
ScottLakgraner, i am so sorry to hear about your house :(01:55
akgranerScottL, thanks!01:56
czajkowskigreat evening shopping04:38
Pendulumoutlets :D04:40
nigelbI love it when I read documentation about how to install certain projects, and in the installation they have "If you have Ubuntu, do $foo"05:16
nisshhnigelb, it should be "If you have Ubuntu, why the hell are you reading this!? it is SO easy you slacker!" :)05:17
nigelbnisshh: haha :)05:22
nigelbnisshh: Most of the time I see documentation with only instructions about Ubuntu05:23
nisshhnigelb, yeah05:34
nisshhnigelb, i dont get why some people dont seem to like reading docs, i mean, properly written docs, like manpages and API docs, are SO SO useful05:35
nisshhi use manpages ALL the time05:35
nisshhAPI docs not so much, but a little05:36
nigelbAPI docs <305:36
nigelbgoogle maps has some really good api docs05:37
nisshhah yeah05:37
nigelbmorning kim0 :)08:03
kim0nigelb: hey hey morning :)08:03
nigelbFinally! It is Friday.  \o/08:04
kim0Indeed .. the planet is rejoicing08:04
kim0nigelb: um, I have a question. I'm not sure what do I have to do to get my @ubuntu.com email address, any ideas08:06
AlanBellkim0: what is your launchpad name?08:20
kim0AlanBell: kim008:20
kim0AlanBell: hey o/ :)08:20
AlanBellcheck your inbox :)08:21
kim0AlanBell: not there yet .. but thanks :)08:23
nigelbkim0: arg, sorry about late reply08:31
nigelbStackoverflow caught me for an hour ;)08:31
kim0nigelb: np :)08:31
kim0AlanBell: I still didn't get that email btw08:31
nigelbkim0: You don't have to do aything, it generally Just Works (TM)08:31
kim0nigelb: my LP is kim0 .. does that mean the email is kim0@ubuntu.com ?08:32
nigelbYes, and the mail will go to email.ahmedkamal@googlemail.com08:32
nigelboh, shucks, I shouldn't have pasted that it :/08:32
kim0well I did paste the alias :)08:33
kim0no worries08:33
nigelbI've sent a mail, let me see if it bounces08:33
nigelbah, AlanBell already sent something08:33
AlanBellRecipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual alias table08:33
kim0nigelb: why would it go to my gmail .. when I set @canonical.com to be the primary address?08:34
nigelbkim0: your primary address I see on LP is the googlemail one08:34
AlanBelloh I see the problem08:34
AlanBellno that is the jabber address08:34
kim0AlanBell: what is it ?08:34
AlanBellemail is no public address provided08:34
* nigelb goes to fetch glasses08:34
AlanBellhowever if you have set a private address it should still work08:35
nigelbkim0: The time has come for you to fight with the legendary sysadmins :p08:36
nigelbThe battle beings :D :D08:36
kim0nigelb: am I ready08:36
AlanBellding ding, round 108:36
nigelbkim0: dang, no vanguard :/08:36
* kim0 grabs his volcano toasted sword, rides his unicorn and contacts IS08:36
nigelboh, right, you can file an internal ticket anyway08:37
kim0prolly after uds anyway .. everyone is too busy08:37
kim0I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something08:37
nigelbNope, you generally don't have to do anything.08:37
nigelbvolcano toasted sword - HAHAHAHA08:38
kim0hehe :)08:39
AlanBellkim0: forwarding the bounce to your gmail08:39
kim0AlanBell: okie thanks08:39
nigelbah, you can use that bounce when you talk to the sysadmins08:40
nigelbdammit, stackoverflow is too fast.  By the time I'm halfway through a reply, somone's already replied.08:41
nigelband this is not the first time.08:41
duanedesigngood morning all10:44
duanedesignnigelb: i have noticed that when that happens (stack exchange) it is because you are providing a much better (detailed) answer :)10:45
duanedesignnigelb: or in my case, typing slow :)10:45
nigelbduanedesign: both for me too :)10:46
duanedesigngood morning vish10:54
vishduanedesign: good morn! :)10:55
vishduanedesign: hehe, how often do we really get to say that at the right time ;)10:55
duanedesignvish: :D10:56
duanedesignvish: what is the channel for the artwork team?10:58
vishduanedesign: #ubuntu-artwork10:58
duanedesignmakes sense :)10:59
vishdang, no Sense around! else that would have pinged him!11:00
duanedesigngood morning Pendulum11:11
Pendulumhiya duanedesign11:12
vishhuh so everyone has jetlag still :D11:12
vishmorn Pendulum !11:13
Pendulumhiya vish11:15
=== Pendulum_ is now known as Pendulum
duanedesignPendulum: you work on Accessibility Team?11:44
Pendulumduanedesign: I lead the accessibility team. what's up?11:44
Pendulumuh oh11:45
duanedesignPendulum: cprofitt had mentioned wanting to work on forming an Accessibility Focus Group in the Beginners Team. Help people get involved in working on accessibility11:45
