
ari-tczewDktrKranz: ping00:11
paultagHey MOTU. I've got a package pending in the NEW queue in Debian. It won't make it in until after Deb freeze. Can I upload to REVU for inclusion in -N ? -- I'm guessing it's not great to request a sync from NEW -- I have a package prepared for Ubuntu, should I upload it or do something else?00:45
DktrKranzpaultag: which one?00:59
paultagDktrKranz, fbautostart01:10
paultagDktrKranz, it's lintian clean up to iIE pedantic01:10
paultagDktrKranz, and I'm also upstream, so no copyright issues :)01:11
paultagWe'd like it for Fluxbox ( which I'm co-maintainer on ) to stop complaints about xdg stuff01:11
DktrKranzpaultag: I'll have a look at it tomorrow01:14
paultagDktrKranz, cheers, thanks :)01:14
DktrKranzpaultag: fbautostart accepted10:59
ari-tczewDktrKranz: around?11:37
geserDktrKranz: re your stepulator.app upload: would it be better to get it removed in Ubuntu too (like you did in Debian)?11:37
ari-tczewhow can I know whether package needs a rdepends rebuild?11:38
gesere.g. from http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/ or from "apt-cache unmet -i" output11:39
ari-tczewhmmm, on this site ^^ it might be a lot related to kernel11:40
geserignore the kernel ones11:40
geserand every other file with a size of 0 (those are ready to get removed from the archive)11:41
ari-tczewok, but do I have to know before uploading, whether package needs a rebuild rdepends?11:41
ari-tczew(perhaps answer is yes)11:41
DktrKranzgeser: uh, indeed. I thought packages would have been removed accordingly, so I didn't check11:42
geseronly if you upload a library and it changes the packagename11:42
DktrKranzari-tczew: kind of11:42
geserDktrKranz: it's semi-automatic; an AA needs to run a script to import the removals11:42
ari-tczewDktrKranz:  I'm just talking with geser about rebuild rdepends ;))11:43
ari-tczewgeser: ok, so if I'm merging package from Debian which include new upstream release (it;s not a lib), rebuilds are not necessary?11:44
geserusually not11:45
ari-tczewok, another question. I've forwarded patch for fix FTBFS (missed linking in LDFLAGS) and maintainer answered, that there is no FTBFS in Debian. how can I explain him, that this is related to our toolchain?11:47
geserrebuilds are only needed if a package name changed which is used as a dependency (most common case libraries)11:48
geserari-tczew: have you tried to mention that he should be able to reproduce it with binutils-gold?11:57
ari-tczewgeser: no, I'm preparing an answer, so I'm asking. well, do I have to tell him, that he should reproduce it with binutils-gold?11:58
geserI don't have a Debian pbuilder to double-check but using binutils-gold should do it11:59
tumbleweedari-tczew: point him at http://wiki.debian.org/ToolChain/DSOLinking12:09
DktrKranzgeser: steptalk needs another rebuild as soon as gnustep-dl2 clears bin-NEW12:26
ari-tczewstgraber: do you planning merge bcfg2 ?13:31
stgraberari-tczew: bcfg2 should be synced from Debian without any Ubuntu change as it's a major version change13:43
stgraberari-tczew: I have two patches I'll apply on top of it later on13:43
stgraberari-tczew: so if you want to do the sync, feel free13:43
bilalakhtarari-tczew: Lucky, stgraber did the whole work for ya, told you directly its a sync13:43
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: I see.13:44
ari-tczewstgraber: so, now I'll sync package, then you are going to add 2 patches to synced package?13:44
stgraberari-tczew: yep13:44
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: now we are in the moment, where most of packages require contact with TIL13:45
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: Touched In Last. I didn't know this acronym. micahg told me about it.13:45
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
stgraberupstream bcfg2 is at 1.1.0 and I'll probably want that in the archive beforeNatty is released but I'll probably get it in Debian and request the sync (if after DIF). For now having Debian's 1.0.1 will do the trick.13:46
