
starnActionParsnip: didn't you help suggest hd space to me yesterday?00:00
DaveIngramHey, I'm installing Ubuntu Server 10.04 of a new Dell server and when I got to "Wiping swap space for security", the installer is hung at 21% progress for about an hour. Does anyone know if it's safe to reboot at this stage?00:00
magicianlordhow do you shut down the xserver in 10.10 to install the nvidia driver?00:01
ActionParsnipstarn: possibly00:01
Sir_KonradOk, so I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 on my machine, and I'd like to install KDE. Is there any way to install KDE3 from a Kubuntu 10.04 (KDE3 Respin) CD?00:01
Draqul!kubuntu | Sir_Konrad00:02
ubottuSir_Konrad: kubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde00:02
starnActionParsnip: i think you did and thanks again gonna try this player. hope its low resource and everything. i'm glade to be getting my comp back up and running after hd got wiped due to power outage00:02
magicianlordI ran 10.04 live on a laptop with a chrome via chipset, and the resolution is set at 1600x1200 and cannot be changed without garbling the image. is there a fix to this?00:02
Sir_KonradDraqul, that wouldn't be an Ubuntu question?00:02
ActionParsnipstarn: its very low resource, its in a ppa and not in the repos00:02
Sir_KonradI'm installing from Ubuntu. :P00:02
ActionParsnipstarn: if power outages are common then I recommend a UPS00:03
DraqulSir_Konrad: Ubuntu uses Gnome. Kubuntu uses KDE. For all KDE/Kubuntu questions you will find the fastest, most comprehensive help in #Kubuntu00:03
magicianlordor you will find ubuntu even faster if you install openbox instead00:03
Sir_Konradok, thanks Draqul. :)00:04
DraqulSir_Konrad: you're just looking to install KDE in UBuntu?00:04
Draqulmagicianlord: it00:04
Draqulmagicianlord: it's even faster if you run openbox alone, like I am doing00:04
Sir_KonradDraqul, specifically KDE3, but yes.00:04
ActionParsnipSir_Konrad: if you can find a ppa with it on then you can00:04
obengdakoStarCraft_II, okay okay00:05
StarCraft_III'll just use betavine00:05
magicianlordDraqul: dats what i do00:05
Sir_KonradActionParsnip, right but I have a slow connection and I have a Kubuntu CD. I want to install it off of the CD>00:05
DraqulSir_Konrad: Sir_Konrad one moment while I look for you. I do not know if KDE3 has any working packages still in the repos...00:05
obengdakoStarCraft_II, next suggestion sometimes when i have mobile broadband i have to check enable broadband to disable it in network manager to get it to work i don't kow why00:06
starnActionParsnip: ups? whats that when i see ups i see united postal service...00:06
Sir_KonradDraqul, it does, but how do I install from a CD?00:06
ActionParsnipstarn: uninterruptable power suply00:06
DraqulSir_Konrad: from a CD? You'll need a Kubuntu.iso to install kde from a livecd.00:07
Sir_KonradDraqul, no possible way to get the .deb packages from it and install it onto a Ubuntu install?00:07
DraqulSir_Konrad: and yes, I can see here that there are still working trinity packages, though there are some reports of breakage for k3d and kdelibs.00:07
starnActionParsnip: i've been thinking bout getting one. don't have the money right now though thanks for the suggestion though. i have so many notes from suggestions like that. <3 the ubuntu comunity its super helpful00:07
obengdakoStarCraft_II, you there? i said check enable mobile broadband by right clicking networ manager then disable it and if your connectio is still available select it this happens to me a lot these days00:07
DraqulSir_Konrad: get the KDE packages off an Ubuntu cd, you mean?00:08
Sir_KonradDraqul, right.00:08
DraqulSir_Konrad: no, because there are no KDE packages on an Ubuntu livecd. Ubuntu only ships with GNOME.00:09
Sir_KonradDraqul, is that possible or am I dreaming?00:09
saulushey, where are the gnome-panel->applications->wine entries? I need to delete shortcuts to nonexisting software.00:09
Sir_KonradDraqul, can I get the KDE packages from a Kubuntu CD?00:09
DraqulSir_Konrad: yes, you can.00:10
Sir_KonradDraqul, and then install them on Ubuntu?00:10
DraqulSir_Konrad: Yes, I believe you can. You will need to ask someone else the precise procedure, but I believe it is possible.00:10
Sir_KonradAny help peoples?00:11
ActionParsnipSir_Konrad: if you add the cd as a repo then yes00:11
Sir_KonradActionParsnip, how would you do that?00:11
Sir_KonradI can't find the .deb files on the CD.00:11
ActionParsnipSir_Konrad: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu00:11
DiamondciteSir_Konrad: I might be off topic.. but can't you get them from ubuntu directly? Is there a reason to need the CD?00:11
blackshirtyou can install it00:12
ActionParsnipSir_Konrad: you dont find the debs, you add the CD and the OS sorts them out for you00:12
Sir_KonradDiamondcite, slow internet connection. 250MB bandwidth.00:12
obengdakoSir_Konrad, it is possible if you have the alternative cd but the regular cd does not really have the packages just a pre pressed file system with the packages already installed /configured to run so get yourself the alternative cd or download them00:12
ActionParsnipSir_Konrad: alternatively: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Lucid00:12
Sir_Konradobengdako, so I need to get the alternative CD?00:12
obengdakoyep or just download at least to my knowledge anyone correct me if i'm wrong Sir_Konrad00:13
Sir_Konradobengdako, hmm... doesn't seem there's a KDE3 Alternative CD.00:14
blackshirtSir_Konrad: what your system installed and the cd you have ??00:14
ActionParsnipSir_Konrad: the PPA link I gave is much easier00:14
FuserHi i've a problem with thunderbird, i've an archive backup of thunderbird created with mozbackup but in ubuntu mozbackup dont work, how can i do to import backup ton thunderbird?00:14
Sir_KonradTo heck with it, I'll just get KDE400:14
blakkheimSir_Konrad: or debian00:15
Sir_KonradActionParsnip, right, but I would have to download it and I don't have the bandwidth.00:15
Sir_Konradblakkheim, I could but Ubuntu was hard enough to install on this Mac. :P00:15
Sir_Konradblakkheim, yeah it's hard to install on a Mac.00:16
obengdakoSir_Konrad, the dvd installs have lots of packages on them but anyway "to heck with it"00:16
blakkheimSir_Konrad: how so?00:16
sefo40HI. Can I install ubuntu on EYO netbook with arm architecture?00:16
sefo40by pendrive00:16
Sir_Konradblakkheim, I have to have 10MB between each drive or it overlaps, have to install a custom firmware hack, driver issues, etc.00:17
galadudei updated the drivers, but it still doesn't work00:17
blakkheimSir_Konrad: i've installed linux on my mac very easily with none of those problems00:17
Sir_Konradobengdako, yeah, I guess I should just give up the nostalgia of KDE300:17
Sir_Konradblakkheim, MacBookPro 5,5?00:17
blakkheimSir_Konrad: the latest macbook pro with i5 and 330m00:17
Sir_Konradblakkheim, Hmm... Strange. :\00:18
Sir_Konradblakkheim, how does the trackpad work for you?00:18
obengdakoSir_Konrad, well don't give up on that since i have a 7.0.. cd with packages for kde3 so i don't really worry about that00:18
sefo40Have u tried with Parallels? I'm running backtrack on my macbook black00:18
blakkheimSir_Konrad: i don't use linux on it anymore, but it worked alright when i did00:19
galadudewould someone help me change my resolution, i only have one option?00:19
aeon-ltdgaladude: try installing drivers for your card00:19
sefo40HI. Can I install ubuntu on EYO netbook with arm architecture?00:21
Sir_Konradobengdako, 7.0 of what?00:21
blakkheimsefo40: i don't think ubuntu supports arm anymore on the newer versions, but you have other options00:21
blakkheimsefo40: gentoo, freebsd, debian all have good ARM ports00:21
peepingtomubuntu supports arm9, no?00:22
obengdakoSir_Konrad, ubuntu 7.10 dvd install it has packages including the old kde300:22
sefo40I've tried to install gentoo and it didin't work.00:22
blakkheimsefo40: why not?00:23
sefo40I will try debian. Thanks dude00:23
blakkheimno prob00:23
sefo40It didnt run00:23
blakkheimthat's a pretty vague description, i can't be of much help00:23
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:23
sefo40Just didn't run00:24
Sir_Konradobengdako, ok. :P00:25
bazhangsefo40, lets take non-ubuntu chat to #ubuntu-offtopic please00:25
Sir_Konradobengdako, so I should just grab the Kubuntu 10.04 LTS Alternate ISO and use that to get KDE 4 on this box?00:25
Baba-B00iehello, i built a low end pentium 133mhz/64meg ram. i'm looking for some software to run in terminal. i never installed X1100:26
Jyggahi, i read on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicKoala/ReleaseNotes that a mysql 5.0 database should be removed before upgrading (on ubuntu server), the sentence is somehow misleading or something. Can i just have the update manager upgrade mysql to 5.1 and keep my databases as they are? there shouldnt be too much differences?00:26
Jyggaupgrading from 9.04 to  0.1000:27
Sir_KonradJygga, how about 10.04? LTS version.00:28
JyggaSir_Konrad im on 9.04 i cant directly go to 10.0400:28
NineTeen67CometJygga: I did an upgrade from 8.04 LTS to 10.04 LTS a few weeks ago and all seemed to have went well ..00:28
v0lksmanhello all!  any idea if it's safe to delete log files from /var/lib/awstats? will any of the stats be messed up from deleting them?00:29
NineTeen67CometJygga: I did notice a couple of my sites had some minor issues with the WordPress users, but it didn't take much to fix them ..00:29
v0lksmanthey seem to be copies of the apache logs00:29
rwwJygga: Yes, that's the default behavior. The release note is saying you have to do something special if you're upgrading manually with apt-get dist-upgrade.00:29
Jyggathank you NineTeen67Comet ill just back them up, close my eyes and hit return00:30
NineTeen67Cometgrin .. you using the cli to do the upgrade ..00:30
rww(so if you're upgrading correctly, with do-release-upgrade or update-manager, you're fine)00:30
Jyggai got no gui Oo00:30
ActionParsnipv0lksman: http://awstats.sourceforge.net/docs/awstats_config.html#PurgeLogFile00:30
Jyggayes thank you too rww :)00:31
unitedpotsmokersrww, the link u gave to me its only show how to upgrade maverick using cd... i dont have cd, but thumb drive00:31
NineTeen67CometJygga: as no server should .. mine are all headless too .. have fun .. I'm off to breakfast ..00:31
rwwunitedpotsmokers: Umm. You said you had "10.10 alternate cd". Alternate CDs can't be LiveUSBs, so you presumably either have the CD itself or an ISO of it, and the instructions I gave cover both.00:31
k-rad where does one download ubuntu 10.10.1 ?00:32
djzn36 million to 250 million00:32
magicianlord10.10.1 is out?00:32
k-radi thought so00:32
rwwk-rad: there is no 10.10.1; point releases are only made for LTSes, and 10.10 isn't an LTS.00:32
k-radi heard someone mention it00:32
magicianlordyeah, it's a better release00:32
djzni didn't find LTS to be a stable release00:33
v0lksmanActionParsnip, thanks.  ArchiveLogRecords...so the log files should be safe to delete (i hope..)  :)00:33
blackshirtyes, i don't think so00:33
unitedpotsmokersrww. yes i download 10.10 alternate cd. and i use "startup disk creator" extract the files to thumb drive..00:33
rwwunitedpotsmokers: then go back, get the ISO you used, and put that on the USB stick instead. No point in complicating things by making it a startup disk.00:35
uosiuhi all00:36
unitedpotsmokersrww... format the thumb drive, copy alternate 10.10.iso into pendrive, OK00:36
uosiuI have desktop PC with intel atom n330 and nV ION graphics- all in ubuntu 10.0400:36
aeon-ltduosiu: oooooookkkkkk ? and....00:36
uosiuWhen I use propertiary drivers from nV screen quality is very bad00:37
uosiulike 256 colors + no antialiasing00:37
uosiu46" TV connected through HDMI in 1920x108000:37
uosiuwhen I use drivers shipped "out of the box" screen quality is perfect00:38
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ActionParsnipuosiu: then you may need to use nvidia-settings to setup the screen00:39
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ActionParsnipuosiu: you may need to run: sudo nvidia-xconfig   then set the resolutions and such the card / TV combo can do00:39
Jyggai just finished an aptitude upgrade and it pulled a kernel update, telling me it requires a restart. Should i restart before do-release-upgrade?00:39
rwwJygga: can't hurt, and might avoid trouble later on, yes.00:40
Jyggai guess i better check grub before i do00:41
uosiuActionParsnip: nothing changed :(00:41
unitedpotsmokersrww, now i copy iso into thumb drive...00:42
ActionParsnipuosiu: if the open drivers work fine, i'd use them. Try some vids and such00:42
wolfric_are there any more complete /etc/services files?00:43
uosiuActionParsnip: I need h/w acceleration for web browser. It's advert station that displays info on TV placed on the wall00:43
wolfric_that don't just include rfc standard ports but others that are widely accepted00:43
ActionParsnipuosiu: then you may need to fight xorg.conf til you get a nice picture. See if there are any samples for your model etc.00:44
jstoone_Hi peeps, i'm running awesome as my wm and i'm looking for a sound contoller that works. Any good sugestions?00:46
dlijstoone_, pavucontrol ?00:46
jstoone_dli: cool i'll try that one!00:46
Ward|i tried setting up speech-dispatcher with festival but i can only get it to work with espeak, i edited the config to get the festival output module loaded and i also started afestival --server , went trough lots of docs, ... If anyone has experience with this, please let me know00:48
Ward|when i connect to the festivalserver manually it all works fine00:48
ScuniziI tar'd everything in my /etc/samba directory and then removed --purged samba.. on reinstall it did not install a default /etc/samba/smb.conf file .. why is that?00:48
okapi14i had enough of Marverick...time to delete it!!!00:49
abstrakthow do I get mp3 working?00:49
abstraktI just wanna listen to internet radio00:50
aborticidedoes ubuntu 10.04 live USB have tmpfs capabilities on it?00:50
abstraktbut I keep getting plugin not found in rhythmbox00:50
dliScunizi, apt-file search smb.conf , samba-common: /usr/share/samba/smb.conf00:50
aeon-ltdabstrakt: you need the plugins, they're in synaptics, under gstreamer00:50
pibarnasabstrakt: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras00:50
jstoone_dli: It works great thanks! Now I'm looking for a good Dvd player? I just inserted a DVD (A-Team) and dunno what's on the market (:00:50
dliaborticide, tmpfs has been in kernel for long, I guess yes00:50
djznhow to share a printer between two ubuntu, BUT with constant IP changes (sometimes computer one is and two is sometimes the reverse).....00:51
abstraktpibarnas, thing is, I did that00:51
Scunizidli: so there's 2 smb.conf files?00:51
dlijstoone_, mplayer, xine-ui, vlc, totem00:51
Scunizidli: suppose to be anyway?  one where you stated and one in /etc/samba ??00:51
aborticidedli: prove it00:51
dliScunizi, you want a default smb.conf, you can copy it to /etc/samba/00:51
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jstoone_dli: ah, totaly forgot I've got mplayer install already. Thanks again.00:52
Scunizidli: ok.. that's easy.. but then why wasn't it put there on the reinstall in the first place as a default?00:52
Ward|speech-dispatcher-festival is lying btw00:52
Ward|line in the /etc/init.d/festival file.00:53
Ward|that file does not exist..00:53
Ward|(makes sense since i never ever told festival to autoboot, not did i get a question about it on install)00:53
Scunizidli: /usr/share/samba doesn't exist on my system..00:54
abstraktpibarnas, any other ideas?00:55
pibarnasabstrakt: didn't that one work?00:56
dliScunizi, sudo apt-get install samba-common00:56
abstraktpibarnas, nope, I have the ubuntu-restricted-extras package, I did sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras and I'm looking at the thing in Synaptic right now and there's a nice semi-3D green square to the left of the name00:56
abstraktindicating it is installed00:56
misspapayaif I make a custom LiveCD/LiveDVD, is it legal to include ubuntu-restricted-extras?00:57
abstraktpibarnas, I've already rebooted00:57
pibarnasabstrakt: you just want to listen mp3? is that it?00:57
abstraktmisspapaya, read the license agreements for all the software00:57
abstraktpibarnas, well, specifically internet radio00:57
ActionParsnipmisspapaya: the restricted area legality is based on location, not customized install media00:57
andrewh192what's samba?00:57
abstraktpibarnas, but yes, I do have mp3s00:57
abstraktpibarnas, and also, the stream I listen to is mp300:57
ActionParsnipandrewh192: how windows and linux can communicate to share resources00:58
abstraktand I don't think they have .ogg or anything00:58
ActionParsnipogg ftw :)00:58
misspapayaActionParsnip: so I need to look up the legality for distribution for my location?00:58
abstraktmisspapaya, um, I don't know that the legality changes by location00:58
siber_hola alguien sabe como pasar un PDF a ODT incluyendo las imagenes00:58
abstraktmisspapaya, I think legality is legality in terms of software licenses00:59
lixin有说中文的吗 ?00:59
LjL!cn | lixin00:59
ubottulixin: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk00:59
LjL!es | siber_00:59
ubottusiber_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:59
NuxroHi. I'm trying to centralize auth and /home storage for a handful of ubuntu 10.10 workstations. I saw the /home part of it can be done using autofsldap, any suggestions as to how manage the authentication part?00:59
