse_BlueSherpa: what's the end goal?05:45
terr_DOes Unbuntuu have a voice to text alplication that is any good?05:45
fazzilanyone know tutorial how to install compiz fusion and its tutorial?05:46
_jesse_BlueSherpa: forwarding a local port to a remote port?05:46
spndiTrue but when you do to this page http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download an unassuming user would click on the windows option and invite all the trouble as I did, would you agree ?05:46
krishnanduspndi, Make some space on your HDD, Do this using Windows or boot from the Live CD, Choose Try Ubuntu and use Gparted to partition your HDD. Leave it upartitioned. And then install Ubuntu(chances are ubuntu will automatically detect that free space and will install in it, but make sure to review the paritioning system before forwarding)05:46
BlueSherpa_jesse_: I'm trying to connect from a remote server to my local server using ssh, but the remote server is behind a firewall... I could connect to my local server on port 9999 over ssh, if I can get it to listen on that port, but I still need it to listen on port 22 by default for local traffic05:46
BlueSherpa_jesse_: I tried just using ssh bluesherpa@localhost -L 9999:localhost:22, but that didn't work05:47
spndiOK could you please give me the link to the LIVE CD ?05:47
BlueSherpa_jesse_: does that make sense?05:48
krishnanduspndi, what do you want to use torrent download or direct download??05:48
_jesse_BlueSherpa: you can configure sshd to listen on multiple ports05:49
spndidirect download05:49
spndiI am at http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download05:49
krishnanduspndi, We always recommend torrent download, but if you want direct download just click the button Start Download(top)05:49
BlueSherpa_jesse_: yea, but I'm trying to do it via ssh, so that I can use this same configuration on another server that I don't have sudo/root05:49
krishnanduYa it's that on top of the page - right side, the big orange button saying start download05:49
toe_anyone know how to make a presonus firepod work on ubuntu studio05:50
toe_also is there a program like qbase fore linux05:50
dipungal_kamois my laptop having a bug the letter g seems to be typing its own05:50
NomadWhen trying to mount a partition, I recieve this message "DBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.Failed: An operation is already pending" any solutions?05:50
BlueSherpa_jesse_: basically, I'm trying to connect from one of my ssh /web hosting accounts to my version control server and I'm running into problems05:51
spndiOk it is an ISO file Is that correct KrishNandu ?05:51
dipungal_kamoi remove the g keys on the key board but the problem still persist?05:51
krishnanduspndi, yes...05:51
_jesse_BlueSherpa: well port forwarding is more for tunneling over the network, not loopback, hmm...05:51
_jesse_let me see05:51
os2macGetting a No Driver Loaded for Unity error when trying to load it as a virtualguest under VirtualBox.... OSX host. any ideas?05:51
Nomadcan anyone help me with this error message? "DBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.Failed: An operation is already pending"05:52
krishnanduspndi, do you know how to burn ISO images??05:52
dipungal_kamoits an old laptop installed ubuntu on it so that i could use for downloadin stuff05:52
BlueSherpa_jesse_: yea, I can ssh into my hosting account, but I can't ssh out, because of the firewall, but they allow port 9999 outgoing, so if I could configure my local server to listen on that... it would work well05:52
NomadI am on the live cd right now and when trying to mount a drive, i recieve this message "DBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.Failed: An operation is already pending"05:53
krishnandu!wait | Nomad05:53
ubottuNomad: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/05:53
spndiKrishnandu, You use Gparted to partioned the HDD and leave it unpartioned - I didn't quite understand this line05:53
krishnanduspndi, are you on windows now??05:54
Nomadsorry about that05:54
krishnanduSo how many paritions do you have??05:54
spndi2 partions viz C and D05:54
krishnanduNomad, It's ok. You can try loggin out and log in. May it solve your problem.05:54
krishnanduspndi, what do you have in your D drive..?? How much space is allocated there??05:55
krishnanduspndi, Any imp data??05:55
spndiaround 125 GB free space05:55
Nomadi'll try that right now, thanks05:55
spndiwould it be ok05:55
krishnandumore than enough. You'll be fine with 20GB05:55
krishnanduEven that's enough for most users05:56
spndiWell as for ISO I need to click on ISO file and it brings up a window where I point to the CD drive to burn the  CD am I right and this becomes an intallable boot CD. Correct me if i am wrong05:56
_jesse_BlueSherpa: hmm, I'm having trouble getting it to work too05:57
krishnanduSo boot from the Live CD and you'll see a program Gparted there. Use that to shrink your parition and make out 20GB and leave that 20GB unpartitioned05:57
BlueSherpa_jesse_: yea, it just locked up on me when I tried it05:57
krishnanduspndi, Yes you are absolutely correct :)05:57
BlueSherpa_jesse_: playing around with another server that I have, getting sshd to listen to multiple ports might be my only option, so I'm testing it also05:57
_jesse_BlueSherpa: I did the command you had and it lets me connect to ssh from localhost on port 10000, but not from outside05:57
BlueSherpa_jesse_: I also tried the command not using localhost, but using the external ip05:58
cdscowboy<- newb question...mousepads...anyone know their stuff?05:58
BlueSherpa_jesse_: it worked in one case, but not from the server behind the firewall - it reported no route to host05:58
_jesse_BlueSherpa: wait, I got it to work with the -g flag06:00
_jesse_BlueSherpa: ssh localhost -L 20000:localhost:22 -g06:00
_jesse_I was able to ssh in on port 20000 from another computer06:00
BlueSherpa_jesse_: testing - thought I had that earlier, but maybe not06:01
spndiKrishnandu, during such partion excercises I hope my Windows Vista would be safe and there are not chances of being overwritten by Ubuntu . HOpe then nobody tells me you should have already read it :) :)06:02
cdscowboylookin for help with my touchpad06:02
krishnanduspndi, Don't touch your C drive. Then your Vista will be safe. :)06:02
krishnanduspndi, But one warning, took backup of imp datas, as shrinking always not gets successfull and you may loose your data.06:03
spndiOk so are you saying GPART will detect 2 partitions ? C and D06:03
spndiWhoops now the fine print comes !!! :)06:03
BuenGenioI'm trying to install Ubuntu on an IBM eServer x346, but booting off the CD in installation mode is veeeeeery slow, like it's been sitting there for the last 30 minutes06:04
cdscowboytook me a while off cd, too06:04
cdscowboyit works though!06:04
BuenGeniothe specs are 2 Xeon (SMP), Harware Raid and 2GB RAm06:04
krishnanduspndi, Gparted will see your all harddisks and all the partitions06:05
BuenGenioin the Log I also got a message like "Your processor is missing the required security features" or something06:05
krishnanduspndi, BTW lemme confirm again, you have C and D only, You have vista installed in C and D have 125GB of free space right??06:06
BuenGeniowoohoo I got the graphical now06:06
rammyIRChow to install eclipse ADT plugin06:07
rammyIRCits failing06:07
MikeHonchoYou know what I hate?06:07
terr_does anyone have any experiance on simon-listens or julius?06:07
MikeHonchoPeople who answer their own questions.06:07
BlueSherpa_jesse_: I think there's something else going on06:07
krishnandurammyIRC, This is ubuntu support channel, and installing ADT plugin is mentioned in Android installing wiki06:07
BlueSherpa_jesse_: I went ahead and configured sshd on port 9999 and I can only connect to the port from the localhost machine, but not remotely06:08
spndiKrishnandu Precisely06:08
_jesse_BlueSherpa: maybe another firewall somewhere?06:08
BlueSherpa_jesse_: yea, not sure where tho lol06:08
krishnanduspndi, so just shrink your partition to 20GB less06:08
SwedeMikeranjan: caps lock day was last week.06:09
terr_ranjan: that is ridiculous06:09
OEPHello again. Has anyone here had success in recovering their boot setup after a Win7 installation? I am following the guides but am still having trouble.06:09
ranjanall of you just read this to articles  http://www.fsf.org/news/2009-07-mscp-mono  http://www.fsf.org/news/dont-depend-on-mono06:09
krishnanduspndi, You can also do that from Windows Vists (Disk Management)06:10
ranjanterr_, the fedora people have no time to hear to what others are saying06:10
krishnanduranjan, Don't insult other distro's. That's not right.06:11
terr_ranjan: that would be a good reason to use Ubuntu06:11
doc|homeI've set up a user cron using crontab -e. It doesn't seem to be getting run. Anyone got any suggestions why? No .allow or .deny files are used :/06:11
petsoundsactually people in #fedora are nice06:11
krishnanduranjan, so fenris02 kicked you probably..??06:11
cdscowboyi need some help with my mousepad...anyone?06:11
ranjankrishnandu, yes ofcourse , how do you know that?06:11
ranjankrishnandu, yes ofcourse , how do you know that?06:11
krishnanduranjan, I'm there too...right now I'm using fedora :P06:12
OEPdoc|home: do other jobs run ok?06:12
ranjankrishnandu, ok, why is this so ?06:12
spndiSince the shrinking business is fraught with risks can I leave the partion as it is since I don't mind if Ubuntu is installed on 125 GB of space06:13
ranjankrishnandu, whats the need of IRC then?06:13
terr_I have found we do have voice 2 text in KDE4 via simon & julius06:13
ranjankrishnandu, i havent talked anything rubbish there?06:13
krishnanduWell... peoples in #fedora are not so active, as compared to #ubuntu, actually I found #ubuntu most active than others.06:13
Cairois it possible to emulate the macintosh enviroment on ubuntu to run .app files?06:13
Cairousing something like wine06:13
john38i cant boot into my integrated VGA card???06:13
ranjankrishnandu, yes me too found that06:13
doc|homeOEP: hmmm, ok, it seems they are running... I hadn't checked an hour and the test one seems to be running, doh. Thanks06:13
krishnanduranjan, I don't know...I was in #ubuntu. Just see the logs there....06:13
OEPdoc|home: haha ok, cheers06:14
ranjankrishnandu, i just talked about the mono project, and what fsf says about mono06:14
sagarHi, in have deleted my top panel in ubuntu, please tell me how to get back default panel06:14
terr_Damn - Julius!  Julian!  I think I know who wrote this.  He's a frend of mine on the KDE team!06:14
p1und3rdoes anyone know what package I need to use Gnome2::Vte in Perl??06:14
john38i cant boot into my integrated VGA card?06:14
krishnanduActually I love #ubuntu coz peoples don't just post google links or tells us to google it out, which is what fedora does.06:14
krishnanduI guess #fedora is not willing to help noobs, you need to know linux well..06:14
ranjankrishnandu, i am going to place a complaint against him in #fedora06:14
krishnanduranjan, You can't fenris02 is OP06:15
spndiMaybe its time to concur with Krishnandu :)06:15
rocket161Hello folks06:15
katselphrimehi guys06:15
rocket161Hi kate06:15
rocket161Hi katselphrime06:15
ranjankrishnandu, are you from india?06:15
sagarHi, in have deleted my top panel in ubuntu, please tell me how to get back default panel06:15
sweetpi!ot | ranjan, krishnandu06:15
ubotturanjan, krishnandu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:15
krishnanduya sorry sweetpi06:16
ranjansorry sweetpi :)06:16
OEPsagar: are there others still present?06:16
rocket161!resetpanels | sagar06:16
ubottusagar: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »06:16
cdscowboyyou fellas wanna make yourselves useful?06:16
krishnanduactually we should say sorry to ubottu06:16
rocket161You should say sorry to me as well.06:17
rocket161Lol, just joking. :D06:17
p1und3ranyone know where perl Gnome2::Vte package is?? :)06:17
comawhitewhy couldn't ubuntu have xchat in 10.10 livecd, empathy sucks for irc when you have a ton of channels :(06:18
doc|homecomawhite: empathy seems to suck in general06:18
comawhitei like it06:18
comawhitejust not for irc06:19
rocket161comawhite: Install Pidgin. :SD06:19
comawhiteirc in IM clients suck always06:19
OEPcomawhite: I just apt-get irssi each time hehe06:19
comawhitei wonder how long my lappy battery will last in linux, in windows 7, it swallowed it badly :(06:19
rocket161comawhite: You can get a binary for XChat and run it each time you use the Live CD,06:19
comawhitehow can i do it please?06:20
BuenGeniowhy is ubuntu so slow on an SMP Xeon?06:20
comawhitei haven't used ubuntu in forever06:20
BuenGenioit's crawling slow06:20
comawhiteBuenGenio: I have an Xeon on my desktop and it's fast06:20
BuenGeniohow was your install?06:20
comawhitewell i use another distro for my desktop06:21
BuenGenioI have it on my CoreDuo laptop and it's fast too06:21
comawhiteI have a C2D T640006:21
comawhiteit's compiling glibc great06:21
BuenGeniobut installing it on this server - I only just got to Install Now after an hour of wating..06:21
JayLKDoes anyone know why I'm getting error: unknown option: -memory06:22
JayLKwhen running VBoxManage06:22
cdscowboyanyone know why my mousepad won't work?06:23
cdscowboytoshiba a35-s209 can't find any specific drivers06:23
rocket161comawhite: You need to download the portable version of Xchat from http://portablelinuxapps.org/ and you can use it each time you access the live cd. :D06:24
comawhiteokay thanks mate06:24
sdbinwiiexeDoes edubuntu have LTS releases like ubuntu?06:24
JayLKI get the error error: unknown option: -memory when runniing VBoxManage modifyvm "test" -memory "256"06:24
sdbinwiiexeJayLK:  Are you running inside a virtual machine? If so, you may need to allocate more RAM to the virtual machine in it's settings.06:26
rocket161comawhite: And, once you download the BIN file, you can give executable permissions to Xchat BIN with "chmod +x xchat.bin" and then run it with "./xchat.bn". :D06:26
rocket161comawhite: You're welcome.06:26
sweetpiJayLK: --memory not -memory06:26
JayLK@sdbbinwiiexe : No I'm running VirtualBox 3 on Ubuntu 10.04 Server LTS06:27
rocket161sdbinwiiexe: Edubuntu is just another flavour of Ubuntu. So, I think it doesn't have LTS releases.06:27
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krishnanduspndi, So did you tried??06:28
spndiYeah I am waiting for download to end in some time06:29
krishnanduspndi, No did you tried shrinking partition from Vista??06:29
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spndiKrishnandu : No you cautioned me on the problems associated with shrinking disk. so I am planning to keep it as 125 GB do you think that should work  without a hitch in the future with no OS threatening the existance of the other ?06:31
john38i cant boot into my integrated VGA card?06:33
john38anybody help me06:33
comawhitethat portable xchat refused to work, i got xchat through the pm and now im on it06:33
spndiKrishnandu: would you approve of my idea ?06:33
spndito not shrink or partion the disk any more ?06:34
cutoutwhen I try to install anything on ubuntu 10.04 I get error saying "something weked happened could not connect to server" and this is a fresh install, can anyone help me ?06:34
phroggieshould a swap partition be primary or logical06:35
spndiKrishnandu http://download.cnet.com/Wubi/3000-2094_4-10701841.html Here it says WUBI should work perfectly fine and there should not be any issues06:36
krishnanduspndi, No no don't waste 125GB, You won't be using that....just shrink the D drive06:36
krishnanduspndi, Don't worry your C drive won't get affected06:36
hutagalungcan't connect to shared printer on my office06:36
john38i cant boot into my integrated VGA card?06:36
john38anybody help me06:36
krishnanduspndi, But #ubutnu itself says wubi is not for long tem users06:36
hutagalungwhen i search the shared printer, i found it, but when try to print test page, there is nothing happen.06:37
spndiSorry I don't understand who that is .06:38
john38anybody help me06:38
krishnanduspndi, lol...users in ubuntu06:39
john38i cant boot into my integrated VGA card?06:40
compaqjohn38, let me guess, intel?06:40
john38compaq, yeah06:40
spndi:) OK its that the code for Ubuntu users =  #Ubutnu ?06:40
krishnanduspndi, Well..somewhat..!! :P06:41
compaqjohn, can you get into shell?06:41
john38monitor is blank06:41
spndiOk thats enlightment for me now :)06:42
john38compaq, monitor is blank06:43
krishnanduspndi, so do it any way you like, gparted from ubuntu live cd or disk management from windows06:43
spndiOK which one do you think is the safest ?06:43
compaqjohn38, , wierd, that a hardware issue, do you have multiple vid cards or something?06:43
spndiPossibly disk managermnt from windows Right ?06:43
krishnanduspndi, safest..?? both....06:44
krishnanduor probably gparted06:44
john38compaq, when i boot up through  my other Ati Radeon 9800pro DVI , screen is wierd colors then loads desktop06:44
compaqjohn38, if you unplug the ati card, then can you boot into intel card?06:45
john38compaq, i dont know havent tried06:45
compaqjohn38, if you have the ati plugged in, the hardware(bios) will disable the onboard intel06:46
john38compaq, oh06:46
spndiOk do you think I will have issues of the MBR overwritten by VISTA and other issues at all ? once I have installed through the Live CD  on a partioned disk06:46
compaqjohn38, if you unplug the ati, the bios will enable the intel again06:46
john38compaq, well if that doesnt work should i just upgrade to a good nvidia card06:46
john38compaq, ok06:46
spndiGrub overwritten amongst other things --- when I googled ?06:46
john38compaq, in case i want to use better video06:47
compaqjohn38, not all intel cards are blacklisted, when you are in Linux, you can find out what kind you have and then do a search to see if it is compatible06:47
TashiaAfter removing a program does ubuntu delete the installer to free up space?06:47
compaqjohn38, I threw in an nvidia card, so I could use compiz and a dock navigator, but it not worth unless you have one lying around, I wouldn't have spent money on a card.  But if you are buying new, you can make sure and get a good card06:48
compaqTashia, probably not, but you can remove them all with apt-get clean06:48
krishnanduspndi, Ya GRUB will overwrite Vista Bootloader, don't worry, you'll get option there to boot into vista.06:48
krishnanduspndi, But if you remove ubuntu, then you need to restore windows bootloader from Vista DVD06:49
john38compaq, this is a P4 3.2ghz 1GB ram system06:49
compaqjohn38, sweet, faster than mine at least06:49
john38compaq, it is old06:49
compaqjohn38, it is more than sufficient.  It will never slow you down, except with flash06:49
john38compaq, it will only be used for internet and email06:50
compaqjohn38, mine is 2ghz06:50
compaqjohn38, what else is there, all I do is watch dvd's, movies, music, web browse06:50
john38compaq, im also using a generic PSU,..debating whether i should remove and use good name brand06:51
john38compaq, its a new one just bought it for $1006:51
shailesh-desktopneed help on nagios06:51
compaqjohn38, cool06:52
spndiWhoops I don't have VISTA CD as it came installed on my laptop... It seems I am on a very dangerous path :)06:52
techrock2010need help on nagios06:53
john38compaq, you know how much Best buy charges for testing a PSU06:53
spndiif anything were to go wrong with the Ubuntu installation I think I might get screwed !06:53
compaqjohn38, haha, probably $5006:53
john38compaq, damn06:53
compaqjohn38, go to a small shop, they will do it for $5, $10 maybe, if you are charismatic with them, even for free, if you know how to talk.06:54
john38compaq, i guess i can sweet talk lol06:54
compaqjohn38, You know I worked at one computer shop, we threw away lots of psu.  Cause we would order cases that came with psu, and customers would order high end computers, and so they need a better powersupply, so we had all these cheap but brand new powersupplies lying around.  I bought one for $1006:55
john38compaq, what about those digital power supply testers online06:55
john38compaq, how did it work06:56
compaqjohn38, all you need is a working psu, if you computer powers up with the one you know is working, and not the one you got, then you know you psu is bad06:56
compaqor is you have another working computer, you can plug in your suspect power supply, and see if the working computer still powers up06:57
cutoutAm having problems with apt-get update/install/dist-upgrade see the error http://paste.ubuntu.com/521229/06:57
ubuntuguys what is linux-swap and what happens is i tern it off??06:57
cutoutplease kelpme06:57
john38compaq,  thing is my antec earthwatts 380w that i used wasnt able to power my CD-RW06:57
cutout*help me06:57
john38compaq, so i used my new generic 680w06:58
jstoone!swao cutout06:58
john38compaq, im on it right now06:58
compaqjohn38, I see06:58
jstoone!swap cutout06:58
cutoutAm having problems with apt-get update/install/dist-upgrade see the error http://paste.ubuntu.com/521229/   jstoone06:59
muppiscutout, you got typo in somewhere sources.list -file.06:59
cutoutmuppis: it is fresh install!!!06:59
jg47hmguys what is linux-swap and what happens is i tern it off???06:59
muppiscutout, have you set up proxy ?06:59
cutoutmuppis: it is a server on my network and we have vpn/firewall...etc07:00
compaqjg47hm, it is back up ram, and if you turn it off your computer will crash when it tries to use the swap07:00
jstoonecutout: i've googeled it for you https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq07:00
cutoutjstoone thanx man but am not looking for swap!07:01
spndiKrishnandu : http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/using-gparted-to-resize-your-windows-vista-partition/   this page says I need to have my windows vista CD07:01
spndiotherwise I wont be able use my laptop.07:01
muppiscutout, can you access that address with Firefox?07:03
viewerhow can i mount a network ssh share like under Places > Connect to server... but through the terminal so i can make a script or icon and i dont have to keep entering the IP address?07:03
krishnanduspndi, No boot frm Ubuntu Live CD that you are downloading now, you;ll get gparted there. Or use Vista's Disk Manager to do it07:03
tim_Hey I just updated my two older comps and both of them are not able to use remote desktop any more07:04
muppisviewer, sshfs is your command.07:04
jstoonecutout: was that after a apt-get install or?07:04
cutoutmuppis, it reach it but it seems broken it says could not read source...07:05
cutoutI a;ready tried to change the mirror twice!07:05
muppiscutout, try http://mirror.peer1.net/ubuntu/dists/maverick/07:05
spndiYes but the first options of using Gpart requires me to have the windows vista CD07:05
cutoutmuppis: yes it is opened now07:06
jstooneGuys how do i find my touchpad and deactivate/activate it in terminal?07:06
krishnanduspndi, No07:07
krishnanduYou don07:07
cutoutmuppis I downloaded the file and tried to import it but it seems to be broked07:08
krishnanduspndi, You're not following me. As I said, you have two options - 1. Boot from Ubuntu Live CD, You'll get gparted there, use it. OR 2. Use Disk Management in Windows Vista07:08
spndiwell thats what the link clearly says http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/using-gparted-to-resize-your-windows-vista-partition/07:09
spndiI am following you07:09
NZsimon418having issues with my ubuntu, looks like gnome stalls on bootup, i get a shell in the top corner of the screen and the mouse icon just spins around. as a fix im typing sudo/sbin/init.d/gdm stop, which kills x..when i startx again it works..minus usb support any ideas?07:09
muppiscutout, it's fine. Local Ubuntu mirror (the official one) give exact same file.07:10
jstooneSolved the activate/deactivate mousepad07:10
cutoutmuppis I switched to main server and am updating, I hope it works...07:11
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muppiscutout, hope so.07:11
NZsimon418anybody know how to trouble shoot this?07:11
cutoutmuppis becuase of it am not able to install anything :(07:12
CryptoQuickI'm using Ubuntu as an intermediary to back up my HFS+ volume to an NTFS hard disk. The NTFS disk mounted fine, and the HFS+ disk mounts easily as well, however: I cannot access my Mac /Users/ directory because of permissions. I've been reading that I can use hpmount and umask or something, but I'm having trouble getting all this to work. So my question: How can I access my Users files?07:13
jstoonecutout: Is it working?07:13
john38anybody know how to find out the right graphics driver for your system??07:13
muppisNZsimon418, does it hang before or after login?07:13
cutoutmuppis I got the same error from archive.ubuntu.com07:13
john38anybody know the official HCL for ubuntu drivers???07:14
muppiscutout, try this and do you get same output? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/B20g0KGG07:14
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NZsimon418muppis it auto logs in07:15
NZsimon418im going to try and enable debug in the gdm07:16
NZsimon418oh and thanks for answering muppis07:16
muppisNZsimon418, then look .xsession-errors in homedir or /var/log/Xorg.0.log07:16
jason2007anyone here having troubles with wireless keeping signal in 10.10?07:17
jason2007i think it might be the torrent program im using but i don't know why that would be07:17
john38anybody know the official HCL for ubuntu drivers???07:18
cutoutmuppis I got the same output you had07:18
muppiscutout, then problem is in your settings. How do you change your mirror?07:19
taroraWireless not working in 2.6.35-22 header image07:20
taroraAfter upgrading to 2.6.35-22 header image, I am not able to turn on my wireless driver. However when I boot with header image, wireless works fine.07:20
taroraany help?07:20
taroraTried sudo ifconfig wlan0 up but got this error SIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not possible due to RF-kill07:20
isaiahi there i have installed ubuntu desktop 10.10 and i have no sound and it seams that lots of people ar trying to get theyr sound fixed07:20
cutoutmuppis from Synaptics->settings->repo.07:20
cutoutwhat should I do?07:20
isaia-multimedia UNCLAIMED07:21
isaia       description: Multimedia audio controller07:21
psycho_oreosit shouldn't have anything to do with header image.. headers are just some sources to compile source drivers that depend on it for the currently matching kernel. If your driver isn't compiled it won't be recognised whether there's kernel headers or not07:21
isaia       product: ES1371 [AudioPCI-97]07:21
isaia       vendor: Ensoniq07:21
taroraisaia: what is the model no of your system07:21
FloodBot1isaia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:21
isaia       physical id: b07:21
isaia but it seamns that i have no sound card detected or driver installed07:21
isaiafirst time here07:22
psycho_oreos!pastebin | isaia07:22
ubottuisaia: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:22
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isaiahow can i find what system i have ?07:22
muppiscutout, just check and recheck that you don't have any typo there or in proxy settings.07:23
comawhitewhy did unity replace gnome shell in ubuntu 11 (well word is it will)07:24
psycho_oreosisaia, not sure what you mean by what system... the sound daemon I believe would be pulseaudio which may depend on ALSA sound system.. you have pasted before your partial lshw output (no don't do that again or you'll get silenced) and it seems like one may need to manually load the driver and hope07:24
john38Whats better when installing on ubuntu tar.gz files or .rpm files???07:24
isaiabut there is no sound card detected in the system07:24
taroraany help with debugging wireless issue  - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160290007:24
isaiahow can i remove all pulse audio and alsa and reisntall fresh ?07:25
rocket16Is there any good lightweight Presentation Package for Ubuntu? Agnubis is incomplete, while OpenOffice is too heavy. I have Glom, GNumeric and AbiWord, and wish to get a replacement for Presentation.07:25
psycho_oreosisaia, I wouldn't recommend doing that.. your sound was working before or has it never worked?07:25
CryptoQuick...anyone care to answer the question I asked ten minutes ago? :)07:26
isaiait is a fresh install of 10.10 and did not work from the start07:26
psycho_oreostarora, make sure you have pressed the wifi button on.. it might be hardware rfkill switch07:26
taroraits turned on07:26
john38Whats better when installing on ubuntu tar.gz files or .rpm files???07:26
blakkheimjohn38: tar.gz07:26
taroraisaia try this guide - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting07:26
isaiarpm are for redhat from what i remember07:27
CryptoQuickjohn38, you use .deb files, if you can get them, or even better, use the package manager07:27
psycho_oreosisaia, yeah that won't do anything or in fact if you don't understand its best to not meddle with pulseaudio.. I believe its a sign that your sound card is either not supported or there might be something else hindering from it being loaded up07:27
psycho_oreosjohn38, neither07:27
psycho_oreosCryptoQuick, I joined in after 10 minutes so I didn't get to see what was your problem.. can you repeat it or if there's lots can you paste them into pastebin?07:28
CryptoQuickpsycho_oreos, sure thing07:28
CryptoQuickI'm using my Ubuntu as an intermediary to back up my HFS+ volume to an NTFS hard disk. The NTFS disk mounted fine, and the HFS+ disk mounts easily as well, however: I cannot access my Mac /Users/ directory because of permissions. I've been reading that I can use hpmount and umask or something, but I'm having trouble getting all this to work. So my question: How can I access my Users files?07:28
tarorapsycho_oreos, wireless switch is pressed on07:28
CryptoQuickI suppose I need to sync my uid and gid and stuff like that, but I'm totally not sure how to do this.07:29
tarorait works fine in if I boot in header image07:29
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psycho_oreosCryptoQuick, hmm not that I have experience with that but with NTFS I do have a little experience.. I believe one needs to mount them with the right userid and groupid along with appending `users' as mount option if a normal user wants to read and write NTFS. I guess the same may apply to HFS but don't quote me on that.. also HFS+ the last I read was either unsupported or in testing07:30
rubydiamondwhat is the best use of SSH tunneling ?07:30
CryptoQuickpsycho_oreos, aight, I'll do more research on this :)07:30
psycho_oreostarora, I still don't understand what you mean by header image.. afaik kernel headers are just some source codes for the driver to be compiled.. its not a bootable option (at least not for older version ubuntu)07:31
taroraFound this solution for wireless problem - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9942551#post994255107:33
taroraany issue with using rfkill to ublock all07:34
sofaking88how do I update lmms to 4.8?07:34
john38anybody know the official HCL for ubuntu drivers???07:34
sofaking88I downloaded the update and I got nothing but a "tar.b2z" file...?07:34
sofaking88I don't know what to really do07:35
john38CryptoQuick, can you help me07:35
fiberHey, I was wondering if there was a way to mount a drive without permissions.  Basically, I have a media hard drive (ext4) that gets mounted automatically at boot (fstab) and I don't want it to have any permissions on it so that everyone can access it regardless of who made the files.  Thanks!07:35
john38CryptoQuick, im trying to compile intel graphics driver but i get errors07:35
llutz_fiber: use chown/chmod for that07:36
fiberllutz: every time new files are created? that is a bit annoying07:36
llutz_fiber: set sgid07:36
psycho_oreosCryptoQuick, hmm I re-read your problem, at least the hfsplus option for read only is available, there's an old thread detailing that writing to hfsplus under linux is not stable at the time and one needs to disable journaling or something. Then again HFS+ may have encryption support which may make it invisible to linux's hfsplus mount module07:37
llutz_fiber: add you users to a common group, chgrp the drive to that group, set sgid on it07:37
llutz_fiber: and off course, chmod g+w    it07:38
psycho_oreossofaking88, that's the source package of the app or whatever lmms is, you might want to try using prevu07:38
sofaking88psycho_oreos: source packages are all I seem to be getting for it. I don't know much on how to handle those07:40
Jordan_Usofaking88: How did you try to "download the update"? lmms has a ppa for Ubuntu.07:41
psycho_oreossofaking88, I suggest you to try installing prevu which would make a beginner's life a little easier provided that there's a new version available within the repository for the next distribution up from your current released version07:41
sofaking88Jordan_U: I got the update from the homepage07:42
llutz_sofaking88: learn to use apt and install things from the repos07:43
delinquentmewhat command line .. commands ... allow me to copy files from one directory into another dir07:43
Jordan_Usofaking88: Use their ppa: https://launchpad.net/~tobydox/+archive/lmms07:43
llutz_delinquentme: cp07:43
delinquentmellutz, can you give me an example with "foo" and "bar"07:43
llutz_delinquentme: cp path/foo newpath/bar07:44
llutz_delinquentme: recursively dircopy: cp -r foo/  new/bar07:45
delinquentmeand that pastes the files within foo into bar?07:45
llutz_delinquentme:read " man cp" for more help07:45
caleb_Hey guys, I've just installed ubuntu, it's great and all but firefox is really slow compared to chromium. Could someone explain why? As on windows it's much more fast.07:46
caleb_Slow to load pages I mean.07:47
caleb_I searched online but it was alot of terminal stuff and I was like erm07:48
drcodeI have setup and working hp allinone  I can print from xp to ubuntu, but I can't send fax from xp -> samba ->cups ->hp any idea?07:48
delinquentmellutz, annnd recusion means the files within ???07:49
caleb_Is anyone able to answer my question?07:49
llutz_delinquentme: files+ sub-dirs07:49
delinquentmeawesome. thanks!07:49
caleb_So I'm just stuck with chromium than/07:49
techrock2010hey all anyone have good site to configure Nagios07:50
caleb_How nice07:50
john38I got a P4 3.2ghz ASUS intel 865G Chipset and 8x AGP 3.0 can i install HD 3650 GDDR2 video card???07:51
Battletoadsplug the card into the agp slot john07:51
john38i dont have the card yet07:51
Battletoadsthen install drivers when you boot machine back up07:51
Battletoadsits really simple07:52
Battletoadslike lego blocks07:52
john38will the system support it07:52
Battletoadsyes if its an agp card07:52
john38so as long as a card is 8x agp any even newer gps will be supported???07:52
Battletoadsmake sure your powersupply is good enoguh for the card07:52
Battletoadsyeah i guess.. agp cards are not being made anymore07:53
Battletoadsits all pci-e 2.0 now07:53
john38im trying to bring back an old system07:54
john38Battletoads, is the Geforce 6 series comparable if not better than radeon 9series???07:54
delinquentmeif im in command line .. and im trying to reference a file that contains the current dir im in .. what do i use ? ....07:55
delinquentmesomething akin to the ../ in html07:55
delinquentmeone step up the dir hierarchy :D07:55
llutz_delinquentme: ./file07:56
llutz_delinquentme: . = actual dir, .. = parent-dir07:56
john38Battletoads, is the Geforce 6 series comparable if not better than radeon 9series???07:57
hasibullahevery body07:59
delinquentmeURGH .. is there a GUI based way to tell ubuntu " NO i want this frikken file deleted"07:59
delinquentmeits within usr/lib08:00
delinquentmethe file is win 3208:00
delinquentmewin32 rather .. and i need to replace its contents .. however ubuntu isnt letting me drag and drop the replacement files08:00
velkodelinquentme, possibly your user don't have write permissions for this directory08:01
john38what is the geforce's 6200 DDR2 ATI's comparison08:01
delinquentmeis there a way to switch to a super user for a second velko08:02
llutz_delinquentme: sudo -i08:02
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
delinquentmenope still cant delete the files in the GUI08:03
kazooHow do i add users to muddleftpd?08:03
delinquentmellutz, i type in sudo -i ... and now the ls command doesnt work08:04
prince_jammysdoesn't work ... how?08:04
kazooHow do i add users to muddleftpd?08:05
prince_jammys''sudo adduser Someuser muddleftpd''08:05
delinquentmeprince_jammys, like i typed in sudo -i ... in command line .. and the prompt changed .. and now " ls " just brings the promp up again08:05
velkodelinquentme, educate yourself before tinkering with root permissions on the command line. learn at least about the concept of the current working directory. else you'll get yourself in a lot of trouble08:05
prince_jammysdelinquentme: are you in an empty directory?08:05
llutz_delinquentme: you have to change to the desired dir again08:06
prince_jammysdelinquentme: you are likely in /root, that's why.08:06
prince_jammysyou are in root's homedir.08:06
prince_jammysyou see a forest to your right.08:06
delinquentmevelko, i just need to delete a few files to get .wmv s playing on my system08:07
delinquentmeis there an easy way through the GUI ... do delete files .. in the superuser manner of the command line sudo08:07
kazooprince_jammys,  i got the error, Bad password08:07
prince_jammyskazoo: huh?08:07
velkodelinquentme, no you have to understand what you are doing. right now you don't08:07
kazoowhen i log in.08:07
kazooor try to log in.08:08
delinquentmeyes i do not understand the finer points of the command line .. true08:08
prince_jammyskazoo: log in to what?08:08
prince_jammyskazoo: if you added to yourself to a group, log out and back in for the change to take effect.08:08
delinquentmeso what you're telling me is that .. the only way to delete these protected files ..is through the command line08:08
delinquentmeif so .. that is dumb08:08
prince_jammys''gksudo nautilus''08:08
prince_jammys... will give you the gui filebrowser as superuser.08:09
delinquentmeprince_jammys, I think you may have just made my night08:09
Exploiterhow can i check free space in terminal?08:10
prince_jammysdelinquentme: you could have also ''cd wherever_the_files_are'' and then rm'd them to your heart's content08:11
Battletoadsjohn38: sorry I didn't respond before. I don't know your answer please google benchmarks. Also I use the 6200 and it's not too great. I can play early 2000 games only. I get 60fps in half life 108:11
delinquentmegksudo nautilus08:12
prince_jammysyou like that, huh?08:12
delinquentmehaha yeah08:12
Exploiteranyone knows how can i check space/free space from terminal?08:12
delinquentmeafter hitting delete so many times .. its nice to see shit " GO AWAY" when it hit delete08:12
prince_jammysExploiter: df08:12
delinquentmethanks man!!08:13
velkoExploiter, df -h08:13
prince_jammysdelinquentme: welcome.08:13
lorenzosuMy printers have "dissapeared" in System->Administration->printing there are no printers listed and the "Add" button is greyed out08:14
coginoh god Im cumming08:15
prince_jammyscome on.08:15
coginin yo eye08:15
prince_jammyslast warning.08:15
coginlet it drip down yo face08:15
prince_jammys!ops | cogin08:15
ubottucogin: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!08:15
BattletoadsThank you Flannel08:16
tgywaINFO: task apache2 blocked for more than 120 seconds ...08:18
tgywaIs there any bug related to that error?08:19
prince_jammyswho is reporting that?08:19
prince_jammysif you google that exact error message (in quotes), you will see some bug reports.08:20
delinquentmeSO i've recently tried to install the medibuntu stuff to allow me to play DVDs ... and well now my VLc media player wont play .wmv .avi or any other vid format i have ... anyone have any suggestions?08:20
prince_jammystgywa: ... also at least one forum thread08:21
tgywaprince_jammys, not clear08:21
prince_jammys!codecs | delinquentme : see if this is of use08:21
ubottudelinquentme : see if this is of use: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:21
tgywawhat do u mean by that ?08:21
prince_jammystgywa: i mean go to google.com and in the search box type "INFO: task apache2 blocked for more than 120 seconds"  (including the quotes)08:22
prince_jammysyou will see some hits, including a debian bug report and a ubuntu forum thread08:22
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aborticidewhy is the default sound level in ubuntu so damn high? i know you can turn it down but it blows my speakrs and ears out every time08:27
aborticidei boot it08:27
aborticidehow can i select multiple items for removal in ubuntu software center?08:28
aborticideshift doesn't work08:28
aborticidei want to remove all the openoffice stuff in one go08:28
krishnanduaborticide, mark them to remove, it'll be done after one another automatically08:29
aborticideno it won't08:29
aborticidethe whole window just jerks08:29
aborticideand i have to scroll up08:29
aborticideits really really annoying08:29
FloodBot1aborticide: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:29
aborticideubuntu software center doesn't even update the list of installed apps while an apt-get install is running in the command line, its really poorly designed and is crap08:30
aborticideif i could select multiple items with shift, the number of moves would decrease by twice plus one'08:31
prince_jammystell 'em at brainstorm.ubuntu.com08:31
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots08:31
aborticideprince_jammys: why would i do that? things never get fixed on time08:32
rwwaborticide: complaining here is highly unlikely to do any better08:32
Aemaethaborticide, that's just a negative attitude, you can always change while you're alive08:32
prince_jammyswell, more on time than complaining here08:32
aborticidesoryr, i should have clarified it was a live distro08:32
aborticiderww: actvally it is, i guess you've never considered the possibily that perhaps that there are others who encouter the same problems08:33
aborticideand perhaps have managed workarounds08:33
prince_jammysit's pretty normal that only one apt frontend can run at once08:33
aborticideyou mean, its a /feature/ instead of a /bug/ or /design flaw/ ?08:33
rwwaborticide: I hadn't, actually. Good point.08:33
prince_jammysit prevents corruption of your package casche08:33
prince_jammysthe shift thing is obviously a feature, too, preventing carpal tunnel.08:34
aborticideminor decreases in carpal tunnel risk, with ultra high increasee in muscular dystrophy risk08:35
prince_jammysit may lead to ulcers, true.08:35
delinquentmeYEAP STILL cant see video08:35
aborticidei don't want orca on my system by default, i'm not deaf08:35
prince_jammyscan't you uninstall it?08:36
aborticidei can also build a linux distro from scratch08:36
aborticidesudoku? isn't the point of ubuntu to INCREASE productivity?08:36
prince_jammysif you get irritated by extra stuff you don't use, try the 'minimal' installation and install what you want08:36
prince_jammysi do that.08:36
leaflocki have huge problems with my wifi speed, can someone help please?08:36
delinquentmei cannot see video with "movie player", "GNOME video" OR with "VLC media player" .. ANnyone have any guesses??08:36
aborticidethis is ubuntu live minimal 10.0408:36
* nemesis2all_ needs help.....i want to mount a drive as media that is already has a mount point setup from installation.....pm if you can help me08:36
prince_jammysaborticide: i'm surprised.08:37
prince_jammysi also didn't even know that a live minimal existed.08:37
aborticideleaflock: consult a wifi community, its usually a driver problem and some versions work better than others08:37
rww(it doesn't)08:37
aborticidecheck out the backtrack forums08:37
aborticidebacktrack linux forums08:37
rwwBacktrack Linux isn't supported here.08:37
prince_jammyswhat a strange suggestion08:37
rwwTry #backtrack-linux ;)08:38
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
aborticideno don't08:38
aborticidethey won't answer your question08:38
aborticideyou're expected to check the forums first08:38
prince_jammyswhy backtrack?08:38
aborticideuse your common sense08:38
CardinalHey fellow ubuntu'ers, i got an intresting query i was wondering if anyone has any idea on why im experiencing a certain behaviour...... if i copy a file from my MDADM controlled raid5 to my MDADM controlled raid0 (where / is installed) the copy dialog will just hang and nothing will happen, when it does copy it will copy at throughput of 140MB/s, anyone have any clue?08:38
aborticidea community that specialises in hacking wireless devices obviously knows which drivers work best08:39
rwwaborticide: Anyway, it's offtopic for this channel, which is for Ubuntu support questions.08:39
aborticiderww: i'm not the one who brought up that specific channel actually08:39
aborticideare you going to tell me that sudoku is off topic too, because it's not a linux question?08:39
prince_jammyssudoku really comes with ubuntu minimal?08:40
rwwaborticide: Offtopic rambling about how you don't like it is (try #ubuntu-offtopic).08:40
aborticidewhich window manager is the default for 10.04 live?08:40
aborticideis it byobu?08:40
rwwaborticide: Metacity or Compiz, depending on your hardware08:40
aborticidewhat's byobu for?08:40
rwwaborticide: It's a set of scripts and settings for GNU screen to make it more user-friendly08:40
nemesis2all_can anyone help me with setting up a partition as media that is already mounted?08:40
ubottuScreen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen08:40
aborticidewhen i try to remove character map its forcing me to remove "the ubuntu desktop system" as well, is this safe to do in order to continue running normally?08:41
leaflockaborticide:  actually i asked here because i only have problems in my ubuntu installation, but anyway can you point me to such a wifi community?08:41
aborticideis it possible to remove all games (sinec it is a category), by going to system -> package manager, instead of "ubuntu sofgtware center" ?08:41
aborticideleaflock: you mean, repeat myself?08:42
leaflockaborticide:  no i mean if you know a wifi support channel or forum, because i dont08:42
aborticideleaflock: you mean, repeat myself?08:42
prince_jammysaborticide: remove 'gnome-games'08:43
aborticideprince_jammys: apt-get remove 'gnome-games' ?08:43
prince_jammys!info gnome-games08:43
ubottugnome-games (source: gnome-games): games for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.32.0-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 106 kB, installed size 152 kB08:43
prince_jammysmeh, i think at least that's what provides sudoku08:43
prince_jammysah, 'gnome-sudoku' then08:44
leaflocklack of communication is what we got here....08:44
prince_jammys!info gnome-sudoku08:44
ubottugnome-sudoku (source: gnome-games): Sudoku number puzzle. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.32.0-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 302 kB, installed size 4356 kB08:44
aborticideis there one for openoffice too?08:44
rwwUbuntu doesn't install gnome-games by default; ubuntu-desktop pulls in the various games individually, so you'd remove each package.08:44
aborticidewhy did you use hard-quotes?08:44
aborticidei don't think they're necessary08:44
prince_jammysaborticide: sorry, 'gnome-sudoku', though i suspect you want 'gnome-games' also gone.08:44
aborticidewhat's the keyword to remove all openoffice nuissance from my machine?08:44
prince_jammysthey're not.08:44
aborticideapt-get remove 'openoffice' doesn't work08:44
prince_jammysooffice, maybe.08:45
llutz_aborticide: sudo aptitude purge '~nopenoffice'08:45
aborticidewhat is the ~n for?08:45
* rww wishes aptitude were still installed by default ☹08:45
llutz_aborticide: "name contains"08:45
prince_jammys!find openoffice08:46
ubottuFound: dictionaries-common, hunspell-de-at, hunspell-de-ch, hunspell-de-de, hunspell-eu-es, hunspell-gl-es, hunspell-uz, libbase-java-openoffice.org, libflute-java-openoffice.org, libfonts-java-openoffice.org (and 241 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=openoffice&searchon=names&suite=maverick&section=all08:46
prince_jammyserr, oops.08:46
aborticidehow can i generate a list of all software using aptitude at the command line, excluding deps08:46
prince_jammys!info openoffice.org08:46
ubottuopenoffice.org (source: openoffice.org): office productivity suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.2.1-7ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 4 kB, installed size 44 kB (Only available for i386 m68k mips mipsel powerpc s390 kfreebsd-i386 alpha amd64 kfreebsd-amd64 armel hppa ia64 ppc64 s390x sparc all)08:46
llutz_rww: its more important to have some senseless games on the live-cd :(08:46
knoppiesI seem to have messed up my /etc/sudoers file. Can someone help me restore it to defaults please.08:46
aborticidei don't understand, what does 'that' refer to  ?08:46
prince_jammysaptitude does have minesweeper08:47
aborticideknoppies: what if i uploaded you my version of it and you copied it?08:47
knoppiesthanks aborticide Im keen to give that a shot.08:47
prince_jammysaborticide: openoffice.org08:47
rwwprince_jammys: Does it work now? It segfaulted on load in the last few releases :(08:47
prince_jammysrww: haven't tried.08:47
aborticideknoppies: ^08:48
FloodBot1aborticide: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:48
knoppiesthank you aborticide You are a lifesaver.08:48
dumb_assproblem with upstart08:48
aborticidedoes paste.ubuntu.com ever delete the pastes?08:48
prince_jammys!details | dumb_ass08:48
ubottudumb_ass: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:48
dumb_asseverything hungs before i can get a boot prompt08:48
aborticideor are there forever like google08:48
rwwaborticide: no08:48
dumb_assubuntu 10.0408:48
aborticidedumb_ass: is that nickname registered?08:48
vinodafter installing addtional driver nvidia in my ubuntu 10.10  blank screen comes08:48
* prince_jammys waits for dumb_ass to be reprimanded for his nick.08:48
aborticidedumb_ass: you should claim it before someone else does08:49
dumb_assit's registered08:49
jpdsknoppies: That's not the default.08:49
aborticidedumb_ass: by you?08:49
dumb_ass(2010-10-27 23:52:40) NickServ: (notice) You are now identified for dumb_ass.08:49
knoppiesjpds, I noticed. It has a NOPASSWD in it.08:49
dumb_assyes, sir08:49
aborticidedumb_ass: cool, i like it08:49
rwwaborticide: try /whois, it'll tell you stuff like that.08:49
rwwor /msg nickserv info nickname08:49
knoppiesjpds, do you have a default? I was just going to try restore mine to what it was before I messed it up using his as a guidline.08:49
aborticide  /whois won't tell me if he's signed in or not08:50
rwwaborticide: yes it will08:50
dumb_assso, i see no output on the screen08:50
vinodhelp me frnds my display is not working in ubuntu 10.10 after installing addtinal driver nvidia08:50
aborticidemaybe /ns info will08:50
jpdsknoppies: Remove the "NOPASSWD" bit and it will be fine.08:50
jpdsaborticide: It does.08:50
aborticiderww: which line?08:50
rwwaborticide: e.g. "00:50:10 -!-  account  : aborticide"08:50
knoppiesthank you jpds08:50
rwwaborticide: if they're not signed in, there's no account line.08:50
vinodhow may i resolve this08:50
aborticiderww: ah08:50
dumb_assafter input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard as /devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input008:50
aborticidewhat's gdebi ?08:50
ubottudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.08:50
aborticidesounds vital08:51
knoppiesI cant use sudo because my sudoers file is messed up. AGHGHGHAGH08:51
dumb_assany clue?08:51
jpds!msgtheboy > aborticide08:51
aborticideknoppies: did using mine work?08:51
vinodhey anyone help me08:51
aborticidejpds: what?08:51
jpds!msgthebot > aborticide08:51
ubottuaborticide, please see my private message08:51
aborticidejpds: i can't08:51
prince_jammysaborticide: used to set propietary drivers.08:51
knoppiesaborticide, I cant use yours until I can use sudo. I think I am going to have to boot off a liveCD to fix this.08:51
aborticideits complicated08:51
aborticideknoppies: if you can figure out which program sources that file, you can just source it yourself08:52
vinodmy display is not working in ubuntu 10.10 blank screeen comes on booting08:52
aborticidei think you can run sudo, but it is not configured to work as you want it to, so try telling it to use my file08:52
Freechode_H8sits tru08:52
aborticidealthough i doubt it, it would be a security flaw08:52
prince_jammys!ops | Freechode_H8s08:53
ubottuFreechode_H8s: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!08:53
knoppiesaborticide, I like that idea, but I think using a liveCD will be the easiest option. I have one on a USB right next to me.08:53
aborticideknoppies: yea just do that08:53
dumb_assprince_jammys: do you need some more details?08:53
rwwjpds: fyi, the same user was in #freenode earlier, and ban evades repeatedly.08:53
jpdsrww: Nice.08:53
prince_jammysdumb_ass: i don't know your problem at all. provide them all in one line and someone might help.08:54
