
apparleviliny_: how is t?00:00
apparleviliny_: N900?00:00
Sir_KonradOk, so I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 on my machine, and I'd like to install KDE. Is there any way to install KDE3 from a Kubuntu 10.04 (KDE3 Respin) CD?00:04
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Kalidarnwhy KDE3?00:05
Sir_KonradKalidarn, because I hate KDE4.00:05
Kalidarnwhat do you hate about it00:06
Sir_KonradKalidarn, so and very Windows Vistaish. The steps should be the same as installing KDE4 from a Kubuntu CD.00:06
Kalidarnit depends on if your distributor supplies packages00:07
Kalidarnim not even sure if ubuntu supply kde3 anymore00:07
Kalidarni don't think anyone really uses it anymore00:07
Kalidarnhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Kde3/Lucid that might be what you are after though00:07
Sir_KonradKalidarn, I have Kubuntu 10.04 KDE3 Respin, but I was wondering how to install it onto a Ubuntu install from a CD>00:08
Sir_KonradLike getting the .deb files.00:08
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bazhangSir_Konrad, that would be from a PPA, nothing for Maverick yet, and completely unsupported (ie 100% at your own risk)00:10
Sir_KonradRight bazhang. :)00:10
bazhangkde3.5maintainers PPA00:10
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bazhangerr -maintainers00:11
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Sir_KonradHeck, I'll just get KDE 4.00:15
kim3I'm using kubuntu & kde desktop. Whenever I click a button in a gtk application (such as gimp) it makes a sound. How can I disable gtk button sounds?00:18
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kim3I've looked through the kde gnome settings, but I can't find anything there which will silence qt buttons.00:41
Torchthe "kde gnome settings"?00:45
kim3kde settings, and the separate gnome settings00:45
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johannIs anybody there?04:31
K350I've made my own plymouth theme. It works fine with the plymouth deamon  - plymouthd - under X. But not so well - or at all somehtimes - when I boot. Anyone?04:56
samo_any one05:13
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NightCorehey.. whats the different between cd version and dvd ?06:11
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NightCoresomeone here?06:30
NightCoreanyone can help ?06:30
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KalidarnNightCore: the dvd has more packages06:35
Kalidarnits sometimes useful especially when you do not have internet :P06:35
NightCoreok.. if i have windows 7 and want install kubuntu06:35
Kalidarnit also allows for the text installer06:35
NightCorei need open a new hard drive ?06:36
Kalidarnso if you want to do encrypted LVM it can be handy06:36
KalidarnNightCore: you can partition it i guess.06:36
Kalidarnyou may need to resize windows though06:36
Kalidarnbackup your stuff before you do that.06:36
NightCorei want a both06:36
Kalidarnshould always backup before formatting or partitioning06:36
Kalidarnyes you can have both on the same disk, if you partition the disk06:37
NightCoreok.. how i multiboot ?06:37
Kalidarnyeah grub will pickup windows once it is installed and then you will get a menu that allows you to choose either operating system06:37
NightCoreok thanks.. i need to install drivers in liunux ?06:38
Kalidarnprobably only your nvidia one06:38
NightCorethere is icq and msn for linux ?06:39
Kalidarnyeah there are clients for this either pidgin or kopete06:42
Kalidarnare good choices.06:42
Kalidarnthey come shipped with the desktop environment06:43
NightCoreok.. sorry about al the questions06:43
NightCorehow i install nvidia driver ?06:43
Kalidarni'd use the wiki's method06:43
Kalidarnnot from the NV website06:43
Kalidarnit should automatically ask you if you want it actually06:44
Kalidarnin recent versions of ubuntu it does that06:45
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anthony__Hi.  anybody know about plasma netbook?07:56
anthony__i'm trying to set some keyboard shortcuts07:56
boguszhi. I have kubuntu 10.10, I installed ATI proprietary driver, and was unable to turn on windows effects, then I uninstalled that driver, but still I'm unable to turn on these effects. WHY? :(08:00
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boguszhi. I have kubuntu 10.10, I installed ATI proprietary driver, and was unable to turn on windows effects, then I uninstalled that driver, but still I'm unable to turn on these effects. WHY? :(08:04
naftilos76hi, is there a command line tool that lets me send email with attachments?08:06
MadRobotHi all08:18
collabrahey.... sup.08:28
urgennaftilos76, http://www.shelldorado.com/articles/mailattachments.html08:58
alesanhi, how do I report a bug?09:04
alesanit made kubuntu almost unusable09:04
Tm_T!bug | alesan09:05
ubottualesan: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots09:05
alesanwell this bug is when I suspend the laptop09:06
alesanI do not know which package it is09:06
alesankde maybe?09:06
alesanor maybe the kernel09:06
alesanubuntu-bug <kernel>09:07
alesan!ubuntu-bug <kernel>09:07
alesanmh it doesn't work...09:07
Tm_Tprolly best to see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs09:08
alesanare you German?09:18
alesanTm_T, ^^^09:18
nafrihello, is there a way/commans to share a folder without editing in smb.conf?09:51
moetunes"I think" the samba server reads the .conf at start so needs a restart to reread settings09:54
nafriumm... ok so u mean there is no Single Command to share files/folder?09:56
collabranafri: system-config-samba is a gui version that may help09:57
sresuI need help with k9copy. What does rip and encode do?09:59
collabrai'm not familiar with k9copy sresu...09:59
bazhangsresu, rip it to an iso09:59
sresubazhang: It creates different iso for every title. I want single file for all titles in it. Possible?10:00
sresu*different .avi10:00
bazhangsresu, dvd? what are you trying to do10:00
sresubazhang: Yes, DVD. I'm trying to make single .avi from all titles in DVD..10:01
bazhangsresu, to watch on a dvd player?10:02
sresubazhang: The problem is that - its copyright protected. My colleagues use windows which promps a software from the DVD to run it on pc. Else on DVD player it runs fine. If I'm right I can play the DVD on Linux if I make some changes with k9copy...10:03
sresubazhang: Or what should be the approach?10:04
bazhangsresu, you need libdvdcss2 from medibuntu .org10:04
sresubazhang: Yes I have it10:05
bazhangsresu, to join all the avi together for a single watchable dvd? or to rip the dvd to one big avi?10:06
sresubazhang: I've it installed. Should I install kubuntu-restricted extras as well?10:06
bazhangsresu, if the latter why not handbrake10:06
bazhangsresu, yes10:06
sresubazhang: Later..10:06
sresubazhang: No, I never tried handbrake10:06
bazhangsresu, the latter, not later10:06
sresuya latter*10:07
sresubazhang: Hold on..10:07
bazhangsresu, try installing kubuntu-restricted-extras first. a more comprehensive solution is to use handbrake and make a watchable form10:08
sresubazhang: All right. I'll install kubuntu-restricted-extras package and try handbrake. Is it not possible with k9copy?10:09
bazhangsresu, first try with only kubuntu-restricted-extras , if that does not work, then use handbrake10:09
bazhangk9copy is just a back up solution as far as I know10:10
sresubazhang: Umm.. ok. I'll try what you suggested and get back. Thanks10:10
bazhangsresu, welcome10:11
sresubazhang: Thanks. It worked :)10:15
sresubazhang: Is it possible that I make a copy of it as well?10:15
bazhangsresu, yes10:16
sresubazhang: Using handbrake?10:16
bazhangsresu, an iso copy of the dvd using k9copy? or something different10:16
sresubazhang: handbrake is not part of package manager if I'm right10:16
sresubazhang: A single media file for whole DVD..10:17
bazhangsresu, handbrake then10:17
sresubazhang: If not single, two would do as it asks for selection for scenes, play etc..10:18
sresubazhang: Is there a variant of handbrake in package manager? Its a trancoder right?10:18
sresubazhang: Got it. I'm following this https://edge.launchpad.net/~stebbins/+archive/handbrake-snapshots. Thanks10:21
bazhangsresu, welcome10:22
markitanyone using ltsp with kubuntu 10.10? any regression?10:58
collabramarkit: regression,...compiz doesn't stay activated after a re-boot with 64bitver.11:05
collabrai regressed back to 10.0411:05
collabrai can't stand these typical flaws in system design.11:06
markitregression on basic functionality are really scaring11:06
collabrait's frustrating that we act like windows,... well hell we'll fix it later,... ???11:06
markitI don't use compiz, but I'm too scared to upgrade11:06
markitmaybe I'd better test in a VM11:07
collabraoh, please dont aggree with me... please.11:07
collabrai cant take it11:07
collabraithese 'distros'11:07
collabrawhen are we gonna find a brilliant out off the spin sanctioned.11:08
collabrai see .... eh, what'll it be... it's not what it's become.11:09
chiiiiizKDE and groupware... i read a lot about that, but what about the compatible server? Can the KDE client connect to Collabtive, and other groupware not so famous as Kolab?11:39