LjLabstrakt, misspapaya: legality of restricted extras is mostly legality in terms of *patents*, so it definitely depends on location00:59
nimbioticsHello all. I know this is a bit off topic but at&t does not give support for linux machines. This is my 1st time ever using DSL (I've always used cable) Is there anything I must know about DSL or PPoP that is not allowing me to have internet access once I connect my router? TIA!01:02
jgoppertIs it possible to have one rsa ssh key work with two names, on my local machione I'm user@localhost, and on this remote machine I'm user@remote, The remote machine is a hosting a git repository, and it keeps denying my login even though I gave it the public key for user@localhost, but it prompts for password of user@remote ?? help?01:04
abstrakthah, I figured it out, sorry, nm, laterz01:05
nimbioticsHello all. I know this is a bit off topic but at&t does not give support for linux machines. This is my 1st time ever using DSL (I've always used cable) Is there anything I must know about DSL or PPoP that is not allowing me to have internet access once I connect my router? TIA!01:06
CJOI used gparte dand I got a lot of errors for trying to resize a part of the extended partition which has the system fikles for windwos01:07
damnedyankeeHiya.  I'm a Lucid user trying to coax 3D acceleration out of an ATI card.  Can I get a hand?01:07
blakkheimdamnedyankee: sure, let me hand you an nvidia card01:07
damnedyankeeblakkheim: LOL If only.01:08
CJOit says this: it gave me this: http://yfrog.com/emscreenshot2ggp01:09
damnedyankeeOK, figured it was worth a shot.  Ciao, y'all.01:10
agamottoIs anyone here very good with networking under 10.04?01:11
aeon-ltd!ask | agamotto01:11
ubottuagamotto: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:11
blakkheimagamotto: i recognize your nick from cat501:12
CJOanyone know if my NTFSD part: is basically f####01:12
agamottoQ:  I have lost all networking after a hibernate/suspend in Ubuntu 10.04.1... I have tried the rm /~NetworkManager.state solution, no result... ideas?01:12
agamottoblakkheim, ya01:12
silverrockerhi, quick question. I would like to backup my hole internal harddisk to an external one (I have a sony vaio Z with raid 0) how can I do this I'd like to have an identical copy that I could restore later01:13
adam__anyone have a clue why I there's no "3d cube" with my compiz install?01:13
adam__I go to the desktop and scroll but nothing happens01:13
agamottosilverrocker, Use an imaging program such as Ghost 4 Linux or Clonezilla, it will copy whole drive01:13
silverrockeragamotto: I tried clonezilla but it says that I have to unmount the source (I havent mounted it)01:14
agamottosilverrocker, Now that is odd01:14
silverrockeragamotto: remeber that I have 4 ssd's in a raid 001:14
Ward|i tried setting up speech-dispatcher with festival but i can only get it to work with espeak, i edited the config to get the festival output module loaded and i also started afestival --server , went trough lots of docs, ... If anyone has experience with this, please let me know01:15
Ward|this is completely undocumented...01:15
agamottosilverrocker, Yah, I think you are out of my league with that one, sorry...01:15
Ward|also no docs whatsoever mentioning festival, except that it "is supported"01:15
adam__anyone have a clue why I there's no "3d cube" with my compiz install?01:15
silverrockeragamotto: do you know wheere I can go with my question?01:15
agamottosilverrocker, The forums would be my best guess, as I don't know much about RAID configs01:16
Ward|silverrocker, is the disk close to full?01:16
silverrockerWard|: close to empty01:16
Judaxsilverrocker: 4 SSDs in a RAID 0, max speed baby01:16
silverrockerJudax: I know rite XD01:16
nadeemis it safe to install the new ubuntu software center on my 10.401:16
Ward|silverrocker, oh, then dd is not a very good option since it will also save empty space01:17
Ward|silverrocker, are you from BE btw? lol01:17
silverrockerWard|: yes how do you know? zijt gij van uhasselt?01:17
Ward|silverrocker, i was01:17
agamottosilverrocker, As a joke, try the Partition Magic live cd... it has help me solve several problems... still not sure about the RAID bits, due to lack of experience with them01:17
misspapayasilverrocker: pipe dd through gzip01:18
NickHi fellas01:18
silverrockermisspapaya: should I dedicate an external drive for this?01:18
=== Nick is now known as Guest33415
misspapayasilverrocker: you can back up to a file if you want01:18
Judaxsilverrocker: hardware RAID or software RAID?01:19
silverrockerJudax: I'm not shure I think hardware01:19
misspapayasilverrocker: did you set up the RAID in ubuntu or in your bios?01:19
Judaxsilverrocker: Did you configure the RAID before the O/S?01:19
silverrockermisspapaya: it's preconfigured but I can see the raid in the bios01:20
NicolasHaving a bit of trouble with 10.10 netbook01:20
CJOI am getting errors from gparted and it says that the NTFS partitiion is corrupted becuase of ocrrupt partioning table or incorrect partioning01:20
DK_2does anyone else prefer opera browser, but have it crash alot in ubuntu? is there a fix (besides mozilla, heh) that i could try.01:20
Ward|fakeraid probably :s01:20
Nicolasopera's pretty buggy on anything but windows ive found01:20
CJOand that some op's may be unavailable01:20
silverrockermisspapaya: so I have sda sdb sdc and sdd, I should do dd if=/dev/sda | gzip output               and repeat for each drive?01:20
Nicolasa terminal window pops up on every login, anyone know how to disable that?01:21
misspapayasilverrocker: you could, it would generate a backup01:21
misspapayathat would compress out all the zeros01:21
Winkieso i installed maverick from scratch, and since then i've been having video playing issues with flash, totem and occasionally mplayer where the frames drop and eventually stop while the audio continues, it then roughly catches up for 30 seconds or so01:21
Winkienvidia drivers, release version, release version of everything else, all upgrades applied01:21
silverrockermisspapaya: and how would I restore it?01:21
Winkierunning twinview01:21
DK_2Nicolas: look in startup apps, make sure its not checked off01:21
misspapayasilverrocker: then to restore, decompress with gzip and pipe back to the devices from a liveCD01:22
NicolasCany anyone lend me an ear? easy problem im guessing01:22
Nicolasdk2 i tried that01:22
silverrockergzip output | dev/sda            like that?01:22
CJOheh all I wanted was to resize C: to install visual C++ 2010 express to do ARM7TDMI programming on the GBA platform01:22
DK_2Nicolas: ok, do a regular startup, close the terminal, check off "remember running apps" and try a restart?01:22
agamottoDK_2, I gave up on Opera for those reasons... nice, but useless for me01:22
DK_2agamotto: but i love opera so much01:23
DrkCodemani tried installing diffrent methods of ubuntu 10.10 and 10.4 to my computer and regardless when installation is complete it says restart, however it doesnt fully reboot the computer.   So when I cold boot when it comes up it has a blank screen with a flashing cursor apparantely there are several posts about this on the forums01:23
DK_2i used to pirate it when it wasnt free01:23
DK_2lonnnnng time ago01:23
nerdy_kidhello, I am trying to fix my ftp server and need to know, are the digits 39 68 port numbers in this message? "227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,2,39,68)"01:23
Ward|silverrocker, you cannot | (pipe) to a device/file you need to redirect to it (>)01:23
Nicolaswhere is remember apps again?01:23
DrkCodemanmy ram is good as is my hard drive and dvdrw01:23
DK_2Nicolas: same startup apps box01:23
DK_2 i think01:23
silverrockerWard| : gzip output > somefile and then dd if=somefile of=dev/sda01:24
Ward|silverrocker, you can do it in one go01:24
NicolasDK_2: I would simply see an entry as "terminal": in the startup apps dialoge right?01:24
CJOhow can I fix this : http://yfrog.com/emscreenshot2ggp01:24
silverrockerWard| : how?01:24
agamottoFrell... I suppose I will fetch my backups.... good thing I keep them up to date01:24
DK_2Nicolas: i believe so01:24
* agamotto waves01:24
NicolasOk, there isnt even an entry for it so i suppose that it is safe to say that isnt it01:25
DK_2agamotto im using IRC with opera browser right now01:25
DrkCodemani take it none of you know the answer01:26
dennis__at all01:26
dennis__my name is dennis01:27
NicolasDK_2: remember running apps is not it.01:27
dennis__it is possibile to change channel?01:27
Ward|silverrocker, sorry i was away for a moment01:27
dennis__i m new01:28
NicolasDK_@ got it, just had to hit the remember open apps button with the temrinal closed01:28
DK_2Nicolas: explain?01:28
bazhangdennis__, /join #channel01:28
Nicolasthanks a lot DK_201:28
DK_2np but it might not be fixed01:28
Nicolasin the start up apps settings01:28
DK_2restart ans check01:28
DrkCodemananyone else getting blank screen with cursor on 10.10????01:28
dennis__it exist a list of channel?01:28
Ward|silverrocker, you can also pipe to dd, you can try it with a usb stick for instance, to see how it works01:28
Nicolasoptions tab01:28
bazhangdennis__, /msg alis list *channelyouwant*01:28
dennis__where we come from01:28
Nicolasunder the remember open apps checkbox theres a button to remember open apps at that moment.01:28
bazhangdennis__, this is ubuntu support only. please go to #ubuntu-offtopic for chat01:29
Ward|silverrocker, so dd just needs of= (because the input is being given trough the pipe)01:29
NicolasDK_2 rebooting now to see if it worked01:29
DK_2Nicolas: correct, but youll hafta restart to see if it actually worked01:29
JudaxDrkCodeman: This an upgrade, or new install?01:29
hangfireIs there any way to see how many more installs apt is going to do during a large apt-get upgrade ?01:29
silverrockerWard| : ok thx, btw how are you :)01:29
DrkCodemanJudax: new install01:29
hangfire(while it is running)01:29
DK_2Nicolas: seems odd it wasnt in the startup apps01:29
DrkCodemanfresh install on my 250gb hd01:29
Ward|silverrocker, ok but still unemployed lol (i replied to the /msg btw)01:30
JudaxDrkCodeman: How many times have you installed?01:30
NicolasDK_2: We're good clean boot up01:30
NicolasDK_2: thanks for helping me out.01:30
DrkCodemanJudax: i attempted to clean install using 10.4 and 10.10 using both usb installer and iso image01:30
DK_2Nicolas: glad i could help01:30
JudaxDrkCodeman:  same results on both versions?01:31
DrkCodemanJudax: yes01:31
DrkCodemanJudax: also 32 bit and 64 bit01:31
DK_2DrkCodeman: what kind of puter?01:31
DrkCodemanDK_2: custom build01:31
DK_2specs? what chip01:31
JudaxDrkCodeman: gotta be a hardware component01:31
DrkCodemanDK_2: i build computers for a living for neocomputers.com and resell computer products01:31
DrkCodemanamd athlon 6400 dual core01:31
DK_2DrkCodeman:  so i assume your not an idiot01:32
DK_2thats always a good thing01:32
DrkCodemanDK_2: lol i try not to be one )01:32
DrkCodemanif i can type01:32
aeon-ltdDrkCodeman: this may take some time, but have you tried 43/64bit variants?01:32
hangfireaeon-ltd: I love 43 -bit computers :P01:32
DrkCodemanaeon-ltd: yes i said that a bit ago01:32
* aeon-ltd thinks touch typing is overrated01:33
DrkCodemanim trying to install right now with noapi swich01:33
DrkCodemansee if that changes anything01:33
JudaxDrkCodeman: good idea01:33
aeon-ltdDrkCodeman: more speculation that may have been covered already, clean disks? isos checked md5summed?01:34
DrkCodemanaeon-ltd: yeah01:34
JudaxDrkCodeman: Also, you build 'em, do a min-to-post on the box and add components from there01:34
DK_2DrkCodeman: silly question, but it works as a live cd, right?01:34
DrkCodemanDK_2: yes it boots from the live cd fine01:34
iuhkjhkhjklhhi at all01:34
DrkCodemanDK_2: its wierd though when it says installation is complete i hit reboot the screen goes blank but it doesnt actualy reboot01:35
DrkCodemandoes that on 10.4 and 10.1001:35
aronhow do enable mp3 support in k3b?01:35
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iuhkjhkhjklhhow to view the list of person in this chat?01:36
DK_2DrkCodeman:  when i install ubuntu i get a stream of input/output errors and it seems to freeze, but i hafta hit enter and all is good. (unrelated to your problem ofcourse)01:36
DrkCodemanalmost done installing with noapi01:36
iuhkjhkhjklhan how to change my name?01:36
DK_2iuhkjhkhjklh: depends on what your using to connect, but usually its on the right of this window01:36
aeon-ltdiuhkjhkhjklh: '/nick (yourname)'01:36
Guest77890how do enable mp3 support in k3b?01:36
hangfireiuhkjhkhjklh: "/nick BLAH"01:37
Draquliuhkjhkhjklh: /nick <name>01:37
DrkCodemanlol if i cant get ubuntu to install i will have to go with debian01:37
DrkCodeman9x builds work fine on my pc though of ubuntu01:37
hangfireDrkCodeman: what is the problem?01:37
nerdy_kidhello, I am trying to fix my ftp server and need to know, what are the 39 68 numbers in this message? "227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,2,39,68)"01:37
DrkCodemanhangfire: blank screen and a blinking cursor after installation01:37
DK_29x works on the same computer??01:38
iuhkjhkhjklh"/nick ing.dennis" nothing...01:38
hangfireDrkCodeman: in X or on a tty?01:38
aeon-ltdDrkCodeman: no grub?01:38
hangfireDrkCodeman: can yo u change to another tty?01:38
DrkCodemanyeah no grub01:38
hangfireDrkCodeman: Ah01:38
hangfireDrkCodeman: that's not a tty :P01:39
hangfireDrkCodeman: Do you get "Loading Grub" at all?01:39
DrkCodemanyeah i know its like it doesnt want to hit the init01:39
DrkCodemanit goes from prompt to a blank cursor blinking01:39
DrkCodemannothing else01:39
hangfireWhat prompt?01:39
DrkCodemanso it posts then blinking cursor01:40
Guest77890how do enable mp3 support in k3b?01:40
DrkCodemanprompt as in post01:40
hangfireGuest77890: Clearly, no one knows. Perhaps you can find a guide01:40
DrkCodemanit goes from post to blank screen and a blinking cursor01:40
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:40
hangfireDrkCodeman: can you select a drive to boot from (make sure that this is right)01:40
DrkCodemanyeah i have it is all correct just wont boot from it01:41
JudaxGuest77890: you see that?01:41
hangfireDrkCodeman: You may need to re-install grub to the MBR .. .but I'm surprised that you're not getting "No Operating System"01:41
DrkCodemani can do that from the live cd correct?01:41
ArtyGIf I installed something through apt-get, and then apt-get removed it and purged it to reinstall it, why do all of the configuration files that came with it the first time reappear?01:42
ArtyGI mean, why don't they reappear*01:42
ArtyGArg, I have a bad case of the stupid.01:42
bazhangGuest77890, sudo apt-get install libk3b6-extracodecs01:42
Guest77890Judax: see what?01:42
DK_2ArtyG:  heh01:42
bazhanghttp://kubuntuguide.org/Maverick#K3b_.28CD.2FDVD_burner.29  Guest7789001:43
hangfireDrkCodeman: yes. boot the livecd, then you will need to chroot into your install to run grub-install01:43
ArtyGIt would make sense if they came back, but they don't :|01:43
DK_2ArtyG:  your saying, you installed something, set it up, uninstalled it, and reinstalled it but the way you set it up isint the same?01:43
hangfireIs there any way to estimate how long an ongoing apt-get upgrade is going to take?01:44
JudaxGuest77890: The ubottu on multimedia01:44
ArtyGNo, I mean, when it first installed it created a file that had the passwords for the program in it, which I need. When I uninstalled it because something happened to that file, I reinstalled it, but the passwords file didn't come back.01:44
bazhangGuest77890, I just gave you what to install01:44
DK_2ArtyG: so when you uninstalled it, the passwords were deleted?01:45
scoatesis there a way to make `apt-get install (bunch of packages)` continue even if it hits "E: Couldn't find package" ?01:45
milvertonhangfire: Why it can be need?01:45
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ArtyGBasically, the application is a server that writes its default passwords to a file when it's first installed, then you use those to log in and change the passwords.01:45
ArtyGWhen I uninstalled and reinstalled it, the passwords file wasn't made this time around, so I can't log in.01:45
FruitBasketI have a package, openfire, that _requires_ one of sun-java[56]-jre, but works great with openjdk 6 headless. Nevertheless, despite having forced its installation it's now demanding I remove it any time I want to work with any other packages. Is there a way I can tell it to permanently disregard that requirement?01:46
FruitBasketgot it.. just edit "available" and "status" and remove the lines. Cool :-)01:48
DK_2FruitBasket:  heh glad i could help01:48
CJOCnaI get some help01:49
CJO*Can I get some help01:49
bazhangCJO, ask a question01:49
CJOI get his error using gpart on a ntfs partition that's a section of the exteneded partiton as you can see01:50
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CJOhave a fuckeried my ntfs partition or can I fix the table01:52
CJOif that's a problem even01:52
Guest77890bazhang: Thank You01:52
con-manis there a way I can install win7 without busticating my boot sector?  if not, is there a way I can easily repair the bootsector after the fact01:53
con-manI like linux and Im installing win7 only cause Ive been boxed in to a corner on a couple things01:53
Judaxcon-man: no, but it can be fixed01:53