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: look on http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/natty/katoob/natty/revision/913:47
ari-tczewinttool* files - what do you think about 3 files inttool* ?13:48
ari-tczewhello wakandan13:57
bilalakhtarari-tczew: sorry, I went somewhere, letme look at the branch13:59
wakandan1hi everybody14:01
wakandan1I'm trying out IRC channel while reading the meeting log from Ubuntu14:01
bilalakhtarari-tczew: hmm, this seems like a new file addition. Does the package run autoreconf or autoconf or any auto* in its rules file?14:01
bilalakhtarOr, does it have an autogen.sh in the root?14:01
coolbhavibilalakhtar, I have added many keys to my gpg keyring public keys but still it shows a import error14:03
bilalakhtarcoolbhavi: Import error when doing what?14:03
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: I don't think so. You can review files in the branch via this link.14:03
coolbhavithe keys are not getting recognised14:04
ari-tczewcoolbhavi: could you forward to Debian your FTBFS-fix changes?14:04
coolbhaviari-tczew, yes14:04
ari-tczewtumbleweed: I tried to run syncpackage for fakesync, but I got error about missing key. what's going on?14:05
coolbhavii ve to add something called DSCVERIFY= line in .devscripts14:05
coolbhavibut m not getting that path I forgot14:06
ari-tczewbigon: ping14:06
ari-tczewwakandan1: how we can help you?14:07
wakandan1ari-tczew: Uhm I'm following the meeting log14:08
wakandan1ari-tczew: no question so far14:08
wakandan1ari-tczew: but I'm just wondering.....14:08
wakandan1ari-tczew: Should I do this whole thing?14:08
ari-tczewwakandan1: could you be more verbosity?14:10
wakandan1ari-tczew: I always wanted to make contribution to Ubuntu14:10
ari-tczewwakandan1: nice. we are looking for new contributors.14:11
wakandan1and I just found how I can proceed14:11
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: IMO we should get only changes to fix FTBFS and drop the rest.14:11
bilalakhtarari-tczew: hmm, yes14:11
wakandan1ari-tczew: just one thing, my goal is to become a hacker14:11
ari-tczewwakandan1: oh! I'm scared ;))14:12
wakandan1ari-tczew: it's just that I like to be it14:12
bigonari-tczew: yep?14:12
wakandan1ari-tczew: so my question is, how would doing this helps me?14:12
ari-tczewwakandan1: what do you think about fixing security issues then?14:12
wakandan1ari-tczew: that's would be awesome14:13
ari-tczewbigon: could you merge libhildon ?14:13
ari-tczewwakandan1: great! you made my day14:13
wakandan1ari-tczew: I would love to help14:13
wakandan1ari-tczew: but in order to do that, I need to have more knowledge on how to package and every thing14:13
ari-tczewwakandan1: I encourage you to start reading about development Ubuntu.14:14
bilalakhtarHmm, while merging I am facing a wierd problem14:14
bilalakhtarA Package in Debian has no source section14:14
bilalakhtarAnd its being rejected from getting into Ubuntu14:14
bigonari-tczew: I can have a look at it, but I've no way to test if the merge is fine14:14
wakandan1ari-tczew: would learning packaging in Ubuntu help me to help out later in fixing security bugs?14:14
ari-tczewwakandan1: of course. we base on debdiffs or bazaar.14:15
ari-tczewwakandan1: for security issues we have dedicated channel: #ubuntu-hardened14:16
ari-tczewwakandan1: let's follow with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdatePreparation14:16
wakandan1ari-tczew: so if I'm right, every developing related contributions must start at learning packaging, so that we can contribute our fixes later?14:17
ari-tczewwakandan1: I;m a member of motu-swat team, which is like a department of security team.14:17
ari-tczewand I can drive you through security fixing14:17
wakandan1ari-tczew: haha yeah it's funny14:17
wakandan1ari-tczew: my current team's name is also SWAT14:17
wakandan1I'm working as an intern14:18
ari-tczewwakandan1: are you a policeman?14:18