ratweedare all packaged kubuntu kde apps modified to use the Window Menubar plasmoid or should it work on other distros?11:49
Tm_TIIRC there shouldn't be any modification, it should work as is11:50
ratweedok i tried compiling it for jaunty and it didnt seem to be doing anything11:51
Tm_Tchiiiiiz: yes11:53
Tm_Tratweed: you tried compiling what?11:53
ratweedcompiled Window Menubar plasmoid11:53
ratweedagainst upstream KDE sources11:53
Tm_Tratweed: unfortunately I don't know much of it, try asking in #plasma or instance11:55
chiiiiizI tried Collabtive, can't have Redmine working ... I must add that my start point was a project Management server including larger groupware features... I will be involved in a factory building, and I would like to show there are no needs of MS products... But I need simple solutions as far clients (non *ubuntu users so far) are concerned11:55
ratweedok well i'm pretty sure the plasmoid itself is part of Ubuntu. thanks though11:56
chiiiiizI must also add that *ubuntu is not mandatory, a OpenSuse might do it also ... I am a *ubuntu fan (tried all the flavours), and I want o push it in that direction...11:57
chiiiiizdoes anyone know about a channel dedicated to opensources groupwares?12:05
Mamarokchiiiiiz: #kde-pim?12:05
chiiiiizOk, I'll give it a  try. Thanks12:05
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dddddfdf 2552 root      20   0  7416 4852  596 D  2.0  0.3   0:26.68 mount.ntfs12:30
dddddfdf2.0 % CPU   under  "mount.ntfs"  ?  WTF?12:30
dddddfdf2 minuts was this12:31
dddddfdfwaffen ss13:00
bazhangdddddfdf, thats not appropriate for here please stop it13:01
dddddfdffor what?13:01
dddddfdfbazhang please andwer13:01
bazhangdddddfdf, this is kubuntu support only.13:01
bazhangdddddfdf, please follow the channel policy and guidelines13:01
bazhang!guidelines | dddddfdf13:02
ubottudddddfdf: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines13:02
moetunesand there is13:02
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:02
dddddfdfbazhang OMG13:02
dddddfdfbazhang stop it!13:02
dddddfdfubottu WTF?13:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:02
phoenix_is there a good video converter to convert videos to 3gp format13:28
moetuneshandbrake used to have presets for that sort of stuff - I haven't seen it lately tho13:31
phoenix_moetunes:i think handbrake is gone13:31
bazhangphoenix_, to 3gp or from it?13:33
moetunesphoenix_:  avidemux gets mentioned a bit13:33
phoenix_bazhang: to 3gp13:33
bazhangphoenix_, there are handbrake PPA about (totally at your own risk of course)13:33
phoenix_moetunes: i will check that13:33
phoenix_bazhang: anything without risk?13:34
bazhangor simply use ffmpeg13:34
phoenix_bazhang: any frontend13:34
bazhangphoenix_, for handbrake? there is the cli version and the gui-y one as well13:34
phoenix_bazhang: i mean to ffmpeg, winff is not good13:35
bazhangphoenix_, winff is for mencoder?13:35
phoenix_bazhang: oh13:35
bazhangavi to 3gp?13:35
phoenix_bazhang: ya13:36
phoenix_bazhang: no details are given for the parameters.13:41
ynanmHello all! Is there "an esay way" to add most common IRC servers to kubuntu (or just to Konversation)?13:42
bazhang“-acodec aac” is the significant option here. This only gives excellent audio to the 3gp file in mobile phones. phoenix_13:42
phoenix_bazhang: how to resize the video13:43
bazhangphoenix_, you mean the resolution? the size in MB?13:44
phoenix_bazhang: resolutin13:44
bazhangphoenix_, no idea; there are a number of other links using the terms 'ffmpeg avi 3gp ' which you may want to investigate13:45
phoenix_bazhang: ok, i will try to find13:46
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zerocoolhello ,everyone13:48
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zerocoollet me have a try .13:48
ynanmHello all! Is there "an esay way" to add most common IRC servers to kubuntu (or just to Konversation)?13:48
bazhangynanm, are they not in the server list by default? not used konversation for a while so cannot remember clearly13:49
zerocoolmay be ,but i can't see any more13:49
=== Jay is now known as Guest42724
prowerhello :> does anyone else here use dosbox in maverick? in gnome i've had no problems with it, but in kde i don't get any mouse movement in games...sometimes it resolves itself if i restart x, but that's not really ideal :>13:50
ynanmbazhang, nope, every program only has this server and this channel...13:52
bazhangynanm, what version of kubuntu? I thought quassel was the default client now13:52
phoenix_moetunes: avidemux crashes when i try to convert a video13:52
moetunesphoenix_:  I didnt make it ... :]13:53
moetunesphoenix_:  if you run it from terminal you can see any errors13:53
phoenix_moetunes: bazhang suggested to use ffmpeg do you know any frontends for it13:54
bazhangphoenix_, if you want something with a gui then handbrake is what you should probably go for13:54
moetunesphoenix_:  avidemux is one...13:54
phoenix_moetunes: the app showed the error message. but its to techinical13:54
ynanmbazhang, I tried that one... but it had only this one, so I was trying some other...13:55
ynanmwelll I will just add some manually...13:55
phoenix_bazhang: is handbrake available in normal repos13:55
ynanmbazhang, thanks!13:55
bazhangynanm, sorry not to have used konvy for so long/ or be of any help13:55
bazhangphoenix_, nope just PPA for now13:56
ynanmbazhang, no woories, I think I've got it13:56
phoenix_bazhang: ok13:56
moetunesphoenix_:  is the error about not having a lib ?13:57
phoenix_moetunes: 1 min13:58
phoenix_moetunes: http://imagebin.org/12092314:01
moetunesphoenix_:  did you get errors building avidemux?14:03
phoenix_moetunes: i installed from the normal repos14:03
moetunesphoenix_:  looks like it is missing something to read the file - baz gave a link to a command line option earlier did that work ?14:04
phoenix_moetunes: the ffmpeg one?14:05
phoenix_moetunes: i am trying that with the winff frontend14:06
moetunesphoenix_:  I found out early on that you get more options from the command line - if it won't work there you have no hope with a frontend14:08
piquadratHi! I have a problem with kate that didn't exist in 10.04 AFAIK: If I search for "\n" and replace it with ",", Kate replaces everything with withespace and appends a "," at the end of the line (in Regex and "Escape Sequence" mode). Can somebody reproduce this?14:08
piquadratwhat I want Kate to do is replace newlines with commas, so that a newline-separated list becomes a coma-separated one14:09
moetunesI've noticed a couple of ppl have had issues with kate14:10
phoenix_moetunes: i am looking at ffmpeg command line option. what bazhang gave me will be enought except that it is missing the video resize option14:10
moetunesphoenix_:  for ffmpeg to resize give the   -s 340x210   or whatever size option14:11
piquadratto bad, it's such a good editor14:11
phoenix_moetunes: ok i will try that14:11
Machtinokay, seriously.. should i uninstall pulseaudio?14:16
elimentalI did14:16
Machtinfeeling better ever since?14:17
elimental5.1 suroound sound?14:17
elimentalA crapload better14:17
Machtinthat's all the motivation i needed :)14:17
elimentalKnow of more people that did this14:17
Machtinaptitude purge pulseaudio or anything more?14:17
elimentalI just did apt-get remove pulseaudio14:17
elimentalyours will work 214:18
James147piquadrat: I cannot replicate that problem here: kde 4.52 kate: 3.5.214:18
Machtinelimental: thanks then :)14:19
elimentalyw Machtin14:20
Machtinfeeling better now, too :>14:22
piquadratJames147: I've got 4.5.1 and 3.5.1, respectively. Perhaps they've fixed it on 3.5.2. I'll update and try again. Thanks!14:29
sithlord48whats going on fellow kubuntu users :)14:29
piquadratJames147: do you have 3.5.2 from a ppa?14:30
James147piquadrat: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.5.214:31
BluesKajhowdy folks14:31
sithlord48howdy BluesKaj14:32
BluesKajhi sithlord48, James14714:32
sithlord48ne one here use unity?14:34
jussisithlord48: thats offtopic for this channel14:35
sithlord48does it still use gtk programs ?14:35
sithlord48jussi: yes, i suspose it is....14:35
jussisithlord48: unity support in #ubuntu and discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic14:35
piquadratJames147: Thanks, I'll give it a try14:39
EagleScreenon maverick, Desktop Effects are always suspended when I start Kubuntu14:52
sithlord48EagleScreen: do they work when u enable them?14:53
EagleScreenyes they work14:53
sithlord48EagleScreen: you can try selected disable checks on the advanced tab, that seams to work on my ati macines..14:53
EagleScreenDisbale functionality cheks is unmarked14:55
sithlord48check it14:56
sithlord48try it that way they should no longer be suspended on login14:58
jcgshi guys :)15:00
EagleScreenthey are now enabled15:01
sithlord48awesome :)15:01
jcgsI'm having sound problems - alsa is installed, but i don't have a /proc/asound directory :(15:03
jcgscan anyone help me?15:05
BluesKajjcgs, look in media in system settings15:06
BluesKajerr multimedia , actually15:07
jcgsBluesKaj: internal audio analogue stereo is greyed out15:07
jcgsBluesKaj: I can only choose Dummy audio output :( and that doesn't work15:08
BluesKajjcgs, is you card listed in alsamixer15:08