con-manJudax, easily01:54
Judaxcon-man: yes, go to ubuntu forums and look for reinstall grub, etc01:54
Judaxcon-man: windows 7 dual boot, etc01:54
con-manJudax, Imma try a vmware image instead01:55
Judaxcon-man: I have done it numerous time, just not at my local resource at the moment01:55
con-manJudax, my work issued iPhone requires me to install itunes01:56
Ward|i tried setting up speech-dispatcher with festival but i can only get it to work with espeak, i edited the config to get the festival output module loaded and i also started afestival --server , went trough lots of docs, ... If anyone has experience with this, please let me know01:56
bazhang!grub2 | con-man01:56
ubottucon-man: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:56
Judaxcon-man: Grub2 is real good about recognizing Win7, just a matter of reinstall01:57
ActionParsnipcon-man: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/reinstall-ubuntu-grub-bootloader-after-windows-wipes-it-out/01:57
Ward|con-man, if you really want to you can also add an entry in the windows bootloader for grub (but grub first is preferable in most cases)01:58
ownerhey guys01:59
owneri need help01:59
owneri was trying to install drivers for my video (nvidia) and i got it open but it says i need to do so with root02:00
Judaxowner: sudo02:00
con-manowner, sudo is your friend02:00
ownerim new so what do i do just type in terminal sudo and then drag the file over?02:00
con-manowner, example: http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/sandwich.png02:01
ActionParsnipowner: no, whatever command you are using, launch it with sudo. If you are installing nvidia drivers they are on the repos02:01
con-manowner, you type sudo before the command.  example: sudo rpm -ivh driver.rp,02:02
con-manowner, you type sudo before the command.  example: sudo rpm -ivh driver.rpm02:02
Boardinaryis there anything like evince but with tabs?02:02
Ward|owner, if the file is executable that will work02:02
Ward|draging it to the terminal02:02
owneri downloaded it straight from the nvidia site witch are the updated ones the drivers on the updater their the old ones02:02
ActionParsnipBoardinary: the acrobat reader from adobe may do it02:02
smacktalksudo apt-get doesn't work with tomahawk...02:02
ActionParsnipowner: there are PPAs with newer02:03
con-manowner, restricted drivers should be available on the default ubuntu install, is there any reason you need to download from nvidias site?02:03
ownertheir newer02:03
BoardinaryActionParsnip, havn't tried acroread in like 2 years02:03
smacktalktomahawk is an ips tester...any recommended alternatives?02:03
BoardinaryActionParsnip, didn't like how slow it was compared to evince02:04
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ownerlike i said im new at this and dont know what sudo and everything else does02:04
ActionParsnipBoardinary: might be worth a shot02:04
con-man owner whats the file extension of the driver?02:04
con-manowner O_O02:04
ActionParsnipowner: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/06/how-to-install-nvidia-25635-display.html02:05
con-manowner, its not rpm, deb, bin or anything like that?02:05
ActionParsnipcon-man: file extensions dont mean much in linux02:05
con-manActionParsnip, rpm and deb are vastly different02:05
jchello,morning friends02:05
Judaxowner: you should be able to do a "sudo ./nvidia-command.sh", where nvidia-command.sh is the name of the file, been a while but I have downloaded from their site, but that is what I recall02:06
ActionParsnipcon-man: sure but if you rename an rpm to .deb and ask file what it is, it will tell you its the same type of file as when it was named .rpm02:06
ActionParsnipcon-man: same with images02:06
con-manowner, then open a terminal, type "sudo su" enter password when prompted, then drag the ".run" to the terminal02:06
ActionParsnipowner: if you want to do it the hard way and use that file you can boot to root recovery mode and run it there after chmodding it executable02:06
bazhangcon-man, no need for sudo su, please dont recommend it02:06
con-manbazhang, you can drop it to a non root terminal?02:07
Ward|con-man, ... duh02:07
ActionParsnipcon-man: yes rpm are differenmt but the difference is not just the file extension, they are meaningless. Like those people who think bash scripts need to end in .shwhen they dont02:07
bazhangcon-man, sudo -i for a root shell02:07
BoardinaryActionParsnip, where does acroread install its launcher?02:07
con-manbazhang, sudo su does the same thing as sudo -i?02:08
CJOis this fixale is what i am wondering : http://yfrog.com/emscreenshot2ggp02:08
bazhangcon-man, no02:08
_Neytiri_i am having issues with my sound card02:08
con-manbazhang, im interested to know, whats the diff?02:08
ActionParsnipBoardinary: the binary will be in /opt02:08
_Neytiri_it isnt showing up correctly02:09
ActionParsnipowner: if you add this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/ppa   you can use software centre to install the 260 driver02:09
Ward|i tried setting up speech-dispatcher with festival but i can only get it to work with espeak, i edited the config to get the festival output module loaded and i also started afestival --server , went trough lots of docs, ... If anyone has experience with this, please let me know02:09
ActionParsnipowner: ok that ppa doesnt support lucid or maverick, depends which release you have. If yuo use the .bin file you will need to rerun it after each new kernel02:11
dksoba2010Hi. I recently installed Ubuntu 10.10 with kernel 2.6.35. Kernel 2.6.35 won't boot with acpi on my computer (Dell T3500). The solution seems to be to use kernel version 2.6.32 (per this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1595809). How can I downgrade my kernel to that version?02:12
CJOERROR: Current NTFS volume is bigger than the device size02:12
ActionParsnipCJO: boot to a windows OS and checkdisk the partition02:13
taiyalwhere's the new SMB mount location?02:14
taiyalit doesn't seem to be ~/.gvfs anymore02:14
anuphello my friends02:15
anupGood Morning02:15
ActionParsniptaiyal: mount a samba share then run:02:15
DrkCodemanany easy guides to reinstalling grub2?02:15
ActionParsniptaiyal: mount02:15
DrkCodemanand why should i have to reinstall grub lol that is a distro problem02:15
view666hello everyone02:15
anupcan i expect my friends help me02:15
Judaxanup: greetings02:16
ActionParsnipDrkCodeman: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/reinstall-ubuntu-grub-bootloader-after-windows-wipes-it-out/02:16
view666nice tomeet you02:16
Sarajevonever join #ubuntu-women02:16
Sarajevowomen there are really mean to guys02:16
taiyalActionParsnip: it only lists fuse on /home/user/.gvfs02:16
anupthis is my facebook page02:16
Sarajevoi think it's a secret sect or smth02:16
DrkCodemanActionParsnip: im not running windows period lol02:16
bazhangSarajevo, offtopic stop it02:16
taiyalit doesn't list individual shares02:16
ActionParsnipDrkCodeman: then why use crappy NTFS??02:16
DrkCodemanim not02:16
taiyaldid Canonical decide to make SMB even more "magical" in 10.10?02:17
anupi want my friends u to join in my facebook page02:17
DrkCodemangrub didnt install correctly from 10.1002:17
taiyalI think Nautilus might be managing SMB through its own means02:17
DrkCodemanor 10.402:17
anupand share ur valuable knowledge over there02:17
bazhanganup, dont paste here02:17
Boardinarygnome-xchat needs proper ubuntu indicator support02:17
bazhanganup, its offtopic02:17
taiyalwouldn't be a problem if Ubuntu applications actually saw Nautilus' network shares, but they don't, so you have to make symlinks to them02:18
anupbut won't u help me02:18
ActionParsnipanup: this is support, not frecruitment for some facebook nonsense. please take non support questions to #ubuntu-offtopic thanks02:18
bazhanganup, then ask a question, dont give facebook links here02:18
ActionParsniptaiyal: you can always add the mount in /etc/fstab02:18
ActionParsniptaiyal: or have a bash script to mount the share02:18
taiyalSo Nautilus is managing SMB via its own means then?02:18
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ActionParsniptaiyal: no idea, i don't use it, it's too slow02:19
taiyalI mean, I can access the files through Nautilus but can't perform any command-line operations on them02:19
ownernow it says i appear to be running an x server and it wants me to exit before installing the driver02:19
taiyalhehe this is even worse than Canonical's decision to use gvfs in the first place (where root magically can't stat the gvfs directory)02:19
taiyalalright, thanks for your time02:19
DrkCodemanmeh fsck 10x ill stick with 9x02:20
TGP1994Hi everyone. I'm trying to connect to a local computer's MySQL server (run on Ubuntu 10.04) but I keep getting an error 10061, with not much indication as to what exactly is wrong. This occurs when I try to open a connection. I'm trying to log into a user I created, which has privelages in only one database. Can anyone help me in diagnosing what's wronG?02:20
GhoneAnyone here know anything about clams?  I was given a hundred clams today, so I chucked them in the water when at 40°01'31 N by 74°06'36 W and am very curious what their chances of survival are.02:21
bazhang!ot | Ghone02:21
ubottuGhone: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:21
Teejay__Hi, I have ubuntu 10.40 LTS installed on my Pentium 4 2.8ghz system and when I update the kernel, it sometimes goes into an information screen and I have to restart the computer02:22
unitedpotsmokersrww, help02:22
ActionParsnipTeejay__: thats right, you need to reboot to boot to the new kernel02:23
rwwunitedpotsmokers: with?02:23
Teejay__this happens even after I restart the computer02:23
rwwubottu: pm | unitedpotsmokers02:23
Teejay__how do I make the system boot to the new kernel02:23
ubottuunitedpotsmokers: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.02:23
ActionParsnipTeejay__: so after you reboot you are told the OS needs to reboot?02:23
Teejay__I have done that02:24
unitedpotsmokersrww, i upgrade but got error msg... http://www.imagebam.com/image/b203cb10442181502:24
Teejay__rebooted the OS after the updates02:24
ActionParsnipTeejay__: its automatic, the OS will (without any changes) boot the newesty kernel02:24
GhoneWell.... I suppose if they survive I could dig them up in springtime and arrange them in the form of an Ubuntu logo for a desktop background picture......02:24
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bazhangGhone, stop it02:24
unitedpotsmokersrww, what do you think?02:24
TGP1994What is that guy talking about?02:24
ownerim installing a nvidia video driver and it says im running an x server and wants me to close before i install the driver what do i do?02:24
=== zymban is now known as yokomoto
mbroekerowner, do you use the nvidia-installer from the nvidia website?02:25
Ward|i tried setting up speech-dispatcher with festival but i can only get it to work with espeak, i edited the config to get the festival output module loaded and i also started afestival --server , went trough lots of docs, ... If anyone has experience with this, please let me know02:25
mbroekerowner, tell me why!!!02:25
rwwunitedpotsmokers: Not sure, I'm not that great at dependency problems in upgrades. Try asking the rest of the channel.02:25
Ward|mbroeker, lol he said "they are newer"02:26
ownerbecause they are the new drivers the ones on the updater are old02:26
Ward|owner, why do you need newer drivers?02:26
JudaxNewer = better!!!02:27
ownerbecause i want them updated02:27
obsidiethhas anyone used ubuntu on a dell inspiron?02:27
DK_2i have a file "ioUrbanterror.i386 on my windows partition "C:\" drive of a dual boot. Ive navigated there with terminal and cant change the permissions. i forget how ive done it before but i suspect it was with a gksudo nautilus and a gui. that isint working with maverick tho.02:27
obsidiethits making mine run a *lot* hotter than windows ever did.02:27
mbroekerowner, it works perfectly. but you have to maintain your setup02:27
Ward|unitedpotsmokers, did you install any debs from websites or anything like that? any debs not from the repo's02:27
hblounthi. i recently installed lubuntu on a usb drive and accidentally installed grub on it. after i did that, it removed grub from my harddrive and i could only boot from usb. but someone helped me and i fixed so grub is on my harddrive again.but now i can't boot from usb. anyone know whats wrong? the usb should have grub on it too02:28
ownerwhat do you mean?02:28
unitedpotsmokersWard|, yes.. a lot02:28
mbroekerowner, and if you are not able to stop and restart your X server to fullfill the installation, drop it. ubuntus version saves you from reading many docs02:28
Ward|owner, i can almost promise you the performance difference will be minimal if not unmeasurable02:28
unitedpotsmokersWard|, disable them 1st?02:28
Ward|unitedpotsmokers, i'm afraid that's the problem then, like the error message says02:28
dliobsidieth, you may want to use something like: cpufrequtils02:28
canadian_glennobsidieth:  I have an Inspiron 1520, and I havn't noticed any difference with heat...02:29
unitedpotsmokersso need to remove?02:29
dliobsidieth, also, play with power-manager02:29
Ward|unitedpotsmokers, i think you actually need to remove them, also extra repositories if you use any of those02:29
ownerthe thing is im going to be installing games here soon02:29
unitedpotsmokersi try02:29
canadian_glennI have noticed that when I boot, usually the cpu is set for the max speed.02:29
Ward|unitedpotsmokers, i'm not 100% sure though02:29
Ward|unitedpotsmokers, but make a backup before you try to upgrade02:30
unitedpotsmokersits OK Ward| , i try 1st02:30
dlicanadian_glenn, so, you may want cpufreq control02:30
unitedpotsmokersyes, i backup using dejadup02:30
unitedpotsmokersthanks Ward|02:30
canadian_glenndli: already use it... thanks....02:30
Ward|unitedpotsmokers, no prob, try reading the error enxt time though :-p02:31
dlicanadian_glenn, powertop from intel is another idea02:31
_Neytiri_I am having issues with my sound card not showing up properly02:31
canadian_glenndli: I was looking at that, but haven't gotten around to actually using it.02:31
Ward|unitedpotsmokers, what dock is that btw? kibadock or something else?02:32
DK_2i have a file "ioUrbanterror.i386" on my "C:\" drive of a dual boot. Ive navigated there with terminal and cant change the permissions to execute. i forget how ive done it before but i suspect it was with a gksudo nautilus and a gui. that isint working with maverick tho.02:32
unitedpotsmokersWard|, Docky :)02:32
DK_2chmod duhhhh02:32
unitedp0tsmokersWard|, Docky :)02:33
Jyggawow that upgrade went impressingly smooth02:33
Ward|uni4dfx, yeah i read, i'll check it sometime, i used to have kibadock which was very nice aswell, worked very good with compiz02:33
Ward|anyone experiences with festival or speech-dispatcher ?02:35
Ward|uni4dfx, sorry wrong highlight02:35
Ward|unitedp0tsmokers, yeah i read02:36
skumaraplease help me upgrade ubuntu from 10.04 to 10.10. I get this error. http://pastebin.com/kfYsSC1G02:36
asuka-fagjoin #ayako@irc.rizon.net02:37
taiyalis there any way to get Nautilus' SMB share mounting mechanism to revert to the old behavior and mount the shares in ~/.gvfs?02:37
blakkheimasuka-fag: real smooth02:37
asuka-fagJOIN #ayako@irc.rizon.net02:37
LavagolemkingIs there a way to undo an apt-get upgrade?02:37
unitedp0tsmokersDocky & Freeza Icons02:38
DraqulLavagolemking: reinstall02:38
HapticI accidently removed the menus on my folders. If there any way of getting them back?02:38
dliLavagolemking, may not be recommended, but upgrade your sources.list, apt-get update;apt-get dist-upgrade02:38
man0Lavagolemking, unfortunelly "time-machine" not exist in linux -_-02:38
taiyalis there any way to get Nautilus' SMB share mounting mechanism to revert to the old behavior and mount the shares in ~/.gvfs?02:38
LavagolemkingStupid openjdk is segfaulting after an automatic update last night, and now I can't run eclipse which is required for a project due Monday.02:39
DraqulLavagolemking: purge the faulty package and attempt a reinstall?02:40
Bilzwhen i put sudo shutdown -h +50 in terminal i dont get a confirmation thats it set to shutdown, it just hangs after it asks me for the pw. it was working not too long ago, and it still shutdowns in 50 minutes. anyone know how to fix it#?02:40
yokomotoor use the sun version until it's fixed02:40
mrnelson1986is there an easy way to "unencrypt" my home folder in ubuntu 10.10?02:40
LavagolemkingDraqul: Can you compare/contrast this with apt-get remove/install?02:40
Lavagolemkingman0: I was hoping to stick with the LTS version.02:40
DraqulBilz: you do not get your bash prompt back?02:41
DraqulLavagolemking: you mean commands? sudo apt-get purge openjdk && sudo apt-get install openjdk (or whatever is giving you a hassle)02:41
dliLavagolemking, can you do "apt-get update" successfully02:41
yokomotoshutdown -c02:41
Bilzhow do you mean?02:42
BilzDraqul, how do u mean? i have to ctrl+c to get back to bash02:42
ActionParsnipLavagolemking: running an update on something that works, especially near a deadline is a really bad idea02:42
skumaraplease help me upgrade ubuntu from 10.04 to 10.10. I get this error. http://pastebin.com/kfYsSC1G02:42
Lavagolemkingdli: apt is working normally as far as I can tell. I just tried apt-get remove/install openjdk, eclipse, and anything related.02:42
Lavagolemkingyokomoto: What's the package name for the sun version?02:42
