
zkriesseMonthOLDpickle: yo02:22
zkriesseMonthOLDpickle: Ok let's discuss wine02:22
hblounthi. i recently installed lubuntu on a usb drive and accidentally installed grub on it. after i did that, it removed grub from my harddrive and i could only boot from usb. but someone helped me and i fixed so grub is on my harddrive again.but now i can't boot from usb. anyone know whats wrong? the usb should have grub on it too02:26
BWMerlinhblount: have you tried selecting boot to usb from the bios?02:28
BWMerlini know on dells you can press f12 and select which device you want to boot to02:29
BWMerlinthis will by pass your boot order02:29
hblountBWMerlin: i have old laptop, and it doesnt have usb as option to boot...but the thing is when i first installed on usb (with grub), it booted from usb. in fact it only booted from usb and wouldnt boot from HDD. but i fixed that and now i cant boot from usb no more02:30
phillwhblount: you can install grub onto the usb device, it's usually people asking the other way round when it will nit boot from the HDD without the usb in :)02:32
hblountphillw: yeah...that was actually the original problem. i couldnt boot from HD because i installed grub on usb. but i fixed that and now i cant boot from usb...02:33
BWMerlinahh i think i see what has happened02:33
BWMerlingrub was controlling your boot device02:33
BWMerlinand you have removed the pointer to the usb somehow02:33
MonthOLDpicklehow to you reinstall in terminal02:33
BWMerlinits been so very very long since i have played with boot loaders02:33
BWMerlinbut you need to at the usb back into grub02:33
phillwhblount: re install grub to your usb device, (usually sdb) that way you will have grub on your HDD and your usb stick.02:34
hblounthmm...can i have usb without grub? can i boot with it even though i cant choose usb on boot sequence in bios?02:36
phillwhblount: nope, you need either a boot loader (grub) or burn the usb as a usb device with live linux on it.02:37
phillwhblount: there is an option to make a usb bootable stick02:38
hblountoh. i dont understand why its not working now because it worked before and i didnt change anything on the usb stick, it should still have grub on it02:38
BWMerlinhblount: its because grub is installed onto your hdd02:39
phillwhblount: the thing about using usb sticks is there are so many ways of making them, they are a nightmare to support.02:39
hblountso i can't have grub on my usb stick and HDD?02:39
BWMerlinso what happens is the bios goes "hey im starting up the computer i need to boot something, ill check my boot sequence, oh the hdd needs to boot lets go do that and look for a boot loader there"02:40
phillwhblount: that is what I advised you to do :)02:40
BWMerlinit then goes and finds and load said boot loader02:40
BWMerlinthat boot loader says idk why the fuck this dude is on about there is no usb as been listed as an option im just going to boot the hdd02:40
szczurhblount, you can have grub either on usb and hdd02:41
szczurat the same time :)02:41
BWMerlinyeah but if his bios is not capable of booting to the usb stick02:41
phillwhblount: I am guessing you do not have a clean usb / else have an incorrect / damaged one from your previous battle with grub.02:42
BWMerlinhe needs something that is capable of booting passing the boot off to the usb02:42
szczurhe is capable, i recall him from booting from usb02:42
szczurwhen he had not grub on hdd02:42
szczuri helped him to install grub on disk02:42
phillwszczur: indeed you do, can you help him put grub back onto his usb stick, as he's managed to mess that up in the process :)02:43
szczurphillw, i'm on the way :)02:43
hblounthow did i mess that up when i did nothing with usb stick02:44
phillwhblount: szczur will be along shortly and catch up from from where you two guys last left off.02:44
szczurhblount, he meant that thingie wehn you installed GRUB on your USB and the main system on hard disk02:45
szczurso you needed to have the usb to boot the lubuntu02:46
szczurwhich is obvipus when you don't have the grub02:46
phillwhblount: AFAIK you just need to reinstall grub onto the stick, but as szczur is more familiar you and your system, so I'll hand over to his tender mercies :)02:46
