
glyphIf I'm working on one branch on a few different development machines, but I'm periodically rebasing it, is there a reasonable way to keep it in sync?00:08
lifelesspull ?00:09
glyphwon't pulling fail if I've rebased on a different machine?00:09
lifelessif you add --overwrite, no00:17
spivHmm, BranchBuilder is just a bit more verbose than necessary02:38
spivI think I'll try making the start_series() unnecessary.02:38
lifelessone way might be to glue that into setUp ()02:39
spivHmm, perhaps.02:40
spivThe with statement would be nice to have :/02:41
spivHmm, actually, in this specific case I don't need to call start_series at all, as I'm only using build_commit.02:41
glyphspiv: do you want a repo that can repro that bug mentioned above?  I notice you commented on it a while ago02:41
spivglyph: I should pester jelmer and/or jam02:42
spivglyph: the cause of that bug is actually understood now I think02:42
spivglyph: peitschie provided enough data privately that we diagnosed it, but the diagnosis ended up happening in private emails and not copied into the bug despite my nagging :(02:43
spivglyph: it boils down to: the way bzr-svn regenerates bzr revs from an svn repo can vary in a way that violates assumptions in bzr02:46
glyphspiv: can you give me a hint as to _when_ this variation occurs?02:50
glyphI would very much like to continue using bzr as my svn client02:50
glyphbut periodically having to trash all of my data is potentially a problem :)02:50
spivglyph: ghost revisions02:51
spivglyph: when the svn repo hasn't had all the bzr revs referenced pushed to it02:51
spivglyph: then later gets some of those pushed02:51
glyphI could swear that's not what happened here02:52
spivglyph: it can change the metadata in other inventories that bzr-svn generates02:52
spivWell, it might be a different bug, or my recollection of the diagnosis might be a bit off.02:52
spivglyph: here's a test:02:52
spivglyph: do you get an error when branching from the svn repo into an entirely new bzr repo?02:52
spivAnd if not, do you get an error when merging/pull between that new repo and a previous bzr repo that has some of the same revs.02:53
glyphyes?  I think?02:53
spivOk, those are the expected answers :)02:53
glyphokay so my question is02:53
glyphwhat do I avoid doing?02:53
spivIf it's not the same bug it's certainly related.02:54
glyphThe thing that confuses me is that I don't believe any of these bzr revs were ever pushed to svn02:54
spivglyph: there's zero bzr metadata in your svn repo?02:54
glyphthere is some.02:54
spivNo bzr file-ids, no bzr rev-ids?02:54
glyphShould I go delete it all?02:54
glyphI tried to avoid any getting in there, but dash is always like "no, bzr-svn works great, I haven't seen a traceback in like a week" push push push02:55
spivWell, if you delete it you'll have a different problem, but perhaps a better one.02:55
spivYou're using dpush or whatever the rebasing thingy is, IIRC?02:55
dashyeah i'm not a good neighbour02:55
glyphPersonally yes02:56
dashOTOH i've been using bzr-svn in a different svn repo with no problems... but i'm the only bzr user there :)02:56
glyphspiv: this actually happened about 2 hours before I was going to decide that bzr-svn _did_ work well enough to start putting bzr metadata in Twisted's repository :)02:56
spivSo I think the effect that has is that it basically rebases the local bzr revs after the push to svn... the key thing here is that you have a bzr rev that is meant to be equivalent to an svn rev.02:56
glyph(we recently configured trac to be amenable)02:56
glyphspiv: right.  it's like rebase++ though, right?  because it has a bit more information than rebase02:57
glyph(I say this because I tried some experiments with 'rebase' and then 'push' and the effects were radically different)02:57
spivAnd if you delete the bzr metadata from svn, that bzr rev won't match anymore.  I don't know enough about the exact details of bzr-svn and dpush to say what will happen, it might be minor irritant, or it might be an equivalently bad situation to the current one.02:58