suigenerisif I want to install windows after linux on dual boot, should I run update-grub2?08:54
aborticideno, grub is already installed08:55
aborticideunless windows rewrites the MBR08:55
aborticidemaybe you can specify it to not do that, but then all you need to update is the config file08:55
aborticideits not menu.lst though, grub2 doesn't use that anymore08:55
aborticidei think grub2 expects you to pass all that poetry to it, and it will write it to grub.cfg08:56
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.08:56
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub208:56
prince_jammysmeh, it used to mention stuff about installing windows. maybe it does if you go to the url08:56
jeroth1Thanks prince_jammys lol sometimes the best solution is the shortest08:56
aborticidecan you query ubottu privately with /query?08:56
rwwsuigeneris: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 , section "Reinstalling GRUB 2"08:56
vinoddisplay problems in my ubuntu 10.10 its seems that nvidia x driver is not in use how can i edit my xconfiguration file08:56
vinodhelp me plz08:57
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:57
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:57
aborticidewell that was quite generic of you, mr ubottu08:57
creat0rthere something similar to outlook in ubuntu?08:57
Exploitervinod: make sure you download recommended driver system>>admin>>additional driver08:58
Battletoadsmade by mozilla08:58
prince_jammysaborticide: it's usually in response to someone saying just 'plz help' here.08:58
vinodyes i downloaded the recommned driver08:59
darotramyhttp://you-tube.com/watch?v=cK5yl9t_vfc | lzyy Ghostly Leman_Russ prizrak viewer AndroUser2 creat0r Osmosis acromat ilers-tp DeEM0N daniel_ twager Pitel HendriXXX_ Utkarsh Termana rek [ND] svols tankdriver sparkie zioui dmp13145 Gurty fep sebner sikpits87 dumb_ass vinod andrejpan Calinou Jibadeeha knoppies www2 megh anirudhr Finnish zipp0 Infra_3600 Cardinal quibbler lelamal xcanner jeroth1 jsurfer kancerman Exploiter jasonwryan aborticide Theravadan F08:59
Leman_RussHi.  I am stuck with Gparted.  I want to move a partition into unallocated space, then increase the size of that partition to take up all the remaining unallocated space, but I cant work it out08:59
vinodwhat to do next08:59
daniel_hi all. i'm trying to use a WMP52GS broadcom wireless network card on 10.10. I've already read a bunch on how to do it and most of them say to install NDISWrapper from the software center. theres no install button, only a button that says 'use this source code.' when i click it it seems like nothing happens and when i search for it under 'installed' it's not there. I'm 100% new to this.08:59
Exploitervinod: reboot and you r done08:59
aborticidewho's darotramy ?08:59
prince_jammysa spammer/troll08:59
rwwwho is now gone from the channel, so we can all forget about them.09:00
vinodi reboot but its not done it agaun comes with blank screen09:00
Exploitervinod: then system>adminitration>>nvidia x server settings09:00
FloodBot1r00tsh3ll: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:00
HarryS!cn | r00tsh3ll09:00
ubottur00tsh3ll: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:00
vinodthen i open with nomodeset mode09:00
vinodthen i go to nvidia x server setting09:00
vinodit gives the message that u r not using the x driver edit xconfig file09:01
vinodwhat i edit and how09:01
aborticideuse a text editor09:01
aborticidelike nano09:01
aborticideor gedit09:01
aborticideor vim09:01
FloodBot1aborticide: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:01
daniel_how can i find someone to help me?09:02
Exploitervinod: you can save settings(resolution) from nvidia xserver settings then save the settings on x.org file..09:02
caleb_Hi, I want to install drivers for my ATI graphics card, but then I try and install them and it comes up with this:09:03
Calinoudaniel_: wait...09:03
prince_jammysdaniel_: just keep your fingers crossed, and repeat the question every 10-15 mins.09:03
Exploiterhowever you can do it manually too with sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.cong09:03
Calinouwaiting is often useful09:03
aborticidedaniel_: try asking09:03
daniel_hi all. i'm trying to use a WMP52GS broadcom wireless network card on 10.10. I've already read a bunch on how to do it and most of them say to install NDISWrapper from the software center. theres no install button, only a button that says 'use this source code.' when i click it it seems like nothing happens and when i search for it under 'installed' it's not there. I'm 100% new to this.09:04
vinod<Exploiter> what i do next09:04
prince_jammyscaleb_: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list09:04
vinodafter opening the x server setting09:05
swoodyr00tsh3ll: eh?09:05
caleb_prince_jammy: Where's that? I literally installed ubuntu today09:05
prince_jammyscaleb: it's at /etc/apt09:05
caleb_prince_jammy: ok found it in filesystem09:06
swoodyr00tsh3ll: oh yeah? :)09:06
prince_jammyscaleb_: type the first few letters of my nickname followed by the tab key, see what happens.09:06
banking30horas[AutoGreetz] HellCome !!!09:07
caleb_prince_jammys: ok its got a box with lots of tabs and checkboxes, now what09:08
prince_jammyswhat do you mean by that?09:08
prince_jammysit should just be a normal text file. show it to us via pastebin09:09
caleb_prince_jammys: it isn't.09:09
prince_jammyssomething's wrong then09:09
caleb_I opened with text editor09:09
prince_jammysand it's "messed up"09:10
caleb_ill pastebin09:10
caleb_but no09:10
caleb_its like all hashes and other words09:10
caleb_wow I feel like such a noob.09:10
prince_jammysbah, don't worry.09:10
vinodnvidia display problem in ubuntu 10.1009:10
meowwwIs there any way to create UFS2 partition and manage them in ubuntu? i understand it's not fully supported, and i need it for my ps309:10
daniel_hi all. i'm trying to use a WMP52GS broadcom wireless network card on 10.10. I've already read a bunch on how to do it and most of them say to install NDISWrapper from the software center. theres no install button, only a button that says 'use this source code.' when i click it it seems like nothing happens and when i search for it under 'installed' it's not there. I'm 100% new to this.09:11
caleb_prince_jammys: so... is it meant to be like that?09:11
prince_jammyscaleb_: yes09:12
prince_jammyscaleb_: that's where packages are retrieved from09:12
=== Guest20143 is now known as tarora
prince_jammyscaleb_: your error suggests that one of those au.ubuntu.com servers is unreachable09:13
caleb_prince_jammys: so I wait a while and it should work? or do I change to another server09:13
=== tarora is now known as Floo
prince_jammyswhat caused the error to begin with?09:13
=== Floo is now known as tarora
prince_jammystrying to install ATI's fglrx, right?09:14
caleb_the ati drivers, yeah09:14
caleb_so that games run properly09:14
caleb_and other stuff09:14
prince_jammysif you did not mess with that sources file, i suggest trying again09:14
caleb_ok how do I try again? when i started it up it did it.09:15
caleb_ubuntu software centre right?09:15
prince_jammyserm, someone else will know better than me. there used to be a 'restricted drivers' entry in the system menu.09:16
daniel_hi all. i'm trying to use a WMP52GS broadcom wireless network card on 10.10. I've already read a bunch on how to do it and most of them say to install NDISWrapper from the software center. theres no install button, only a button that says 'use this source code.' when i click it it seems like nothing happens and when i search for it under 'installed' it's not there. I'm 100% new to this.09:16
rwwprince_jammys: it got renamed to "Additional Drivers" in Maverick, if I remember correctly.09:16
prince_jammyscaleb_: see what rww just said09:16
caleb_i did09:16
caleb_what section would I find it09:16
twagerAnyone tell me if the Startup[Disk Creator facility is broken ?09:17
prince_jammyscaleb_: the 'system' menu in the top bar09:17
caleb_ah ha!09:17
prince_jammystwager: best to tell us why you think this is the case09:17
caleb_found it09:17
suigenerisrww I lost dual boot. how can I restore it?09:18
caleb_it's searching09:18
FloodBot1caleb_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:18
creat0rthere something similar to outlook in ubuntu?09:18
prince_jammyscreat0r: yes, 'thunderbird'09:18
caleb_creat0r: evolution or thunderbird09:18
prince_jammys... which you may also run in windows09:18
rwwsuigeneris: as I said, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 , section "Reinstalling GRUB 2"09:18
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot09:18
matthewg42sleep / resume doesn't seem to work with the proprietary ATI driver... anyone have a solution?09:18
rwwsuigeneris: it deals with the exact issue of getting GRUB2 back after a Windows installation.09:19
caleb_it's installing the drivers now.09:19
matthewg42well, sleep works just file, but resume doesn't seem to wake up the gfx card09:19
twagerprince_jammys: I burn the usb stick and it always hangs at the login screen with no error messages09:19
dannershey when i install flashplugin-nonfree where is the script for the download beeing saved in 10.04?09:19
whoisme<- do it09:19
whoismeFOR THE TRUTH09:19
daniel_hi all. i'm trying to use a WMP52GS broadcom wireless network card on 10.10. I've already read a bunch on how to do it and most of them say to install NDISWrapper from the software center. theres no install button, only a button that says 'use this source code.' when i click it it seems like nothing happens and when i search for it under 'installed' it's not there. I'm 100% new to this.09:19
prince_jammystwager: ok, describe the whole problem, directed at the whole channel, not me.09:19
whoismewhois me09:20
whoismefor the truth09:20
whoismewhois me09:20
whoismefor the truth09:20
caleb_can an op like09:20
caleb_kick that dude09:20
caleb_cause im black09:20
whoismeI heard freenode is shutting down09:20
caleb_and I find that offensive09:20
coz_whoisme,   what are you doing?09:20
FloodBot1caleb_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:20
prince_jammys!ops | whoisme09:21
ubottuwhoisme: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!09:21
whoismeshut the fuck up caleb09:21
coz_whoisme,   stop NOW09:21
whoismeyoure a god damn ape09:21
Ghostlyi have a odd problem, i'm trying to connect to a windows share, I get the prompt that asks me for username, domain, and password. I fill it out and press connect then the promt just reappears asking for the info again, I'm using smb: to connect and my ubuntu is 10.04. Any idea what might cause this problem09:21
prince_jammyscaleb_: these trolls love to visit irc channels.09:21
caleb_yeah I know but :/09:21
jeroth1Question: Everytime I log into ubuntu it gives me an error about not being able to update ICEauthority. Anyone had that before?09:21
caleb_its installed09:21
caleb_now for the moment of truth09:22
FloodBot1caleb_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:22
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:22
daniel_hi all. i'm trying to use a WMP52GS broadcom wireless network card on 10.10. I've already read a bunch on how to do it and most of them say to install NDISWrapper from the software center. theres no install button, only a button that says 'use this source code.' when i click it it seems like nothing happens and when i search for it under 'installed' it's not there. I'm 100% new to this.09:22
twagerI burn the stick and boot it then it comes to the startup screen for ubuntu/xbuntu and then stops09:22
airtonixjeroth1, did you read what the error message says? (its a clue as to what you do)09:22
jeroth1It doesnt give anything else besides that, im guessing my home permissions are wacked09:23
coz_jeroth1,    http://www.absolutelytech.com/2010/01/27/solved-unable-to-update-iceauthority-on-booting/09:23
prince_jammysdaniel_: search the ubuntu forums and google while you wait, if you haven't already. put "use this source code" (in quotes) as part of a google query string.09:23
prince_jammysnamely, google WMP52gs ubuntu "use this source code"09:23
airtonixjeroth1, i just googled : ubuntu iceauthoriy and the first hit was : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4703209:23
twagerI know the stick is ok as I can install both Fedora and Debian to it09:24
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.09:25
coraxxI'm having problems, when viewing a PDF file in Evince ... The fonts Times-Roman and Helvetica is not displayed correctly .... other embedded fonts are ok ...can n e body help ?09:25
Battletoadswhat does ubuntu use after 9.10? im still using grub09:25
Battletoadsi know thats a bot im just wondering09:26
daniel_prince_jammys: nothing09:26
SwedeMikeBattletoads: grub209:26
caleb_drivers installed09:26
prince_jammysdaniel_: ok, worth a try.09:26
daniel_i've spent hours searching through ubuntu forums09:26
caleb_how do I know if they installed properly?09:26
prince_jammysdaniel_: i know the feeling, and it sucks09:26
coz_caleb_,  which drivers were these?09:26
caleb_the ATI ones09:26
caleb_would I just like09:27
caleb_download a game and run it?09:27
coz_caleb_,  well did you try compiz?09:27
airtonixhey, caleb_09:27
coz_caleb_,  or any  application that requires 3d acceleration09:27
airtonix!enter > caleb_09:28
ubottucaleb_, please see my private message09:28
slacker-i'm trying to convert an old debian into a ubuntu box.09:30
caleb___ok umm09:30
caleb___how do I open compiz?09:30
coz_caleb_,   go to system/preferences/appearance   visual effects tab09:30
slacker-I've got a line in debian's /etc/inittab "T2:23:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/run-gdc" where's the appropriate place in ubuntu to put that?09:30
coz_caleb_,   what is ticked there?09:31
caleb___do I do full effects?09:31
slacker-I only found tty configurations in /etc/init/09:31
caleb___extra I mean09:31
coz_caleb_,   sure cant hurt :)09:31
caleb___its activated09:31
caleb___now what09:31
blakkheim!enter | caleb___09:31
ubottucaleb___: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:31
coz_caleb_,  well  lets see...are your windows  wobbly?09:31
caleb___yeah its cool as LOL09:31
caleb___it's like jelly09:32
coz_caleb___,   there you go ...then your driver is working :)09:32
caleb___thanks heaps coz, and everyone else that helped =)09:32
vinodafter installing ubuntu 10.10 the display is not working then i open through nomodest mode after openig i firstly open additonal driver then i activate the recommended driver (nvidia current version ) by that09:32
vinodafter that  my blank screen problem remains same and desktop effects r not working and when ever i open that nvidia x server setting this msg apprears ("You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.")09:32
vinodhow i resolve this09:32
coz_caleb___,  no problem   have fun :)09:32
FloodBot1vinod: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:32
konobi1234hellow... I have a PROBLEM! I installed ubuntu-netbook-unity-default-settings on Ubuntu 10.04.. when I logout and login into new envivoriment I only see white screen!09:33
caleb___what other effects can I get apart from that?09:33
coz_caleb___,    sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager09:33
caleb___coz_: in terminal right?09:33
vinodsry but plz help me09:33
KKKlanMancaleb___ is a nigger I hear09:33
slacker-i'm trying to convert an old debian into a ubuntu box. I've got a line in debian's /etc/inittab "T2:23:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/run-gdc" where's the appropriate place in ubuntu to put that? I only found tty configurations in /etc/init/09:33
coz_caleb___,  yep09:34
ilyekkakaiI have a partition on a drive formatted as ext4 - It shows up as a hard disk icon under "Places" -> "120 GB Filesystem". When I click it, it mounts, but I can't write anything to it. I see a folder on it named "lost+found". I don't have permissions to view contents of that folder. How do I make the partition read/writeable?09:34
caleb___!op KKKlanMan09:34
coz_caleb___,  after installing that you can go to system/preferences/compizconfig settings manager09:34
bindi!ops | KKKlanMan09:34
ubottuKKKlanMan: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!09:34
coz_KKKlanMan,   dude  stop it09:34
llutz_ban, don't argue09:34
KKKlanMantell it to my dick09:35
corystaylorhow do i install NDISwrapper without internet access?09:35
Exploitersomeone ban this guy09:35
KKKlanManits filling with blood09:35
DASPRiDcut it off09:35
KKKlanManExploiter shut upp kike09:35
caleb___so far he's been racist to black people and jews.. :/09:35
caleb___!ops KKKlanMan09:35
rwwcaleb___: it's being dealt with.09:36
caleb___thanks dude.09:36
coz_KKKlanMan,   you know  we only talk with men and woman here ...you dont qualify09:36
caleb___coz_: its processing triggers etc, does that mean it's done?09:36
Tribaalthanks ikonia09:36
coz_caleb___,  no let it finish09:36
corystaylorhow do i install NDISwrapper without internet access?09:36
coz_caleb___,  when you get  the normal terminal prompt it will be done09:37
caleb___I think it's normal terminal now09:37
caleb___its just got a bunch of text above it09:37
coz_caleb___,  ok open it up09:37
blakkheimikonia: can i ask why #ubuntu isn't +r all the time?09:37
BattletoadsWhat is wrong with this channel tonight? Lewd sexual comments from one guy now we got this "edgy" kid being a bigot09:38
BattletoadsWho runs this channel?09:38
ikoniablakkheim: so that people can join without registering09:38
ikoniablakkheim: don't worry - should be ok now09:38
rwwblakkheim: because it's inconvenient to unregistered users09:38
rwwBattletoads: all the same guy, actually09:38
ikoniaBattletoads: the people in #ubuntu-ops run the channel09:38
anirudhrcorystaylor, Why don't you run "apt-get --print-uris", get the URIs, download them from somewhere, and then "dpkg -i " them all?09:38
coz_caleb___,  did that open for you?09:39
ilyekkakaiI have a partition on a drive formatted as ext4 - It shows up as a hard disk icon under "Places" -> "120 GB Filesystem". When I click it, it mounts, but I can't write anything to it. I see a folder on it named "lost+found". I don't have permissions to view contents of that folder. How do I make the partition read/writeable?09:39
caleb___coz_: yeah, im experimenting now09:39
coz_caleb___,   well one warning09:39
caleb___coz_: thanks :)09:39
llutz_ilyekkakai: use chown/chmod to adjust permissions09:40
timClickscan I pipe an mp4 I am streaming into mplayer and have it play correctly and also save file for later viewing?09:40
coz_caleb___,   compizconfig settings manager  or   ccsm  is a very complex  settings dialog... take it slow09:40
corystayloranirubhr: ok, i'm completely new to this. this is my first problem. mind explaining a little more?09:40
coz_caleb___,  if you need more help with this , you can meet me in  #compiz09:40
caleb___coz_: thanks :) i'll just use the water and the jelly windows now09:41
coz_caleb___,  sounds like a plan :)09:41
caleb___while i'm here, do themes reduce performance like they do in -ugh..- windows?09:42
slacker-oh I get it. I can just create a ttyS0.conf in /etc/init/..09:42
anirudhrcorystaylor, You run "apt-get --print-uris ndiswrapper-utils-1.9" or whatever the package name is. This will spew the HTTP links for the .deb packages you need/09:42
coz_caleb___,  themes?  you mean system themes?09:42
rwwcaleb___: depends on your computer, and what you're doing. on my computer, compiz reduces performance when playing 3D games, for example, but is fine otherwise.09:42
caleb___yeah, like window themes.09:43
coz_caleb___,   generally  no , unless the author really messed up...09:43
rwwcaleb___: oh, just color changes and such? no09:43
caleb___www.gnome-look.com ones like them..09:43
anirudhrcorystaylor, So you download the packages and put them into a folder. cd to that folder, and ask dpkg to install all of them. "dpkg -i *".09:43
caleb___what on earth09:43
coz_caleb___,   you   can download and install any gtk2 theme from gnome-look.org  and run that... although you already have a fair list of themes in  /system/preferences/appearance09:43
coz_caleb___,   right  gome-look.org   make sure you use the GTK2.0 themes09:44
caleb___yeah I know, I want it to look like a mac, i've always admired the art design on it09:44
corystayloranirudhr it's saying "invalid operation ndiswrapper-utils-1.909:44
ttiiccwhy are ubuntu chipped with empathy and not pidgin? is empathy a instantmessaging program from Gnome and there fore shipped as the default program?09:45
rwwttiicc: yes09:45
ttiiccahh okej thanks for the information09:45
Flioppyhi, i have a problem with my partitions... is this the right forum to ask?09:46
caleb___flioppy: yeah if it's an ubuntu partition :P09:46
Flioppy;-) yes partially09:46
caleb___well go ahead and ask then09:47
Exploitercaleb___: try sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tiheum/equinox && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-equinox equinox-theme equinox-ubuntu-theme faenza-icon-theme09:47
anirudhrcorystaylor, Oops, my bad. "apt-get install --print-uris" is the command. Sorry. :)09:47
Flioppyok... i think windows somehow did something to my partition table. i have overlapping partitions,according to testdisk09:47
Aemaethi'm freezing at startup, i was trying to get into xfce4, is there a way to not have a bulky logon for this?  so far tty1 is safe, but if i even move the mouse in the other screen everything stops and i need to reboot09:47
anirudhrAemaeth, Which greeter are you using? Gnome's xor Xfce's?09:48
slacker-another problem solved09:48
dheerosaurIf I am in a directory deep in the file system, like /home/some/remote/directory/, the terminal shows the complete path all the time, this occupies a lot of space. Is there a way to make this shorter?09:48
caleb___Exploiter: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/MacOS-X+Aqua+Theme?content=13548 ?09:49
Flioppybut the problem is, i can't use testdisk's quick search... it runs forever and doesn't give me the option to rewrite the table.09:49
Exploitercaleb____: just use that command i use it too ;)09:49
dogmatic69hi all, i keep having issues with updates and installing things. update manager just hangs. its been applying 20mb of changes for 30min now09:49
anirudhrdogmatic69, Why don't you use the command line?09:49
Flioppybut one thing testdisk tells me, is that my partitions are "deleted"09:50
ttiiccwhere could a find all the program which are part of the Gnome Desktop environment, forexample gedit and so on! I have been wisiting their official site but couldn't find anything there09:50
timClickscan I pipe an mp4 I am streaming into mplayer and have it play correctly and also save file for later viewing?09:50
Exploitercaleb____: to such dock, you have to install other programs not involved in themes such as cairo dock, avantdock etc09:50
dheerosaurIf I am in a directory deep in the file system, like /home/some/remote/directory/, the terminal shows the complete path all the time, this occupies a lot of space. Is there a way to make this shorter?09:50
corystayloranirudhr, didn't do much. last line says "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded." no urls.09:51
dogmatic69because im a noob, and this just pops up whenever. it dies when installing from shell also. last week i tried to install something and then it got stuck i had to remove/reinstall over and over to get updates to work cos the files were 'locked'09:51
prince_jammysdheerosaur: change the '\w' into '\W' of your PS1 variable, set at ~/.bashrc09:51
Aemaethanirudhr, i think i got stuck using gnome's09:51
llutz_dheerosaur: using bash-4? try setting PROMPT_DIRTRIM09:52
anirudhrcorystaylor, Tell me what you get when you run "dpkg -l | grep ndiswrapper". Search to see if the packages are already installed, as I suspect they are.09:52
prince_jammysah, there's that fanciness too09:52
anirudhrAemaeth, You can't switch to Xfce's greeter now? I think you get the option when you install Xfce on an existing Gnome box. I remember doing similar jazz with KDE.09:53
dogmatic69anirudhr: looks like http://oi51.tinypic.com/2d9pl54.jpg09:53
caleb___Exploiter: sorry to sound like a noob but how do you paste a command into terminal?09:55
ilyekkakaiok, now I have another drive. It is partitioned as follows from start of drive: 46Gb unallocated space (used to be NTFS), 139Gb /dev/sdb2 further divided into 137Gb /dev/sdb5 as ext4 + 2.6Gb /dev/sdb6 as swap. then there is a further 2.49Mb unallocated at the end of the drive.   Is there any way to join the unallocated space from the start and end of drive, then extend the /dev/sdb5 ext4 into that space to make that pa09:55
ilyekkakairtition larger?09:55
prince_jammyscaleb___: use the middle mouse button to paste09:55
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caleb___prince_jammys: wow thanks that's neat :D09:55
prince_jammysthat's an X thing, and addictive09:55
prince_jammysyou will hate every other gui now.09:55
Aemaethanirudhr, an option didn't come up when i installed the xfce, but i'm uninstalling gnome now for the space (didn't mean to have it there the first place) and then i can reinstall xfce if need be09:56
anirudhrdogmatic69, Ouch. I think you can just force quit the window and try again with command line.09:56
anirudhrdogmatic69, I think "sudo dpkg --configure -a" will fix problems.09:56
dogmatic69anirudhr: ye then it will be f*cked again09:56
corystaylormember:anirudhr, nothing happens. am i supposed to type all that out with the vertical bar?09:56
dogmatic69ye that is what i had to do last time... why cant it just work09:57
dogmatic69its pretty lame having to do that every time i try update / install something09:57
anirudhrcorystaylor, Yes, everything qithin the quotes.09:57
prince_jammyscaleb___: you don't have to right click and 'copy', btw. Simply select text and middle mouse button ... anywhere, not just terminal.09:57
anirudhrdogmatic69, I have no idea why you are getting such a problem.09:58
caleb___prince_jammys: thanks, thats pretty cool09:58
dogmatic69what is the cmd to update from shell09:58
rwwdogmatic69: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade09:58
corystaylormember:anirudhr and that's an L after the dpkg, right? dpkg(space)-l(space)(vertical bar)(space)grep(space)ndiswrapper. Sorry, I'm new to this.09:59
anirudhrdogmatic69, If that tells you that some packages were held back, you may need to "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade".09:59
caleb___err, where do I find the themes folder?09:59
caleb___I can't find it in root09:59
prince_jammys/usr/share/themes, probably09:59
Exploitercaleb__ ~/.themes10:00
prince_jammysor that, for your user's ones10:00
dogmatic69anirudhr: never seen something like that, and im on 10.10 so dont think there is a dist-upgrade?10:00
anirudhrcorystaylor, Yes. -l lists all the installed packages, grep searches for the search term through the output of the command before the pipe (vertical bar). That's okay. :)10:00
rwwubottu: dist-upgrade10:00
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.10:00
m4vilyekkakai: no, not without moving partitions around, that will take lots of time and might be risky, imo, is better create a new partition from the unallocated space, and forget about those 2.5mb at theend10:00
corystaylorit just gives me a new, blank line. nothing happens.10:00
rwwdogmatic69: it's probably a good thing that you've never seen it. in Ubuntu, it generally means something's going wrong.10:01
l4vimhello, does anybody know anything about missing fast-user-switch-applet ?10:01
corystayloranirudhr, it just gives me a new, blank line10:01
caleb___how do I get to ~/.themes10:01
Exploitercaleb__ : sorry did got your last message, from keyboard you can use shift+ins.10:01
Exploitercaleb, open nautilu10:01
Exploiterpress ctrl+h10:01
coz_caleb___,   open your home folder then hit  ctrl+h  to show hidden files10:01
ilyekkakaim4v, is there no way to do this easily, not even using gparted or something?10:01
prince_jammyscaleb___: in the gui filebrowser, set to show hidden files and you'll see it.10:01
caleb___found it..10:02
coz_dogmatic69,  there is a dist-upgrade  on 10.10  though10:02
coz_dogmatic69,  command rather10:02
prince_jammyscaleb___: files and dirs that begin with a dot are 'hidden', for conveninence.10:02
caleb___prince_jammys: ah ok thanks10:02
prince_jammys(not for security)10:02
Exploiternow you know where your private videos are going to store ;)10:03
caleb___I put the theme I downloaded in ~/.themes10:03
caleb___LOL EXPLOITER10:03
tyvolehello there10:03
coz_caleb___,   if you downloaded a theme that  is packaged as  tar.gz...generallly you just need to open system/preferences/appearance and hit the install button and locate that package10:04
coz_caleb___,  no need to manually install them10:04
caleb___it worked, COOL!10:04
caleb___ubuntu is great so far10:04
coz_caleb___,  no problem10:04
m4vilyekkakai: ah wait, is sdb2 a extended partition? I understood it as a normal one10:05
dogmatic69coz_: i know there is a command, but an actual update?10:05
coz_dogmatic69,   depends on what needs to be updated or upgraded   it cant hurt to occasionally run  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:06
dogmatic69well i cant do anything now because everything is locked10:06
ilyekkakaim4v, yes - this screen grab should clear it up - http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v484/ILyekkaKai/Screenshot--dev-sdb-GParted.png10:06
Exploiterdogmatic69: are you trying to uprade to 10.10 ??10:06
dogmatic69E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)10:06
coz_dogmatic69,  I wastnt following your  posts here so I am not sure what happened or what you were trying to do10:06
prince_jammysdogmatic69: means you're likely already running a package manager10:07
coz_dogmatic69,   do you have synaptic package manager opened10:07
dogmatic69no im on 10.10, im trying to run the updates10:07
coz_dogmatic69,  close synaptic  if it is opened10:07
prince_jammysyou can't run more than one apt frontend at once10:07
dogmatic69coz_: yes, as i said just now it crashed10:07
coz_dogmatic69,  ah ok10:07
dogmatic69i know that10:07
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »10:07
m4vilyekkakai: ah, then I don't see why you couldn't do that, you will probably need to extend sdb2 first, then sdb5 later10:07
dogmatic69dpkg: status database area is locked by another process10:08
prince_jammysdogmatic69: try what ubottu just said10:08
dogmatic69prince_jammys: i just did...10:08
m4vilyekkakai: and using those 2.5 at the end are really worth it? I would forget about them10:08
dogmatic69that is the output10:08
prince_jammysdogmatic69: try replacing the file path with the one in your first error message10:09
prince_jammysnamely /var/lib/apt/lists/lock10:09
dogmatic69same thing10:10
coz_dogmatic69,   try rebooting10:10
prince_jammysthat seems extreme10:10
dogmatic69dont feel like that now thanks10:10
dogmatic69can happen when the power trips or something10:10
coz_dogmatic69,  just meant as last resort :)10:11
prince_jammysyou may try temporarily moving that file elsewhere, at your risk10:11
Aemaethanirudhr, now i have xfce4 installed, just need a gdm or kdm replacement10:12
ilyekkakaim4v, ok. I am going to reboot from a live CD and try and mess about with these partitions. If I can't work it out I will just partition the 46Gb as a new separate partition.10:12
Aemaethanirudhr, nvm thanks for your help10:12
geirhaSomeone should fix that !aptfix factoid. Sending SIGKILL to apt/dpkg-processes is not a good idea.10:13
anirudhrAemaeth, You solved it? How?10:13
prince_jammysgeirha: fuser sends sigkill?10:13
prince_jammysthought it just sends TERM10:13
geirhaprince_jammys: By default -k uses SIGKILL, yes.10:14
rwwgeirha: point that out in #ubuntu-ops, they deal with factoid stuff10:14
prince_jammysi see it, yeah. what do you suggest?10:14
llutz_prince_jammys: "...Unless changed with -SIGNAL, SIGKILL is sent."10:14
rwwor /msg ubottu !no, foo is <reply> blah10:14
prince_jammysyeah, saw it10:14
prince_jammysi suppose you suggest -TERM ,,,10:15
Aemaethanirudhr, i can just type "startxfce4" that's the command i was looking for...i guess i could look up a way to have it autoload that, but is not necessary right now10:15
lucahi all - how can I load a script at startup? thanks! :)10:16
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot10:16
Aemaethright now the super TINY font it gave me is more of a problem, but i don't honestly expect anyone to hold my hand on that one, unless someone's in xfce already10:16
anirudhrAemaeth, Ah okay. Cool. :)10:17
Aemaethwhat's gnome? and... it's to start my xfce..how does it start if already started?10:17
banking30horas[AutoGreetz] HellCome !!!10:17
rwwbanking30horas: turn that off, please10:17
prince_jammysgnome is the desktop environment used by default in ubuntu10:17
prince_jammysit provides some standard apps, and the panels, and such.10:18
Aemaethon the machine this is on it can't handle gnome, that's why i'm going to xfce for now friend10:18
prince_jammyssounds ok10:18
prince_jammysdesktop environments can chew up a lot of resources10:19
fliegenderfroschis there a way to automatically use a certain monitor setup when an additional monitor is plugged in? I use the binary nvidia driver atm but would switch to nouveau if it were possible with it.10:20
prince_jammysAemaeth: you may try the irc channels #xubuntu and #xfce10:22
Aemaeththanks prince_jammys10:22
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NaznazHi, I got a NFS that I mount manually on startup (it's my NAS), what do I have to do to make it mount automatically on startup?10:25
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prince_jammysput it in your /etc/fstab10:25
llutz_Naznaz: add it to 7etc/fstab10:25
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.10:26
Naznazprince_jammys, llutz thanks10:26
shaw1337Hi all :)10:29
slacker-Hi. I want to start fbi on tty1 automatically from init. To do that, I modified /etc/init/tty1.conf to contain exec /usr/local/sbin/run-fbi instead of the call to getty. The run-fbi script exports TERM=linux and runs fbi. When I restart tty1 syslog says tty1 main process terminated with status 1 but I can't work out why it dies10:30
slacker-when I login and start run-fbi manually, it works10:31
shaw1337slacker: U can google it bro !10:31
slacker-shaw1337: what am I googling?10:32
caleb_hey guys, i don't know if I should ask this in #ubuntu or #windows because it involves both, after installing ubuntu I booted to windows to see if it's ok, it tried to checkdisk and I skipped and everything was sweet, is it normal to checkdisk?10:32
caleb_as I still need windows for gaming.10:33
rwwcaleb_: yes, there are various normal reasons why installing Ubuntu would mark an NTFS partition as needing checking.10:34
caleb_how can I make it not check, cause I really can't be bothered cause I know that it will take a long time, just like everything else in vista10:35
dunpealHi. With apt-cache, how do I limit my search to packages installed on the machine?10:36
rwwcaleb_: no idea; the ##windows people might know thatone10:36
caleb_thanks for the pointer10:36
slacker-aw, nobody ever replies to my questions :(10:36
llutz_dunpeal: afaik you can't, use "dpkg -l ...."10:37
prince_jammysdunpeal: probably by not using apt-cache10:37
prince_jammysuse aptitude, dpkg-query, or dpkg -l + some grepish command10:37
prince_jammysaptitude is capable of this, likely, if you can figure its evil search syntax10:38
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B4ckBOneIm trying to install xine 1.2. Already compiled it from source, but now im having trouble with "make install"10:38
B4ckBOne/root/ffmpeg/libavcodec/opt.c:168: undefined reference to `av_parse_and_eval_exp10:39
dunpealprince_jammys: what exactly is the difference between aptitude and dpkg?10:39
n3rV3hey slacker- how will the script run on tty1 when there's no one logged in10:39
prince_jammysdunpeal: aptitude is fancier10:39
B4ckBOnecan sb. please push me in the right direction?10:39
dunpealprince_jammys: but you say it's evil :)10:39
dunpealdpkg --get-selections | grep -i <name>10:39
prince_jammysdunpeal: the search syntax is convoluted10:39
dunpeal^ the answer as to how to do this with dpkg10:39
Rods_Tigersince about a few weeks ago, maybe a month or so, I can't ssh into my ubuntu computer, can't rsync with it, and can't samba the shares. However the machine itself can update from the internet perfectly well (except that it's under a cupboard, so inconvenient to use from the machine) so the network is fine.10:39
llutz_dunpeal: dpkg -l name10:39
llutz_dunpeal: dpkg -l "*name*"10:40
dunpealllutz_: shows all packages matching name, not just installed.10:40
slacker-dpkg -l | grep name ?10:40
llutz_dunpeal: dpkg -l name |grep ^i10:40
nothingspecialRods_Tiger: Is there an error?10:40
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Rods_Tigerno connection from my Mac10:40
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Rods_Tigeror any other computer10:41
dunpealllutz_: yup10:41
dunpealprince_jammys: personally I wish Ubuntu used Yum.10:41
n3rV3Rods_Tiger, the services might not be running10:41
nothingspecialRods_Tiger: Are you sure the ssh server is running?10:41
prince_jammysdunpeal: bah10:41
Rods_Tigerthey were before this happened10:41
n3rV3check service <servicename> status10:41
prince_jammysdunpeal: if you like fancy commandline package managers, learn aptitude. you can even use it interactively.10:42
slacker_nlprovided they run with upstart10:42
slacker_nlpgrep $daemon works better :)10:42
n3rV3Rods_Tiger, for ubuntu do10:42
Rods_Tigeryes, smbd, ssh and rsync are all running apparently10:43
geekyogiafter I use cat <some file> and get an output of $? as 2.. what does it mean? anyone any idea?10:43
n3rV3then do -> iptables -L10:43
n3rV3and paste anything suspicious to pastebin10:44
dunpealprince_jammys: I like fancy CLI PMs... that are simple and written in Python.10:44
n3rV3btw are you able to ping the other machines?10:44
Rods_TigerI don't know what would be suspicious - none of it is in proper English10:45
gaelfxin disk utility, it says that I have 5 bad sectors on my HDD, and the "Pending Sector Count" also has a red icon saying warning, is this something I should be worried about, and if so, how might I deal with it?10:45
Rods_Tigerit says chain input policy accept10:45
n3rV3Rods_Tiger, paste all of it into pastebin and give us the URL10:45
=== gaurav_ is now known as Guest24267
Rods_Tigertarget prot opt source destination10:46
Rods_Tigerit says that three times10:46
Guest24267i am having problem in ubuntu 10.10 nvidia driver10:46
nothingspecialRods_Tiger: That`s fine10:46
=== Damon_ is now known as Damon
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Guest24267my nvidia driver is not in use10:46
Guest24267help me10:46
nothingspecialRods_Tiger: You`ve not messed up your keys?10:47
n3rV3Rods_Tiger, try pinging the machine10:47
nothingspecialRods_Tiger: Authentication10:47
n3rV3ssh nopass10:47
n3rV3i don't think he has that configured10:48
Rods_Tigerpinging isn't going through - says host is down10:48
n3rV3and from that machine can you ping any site such as google?10:48
nothingspecialRods_Tiger: more hmm10:48
Rods_TigerI'll check10:48
prince_jammysdunpeal: python -c 'import os; os.system("aptitude")'10:48
Guest24267my nvidia driver x server setting is not working in ubuntu 10.10 what i do10:48
NotsonewOn a clean install of ubuntu t10.10 my computer is not booting into the graphics mode, or rather .. is taking like 3 minutes the complete the boot sequence and run failsafe-startx which then never completes. My computer is P600 2gb Lenovo thing which was running lucid just fine untill the reboot10:49
Rods_Tigeryes, I can ping www.google.co.uk10:49
n3rV3Guest24267, btw prepend sudo on all10:49
Rods_Tigerand just hurt my elbow reaching into it10:49
rwwGuest24267: FloodBot1 is a bot, and can thus not help you with technical issues.10:49
__cool__gaelfx: about the pending sectors: i followed http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/badblockhowto.html with success some days ago. need you be careful with that lowlevel stuff though10:49
n3rV3oh gosh10:50
n3rV3plz be careful10:50
n3rV3from there try pinging your current machine10:50
Rods_Tigeraha - I'll find out what this machine is called.10:51
rww!pm | Guest2426710:51
ubottuGuest24267: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.10:51
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timClicksis it possible to indent multiple lines at the same time in gedit?10:54
shayelhi guys, having a weird font problem when viewing websites in firefox ever since i installed 10.10, the font is barely readable - any ideas?10:54
shayelon xchat for instance, the font is just great10:54
wizardgriffinlooking for a good ebook writer for linux mint10:55
n3rV3highlight all and press tab10:55
kjelleHi. I have ubuntu 10.04. Is it possible to add encryption to my running system? I have /home as a separate partition, and I rather not reinstall to get encryption up.10:55
n3rV3timClicks, see above10:55
n3rV3shayel, need to install graphics drivers10:56
timClicksn3rV3, ty10:56
shayeln3rV3, i did that already, and i don't see how my gfx drivers can be relevant to this matter?10:57
JdGordonare there any programs that let me send/recv sms with my 3g usb modem?10:57
shayelunless i am missing something10:57
castkjelle: is /home sitting on LVM?10:58
kjellecast: unfortunately, no10:58
n3rV3shayel, could try adjusting the font if everything else is fine10:58
castkjelle: then you'll have to close all files open in /home, then one could convert /home10:59
castkjelle: generally to convert things online to a different backend block device you'll need mdadm or lvm10:59
kjellecast: I could boot into console rather than gnome. then do it from console line?10:59
spliffihi community, can anybody explain me why the user/group get lost if I copy /bin/ping to /tmp f.e. ?10:59
castkjelle: what are you hoping to gain from encryption?11:00
shayeln3rV3, to adjust the font where, in firefox?11:00
kjellecast: confidentiality of the home partition11:00
kjellecast: since I have 20gb or whatnot of svn checkedout corporate files11:00
castspliffi: probably because ping has the setuid bit11:00
spliffithat's right11:00
castkjelle: well, you can logout, then setup encryption for /home11:00
spliffihm just because of the suid bit ? hm11:00
castkjelle: you'll need a temporary storage space of at least the current size of /home11:01
n3rV3shayel, i meant global fonts11:01
n3rV3is it only giving you issues in firefox?11:01
kjellecast: that might be a problem11:01
kjellecast: /home has about 80% of the entire disk.11:02
shayeli didn't try any other browser yet, but inside the OS itself, xchat, and any other application it's fine11:02
zymbohi, can anybody help me with avant window navigator?11:02
kjellecast: it isn't possible to add block crypto to an exisiting disk on the fly?11:02
castkjelle: not without lvm or mdadm11:02
kjellecast: hmm. ok.11:03
kjellecast: ty for help11:03
* cast thinks people should use LVM11:04
zymboHi all. Maybe somebody will help me here with this issue. I changed my username in ubuntu 10.04.1 by usermod ... and after that doesn't work plugin Cairo main menu well. There are still visible bookmarked places which are from old accound and if i ckick on someone, nothing doing.So i was searching for a solution but n...obody know to resolve this problem.11:07
DiverdudeHow do i get my brother hl-20 printer to work in ubuntu 10.04?11:07
kjellecast: if i remove the svn, copy out my user config (gnome), remove /home from automount (fstab), reboot. Go into console, setup encryption, is that possible?11:07
castyou don't have to reboot at all11:08
castjust get into a position where you can umount /home11:08
vakhi all11:10
vakhow to fix google chat sound notification in google chrome ?11:10
DiverdudeHow do i get my brother hl-20 printer to work in ubuntu 10.04?11:11
coz_Diverdude,   not sure let me check11:12
kjellecast: hmm. but i need to setup home again, so i guess i need to backup my config files (gnome has gotten very nice :-))11:12
kjellecast: we'll see how it goes :)11:12
kjellecast: ty11:12
castif you have enough scratch space, either the size of /home or the size of the files in it, you'd be fine11:13
n3rV3Diverdude, go to brother's home page and see if you can locate the drivers11:13
n3rV3in my case i had to import the ppd file from the setup11:13
coz_Diverdude,   read through this... it is older but may still work   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56780511:13
vakNo one  here uses google chat with google chrome ?!11:14
* vak refuses to believe it11:14
coz_vak,   I dont11:17
vakreality is killing ;)11:17
n3rV3Diverdude, something along these lines http://raywoodcockslatest.blogspot.com/2010/05/installing-brother-mfc-7340-printer-in.html11:18
Nagaoonly english ?11:18
n3rV3vak, reality is killing whom??11:18
coz_vak,  it just may be the time of day here ...stick around and ask again11:18
n3rV3yes Nagao11:18
snipedoes the on demand frequency scaling for cpu work pretty well in 10.04?11:19
vakn3rV3: everyone. Do you know any individual that survived?11:19
exiliobtrying to use ipython in emacs, but output is goobledey-goop11:19
coz_snipe,  well last I tried it did11:19
exiliobrunning 10.0411:20
snipethanks coz11:20
n3rV3vak, you for one seem to be alive11:20
vakn3rV3: it's just a question of time! :)11:20
snipedoes 10.04 work in older laptops?11:24
n3rV3vak, and we can perceive the flow of time in only one direction11:25
n3rV3snipe, it works on my d63011:26
n3rV3without issues11:26
n3rV3its 3 years old11:26
dogmatic69snipe: i have it on a old shitty laptop, +- 8 years old or something11:27
snipeit seems to be very resource friendly .. was thiking of using an old 8 or 10 year old laptop to just network and hold files?11:27
vakn3rV3: at least we do this without efforts. I'd be upset if we should also turn the tight pedals for it11:27
tasmaniacAny laptop wifi experts here (ubuntu 10.04 compaq preserio)11:27
castsnipe: you could modify any release to be resource friendly, i suggest using the latest11:28
PerfDaveHmm, can somebody tell me how to change the passphrase for my encrypted homedir on Ubuntu 10.04? I've been using System -> Preferences -> Password to change my login password, but still need the old one to decrypt my homedir.11:28
phoenixsamprasHello and Help11:28
phoenixsamprashow to setup Nvidia drivers?11:28
castsnipe: switching away from GNOME or KDE is going to make a big difference11:28
snipeok thanks again .. 10.04 is the only one i've used so far11:29
cjbbahCan someone help me here - my Ubuntu 10.04 notebook just filled up the disk suddenly and now can't boot it11:29
phoenixsamprasKde is bad, gnome regular, must be something else like OSx interface11:29
BattletoadsKDE is fine if you got a good computer.11:29
BattletoadsGNOME is bloated as well. For a person using a decade old PC I personally use openbox11:29
snipei have an old one lying arouns here in a closet ... thought i could put it to use11:30
PerfDaveOne option if you have an old computer and a modern computer is to use the old one as a thin client with LTSP.11:31
Battletoadssnipe: You should just download ubuntu minimal11:31
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Battletoadsthat is what I did to remove some of the bloat that comes with ubuntu11:32
n3rV3vak, i'll be going now some other time11:32
snipesorry , you lost me , i don't know what thin client is11:32
phoenixsamprasits a very slim dude11:32
PerfDavesnipe: A thin client is one where you basically just use the display and keyboard and mouse from it. All the programs actually run on the "server" (your faster PC) and display over the network to the thin client.11:34
n3rV3and i am more miffed about the times i cant see the flow of events11:34
vakn3rV3: haha, just noticed? we all are doing it all the time. you should read twitter, things have been well explained me there.11:34
n3rV3:) i know, used to think there was something wrong with me11:35
PredaGRhello people, today recieved an update for evolution and it broke it, cannot check my gmail imap for some reason11:35
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n3rV3PredaGR, then downgrade it plz11:35
VSpikeWhen I boot 10.10 after upgrade from 10.04, I get an error saying "FATAL: Can't find /lib/modules/2.6.35-23-generic/modules.dep" or similar (it's not logged anywhere)...11:36
PredaGRn3rV3: how do I?11:36
VSpikeI know that path is right because I wrote that bit down. However, that file does exist. And the system then goes on to boot.11:36
VSpikeOh wait.. perhaps it's talking about the initrd rather than the real file system?11:37
VSpikeI do get a really wierd text mode splash screen which may or may not be connected... not the normal scrolling text, but a text version of the ubuntu 10.10 logo with dots underneath (which are "."s on this)11:38
n3rV3PredaGR, you can use System -> Adminis -> Synaptic11:38
n3rV3go there remove current package and install older evolution11:39
PredaGRn3rV3:  thanks11:39
ilorhi, I'm looking for a (gnome) screensaver that shows cpu and memory usage. Does anyone know something like it?11:39
abhinav_singhhow to use grep to search a sentence11:40
shayelhave this .bin file i am trying to open (it contains some folders with movies inside), getting the error "cannot execute binary file"11:40
VSpikeabhinav_singh: more detail?11:40
n3rV3grep "*" filename11:40
jribshayel: what is it exactly..?11:41
abhinav_singhi want to search a sentence like this(What are you doing?) in my home directory11:41
shayelWhat is what exactly? :)11:41
jribshayel: the file11:41
shayeljust some lynda.com guides11:41
MacHaddockhello. Does anyone (and can tell me how :D) to ad a directory to the "move to" submenu in the right klick menu ?11:41
shayelwmv files11:41
jribabhinav_singh: use grep -R11:41
n3rV3grep "^What are you doing\?$" filename11:41
jribshayel: no, you have one file.  What is it? where did you get it?11:42
n3rV3shayel, unzip it perhaps?11:42
MacHaddock7zip ftw11:42
MacHaddocksorry :D11:42
n3rV3MacHaddock, look this up http://techthrob.com/2009/03/02/howto-add-items-to-the-right-click-menu-in-nautilus/11:43
MacHaddocki'll get right on that11:43
MacHaddock*tips his hat @ n3rv311:44
n3rV3hehe thank you11:44
shayelit's not a zip file though :{ it's a bin11:44
shayel"unzip" doesn't work11:44
shayelon it11:44
castshayel: what does "file *.bin" say?11:44
VSpikeshayel: what does "file foo.bin" say?11:44
VSpikecast: :)11:44
n3rV3shayel, plz run > file name.bin11:44
n3rV3oops sorry VSpike11:45
shayelit says data11:45
jrib!who | shayel11:45
ubottushayel: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:45
VSpikeisn't .bin sometimes a CD ISO?11:45
n3rV3shayel, try > gnome-open file.bin11:46
shayelyeah, on windows i just used to virtual mount the file :p11:46
castgiven its short for binary, it could be a lot of things..11:46
geekyogiIs there any way to know the meaning of $? return value?11:46
VSpikeshayel: try mkdir tmp-123; sudo mount foo.bin tmp-123 -o loop11:46
jribshayel: so do the same on ubuntu...11:46
n3rV3echo $?11:46
jribshayel: you can use bchunk for example11:46
jrib!iso > shayel11:47
ubottushayel, please see my private message11:47
geekyogin3rV3 the return value meaning.. the error11:47
n3rV30 is generally true11:47
n3rV3else false11:47
paranoid_ndroidis there any way tonormalize the output from alsa?11:47
geekyogin3rV3 yes.. but I need to know the meaning of the error code11:48
geekyogiwhy did it fail,11:48
n3rV3geekyogi, plz elaborate where you are getting it from and some details so that i can understand the situation11:48
bacon_please does some one knows a bit about Funambol?11:49
geekyogiokay there is a script which does cat <file> and the error code after executing it is 211:49
jribbacon_: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)11:49
bacon_jrib: ok thx11:49
dinkyMy server has suddenly stopped connecting to the internet! Can someone help me troubleshoot?11:50
bacon_I know that Funambol is a replication server that allow you to sync task/calendars/contacts, but i'd like to know if it was possible to directly create tasks/events and so on funambol11:50
jrib!details | dinky11:50
ubottudinky: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:50
paranoid_ndroiddid anyone see my question?11:50
paranoid_ndroid!alsa normalise11:50
jrib!helpme | paranoid_ndroid11:50
ubottuparanoid_ndroid: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude11:50
n3rV3paranoid_ndroid, no dude no idea11:51
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:51
geekyogin3rV3 Gurpreet Singh   okay there is a script which does cat <file> and the error code after executing it is 2 :)11:51
dinkyThanks folks. Running 10.04.1 x 64. I have no internet connection. I can't ping from my server, and can't ssh into it. It's as if my lan cable is not plugged in.11:51
n3rV3geekyogi, if its just a cat in the script then could be the file is not accessbile or was deleted11:52
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gaelfxquiz for anyone paying attention, when was the last time the 64-bit flash plugin was updated?11:53
