
CIA-41[libqapt] jmthomas * 1191219 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/cache.cpp (log message trimmed)04:19
CIA-41Use libapt-pkg's pkgCacheFile for a bunch of cache-related stuff inside04:19
CIA-41QApt::Cache, rather than rolling our own. This results in the nice loss of 5104:19
CIA-41[libqapt] jmthomas * 1191221 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/cache.cpp SVN_SILENT: Code style04:26
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dipuntuhi,im trying to setup kde dvelpmt environmt in kubuntu but getting errors06:50
dipuntuError occurs while compling kdelibs06:50
dipuntuerror is libattica 0.1.90 or highr is required 06:51
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markeypicture of the year:13:19
markeyapachelogger got a bit fat again :)13:19
markeyhe was much thinner at the MM Sprint13:19
markeybut that hat is special13:19
markeyI need that too13:20
markeyKRF: it would suit me, no?13:20
markeyMamarok: ^13:20
Mamarokseen already, and it is udslogger currently :)13:20
Quintasanoh wow13:21
Quintasanudslogger: nice hat13:21
MamarokI guess that was at Disney13:21
Sputtrue, he got really fat13:29
Sputprobably because he stopped smoking!13:29
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QuintasanAnyone knows how to log the whole build process from pbuilder to a file? --logfile seems to be ignoring me :<14:02
tazz_hey, how do i figure out if amarok in kubuntu 10.10 is compiled with libgpod support ?14:09
debfxtazz_: by looking at the build log: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/2:2.3.2-0ubuntu4/+build/198481714:16
debfxlibgpod support is enabled14:16
tazz_grrr, my ipod is not getting detected... :-/14:23
shadeslayermorning people14:24
tazz_hey shadeslayer  whats up14:25
shadeslayertazz_: also depends if libgpod detects your iPod 14:25
shadeslayertazz_: not alot... tired after UDS, currently at the airport14:25
tazz_shadeslayer, true, hence rtfming on libgpod14:25
tazz_shadeslayer, free wifi ?14:26
tazz_nice :D14:26
ulyssesI'll go to the next UDS \o/\o/\o=14:27
shadeslayerits in budapest14:28
ulyssesyeah, the capiatal city of Hungary :>14:29
Quintasanoh god14:41
QuintasanEurope == Quintasan can into UDS14:42
ulyssesBudapest is only 100 km from here:D14:43
jussiRiddell: ping14:44
shadeslayergoing hot tubbing? :P14:57
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Guest83625udslogger: can you check if i left my camera wires and stuff is in the room?15:05
Guest83625shadeslayer here15:05
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EagleScreenhi people, I think we should switch from kcm-touchpad to synaptiks for natty, do you need some help for it?15:13
debfxEagleScreen: I completely agree, we need to test synaptiks and then file a MIR15:34
EagleScreenthanks debfx, I usually use it and it seems to work well, being a more feature rich tool than kcm-touchpad15:35
Quintasanhuh, Lex is not here? :<15:50
QuintasanRiddell: any idea about this python magic in kdebindings? -> http://pastebin.com/gCeTYmQF15:50
Riddelljussi: pong15:52
jussiRiddell: 12 near front desk, right?16:29
ScottKQuintasan: For pbuilder --logfile did you also give it a file name after (e.g. --logfile log)?16:45
ScottKEagleScreen and debfx: We made the same conclusion re synaptiks here are UDS.16:46
EagleScreenhi ScottK16:46
ScottKHello EagleScreen.16:47
EagleScreenI have checked that all synaptiks dependencies are already in main16:47
ScottKEagleScreen: Excellent.  That's one of the MIR requirements to document.16:47
EagleScreenI could report a MIR16:47
ScottKEagleScreen: That would be very helpful.16:47
ScottKIf you would like for me to review it when you're done, I'd be glad to.  Just ping me.16:48
EagleScreeni am working on it, okay, thanks for the help16:48
valorieJussi, ping from Riddle16:56
valoriethey are ready to take off16:57
ScottKstarcraftman: I'm on my way home from UDS, so I should be more available next week (although already Monday and Tuesday look pretty slammed).17:09
ScottKIn the mean time you might ask for advice from JontheEchidna or Lex79 (who'd not here are the moment) on how to get engaged in Kubuntu development.17:10
EagleScreenScottK: this is the first MIR I write, so please give it a review: http://pastebin.ca/197735717:12
ScottKEagleScreen: You can mention that the package support a blueprint from UDS-N in the rationale.17:15
EagleScreenI agree17:16