jcgsBluesKaj: cannot open mixer: no such file or directory15:10
piquadratJames147: I installed 4.5.2 and my Regex problem in Kate is fixed. Thanks for the hint!15:11
BluesKajjcgs, open a terminal and type alsamixer15:11
jcgsBluesKaj: I did, and that's what i said15:12
BluesKajjcgs, then sudo apt-get install alsa-base  alsa-utils15:12
oriHi, my Xorg process is 105Mb, its normal?15:13
BluesKajori, depends what you have running graphicially15:15
orionly plasma-desktop, when I start my kde sesion15:15
jcgsBluesKaj: they're both installed -- i would prove it, but pastebin won't let me, it thinks i'm a spammer :(15:16
oriplasma-desktop is 95Mb in memory, I think its so memory, why?15:16
BluesKajjcgs, and if you type alsamixer in the terminal you get no such file or directory ?15:18
jcgsBluesKaj: no that's not what happens, I know alsamixer is there, it just writes "mixer: no such file or directory" to standard error for some reason15:19
BluesKajjcgs, cat /proc/asound/cards in the terminal15:19
jcgsBluesKaj: /proc/asound doesn't exist15:20
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jcgsdoes anyonw know why pastebin mught hate me?15:20
snarksterskype video fails in kde, but works great in gnome. Any idea why that happens?15:21
BluesKajjcgs, and what about , lspci | grep -i audio , or  lsmod | grep snd15:22
jcgslspci gives 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)15:23
BluesKajI think you have the intelhd audio problem , it's quite common15:23
jcgslsmod gives nothing15:23
ubottuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto15:23
jcgsBluesKaj: how do i find out the model?15:25
BluesKaj Intel Corporation 82801. jcgs15:26
jcgsthat isn't on the list at http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/sound/alsa/HD-Audio-Models.txt15:28
jcgsis that problematic?15:28
BluesKajjcgs, as long as it it's in the ICH8 Family , then it should work15:29
jcgsBluesKaj: yeah it is, do i need some other sort of number? like ALC280 or something? that's what I need to look up i think15:31
jcgsBluesKaj: also I don't have a line starting with options snd-hda-intel :(15:33
BluesKajjcgs, the tutorial is pretty clear , just follow the instructions for your computer brand15:33
jcgssBluesKaj: The first thing it says to do is run cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* which doesn't exist :(15:35
jcgsBluesKaj: I don't have a /proc/asound directory :(15:36
jcgsBluesKaj: thanks anyway :)15:38
MadRobotHi all15:45
MadRobotHow do I make the desktop effects defaultly enabled at startup?15:46
collabraMadRobot: are you using 10.10 64 bit by perchance?15:47
MadRobotcollabra: nope15:47
collabrawell,... 10.10 32? 10.04 lts 64 or 32 bit?15:48
MadRobot10.10 3215:48
kyubutsuopen system settings from kmenu, under workspace appereance and behaviour go into desktop effects and check off 'enable desktop effects'15:48
collabrasounds like 32 bit has the same problem i encountered with 64 bit 10.1015:49
MadRobotkyubutsu: it will be enabled by default at startup this way?15:51
collabrayeah,... should,... MadRobot15:51
MadRobotcollabra: I see.15:51
MadRobotcollabra, kyubutsu: Thanks a lot. :)15:51
collabrahas anyone heard of compiz not loading on login witn 10.10 64 bit or 32?15:53
kyubutsuis there an oscilloscope program i can use to read the alsamixer/pulseaudio output16:18
urgenI think I was reading about having to recompile it last night while I was searching out how to fix the scroll bar problem on chromium browser again16:18
eksunozI'm using kubuntu amd64 dvd 10.1016:23
eksunozwhy does sound out heard soo bad when playing mp3s? anything could go wrong with my system? or my installation?16:25
urgenwell.. kubuntu moved to a new sound layer16:26
urgenand so it is barely functional16:26
urgenkyubutsu, just asked about whether there was an oscilloscope program to monitor outputs, that would be a helpful tool for debugging what's going on16:27
urgencurrently I'm pretty down on using kubuntu for anything sound related like ham radio or audio16:27
urgenthings will get better over time16:28
eksunozi'm using asus p5q motherboard with 2 speakers, sometimes 4. how to configure it?16:28
urgenand hopefully these things will be addressed well16:28
urgenso sound things take a lot of dedication and patience16:30
kyubutsui dont have sound issues.. in fact am kind of surprised pulseaudio works so well under kubuntu16:30
urgenit doesn't for me16:30
kyubutsui just wanted oscilloscope to check on some stream metrics16:31
kyubutsualsamixer used to have a meter , i dont recall how to bring it up on interface16:32
eksunozhow to install pulse audio on kubuntu? how to remove alsa driver?16:33
kyubutsukubuntu 10.10 already comes with all that , you shouldnt need installing anything16:34
urgenya, if things are not working it is more likely the laptop audio device not really kubuntu16:36
eksunozi have ever tried to install my motboard sound driver, but later i've got no more idea with no sound out. I just can reinstall my system all over again. what do i need to do to enchance my sound?16:37
urgenkubuntu uses phonon, that's the new part I was talking about16:37
urgenso now we have alsa and pulseaudio and phonon all trying to capture the devices16:38
urgenit makes for a bit of a mess some times16:38
urgenthere were added problems like Adobe not wanting to release a 64bit flash player so sound was failing for quite a while in 10.04 when you went to youtube if you could get any flash video to work at all16:39
urgenso everything does change for the better it just takes some elbow grease16:39
=== Kalidarn is now known as zz_Kalidarn
eksunozwhat's phonon use for? is it a driver?16:40
urgenthese types of technological evolutions happen all the time every few years the transition hasn't really been modeled that well so there are times when no safety net is there for basic things like just wanting to play music16:40
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urgenphonon is like alsa and pulseaudio16:41
urgenit is a new audio device layer16:41
urgena way to manage requests to the sound card16:41
urgenthese days we need audio into stuff like Wine so they have to make virtual cards16:41
urgenit gets complex16:41
urgeneverything always gets more complex :-)16:42
eksunozgetting difficult?16:42
kyubutsu!info phonon16:43
ubottuphonon (source: phonon): metapackage for the Phonon multimedia framework. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.7.0really4.4.2-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 9 kB, installed size 68 kB16:43
eksunozhow to configure phonon?16:51
kyubutsu!audio | eksunoz16:54
ubottueksunoz: If you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:54
kyubutsunow, the phonon api is in System Settings > multimedia if you still want to have a look16:56
eksunozkyubutsu. i see16:59
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FrauHansencan knetworkmanager use the wext driver to connect to wpa-wireless? how can i change from ndiswrapper to wext?17:04
eksunozbut how to configure, such as adding annother output device?17:04
BluesKajFrauHansen,which wifi chip do you have ?17:06
FrauHansenNetgear WPN111 using the ndiswrapper driver. It's working with wpa_supplicant (wext). But knetworkmanager showed driver: ndiswrapper and didn't give the option to use wpa, only wep.17:08
kyubutsueksunoz: Phonon is not designed to have every conceivable multimedia feature, but rather as a simple way to perform common functions of media players. Developers that require more control over a backend than Phonon can provide are recommended to use the native API or the GStreamer API on systems for which it's available17:10
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FrauHansenBluesKaj: the wiki says it's an Atheros chip.17:11
kyubutsui think that pretty much means you dont17:11
FrauHansenBluesKaj: lsusb: ID 1385:5f01 Netgear, Inc WPN11117:12
BluesKajFrauHansen, bummer, a usb dongle wifi adapter - atheros ...I haven't been able get mine to work since jaunty..mine's abelkin but it's a common chip17:15
FrauHansenBluesKaj: I guess i'll have to use wicd (*cry*)17:16
BluesKajFrauHansen, I can suggest wicd ..17:16
BluesKajdunno if it will work tho ... I haven't had any luck with it17:17
urgenwasn't atheros the one that just opened the driver to linux?17:18
FrauHansenBluesKaj: i think it's just an interface for wpa_supplicant. and since that is working right now i'm positiv wicd will, too17:18
FrauHansengoing to try it now. bye17:20
BluesKajatheros has always had linux drivers but they haven't given much support to the newer distros, urgen17:20
urgenwho was it then?17:21
urgensome company just opened the driver17:21
urgenbut that will probably only be new devices17:21
surunverihi is there a keyboard macro recorder for Kubuntu?17:22
surunverithat records pressed keys and then repeats the recorded proceadure17:23
EliteHuntersrequesting some help with kubuntu 10.10 Install DVD17:23
EliteHunterscan anyone be of assistance?17:24
urgen:-) your DVD reader can't read it?17:27
EliteHunterswell that's the thing17:27
urgenor the writer can't write one?17:28
EliteHuntersI can't really be sure17:28
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:28
