
jeroth1Is ubuntu one password reset broken? Ive had it send me a confirmation code 3 times over 4 days. I use gmail and have checked my junk folder.05:09
jeroth1No email recieved.05:09
jeroth1sorry lost connection didnt see if someone answered my question.05:14
duanedesignjeroth1: hello09:02
jeroth1Duanedesign: Hello09:02
duanedesignjeroth1: so you had an issue with the password reset?09:02
jeroth1Yes sir, I have been trying to reset the password on my account for a few days now. I tried 3 times over 4 days, and no email. I checked my spam folder and I am using a gmail address.09:03
jeroth1I am at a loss at what to do next.09:05
duanedesignjeroth1: sure. I can try and help there09:06
duanedesignif you can idle here for a bit rye should be here any minute now. He can help you with your issue. Or you can email support if you have to got. Let me get you the address...09:07
jeroth1I apologize my network is having issues. Did you get my messages?09:12
duanedesignhello jeroth109:13
duanedesignjeroth1: i did not09:13
jeroth1Ah, okay.09:13
duanedesignjeroth1: I saw you are having a problem with resetting your password09:13
jeroth1I said, I have tried 3 times over the past 4 days to change my ubuntu one password. I have not recieved an email at all. I have a gmail address, and i have checked my spam folder.09:14
duanedesignjeroth1: if your network holds up rye might be able to help you09:14
duanedesignotherwise you might need to email:   https://one.ubuntu.com/support/contact/09:14
jeroth1I apologize duanedesign, I think comcast is having a seizure.09:18
jeroth1I said, I have tried 3 times over the past 4 days to change my ubuntu one password. I have not recieved an email at all. I have a gmail address, and i have checked my spam folder.09:19
jeroth1I hope you got that.09:19
jeroth1*this is what i get for being online at 4:20am09:20
duanedesigni got it :)09:21
duanedesignrye: are you aware of any issue with resetting passwords?09:22
jeroth1I tried it alittle over an hour ago and still no email.09:27
ryejerboa, hm, are you using login.ubuntu.com, right?09:37
ryeUbuntu One does not store passwords, Ubuntu SSO service does, so if there a hick-up, i'll poke ISD team09:38
jerothI apologize for wasting you time duanedesign, my modem is failing on me. I will come back once I get that resolved. Thanks for your time.09:41
* ryetest is testing the translation10:13
ryeteststill broken10:13
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karnihi all :)12:43
ryekarni, hi karni :)12:47
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karnihi rye ^ ^12:47
karniI'm watching UDS N Ubuntu One Visibility and Integration with Unity on youtube12:48
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karniAndroid has been mentioned as a reply to question by aquarius ^-^12:48
karnirye: you heard they want to change something about syncing folders? I don't quite get that12:49
karnirye: it sounded something like dropping sync of folders, and substitute that with I'm not sure what12:49
karnirye: or maybe they were talking about sharing12:49
karniIt also sounds like U1 needs a little work on Unity12:50
ryekarni, dropping? No, i don't think so, I heard something about automatic subscription to UDFs for all computers, but don't quite remember.12:50
karnirye: I see12:50
ryekarni, I know that nautilus-plugin was going to be rewritten since it is not that awesome now12:50
karnirye: so if I have a UDF, it's not synced over with other computers by default (currently) ?12:50
ryekarni, it is12:51
karnirye: what's that automatic subscription to UDFs then? :)12:51
ryekarni, anyway, i am not really prepared to tell about the future12:51
karnirye: sure ^ ^ np rye12:51
ryekarni, i mean that it was going to be set to no-automatic subscription12:51
karnirye: you're one of most knowledgable guys here!12:51
ryekarni, even though I really want to find out what's going to happen.12:51
karnirye: I guess when they wrap up UDS, there'll be some blog articles all over the place :)12:52
ryekarni, yes, UDS usually takes a lot of CPU power (usually, yeah, right, i have been there only once :) )12:53
karnirye: ^-^12:53
karnirye: you're based in Europe, aren't you?12:53
karnirye: I'm guessing you'll have a chance for going to next UDS :)12:54
ryekarni, yup, well, eastern europe to be precise, Ukraine to be GPS-precise12:54
karnirye: I'm from Poland, so we're quite near ;D12:54
ryehm... Current event is no longer current12:55
