=== topo is now known as Guest81884 === bilalakhtar_ is now known as bilalakhtar [21:30] Hi all, any news on the screenshot server? [22:39] hi [22:39] trijntje, ask jenkins [22:49] jenkins, ping [22:50] pong [22:50] jenkins, what is happening with the tex live PPA? [22:51] there will not be a new one for ages yet as 2010 has not been packaged [22:52] jenkins, ah ok, any idea when that will be? [22:52] I am afraid not it depends on how much time the debian latex team has [22:52] jenkins, ah ok, so your waiting for it to get packaged upstream in debian? [22:53] basicaly yes. the wait is because they are re writing how they do the packageing, so i can't just run some scripts at the moment as they have not made the new ones yet. [22:54] jenkins, i see, can you let me know when you have got the PPA up then? [22:54] will do nisshh, i expect a couple of months [22:54] yeah [22:54] that is annoying [22:54] waiting on upstream :( [22:56] yea sorry its far to complex to package my self, i just update the source that the packages are created from normally [23:00] jenkins, ah ok, i can imagine it would be complex, thanks [23:05] :) [23:16] godbyk, 10.04's been ported to the new server. [23:16] http://flan.uguu.ca:5000/ump/10-04 [23:17] Lemme know your OpenID and I'll set you up with admin access. [23:19] flan, sorry i didnt reply the other day, i went afk for a while [23:20] flan, anyway, my question was: would you be willing to host the developer manual screenshots and quickshot server on your server? [23:20] I don't see why not, nisshh. [23:20] It's meant to handle multiple projects. [23:21] The only catch is that I can't guarantee 100% uptime. [23:21] But I haven't had a major problem in months. [23:21] Also, I get really busy with work and other projects sometimes, so I may disappear from the channel for extended periods of time. [23:21] (e-mail and PMs will always get my attention, though) [23:22] flan, oh great, thanks heaps, i will let the team know :) [23:23] flan, can you just let me know when you have set it up? [23:24] Just let me know what project name you want and I'll give you full access. [23:24] I assume they aren't under UMP. [23:25] flan, no, its the Ubuntu Developer Manual [23:25] Got an OpenID? [23:25] launchpad is an openid isnt it? [23:25] Yep. [23:26] yeah, ill use that then [23:26] https://launchpad.net/~ [23:26] yeah [23:26] = nisshh? [23:26] yeah [23:26] http://launchpad.net/+me actually does that automagically. [23:27] flan, i assume i will be able to log onto your server and check the status of the screenshots and which ones have been taken, etc? [23:27] Wait. I thought it did... [23:27] Muscovy, not for openID i dont think, that is just a generic user page anyone can user [23:27] use [23:27] when they are logged in to launchpad [23:28] http://flan.uguu.ca:5000/udm It's all yours, nisshh. (You can remove me as an admin; I just added my ID so I could make sure it looked like it was set up properly) [23:28] http://flan.uguu.ca:5000/ump You've got full access to this, too, so you can see what sorts of options are available. [23:28] (The test will be removed once we have 10.10 configured) [23:29] Just log in in the top right with your full OpenID URL. [23:29] Admin options are always in the upper right. [23:29] flan, thanks heaps :) [23:29] Lemme know if you find any bugs. We're pretty sure we've caught everything big, but there's always something that's been overlooked. [23:30] flan, will do [23:31] flan: My OpenID is http://kevin.godby.org/. (Though if it fails to forward appropriately, let me know.) [23:31] flan, oh cool, so it looks like i can just grant access to anyone with a launchpad openID [23:32] flan, do i need to provide you with a list of screenshots needed? [23:34] You can configure everything through the site, nisshh. [23:34] godbyk, if your delegate is Google, you may need to reload the page a few times when it complains about the site being invalid. [23:35] That's the only issue I've seen with second-generation endpoints. [23:35] flan: Ah, nope. I'm using a php openid thing on my site. [23:35] You should now have full control over /ump [23:35] flan, ok, thanks [23:37] nisshh, the basic steps will be to create a new "version" (10.10 or something), then populate it and the base project with languages (these are inheritable), then populate the versionw iths creenshots. [23:37] with screenshots* [23:37] flan: I logged in successfully. [23:37] Clients download the screenshot list every time they get to the effective mainloop. [23:38] Don't set a username or resolution if you don't have to. Avoiding these options will make it easier for people to contribute. [23:38] (The username thing forces people to create and log into a new account, and the resolution forces a reconfig) [23:39] Just play with it, I guess. I can backup the database with a moment's notice, and the data is easy to duplicate, too. [23:39] And I have scripts (included with the source) that allow for versions and projects to be easily removed if you mess up. [23:40] (You can't do it through the interface to avoid malicious users from doing damage) [23:40] prevent* [23:41] flan, yeah, i understand it now :) [23:41] flan, this is very cool, btw :) [23:41] You can also translate each screenshot's instructions into any supported language. [23:41] And the end user can pick the language that best suits them. [23:42] ah yeah [23:42] Probably a useless feature in practice, but it might help if you plan to reuse instructions between versions. [23:42] And can assume a few major languages. [23:42] flan, is the quickshot client ready to be used with multiple projects? not just the desktop manual? [23:42] yeah [23:42] The new one loads based on URLs or .qsproj files. [23:42] So it can work with anything. [23:43] http://flan.uguu.ca:5000/ump/10-04/%5Bump%5D10-04.qsproj [23:43] That can be accessed through the "Help out!" link on any project page. [23:43] (Even if the project is private, for technical reasons) [23:43] * dutchie applauds flan [23:47] flan, did you code the whole server side stuff? [23:48] Yeah. Jenkins helped with the client's UI, though. [23:48] flan, i have to say, the server-side stuff is very well designed :) [23:49] There are still things I plan to revise before 1.0, but thanks. :) [23:49] simple, secure, easy to use, etc :) [23:49] yeah [23:50] Oh, no! Daker's been forked! [23:51] This isn't a bad thing. It means we have two of him. [23:51] hhh [23:51] flan: Good point -- so we can get twice as much work done, then, right? [23:52] lol [23:52] Eh... I'm not the right person to ask about work. >.> [23:53] where is ben ? [23:53] Probably sleeping. [23:53] in the middle of the day? [23:53] its 7am where i am, and he is 4 hours ahead of me lol [23:53] Isn't he in, like, UTC -8? [23:53] no [23:53] i am + 8 [23:53] Er... [23:53] he is + 12 [23:53] Yeah. [23:54] I meant -16. [23:54] Or that. [23:54] lol [23:54] * flan doesn't know Oceana. [23:54] either [23:54] way [23:54] he probably is at uni or something [23:54] i havent seen him around since monday [23:54] it's 10:50 in NZ [23:54] yeah [23:54] 10:54 [23:57] have we made any litlle progress ?