
xubuntu714hello people! I just installing xubuntu! hope it 's not so slow as kubuntu for my laptop!!!00:32
andaiwhat do i use to play files on my iPod00:45
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ubotturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!01:26
q1whi there02:04
q1wwhere can i change system fonts in Xubuntu?02:04
dee_dee_deehello anyone out there have any exp installing unbuntu with a usb drive?04:57
dee_dee_deedownloaded ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso and formatted a drive using universal usb installer04:58
dee_dee_deeit boots up and starts loading but it just hangs at a black screen... last line reads04:58
dee_dee_dee[sdb] attatched scsi removable disk04:59
lostapathyis it trying to access the drive?  I had one computer with goofy USB or something and that flash drive sat and blinked for an eternity before bootup resumed05:07
dee_dee_deethis is on first install05:07
dee_dee_deeusing the usb drive instead of a cd05:07
dee_dee_deeI haven't installed ubuntu yet... it's freezing up on boot05:08
lostapathyyeah, that's what I had too. If it's a goofy drive or usb 1.1 ports it can take forever05:08
RuFf_NiXzcan i get some help on how to locate my keyring05:43
RuFf_NiXzcan't seem to login to my empathy chat program05:43
RuFf_NiXzanybody there05:44
RuFf_NiXzwhere can i get some help05:44
fuge2i installed xubuntu 10.10, but after updating it the splash sreen is gone06:55
four2zerohello everyone, i have downloaded vlc 1.0.5 straight from vlc ftp server, and i am compiling to install, but after i run './configure' and then run 'make' i get make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.08:46
four2zeroim installing on xubuntu 10.1008:46
four2zeroi've also tryed 'su -c "make install"08:47
four2zeroany one have a suggestion to this quick fix ?08:47
moetunesis there a make file in the directory you are in?08:48
four2zeromoetunes, there's a 'Makefile.am' 'Makefile.in'08:49
four2zeroand a 'make-alias'08:50
moetunesfour2zero:  there should be a file named   Makefile08:51
four2zeromotunes, without an extention08:51
four2zero i do not see one.08:51
moetunesrun configure again and look for errors08:51
four2zeromoetunes no errors just Warnings08:55
four2zeroone error: configure: error: libgcrypt support required for RemoteOSD plugin08:55
moetunesthere must be a serious enough error for it to not make the Makefile08:56
four2zeroanyway to output using wgetpaste08:57
bazhangpastebinit ?08:57
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com08:57
four2zeromoetunes http://paste.ubuntu.com/521954/08:59
moetunesfour2zero:  the last line "configure error" means it didn't work - there's lots of no's in that configure09:03
moetunescheck you have the recommended depends from the videolan site09:03
four2zeroodd, but vlc 1.1.4 installs fine and plays just fine. but i dont need
four2zerohaha...its working now09:17
four2zeroit was missing some deps09:18
four2zeronow i can go to bed at ease now.09:19
four2zerogood night.09:19
four2zeroand thank you for the reply.09:19
moetunesnp :]09:19
Balsaqa peaceful silence abounds in the tranquil coders paradise known as...Xubuntu!10:29
xubuntu756nice fitcher12:06
xubuntu771ciao a tutti!12:09
xubuntu771sto installando xubuntu 10.04 per caso è uscita la nuova?12:09
xubuntu756what's mean per caso uscita?12:10
xubuntu771the version 10.10 is ready for download?12:12
xubuntu756yes, from week12:12
xubuntu771ok thanks for info ;)12:13
xubuntu756what i see is very good12:13
xubuntu771for example?12:16
xubuntu756look & feel :)12:17
mnemochi, since I updated my notebook from 10.04 to 10.10 the "dings" sound very trashy... i have totally failed to search about it, can you hint me some "keywords" to describe this trashy sound problem?12:17
xubuntu771ok XD12:19
mnemocI do have sound, but trashy... the ubuntu sound troubleshooting is all about nosound or low volume12:30
mnemocit may be worth mentioning aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/*.wav sounds great? :(12:33
mnemocbut parole and pidgin dings sound like cr*12:33
mnemocis pulseaudio to blame in this case?12:34
mnemocbug reported, thank you for your time :)12:54
xubuntu372hi i'm new to xubuntu . I would installer the sever glassfsih on it . how  make assign the right of write into the directorey of the domain1?14:20
kaolbrecxubuntu372, open a terminal and type "man chmod". That should get you started.15:29
jrmyhow do i share a file?16:23
jrmyor folder16:23
jrmyi'd want to share my home folder16:23
Sysito what16:23
Sysito home network/internet?16:25
jrmyi have samba set up, i can view the computer over the network with my windows computer but i can only see printers and fax16:25
jrmyand i have xubuntu 10.04 on the computer i want to view the files on16:25
jrmyaka xubuntu computer is being viewed by the windows pc16:26
Sysii haven't yet tried samba, i think some day i'll have to :/16:27
jrmyseems simple enough16:27
jrmyanyways how do i share the home folder?16:27
jrmyat least i assume this is all i have to do so i can access it from windows16:28
jrmyok i have it taken care of16:43
TheSheepthere used to be a dialog for that in system16:47
TheSheepI guess it has been removed16:48
konraddoI just bought a netbook and installed xubuntu 10.10, and ubuntu software centre stands that network manager applet is installed, but I don't see this applet on the applet list :F17:27
Sysialt+f2 nm-applet17:28
konraddook, thanks :)17:29
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jessejazzaIs there someone kind enough to explain simply the pros and cons of wine, VMware, Virtualbox. I have only one windows app and a windows scanner - seems hardly worth keeping dual boot. so far what i've read as a bit too technical for me at this stage. thanks21:30
Sysisome windows programs can be runned on linux with wine, google tells if your program works, vith virtual machine you can run other os on linux (yo dawg)21:41
Sysiall programs don't work on wine and they are maybe slower, virtual macnines are slower and vbox afaik doesn't support usb21:41
beardygnomeSysi: jessejazza: vbox supports usb if you get the non-open source version21:48
Sysivbox == vbox in repositories :P21:50
jessejazzaThanks (sorry i new to some things... i've used ubuntu for 3 yrs). The app is an old mind mapping programme but it's still better than xmind in my view. when i used windows i became keen on portable apps and found that i could install it on a USB. So what i was wondering was how easy it would be to run on vitualbox. and what about the scanner. It's a Xerox which doesn't support linux but i haven't seen a linux compatabl21:54
jessejazzae one that would be worth replacing it with.21:54
beardygnomejessejazza: are you using portable apps from portableapps.com?21:56
beardygnomecos they work in wine on xubuntu fine22:01
Sysithere's some addon for firefox for creating mindmaps, can't remember name22:07
Sysiin the other hand dualboot only uses a little of diskspace22:09
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