=== rye changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: Need assistance? Review the Status and the FAQ first: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Status and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/FAQ | http://bit.ly/caHbOf for help on adding your computer | Then say "honk" for more help. Please be patient :) | https://one.ubuntu.com/
karnirye: god that indicator/launcher discussion took quite a piece of the session. I don't get it why would they want to push stuff into the launcher instead of indicator (like yours, which is great).13:10
karnirye: I think the indicator should be there by default, and just give a user to hide/remove it, if they wish so.13:11
ryekarni, i don't think I follow you...13:11
karnirye: the guy on the left, on that clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fst1GeD-SLU , suggested to put 'U1 status' related stuff in the launcher13:12
karnirye: which I understand is the content of MeMenu13:12
karnirye: where is the 'Ubuntu One' option already.13:12
ryekarni, oooh, video, shiny!13:12
karnirye: and they where discussing *if* there should be an indicator13:12
rye42 minutes, wow13:13
karnirye: aquarius said that, since this indicates stuff, it should be an *indicator* whereas there where suggestions that this should be in the launcher (bottom of me menu?) or nowhere at all.13:13
karnirye: happy watching ;)13:13
karnirye: the acustics could be a little better, but it's watchable ;)13:14
karnirye: I might have confused launcher with meMenu, but I'm definitely for the indicator icon/applet13:17
* rye needs to find out how to make my 5530 dl that video and show me it some time later... well, dl is simple13:19
ubuntu4shanerye, I logged on to the laptop, and my files were still there!  Hoooraaayy!  I archived the log from this computer too, and as soon as I can remember how to sign into my launchpad account, I will post them with the bug13:33
ryeubuntu4shane, by "still there" you mean that they were not missing as on the another computer?13:34
ryeubuntu4shane, i.e. the files disappeared on another computer but are still here on your laptop, right?13:34
ryeubuntu4shane, could you please make a backup, just in case?13:35
ryeubuntu4shane, is ubuntuone-client connected?13:35
ubuntu4shaneas soon as I booted it up I disconnected u1, and copied over my backup script, and then backed up those files13:35
ubuntu4shaneno not yet, I'm copying those files over to my desktop, then I will connect13:36
ryeubuntu4shane, uh huh. Ok, u1 is running but disconnected, right?13:36
ryeubuntu4shane, could you please run u1sdtool --info $filename on one of these files that went missing on another machine?13:37
ubuntu4shanehmm, I ran u1sdtool -q when I started, and then backed everything up to a different directory13:37
ubuntu4shanevery interesting, one of the files has a .u1conflict tag on the end of it.13:37
ubuntu4shanerye, http://paste.ubuntu.com/521398/13:41
ryeubuntu4shane, ok, well, you may want to try setting up the debug log level - in ~/.config/ubuntuone/logging.conf set [logging]13:43
ryelevel.default = TRACE13:43
ryeah, i am running with TRACE level, nice13:43
ubuntu4shanehmm, all I have is a syncdaemon.conf no logging.conf ?13:44
ubuntu4shaneshould I create it?13:44
ubuntu4shanesame on the desktop13:45
ryeubuntu4shane, yes, please create that file13:47
ubuntu4shanerye, with just what you specified there right?  "level.default = TRACE"13:47
ryeubuntu4shane, yup, section [logging], level = TRACE is sufficient13:48
* rye needs to run away as he has to do some government<->bank-related things13:48
ubuntu4shaneno prob, thanks rye13:49
jeroth3Alright, now that my ISP has sorted itself out. I need help with the ubuntu one password reset page.14:06
ubuntu4shanejeroth3, reseting it on the web page, or on your computer?14:16
jeroth3On the web page14:16
jeroth3I have tried to 3 times over the past 4 days (or so), and i never recieve a confirmation email. I use a gmail address and I have checked my spam folder.14:17
ubuntu4shanekarni, or duanedesign may be better off to help you with that if they are around14:17
karnirye: ↑ actually rye would be best to answer that question, however he's not here at the moment14:18
karniduanedesign: ↑ any idea what might be causing login problems?14:18
jeroth3Yeah Duanedesign tried helping me before, however, my ISP was quitting out on me.14:18
karnijeroth3: ISP ? have you successfully signed in with your current browser before?14:19