n3rV3dinky,  you'll need to manually login and check if network service is running11:53
dinkyrunning: sudo dhcliet eth0, I get 'No working leases in persistent database - sleeping'11:53
geekyogin3rV3 okay. these are the only two reasons11:53
dinkyI'm manually logged in now.11:53
castgaelfx: who knows, that's not free software, thus has no place in ubuntu!11:54
jribgeekyogi: by adobe or ubuntu or what?11:54
jribgaelfx: by adobe or ubuntu or what?11:54
dinkyn3rV3: how do I check if network services are running?11:54
n3rV3service network status11:54
swebi have a problem to connect vpn connection : see my error, wha'ts the problem http://pastebin.com/TSMtdSmw11:54
bacon_ I know that Funambol is a replication server that allow you to sync task/calendars/contacts, but i'd like to know if it was possible to directly create tasks/events and so on funambol (i mean avoid having to create it on Tbird for example, and then replicate it through funambol on your phone)11:54
bacon_(sry for flood^^)11:54
n3rV3geekyogi, i have to go now11:55
abhinav_singhhow to search sentence having spaces with grep command11:55
n3rV3can this wait till tomorrow11:55
geekyogin3rV3 Thanks.. :) btw.. I've started following your blog. ;)11:55
n3rV3i have a blog?11:55
jribabhinav_singh: grep -R 'sentence with spaces' wherever11:55
bacon_abhinav_singh: did you try putting double quotes?11:55
__cool__cast: huh? like the binary drivers?11:55
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Guest9291Hi, how I connect to IRC-hispano server?11:55
bacon_abhinav_singh: to wrap your expression?11:55
abhinav_singhyes bacon_ but it is not working11:55
geekyogiah shit.. then its somone else's blog :P11:55
juk_dinky: service foo status11:55
cast__cool__: yes. they should be removed :)11:55
jribabhinav_singh: show us exactly what you did and the full output in a pastebin11:55
n3rV3geekyogi, surely11:56
__cool__cast: right :!11:56
cast__cool__: don't make me paste from the front page :(11:56
geekyogihe he.. sorry..  :P11:56
geekyogin3rV3 bye Gurpeet Singh :)11:56
bacon_abhinav_singh: http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/CGI/man-cgi?grep11:57
n3rV3hey may i know your name11:57
aborticidecan you PM ubottu for commands/support ?11:57
bacon_abhinav_singh: "Finally, certain named classes  of  characters  are  predefinedwithin        bracket expressions, as follows.  Their names are self explanatory, and        they  are  [:alnum:],  [:alpha:],  [:cntrl:],   [:digit:],   [:graph:],        [:lower:],  [:print:], [:punct:], [:space:], [:upper:], and [:xdigit:]."11:57
aborticideis it physically possible ?11:57
geekyogin3rV3 Yogesh11:57
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:57
Aemaethaborticide, /msg ubottu !question11:57
aborticideAemaeth: doesnt reply for me?11:58
aborticideAemaeth: does it work for you?11:58
__cool__cast: no, sorry for the misunderstanding. i think your viewpoint correct11:58
Exploiteranyone knows, how can i change sound effects in ubuntu 10.10, 10.04 trick dont works..11:58
__cool__...only then 90% of the computers would run in 8086 compatibility mode :[11:58
aborticideAemaeth: you still here?11:59
Aemaethaborticide, what irc client are you using?11:59
Exploiteranyone knows, how can i change sound effects in ubuntu 10.10, system>>pre >> sound dont work11:59
Aemaeththat should work, how do you pm normally?11:59
cast__cool__: what are you talking about?12:00
aborticideusing /query12:00
dinkyOn my server, when I run 'service networking start' I get 'networking stop/waiting' I can't connect in or out. Any tips to help troubleshoot this?12:00
abhinav_singhhelp me guys12:00
aborticidewhy isn't he answering me this time?12:01
__cool__cast: let's drop this here. i just not seem to get the words right :/ have to go now anyhow12:01
jpdsaborticide: Because she's rate-limited per person.12:01
dinkyAnyone else able to help with this server issue? Can't connect to the internet.12:01
aborticidedinky: the internet isn't a server12:02
pfarrellhi! is there any way to automate (from the command line, or in python) printing a document the way gedit displays it?12:02
dinkyaborticide: Well strike me dumb, I didn't know that.12:02
dinkyI'm running a server...12:02
pfarrellI can use lp, but it isn't as pretty (the fonts, syntax highlighting, etc)12:02
Exploiterpfarrell car doc.txt12:03
Exploiterpfarrell cat doc.txt12:03
Exploiternot car hehe12:03
jpdsExploiter: Hi.12:03
Battletoads+1 for not reading12:03
Battletoadsyou made him leave12:03
pfarrellum, I mean, actually physically printing out, with a printer.12:03
pfarrellnot to the screen. I'm well aware of cat, thanks :-)12:03
Exploiterjpds, wassup12:03
pfarrellI was thinking of using dogtail, but that seems a bit heavyweight12:05
pfarrelldoes anyone have any better ideas?12:05
mmaksimovHi there. Anybody having troubles logging in to ICQ via Pidgin? Mine says "SSL Handshake Failed". Pidgin 2.6.6 on ubuntu 10.04 LTS. It worked yesterday.12:05
jribpfarrell: enscript maybe?12:06
jribpfarrell: it's not the real answer to your question ("... like gedit") but may be enough for what you want to do12:06
pfarrellhmm, that's a good idea, thanks12:07
pfarrellI hadn't heard of it before, I'll take a look12:07
shayelinstalled furiousmount, did the trick ;p12:08
alin_pandaI'm trying to install OCI8 for PHP4. I run "pecl install oci8", but when it gets to phpize, i have the following errors: "cp: cannot stat `libtool.m4': No such file or directory        cp: cannot stat `ltmain.sh': No such file or directory      cat: ./build/libtool.m4: No such file or directory              configure.in:42: warning: LT_AC_PROG_SED is m4_require'd but not m4_defun'd               aclocal.m4:550: PHP_CONFIG_NICE is expanded from...12:08
alin_panda    configure.in:42: the top level         configure.in:63: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL                 If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow.       See the Autoconf documentation.       configure:2346: error: possibly undefined macro: LT_AC_PROG_SED         ERROR: `phpize' failed"12:08
mmaksimovPidgin 2.6.6 on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS says "SSL Handshake Failed" while logging in to ICQ. It worked yesterday. Any suggestions?12:11
john38Why do i have weak splash screens12:11
john38i just got a new system12:11
john38more text like12:11
Exploiterjohn38: 10.10??12:11
john38Exploiter, yeah12:11
john38Exploiter, 10,1012:12
Exploiterubuntu is continously working on making ubuntu bootup as fast as possible12:12
Exploiterthats the reason, why its pain in ass to change loggin screen..12:12
Exploiterhowever, try plymouth, google it12:12
john38Exploiter, but thats the weird thing on 10.04 which im using here is perfect all graphics12:13
john38Exploiter, also on my other system 10.10 after it shut down its says ....Deactivating Processes ....2sec ..1sec12:14
john38Exploiter, ???12:14
kcjI just installed then uninstalled fglrx. How do I get 10.10 to use the default video drivers again?12:16
alin_pandaI'm trying to install OCI8 for PHP4. I run "pecl install oci8" but phpize fails with errors like cp: cannot stat `libtool.m4': No such file or directory cp: cannot stat `ltmain.sh': No such file or directory. Why does this happen?12:17
john38kcj, have you tried System>Adminstration>Hardware Drivers12:18
kcjjohn38: I installed fglrx through software center.12:19
john38kcj, Ati, Nvidia?12:21
kcjjohn38: ati12:21
swebplease help me to using vpn connection :( http://pastebin.com/EGRmrbKj12:22
john38kcj, whats the problem12:22
john38kcj, can you enable visual effects12:22
kcjjohn38: no12:23
sniperjois windows 7 really the best for battery life in notebooks / laptops ?12:23
icerootsniperjo: this is ubuntu-support12:23
sniperjoiceroot: indeed it is, well spotted12:23
bazhangsniperjo, try ##windows12:24
john38kcj, try asking someone else in channel12:24
gaelfxok, I seriously can't access adobe.com, can anyone tell me what the latest adobe flash player for 64-bit is?12:24
john38kcj, i can only suggest uninstall fglrx in software center12:24
john38kcj, any that you installed12:24
sniperjobazhang: im not really looking to use windows, im looking to strip as much out of ubuntu as possible12:24
kcjjohn38: I did.12:24
john38kcj, and i can tell you which default you need12:24
icerootgaelfx: the one in the repos12:24
icerootgaelfx: no need for adobe.com12:25
Dr_WillisI dont think 64bit flash is in the repos. at least not the default ones12:25
gaelfxcould you just tell me a version number?12:25
Dr_Willisbut i dont use the 64bit flash on my 64bit machines.12:26
obsidiethflash and 64bit isnt so hot.12:26
castadobe flash sucks. its much less painful to just not use it12:26
icerootDr_Willis: the flash-installer-package is pulliing the 64bit version12:26
vinodi want to remove the nvidia driver from my ubuntu 10.1012:26
Dr_Willisiceroot:  is it? never noticed.12:26
icerootDr_Willis: flashplugin-nonfree is still 32bit12:26
coraxxsudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flash12:27
Dr_WillisI check that box during install to install the 3rd party stuff.. so im not sure what it actually installs these days12:27
icerootDr_Willis: on sid it was, so i guess on 10.10 its the same12:27
vinodhow i remove nvidia driver from ubuntu 10.10 which i installed maunally12:27
cr7esto es el futurooooooo12:28
icerootvinod: what does manually means? compiling? using a deb?12:28
Dr_Willisiceroot:  I dont even see a # of bits in the firefox addons stuff. :)12:28
LjL!es | cr7, loly12:28
ubottucr7, loly: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:28
pc-1que te metes12:28
vinodyes using .run file12:28
vinodhow i remove that12:28
gancheviva el vino12:28
icerootvinod: maybe the is a deinstaller in the run-script12:28
pc-1señorita maria silveria de los dolores12:28
LjL!ops | clones from
ubottuclones from Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!12:28
sex-simbolbueno, este resulta un chateo un poco diferente12:29
vinodhow i dont know kindly tell me12:29
icerootvinod: call the runfile with --help12:29
cr7calade ingleses12:29
cr7what is your name caine12:29
pc-1j/ karreira12:30
LjLeste es un canal de soporte tecnico, por favor entren en #ubuntu-es-offtopic para charlar en español12:30
cr7im spanish boy rapaces12:31
pc-1j krreira12:31
pc-1j karreira12:31
cr7yo soi español español español12:31
lolycala cr712:31
cr7spaña ganadora del mundialll12:31
cr7inglaterra out12:31
aborticide!ops sex-simbol  spanish hackers12:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:31
aborticide!ops cr7 spanish hackers12:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:31
FloodBot1aborticide: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:31
ganchecr7 this is nice gay12:32
aborticidewill all the spanish people go to #spain , please ?12:32
aborticidei mean #ubuntu-spain12:32
cr7gay your father inglis de mierda12:32
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!12:32
aborticidewhere did all these spanish trolls come from?12:32
malodixIs anyone able to paste me the main sosftware site for Eclipse Galileo? Mine seem to have dissapeared.12:32
icerootaborticide: spain12:32
LjLaborticide: probably a school, they're all from the same IP12:33
cr7yes yes12:33
gancheque te jodan a ti por ti e que che dean por onde rompen os sestos12:33
vinodafter installing ubuntu 10.10 the display is not working then i open through nomodest mode after openig i firstly open additonal driver then i activate the recommended driver (nvidia current version ) by that12:33
vinodafter that  my blank screen problem remains same and desktop effects r not working and when ever i open that nvidia x server setting this msg apprears ("You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.")12:33
vinodhow i resolve this12:33
FloodBot1vinod: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:33
cr7im son de paz12:33
SpiritsInsidehi can someone help me resize my windows partition ? i have one size for linux 450gb and one side for windows 50gb and i want to make windows 20gb and linux 470gb12:34
cr7no os preokupeis12:34
swebany body here ?12:34
SpiritsInsideis there a way i can do it without losing data12:34
swebplease help me to using vpn connection :( http://pastebin.com/EGRmrbKj12:34
jribcr7: english only here.  Spanish in #ubuntu-es12:34
vinodafter installing ubuntu 10.10 the display is not working then i open through nomodest mode after openig i firstly open additonal driver then i activate the recommended driver (nvidia current version ) by that after that  my blank screen problem remains same and desktop effects r not working and when ever i open that nvidia x server setting this msg apprears ("You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run12:34
vinod`nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.")how i resolve this12:34
malodixOh jesus.12:34
aborticidejrib: he already knows, just swiftly dispose of this piece of trash12:34
cr7ke tes tiiiiii12:34
m4vcr7: este es un canal de soporte, por favor deja de ser molesto.12:34
cr7eu metome aki si kero12:34
SpiritsInsidehi can someone help me resize my windows partition ? i have one size for linux 450gb and one side for windows 50gb and i want to make windows 20gb and linux 470gb12:35
SpiritsInsidehi can someone help me resize my windows partition ? i have one size for linux 450gb and one side for windows 50gb and i want to make windows 20gb and linux 470gb12:35
FloodBot1SpiritsInside: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:35
jribaborticide: that attitude isn't welcomed here either12:35
SpiritsInsideis there a way i can do it without losing data12:35
aborticidejrib: thank you12:35
obsidieththe pidgin fontsize just doesnt change.12:35
obsidiethwhats the go here.12:35
ganchecr7 sabes galego pois que viva a queimada12:35
aborticidejrib: my attitude is more positive the swifter you act12:35
Karen_mfirst ubuntu crash ever!12:35
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aborticidelike the height of a moutain of sugar versus the number of bees and time12:35
trojan_spikeSpiritsInside, how much free space has windows got?12:35
jribaborticide: it's not up for discussion, just be civil to other users of this channel regardless of their actions12:36
aborticidewe have to be civil towards trolls?12:36
aborticidethat's what they want though12:36
LjLaborticide: yes12:36
bazhangaborticide, lets move on please12:36
Anita_Gofradumpi aborted my banana12:36
Toby_Jonesmy brother did rm -rf / on my ubuntu machine last night, a few minutes after I backed up my HDD! ZOMG OWNED ;)12:36
aborticidethey're trying to twist the hand of innocent IRCers12:36
Dr_WillisSpiritsInside:  gparted from a live cd can resize windows and linux partitions12:36
aborticideAnita_Gofradump: is that name registered?12:36
jribbazhang: you around, I have to go?12:36
aborticidejrib: he's around12:36
Anita_Gofradumpaborticide: yes12:36
bazhangjrib, yeppers12:36
eskiljrib: may i ask you something in pm?12:36
malodixIs anyone able to paste me the main sosftware site for Eclipse Galileo? Mine seem to have dissapeared.12:36
TerpIs it still possible to do a rm -rf /?12:36
aborticidewhat do you mean, /still/ ?12:37
jribTerp: not like that, no12:37
lucian_hey guys is there now a bettern compiz like program?12:38
john38Anybody ever hear of the systems hanging DOS lines of information going by until it gets to something like Deactivating device eth112:38
Dr_Willislucian_:  Depends on your needs.. and how desperate you are to get eyecandy.12:38
bazhanglucian_, not really, unless you mean kde412:38
lucian_whjats new on kde4?12:38
bazhanglucian_, kubuntu12:38
lucian_yes i know12:39
bazhanglots of compositing lucian_12:39
john38when shutting downl????12:39
Dr_Willislucian_:   10.10 versuion of kubuntu is working very well here.12:39
john38Dr_Willis, ever hear of that12:39
lucian_are there any driver flods on kubuntu?12:39
bazhanglucian_, driver floods?12:39
lucian_ i have installed the kubuntu desktop pack via terminaql12:39
Dr_WillisSpiritsInside:  you can install gparted from a live cd  - it will isntall to ram. .  You could also make a flash drive with a peristant save and install ubuntu and gparted there.. Or theres gparted specific ISO/Livecds out there. you could use.12:40
bazhanglucian_, you mean codecs?12:40
lucian_driver malfunctions12:40
bazhanglucian_, not that I kn ow of12:40
lucian_why i can install compiz on kubuntu  desktop pack?>12:41
john38Anybody ever hear of the systems hanging DOS lines of information going by until it gets to something like Deactivating device eth112:41
john38when shutting downl????12:41
lucian_ isn the desktop pack  complete?12:41
bazhanglucian_, you can, but its a bit redundant12:41
Dr_Willislucian_:  the latest kde has its own eyecandy that  works very well. no compiz needed.12:41
lucian_heh how i make a bootble cd on linux :)12:42
lucian_ so i can load kubuntu12:42
Dr_Willis!burn | lucian_12:42
ubottulucian_: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto12:42
WXZI need a key sender12:43
bazhanglucian_, unetbootin although just installing kubuntu-desktop will obviate that12:43
WXZlike a little window set to "always on top"12:43
john38Anybody ever hear of the systems hanging DOS lines of information going by until it gets to something like Deactivating device eth112:43
john38when shutting downl????12:43
WXZwhere I can press a button, and it will automate some key strokes for me12:43
bazhangjohn38, yes12:43
lucian_i have some troble with kde desktop pack12:43
john38bazhang, why12:43
* Toby_Jones wonders if anyone has ever heard of Suicide Linux12:44
lucian_ itś misses some files i think12:44
bazhangToby_Jones, thats not appropriate for here. Please stop12:44
bazhanglucian_, better to explain in #kubuntu12:44
trojan_spikeis there a command to strip ubuntu to basic?12:44
Toby_JonesSorry, just asking. I've never used it and never will... I'm even typing this on a linux system I freshly format every week12:44
john38bazhang, any ideas on how to stop that12:44
bazhangtrojan_spike, there is the minimal iso, you can build on top of that12:45
lucian_ou ok is there a program like demontools or alchool 120% on linux?12:45
trojan_spikeu mean to remaster?12:45
bazhanglucian_, to do what exactly?12:45
Dr_Willislucian_:  thers no need.. you can mount ISO files via the mount command.12:45
Toby_Jonesyeah, I remember making a Fluxbox Ubuntu and searching it and finding Fluxbuntu :'(12:45
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.12:45
Dr_Willislucian_:  or the fuseiso or fuseiso9660 tools.12:46
trojan_spikei hate flux12:46
jemaduxtrojan_spike: why ?12:46
trojan_spikejust not for me.12:46
jemaduxi have one problem w/ external hdd12:46
Dr_Willisgood reason to hate it? :)12:46
jemaduxi plugin and dont recognized12:47
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trojan_spikethe controls etc,,12:47
Toby_JonesHas anybody ever made a custom Ubuntu install from the Mini CD?12:47
Dr_Willisjemadux:  try mounting it by hand,. check dmesg output for any information after plugging it in also.12:47
Toby_JonesYou beat me to it, Dr_Willis!12:47
SwissmanHi guys12:47
kcjToby_Jones: #ubuntu-offtopic12:47
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trojan_spikeive tried fluxmint,, and the screen scroll bar etc didnt really make sence.. nuh thats just me..12:48
Dr_WillisTheres several ways to make your own custome ubuntu variant. Depends on how much time you want to waste.. err.. spend..12:48
lolcatcan I ssh into the live-usb?12:48
Toby_Jonesabout that offtopic channel, it doesn't appear to exist...12:48
lucian_when will the linux entire distribution be able to execute exe files or get full opengl support12:49
ActionParsniplolcat: sure, install openssh-server and you are good to go12:49
trojan_spike:) ,, time to get exact the way u want it..12:49
lolcatActionParsnip: What is the password? xD12:49
Dr_Willislucian_:  if you want to run windows executables.. use wine.12:49
ActionParsnipToby_Jones: there are 205 users in #ubuntu-offtopic12:49
lucian_i know but itś buggy12:49
icerootlucian_: there is full opengl support12:49
ActionParsniplolcat: there isnt one12:49
Toby_Jonesoh! i was using underscore. whoops.12:49
Dr_Willislucian_:  depends on the windows app if wine is buggy or not..12:50
ActionParsniplolcat: it'll just run and install12:50
WXZI need a key automator12:50
amarcolinolucian_, run a vm or use crossover12:50
Dr_WillisI recall the whole 'lindows' disaster. :)12:50
ActionParsniplolcat: you can run:  passwd     and set the password (more secure)12:50
lolcatActionParsnip: So I just do: ssh ubuntu@
lolcatActionParsnip: Can I do it without a password? It is only like 1000-10000 people behind this nat12:50
ActionParsniplolcat: if thats the IP of the PC, then yes12:51
WXZI need a little toolbar that's always on top of my screen (or maybe on my panel)12:51
Dr_Willisonly 1000 to 10000 ?12:51
ActionParsniplolcat: you can use ssh keys to not need a password12:51
WXZwhere if I click a button, it sends a certain key sequence to the active window12:51
MitNiXhii ?12:52
ActionParsnipMitNiX: hi12:52
MitNiXdo you speak turkish ??12:53
DJones!tr | MitNiX12:53
ubottuMitNiX: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.12:53
john38bazhang, this might work On the terminal sudo gedit /etc/init.d/halt Add the following line to the halt script rmmod snd-hda-intel12:53
ActionParsnipjohn38: gksudo for gedit, not sudo12:53
john38Can somebody help me with gedit for a sec12:53
vakHow to fix google chat sound notification in google chrome ?12:54
lolcatDoes ubuntu have a benchmarking software? For network speeds?12:54
john38ActionParsnip, i dont understand the instructions "add the following line to the halt script12:55
popeylolcat: iperf12:55
john38ActionParsnip, i dont know exactly12:55
StaRetjiFolks, I need help with cron. Can someone paste here exact code to run script every 1 hours. THX ;)12:55
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm12:55
ActionParsnipjohn38: well you need to know at what point in the file to add it12:56
evilgeeniusI have just installed ubuntu and tomcat is running on port 8080.  Is there a way i can stop it so it never runs again?12:56
Dr_Willis gksudo gedit /etc/init.d/halt12:56
john38ActionParsnip, this is link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1306789&page=212:56
n3rV3Hi Dr_Willis12:56
ActionParsniplolcat: http://www.go2linux.org/how-to-measure-your-network-bandwidth-and-performance-with-iperf12:56
lolcatI tried updating my usb stick, now it installs a kernel every time I try to install something12:57
gaelfxwhat's the best thing I can do if there are bad sectors on my HDD in Pending Sector count portion of the SMART status?12:57
lolcatHow can I make it stop?12:57
john38ActionParsnip, scroll down a bit im trying to get rid of this shutdown nusance12:57
ActionParsnipjohn38: then post your own reply asking where to add the code12:57
eskilevilgeenius: uninstall it?12:57
* Wo-TaoYan is away: 上个洗手间...12:57
bazhang!away > Wo-TaoYan12:57
ubottuWo-TaoYan, please see my private message12:57
Dr_Willislolcat:  how did you install to the usb stick?12:58
gaelfxor is it nothing to worry about12:58
john38ActionParsnip, i just dont know where! exactly12:58
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lolcatDr_Willis: The tool included with ubuntu.12:58
Stefanos90hello, who can help me with a compile of C++?12:58
ActionParsnipjohn38: ask on the forum, those guys clearly added it ok so posting on there is clearly a better idea than asking in here12:58
juk__Stefanos90: #programming12:58
ActionParsnipStefanos90: make sure you have build-essential installed12:59
Dr_Willislolcat:  you made a persistant save file also? really that method is a bit limited and can have 'issues' when trying to update/upgrade the system.  I normaly just use that methiod and install the few apps i need and never 'apt-get update/apt-get upgrade' because it can cause issues.12:59
Stefanos90<ActionParsnip> yes I have12:59
ActionParsnipStefanos90: then i'd ask in #c++12:59
Dr_Willislolcat:  if you want a fully working like on a HD setup. You may need to do a regular install to the flash drive instead.12:59
=== tri is now known as trii
lolcatDr_Willis: Ok, I think that would be smart13:00
Stefanos90<ActionParsnip> in order to compile I have to print CC example.cpp ?13:00
Dr_Willislolcat:  i tedn to keep my changes to the live-usb setups rather minimal.13:00
ActionParsnipStefanos90: i think they mean a pastebin13:00
lucian_whats the allias on apt-get for virtualbox?13:01
ActionParsniplucian_: how do you mean 'alias'?13:01
n3rV3lucian need to make entry in sources.list13:01
lucian_sudo apt-get install .......?13:01
ActionParsniplucian_: to INSTALL it you can use: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose13:02
ActionParsniplucian_: that's not an alias, thats a command13:02
juk__lucian_: virtualbox-ose13:02
amarcolinolucian_, just get the deb package from the website13:02
replicasexHey all.  I'm having a continued issue with nautilus showing up as cd/dvd creator in the global menu applet.  It's happened to me before in docky itself.13:02
f00bar80i'm on ubuntu 10.04 trying to set it as a server, i've registered a domain name, what do i need to use it as my hostname ?? ?13:03
n3rV3f00bar80,   apache213:04
replicasexAny clue why the .desktop file is being confused like this?13:04
ActionParsnipf00bar80: the name you used would be my guess13:04
f00bar80ActionParsnip, but the guide says server.exampledomain.com , so what i have to use instead than "server" ?13:05
ActionParsnipf00bar80: your hostname of the server running the service13:06
replicasexActionParsnip, any clues on the .desktop confusion?  I don't know why nautilus would be confused with the cd/dvd creator.13:06
ActionParsnipreplicasex: sounds like an issue with global menu13:06
f00bar80ActionParsnip, i've got the domain geeksmindme.com , so what should be the hostname13:07
replicasexActionParsnip, I've had this happen with docky itself too.  It seems to be some underlying problem.13:07
andrew___can anyone tell me hw to view sam files using Ubuntu13:08
WXZhow can I get a file to skip the "run as program" dialogue?13:08
lolar_lamHi, please help. I am new with Ubuntu. I have a Samsung notebook runs 64-bit. I upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10.  But the display went wrong when boot up. How to uninstall it?13:08
Dr_WillisWXZ:  if you are refering to a shell script of some kind. You set it to be executable and i think it will skip that depneding on the extension13:08
amarcolinoandrew___, can you ask your question again without abbreviating the words, please13:08
andrew___How did you installed lolar13:08
WXZwould .sh work?13:08
andrew___inside windows or something else13:09
WXZor is it supposed to, because it's not :(13:09
Dr_WillisWXZ:    make sure its also executable13:09
WXZI did13:09
n3rV3WXZ, listen13:09
andrew___How to open SAM files contained in Windows using Ubuntu13:09
lolar_lamI installed 10.04 with 32bit disk.13:09
WXZn3rV3: I'm listening13:09
lolar_lamI then upgraded it to 10.10.13:10
n3rV3i just pm'ed you13:10
lolar_lamMy display gone cracking....13:10
WXZI can't accept pms13:10
WXZlet me add you n3rV3, then I can accept them13:10
andrew___Lolar check the driver options13:11
Dr_Willislolar_lam:   what is your video card?13:11
ActionParsnipandrew___: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntucat/resetwindowspassword/13:11
lolar_lamNow I boot it with previous version, I means the Kernal 2.32... something..13:11
Shai123Hello , I've changed apache folder to new one and now when i type on my browser : http://localhost i get error message : "Forbidden you don't have permission to access / on this server" any idea ?13:12
Dr_WillisSpiritsInside:  chat in the channel please. not im PM.13:12
lolar_lamI know nothing about display card.13:12
ActionParsnipShai123: make the new folders ownership and access be the same as the old /var/www13:13
lolar_lamShould I use 64 bit disk?13:13
ActionParsniplolar_lam: sudo lshw -C display    will tel you a lot13:13
Shai123ActionParsnip: how i change the ownership ?13:13
lolar_lamThanks. I try now.13:13
Dr_WillisSpiritsInside:  i have to run. You may need to reguister your nick to chat in here.  good luck13:14
amarcolinoandrew___, just search on what you asked, can't help the procedure is tricky specially in getting the hashes for the file and why would you even need it, never mind, I can't help and maybe but unlikely anyone would help you on that subject13:14
ActionParsnipShai123: chown13:14
lolar_lamMany thanks.13:14
alkisgIs there any way for evolution to show the photos of gmail contacts? Or that isn't supported yet?13:15
ChesterXHi, I am using Ubuntu Netbook Remix. Since today's update I am unable to use the autocomplete key (TAB) in the terminal. Is there already a fix?13:20
ActionParsnipChesterX: if you run:  gedit ~/.bashrc13:21
mmoebius_afkWhat is the best-working way to auto-mount samba shares after a user has logged in ? Can the needed usernames/passwords be stored e.g. in the gnome keyring ?13:21
krzych0_Hey, any1 can help me with vsftpd config?13:21
guitar-maniacHey! hat was the command to get the maximize, minize buttons back on windows? gnome-window-decorator .... ?13:21
ActionParsnipChesterX: find the section (I think its at the bottom) with:  if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ] && ! shopt -oq posix; then13:22
ActionParsnipChesterX: uncomment the if statement13:22
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side13:22
guitar-maniacThey arent in the left side... they are not found anywhere..13:22
ActionParsnipguitar-maniac: have you not websearched any? there are thousands of guides for this online13:22
ActionParsnipguitar-maniac: follow the guide and change the entry, they will appear13:23
bazhangcompiz --replace following alt f2 guitar-maniac ?13:23
Dice-Manbazhang, haha i did not know it was a bug13:23
Dice-Mani'm habit now with button on the left side :p13:23
MaxePHi, where does gnome-keyboard-properties stores its configuration? I need to switch the xkb model used in X but it isn't possible in the gui.13:23
krzych0_any1 could help me with vsftpd?13:23
guitar-maniacActionParship: i tried yes but did not work. i had this happened some time ago too and i pressed alt + f2 and wrote gnome--window-decorator --replace(?) but it says it cannot open the location?13:23
guitar-maniactypo.. too many - in btween the words.. i wrote with one - expect t he last one with two --13:24
sulemanGranis, helo how to switch between window manager in ubuntu13:24
sulemanGranis, helo how to switch between window manager in ubuntu13:24
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=== mmoebius_afk is now known as mmoebius
mmoebiusWhat is the best-working way to auto-mount samba shares after a user has logged in ? Can the needed usernames/passwords be stored e.g. in the gnome keyring ?13:25
sulemani have installed ubuntu from a pen drive,and the sound isnt working,how do i do it13:25
krzych0_http://wklej.to/cO5f <--- here is my /etc/vsftpd.conf i cant log in using ftp://localhost or by my ip. I got all the time error: 500 OOPS: priv_sock_get_cmd13:26
guitar-maniacalt + f and compiz replace works, i ot the buttons back, my dock looks strange now.. gnome-window-decorator still says it can't open the location13:26
ChesterXActionParsnip, what exactly is uncommenting? (I am sorry, but i am new to ubuntu)13:26
john38bazhang, you there13:27
john38bazhang, this is fix for shutdown bug http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130678913:27
krzych0_any1 can help me? with ftp server?13:28
elgusHow can i get exchange-mail on Ubuntu ?13:28
Rajkohow do i install 32bit libncurses on 64bit ubuntu 10.1013:28
sulemangraviton,i have installed ubuntu from a pen drive,and the sound isnt working,how do i do it13:28
tobi_hey guys. i got a real strange problem with my browser over here. since today, i am not able to publish any written text via a form on a webpage. for example, i cant answer to board posts, nor can i comment facebook statuses13:30
tobi_anything else works fine, i can upload stuff, obviously i am able to chat - in short, nothing else seems unusual to me13:31
ChesterXActionParsnip, the section you are talking about is already uncommented13:31
tobi_my javascript is enabled, and i tried to clear the cache and the cookies and everything13:31
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tobi_i've tried 2 different browsers as well, swiftweasel 3.5.6 for once and firefox 3.6.12 as well13:32
tobi_does anyone have any idea what could be the reason for my problem? cause i really dont have a clue :/13:32
imp|catRajko: you probably first need sudo apt-get install ia32-libs to install 32-bit compatibility libraries, then sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture whatever.deb13:32
`RadioManseamonkey ftw13:34
Exploiterhey guys, i had lost my boot screen, now when i boot 10.10 it only shows me ugly text mode, in low res. any idea, how can i re install my poor and ugly default splash screen ???13:34
dassoukiwhen i updated to 10.10, my pc goes into grub. I booted using linux /boot/vmlinu.... and then boot. Computer gets stuck at Kernel_thread_helper ... I added more details in my ubuntu stackexchange post http://askubuntu.com/questions/1708/une-takes-about-30-minutes-to-start-up-installed-through-wubi13:35
tamirCs1.6 installed  wine playoninux but not working in 10.04(1.6exe loadin not startgame)13:35
redbullfxhey guys13:35
berefeirameerkat and ssd, results?13:35
leaflock_can someone help me with my wifi connection , its too slow under ubuntu13:35
Exploiterleaflock_ sometimes firewall make the connection slower..13:36
ethereticI just formatted one of my external usb hdds to ext4. fsck reports it is "clean", and Disk Utility says "a few bad sectors" (used to say "a few bad blocks" before formatting. What should I do?13:36
maverick340i am using getmail and mutt , i setup a muttrc file in ~/.mutrc . getmail is getting all the mail in ~/mail but when mutt read, it is reading mail from /var/mail/USERNAME . Any idea why ?13:37
maverick340mailbox type is Maildir13:37
redbullfxneed some help...   im using moc audio player in terminal. I added a new nautilus script. Its working but halfway.   im trying to add music to my playlist. which it does. but terminal does not open. i have to open terminal manually and then i see the files in the playlist.13:38
redbullfxthis is the command im using13:38
redbullfxmocp -a "$@"13:38
leaflock_Exploiter: if you mean the router firewall, its not, because under windows it is working fine13:38
dieter_fuck u13:39
ethereticUsed GParted for formatting, btw.13:39
newubermy dock disappeared13:41
DiverdudeHow do i get my brother hl-2030 printer to work in ubuntu 10.04?13:41
maverick340Diverdude, is it being detected by Ubuntu ?13:41
lucian_hey how can i get support for my nokia phone on ubuntu?13:41
maverick340Check in Printing , Under administration13:41
maverick340lucian_, gammu13:42
BluesKajHey folks13:42
|ntegra|dieter_: ???13:42
newuberhi blueskaj13:42
Diverdudemaverick340, it says printer driver does not exists...but ubuntu seems to know it has been connected13:43
newuberdo you know how to get the dock back// my dock disappeared in ubuntu 10.10  newubuntuuser13:43
maverick340Diverdude, So printer is detected but it cant seem to find the drier ?13:43
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Diverdudemaverick340, yeah13:43
TSKHowdy, y'all.  Any Eclipse users here?13:43
maverick340Can you see the printer under Printers tab?13:43
Shai123ActionParsnip: Still not working , can you please guide me step by step what i should do in order to change the apache default folder ?13:44
Shai123Hello , I've changed apache folder to new one and now when i type on my browser : http://localhost i get error message : "Forbidden you don't have permission to access / on this server" any idea ?13:44
Cmdr_W_T_RikerShai123: check permissions of the DocumentRoot directory13:45
Shai123Cmdr_W_T_Riker: I am new to ubuntu can you guide me please ?13:45
maverick340Diverdude, sorry i dont know more ; most of the printers i have used HP,Cannon have been auto detected13:45
maverick340try the Printers forums maybe13:45
tobi_an addition to my problem: opera doesnt work either13:46
ethereticHow does ubuntu handle/interpret SMART info on hdds?13:46
DiverdudeShai123, just set owner on new folder to apache user13:47
Cmdr_W_T_RikerShai123: did you change apache's config or did you move the directory?13:47
nicocoolhi all. do all vmware-player users have to wait for modules to compile each time they launch it or is it just me ?13:48
gamerpro2000Hey guys, I have a strage error I'm getting on my ATI card that keeps my video from initializing.  I'm running the radeon open source driver and get this: [drm:r600_audio_bits_per_sample] *ERROR* Unknown bits per sample 0xf using 16 instead.13:48
gamerpro2000Anybody got an idea?13:48
Morpheusi have a problem installing ubuntu on my new computer; when the system starts from the live CD, after a while the screen becomes black  and it stops13:48
Morpheuscan somebody tell me why?13:49
gamerpro2000Morpheus, have you tried safe graphics mode?13:49
Morpheusi have not the possibility to choose13:50
Morpheusit simply starts and after a while it stops13:50
Morpheuslucid lynx gave me the same problem13:50
=== anix_ is now known as anix
Morpheusthe computer is new, bought 6 months ago13:51
gamerpro2000When you boot from the live disc, you should have the ability to interrupt startup and give it boot commands13:51
gamerpro2000Which will allow you to boot into safe graphics mode13:51
Morpheushow can i do that?13:52
gamerpro2000Look into that13:53
gamerpro2000Google is your friend :)13:53
Morpheusok, thanks13:53
gamerpro2000Anyway, anybody got an idea on my issue?13:53
`RadioMangoogle is your friend13:53
gamerpro2000Thx Radio :P13:54
gamerpro2000I already Googled it though13:54
`RadioMani c13:54
gamerpro2000I wouldn't be here if I didn't ;)13:54
`RadioMani know, but for me, i use nvidia , but thats just me13:54
Ghostlyi have a odd problem, i'm trying to connect to a windows share, I get the prompt that asks me for username, domain, and password. I fill it out and press connect then the promt just reappears asking for the info again, I'm using smb: to connect and my ubuntu is 10.04. Any idea what might cause this problem13:54
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gamerpro2000Yeah, well, it wasn't my choice.  I work at a school district and they chose the hardware.  I prefer NVidia too13:55
`RadioManfire the school dist13:55
Gandalf84after installing XP i loose the grub installation, can somebody help me restoring it?13:55
BluesKajgamerpro2000, try rebooting the live-cd , the choose frpm the F key options there may be a low graphics mode13:55
Gandalf84i use ubuntu 10.1013:55
gamerpro2000BluesKaj, I don't have an issue with the live CD.  I already have it installed13:55
gamerpro2000I have four monitors and two out of four of them will start sometimes13:56
gamerpro2000I reboot and 50% of the time they all come on13:56
gamerpro2000the other 50% of the time either none of them do or some of them do13:56
gamerpro2000The Log Viewer gives me this on my XOrg for the other two monitors13:56
gamerpro2000Segmentation fault at address 0x2002000  Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting13:56
k5673Gandalf: you can use the supergrub: http://www.supergrubdisk.org/13:56
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:57
pimrutgersAny one around who can help me with a serious MDADM problem? I've been at it for over 24 hours and I just can't figure it out any more13:57
Gandalf84i'm using ubuntu live cd now13:57
crazydipi got a 'load xmodmap settings?' pop-up and accidentally pressed escape, how do i get it back to answer "yes"?13:57
Gandalf84i follow 3 guides that explain how to do this13:57
Gandalf84but i give an error13:57
gamerpro2000Gandalf84, what exactly is your problem?13:58
Gandalf84gamerpro2000: i install windows xp so i cannot boot ubuntu13:58
gamerpro2000You wiped out your Grub13:58
k5673 Gandalf84: you can use the supergrub: http://www.supergrubdisk.org/13:58
Gandalf84now i'm trying to use grub-install from live-cd of ubuntu but i give this error: Your embedding area is unusually small13:59
ikoniak5673: there is no need for super grub, the version of grub2 provided by the ubuntu install CD is the best option13:59
k5673 Gandalf84: when installing Ubuntu, you overwrited the mbr, leaving the ubuntu partition unusable.13:59
* mx 13:59
Gandalf84K5673: i have no cd right now and the only bootable usb pen i'm using for live cd of ubuntu13:59
gamerpro2000Gandalf84, guide for several ways of reinstalling grub2 is here13:59
gamerpro2000make sure you're using grub2 and not regular grub13:59
gamerpro2000otherwise you'll get an error13:59
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Gandalf84gamerpro2000: i already follow this guide but i give always the same error14:01
gamerpro2000Gandalf84, whats the error14:02
gamerpro2000That's sorta important14:02
Benkinoobyis there a kupfer pro? (kupfer is similar to gnome-do)14:02
snowrichardi'm about ready to give up on this wireless for this computer and run some cat5. keeps dropping the connection14:02
gamerpro2000"An error" is a little vague.14:02
Gandalf84/usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Your embedding area is unusually small.  core.img won't fit in it.14:02
pimrutgersany mdadm guru in here who I can borrow?14:03
gamerpro2000Gandalf84, take a look at the thread.  It is marked solved with the same error14:03
Gandalf84already read it, i'm not using /tmp14:03
tikanyone use xvidcap in here? I run it wil psdsp and still cant get it to capture audio?!?!14:04
tiker padsp14:04
gamerpro2000Gandlaf84, have you read this one:14:05
gamerpro2000Its for someone now using /tmp14:05
gamerpro2000The third post has a solution that seemed to work14:05
hmcaHello greetings, trying to play an h264+AAC video file, i just whatn to extract the sound, using a 800mhz ppc machine, any ideias on how i could extract the audio14:06
gamerpro2000hmca, use audacity to record the sound while its playing.  That's how I've usually done it.14:07
Dice-Manyeah me too14:07
gamerpro2000@tik, we're not ignoring you.  Just don't have an answer14:07
Gandalf84trying using supergrub :(14:08
snowrichardmy mixer doesn't have a "stereo mix" tab, so i ran a line from line-out to line in, then use audacity recording line in14:08
hmcagamerpro2000: the 800mhz ppc doens play the file , it as no power.... i'll open audacity14:08
gamerpro2000Gandalf84, did you read the post I linked you?14:08
wisevoyager@hmca, sudo apt-get install audacity14:08
Gandalf84yes but i don't understand14:08
BluesKajhmca, check this out , http://linux.byexamples.com/archives/229/extract-audio-from-video-or-online-stream/14:09
dtcrshrhello! I got my scanner listed in lsusb, but xsane or simple scanner cant see it14:09
dtcrshrits an hp g405014:10
Pindakaashello everyone! When i acces my server via putty i cannot seem to switch desktops. (alt+F# in the treminal) how do i do that within putty?14:10
icerootPindakaas: not working with putty/ssh14:11
Pindakaasok thanks14:11
icerootPindakaas: use screen to have multiple shells14:11
Pindakaasso multiple instances of putty?14:12
icerootPindakaas: ctrl+a c to create a new window in screen, ctrl +a n to switch them14:12
Pindakaasok thank you!14:12
icerootPindakaas: no, just type in screen (most important tool in the linux-world (with vim)) :)14:12
Pindakaasthat helps alot with the administration14:12
tikanyone use xvidcap in here? I run it wil padsp and still cant get it to capture audio?!?!14:12
klyncwhen i install ruby, the binary is called "ruby1.8" is the "right" thing to do next just to make a symlink in /usr/local/bin/ called "ruby" or am i missing something?14:12
joe85how can I search files for files that contain a specific string?14:12
gamerpro2000Sorry guys, had to leave quick14:13
Pici!screen | Pindakaas14:13
ubottuPindakaas: Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen14:13
icerootjoe85: grep -ir searchstring /path/where/to/search14:13
n3rV3find /serach_path -name "*string*"14:13
gamerpro2000anybody got an idea how to resolve my segmentation fault error?14:13
Pindakaasthank you pici i am going to sudy that a bit more14:14
MadSt3inoi any one having issues with sendmail and arpwatch ?14:14
MadSt3ini cant manage to get them runing on boot14:14
MadSt3inrc.local aint working as well14:15
hmcaBluesKaj: Thanks , allready runing it on the terminal, thanks14:15
n3rV3gamerpro2000, how did you get the segmantation fault and any other details?14:17
BluesKajhmca, btw the so called increase in sound quality by increasing the bitrate is total BS as you probly already know :)14:17
markstais anyone familiar with connecting XP to a shared drive on a linux pc?14:17
gamerpro2000Well, as a little background, I run four monitors.  Either all four will start, two will and I get the segmentation failure for the other two, or all of them won't14:17
gamerpro2000I have ati cards running all three.  Identical cards.14:18
Dr_Willismarksta:  that would be using 'samba'14:18
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Dr_Willis!samba | marksta14:18
ubottumarksta: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.14:18
gamerpro2000The segmentation fault only happens during boot up.  If I reboot the machine and they all four start, then they'll continue to work through sleep and everything14:18
markstaok thanks14:18
Dr_Willismarksta:  samba has some books in the 'samba-docs' package....14:19
gamerpro2000n3rV3, any other information you want from me?14:19
Dr_Willisno patience....14:19
gamerpro2000I already copy and pasted the error message from Xorg's logs14:19
gamerpro2000but if you want it again14:19
ikoniaMadSt3in: ?14:19
n3rV3gamerpro2000, one moment plz14:19
MadSt3inikonia i cant ge sendmail and arpwatch running on boot idk why14:20
MadSt3inmy rc.local aint wrking as well14:20
ikoniaMadSt3in: sendmail shouldn't be rc.local14:20
bindiif i put xorg.conf to /etc/X11 will that be used by default?14:20
MadSt3ini know im trying to get it running tru ther since the ini.d aint working14:20
MadSt3inwath is going on ?14:20
Dr_Willisbindi:  in theory. yes. it should be used if it exists.14:20
klyncgamerpro2000: my wild guess is that they're competing to access memory directly. sounds like an obscure bug that you might have to fix yourself. perhaps writing a script so that your system boots with one monitor active, and then enables all 4 after boot would help - i.e. just swap configs and restart x after boot14:20
MadSt3inikonia r u ikey ?14:20
bindiDr_Willis: great14:20
gamerpro2000@klync, I was going to set up the monitors to start with 3 second delays, 1 first, 2 next, etc.  However, how would I accomplish such a thing?14:21
gamerpro2000Also, the error line in dmesg is [drm:r600_audio_bits_per_sample] *ERROR* Unknown bits per sample 0xf using 16 instead.14:21
gamerpro2000Which only happens if the monitor fails to initialize14:22
MadSt3insleep 2 bla bla && sleep 10 e14:22
swebhow can i disable iptables completly ?14:22
n3rV3gamerpro2000, can't say for sure but could be the hardware thats causing this issue14:22
MadSt3insudo ufw disable14:22
Dr_Willissweb:  flush all the iptables rules.  basically.14:22
gamerpro2000Well, it never occurred with the proprietary drivers14:22
gamerpro2000but when I switched to the radeon drivers to resolve other issues, I started getting it14:22
gamerpro2000This bug is much less severe than the other ones I was dealing with14:23
MadSt3inlol ati like that14:23
MadSt3ini dont have drivers at all14:23
swebDr_Willis, not work i want to open all connection without any limitation14:23
MadSt3inbut i do have compiz lol14:23
gamerpro2000and I have a couple dozen machines with similar setups, since this is for a school district14:23
MadSt3inGraphics:  Card ATI M26 [Radeon Mobility X700 XL (PCIE)] X.Org 1.9.0 Res: 1280x800@60.0hz14:23
MadSt3in           GLX Renderer Mesa DRI R300 (RV410 564F) 20090101 x86/MMX/SSE2 TCL GLX Version 1.5 Mesa 7.9-devel Direct Rendering Yes14:23
Dr_Willissweb:  if you have no rules blocking anything.. then the connections are open.14:23
megamanx1978Can someone help me find a package?14:23
julianhi. i'm trying to install usplash under xubuntu, but synaptic tells me, all my installed packages have to be removed to do so ... is this a common problem? can't find a solution via google14:23
gamerpro2000Its a multiseatX setup, where four monitors run four instances of XServer14:23
MadSt3inu can do that tru gufw14:23
swebDr_Willis, check this outhttp://serverfault.com/questions/195755/ubuntu-vpn-connection-problem14:23
MadSt3inits easy mate14:23
n3rV3can't  help you if its a faulty driver14:24
Juice10I want to update my ubuntu setup from 32bits to 64bits, is it safe for me to backup the /etc/init.d/* & /etc/rc* folders and just restore them after doing the ubuntu install?14:24
Dr_Willisjulian:  i think usplash is basically no longer useable since the changes to use plymouth.14:24
MadSt3inlucky man my /etc/init.d aint working14:24
MadSt3inatleast 2 of the scripts14:24
julianDr_Willis: so what do you suggest, is there an alternative tool?14:24
Dr_WillisMadSt3in:  acntually upstart does all that work these days14:25
julianpreferably one which startupmanager supports14:25
Dr_Willisjulian:  I dont worry too hard about boot time eyecandy..14:25
gamerpro2000n3rV3, understandable.  I just want to start the screens in sequence and see if it stops happening.  I know there is a way to start monitors with delays between them, but I can't remember where to put the script.  I did it once before a long time ago.14:25
JuJuBeeAnyone know a good how to for a noob to set up ldap? Im using 10.04 both server and clients14:25
swebDr_Willis, my vpn connection work on windows correctly but in ubunut not work. what must i do. i really need a way14:25
MadSt3ini have tried that as well ill take a look on it ty mate14:25
Dr_Willisjulian:  i tend to even disable plymouth and go backt o a normal text boot up.14:25
Dr_Willissweb:  if 'sudo iptables --list' (i think) shows no rules.. then you have no firewall rules blocking anything at all.14:26
julianalright, thank you anyways! i don't like that stuff too, but at university you have to keep yourself busy playing around some times, rather than falling asleep ;-)14:26
megamanx1978I am having issues trying to install ultamatix14:26
Dr_Willismegamanx1978:  thats some ubuntu spinoff/variant?14:26
gamerpro2000Does anybody know how to start monitors in sequence or instances of Xserver in sequence?14:26
joeyeyehow do I change gnome automount options for usb drives ? I've tried /system/storage/default_options/vfat/mount_options key settings but they don't seem to stick14:26
Dr_Willisjoeyeye:  for vfat/ntfs. you can try the 'ntfs-config' tool. Its a little flakey but it works.14:27
ubottuUltamatix is not recommended, supported, or needed by Ubuntu.  Use of this software may cause damage to your Ubuntu install.  Do not suggest its use in this channel. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/99905.html and !automatix for more info.14:27
MadSt3insweb u have to consider your AP " router " friewall14:27
n3rV3gamerpro2000, http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Using_multiple_monitors14:27
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/14:27
MadSt3inty bot14:27
MadSt3inand Dock :P14:27
megamanx1978Ultamatix is a software installer that works with ubuntu14:28
joeyeyeDr_Willis, thanks I'll try that14:28
Picimegamanx1978: It is not supported, recommended or needed by Ubuntu.14:28
Dr_Willismegamanx1978:  its outdated last i checked.. and wasent very good when it was  being worked on. :)14:28
Dr_Willismegamanx1978:  and as Pici  says.. not needed14:28
gamerpro2000n3rV3, I am already way paste that.  Here is my XOrg: http://pastebin.com/Rb1ccbbv14:28
megamanx1978It has newer packages than what comes with ubuntu14:28
n3rV3yeah sorry about that14:29
Dr_Willismegamanx1978:  actually it dosent.. it MIGHT set up repositories with newer packages... but you can do that in other ways14:29
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IcyJI use Ubuntu 10.10 w/ effects enabled.  A week ago my window borders no longer are visible at startup.  I have to go to appearance and check one of the effects options to reenable them.  Can anyone help get my borders back at startup?14:30
megamanx1978Well I also have the repos but not the pub keys that ultimatix adds14:30
megamanx1978So I need to eather install ultimatix or find the repo keys14:31
Picimegamanx1978: We do not support it here. It has been known to break your Ubuntu install.14:31
megamanx1978I have tried it with the distro it comes with (Which IS ubuntu based) and that distro has no issues14:34
modI've recently start using 10.10 and ny my phone's SD card filesystem will not mount.  looked at the syslog it seems that it always force the driver to switch into networking mode and not properly switch depending on the phones request14:34