wakandan1ari-tczew: may be in future :P14:18
wakandan1ari-tczew: I'm just a student lol14:18
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: which package?14:19
wakandan1ari-tczew: ok, to confirm, I need to be able to do packaging before anything else, right?14:19
tumbleweedari-tczew: I'd need some more details...14:19
ari-tczewwakandan1: you should be familiar with Ubuntu polices and familiar with basic development tools14:20
ari-tczewof course you can ask14:20
wakandan1ari-tczew: I would read first before asking anything :D14:20
ari-tczewwakandan1: ok, read then https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment14:20
wakandan1ari-tczew: start off as packaging14:21
wakandan1ari-tczew: what will be the road map to become a fixer in security team?14:22
ari-tczewwakandan1: just prepare fixes :)14:22
wakandan1ari-tczew: haha I know14:22
ari-tczewshow your skill and involvement14:22
ari-tczewthen ask to being a security contributor :)14:23
BlackZbilalakhtar: add the section to the source package in debian/control and forward that change to Debian, if there's not a section for the source package soyuz will reject the upload with an error14:23
wakandan1ari-tczew: is there any special requirements then?14:23
bilalakhtarBlackZ: Yes, already done14:23
ari-tczewwakandan1: requirements for?14:31
wakandan1ari-tczew: haha I don't know14:36
wakandan1ari-tczew: I should proceed on reading then14:37
ari-tczewwould be nice14:38
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Quintasanhmm, how do I force pbuilder to store a buildlog in ./BUILDLOG?14:53
bdrungari-tczew: can you show me the output if you run it with -v?14:55
ari-tczewbdrung: ekhm... in which case?14:55
bdrungari-tczew: syncpackage for fakesync14:56
ari-tczewQuintasan: --logfile [file to log]14:56
ari-tczewman pbuilder14:57
bdrungthe question targetted at tumbleweed14:57
ari-tczewok w814:57
ari-tczewbdrung: http://paste.ubuntu.com/522717/15:01
bdrungari-tczew: you may have to specify a key with -k15:03
tumbleweedyeah, that's my bet15:03
Quintasanari-tczew: well, the --logifile option seems to be ignoring me, I get no log file at the end of the build :/15:03
bdrungand we have to improve the error message15:04
kklimonda_good morning15:04
bdrungari-tczew: can you file a bug for a having a better error message?15:04
ari-tczewhi kklimonda_, I have to talk with you15:05
kklimonda_ari-tczew: sure. I have some time before I have to leave my room, do you want to talk now?15:05
kklimonda_(if not I won't be available until tomorrow evening15:05
ari-tczewkklimonda_: yes, on PM15:06
ari-tczewbdrung: bug 66874915:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 668749 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "syncpackage crashes if key is not denifed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66874915:32
Quintasankklimonda_: \o15:32
Quintasanari-tczew: sudo DIST=maverick pbuilder --build project-neon-kdebindings_1.0+5537-4.dsc --logfile trolololol  <-- should yield "trololol" upon exit, right?15:34
ari-tczewQuintasan: try use --logfile before *dsc file15:35
ari-tczewbtw. I suggest to use pbuilder-dist15:35
ari-tczewinstead default pbuilder15:35
QuintasanI'm too lazy to set it up, I have been using that for ages and it has been working15:36
QuintasanSlow, but working15:36
ari-tczewbdrung: http://paste.ubuntu.com/522733/15:37
kklimonda_Quintasan: you can also add PKGNAME_LOGFILE=yes to your pbuilderrc - then every build will create, alongside deb files, a log file with package's name.15:38
paultagDktrKranz, thanks a ton! You rock :)15:41
bdrungari-tczew: debsign: gpg error occurred!  Aborting....16:03
ari-tczewbdrung: what it means?16:04
bdrungari-tczew: can you run it again with "-v" added?16:06
ari-tczewbdrung: it was with -v16:06
bdrungari-tczew: then show me the complete output of the command16:07
ari-tczewbdrung: http://paste.ubuntu.com/522750/16:08
kklimonda_ari-tczew: shouldn't you sign with your own key?16:08