urgenya I have a laptop that got upset because I tried to use a Dual Layer17:28
EliteHunterswhen it reaches the step to install from the cd17:28
EliteHuntersit gives me the error17:28
urgenah at least you get an error17:28
EliteHunterscan't run it live either17:28
EliteHunterssize of the ISO matches the DVD17:29
EliteHuntersjust burnt it a while ago17:29
urgenyou have to do the md5sum thing17:29
EliteHunterswas really crossing my fingers on it working17:29
urgensize can look the same and the bits still not be where they are suppose to be17:29
urgenespecially with large iso's like DVD17:30
EliteHuntersso how to do the md5 check17:30
* urgen tries for luck17:30
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:31
EliteHunterswill try17:31
urgenbut you can also do a network install17:31
surunverihey anyone know if there's a program for KDE that records keyboard and mouse events17:31
surunverii tried google and searching repository17:31
urgentakes longer but if you hit some hardware limit it is a good option17:31
urgenof course if you do network install pick an initial lite install and add stuff as you need it later17:32
EliteHunterswanna install this thing whole and get windows 7 off.17:32
EliteHuntersdl'ing winMD5Sum now17:34
EliteHunterslet me check this oit17:34
EliteHunterswinMD5Sum is giving some problems17:44
EliteHunterstaking to long17:44
EliteHuntersand not running when the file is sent to the program17:44
eksunozEliteHunters: chek ur iso using torrent17:48
surunverihey anyone know if there's a program for KDE that records keyboard and mouse events17:49
EliteHuntersmy MD5 is different17:53
EliteHunters10.10 Maverick Hash for october 201017:54
EliteHuntersis different from the ISO downloaded last night17:54
EliteHuntersSo what do I do from here17:56
EliteHuntersDl another ISO?17:56
sresu_Is there any KDE application like HandBrake - video tranoder?17:58
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BluesKajsresu_, transcode18:01
EliteHunterscorrection:- my kububtu 10.10 dvd 1386 hash is the same as the md5 Sum on the website18:01
EliteHuntersso what could be the problem18:01
BluesKajsresu_, check the package manager for transcode and related apps18:03
sresu_BluesKaj: Yeah, thanks. I found HandBrake for this purpose better but it takes up memory while running. How is trancode, have you used it?18:04
BluesKajyes  , it's acli app, very fast and effective18:04
BluesKajlots of options in the man page18:05
EliteHuntersdoes anyone have 10.10 installation problems18:06
EliteHunterscause I need some help with my installtion process18:06
BluesKajsresu_, also check out ffmpeg18:07
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots18:07
sresu_BluesKaj: Yeah.. I know about that. Whats the CLI command to run trancode? trancode?18:08
sresu_Thanks.. not required that now :)18:08
BluesKajuhmm yeah , but you have set options18:08
EliteHuntersNeed some installation help with kubuntu 10.10 please18:09
sresu_But today the bot is reponding late in /query as well18:09
surunverihey anyone know if there's a program for KDE that records keyboard and mouse events?18:09
sresu_BluesKaj: There exist any GUI for it?18:11
simiccan i share files on LAN withoud NFS?18:12
simii have 2 kuibuntu pccc18:12
EliteHuntersInstall Kubuntu from text mode --> English --> United States --> Dectect Keyboard layout_ NO --> Origin of keyboard_ USA --> keyboard layout_ USA --> PROBLEMS18:13
EliteHuntersfailed step: Load installer component from CD18:14
BluesKajsresu_, nevver used it but Transmageddon might be what you need18:14
EliteHuntersWhat should I do, is there some other step in getting around this problem?18:15
BluesKajEliteHunters, isn't there a KB test you can do if you go back , to find which KB setting will work18:16
EliteHunterswell maybe you can advise me18:17
EliteHunterscause I have the dvd in the drive and process on th failed step at the moment18:17
EliteHuntersI can just ctrl + alt + del18:17
BluesKajis there a back button ?18:17
EliteHuntersand get back to the load screen18:18
EliteHuntersjust the Ubuntu Installer Main Menu18:18
surunverihey anyone know if there's a program for KDE that records keyboard and mouse events?18:18
BluesKajEliteHunters, where did you buy the KB?18:18
EliteHuntersI didn't18:18
EliteHuntersdl it of the site using the torrent18:18
EliteHuntersmaverick meerkat dvd i386.iso18:19
sresu_surunveri: Why do you need a keylogger?18:19
BluesKajEliteHunters, KB=KeyBoard18:20
EliteHuntersKB is set to USA18:21
EliteHuntersand it's a Dell18:21
EliteHunterscame with the system18:21
BluesKajit could be british18:21
EliteHunterstried UK originally18:22
EliteHuntersand that came to the same point18:22
EliteHuntersjust tried the USA selection18:22
BluesKajEliteHunters, maybe the dvd is defective18:22
EliteHuntersdefective in what way18:23
EliteHuntersit's reading and writing ISO's properly18:23
EliteHunterssame with DVD movies18:23
EliteHunterspdf files on disc18:23
BluesKajthe data that you downloaded might be corrupted18:24
EliteHuntersI thought about that18:24
EliteHunterscause let me write what I'm seening on screen when I try to start kubuntu from the DVD18:25
BluesKajdid you do an md5 sum on the iso ..usually a good idea18:25
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows18:25
EliteHunterscan not mount /dev/loop018:25
EliteHuntersdid the md5 test18:25
EliteHuntersmatch for match18:25
EliteHuntersthe ubuntu hash webpage differs from the kubuntu hash web page18:26
sresu_BluesKaj: Thanks18:26
BluesKajtime to go ..stuff to do18:27
BluesKajsresu_, hope it works for you18:27
EliteHunters(initramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed: input/output error18:27
sresu_sresu_: Ya, sticking to cli mode :)18:27
EliteHunterscan not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs18:28
EliteHunters(initramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed: input/output error18:29
EliteHunterscan not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs18:29
EliteHunterswhen trying to boot of the DVD18:29
EliteHuntersinstall not working as well18:30
EliteHuntersfailed step: Load installer component from CD18:30
surunverii dont need a keylogger18:30
surunverii need a macro that records keyboard18:30
surunverihey anyone know if there's a program for KDE that records keyboard and mouse events?18:31
sresu_surunveri: For what?18:31
sresu_surunveri: Please don't repeat the question. If someone knows it, you will get a reply18:31
sresu_surunveri: Why do you want to record keyboard and mouse events?18:32
surunveriso I can perform more complex actions with less work18:32
EliteHunters(initramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed: input/output error18:33
EliteHunterscan not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs18:33
EliteHuntersfailed step: Load installer component from CD18:33
surunveriwell for an example18:34
surunverii had this text file with 12000 lines of work18:34
surunveriand i had to remove 2 spaces from the beginning of most of them18:34
surunveriwhich i ended up doing manually18:34
James147surunveri: look at the custom shorcuts under shorcuts and gesters in kde 4.5 (its called input actions in 4.4)18:34
surunverilines of text i mean18:34
sresu_You want it to be recorded so that you can play it back when required so as to save time and labour..18:35
surunverino for an example18:35
surunverii had to perform teh same operation 12000 tiems myself18:35
surunveriwhile recording it and repeating it would've taken a lot less18:35
surunveriit's pretty damn clear you need to repeat something it's easier with a macro progam isnt it? :D18:35
surunveribesieds even if I was doing something lame like stealing my sister's email's password with it18:36
surunveriit wouldnt be any of your business18:36
surunveriand for the record it's not for that18:36
surunveriim only person using my pc18:36
surunveriand thx james18:36
EliteHuntersso can anyone here help with kubuntu 10.10 dvd install to a PC18:37
James147surunveri: I would look into the editor called vim ... its a very very powerful command line editor that make it very easy to do a vast amount of things (including recording macros) but it isent the easiest program to learn to use.... (install 'vim' to get hte full version and run 'vimtutor' if you want to learn it)18:38
sresusurunveri: I guess there is no other purpose, then I can suggest a program for that18:38
sresuJames147: A simple program can work for that as well, imo18:39
surunverihmm oh sresu lost connection18:39
surunverii didnt notice18:39
surunveriwhile you wre gone i said18:39
EliteHuntersso can anyone here help with kubuntu 10.10 dvd install to a PC, please18:39
surunverithat even if i was using it for something lame like stealing my sister's email's password with it, it wouldnt be any of your business, and for the record it's not for that, because i live aloen and im the only user of this pc18:39
surunveribut i'll try vim and the tutor thx18:40
sresusurunveri: Would you like to have the program for it?18:40
surunverifor what?18:40
surunverimacro or keylogger? I dont need a keylogger, i need the macro program18:40
