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ebroderI realize that users should never see it at all, but could we suppress the "getpwid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0)" warning from plymouth/glib by just creating a bogus /etc/passwd in the initrd?02:02
ebroder(with an entry for root)02:02
slangasekebroder: that's the appropriate workaround, I believe.  Bug #649917 - test it out, submit?02:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 649917 in plymouth (Ubuntu Maverick) "GLIb-WARNING **: getpwid_r(): failed due to unknown user id" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64991702:24
ebroderslangasek: Will do02:25
GanonKillerthere is a bug with alsa & VLC02:26
GanonKillerVLC failed to initialize your sound output device (if any).02:26
GanonKillerPlease update alsa-lib to version 1.0.23-2-g8d80d5f or higher to try to fix this issue.02:26
ebroderslangasek: You're not interested in seeing this SRU'd, are you?02:27
slangasekebroder: I am, actually; this issue generates a lot of bug mail noise that is obviously not helpful for fixing the underlying plymouth issues02:28
ebroderslangasek: Ah, good point. If I can get something working, I'll try to push it back to Lucid too02:29
GanonKillerthere is no update02:29
slangasekGanonKiller: please file a bug against the vlc package, then with the command 'ubuntu-bug vlc' - this is not a bug reporting channel02:29
ebroderHmm...why does lp:ubuntu/plymouth not have the 0.8.2-2ubuntu5 version Riddell from the beginning of the month?03:04
slangasekebroder: bug #65383203:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 653832 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "Import fails with "trying to import version ... again"" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65383203:06
mikedlooking for php/java project to hack on04:14
mikedvery much newbie, anyone needs help?04:14
* ebroder squints04:18
ebroderSo plymouth in the initrd is only enabled if the FRAMEBUFFER option is set, which is done by casper but not the default install?04:19
slangasekebroder: it's only in the initramfs if we have something else in the initramfs that *needs* to prompt or show progress; otherwise it's only started post-initramfs so we can get to the real rootfs faster04:26
* ebroder nods04:27
ebroderwell, i've hacked it into my initramfs, and hacked an /etc/passwd into my initramfs, and that doesn't seem to be enough to suppress the error. maybe i need an nsswitch.conf too or something?04:28
ebroder(i thought libc would fall back on compat or files or something if there wasn't an nsswitch)04:29
ebroderhmm...nope, making a fake nsswitch.conf ("passwd: compat") and copying /lib/libnss_compat* into the initrd doesn't seem to be enough either04:33
ebroderah - libnss_compat has dependencies04:34
slangaseknss_files is really what you want04:39
slangasekand leave out nss_compat, that's just overhead04:39
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jmehdicould someone help me, I'm remastering ubuntu live cd and I have a problem with plymouth...09:26
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pavolzetorI have reported bug a while ago11:11
pavolzetorand also posted patch11:11
pavolzetorbut no one cares11:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 653995 in liferea (Ubuntu) "reversed order of items in indicator applet and missing icons" [Undecided,New]11:11
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corecodei've been reading for an hour already, but i can't find a simple solution for uploading a debian packge into my ppa12:55
corecodewithout having to edit the changelog12:55
corecodewhat's the preferred way to tell the system to build this in, say, maverick instead of unstable12:56
kklimonda_you have to change the changelog12:56
corecodethat seems excessive12:59
corecodefor example bsd-mailx has version 8.1.2-0.20100314cvs-113:00
corecodethere is no ubuntu either13:00
corecodehow does that work then?13:00
kklimonda_by that do you mean "how do I upload it to ubuntu ppa" ?13:02
corecodei don't understand13:03
kklimonda_that's probably because I'm still half-asleep.13:04
corecodeditto :)13:04
kklimonda_oh, I understand13:04
kklimonda_bsd-mailx in the 8.1.2-0.20100314cvs-1 version doesn't have an ubuntu release in the changelog because it has been synced from debian directly.13:04
kklimonda_but you can't do that for PPAs13:05
corecodebut i can't do that for my ppa?13:05