ari-tczewkklimonda_: /facepalm, yes16:13
bdrungari-tczew: according to the log, the signing of the changes file failed => not a syncpackage problem.16:19
ari-tczewbdrung: yes, but reported bug is related to poor warnings by syncpackage16:20
bdrungari-tczew: yes. the warning is poor and that's why i asked you to file the bug.16:21
ari-tczewbdrung: look on changelog https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tap-plugins/0.7.1-1fakesync116:28
ari-tczew" " is good ?16:28
bdrungari-tczew: no, that's a bug too16:29
ari-tczewbdrung: need a report?16:29
Laneyyou should double check what you are uploading16:32
ari-tczewbdrung: I'll die due to reporting bugs16:32
ari-tczewLaney: fix this bug then you can talk to me16:33
lfaraoneari-tczew: as the uploader, checking that the package is correct is *your* responsibility.16:33
bdrungari-tczew: nope. Laney is right.16:33
bdrungari-tczew: syncpackages doesn't upload because the uploader has to check it before uploading the changes16:34
ari-tczewbdrung, lfaraone, Laney: I checked *.changes file. I was too lazy to update d/changelog. Kill me please.16:34
bdrungari-tczew: too lazy is an even worse excuse for it.16:35
ari-tczewbdrung: relax, we have an example of bug!16:36
ari-tczewwhat about debian-changes-* in series file? I'm merging package and I dunno what should do I? drop it or keep?16:42
bdrungari-tczew: do you have it in Debian too?16:44
ari-tczewbdrung: just this file is in Debian.16:45
ari-tczewI'm adding Ubuntu delta on clean unpacked Debian package.16:45
bdrungari-tczew: then keep it. on which package do you work?16:46
ari-tczewbdrung: katoob16:46
ari-tczewbdrung: why you ask?16:51
bdrungari-tczew: i just wanted to have a look at it17:00
coolbhaviari-tczew, I m gonna work on zsh-beta now17:03
coolbhaviother two katoob n scim-chewing you are free to take :)17:04
ari-tczewcoolbhavi: ok17:14
ari-tczewcoolbhavi: I really encourage to use pbuilder for build testing, not PPA17:44
ari-tczewagain you dropped the delta for fix FTBFS and now we have FTBFS17:44
ari-tczewwe must end this situation17:45
coolbhaviari-tczew, I use pbuilder too17:45
paultagcoolbhavi, be nice :)17:46
ari-tczewcoolbhavi: for natty?17:46
coolbhaviari-tczew, yes17:46
ari-tczewbecause bilalaktar has been used maverick for natty17:46
ari-tczewso I don't understand, why pbuilder show you built fine17:47
andreserlari-tczew: sometimes it happens17:47
ari-tczewI never had this situation17:47
andreserlari-tczew: i've had long time ago. that's why we usually should test builds in clean pbuilders because that might be a reason why it builds there, and not in archives17:48
coolbhaviandreserl, right and some time there might be transients too17:49
fabrice_spit also happened to me. That's why I switched to sbuild17:49
fabrice_spsbuild does not requires lvm anymore, so it may be a good solution17:49
fabrice_spto use it17:50
andreserlcoolbhavi: indeed17:50
ari-tczewcoolbhavi: please remember, I don't attack you. I just care about universe quality.17:52
coolbhaviari-tczew, sure mate17:53
ari-tczewbdrung: bug 66880517:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 668805 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "syncpackage adds quotation marks in fakesync" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66880517:57
bdrungari-tczew: thanks17:57
bdrungari-tczew: sometimes it builds in pbuilder but not on buildd. example: xdotool17:59
bdrungari-tczew: it's better to ask instead of assuming. asking "did you try to build in with pbuilder or sbuild?" instead of complaining "you didn't build it with pbuilder"18:04
coolbhavibdrung, in openmpi case it built on pbuilder and my PPA too (since I use both for test building) but failing on official buildds as libtorque2-dev not installed but rmadison shows libtorque2-dev present18:05
bdrungcoolbhavi: did the package build depend on libtorque2-dev?18:06
coolbhavibdrung, yes18:06