szczurhblount, can you post once again the "sudo fdisk -l" output02:47
szczurjust for sake of security :)02:47
szczurwhen you have your usb stick in of course :)02:47
szczurhblount, are you with me?02:49
hblountk. one sec. what was that site again?02:49
szczuri'm in hurry since it's 4 AM here :P02:50
szczurbut i want to have it done02:51
szczursudo mkdir /ubu02:54
szczursudo mount /dev/sda1 /ubu02:54
szczursudo grub-install --root-directory=/ubu /dev/sdc02:55
szczurfastest grub reinstal ever02:55
hblountok. btw, i dont know if this matters but i have another external HDD connected right now.02:55
hblountszczur: so if i reinstall grub on usb, will it take it off my HDD again?02:56
szczuryou have three hard drive according to the fdisk02:56
szczur60 gb eith linux02:56
szczur1TB with data02:56
szczurand 4 GB (probably usb stick)02:56
szczurand i'm trying to instal grub on usb stick02:56
hblountok. of course you know. sorry02:57
hblounti dont understand why grub was taken off usb when i didnt do anything to usb. did the stuff u helped me with the other day uninstall grub on my usb?02:58
szczurhblount, is your ysb stick 4 GB?02:58
szczurit wasn't taken off i think02:58
szczursomething went wrong i think :P02:58
hblounti didnt think so. i installed grub on it and before it was the only thing that worked...02:58
szczurhblount, if you're done tell me the result02:59
szczurif there are any errors tell me too02:59
szczurif not, reboot :)02:59
szczurand tell me if it works02:59
hblountdamn. i gotta go. i'll be back tomorrow. thanks szczur i'll be back03:01
llogiqI finally got around to writing the small backlight-brightness changing program for my nvidia driver (turns out gnome-power-manager uses the newer /sys/class/... interface, which is read-only with nvidia proprietary drivers). Yay. :)03:09
phillwllogiq: that's pretty cool, would you care to share?03:11
phillwllogiq: either via https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/GettingInvolved or directly to my email address at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/phillw03:13
ubot5Launchpad bug 529794 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Lucid 10.04 Alpha3 network-manager 0.8 fails to connect on boot Huawei E172 3G USB modem (affected: 4, heat: 36)" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:41
phillwhead_victim: you got to love them bots :)03:42
head_victimI still have it's factoid db bookmarked ;)03:42
=== AndrewMC is now known as SpockVulcan
=== SpockVulcan is now known as AndrewMC
MonthOLDpickleguys I may have fixed bluetooth05:36
MonthOLDpickleyes I have!05:37
MonthOLDpickleI can turn off and on at will!05:37
head_victimMonthOLDpickle: awesome.05:38
head_victimI sense a documentation project.05:38
MonthOLDpickleactually it will be very short05:38
MonthOLDpickleWHat the problem is bluetooth works from fresh install05:39
head_victimThe shorter the better (because they're the easiest to duplicate)05:39
MonthOLDpickleSO me thinking that it doesn't work install bluez and blueman05:39
MonthOLDpickleALl I did was hit alt+f2 typed in blue05:39
MonthOLDpicklefew auto fills came out..I saw applet and the icon on bottom right popped up. I can left click turn off and on at will. Seeing if this persist through a boot if not I need to add it to the startup05:40
MonthOLDpickleOkay I need to figure out how to auto start the bluetooth-applet05:40
head_victimEasy as05:41
phillwslooksterpsv: are you sulking?07:29
phillwslooksterpsv: can you get back on the OT area?07:35
MonthOLDpicklehead_victim: Sorry I am back but reading that I kinda do not understand how to add bluetooth_applet to auto start08:07
JoeMaverickSettMonthOLDpickle: you could add it to the startup applications list08:09
MonthOLDpicklein perferred applications?08:09
MonthOLDpicklethats what I am trying to do heh08:11
JoeMaverickSettMonthOLDpickle: i'm finding out how to do that on lubuntu. :D08:12
MonthOLDpicklehas to be via terminal08:12
JoeMaverickSetthow about, Preferences > Desktop Session Settings?08:13
MonthOLDpickleYEa just did that08:13
