
grantbowuninstalling all the packages is a temporary fix but I still want Sugar on 10.04 and to be able to help fix the conflicts.00:12
grantbowand I want to deploy it on the LTS to some students in San Francisco00:13
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=== manusheel_afk is now known as manusheel
grantbowI am headed home now. Any estimate on when some packages might be ready to test with 10.04? Is it necessary to read up on http://www.debian.org/doc/ and help out somehow? It's been a long time since I was a DD but I might be able to help. I should reactivate my account anyway.17:44
manusheelgrantbow: Yes.17:50
manusheelgrantbow: The team will be working on it over the weekend. They should be able to complete it in the next 2 days.17:51
manusheelgrantbow: Will you be available online today?17:54
satellit_manusheel: please keep me informed of your progress also....thanks18:31

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