corecodeif i wanted to build versions for jaunty, karmic, lucid and maverick, i'd have to do 4 manual modifications, run a debuild, then a dput?13:05
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kklimonda_yeah, at least for now. The problem is that you can't have the same package with the same version but different pockets in the single ppa13:08
kklimonda_so you have to upload them separately anyway.13:08
kklimonda_okay, I have to go for a breakfast13:08
corecodeyes i realized that13:15
corecodeshouldn't there be an easy way to specify the "pocket" during dput or debuild?13:15
corecodewithout having to change the changelog13:15
StevenKNope, the pocket is figured from the .changes file13:16
corecodeso, can that pocket be changed when creating the changes file?13:16
corecodei'm quite certain i saw a way to do that some time ago13:17
corecodebut i can't find it, of course13:17
StevenKNo, dpkg-genchanges can't do that13:20
corecodethat's a bit unfortunate, isn't it?13:35
corecodenot sure i understand completely - do i upload a source package or a binary package?13:39
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sladencorecode: source.  *only*13:42
sladencorecode: the build machines (buildds) compile it13:43
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corecodei see13:47
corecodeso it says that packages in debian sid will automatically appear in ubuntu13:48
corecodeis that so?13:48
corecodeor only for packages that already exist in ubuntu13:48
tumbleweedcorecode: the archive admins will periodically review new pcakages not yet in ubuntu and sync them in13:50
Copernic__is it easy to program something in Ubuntu? I'm used to Java, did do some C++, but thats 10 years ago :)13:57
Copernic__for ubuntu*13:57
corecodei don't think that it makes any difference to any other unix13:57
Copernic__I guess I should just try :)13:57
corecodetype your code, compile, run13:57
Copernic__corecode, I was thinking about implementing this http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/24525/13:59
corecodei see14:00
corecodegood luck14:00
Copernic__I never programmed something for linux before14:01
corecodei honestly think that idea is silly at best14:02
corecodeand i have no experience in gui design or development14:02
Copernic__corecode, I came to this idea becaus the apparmor profile for firefox is disabled14:02
Copernic__I thought that users should be able to change this if they wanted to14:03
corecodethey can, can't they14:03
Copernic__it's something only a technical user would do14:04
corecodeof course14:04
Copernic__haha you don't see the problem do you :)14:05
Copernic__the general public isn't technical14:05
corecodeso they won't know about apparmor14:05
corecodeor what it means14:05
Copernic__indeed, and I was under the impression that apparmor is pretty important, because if some security threat is knocking at your door, it probably came with firefox or evolution14:06
corecodequite likely, yes14:06
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Copernic__corecode, thats when I was starting to worry about the security for the general public :)14:08
corecodethen you need to fix it so that the default will work14:09
Copernic__corecode, I'm guessing they tried that14:09
Copernic__bbl, I'm going to take a 20min nap :)14:11
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corecodehow do people do automated uploads?14:22
corecodedon't they use passphrases on their gpg keys?14:23
kklimonda_corecode: I have a separate account (with separate key) for automated uploads.14:24
corecodeand that key doesn't have a passphrase14:25
kklimonda_and now I don't do that anyway since launchpad has gained the ability to create nightly builds.14:25
corecodefrom bzr branches?14:27
corecodehow can it do a nightly build?  i thought the changes file has to be updated14:27
kklimonda_you can read more about recipes here: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds/Recipes14:28
kklimonda_the idea is that launchpad branches your code (along with the debian/ subdirectory) and then bumps the changelog for every release.14:29
corecodeyes, that would be convenient14:30
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corecodeseems that package *is* in ubuntu14:40
corecodesomehow i could set information that this package is in ubuntu or debian14:46
corecodebut i can't find it anymore14:46
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hookei've always been curious about how the grahics driver works,but i couldn't find any resources about this.anyone  can give me some  suggestions?15:24