MonthOLDpickledidn't see bluetooth applet but saw manager checked it and it works08:13
MonthOLDpicklenow a test08:14
JoeMaverickSettMonthOLDpickle: ai, lubuntu is abit tricky! :P08:14
MonthOLDpicklesweet it doesn't disspear08:14
* JoeMaverickSett hides from phillw08:14
MonthOLDpicklealso when I hit the power button on my dell mini 9 netbook it does not bring up a power choice window thing08:14
JoeMaverickSettMonthOLDpickle: try checking the power manager in the Desktop Session Settings?08:15
MonthOLDpicklerebooted and did nothing08:17
JoeMaverickSettbetter call for pro assistance then.08:18
JoeMaverickSettHELP! :P08:18
JoeMaverickSettphillw: come here! :D08:18
JoeMaverickSettMonthOLDpickle: ask phillw :P08:19
* JoeMaverickSett runs off.08:19
phillwMonthOLDpickle: I think it's you and bioterror who have been discussing the bluetooth issue, else it was Julien?08:19
MonthOLDpicklebluetooth is fixed.08:19
MonthOLDpickleI figured out what it was.08:20
phillwMonthOLDpickle: ,kk, what is the new problem?08:20
JoeMaverickSettif we click the power button it should show, log off/reboot and stuff right>08:20
MonthOLDpickleUsually you shoudl get a power option pane pop up when you hit the button08:20
MonthOLDpickleI have the power manager under desktop sessions checked but no luck08:20
phillwit could be a bug, can you please report it https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/ReportingBugs08:22
phillwWe already have 2 for the 10.10.1 iso that will be fixed, if there more, then the dev team really do need to know about them.08:23
MonthOLDpickleWill do, bioterror you there? Still having bluetooth trouble?08:23
bioterrorwhat kind of08:24
MonthOLDpicklethere is a 10.10.1 out?08:24
MonthOLDpickleOh someone said you were having issues08:24
bioterrorI dont have bluetooth issues08:24
bioterrorit was Kurdistan and some chick he was hanging out with08:24
phillwMonthOLDpickle: not yet, it is going to be built, so if your problem is a bug it can be put on that  release. :)08:25
MonthOLDpicklephillw I am going to look soo n00b but I made a account with launchpad..than I searched lubuntu I can see bugs but can't figure out how to send08:25
phillwMonthOLDpickle:  Julien is going to add the missing samba library for windows sharesa and something for arabic keyboards (where they type right to left). So get in quick if you want yours included !!!!08:27
MonthOLDpickleI hit yes sign em in but its sitting here! lol08:28
phillwMonthOLDpickle: jusy out it on the mailing list08:28
MonthOLDpickleCan't get past that screen after signing in -.-08:28
phillw*just put it on the mailing list*08:28
JoeMaverickSettMonthOLDpickle: follow phillw advice. post it onto the mailing list.08:28
MonthOLDpickletrying to fidn that email08:29
JoeMaverickSettMonthOLDpickle: lubuntu-desktop@lists.launchpad.net08:29
JoeMaverickSettphillw: is that the email? ^08:30
MonthOLDpicklethat it? nvm lol08:30
phillwMonthOLDpickle: we can teach you how to file a bug on launchpad, the important thing is to get it logged with as much information as you can give. the devs can always email you back if they need more.08:30
MonthOLDpickleIs that the email address?08:31
phillwMonthOLDpickle: yes08:31
phillwMonthOLDpickle: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/GettingInvolved is the easiest way to join the mailing list08:32
MonthOLDpickleI am added to it08:32
MonthOLDpickleI see all these emails08:32
MonthOLDpickleI really need to tie this email thats tied to it to my phone on top of my other08:32
phillwMonthOLDpickle: then it's easy to send one :)08:32
MonthOLDpickleI mentioned the thing about bluetooth too08:43
audioIs it by design that manually partitioning a drive using the 10.10 ISO uses os-prober from the ISO to locate any existing OS but os-prober is then not installed to the new 10.10 file system on the hard disk?11:44
Kurdistanhey guys I have buyed bluetooth usb adapter13:34
Kurdistandoes it take long time before it fineds drivers?13:35
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Kurdistanguys I need help14:01
Kurdistanit works14:35
Kurdistanlubuntu rocks14:37
xuzashi everyone!16:19
szczurhi xuzas16:19
xuzaswhat command should i write to restart xserver?16:20