James147sresu: it could... but if you frequently have to edit allot of lines in different ways but often doing the same thing over and over vim can help allot to get it done faster (once you have learnt how to use it)18:40
amichairsurunveri: for simple (but repetitive) text manipulation, you can also try using regular expressions, which are supported by nearly every text editor18:41
sresuYes that's what is my approach..18:41
sresuJames147: Yeah.. the if you say it would then vim is fine18:42
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jmichaelxwould anyone here know how to get rid of the "This folder is empty." message that is appearing in folder view in KDE4.5.2? (besides putting something in the specified folder.18:49
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EliteHuntersso can anyone here help with kubuntu 10.10 dvd install to a PC, please18:50
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EliteHuntersso can anyone here help with kubuntu 10.10 dvd install to a PC, please18:54
EliteHuntersso can anyone here help with kubuntu 10.10 dvd install to a PC, please18:57
EliteHuntersanyone at all18:57
EliteHuntersneed some help please19:04
EliteHuntersso can anyone here help with kubuntu 10.10 dvd install to a PC, please19:10
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EliteHuntersso can anyone here help with kubuntu 10.10 dvd install to a PC, please19:15
geekosopher!anyone | EliteHunters19:17
ubottuEliteHunters: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:17
geekosopherEliteHunters: what is the exact problem that you are facing?19:18
EliteHunters(initramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed: input/output error19:19
EliteHunterscan not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs19:19
EliteHuntersfailed step: Load installer component from CD19:19
EliteHuntersso far it's that19:19
DarthFrogSounds like a corrupt install DVD.19:19
EliteHuntersI'm dl'ing vmware to test the iso itself19:19
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:20
EliteHunterswell it came from the kubuntu website19:20
DarthFrogChecking the MD5 sum would be better.19:20
EliteHuntersdid that19:20
DarthFrogEliteHunters: It may have come from the official website.  Doesn't mean that your copy is any good.19:20
EliteHuntersthe ubuntu hash webpage differs from the kubuntu hash web page19:20
DarthFrogOr that the burn to DVD is good.19:21
DarthFrogThe Ubuntu checksum is for Ubuntu images, not Kubuntu images.19:21
EliteHuntersbut the Ubunte Hash webpage has some kubuntu hash listing for October 201019:22
EliteHuntersit's different on that webpage19:22
EliteHuntersfor Kubuntu19:22
EliteHuntersbut on the Kubuntu webpage19:22
EliteHuntersthe Hash matches19:22
DarthFrogYou're only concerned with the single official MD5SUM for the specific image that you have.19:22
EliteHuntersit matches then19:23
EliteHuntersthe hash is a match19:23
DarthFrogThen take the MD5SUM from your burned DVD and check it against the official checksum.19:23
EliteHuntershow to that one19:24
EliteHuntersI have winMd5Sum installed19:24
DarthFrogsudo md5sum if=/dev/dvd of=DVD.iso19:24
EliteHuntersI'm on Win 719:24
DarthFrogGood luck then. :-)19:25
EliteHuntershow to check the dvd using the winMd5Sum program19:25
DarthFrogAsk on a MS support forum, not here.19:26
geekosopherEliteHunters: how did you verify the checksum of the iso file?19:26
EliteHuntersI used the winMd5Sum program19:27
DarthFrogOn the other hand, you could just burn another DVD from the iso image.19:27
EliteHuntersjust right click on the file and click send to winMd%Sum19:27
EliteHuntersyes I could19:27
EliteHuntersbut should I take the chance and do that and I lost another disc19:28
DarthFrogYour choice.19:28
EliteHuntersand winMd5Sum calculate the hash19:28
DarthFrogYou could ask for a free CD from shipit.19:28
ubottuShipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org - Shipit will send !Maverick (10.10) CDs19:28
EliteHuntersand I just copied the hash from the official webpage and compared it19:28
geekosopherEliteHunters: ok, though I have not used windows for some time now, what I would do is, just like right clicking on iso file, try right clicking on the dvd icon and see if there is the 'send to winMD%Sum' option19:28
EliteHunterstrying that now19:29
EliteHuntersno send to options19:29
EliteHuntershow about19:31
EliteHuntersI make an iso of the disc that the iso came from19:32
EliteHuntersand hash that19:32
geekosopherEliteHunters: why not? go ahead! try and let us know19:32
EliteHuntersand compare the one from the kubuntu website and the iso from the disc burnt19:32
EliteHuntersok, cool19:32
EliteHuntersmaking image now19:33
EliteHuntersI'll give the report in a while19:34
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sresu_Dolphin hanging a lot lately.. and at times crashing19:42
geekosophersresu_: dolphins are supposed to swim, right? ;)19:43
sresu_geekosopher: Yeah.. I'm talking about the file manager, which you probably know :) Any idea about it?19:43
geekosophersresu_: not at all, mine is working good.19:45
sresu_geekosopher: Same is happening with OpenOffice at times..19:45
geekosophersresu_: anything in particular that you find doing when it happens?19:46
moetunesstart them from a terminal to catch any errors19:46
sresu_geekosopher: Umm.. not really. Its happening at random now-a days.19:46
sresu_moetunes: One sec..19:46
EliteHuntersthe MD5 hash is a match19:49
EliteHuntersofficial iso and burnt one19:49
EliteHuntersmatch for match19:49
geekosopherEliteHunters: okay...19:50
EliteHuntersSo, now that it is known that the hash is a match from the iso's19:51
geekosopherEliteHunters: well, for one, I think you saved yourself the cost of a DVD :)19:51
sresu_moetunes: geekosopher: CLI <dolphin> - http://pastebin.com/YrA3ud9u, <kdesudo dolphin> - http://pastebin.com/m1sca9SB, <ooffice> Runs fine19:51
moetunessresu_:  the cli dolphin link is blank :]19:52
EliteHuntersSo, what should I do next then?19:53
sresu_moetunes: geekosopher: CLI <dolphin> http://pastebin.com/jphEGi1t19:53
sresu_EliteHunters: Burn the iso and try installing again. Hopefully you won't get errors now :)19:55
EliteHuntersSo...one more shot then19:55
EliteHunterslowest speed19:55
EliteHuntersany recommendations19:55
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vagastormI*ve used .xmodmap to map the win key to F13 to be able to map it ti the start menu, but for some reason it made End stop working...19:56
vagastormany one ever seen something like that?19:56
sresu_moetunes: cli dolphin. Any errors in it?19:56
moetunessresu_:  seems like you are having dbus errors for some reason19:57
geekosopherEliteHunters: I would also try 'check cd for defects' option when booting from cd19:58
sresu_moetunes: dbus errors! What can cause that?19:58
moetunessresu_:  is nepomuk turned off?19:58
EliteHunterswell the 1st disc wasn't going to that option19:59
sresu_moetunes: Yes19:59
moetunesvagastorm:  use   xev  from terminal to check the keycodes20:00
moetunessresu_:  see if it happens with nepomuk not running20:00
vagastormmoetunes: I have, the win key has code 113, end 115. gona log out and in to see what happens20:00
sresu_sresu_: I never use it. Its always disabled20:00
EliteHuntersdo you think its a good idea to mount the image of kubuntu in VMWare and check to see if it will install in that?20:01
EliteHuntersand then burn the disc afterwards20:01
EliteHuntersto ensure it's not a corrupted iso file20:02
moetunessresu_:  line 3 from that link suggests nepomuk might be the cause - either 'cause it is running or 'cause it is not...20:02
geekosopherEliteHunters: good idea indeed20:02
* geekosopher is going to crash (on the bed that is)20:03
sresu_EliteHunters: Yes, you can try that and check for defects there as well. If the installation goes fine and no installation media defect, most likely you won't find problems20:03
sresu_moetunes: Ya, inital lines say about that about related to .service files. But not able to link it well..20:04
amichairafter upgrade to maverick all the kmixer controls are gone, only main ones left - any idea how to adjust the separate channels?20:05
sresu_sresu_: Any other soluition you think can be tried out?20:07
sresu_moetunes: : Any other soluition you think can be tried out?20:07
moetunessresu_:  none come to mind20:09
sresu_moetunes: Umm.. thanks for considering it. Thanks20:09
moetunessresu_:  keep starting it from terminal - you might catch a "better" error...20:10
sresu_moetunes:  Probably not, yes I'll see. But still even when nepomuk is disabled, how can that cause problem. I checked it. Does dBus error points out any particular thread? KDE4 started using dbus, it was dcop before, any problem could have occurred due to upgrade?20:13
moetunessresu_:  I wouldn't think so - you could try an update/upgrade to see if something was missed20:14
moetunessudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade20:15
eksunozdoes somebody can help me improving my audio output? do compiling motboard driver gonna enchance sounds quality?20:15
sresu_moetunes: Its fine as well. Is it possible to find out which particular thread is being used during communication?20:16
moetunessresu_:  that I wouldn't know20:21