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micahgpitti: thunderbird on Ubuntu was deferred till Natty + 1, but we have a few work items to get the ball rolling16:31
pittimicahg: thanks for the heads-up; I targetted it to natty, do you want this spec for the "get the ball rolling" parts, or want me to untarget it again?16:31
Ian_Cornethunderbird in replacement of evince?16:32
Ian_Corneerr evolution?16:32
JontheEchidnajames_w: ping16:32
micahgpitti: for me it doesn't matter, if jcastro needs it for his work item, then we can leave it targetted for natty16:32
pittimicahg: ack; we can always postpone/untarget later then16:32
pittimicahg: what's PGO?16:39
micahgpitti: Profile Guided Optimizations16:39
pittimicahg: we were wonering about what priority https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-desktop-n-firefox-pgo-builds shold have16:39
micahgpitti: well, chrisccoulson has done most of the work already for it, but AFAIK, upstream isn't even doing this yet, so it's a nice to have, but not critical16:40
micahgpitti: we'll get a start speed increase if we can get this done though, so that might impact it as well16:40
pittimicahg: thanks; are you okay with being the approver for that one?16:41
micahgpitti: well, if you like, seems a little weird though16:41
pittimicahg: for the purpose of peer review; I can be the approver, too, but I'm afraid I know nothing about PGO16:42
micahgpitti: if it's just peer review, I'm happy to do it16:42
pittimicahg: thanks16:42
* micahg still needs to read more on it16:42
hallyndidrocks: regarding alt-t in terminal in 10.10 unity, you marked that triaged - is that bc it's fixed upstream, or for some more subtle reason?16:43
didrockshallyn: triaged is "the issue is known and confirmed". Upstream has an idea of where the issue is in that case.16:45
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andreserlslangasek: ping?17:26
magedragon25maybe I can get some help here....I compiled my first kernel last night...I wanted a kernel specific to my hardware, but I think it compiled as a 32bit kernel. It stalled at the splash screen. Any tips on what to do next time, and how do i track down what went wrong this time17:30
hallyndidrocks: ok, thx - slightly different from teh two other definitions of 'triaged' i've heard :)  i was hoping it was more of a 'the fix is definately upstream'.  but thanks17:36
didrockshallyn: no, this is "fix commited" in the upstream task17:36
hallynalrighty.  (then i'll hold off a bit on upgrading the netbook)17:38
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james_whi JontheEchidna20:14
JontheEchidnajames_w: hi, I was looking at policykit-1 looking at merging it/updating it to the latest upstream release. The second half of the 03_complete_session patch doesn't apply anymore due to upstream changes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/522254/20:17
JontheEchidnais the patch safe to drop, or do changes need to be made to it?20:17
james_wJontheEchidna, see the upstream bug report. I think it is still needed20:25
james_wJontheEchidna, actually, that half can be dropped I think20:26
JontheEchidnajames_w: ok, cool20:26
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CheeryI'd like to find some mechanism that lets me turn a virtual terminal to the opengl context for a duration of the executing program.20:51
Cheerygotten it was impossible while back then. but what about now?20:52
Cheeryhow quiet..20:53
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hawkalPlease can someone tell me where I can find out more about the 64bit netboot install e.g package list/ source code? I would like to take a look at the guts of it.22:22
hawkalI tried looking in cdimage.ubuntu.com but I couldn't see anything relevant to the netboot installs a part from iso files22:27
cjwatsonapt-get source debian-installer - the stuff in build/ is the build system, the stuff in doc/ is documentation on how a bunch of stuff around it works.  you'll need to apt-get source additional packages from the package lists there in order to inspect individual components of the installer22:29
hawkalThank you very much cjwatson22:32
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shadeslayerpitti: ok you will probably get the mail 2 times, the first time i forgot to sign the key and just sent the keys23:51

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