PendulumI do not know if I have time to mentor anyone this cycle, but I am interested in working together11:46
duanedesignPendulum: as we rework the Focus Groups we want to make sure moving forward we work hand in hand with the areas of the community we are mentoring people for.11:46
duanedesignPendulum: so i am working on a list of contacts for the different areas of community11:47
PendulumI am definitely your accessibility contact at least initially11:48
PendulumI may down the road give you someone else to contact11:48
duanedesignPendulum: thank you, that is great11:48
Pendulumbut I am first line :)11:49
Pendulumas a note, I am not devel, but also we cannot mentor someone on accessibility devel really this cycle. It's too busy on that side11:50
Pendulumbut bugs, QA, some level of patching that isn't hardcore framework related, community, etc. we can definitely do11:51
PendulumI just don't want anything to distract Luke if it doesn't have to11:51
Pendulumhiya czajkowski12:01
Pendulumwas just about to poke to see if you were up :P12:01
czajkowskiPendulum: stayed up rather late12:02
czajkowskiwent to sleep at 2am12:02
cjohnstonwhy would you do that czajkowski ?12:03
czajkowskidealing with a loco issue12:04
czajkowskiPendulum: breakie @ 812:04
Pendulumsounds good12:05
czajkowskiokie dokie12:05
duanedesignahh, ok Pendulum. That is helpful (bugs, QA, some level of patching that isn't hardcore framework related, community, etc. we can do that). Thank you12:29
Pendulumduanedesign: also feel free to hang out in #ubunt-accessibility12:31
Pendulumand do e-mail me or PM me or whatever as needed12:31
czajkowskifeeding time12:46
czajkowskipretty Unity16:03
=== Pendulum_ is now known as Pendulum
czajkowski9-13 UDS-O Budapest has been annoced19:05
czajkowski9-13 May19:08
czajkowskiis that enough notice :)19:13
AlanBellthat is great19:13
AlanBellnot driveable, but hey Budapest is nice19:13
AlanBelleasyjet from gatwick £87.08 \o/19:16
AlanBellnow all I need to do is move the wedding anniversary somehow19:17
czajkowskiAlanBell: I suspect there is little hope, cant be making little of the anniversary :)O19:18
Technovikingjcastro: your comments cause a sh*tstorm on the forums20:06
Technovikingsigh... :)20:06
Technovikingpopey: Shuttleworth's Law is awesome!!!20:07
Technovikingcjohnston: in the staff area20:07
TechnovikingThinking about getting t-shirt saying "Shuttleworth's Law: Do it, or Shut the ^#@k up" :). Too Much?20:08
czajkowskiwhere can I order it20:09
Technovikingupdated theme on my test forum, check it out and let me know what you think www.mikesplanet.net/forums20:09
cjohnstonI want 100 of them20:10
czajkowskiPici: so what is the install I should install20:12
Piciczajkowski: I *think* that plymouth-theme-ubuntu-logo will revert it back to the normal Ubuntu splash.  If it doesn't theres another command you can run.20:13
czajkowskithat was installed20:15
jcastroTechnoviking: hey I am just expressing my opinion -- if the FC doesn't like it and wants to ignore me then they should! :)20:49
PiciJust do it!20:50
Technovikingjcastro and jono: my UDS feedback, ALWAYS HAVE VoIP!!!21:05
Technovikingjcastro: The FC has not comment yet, only some vocal staff.21:05
TechnovikingI type to much like a retarded chicken to only do IRC:)21:06
jcastroTechnoviking: that's fine, I love to chat21:06
AlanBellTechnoviking: my chickens are quite good typists21:06
AlanBellhunt and peck though21:07
AlanBell(retarded isn't the best word to use btw)21:07
cjohnstonhas anyone seen Daviey21:16
TechnovikingAlanBell: even when making a joke about chickens?21:21
AlanBelldon't mess with the chickens21:21
Piciczajkowski: an LC person was requested in the Ask Ubuntu session before the end, but no rush, I'm sure you're dealing with something else.21:23
TechnovikingAlanBell: yes sir21:24
czajkowskiPici: not feeling the best21:26
czajkowskigone to lie down21:26
czajkowskibut just assing me stuff and I'll look after it21:26
Piciczajkowski: Didn't need to be you. Okay, :)21:26
czajkowskijust assing me21:26
czajkowskiand then I'll sort it21:26
Piciczajkowski: Okay.21:26
Piciczajkowski: Feel better.21:26
duanedesignTechnoviking: ping21:56
Technovikingduanedesign: pong21:57
Technovikingczajkowski: Ubuflu?21:58
duanedesignTechnoviking: i had some pictures iwanted to email you from the UDS session today. Could you PM me your email.Or direct me to your LP page or wiki w/ your emai please :)22:01
duanedesignTechnoviking: aha, I found your LP page22:03
duanedesigninternet is a bit intermitent here at the airport22:04
Technovikingduanedesign: Thanks!!!22:07
nhandlermaco: Look at the HoF now ;) Stats appear to be working22:43

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