IcyJI use Ubuntu 10.10 w/ effects enabled.  A week ago my window borders no longer are visible at startup.  I have to go to appearance and check one of the effects options to reenable them.  Can anyone help get my borders back at startup?14:34
megamanx1978All I am asking for is a dependency or pub key14:34
modso it sees the usb storage revice, but goes into network mode14:34
herbmonkhow do I make a pdf open with document viewer form the terminal?14:35
herbmonkusing Document viewer14:35
tasslehoffA manual install of Python 2.7 on 10.04, followed by an upgrade to 10.10 has left python in a sorry state. Is there a way to reinstall all things python?14:35
amir``is there a util that can warn me on low diskspace by mail / write to log?14:35
megamanx1978And yes I am using ubuntu14:35
tasslehoffherbmonk: evince, I think14:35
Luci4n0Im off folks .. goodnight14:36
herbmonktasslehoff: thanks dude that was it14:36
mcl0vingood morning folks14:36
mcl0vinmy sata maxtor300GB hdd PCB died "i think" , it stop spinning and its not recognized in the bios and/or windows. doing some google and reading some forms the state i could get my data back, by modding a nokia usb cable and TTL14:36
phisher1herbmonk: evince14:36
mcl0vini have the nokia cable , but i don't know how to connect it to the hdd14:36
n3rV3gamerpro2000, did you edit inittab, i think that would do the trick14:38
BajK_Which character to I need to insert to plymouth message command to generate a line break? neither ^F noch ^L nor \n do work14:38
BajK_does anybody know a good tut for modifying plymouth themes? i want a background image and not just a plain color14:38
techdj1j1> I just installed apache, php, mysql, & extracted wordpress in var\www\wordpress & edited wp-config.php on ubuntu desktop 10.04. when I navigate to nothing launches. any ideas?14:39
gamerpro2000n3rV3, looking14:40
gamerpro2000n3rV3, its just /etc/inittab, right?14:40
gamerpro2000Cuz I don't see it14:40
gamerpro2000Yeah.....i don't hv eone14:42
gamerpro2000*have one14:42
gamerpro2000I thought inittab was depricated14:42
n3rV3we have upstart now14:43
Dr_Willis!find inittab14:43
n3rV3no init14:43
ubottuFile inittab found in augeas-lenses, dotlrn, fp-docs, ltsp-server, manpages-es-extra, manpages-fr-extra, manpages-hu, manpages-ja, manpages-pl, manpages-tr (and 10 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=inittab&mode=&suite=maverick&arch=any14:43
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/14:43
ubottuIn Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.14:43
gamerpro2000Appreciate it :) .  I'm gonna read for a bit.14:43
Benkinoobyhi, some1 can explain me, why me computer is making dns request before every single ping?14:44
george1i was using the noveau driver removed it installed the nvidia driver from the site and now it's broke how can i active the noveua driver again ?14:47
n3rV3btw gamerpro2000 you can create the file and it will work, you need to chek the new syntax though14:47
BouazzaHello, it's me again !14:48
Cmdr_W_T_RikerBenkinooby: well theoretically ping should resolve the hostname at every ping, but hands that job over to the resolver. so it does a lookup, but just locally.14:48
n3rV3george1, are you sure its broke14:48
BouazzaAnyone here who's got a damn slow system after upgrading to 10.10 ?14:48
coraxxCan anybody help me ?... something is wrong with my Document Viewer (evince) --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evince/+bug/66775214:48
Cmdr_W_T_RikerBouazza: negative. what exactly is slow? or slow in general?14:48
Euai'm got fast14:49
n3rV3hehe Bouazza i stopped upgrading my system since 7.1014:49
BenkinoobyCmdr_W_T_Riker, my look ups were not done locally14:49
n3rV3i do fresh installs now14:49
joeyeyeDr_Willis, no joy with ntfs-confg, any other thoughts ?14:49
Bouazza@Cmdr_W_T_Riker: random freezes, the mouse moves slowly after a while etc...14:49
Cmdr_W_T_RikerBenkinooby: perhaps the hostname you're looking up has a very low TTL14:49
Cmdr_W_T_Rikerwhich your resolver honours and does a look up each time14:50
Cmdr_W_T_RikerBouazza: is there some I/O going on? perhaps updates installing?14:50
Bouazza@Cmdr_W_T_Riker: no I don't think so . But for the I/O, yes I think, I saw an %iowait of 30~40%14:51
qnrqI'm currently trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 on a fresh clean disk. I've booted the alternative dvd on the box and can't find the option for partitioning an encrypted LVM on the disk. can someone please help me out on this one? I've searched Google and found mostly SEO sites without any helping info.14:51
BenkinoobyCmdr_W_T_Riker, google.com? ... i doubt... also i have a lot of ipv6-dns querries. somehow by inner ubunut-sense blames them. if you have wireshark, can you verify the tremendous number of ip46-dns querries for me?14:51
george1qnrq: the install will partition your disks14:52
Benkinoobyqnrq, partitioning will happen during install as george1 said. if you really want to do it before, use fdsik and mk2fs14:53
n3rV3qnrq, you'll have to install lvm onto the live cd and then do the partitioning14:53
n3rV3could be a bit tricky though14:53
qnrqBenkinooby: I'm at the partition stage of the installation process. I'm trying to avoid pre-partitioning :-)14:53
george1qnrq: then select manual nothing hard about it14:54
qnrqn3rV3: oh, so basically I have to boot into the livecd environment first and partition from there before installing?14:54
yogurt_truckhey how do i flush the dns cache?14:54
qnrqgeorge1: I did, but I can't find the LVM option anywhere under there14:54
* george1 facepalm14:54
george1dude, whack the DVD in, and run the install script14:54
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n3rV3qnrq, boot cd, install lvm on the live os, partition system, then go ahead with hdd install14:54
qnrqgeorge1: it would be simple if there was an LVM option in the partition process14:55
n3rV3george1, he wants lvm14:55
george1qnrq: i don't use ubuntu.14:55
qnrqgeorge1: the attitude is really uncalled for. if you think it's exhausting then please don't reply to my questions :-)14:55
george1qnrq: lol calm down kid.14:55
qnrqgeorge1: I am calm, I just think it's a bit unreasonable to "facepalm" and rant about how "hard it could be".14:56
qnrqn3rV3: thanks, I'll try partitioning from the live environment14:56
george1qnrq: You're using ubuntu and complaining about meanial things, the distro is designed for idiots for gods sake.14:57
n3rV3qnrq, i'll look up some usefull links and post you if i find any14:57
joeyeyehow do I change gnome automount options for usb drives ? I've tried /system/storage/default_options/vfat/mount_options key settings but they don't seem to stick14:57
sveriheyho, how can i change the scrollspeed of the mouswheel in gnome?14:57
n3rV3qnrq, this seems promising http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Using_multiple_monitors14:57
qnrqgeorge1: I know, I've been linuxing since Slackware was the shit on floppies. I have a laptop that I just want to have up and running with an encrypted fs. not sure why I should even need to defend myself on this subject.14:57
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qnrqn3rV3: multiple monitors? wrong url? ;-)14:58
george1qnrq: Clearly not if you can't manage ubuntu.14:58
n3rV3qnrq, lol my bad, my C key is not working14:58
n3rV3the correct link is http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-install-ubuntu-over-lvm-filesystem14:59
LjLlet's keep it about Ubuntu support, and let's mind the language14:59
qnrqgeorge1: who said I can't "manage ubuntu"? that I drop by the irc channel asking where the option for lvm is? in previous versions there's always been an option, in 10.10 it's missing. it's got nothing to do with "not managing ubuntu".14:59
george1qnrq: Google. k.14:59
LjL!google | george114:59
ubottugeorge1: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.14:59
george1qnrq: I found the answer to your question in seconds.15:00
qnrqgeorge1: I bet you did. are you seriously sitting in this channel for the sole purpose of ranting about a distro you dislike when people ask for help?15:00
coraxxubottu: plz ban george115:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:00
LjLgeorge1, please, mind the attitude. ubuntu isn't "designed for idiots", and if some of the questions here seem to trivial, you don't have to answer them if you don't want to15:00
george1qnrq: I was sat in here for reasons you don't need to know, what's relevant is clearly your an idiot.15:01
LjL!ops | george1 name calling15:01
ubottugeorge1 name calling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!15:01
Miss3Dbonjour, j'ai un probleme de connexion entre un pc passerelle sous ubuntu et un autre pc sous win xp : le pc1 ne reconnait pas le pc2 alors que le pc2 ping sur le 1, que dois je faire ?15:01
qnrqgeorge1: excuse me?15:01
geirha!french | Miss3D15:02
ubottuMiss3D: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:02
george1qnrq: idiot15:02
LjLqnrq: please ignore him15:02
qnrqgeorge1: you must've had a happy childhood :-)15:02
CharlieSuI just edited a file in /etc/sysctl.d/ .  How do I make these changes live?  Is there a service I need to restart?15:02
coraxxLjL: do you now if george1 is banned now ?15:03
LjLcoraxx: he is muted15:05
coraxxLjL: good. thanx :-)15:05
n3rV3qnrq, look this up http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-install-ubuntu-over-lvm-filesystem15:05
qnrqn3rV3: I'm looking at it right now, thanks a lot :-)15:05
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
coraxxCan anyone help me with Ubuntu's Document Viewer (evince) ?15:06
n3rV3coraxx, plz elaborate15:07
Krishnandu!anyone | coraxx15:07
ubottucoraxx: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:07
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:07
marelHey, I just installed flash for mozilla, however youtube is really really laggy, what might be the problem ?15:07
juk__marel: youtube15:07
marelNo, youtube is fine, it worked perfectly on windows..15:08
dr0idanyone free? who can help me a bit with ubuntu ssh on vps?15:08
coraxxn3rV3: When I view PDF-files, the non-embedded fonts like Helvetica and Times-Roman aren't displayed/rendered properly ...how can I fix it ?15:08
Milk_hey I've just installed ubuntu 10.10 and I can no longer boot my windows 7 partition/.15:08
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newbeeanyone interested to help me with a VPS? on PM ?15:09
birtananybody now the answer of the question on http://georgia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1515992 ?15:09
birtani have the same problem15:09
Pindakaasdoes anyone have The Official Ubuntu Server Book"and can the person tell me if it is a good book to learn the details of ubuntu server?15:09
coraxxn3rV3: I've made a bug-report, as the bug is consistent and all my Ubuntu installations ...including a newly installed Maverick --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evince/+bug/66775215:09
n3rV3coraxx, you will need to install those fonts15:09
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chronosI having a really weird issue at home when I install Ubuntu 10.10. My disk is a Seagate Barracuda 1TB, after plugged it, when I'll install, after second screen install, I get a dialog showing nothing more than "???" ... someone have a idea?15:10
BajK_ok got it, i just had to add another sprite15:10
Guest97130Milk_: Did you use Wubi to install Ubuntu alongside Windows 7?15:10
coraxxn3rV3: Those fonts are installed ...and before I installed them, their "aliases" or "replacement fonts" was installed.  Besides xpdf and acrobat reader displays them just fine in Ubuntu.15:10
Milk_Guest97130: Nope, booted from USB15:11
marelDoes the drivers of motherboard install automatically or do I have to install them manually ?15:11
pimrutgersI still could use some help regarding a mdadm RAID1 failure, any one can help me?15:11
Milk_Guest97130: When I boot from the drive I get grub and then I only have the options to boot from ubuntu, ubuntu safe mode and memtest15:11
n3rV3coraxx,  yes saw the say the bug, there was a similar bug earlier in 9.1015:11
Guest97130Milk_: Then you did an "entire disk" install. Windows 7 is gone.15:12
k5673birtan: which gpu do you have?15:12
birtank5673:  i have nvidia graphic card15:12
k5673birtan: model?15:13
gypsymauroI'm searching ubuntu light iso, are them available?15:13
Milk_Guest97130: I know it's not gone because I actually installed it to another HDD15:13
LjLgypsymauro: what's "ubuntu light"?15:13
birtank5673: 8400m g15:14
leadZEROIs there an Ubuntu firewall init.d script I'm not seeing?15:14
sparky8251Milk_: sounds like you need to learn how to configure grub15:14
k5673birtan: And what resolution do you want?15:14
DetoxicaI'd like to ask about the Unity interface in 11.04. Is Unity a completely new GUI, or is it based on GNOME?15:14
birtanits not important it can be 800x600 or 1280x72015:14
marelhow do I install my motherboard, video card, etc drivers ?15:14
Milk_sparky8251: All I want to do is get m dual boot working, I even selected the option to run it side by side with another operating system15:15
rusivicoraxx: One thing that would be helpful for that PDF bug is attach a PDF file that demonstrates your problem.15:15
birtank5673:  its not important it can be 800x600 or 1280x72015:15
Pindakaas@ Milk_ > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gl8mfpZuDiM15:15
Juanchoalguien q hable español??XD15:15
coraxxn3rV3: Thanx for the link :-) I've just checked it out and it refers to a different set of symptoms.  My problem transpired a little over a month ago ...uptil then, it worked fine.15:15
sparky8251Milk_: i know you do... to bad i dont know how to configure grub... i just know thats what you need to do15:15
Pici!es | Juancho15:16
ubottuJuancho: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:16
Juanchooye un preunta15:16
Juanchotu sabes algo de mysql??15:16
LjLJuancho: para espanol pon /join #ubuntu-es15:16
KrishnanduJuancho, Ask in #ubuntu-es15:16
PindakaasMilk_ > Let me know if the video helped oyu or if there are any problems15:17
Juanchoestoy haciendo una conexion ipor red a mysql en mandriva15:17
rusivi!es | Juancho15:17
ubottuJuancho: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:17
coraxxn3rV3: I don't believe its a font problem ...as I assume it to begin with I found out that the fonts a fine....its the rendering of it in Evince.  xpdf and acroread don't have the problem.15:17
Milk_Pindakaas: thanks, I'm installing flash now15:17
PindakaasMilk_ > ok cool, you could also check this page >15:18
juk__how to get status info etc from empathy from cli15:18
augustlI'm using hdiutil on OS X to convert the iso to an img. Then I dd it to a usb stick. But the USB stick is not bootable. What can I do?15:18
augustlif I dd an archlinux image to the same usb stick, it boots. So it's not the computer settings.15:18
lucian_hey how i load an windows xp .iso  in virtualbox?15:18
k5673birman: have you tried this: http://my.opera.com/sjosul/blog/ubuntu-8-04-dual-monitor-setup15:18
n3rV3yes coraxx if its working fine in xpdf then it could be a bug in evince itself15:18
chronosit's normal a dialog with "???" in UBUNTU 10.10 install ? (via live cd)15:18
wazzupin ubuntu terminal i have a tgz file and that needed to be extracted to a folder below15:19
n3rV3lucian_, create a virtual machine, start the vm instance and give the iso's path as cd15:19
wazzuphwo do i do this ?15:19
gypsymauroLjL: http://ftbeowulf.wordpress.com/2010/10/27/uds-ubuntu-light/15:19
n3rV3tar xvf filenname.tgz15:19
k5673wazzup: tar xfvz file15:19
wazzupi see15:20
wazzupi will try15:20
gypsymaurohttp://www.canonical.com/engineering-services/oem-services/why-ubuntu/products the last one, the web in seven seconds15:20
coraxxrusivi: yes, a good idea.  And I was about to when I reported the bug...however the document that showed the problem are of confidential nature, so I will have to create some new ones, that are just examples.  I might do it if requested, until then its easy to look at the other PDF links that people are reporting to be faulty displayed.15:20
k5673birman: http://vasir.net/blog/ubuntu/set-up-dual-monitors-with-ubuntu-804/15:20
DetoxicaIs Unity a completely new GUI, or is it based on GNOME?15:20
wazzupgetting > tar: can't open 'vz': No such file or directory15:21
jpdsgypsymauro: ISOs are not available as far as I know15:21
Milk_Pindakaas: hm, not detecting the OS15:21
coraxxn3rV3: yes...that's what I think.  Or it may also be one of Evince libraries, that has to do with communicating font-data to Evince.15:21
rusivicoraxx: It's not enough to just post a bug without proof. If you would like the problem fixed sooner, please post a non-confidential PDF file. :D15:21
H33thi when i try to install something in softwarecenter i  get this error "Requires installation of untrusted packages"15:22
wazzupnm :)15:22
H33tany help with that15:22
Pindakaasso "sudo os-prober"says you dont have another operating system installed?15:22
H33ti only have ubuntu installed15:22
H33tand i go in terminal and do sudo software-center15:23
H33tand it still does it15:23
KrishnanduH33t, rather do sudo apt-get install <package-name>15:23
PiciH33t: Run: sudo apt-get update    from a terminal to refresh your package lists.15:23
H33tok Pici  i try that15:24
H33t:) ty15:24
PiciH33t: That should alleviate the problem for all package managers (apt-get, aptitude, software-center)15:24
H33tbrb let u know if that works15:24
KrishnanduH33t, BTW can we know what package are you trying to install?? As this error is not common.15:24
n3rV3could be missing gpg keys15:24
Ubuntuhi all, whenever i install anything at the end i get message of failed installation of an application. How to get rid of it?15:24
H33tan FTP client15:24
PindakaasMilk _ > so "sudo os-prober"says you dont have another operating system installed?15:25
KrishnanduUbuntu, Please post the whole log in pastebin and share it15:25
Milk_Pindakaas: correct15:25
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:25
swebi have a big problem to connectn vpn connection in ubuntu see my log : http://pastebin.com/55SP1Sru, plz help me :(15:25
lee_Hey guys. Wondering if anyone can help, i just installed Teamspeak 3 (im a total noob btw) but everytime i run the command sh ts3client.sh X restarts?15:25
Benkinoobyjuk__, is this a serious answer?15:25
gypsymaurojpds: what a pity , will they be available for free?15:25
Milk_Pindakaas: I would say that could be because I can't mount the actual drive it is on?15:25
H33tPici i got updates :) so that might be what it was15:25
juk__Benkinooby: what?15:25
Benkinoobyjuk__, oh, sorry never mind. i read an old post, where you blamed youtube for being laggy15:26
jpdsgypsymauro: I believe that it's only for OEMs at the moment (according to the site).15:26
Picigypsymauro: They'd probably be available through Dell if they were. :/15:26
Benkinoobyjuk__, i experinced similar things i think it got to do with ipv615:26
Ubuntuhi all, whenever i install anything at the end i get message of failed installation of an application. How to get rid of it?15:26
=== coolroot is now known as noob-tux
replicasexI don't really get pitivi -- but I have no clue how to use video editing software.  It just seems like I'm doing something wrong :(15:27
juk__Benkinooby: great15:27
lee_I don’t understand why launching Teamspeak 3 would cause X to restart every time. any suggestions?15:27
KrishnanduUbuntu, I already asked you to post the log in pastebin15:27
PindakaasMilk_ > I ussually follow videos or the help pages from ubuntu . Could someone else assist Milk_ with the information given15:27
noob-tuxhow can i view all IP address on the LAN network?15:28
H33twoooohooooo it works15:28
Krishnandunoob-tux, ifconfig15:28
Ubuntu<Krishnandu> how to do that?15:28
* H33t hugs Pici thanks 15:28
juk__noob-tux: nmap15:28
PiciH33t: :)15:28
PindakaasMilk_ > i think the bootloaders are on 2 different disks and when you probe for them you dont get the result fomr the other partition. I dont know how to fix that15:28
KrishnanduUbuntu, Are you using software centre or apt-get to install??15:28
piccininihi all15:29
Milk_I'll try booting the other drive and see what happens.15:29
Pindakaas@ Milk_ > Just a hunch. i am not 100% sure15:29
Krishnandunoob-tux, Ohh sorry, on LAN, sorry again follow juk__15:29
Ubuntu<Krishnandu>  i get this msg when i update ubuntu 10.1015:29
lee_im guessing nobody knows then :P15:29
KrishnanduUbuntu, what message???15:29
KrishnanduUbuntu, Pastebin it...don't post here15:30
Milk_Pindakaas: I'll give it a shot now, thanks.15:30
Krishnandu!pastebin | Ubuntu15:30
ubottuUbuntu: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:30
replicasexI quite confused, honestly.15:30
replicasexI am*15:30
Pindakaas@ Milk_ > Masybe there is something in the help pages for grub i sende earlier15:30
anygivennamehi....anyone into security settings ?15:30
kasansweatAre there still no native linux twitter clients that support multiple columns AND groups like Tweetdeck does?15:30
n3rV3lee_ you could run it as > sh teamspeak.sh &>textfile15:31
noob-tuxjuk_,: how?15:31
n3rV3and then paste the output of that textfile to pastebin15:31
n3rV3might help15:31
Ubuntu<Krishnandu> It says bash: !pastebin: event not found15:31
lee_n3rV3, im not sure i follow, i double clicked it it restarted X so i ran the file from terminal. and again it restarted X but it seemed to install fine.15:32
anygivennamei am running sshd, fail2ban, denyhosts....but not all settings are being applied15:32
KrishnanduUbuntu, No open http://paste.ubuntu.com, copy the errors and paste it there and submit and then share the link here15:32
juk__noob-tux: man nmap should get you started15:32
n3rV3lee_, so you've ran that script to install teamspeak15:32
lee_n3rV3, yes mate. downloaded it from ts website. and ran the runscript.sh (after the installer gave me a new folder) and it restarts X i run ts3client and same thing.15:34
newbeehow do you list directories ?15:34
n3rV3lee_, you could try installing it through synaptic15:34
newbeels is listing the files15:34
n3rV3find . -type d15:35
KrishnanduBTW http://www.pastebin.com is default in pastebinit how can I make http://paste.ubuntu.com default in pastebinit so that I don't need to pass it everytime using -b15:35
lee_n3rV3, only teamspeak 2 is on synaptic as far as i know.15:35
Krishnandunewbee, ls -d15:35
newbeedoesn't works15:35
newbeeshows .15:35
willimnotHi. I've got problems with my mobile broadband on Ubuntu 10.10. I use a ZTE MF651 USB dongle from 3. When I plug it into my laptop, it's detected right away. I'm asked about the PIN which I enter. Then I create a new mobile broadband connection using the wizard. I found my service provider in the list and checked that the APN is correct. But every time I try to establish a connection, I get15:35
willimnotthe following error: "GSM network Disconnected - you are now offline". Has anyone got an idea of whats wrong?15:35
Ubuntu<Krishnandu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/521453/15:35
lee_n3rV3, and i need ts3 as thats what the server is running im attempting to connect to.15:36
Krishnandunewbee, Ya coz you have only that directory15:36
n3rV3newbee, it list directories in current dir15:36
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=== denn7y is now known as denny
newbeebut when I type / and press tab key twice it shows all the dirs15:36
KrishnanduUbuntu, No buddy, the errors that you get while installing softwares that you said15:36
Ubuntuohhh ok15:37
n3rV3lee_,  let me heck the installer15:37
Fre3zERanyone czech??15:37
Krishnandunewbee, It's showing you directories that are under / (root)15:37
coraxxrusivi: You're right...proof is good.  So....I've uploaded a part of a screendump, of the faulty displayed PDF ...and the same part shown correctly for comparison :-)15:37
newbeeKrishnandu: true15:37
Krishnandunewbee, And BTW ls does shows you directories. The blue coloured ones are dirs15:37
newbeeshows just a .15:38
lee_n3rV3, ok what do you need me to do ? remember i litterly installed ubuntu last night. got sick of windows 715:38
newbeedon't know why15:38
newbeels -d15:38
FloodBot1newbee: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:38
Krishnandunewbee, simple ls shows you dir. Dir are in blue colour15:38
coraxxrusivi: so check it out --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evince/+bug/667752  :-)15:38
newbeeroot@server01:~# ls15:38
newbeeroot@server01:~# ls -d15:38
newbeeKrishnandu: ^^15:39
rusivicoraxx: It's awesome you provided a screenshot, but the screenshot is not enough. it still needs a PDF file attachement that demonstrates this problem.15:39
lee_n3rV3, sorry i got Disconected15:39
gamerpro2000This is going to sound like a stupid question, but how do I make two commands run on the same line?15:39
Krishnandunewbee, You don't have any directories there15:39
Krishnandu!pastebin | newbee15:39
ubottunewbee: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:39
newbeeKrishnandu: how does cd /usr work then ?15:39
gamerpro2000For example, the default for KDMRC's servercmd is ServerCmd=/usr/bin/X215:39
Krishnandunewbee, cd = change directory15:39
gamerpro2000How do I make it sleep 3 and run that15:39
Krishnandunewbee, do cd / and then use ls, you'll see the directories15:40
gamerpro2000n3rV3, thx15:40
gamerpro2000I figured it was15:40
newbeelol, yes15:40
newbeewhere was I then before ?15:40
gamerpro2000but I didn't want to have to restore the machine because the files I'm editing would break all my displays, should I mess up15:40
newbeeroot@server01:~# cd / ----> root@server01:/# cd /15:40
newbeeKrishnandu: ^^15:40
Krishnandunewbee, in linux / is root directory, so cd /etc means etc in / (root) dir15:40
coraxxrusivi: That will take time before I can render one ... Unless I can do it in OpenOffice ....(trying now)15:40
n3rV3find /folder -type 1 -maxdepth=115:41
newbeeKrishnandu: what was root@server01:~# ?15:41
n3rV3lee_ i am trying to install ts315:41
newbeebecause when I typed pwd it says /root15:41
Krishnandunewbee, You were in your home directory15:41
n3rV3will let you know in a min15:41
lee_n3rV3, ahh ok thank you15:41
newbeeohh :P15:41
Krishnandunewbee, ~ identifies your home dir15:41
Krishnandunewbee, do cd ~ and you'll understand it15:41
hookethe Brightness Applet has never worked on my laptop15:42
shaggy_I got trouble installing winXP on a vbox15:42
gamerpro2000shaggy_, that would be a question for another support forum15:43
gamerpro2000you can joine #vbox15:43
gamerpro2000as that's the support IRC for virtualbox15:43
Ubuntu<Krishnandu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/521460/15:43
plagadisculpen, si alguien me pude ayudar despues de iniciar sesion se me cuelga el puntero del mouse y el teclado, que es lo que tengo que hacer instale el ubuntu 10.10, gracias?15:44
IdleOne!es | plaga15:44
ubottuplaga: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:44
hookethe Brightness Applet has never worked on my laptop HP 6531s,any one has come into the same situation ?15:44
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gamerpro2000hooke, does your hardware keys for brightness control work?15:45
plagadisculpen, si alguien me pude ayudar despues de iniciar sesion se me cuelga el puntero del mouse y el teclado, que es lo que tengo que hacer instale el ubuntu 10.10, gracias?15:45
gamerpro2000plaga, join #ubuntu-es15:45
hookeYes,I've just tried this,thanks gamerpro200815:45
n3rV3lee_, i've installed teamspeak just now15:46
n3rV3and it works fine15:46
gamerpro2000NP hooke15:46
lee_n3rV3, then what the hell have i done wrong.15:46
n3rV3lee_, do sudo ./setup.sh15:46
n3rV3that should do15:46
gamerpro2000Who else has questiosn :D ?15:47
dumb_assi do15:47
gamerpro2000Fire away15:47
dumb_assupstart doesn't seem to be waiting for my conf to be run15:47
gamerpro2000Its running with defaults?15:48
dumb_assi have a conf15:48
dumb_assthat says: "start on started XYZ"15:48
dumb_assand clearly15:48
dumb_assit doesn't wait for XYZ's script to complete15:48
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Sean93how do i create a file from terminal?15:48
gamerpro2000Sean93, what kind of file15:48
Jason[Groupon]vim / nano / vi filename?15:48
dumb_assSean93: touch filename15:48
Sean93gamerpro2000: lets say a text file15:48
dumb_assgamerpro2000: any clue?15:48
KrishnanduUbuntu, Don't throw it at me only, post it in whole community, BTW I think you should try dpkg --reconfigure15:48
gamerpro2000open nano15:49
lee_n3rV3, how do i delete a directory that requres root priv?15:49
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gamerpro2000dumb_ass, thinking......15:49
gamerpro2000So, what is this conf file for exactly15:49
gamerpro2000Just to be clear15:49
gamerpro2000Is it upstart.conf you're talking about15:49
sniperjorandom question, does anyone know where i could get some help designing  a kinda simple electronic circuit ?15:49
n3rV3lee_, you have to be carefull with that15:49
Picisniperjo: ##electionics would be a good place to start15:50
n3rV3sudo rm -f dir_name15:50
nothingspecialrm -r15:50
n3rV3make sure the dir_name is correct15:50
gamerpro2000I mean, wtf am i talking about15:50
Picisniperjo: Of course, you need to spell it correctly: ##electronics15:50
gamerpro2000upstart doesn't have a conf file15:50
FloodBot1gamerpro2000: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:50
lee_n3rV3, yeah but to exract the file i can't use sudo. or it fails so first command would be sh Teamspeak3-client*.run15:50
dumb_assgamerpro2000: ???15:51
lee_n3rV3, or am i wrong.15:51
Jason[Groupon]anyone happen to have a good link to a "harden your apache server" checklist or something?15:51
sniperjoPici: cheers15:51
gamerpro2000Yeah, sorry dumb_ass, I had a therp derp moment.  I dunno why I thought upstart was an application X-D15:51
Jason[Groupon]or I suppose... better:15:52
Jason[Groupon]"harden your LAMP server"15:52
gamerpro2000So, just one peticular .conf file isn't working15:52
gamerpro2000What permissions do you have set for it?15:52
lee_n3rV3, setup.sh isn't there15:52
Ubuntu<Krishnandu> no body is naswering15:53
patdk-wkok, my desktop seems to have lost my intel-hda soundcard, it doesn't see it, but alsamixer sees it just fine :(15:53
gaelfxAfter going through one hard drive, and witnessing what I believe to be the inevitable demise of a second, and the misfunctioning of a DVD drive, I'm beginning to suspect that there is something wrong with the SATA connectors on my mobo. How can I confirm or refute this notion?15:53
KrishnanduUbuntu, You didn't post anything...post it here, not to me only. BTW did you tried dpkg --reconfigure??15:53
gamerpro2000gaelfx, claim the warranty and get a new one15:53
* Krishnandu will brb after having a smoke :)15:54
gaelfxgamerpro2000: I was looking for some way to test it before doing that15:54
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dajhorngaelfx: Use the Disk Utility and start watching the SMART numbers.  Perhaps your computer is running hot or has a bad power supply.15:55
halvors1When i installed the proetary NVIDIA driver, i got a basic old Gnome theme.15:55
Ubuntu<Krishnandu> http://paste.ubuntu.com/521472/15:56
gaelfxdajhorn: well, the only thing I've seen on the SMART status lately is that the drive has gone from having one bad sector to having six in about the past two days15:56
halvors1And i cant switch back...15:56
charleszhanghello ,i am new here15:56
charleszhangi am from china15:56
mwangymee too ..15:56
charleszhangi use ymlf os15:56
charleszhangdo u know about it15:57
replicasexVideo editing is so counter-intuitive.  It astounds me that Pitivi is in by default and not GIMP.15:57
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:57
gaelfxoops, sorry about that15:57
gaelfx!off-topic | charleszhang15:57
ubottucharleszhang: please see above15:57
gaelfx!zh | charleszhang15:58
ubottucharleszhang: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:58
archlichdid the latest firefox update just break it?15:58
gaelfxarchlich: not that I noticed, what seems to be going wrong?15:58
delinquentmewould anyone be able to tell me if 3ware RAID cards are actual "hardware" raids or if they're simply the fake software raids im reading about in the ubuntu SoftwareRaid15:59
c0nv1ctdelinquentme, those are real raid15:59
archlichgaelfx, nothing loads, im not getting any debug output from the console, this is 64bit though15:59
lucian_hey how do i mont an windows xp sp2.iso in a virtualbox?15:59
jpdsdelinquentme: I believe that they're real RAID, reliable or not stands to question.15:59
delinquentmec0nv1ct, does that mean i can just hook it up and the low level OS takes care of the raid process?15:59
delinquentmejpds, ehhh really?!15:59
SpiritsInsideHi, Can someone help me edit my partitions (I have 2 partitions, SDA5 for linux, SDA1 for windows. SDA1 is 50gb, SDA5 is ~450gb.) I tried using a live cd with GParted, but when i shrink partition one, it gives me free space which i can not put to the second partition side. how can i do that?15:59
c0nv1ctdelinquentme, the hardware itself handles the RAID process, the OS just sees a single device16:00
sudiptahow to open terminal in any location in ubuntu 10.1016:00
gaelfxarchlich: yeah, I use 64-bit too, but FF has been working without a problem (save for flash trouble). try running it from terminal and pastebin the output16:00
delinquentmeohhh ... so i can hook it up ... use the NTFS file format thinger i had running earlier and it should work all just just fine16:00
spacebug-lucian_: devices->cd/dvd devices->more cd/dvd-images then add your iso16:01
lucian_i did that but doesn work?16:02
lucian_ why is that/16:02
lucian_ it tells me  foult:no bood divice found16:02
delinquentmec0nv1ct, additionally .. does ubuntu " do " anything to the drives ... like if the RAID was setup in NTFS by a windoez box16:03
spacebug-if it is bootable it should work16:03
spacebug-if you have not changed the boot behaviour so it does not boot from cd16:03
lucian_and how i test it if itś bootable in linux?16:03
rubydiamondguys is it possible to use 'transmission' torrent client in firewall using SSH tunneling16:04
rubydiamondI want to download some torrents using transmission client from office..16:04
c0nv1ctdelinquentme, it would only do what you tell it to16:04
lee_n3rV3, whenever i run ts3client_runscript.sh Ts3 loads but as soon as i get the gui up X restarts that is my issue. teamspeak seems to be installed as it will load it just reboots X every time i launch it.16:04
c0nv1ctdelinquentme, to the OS, any OS, it would appear as just like any other drive16:04
goltoofis there a way to search for repositories from cli?  ie, i'm looking for a timer applet, how do i search for all the timers out there from cl?16:05
c0nv1ctgoltoof, apt-cache search16:05
LjLgoltoof: apt-cache search timer16:05
SpiritsInsideHow do I move free space from 1 partition to another partition using GParted?16:05
LjL!packages > goltoof    (goltoof, see the private message from ubottu)16:05
Mas_Sergiolmms keeps crashing at random on my ubuntu install :(16:05
goltoofc0nv1ct, LjL    muchos gracias16:06
c0nv1cthttp://i.imgur.com/OHRhA.png <- every so often my system gets laggy and CPU usage looks like this or worse and no corresponding process usage.  I/O usage is next to nothing so it isnt that16:06
* Krishnandu is back :)16:07
goltoofI take it there's no way to list them by popularity? or ranking, etc?16:07
KrishnanduSpiritsInside, Well...shrink one partition and extend another one :)16:07
c0nv1ctgoltoof, there is no data available to sort by that16:07
LjLgoltoof: i don't think that's possible16:07
sudiptahow to open terminal in any location in ubuntu 10.10?16:07
LjLc0nv1ct: well, there is some statistics...16:08
goltoofc0nv1ct, LjL   wouldn't be a bad idea16:08
KrishnanduSpiritsInside, ??16:08
LjLc0nv1ct: i think the new Software Center has something like that?16:08
SpiritsInsidemy problem is, I have 2 partitions, Primary (windows 50gb) and extended (linux450). when i shrink one, say windows to 30gb, the free space goes in the partition 1 and i cannot move it to partition 2. how do i move the freespace to partition 2?16:08
goltoofLjL,   yes it does, i'm talking about cli though16:08
rooksSpiritsInside, gparted, shring windwos, expand extended expand linux partition inside expanded extended16:09
c0nv1ctgoltoof, it does? where is it?16:09
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KrishnanduSpiritsInside, well...in that case make a parition in that free space and make it extended so it'll belong to extended partition from parimary. Now you can join two paritions(short process) or as i said before delete the parition again and extend(long process)16:09
=== Pigshapedninjast is now known as Pigshapedninja
SpiritsInsideok, hold on let me get a live cd and i'll come back. thank you rooks and krishnandu!16:10
KrishnanduSpiritsInside, why live cd??16:10
KrishnanduSpiritsInside, You can do that from ubuntu too...install gparted if it not already installed16:10
rooksSpiritsInside, yup go for live cd, hdd mangling from mounted drive isnt a good idea :P16:11
Berrydoes anyone know when next post-10.10 release comes oout?16:11
goltoofc0nv1ct,   ok maybe not  :)    but it does categorize things and it's easier to find what you want16:12
c0nv1ctBerry, next year?16:12
Pici!natty | Berry16:12
ubottuBerry: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 2011 - For announcement, see http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/47816:12
lucian_hey whats the command to mount an iso image from terminal?16:12
Berryi have some problems with 10.10 and my Dell E6510 (i915 chipset)16:12
Berrytried the several boot options16:12
PiciBerry: Every 6 months.16:12
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lee_Google can't even find out why X restarts.. when launching ts3 man this must be a strange error16:12
lucian_can someone help me?16:12
lucian_ with the command to mount a iso image from terminal?16:13
c0nv1ctlucian_, mount -t iso9660 -o loop16:13
LjL!mountiso | lucian_16:13
ubottulucian_: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.16:13
gorgonzolalucian mount -t iso9660 -o loop /path/to/iso /mount/point16:13
OsmosisHi, somebody know a way to add the known_host between client-remote client without ask the user if he is used to connect there the first time16:13
Berrygoogle isn't God16:13
spacebug-no, google has answers :D16:13
lee_google may not be god. but the first point of call to fix a pc issue is google :P16:14
lucian_mount point beein what?16:14
Berryi vote for webcrawler, askjeeves etc16:14
c0nv1ctBerry, google exists ;)16:14
gorgonzolalucian_ the place in your filesystem where you want the iso mounted.16:14
lucian_like a label?16:14
spacebug-lucian_: dhe dir where you want it ti be mounted16:14
djamelc0nv1ct, Google loves you ;)16:14
spacebug-a directory like /mnt/16:14
gorgonzolalucian_ no. you set up a mount point creating an empty dir, and then mount the iso on that dir16:14
BerryGoogle loves your privacy....16:14
lucian_ok thx guys16:15
gorgonzolalucian_ use /mnt for temp filesystems, or add an entry into /media for more permanent ones16:15
arekuanubisHey, I have a really quick question for someone...  Does anyone know when the Jaunty repositories will be removed from the ubuntu servers?16:15
Berryi have the problem that the screen blanks on me16:15
Berryiwht my i915 ubuntu10.1016:15
BluesKajOsmosis, are you using a translator , if so it's not doing a very good job . Maybe you should join #ubuntu-nl and ask your question there16:16
Berryhowever if i attach a second monitor and detach it again my screen works perfectly16:16
tensorpuddingi want to backup my /home remotely, but i'm using ecryptfs to encrypt my home. Should I be backing up the whole /home, or should i hide the .ecryptfs directory?16:16
c0nv1ctBerry, have you read the logs to find out why?16:16
Berrygood idea16:16
Berrywill try that16:16
Berrysorry no laptop with me at work16:16
OsmosisBluesKaj, jejejeje ok for sure the english is not my native language but it is complicate to express that i want to do\basicaly when youn stablish a ssh comunication with aniother machine16:17
Osmosisthe first time he ask you if you are sure to establish that connection16:17
lee_Arghh both the 32bit and 64bit ts3 clients cause X to restart. and i can't find a single answer on google :(16:17
Osmosisthen he made an relationship with the publickey and the machine that you are connected16:17
BluesKajOsmosis, is the other machine on your LAN ?16:17
Osmosisand dont ask you in futures times16:17
marcusbI have ubuntu 10.10 and a new Samsung CLX-3185.  Is AppSocket or IPP the better printer protocol to use?16:17
AuzboZgoogle is the least of my problems16:18
Osmosisare amazon machines16:18
Osmosisso not16:18
Osmosismaybe is in another country16:18
Osmosisthe point here that i need is avoid the first question, when he want to record the comunication in the known_host16:18
Berryubuntu 9.04 works perfectly16:18
smt-mobilwell, osmosis, you wouldnt want your computer to automatically add hosts to that list without request.. that would be an enormous security risk16:18
Osmosisit is possible that this record be record automaticaly without ask the client16:19
Osmosisbut i need16:19
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
AuzboZHI all,,, say hello back so i know i am being heard16:19
juk__AuzboZ: hello back16:19
AuzboZhehe cheers16:19
Osmosisi'm executing an remote script that have to connect to another host and recover an a file, so i can not say yes in that script16:19
BluesKajOsmosis, you can add the IP address to /etc/hosts.allow with portmap16:20
AuzboZbeen way too long since IRC16:20
Goog_Joshhello, does somebody knows howto change the size of window border in gnome in 10.1016:20
Osmosisbut this script is for all the servers that we have in our farm16:20
Osmosisi create an private key that copy in all new instances to connect to the main host to get the file16:20
smt-mobilso u should define a trusted ip range16:20
patdk-wkI lost sound in gnome desktop, works fine from cli though, alsamixer reports and shows it all working, but gnome can't locate it at all16:20
Osmosisbut the first time that this machine go to connect he ask him if he are really sure to establish the connection16:21
Osmosisand i want avoid that16:21
Kartagiswhich package is for installation?16:21
Kartagisis it called ubiquity?16:21
Osmosisi'm using a software to scale servers and this execute script remotely so have to do everything preprograming16:21
Osmosisas said yes when stablish the first ssh connection16:22
Goog_Joshhey, can somebody help me?16:22
Osmosissomebody know how avoid have to say yes the first time that you establish a ssh connection between two mahines with private/public key??16:22
goltoofnewb question, I'd really like to learn how to edit files directly from cli, without the need to open them with vim or gedit. ie, print file contents, append after a line, remove a line, delete a group of lines, etc.  I know there's a million and one ways to do this, don't know what's best.16:23
AuzboZcan some1 point me to where i should get the basics of ubuntu/lunux...16:23
BluesKajOsmosis, then list the range of IP addresses the server us like so : ALL:192.168.x.x/x-y (x-y being the range of addresses like 10-254)16:23
Krishnandugoltoof, learn vim16:23
archlichgoltoof, the easiest is just to do nano, the best is to use vim16:23
cognitiaclaevesI'm having trouble getting a key from keyserver.ubuntu.com.  I think the key doesn't exist anymore.  Is there a way to verify this?:  http://ppa.launchpad.net/nagiosinc/ppa/ubuntu ... from my point of view, that command just seems to time out.  Does that use a port other than 80?16:23
AuzboZ...i have been stupified by microsux16:23
Krishnandugoltoof, till you learn vim use much simpler nano :)16:23
BlaDe^Hi guys, if I want to access an sftp then I can do ftp://.....:22  -- however if I want to access one where the port is different I can't16:24
BlaDe^and nautilus says it doesn't handle ftps:// locations - what can I do?16:24
ratterz_whats the name of the other ubuntu app that can tweak ubuntu that starts with an "A" ?16:24
PiciOsmosis: I believe  you can use: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no     to prevent it from asking you whether you want to connect.16:24
archlichBlaDe^, use sftp?16:24
juk__BlaDe^: sftp://ip-address16:24
OsmosisBluesKaj, only need to connect with one machine. i mean n nodes to 1 machine16:24
BlaDe^It says it can't handle sftp locations16:24
jpdsarchlich / juk__: See above.16:24
kpoormanHow can I change which key is "control" in ubuntu? i want to use a mac style command-key instead of control ?16:24
BluesKajBlaDe^, port 22 is reserved for ssh ..maybe adifferent port will work16:25
OsmosisPici can we use that with Rsync?16:25
ratterz_areous or somthing?16:25
archlichjpds, ja i know16:25
juk__BlaDe^: nautilus sftp://ip-address16:25
Kartagisif I want to report a translation fault, should I file a bug?16:25
PiciOsmosis: Yes.  Use the -e argument to specify the ssh command.16:25
freepenguin0does exist a monitor for apache server for ubuntu 10.10?     a counterpart of mysql administrator for mysql16:25
IdleOneKartagis: yes16:25
Krishnanduof course Kartagis if you want to help ubuntu16:25
juk__Kartagis: bug-buddy16:26
t0masmy ubuntu 10.10 install on a Sony vaio Z (I think well known for horrible Linux support?) boots into a blank screen. The graphics in the installer worked without any extra options.16:26
goltoofKrishandu, already know vim :)16:26
BlaDe^juk:  it says ssh program unexpectedly exited when I do that16:26
IdleOneKartagis: provide the proper translation also in the bug report16:26
BluesKajBlaDe^, sorry, ignore my post16:26
BlaDe^no problem BluesKaj16:26
juk__BlaDe^: pastebin in/output16:26
goltoofarchlich, already know vim....   but how would you go about it from command line16:26
t0masIt does book correctly, when I disable the quite and splash options it scrolls through the boot messages, but seems to go blank when starting Xorg..16:26
Krishnandugoltoof, then use it, it supports everything you mentioned. And most powerfull CLI editor16:26
t0masit also does not respond to numlock and capslock keys anymore, so I think Xorg actually crashes the machine16:27
ratterz_is Compiz 0.9.2 ready for maverick?16:27
BlaDe^juk_:  if I execute it via commandline no errors come up, but nautilus is launched and says"Error: ssh program unexpectedly exited, Please select another viewer and try again."16:27
archlichgoltoof, vi /etc/configfile16:27
OsmosisPici thank you very much16:27
goltoofKrishnandu,  archlich,      sed ?16:27
juk__BlaDe^: what exactly executing?16:28
FiReSTaRTi have a network-connected all in one.. printing and scanning work great.. i should be able to also fax (drivers for it already installed), but for that i'd need to set up some sort of a client interface and gfax sure as hell ain't workin'... what are my alternatives?16:28
BlaDe^martin@martin:~$ nautilus sftp://blade@mydomain.net:4594516:28
IdleOne!info compiz | ratterz_16:28
ubotturatterz_: compiz (source: compiz): OpenGL window and compositing manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.8.6-0ubuntu9 (maverick), package size 30 kB, installed size 64 kB16:28
archlichgoltoof, what exactly do you want to do16:28
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:28
IdleOneratterz_: there might be a PPA for it. ask in #compiz16:28
BlaDe^juk__: this worsk fine --> martin@martin:~$ ssh blade@mydomain.net -p 4594516:29
Krishnanduya I think sed is not proper editor..16:29
kpoormanAnyone know how to change what the system understands as the control key ?16:29
donkeyboyhas anyone got a nvidia GeForce 310m to work on maverick with the nvidia drivers?16:29
ratterz_IdleOne,  ist there another ubuntu tweaker for ubutnu named areous or somthing close?16:29
Kartagisthanks all16:30
goltoofarchlich, to edit files quickly... say i know the line of text i want to edit, i just want to change one number on like 268, etc..   why should i have to open vim, navigate to that line, edit and exit?16:30
KrishnanduHey guys how to change the default address of pastebinit to http://paste.ubuntu.com rather than using -b everytime??16:30
coz_kpoorman,   I believe  xbindkeys16:30
IdleOneratterz_: no idea. I don't use those 3rd party tweak apps16:30
ratterz_ok ty16:30
kpoormancoz_: so there's no system wide way to do it?16:30
goltoofarchlich,   i'm just asking if theres a way to specify the line in the file i want to edit, and the number i want to replace16:30
BlaDe^golf you can probably do that with echo >> and a replace ?16:30
archlichgoltoof, ah ok, yes you can use sed with inline replace16:30
OsmosisPici, how do you said it to use this option in the rsync?????16:30
arekuanubisWhen are the 9.04 repositories going offline?16:30
Krishnandugoltoof, ya for that I believe you can use sed16:30
archlichBlaDe^, sed -i is easier16:30
Osmosisi have this16:30
Osmosisrsync -ave ssh -e StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu@hostname:/home/ubuntu/lcds_cv/ /tmp/lcds_cv/16:30
BlaDe^yeah I guess16:30
coz_kpoorman,  well on gnome you can go to system/preferences/keyboard16:30
=== dreamtraveler is now known as noobuntu
PiciOsmosis: rsync -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"16:31
coz_kpoorman,   then Layouts tab  and then click  "Options" button on the bottom16:31
archlichgoltoof, check this out http://archlich.net/content/quickly-delete-changed-host-016:31
kpoormancoz_: thats what I'm using (gnome) but I can't find the setting16:31
=== Arsanerit|Work is now known as Arsanerit
juk__BlaDe^: try sshfs16:31
coz_kpoorman,  look under  preferences/keyboard...layouts tab   Options button16:31
goltoofKrishnandu, archlich    i figured sed, just wondering if there's a better route..16:32
Krishnandugoltoof, I think so...I don't have any idea about expert CLI :P16:32
Berrytoo much jazz here... leaving... thanks for the help16:32
Evi1PhoenixNOTICE: FREENODE IS CHANGING HOW YOU CONNECT TO IT! Starting November 3rd, ALL USERS will be required to use SASL to connect to freenode. You will need to automatically log into nickserv, and have this enabled in your client. Please /join #freenode and/or message a staffer for details!!! Evi1Phoenix sergiusens pkkm_ stavrosg japaxican gartral|d tizbac sweb funnylookinhat cocoa117 Zonetti fLwL5 gartral|p zaidka donkeyboy noobuntu lontra ezet_ michae16:32
Evi1PhoenixNOTICE: FREENODE IS CHANGING HOW YOU CONNECT TO IT! Starting November 3rd, ALL USERS will be required to use SASL to connect to freenode. You will need to automatically log into nickserv, and have this enabled in your client. Please /join #freenode and/or message a staffer for details!!! rickh mawst commodoor Theravadan gdb gorgonzola jiohdi aeon-ltd quidnunc Islington kanwarpreet rpg tensorpudding jfroebe ViN86 radioman-lt atroxes fenre khamael bj16:32
Evi1PhoenixNOTICE: FREENODE IS CHANGING HOW YOU CONNECT TO IT! Starting November 3rd, ALL USERS will be required to use SASL to connect to freenode. You will need to automatically log into nickserv, and have this enabled in your client. Please /join #freenode and/or message a staffer for details!!! Muffler quake_guy paissad_ zy3g0 skyred Farmer_ noob-tux Ubuntu_1010Free engled replicasex devkhadka hardran3 fuX0r dajhorn winterweaver Sean93 smt-mobil SaRy RomD16:32
Evi1PhoenixNOTICE: FREENODE IS CHANGING HOW YOU CONNECT TO IT! Starting November 3rd, ALL USERS will be required to use SASL to connect to freenode. You will need to automatically log into nickserv, and have this enabled in your client. Please /join #freenode and/or message a staffer for details!!! bullgard4 qnrq Bass10 burntoutlamp BuZZ-dEE coraxx kdnewton rooks aaron- Terminator sebuba techdj1 zulgaban_ ring0 V-ille whaley sgrover amir`` TimeRider Loshki js16:32
FloodBot2Evi1Phoenix: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:32
PiciPlease ignore.16:33
kpoormancoz_: do I need to  log out / log in ?16:33
OsmosisPici, sorry man, using this line he still ask me for the confirmation rsync -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -ave ssh ubuntu@ec2-79-125-96-101.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com:/home/ubuntu/lcds_cv/ /tmp/lcds_cv/16:33
Osmosiswith ssh works perfectly16:33
goltoofKrishandu....  flattered you think what i'm trying to do as "expert"   :P16:33
coz_kpoorman,   no it should take effect immediately16:33
coz_kpoorman,   but  if it doesnt  try the log out16:33
PiciOsmosis: Remove the second -e argument.16:33
KrishnanduHey guys how to change the default address of pastebinit to http://paste.ubuntu.com rather than using -b everytime??16:33
PiciOsmosis: rsync -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -avubuntu@ec2-79-125-96-101.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com:/home/ubuntu/lcds_cv/ /tmp/lcds_cv/16:34
PiciOsmosis: (fixed) rsync -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -av ubuntu@ec2-79-125-96-101.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com:/home/ubuntu/lcds_cv/ /tmp/lcds_cv/16:34
PhrogzAt my work there is a windows-based server whose desktop shows various stats about the computer, including its current (DHCP) IP address. Is there a way to change my Ubuntu desktop to visually show the IP address?16:35