DraqulBilz: that's what I was asking. That's odd...02:43
mrnelson1986is there an easy way to "unencrypt" my home folder in ubuntu 10.10?02:43
LavagolemkingActionParsnip: I had security updates set to run automatically. It happened overnight while I was in bed.02:43
nothingspecialBilz: If something works, it does it. It only tells you if it doesn`t workj02:43
dliskumara, can you run apt-get update?02:43
ActionParsnipskumara: can you give the output of:  sudo apt-get update02:43
Hapticis there a way I could get the menus to show up again on my folders?02:43
ActionParsnipLavagolemking: i see02:43
yokomotoLavagolemking, you need to enable the Partners repository. The package name is something like sun-jre-v#02:43
ActionParsnipskumara: use:  http://pastie.org  to give the output02:43
Draqulnothingspecial: but he's not getting his bash prompt back - it just hangs after he enters the command.02:43
canadian_glennlavagolemking:  here is a link: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-install-sun-java-runtime-environment-jre-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html.  It also works on meerkat02:43
Bilznothingspecial, no. only last week it was working and it would say system is getting ready to halt or whatever it was02:44
Lavagolemkingyokomoto: We're talking about the development kit (javac), not the runtime environment, right?02:44
nothingspecialBilz: command ?02:44
yokomotoBilz, if you want to run a shutdown in 50+ minutes in the background, call the command with & at the end. 'shutdown -h +50 &;02:44
Veatlewere there major issues with updates to 10.04 this week?02:44
_Neytiri_can i please get some help with my sould card not shoeing up properly02:44
dliLavagolemking, you can not use icedtea, right?02:44
Veatlei updated my netbook and have hhad nothing but networking troubles ever since02:44
Bilzyokomoto, i dont want to call it in the background02:44
Bilznothingspecial, sudo shutdown -h +5002:44
yokomotoLavagolemking, Just replace jre with jdk. sun-jdk-v#02:45
Draqul_Neytiri_: more detail please02:45
DraqulBilz: why not?02:45
_Neytiri_it is a digital and analog card only showing up as analog02:45
BilzDraqul, because I call it before i go to sleep, i have no need to call it in the background02:45
yokomotoLavagolemking, if you enable the repository, and then do an apt-get update, it will show up in the search results in synaptic. Or you can do a apt-cache search sun-jdk02:45
Veatlei am connected to a wireless network 10.04 up to date, asus eee pc, the network is connected was working an hour ago, is not working now02:45
skumaradli, ActionParsnip http://pastebin.com/nJHEBgbe02:45
nothingspecialBilz: at02:45
dli_Neytiri_, do you see your cards in 'cat /proc/asound/cards'?02:45
Veatlei am connected but cant even ping02:45
_Neytiri_and its a 8.1 and not all the outputs are showing up and neither are the inputs02:45
Lavagolemkingdli: Forgive the naive question, but what is icedtea?02:45
ActionParsnipVeatle: what updates did you add?02:45
Bilznothingspecial, what?02:45
nothingspecialBilz: man at02:46
ActionParsnipLavagolemking: an open implementation of java02:46
_Neytiri_dli,  yes  0 [Intel          ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel02:46
_Neytiri_                      HDA Intel at 0xcfdb8000 irq 4102:46
mbroekericetea is the openjdk java browser plugin, Lavagolemking02:46
yokomotoBilz, then what is it you're trying to do? if you don't put it in the background, your terminal will be waiting for it to finish executing which won't happen for 50 minutes...02:46
DraqulLavagolemking: you don't know the answer right? Then it's not simple, or stupid, etc. =) We're here to help.02:46
dliskumara, upgrade your sources.list to 10.10 and try again02:46
Veatleicedtea is a package of free java fillins for ip constrained java stuff like font rasterizers and encryption algorythms lavagolemking02:46
view666who has spotify account02:46
Veatleactionparsnip: i updated to whatever was normal to update this week in 10.0402:46
Draqul!ask | view66602:47
ubottuview666: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:47
Bilzyokomoto, i realise that. it just bugs me that there is no confirmation that it is going to shutdown in 50 minutes after i run the command, which is did just last week.02:47
ActionParsnipview666: i have a free unlimited one02:47
skumaradli how to upgrade source list.?02:47
dliLavagolemking, open source java: sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk02:47
Bilznothingspecial, thanks, but the command does work. its just the missing confirmation. the computer will still shutdown02:47
Veatleactionparsnip i am using 2 10.04 machines right now on the same network, and the asus sees and signed onto the network but is doing nothing02:47
ActionParsnipVeatle: check in /var/cache/apt/archives  you may have got a new kernel and your wireless may need configuring for the newer kernel02:47
yokomotoBilz, then use the command 'read' and do a shutdown if the answer is yes02:47
ActionParsnipVeatle: can you ping
nothingspecialYou want conformation at shutdown?02:48
dli_Neytiri_, and intel-hda is your sound card, right?02:48
ActionParsnipVeatle: ok then run:  sudo lshw -C network   and websearch for guides based on the product line02:48
LavagolemkingActionParsnip: Here's what happened with regard to updates and whatnot: http://pastebin.com/gwCWMG6802:48
_Neytiri_dli,  its the built in one yes02:48
Bilznothingspecial, no. nothingspecial, if you run sudo shutdown -h +50 what happens in your terminal?02:48
diegoo hai02:48
diegohow do you mask your ip02:49
Veatleavahi autoipd actionparsnip02:49
Bilznothingspecial, it doesnt matter anyway, i need sleep now and this probably isnt the time to try and fix it02:49
DaZdiego: get a cloak02:49
nothingspecialBilz: Try -m02:49
obsidiethdli: it seems to be scaling itself down to 1.202:49
Veatlepcisysfs actionparsnip02:49
Bilzhold on02:49
obsidieththe gnome power management aplet is set to 'ondemand'02:49
* Draqul wants a cloak with Tux smashing a window with a hammer.02:49
obsidiethbut would cpufrequtil be superior02:50
ActionParsnipVeatle: give it time02:50
yokomotoBilz, su -c 'read -p "Shut down?"  -n 1; [[ $REPLY ]] && shutdown -h +50;'02:50
dli_Neytiri_, I suppose you are using pulseaudio by default, install pavucontrol: sudo apt-get install pavucontrol02:50
Veatleoh there it goes02:50
diegonvm its not that important02:50
Veatlewhat is the lshw command?02:50
ActionParsnipVeatle: you have a slow pci bus so it took ssome time02:50
Bilznevermind guys. thanks for trying to help!02:50
yokomotoactually, use $REPLY == 'y'02:50
_Neytiri_dli, apt-get install pavucontrol02:51
dliskumara, I suppose you can use ubuntu-software-center, but I usually edit /etc/apt/sources.list02:51
yokomotoor $REPLY ~=  ^[yY]02:51
=== jefferson_ed is now known as jokoono
_Neytiri_dli, pavucontrol is already the newest version02:51
diegoSo... what do you guys do when your tired and want more energy?02:51
dli_Neytiri_, run as user (or from menu): pavucontrol02:51
yokomotodiego, coffee :)02:51
Draquldiego: sudo apt-get install 5-hour-energy02:51
dli_Neytiri_, check "Output devices", "Configuration"02:51
diego:) lol02:51
diegono coffee bad02:52
jokoonodiego, We compile the kernel02:52
diegocaffine evil02:52
yokomotono more '2 o clock feeling' my ass!02:52
DraqulCompiling your own kernel makes you feel like a real man. lol02:52
diegocompiling anything would make me sleepy02:52
Draqul!language \ yokomoto02:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:52
Draqul!language | yokomoto02:52
ubottuyokomoto: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:52
psusiapt-get moo02:52
_Neytiri_dli its showing up as a analog only card02:52
yokomotoapologies. :|02:52
obsidiethdli: hardware limits: 1.20 GHz - 2.00 GHz02:52
skumaradli can u guide me. i'm new02:52
obsidiethwont clock down any lower.02:52
Veatledid they really screw up atheros recently or something?02:53
Draqulsudo apt-get install hot-cocoa02:53
dli_Neytiri_, but you want digital, like HDMI, DisplayPort?02:53
no--namesudo porn-get install *02:53
dliskumara, then, I suggest you to launch ubuntu-software-center from menu, and go to Edit->Sources02:54
rwwubottu: tell no--name about guidelines02:54
ubottuno--name, please see my private message02:54
_Neytiri_dli,  it has a rca style digital input and output connection02:54
diegoanybody use any dual monitor display managers? i was using display fusion when i used windows...02:54
* csmith1994 loves when people use ubottu02:54
yokomotothe default gnome display manager handles dual monitors ok for me02:54
skumaradli i already done. how to proceed further?02:54
dliobsidieth, and you can set your policy in /etc/init.d/cpufrequtils, GOVERNOR="ondemand"02:55
ActionParsnip!dualhead | diego02:55
ubottudiego: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama02:55
Sean93manycam alternative for linux?02:55
diegoYoko yea its good but no farkles02:55
obsidiethdli its using on demand by itself, thats its default mode.02:55
DraqulEclipse or VIM?02:55
dli_Neytiri_, can you find that in Configuration?02:55
obsidiethsits at 1.2GHz most of the time.02:55
diegothanks action ill check it out02:55
ActionParsnipSean93: what does it do, you cant expect us to know every software ever02:55
yokomotofair enough :)02:55
obsidiethits like the fan isnt triggering or something, could i manually enable it?02:55
diego: )02:56
_Neytiri_dli,  nope its all analog options02:56
dliskumara, sudo apt-get update02:56
Sean93ActionParsnip: http://www.manycam.com/. I can be so forgetfull somethimes :P02:56
dli_Neytiri_, then, I suppose it's a kernel issue :(02:56
=== jokoono is now known as linux_kernel
_Neytiri_dli, the audio card is Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 03)02:56
_Neytiri_is there a way i can fix that02:56
linux_kernel_Neytiri_: Try get help on alsa developers02:57
dli_Neytiri_, I don't even know what rca is :( my intel-hda has HDMI, and it's in pavucontrol auto02:57
diegoAny one have their linux + cert or is in the process of getting it ?02:57
dlilinux_kernel, do you mean the so called rca is not supported by alsa yet?02:58
ActionParsnipdiego: thats offtopic here02:58
skumaradli i'm in the souces list window. cannot enter http://archive.ubuntu.com maverik meerkat02:59
dliskumara, if you can do apt-get update, then, try to find release upgrade in software center02:59
linux_kerneldli: what's you mean on rca?02:59
_Neytiri_dli,  rca is the style of connection for the digital on the motherboard02:59
ActionParsnipdiego: this is support only, other ubuntu related stuff is in #ubuntu-offtopic02:59
diegois Actionparsnip a bot?02:59
diegooh ok thanks02:59
ActionParsnipdiego: no, i'm a dude, ubottu is the bot02:59
dli_Neytiri_, skumara , sorry, got to run, ask your questions to the channel02:59
diegooh do you somtime wish you were a bot?03:00
skumaradli ok. thanks03:00
taiyalis there any way to get Nautilus' SMB share mounting mechanism to revert to the old behavior and mount the shares in ~/.gvfs?03:00
ActionParsnipdiego: nar, i know more than ubottu :)03:00
diegolol k thanx03:01
linux_kernel<taiyal> use old nautilos ))03:01
LavagolemkingNo luck. It looks like I'll have to hope it works in Windows until I have time to reinstall.03:01
taiyallinux_kernel: I might try doing so, if downgrading doesn't break a dependency chain03:02
taiyalAnd speaking of which, another annoyance about 10.10, how can one get apt to stop deciding it needs to give package replacements?03:03
taiyalI was surprised to be prompted with the installation of 5 packages today when I tried to remove scim03:03
streamexHello world!03:03
streamexDoes anyone have a good wep cracking guide?03:03
linux_kernel<taiyal> why break? resolve dependencies manually03:03
streamexlinux_kernel, Hey...do you have a good wep cracking guide?03:04
taiyallinux_kernel: This is Ubuntu. Stray too far from the canonical path, and everything falls apart.03:04
linux_kernelstreamex, WEP? why not WPA?03:04
streamexlinux_kernel, well, i dont have any wpa networks around03:04
bazhangstreamex, offtopic here. please dont ask03:04
streamexbazhang, i think aircrack ng is connected to ubuntu, linux-wide )03:05
mister-walterHas anyone gotten LIRC to work on a Macbook Pro using a different remote than the Apple Remote?03:05
Sean93ActionParsnip: any ideas on a manycam alternative?03:05
bazhangstreamex, #aircrack-ng   but they wont help you with cracking wifi.03:06
streamexbazhang, i didnt say HELP03:06
bazhangstreamex, just stop03:06
streamexbazhang, i need a guide03:06
ActionParsnipSean93: no idea, looks a bit like a kids app03:06
Sean93ActionParsnip: what i used it for in windows was to stream my desktop or a video as my webcam03:07
ActionParsnipSean93: vlc can stream videos as can mplayer03:08
Sean93ActionParsnip: how would i stream them as a webcam? Manycam made programs think you had you webcam plugged in03:09
DragonKeeperive installed unrealircd and managed to get it to run with 0 errors   but how do i get it on the internet    do i need to forward ports on my router ?03:09
=== kevin_ is now known as Kevindeuxieme
Jyggahm only thing that didnt survive the dist upgrade was the webmin postgresql module apparently03:09
linux_kernelsomebody can tell me there is some PPA with very fresh kernels exist?03:09
canadian_glennSean93:  try this link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=71333503:11
ActionParsniplinux_kernel: use at your own risk:03:11
linux_kernelActionParsnip, what exactly?03:12
ActionParsniplinux_kernel: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/   we do NOT support these kernels so you will be flying on your own03:12
canthus13Anyone know of an audio app that can take the audio output and feed it back into line-in?03:12
taiyalcanthus13: JACK can03:12
linux_kernelActionParsnip, please explain (shortly) what is ubuntu kernel support03:12
canthus13taiyal: Anything that's less work?03:13
DrkCodemanwould it matter if i burned the iso to a dvd instead of a cd?03:13
linux_kernelActionParsnip, ??03:13
taiyalcanthus13: I doubt it, Linux tends to have pretty weak audio support (try finding a card where Linux supports recording the system out!)03:13
IdleOneDrkCodeman: nope03:13
canthus13taiyal: Jack has been such a huge pain in my butt.  And I can't risk breaking my wife's desktop, she depends on the mic.03:13
linux_kernelActionParsnip, simply I haven't clue...03:13
IdleOneDrkCodeman: would be a waste of a space but doesn't make a difference03:13
DrkCodemani dont get it then it is beyond me no matter what i cannot install the latest versions of ubuntu03:14
DrkCodemaneither 10.4 or 10.1003:14
DrkCodemanfull install no other os03:14
IdleOneis the DVD not being read at all, you have bios setup to boot from CD?03:14
DrkCodemanlol not close...03:15
DrkCodemani work on computers for a living03:15
IdleOneDrkCodeman: basic trouble shooting :)03:15
taiyalcanthus13: If worst comes to worst, you could just use an audio cable to reroute it manually (NOTE: your card needs an AUDIO IN port for this -- not a "mic in" port)03:15
DrkCodemanyeah i seriously think it is a distro fuckup though03:15
wireless544365II can't get ubuntu 10.04 to connect to a wireless network using WPA-PSK [TKIP] security03:15
Chrism_I am trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 on my HP Envy with core i3 and ATI 5650 via flash drive. Any of the options (livecd or install) take me immidiately to a blank/black screen. I am assuming this is a driver issue... any way to resolve this?03:15
Seeker`!language | DrkCodeman03:15
ubottuDrkCodeman: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:15
IdleOneDrkCodeman: keep the language clean please03:15
DrkCodemanalot of others i see on the forums are having problems the same03:15
ActionParsniplinux_kernel: those are folders full of kernels. If the page I gave confuses you I suggest you DON'T go messing with your OS in this way03:16
IdleOneDrkCodeman: I did a full clean install just the other day without issue. you did md5sum the iso?03:16
DrkCodemani can redownload no problem03:16
ActionParsnipDrkCodeman: there are other distros03:16
DrkCodemanactualy... i used 10.4 and 10.503:16
IdleOneDrkCodeman: have you tried with the Alternate install iso?03:16
DrkCodemanerr 10.4 and 10.1003:17
=== _Neytiri_ is now known as Neytiri
linux_kernelActionParsnip, thanks.... but I like very fresh kernels anyway.......03:17
ActionParsniplinux_kernel: if all your hardware is working then you have no need at all for a newer kernel03:18
NayrLinus is great :)03:18
Chrism_I am trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 on my HP Envy with core i3 and ATI 5650 via flash drive. Any of the options (livecd or install) take me immidiately to a blank/black screen. I am assuming this is a driver issue... any way to resolve this?????03:18
NayrI'm using linux netbook edition, and im having no problems03:18
DrkCodemanill just use xubuntu i had for a while i know it works03:19
Nayrubunto netbook edition*03:19
Chrism_Nayr: on what?03:19
linux_kernelChrism_, you need to try change boot parameters....03:19
IdleOne!alternate > DrkCodeman03:19
ubottuDrkCodeman, please see my private message03:19
=== ubuntu_ is now known as cfjiefjwef
ActionParsnipChrism_: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html03:19
IdleOneDrkCodeman: ubottu sent you a link just in case you want to try the alternate cd03:19
Chrism_thanks let me read03:20
ActionParsnipNayr: its ubuntu and pronounced OO-BOON-TOO03:20