karnijeroth3: once I had issue with my citi bank page. worked with FF, not with chrome.14:19
jeroth3It was a whole other issue.14:19
* ubuntu4shane thinks ahhh, cache14:19
jeroth3Duanedesign was trying to help me, and my ISP was having connectivity issues.14:19
karnijeroth3: oh, I see. he should see your question soon. we've mentioned his nick quite a few times already :)14:20
karnijeroth3: just idle in the channel, guys should msg you soon if you're around14:20
ubuntu4shanejeroth3, have you cleared your cache? as well as stored passwords?14:20
jeroth3:-) no problem, I appreciate it. I hate to be a bother.14:20
jeroth3Yes ubuntu4shane.14:20
jeroth3I am using firefox as browser.14:20
ubuntu4shanehmm, ok, I haven't messed with web login at all, so I'm not really sure on that one.14:21
jeroth3All i really need is a password reset. Thats what ive been trying to do.14:21
jeroth3But for some reason, when I select that option and put in my email. The confirmation code doesn't arrive.14:22
ubuntu4shaneis there a way to keep u1 from syncing a file in a folder that is synced?14:24
karniubuntu4shane: no that I know of.14:24
ubuntu4shanekarni, ok, thanks14:24
karniubuntu4shane: if you sync a folder, you want U1 to sync that folder. I'm not sure if you can unsubscribe a single file in a subscribed folder14:24
ubuntu4shaneI didn't see it, so I just unsubscribed the folder14:25
ubuntu4shaneok, when I click on a folder and select stop syncing it doesn't do it.14:36
karniubuntu4shane: you could try $ u1sdtool --unsubscribe-folder=/path/to/folder14:51
ubuntu4shanekarni, thanks!  I think I have another problem perhaps, it won't connect now let me tinker around and see14:59
karniubuntu4shane: np14:59
ubuntu4shanekarni, is there a config place I can see what folders are subscribed?15:01
karniubuntu4shane: there's the syncdaemon log ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/ somewhere, you can also list shares and shared folders with u1sdtool. but I don't see listing of UDFs15:02
karniubuntu4shane: u1sdtool --list-folders :D15:02
ubuntu4shanekarni, hmm, it is listed, and when I unsubscribe, it says it doesn't exist15:04
karniubuntu4shane: that's quite funny ;D15:07
karniubuntu4shane: and strange. no idea what's going on. is it connected? u1sdtool --status15:08
ubuntu4shanekarni, I just disconnected it, because it is worrying me15:08
karniubuntu4shane: I see, I understand15:08
karniubuntu4shane: that was good thinking.15:09
karniubuntu4shane: tell me about that folder15:09
karniubuntu4shane: it's a UDF and you want to stop sync'ing it, right?15:09
ubuntu4shaneit is my /home/username/bin15:09
karniubuntu4shane: and rightclick -> Stop sync does not work15:09
karniit's still listed under u1sdtool --list-folders, correct?15:10
karnirye: duanedesign: ↑ ubuntu4shane can't unsubscribe a UDF with right click -> Stop sync, and it's listed under u1sdtool --list-folders15:10
karniubuntu4shane: wait for one of them to appear. they are the masterminds of debugging u115:11
ubuntu4shaneok, rye had me add a logging.config to .config/ubuntuone/ but I removed it, perhaps I didn't write the config right15:12
karniubuntu4shane: that's already more then I know about desktop client, sorry15:12
ubuntu4shanekarni, no prob15:12
ubuntu4shaneok, be back later, gotta run15:13
karniubuntu4shane: if you have questions on the storage-protocol, let me know ;D15:13
ubuntu4shanekarni, thanks15:13
duanedesignhello ubuntu4shane15:26
ryeubuntu4shane, u1sdtool --waiting-meta ?15:53
ryeubuntu4shane, just in case - here's how logging.conf should look http://paste.ubuntu.com/521471/15:54
iklowhi, is there a way to automatically connect to u1 on startup?16:06
e-squizoUbuntuOne keeps warning me that my Documents folder is not being synched16:07
e-squizowhich is *exactly* the way I want it, but there's no obvious way to turn off the warning16:07
e-squizoam I missing anything?16:07
commodooriklow, it should connect automaticly16:07
ryee-squizo, sorry about that, please go to Documents folder, right click on any free spot, select Ubuntu One -> Hide ribbon in selected folders16:08
e-squizorye: didn't work16:09
e-squizoribbon still there16:09
ryee-squizo, please go up one level and then return to Documents folder16:09
ryee-squizo, nautilus does not let us change the view immediately16:10
e-squizook, now it worked16:10
