
toe_does ubuntu studio have driver support for firewire cards05:35
Studio9i've got a problem on ubuntu studio : I'm on 10.04, don't have the networmanager applet09:36
Studio9i don't have the logitech too09:36
Studio9can someone help me please?09:37
astraljavaStudio9: And judging from the mentioning of NetworkManager applet, you have trouble getting connected, is that right? What's the logitech reference good for?09:44
Studio9it dos'nt appearst at start09:50
Studio9but i have the notifications09:51
astraljavaStudio9: Did you install Ubuntu Studio from the DVD, or Ubuntu vanilla and packages on top? NetworkManager doesn't come by default in the former, so you have to install it separately.09:54
Studio9how must i do?09:55
Studio9i'm sorry i don't have a real good english09:55
Studio9network manager is installed10:03
Studio9i don't have any notifications...10:04
astraljavaStudio9: So is it that the applet isn't loaded? Open up a terminal, and type `nm-applet &', without the backticks and quotation marks, of course. :)10:06
astraljavaStudio9: You can check System | Preferences | Startup Applications, and see if there's an entry for Network Manager. If not, you can create it, with name "Network Manager", command "nm-applet --sm-disable", and whatever comment you would like.10:14
astraljavaStudio9: Then just hit save, and make sure the box on the left of the newly created entry is ticked.10:15
Studio9when i tap nm-applet in the terminal nothing appears10:17
Studio9i restart10:18
fallenstarI've just installed 10.10 64bit on a dell inspiron 1525, and i have no internet wired or otherwise. argh!16:37
pvullooups too late17:49
FloridaGuywhats the best graphics package for landscape design?20:39
holsteinhey FloridaGuy20:40
holsteinwhat exactly are you looking for?20:40
FloridaGuyhello holstein20:40
FloridaGuysomething i can design fountains and small waterfalls for yards with20:41
holsteinhow about something in the browser?20:42
holsteinlike http://www.bhg.com/gardening/design/nature-lovers/welcome-to-plan-a-garden/20:42
holsteinwe have blender20:43
holsteinbut i think thats overkill20:43
holsteinand the GIMP might be over kill as well20:43
holsteinmaybe something simple like http://www.gnu.org/software/gpaint/ ??20:44
FloridaGuyill check all them out20:49
holsteinFloridaGuy: are you coming from windows?20:50
FloridaGuybut by overkill what you mean...to hevey20:50
holsteini was going to suggest WINE20:50
holsteinFloridaGuy: yeah, more that you need i suspect20:51
holstein^^ wonder if that is still active20:52
holsteinand has extenal landscaping capabilities20:52
holsteinFloridaGuy: that woud be a good question for some mailing lists maybe20:52
FloridaGuythis is going to do anywhere from $200 to $1000 jobs20:52
holsteinits never really come up in here before20:53
holsteinFloridaGuy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44138020:53
holstein^^ that looks like the same suggestion i had though20:54
holsteinthe GIMP20:54
FloridaGuyholstein, thanks vary much ill gives these a try21:00
holsteingood luck :)21:00

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