DrkCodemanalternate cd?03:20
IdleOneDrkCodeman: check your messages from ubottu there is info there03:20
linux_kernelActionParsnip, my prononcation is UU-BUUN-TUU03:20
ActionParsniplinux_kernel: same deal03:21
linux_kernelActionParsnip, yea :))03:21
Chrism_linux_kernel: how03:21
Chrism_ActionParsnip: I cant find the F6 menu on 10.10 install screen. I have "TAB" to change options which just brings up some text code I don't understand03:22
linux_kernelChrism, may be you try privious version?03:22
DragonKeepermanaged get my irc server to work :)03:23
DrkCodemanIdleOne: ill try that one see if it gives me luck thanks03:23
DrkCodemandownloading the dvd now03:23
ericenns_suspend is not working on lubuntu for me, I suspend then I press the power button to wake and my screen comes back with random vertical color lines03:23
IdleOneDrkCodeman: sure thing03:23
DrkCodemanit's odd all other variants of ubuntu work prior to 10x03:23
ActionParsnipChrism_: you just want to change the boot options, however its done03:23
linux_kernelDrkCodeman, yea :))03:24
obsidiethgr this is ridiculous.03:24
obsidiethit seems nothing can control the dell fan in ubuntu, but its set too low to allow proper functioning03:24
ericenns_also my usb keyboard doesn't seem to work when waking from suspend03:24
Chrism_ActionParsnip: What options do I want to change and how?03:24
wireless544365other than here, where is the best place to get ubuntu help, particularly to attach to a wireless?03:24
linux_kernelobsidieth, it seems on bug in bios03:24
ZerIs there a way to get rid of all notification popups?03:25
Chrism_Linus_Kernel: I'd prefer to install the current version, but I guess I could try an older one - which do you recommend?03:25
obsidiethnothing i an do about it then linux_kernel ?03:25
canadian_glennobsidieth: what about in the bios?  There may be a setting for the fan there...03:25
ActionParsnipChrism_: read the guide, it's why i pasted the link03:25
obsidiethi will have a quick look, but i suspect its ubuntu03:25
obsidiethas it works perfectly in windows.03:25
obsidiethnever gets hot.03:25
linux_kernelChrism_, try 10.04 :))03:25
ActionParsnipobsidieth: the fan may be controlled by cheap software rather than a hardware detecter03:26
ActionParsnipobsidieth: what model is the device?03:26
obsidiethinspiron 152503:27
ZerI'd like to get rid of all the god-awful notification popups. Is there a way to do this?03:27
obsidiethjust having a look in the bios now03:27
linux_kernelobsidieth, no in bios nothing in regard the fan03:28
obsidiethi can confirm there is nothing in the bios03:29
DrkCodemanwow wubi... isn't that ubuntu portable revised?03:29
obsidieththis is disappointing, i will have to reinstall windows03:29
linux_kernelobsidieth, this is either bios bug, or linux kernel bug :))03:30
obsidiethits simply too hot03:30
obsidiethlike the fan does trigger sometimes03:30
ActionParsnipobsidieth: you havent told me the model03:30
linux_kernelobsidieth, it's bad, seriously03:30
obsidiethinspiron 152503:30
ActionParsnipobsidieth: i may be able to help03:30
DrkCodemanobsidieth: you could hook your fans up to a molex :)03:30
DrkCodemanwont get to hot then03:30
ActionParsnipobsidieth: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101546803:31
ActionParsnipobsidieth: did you not websearch any??03:31
obsidiethive been searching for hours.03:31
linux_kernelDrkCodeman, without joke, non working fan it's bad03:31
DrkCodemanobsidieth: lol i can't even install 10.403:31
bsmith093does anyone know of a program that will make a dvd player compatible iso file out of a 1.4gb matroska video file h264 video aac audio 5.1 surround sound with subtitles and 3 seperate audio tracks03:31
=== smalls is now known as bbsmalls
DrkCodemani know the importance of a fan not working :P03:31
DrkCodemanespecialy a cpu fan03:31
DrkCodemanobsidieth: have you turned off any temp control settings in bios?  might be jacked up with the os and the settings03:32
ActionParsnipobsidieth: someone installed 64bit ubuntu instead of 32bit and it ran cooler03:32
pw-toxic_hi, how can i reset my iptables?03:33
linux_kernelDrkCodeman, it's doesn't matter03:33
obsidieththat doesnt really make sense03:33
pw-toxic_I'm currently running ebox, but i want to remove it and therefore i need to set iptables manually myself03:33
obsidieththe 64 bit03:33
linux_kernelActionParsnip, it's joke about 64 bit and cooler?03:33
ericenns_pw-toxic_: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=reset+iptables03:35
DraqulHello redicehong03:35
bazhangericenns_, dont do that here03:35
redicehongthat is what03:35
ericenns_bazhang: whats the problem it was a nice site not a mean one03:35
bazhangericenns_, that is the most unacceptable form of google it. Just dont03:36
Draqulericenns_: if bazhang tells you something just say "Yes sir" and let that be the end of it dude.03:36
ericenns_bazhang: that one is not nasty at all, there are nasty ones out there03:36
linux_kernelyou are flooders03:37
bazhangericenns_, lets move on please03:37
linux_kernelbad bad bad03:37
linux_kernel/usr/sbin/killall flood -s 903:38
cjaeso is there a way to get my wireless to autologin with my user?03:38
Draqul!ot | linux_kernel03:38
ubottulinux_kernel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:38
fishsceneGreetings. I realize this might be a VSFTP problem, but I'm not sure...  I'm trying to get a vsftp server running on an Ubuntu installation. I need to change the port from the default of 21. I'm able to successfully change the port, but the "list" command doesn't execute properly. I suspect because the server is trying to send information to the client over port 20. I tried changing that too, but to no avail. Does anyone know how to change the 03:38
n3rV3pw-toxic_, sudo iptables -F03:38
ChogyDanhow can I tell what rate my wifi is connecting?  ie, is it G or N?03:38
n3rV3but you will loose any custom settings(chains) you've created03:39
DraqulChogyDan: iwconfig tells, I think03:39
step21ChogyDan, also it should be automatically the highest possible.03:39
ChogyDanDraqul: is that G? http://pastebin.com/dq8Mz2G303:40
DraqulChogyDan: if your router supports G, then yes.03:40
smalls2Is anyone here well versed with iptables? I'm trying to figure out in ubuntu 10.10 how to set my iptables LOG to another file (ie: /var/log/iptables.log)03:41
* eeffoc waves at everyone.03:41
Draqulsmalls2: would a symbolic link to the alternate file work? =P03:41
* fishscene waves back03:41
smalls2no, I dont think so... it would divert all /var/log/messages bound things then03:41
=== Draqul is now known as Phail_Quail
Phail_Quailsmalls2: you can make a symbolic link just for that file, not for the entire dir.03:43
BroHello... i want to ask.. why my headphone cannot detect in my ubuntu ?03:43
BroHello... i want to ask.. why my headphone cannot detect in my ubuntu ?03:43
smalls2that is a file, not a directory =P03:43
fishsceneI hate to be a bother, but has anyone worked with vsftp? I'm finding it to be wickid difficult to configure a different port despite the fact that all documentation I can find says otherwise.03:43
linux_kernelBro: because you didn't installed drivers :))03:44
smalls2By default iptables reports the LOG entries to /var/log/messages, but i want to configure it for /var/log/iptables.log03:44
Brohow to install it ?03:44
Brohow to install it ?03:44
Phail_Quailfishscene: to be honest you'll probably get more help faster in ##linux. You need to be registered.03:44
IdleOneBro: please don't repeat your questions like that03:44
Phail_Quailsmalls2: my bad03:44
fishsceneI'm registered03:45
Phail_Quailfishscene: then /j ##linux03:45
ericenns_smalls2: depending on your suyslogger you can redirect to a different file03:45
HumashoomHello.  Is there anyone who can help me with Wine and possibley getting a app going with it?  Please?  8)03:45
Brook ..03:45
ItsMeMariohello guys, how are you?03:45
fishsceneok Thanks Phail_qual.03:45
step21Humashoom, try searching winehq db03:45
Phail_QuailItsMeMario: we're great. =)03:45
xangua!appdb | Humashoom03:45
smalls2ericenns_: it looks like it is rsyslogger03:45
ubottuHumashoom: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help03:45
HumashoomI installed WineHQ and the application vanished from my menu after that.  8/03:46
linux_kernelItsMeMario, hello, I'm Linux kernel :)03:46
ericenns_smalls2: if rsyslog then try this http://blog.shadypixel.com/log-iptables-messages-to-a-separate-file-with-rsyslog/03:46
poutineIf you're linux kernel, then who is hello03:46
step21Humashoom, it's not an application it's a website with many apps and ways to make them work03:46
smalls2ericenns_: thank you, I will look.03:47
Phail_Quail3/msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER Phail_Quail ntrzgcdzovyc03:47
Phail_Quailway to phail03:47
skulltipwhere is this ubuntu app store i'm reading so much about in 10.10..03:47
xanguaapps>software center03:48
smalls2skulltip: in netbook version, it's on the left side, titles "Ubuntu Software Center"03:48
IdleOneskulltip: in the Software Center but there aren't many apps in the store03:48
HumashoomOh, sorry.  I was just saying that I installed WineHQ from the WineHQ website hoping to install any files that were missing from the orininal installation.  But now it's completely gone form the Applications menue.03:48
linux_kernelHumashoom, run wine so: $ wine <path_to_exe_file>03:49
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skulltipi'm in ubuntu software center, how do i find the paid apps03:49
skulltip<imagine that, a linux user wanting to pay for something..03:49
linux_kernelskulltip, :))03:50
skulltipi see.. only 2 for purchase03:50
canadian_glennskulltip: lucky you, I only have one...03:50
step21yeah, there only should be fluendo dvd03:50
skulltipi see Brukkon03:50
linux_kernelskulltip, only 2? oh so bad...03:51
randalHi i need some help with this problem. I’m trying to set my netbook to share my internet connection with another computer(net book is connected via wireless and i want to share it with eth0) I am trying to do this with firestarter but i keep geting this msg eth0 is not ready can anyone help with this plz03:52
Brohow to install it ?03:52
tripelbF-spot  I did autocolor I didnt like it. Oops controlF didnt undo. Edit menu no undo. This is unconsciousable to leave it like this. Burp. Please help me.  10.0403:53
rsvptripelb, try gimp instead... the auto white balance works well, plus there's unlimited undos ;)03:54
ericenns_until you save03:55
dlirandal, can you ping each other from eth0?03:55
toshibahow to download xface03:55
ericenns_toshiba: xfce?03:56
randaldli, how do i test that im in the netwok seting and i see the ping tab now what03:56
phasmalxde is better imo03:56
ericenns_toshiba: sudo apt-get install xfce-desktop, logout then select xfce as your gdm03:56
toshibaI'm just wrong03:56
randaldli,  do i type in my network address for the computer i want to sdhare too andclikc ping?03:57
toshibaok ,I'm  have a try03:57
dlirandal, you can do in a terminal, sudo ping <address>03:57
randaldli,  i think the problem is my netbook and computer wont establish a connection03:57
toshibaE: cannot find  xface-desktop03:58
Gnea!info xfce-desktop03:58
ubottuPackage xfce-desktop does not exist in maverick03:58
ericenns_toshiba: xfce is a gdm like gnome03:58
dlirandal, do you have them connected directly, or via a switch?03:58
Gneaericenns_: a 'gdm'?03:58
randaldli directly03:58
Phail_QuailGraphical Desktop Manager03:58
Gnea!info xfcedesktop403:59
ubottuPackage xfcedesktop4 does not exist in maverick03:59
Phail_QuailActually DE - desktop environment, as gdm is a package.03:59
randaldli,  from my netbook to my desktop03:59
Gnea!info xfcedesktop03:59
ubottuPackage xfcedesktop does not exist in maverick03:59
dlirandal, just want to make sure, your NIC cards are Giga bit03:59
Gnea!info xfdesktop403:59
ubottuxfdesktop4 (source: xfdesktop4): xfce desktop background, icons and root menu manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.6.2-1 (maverick), package size 152 kB, installed size 584 kB03:59
Gneatoshiba: install that ^^03:59
fishsceneDoes anyone know of a ftp server I could use?03:59
ActionParsniptoshiba: if you just want the xfce desktop then install xfce403:59
toshibaI'm try it03:59
randaldli i prity sure my desktop is because i just built it like a week ago my netbook is a 1008ha asus kinda new03:59
ActionParsniptoshiba: installing xfce-desktop will install another text editor and a whole slew of other junk you dont need as you already have apps you can use installed04:00
Gnea!ftpd | fishscene04:00
ubottufishscene: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP04:00
phasmaping does not require root04:00
ericenns_randal: did you set a manual ip address on the desktop when connecting to the netbook04:00
fishscene!ftpd > fishscene04:00
ubottufishscene, please see my private message04:00
fishsceneThanks Gnea04:00
randalericenns_,  all i have done is pluged it into my net book and started firestarter04:00
randalericenns_, how do i do that04:01
dlirandal, that's good. now, you can set up IP manually at both end04:01
phasmaalso, the metapackage for xfce is simply xfce04:01
fishsceneI really don't think vsftp should be on the list since it doesn't seem to be fully functioning.04:01
randaldli,  can you walk me thorgh that04:01
toshibayeah ,it success04:01
fishscenebut oh well04:01
tripelbrsvp - I've got picasa which never changes your original image. It saves changes and you export the changed picture.04:01
dlirandal, like from the desktop: sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask;sudo route add default gw
randaldli,  the desktop is windows04:02
dlirandal, at the netbook side: sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask
capsitanyou need networking help?04:03
randaldli, now how do i do that in windows 704:03
tripelbannoying, chrome keeps bugging me that I have an unresponsive page while I'm uploading images from imgur. Annoying. Obnoxious. Every 18 seconds.  -- while I am typing this too.  FYI04:03
dlirandal, figure out how to set IP manually then, you need IP/netmask, default router (, and DNS server (use your IPS's, the same as on netbook)04:03
tripelbthanks rsvp04:03
dlirandal, I don't know windows :(04:03
tripelbrsvp good nick.04:03
ericenns_randal: http://blog.mclaughlinsoftware.com/2009/11/26/windows-7-static-ip/04:03
capsitani will trade networking knowledge for ubuntu graphics driver help04:03
=== CountmOOsula is now known as doedelzak
dlirandal, the 192.168.100. part is just for example, you can use whatever you like, as far as it's free from conflicts04:04
randaldli, so i set my netbook to what you gave me so what should i set my desktop too04:05
capsitanif you have a conflict you can  do a release/renew04:05
nootrope_can someone point me to how to make an executable--installed merely by unzipping it--runnable from a launcher? I'm forced to find it with Nautilus and clicking Run on the dialog that pops up.04:05
ActionParsniptripelb: try chromium-daily, it may have the bug fixed04:06
dlirandal, your netbook can be, and your desktop can be, and your netbook ( will be the default router(gateway) for desktop04:06
smalls2ericenns_: could you assist me a little further with rsyslog?04:06
ericenns_smalls2: sure04:06
randaldli, ok i figured out how to do on windows just give me a sec to try it out04:06
capsitani would set your network to be 192.168.1.x04:06
dlirandal, you can use DNS in /etc/resolv.conf of the netbook as DNSs for your desktop04:07
randaldli,  now im confused04:07
smalls2The documentation i found, took a few tweaks, but it's now outputting to another file -- however it's also still putting out to the original file also -- do you know how to make it stop processing it upon a match?04:07
dlirandal, optional, you can run dnsmasq on netbook, and use netbook( as DNS for your desktop04:07
smalls2i think i may need to put it in another config file, nvm hang on04:07
randaldli,  ill just do what you prvesly said stop confusing me lol04:07
alesanhow can I install a SIMPLE ftp server04:08
alesanone that I configure with a password and shows ONE directory that I choose upfront04:08
alesannothing that integrates with users in the system04:08
renegaidjust installed ubuntu on my netbookd and this thing is slow,04:09
capsitanis there anyone here that can help me figure out how to get my radeon PCI card to work with linux??04:09
=== AndrewMC is now known as SpockVulcan
smalls2ericenns_: interesting. well, that documention is for 'additional' logging, it seems. I put it in the main config fail and it will terminate processing on the first match (not duplicate)04:09
ericenns_randal to determine your dns on your netboot to nslookup host, Server:ip is your dns servers ip04:09
randaldli crap im so confused now04:09
toshibanow I'm in xfce04:09
capsitanwhat is randal trying to do?04:09
ericenns_smalls2: so putting it in the main config causes it not to log anything else?04:09
Loshkialesan: this one looks easy: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html04:10
randaldli, so what i did was set my desktop ip too subnet defalt gateway to
randaldli,  how to i check to see what my netbook is set to04:10
ericenns_smalls2: I will look at one config on my server on sex04:10
smalls2ericenns_: doc says to add the lines to: /etc/rsyslog.d/iptables.conf04:11
alesanLoshki, and where do you configure the directory?04:11