lee_ok. i have downloaded the latest nvidia drivers from there site. but still everytime i launch Teamspeak 2 or 3 it restarts X. is ubuntu x64 bugged or something?16:35
van7huhey,how can I get norwegian input method in lucid ?,I am going to learn norwegian,but didn't find it in Ibus16:35
patdk-wkok my sound issue is that alsa is working fine, but pulse audio can't find anything16:35
OsmosisPici, thanks man, work perfectly!16:35
juk__van7hu: m17 scim find in apt-cache16:36
PiciOsmosis: Great!16:36
IdleOne!locales | van7hu16:36
ubottuvan7hu: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf16:36
goltoofvan7hu,   keyboard Preferences > Norway16:36
anygivennamethe IP's that get listed in hosts.deny......arent these the IP's of the hackers who tried to hack ?16:37
juk__van7hu: yeas first @goltoof16:37
archlichPhrogz, conky16:38
juk__van7hu: m17 is for non-latin Norwegian i guess isn't non-latin16:38
kpoormancoz_: I've selected the option "control is mapped to win keys (and the usual ctrl keys)" but cmd-t does not create a new tab in firefox16:38
Phrogzarchlich: Will investigate, thanks.16:39
anygivennameanyone into fail2ban & denyhosts ?16:39
coz_kpoorman, mm  oh you want to be able to create a new tab in firefox?16:39
shane4ubuntuwhat log do I check to debug crontab stuff??  it doesn't seem to be running a cronjob I put in16:39
kachingohi, I'm having problems with the balance of my headphone jack. When plugged in it's almost entirely in the left speaker only. I'm using an Acer Aspire One 532h. Could anyone assist with this?16:39
kpoormancoz_: well, as an example of the ctrl key being mapped to command16:39
van7huyes,thank all,I'll try -:) i know nothing about norwegian,hopefully,It is not as hard as chinese16:39
coz_kpoorman,  mm let me check "Keyboard" under preferences16:40
lee_if Teamspeak 2 and 3 and world of warcraft all cause X to restart? could that be just a bad install maybe?16:40
j_ayen_greensomething has a severe memory leak. i start the day with a fairly peppy system, and end the day waiting 10 seconds for the text cursor to appear where I click. Any guess as to ubuntu, gnome, apache, mysql, chrome, netbeans or vbox?16:40
thomas|StaplOkay, I managed to finaly get this comp to boot into ubuntu, however I cannot install my PCI nvidia 8400 Gs, Iv attempted to boot with on bored set to default in bios, and with pci, system wont boot either way as long as card is installed, it will however boot with out the card16:40
kpoormanj_ayen_green: netbeans16:40
thomas|Staplany ideas?16:40
j_ayen_greenkpoorman, thanks :)  any suggestions on an alternative?16:40
donkeyboyj_ayen_green: aptana :-D16:41
kpoormanj_ayen_green: I live in intellij16:41
kachingoadditionally, here is the output of the alsa info script I ran: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=4cb2389831096083f6748a7872e20a70d712fb2516:41
KrishnanduOk guys...if there is no way out to make http://paste.ubuntu.com default in pastebinit, is there any way out that whenever I use the pastebinit command it'll invoke pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com. I did in .bashrc pastebinit=pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com but no result16:41
fallenstar_hi! anyone know anything about installing ubuntu studio 10.10 and then having no internet, wired or otherwise?16:41
j_ayen_greendonkeyboy, kpoorman : ok, i'll look a them both  thanks!16:41
CarlFKif I use apt-add-repository do I need to do apt-get update?16:42
IdleOneCarlFK: yes16:42
CarlFKIdleOne: thanks.16:42
StealhHmm, I got a problem with ubuntu regarding VPN connections. Basically i need to be able to click Point to Point encryption and all the options for it to work. it was working fine yesterday, but now it wont allow me to click PAP and CHAP authetication methods with point to point encryption on, whilst it was yesterday. http://imgur.com/npqTM.png is what I mean. Anyone able to help?16:42
coz_kpoorman,   mm then I am not sure why that doesnt work16:42
fallenstar_please help i'm having to use someones vista ccomputer to seek assistance?16:43
lee_Guys if i have a Quad core amd cpu and 6 gig or ram im better using Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit right?16:43
=== peppy is now known as peppy_
IdleOneKrishnandu: pastebinit='pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com' and then you need to open a new terminal for the change to take effect16:43
Krishnandulee_, yes :)16:43
aeon-ltdlee_: yes to be more future proof16:43
KrishnanduIdleOne, Wow...!! Finally a reply :) Thanks :)16:43
lee_see thats where i have a problem.16:43
thiebaudelee, yes to address all your memory16:44
PiciIdleOne: Put it in the .bashrc and then source it.16:44
IdleOnePici: source it?16:44
lee_currently installed ubuntu am64 and whenever i run Teamspeak 2 or 3 X restarts for no apparent reason.16:44
KrishnanduIdleOne, not working :(16:44
lee_my first thaught was it may be a driver issue. so i installed the latest nvidia drivers from there site. still the same isssue.16:44
lee_so now im thinking maybe its a messed up install ?16:45
aeon-ltdlee_: yes stability of 64bit systems is currently less than those on 32bit machines, this may just be a bug - report it16:45
kpoormancoz_: does it work for you ?16:45
PiciIdleOne: source ~/.bashrc or . ~/.bashrc16:46
kpoormancoz_: i'm using one of the aluminum keyboards16:46
lee_i doub't its a bug. as other people seem to have the exact same os and don't have this issue. if anything it would be an nvidia driver issue surely?16:46
Nubulis_Maximushas anyone ever had an ata4: sata link down  error when booting?16:46
KrishnanduPici, !/.bashrc16:46
lee_or maybe the way i setup duel monitors. via the nvidia panel.16:46
coz_kpoorman,   I didnt try it...where exactly is the setting under layouts16:46
KrishnanduPici, ~/.bashrc16:46
juk__!proprietary | lee_16:46
kpoormancoz_: keyboard model16:46
PiciKrishnandu: the command name is 'source'16:46
KrishnanduIdleOne, BTW that thing was mentioned in launchpad bug report. I tried that too...not worked16:47
coz_kpoorman,   I also use easystroke  for things like this    the command can be assigned to a stroke16:47
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:47
KrishnanduPici, can't get it...what should I do??16:47
IdleOnePici: that command will make the new .bashrc load?16:47
PiciIdleOne: yes.16:47
IdleOnePici: thanks16:47
lee_juk__ i used proprietary and had this issue so downloaded the latest drivers from nvidia. and still have this issue. im thinking maybe i had a bad install or something maybe a reformat and reinstall may help16:47
PiciKrishnandu: Add your alias to ~/.bashrc   and then run source ~/.bashrc16:47
Praxican anyone help me troubleshoot my apache2.conf?  Getting a forbidden error, I've checked file permissions they appear the same as other sites that are working, and my error.log implies a directive.  Heres the pastie http://paste.ubuntu.com/521098/16:47
KrishnanduPici, You mean souce ~/.bashrc??16:47
IdleOneKrishnandu: what is the exact alias you are adding?16:47
PiciKrishnandu: After you've added your alias there.16:47
KrishnanduIdleOne, now what is alias??16:48
KrishnanduPici, ^^16:48
Nubulis_MaximusLee: what's the problem your having?16:48
IdleOnepastebinit=pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com is an "alias" you are adding to ~/.bashrc16:48
juk__lee_ get paid support from nvidia?16:48
KrishnanduIdleOne, Pici I just added that line at the end of .bashrc16:48
PiciKrishnandu: add the following to the end of ~/.bashrc   :    alias pastebinit='pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com'16:48
lee_Nubulis_Maximus, every time i launch Teamspeak 2 or 3 X completley restarts16:48
gartral|dWhat's the size of an iso supposed too be???16:48
KrishnanduPici, Ahh i need to mention alias. right??16:48
PiciKrishnandu: Yes.16:48
lee_juk__ i would if i knew it was an nvidia issue.16:49
KrishnanduPici, now source .bashrc??16:49
PiciKrishnandu: Correct.16:49
thiebaudelee, which nvida card?16:49
maxwave3gartral|d: @700 MB for a CD or @4.7GB for a DVD16:49
Cmdr_W_T_Rikergartral|d: the size of an iso is not determined by that filesystem, but rather where you're going to write it to16:49
lee_Nvidia 8800GTX 768MB16:49
juk__lee_: well, ubuntu devs have got nothing to do with it since it's proprietary16:50
thiebaudeok i have 8400 gs 512 mb video and i have no problems here16:50
KrishnanduPici, IdleOne Yupiee it's done :) Thanks guys :)16:50
maxwave3gartral|d: those are the approximate maximum sizes16:50
thiebaudei had ubuntu search for the drivers for me16:50
PiciKrishnandu: Great16:50
thiebaudeuse current drivers16:50
rubydiamondguys is it possible to use 'transmission' torrent client in firewall using SSH tunneling16:50
rubydiamondI want to download some torrents using transmission client from office..16:50
IdleOneKrishnandu: welcome and the thanks goes to Pici for teaching us both something :)16:50
gartral|dCrap.. my download manager keeps saying the maverick iso is 578.4816:50
Nubulis_Maximuslee_: have you tried uninstalling teamspeak and then reinstalling?16:50
Cajun_Lan_ManHello all.  Could someone point me in the right direction for setting up a "managed" network with Ubuntu? I'm trying to figure out what user management tools Ubuntu has.  Kind of like the Linux version of Active Directory, if there is such a thing.16:50
thiebaudei have never got my drivers from the nvidia site16:50
lee_Nubulis_Maximus, yes16:50
CarlFKrubydiamond: yes. but where would you tunnel to?16:51
Nubulis_Maximuslee_: have you tried uninstalling teamspeak and then reinstalling16:51
lee_Nubulis_Maximus, Yes :)16:51
rubydiamondCarlFK: I have a VPS16:51
Nubulis_Maximuslee_: sorry for repeat16:51
maxwave3gartral|d: that sounds fine if you are talking MB16:51
rubydiamondCarlFK: is it possible to do that.. ?16:51
PraxiCajun_Lan_Man: New to the linux world also, might OpenLDAP be a choice?16:51
lee_Nubulis_Maximus, we all do it :-)16:51
Nubulis_Maximuslee_: does mb have onboard vid?16:51
lee_Nubulis_Maximus,  nope. and if it did i would of disabled in bios.16:51
gartral|dmaxwave3: can you md5sum the iso please?16:51
KrishnanduIdleOne, Ya :)16:52
juk__lee_: get paid support from canonical at least16:52
lee_Nubulis_Maximus, however i do have duel monitors connected via DHCP16:52
CarlFKrubydiamond: yeah, but personally I would run the torrent client on your vps and scp the fiiles to your local box16:52
KrishnanduPici, Thanks buddy :)16:52
Cajun_Lan_ManPraxi, not sure.  Looking at it now.16:52
Goog_Joshhow to set inclusion numeric keys(numlock) by boot?16:52
ubottuTo enable Number Lock by default, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NumLock16:52
Nubulis_Maximuslee_: was going to say if so, remove vid card and try using onboard to see what happens16:52
PraxiI looked at it briefly, just learning, looked interesting, didn't do everything AD did, but had network authentication16:52
KrishnanduPici, IdleOne just in this way if I want ls to generate ls -l everytime I need to make it alias of ls -l right??16:52
IdleOneI thought Ubuntu had numlock on by default now16:53
gartral|dmaxwave3: I keep trying to write it too usb, and it says it succeeded, but when I boot it throwsme an init error from busybox!16:53
nevdulla compiler is complaining about not having -lsocket.  i can't find it on any of two installations.  is there an ubuntu lib for socket/connect/bind?16:53
PiciKrishnandu: Yes.  I personally have that aliased to 'll'16:53
rusivilee_: Regarding teamspeak you may want to try Ventrilo16:53
c0nv1ctIdleOne, i had to install numlockx, it "just worked" after that16:53
Nubulis_Maximushas anyone ever had an ata4: sata link down  error when booting?16:53
KrishnanduPici, :) So can you say me why pastebinit=' ' not pastebinit= ??16:53
lee_rusivi, i can't the guild i raid with in world of warcraft use Teamspeak unforutnatly.16:53
KrishnanduPici, I mean why the single quotes..?? Is it for the same reason to execute commands in shell prog??16:53
IdleOneKrishnandu: in ~/.bashrc  there are already a few aliases you can look at.16:53
anygivennameanyone into fail2ban & denyhosts ?16:54
lee_anyways il be back later to give an update im going to reinstall on a seperate hard drive start at the beginning and find an issue :)16:54
lee_thanks anyways guys16:54
maxwave3gartral|d: the mdsums are located here http://mirrors.cs.wmich.edu/ubuntu-releases//maverick/MD5SUMS16:54
PiciKrishnandu: doesn't matter for this command.16:54
rubydiamondCarlFK: see that would just double the usage of bandwidth16:54
KrishnanduPici, Okeis... :)16:54
IdleOneKrishnandu: pastebinit= is the command 'comannd to perform'16:54
rubydiamondCarlFK: btw is it practically possible to use ssh tunnel for transmission to access VPS port and continue .. torrenting..16:54
gartral|dmaxwave3: is that a text/directory only link? I'm on a sub-dial up connection16:55
maxwave3text only16:55
KrishnanduIdleOne, so we need to mention the commands in between ' ' always right?? Just as we do in shell prog??16:55
IdleOneKrishnandu: yes, as I understand it16:56
gartral|dmaxwave3: thanks, it looks like the iso is good16:56
KrishnanduIdleOne, :)16:56
Krishnanduthanks :)16:57
Goog_Joshdoes anyone know how to fix the bug with sleep mode in 10.1016:57
rusivilee_: Ah, how about Mangler?16:58
zowkiHi, how can I obtain development versions of packages in Ubuntu 10.04 such as "libgtk2.0-dev"? I need it to meet package dependencies.16:58
anygivennamessh does not report into auth.log16:58
silluis there a torrent version of 10.10 for i386 somewhere? cant find any referance to it in ubuntu.com16:58
jpdssillu: http://gb.releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/16:59
gorgonzolasillu http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent16:59
CarlFKrubydiamond: I think you want:  ssh -L 51413:*:51413  remoteuser@your.vps.server16:59
maxwave3zowki: have you tried sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev17:00
Goog_Josh does anyone know how to fix the bug with sleep mode in 10.10(will not start after sleeping)17:00
zowkimaxwave3: yes, the package does not exist17:00
juk__!anyone | Goog_Josh17:00
ubottuGoog_Josh: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?17:00
GneaGoog_Josh: if it's a bug, there's likely a bug report on it, maybe even a fix, which is where the fix would be located17:00
Gnea!bug | Goog_Josh17:00
ubottuGoog_Josh: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots17:00
zowkimaxwave3: but i can still find libgtk2.0 but without the "dev" part17:01
anygivennameanyone know how to let ssh report into auth.log17:01
CarlFKrubydiamond: but I am not sure.  and the more I think about it, the less I am sure.  I think you need a forward in each direction, but I don't know what the other port is.17:01
sympt0mi was trying to install something with that lib, but i couldnt find it either. i just gave up ^.^17:01
m15kHi, what wold be the best way to share files inside a network?17:01
skritecould someone help me with urxvt in awesome? it will not fill the available space, leaves a blank band at the bottom of the screen.17:01
maxwave3zowki: odd, I see that it is part of the lucid repository http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/libgtk2.0-dev17:01
JoeMaverickSettaccording to this; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StartUpManager i need to save/make backup of /boot/grub/menu.lst but i can't seem to find it. i'm using 10.1017:02
CarlFKrubydiamond:  also, I compltely don't understand your "double the usage of bandwidth"  - whos bandwidth are you worried about?17:02
gorgonzolaGoog_Josh did you check here? http://art.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1586178&page=617:03
mark7845when installing lucid, is there anyway in which you can specify grub not to install or to install to a separate /boot partition17:03
c0nv1ctJoeMaverickSett, grub2 doesnt use menu.lst17:03
nevdulla compiler is complaining about not having -lsocket.  i can't find it on any of two installations.  is there an ubuntu lib for socket/connect/bind?17:03
Omen_20Hi is there a x86 debugger I could use for something like this: http://csclab.murraystate.edu/bob.pilgrim/405/index.html I need to do Assembly and don't want to use XP.17:03
JoeMaverickSettc0nv1ct: so which one should i be using instead of that?17:04
zowkimaxwave3: yes you are correct, i just realized that synaptics was not meeting dependcies automatically for me. i'll try install via terminal and see how it goes17:04
c0nv1ctJoeMaverickSett, nothing, the menu is automatically generated in grub217:04
c0nv1ctJoeMaverickSett, the menu entries i should say17:04
JoeMaverickSettc0nv1ct: the problem here is, i'm trying to dual boot ubuntu with ubuntu (the latter being on a separate partition, it's a test system) but i can't boot into that test system :D17:05
c0nv1ctJoeMaverickSett, grub2-setup doesnt find it?17:05
JoeMaverickSettc0nv1ct: it just boots into my main Ubuntu.17:06
c0nv1ctJoeMaverickSett, i mean update-grub217:06
JoeMaverickSettc0nv1ct: haven't done that yet. should i do it?17:07
c0nv1ctJoeMaverickSett, you can still manually add entries afaik17:07
node808did I make a mistake by installing kubuntu?17:07
m3FWhen I run this command "vncviewer -listen" Port Scan in Network Tools tells me that 5500 port is open. Why and where could I open ports to see them in Port Scan tool?17:07
c0nv1ctJoeMaverickSett, try it, it wont hurt17:07
JoeMaverickSettc0nv1ct: ah, okie. :D17:07
* node808 thinks I should have gone with ubuntu17:07
c0nv1ctJoeMaverickSett, startupmanager doesnt even work for me, gives a glib error17:07
Gneanode808: why would it be a mistake?17:08
BlaDe^I've used sshfs to mount a remote ftp17:08
m3FI know VNC uses 5500 to listen for remote connections, but I do not know where VNC open that port, because my firewall is disable.17:08
BlaDe^but i can't open it, it says permission denied -- I tried chown but that said permission denied to (even with sudo), what can I do?17:08
BlaDe^if I do sudo ls ~/mount/ it shows the files17:08
m3Fplease help. I want to use vnc17:08
JoeMaverickSettc0nv1ct: i think update-grub2 did it. showing that it found another ubuntu on a partition. gona reboot. thanks btw. :)17:08
c0nv1ctJoeMaverickSett, np17:08
Praxican anyone help me troubleshoot my apache2.conf?  Getting a forbidden error, I've checked file permissions they appear the same as other sites that are working, and my error.log implies a directive.  Heres the pastie of my apache2 http://paste.ubuntu.com/521098/17:09
Gneam3F: if you have no firewall, what's the problem?17:09
=== Mark_ is now known as grid_
zowkiI am trying to install hydra with apt-get and it gives this error: "hydra: Depends: libgtk2.0-dev but it is not going to be installed". When I try to install libgtk2.0-dev manually, apt-get spits out loads of similar messages: http://pastebin.com/J6NCbBfg17:09
Gnea!vnc | m3F17:10
ubottum3F: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX17:10
juk__BlaDe^: so it worked17:10
m3FGnea, the problem is that I do not know where to open a port for Transmission because Transmission tells me that port 6881 is closed.17:10
StealhHmm, I got a problem with ubuntu regarding VPN connections. Basically i need to be able to click Point to Point encryption and all the options for it to work. it was working fine yesterday, but now it wont allow me to click PAP and CHAP authetication methods with point to point encryption on, whilst it was yesterday. http://imgur.com/npqTM.png is what I mean. Anyone able to help?17:10
m3FThat means that VNC knows where to open ports and I dont :D17:11
juk__BlaDe^: hangon i try to mount my cell if it works17:11
BlaDe^juk__:  after I use sshfs the directory goes to d?????????  ? ?      ?             ?                ? remote17:11
BlaDe^and I get permission denied for everything17:11
anygivennameI connect to my Ubuntu machine from a Win machine using VNC from a different network......I use wrong password & indeed I do not log in.....but this action does not get logged in auth.log nor the max retries I set in fail2ban gets applied.....I see infinte attempts allowed17:12
BlaDe^I used sudo sshfs blade@mydomain.net:/ ~/remote -o port=45945 -o idmap=user -o uid=100017:12
Gneam3F: what does transmission have to do with vnc17:12
gregor_Need a bit of help. I am trying to run diablo2 in wine, but my panels are getting in the way. i created a new user, where i want to safely experiment. now before removing panels forom him i want to try with autohide function. however i can not access wine form that user. not really... how do i access the folder from another user so i can use it? i guess my question is how do i get ownership of the folder.17:12
BlaDe^gregL:  chown17:12
elgusHow can i get exchange-mail on Ubuntu ?17:12
tensorpuddingyou want to run exchange on Ubuntu?17:13
juk__BlaDe^: works like charm17:13
m3FGnea, I mean, VNC opens the 5500 port when I run vncviewer -listen, VNC knows how to open a port, but transmission does not open ports by itself so I want to know where to open ports in my system.17:14
BlaDe^juk__:  doesn't here17:14
BlaDe^I get permission denied for everything17:14
christherI got a problem with my Docky17:14
juk__BlaDe^: well i have different situation a bit here local yours is remote17:14
harley_how do I mount my windows partition17:14
JemtHi guys. I have just seen a movie about Ubuntu Netbook Edition. My God it's cool. Why wouldn't you use that on an ordinary computer? It's so simple, so easy to use.17:14
christherSome one that knows why i got a black route over my Docky :s ?17:14
Gneam3F: so you want to know what ports transmission opens?17:15
BlaDe^ls: cannot access /home/martin/remote: Permission denied17:15
BlaDe^d?????????  ? ?      ?             ?                ? remote17:15
maxwave3zowki: wow, I've never see an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable17:15
BlaDe^if I do a umount and ls-la then the permissions are fine, I have chown'd it17:15
tensorpuddingBlaDe^: that second line you pasted is unreadable17:15
BlaDe^tensorpudding: , that's how tia ppears in terminal17:15
juk__!umount | BlaDe^:17:15
m3FGnea, I mean, I want to know how to open ports in my system. I know how to do that in my router, but even if I try to open 6681 port in router, It does not show as an open port when I run Port Scan Tool in Administration/Networks Tools17:15
tensorpuddingare you user martin?17:15
BlaDe^yes tensorpudding17:15
tensorpuddingwhat is mounted on remote?17:16
Dr_WillisYou may be using the term 'open a port' when you m ean forward a port.17:16
juk__BlaDe^: whatis umount17:16
Gneam3F: you would have you use transmission to open the port17:16
juk__umount (2)           - unmount file system17:16
BlaDe^it's a sftp17:16
m3Fplease help!17:16
christherHow do I get rid of the black box taking up room with docky?17:16
Gneam3F: help with what?17:16
cobobIm sad.. my zotac dtx board with built-in realtek r8169 (Gbps) just give me 100 Mbps connection.. I've updated to latest drivers, checked the cable, checked the router. running 10.10 server, but also tried with 10.04 server :(17:16
BlaDe^christher:  turn compositing on I think?17:16
harley_can someone help me mounting my windows drive17:16
m3FGnea, again? :D17:16
rot13is x86_64 the same as amd64 on ubuntu?17:16
m3FGnea, I want to open ports17:17
BlaDe^tensorpudding:  It's an sftp, I mounted it with sudo sshfs blade@mydomain.net:/ ~/remote -o port=45945 -o idmap=user -o uid=100017:17
BlaDe^tensorpudding:  I also tried without the last two options specified17:17
Gneam3F: I asked a specific question, are you saying that that's what you want to do?17:17
Evi1PhoenixNOTICE: FREENODE IS CHANGING HOW YOU CONNECT TO IT! Starting November 3rd, ALL USERS will be required to use SASL to connect to freenode. You will need to automatically log into nickserv, and have this enabled in your client. Please /join #freenode and/or message a staffer for details!!! Evi1Phoenix pat_ fipu cschneid nikos SirDidi sharky Bobsworth jcrigby ElemonGW xerox1 rot13 kslt1 cobob pard457 Jemt acidflash harley_ marrusl christher haytham-med D17:17
m3FIs there a VNC channel here?17:17
Evi1PhoenixNOTICE: FREENODE IS CHANGING HOW YOU CONNECT TO IT! Starting November 3rd, ALL USERS will be required to use SASL to connect to freenode. You will need to automatically log into nickserv, and have this enabled in your client. Please /join #freenode and/or message a staffer for details!!! pwerspire sillu ganja zulgaban_ lazarus ilers-tp i_is_broke Gnea Cajun_Lan_Man nothingspecial Someone67 m15k SpiritsInside histo pLk _multipass_ coz_ bfiller Noz3001 17:17
Evi1PhoenixNOTICE: FREENODE IS CHANGING HOW YOU CONNECT TO IT! Starting November 3rd, ALL USERS will be required to use SASL to connect to freenode. You will need to automatically log into nickserv, and have this enabled in your client. Please /join #freenode and/or message a staffer for details!!! archlich cognitiaclaeves mue mlazzari2_ lukus n2diy wedwo- PCChris_ Uranellus Claudinux om26er peppy_ Yegor KennethP mawst commodoor Theravadan gdb aeon-ltd kanwarpre17:17
Evi1PhoenixNOTICE: FREENODE IS CHANGING HOW YOU CONNECT TO IT! Starting November 3rd, ALL USERS will be required to use SASL to connect to freenode. You will need to automatically log into nickserv, and have this enabled in your client. Please /join #freenode and/or message a staffer for details!!! iceflatline wainer juk__ spandi quake_guy paissad_ zy3g0 skyred noob-tux Ubuntu_1010Free engled replicasex devkhadka hardran3 fuX0r dajhorn winterweaver Sean93 smt-mo17:17
Evi1PhoenixNOTICE: FREENODE IS CHANGING HOW YOU CONNECT TO IT! Starting November 3rd, ALL USERS will be required to use SASL to connect to freenode. You will need to automatically log into nickserv, and have this enabled in your client. Please /join #freenode and/or message a staffer for details!!! coraxx kdnewton rooks aaron- Terminator sebuba techdj1 ring0 V-ille whaley sgrover amir`` TimeRider Loshki jsidhu HookProcess shane4ubuntu mcl0vin behanw Finnish sini17:17
maxwave3zowki: do you have issues installing any other packages via apt-get? Could your sources list be messed up?17:17
cschneidI have a server install of ubuntu, that boots into runlevel 2.  Where in etc would I change it to boot into 5 (x-windows), or otherwise automatically start X on boot17:17
rot13how can i set special keys - like volume control, mute or brightness if it's not working?17:17
dan2ubuntu ships with a do-upgrade command of some sort right?17:17
pc500can anyone tell me is ubuntu 10.10 has VLC 1.1.5 in apt-get?17:17
Gneam3F: I could help you if you just answered the question17:18
tensorpuddingBlaDe^: maybe your connection with the SSH is timing out?17:18
pc500if someone has access to a box.17:18
BlaDe^nope if I do sudo ls ~/remote i can see the files17:18
m3FGnea, I want to know how to open ports in my system.17:18
maxwave3pc500: vlc 1.1.417:18
tensorpuddingpc500: 10.10 has 1.1.417:18
Gneam3F: that's too general of a question. answer my question if you want to be helped: are you looking for transmission to open a specific port?17:18
tensorpudding1.1.4-1ubuntu1, to be precise17:18
ILovhi hi17:18
m3FGnea, yes17:19
tensorpuddingBlaDe^: what does idmap=user do?17:19
Juandrehi there17:19
dan2what's the version after ubuntu maverick called?17:19
tensorpuddingnatty narwhal17:19
Gneam3F: can't be done, transmission doesn't support it, but you can see what ports transmission uses once it's running by using:  sudo netstat -nap | grep transmission17:19
BlaDe^it's a fuse option --- But I have the same issue without it specified17:20
pc500so a manual compile is inh order17:20
juk__dan2: #ubuntu+117:20
m3FGnea, I set transmission to use port 6881.17:20
Gneam3F: did it work?17:20
Gneathen you didn't set it to use 688117:21
m3FGnea, because Test port tool in transmission tells me that port is Closed17:21
rot13is x86_64 the same as amd64 on ubuntu?17:21
Gneam3F: which is why you need to use netstat17:21
Gnea!pm ILov17:21
m3FGnea, what is Netstat?17:22
Gnea!pm | ILov17:22
ubottuILov: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:22
Gneam3F: the program i told you about. please to be paying attention.17:22
glaucousI'd like to move/copy my /var to its own partition. Copying using gparted (LiveCD), and then changing the fstab should be sufficient?17:22
zowkimaxwave3: other packages seem fine, i just successfully installed nethack as a test17:23
ikoniaglaucous: make sure you preserve permissions, but it's that simple17:23
zowkimaxwave3: i should note that hydra is from an external repository17:23
BlaDe^tensorpudding:  any ideas?17:24
m3FGnea, I ran that command while running Transmission.17:25
glaucousikonia, that is the main problem. Will making a partition copy using gparted preserve permissions?17:25
Gneam3F: that's nice.17:25
maxwave3zowki: I'm familiar with hydra and its need for gtk for xhydra. without it, you will be limited to command line17:25
m3FGnea, But I do not know how to read that information.17:26
m3FGnea, I do not understand those lines17:26
alkisgglaucous: how can you make a "partition copy"? /var is *not* on its own partition now, right? So maybe you should use tar or rsync instead...17:26
glaucousalkisg, ehum.. that's a good point17:26
alkisgglaucous: one way, out of many: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem/TAR17:26
glaucousalkisg, yes I think rsync should be able to preserve permissions with some argument17:27
cobobanyone how to fix the problem when the network just gives 100 Mbps, even I have a 1 Gbps card (realtek r8169)? drivers are newest, cable works (gives 1 Gbps with my other computer). ethtool says my card can do 1 Gbps, but the other part advice link speed of 100 Mbps :/17:27
alkisgglaucous: sudo rsync -av should do it17:27
Praxiwhats the command to check permissions? ls -l ?17:27
Gneam3F: use it without grep:  sudo netstat -nap17:27
m3FGnea, This is very confusing. Transmission Test Port tool tells me that 6881 is closed. But Administration/Network Tools/PortScan tells me that 6881 is open. I am lost.17:28
atxqcan I use Ubuntu server to manage other computers on the network?17:28
glaucousalkisg, do I dare doing this on current Ubuntu, or should I logon to a LiveCD to do it?17:28
alkisgglaucous: I'm not sure, so I'd do it from a live cd to be sure that no files are in use17:29
Gneam3F: which is why you need to learn how netstat works. if you read the top of it, it tells you what information in each column is being represented.17:29
maxwave3zowki: do you have anything extra in your sources.list? If so, could you disable it, run sudo apt-get update and than try again.17:29
Guest34103how to find out size of file?17:30
glaucousalkisg, I'll go with that, thanks17:30
Guest34103how to find out size of file?17:30
ichnichtsomeone have idea why my mousecursor-size changes on hovering over different icons on my taskbar?17:30
m3FGnea, tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      21368/transmission17:30
Guest34103by right button?17:30
DGodNTanyone here using irssi ? , i was wondering if anyone happen to know where the logs are stored on ubu10 and ubu917:30
zowkimaxwave3: my only extra repository is the backtrack repository which i am trying to install hydra from17:30
bindiDGodNT: ~/irclogs17:30
ubunuubgood morning #ubuntu!17:30
BlaDe^Is it possible to specify a port with gvfs-mount ?17:31
Gneam3F: yes, and if you look at the very top, like this:  sudo netstat -nap | head -n317:31
ubunuubanyone want to help me with a quick little script? I shut off gdm so I can boot to console, I want to auto-start default gnome session once the user logs in17:31
m3FGnea, http://pastebin.ca/197563317:31
alkisgzowki: maybe you have some package installed that conflicts with what you're trying to install now, try with aptitude or with synaptic, but check what they're going to perform before going on17:31
Gneam3F: you can see that transmission is LISTENing on port 6881 using the tcp protocol17:31
DGodNTfound them thanks :)17:32
=== anirudhr1989 is now known as anirudhr
PhrogzI have enabled remote desktop, but when I view via VNC from another computer I can see the mouse moving, but none of the effects of the mouse (moving windows, opening menus)17:32
Gneam3F: the key is to LISTEN :)17:32
vinterrymdendoes anyone know how to clear the error and access logs?17:32
alkisgPhrogz: did you enable "read only" vnc?17:32
m3FGnea, I am starting to understand. LISTEN tells me that port is open.17:33
Phrogzalkisg: Yes, but this happens both ways, and I'm moving the mouse on the computer itself (not the mouse of the remote viewing machine)17:33
m3FGnea, then: 6881 is open17:33
=== AaronMT_ is now known as AaronMT
Guest34103проглоти леща17:33
FloodBot2Guest34103: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:33
alkisgPhrogz: which vnc? vino-server?17:34
Gneam3F: correct. :)17:34
Praxiwhats the command to check permissions? ls -l ?17:34
Phrogzalkisg: Remotely I'm using RealVNC on Windows 7; on Ubuntu I'm using whatever you get when you turn on Remote Desktop17:34
m3FGnea, But I remember I used to run Test Port tool in Transmission and It used to tell me when a port was open.17:35
PraxiPhrogz: I had that problem on a windows desktop, the VNC server was set to inputs only17:35
alkisgPhrogz: hmmm sounds like an incompatibility somewhere, but I haven't seen that bug. I'd try with a different server and/or client, e.g. x11vnc, tightvnc etc17:35
m3FGnea, now I run that tool in Transmission and It tells me that 6881 is closed.17:35
PraxiPhrogz: err view input only, sorry hit enter too soon17:36
m3FGnea, that is why I am confused.17:36
delinquentmeat this time, it can not refresh the partition table after it modifies it, so you will need to change the partitions, then quit gparted, then run dmraid -ay from the command prompt to detect the new partitions, and then restart gparted before you can format the partitions.   ... can someone explain to me what this means :D17:36
Praximouse looked like it was moving on my end, but I couldn't click or anything17:36
PhrogzPraxi: Even when moving and clicking the mouse physically connected on the Ubuntu box you didn't see the effects over VNC?17:36
delinquentmeits off of this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto#Optional: Resize your Windows partition17:36
PraxiPhrogz: correct17:36
Gneam3F: that's because transmission is a torrent client, not a proper port scanning utility17:36
m3FGnea, ok.17:37
Phrogzalkisg: Will try, thanks.17:37
Praxiit was a while ago, but if I remember correctly, someone had flipped the windows box from using the INI file to using the registry17:37
Gneam3F: this is why netstat works great. nmap is another awesome utility.17:37
PhrogzPraxi: I'll have to look into what that setting means, then, because that sounds weird.17:37
StaRetjiFolks, if I want to make root and homeuser never to be asked for sudo password, what should type in sudoers file (it's htpc so I don't care about security, I'm having problems with some bash scripts because of permissions)17:37
=== Guest34103 is now known as assentrop
EltuI need some help with my Cyborg R.A.T mouse on Ubuntu 10.04. I have managed to get the mouse working, but I am having troubles with a certain feature - the precision aim button.17:37
EltuThe R.A.T has a button that drastically reduces the DPI of the mouse when held down, and making it go back to normal when released - great for precision work. However, naturally... it does not work in Ubuntu.17:37
Praxiits a view only, makes it so you can see, not interact, it can be set at both the client and the server Phrogz17:38
Aitrus41Decided to triple boot my netbook.  Installed XP, then Windows 7, then Ubuntu. Can boot into W7 and Ubuntu 10 but XP is not showing in the boot menu.  How would I fix this? XP is listed by fdisk as /dev/sda1, W7 is sda2 and Ubuntu is /sda317:38
=== assentrop is now known as assheader
EltuSo naturally.. I want this quick-switch button to work as designed.17:38
m3FGnea, now I have to learn to use VNC. Because I wnat it to help somebody from here. And I can open ports here, but that somebody does not know how to do that out there.17:38
Praxieither one of them set to that will cause it17:38
Praxim3f get teamviewer17:38
PhrogzPraxi: But if I'm interacting even on the box itself, with the keyboard, I can see the changes happening on the physical monitor connected to the box, but not over VNC. It's like it caches a static image of the desktop, but keeps updating the mouse.17:38
alkisgStaRetji: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo (last paragraph)17:38
EltuI know I can map the button to change the mouse sensitivity. However, the critical thing here is reducing the DPI/sensitivity (either will work), while the button is HELD DOWN - and automatically getting it back to normal when it's released.17:39
m3FGnea, thank you very much!17:39
Gneam3F: personally, I prefer freenx over vnc17:39
Gneam3F: you're welcome, cheers17:39
ubunuubcan someone tell me how to write a script that starts a default gnome session when a user logs in? gdm is diabled17:39
Praxiahhh, ran into that too hehe17:39
Dr_WillisPhrogz:  ive seen that issue with the GNOME vino vncserver. but not with tightvnc. or vnc4server.. never did see a fix for it.17:39
Praxithat was "Full Screen Polling" that fixed it for me Phrogz17:39
PhrogzDr_Willis: Hrm, thanks.17:39
Dr_Willisubunuub:  why not let gdm autologin for them? it can even relogin after a crash i recall.17:39
PhrogzPraxi: On the viewer or server?17:39
Praxibut again I think that could be set either way17:40
StaRetjithx alkisg, is this the only line that should remain in sudoers file? homeuser ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL and root ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL17:40
Dr_Willisubunuub:  if they must login via console.. you could set their .bashrc or .profile to check and 'startx' if X is not going.. but that can be annoying17:40
=== Bobsworth` is now known as Bobsworth
alkisgStaRetji: put it at the end of the file while keeping the original contents17:40
StaRetjiokay, thank you very much17:40
ubunuubdr_willis: why can that be annoying? does it cause problems?17:41
PraxiPhrogz: most of my experience was with Tightvnc too, had a few RealVNC clients, tight just had a lot more options, think I settled on UltraVNC on my windows boxes though :)17:41
TjkentI am having a problem downloading files, I keep getting this as the problem  http://pastebin.com/NuGvwq5x17:41
Dr_Willisubunuub:  what if you want to use the console.. it tries to startx, you go to consokle #2. login to do somthing.. it tries AGAIn to startx....17:41
darkrowhello folks, i'm trying to install ubuntu 10.10 but it seems the installer won't launch from the live, is there any way i could skip the loading of the live os and get direcly to the installer?17:41
Dr_Willisubunuub:  it can get very annoying  -17:41
Tjkentwhen I try the same file on another computer it is fine17:41
Dr_Willisubunuub:  you ssh in... it might try to startx...17:41
zaidkain the node page, how do i access the node object?17:42
ubunuubdr_willis: ah i see. The gui users aren't going to need to run on more than one vty17:42
PraxiTjkent: how are you trying to download the file, and whats the URL?  I'm an ubuntu noob, but have some experience downloading using wget on my server hehe17:42
Tjkentit is any file17:43
Tjkenttorrent, zip, you name it I can't get it17:43
Dr_Willisubunuub:  perhaps.. perhaps not...17:43
Praxiare you trying to download it off the web?17:43
Praxiusing a browser?17:43
christianivHello guys.17:43
christianivI have a little problem when trying to install Maple 13 via terminal. I got my .bin file in Downloads/17:43
christianivFirst off i type in: chmod +x name_of_file.bin17:43
christianivThen second i type: sudo ./name_of_file.bin17:43
christianivBut when it is trying to launch the installer it says:17:43
christianiv/tmp/install.dir.2543/Linux/resource/jre/bin/java: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected17:43
FloodBot2christianiv: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:43
christianivWhat cause this problem, and how should i fix it?17:43
ubunuubdr_willis: where is .profile located on maverick? if you would be so kind17:43
Praxiwhat browser Tjkent ?17:43
Dr_Willisubunuub:  users home dir. has the .STUFF17:44
Praxisounds like a permissions problem, but I don't know enough about that, maybe get chrome and see if the problem persists?17:44
Dr_Willisubunuub:  one of those .Somthign files is only read on a LOGIN shell.. so that makes it a little easier.17:44
ubunuubdr_willis: awesome thanks i will see what i can do now, thanks for the help17:44
PhrogzFYI, TightVNC doesn't fix it, regardless (AFAICT) of connection settings. Even pressing "Request Screen Refresh" doesn't pull new VNC. So I guess I have to figure out how to configure or change the VNC server on ubuntu.17:44
TjkentI have ubuntu, but I use firefox on all machines but again nothing17:44
glaucousDo anyone know of a program that can view realtime disk usage? More specifically, I'd like to see exactly which partitions and folders which have the most disk IO.17:45
resnoyea! im back again17:45
christianivhey guys.17:45
PhrogzAhhh http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113727317:45
Dr_WillisPhrogz:  i recall a new vncserver called 'tigervnc' I think. :) saw some ppa's for it  a few months back.17:45
cschneidI have a server install of ubuntu, that boots into runlevel 2.  Where in etc would I change it to boot into 5 (x-windows), or otherwise automatically start X on boot17:45
PraxiTjkent: seeings how no one else is responding, just try chrome as a browser just to see if it works, alternatively from a terminal, use wget to see if it works?17:46
EltuHaving problem with my mouse, posted here now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/521521/17:46
christianivI have a little problem. When trying to install Maple 13 "Math software" with the sudo ./name_of_file it says: /tmp/install.dir.2543/Linux/resource/jre/bin/java: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected What should i do?17:46
PhrogzHow do I "disable compiz (--metacity replace)" ?17:46
shayelI have a .iso file i want to burn so it will be bootable, i tried like 4 times already, not going well17:46
archlichTjkent, what's your permissions on tmp? ls -lah /|grep tmp17:46
Tjkenteltu: what problems are you having I just fixed mine17:46
alkisgPhrogz: also check if disabling compiz fixes the problem (set /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager to "metacity" from gconf-editor)17:46
EltuTjkent: read the link17:46
Dr_Willisshayel:  burn with what program? try k3b perhaps.17:47
Dr_Willis!burn | shayel17:47
ubottushayel: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto17:47
christianivCan anyone see what i am writing? xd17:47
Dr_Willischristianiv:  :) No..... :)17:47
archlichchristianiv, you need to specify a shell for that script to be run in, most likely       bash name_of_file17:47
christianivlol :)17:47
archlichor java17:47
Phrogzalkisg: Thanks, let's see if that does it :)17:47
Dr_Willischristianiv:  if the start of a shell script is #!/bin/sh   but it REALLy was supposed to #!/bin/bash  it can cause issues also on ubuntu and other disrtos that use 'dash'17:48
Tjkentarchlich: http://pastebin.com/XW6h9N7g17:48
GneaDr_Willis: I've always wondered why they chose dash over bash17:48
Dr_WillisGnea:  speed and size..17:49
archlichTjkent, should be fine then, i may visit the firefox/mozilla channel to see if anyone else may know what the issue may be.17:49
Dr_WillisGnea:  the bash vs dash issue.. also points out BAD programming habbits of a lot of the bash scripts..17:49
alkisgGnea: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DashAsBinSh17:49
GneaDr_Willis: heh17:49
Tjkentarchlich: what is that channel?17:49
Dr_WillisIf  a script is using BASH features then it should be using #!/bin/bash  not assuming sh is bash. :)17:49
archlichTjkent, #firefox17:50
Phrogzalkisg: Dr_Willis: Disabling compiz did the trick. Thanks!17:50
Tjkentarchlich: thanks17:50
baggar11anyone running 2 video cards with 3 or more monitors in here?17:50
alkisgPhrogz: do file a bug in vino-server about it..17:50
darrenddoes "update-manager -d" not use the apt proxy I have set in my sources.list?17:50
Phrogzalkisg: Does this do it? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/35312617:50
Gneaalkisg: awesome17:50
Phrogzs/do it/cover it/17:50
ardianHi, How do I stop automatic updates ?17:51
shayelDr_Willis,  i will try with k3b now as well, problem is i have in the bios to boot from cd, i see the message "hit any key to boot from cd", and then it goes straight into ubunto o017:51
alkisgPhrogz: if you're using nvidia/ati restricted drivers, sure17:51
Phrogzalkisg: I am, so yeah. :)17:51
BluesKajdarrend, apt proxy?17:51
darrendBluesKaj: yes17:51
darrendBluesKaj: I have one on my network17:51
tensorpuddingardian: open the Settings menu in the Update Manager, and disable Check for Updates17:52
tensorpuddingardian: you risk the security of your system by not enabling it though17:52
japaxicanI installed the netbook version of Ubuntu on my Macbook Pro and it installed fine. However, on the first boot I got an error message about Unity not working properly and I ignored it at first. I've gotten everything else to work properly except that I can't figure out how to get Unity working again. Does anyone know how to get Unity working again?17:53
uLinuxhello how do i run .net applications?17:53
StaRetjialkisg: I hope you don't mind if I ask one more question. Is there a way to make homeuser to have root privileges like root user. Again, all of this coz I have problems with bash script, it wont execute something due permissions. Thx17:53
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uLinuxdo i need mono or something?17:53
alkisgStaRetji: run that script with sudo in front17:53
tensorpuddinguLinux: You can run certain .NET applications with Mono.17:53
BluesKajwell darrend your proxy should direct the request from apt deb url in your sources.list to the proper server17:53
ardiantensorpudding: thanks = ]17:53
tensorpuddinguLinux: but only if they only use libraries that Mono supports17:53
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StaRetjialkisg: I would, but it is in /etc/init.d/ and it runs on startup17:54
uLinuxtensorpudding: i tried "sudo apt-get install mono" it's not in repos17:54
alkisgStaRetji: if it's on /etc/init.d then I suppose it already runs as root, unless it switches to a specific user id17:54
BlaDe^Hi guys, what's wrong with my regexp here: find -type f | xargs sed -i ’s/\$_SESSION[\'logged\']/{logged}/g’   ?17:54
tensorpuddinguLinux: the package might not be called mono17:55
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tensorpuddinguLinux: try grabbing mono-complete or mono-devel17:55
StaRetjialkisg: only thing I'm using here is sudo -u root in some lines. could it be the problem actually?17:56
tensorpuddinguLinux: mono-runtime is probably needed for running Mono apps.17:56
shayelDr_Willis, 5th disc trying now ;p17:56
uLinuxtensorpudding: it's installing mono-complete17:56
shayelDVD ones ;[17:56
* techdj1 is away: I'm busy17:56
alkisgStaRetji: you've made own script? You don't need to use sudo in an /etc/init.d script, you're already root17:56
mark7845is it possible to make a dedicated grub partition with ubuntu17:56
shayeli am prolly just an idiot as it has nothing to do with the burning, i will find out eventually17:56
archlichBlaDe^, brackets denote single characters, you need to escape them17:57
alkisgmark7845: yes, from the ubiquity partitioning step17:57
pankajmwho thinks that hibernate on linux deserves some serious attention from canonical and other heavy-weight linux giants17:57
tensorpuddingmark7845: you can make a separate partition for /boot, which is where grub stores its stuff17:57
BlaDe^archlich:  just the square brackets ?17:57
uLinux!away techdj117:57
StaRetjialkisg: yes, my own script, thx for clarifying that to me, I guess I will delete it from the script and try again. Also, does it matter if it is #!/bin/bash or #!/bin/sh My own is #!/bin/bash17:57
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BlaDe^it still doesn't seem to execute - it just goes to a new line (like it's expecting more input)17:57
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Cmdr_W_T_RikerBlaDe^: i'm wondering what exactly you're trying to do. Should the content of the files from find be fed as input for sed?17:58
aeon-ltdpankajm: yes, but imo a fast boot compensates, also don't run polls17:58
alkisgStaRetji: it needs to be bash if you're using bash features. /bin/sh is usually used to be more posix-compiant, but for home scripts that doesn't matter much17:58
BlaDe^just a search/replace Cmdr_W_T_Riker17:58
darrendBluesKaj: yes, normally it works fine, but update-manager seems to be ignoring it for the distribution upgrade and goes direct to canonical servers17:58
BlaDe^but I need it to be recursive for all sub directories17:58
StaRetjialkisg: thanx once again, it's really appreciated ;)17:59
paddyI am buying a new computer and have no clue about what video card would would need. A must have is dual monitor support at 1600x1200 through dvi. 3D-wise I would like to run xplane very smoothly an the full monitor resolution with high graphics settings; any recommendations?17:59
mark7845will the ubuntu installer allow you to specify which partition to install grub? what happens if I want to install another linux distro, won't this automatically overwrite grub?17:59
pankajmaeon-ltd: how does fast boot account for saved state of apps17:59
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BluesKajdarrend, try the cli , apt-get17:59
uLinuxpaddy: buy some nvidia card17:59
slaterhi everybody, i have a short question about a shell script hoping somebody could help me17:59
corecodehow do i get the network-manager applet visible?17:59
slaterwould be under this url: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=26103.017:59
sinusoidhey everyone17:59
juk__slater: #bash17:59
aeon-ltdpaddy: a good nvidia card, search around for problems with cards to get to know what kind of probs you might have17:59
sinusoidanyone familiar with wget?17:59
slaterok thc17:59
corecodei'd like to use a vpn connection, but since maverick the applet is gone17:59
resnosinusoid: whats up?17:59
sinusoidhey resno17:59
BlaDe^?anyone sinusoid17:59
Cmdr_W_T_RikerBlaDe^: you could maybe do it with perl, as "find ./ -type f | perl -pi.bak -e 's/$_SESSION[\'logged\']/\{logged\}/g'"  --- i haven't tested this, just a copy paste from your sed18:00
JabberWalkiehow can I make a command run when I get disconnected from the internet?18:00
uLinuxcorecode: right click panel, add indicator applet ?18:00
paddyuLinux: do i use the nv driver or the proprietary one?18:00
darrendBluesKaj: it's update-manager that has overwritten my sources.list for the upgrade18:00
aeon-ltdpankajm: it doesn't, but its not for everyone, i don't do elongated processes like rendering or compiling etc18:00
BluesKajuLinux, some nvidia cards aren't well suported by the latest drivers even, stay away from the 8400gs18:00
BlaDe^!anyone | sinusoid18:00
ubottusinusoid: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:00
uLinuxpaddy: i use ubuntu's one18:00
darrendanyone know why I can't use an apt-proxy for a dist upgrade?18:00
corecodeuLinux: i have indicator applet18:00
sinusoidwant to see if its possible to create a script that uses wget to send an incrementing cookie value in a loop18:00
ubunuubdr_willis: that worked perfectly.18:01
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GwarIf I set my GRUB2 timeout to 0 does that mean it won't show unless I hold shift? If not, how do I make it not show unless I hold shift :P18:01
corecodeuLinux: but it doesn't show the network manager18:01
BlaDe^Cmdr_W_T_Riker:  sorry i'm a perl amateur... it produces: -bash: find ./ -type f | perl -pi.bak -e 's/[\'logged\']/\{logged\}/g': No such file or directory18:01
sinusoidand then pull the out put into a file .... which I can figure out18:01
Cmdr_W_T_Rikerblade: is perl installed?18:01
BluesKajdarrend, then edit your /etc/apt/sources list and stop using update manager, personally I would deletye it if possible18:01
paddyuLinux: I have read that has no 3D acceleration, which I assume is required to play xplane with a good frame rate18:01
Aitrus41Decided to triple boot my netbook.  Installed XP, then Windows 7, then Ubuntu. Can boot into W7 and Ubuntu 10 but XP is not showing in the boot menu.  How would I fix this? XP is listed by fdisk as /dev/sda1, W7 is sda2 and Ubuntu is /sda318:01
Juandrehi guys18:02
ubunuubDr_Willis: i get a bunch of garbage console messages while logging in, though. Is there any way to redirect or filter these?18:02
Juandreany Ubuntu 10.4 (32 Bit) expert here ?18:02
sympt0mAitrus41, why would you do such a thing? lol18:02
darrendBluesKaj: how do I update to maverick from lucid without update-manager?18:02
Aitrus41For work ;)18:02
BlaDe^yeah Cmdr_W_T_Riker18:03
sinusoidcatch that resno?18:03
Cmdr_W_T_RikerBlaDe^: hang on18:03
BluesKajJuandre, experts?  we're here to help , just ask your question18:03
uLinuxdarrend: first you need to go to software sources18:03
resnosinusoid: no, wasnt paying attentino18:03