bdrungcoolbhavi: looking at http://launchpadlibrarian.net/58312312/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-amd64.openmpi_1.4.2-4_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz - it's libtorque2-dev fault18:08
bdrungjust retry the build once the dependency is installable18:09
coolbhaviyes bdrung but it builds fine on my ppa and pbuilder18:09
paultagcoolbhavi, it might have not been ready for use yet, getting pushed out18:10
bdrungcoolbhavi: it looks like a timing issue18:10
paultagcoolbhavi, it happened to one of my packages off a live build. Totally random18:10
paultagwell, not random, but you know18:10
coolbhavibdrung, yes its available as its copied from maverick repos18:11
ari-tczewbdrung: could you take a look on bug 663343 ?18:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 663343 in cheetah (Ubuntu) "Please merge cheetah (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66334318:12
coolbhaviari-tczew, thats also another py 2.7 issue mate until support is fixed its deferred by barry18:13
ari-tczewso unsubscribe sponsors ?18:14
coolbhaviari-tczew, not sure as barry is working on it afaict18:14
ari-tczewso bug 662276 is outstanding18:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 662276 in vim (Ubuntu) "Merge vim 2:7.3.035+hg~8fdc12103333-1 from Debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66227618:15
* ari-tczew is amazed due to how developers work on merges this cycle!18:16
andreserlari-tczew: yes unsubscribe it from u-s with a message "Once this is fixed, please re-subscribe"18:16
Laneywhat's the problem with vim?18:16
geserari-tczew: cjwatson will sponsor it once he is back from UDS18:17
bdrungcoolbhavi: i found the issue: torque is in multiverse18:17
ari-tczewLaney: who said that there is problem?18:18
coolbhavibdrung, so what are next steps?18:18
bdrungcoolbhavi: check the license if it suitable for universe. if yes, file a bug for moving it to universe18:21
coolbhavibdrung, but the same thing built fine in maverick when I backported a patch18:22
coolbhavito fix ftbfs18:22
bdrungcoolbhavi: where did it build? in the PPA multiverse is enabled18:23
coolbhaviI ll link the log a second18:23
coolbhavibdrung, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openmpi/1.4.1-3ubuntu1/+build/1981045/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.openmpi_1.4.1-3ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz18:24
coolbhavithis is on official buildd18:25
coolbhavion maverick18:25
bdrunghm, strange18:25
bdrungcoolbhavi: ok. this version didn't depend on torque18:26
coolbhavibdrung, okay I got the catch now18:28
coolbhaviuniverse packages on official buildds doesnt depend on multiverse18:29
bdrungyes main -> main; restricted -> main, restricted; universe -> main, universe; multiverse -> all18:29
geserfigure out why the package is in multiverse (it's in Debian main)18:30
coolbhaviyes I ll have a mail to morten and clarify shortly thanks18:32
bdrunggeser: it has a special license18:32
geserbdrung: which part of the license make it go to multiverse?18:35
bdrunggeser: dunno - i just skim-read debian/copyright18:36
bdrungit may contain problematic parts18:36
geserme too, but as it's in Debian main, it could also make it to universe18:37
geserthe only problematic parts that I see have expired18:37
bdrunggeser: expired?18:37
gesera good idea would be to let the AA check the copyright file again and move it to universe if possible18:37
geserbdrung: http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/t/torque/current/copyright ; paragraphs 1 and 2 from the license look like non-free but the don't apply since 2002-01-01 anymore18:39
bdrunggeser: ok. that seems fine18:40
coolbhavibdrung, geser so shall I open a bug?18:41
bdrungcoolbhavi: yes18:41
coolbhavibdrung, can I include this irc bit as a support?18:51
bdrungcoolbhavi: yes, but stating that it's in Debian main is the best support18:51
ari-tczewdebian-changes- don't allow me apply patch from Ubuntu. bdrung, is it file necessary?18:51