smalls2if you do that, it appears to run through /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf FIRST, then the additional config files in that directory04:11
alesanLoshki, where do I specify an username and the password?04:11
randaldli,  im still having problems connecting the the network04:12
smalls2so, i put the rule at the TOP of /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf and deleted the iptables.conf file, it hits the match, writes to the specified log file, and stops processing that message04:12
ericenns_smalls2: ok I have only used /etc/rsyslog.conf04:12
blaineI'm getting whooped by this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/e2fsprogs/+bug/656526 -- some people have resolved it by booting 10.04 and doing an fsck.ext4, but I can't even boot 10.04. I get a message saying "no init found, Try passing init=bootarg". Ideas?04:12
ericenns_smalls2: so is it working for you then?04:12
smalls2yea, /etc/rsyslog.conf doesnt exist in 10.10 (at least netbook ver)04:12
smalls2yes, just adding to /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf removed the duplicate message recording04:12
smalls2thank you for the help =)04:13
ericenns_smalls2: ok no problem you could always make iptables conf 10-iptables.conf04:13
randaldli, what do i put for dns04:13
ericenns_smalls2: that makes that rule get processed earlier04:13
Loshkialesan: It says the default user account is called 'anonymous" or "ftp", it uses the FTP Home directory (configurable I assume) and hides the rest of the filesystem....04:13
smalls2now, i have one other issue i'm working on. I am trying to set up a startup script containing:04:14
smalls2/etc/startup/fwrules.sh &04:14
smalls2echo "iptables rules applied: $(date)" >> /var/log/custom_messages.log04:14
smalls2xterm -geometry 1000x7+0-0 +bc -bg "black" -fg "white" -e "watch tail /var/log/custom_messages.log -n5" &04:14
FloodBot1smalls2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:14
alesanLoshki, I do not see how you can specify an arbitrary directory and username04:14
smalls2how3ever, when i boot up, the echo line does not execute -- the other ones do, though.04:14
fishsceneAre you kidding me. I tried another FTP program and I have the *exact* same problem04:14
fishsceneIs there a firewall on Ubuntu?04:14
smalls2fishscene: iptables04:14
fishsceneHow do I disable it?04:14
smalls2fishscene: iptables -F04:15
smalls2or try04:15
smalls2fishscene: iptables -F; iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT; iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT04:15
randaldli,  are you still there04:15
fishscenesmalls2, if iptables is not the problem, how would I "undo" these commands?04:16
smalls2hmmm, reboot? haha04:16
fishsceneso this is a temporary solution?04:16
smalls2first, do... iptables -nvL04:16
smalls2see if anything is in there04:16
smalls2iptables-save > (somefile)       this will dump your rules to a file04:17
smalls2and then iptables-restore < (somefile)       will reload from that file04:17
cpghi, i am trying to convert to ubuntu (from fedora). trying to install mysql-devel ... ... what are the "devel" packages called in ubuntu?04:17
ericenns_smalls2: where do you put your script04:17
randaldli,  k i deter,mined that im having problems makeing my netbook etho go on static ip04:18
Loshkialesan: Uh, there seem to be a lot of them. See if this one suits you better: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7958804:18
ericenns_cpg: not sure but try sudo apt-cache search mysql, like sudo yum search mysql04:18
jojosiaoi have a question: how do you add a group as a member of another group? i tried this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixShowAllUsers and I can't follow after looking for gnome-system-tools/users key04:19
alesanLoshki, I've already tried that04:19
cpgericenns_: thanks ...04:19
cpglibmysqlclient perhaps04:19
smalls2ericenns_: I created /etc/startup/startup.sh, and using the 'startup applications' app, i added that script04:19
Loshkialesan: sorry, then, dunno. Keep asking....04:19
alesanLoshki, that is rather obsolete, and it requires to create users04:20
randaldli ericenns_ i changed my etho setting to shared to other computer in ipv4 setiings and it let me connect will this owrk04:20
smalls2i set permissions on the fail to 475504:20
fishsceneftp is still failing04:20
cpgericenns_: how about the equivalent of yum list all ?04:20
Loshkialesan: all the ftp servers are a bit old nowadays, it's an old protocol. Most people use http instead nowadays...04:21
alesanI like IRC better04:21
alesanalso NNTP04:21
alesanbut I need FTP04:21
Loshkicpg: generally, the devels are named -dev in ubuntu. apt-cache search mysql | egrep dev. The problem is lots of choices...04:22
Diamondcitesftp is more secure than ftp.04:22
ericenns_cpg: apt-cache search all04:22
randalericenns_, can you help me set my netbook to a static ip plz04:22
Diamondcitealesan: Any particular reason for needing an FTP specifically?04:22
ericenns_randal: easyiest way right click on networking in gnome tool-bar04:22
smalls2randal: ifconfig eth0 x.x.x.x netmask x.x.x.x04:23
alesanDiamondcite, because the embedded device I am using wants to download a firmware update from ftp04:23
alesanI do not need any security; I just want a username and password and ability to download a file04:23
Diamondcitealesan: And you get to specifiy the ftp server to use?04:23
alesanDiamondcite, what?04:23
randalericenns_,  smalls2 im confused on what to put for my gateway or do i leave that blank04:23
alesancan you re-state your question?04:24
smalls2randal: are you behind a router? modem? firewall?04:24
Diamondcitealesan: Well.. even if you setup an ftp server.. what makes the device use YOUR ftp server and not the vendors' ftp for example..04:24
ericenns_cpg: wait I mat have gave you the wrong command yum list all, shows all installed apps right then this is equivalent in ubuntu debian "dpkg –get-selections"04:24
smalls2randal: is the system currently connected and able to use network resources?04:24
alesanthere is a GUI where you specify the host, user and password04:24
alesanDiamondcite, ^^^04:25
cpgericenns_: kk04:25
cjaewifi at boot? before login?04:25
Diamondcitealesan: Okay stranger question, do you have a wii on hand with HBC?04:25
Jtemphello. i am pretty much a complete noob. does anybody know much about sakis3g?04:25
alesanwhat is "a wii"?04:25
Diamondcitealesan: Game console, I was trying to take the easy way out =P04:25
alesanmh not04:25
alesanI don't play04:25
DiamondciteTHat console had a ready to use ftp server.. once homebrew was 'enabled'04:26
randalsmalls2 i want to run ther ineternet to my netbook from wifi then to my computer through eth004:26
randalsmall2 connected directly04:26
Diamondcitealesan: So you are just trying to setup an ftp server right now?04:26
alesana simple one04:26
smalls2wait, so do you want wifi or ethernet04:26
Diamondcitealesan: How far have you gotten?04:26
alesanI wish to specify a directory that is inside my home dir04:27
alesanbut I need a SIMPLE username and password04:27
renegaidanyone try nrtbook trmic04:27
Diamondcitealesan: Standby.. looking up some MUCH lighter weight clients (proftpd is overkill)04:27
alesanfor example I have atftpd (for a different protocol) and that works04:27
Jtempanybody use sakis3g script?04:27
frankbroAnyone knows why rhythmbox won't let me add a song that I can listen in totem? Doesnt throw me any error either.04:28
randalsmalls2, do i need to but a gateway on my eth0 device04:28
rwwneo__: there you go :)04:28
renegaidanyone use or tried netbook remix04:28
neo__how do i partition my HD04:28
smalls2you can likely just do "dhclient eth0" and pull an IP address... do you NEED a static IP?04:28
alesanneo__, I did one single partition04:29
Omen_20Hi. I keep hearing about Unity not being customizable, can you not set it be transparent, or change the normal themes?04:29
smalls2And you need to give a default gateway so your computer knows who to hand traffic off to if it isn't directly cnnected to you04:29
neo__this is my first linux box, im tring to partition from the desktop04:29
smalls2all, I am trying to run a script at startup, but it doesnt execute the 'echo' line. Any ideas why? the command before and after both work:  /etc/startup/fwrules.sh &; echo "iptables rules applied: $(date)" >> /var/log/custom_messages.log; xterm -geometry 1000x7+0-0 +bc -bg "black" -fg "white" -e "watch tail /var/log/custom_messages.log -n5" &04:30
Omen_20neo__, look into gparted04:30
rwwubottu: partition | neo__04:30
ubottuneo__: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap04:30
Jtempcan anybody help with sakis3g?04:30
Stevethepiratesmalls2: why the "&;"04:30
renegaidanyone use or tried netbook remix. why is it so slow04:30
kernel_scripthello folks. Someone know if there is a method/file that i can pass boot options like noacpi and nomodeset so it will automaticaly work, so i dont need to pass it every boot time? i searched but can' get a answer : /04:30
Stevethepiratekernel_script: Check out your /boot/grub/04:31
smalls2stevethepirate: to put have it not execute in a terminal...04:31
kernel_scriptboot/grub ok, but which file should i edit?04:32
kernel_scripti'm using 10.1004:32
StevethepirateLook at menu.lst04:32
neo__ok i read that link but i already got ubuntu installed and thats the only OS i got on this box04:33
Diamondcitealesan: Think the basic ftpd package is enough?04:33
chronoscan I have multiple python versions (2.5 and 2.6) running into my ubuntu box? I need to develop and have virtualenv working with both.04:33
kernel_scriptthere is no menu.lst : /04:33
HashBoxkernel_script, /boot/grub/grub.cfg04:33
alesanDiamondcite, the simpler the better :)04:33
HashBoxthat one should be there04:33
Stevethepiratechronos: you can have multiple python versions.04:34
kernel_scriptyah, found it04:34
Diamondcitealesan: ftpd looks tiny so I don't think it can do much, but I have never used it before =/04:34
=== aidrocsid is now known as OMAR
=== OMAR is now known as OMARCOMIN
StevethepirateType ls /usr/bin | grep python04:35
maodunWhat should I grab from apt-get to get a lampstack up and running quickly?04:35
blainewhy might a mount command hang?04:35
Stevethepirateyou'll see all the versions of python installed on your box. /usr/bin/python is just symblinked to the latest version.04:35
blainehard drive hosed, perhaps?04:35
rwwubottu: pm | neo__04:35
ubottuneo__: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.04:35
StevethepiratePossibly, but normally mount is verbose enough to output some errors.04:36
StevethepirateHave you checked logs?04:36
HashBoxmaodun, you can use sudo apt-get install lamp-server I think04:36
blaineno, but I will now04:36
rwwor /quit. that works too I guess.04:36
maodunHashBox: doesn't seem so04:37
kernel_scriptfound what i wanted, nice, no more headaches hehe04:37
kernel_scriptthank you very much Stevethepirate and HashBox for the help04:37
Stevethepiratekernel_script: so you can just test using /usr/bin/python2.4 or /usr/bin/python2.5 :)04:37
StevethepirateNo problem :)04:37
blaineah yes, plenty of dmesg output04:37
HashBoxyou're welcome kernel_script :)04:38
blaineSQUASHFS error: Unable to read page, block 478a7e2, size 1eb7c04:38
Sean93how do i fix this error "configure: error: GNU gettext tools not found; required for intltool". got the error when running ./configure04:38
rwwSean93: install the 'gettext' package?04:38
StevethepirateSean93: it means you missing some files.04:38
=== OMARCOMIN is now known as aidrocsid
randalsmalls no i just want internet ive just been told i had to use a static ip04:39
randal smalls2 no i just want internet ive just been told i had to use a static ip04:39
randal smalls2, I am now connected to each other computer but im geting an error saying DNS server isnt responsive from my desktop04:39
randal and when i try and connect firestarter says hit from ip address what ever that means04:39
Stevethepirateaptitude search gettext04:39
Stevethepiraterandal: Please don't flood the channel!04:39
randalsmalls2 i connected to my desktop but lost internet connecting to my netbook04:39
randalsmalls2 i had to reset my setiings04:39
HashBoxmaodun, try sudo tasksel install lamp-server04:40
Sean93rww: when i use sudo apt-get install gettext i get "Package gettext is not available, but is referred to by another package."04:40
blaineit appears my CD/DVD drive is borked04:40
Stevethepiraterandal: Ok, so you have a desktop and a netbook. The Desktop is connected to the internet, and you want the netbook to connect to the internet through the desktop?04:40
HashBoxmaodun, take a look here http://www.hackourlives.com/install-apache-mysql-php-phpmyadmin-lamp-on-ubuntu-10-04-or-mint-linux-9/04:40
rwwSean93: have you done sudo apt-get update recently?04:40
maodunHashBox: thanks04:40
HashBoxyou're welcome04:40
randalStevethepirate, i have a netbook connected to the internet trying to share it to a desktop04:41
Sean93rww: just realized i meessed up my sources.list, good thing a backed it up :P04:41
rwwah, that'd do it ;)04:41
Stevethepiraterandal: Ok. So is the netbook connected to the internet?04:41
Stevethepirate(And working)04:41
dlirandal, sorry, I was away, still no go?04:41
randalStevethepirate,  yes that how im talking to you lol04:41
randaldli i got connected but then i lost my internet on my netbook lol04:42
randaldli,  back to sqare one04:42
StevethepirateIf you are using firestarter, I'm not sure.04:42
StevethepirateI generally just use iptables.04:42
=== SpockVulcan is now known as AndrewMC
randaldli,  also got errors saying dns server not responding04:42
randalStevethepirate,  is that easier04:42
cicatrix1It's pretty easy to share networking with network-manager04:42
randali would like to know the easiest way lol04:43
astrostl10.04, installed plasma (KDE) desktop and the menu fonts look horrible to me.  is there a standard reference point for improving them?  it's a 1920x1200 screen and the menu bars look horribly blocky, large, and aliased to me.04:43
randali just want internet lol04:43
randalcicatrix1,  how do you do that04:43
tripelbthanks ActionParsnip - I tried to do that once. I coudlnt figure out how to get it. I think you have to compile it. I have too much to read/do anyway. I'm an intellectual ho. I'll read anything. So much is interesting. And right now, I'm strugging to find out where picasa puts the things I put into an album (if it is really an album on the hd. maybe not) - So I gave up and decided to load it into google phontos. Then the google accoun04:43
tripelbt I wanted to use isnt there. Mabye I forgot the username. Basically Everything Takes Longer (vanGelder's Law).- Onward to try to share the picture of my dinner and learn how to get pics I dont have to rename. - The upload choice boxes do not show the image. I consider that an Ubuntu boo boo but Oh Well. I have to get a workaround. Busy day.04:43
Sean93i just deleted /etc/apt/ by accident, what do i do?04:44
StevethepirateThats not good.04:44
randaldli,  for my netbook etho defalt gate way what should it be04:44
Kevindeuxiemebrace for impact?04:44
Stevethepiraterandal: it should be the internal ip address of the DESKTOP04:44
randalSean93,  lol gl04:45
Kevindeuxieme(and hi all, btw)04:45
Sean93so no help?04:45
Sean93i dleted it with rm04:45
Sean93how do i undo it?04:45
Stevethepirateso if you desktop has eth0 like and eth1 of
cicatrix1randal: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing?action=show&redirect=InternetConnectionSharing#GUI%20Method%20via%20Network%20Manager%20%28Ubuntu%209.10%20and%20up%2904:45
DaZSean93: you can't.04:45
HashBoxSean93, I guess you might be able to find the package that provides /etc/apt and download + install with dpkg -i?04:45
randalStevethepirate, i have it set to my wifi card ip04:45
StevethepirateHashBox: Be kind to tell the man to reinstall :)04:45
Sean93what is in /etc/apt?04:45
HashBoxSean93, stuff Ubuntu needs to install and update packages04:46
HashBoxso, it's pretty important04:46
King_Troopahow do i use my phone as a modem under ubuntu? cant figure out how to set up the ubuntu side04:46
Sean93surly i can download it?04:46
Sean93or fix it in someway04:46
incoghy faggots04:46
spinningcompassKing_Troopa: Who is your phone carrier?04:46
incoganyone suck my dick04:46
King_Troopaspinningcompass sprint04:46
rww!ops | incog: offensive, ban-evading04:47
ubottuincog: offensive, ban-evading: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!04:47
Sean93help, anyone?04:48
spinningcompassKing_Troopa: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=117760804:48
roddoes anyone know how i can set up a printer so that it prints to a PDF file?04:48
King_Troopaspinningcompass do you have a guide for me?04:48
King_Troopaaah lol04:48
rwwnhandler, IdleOne: thanks04:48
Dan48prod, you just want to publish?04:48
rodsomething like that04:49
Dan48prod, what are you using to create the file?04:49
King_Troopaspinningcompass my laptop does not have bluetooth, i'm usb tethering04:50
sacarlsonrod I think that can be done but I normally just export to pdf format from openoffice04:50
spinningcompassKing_Troopa: Does your phone support that?04:50
rodits an applet on a website, whose 'print' function only lets me choose printers which are installed or something04:50
Sean93how is it i can delete /etc/apt when im not root?04:50
dlirandal, I guess you use network-manager to get your wifi, and nm is the trouble here04:50