sinusoidwant to see if its possible to create a script that uses wget to send an incrementing cookie value in a loop18:03
JuandreBlueskaj : Thank you, my question will follow, please excuse me as I am new to Linux but want to move away from Windows18:03
sympt0mlast time i tried dual booting, i killed my windows boot =[18:03
cobobno one knows about the serious issue of just getting 100 Mbps with my 1 Gbps card? :o18:03
sinusoidand then pull the out put into a file .... which I can figure out18:03
BluesKajdarrend in the terminal : sudo do-release-upgrade18:04
uLinuxdarrend: first you need to go to software sources, updates , and change to Normal release then sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade18:04
resnosinusoid: sure its *possile*18:04
corecodenetwork manager applet not visible?18:04
uLinuxcorecode: wait18:04
sympt0mCobob, your isp?18:04
Juandreoh wait, now my updates are downloading, that is strange18:04
BluesKajuLinux, that won't upgrade to 10.1018:04
om26ercorecode, notification area might have got removed try to add it again18:04
sinusoidresno -- any thoughts how, or seen a script thats written to do it18:05
uLinuxcorecode: alt+f2 and type "nm-applet"18:05
corecodeom26er: also have notification area18:05
cobobsympt0m: no, its LAN. my realtek r8169 just give me 100 Mbps. Ive updated drivers, and the cable is fine (I get 1 Gbps with other computers connected to that very same cable)18:05
corecodeuLinux: nm-applet is running18:05
sympt0mheres a question, how would i go about writing a script that will edit preferences in firefox?18:05
uLinuxcorecode: reload nm-applet18:05
om26erare you sure you are no mixing it with indicator-applet?18:05
resnosinusoid: im curious why you want to fabricate cookies like that against a site18:05
Bilzhow do i open document viewer from terminal?!?18:05
darrendBluesKaj: that does the same thing - it adjusts my sources.list to bypass the proxy18:05
sinusoidresno --- its a proof of concept18:05
uLinuxcorecode: i bet if you logout and login it shows again18:06
corecodeuLinux: no18:06
sympt0mcobob, hardware fault maybe? i don't deal with LAN so idk o.O18:06
corecodeuLinux: tried several times18:06
darrendBluesKaj: I have 4 machines to upgrade, I don't want to d/l all the same stuff 4 times!18:06
anygivennamewhat could make ssh log attempts in auth.log ??????????18:06
resnosinusoid: i havent seen the cookie part, check out the man page18:06
resnoanygivenname: thats where it belongs18:06
anygivennameit does not18:07
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darknethi : I have this problem alsa-sink.c: Failed to query DSP status data: Tubería rota18:07
cobobsympt0m: hmm, its a strange hw issue.. works flawlessly with 100 Mbps, ethtool says it can do 1 Gbps, but the other part advice it to use 100 Mbps18:07
archlichsympt0m, check with #firefox to see where they're stored, with any luck its a standard config or xml file18:07
anygivennamei have been on Ubuntu for more than a month....tried everything & really frustrated18:07
Krishnanduanygivenname, Now try advanced things.18:07
archlichanygivenname, are you behind a firewall18:07
darknetany one help me ?18:08
uLinuxcorecode: dont know then..18:08
Krishnandu!ask | darknet18:08
ubottudarknet: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:08
uLinuxcorecode: make sure you have notification area.. nm-applet18:08
anygivennameKrishnandu: what advanced settings18:08
uLinuxcorecode: or try to put panels to default18:08
Krishnanduanygivenname, No sorry, I got it in wrong way I think18:08
BluesKajdarrend, well if you insist on not bypassing the proxy temporarily , the I can't help and if you can't do 4 machines by repeating a command 4 terminals , then I can't help you.18:09
anygivennamearchlich: is there a firewall on Ubuntu ?18:09
sympt0mthanks archlich18:09
archlichanygivenname, i mean, are you directly connected to the internet or a campus network18:09
ikoniaanygivenname: yes, iptables18:09
Krishnanduikonia, isn't t ufw???18:09
uLinuxanygivenname: if you want a firewall install ifw18:09
ikoniaKrishnandu: well, yes, but it's a front end to iptables18:09
uLinuxye :P18:09
darrendBluesKaj: do you understand what I'm asking?  I can repeat the command easily enough, but I don't want to d/l everything FROM THE INTERNET 4 times when I already have it downloaded on my apt proxy18:10
Krishnanduikonia, Ohh... :)18:10
Krishnanduikonia, and gufw is front end GUI for ufw. Right??18:10
ikoniaKrishnandu: never used it, but I'd assume so18:10
Krishnanduikonia, okies :)18:10
darknet I have this problem alsa-sink.c: Failed to query DSP status data: Tubería rota ... My CPU is unestable and freeze the system18:10
corecodeuLinux: ah!18:10
corecodeuLinux: the icon itself is only 1 pixel wide18:11
Bilzhow do i open document viewer from terminal?!?18:11
madjoehow do I copy multiple directories (recursively) to another path? something like cp -R dir1 dir2 dir3 destination/18:11
anygivennameI dont want firewall....I want the max 3 login attempts I have set to be applied.....ban the IP to happen....& reporting the action to show on log18:11
llutzmadjoe: exact that way18:11
resnoanygivenname: fail2ban?18:11
madjoellutz: ok, thanks18:11
anygivennameresno: fail2ban is running18:11
anygivennameresno: fail2ban is running18:12
BluesKajdarrend, guess I don't understand this apt proxy thing18:12
whiteguysamuraianyone need help?18:12
anygivennameresno: denyhosts is running aswell18:12
trismBilz: evince18:12
resnoanygivenname: what is the problem then?18:12
Bilztrism thanks18:12
Dr_Willisdarrend:  i use the apt-cacher-ng on my homelan. one pc caches the downoloads for the rest of the lan. Its rather easy to setup.18:13
Tree-Housegot a weird problem, im trying to play a game i installed using wine, and when i goto click on the buttons it will not let me, i have to be about a half inch under the button for the button to become highlighted and clickable, anybody know anything?18:13
resnoTree-House: thats likely a wine issue.18:13
Dr_WillisTree-House:  try runnign the application 'windowed' instead of full screen.. or visa versa.18:13
whiteguysamuraithe problem with wine, is that you have to give a game profiles18:13
anygivennameresno: I have infinite trial attempts on the PC I use to hack while it should be only 3.....the IP of that PC is never banned......the hacking action does not show on auth.log18:14
Dr_WillisTree-House:  theres also ways to give an app a 'windows desktop' in a window for problem apps. Check teh wine app database.18:14
Tree-HouseAlright will try the windowed, im very unfamilar with ubuntu aswell as wine, mind if i pm?18:14
whiteguysamuraiinstad of using wine, why not install playonlinux?18:14
archlichDr_Willis, Tree-Houseyou can have a windows desktop, its in the wine config18:14
resnough, playonlinux18:14
Dr_Willisplayonlinux uses wine...18:14
Tree-Housedoes playonlinux work better?18:14
cmyrlandtrying to build a patched version of wine to get fallout: new vegas working. 64-bit maverick. I've followed instructions here: http://wiki.winehq.org/WineOn64bit#head-f6a7d1b561fe7ce26bb3a061d96d16380d90d618, but it doesn't work. ./configure fails with "checking whether gcc -m32 works... no. configure: error: Cannot build a 32-bit program, you need to install 32-bit development libraries." Any help?18:14
whiteguysamuraithat way you can install your game and set up a profile for it18:14
Dr_Willisit just has some tweaks and stuff for some games.18:15
FunkyDudedoes anyone know how to compile as3 with flexsdk on ubuntu?18:15
Dr_WillisYou can do the same thing with normal wine..18:15
whiteguysamuraiit does for the fact that it sets up the proper profile, and has many default profiles18:15
chandanhow can i install turbo c throu dosbox?gh18:15
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archlichwhiteguysamurai, yes you can, you can create different profiles and load different configs (with different directories)18:15
whiteguysamuraiyes, you can, but this is easier18:15
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Dr_WillisIf it has some profile for the game in question....18:15
whiteguysamuraiif it doesn't than you can make your own profile.18:16
whiteguysamuraiit has a windows user friendly wizard.18:16
Dr_WillisTree-House:  you did check the wine app database for your specific game?18:16
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help18:16
Dr_WillisTree-House:  also Inside the GAME. you may want to try windowed/fullscreen modes. or try changeing the res of the game18:17
corecodecould somebody on maverick send me a strace of nm-applet starting?18:17
Tree-Housealright, checking app db now18:17
Strumpaanyone have successfully ran the game Trine?18:17
BluesKajDr_Willis, so do you just ssh into the cache machine (scuse the pun) and run the updates from the there when updating/upgrading with apt?18:17
Dr_WillisBluesKaj:  or the clients...18:18
Dr_Willisit caches them all18:18
littlebobbyI've just setup 10.04.01 on a server and am wondering why "%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL" is missing in /etc/sudoers. I've upgraded to 10.04.01 from 8.04 and this is a custom install from the hoster. Maybe that's the reason?18:18
Kruzhi, I have a problem with Grub, the timeout option doesn't work (have to click enter), I have no idea why not. Have reinstalled grub-pc and -common but nothing changed. What can I do to have the timeout working again.18:18
biglinux hotname Thiago18:19
biglinuxopa mochada18:19
whiteguysamuraiyou can edit grub yourself, but there is a GUI based app called startUp-manager that i like.18:19
Tree-Houseso im on the wine appdb how do i download these?18:20
whiteguysamuraiyou can find it in the software center18:20
BluesKajKruz, maybe you could pastebin your /default/grub file , so we can have a look18:20
gartral|pCan someone help me with the usb disk maker? The 'make startup disk' button will not light up!18:22
corecodeuLinux: the icon re-appeared when i disabled and enabled networking, by clicking on the one-pixel-wide area18:23
naptasticWhere are the httpd conf files under Maverick? /etc/httpd doesn't exist anymore.18:23
nubuntuIm having trouble with my dvd drive. what channel should i go to to get help?18:23
whiteguysamuraigartralip: have you tried UNetbootin?18:23
naptasticnubuntu, what problem are you having?18:23
corecodehm, it says "device not managed"18:24
Chaos2358hey guys quick question. whats command to remove un needed drivers, packages after update?18:24
zol_hi people. I have install autocad 2006 by wine, but I can't open activation window, why?. I use ubuntu 10.0418:24
naptasticChaos2358, apt-get autoremove, I think18:24
IdleOneChaos2358: apt-get autoclean18:24
naptasticThat's the one18:25
sympt0mi like localepurge18:25
gartral|pwhiteguysamurai: unetbootin won't make a bootable disk from 10.10 iso18:25
whiteguysamuraiit's listed on the sourceforge for the program18:25
maxagazI tried to install tesseract 3.0 from svn, but when I run it, it returns this message : tesseract: error while loading shared libraries: libtesseract_api.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory18:26
Chaos2358ok great thanks. my update manager keeps telling me i need drivers for a radeon graphics card when i have a intel so i jusdt installed and going to remove whats not used18:26
cdcdcdctrying to figure out grub2 so i can install onto a partition from a partition on the same HD. I don't know what to put in 40_custom for boot partition, like do I boot from hd0,1 or should i put the iso somewhere else like on a usb drive? this process is confusing.18:26
gartral|pwhiteguysamurai: and my name isn't 'gartralip' its gartral(pipeline)p18:26
cmyrlandtrying to build a patched version of wine to get fallout: new vegas working. 64-bit maverick. I've followed instructions here: http://wiki.winehq.org/WineOn64bit#head-f6a7d1b561fe7ce26bb3a061d96d16380d90d618, but it doesn't work. ./configure fails with "checking whether gcc -m32 works... no. configure: error: Cannot build a 32-bit program, you need to install 32-bit development libraries." Any help?18:26
whiteguysamuraiah, that's nice.18:27
sympt0mwhen it comes to gaming, i use my windows box :)18:27
FunkyDudehow do i copy a file to a folder who's owner is "root"?18:27
nubuntucmyrland go get the 32 bit dev files for the libs you need.18:27
sympt0msudo cp FILE DESTINATION18:27
sympt0m@ FunkyDude18:28
whiteguysamuraisudo nautilus18:28
gartral|pcmyrland: you need to install the 32bit dev libs, or reinstall ubuntu with the 32bit iso18:28
* Krishnandu wishes Good Night to Everyone :)18:28
sympt0mits the morning silly!18:28
FunkyDudethx sympt0m18:28
cmyrlandnubuntu: okay, so there isn't like a meta-package for 32-bit-libs in the repos?18:28
nubuntucmyou can run 32bit progs in 64bit osyland youll need a 32 bit os. i dont think18:28
darknet I have this problem alsa-sink.c: Failed to query DSP status data: Tubería rota ... My CPU is unestable and freeze the system .. anyone help me ?18:28
gartral|p!danger | whiteguysamurai18:29
ubottuwhiteguysamurai: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!18:29
sympt0mive been using linux for a total of 4 days and im helping people already =D18:29
zol_best reguards from Ruusia))18:29
gartral|pwhiteguysamurai: never, never, never ever run nautilus as root18:29
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sympt0mwhat does nautilus do?18:29
cmyrlandnubuntu: I think your cursor skipped around a bit. Rephrase, please? :)18:30
gartral|psympt0m: its your filebrowser18:30
KruzBluesKaj: here is it http://paste.ubuntu.com/521548/18:30
nubuntuumm why wouldnt you run nautilus as root?18:30
whiteguysamuraiactually, to get technical, it's a super user command, and not root. but that's OK.18:30
Tree-Houseah so, it sayswhat is nautilus18:30
gartral|pnubuntu: it will reset parts of the config as root for owner18:30
nubuntucmyrland: youll need to get the 32bit os. i dont think you can run 32bit progs in a 64bit os18:30
SpiderFredhi I created live cd with uNetbootin om my flash drive but it doesnt work at all, where can be problem?18:31
gartral|pnubuntu: you can, its just tricky18:31
paai have a problem: i have a notebook with intel 945 (gma950) graphics card and lucid. I installed video-intel drivers, and opengl seems to work (glxgears work)18:31
sympt0mSpiderFred, what distro?18:31
cmyrlandnubuntu: sorry, but you're wrong :) You can run 32 bit programs in a 64-bit environment.. I just haven't compiled it before18:31
FunkyDudeit didn't work18:31
paawhen i run qt opengl examples or python opengl, i always get segfault18:31
nubuntuwhat channel should go to get advice anbout drives?18:31
matrixfrom Russia есть?18:32
paaalso qtdemo executable segfaults18:32
SpiderFredsympt0m, lucid18:32
gartral|pwhiteguysamurai: see, I'm not the only one having trouble with unetbootin18:32
cmyrlandgartral|p: do you have experience with building 32 bit programs in a 64 bit env.?18:32
whiteguysamuraias long as you don't make changes to the underlining system, you are free to use a super user command.18:32
sympt0mhmm. lucid should be compatible with unetbootin, why not install maverick instead?18:32
nubuntucmyrland: google it man18:32
whiteguysamuraii didn't write it, i've just had luck with it in the past18:32
paaany idea?18:33
SpiderFredsympt0m, ok I ll try18:33
cmyrlandnubuntu: I've tried, but there are tons of various sites and they're mostly general.. and I don't have time to sit down and learn how everything works.18:33
FunkyDudei'm i allowed to curse in here18:33
nubuntucmyrland: it would best to go back to a windoz box then18:34
sympt0mFunkyDude, example: sudo cp ~/pictures/funnypic.jpg ~/desktop18:34
sympt0mthat should work18:34
gartral|pcmyrland: yea.. needless to say its a pain. You're honestly better off just reinstalling with 32bit and going from there18:34
ubunuubhey everyone. I've got an ALSA soundcard that gives me a crapload of console messages. Is there any way to filter what appears in your console / turn off messages from a service?18:34
FunkyDudeok, i didn't use a tilda, will try18:34
SpiderFredsympt0m, btw what file system should I use on that flash drive,?18:34
gartral|pCan someone help me with the usb disk maker? The 'make startup disk' button will not light up!18:34
sympt0m@ SpiderFred18:35
SpiderFredSylphid, eh is it the same as msdos?18:35
sympt0mif i remember correctly, theres an option in unetbootin to format the drive, but if there isnt, then fat32 is what you want18:35
cmyrlandnubuntu: no need to get cocky. I haven't used Windows in 3 or 4 years.. However, it's a tribute to Ubuntus user-friendlyness that I almost never have to compile anything since it's already there!18:36
Urakenhello all18:36
Urakenhas any one got time to answer a noob question?18:36
whiteguysamuraithe best kinds of questions18:36
sympt0mjust ask =]18:36
FunkyDudenah, that didn't seem to work either, i tried alt+F2, then check "in terminal" i ran this... sudo cp ~/home/mike/Downloads/actionscript3.lang ~/usr/share/gtkscourceview-2.0/language-specs/18:36
shaw1337Uraken: aks !18:36
nubuntucmryland: dude im not getting cocky im stating the obvious. *nix is not for those who lack a desire to know EVERYTHING.18:37
sympt0mFunkyDude, ~ is your home folder18:37
Urakeni am trying to install flash into edubuntu18:37
FunkyDudeactually, i think i have a typo, 1 sec18:37
Urakenno joy so far18:37
sympt0mUraken, don't ask to ask :)18:37
nubuntuuraken: use the package manager to flash-nonfree-plugin and flash-extra sound18:37
sympt0mwow, dislexia strikes o.O18:38
nubuntuuraken: also google ubuntu restricted extras. youll want that also18:38
Urakenthanks nubuntu will give it a go18:38
whiteguysamuraithere are so many automated ways to install flash, it's insane.18:38
Urakendo i jsust search the package manager?18:38
whiteguysamurailook for restricted extras.18:39
whiteguysamuraioh you could also install ubuntu tweak, and that has them and more.18:39
nubuntuyoull need to add the css thing too. i got that from googling ubuntu restricted extras. on the first link there is a script for cascading style sheets18:39
* ironsight installed ultimate edition since it came with flash/restricted extras/chrome out of the box :/18:39
murlidharok how can i restart sound service without rebootin the kernel ?18:40
whiteguysamurailogging out18:40
FunkyDudeok so i tried this, but still didn't work... sudo cp ~/mike/Downloads/actionscript3.lang /usr/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs/18:40
nubuntuor restarting the gtk18:40
novato_brwhy gedit has it consumed large amount of memory?18:40
ironsightkillall -9 pulseaudio && pulseaudio ?18:40
FunkyDudeisn't there an easier way to copy files, like can i log in as root or something, this is getting to be a pain to run commands every time i need to copy files around18:40
whiteguysamuraiwhy do you need to copy as root?18:41
sympt0mFunkyDude, ~ is your home folder, so it would be sudo cp mike/downloads/actionscript3.lang usr/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs18:41
nubuntumy computer seems to have lost my disc drive. i doesnt show up with the lspci command. how would put the firmware back into my bios without flashing them?18:41
FunkyDudebecause most the folders i need to copy things too, are registered to the "root" user18:41
sympt0manyone correct me if im wrong18:41
sympt0mplease ;D18:41
ironsightwhiteguysamurai, whever you copy outside of your home folder you need root permissions18:41
Urakennubuntu do i install the whole restricted packages or can i pick and choose (flash only(?18:41
dajxdcan't figure out why my netbook won't boot off of an ubuntu usb stick.  the boot order is all set, all of the quick boot stuff is disabled, and the image is written properly and boots my iMac.  any ideas?18:42
whiteguysamuraiwhat are you copying?18:42
nubuntuuraken: youll want that whole package. its for playing restricted or copyrited dvds18:42
ironsightwhiteguysamurai, this is to prevent you harming your system (or rogue apps)18:42
sympt0mare you sure that the boot order is set in bios?18:42
whiteguysamuraino kidding, what are you copying?18:42
=== shcherba1 is now known as shcherbak
FunkyDudenope, still no worky :o(18:42
ssm_hello guys18:42
Urakenbrilliant thanks for your help18:42
ka1serperhaps the usb stick is not compatible somehow18:42
ironsightme? nothing, I was answering your question18:43
dajxdsympt0m: absolutely sure.  it's telling me to insert a bootable disk18:43
novato_brwhy gedit has it consumed large amount of memory? I've opened a file with size 10MB. After 5 hour, its size rise up to 1GB. what is it going on?18:43
sympt0mhmm, maybe my syntax is off, try googling linux terminal copy files18:43
whiteguysamuraiseems a whole lot of indians, and no chiefs here.18:43
sympt0mdajxd,  what program did you use to make the usb bootable?18:44
ironsightnovato_br, it sounds like you found a memory leak perhaps, you should report it to launchpad18:44
FunkyDudesyntax language files so i can see syntax highlighting in gedit, or another case is trying to copy files around into my htdocs folder so i can test website files18:44
dajxdsympt0m: i just wrote the iso with diskutil in os x18:44
dajxdwith dd, rather.18:44
BluesKajwhiteguysamurai, heh, I didn't even see any arrows ...no cheifs , just us helpers18:44
sympt0mtry using the usb boot utility on the ubuntu website, im sure they have a mac version18:45
FunkyDudecan anyone help me copy a file to a folder lol18:45
dajxddidn't know such a thing existed!  thanks.18:45
trojan_spike? lol18:45
murlidharok how can i restart sound service without rebootin the kernel ?18:45
Urakenyou say it boots your mac correct? when you create the boot disk in mac does it use osx format18:45
FunkyDudetrojan, if i don't laugh, i go insane18:45
bastidrazorFunkyDude: you need to give the output of the command if it failed.. simply saying 'still no worky' is very vague18:45
novato_brironsight, thank you18:46
ironsightmurlidhar, logout and back in18:46
sympt0mwhat about an insane laugh?18:46
dajxdUraken: the disk format is "rockridge"18:46
sympt0mwill that satisfy you?18:46
utilitytrackmurlidhar: Why you need this?18:46
BluesKajFunkyDude, open the source  file , right click on the folder , choose copy , open target folder right click in it , paste.18:46
trojan_spikemurlidhar, sound pref , hardware , ( move up n down profile,)18:46
ironsightmurlidhar, or you can try killall -9 pulseaudio && pulseaudio18:46
FunkyDudeblueskaj, i can't because the folder i want to copy to is root access18:47
EltuIs there any application that can run commands based on key events (such as pressing and releasing a specific mouse button)?18:47
Urakendo you have  second usb drive to try and create a boot disk on the netbook?18:47
trojan_spikeFunkyDude, terminal type 'sudo nautilus'18:47
EltuLike CCSM's commands plugin, but with support for pressing/releasing buttons - not just pressing buttons18:48
sympt0mhow do i paste things in irc again?18:48
sympt0mlike so it doesnt flood18:48
BluesKajright click on the folder choose permissions , and choose write , also make it exectable , FunkyDude18:48
trojan_spikethen u can copy into it.. be careful tho18:48
novato_brironsight, is there anyway to set amount of memory that gedit can use?18:48
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:48
dajxdUraken: not around.  going to try to use the usb boot tool from ubuntu on a windows machine.18:48
bastidrazortrojan_spike: you should use gksudo for graphical applications needing root permissions.18:48
FunkyDudei can't blueskaj, b/c i'm not the root user18:48
ironsightnovato_br, I haven't a clue :(18:48
FunkyDudetrojan_spike, thanks, so that temporarly lets me access files as root?18:48
novato_brironsight, thank u18:49
trojan_spikeif ur an admin user it will give u full access..18:49
sympt0mdajxd, http://paste.ubuntu.com/521554/18:49
Urakeni have various usb boot disks, chronos, hiren, etc and some work on some pcs not others soem work on some macs not others a real pain..18:49
sympt0mthere's your instructions18:49
bastidrazor!gksudo | trojan_spike18:49
ubottutrojan_spike: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)18:49
ironsightnovato_br, if it's for coding, perhaps try a different IDE, there are a few nice ones in the repo18:49
dajxdsympt0m: thanks!18:50
trojan_spikedoes that just take it out of terminal?18:50
clergymanHi, I've got linux-image 2.6.35-22 and 2.6.35-25 installed.. but I can only seem to find the -headers package for -2218:50
clergymanBut not for -25?18:50
novato_brthank u, ironsight18:50
trojan_spikegood job ..18:50
giuliohello at all18:50
chronosUraken: but my disk worked on same pc... just before 1TB Disk18:50
FunkyDudewhew, finally, thanks, think i need a hard drink18:50
dajxdsympt0m: ahh, this is what i did18:50
gosHi, The controllers for the card of connections in windows are exclusive, up to there well, but those that I use in ubuntu for the wifi are free or exclusive, because with them I reach not even the half of intensity of sign that with windows18:50
BluesKajFunkyDude, I think trojan_spike is correct ...have no other users on this setup so I'm not used that kind of problem18:50
bruno24Hi, I'm trying to add a repository with this commande: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:info-g-com/sane-git,   but I get this message: Error: can't find signing_key_fingerprint at https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~info-g-com/+archive/sane-git18:50
sympt0mdajxd, hmm... then i dont know sorry18:50
chronosI found this guy with same problem Uraken, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160538118:50
sympt0mclass is over, lawl, see you all later18:51
llutzclergyman: sudo aptitude install linux-headers-$(uname -r)18:51
nubuntujoin ##hardware18:51
dajxdsympt0m: about to go to my windows machine to use the boot utility, thanks for your help!18:51
clergymanWith 2.6.35-22, I seem to have a constant load average of 1+, whereas with the -25 kenrnel, it seems fine18:51
nubuntuhow do i join channel with a chat command18:51
gosthe wifi controller is iwl394518:51
bastidrazornubuntu: /join ##hardware18:51
Xbertnubuntu, type /join #channelname18:52
clergymanllutz: still no linux-headers package for -25 :/18:52
BluesKajbruno24, go back to the ppa page and find the signing key number then do : sudo apt-key adv --keyserver kesyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys XXXXXX18:52
Xbertgos, i think you translation is bad, hard to understand what you mean18:52
nubuntugaynesrdware is invite onlys ha18:53
trojan_spikeany good bash people here? wana give me a few PM tips on it.. some basic and script i could write to see how it works and get use to..18:53
nubuntuok can someone tell me where to go for hardware issues?18:53
utilitytrackDo you can't get wireless working?18:53
bruno24BluesKaj: I found this command on a helping forum, is there a way I can know the ppa page address ?18:53
trojan_spikeforum or here nubuntu18:53
clergymanllutz: Googling the anticipated package name doesn't return anything either18:53
BluesKajbruno24, was the page on launchpad ?18:54
gossorry but im using the best translator: reverso18:54
Tw|sTGood afternoon.  Q:  Has anyone here setup VNC+XDMCP on Ubuntu 10.04 successfully?  I've set it up here according to an article I found via Google, and it worked... once... but after rebooting, I'm back to getting only a grey screen on connect.  It's as if GDM / XDMCP are not respawning.18:54
clergymanI wouldn't care  too much if it wasn't for the fact that virtualbox needs the kernel source to build18:54
nubuntumy machine seems to have lost its dvd drive. it doesnt show up with lspci command. any advice?18:54
bruno24I found it here, in post #58: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1001955&page=618:55
=== CorpX is now known as Tim_ED
bastidrazortrojan_spike: http://www.network-theory.co.uk/docs/bashref/18:55
clergymangrr, this is frustrating.. how can you release a kenrel without the headers for it??18:56
Hammer2010HI all, anyone using a mini PC that is completely compatible with Ubuntu?18:56
Urakenflash player all installed nubuntu your the man118:56
bastidrazorclergyman: apt-cache policy linux-headers-2.6.32-25    doesn't return results?18:56
nubuntuuraken: hey man if you need anything else let me know18:56
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Hammer2010network, bluetooth, USB monitor....no weird issues. Thats what I am looking for.18:57
Eighteenscurrently running 10.10, i noticed in the update manager, that 10.10.1 is available, also noticed in this update that pulseaudio stuff is still there, which in the past has really slowed my computer down, (hogging the cpu) will the new updates address this issue, or slow me down more? or should i not install the updates18:57
nubuntuuraken: dont forget about the restriocted extras youll need it play dvds. oh get vlc. its superior to media player18:57
Urakenthanks buddy appreciate it no doubt will be back with a ton of q's later lol18:57
clergymanbastidrazor: N: Unable to locate package linux-headers-2.6.32-2518:57
bruno24BluesKaj, I found it here, in post #58: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1001955&page=618:57
giulioi have a problem with internet! I am here, connection with wicd seems to be ok... But! When i go in internet the navigation is very bad.. sometimes there is sometime it is block18:57
bastidrazorclergyman: odd, they are located in the main repository..18:57
nubuntudude seriously noone here can even postulate an idea about this drive issue?18:57
afeijohi guys18:57
clergymanbastidrazor: Really? Hm!18:57
afeijowhat is wrong here please "for i in {0..10} do time php ie.php done;"18:57
clergymanbastidrazor: Oh.. My kernel is 2.6.35-22-generic  not 2.6.3218:58
MikeHonchoEighteens:  Have you tried OSS?  Works great for me.18:58
bastidrazorclergyman: you're on Lucid right?18:58
clergymanNo, maverick18:58
gosxbert, my wifi level is more under than windows a nd i dont know if is because the controllers are free18:58
EighteensMike, so do i sudo-apt get install OSS18:58
MikeHonchoEighteens: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSound18:59
EighteensMikeHoncho, is there a way to uninstall pulseaudio? or will installing OSS remove pulse for me18:59
MikeHonchoEighteens:  If you have any issues, you can go to #oss for help.18:59
anygivennamealmost all settings on forums & here are just a myths.....they are never applied in real18:59
MikeHonchoEighteens :  Look at the link.19:00
EighteensMikeHoncho thanks will do19:00
XaeroOnehey, we are doing a research paper on social media, could some of you please spare 2 mins to answer a survey?19:00
Quantum_IonXaeroOne, pay me19:00
afeijoI am trying to do a for loop, to execute a php script 10 times, what is wrong here?  for i in {0..9} do time php ie.php done;19:00
Quantum_Iondeposit money into my paypal account19:00
malgorathAnyone else not able to see windows 7 homegroup shares from Ubuntu?19:01
clergymanOk.. fedora 14 in a few days it is I suppose :(19:01
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clergymanI was quite warming to ubuntu!19:01
Lars_GI use 2 ethernet setups (via networkmanager), one preset and one via dhcp, and I always use my wireless via dhcp with networkmanager. Is there any way I can set nm so that wathever interface I use with dchp, I can insert a "nameserver" as primary dns on resolv.conf? appart from the automatically generated config?19:02
and-whathey fellas who know some gut mp3 player for ubuntu? ;[19:02
afeijowow 1551 users19:02
and-whatsomething like winamp(windows)19:02
Eighteensanother question, i just did a sudo apt-get install amarok, hoping to get another music player installed, rhythmbox and my now playing screenlet dont play nicely together if i have the impulseaudio graphic running(spectrum equalizer thingy), however after installing amarok, i don't see that it made a icon in the appmenu19:02
clergymanand-what: xmms19:02
Catalyst84hello, can someone help me, I just installed ubuntu 10.10, did the updates, when after i restarted, a black screen that says login and password appears. What do I do?19:02
bastidrazorclergyman: what is the output of uname -a19:03
Lars_Gand-what: I still like xmms even if it's "old"19:03
marelPython IDLE has frozen, how do I kill it ?19:03
Lars_Gand-what: very confy and very much like winamp...19:03
carlos2010marel, ALT+F2 and type in xkill klick on the window19:03
clergymanbastidrazor: Well now I'm booted with the -22 kernel.. Linux hypatia 2.6.35-22-generic #35-Ubuntu SMP Sat Oct 16 20:45:36 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux19:03
Lars_Gand-what: Now if you're looking at managing a huge mp3 library, I'd suggest amarok (my favorite) or juk instead19:03
and-whatkey thx gonna download it ;]19:03
clergymanbastidrazor: But I've got an entry for -25 in grub19:03
Lars_Gcarlos2010: ctrl+alt+esc should do the same19:03
marelcarlos2010, thanks !19:04
and-whatim now using amarok but not my'n19:04
carlos2010Lars_G, oh ok, didn't knew that :-)19:04
shane4ubuntucrontab should be logged at /var/log/cron  but there isn't any cron file or folder???  Where can I find a log for cron??19:04
clergymanbastidrazor: I'm juts baffled that even googling "linux-headers-2.6.35-25-generic" doesn't return anything.. I just can't believe I'm the only one running this kernel and needing the headers?19:05
Xbertgos what wifi card are you using?19:05
p12mn097NOTICE: FREENODE IS CHANGING HOW YOU CONNECT TO IT! Starting November 3rd, ALL USERS will be required to use SASL to connect to freenode. You will need to automatically log into nickserv, and have this enabled in your client. Please /join #freenode and/or message a staffer for details!!! p12mn097 doorntje kancerman robinbowes iredux carlos2010 marel marjo golemz master_of_master Catalyst84 GMeola fep_ janek malgorath Quantum_Ion ubuntuella Lars_G gnubuntu a19:05
p12mn097NOTICE: FREENODE IS CHANGING HOW YOU CONNECT TO IT! Starting November 3rd, ALL USERS will be required to use SASL to connect to freenode. You will need to automatically log into nickserv, and have this enabled in your client. Please /join #freenode and/or message a staffer for details!!! utilitytrack desti moza satya gos jrib erik_894 AxeZ xeros shcherbak JoeSomebody spazz ring1 Anita_Gofradump trijntje Xaifas nsdk westmi maxagaz g0bl1n SpiderFred kracker[B19:05
p12mn097NOTICE: FREENODE IS CHANGING HOW YOU CONNECT TO IT! Starting November 3rd, ALL USERS will be required to use SASL to connect to freenode. You will need to automatically log into nickserv, and have this enabled in your client. Please /join #freenode and/or message a staffer for details!!! Terrance Scunizi tewecske rizzuh Juandre mauro_ JabberWalkie corecode paddy m00se HRT viliny wgwinn zonum cmyrland BlaDe^ brenaiboba Theravadan KiLaHuRtZ Whitor mue Darwin419:05
p12mn097NOTICE: FREENODE IS CHANGING HOW YOU CONNECT TO IT! Starting November 3rd, ALL USERS will be required to use SASL to connect to freenode. You will need to automatically log into nickserv, and have this enabled in your client. Please /join #freenode and/or message a staffer for details!!! no--name play4 pat_ fipu cschneid SirDidi sharky ElemonGW xerox1 rot13 kslt1 cobob haytham-med Dr_Willis SimonP86 Jordan_U m4v grid_ Sky[x] ITXpander Leemp node808 Nertil c19:05
FloodBot2p12mn097: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:05
Lars_Gshane4ubuntu: if there's no specific rule for cron on syslog, it might be logged to /var/log/messages with all the rest19:05
wildc4rdevenin all19:05
no--namefucking idiot19:06
and-whatoo xmms nice :> thx fellas :)19:06
zamaraxhi, is there a ubuntu server channel?19:06
ScuniziWas that just spam or ?19:06
Eighteenswhat was that19:06
Picizamarax: Yes, #ubuntu-server19:06
EltuIs there any application that can run commands based on key events (such as pressing and releasing a specific mouse button)? I want one command to run when I press down the mouse button, and another command to run when I release the button.19:06
Xbertzamarax, #ubuntu-server#19:06
PiciScunizi: Yes, just spam.19:06
Lars_Git seems like offitial spam19:06
no--nameScunizi: yes, it was a troll19:06
shane4ubuntuLars_G, found http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=437923  IT is actually in /var/log/syslog  I think19:06
PiciIts just spam. Please ignore.19:06
Catalyst84hello, can someone help me, I just installed ubuntu 10.10, did the updates, when after i restarted, a black screen that says login and password appears. What do I do?19:07
no--nameas if the freenode ops are going to be handling every users msgs19:07
shane4ubuntuLars_G, thanks though19:07
Eighteensis SASL really going to be required to connect to freenode19:07
no--namethere are thousands of us19:07
PiciEighteens: No. Its spam.19:07
clergymanEighteens: No19:07
ScuniziI kinda figured an announcement like that would come over the Nickserv channel19:07
noob-tuxhow can i view all IP address on the LAN network?19:07
Lars_GScunizi: or the motd19:07
bastidrazorPici: where might i find what the latest kernel version available for maverick?19:07
and-whatif u need some channel list just tipe ex: /list ubuntu  and it will show u all ubuntu channels19:07
Lars_Gnoob-tux: you could do a nmap sweep to see which respond.19:07
EagleScreenI usually fall un #ubuntu-unregged but mi nick is registered19:07
Piciand-what: alis is a better way of searchinf for a channel.19:08
Urakencatalyst: put the password you created when you installed19:08
Lars_Gnoob-tux: for example: nmap -sP
EeveeTrainerhi what does 'headless' mean in terms of linux ?19:08
quidnuncI tried to upgrade to maverick now boot hangs with "mount: according to mtab, none is already mounted on /lib/init/rw mountall: mount /lib/init/rm [123] terminated with status 1." Any ideas?19:08
novato_brhow can I set a maximum amount of memory to gedit use it?19:08
Lars_GEagleScreen: it's registered, but do you login to nickserv when you connect?19:08
EeveeTrainer!hi | novato_br19:08
xivenIs there any real difference between Ubuntu and MythUbuntu, other then Myth having some integrated applications?19:08
novato_brEeveeTrainer ?19:08
Picibastidrazor: Installing linux-image-generic will always depend on the latest kernel version available.19:08
gartral|pConfirming that unetbootin will not properly create a bootable usb disk19:08
bastidrazorclergyman: are you positive yo uhave the correct kernel versions? i'm not finding 2.6.35-25 anywhere.19:08
Lars_GEeveeTrainer: it means without a monitor and input device most normally19:08
EagleScreenLars_G: yes, I have set Quasel uo for it19:09
noob-tuxLars_G, : i'll try it thanx....and by the way.....will it be the same if i'm doin wireless but connecting same router with the lan network?19:09
bastidrazorPici: understood, i was trying to figure what version is the latest.. 2.6.35-22 or -2519:09
Lars_GEagleScreen: I've changed to using my password as network password during connect. nickserv identifying scripts usually were slower than autojoins in my case :)19:09
Lars_Gnoob-tux: it will, if the router bridges wlan and lan, which they usually do19:10
afeijoI am trying to do a for loop, to execute a php script 10 times, what is wrong here?  for i in {0..9} do time php ie.php done;19:10
Picibastidrazor: 2.6.35-22.35 or 2.6.35-23.36 if you have -proposed enabled.19:10
EagleScreenLars_G: how to do it?19:10
bastidrazorPici: thank you.19:10
quidnuncafeijo: I think you need a ';' before 'done'19:10
Lars_GEagleScreen: when you setup the server in your client, set your nickserv password as the server's password19:10
noob-tuxLars_G, : it did...but i have 17pc here but it only detects 4 IP's19:10
trismafeijo: you also need one after {0..9}19:10
Lars_Gnoob-tux: that does a ping (icmp) scan, it's possible the other machines do not respond to ping19:11
bastidrazorclergyman: -25 is not an available version from the repositories.19:11
afeijoyeah! thanks quidnunc trism19:11
clergymanbastidrazor: Oh.. I'm being thick! I'm so sorry! I didn't notice 2.6.32 vs 2.6.35!19:11
Ichatstrange i got redirected form ubuntu to ubuntu-unreged even though im registered with Nickserv on network logon :S19:11
Urakennubuntu you still here?19:12
xivenIf Wubi gives error "Cannot retrieve installation files" at the very end of installation, does it remove the 99.9% of what it has already downloaded?19:12
noob-tuxLars_G, : i see thanx man....that's sweet19:12
clergymanbastidrazor: So I guess that changes my question to, how do I install the headers for linux-image-2.6.32-25-generic ?19:12
Alphanautanyone ever seen this.  ubuntu 10.10 dual boot with windows.  i loaded the nvidia display drivers and ubuntu works great.  then i moved around/resized some partitions, and while grub loads ubuntu and i get the login prompt and can log in, i get an error that it could not load the display drivers and i never see a desktop19:12
clergymanAh, that's a lucid kernel19:13
clergymanIgnore me altogether19:13
Urakenis there a good dvd ripping program for edubuntu? i want to back up my kids dvds to hdd (maybe as isos)19:13
xivenAlphanaut: While I'm not sure how to do it, you should set fall-back drivers, just in case that happens. I've read about htat fix but couldn't tell you how.19:13
rocket16Is GWibber bugged? In 10.10,it doesn't support my Facebook account19:14
Alphanauthmmm ok, i dont show any other options aside from the login prompt, so i'm not sure how to drop back to terminal19:14
xiven...I know this is a stupid question - however, are there any North Americans in here right now?19:14
Alphanautwhy is that a stupid question?19:14
xivenBecause it's totally off topic lol19:14
Dice-Manhe might be chuck nurris cousin19:15
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xivenI wouldn't mind meeting Chuck Norris' cousin, or Chuck Norris himself for that matter.19:15
rwwxiven: Try #ubuntu-offtopic.19:16
jofoHello. I've tried with several word processors on Ubuntu and I wasn't able to use the four fonts available on the page http://www.unifon.org/htm/unifon%20characters.htm . I know they do work on Windows. Is there a way to use them?19:16
Tw|sT Has anyone here setup VNC+XDMCP on Ubuntu 10.04 successfully?  I've set it up here according to an article I found via Google, and it worked... once... but after rebooting, I'm back to getting only a grey screen on connect.  It's as if GDM / XDMCP are not respawning.19:17
donglebyat last i didnt realise i needed to d a thesis just to join an irc channel phew!19:17
donglebyr there any realy peeple in here?19:18
Catalyst84hello, can someone help me, I just installed ubuntu 10.10, did the updates, when after i restarted, a black screen that says login and password appears. What do I do?19:18
xivenWhy would I want to go to ubuntu-offtopic, I don't plan on remaining off-topic.19:18
IdleOnexiven: then please get back on topic19:18
bastidrazorclergyman: those aren't available to begin with. how you acquired them i do not know.19:18
donglebyhere goes - Does ext4 have problems copying disks in Ubuntu. Ive tried clonezilla, gparted, dd and virtually everything else and my disk refuses to clone - any ideas what might be going wrong???19:19
Alphanautahaha Catalyst8419:19
Alphanautyou login19:19
xivenI asked about North American becuase I've got an 'eye out' for ubuntu fans who would like to get involved in a web community type project.19:19
Alphanauti see19:19
Catalyst84Alphanaut, i did but it's just at a command line19:20
IdleOneCatalyst84: type the command startx19:20
xivenAlphanaut: If you had meant you are in North America, do you ever create videos via screen capture(equiv.) or webcam?19:20
IdleOnexiven: How is that Ubuntu related?19:20
donglebyDoes ext4 have problems copying disks in Ubuntu? Ive tried clonezilla, gparted, dd and virtually everything else and my disk refuses to clone - any ideas what might be going wrong???19:21
goltoofis there a way to ls the contents of a dir as a number list, and then open a file with a program by specifying the item number?19:21
anygivennamedoes anyone use fail2ban pleaaase?19:21
blakkheim!repeat | goltoof19:21
ubottugoltoof: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:21
blakkheimCatalyst84: what's wrong with that?19:21
goltoofblakkheim,  i didn't repeat the question19:21
goltoofblakkheim,  first time i asked ever19:21
tensorpuddinggoltoof: you could make a script to do that19:21
blakkheimgoltoof: sorry, i used tab complete and it got your name by accident19:22
donglebyit was mee who repeated myself - but ive literraly spent the last 2 days searching ubuntu forums and google - im all searched out!19:22
goltooftensorpudding,   no, i can't :)19:22
Catalyst84IdleOne, ok now it says "no init found. try passing init= bootarg"19:22
Italian_Plumberanyone else having problems with the Maverick Live CD?19:22
donglebythis is what u might call my last resort19:23
Italian_PlumberFor me, Gnome is crashing (seems to be random), and Gthumb crashes when you try to rotate a pic19:23
IdleOneCatalyst84: got me.19:23
Catalyst84IdleOne, can you help me?19:24
tensorpuddinggoltoof: maybe after learning how19:24
quidnuncIs there a minimal iso?19:24
jribdongleby: you're being too vague for anyone to have a clue what your issue is19:25
Catalyst84IdleOne, right now, it just shows (initramfs) with a blinking cursor19:25
quidnuncnevermind, found it19:25
golemzSo I installed Win7 on a disk, then tried to install ubuntu 10.10 - said something about gtp partitions, possible corruption.  So I restarted into the Live CD and used Disk Utility to format the drive with MBR, then tried to install again.  Installation went fine, but now it can't boot, just sits at a flashing _19:25
golemzlet me be clear i'm not trying to dual boot but replace win719:26
wiirahi i am using vi on ubuntu and it can undo only once (type 'u') is that normal?19:26
goltoofblakkheim,  of course,  i figured out by now that anything i want to accomplish can be done with a little scripting..  but i like to check if someone else already made it since learning how is taking more time than I anticipated19:26
jribwiira: ubuntu comes with vim-tiny by default.  Install a fuller version of vim19:26
donglebysorry for vagueness - well im using virtualbox and trying to copy one disk to another smaller disk, dd stops half way through complaining about disk size, so does clonezilla and gparted just wont let me copy and paste the drive19:26
zanushow do I get XRandR to recognize my other video card?19:26
wiirajrib: so vim-tiny can not repeat undo?19:27
jribwiira: I don't know.  If you actually like using vim though, install vim and use it, not vim-tiny19:27
utilitytrackzanus: It's not xrandr, it's in /etc/X11/xorg.conf file19:27
wiirajrib: i see thanks for your help19:29
mmoebiusWhat is the best-working way to auto-mount samba shares after a user has logged in ? Can the usernames/passwords be stored e.g. in the gnome keyring ?19:29
donglebywas my question still too vague?19:29
jribdongleby: yes19:29
rocket16Gwibber doesn't add any account. Any help?19:30
zanusutilitytrack, currently I have no xorg.conf, but if I do create one with configure.. it will only contain my primary video card.  When I run xrandr, the second card doesn't even show up19:30
cmyrlandokay, this is getting annoying. Why does Ubuntu whine about updates all day long? I mean, it's great that the patches are made available early on, but when I have to update my system more than twice a day it really gets a bit annoying, no matter how good the intent is. My girlfriend is complaining about it on her laptop, and I can imagine how John Doe would react if he had a PC loaded with Ubuntu and got several updates each day..19:30
zanusbut if I run lspci | grep VGA, it shows two cards19:31
utilitytrackzanus: For to use two video card simultaneously you need configure it in xorg.conf file.19:31
Italian_Plumberif you get several updates each day, you might be running a development version19:32
Italian_PlumberI mostly get one or two updates per week19:32
golemzthats even less than windows 719:32
IdleOnecmyrland: disable it in System > Admin > Software sources under the Updates tab.19:32
utilitytrackzanus: Read carefully $ man xorg.conf19:32
wiiracmyrland: why not turn it off?19:32
IdleOnecmyrland: it won't check for updates and won't notify. you will have to do it manually.19:33
DrDamnitWhere is the best place to install downloaded apps? For example, downloading sunbird, just bunzips to a directory. I don't really want it in ~/Downloads. I would like to put it in a "best practice" location. Where would that be?19:33
donglebywell lets take the command "dd" for instance, im copying a 30gb (but only 4 gb used) to a 10gb disk and its complaining about disk size. why would it do that? when its only copying 4gb? every tutorial on ubuntu forums seems to say this should work, but it doesnt on my sys with ext419:33
IdleOneDrDamnit: /opt19:33
jribdongleby: what exactly did you execute?19:33
DrDamnitIdleOne: Thank you. What do I need to google to find out how to add it to Applications > Accessories?19:34
donglebydd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb19:34
cmyrlandyeah I just set it for weekly checks, but I don't understand why that isn't by default. Either weekly or every two days..19:34
IdleOneDrDamnit: right click on the Applications menu > edit menu19:34
jribdongleby: you are attempting to copy 30gb to 10gb...19:34
donglebyjrib - yea, but all tuts on ubuntu and virtualbox say to do it this way, and it should work19:35
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Italian_Plumberit checks daily, and if you're not running a development version, most days it will find nothing to update.19:35
noob-tuxcorrect me if i'm wrong service = windows daemon = *nix ?19:35
DrDamnitIdleOne: I mean programmatically. I want to write a bash / shell / perl / php script to download, setup, and add the icons so I can roll it out to multiple machines.19:35
donglebyjrib does this mean i can never expand my virtualbox drive size?19:35
jribdongleby: why is virtualbox involved in your question?  Is all of this happening inside vbox?  dd doesn't care whether space is used or not.19:35
IdleOneDrDamnit: hmm you got me there.19:35
DrDamnitIdleOne: Thanks anyway. I will sharpen my google-fu and find it.19:36
xivenHey! I changed the wubi installer setting from (X)Ubuntu to Kubuntu and it went all the way through, gave me the option to reboot. Hmm, I wonder if it was the change in graphical desktop distribution or that I had re-downloaded the installer to the later version...19:36
donglebyi mean its not just 1 tutorial ive read on this, ive read like 30 tutorials that say the same thing, its got me confused :/19:36
jrib!who | dongleby19:36
ubottudongleby: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:36
jribdongleby: I do not know what you are reading.  What I can tell you is dd copies everything19:36
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:36
EltuWhere in Ubuntu is xinput located?19:36
Eltu(in which folder)19:37
goltoofupgraded to 10.10, got some likewise-open error while installing, now most of the stuff i install informs me of the likewise-open error.  is this a common upgrade error in 10.10?  how do i fix it?19:37
donglebyjrib - well do i have to create partition on the new disk and copy partition to partition instead? and how might i do that?19:37
=== Malkavian is now known as Malkavian_
jribdongleby: what do you want to accomplish *exactly*?19:37
donglebyjrib - ive created an ubuntu drive in virtualbox customised exactly how i want and now i want to clone it, but i want to clone it to different disk sizes, some smaller some larger19:38
goltoofcome on guys someone has to know something about that19:38
Notsonewhello room .... my newly reinstalled lucid is unable to start into x ... gives me a terminal login and then after a while automatically tries to start failsafe-x but it fails .. any ideas?19:39
wiirawhen I use Synaptic to install a package, it install 10 dependency packages but when uninstall it only remove that one package, how to remove them all?19:39
donglebygooltoof - reinstall likewise open package? or http://www.google.co.uk/#sclient=psy&hl=en&q=%22likewise-open+error%22+ubuntu&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&pbx=1&fp=719f195cf567ca0419:40
JoeA1whats the best way to execute a remote command on win xp pro from ubuntu?19:40
jribdongleby: the only imaging program I know of is partimage.  I don't know if there's a better way to do what you asked.  But that's the question you should be asking.19:40
maxwave3Eltu: which xinput19:40
goltoofdongleby, it's just wierd cause the same thing happened when i upgraded to Lucid... i'm surprised no one else has expereinced it19:41
PraxiJoeA1: PSExec if it has a linux client :)19:41
donglebyjrib - ive tried partimage too it does exactly the same19:41
donglebyjrib - thats why im here i exhausted all options19:41
jribdongleby: partimage takes into account unused space19:41
ssm_wassup guys?19:41
ownerI have a strange Acer Aspire one netbook that's not listed anywhere. It says it has:19:42
ownerAtheros Communications Atheros AR8121/AR8113/AR8114 PCI-E Ethernet Controller (rev b019:42
donglebyjrib hmmn will try - thx for lending me ur helping hand tho :)19:42
JoeA1Praxi: cool, where I can found it?19:42