spivIf the effect is "after stripping bzr properties bzr-svn will generate bzr revs with the same id as before but different contents", you have basically the same class of problem.02:59
spivIf the effect is "after stripping bzr-svn generates entirely new bzr revs with new ids", then you just have basically a rebase situation, where there's a conflicting alternate history, but at least no actual violation of bzr's data model.03:00
spivFWIW, my current guess is that bzr-svn can be fairly easily fixed to not vary the way it generates this data.03:01
spivHmm, I should get some lunch.03:02
glyphOK I will have more questions once you have lunched :)03:02
peitschieglyph: you still around?03:22
glyphpeitschie: hello!03:25
peitschieglyph: hi :)... did you have any joy getting the answers you were looking for (i.e., bzr-svn with multiple devs using bzr)?03:27
glyphpeitschie: Sort of :)03:31
glyphI'm about to give it a try and see what happens03:31
peitschieglyph: cool.  let me know if things don't go well for you as we have a process here that is working ok for several devs... but it requires a shared network repository of some sort and a bit of careful planning (robust enough once the devs are trained tho lol)03:36
spivglyph: so, more questions?04:45
glyphspiv: well, I can't reproduce the problem without my special messed-up repo04:49
glyphso I'm going to assume that I did something bad04:49
fullermdThat's my motto.04:50
peitschielol fullermd05:09
peitschieglyph: the problem is actually reasonably straight forward to reproduce if you check out the bug report :)05:09
peitschieglyph: having said that tho... you generally need to separate devs (or deliberately be working on two different repos) to trigger it05:10
peitschieglyph: main reproduction steps are:05:12
peitschie1. dev1 merges branch into svn05:12
peitschie2. dev2 updates from svn05:12
peitschie3. dev2 attempts to merge change directly from dev1's branch somewhere05:12
peitschie4. Profit!05:12
glyphpeitschie: yeah, that's definitely not what I was seeing05:20
glyphbasically what I saw was05:20
glyphI got a bzr branch from svn trunk on two different machines05:20
glyphmade a bzr branch of that on one05:20
glyphchecked in one revision to that branch05:20
glyphand then attempted to get the branch from another machine05:21
glyphbut when I got new repos on the defective machine and tried again, everything worked.05:21
spivglyph: "I got a bzr branch from svn trunk on two different machines" — did you get both those branches from SVN at the same time?05:22
peitschieglyph: and it will.. up until the other machine checks in again05:22
peitschieglyph: in _theory_ (i.e., if this is the same bug :)  ), wen the other machine checks in ,and the first updates again... any attempts to trade between them will break once again05:22
glyphspiv: No.  I'm not really sure when I updated svn from each.  I _am_ pretty sure that no bzr-props-adding activity was going on between them though.05:24
spivglyph: interesting, but other svn activity may have gone on?05:24
dashweird, i've never seen this05:25
spivglyph: btw, if you want to find out if a set of repositories have this inconsistency waiting to bite you:05:25
glyphspiv: Yes.05:25
dashi've seen some odd messages from bzr-svn use from time to time, but it's always gone away after doing a pull from svn into a new branch in my repo, then pulling from the fresh branch into my normal one05:26
spivglyph: grab lp:~spiv/bzr-crosscheck/integration and install it to ~/.bazaar/plugins/crosscheck, then you can do "bzr cross-check REPO_A REPO_B ..."05:26
glyphspiv: what does that do?05:26
spivglyph: (that plugin almost certainly has rough edges, but it's one of the things I've been using to diagnose this sort of problem)05:27
glyphOh, hrm05:27
glyphHere's an interesting clue.05:27
glyphour repo has 2 URIs05:27
spivglyph: it basically finds all the inventories that exist in more than one repo (out of the N repos you pass it)05:27
glyphhttp://svn.calendarserver.org/repository/calendarserver and http://svn.macosforge.org/repository/calendarserver05:28