ScottKEagleScreen: I would encourage you to organize things with numbered paragraphs that exactly match the numbering in https://wiki.kubuntu.org/UbuntuMainInclusionRequirements17:16
ScottKThe ubuntu-mir team is full of people who are very busy and so the easier it is for them to clearly see you've addressed all the questions, the more likely they will get to it sooner.17:17
EagleScreenokay, I will enumerate the paragraphs17:17
ScottKIf it looks hard to understand, they will likely pick another one when they have a free moment.17:17
ScottKI'd prefer to review the text in depth after you've reorganized it, but at a glance it seems mostly complete.17:18
EagleScreenokay, I will reoganize it better17:18
ScottKThanks.  Ping me again when you're done.17:19
EagleScreenmay be I will acomplish it tomorrow, today I have to leave soon17:19
ScottKEagleScreen: That would be great.17:19
ScottKThis brings to mind the overall shortage of minions we are suffering.17:20
starcraftmanScottK: hi again, ty. I kinda figured you were all busy at uds last week. I need to get sponsored some year but am pretty busy. Maybe I can get a rad employer that pays for such trips.17:21
ScottKstarcraftman: Canonical is pretty good about sponsoring people who are involved in Kubuntu development.17:21
starcraftmanScottK: hehe, I get the drift, we'll see how active I can be. :)17:22
ScottKstarcraftman: Unfortunately this has been a week off of work for me, so it may be a bit before I'm caught up.17:22
ScottKdebfx is another one who I think would be a good source of advice on how to get engaged17:23
ScottK(Just in case, since this doesn't always travel well over IRC): If you ever think it's possible I might be being sarcastic, the safe assumption is that I am.17:24
starcraftmanScottK: got ya, I think I usually pick those things up. It is of course clear from my name that I never play starcraft at all :)17:26
ScottKThat and having just spent a week interacting with udslogger in person, my sarcasm level is even worse than usual.17:27
ScottK(it's all really bad influences)17:27
ScottKNot my fault at all.17:27
starcraftmanScottK: k then, well no wories, I've plenty of things to do in meanwhile. Like my tdd books and my php one.17:32
ScottKstarcraftman: php?  Did you say you did programming?17:39
* ScottK is a bit confused now.17:39
ScottKIt's OK though.  Time for the airplane, so see you all later.17:40
starcraftmanScottK: php is programming too, when I get paid by day to do it. I do Java and C++ too.17:40
* ScottK has an aversion to php.17:40
ScottKC++ will be extremely useful here.17:41
ScottKudslogger: Perhaps starcraftman has potential to be maintainer for Java related KDE bindings since he has both Java and C++?17:41
starcraftmanAny java projects?17:41
ScottKIn Kubuntu we have bindings for Java when could sometimes use attention from someone who understands what it's supposed to be like.17:42
* ScottK really does need to go.17:42
starcraftmanScottK: later, have a nice flight.17:42
starcraftmanNext uds push for Montreal, then I can attend :)17:42
CIA-41[libqapt] jmthomas * 1191334 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/backend.cpp Use QByteArrays rather than QStrings for parsing/loading package selection files. This makes loading package selection files faster while using less RAM.18:08
ulyssesoops, wrong window18:56
CIA-41[libqapt] jmthomas * 1191352 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/ (backend.cpp backend.h) Pass by reference to avoid deep copy.19:15
danttiI'm used to build kde trunk based on http://techbase.kde.org/index.php?title=Getting_Started/Build/KDE4  is there any easier way?19:55
danttiI need to patch kickoff but I could not build it by simply checking it out :(19:55
yofeldantti: iirc that's the easiest way, you could reuse some of the neon stuff if you want, neon doesn't yet have all kde components though https://edge.launchpad.net/~neon/+archive/ppa/+packages20:11
danttiyofel: k, thanks20:12
sresu_Is it possible to find out which particular thread is being used during communication as part of DBus, when running application?20:32
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CIA-41[libqapt] jmthomas * 1191385 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/ (backend.cpp backend.h) Turns out that QString -> const QString& isn't BC. Something for QApt222:26

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