jribdongleby: and partimage's website says ext4 is unsupported.  How did you try it?19:42
ownerunder lspci. It works in Linux but not XP. I need XP drivers for it.19:42
teemoi have a wireless command that i somehow (a while ago) managed to cause it to mount on startup, i updated ubuntu, and now in the newer copy it doesnt mount on startup. I remember someone telling me to add a certain text command to a file, i think the folder etc. Can anyone tell me where that file would be?19:42
teemo*thats a wireless adapter19:42
ownerteemo I see two PCI adapters19:43
jribdongleby: you should ask #vbox, this is probably a common thing19:43
ownerone is wireless and one is not.19:43
maxwave3wiira: from the command line you can do sudo apt-get autoremove19:43
ownerbut I'm not sure whitch one19:43
afeijoseen psilo?19:43
michLinuxGuyI have been having a lot of problems with CDROMs on 10.10.  It doesn't seem to recognize when the CD is ejected.  When writing, I have been getting errors saying it can't eject the disk.  Also, it created a couple of bad disks.  This happened on two different machines - I don't think it is a bad drive.  Are there known issues?19:44
Dr_Willisteemo:  perhaps /etc/rc.local19:44
ownerthe other network device is Atheros Communications Inc. AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)19:44
golemzwhat involves less hassle = zfs/fuse for raidz/raidz2 or mdadm for a raid5/raid5 with a cold spare?19:44
teemoDr_Willis: nope19:44
ownerSo can anyone help me here?19:45
Dr_Willisteemo:  that file does run commands at boot time.. you dont 'mount' network cardss and so forth. Its also possible to have things ran at User Login. It depends on uyour needs.19:45
cortneyIs there an easy way to check the model number of my video card through a terminal or something? I don't want to have to pull it out to find out.19:45
golemzcortney: what about like dmesg19:45
leighmancan anyone help with https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/casper/+bug/63006419:45
Dr_WillismichLinuxGuy:  try a differnt cd burner app like k3b. instead of brassero.19:46
donglebyjrib - cheers jrib19:46
wiiramaxwave3: do I have to use --purge option too?19:46
Tw|sTXvnc+XDMCP requires an SSH login before gdm will display in new VNC client connections... does anyone know why that is?19:46
afeijocan I have nginx running at the port 81 and to one domain I redirect the original port 80 to my 81 ?19:47
Picicortney: sudo lshw -C Display19:47
teemoi have a file at etc/Wireless/RT2870STA/RT2870STA.dat, i used to call i think nmake on it19:47
teemoi had to put that command in a file, all i want is my wireless card to work on startup, in the new ubuntu19:47
HeatMzzrhow do i fix bootloader, duel boot with win7... i took a screenshot of the error if I can send it to someone...19:47
=== Jyggaa is now known as Jygga
quidnuncIs there anyway to automatically download a package by name without apt-get or aptitude (they are currently broken for me)19:49
BluesKaj HeatMzzr did you install w7 after ubuntu ?19:49
michLinuxGuyAnybody else having trouble writing CDROMs with Gnome desktop?19:50
maxwave3wiira: not sure, I've always just done autoremove. It seems that purge would also delete any conf files as well. Sounds perfect for uninstalling apps like apache2 and starting over, but many dependencies don't have configs19:50
PraxiJoeA1: not sure if there is a linux client, 1s link on google looks kind of promising though http://forum.sysinternals.com/winexe-psexec-for-gnu-linux_topic9005_post38409.html19:50
jdehlin_Does anyone know if there is an IRC channel specifically for CUPS, particularly cupsys?19:51
Guest65948Can someone PLEASE help me.  On my live cd of Ubuntu 10.10, when i try to mount a drive i get the following message "DBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.Failed: An operation is already pending"19:51
teemook im trying make etc/Wireless/RT2870STA/RT2870STA.dat and im getting: "No rule to make target"19:51
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BluesKaj!PM | HeatMzzr19:52
ubottuHeatMzzr: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:52
cortneyPici, you nailed it. Thanks! :D19:52
leighmanmichLinuxGuy:  using the 'write to disk' in file manager?19:52
wiiramaxwave3: ok thanks max19:52
Picicortney: great to hear19:52
BluesKajHeatMzzr,  run sudo update-grub in the terminal19:52
HeatMzzroh ok sorry19:52
michLinuxGuyleighman: yes19:52
leighmanyeh, I experienced that today19:53
cortneyPici: now I can figure out why loading the binary blob drivers for this GeForce FX 5200 makes me lose video completely...19:53
JoeA1Praxi: thanks19:53
leighmanburning an iso19:53
ohiomoto_New user here.  Not sure if this is the right place.  Can anyone help with a compat-wireless question?19:53
HeatMzzrBluesKaj cant get to terminal19:53
BluesKajHeatMzzr, what is your error after grub ?19:53
leighmanmichLinuxGuy:  are you using updates in the -proposed repository? or have you had it a while?19:54
Picicortney: To be honest I haven't worked on nvidia in a while and I'm about to go afk as well.19:54
orko69Does anyone know how to increase the font-size in the virtual terminals, CTRL+ALT+F[1-8]?19:54
cortneyPici, no problem, I'm looking through the wiki now.19:54
michLinuxGuyleighman: This is 10.10.  I update daily with the default repository.19:54
michLinuxGuyleighman: I wasn't having problems with 10.419:55
teemowhat would the command be to mount my wireless card driver, given that i know where the .dat file is?19:56
HeatMzzrBluesKaj, would be easier to send the screen shot but something about kernel panic-not syncing VFS Unable to mount root fs on unknown wn block.... thats the first line19:56
=== hacked_ is now known as hacked
goltoofanyone here use Ubuntu Studio?19:57
jdehlin_Can anyone point me in the direction where I could get some help with a CUPS print server?19:57
cortneyAnyone else know any fixes for the proprietary drivers causing a blank screen on boot up?19:57
goltoofjdehlin_,  man cups19:57
g-hennuxi have a problem with my graphics card (P4M900/VN896/CN896, via chrome 9 chipset):19:57
g-hennuxwhen i connect an external monitor via the VGA port, then a) instead of the mouse pointer, i see a ~64x64 square with distorted graphics on the external screen19:58
Guest65948Can someone PLEASE help me.  On my live cd of Ubuntu 10.10, when i try to mount a drive i get the following message "DBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.Failed: An operation is already pending"19:58
g-hennuxb) the external monitor is not recognized in a way that i could set up dual-screen, but simple "clone" is done by default and cannot be changed19:58
jdehlin_goltoof, thanks.. I've certainly tried that.. specifically I'm wondering if there's a way to configure it to clear a job if it's been 'pending' for a certain period of time19:59
leighmanmichLinuxGuy:  I filed a bug at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus-cd-burner/+bug/667953 you could add your comments19:59
BluesKajHeatMzzr, try ctrl-alt-f1-f6, to get into a tty (terminal)19:59
GrIM147whats ubuntu inittab ?19:59
g-hennuxi'm using the openchrome driver and the messages in Xorg.0.log actually look fine20:00
HeatMzzrBluesKaj, then what? have to get out of this win7 to do that.. ill write down what to type if you can tell me.20:00
matt_keysI have this line repeating *a lot* in /var/log/messages: Oct 28 14:59:11 home kernel: [ 1465.881296] EDAC MC0: CE page 0x0, offset 0x0, grain 1073741824, syndrome 0x40, row 6, channel 0, label "": i3200 CE20:00
Praxicortney: the one article that worked for me, I of course can't find it now20:00
matt_keysany ideas what it is?20:00
Mustyhowdy! :D20:01
HeatMzzrBluesKaj, i can tell you that my keyboard was completely unresponsive when I tried to type anything before20:01
matt_keysdidn't have that in 9.10, it started with 10.04, and now in 10.1020:01
Guest65948Does anyone know how to fix a problem that deals with mounting a device such as a drive from a live cd?20:01
BluesKajHeatMzzr, if you can get a tty then it will ask for your login name and then pw, then do sudo update-grub.20:01
teemowould it be: "sudo modprobe etc/Wireless/RT2870STA/RT2870STA.dat"?20:02
teemoModule etc/Wireless/RT2870STA/RT2870STA.dat not found.20:02
gpetrakisI can't take single-windowed screenshots with Alt+PrintScreen. When pressing PrintScreen I can normally take screenshots.20:03
teemomy terminal is a liar! :(20:03
MustyHey folks, I'm having a problem with 10.10. I have an Intel GMA 950 graphics accelerator, and I'm on a Mac Mini (ohgod). I'm having trouble configuring X to use the intel driver and any resolution above 800x600. I've used X -configure and moved the resulting file to /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but X refuses to start (it starts if there is no Xorg.conf, but at a low resolution/vesa driver). Does anyone have any advice?20:03
michLinuxGuyleighman: thanks20:03
bruddlerhello, can anyone tell me how i can change my color depth from 24 to 32 bit? (i dont have a xorg.conf)20:04
gpetrakisjoin #ubuntu-gr20:04
teemooh come on its not make or modprobe, what do i have to call on the .dat file?!20:04
vexanyone seen something like this after a maverick upgrade ?20:04
Mustyanyone? ;O20:04
maxwave3teemo: is this Dat file a windows driver?20:05
gpetrakisI can't take single-windowed screenshots with Alt+PrintScreen. When pressing PrintScreen I can normally take screenshots.20:06
teemono its a linux20:07
teemoi have everything setup20:07
teemoi just need the command to i guess turn on the wireless adapter20:07
Guest65948Does anyone know how to fix a problem that deals with mounting a device such as a drive from a live cd?20:08
gpetrakisGuest65948: you just mount it20:08
Guest65948gpetrakis, im getting this error message20:09
maxwave3teemo: if you run lsmod, do you see anything that starts with rt2870?20:09
BluesKajGuest65948, mount -t /dev"/srO" or whatever r device is listed as20:09
gpetrakisGuest65948: What error message?20:10
teemodo i have to browse to the folder?20:11
maxwave3teemo: just type lsmod from command line20:11
teemoi did, no there isnt20:11
rubydiamonddo you know about SSH tunneling .. what are you thoughts about it20:12
teemohmm there is rt3070sta20:12
archlichrubydiamond, whats your question?20:13
MustyHey folks, I'm having a problem with 10.10. I have an Intel GMA 950 graphics accelerator, and I'm on a Mac Mini (ohgod). I'm having trouble configuring X to use the intel driver and any resolution above 800x600. I've used X -configure and moved the resulting file to /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but X refuses to start (it starts if there is no Xorg.conf, but at a low resolution/vesa driver). Does anyone have any advice?20:13
Mustysorry to spam >_> <_<20:13
ka1serrubydiamond: that its great...?20:13
rubydiamondarchlich: I want to know whether can we use SSH tunneling to download torrents from transmission behind firewall20:13
rwwPhoebus: Because that's how things work on freenode. If your client supports it, tell it to wait a few seconds before joining channels.20:13
rubydiamondka1ser: see my question20:13
w30I used to be able to get /dev/sdf1 by using the makedev command but that don't work with this uuid concept I guess. I need a sdf1 or a sdb1; How do I get one? Go to Staples?20:13
Phoebusrww, does xchat support that?20:14
ka1serrubydiamond: thats not a question20:14
FalsAlarmwhen my ubuntu 10.4 system boots up it says, A newer build of the Ubuntu lucid server image is available.   \nIt is named 'release' and has build serial '20101020'.   \n*** System restart required ***20:14
rwwPhoebus: not sure, I use irssi. Try #xchat (assuming nobody else here knows)20:14
siderohola alguien habla Español?20:14
FalsAlarmi put in those \n so you can use your imagination and also so i don't flood20:14
rwwubottu: es | sidero20:14
ubottusidero: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:14
archlichrubydiamond, yes you can, but that's a quagmire you don't want to figure out20:14
adsworthmy wacom volito USB repeatedly connects and disconnects since a couple of weeks the entries in /var/log/messages look like http://pastie.org/1256252 Anybody have an idea where I can start looking to find the cause?20:14
PhoebusNot a bad idea, but this didn't used to be a problem. Well, up until the change in #ubuntu20:14
eman2can someone help me with a simple find command? http://paste.ubuntu.com/521592/20:15
ka1serrubydiamond: you can tunnel any tcp connection that you want... so it should work20:15
rubydiamondarchlich: means ?20:15
rubydiamondka1ser: hmm20:15
goltoofoff topic, are there any google rooms on freenode?  the ones i found already are dead20:16
rubydiamondlet me try that now20:16
archlichrubydiamond, it's incredibly complex and is a beyond the scope of this channel20:16
rubydiamondcan I tell 'torrent' client to use any normal port like 300120:16
mYrNhi. im trying to limit users diskspace by using quota. how ever, the maxmimum limit is 2 gb. I need 1900 gb for one user :c how do i fix this?20:16
mYrNim using ubuntu server 10.0420:16
rwwgoltoof: try /msg alis list *google*20:16
archlichka1ser, the problem is that you need to port forward hundreds of tcp connections to your peers20:16
rubydiamondarchlich: is there any special channel to discuss about ssh tunneling for torrent clients within firewall network20:16
goltoofrww, thanks20:17
archlichrubydiamond, try openssh ?20:17
ka1serarchlich: you just need a torrent app that has proxy support then you just connect to the proxy through the tunnel20:17
rubydiamondarchlich: hmm20:18
plobhow to play mp3 by terminal20:18
ka1serrubydiamond: try #networking20:18
rubydiamondarchlich: ssh is openssh right20:18
rubydiamondka1ser: okay.. let me try #networking20:18
f00bar80I'm on ubuntu 10.04 trying to set it as a web server, I've registered a domain name, i'm asking what do i need to use it as my hostname ???, in the "how to forge" "Perfect server" guide found the hostname is in the form "server.example.com", so how can i use my domain name the same way ? also how to set NameServers too ???20:18
bruddlerhello, can anyone tell me how i can change my color depth from 24 to 32 bit? (i dont have a xorg.conf)20:18
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mYrNany one know how to raise the quota limit? urgent!!20:18
jaghello can anyone help me with compiz fusion I keep getting a sheet instead of a cube even though I have horizontal rows selected to 420:18
maxwave3teemo: modprobe rt3070sta20:18
eman2can someone help me with find command error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/521592/20:19
twinkie_addicthow well does ubuntu work on a dell insperon mini 10 ?20:19
f00bar80any comment ???20:20
maxwave3teemo: lsmod actually shows all configured modules on your system, so it is installed. I guess what you need is a way to start the NIC now that the module is installed. Not sure what to do next.20:20
FalsAlarm-name one.txt two.txt -o20:21
sideroHi, this is a chat about something?20:21
FalsAlarmjust a guess20:21
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goltooff00bar80,   /* comment  */20:21
Mustyhey folks, can anyone help me get Xorg.Conf working?20:21
rwwsidero: it's the English-language channel for Ubuntu technical support20:21
f00bar80goltoof, thX20:21
teemomaxwave3: thx, im about to restart and test it on the newer ubuntu, see if i can get my wireless up there, the come back here for more help20:21
eman2FalsAlarm: doesn't work20:21
ikoniaMusty: you know xorg is dymanic now and trys to work it out for you20:21
Guest8087if I type ver at command prompt will it give me the version of ubuntu20:21
FalsAlarmeman2, sry dunno20:22
rww!version | Guest808720:22
ubottuGuest8087: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »20:22
Mustyikonia: I'm aware of that, but it fails20:22
f00bar80goltoof, but what do you think about what i've asked above ?20:22
ikoniaMusty: what video card do you have20:22
eman2f00bar80: did u try putting domain name as the host name?20:22
FalsAlarmyou can also type cat etc/*-release20:22
FalsAlarmto find linux version20:22
Mustyikonia: it does not let me use a resolution above 800x600. I have an Intel GMA 950. Using X -configure generates a Bad xorg.conf20:22
goltooff00bar80, do you have a domain?20:22
Kruzgrub in my pc has no timeout, but it should be 3s, so is it in /etc/default/grub http://paste.ubuntu.com/521548/   and /boot/grub/grub.cfg http://paste.ubuntu.com/521596/  What is broken?20:23
FalsAlarmcat /etc/*-release20:23
f00bar80eman2, don't if it ca work this way, also what about the NSs ?20:23
f00bar80goltoof, yea20:23
=== surfer-kvik is now known as nilsma
sideroagree, thanks20:23
goltooff00bar80,  so put in that domain and configure your name servers to your ip20:23
FuserSalve a tutti20:23
f00bar80goltoof, how to setup NameServers ???20:24
goltooff00bar80,  who's your registrar20:24
f00bar80goltoof, enom20:24
Guest8087there is not a command from prompt?20:24
clergymanHm, something strange is going on.. My computer is completely idle. Absolutely nothing but an xterm and KDE is running, and I have a constant load of > 1 .. looking in top, nothing is using the CPU, and nothing is waiting on disks20:24
FuserI need Help,this is an italian channel?20:24
goltooff00bar80,   call enom  :P20:24
Mustyany ideas, ikonia? :O20:25
clergymanFuser: no20:25
goltooff00bar80,   your account has an interface to configure your NS20:25
f00bar80goltoof, k any settings i need to have in bind ?20:25
goltooff00bar80,   better ask them20:25
FuserSorry don't understood20:25
f00bar80goltoof, each NS should be pointed to different IP ??20:26
g33k3rHey guys. Quick question. Does anyone know if the new broadcom wireless driver brcm80211 to be released in kernel .37 and 10.10 Ubuntu will work with the Dell Mini 1012 with the broadcom 4312 card (4315 chipset)?20:26
eman2Kruz: if [ "${recordfail}" = 1 ]; then set timeout=-1...you never see the screen, that's why.20:27
HeatMZzrok im in the live cd version currently, Im getting an error when I pick ubuntu from the grublist. kernel panic not syncing VFS unable to mount root fs on unknown block (0.0) any ideas while im in this cd live to fix it20:27
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goltooff00bar80,  it really depends how you go about it, you can use something like ispconfig and specify internal domain controllers,  but yea typically you use a different ip for each nameserver20:27
rwwg33k3r: no, per http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/brcm8021120:27
FuserAnyone,can help me to go in a italian channel?20:28
UnHolyTerrorHeatMZzr, reinstall grub???20:28
rwwFuser: type /join #ubuntu-it20:28
bullgard4Fuser: Try #ubuntu-it20:28
Jordan_UKruz: Can you pastebin the contents of /boot/grub/grubenv ?20:28
HeatMZzrUnHolyTerror: how do I do that exactly... ima complete newbie20:29
CheeryI found a bug that crashes the desktop preview with SVG20:29
Cheerybut the content I found it with is proprietary20:29
Mustyhey folks, can anyone help me get Xorg.Conf working?20:29
UnHolyTerrorIs there only one OS on the hd? is there only one hd?20:29
eman2Kruz: the quickfix is: 'set timeout=3' instead of -1 in grub.cfg,20:30
g33k3rrww: Thanks. I was afraid of that. Anyone recommend a specific wireless card? I need one for a Dell Mini 1012 and another for a Dell XPS (NON-Broadcom) LoL I have been using the blob STA driver and Evil-NDIS and would really like a native *Nix wireless driver. Any recommendations would be appreciated for both laptops.20:30
fkeferhi all!20:30
HeatMZzrUnHolyTerror: machine preloaded with win7, duel boot with ubuntu 1020:30
fkeferi have an issue with the intel xorg driver20:30
RickPageCan anyone help me with a HP Compaq 6715b and getting wifi to function?20:30
fkeferis there a propper place to place the question?20:31
HeatMZzrUnHolyTerror: one large drive, several partitions20:31
Fuser\join #ubuntu.it20:31
Kruzeman2: thank you for the help. Which screen? I see the screen with the kernel options to boot, is that screen? How can I fix that? Changing "${recordfail}" = 1 ?20:31
rwwFuser: you're in #ubuntu-it now.20:31
rwwFuser: there should be a window or tab or something somewhere you can click on.20:31
Mustyhey folks, can anyone help me get Xorg.Conf for an Intel GMA 950 working?20:31
EltuI need an application that runs commands from mouse button events. It needs to be able to run one command when pressing the button, and another when releasing it. Does anyone know of such an application?20:31
rwwthere you go20:31
UnHolyTerrorHeatMZzr, open a terminal Applications->Accessories->Terminal20:32
g33k3rAnyone recommend a specific wireless card? I need one for a Dell Mini 1012 and another for a Dell XPS (NON-Broadcom) LoL I have been using the blob STA driver and Evil-NDIS and would really like a native *Nix wireless driver. Any recommendations would be appreciated for both laptops. Sorry, notice I sent this only to rww20:32
Guest8087what is ubuntu 10.10 name?20:32
HeatMZzrUnHolyTerror: ok, says ubuntu-ubuntu20:32
billi had to setup with a nic then plugged in a wireless card.20:32
goltoofa lot of ppl needing Xorg.conf help .... try  /j #xorg   maybe?20:33
blakkheimg33k3r: anything with an atheros chipset20:33
g33k3rGuest.. maverick Meercat20:33
Guest8087lucid, maverick, karmic, jaunty,20:33
goltoofGuest   Maverick20:33
rwwGuest8087: The name is "Ubuntu 10.10". The development codename was Maverick Meerkat.20:33
EltuGuest: Maverick Meerkat20:33
eman2Kruz: in grub.cfg, change "set timeout=-1", which is under "recordfail" to "set timeout=3"20:33
Guest8087thanks guys20:33
Mustyeeee D: Can anyone help with my xorg.conf??20:33
goltoofMusty,   try  /j #xorg20:34
UnHolyTerrorok, what partition is win7 on what partition is linux on?20:34
g33k3rblak: Thanks.. That is what I have been reading. Plus the project that has the universal Atheros driver.. Thanks20:34
Mustythanks, Goltoof20:34
rwwg33k3r: I switched my desktop computer over to an Atheros chip, works great.20:34
HeatMZzrUnHolyTerror: actually says ubuntu@ubuntu:-$20:34
Kruzeman2: ok, and what should the other option be, after "else"?  -1 ?20:34
rwwg33k3r: Now I just need to find one for my Mini 1012 also :)20:34
goltoofMusty,   pretty dead there, but it doesn't hurt asking in several places when you're not getting answers20:34
Kevino_hi i cant connect to the internet20:35
eman2Kruz: no, they should both be 3.20:35
Kevino_i am on 10.1020:35
Kevino_can anyone help?20:35
Jordan_UKruz: Please boot normally then pastebin the contents of /boot/grub/grubenv.20:35
g33k3rRWW: I am looking now. I was between Prism and Atheros but was hoping for that new bc driver to play nice.. LoL20:35
Kruzeman2: ah, ok. Thank you very much!20:35
w30I need /dev/sdef1. How do I get one?20:36
UnHolyTerrorHeatMZzr, see if you can type: sudo os-prober20:36
eman2Kruz: you're welcome!20:36
KruzJordan_U: ok. It has now: recordfail=1 and many ###20:37
dipilibupapBonsoir.. Good evening20:37
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dipilibupapFrancais Anglais?20:37
Pici!fr | dipilibupap20:37
ubottudipilibupap: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:37
dipilibupapI have a problem for my wifi under ubuntu 10.0420:38
HeatMZzrUnHolyTerror: sda1 ntfs, sda2 system reserved, sda3 acer, sda4 extended, sda5 ext4, sda6 linux swap20:38
dipilibupapi just installer ubuntu and the wifi detects my box.. asks me for my wep key.. and never connects..20:38
dipilibupapit just keeps asking and on and on..20:38
dipilibupapdoes anyone know a solution for this?20:38
HeatMZzrUnHolyTerror: sda5 is where ubuntu sets i think20:38
dasenDoes anyone here use unity?20:38
Kevino_does anyone know how to install network-manager without an internet connection because when i get to the make part of the tarball installation i cannot do it20:39
HeatMZzrsda1 has a tag of diag and sda2 has a tag of boot20:39
dipilibupapanyone please???20:39
UnHolyTerrorok, did you install grub to hd(0,5)? do you remember?20:39
hablhi all, i just installed xubuntu instead of ubuntu, only now my sound isn't working20:39
hablwell, just a little bit, when i login i hear the login sound20:40
hablafter that sound is gone20:40
hablgot 2 sound cards, creative x-fi and an onboard intel hda card20:40
replicasexany idea why unity wouldn't be working on a VM?  I tried to test it out but after downloading it, Ubuntu won't load any desktop environment at all when unity is selected20:40
smt-mobilhmm might be good old pulseaudio mute problem20:40
HeatMZzrUnHolyTerror: Im not certain but in the drop down menu in the installer i clicked on the only choice i had which was the 500g hdd20:40
lockhi, does anyone know what the capturefilter is for only capturing specific mac addresses in wireshark?20:40
habland that means? :P20:40
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HeatMZzrUnHolyTerror: I think....20:41
habli played with the mixer around, turned all volumes at max, but didn't help20:41
lockanyone here familiar with wireshark?20:41
UnHolyTerrorok, probably was hd(0,1)... this is 10.04 or 10.10 right?20:41
goltooflock, i wish20:41
lockgoltoof, its hard to get specific answers out of those folks in #networking20:42
TheThing|AnallyNOTICE: FREENODE IS CHANGING HOW YOU CONNECT TO IT! Starting November 3rd, ALL USERS will be required to use SASL to connect to freenode. You will need to automatically log into nickserv, and have this enabled in your client. Please /join #freenode and/or message a staffer for details!!! TheThing|Anally yelrafk BeWolF laclasse aguitel nicoInattendu PolarFox laffer PaulEycks sbo Kruz lock Guest61233 L0rD` pankajm Realcooluser bodom altin awe shibu20:42
w30I have makedev in the package manager installed but I don't get a makedev command. How do I make /dev/sdf1?20:42
hablsmt-mobil, what do you mean with the pulseaudio mute problem?20:43
HeatMZzrUnHolyTerror: I just got it today... i did prober thing it says ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo os-prober20:43
HeatMZzr/dev/sda1:Windows Vista (loader):Windows:chain20:43
HeatMZzr/dev/sda2:Windows 7 (loader):Windows1:chain20:43
HeatMZzr/dev/sda5:Ubuntu 10.10 (10.10):Ubuntu:linux20:43
FloodBot2HeatMZzr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:43
goltooflock,   try /j #wireshark  ?20:43
ikoniaw30: you don't need makedev, udev will deal with it for you20:43
smt-mobilhabl, its a known problem, just ask a search engine20:43
HeatMZzrUnHolyTerror: did you get that?20:43
shibuindiehi all..will Compiz work with Ubuntu 10.10 in Vmware 7.1.220:43
UnHolyTerrorok, you should be able to run:sudo grub-install20:45
lockgoltoof, thanks ill give it a whilr20:45
UnHolyTerrorgrub is chain loading the Win(s).20:45
KruzJordan_U: now it boot fine :)   Here is the file /boot/grub/grubenv  http://paste.ubuntu.com/521606/20:46
quidnuncHow can I use the apt/aptitude from a rescue CD to install packages on my system?20:46
HeatMZzrUnHolyTerror: that last bit i got as chinese.. i typed it and got something, now what20:46
cyprysHi there! :)20:46
w30ikonia, I can't make partition sdf1 with fdisk. It writes to ram but not to the disc. I can call fdisk /dev/sdf but not fdisk /dev/sdf120:47
karthick87I want the users to read and write files but not delete how to do it..?20:47
ikoniaw30: fdisk works on disks, not partitions20:47
UnHolyTerrorwhat did it say?20:47
ikoniaw30: you call fdisk on /dev/sdf not /dev/sdf120:47
HeatMZzrUnHolyTerror: it gave some possible commands, like -h -v etc.. back to the ubuntu@ubuntu20:48
Jordan_UKruz: If you run "sudo /etc/init.d/grub-common" is the "recordfail=1" removed from /boot/grub/grubenv ?20:48
UnHolyTerrorno errors?20:48
goltoofany way to get googlecl to store my account info?  it needs to authenticate with a browser every time, very annoying20:49
area51pilotI can not connect to a wired network after update this morning20:49
daniel_is there a good place where i could post a "kubuntu installation experience feedback" ? :)20:49
HeatMZzrUnHolyTerror: it said install device not specified20:49
vagastormany onw know where gnome stores the desktop background? Installed kde, and I whant the same bg :p20:49
leighman /usr/share/backgrounds?20:49
KruzJordan_U: Usage: /etc/init.d/grub-common {start|stop|status|restart|force-reload}  Should I restart?20:50
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wslocate background | grep jpg20:50
Jordan_UKruz: start20:50
UnHolyTerrorthis is 10.04 or 10.10 right?20:50
cyprysI downloaded Maverick when it was development release - should I somehow reinstall since it's now officially released?20:51
rww!final | cyprys20:51
ubottucyprys: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Maverick Meerkat and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Maverick. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.20:51
HeatMZzrUnHolyTerror: its the latest 10.1020:51
KruzJordan_U: Yes, now it is removed. What does it mean?20:51
UnHolyTerrorok, grub220:51
vagastormleighman: thanx :)20:51
guntbert!who > UnHolyTerror20:51
ubottuUnHolyTerror, please see my private message20:51
cyprysrww | ubottu | cool :D thanks20:51
HeatMZzrUnHolyTerror: say what?20:51
w30ikonia, ok20:51
karthick87Do any one know..? I want the users to read and write files but not delete how to do it..?20:51
cypryskarthick87: I think you can't do this with standard chmod, you will have to use ACL in order to do so (I might be wrong).20:52
arniokasis there any program that could download a wohle website?20:53
Jordan_UKruz: Grub in Ubuntu checks that the previous boot worked by checking for recordfail=1 in /boot/grub/grubenv. The assumption is that if /etc/init.d/grub-common was not run, Ubuntu failed to boot completely.20:53
RyagaAhh I love Ubuntu.20:53
no--nameUBUNTU FOREVER!!!20:54
no--nameVIVA LA REVOLUTION!!!20:54
UnHolyTerrorIt will probably be easier to reinstall from the livecd as therer is no way for me to be sure where grub was installed. just reinstall.20:54
vagastormarniokas: you could just do "wget -R http://url.com/ "20:54
rocket16Me Menu doesn't show my photo and name. What should I perform?20:54
UnHolyTerrorHeatMZzr, I don't want you to mess up the windows boot loaders by accident.20:55
anygivennamewhat the command to create file ?20:55
cyprysanygivenname, `touch filename`20:55
HeatMZzrUnHolyTerror: i tried that, still dont know where to install grub20:56
rwwno--name: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support. You may find #ubuntu-offtopic more to your liking.20:56
cyprysanygivenname, or `echo "foobar" > filename`20:56
karthick87cryprys: How to do it with ACL20:56
HeatMZzrUnHolyTerror: still get errors20:56
Talon_I have ubuntu 10.04 and I can't logout without it locking up... any other choice, shutdown, restart, etc.. normal boot it runs fine... as soon as I chose logout, gnome kills all my panels, all I see is my backgorund image and the comps frozen, no mouse, no keyboard, no nothing, only thing i can do is a hard reset.20:56
whoelse!cli > guntbert20:56
ubottuguntbert, please see my private message20:56
anygivennametouch...not working20:57
KruzJordan_U: Ah, interesting. So grub-common is not started in boot?20:57
UnHolyTerrorHeatMZzr, are you left in grub> prompt?20:57
Paulehhey guys how do I give phpmyadmin permission to use mysql on server 10.10?20:58
SDrhiya all!20:58
Jordan_UKruz: Correct, for some reason upstart isn't calling the grub-common script. Note that the grub-common script's only job is removing the recordfail flag.20:58
pahi.. can i ask here for a driver problem with ubuntu lucid?20:58
=== blueghost is now known as gebjgd__
pawhenever i run a qt4 opengl example or a python opegnl script, i get segmentation fault. But actually glxgears work20:59
SDrI'd like to test an shttp query using any terminal (but I do need the low-level access here), can someone point me towards the appropiate command line switch for eg. snetcat?20:59
HeatMZzrUnHolyTerror: ubuntu@ubuntu:-$21:00
daniel_anygivenname: how bout "nano filename" ?21:00
UnHolyTerrorHeatMZzr, grub is powerful... when you have it right, it works like a dream?21:00
PaulehCould anyone tell me how to give the phpmyadmin user permissions to use mysql-server?21:00
UnHolyTerrorHeatMZzr, i mean when trying to boot into 10.10?21:00
KruzJordan_U: I installed the OS some days before the beta release. Maybe that was a bad day hehe.21:00
HeatMZzrUnHolyTerror: so what do I type now?21:01
Gunnihow do i set execute bit on a read only file system?21:01
Gunnii just wanna execute an installer on a cd21:01
ikoniaGunni: you can't21:01
Gunniits warcraft 3 :/21:02
UnHolyTerrorHeatMZzr, are you left at grub> prompt when trying to boot into 10.10?21:02
sinusQgunni, copy cd to your hdd21:02
ikoniaGunni: you can 't change anytthing on a read only file system21:02
Gunniwindows can ^^21:02
ikoniaGunni: no it can't21:02
Gunnicompatability settings work on cd's21:02
HeatMZzrUnHolyTerror: no, i get the error msg and it goes on a few lines, blinks a cursor and doesnt recognize keyboard input, stuck have to shut down and restart21:03
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ghostrockethi all21:03
ikoniaGunni: if you don't like the way wine works, talk to the developers or support resources in #winehq21:03
ghostrocketi use a script to setup my ubuntu lucid box over on amazon21:03
ghostrocketi'm having a hard time installing rabbitmq-server because it pops up a "packing configuration" dialog where all i need to do is hit enter to dismiss21:03
ghostrocketproblem is that the script hangs on this step21:04
ghostrockethow do i automatically accept default?21:04
ghostrocket-y doesn't work21:04
ehcahAre there "share" clients, either Samba or otherwise that will let me open a LAN IP share from my laptop?21:04
IchatGunni:  Why dont you just follow the instroctions on  WineHQ  to install WC321:04
Gunnihmm didnt know there were, do you have the link?21:04
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HeatMZzrUnHolyTerror: what do you think?21:06
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HeatMZzrUnHolyTerror: shouldnt i install grub to the sda that says boot? the system reserved one?21:07
anygivennamewhat is the extension of script files ?21:08
IchatGunni  google  howto install warcraft 3 untu give me plenty of  info ...21:08
resnoanygivenname: what kind?21:08
resnodaemon script?21:08
area51pilot I can not connect to a wired network after update this morning, ifconfig up & down works sometimes.  WiFi is OK.21:08
HeatMZzrUnHolyTerror: its gotta be something simple, gives me all the choices... just doesnt get anywhere when I select ubuntu21:09
anygivennamedunno...it is script in denyhots21:09
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anygivennamethese is py & pyc21:10
sympt0mif i were to want to stay hidden from people, when i'm... harassing them, would using my neighbors wifi (that i of course got permission from) be a substitution for a proxy?21:10
HeatMZzrUnHolyTerror: isnt there a way to backup the grub i got and try something new and then just undo it if it doesnt work?21:10
anygivennameany of them is a script file ?21:10
guntbertsympt0m: don't ask about illegal actions here!!21:11
sympt0millegal? i wouldnt do anything illegal21:11
HeatMZzrUnHolyTerror: as far as that goes, i can use the live cd to get into the win7 part and get files to backup21:11
sympt0mmy post is perfectly legal actually.21:11
computerxHi, I'm trying to cat all php files recursively and do a line count. I've tried two methods, the simpliest being: find -type d -exec cat {}/*.php \; | wc -l    ---- it just says "No such file or directory"21:11
BouazzaHello !21:11
UnHolyTerrorHeatMZzr, you would have to copy the first 512 bytes oh the hd with the 'dd' command. you can google it easy.21:11
computerxI've even gone so far as to try: find -type d -print0 | xargs -0 printf "%s/*.php\0" | xargs -0 cat | wc -l --- same error, why doesn't it work?21:12
atoiwhat is the standard way to edit runlevels for services in Ubuntu?21:12
guntbertsympt0m: additionally it is completely off topic for this channel - please move it elsewhere21:12
BouazzaI finally have found why my system was really slow with the 10.1021:12
HeatMZzrUnHolyTerror: say what? your the pro, remember?21:12
Bouazzait's the Broadcom proprietary driver21:12
UnHolyTerrorHeatMZzr, should be a simple fix... go to the grub channel... gotta run now.21:13
atoiI don't see, like, chckconfig or anything..21:13
llutzcomputerx:  find -type d -exec ....       <- path missing21:13
llutzcomputerx:  find /path -type d -exec ....21:14
Lokhi all,21:14
guntbert!runlevel | atoi21:14
ubottuatoi: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.21:14
Lokanyone can tell me how I can restart the font service?21:14
computerxllutz: It goes through each folder just fine. find isn't throwing the not found error. cat is throwing the error for every folder21:14
LokI have the problem that after a while of being logged in, some signes get replaced by black bars and I have to log in and out21:14
atoiubottu, OK, so if I'm trying to figure out what runlevels that nginx and apache are started in...21:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:15
atoihow would I do that/21:15
atoiguntbert, , OK, so if I'm trying to figure out what runlevels that nginx and apache are started in...21:15
atoirunlevel just seems to report on runlevels.21:15
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karthick87How to setup an smtp server..?21:16
Lokdoes anyone know about this stupid font problem21:16
llutzkarthick87: to do what=21:16
ilovefairuz!smtp > karthick21:17
ilovefairuz!smtp | karthick21:17
ubottukarthick: Ubuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html21:17
llutzkarthick87: easiest, install nullmailer/msmtp.  advanced, install postfix21:18
HexelPDKKcomputerx: how about  find . -name *.php | xargs cat | wc -l21:18
HasanAtizazhow do i turn on the cache in squid 321:18
guntbertatoi: looking...21:19
atoiguntbert, I'm looking at `man update-rc.d`21:19
atoiso I may find it here pretty fast.21:19
eaerthhey guys, for some reason my ubuntu start-up usb for lucid isn't booting at all, i get some weird stuff and it pops down, "boot:" like it would normally show "username$:" in a terminal?21:19
atoisince I think this is the command I need.21:19
llutzkarthick87: easiest, install nullmailer/msmtp21:19
llutz!pm > karthick8721:19
ubottukarthick87, please see my private message21:19
eaerthchecked it wit hthe md5sum thing or whatever it is and the iso is fine...21:20
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daniel_is there a good place where i could post a "kubuntu installation experience feedback" ? :)21:21
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area51pilotI can not connect to a wired network after update this morning, ifconfig up & down works sometimes.  WiFi is OK.  pppoeconf results: error:   http://paste.ubuntu.com/521626/21:21
area51pilothelp pls21:21
guntbertatoi: you were quicker than I - but you may want to see http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ too (depends if you app has already been upstartified)21:21
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atoiguntbert, well, I basically just installed nginx and apache with aptitude and I want to make sure that by default only apache runs.21:22
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csmith1994hey guys, does anyone on here add books to their ipad? I was wondering if I do that through rhythmbox or another program, or if it's not available21:22
llutzatoi: sysv-rc-conf21:23
computerxHexelPDKK: It worked, but didn't recurse folders21:23
karthick87<llutz> how to install nullmailer/msmtp21:23
rookahi there! is this the ubuntu support channel?21:23
llutzkarthick87: sudo aptitude install msmtp               or use apt-get when aptitude isn't isntalled21:23
atoiTHERE we go.21:23
csmith1994rooka: yup, whats your problem?21:23
atoithanks llutz21:23
S0me1I would like monitoring my system logs, if there is any error or failure happen, alerts me via email. Could you please advice?21:23
csmith1994not in that way rooka21:23
llutzkarthick87: how to config: http://msmtp.sourceforge.net/documentation.html21:24
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rookai just finished installing the new ubuntu on a virtual machine. then i encrypted the home directory and did a reboot21:24
guntbertatoi: then I'd try with update-rd.d first21:24
rookanow while booting the system stucks while showing some numbers21:24
guntbertatoi: listen to what llutz said21:25
csmith1994hmm. does it boot into the os or does it freeze during boot rooka?21:25
g-hennuxwhen using the proprietary via driver for my chrome 9 card on ubuntu 10.10, i get an error message in Xorg.0.log saying: "dlopen: [path to via_drv.so]: undefined symbol: miEmptyData" -- any idea?21:25
karthick87installed msmtp,what next21:26
c3lwhen tying to read a SD card I get trouble. trying to list it with fdisk (sudo fdisk -l) causes fdisk to freeze. but the SD card works fine in my digital camera, what could be the problem? this happens on two computers (all ive tried on)21:26
rookawell, it is booting for 10 minutes now21:26
rookashowing lots of random numbers21:26
rookaand like "udevd 279" "Call Trace" aso....21:26
BouazzaIs there an opensource broadcom driver please ?21:26
karthick87how to check whether my msmtp working properly21:27
llutzkarthick87: send a mail21:27
HexelPDKKcomputerx: I just tested the recursion in my home directory with no problem - run the find first on its own, and see what it returns. Remember that "find ." searches from your current location - you might need an absolute path to somewhere (e.g. find /usr/local -name *.php)21:27
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karthick87what is the command for sending mails21:28
computerxHexelPDKK: I changed it to find . -name *.php -print and it doesn't recurse folders21:29
HasanAtizazhow do i turn on the cache in squid 321:30
computerxHexelPDKK: and just find on it's own does display all folders and files as I'd expect21:30
Alaric_hello, how can I find tab for gnome themes?21:31
Alaric_on gnome-look.org21:31
S0me1 I would like monitoring my system logs, if there is any error or failure happen, alerts me via email. Could you please advice?21:31
S0me1any advice?21:31
S0me1except logwatch21:31
karthick87<llutz> what is the command for sending mails21:32
cyprysBouazza, I'm just curious - why do you want open source driver? Is there something wrong with the proprietary one?21:32
blakkheim!repeat | karthick8721:32
ubottukarthick87: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:32
HexelPDKKcomputerx: Do you want each php file, with it's line count, or the total number of lines in all files?21:32
Bouazzacyprys: I just found that the proprietary one slows down my system21:32
computerxTotal number of lines in all php files21:32
Alaric_hello, how can I find tab for gnome themes on gnome-look.org21:32
llutzkarthick87: mailx -s sometestmail user@foo.bar  <mail.txt21:33
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cyprysBouazza: I had no idea. Is this common or does this regard only your rig?21:33
joe__anyone help me learn some hacking skills21:33
Error404NotFoundI have a disk on which i had Ubuntu installed, same version as the one on this box except that that ones kernal is older, i want to restore each adn every bit from that disk to this box, how would i do that? Would mounting everything except /dev, /proc and /boot help?21:33
Alaric_hello, how can I find tab for gnome themes21:33
Bouazzacyprys: two people were also complaining at the french ubuntu forums21:33
cyprysjoe__: you funny. :)21:34
cyprysBouazza: Oh, OK. Thank you for this information.21:34
joe__thank you21:34
ZykoticK9joe__, your question is offtopic for this channel21:34
tripelbAlaric_, what does "tab for gnome themes" mean?21:34
joe__whats this channels topic?21:35
Alaric_sorry i'm french, i search  gnome themes21:35
HexelPDKKcomputerx: Ok, what I said earlier is doing that for me. The xargs cat calls cat for each found file, then wc sums the lines. Not sure what to suggest - can you cat any of the files (i.e. do you have read access)21:35
ZykoticK9joe__, ubuntu support only21:35
joe__o ok21:35
joe__well then21:35
Bouazzacyprys: no problem . I'll downgrade to the 10.04 to see if the broadcom driver works better there .21:36
Alaric_tripelb it means "rubric" or heading?21:36
computerxHexelPDKK: Yup, they're owned by the logged in user, owner, group and world readable. I can cat them just fine.21:36
betzHi! i want to install a fresh ubuntu, but by creating a new partition from the left free space on my current ubuntu partition. Can i do that? Does someone knows a good article on that? Can't seem to find one21:36
imanchey - I have an app (gedit) that I can't kill21:36
imanci have tried kill -9 over and over but it's still in mem21:36
imancany ideas how to kill its ass?21:36
betzimanc: sudo kill21:36
tripelbAlaric_ clear as mud21:36
imancbetz - no dice. I have tried that also. :(21:36
JemtHello. I'm testing 10.10 Netbook Edition on an IBM X31 laptop. After I log on, the desktop/icons/menus keeps re-initializing (disappearing and reappears over and over again). Any suggestions ?21:36
joeyeyecan someone help getting wicd to work with 10.10 on HP mini 311 (Broadcom 43xx STA driver) - thanks!21:36
ZykoticK9imanc, does "killall -9 gedit" work?21:37
imancZykoticK9: nope :(21:37
tripelbimanc there 's a ps command that will tell you the process number that is running.  I forgot exactly ps -something21:37
computerxps -A | grep gedit21:37
imanctripelb: yeh: ps aux | grep gedit21:37
karthick87<llutz> it keeps blinking21:37
imancand it's listing two entries one for grpe, one for the app itself21:38
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ZykoticK9imanc, if you use "ps aux | grep gedit" who owns the process?  root?21:38
andrew__can anyone tell me how to move my panel from one monitor to the other, or put one on my seond monitor?21:39
imancZykoticK9: it'll be me. I'm not running as root21:39
daniel__i cant connect to wireless networks?21:39
Alaric_I seek to http://gnome-look.org/ but I do not complete themes, where are they?21:39
test34no more gnome in the next version of Ubuntu?21:39
rww!unity | test3421:39
ubottutest34: Unity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com for more information.21:39
daniel__its scandal21:40
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test34thanks rww21:40
happyhessiani've just encountered a new and rather odd problem.  somehow my alsamixer and hd mute button are interchanged--when i "mute" in alsamixer, the mute light goes off and when i "unmute" in alsamixer it goes on.  the combined effect is that i have no sound whatsoever.  is there any way i can manually untangle this situation?21:40
llutzkarthick87: i already gave you a link for msmtp, read it. bsd-mailx also comes with documentation, read it.21:40
Alaric_I seek to http://gnome-look.org/ but I do not complete themes, where are they?21:40
danie568hello :)21:40
happyhessianby hd i meant hardware, sorry for the confusion21:41
daniel__i cant connect to wireless networks, even through terminal. wired networks do work though21:41
karthick87<llutz> is it possible send emails to hotmail and gmail..?21:41
test34rww, shell as in command line?21:41
llutzkarthick87: how to config: http://msmtp.sourceforge.net/documentation.html21:41
danie568can somebody tell me how to get rid of the +i flag in Quassel?21:41
andrew__does anyone know how to put a panel or move a panel to my second monitor?21:41
test34rww, nevermind I think I get it now21:42
anygivennamecan an expert help me out with the steps on this link ==> http://www.howtoforge.com/preventing_ssh_dictionary_attacks_with_denyhosts21:42
ZykoticK9andrew__, drag it - if you have twinview/xinerama21:42
andrew__ZykticK9:  ATI card21:42
ZykoticK9!tab > andrew__21:42
ubottuandrew__, please see my private message21:42
ZykoticK9andrew__, are you using xinerama (one big desktop) OR 2 X sessions?21:43
llutzanygivenname: thats outdated, take this one http://www.medorion.net/p/31.xhtml21:43
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andrew__ZykoticK9, I think I am using 2 seperate ones21:43
andrew__ZykoticK9, they are different sizes so that's what I would assume21:44
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ZykoticK9andrew__, then i don't think you can simply move them.  best of luck.21:44
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daniel__help! i cant connect to wireless networks21:44
seeker60how do you install using sudo when the driver package resides in /home/billy/Downloads21:44
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NastyaHi everyone!21:45
area51pilotI can not connect to a wired network after update this morning, ifconfig up & down works sometimes.  WiFi is OK.  pppoeconf results: error:   http://paste.ubuntu.com/521626/   ..... anyone  :D21:45
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NastyaHow can I convert m4a to mp3? My new shiny walkman doesn't support this format21:45
erUSUL!info winff21:46
ubottuwinff (source: winff): graphical video and audio batch converter using ffmpeg. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.2.0-1ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 1416 kB, installed size 4496 kB21:46
ZykoticK9seeker60, "sudo /path/to/binary" ?  not sure what you're asking really.21:46
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KnickLighterAnything wrong with the ubuntu mirrors21:46
daniel__help! i cant connect to wireless networks21:46
dox_drumHello there. Guys after installing 10.10 emacs does not enables Flyspell-mode, Google seems to give no solution. Does anyone knows how to solve this problem?21:46
bobbylelonekjust rooted, how do you tell if it was correctly rooted?21:47
bobbylelonekany ideas?21:47
daniel__help! i cant connect to wireless networks please21:47
ZykoticK9daniel_, have you installed a wireless driver?  System / Admin / Additional Drivers (on 10.10).  do you know what type of wireless card you are using?21:47
seeker60ZykoticK9:  i have some linux drivers i got from the nvidia site and I need to install them they are in /home/billy/Downloads21:47
gartral|pI need a busybox expert.. I can't gey maverick too boot from cd or pendrive. I know the install from unetbootin went smoothly. And the iso's md5 matches that of what's on the mirrors..21:47
ZykoticK9seeker60, sorry I won't help with that.  best of luck (i strongly recommend using the nvidia drivers provided by Ubuntu)21:48
karthick87how to view hardware informations..?21:49
ZykoticK9karthick87, one way is to look at either "dmesg" output or "lspci" or "lsusb"21:49
daniel__ZykoticK9: it says no proprietary drivers are in use on this system21:49
seeker60ZykoticK9: ok what package do i need to use in apt-get for those nvidia drivers21:50
ZykoticK9daniel_, is your wireless a pci card or usb?21:50
tripelbimanc, thanks. took a bit joe_ was a kid and I talked to him about learning linux and shell commands as a next step and that hackers are master programmers.21:50
ZykoticK9seeker60, if you're using 10.10 - use the recommended version from System / Admin / Additional Drivers21:50
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=== XuMuK__ is now known as XuMuK_
Sean93im trying to install Aion but it is frozen, It hasn't moved in 3 hours, what should i do?21:50
MerowigWhat is Aion ? A game ?21:51
ZykoticK9seeker60, in my personal case, the apt-get equivalent is "sudo apt-get install nvidia-current"21:51
pr0xyhow do I turn off nomodeset now that I have my drivers installed?21:51
Sean93Merowig: yes21:51
daniel__pci i think21:51
gartral|pI need a busybox expert.. I can't gey maverick too boot from cd or pendrive. I know the install from unetbootin went smoothly. And the iso's md5 matches that of what's on the mirrors.. I'm stuck..21:51
MerowigThat looks great :o21:51
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ZykoticK9daniel_, if it's pci check if it's listed using "lspci | grep net"21:52
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seeker60ZykoticK9: i get the no proprietary drivers are found on this system when i do additional drivers21:52
ZykoticK9seeker60, "lspci | grep -i vga"21:53
daniel__i dont know what my driver is though, it worked previously on my version of ubuntu21:53
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cheater99hi guys!21:53
cheater99my gnome panel is very thick (144 px high), i would like to have a square area in it where i have icons of launchers, lined up in multiple rows and columns. is this possible? i've been trying to do this for a week now already... i can't believe it's so simple in windows, but gnome is having problems! please tell me this isn't be true21:53
cheater99s/be // ;-)21:54
ZykoticK9cheater99, like "add to panel" then drawer?  not sure what you're asking exactly.21:54
cheater99ZykoticK9: yeah, but then the icons are very big...21:54
cheater99ZykoticK9: and they only line up in one row21:55
ZykoticK9cheater99, ? i have no idea - good luck.21:55
cheater99ZykoticK9: i have resized my panel to be bigger because i normally use a lot of windows when i work21:55
cheater99thanks anyways ZykoticK921:55
seeker60ZykoticK9: corrupted filesytme tarfile21:55
seeker60-corrupted package archive21:55