szczursudo service lxdm restart16:20
xuzasok, thanks!16:20
xuzascan  someone tell me why lxde didn't save any changes i made before shutting down?16:30
xuzasall settiings are now like on the begining16:31
hblounthi. am i able to make lubuntu usb drive for mac laptop?17:48
bioterroryou mean to boot lubuntu from usb stick on mac17:48
szczurhblount, hard to do if not impossible17:49
hblountthat sucks17:50
bioterroreasy like sunday morning17:50
bioterroryou get yourself a stick17:51
bioterroryou check which dev it is and then you dd :D17:51
RabbitbunnyI fear I may be doing something wrong, but it's not apparent. I've crafted the command "lxterminal --title=IRC --command='dtach ~/.irc-session irssi'" It opens a terminal, then immediatly closes it. Without the command option it open a terminal like normal. The command in the command option exectutes fine when run on its' own. I'm not seeing any hints in the man pages or on google. Hints?17:53
hblounti have usb stick, its sony usm-4gl17:53
bioterrorRabbitbunny, what you're trying to do17:54
bioterrorI'm not really following17:54
Rabbitbunnyopen a terminal, run dtach with options, namely to run irssi, or connect to a dtach session already in use. dtach is like GNU screen.17:54
bioterrorare you using screen or tmux?17:55
Rabbitbunnyit's like those, but without the multiplexing option.17:56
bioterrorI've used screen since 199817:56
RabbitbunnyI'm using screen right now.17:56
bioterrorand I dont see the benefit of the dtach17:56
Rabbitbunnydtach uses less ram.17:56
bioterror  Mem[||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100/130MB]17:57
bioterror  Swp[|||||||||                                        78/511MB]17:57
szczuryayz, HTOP XD17:57
bioterrorand my irc client is 32.6% of that17:57
* szczur loves HTOP17:57
Rabbitbunnyanyway, even if the command were crafted to run screen, it errors the same way.17:57
bioterrorso that screen's memory usage is a small problem17:58
hblountoh. i guess i wasnt clear. i wanted to make lubuntu usb drive to use on a mac. not make one on a mac. i guess thats not feasible17:58
bioterroroh true17:59
hblountszczur: thanks for trying to help me. i just reinstalled it on usb drive and it works now :P17:59
bioterrorthat guy used his mac to do it for some sort of netook17:59
szczurhblount, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/10.10/release/17:59
szczurbioterror, he want run ubuntu on mac17:59
bioterrorhis mac is x8617:59
szczurno create bootable usb on mac tu use it somwhere else18:00
Rabbitbunnyit's eating 28mb here, i'm really having a problem with lxterminal.18:00
bioterrorRabbitbunny, why not urxvt?18:00
bioterrorRabbitbunny, I can share my .Xdefaults with you18:00
Rabbitbunnyclickable links in irssi, nice.18:01
bioterrorI've got them18:02
Rabbitbunnyuh, not in apt.18:02
bioterrorsudo apt-get install rxvt-unicode18:02
bioterrorrename that .Xdefaults in your ̃̃~/18:02
hblountszczur: can i install this on usb drive to use on a mac? or i can only use live cd usb18:03
szczurdunno, probably you can install it18:03
szczurif you wouldn'18:03
szczurgaaah, without last line :)18:04
hblountwait, powerpc is different than regular macs right?18:04
bioterrorhblount, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook18:04
bioterrorPowerPC == Regular mac18:04
bioterrorx86 = pc mac18:04
bioterrorPowerPC > x8618:04
bioterrorPowerPC had soul18:04
bioterrorI dispise x86 macs :D18:05
bioterrorwhat a shame that Jobs never got G5 run cool and over 3GHz ;)18:05
bioterrorszczur, now you can paste that mac url to hblount which I paste to offtopic :D18:06
bioterrorI used to run debian on old world mac18:06
bioterrorfirst you booted to OS 9 or 8, then you booted from there to Debian18:07
bioterrorso technically I had 2GB bootloader18:07
szczurwho really need a mac :P18:07
bioterrorwell, people who edits tv shows or stuff like that18:07
bioterrorthey "need" ;)18:07
szczurbioterror, i don't think this url is appropriate :)18:08
szczurbut it showed the real use on macintosh18:08
Rabbitbunnybioterror: Well, that works much better and uses a lot less ram, and works when run from terminal, but still flashes on the screen and quites when run from a custom menu item.18:10
