[03:21] Yippie, build fixed! [03:21] Project db-devel build (109): FIXED in 3 hr 56 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/109/ [04:07] Project devel build (169): FAILURE in 3 hr 56 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/169/ [08:04] Project db-devel build (110): FAILURE in 3 hr 56 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/110/ [08:11] Project devel build (170): STILL FAILING in 3 hr 59 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/170/ [11:18] package launchpad-dependencies have broken dependencies in ubuntu 10.10 [11:18] i cant get sources [11:20] launchpad-dependencies : Depends: python-psycopg2 (< 2.0.14) but 2.2.1-1ubuntu1 is to be installed [13:09] lifeless: Rarh! Please don't, I have a testfix already in PQM [13:15] StevenK: it wasn't there when I prepped and sent it [13:16] * wgrant wonders if the recent influx of bugs incorrectly targetted at 'launchpad' is due to the new footer link. [13:17] wgrant: possibly. [13:17] wgrant: lets try tweaking the words ? [13:17] lifeless: It should have been, I beat you by 3 minutes. [13:17] StevenK: mine will just conflict and bounce, so don't stress. Thanks for acting promptly to back your thing out [13:18] lifeless: I doubt it will bounce, mine is a proper testfix which fixes the tests. [13:19] * StevenK ponders breakfast [13:20] StevenK: easy test [13:20] merge them together [13:20] StevenK: When are you flying out? [13:20] StevenK: you need to add rollback=xxxx to your fixes of this sort [13:20] StevenK: they *will* conflict [13:20] wgrant: I leave ORD at 530pm [13:21] Ah. [13:21] lifeless: Right, one conflict in lib/lp/soyuz/tests/test_archive.py [13:21] StevenK: did you ec2test your branch [13:21] lifeless: So PQM will mail you back saying "Too bad, so sad, it has conflicts" ? [13:22] lifeless: Originally, yes, but I stupidly did not after wgrant asked me to change some of the strings. [13:23] Sorry :/ [13:23] wgrant: It's my fault, I changed the code, but not the tests. [13:23] StevenK: muscle memory needs to be 'via ec2 if *any* changes' [13:24] lifeless: Clearly. I think I was just so happy that I could finally land stuff I just didn't think. [13:26] kk [17:51] Project devel build (171): STILL FAILING in 3 hr 56 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/171/