gordubuntu one has been attempting to sync a shared folder for days now, but failing, u1sdtool status that its WORKING_ON_CONTENT, anyone has any idea?16:10
e-squizostill... it should be easier. Since you are adding a ribbon, you could just as well add a "dismiss this warning" button to it16:11
Chipacae-squizo: yes, we could, but16:12
iklowcommodoor: that's good to know, but it doesn't do it here. I have to start the capplet (sometimes the indictor seems to work as well, but apparently not always)16:12
shane4ubunturye sure enough, I didn't have the logging file right16:13
Chipacae-squizo: the discoverability of the menu is low, which would make it impossible for somebody to find it once they'd hidden the ribbon by mistake16:13
Chipacae-squizo: if that doesn't make sense, I can try saying it again while standing on my head16:14
commodooriklow, does it fails to connect, or start? what does indicator says?16:14
Chipacae-squizo: rye: instead of "right click any free spot", you could say "go to files in the nautilus menu"16:14
e-squizoChipaca: that's corpspeak for "we don't want people hiding them"? :-)16:15
e-squizobecause I can argue it the other way around16:15
iklowcommodoor: well, the capplet says "Disconnected", the applet says different things...16:15
Chipacae-squizo: no... and yes, you can. I was just pointing out that it's not as simple as adding a button to make it better16:16
Chipacae-squizo: it's more nuanced16:16
e-squizoif people enable syncing of those directories by mistake, they won't be able to disable it because the menus have low discoverability16:16
ryeChipaca, AND confirmation dialog before enabling syncing, that would be a terrific thing! Especially containing some info about Ubuntu One16:17
Chipacae-squizo: if they enabled syncing via the menu, they know where to disable it16:17
ryeChipaca, since now it is "oops"!16:17
Chipacae-squizo: if they enabled it via the checkbox, they can disable it from the checkbox16:17
shane4ubunturye, ok, fixed logging, and, cannot un-sync a folder16:17
iklowcommodoor: sometimes that it's waiting to connect (or similar), but does not offer to. when i start the capplet and press connect, it starts to work16:18
e-squizoChipaca: anyway, I'll settle for a "how do I disable this?" link.16:18
Chipacae-squizo: if they enable syncing via the checkbox, hit the hypothetical "hide this ribbon i don't want to talk to ubuntu one ver again" button, and then say "oh darn i shoulda disabled syncing first", they'd hate us a lot more16:18
commodooriklow, i think alot of people having that issue but it should got fixed with update16:18
iklowcommodoor: ok, will this update be in maverick?16:19
shane4ubuntutried unsubscribing folder with the folder ID number, and it doesn't work. :(16:20
ryeChipaca, apt-get source linux-image-`uname -r`; use nautilus to navigate to that folder, click 'Synchronize'. Now try Unsynchronize it. It will be unsynchronized in about... 17 hours when all metadata for MakeFiles/MakeDir is processed first16:20
ryeshane4ubuntu, so you have a UDF you want to unsubscribe or remove completely?16:21
shane4ubunturye, unsubscribe16:21
shane4ubuntuand remove it from the server, but not from my computers16:21
ryeshane4ubuntu, ok, what u1sdtool --list-folders say ? and what is current meta queue - u1sdtool --waiting-meta ?16:21
Chipacarye: yes, that is an issue. But it *will* get unsynchronized.16:21
commodooriklow, the update should be out, you had to enable one thing first.16:22
ryeChipaca, i vote for confirmation dialog for everything that could cause not-easily-revertible changes16:22
duanedesigngord: did you get your folder synced?16:23
shane4ubunturye, this folder:  id=3b9095c9-3cf5-420f-b1c6-867529b15347 subscribed=True path=/home/shane/bin  I have tried to remove it by clicking on the gui in nautilus and select stop syncing, and using the command line u1sdtool --unsubscribe-folder=folderid16:23
Chipaca"you're about to untar a file. Are you sure?"16:23
commodooriklow, go to software resources > updates > and enable maverick-proposed16:23
shane4ubunturye, waiting-meta and content show a lot of stuff waiting16:24
ryeshane4ubuntu, that's why it does not unsubscribe16:24
gordduanedesign, i'm not sure i follow, which folder?16:24
ryeshane4ubuntu, it has to process all meta queue first16:24
duanedesign< gord> ubuntu one has been attempting to sync a shared folder for days now, but failing, u1sdtool status  that its WORKING_ON_CONTENT, anyone has any idea?16:24
shane4ubuntuwow, ok, rye I guess I will have to wait, how about removing it ?16:25