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RobSpectreAnyone getting weird Flash performance in VMware after upgrading to Maverick?21:56
JemtHello again. I'm testing Netbook Edition. Whenever I move the mouse to the left side panel, it disappears and re-emerges after a few seconds. How can I fix that ?21:56
ZykoticK9seeker60, what?  where is that coming from?  I already said i wouldn't help you with the Nvidia driver (if you're using the downloaded version)21:56
Jemt --- The ordinary Ubuntu 10.10 works very well21:56
daniel__ZykoticK9, i dont know what my driver is but it worked previously on 10.1021:56
seeker60ZykoticK9: no that came when i tried to install nvidia-current as you suggested21:57
Sean93im trying to install Aion but it is frozen, It hasn't moved in 3 hours, what should i do?321:57
ZykoticK9daniel_, do you see your card if you run in a terminal "lspci | grep net"?  if you do post the card info to the channel perhaps (assuming one line only!)21:57
area51pilot I can not connect to a wired network after update this morning, ifconfig up & down works sometimes.  WiFi is OK.  pppoeconf results: error:   http://paste.ubuntu.com/521626/   ..... anyone  :D21:57
MerowigIs it a windows game?21:58
area51pilotSean93 ... what is Aion21:58
metap0dHey guys, do you mind if I ask how the support is for mobile radeon cards ?21:58
Sean93area51pilot: a game21:58
Sean93Merowig: yes21:58
bthello everyone :)21:58
area51pilotSean93, what media if any r u using?21:58
ZykoticK9seeker60, seeing tarfile is a VERY strange error for an Ubuntu install?  I have no idea - plus if Additional Drivers doesn't see your card I doubt installing nvidia-current will work (maybe?)21:58
Sean93Merowig: im installing it in wine21:59
btany firewall for ubuntu?21:59
Sean93area51pilot: im installing it using an exe from the harddrive21:59
ZykoticK9seeker60, and I didn't "suggest" you do that - i said in MY case that's what I could do - but i use Additional Drivers.21:59
pr0xyhow do I get a graphical plymouth theme?21:59
area51pilotSean93: Wine install?21:59
metap0dHey how is the support for mobile radeon cards in Ubuntu 10.10?21:59
Sean93area51pilot: yes21:59
area51pilotSean93 ... might be missing some DLL's21:59
Sean93should i try installing in windows?22:00
MerowigIs there anything in the shell ?22:00
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ZykoticK9metap0d, (personal opinion only!) but avoid ATI if you can.  I understand that Nvidia in portables adds a lot of expense.  good luck.22:00
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metap0dZykoticK9: I'm interested in an Acer laptop at an awesome price but it happens to have an ATI dedicated card and Intel onboard card that it toggles (for power consumption) .. I'm curious how that goes in Linux22:01
mustafahi, is there any way to restore eclipse like a fresh install in ubuntu??22:01
seeker60ZykoticK9: well when i use additional drivers it says no proprietory drivers found for use with this system.  should i start from scratch and reinstall ubuntu?22:01
gartral|pI can't boot maverick from usb, it throws (initramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed: invalid argument can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs22:01
ZykoticK9metap0d, speaking "generally" only, ati is poor22:01
ZykoticK9seeker60, have you run all system updates?22:01
cheater99found it!22:02
pr0xyI don't see a graphical plymouth thing on startup. it's only text that says "Ubuntu 10.10" and 4 dors underneath22:02
ZykoticK9seeker60, don't reinstall - probably no difference22:02
caligais there a good place where i could post a "kubuntu installation experience feedback" ? :)22:02
seeker60ZykoticK9: i ran sudo apt-get update22:02
mustafahi, is there any way to restore eclipse like a fresh install in ubuntu??22:02
ZykoticK9seeker60, that's part 1.  then run "sudo apt-get upgrade" to do updates, or even better "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"22:03
daniel_hi caliga22:04
seeker60ZykoticK9:unmet dependencies use -f install22:04
ZykoticK9seeker60, FYI "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" is the equivalent of running the Update Manager GUI application.22:04
ZykoticK9seeker60, "sudo apt-get -f install"22:05
gartral|pI can't boot maverick from usb, it throws (initramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed: invalid argument can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs22:05
daniel__ZykoticK9, the card i have is not in the supported list but i think the list is not up to date because it has only up to ubuntu 8.10 and the cards shown are also older cards than the one i have22:05
ZykoticK9seeker60, you have broken packages!22:05
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ZykoticK9daniel_, have you told me what card it is?22:05
daniel__no its Broadcom BCM440122:06
daniel_ZycoticK9, he is daniel with _ _22:06
seeker60ZykoticK9: and that is when I get the corrupted filesystem tarfile - corrupted package archive22:06
daniel__here is the broadcom compatible cards https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsBroadcom22:06
ZykoticK9daniel_, sorry man, i really don't know anything about Broadcom cards, but I know they require some specific steps sometimes - i see lots of help for them in this channel.  best of luck man.22:06
daniel__ok thanks22:07
ZykoticK9seeker60, i have no idea what a "filesystem tarfile" is.  sorry i can't help you either I'm affraid.  best of luck man.22:07
sionDoes anyone know if it's possible to play fallout 3 on Ubuntu using Wine?22:08
seeker60ZykoticK9: so what are broken packages and how do we unbreak them sounds like a reinstall22:08
Jordan_U!appdb | sion22:08
ubottusion: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help22:08
japaxicanDoes anyone here have problems running Unity?22:08
mustafahi, is there any way to restore eclipse like a fresh install in ubuntu??22:08
ZykoticK9seeker60, broken packages are caused when something only partially installed, but didn't finish properly22:08
sionCool, does that show games which are compatible?22:08
ZykoticK9sion, yes22:09
KnickLighterdo-release-upgrade does not work from 10.04 to 10.10 does it?22:09
tripelbJust for my interest - how can I generate a random 6 digit number mod 2 - err I mean in binary.22:09
ZykoticK9KnickLighter, not by default - LTS will only upgrade to LTS (by default)22:09
goltoofsomeone here use google-cli ?22:09
rwwKnickLighter: see the server section of https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntutheproject-n-irc-council22:10
rww... wrong URL, sorry22:10
seeker60ZykoticK9: thanks a bunch I have a new project for tomorrow.22:10
KnickLighterLol rww, i was like whaaat22:10
toyman61Ubuntu 10.04: How to record sound from a YouTube-video using Audacity ?22:11
rwwKnickLighter: I'm multitasking with a UDS session; my clipboard got confused ;P22:11
KnickLighterthanks for the link though22:11
japaxicanCan anyone help me to get unity to work properly?22:12
MiloszI'm having issues with compiz when switching to an external monitor with my notebook22:13
vdubhackanyone know what module pkit is, and how to fix a program complaining its not installed?22:13
Miloszis this known?22:13
Miloszvdubhack, package-kit?22:13
vdubhackmilosz: not sure thats all it gave me in the error and google turns up a bunch of possibilities :P22:13
tripelbre UPdates for 10.04 - the last set of updates I was offered "could Not Be Authenticated" -- what's this about? I refused them as I have before.22:13
Miloszvdubhack, quite sure it's package-kit22:14
vdubhackmilosz: OK thanks I will give it a shot :)22:14
Miloszvdubhack, if not, write me off as cheeky and come back asking :P22:14
novato_brjapaxican, you should say "anyone help me how to make device to work properly?"22:14
test34tripelb, is that the exact error message?22:15
test34tripelb, try this: http://changelog.complete.org/archives/496-how-to-solve-the-following-packages-cannot-be-authenticated22:16
novato_brjapaxican, what do you want to make?22:16
tripelbnovato_br japaxican I like japaxican 's version better.22:16
storrgieCan I install ubuntu to a disk that is plugged into my computer, while I am in ubuntu already?22:16
novato_brjapaxican, what device do you want to make to work?22:16
KnickLighterdebconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog22:17
KnickLighterdebconf: (No usable dialog-like program is installed, so the dialog based frontend cannot be used. at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/FrontEnd/Dialog.pm line 75.)22:17
KnickLighterwhats that?22:17
sjefen6Are there any unbundled ubuntu builds? (no openoffice, games, browsers etc...)22:17
vdubhackmilosz: do you know what its called pkit package-kit return nothing in apt-cache search22:17
rammyIRCi want to connect the remote desktop in windows22:17
Miloszvdubhack, wait22:17
rammyIRCim using rdesktop22:17
rammyIRCnot working22:17
Miloszvdubhack, "packagekit"22:18
archlichrammyIRC, do you have remote desktop enabled22:18
rammyIRCu mean in windows?22:18
archlichrammyIRC, yes, is the port open?22:18
vdubhackmilosz: doh didnt think of that way to spell it sorry22:18
rammyIRCi dont know if port is open22:18
Miloszvdubhack, here's a tip22:18
rammyIRChow to check it22:18
archlichrammyIRC, nmap, but i just read it's udp not tcp.  whats the error you're receiving22:19
Miloszvdubhack, if you don't know the exact name, start synaptic, use search and select "Name" and type in the word fragments separated by space if you don't know whether there's a hyphen or not or some other character22:19
Miloszi think apt-cache search package kit would have worked too22:19
Miloszwell just giving a tip22:19
vdubhackmilosz: oh cool thanks did not know those ways to do it I always use the - in the searches :P22:20
KenBW2-laptopI've been trying to get my ATI Radeon X1300 working with Maverick, I installed the official driver from their website (a .run file) and now I don't see anything on the screen. Ideas?22:20
rammyIRCError Msg : You must be granted the Allow log on through the Terminal Services Right22:20
greenedis there a compression-extraction tool with a functioning progressbar?22:20
novato_brjapaxican, which device do you want to put to work?22:20
DaaniHello, I am really new to ubuntu. been googling around but what is "cross-compilation toolchain"22:21
DaaniI am supposed to install that22:21
KenBW2-laptopDaani: probably not something you need if youre new to ubuntu :P22:22
archlichrammyIRC, your user doesn't have permissions to allow remote desktop, regardless if its enabled.  you'll need to add it to remote users group (dont remember how to do this)  maybe this will help http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc781509%28WS.10%29.aspx22:22
vdubhackmilosz: I just searched my desktop and kpackagekit is installed and I am on a gnome only desktop should I remove that one ?22:22
greenedthe progressbar in the standard uncompression-tool doesn't work properly22:22
greenedis there an alternative?22:22
DaaniKenBW2-laptop my teacher told me to install it haha :D22:22
anygivennamehow to restart cron ?22:23
Miloszvdubhack, no need to22:23
rammyIRCarchlich: I have done all those config22:23
Miloszvdubhack, but if you don't use KDE you can22:23
rammyIRCits still not working22:23
archlichrammyIRC, can you connect to it using windows22:23
vdubhackmilosz: OK thanks just wanted to be sure22:23
ZykoticK9anygivenname, "sudo service cron restart" i believe22:23
Miloszvdubhack, but22:23
Miloszvdubhack, if you deinstall it, I'm sure apt will want to take the entire KDE desktop with it22:24
vdubhackanygivenname: /etc/init.d/cron restart22:24
Miloszi.e. KDE depends on kpackagekit22:24
ZykoticK9vdubhack, using init.d is the old method FYI22:24
Miloszno you can use "service"22:24
Miloszsudo service cron restart22:24
Miloszand is actually the preferred method since upstart22:25
greenedis there a compression-extraction tool with a functioning progressbar?22:25
vdubhackmilosz: I never installed the KDE desktop this is a fresh install22:25
ZykoticK9!repeat | greened22:25
ubottugreened: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:25
Miloszvdubhack, hmm well then when in doubt, leave it22:25
Daanibut anyway does anyone know how I install cross-compilation toolchain22:25
MiloszDaani, just install the compiler needed, it should take everything needed with it22:25
Miloszmake sure you install flex and so on22:25
vdubhackmilosz: ok thanks sorry for the million questions, switching to ubuntu from fed22:25
greenedZykoticK9, ok, so no one knows about it?22:25
Miloszvdubhack, welcome to Ubuntu then!22:26
joeyeyecan someone help getting wicd to work with 10.10 on HP mini 311 (Broadcom 43xx STA driver) - thanks!22:26
ZykoticK9greened, if they did "they would probably answer you"22:26
Miloszjoeyeye, alt+f2 -> gksu jockey-gtk22:26
DaaniMilosz hmm he told me to install cross-compilation toolchain and then later on Eclipse IDE22:26
DaaniI feel like a question mark22:26
MiloszDaani, i'm pretty sure you don't need Eclipse22:26
Miloszit's just an IDE22:26
Daanihe told me to :S22:26
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit22:26
Milosznice split22:26
DaaniI think we are supposed to use it in school,22:27
greenedZykoticK9, allright, I just thought people missed it, since it seemed like a pretty simple question and I thought people here were knowledgeable22:27
Miloszwell if you're supposed to use it, use it :P22:27
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Daaniyes that is what im asking here haha22:27
Daanihow do I find it and install it :S22:27
joeyeyeMilosz, yes I use the proprietary drivers...22:27
ZykoticK9Daani, the package "build-essential" includes a lot of compiler requirements, not sure if it has cross compiling stuff.22:27
Daaniso it sounds weird that he said exactly this "install cross-compilation toolchain" then install "Eclipse IDE"22:28
joeyeyeMilosz, yes I use the proprietary drivers...22:28
ironsightyou can cross-compile to windows with mingw22:29
ironsightgoogle for a mingw in ubuntu tutorial :)22:29
ubuvillainhaving a problem upgrading, it says "Resolve generated breaks" after setting software channels22:29
BurmozI'm trying to play Wolfenstein Enemy Territory but I have no sound. When I run it from a terminal I get the following error:22:30
ubuvillaingoing 10.04 to 10.1022:30
Burmoz------- sound initialization -------22:30
Burmoz/dev/dsp: No such file or directory22:30
BurmozCould not open /dev/dsp22:30
BurmozAfter some googeling I tried to instal oss-compat but that gives errors too:22:30
BurmozFATAL: Module snd_seq_oss not found22:30
BurmozFATAL: Module snd_mixer_oss not found22:30
BurmozFATAL: Module snd_pcm_oss not found22:30
BurmozI can play music, movies and other games fine, only Wolfenstein doesn't work. Can anyone help me with this?22:30
vdubhackmilosz: Still getting the no module pkit error after installing packagekit :( thanks for the effort :)22:30
joeyeyecan someone help getting wicd to work with 10.10 on HP mini 311 (Broadcom 43xx STA driver) - thanks!22:30
ironsightBurmoz, sudo apt-get install alsa-oss then run the game like... aoss ./game22:30
test34if I start the synaptic package manager and enter the wrong password, it doesn't complain (no bad password error) but doesnt open any windows... is this a bug in my installation or is standard behaviour22:31
ironsightBurmoz, like if I wanted to play... newwolf... aoss /path/to/newwolf22:31
ZykoticK9Burmoz, in addition to ironsight's suggestion above - a very good one.  you might want to try "pasuspender et" to disable Pulse as well (not sure if it will have any effect before/after the alsa-oss)22:31
vdubhackjoeyeye: Are you sure its not the wireless driver giving you issues? I have seen that card model on a bunch of stickies while searching for stuff for my laptop22:32
ubuvillainhaving a problem upgrading, it says "Resolve generated breaks" after setting software channels - any help?22:32
MiloszBurmoz, you could try padsp22:33
* ironsight wishes linux audio never fragmented so bad22:33
vdubhackjoeyeye: it should be uninstall networkmanager install wicd, restart computer click applet on restart to manage networks22:33
Burmozironsight: "alsa-oss is already the newest version.", still no sound..22:33
joeyeyevdubhack, it could well be the driver - however the card does work with nm-applet, I just prefer wicd22:34
ironsightBurmoz, how do you usally launch the wolf client?22:34
vdubhackjoeyeye: Ahhh ok no clue then sorry22:34
BurmozMilosz: like " padsp et"? Didn't work..22:34
Burmozironsight: I just type et in the console22:34
ironsighttype in aoss et22:35
meonkeysis dbus-daemon needed on a server?22:35
Burmozironsight: still nothing22:35
ZykoticK9meonkeys, you might want to reask in #ubuntu-server22:35
meonkeyswill do, ok22:35
* ironsight get's wolfet to check this out22:35
travalerwhen I do rm -r on a folder it askes me to confirm for every file, how can I automate this?22:38
Milosztravaler, rm -rf22:38
Miloszman rm22:38
anygivennamewhy do I run chmod & it says operation not permitted ?22:39
Miloszanygivenname, on what do you chmod?22:39
travalerMilosz thanks22:39
anygivennamechmod 600 on a file22:40
anygivennamei have done sudo chmod 600.......& dunno if this was ok or not....it did not give any indication22:40
archlichanygivenname, why are you using &22:41
archlichanygivenname, also run a     lsattr filename22:41
ironsightBurmoz, I wonder if iowolfet is out yet...22:41
anygivennamei am following the steps  "Because this file contains sensitive information such as the password of your mail account we will chmod it to 600 so only the root user can view the file"22:42
morbidwar have some problems with iptables, i cannot dns query, could somebody help me? http://pastebin.com/nunR5MMh22:42
ironsightBurmoz, keep an eye on http://ioquake3.org/2010/08/12/welcome-wolfenstein-enemy-territory-and-return-to-castle-wolfenstein/ since they are re-writing it with SDL sound22:43
anygivennamedid sudo chmod 600..... do anything ?22:43
archlichanygivenname, take a look at the file     ls -l filename22:43
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Burmozironsight: I hadn't heard of that yet, sounds like a good idea. Thanks for pointing it out.22:44
anygivennamewhat do u mean ?22:45
archlichanygivenname, what file are you trying to chmod?22:45
archlichanygivenname, run a ls -l smtp.conf and paste the results22:45
Gskelligis something wrong with mutter? gnome on my ubuntu netbook remix is running really slow and crashes occassionally22:46
Gskelligbut normal ubuntu is fine22:46
quidnuncWhy does upstart predepend on libc 2.11?22:46
quidnuncbut I have 2.12 installed?22:47
GskelligUNR 10.10 btw22:47
anygivenname-rw------- 1 root root 744 2010-10-28 23:37 /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf22:48
ZykoticK9anygivenname, that's 600 all right22:49
anygivennamethen sudo worked22:49
archlichanygivenname, thats fine then22:49
archlichanygivenname, i need to head out but check out this at some point https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Chmod#Octal_numbers22:50
aut0tekAnyone know why my ubuntu studio pc won't go past the logo screen at boot after a pwr failure? (i just bumped the button on accident)22:50
Gskelligis something wrong with mutter? gnome on my ubuntu netbook remix (10.10) is running really slow and crashes occassionally. normal ubuntu is fine22:52
Thmstclsaut0tek:  have you [ESC] and looked at the messages?22:52
Thmstclsaut0tek:  pres ESC (i think others keys work) and it will show the bootup process22:53
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aut0tekOh.. I hit esc... Says home directory /etc/timidity not ours22:56
EeveeTrainerhi where can i download the source and compile ubuntu22:57
yaaarhey guys. when i plug an external monitor into my laptop it always gets setup as an extension of the right side of my existing monitor. I can switch it to the left easily enough. but i'd like to make it go on the left by default, so I don't have to change it every time. is that possible?22:58
travaleris there a command that will transfer files over a network faster then SCP?22:58
jacktheripperhow could I configure FUSE ?22:58
jacktheripperwhere's the config file located (if there's even one) ?22:58
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Sonic132Anyone know how to install the Cricket A600 USB Modem in Kubuntu 10.04? I tried the whole flipflop.sh thing and while it outputted a lot of information. It didn't seem to add anything to Network Config. What am I doing wrong? Also, I only have one Cricket modem. So if I try this I have to d/c and r/c to post more.22:59
yaaartravaler: rcp doesn't have the encryption overhead. if you're doing multiple iterations rsync is way faster. i guess you could use dd over a socket or something for the ultimate light weight23:00
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travaleryaaar is it likely that the encryption overhead is slowing me down when copying a folder?23:00
Sonic132If someone could just give me a link to a guide that works I'd appreciate it. I have some stuff to do in the yard. But later on I'll be able to work more on it.23:01
ironsightanyone with a laptop get headphone sound?23:01
Thmstclsaut0tek:  that's all it says..?23:01
aut0tekThat's the end23:01
aut0tekOh now it says skipping /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 at user request23:02
travaleryaaar, it seems to take a second per file for files between .5 megs and 1 meg large23:02
port80webI'm using 10.04. anyone know where the grub menu.lst is?23:02
travaleryaaar, I would like to maintain 10MB/s but it drops to KB/s for smaller files : (23:02
Thmstclsaut0tek:  you use encrypted home directory?23:02
Sonic132Isn't menu list always in the same place?23:02
port80webits not in /boot/grub/ where it allways was23:03
Sir_KonradUbuntu 10.04: How can I tell if I have the 32 or 64 bit version installed?23:03
ThmstclsSonic132:  no23:03
anygivennamedo i have to chmod 600 again the file after every editing or it is done just once ?23:03
Sonic132Hmmm ok. I learned someothing yay.23:03
Sir_KonradI know it's stupid, but I forgot which I installed. :P23:04
ThmstclsSir_Konrad:  =P23:04
Sonic132I need to know that as well Sir_Konrad23:04
Sonic132I would think it was 32. But not sure.23:04
Sir_KonradSonic132: Most of the time if you don't know then it's 32 bit, but I have so much things going on I probably knew a few months ago! XD23:04
Sonic132Ah well goodluck.23:05
Sir_KonradBut this isn't my main box, it's one I use about twice a week. :\23:05
EeveeTrainerhi where can i download the source and compile ubuntu23:05
Sonic132Anyone want to help me find a guide for installing the Cricket A600 Cal-comp usb modem in 10.04 of Kubuntu?23:05
ThmstclsSir_Konrad:  run 'arch' command?23:05
mscottaSir_Konrad, "uname -a"23:06
Sir_KonradThmstcls: ok thanks. :)23:06
velracHello friends. I'm new here and just installed 10.10 on raid 1 HDs. How can I check if it's working correctly? The installation gave me no errors, but I want to be shure that it work's. Thanks!23:06
Sir_Konradthanks too mscotta. :P23:06
mscottaSir_Konrad, Thmstcls: 'arch' is the CPU architecture23:07
Thmstclswhat did he want mscotta ?23:07
Sonic132i686 is 32 correct?23:07
Sir_Konrad's what I wanted23:07
Sir_KonradDang, it is 32-bit... >.<23:07
Sir_KonradSonic132: yeah..23:07
mscottaSonic132: No, it's only the CPU arch.23:07
Sonic132Then that makes two of us.23:08
Sir_KonradSonic132: mine is i686 is a 32 bit proc. x86_64 is always 64-bit.23:08
ThmstclsSir_Konrad:  mscotta++, you want the cpu arch or the OS?23:08
tensorpuddingvelrac: software RAID?23:08
Sonic132mscotta: Chances are they are the same right?23:09
anygivennamedo i have to chmod 600 again the file after every editing or it is done just once ?23:09
ThmstclsSir_Konrad:  try 'uname -a'23:09
Sir_KonradThmstcls: I wanted both, I got both. i686 on the OS is a 32-bit install right?23:09
ThmstclsSir_Konrad:  or 'uname -mrsn23:09
Thmstclswith no quotes23:09
mscottaSonic132, yes but you can install 32 bit S.O. on a 64 bit arch.23:09
Sir_KonradThmstcls: right but an i686 software install is 32 bit.23:10
Sir_KonradThat means once upon a time I installed the wrong version. :P23:10
Thmstclshehe, you wanted 64?23:10
mscottaSir_Konrad: what is a i686 software?23:10
aut0tekX.has some error about no inputs or something?23:11
Sir_Konradmscotta: 32 bit software. I wanted 64. :P23:11
Sir_KonradThmstcls: yeah. XD23:11
Thmstclsmscotta:  32 bit dual core23:11
Nertilits ubuntu 8.04 supported yet?23:11
Sonic132Well the versions agree for me. 32 on 32.23:11
Sonic132But anyone know how I can setup the Cricket USB modem so that I can connect to the internet?23:12
Sir_KonradYeah... anyone have experience with MacBook Pro 5,5 with 10.10?23:12
mscottaSir_Konrad: the old PII is i686 but is not 64 bit23:12
Nertilits ubuntu 8.04 supported yet?23:12
q_CPU fan speed and CHASSIS fan speed are wrong with xsensor, also when read from BIOS, this means that mobo is dying?23:12
Sir_Konradmscotta: You're not reading what I said... I installed i686 software on an x86_64 machine... :P23:12
Sonic132What are you asking Nertil?23:13
Nertilits ubuntu 8.04 supported yet?23:13
Nertildoes exist support from ubuntu23:13
ThmstclsSir_Konrad:  i'm betting you have 32bit ubuntu installed23:13
Sir_KonradNertil: 8.04 is still supported.23:13
Nertilfor this version23:13
Nertiltill when?23:13
Sonic1328.04 is old.23:13
Sir_KonradThmstcls: I do... I'm going to have to get 64-bit 10.04 or 10.10.23:13
Sir_KonradNertil: I think until April...23:13
ThmstclsSir_Konrad:  what's the point?23:14
Sir_KonradNertil: I would upgrade to 10.0423:14
Sonic132Sir_Konrad: What's the point in keeping an old version old? Why not upgrade?23:14
mscottaNertil: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS23:14
Sir_KonradThmstcls: This is it. I want to install Ubuntu on this MacBook that I'm typing on right now, and I knew I had one Ubuntu 10.04 CD around but I didn't know if it was 32 or 64.23:14
NertilSonic132 old machine23:14
Sir_KonradSonic132: LTS version.23:15
Sonic13210.04 is LTS as well.23:15
Sonic132Why not use that?23:15
ThmstclsSir_Konrad:  i get that part, just wondering why you feel the need to change to 64bit23:15
yaaari just found a package (roundcube) that apparently has a dependency (php-mdb2-driver-mysql) that apt-get doesn't pull in. at least, it errored "couldn't connect to the database" with logs saying "MDB2 Error: not found (-4): unable to find package 'MDB2_Driver_mysql'" until i installed that package, and now it's fine. where should i report that?23:15
Sir_KonradThmstcls: I'm going to have to download a 64-bit version..23:15
Sir_KonradThmstcls: oh because this MacBook Pro has 4GB RAM.23:15
Sir_KonradSonic132: Are you talking about why I would consider getting 10.04 for this MacBook?23:16
Sonic132So anyone know how to install the Cricket Cal-comp A600 usb modem in Kubuntu 10.04? I tried the flipflop.sh thing and the lsusb doesn't show it installed. Also it doesn't show up under Network Config.23:16
Nertiltill when will be supportet 10. 1023:17
RastaHundenSonic132: No, but Calcomp rules a bit i think.23:17
EeveeTrainerhi where can i download the source and compile ubuntu23:18
FlannelNertil: 10.10 is supported for 18 months, so it will be supported until April of 201223:18
Sir_KonradSonic132: you're on dial-up?23:18
NertilFlannel but hows come 10.04 will be supported till 201523:18
Sonic132RastaHunden:Huh? Well according to the lable and what XP says. It's a Cal-Comp A600 Usb modem.23:18
FlannelNertil: If you'd like something supported later than that, you should consider 10.04, which is supported on the desktop until April of 2013 (and the server until 2015)23:18
Sonic132Sir_Konrad: Cricket calls it broadband. But it's quite a bit slower than that.23:19
FlannelNertil: Because 10.04 is an LTS release (Long Term Support)23:19
RastaHundenEeveeTrainer: Your question is invalid but www.linuxfromscratch.org will give you an ideea.23:19
Sir_KonradSonic132: oh you're hooking up via ethernet?23:19
Sonic132Sir_Konrad: No hooking up via usb.23:19
Sonic132Sir_Konrad: It's a usb modem.23:19
Sir_KonradWow, that's nasty.23:20
RastaHundenBots are loose23:20
Thmstclswow at the fact it took me 3 tries to type it23:20
ThmstclsAlice is loose23:20
Sonic132Alice in wonderland.23:20
Sonic132Any ideas on what to do about it?23:20
RastaHundenInetlice :)23:20
Thmstclswhat's the problem, Sonic13223:21
mikrozerothere a linux video player that will play in a very minimal bordered window that can be set to always on top?23:21
Nertilso when will be next LTS VERSION23:21
mikrozerosee what i mean?23:21
rwwNertil: after 10.04? 12.04.23:21
mikrozerowoops..i'm not in Kansas anymore23:21
RastaHundenNertil: when it turns up! :)23:21
Sonic132Trying to figure out how to (1)Get the video to work in other modes than 'safe graphics mode' and also. (2)Figure out how to install the Cal-Comp A600 Cricket Usb modem...under Kubuntu 10.0423:22
Daaniif I have a .bin file i folderA23:22
Daanihow do I install it23:22
solidsnackI am trying to install 10.10 i386 on a Vaio P.23:22
RastaHundenmikrozero: welcome to the fjords Mike! ;)23:22
Sir_Konradhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro5-5/Maverick <-- Why is this so short? o.O23:22
Thmstclseveryone is poor Sir_Konrad23:23
solidsnackThis machine has a GMA500 chipset so the USB device is marked "poulsbo".23:23
Sarajevoany girls in here for cam2cam?23:23
Sir_KonradThmstcls: LOL! What does that mean? :P23:23
RastaHundenIm rich as a mofo :)23:23
ThmstclsSir_Konrad:  they don't spend the extra money for the Apple brand23:23
SarajevoRastaHunden, do u code computer malware23:23
solidsnackDo I need to somehow get the PSB driver on to the system?23:23
Thmstclslol Sarajevo23:24
Thmstclsis that a serious question23:24
RastaHundenSarajevo: Kheuk ?23:24
Sir_KonradThmstcls: hehe... The Mactel Team does. :D23:24
RastaHundenGo away23:24
Daanirastahunden haha vilken fråga :D23:24
Thmstclsthe mactel team huh23:24
RastaHundenDaani: vilket miffo23:24
Daanisarajevo mismo nije illegal ovde23:24
Sarajevoti kodiras viruscice23:24
Sarajevoje li23:24
Sir_KonradThmstcls: yup. ;)23:25
RastaHundenSarajevo: Do you wish to engage at this time Sir ?23:25
Sonic132Thmstcls: Did you see my post?23:25
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList23:25
DaaniSarajevo not here!23:25
ThmstclsSonic132:  just did now23:25
Sonic132Thmstcls: Cool.23:25
DaaniI downloaded Eclipse it came as a tar file I extracted the files but the exutable file doesnt work :S23:25
Daaninothing happens23:25
RastaHundenI guess not23:25
blakkheimDaani: you probably need to compile it, programs on linux are usually distributed as source code23:26
DaaniI can add that tonight is my first visit in ubuntu hehe23:26
Sonic132Daani: More than likely what blakkheim said.23:26
Daanicompile it? :S23:26
Sir_KonradDaani: Yup!23:26
blakkheimit's just a bunch of text files right now, not a binary23:26
Sarajevoim gonna compile my gf's ass tonight23:26
Sir_KonradDaani: Get used to the idea if you don't get a Debian package file.23:26
Sonic132Daani: Google is your friend. I've used it so much for Linux.23:27
Daaniokey will google23:27
rahdukehey can someone help me please, i'm running 10.10 on an SSD with a zotac mobo in an HTPC. THis is the second time this has happened to me, install runs fine, first few boots were fine but now when I boot after my mobo splash screen I just get a blinking cursor in the top right corner and it never boots..... I'm so frustrated with this,  I've tested the memory, reset the bios, set the boot devices I'm completely lost....23:27
Daanibut i read somewhere that I should use the terminal23:27
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:27
blakkheim!compile | Daani23:27
ubottuDaani: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)23:27
RastaHundenblakkheim: Step back please.23:27
Sonic132Daani: Read what ubottu said.23:28
mscottaDaani: you can start by installing it from the repo: 'sudo apt-get install eclipse'23:28
Sonic132Daani: Using the repos like mscotta said. Is usually the easiest way.23:28
blakkheimRastaHunden: what?23:28
mscottaDaani: start with little steps!23:28
RastaHundenSonic132: repeating a bad sentence never made it any better.23:28
Daaniokey thanks23:29
Sonic132RastaHunden: It was an informative, and correct sentence. So I don't know what your talking about.23:29
RastaHundenblakkheim: By saying that you like those who wants to learn to not. This is not so good.23:29
mscottaRastaHunden, what do you mean?23:29
RastaHundenSonic132 ^^23:29
solidsnackHi, I need help installing Ubuntu 10.10 i386 on a Vaio P. It boots into the installer but then it can't find the CDROM.23:29
blakkheimRastaHunden: i don't know what you mean, your english is fairly broken there23:30
RastaHundenmscotta: Why do we have Ubuntu, because people have learnt.23:30
solidsnackDo you think my problem might have to do with the GMA500 chipset on the machine?23:30
* Sir_Konrad munches on some popcorn23:30
RastaHundenblakkheim: My english is fine.23:30
mscottaRastaHunden: I'm with you!23:30
rahdukecome on please someone take a look at my issue23:30
Dice-Manrahduke, explain it23:30
Sonic132RastaHunden: This is ubuntu irc chat. It's an informative, encouraging environment where people learn to use the OS in every situation imaginable. I didn't see blackheim encouraging Daani to fail.23:30
Dice-Mani'll see23:30
blakkheimRastaHunden: "By saying that you like those who wants to learn to not" ?23:30
RastaHundenmscotta: Thank you! Upstream approves of your ACK.23:31
area51pilotdoes anyone know of an Evolution IRC channel23:31
Gskelligis there a way to get ubuntu netbook remix 10.10 WITHOUT mutter?23:31
Sonic132blackheim: I speak english just fine I do!23:31
Gskelligmutter is REALLY slow and laggy23:31
RastaHundenSonic132: Informative, not strangling of intellectual knowhow i hope ?23:31
xanguaarea51pilot: surely there is on gnome's irc network23:31
RastaHundenblakkheim: Im Upstream.23:31
Sonic132RastaHunden: I just suggested that he use Google. Then agreed with those that put out the mental effort to fill him in so he didn't have to use Google.23:32
Sonic132RastaHunden: That's not strangling of intellectual knowhow.23:32
rahdukehey can someone help me please, i'm running 10.10 on an SSD with a zotac mobo in an HTPC. THis is the second time this has happened to me, install runs fine, first few boots were fine but now when I boot after my mobo splash screen I just get a blinking cursor in the top right corner and it never boots..... I'm so frustrated with this,  I've tested the memory, reset the bios, set the boot devices I'm completely lost....23:32
Sir_Konradrahduke: sounds like a driver issue...23:33
EeveeTrainerhi where can i download the source and compile ubuntu23:33
RastaHundenI accept your correctures at this time.23:33
Sir_Konradrahduke: did you install a graphics card driver?23:33
ThmstclsEeveeTrainer:  you can't, it's not how it works23:33
EeveeTrainer!de | Steven_Krebs23:33
ubottuSteven_Krebs: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.23:33
rwwRastaHunden, blakkheim: Please take it to PM or #ubuntu-offtopic or something. It's offtopic for this channel.23:33
EeveeTrainerThmstcls: why not ?23:33
ThmstclsEeveeTrainer:  ubuntu is not source code for one23:34
Steven_Krebswhat do I care if someone does not speak english?23:34
EeveeTrainerubuntu doesnt have a source code ?23:34
rwwEeveeTrainer: Best to wait until someone actually speaks in German before issuing that.23:34
RastaHundenrww: You may private me if you feel strongly about the conversation ?23:34
=== mike is now known as linelevel
ThmstclsEeveeTrainer:  no, it's a collection of other sources that have already been compiled23:34
xanguayo don't EeveeTrainer, ubuntu uses open source software; you can compile that23:34
Sonic132EeveeTrainer: I don't think so. But a Google search could help clear up the mystery.23:34
rwwubottu: source | EeveeTrainer23:35
ubottuEeveeTrainer: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html23:35
ThmstclsEeveeTrainer:  you can compile and upgrade the kernel23:35
Gskelligis there a way to get ubuntu netbook remix 10.10 WITHOUT mutter?23:35
Sonic132Also, I guess I'll go do my yard work. I'll be back later. Maybe someone can help me then.23:35
rahdukeSir_Konrad: just enabled the default hardware drivers...... but if it were a driver issue wouldnt i be able to get to the command line??23:35
kn100Is there a way of recording video without compressing it on ubuntu?23:36
kn100like Fraps on windows23:36
kn100recordmydesktop has horrible audio-sync issues when recording games23:36
Sir_Konradrahduke: true... are you getting to the GRUB boot loader?23:36
Sir_Konradkn100!! What's up pal? :D23:36
rahdukeSir_Konrad: no not at all23:36
test34Thmstcls, you really dont know how it works23:36
EeveeTrainer!language | Steven_Krebs23:36
ubottuSteven_Krebs: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:36
rahdukeits ridiculous23:36
Sir_Konradrahduke: can you boot off of anything?23:36
kn100Sir_Konrad, hey :D23:36
rahdukeyea, i can boot off USB,CD etc...23:36
Thmstclstest34:  how is that?23:36
RastaHundenrww: What do you do btw ? Code any ASSM/C/C++/GTK+/PHP/etc ?23:36
rahdukeits so effing frustrating23:37
Sir_Konradkn100: how are ya? It's been awhile. :P23:37
kn100Is there a way of recording the screen without compressing it on ubuntu?23:37
kn100Sir_Konrad, It's been good, and yourself?23:37
Sir_Konrad!language | rahduke23:37
ubotturahduke: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:37
RastaHundenrahduke: whats that about ?23:37
rwwGskellig: no, mutter is a required component of Unity, you can't have Unity without mutter.23:37
rwwRastaHunden: that's also offtopic for this channel.23:37
Sir_Konradkn100: Pretty nice. Getting back into Linux after a year. :P23:37
Thmstclstest34:  nothing?23:37
Steven_Krebsrww soon to be not true any more. new unity will use compit instead of mutter.23:37
rahdukeim bugging out over here, im sick and tired of re-installing ubuntu every day....im seriously about to break stuff23:37
rwwSteven_Krebs: I'm talking about 10.10's Unity.23:38
Gskelligcan I get it without unity then?23:38
Steven_Krebsthat's why I said _soon not to be true anymore_23:38
RastaHundenrww: Ok, fun that you have joined i think. Anyhow, feel the breeze.23:38
Sonic132rahduke: Been there. Took a vacation from Ubuntu, and came back. I think secretly I like the troubleshooting.23:38
isnoopI think I found a bug in an updated version of an apt package.  How do I downgrade a package to verify my test?23:38
rwwGskellig: Ubuntu Netbook is just Ubuntu Desktop with the Unity interface, pretty much. Just get Ubuntu Desktop if you don't want Unity.23:38
rahdukeSonic132: this problem is ridiculous, its like unfixable23:39
Benkinoobyi cant find any performace benchmarks of ubuntu 10.10 against 10.04. some1 can give me a link or at least tell me your experience?23:39
Gskelligcan I get 10.10, with the same gui that 10.04 had23:39
RastaHundenGskellig: No! :)23:39
BenkinoobyGskellig, yes, of course23:39
rwwGskellig: no, the 10.04 netbook GUI isn't available on maverick, and isn't maintained any more23:39
Sir_KonradGskellig: yes, just download Ubuntu 10.1023:39
mscottaBenkinooby: habe you search in Phoronix website?23:39
Sir_KonradThey're both GNOME.23:40
Sonic132rahduke: Just curious but are you dual/multi-booting?23:40
no--nameIt's the same GUI23:40
test34Thmstcls, dont they have code to compile, group and tie all those packages together?23:40
BenkinoobyGskellig, oh, sorry forget my comment23:40
rwwno--name: between 10.04 and 10.10? no, it isn't.23:40
rahdukeSonic132: nope, its just 10.10 on an SSD23:40
Thmstclstest34:  of course, but he can't compile 'ubuntu'23:40
no--nameYeah it is... Gnome.23:40
test34Thmstcls, that's what I would think Ubuntu is23:40
rahdukeit makes no sense, i cant even get into the grub menu to boot into recovery mode23:40
Thmstclsubuntu is pre-compiled binaries there is nothing to compile23:40
Sonic132rahduke: Don't know what to tell you. I got problems too. Just keep trying back on here and maybe someone can help you.23:40
mscottaBenkinooby: habe you search in Phoronix website?23:40
RastaHundenGskellig: Odd people camping here though i must say :) ... Im surprised every time to say the least :)23:40
Sir_Konradrahduke: attempt a reinstall23:41
Sonic132rahduke: Reinstall grub maybe?23:41
rahdukeSonic132: its un helpable, im convinced this is not a fixable issue23:41
Sir_KonradThat's all I can say.23:41
RastaHundenGskellig: To be fair, most rocks23:41
Benkinoobymscotta, never heard of that. thx for the hint... i'll give it a shot23:41
test34Thmstcls, what is gcalctool? a calculator no source to compile? but the source is available23:41
rahdukeSir_Konrad: I've installed 3x already same issues over and over23:41
Daanisudo apt-get install eclipse that installed java edition :/ how can I control it to install the c/c++ edition23:41
Sir_Konradrahduke: something wrong with your RAID array?23:41
Sonic132Sir_Konrad: Well he said that reinstalling works temporarily but then after a few boots it's hosed again.23:41
Gskelligi got like 80 different answers23:41
Thmstclstest34:  i don't think you are taking in what i'm saying. of course there are sources for packages, he asked how to compile ubuntu and kernel23:41
Thmstclstest34:  which is not possible23:41
rahdukeSir_Konrad: I have no raid array, its just a little HTPC i slapped together, it was working great for 8months on 10.0423:42
xiamxHi, i wonder if there a software that does document management just like fspot does for photo and banshee does for music23:42
RastaHundenGskellig: You asked 1482 peoples :)23:42
Gskelligthats true!23:42
Sir_Konradrahduke: hmm...23:42
Gskelligi litereally got Yes, no, yes, no23:42
test34Thmstcls, so the source code to create the compilation of packages that is Ubuntu is not available?23:42
Thmstclstest34:  i guess if you want to get a list of all packages and download them and compile them then compile the kernel23:43
Thmstclsthat's pretty retarded idea imo though23:43
RastaHundenGskellig: No, progress means changes: "<Gskellig> can I get 10.10, with the same gui that 10.04 had"23:43
rahdukeSir_Konrad: i cant get into grub, I cant do anything ive reset the bios like 20 time, all i get is a horizontal blinking cursor and a flickering screen23:43
test34Thmstcls, it is not retarded if you want to create your own distribution based off Ubuntu23:43
Gskelligi mean from other people answering23:43
test34Thmstcls, I would think it's smart23:44
Thmstclsso just leave the packages all non 686 optimized?23:44
area51pilottest34: I agree, creating a personalized distro would be nice so packages dont have to be added after the install23:44
Thmstclsif you have the hardware23:44
shadyabhirahduke: does you comp have a connected USB pendrive or otyher bootable device23:44
rwwGskellig: The package 'netbook-launcher' is what provided 10.04's UNR interface. You'll note that it's not in Maverick. Therefore, I'm correct.23:44
Thmstclsit would take a very long time to compile hundreds to thousands of packages by the way23:45
rwwGskellig: alternatively, click the first arrow on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/netbook-launcher/+publishinghistory and note the "Deleted: superseded by unity, not maintained any more"23:45
Gskelligi was asking if it was possible to get netbook-launcher in 10.1023:45
rahdukeshadyabhi: no it didnt, now i put a live USB in to see if I can get into my logs23:45
Gskelligeven if its not supported23:45
rwwGskellig: it's not, it was removed from the archive.23:45
Gskelligah okay23:45
area51pilotThmstcls: :)23:45
RastaHundenGskellig: Well, its possible, but not very likely as it would take much much work. The others where wrong.23:45
Gskelligguess i'll just use 10.04 then23:45
Thmstcls:) ?23:45
rahdukeim seriously so frustrated23:45
test34yes area51pilot23:45
RastaHundenGskellig: In a sence, but not entirely23:45
ilyekkakaiLook at this gparted screen-shot - http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v484/ILyekkaKai/Screenshot--dev-sdb-GParted.png  - I want to extend my extended partition /dev/sdb2 into the unallocated space at start of the drive, allowing me to extend /dev/sdb5 to fill up the resized extended partition. But when I prepare the changes in gparted live CD, it warns me I may not be able to boot my computer after changes are applied.23:45
mscottatest34: I don't know for Ubuntu, but Debian is here: http://git.debian.org/23:45
shadyabhirahduke: I dont think there will be logs.. bcos u said grub didnt compe up23:45
ilyekkakaiShould I ignore the warning and continue, and how difficult will it be to fix if I can't boot?23:45
Thmstclsmscotta:  wouldn't that be pretty unstable?23:46
xanguailyekkakai: you should always make a security copy before do something, yes23:46
area51pilotThmstcls: about the time for compiling, but it wouldbe a nice deal to remaster23:46
rahdukeshadyabhi: ya that makes sense, do you have any ideas at all? I've tested my memory, ive reset my bios, ive done everything i can think of23:46
rwwilyekkakai: you can't boot from an extended partition. that partitioning screenshot isn't going to be bootable.23:46
mscottaThmstcls: why?23:46
ilyekkakaixangua - how do I do that?23:46
rwwilyekkakai: the "fix" is to have at least one primary partition you can boot from.23:47
test34Thmstcls, you could rent some CPU time and do it in a few minutes23:47
shadyabhirahduke: Can you boot through USB?23:47
Thmstclslol test34, touche i guess23:47
ilyekkakairww, well, no one told the computer, since it boots quite happily from that configuration.23:47
solidsnackMy "cdrom" is found when I use 10.04 LTS. Weird.23:47
rwwilyekkakai: odd.23:47
Thmstclsmscotta:  does the git for debian use non-stable versions?23:47
xanguaThmstcls: /j #debian23:48
RastaHundenGskellig: As for now the followings are not following common practices: [Sonic132, blakkheim, rww]23:48
=== inve is now known as unkw
Thmstclslol xangua, i have no desire to ask a question like that23:48
Thmstclsin debian23:48
EeveeTrainerhi how do i uninstall ubuntu?23:48
mscottaThmstcls: did you know how it works git?23:48
rahdukeshadyabhi: yea im running a live 10.10 usb stick right now23:49
test34 EeveeTrainer: see mscotta's answer23:49
xanguaEeveeTrainer: you format ubuntu's partition23:49
Thmstclsmscotta:  lol yes i use it regularly with projects23:49
RastaHundenThmstcls: Do not be afraid my friend.23:49
rahdukeshadyabhi: it recognizes my filesystem, all the files look fine.... I have no idea what is going on23:49
Benkinoobymscotta, wow, that website is great!23:49
FrozenFireAnyone know how I might use dbus-send to send a message via MSN using Telepathy?23:49
shadyabhirahduke: Just reinstall the grub anyway. It wont hurt to reinstall the grub.23:49
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ThmstclsRastaHunden:  why would i be? this is ubuntu =D23:49
RastaHundenThmstcls: To ask23:49
mscottaThmstcls: well the linux kernel use git but there is different branch23:50
Thmstclsmscotta:  so...the original question was still invalid like i told him anyways23:50
_16BitSoft_ugg, Ubuntu 11.04 will not have Gnome?23:50
RastaHundenThmstcls: git got git checkout and whatnot :)23:50
rahdukeshadyabhi: how would i do that from alivecd?23:50
mscottaThmstcls: excuse me, can you repeat?23:50
Thmstclsshort of downloading every package's source and compiling, then compiling the linux kernel23:50
Thmstclsyou can't 'compile ubuntu'23:50
Thmstclsand it would still be pointless23:51
mscottaBenkinooby: I'm glad for you23:51
Sir_Konrad_16BitSoft_: it won't?23:51
Thmstclssome guy asked if you can 'compile the linux kernel and ubuntu from source'23:51
_16BitSoft_Sir_Konrad - not by default23:51
RastaHundenThmstcls: Learning is never pointless.23:51
rwwubottu: unity | _16BitSoft_23:51
ubottu_16BitSoft_: Unity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com for more information.23:51
Sir_Konrad_16BitSoft_: what will it use?23:51
shadyabhiRastaHunden: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub223:51
ThmstclsRastaHunden:  lol, i school enough and work enough to be constantly learning23:51
mobasherhave anyone been able to run sims 3 on ubuntu 10.10 ?23:51
_16BitSoft_Sir_Konrad "Unity"23:51
Reno__Can anyone reccomend a good music manager/player.  I love winamp on windows...don't like Amarok23:52
RastaHundenThmstcls: Thats good.23:52
ThmstclsRastaHunden:  and i know how git works. i said already i use it regularly23:52
Sir_Konrad_16BitSoft_: you're kidding me...23:52
RastaHundenshadyabhi: ?23:52
_16BitSoft_Sir_Konrad - not23:52
bastidrazorReno__: banshee does well.23:52
ThmstclsRastaHunden:  if you want an intellectual throwdown just pm me anytime mister man23:52
shadyabhirahduke: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub223:52
rww_16BitSoft_: Unity 11.04 will use the entire GNOME stack except GNOME-shell. It's GNOME.23:52
Sir_KonradReno__: Banshee23:52
mscottaReno__: have you tried rhytmbox?23:52
shadyabhiRastaHunden: Sorry to bug you.. posted you by mistake23:52
BenkinoobyGskellig, hm, maybe if the gui is still in the repos of 10.04 you can fetch the source and compile it. but that's a lot of work, and as mentioned before: it's not supported. if you want a netbookgui-like interface (this is what i understood) you could also give kde a shot. kde is much more flexible that gnome can be modfied very easily.23:53
RastaHundenThmstcls: I have no need for that.23:53
RastaHundenshadyabhi: Np23:53
_16BitSoft_I like Gnome23:53
_16BitSoft_KDE is terrible23:53
RastaHundenThmstcls: Be open to most anything and the world will come to you.23:53
Benkinoobyi sue fluxbox :P23:53
Reno__Banshee/rhythmbox I'll check em out23:53
Sir_Konrad_16BitSoft_: is KDE terrible even in 10.04?23:53
Benkinoobyand tmux hahahaha23:53
_16BitSoft_I don't like KDE menus23:54
Gskelligbenkinooby: all I really want is ubuntu that takes up almost no screen space for my netbook. i tried to customize normal ubuntu but it was too hard and I some stuff was still huge23:54
rahdukeshadyabhi: that does explain how to install it from a LIVEcd to an existing install23:54
kn100kde is terrible*23:54
RastaHundenThmstcls: If you find idiots along the way, let us know ;)23:54
kn100Gskellig, tried netbook remix?23:54
Sir_Konradkn100: what are you using now? GNOME or Xfce?23:54
ThmstclsRastaHunden:  you are a bad troll...23:54
Benkinooby_16BitSoft_, it depends very much.i like kde more than gnome, but i love fluxbox.23:54
shadyabhirahduke: ya. so thats what you want23:54
rwwRastaHunden: Can you keep your offtopic comments to yourself, please?23:54
kn100Sir_Konrad, right now, Gnome but generally openbox23:54
Gskelligkn100, thats my problem lol... UNR 10.10 uses unity which is super slow and laggy23:54
mscottaDaani: have you tried?23:55
rwwGskellig: then use 10.04 for now, and check out 11.04 when it comes out (with Unity based on Compiz instead)23:55
Gskelligis KDE easy to customize to make it small ?23:55
Sir_KonradKDE 3.5 was good.23:55
Sir_KonradGskellig: not anymore23:55
Gskelligunity based compiz?23:55
rocco99does anyone know whya ubuntu 10.10 dosent work with gorm or project center?23:55
Thmstclscompiz based unity?23:55
rwwThmstcls: in 11.04, yes.23:55
_16BitSoft_I find Gnome to be most flexible23:55
RastaHundenrww - Thmstcls: Oh well. Have fun the one of you.23:55
Thmstclslol no, i was just correcting the order23:55
BenkinoobyGskellig, hm, so there are 2 options you can try: first use kde, it is a big desktop environment like gnome but is very customizable. i used it for a long time and loved it. second is you use a smaller gui like fluxbox, xfce or stuff like that and modify them if needed. second option also needs less resources.23:56
Sir_Konradkn100: I think I know what GUI I'll use on Ubuntu. :P23:56
Thmstclsgnome isn't too heavy on resources23:57
Thmstclsdepending on what you add23:57
RastaHundenGNOME - The best Desktop ever made!23:57
kn100Sir_Konrad, I generally use openbox for almost everything but when i'm in a 'I just want my computer to work' mood I use Gnome even though it's slow in comparison23:57
BenkinoobyThmstcls, ths also apllies to kde ;)23:57
ThmstclsBenkinooby:  i assumed it was pretty comparable =P just not a fan23:57
Sir_Konradkn100: openbox isn't for the weak?23:57
Thmstclsso have to leave KDE out of it =P23:57
ThmstclsOpenbox isn't too hard23:58
Benkinoobyfluxbox neither23:58
Thmstclsopenbox + tint2 or something23:58
_16BitSoft_RastaHunden - YES! - Gnome is greatest23:58
Thmstclsyeah i was a fluxbox to openbox convert ;)23:58
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:58
Sir_KonradI would use KDE, but KDE 4 left a bad taste in my mouth.23:58
RastaHundenThe KDe people always seemed so hostile. I started coding GK and then GTK,+ ... Utmost great!23:58
_16BitSoft_oh no! ubuttu is angry, sorry23:58
Thmstclssorry, didn't notice any open issues / questiosn23:59
BenkinoobyGskellig, hm, maybe an other possible solution is to stzay with gnome, and make good use of gnome-do or kupfer or any software like that23:59
rwwThmstcls: It doesn't matter. If it's offtopic, use the offtopic channel ;)23:59
ThmstclsGskellig:  what do you want to do?23:59

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