DaleBCooperis there a way to search for packages using apt-get? For example, I know I want to instal postgres, but don't know the exact package name...04:50
rodso im guessing i need to install a printer which actually redirects to a pdf04:50
StevethepirateDaleBCooper: aptitudea search $name04:50
Sean93oh wait i wad -.-04:50
DaleBCooperStevethepirate,  Thanks04:51
Sean93someone tell me what to do please04:51
Stevethepirate*aptitude search $name04:51
King_Troopaspinningcompass yes, when i plug the USB, it's 1 of 4 USB options on the phone04:51
HashBoxSean93, do you have access to another machine running ubuntu by any chance?04:51
randal_Smalls2 Stevethepirateok so i tried it agian i can connect to my computer buy my netbook looses internet then i have to reset everything04:51
Sean93HashBox: no04:51
HashBoxSean93, how about an Ubuntu CD?04:51
randal_Stevethepirate, but*04:51
spinningcompassKing_Troopa: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/06/07/dialup-networking-via-treo-700p-and-ubuntu-usb-connection/ <-- try this04:51
Sean93HashBox: i have my install usb04:51
K350I've made my own plymouth theme. It works fine with plymouth deamon - plymouthd - under X. But not when I boot. Anyone?04:51
dlirandal_, can you get your netbook wifi manually04:52
randal_dli,  i dont understand04:52
HashBoxSean93, if you mount that you may be able to find the files you need on it04:52
HashBoxI'm not 100% sure how it's laid out though so it might take some digging04:52
King_Troopaspinningcompass $25 program... eh.. thanks for the help but i'll keep searching around lol04:52
Sean93HashBox: im a noob :S04:53
rod:D thanks ill check it out venilsurya04:53
Chaos2358hey is it possible to play the sims 3 on linux?04:53
blakkheim!appdb > Chaos235804:53
ubottuChaos2358, please see my private message04:53
sacarlsonrod ya cups-pdf should do it http://lifehacker.com/264305/print-to-pdf-in-ubuntu04:53
rodnow 1 more question, how do i re-add my trashcan to panel !!!04:54
Dan48prod, i just had to print something on my computer and it gave me a "print to file" option.... though i don't know how it got there, i imagine in settings somewhere04:54
rodoh yea that print to file seems to now show up in this applet04:54
randal_sli Stevethepirateok ill tell you everthing i got set to desktop - ipv4 address defalt gateway set to ipv4 DNS server Netbook set to IP gateway set to dns server i have no idea04:54
rodit seems to have its own 'printing' promt04:54
rodNOT show up***04:55
Dan48prod, you normally have it when you print from something else then?04:55
randal_dli sli Stevethepirateok ill tell you everthing i got set to desktop - ipv4 address defalt gateway set to ipv4 DNS server Netbook set to IP gateway set to dns server i have no idea04:55
Dan48prod, the option that is04:55
Sean93isnt there anywhere on the internet i can redownload /etc/apt/??04:55
rodyea , firefox has 'print to file' , but applet doesnt , i guessing im gonna try cups-pdf04:55
randal_dli Stevethepirate i also have firestarter running04:55
dlirandal_, dns is what in /etc/resolv.conf04:55
n8ofsp8dshey guys is there anyway to improve the performance of flash   and my graphics card04:55
HashBoxSean93, not easily04:56
n8ofsp8dsthere's alot of flikering04:56
izinucsn8ofsp8ds: 64 bit or 32?04:56
Sean93HashBox: can i do a repair installation or something?04:56
blakkheimn8ofsp8ds: no, flash is closed source, we can't fix it04:56
HashBoxSean93, if you plug in your install USB, it should open in the file manager, and you should be able to find /etc/apt in there and copy it04:56
Dan48pi have a bit of vertical tearing on mine that i haven't been able to figure out04:56
n8ofsp8dswhat about the video flickering in vlc04:56
Sean93HashBox: what folder is it in?04:56
HashBoxSean93, if you can boot off the usb drive, you should be able to use the /etc/apt in there and copy it to your installed partition with a bit of luck04:57
randal_dli Stevethepiratedomain vs.shawcable.net04:57
randal_search vs.shawcable.net04:57
randal_nameserver wth04:57
FloodBot1randal_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:57
HashBoxSean93, that's the bit I'm not sure04:57
arleslieI'm trying to connect to my SMB share from my netbook (Ubunutu 10.04) and it's asking me to authenticate, but doesn't accept the username and password. I have told the share to allow guest, I have even tried the administrator details and it still denys it. My Windows laptop doesn't have this issue.04:57
NuxroHi, how can I set my ubuntu installation to ignore the DHCP provided hostname and set a custom one?04:57
MonthOLDpickleguys I am trying to fix bluetooth what do I install?04:57
n8ofsp8ds32 bit izninus04:57
randal_dli Stevethepirate can you do this without firestarter would it be easier what do i have set wrong04:57
blaineIsn't the 10.10 LiveCD supposed to give you the option to run a memtest? When I put in the 10.10 LiveCD it boots straight to the "install or try ubuntu" screen, without the option of a memtest04:58
Sean93HashBox: is there no way you can find out? i have no idea what im doing04:58
switch10_blaine: hold shift after post..04:58
izinucsn8ofsp8ds: there is a new flash beta called flash squared .. google it and install.. however if you have issues in vlc most likely you have video driver issues and not flash issues..04:58
randal_blaine,  when you but from disk tap the left shift key will bring up a menu04:58
dlirandal_, yes, quite easy, first, you get your wifi up, then, set up eth0 manual, then, some iptables04:58
randal_blaine, boot04:59
rwwblaine: when it first starts booting, there should be a graphic at the bottom of the screen that makes no sense. it's supposed to mean "press any key for accessibility options" if you press any key, the memtest entry is on there.04:59
blainealright, trying now04:59
renegaidis ubuntu even capable of 5.1 sound?04:59
randal_dli what are iptables04:59
edbianrenegaid, Yeah.  It is04:59
MonthOLDpickleWHat is the ubuntus bluetooth app name?04:59
dlirandal_, first, you make sure, you get wifi and eth0 both up04:59
blaineit would be nice if the symbol was a little less cryptic :P04:59
edbianrandal_, iptables is the firewall program built into linux04:59
randal_dli,  ok wireless is up ill try and set up eth004:59
renegaiddoes not seem that way. Every release it sounds like crap04:59
Exploiteranyone knows why /etc/default/grub is blank in ubuntu 10.10 ?04:59
blaineawesome! thanks guys04:59
maodunWhere is the directory from which apache serves files likely located?04:59
Dan48pizinucs, is there a way to get a more current video driver than the one that shows up in the standard search?04:59
rwwmaodun: /var/www04:59
maodunon my arch box its /srv/httpd/05:00
maodunthanks rww05:00
blainehooray for magical incantations05:00
dlirandal_, set eth0 up manually, "sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask", that's all05:00
randal_dli,  netbook eth0 is set too netmask defalt gateway 192.168,100,205:00
dlirandal_, oh, "sudo ifconfig eth0 up" before that05:00
izinucsDan48p: maybe.. depends.. what kind of card do you have?05:00
Exploiteranyone knows why /etc/default/grub is blank in ubuntu 10.10 ?05:00
Dan48pizinucs, mine is a gtx26005:01
ozzloyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/522480/ wine used to work, now i'm getting this problem.  how do i fix it?05:01
randal_dli,  what does that do05:01
HashBoxSean93, sorry I can't find an easy way to restore it, hopefully someone else in here has an idea of what to do05:01
dlirandal_, no, you should not mess up routing on netbook05:01
randal_dli,  now my desktop is set to gateway to DNS is the same05:02
izinucsDan48p: there's a PPA on launchpad that hosts a .deb install for the latest nvidia binary.. doing it manually is much more difficult than it use to be several releases ago.  use the PPA to do the upgrade/install.05:02
randal_dli,  what do you mean im tring to get internet to my deskto05:02
dlirandal_, set eth0 up manually, "sudo ifconfig eth0 up;sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask", that's all05:02
Exploiteranyone knows why /etc/default/grub file is blank in ubuntu 10.10 ?05:02
blaineif the BIOS reports less usable memory than total memory, is that a bad sign?05:02
arleslieI'm trying to connect to my SMB share from my netbook (Ubunutu 10.04) and it's asking me to authenticate, but doesn't accept the username and password. I have told the share to allow guest, I have even tried the administrator details and it still denys it. My Windows laptop doesn't have this issue.05:02
Brohello all.. what software that we need to cut a mp3 ?05:03
randal_dli,  i typed it in terminal it didnt do anything05:03
HAHShi to every one05:03
Dan48pizinucs, i'm sorry, what is a PPA?05:03
izinucs!PPA | Dan48p This will help05:04
ubottuDan48p This will help: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.05:04
dlirandal_, dli,  netbook eth0 is set too netmask defalt gateway 192.168,100,205:04
Dan48pizinucs, ok.  do you think that would be worth a shot to get my rid of vertical tearing, or is there something else that might be amiss with my setup?05:05
Exploiteranyone knows why /etc/default/grub file is blank in ubuntu 10.10 ?05:05
dlirandal_, you messed it up by adding gateway on the netbook end05:05
randal_dli,  thats what i have as soon as i tell to coneect to eth0 i loose my netbook internet05:05
Sean93I deleted /etc/apt/ by accident, what should i do?05:05
dlirandal_, on netbook, you only set IP/netmask05:06
randal_dli my gateway on my netbook is set to is that correct05:06
hariykeyboardisn't that the 2nd time you asked that sean?05:06
Scottyhey guys I am having trouble connecting to my wireless netweork05:06
izinucsDan48p: most likely it's just the driver.. I use it on my 8200 card on my desktop with no issues really.. you can always uninstall it and go back to the previous one.. a ppa will allow you to list it as a repository.. so typically it's a simple update05:06
ScottyIt worked earlier...05:06
dlirandal_, no, you don't change/add gateway after wifi up05:06
rooksSean93,  i think its possible in some situations to undelete, tho i havent done it mysef05:06
Sean93rooks: how?05:06
randal_dli,  it wont let me get rid of the gateway address05:06
ScottyThen I turned the computer off, and voila, not no longer works.05:07
switch10_Sean93: not really if you did rm -r /etc/apt05:07
dlirandal_, on desktop end, you set IP/netmask, gateway, DNS05:07
rooksSean93, http://www.stud.tu-ilmenau.de/~mojo/undelete.html05:07
randal_dli ok i fixed the netbook side i think05:07
randal_dli,  i only set the ip and netmask05:08
ScottyHey there can anyone help me?05:08
randal_dli on desktop i set all those i will test now i might loose internet brb05:08
BentSpaceWhat's the best option for syncing files between my two computers both are using Ubuntu 10.10?  Want to basically keep all my files synced so it's also like a backup for each other.05:08
Sean93switch10_: i did. surely there is some way to fix this? can i get the data off my install disc or download it from somewhere? what exactly is in that folder?05:08
dlirandal_, if you are not sure, reboot, or stop wifi, and start it again05:08
Dan48pizinucs, is the "Ubuntu-X" the one i'm looking for?05:08
randal_dli eth0 is active now and i still have internet05:09
izinucsDan48p: not sure.. hang on.05:09
sarge1221Quick question but how do you fix mouse pointer flickering? For example sometiems the mouse pointer will start randomly flashing in and out in two different spots sometimes in even four spots.05:09
randal_dli,  now how do i get it to share the connectin05:09
randal_dli, connection*05:09
switch10_BentSpace: dropbox, ubuntu one05:09
Exploiteranyone knows why /etc/default/grub file is blank in ubuntu 10.10 ?05:10
dlirandal_, can you ping from eth0 side?05:10
randal_dli how do i ping lol05:10
Scottyping <ip>05:10
randal_dli,  its in windows05:10
cabullitaFirst time in irc, what is this and how does it work? Thanks!05:10
izinucsDan48p: give me the link05:10
mdg2anyone use ceni for wifi?  Can it be configured to auto login?05:10
switch10_Sean93: its very difficult.  I hope you are not running that system right now.  every second it is running it is overwritting those files in /etc/apt.  You may as well reinstall.05:11
Dan48pizinucs, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates05:11
randal_dli,  my desktop is now saing i have internet but it cant find server05:11
Sean93switch10_: yes im running it now05:11
Dan48pizinucs, and then theres this one too: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa05:11
rooksSean93, http://www.brighthub.com/computing/linux/articles/34156.aspx05:11
mdg2anyone here use ceni?05:12
randal_Dli i get DNS server not responding from desktop05:12
dlirandal_, http://pastebin.com/mZDZRBuG05:12
=== kirkmoreno is now known as rentistoodamhigh
randomnikhello. i run into problem when installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox OSE. it seems that VB version in Ubuntu software center is older then the version of guest tool additions it tries to download when you are in Ubuntu guest OS. So i had to manually install VirtualBox from their site, and when i did install tools it worked fine. My question is how does that work with ubuntu software center and apps, this was very specific, as virtualbox tri05:12
randomniked to download addons that are newer then in normal software install05:12
Exploiteranyone knows why /etc/default/grub file is blank in ubuntu 10.10 ?05:13
dlirandal_, now, you need ip_nat, you save the file from pastebin, chmod +x,  and sudo to run it05:13
randomnikExploiter, that is not folder grub is installed05:13
randal_dli what05:13
Sean93rooks: that is for ext3 im using ext405:13
randal_dli,  how do i save it05:14
izinucsDan48p: this one https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau05:14
dlirandal_, http://pastebin.com/mZDZRBuG , save the script file05:14
Exploiterrandomnik, its an grub file, i guess but its blank file05:14
rooksSean93, ah, k, sorry05:14
chasejackssince 10.10, my videos are freezing05:14
forresti upgraded to maverick and eclipse can't find the plugins I installed directly in eclipse anymore05:14
chasejacksanything i play in vlc/player05:15
randal_dli, save it in gedit?05:15
randomnikExploiter, boot/grub/grub.cfg05:15
rentistoodamhighdoes anyone know of a fruityloops type program with 808 beats to make music on ubuntu?05:15
switch10_Sean93: rooks:  that also just searches for certain file types.  most of the config files in /etc/apt have no extension05:15
DrkCodemanfixed my problem.... ubuntu didn't like the fact my second hard drive on my pc was formatted ntfs i told ubuntu to install using the entire disk however it was on a sepprate hard drive05:15
chasejacksany ideas?05:15
DrkCodemani guess when you install ubuntu you have to detach other hard drives on your computer05:15
Dan48prentistoodamhigh, http://lmms.sourceforge.net/screenshots.php                   i don't know anything about it but it looks cool05:16
chasejacksmy videos just freeze and then i get a "failed to parse stream" message05:16
dlirandal_, save it to a file, i.g. nat.sh ; chmod a+x nat.sh ; sudo ./nat.sh05:16
chasejackseither that or they continue05:16
Dan48pizinucs, thanks for the help... we'll see how this goes05:16
izinucsDrkCodeman: nope.. you just have to use the manual partioning when you get to that section on install..05:16
dlirandal_, after that, your desktop would be online05:17
DrkCodemanizinucs: you should just be to tell it to install to the entire disk and target the disk you want it installed on05:17
izinucsDan48p: after adding the ppa repository then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade.. with the new driver installed you may have to restart x with sudo service gdm restart05:17
randal_dli,  randal@randal-1008HA:~$ sudo chmod a+x nat.sh05:17
randal_[sudo] password for randal:05:17
randal_randal@randal-1008HA:~$ chmod a+x nat.sh05:17
randal_randal@randal-1008HA:~$ ^C05:17
FloodBot1randal_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:17
BentSpaceswitch10_: Anything that's free?05:17
evoni'm having trouble mounting an a drive using sshfs.  I keep getting the following error "fuse: bad mount point `/media/megadisk': Input/output error"05:18
DrkCodemanlawl or pastebin :)05:18
randal_dli,  isaved it useing getdit is that ok05:18
dlirandal_, don't paste here, use a pastebin05:18
dlirandal_, yes, it should be ok05:18
rooksSean93, cant you just copy healthy /etc/apt dir from other system?05:18
Dan48pizinucs, do i need to remove the drivers that i currently have installed?05:18
Sean93rooks: can you send me one? :P05:18
izinucsDrkCodeman: after you learn a bit you'll discover that manually partitioning and creating a separate /home is *very* beneficial..05:18
randal_dli i still dont have internet05:18
izinucsDan48p: no..05:18
rooksSean93, sure :)05:18
DrkCodemanizinucs: i guess so :)05:18
Dan48pizinucs, ok05:18
dlirandal_, you chmod it, and you run it with sudo: sudo ./nat.sh05:19
randomnikWhy the version of VirtualBox OSE in ubuntu software center is not in sync with guest addons it tries to install on Ubuntu 10.10 guest? on Ubuntu 10.10 host.05:19
dlirandal_, or sudo /path/to/nat.sh05:19
switch10_BentSpace: both are free.05:19
randal_dli,  my nat file is in home folder05:19
Sean93is my package list in /apt/?05:19
izinucsDrkCodeman: you'll want to do that after hosing your system trying to figure things out and go through a reinstall.. or do an upgrade from one release to antoher and have it break somehow..05:19