gordduanedesign, i'm waiting for it to sync from someone else, ie; they shared a folder with me and its not showing up on my computer, i can access it via the web ui and u1 has been in a cosntant state of "sync" since16:25
ryeshane4ubuntu, here's what can be done. Btw, Chipaca, that's what we had to come up with due to that: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/FAQ#How%20do%20I%20stop%20syncing%20a%20folder%20outside%20~/Ubuntu%20One?16:25
ryeand I vote for trash-backed unlinking for everything.16:26
duanedesigngord: what does this command say   u1sdtool -s16:26
gordduanedesign, hrm nevermind, files are finally starting to show up now, thanks anyway16:27
duanedesigngord: \o/16:28
shane4ubunturye, I think that is what I was going to say, is why doesn't u1 send stuff to the trash bin on the local machine instead of deleting it?  As a thought for future, I know you are busy, so I won't bother you.16:31
ryeshane4ubuntu, exactly, that's what I am pushing for16:31
shane4ubuntuthat would be very safe, for the time being, then in the future implement the server "trash bin"16:31
Chipacashane4ubuntu: rye: how would that fix this?16:31
shane4ubuntuChipaca, the files that disappeared off my computer would just be in the Trash and I could recover them locally16:32
ryeChipaca, shane4ubuntu got files removed from Ubuntu-One controlled folder. On another machine these files were still there so that was not that critical. Server-side recovery attempt failed.16:32
Chipacarye: ah, so not "the files are taking too long to delete" :)16:33
Chipacashane4ubuntu: they deleted with no intervention?16:33
shane4ubuntuChipaca, right, I went to the folder and to my surprise it was empty!16:33
Chipacashane4ubuntu: and the folder wasn't shared?16:33
shane4ubuntuChipaca, no, I haven't messed with sharring yet16:33
ryeChipaca, anyway I just don't like when I cannot undo something that was done. And I don't understand the "no backup" approach. Even if that is user error, moving trees to trash would give more confidence in the software. And if files are moved to trash then they are more recoverable locally.16:35
Chipacarye: that (data loss) is the highest priority bug for foundations; if we have server logs, please set to critical and assign to lucio directly16:35
Chipacasorry, no, i mean16:35
Chipacaif we have *debug* logs16:35
shane4ubuntuChipaca, here is the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/66749916:36
ubot4`shane4ubuntu: Error: Bug #667499 is private.16:36
Chipaca(in absence of those, if you can track down server-side logs, awesome -- but it's herculean)16:36
ryeChipaca, debug logs are not usually available beforehand. Sorry, no time machine here. First files get removed, then we find out about that.16:36
Chipacashane4ubuntu: ah, so it's the same issue I just answered via email :)16:37
ryeChipaca, one of the files that were backed up locally did not have server-hash at all.16:37
ryeChipaca, filing bugs for data loss issue is ok, better to have plan B beforehand than to find the reason after no recovery is possible16:38
shane4ubuntuI'm in and out, will leave this open for any pertinent info, just ping me.16:41
karnianyone familiar with storage protocol getDelta capability ?17:10
karniChipaca: facundobatista: ↑17:10
karniverterok is not around, so I'd ask someone else if it's possible17:10
karniit's a general question17:11
karniThe client can ask for getDelta(..) providing volume id and generation number. It should provide last generation he knows and the delta is the difference from that generation till last generation?17:12
facundobatistakarni, yes17:12
karnifacundobatista: hi facundobatista. so, if we have, say, generation 1, I upload a file and then we have generation 2. if the client asks for getDelta(1) he should get 2-1 == last uploaded file?17:13
facundobatistakarni, yes17:14
karnifacundobatista: thank you17:14
facundobatistakarni, you can see this very easily in the logs17:14
facundobatistakarni, put your client in debug mode, and upload a file through the web page17:14
facundobatistakarni, the client will receive a "new generation for this volume", and will ask for a delta17:14
karnifacundobatista: the thing is, I'm messing with verterok's Java client and I want to know how to ask for delta :)17:15
karnifacundobatista: but I'll do what you said, and see the results17:15
karnifacundobatista: thanks for suggestion17:15