spivglyph: and then compares them to see if they have the same contents05:28
spivBecause bzr assumes that records with the same key in multiple repositories have the same contents.05:29
spivAnd if that assumption is violated then problems like this are to be expected :(05:29
glyphspiv: OK!05:29
* spiv notices he has some uncommitted, experimental improvements to bzr-crosscheck. He commits and pushes them up to a new branch...05:34
spivWow, where did the week go?08:05
mgzsomewhere in america I think spiv.08:12
yann2hello! When a developer pushes to a branch, the files are set with permissions = 644 .... How can I change the umask so I get 664?10:02
Takusually the default umask on a unix box is set in /etc/profile10:09
Takor you can set the umask for a given user in its ~/.profile10:10
Taknow what's the best way to test a trunk branch of bzr-explorer (when I already have one installed with my system bzr)?10:10
GaryvdMTak: bzr branch lp:bzr-explorer ~/bzr-explorer10:12
GaryvdMTak: export BZR_PLUGINS_AT=explorer@/home/tak/bzr-explorer10:13
ChrisCauserHello everyone. Have I come to the right channel for bzr-svn support?10:15
GaryvdMChrisCauser: Yes10:16
ChrisCauserThank you. I am not having a problem as such, merely an annoyance.10:16
ChrisCauserI have an svn repo with different branches. I have two mirrored in a local bzr repository10:17
ChrisCauser(As in I checkout'd them, not branched them)10:17
GaryvdMBZR_PLUGINS_AT has made my life much easier. Before, I had to use a horrible mixture of lightweight checkouts, treeless branches, bzr switch, and BZR_PLUGIN_PATH10:17
GaryvdMKudos vila!10:17
Takthat does sound horrible10:17
ChrisCauserI make changes in the DEV branch just fine, and merge them into my trunk branch10:17
* Tak add kudos as well10:18
ChrisCauserThe only problem is I cannot pull from DEV to trunk10:18
ChrisCauserI get a diverged error.10:18
GaryvdMChrisCauser: Yes - you probably need to merge, not pull10:18
ChrisCauserI know the histories are not in sync because of the merges I have done in the past, but is there a way to put that behind me (as it were) and allow pulling10:19
ChrisCauserBecause a merge squashes it for SVN10:19
peitschie_ChrisCauser: is the dev branch an actual svn branch?10:21
GaryvdMChrisCauser: maybe pull trunk into dev. I would recomend doing "bzr qlog trunk dev" before and after so that you get an understanding of what it does.10:21
ChrisCauserPeitschie: Yes, it is. I know the squash merge is no worse than what SVN does naturally, but I just wanted to see all the commits I've made in trunk.10:23
ChrisCauserGaryvdM: Thank you for the advice. I will give that a go now.10:23
ChrisCauserGaryvdM: I am afraid it does not pull because they have diverged as well.10:24
GaryvdMChrisCauser: qlog should show you how they have diverged. maybe merge dev in to trunk, then pull trunk into dev.10:26
ChrisCauserGaryvdM: According to qlog, the diversion is because of the last merge to trunk I made. Other than that it looks fine. From the looks of how bzr is handling the merges, this will always be a problem no matter how I merge it.10:30
peitschie_ChrisCauser: I fear that there is no easy way to get all commits in either direction.. at least, not when the dev branch is in svn as well10:31
peitschie_ChrisCauser: you might be interested in the rebase plugin... but really you need your dev branch in bzr for that functionality10:31
ChrisCauserpeitschie_: That's what I feared. Again, this isn't a problem. It's merely something that's been bugging me.10:33
ChrisCauserThank you all for your help. Merging I guess is the only way forward.10:34
peitschie_can anyone help me with installing the monodevelop-bzr plugin with the monodevelop trunk?13:34
Takyes, I can :-)13:34
peitschie_i finally got everything compiled and installed13:35
peitschie_wat's the next step?13:35
Takok, the easiest way is to add the community repo from addins.monodevelop.com using MD's addin manager13:36
peitschie_i've tried the instructions from http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/MonoDevelop13:36