sresu_moetunes: I'll see what you suggested anyways. Thanks20:22
Daniela234Hello, does anyone know how to use the mouse wheel?20:24
yofelDaniela234: use the mouse wheel for what? (or do you mean it doesn't work at all?)20:26
Daniela234exactly it doesn't work in VLC Player20:27
yofelah, VLC, I don't know what the mouse is supposed to do there and I'm on my notebook currently, sorry20:29
Daniela234volume up and down20:30
sresu_yofel: You can place the cursor on the volume icon and scroll upwards, in VLC. You will find significant increase in volume20:34
yofelah, I'll try it next time I'm on my desktop20:35
sresu_Oh.. Daniela234^^20:35
sresu_yofel: Yeah :)20:35
Daniela234yes I am still here :-)20:35
sresu_Daniela234: You on desktop or netbook?20:36
sresu_oops typo notebook :)20:37
Daniela234Logitech Mouse MX 51820:37
moetunesDaniela234:  you need to enable the mouse in vlc preferences20:38
Daniela234I did it20:38
Daniela234Mouse Wheel -> Volume Controle20:39
sresu_Daniela234: Ok, Place the cursor on the volume icon after scrolling volume down to zero. Then placing the cursor on the volume icon, scroll upwards. After 200% it will increase more, Do you see any change?20:39
sresu_Daniela234: If you play any video file, you will notice quickly20:40
sresu_It shows the volume% till 40020:40
Daniela234it works only when I move the cursor to the volume icon20:41
Daniela234but it won't work in full screen20:41
sresu_Yes. Did the volume reach 400%. It works even in full screen. The hidden controls shows volume icon where you have to repeat the same procedure20:42
Daniela234I can not hear any change volume when I play a video file20:43
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sresu_Daniela234: What I meant was it pops up Volume% during volume playback when scrolling till 400%20:44
sresu_*video playback20:44
Daniela234I can not reach the 400$ limit20:45
Daniela234400% ops20:45
sresu_Daniela234: VLC media player version?20:47
sresu_Daniela234: Goldeneye?20:47
Daniela234correct :-)20:47
sresu_Daniela234: In preferences, for Audio tab under General Audio, have you scrolled default volume to 400%?20:48
Daniela234yes, I did20:49
cylobhi, i just installed kubuntu after using ubuntu for awhile. im having trouble finding all the software to install. where's synaptic? i need some games20:50
cylobubuntu software center seemed to have more20:50
afterlightHow do I install ksensors in 10.10 -or- what is the replacement package?20:51
sresu_Daniela234: Save and close and restart VLC and try again..20:51
moetunescylob:  synaptic is not used in kubuntu - there's kpackagekit for the same job20:51
afterlighthttp://packages.ubuntu.com/en/maverick/i386/ksensors  "Package not available in this suite."20:51
moetunes!find sensors20:51
cylobi wish kpackagekit had a directory so i could browse my game genre20:51
ubottuFound: libsensors4, libsensors4-dev, lm-sensors, libsensors-applet-plugin-dev, libsensors-applet-plugin0, libsensors-dev, libsensors3, opendrim-lmp-sensors, sensors-applet, wmsensors (and 4 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=sensors&searchon=names&suite=maverick&section=all20:51
Daniela234I would like to change the volume by mouse wheel. After restarting VLC my sister woke up...20:52
afterlightit really should be a kde program to live in the kde tray20:52
cylobin fact, does kpackagekit have any browsing at all? you have to know what you want to install anything20:52
sresu_Daniela234: No, that was only initail setting required. Now, you should be able to change volume using mouse wheel from 0-400%20:53
yofelcylob: kpk does sort by sections a bit (what release do you use?) if you need a synaptic like package manager there's muon (maverick)20:54
sresu_cylob: Yes, but the latest with maverick is better20:54
sresu_else muon20:54
Daniela234I am so sorry but it doesn't work20:54
cylobwhat's better than muon? kpk?20:54
cylobyofel: how do i look at the games in kpk20:54
cyloboh wait20:55
cylobim an idiot20:55
sresu_Daniela234: It works here.. I'm not able to understand that. Probably I didn't word it properly..20:55
yofelcylob: kpk is the default package manager - muon is a bit more advanced and technical if you need that20:55
sresu_Daniela234: Sorry, no other method comes to mind for scrolling volume using mouse wheel20:56
Daniela234duuno, I am not a profassiol user of linux20:56
cylobi gotta say, i think kubuntu is faster than ubuntu20:56
sresu_Daniela234: All are volunteers here, you may try asking in vlc channel. I don't know the channel name for it, probably #vlc. If someone knows the solution, you would get reply.20:59
alesanhi how do I report a bug? basically the suspend function is totally unusable21:05
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots21:06
alesanmoetunes, which package is the one for suspend?21:07
moetunesalesan:  I don't know for sure - maybe Xorg21:07
yofelalesan: where does it fail?21:08
moetunesalesan:  you can browse launchpad to see what others have written about suspend probs21:08
alesanyofel, I select suspend to ram from the K menu21:09
yofelalesan: I mean, does it fail on suspend? on resume? how does it fail?21:09
alesanthe screen goes in character mode, the little LED that means "suspend" on my laptop blinks, and it stays there21:09
alesanso the screen and the cpu, hdd will stay ON21:09
alesanand the laptop will overheat if I put it away in that state, and the battery drain in few hours21:10
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alesanthe only thing is to keep pressed the power button until it shutdowns but this is equivalent to an abrupt power OFF21:10
yofelalesan: sounds like a kernel problem to me - file a bug with 'ubuntu-bug linux' and see if you can add some more information with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspendHibernateResume#Debugging%20Suspend21:11
alesanyofel, is it clear, what happens?21:11
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alesanso this "launchpad" site wants me to create a password with at least a number and an uppercase letter21:29
alesanis there a way to circumvent this?21:29
cylobhow do i resize a widget???21:30
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sresu_EliteHunters: Yes?21:32
EliteHuntersthe vmware cleared the dvd in my drive and loading unto vmware21:32
yofelcylob: when you hover over a widget a panel will appear with a resize button (if the widgets are unlocked)21:32
EliteHuntersit's actually installing of the dvd21:32
cylobahhh ok you gotta click and hold it21:33
EliteHuntersbut not from the dvd to the PC21:33
HmpfCBRcylob: for more help on plasma see http://userbase.kde.org/Plasma21:33
EliteHuntersDVD (in Drive) --> PC --> Not Installing21:34
EliteHuntersDVD (in Drive) --> VMWare --> Installing21:34
EliteHuntersadvice anyone21:34
sresu_EliteHunters: Not able to undersrand that. What happened when trying to install on HDD?21:34
EliteHuntersNot the drive as far as I can see21:34
EliteHunterswell here's the down low on this system21:35
EliteHuntersdell 460021:35
EliteHunterswin 721:35
EliteHunterswanna kick out 7 and put kubuntu21:35
EliteHuntersand thus far21:35
EliteHuntersit's not installing kubuntu from the dvd21:35
sresu_EliteHunters: What happened when you restarted system with dvd in the tray? Did the installer showed up?21:36
EliteHuntersfailed step: Load installer component from CD21:36
EliteHuntersthat's what I got21:36
EliteHuntersfailed step: Load installer component from CD21:36
sresu_EliteHunters: Is that the same error you got before?21:36
EliteHuntersbut not in VM21:36
EliteHuntersVM is still going strong with the installation21:36
EliteHunters(Installing the base system)21:37
sresu_EliteHunters: You have the iso file right? Have you tried LiveUSB installation?21:37
EliteHunterscan't boot of USB in this Dell 460021:37
sresu_EliteHunters: Do you get the same error with all the installation methods?21:37
EliteHuntershave to go for CD/DVD Install21:37
EliteHuntersand thus far21:38
EliteHuntersthe VM is boot and installing of the DVD which was burned from the iso and in the drive21:38
EliteHuntersthe same drive that the installation was not doing too21:38
EliteHuntersbasically the disc in dvd drive running and installing on VM21:39
EliteHuntersbut not to the PC21:39
sresu_EliteHunters: Is the DMA mode ON? its required with some DVD..21:39
EliteHuntersyou mean DMA on my actually physical dvd drive?21:40
EliteHunterswould that make a difference21:40
EliteHunterscause it's installing the OS from the DVD drive into VMWare21:40
EliteHuntershow would it make a difference from installing onto the actual HDD21:41
sresu_I think so.. Try it <-d 1 /dev/hda1> to switch on the DMA. In some dvd drives this is required to work with the linux driver21:41
cylobdoes dropbox not work with kde?21:41
sresu_<-d 1 /dev/hda1> in expert mode21:42
EliteHunterswell you got to advise me from a windows perspective since I'm running 721:42
EliteHunterscause.....I wanna wipe 7 from the system21:42
EliteHuntersright now...7 is the only OS on the system21:42
sresu_EliteHunters: If you can try installing via wubi and give me installation log. That would probably help..21:43
sresu_No.. wait21:43
sresu_EliteHunters: No, need not try wubi installation21:44