bioterrorwhat? :D18:10
bioterrorwhat flashes on screen?18:11
RabbitbunnyThewindows is drawn for about two tenths of a second, then it's gone.18:11
bioterrorthat has something to do with your dtach18:11
bioterroruse tmux or screen18:11
bioterrorand dump that software from your hdd ;)18:11
RabbitbunnyWorks perfectly fine when run from terminal...18:12
stlsaintyo yo yo18:12
bioterrorhi stlsaint18:12
stlsaintbioterror: sup man18:12
bioterrorRabbitbunny, I'm not following you18:12
bioterrorhow do you run it then?18:12
Rabbitbunnyclick lxterminal, type in command. works fine.18:13
Rabbitbunnyaww, I recraftedthe command to use screen, it works from clicking and the terminal.18:13
Rabbitbunnyhmm. I must be missing an option somewhere...18:14
bioterroryou're now using urxvt?18:14
bioterroryeah, url clicking works nicely ;)18:14
Rabbitbunnyrxvt -title IRC -e screen irssi --connect=freenode18:14
Rabbitbunny^works fine18:14
bioterrorand then you say "screen -Urd" when you want to resume that screen session18:15
Rabbitbunnyurxvt -title IRC -e dtach -A ~/.irc-session irssi --connect=freenode18:15
Rabbitbunny^ fails18:15
bioterrorwhat's .irc-session?18:15
Rabbitbunnythe file thingy.18:15
bioterrorwhat does it contain?18:15
RabbitbunnyThat's the thing I don't want to have to remember if it's already running or not.18:16
bioterrorI would like to see what you have inside that file18:16
RabbitbunnyWel,, I guess I could 'screen -DD' it...18:16
Rabbitbunnynothing, it's just a pointer.18:16
RabbitbunnyOkay, I did many thing wrong.18:36
RabbitbunnyI think the problem is that terminals dont like -option, in any form when starting. As soon as I added -d -R to screen, the smae problem showed up.18:36
bioterrorI use screen -Urd18:37
bioterrorno problems18:38
bioterrorI start urxvt18:38
bioterrorssh to my virtual computer18:38
bioterrorand I say screen -Urd18:38
bioterrorand I start to IRC18:38
Rabbitbunnyyeah, -Urd is also -option.18:38
bioterrorand when I'm done, I say ctrl+ax to lock my screen or ctrl+ad to deattach18:39
RabbitbunnyRight, this is a one-liner for easy clicking.18:39
bioterrornäytäppä mulle yksikin nokian tuote joka ei oo paskaa18:40
RabbitbunnyBUt where would I get a moose?18:41
Kurdistanguys :) I love lubuntu19:24
JoeMaverickSettKurdistan: and we love people that love lubuntu too. ;D19:25
Kurdistanmy only problem is how to get hotkeys done19:26
MonthOLDpickleKurdistan: You having bluetooth issues?19:34
Kurdistanmy bluetooth works :)19:34
MonthOLDpicklecause I figured out you don't need to install anything for it to19:35
KurdistanI have never before used bluetooth before under buntu19:35
KurdistanI buyed bluetooth usb adapter19:35
Kurdistanit works like a charm19:35
bioterrorjust enable bluetooth-app from desktop session settings19:35
bioterrorbluetooth manager19:36
Kurdistanbioterror :P I figured it out19:36
Kurdistanlike I said my only problem is hotkey19:36
Kurdistanand I dont want to install any docks19:36
Kurdistannot even adeskbar19:36
Kurdistanto get it work btw19:38
KurdistanI will come out after the soccer match19:38
xuzashi everyone!20:43
xuzashow can i change the fontsize on taskbar buttons?20:43
bioterrorxuzas, I really dont know ;)20:44
bioterrorit's not in lxappearance20:44
bioterrornot in the panel settings20:44
xuzasi tryed many ways, but nothing20:45
bioterror/usr/share/themes/Clearlooks/openbox-3/themerc maybe?20:47
xuzasi'll try, thanks20:47
bioterrorjust a moment20:47
bioterrorit's /gtk-2.0/gtkrc I think20:48
bioterrorinstead that openbox20:48
Yorvykxuzas, have you tried Preferences > Openbox Configuration Manager20:49
bioterrortoo easy!20:50
hblounthey is there something for chromium that is like noscript addon for firefox?20:50
xuzasi wonder how clumsy i can be20:50
xuzassorry, i'm new at lxde20:51
xuzasthank you all!20:51
Kurdistan:) 1-3 real madrid20:54
xuzasmadrid is winning? mecaguentó20:55
Yorvykhblount, Yes, notscript20:55
Kurdistanxuzas yes they did20:57
xuzaseveryone knows barça is the best team in the world!!20:58
hblountYorvyk: cool thanks. when did this come out?20:58