coolbhavibdrung, sure thanks18:52
bdrungari-tczew: really?18:53
bdrungari-tczew: this file contains the debian changes. you may have to update the ubuntu changes18:53
ari-tczewbdrung: I tried to this way: create seperate directory, put files there, apply patch debian-changes*, then apply patch from Ubuntu18:54
ari-tczewbut there is a lot of warnings :/18:54
bdrungari-tczew: use quilt18:54
bdrungari-tczew: lot of warnings are caused by the patch because it contains many changes (including build system changes)18:55
bdrungcoolbhavi: have you opened a bug?19:09
coolbhavibdrung, doing it now just 2 minutes please19:09
ari-tczewbdrung: yay, quilt pop -a fixed problem19:11
bdrungari-tczew: but quilt push -a will unfix it ;)19:12
ari-tczewbdrung: but now I got built source and good looking debdiff. what's the conclusion?>19:13
bdrungari-tczew: hm19:14
coolbhavibdrung, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/torque/+bug/66883019:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 668830 in torque (Ubuntu) "Please move torque to universe" [Undecided,New]19:16
ari-tczewbdrung: http://paste.ubuntu.com/522856/ commands used19:17
bdrung"quilt refresh" was the trick19:17
coolbhavibdrung, edited a small typo now19:17
coolbhavi https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/torque/+bug/66883019:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 668830 in torque (Ubuntu) "Please move torque to universe" [Undecided,New]19:17
coolbhaviplease have your comments19:18
bdrungcoolbhavi: i subscribed ubuntu-archive19:19
coolbhavibdrung, thanks19:19
ari-tczewcoolbhavi: let's keep under 75-80 till 1th Nov (ATM is 84)19:25
coolbhaviari-tczew, sure!19:26
ari-tczewgoing out, thanks19:26
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tumbleweedbdrung: busy evening? :) BTW your fix for bug 665202 doesn't address DEBEMAIL="name name <email@domain>" does it?20:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 665202 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "syncpackage depends on DEBFULLNAME being set" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66520220:36
bdrungtumbleweed: no. that is another issue.21:03
tumbleweedit's probably an issue that affects more scripts than syncpackage, anyway21:03
bdrungtumbleweed: is DEBEMAIL meant to used that way?21:04
tumbleweedbdrung: I don't know, but apparently people do that...21:04
tumbleweedat some point ubuntu-dev-tools is going to have to get a configuration file21:05
bdrungtumbleweed: configuration file for what?21:05
tumbleweedyeah, unrelated issue, this just made me think of it. Things like using pbuilder / sbuild for test building21:06
tumbleweedalso, I'd like to add an option to specify a local mirror for pull-{lp,debian}-source21:06
bdrungtumbleweed: for that we could have an environment variable in addition to programm parameter21:06
ebrodertumbleweed: ++ on the local mirror thing21:07
bdrungtumbleweed: can you code in pearl?21:07
tumbleweedbdrung: no, I've tried to avoid that for years :)21:07
tumbleweedbut I can patch perl :P21:07
bdrungi need someone helping me porting a script from python to pearl21:08
tumbleweedyeah, sorry I'm no help there. Adding something to devscripts?21:10
bdrungtumbleweed: yes21:13
paissadhello all, i would like to know if it's possible to do a request for packaging for some software and/or libraries ?21:50
paissadthere are some Java libraries i would like to have them available in official repositories :)21:51
iulianIt is possible.21:51
paissadhappy to know that ;)21:52
iulianpaissad: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages.21:52
iulianYou might want to give the above link a try.21:53
iulianOh, and just for your information, there is also a Debian Java team as well.21:54
iulianIt's not on that list but if you click on "more" you end up with http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/JavaPackaging21:55
iulianOr "here".21:55
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