sresu_EliteHunters: When do you get the error specifically?21:44
EliteHunterswhen I get to the:-21:44
EliteHuntersLoad installer component from CD21:45
EliteHuntersthat's where I get the error21:47
sresu_EliteHunters: Hold on, I'm repeating the installation procedure here. I'm installing directly w/o trying Kubuntu.. I'm on Welcome screen now21:48
sresu_EliteHunters: What did you do after the Welcome screen?21:48
EliteHuntersinstall kubuntu in text mode21:50
sresu_EliteHunters: By default a English language must be selected and giving you options for Quit, Forward right? Did you get this screen?21:50
sresu_EliteHunters: Alright. Hold on21:50
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sresu_EliteHunters: You tried only the text mode?21:51
EliteHuntersstarting the kubuntu in live mode21:51
EliteHuntersgave me this:-21:51
sresu_Okay, the very initialisation of ever option gives that same error?21:52
EliteHuntersinitramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed: input/output error21:53
EliteHunters<EliteHunters> can not mount /21:53
EliteHuntersI get the above in live mode21:54
sresu_EliteHunters: You are completely sure about md5sum, right?21:56
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EliteHuntersmatch for match21:56
sresu_EliteHunters: And the check installation  media? It gave the same error?21:58
Sir_Konradok, fresh Kubuntu install, installed latest nVidia driver, and now the Kubuntu bootscreen is low res. What to do?21:59
spirov92hi, I'm having problems with the touchpad of a HP 4520s. Multitouch doesn't work, and the buttons are under the touchpad, which is just plain stupid22:00
sresu_EliteHunters: Can you try using CD with external CD drive with power cable?22:00
spirov92here's some topic on my problem: http://h30499.www3.hp.com/t5/Notebook-HP-Compaq-Armada-EVO/Hp-4520s-touchpad-issue-please-help/m-p/116047222:00
EliteHunterswell I don't have one22:00
sresu_EliteHunters: You used a DVD right? not CD..22:01
EliteHuntersyeah same problem for check installation media22:01
EliteHuntersLoad installer component from CD22:01
sresu_EliteHunters: And you are sure that there are no problems with DVD drive?22:02
EliteHunterscause it installed kubuntu on VMware22:02
sresu_EliteHunters: How did you check the md5sum?22:03
EliteHuntersand the disc is out of the drive22:03
sresu_EliteHunters: You are trying it on notebook or desktop?22:04
sresu_EliteHunters: If notebook/laptop, give me the model to check hardware compatabilities22:05
EliteHuntersDell 460022:05
EliteHunterside DVD drive22:05
sresu_EliteHunters: 64 bit?22:08
EliteHunters32bit processor22:10
sresu_EliteHunters: Did you try the DVD on different system?>22:12
EliteHuntersNo I haven't22:13
EliteHuntersjust the Dell 460022:14
EliteHuntersdon't really wanna try the install on the laptop here22:14
EliteHuntersI could try the live mode22:14
sresu_EliteHunters: Yes, please try live mode22:17
sresu_and report back22:17
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* roshanavand saying HI to all22:20
EliteHuntersyeah sorry about that22:20
roshanavandhow can I view hidden files in kubuntu?22:20
spirov92does anyone have experience with synaptics touchpads?22:20
spirov92roshanavand: in dolphin, view->show hidden files22:21
spirov92or Alt+.22:21
EliteHunterssresu_ any other possible idea or solution22:21
roshanavandspirov92: thanks...22:22
spirov92so, the touchpad is supposed to have multitouch, but I can't get it to work. Any ideas?22:22
sresu_EliteHunters: Did you try LiveCD on laptop? It will not affect your laptop..22:23
EliteHuntersI haven't22:23
EliteHuntersI'll give it a try now22:23
EliteHuntersit's booting off the laptop22:26
EliteHuntersI'm at the GUI22:26
sresu_EliteHunters: I mean whats happenning?22:26
EliteHunterswaiting to go into the KDE desktop mode22:26
sresu_EliteHunters: Okay.. good22:27
EliteHunterswell it's at the kubuntu loading screen22:27
sresu_EliteHunters: Loaded the desktop?22:27
EliteHuntersat the installation process screen22:29
EliteHunterstry or install22:29
EliteHuntersthat's the choices22:30
EliteHunterstry for live22:30
EliteHuntersjust to check22:30
sresu_Check the installation media first.22:31
EliteHunterswould that imply doing an install on the laptop22:31
sresu_No. Check for defects, Install without affecting the system will not affect your system HDD. Only Install Kubuntu option affects HDD. Check CD for defects will check the installation media22:33
EliteHuntersso reboot22:33
EliteHuntersand try the install kubuntu from text mode22:33
EliteHuntersinstall from the live desktop mode22:34
sresu_EliteHunters: I said to to choose  Check for defects option. What all options do you see?22:34
EliteHuntersOhh Sorry22:34
EliteHuntersI started it into live option22:35
sresu_If I'm right you are on laptop, you don't want it to be affected.22:35
sresu_Yes, go on with the live option then22:35
EliteHuntersalready exited22:36
EliteHuntersheading back in22:36
sresu_And sorry.. correction I said install w/o affecting the system. Its <Try without affecting the system> option22:37
EliteHunterschecking disc for defects22:37
EliteHunterschecking now22:37
Sir_KonradOk, I'm having a problem with my cursor jumping around a LOT on Kubuntu 10.04. I have a trackpad, and it happens when I type. Any way to fix this?22:38
sresu_EliteHunters:  What does it say? "Check finished: no errors found. Press any key to reboot your system" ??22:40
EliteHuntersalmost completed22:40
sresu_EliteHunters: Okay.22:40
sresu_EliteHunters: Architecture of laptop system?22:41
EliteHuntersCompaq 61022:41
sresu_EliteHunters: Is that same as your desktop and for the DVD you installed, i386?22:41
EliteHuntersthe DVD is the same22:42
EliteHuntersthe disc is the same22:42
sresu_EliteHunters: Processor?22:42
EliteHuntersthe desktop22:42
sresu_I'm not able to unserstand why its taking time22:42
sresu_ok fine22:42
EliteHuntersthe laptop has a intel celeron22:43
sresu_Oh.. fine22:43
EliteHuntersand 2 GB RAM22:43
anoneemousehi... can someone tell me how i can get kubuntu not to switch my monitor off after ten minutes... i have to move my mouse every five or so minutes while im watching something...22:44
sresu_anoneemouse: System Settings>Hardware>Display & Monitor> Screensaver22:45
anoneemousetried that already... it's set to 60 minutes... but the monitor switches off way before that. i never get to even see the screensaver22:47
EliteHunterslong cheack22:47
roshanavandhow to sync kmail with gmail? when I remove a message from local inbox it's not remed from the server ...22:47
sresu_anoneemouse: Power Management22:48
sresu_EliteHunters: Any error?22:48
EliteHuntersand the VM is still installing necessary files22:48
EliteHuntersany key to reboot22:48
EliteHunterswe're good22:48
sresu_EliteHunters: Wait22:48
anoneemousei tried that too. i set everything to 120 minutes... no luck22:48
vasilisany guide for kubuntu?22:48
sresu_EliteHunters: Fine, so there was no error, right?22:49
EliteHuntersnone at all22:49
anoneemousesresu_: i actually created a power profile... but it doesn't seem to have any effect whatsoever22:49
EliteHuntersdisc is good22:49
FloodBotK2EliteHunters: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:49
vasilisspeak to me22:49
anoneemousevasilis: http://www.kubuntu.org/support22:50
sresu_EliteHunters: You mentioned that it rebooted by itself whrn trying Kubuntu without affecting the system. Right?22:50
sresu_anoneemouse: Sorry, then. No other option come to mind22:50
sresu_EliteHunters: When did that happen?22:50
EliteHuntersthat is when I went into Start Kubuntu and chose Try instead of Install22:51
vasilisdont see any manual there22:51
roshanavandhow to sync kmail with gmail? when I remove a message from local inbox it's not remed from the server ...22:51
sresu_EliteHunters: So what happened after choosing that option?22:51
EliteHuntersIt went into Live Mode22:51
EliteHunterswell "Try" Live Mode22:51
EliteHuntersthen the GUI loaded22:51
sresu_What was on display?22:52
EliteHuntersand I had the KDE desktop in front of my eyes22:52
HmpfCBRanoneemouse: did you try to switch to presentation mode in the battery applet?22:52
sresu_oh yes,, check that thing as well22:52
sresu_HmpfCBR: :)22:52
anoneemouseHmpfCBR: I one upped it and created my own profile with even longer waits... doesn't work22:53
sresu_EliteHunters: Then?22:53
anoneemouseHmpfCBR: presentation mode didn't work either22:53
EliteHunterswell in KDE Mode22:53
EliteHuntersit was like normal22:53
EliteHuntersjust like how it normally looked in beta testing22:53
sresu_EliteHunters: When did it rebooted by itslelf suddenly?22:53
EliteHuntersit didn't22:53
EliteHuntersI did that to get back into boot mode22:53
vasilishow can i find games in kubuntu?22:53
sresu_EliteHunters: But you said that before..22:54
EliteHuntersto check the disc22:54
EliteHuntersthen I apologize22:54
EliteHuntersso, with the laptop...we're good22:54
HmpfCBRanoneemouse: strange, for me presentation mode + disabling screen saver did the trick.22:55
EliteHuntersit's just the desktop section to get pass22:55
anoneemouseHmpfCBR: Its as if wherever it has to set it doesnt happen... which graphics card do you have?22:55