Kurdistanany one that can help me around with hotkeys?20:59
Yorvykhblount, no idea - a friend mentioned it last week21:02
hblountcool thanks Yorvyk21:03
Yorvykhblount, thanks for reminding me about it I’m about to install it.21:07
hblountu think its safe? it says it has access to all info21:09
Yorvykhblount, it says that when you install any extension21:12
hblountok new to chrome21:13
Yorvykhblount,  It frightened me the first time I saw the warning.21:14
hblountyeah internet is evil21:15
Kurdistan:) no one today knows how to help21:22
hblountok. im noob. it says navigate to notscripts folder. where is that?21:27
YorvykSorry Kurdistan, one area I’ve not dealt with.21:27
Kurdistannp :) guys21:27
bioterrorwhat you want to bind and to do what21:31
Kurdistanbioterror sorry did forgott this screen21:43
Kurdistanfor example I want to enable volume control21:44
Kurdistanscreen light21:44
bioterrorthose works for me21:48
Kurdistannot for me21:49
bioterrorand your laptop is?21:49
phillwKurdistan: forgetting the passwordis a pain to recover21:50
Kurdistanit works. lol. I needed to open cli and type alsamixer to see if hotkey worked21:50
Kurdistanit works21:50
Kurdistanphillw they are going to send me mail21:50
Kurdistanhopefully I will get it :)21:50
Kurdistanguys I dont if it is lubuntu or ubuntu bug but when installing lubuntu from livecd and marking update during installation22:19
Kurdistanwhy are the systeme not up-to-date after installation?22:19
hblounthi how do i find the firefox folder in file manager? sorry noob22:32
bioterrorwhich folder22:33
bioterroryou mean the firefox -binary?22:33
hblountfirefox web broswer22:33
bioterrorsay in terminal "which firefox"22:33
bioterrorit will tell you22:33
kosaidpohblount: your /home/hbount/.firefox22:33
bioterrorkosaidpo, actually it's a mozilla22:34
kosaidpothis folder its hidden and it has all things like preference andstuff plugin22:34
kosaidpobla bla22:34
hblountdam im dumb. it was hidden22:34
bioterrorthat preferences22:34
kosaidpobioterror: :S22:34
kosaidpoi want this face :S Grrrrr22:35
hblounti thought if i installed lubuntu on usb drive i can save stuff on it22:42
phillwhblount: that depends if you install it persistent mode or not.22:50
hblountoh. why didnt i see that option when i installed it?22:52
bioterrorhow did you install it?22:52
bioterrorfrom livecd to usb22:52
bioterrorthen you can22:53
hblountweird because i tried and i cant22:53
hblountim gonna reinstall it22:53
slooksterpsvhi benjr is everything still working well for the wireless?22:57
slooksterpsvifanyone is up for chatting, about various items join me in #lubuntu-offtopic22:58
hblountwhy does it say "Chromium cannot determine or set the default browser"?23:02
phillwhblount: it is a chromium bug. and a right PITA23:04
slooksterpsvsemantic question, who developed Chromium, that was made by google right? and the chromium version is Open Source where as Chrome is close source correct?23:05
hblountaww...when i import settings from firefox, it doesnt import username/search autocomplete thing23:06
hblounthi. is mozilla thunderbird good for email? i want good app to get my gmail/hotmail together23:06
slooksterpsvhblount: thunderbird is good; not bad - personally I prefer Zimbra Desktop 1.0 or Evolution (Zimbra 2.0 isn't that great, it's buggy)23:09
phillwhblount: my chromioum imported all of my bookmarks, history and passwords?23:12
hblountslooksterpsv: ok thanks23:12
slooksterpsvhblount: what are you looking for specifically?23:13
hblountphillw: it imported everything except the auto finish/suggestion thing23:13
hblountslooksterpsv: i just want good app to access my gmail&hotmail23:13
slooksterpsvEvolution or Zimbra for gmail especially if you use the Calendar23:13
hblountok thanks. evolution sounds good23:15
phillwhblount: I use my own google apps accouunt, so all I have to do is click the button and I'm there :)23:15
hblountnot sure what you mean23:16
phillwhblount: I have a server, on it I have google apps; that allows me 50 email addresses, although I am registered for the education version that gives me 2000.23:26
hblountoh. crazy23:27

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