peitschie_and it crashes wen i load it13:36
Takyes, those need to be updated :-/13:38
peitschie_so i'm assuming i can branch to within the monodevelop source (i.e., extras) and rebuild it there somehow?13:39
Takeven easier13:39
peitschie_yay :D13:39
Takif you add http://addins.monodevelop.com/Alpha/Linux/master  using the addin manager13:40
Takyou should be able to install it directly from there13:41
Takbe sure to install a version from the 2.5 series if you're using MD master13:41
peitschie_i must have done something wrong13:42
peitschie_that added and installed ok13:43
peitschie_but still crashes13:43
Takthen restart MD13:43
Takmake sure you uninstall the other addin as well13:43
peitschie_ok... it's working a little13:45
peitschie_annotate shows log lol13:45
peitschie_i think i have an off-by-one error somewhere here13:45
Takheh...MD master may occasionally have silly bugs ;-)13:46
peitschie_hehe... if it's not bleeding it aint fresh enough!13:46
=== Meths_ is now known as Meths
mwhudson  1073kB    29kB/s / Fetching revisions:Inserting stream:Estimate 5736/247814:41
mwhudsonthis doesn't seem quite right14:41
msseverI need to get a list of filesnames that have been modified or added since a particular revision, and a list of filenames that have been deleted. How can I do that?15:04
LeoNerdbzr stat -r12315:05
msseverSomehow I missed that in the docs. It works OK.15:06
LeoNerdMm.. I find it's a lot like Lego. A set of commands, a set of options... Hard to document every possible combination of options on commands.15:08
pooliepoolie_droid, hello?15:47
poolie_droidHi there15:48
GaryvdMmwhudson: You are not the only one to have seen that - http://osdir.com/ml/bazaar/2010-10/msg00381.html15:48
GaryvdMmwhudson: so I think a bug report is in order.15:49
pooliehi gary15:50
GaryvdMHi poolie15:50
GaryvdMHow has uds been so far?15:50
poolie_droidexcellent, bit manic though15:55
poolie_droidi hope we can invite you to the next one in Europe in May15:55
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=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
rubbsbzr: ERROR: Failed to rename .../dev/www/login/index.php to .../dev/.bzr/checkout/pending-deletion\new-16: [Error 5] Access is denied <- coworker gets this error when trying to merge in his changes into the dev branch. Permissions problem?18:48
rubbsthe weird thing is that I did a chmod -R 775 on the whole repo and double checked to make sure he was in the right group18:49
beunorubbs, yes, in the .bzr/* dir18:49
rubbsk. I'll double check, but I thought I did a recursive group change and chmod 775 on it18:49
rubbsok I did a chmod -R g+rwxs and chgrp -R staff on the .bzr directories on each of the branches, the .bzr dir in the shared repo location, and on all the bound branch locations, but I'm still getting that access denied error19:05
rubbscould it be he's doing this over a mounted sshfs?19:06
rubbsOk, can someone help me figure this out. I've pasted the .bzr.log messages into this paste: http://paste.ubuntu.com/522232/  I also added a ls -Rlh on the .bzr directory of the /dev/ branch. both user1 and user2 are in the staff group.19:27
=== Meths_ is now known as Meths
rubbshmmm... looks like it's something with the bound branch. once I unbound the branch everything worked fine19:52
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pooliehi there vila22:06
poolie_droidHi vila, everyone22:16
poolie_droidHi AfC22:36
fullermdThe machines!  They're taking over!22:37
AfCfullermd: it's ok. Droids can't think22:39
fullermdThat's just what they WANT you to think.22:40
gleni created tag wrong, now i can fix it locally but i fail to push it back to launchpad23:25
glencomplains on conflicting tags and i can't resolve that23:26
fullermdDoes --overwrite make it force tags?23:30
* fullermd doesn't remember.23:30
glenboverwrite to which command? push?23:34
gleni can fix locally ok, problem is that it won't go "up". i.e bzr push does not replicate the fixed tag, instead it aborts on conflict error23:34
glenok thanks23:37

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