facundobatistakarni, np17:16
karniAuth kinda feels faster. I'm not sure if it's the difference between PC and my HTC Hero, but that's a good sign.17:16
karniAuth took the longest during initial connect.17:17
karnifacundobatista: perfect :) it's working. I forgot to chain .getDeferred(); to getDelta call, and Java wasn't complaining about that.17:36
facundobatistakarni, :)17:37
karnifacundobatista: this is awesome. this will make Android client much faster.17:37
facundobatistakarni, indeed!17:38
=== facundobatista is now known as elefanterosa
=== SuperHark is now known as MichealH
vbabiyIs there a way to see what is the sync queue because I bought a song and its been 24 and it has not been synced yet19:23
vbabiyI can see it on the webui19:23
vbabiyu1sdtool --current-transfers19:23
vbabiyCurrent uploads: 019:23
vbabiyCurrent downloads: 019:23
karniu1sdtool --waiting-content19:24
karnivbabiy: however, I doubt that i'll be waiting, it should be pushed to you from the server side19:24
karniduanedesign: any hints for vbabiy ↑ ?19:24
vbabiySo there is about 200 files in the u1sdtool --waiting-content19:25
vbabiybut still nothing in crrent-transfers19:25
vbabiyBut the U1 desktop ui sais sync is in progress and has been that way for at least 12 hours19:26
karnivbabiy: u1sdtool --status19:26
karnipaste here19:26
vbabiyu1sdtool --status19:26
vbabiyState: AUTHENTICATE19:26
vbabiy    connection: With User With Network19:26
vbabiy    description: doing auth dance19:26
vbabiy    is_connected: True19:26
vbabiy    is_error: False19:26
vbabiy    is_online: False19:26
vbabiywell that explains it19:27
karnivbabiy: it's because it seems that it's stuck on authentication19:27
vbabiyWell I will remove this box and add it again19:27
vbabiylets see if this fixes it19:27
vbabiyRemoved and added this computer and still stuck in auth and then went in to:19:32
vbabiyState: WAITING19:32
vbabiy    connection: With User With Network19:32
vbabiy    description: waiting before try connecting again19:32
vbabiy    is_connected: False19:32
vbabiy    is_error: False19:32
vbabiy    is_online: False19:32
vbabiy    queues: WORKING_ON_CONTENT19:32
karnivbabiy: now it's working on your local content, that's good19:32
vbabiyand back to the dance19:32
karnivbabiy: check in a while, it sould be.. ok, that's good19:32
karnivbabiy: has it connected?19:32
vbabiynope still dancing :)19:33
karnivbabiy: I suggest you reauthenticate.19:33
karnivbabiy: to to me menu -> ubuntu one19:33
karnivbabiy: click disconnect19:33
karnivbabiy: alt+F2 seahorse <enter>19:34
karnivbabiy: find and remove ubuntu one token19:34
karnivbabiy: then killall ubuntu-sso-login; u1sdtool -q; u1sdtool -c19:34
vbabiyalright one second19:35
karnivbabiy: you should see either captcha on maverick or browser show up on lucid19:35
karnivbabiy: how did it go?19:39
vbabiylooks like it is stuck on auth dance19:41
vbabiyshould I remove this machine using the webui19:41
vbabiyI am also running nightly u119:42
karnivbabiy: you can, since you already removed the token manually from seahorse19:42
karnivbabiy: nightly? you could have said that earlier ;) can't help, no idea what they're rolling out daily19:43
vbabiySorry :D19:43
karnivbabiy: np ;)19:43
karnivbabiy: i'm on lucid, so quite far from that problem/bug19:43
vbabiyYeah looks like I can't connect :( tried removing from the website also19:45
vbabiyalways gets stuck in the auth dance19:45
karnivbabiy: you can always downgrade :)19:46
karniu1, that is19:46
vbabiyYeah I am thinking abou tit19:46
vbabiywhat would be the best way to do that19:46
vbabiywait looks like I made progess State: SERVER_RESCAN19:48
vbabiy    connection: With User With Network19:48
vbabiy    description: doing server rescan19:48
karnivbabiy: yes, that's good19:49
mahenhi there19:51
vbabiyWhen I look in banshee this is the state of the song Transferring to your Ubuntu One storage20:05
karnivbabiy: that's good I guess? :)20:07
vbabiynot when its been like that for a day20:07
karnivbabiy: try during the day tomorrow20:11
karniguys are probably away already20:11
karniplus, many of them are at UDS20:11
=== elefanterosa is now known as facundobatista
shane4ubuntukarni, what is that UDS I have heard that a time or two now21:18
karnishane4ubuntu: Ubuntu Developer Summit, currently in Orlando21:18
shane4ubuntuohhh, I should have figured something Ubuntu, I just couldn't pull it out of the acronym21:19

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