sresu_EliteHunters: So, there is no problem with the dick for sure. And we don't need DMA things to be ON. Its still wierd the way we tested it. But the desktop doesn't help at all22:55
EliteHuntersfrom the laptop side22:56
EliteHuntersall is well22:56
EliteHuntersit's getting it to install unto the desktop22:56
sresu_HmpfCBR: As far as I remember, it used to work for me. that trick22:56
anoneemousesresu_: Im not using a laptop either... so most of the other powerdevil settings are disabled22:57
EliteHuntersNow.....I have ran backtrack 3 in live mode on this desktop before22:57
EliteHuntersand that worked fine22:57
HmpfCBRanoneemouse: intel and nvidia (nvidia drivers), did not test the nvidia with noveau drivers or the ati card yet22:57
anoneemouseHmpfCBR: it looks like kde thinks im running off a battery... even though its not a laptop, because it looks like its using powesave mode22:58
sresu_EliteHunters: Still its really strange. (Sorry *disk/disc). And the hardware compatibilty issues with your desktop dvd drive is not checked still. But you say it works fine. I would request you to try external CD drive  with power cable for it as last option with CD image burnt22:59
EliteHuntersok, I can try that23:00
EliteHuntersjust gotta get one23:00
sresu_sresu_: Nothing more I can say now.23:00
HmpfCBRanoneemouse: when you go to power managmenet settings and check capabilities, does it display batteries? in its general settings you can define under what conditions which profile should be used23:00
sresu_EliteHunters: Or borrow one23:00
EliteHuntersis it a motherboard problem23:01
EliteHuntersit can't be the dvd drive23:01
sresu_EliteHunters: Which motherboard? ASUS?23:01
EliteHuntershow would that explain installation into VMWare23:01
sresu_EliteHunters: Have you cleaned the RAM?23:01
anoneemouseHmpfCBR:  nope bateries are not suppoerted... so i cant change the settings... but ive changed the powerdevilrc file in .kde manually now to use the long waiting profile for all modes... going to see if that works23:01
EliteHuntersit's a DELL desktop23:01
HmpfCBREliteHunters: if you have a 1gig usb stick and your machine supports usb boot try that one23:01
sresu_EliteHunters: No, don't try to link virtual environment with that. Thats different23:01
EliteHuntersno USB support23:02
sresu_HmpfCBR: No, he doesn't have that23:02
anoneemousenow im going to eat and hopefully watch some uninterrupted house23:02
anoneemousethanks HmpfCBR and sresu_23:02
HmpfCBRanoneemouse: have fun and good luck :)23:02
EliteHuntersso you saying installing into VM with a disc in the physical drive isn't the same as installing into a physical HDD23:02
Seipheranyone have a good article for installing an nvidia driver for gtx 48023:03
tom_Hi, can anyone tell me how to get skype/pulse audio working with with a USB microphone? (Maverick)23:03
sresu_EliteHunters: I mean its good that you tested it, but you cannot expect to be sure of hardware components virtually created by virtualbox to be same with actual harware23:04
sresu_EliteHunters: and I suppose its at the hardware level now23:04
sresu_EliteHunters: You got to check your DVD drive first.23:04
EliteHuntersmake sense23:05
sresu_EliteHunters: Else, change the RAM and clean it. Check connectivity of HDD and motherboard.23:05
sresu_EliteHunters: Check connectivity of DVD drive and power cables etc23:05
sresu_EliteHunters: Start with DVD drive23:06
EliteHunterswell I assume the drive is working23:06
sresu_EliteHunters: That's all I can say. How old is your system?23:06
sresu_anoneemouse: Welcome23:06
EliteHunterscause I placed the kubuntu disc into the drive to install it on VMWare which is installed on the same desktop23:06
EliteHuntersI'd say 7 years23:07
sresu_EliteHunters: You got to check connectivity, clean it and the RAM as well23:07
sresu_HmpfCBR: Any other installation method you know?23:08
sresu_EliteHunters: You didn't say the motherboard, whats its make?23:08
EliteHunterswell, the connectivity checked out23:08
EliteHunterscables in23:08
EliteHuntersall good23:08
HmpfCBRwell usb (worked for every machine for me till now), sd-card (on some machines), cd drive, net install23:08
EliteHunterscan't really say23:08
HmpfCBRbut net install I never tried23:08
sresu_HmpfCBR: Network install.. yeah23:08
sresu_HmpfCBR: Umm..23:09
EliteHuntersit's a DELL 4600 model23:09
EliteHunterscan't say off the bat23:09
EliteHuntersshould be an Intel board23:09
HmpfCBRwell googling tells it is probably not working23:09
sresu_HmpfCBR: What's not working?23:10
EliteHuntersI wouldn't doubt that23:10
HmpfCBRusb boot23:10
EliteHunterswell USB booting is not in the boot options23:10
EliteHuntersthat I can tell you23:10
HmpfCBRin bios or boot medium chooser (f12) ?23:10
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EliteHuntersand boot doesn't give you the option with a USB stick jacked in23:11
HmpfCBRon my netbook a sd card is recognized as a hard disk in bios23:11
HmpfCBRso I need to change the harddisk order to boot from sd card23:11
HmpfCBRmaybe worth a try23:11
sresu_I don't think so23:12
EliteHuntersanother option is to take a HDD place it in an enclouser23:12
EliteHuntersinstall from another PC23:12
sresu_EliteHunters: Have you tried another HDD?23:12
EliteHuntersand switch in back in23:12
EliteHuntershaven't tried another HDD23:12
EliteHuntersdon't have another here23:12
sresu_EliteHunters: The method which you saying doesn't work normally23:13
HmpfCBREliteHunters: you try to boot from cd or dvd?23:13
EliteHuntersyou see the fuuny thing about this is that23:13
HmpfCBREliteHunters: which? cd or dvd?23:13
EliteHuntersbacktrack 3 worked from a live cd23:13
EliteHuntersand this doesn't23:13
HmpfCBRthat are often two different lasers in a drive23:13
HmpfCBRso you could try a cd23:14
sresu_Yes, I alerady sugggested that to him23:14
sresu_EliteHunters:  Again, check the hardware and report back23:14
EliteHunterswhat are the options for a network install23:14
EliteHuntersfrom the laptop to the desktop23:15
HmpfCBRcan your desktop boot via pxe?23:17
HmpfCBRthere should be documentation for pxe network installs on ubuntu.com23:18
EliteHuntersI'll check it out23:18
sresu_EliteHunters: You want to try this - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet ?23:19
EliteHuntersopening the link now23:20
EliteHuntersit could be the system itself23:25
EliteHunterscause I'm trying to boot it off the PC23:25
EliteHuntersand the "Start Kubuntu" doesn't even load it's GUI23:25
EliteHuntersjust a black screen with the text23:26
EliteHuntersBusyBox v1.15.3 (ubuntu 1:1.15.3-1ubuntu5) built-in shell (ash)23:27
EliteHuntersEnter "help" for a list of built in commands23:27
EliteHunterssresu_ is there the possibility that the DVD doesn't allow to a certain extent the installion on the system or a older system23:35
EliteHunterscause I'm at the kubuntu menu on the disc in boot mode23:37
EliteHuntersand there are the additional options23:37
FloodBotK2EliteHunters: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:37
EliteHuntersaccessibility and other options23:37
EliteHunterswhat do you this sresu_23:39
EliteHuntersis there like particular options on the disc to check for the installation on the PC23:40
RadSurferhow do I manually run the security-update thingie?23:46
RadSurferjust to update the patches, etc.23:46
anoneemouseRadSurfer: go to system settings....system administration... software management...updates on the left23:48
RadSurferthere is not label 'system administration'23:49
anoneemouselook for software management23:50
anoneemouseit should be there somewhere23:50
HmpfCBRRadSurfer: You can also hit F2 and type update into krunner23:50
RadSurferthere is no 'software management' either23:50
RadSurferOk. "Software Updates" can be found using that Search. Thanks.23:51
HmpfCBRRadSurfer: sorry that should have been alt+f223:51
RadSurferHow would I run that manually, however23:52
RadSurferwas my question!23:52
RadSurferThat application is currently running 'software update', how do I find what to type in a Terminal to run it?23:53
HmpfCBRwhat do you mean by manually?23:53
HmpfCBRah ok23:53
HmpfCBRaptitude or apt-get what do you prefer?23:53
RadSurferI hate how "krunner" does NOT provide you with the run-string :(23:53
RadSurferI use apt-get23:53
HmpfCBRthan it is sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:53
RadSurferI am not attempting to upgrade the OS23:54
RadSurferI only want the patches!23:54
RadSurferie. not trying to change from 10.04 to 10.1023:54
RadSurferI just want the normal upgrades23:54
HmpfCBRthat will not happen with that command23:54
RadSurferIs there an article on this?23:55
HmpfCBRwhich language?23:55
RadSurferThank you.23:56
HmpfCBRthe reason not to use just upgrade is, that it may happen, that you get uncomplete upgrade this way, because for a complete upgrade additional packages are needed. not normal but can happen here and there23:56
RadSurferinteresting how I never did "the" answer to my original question.23:58
RadSurferWhat application, by name, is launched by Terminal to run 'software updates', but I may try running that string all together :)23:59

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