HashBoxevon, try sudo umount -l /media/megadisk05:20
switch10_Sean93: yes05:20
evonhashbox, won't that unmount the drive?05:20
HashBoxevon, and then perhaps a sudo killall ssh to make sure there's nothing using the mountpoint05:20
DrkCodemanwe had a ubuntu samba server at work that the terabyte drive took a dump on sucked royaly05:20
evonhashbox ok05:20
dlirandal_, then, sudo ~randal/nat.sh05:20
Sean93switch10_: how do i fix that?05:20
HashBoxevon, you said it's having trouble yeah? as in not mounted right now?05:20
rentistoodamhighDan48p: thanks :)05:20
evonhashbox correct05:21
Dan48prentistoodamhigh, no problem, good luck with makin clean beats05:21
HashBoxevon, I've seen SSHFS do that when the network goes down and it doesn't reconnect properly, this might be the case here05:21
rooksSean93, i just looked around, i think your package list is in /var somewhere, at least i hadnt found anyting of value in /etc/apt05:21
jcthere is something wrong with my rhythmbox,I can't open it05:21
Sean93rooks: ok, how will you send me the folder?05:21
switch10_Sean93: any changes you have made to files in /etc/apt/, this includes fstab and sources.list, will be lost.05:22
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switch10_Sean93: you could just copy the default /etc/apt/ dir from a liveCD I would imagine.05:22
Sean93switch10_: i tried that but couldnt find it05:23
randal_dli,  do i have to reset connecting after05:23
randal_dli,  can i just tell that file to run in terminal will that work05:23
randal_dli,  how do you chomod it05:23
evonhashbox. it mounts then says this when i try to access through nautilus "Error: Error stating file '/media/megadisk': Input/output error05:23
evonPlease select another viewer and try again."05:23
dlirandal_, sudo chmod +x ~randal/nat.sh05:23
Sean93switch10_: wait, do i need to boot the cd? or just mount it?05:23
HashBoxevon, what is the command line you're using to mount it?05:23
switch10_Sean93: just mount it05:23
randal_dli,  sorry lost internet connection for some reason05:23
Sean93switch10_: where is it located?05:23
switch10_Sean93: its on the root directory.05:23
evonhasbox,  sudo sshfs smith2@ /media/megadisk05:24
switch10_Sean93: cant miss it.05:24
Error404NotFoundhow do i check if abc.tar.gz contains a file called example.out?05:24
dlirandal_, suppose you saved the file to ~randal/nat.sh; chmod 755 ~randal/nat.sh;sudo ~randal/nat.sh05:24
Sean93i dont have a folder called /etc/05:24
Sean93switch10_: i dont have a folder called /etc/05:24
TireaAeani hate grub.05:25
evonhashbox and i'm trying this in fstab to get it to mount at boot "sshfs#smith2@ /media/megadisk fuse'05:25
HashBoxhmm evon. that looks fine to me, I use "sudo sshfs -o allow_other -o reconnect user@server:/ /mount" and it works fine. Has it been working in the past or is this the first time you're setting it up?05:25
dliError404NotFound, tar tzf abc.tar.gz|grep foo05:25
randal_dli,  i typed in that i got this randal@randal-1008HA:~$ sudo chmod +x ~randal/nat.sh05:25
randal_[sudo] password for randal:05:25
Error404NotFounddli, its taking years :)05:25
karthick87how to use rdesktop..?05:25
evonhashbox it's my first time setting it up05:25
randal_Error404NotFound, haha05:25
DGodNTwhat are some popular ports based on ubuntu , i have seen mint kubuntu studentbuntu05:25
switch10_Sean93: give me the output of ls /media/05:25
DGodNTany others ?05:25
evonhashbox I will try it your way05:26
dlirandal_, suppose you saved the file to ~randal/nat.sh; chmod 755 ~randal/nat.sh;sudo ~randal/nat.sh05:26
ProfessorBaconDGodNT: mythbuntu?05:26
switch10_Sean93: with the cd in the drive05:26
Sean93switch10_: its a usb05:26
DGodNTProfessorBacon got it05:26
rooksSean93, http://ubuntuone.com/p/Mvs/05:26
randal_dli,  i see what you typed and all it says to me is wtf05:26
switch10_Sean93: either way05:26
rooksSean93, there ya go :)05:26
DGodNTProfessorBacon got that one already05:26
DGodNTi need 2 more05:26
randal_dli, sorry start from the beggining how to se iptables up :)05:26
TireaAeani cant get 10.10 to dual boot on my vista pc..../rage05:26
DGodNTis mandriva based on ubu ?05:27
dlirandal_, save the file, chmod 755 the file, and sudo to run the file05:27
izinucsTireaAean: did you install already? do you have 2 harddrives?05:27
DGodNTcmon guys think05:27
TireaAeanyes and yes izinucs05:27
izinucs!ot | DGodNT05:27
ubottuDGodNT: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:27
rooksSean93, ah, one word of caution, my apt config is for i686 version, the non 64bit, and it uses polish apt mirrors, which you might want to something closer to you05:27
DGodNTwhat are some popular ports05:27
evonhashbox. i get the same error even when I mount with your command05:27
ActionParsnipDGodNT: thats offtopic here05:28
DGodNTizinucs its not OT05:28
HashBoxevon, alright then, do you get any messages coming up when you run the mount command?05:28
randal_dli i dont know how to chmod it explain05:28
DGodNTno it isnt05:28
dliTireaAean, 10.10 gives me blank screen :(05:28
izinucsTireaAean: and when you boot it goes straight to windows?05:28
ActionParsnipDGodNT: it is, this is for people having ubuntu problems only05:28
randal_dli,  i have it saved at nat.sh05:28
dlirandal_, example: chmod 755 ~/nat.sh05:28
TireaAeanizinucs yes05:28
evonhashbox, nope05:28
ozzloyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/522480/ wine worked until today.  last time it told me it needed an update, i postponed it.  any update to wine in ubuntu recently?05:28
Sean93switch10_: 0Z415909.LOG              fdbasecd.iso  menu.c32            ubnfilel.txt05:28
Sean93autorun.inf               grub          pics                ubninit05:28
Sean93boot                      install       pool                ubnkern05:28
Sean93Broadcom Wireless Ubuntu  isolinux      preseed             ubnpathl.txt05:28
Sean93casper                    ldlinux.sys   quitsudo            ubuntu05:28
Sean93dists                     md5sum.txt    README.diskdefines  usb-creator.exe05:28
FloodBot1Sean93: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:28
ozzloy*rosetta stone under wine05:28
ActionParsnipDGodNT: do you have an ubuntu problem you would like us to help you with..05:28
evonhashbox, I can read the drive just fine on the machine it is connected to05:28
randal_dli this is what i got05:29
izinucsTireaAean: reboot the machine and get into the bios.. switch the boot order of the drives so your secondary is first in line..05:29
randal_dlirandal@randal-1008HA:~$ chmod 755 ~/nat.sh05:29
randal_randal@randal-1008HA:~$ ^C05:29
FloodBot1randal_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:29
TireaAeanactually no05:29
dlirandal_, you don't even have to chmod it: sudo 'sh /home/randal/nat.sh'05:29
Sean93switch10_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/522495/05:29
izinucsTireaAean: ??05:29
Sean93rooks: thanks05:29
HashBoxevon, are you able to ssh to the machine using the provided username? and then run "ls /media/megadrive" successfully?05:29
randal_dli,  randal@randal-1008HA:~$ sudo 'sh /home/randal/nat.sh'05:29
randal_sudo: sh /home/randal/nat.sh: command not found05:29
TireaAeanizinucs pm window not working?05:30
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evonhashbox, I don't know how to do that05:30
MonthOLDpickleHow do I install bluetooth on ubuntu 10.1005:30
ActionParsnipMonthOLDpickle: its installed by default05:30
MonthOLDpickleI turned it on in windows partition and so on05:30
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest41547
izinucsTireaAean: I don't pay attention to them.. I'm on irssi and it's not the most evidant thing to notice.. so unless someone asks and I accept I don't bother.. too much spam.. so you only have one harddrive?05:30
MonthOLDpickleI tried restarting, stopping, and starting the bluetooth05:30
Error404NotFoundWhen upgrading from commandline i see "13 packages are going to be removed. 100 new packages are going to be installed. 538 packages are going to be upgraded". Any way to list what exactly is going to be removed05:31
HashBoxevon, does this work? "ssh smith2@ ls /media/megadisk"05:31
TireaAeanizinucs yes only 1.05:31
randal_dli,  randal@randal-1008HA:~$ sudo sh /home/randal/nat.sh05:31
randal_/home/randal/nat.sh: 15: [[: not found05:31
randal_need ip_forward in kernel05:31
FloodBot1randal_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:31
izinucsTireaAean: then disregard everything I said.. good luck05:31
ActionParsnipMonthOLDpickle: if you run:  sudo hcitool scan   do you see devices readied for pairing?05:31
randal_dli,  i know this is frustrating but thank you for taking you time o help me with this05:32
evonhashbox, worked perfectly05:32
TireaAeanwell i installed ubuntu on the /dev/sda205:32
TireaAeando i not also put GRUB2 in there?05:32
dlirandal_, no, looks it's my bad05:32
dlirandal_, the script file is not tested in ubuntu05:32
dlirandal_, give me one minute to test it05:33
randal_dli,  ok05:33
meaniefaceError404NotFound: you can use aptitude05:33
MonthOLDpickleActionParsnip: Yes I see the mouse when I put it in seek05:33
meaniefaceError404NotFound: just move over the packages and hit spacebar to open up the tree05:33
ActionParsnipMonthOLDpickle: then its working05:34
MonthOLDpickleno icon...05:34
MonthOLDpickleno manager05:34
dlirandal_, delete the old file, try this: http://pastebin.ca/197684005:34
Sean93switch10_: you there? http://paste.ubuntu.com/522495/05:35
HashBoxevon, I'm not too sure what else to try sorry, it might be a Nautilus problem or possibly a bug..05:35
=== DGodNT is now known as XDS2010
ActionParsnipMonthOLDpickle: press ALT+F2 and type blue  and see the options05:35
evonhashbox, thanks for the help. i am gonna try rebooting05:35
HashBoxevon, no worries, good luck :)05:35
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ActionParsnipMonthOLDpickle: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-setup-bluetooth-keyboard-and-mouse-in-ubuntu.html05:35
TireaAeanso anyone in here can tell me if grub2 goes in the same partition as the ubuntu install? cuz i did that and i still cant get it to dual boot...05:35
ActionParsnipTireaAean: the grub loader will be put on the MBR of the disk05:36
MonthOLDpickleBluetooth was first auto choice: failed to execute child process no such file or directory05:36
ActionParsnipTireaAean: not the partition, the config will be stored on the partition though05:36
TireaAeanActionParsnip: what?05:36
ActionParsnipMonthOLDpickle: try something else05:36
MonthOLDpickleapplet made the icon come up05:36
MonthOLDpickleon taskbar05:36
TireaAeanActionParsnip: the install is on /dev/sda205:36
ActionParsnipTireaAean: try asking about which bit you don't understand, rather than a hugely ambiguous "what"05:36
randal_dli, ok its saved now what do i type in terminal05:37
ActionParsnipTireaAean: yes, but the bootloader will be installed to /dev/sda05:37
OrphWhat is a good theme editor for Ubuntu05:37
dlirandal_, sudo sh ~randal/nat.sh05:37
OrphI cant get my color scheme to change, it keeps reverting back to the same ugly color scheme05:37
ActionParsnipOrph: can you expand on "editor" please..05:37
TireaAeanActionParsnip: thank you.05:38
BentSpaceswitch10_: But only free for a small amount of files, right?05:38
ActionParsnipOrph: i see, make sure you are the owner of your $HOME05:38
switch10_Sean93: look through a few of those directories.  I dont have a live disk on me, so I cant tell you exactly where it is.05:38
switch10_BentSpace: yes, 2 gig.05:38
OrphI just want to choose a theme and have it change colors and stuff for me.05:38
OrphI did something to break that.. apparently.05:38
huntz23I am looking for some help upgrading hardy to lucid05:39
ActionParsnipOrph: you can right click desktop -> change desktop background then click the theme tab05:39
blackshirthuntz23: what the problem05:39
ActionParsnipOrph: you can download themes from gnome-look.org05:39
kittkattHello, has anyone gotten PHPEclipse running on 10.10?  I can't seem to get it working despite successful install05:39
randal_dli randal@randal-1008HA:~$ sudo sh ~randal/nat.sh05:39
randal_NAT from private:eth0 to public:eth105:39
n3rV3huntz23, a word of advice you would be better off if you do a clean install05:39
sarge1221Does anyone know how to make a mouse pointer quit flashing/ being jittery.05:39
Some_PersonCan anybody help me with random crashing?05:39
huntz23it tells me that update-manager is blacklisted05:40
ActionParsnipSome_Person: check your ram using memtest in grub05:40
Error404NotFoundIf i am doing consecutive e.g. jaunty -> karmic, karmic->lucid, lucid-> maverick upgrades, do i need to restart in between?05:40
randaldli,  i lost internet when i did that05:40
blackshirtn3rV3: huntz23, a word of advice you would be better off if you do a clean install --> i dont think so05:40
randaldli randal@randal-1008HA:~$ sudo sh ~randal/nat.sh05:40
randalNAT from private:eth0 to public:eth105:40
ActionParsnipError404NotFound: yes05:40
Orph...My titlebars arent there.05:40
FloodBot1randal: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:40
OrphThey are clear.05:40
switch10_BentSpace: you could do something like setting up a network attatched storage on your LAN for more storage.  Then use rsync to sync your 2 machines.05:40
ActionParsnipOrph: they are called window decorators05:40
Some_PersonActionParsnip: I only get these crashes on Ubuntu Linux, not my two other (non-Linux) operating systems. This leads me to doubt that my hardware is the problem05:40
dlirandal, forgot to ask, is your wifi eth1?05:40
ActionParsnipOrph: try pressing ALT+F2 and run: metacity --replace05:40
n3rV3blackshirt, why? i've found that upgrades mostly cause issues05:41
randaldli,  lol no its wifi05:41
huntz23I have had the same system running since 6.10 and I am not gonna abandon it just yet05:41
OrphThats it.05:41
ActionParsnipSome_Person: its good to take it out as an option with testing (my recommendation). If you log on as a different user does it still happen?05:41
dlirandal, if it's something else, you have to modify the file to read like WANNIC=wlan005:41
OrphActionParsnip: Thank you. What did that do exactly?05:41
Some_PersonActionParsnip: Also, these crashes started after upgrading to Maverick05:41
Orphreplace the current window director with metacity?05:41
ActionParsnipOrph: turned of compiz and switch to metacity which has no effects05:41
randaldli,  can you modifi it05:41
blackshirtn3rV3: mostly, you can fix it05:41
Some_PersonActionParsnip: I only have one user on this machine05:42
OrphWell, Compiz worked fine, but arguably I overdid it05:42
dlirandal, what's it? sudo ifconfig -a05:42
Orphand did something I shouldn't have. Thank you.05:42
dlirandal, better: sudo iwconfig05:42
ActionParsnipSome_Person: make another would be a logical step then...05:42
Some_PersonActionParsnip: I shall give it a try05:42
randaldli, lo        no wireless extensions.05:43
randaleth0      no wireless extensions.05:43
randalwlan0     IEEE 802.11bgn  ESSID:"linksys"05:43
randal          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.437 GHz  Access Point: 68:7F:74:2B:77:9805:43
randal          Bit Rate=150 Mb/s   Tx-Power=20 dBm05:43
randal          Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off05:43
FloodBot1randal: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:43
ActionParsnipOrph: you may need extra options and such to get them to run, you may find they are ok if you do the same but run: compiz --replace05:43
huntz23blackshirt: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160870905:43
randaldli,  i hate flood bot did it mute what i sent05:43
n3rV3blackshirt, yes but i find it too tiring..05:43
dlirandal, no, you should not have pasted in channel, use pastebin05:44
OrphI wonder if there is a way to reset compiz options to default?05:44
ActionParsniprandal: will you please use the pastebin, you have flooded repeatedly and scrolling the channel is not helpful nor fair to other users05:44
randaldli, lol ok :905:44
huntz23n3erv3:  its the challenge...lol05:44
ActionParsniprandal: if you obey the floodbot instead of scrolling the channel to death then you won't have a problem05:44
randaldli,  so can you modify the script to fit my computer05:44
OrphI suppose uninstalling and re-installing will do it.05:44
dlirandal, http://pastebin.ca/197684405:45
=== dtcummin_away is now known as dtcummin
randalActionParsnip, sorry ill use pastbin for now on05:45
rwwthank you.05:45
ActionParsnipOrph: the configs are in your $HOME someplace, you could ask in #compiz05:45
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ActionParsniprandal: cool :)05:45
OrphActionParsnip: Fair enough.05:45
Some_PersonActionParsnip, All right, I have created and logged in as a new user, which is already annoying me since the darn Rhythmbox library is empty05:45
dliOrph, like ~/.config/compiz05:46
BentSpaceswitch10_:  I need to do like 50 GB.  Found a wiki about MultipleComputerSynchronization, but it's from 2006 and talks of programs like Unison that can do it, though it seems like Unison is no longer being actively developed.05:47
blackshirti have deban system installed, and have never reinstall the system again]05:47
blackshirtjust update and upgrade05:47
=== dw- is now known as zoltan
=== zoltan is now known as dw-
dw-sup reem05:48
dw-can you be more descriptive?05:48
blackshirtreem: describe your problem05:48
randaldli,  i lost internet on my netbook when i did that05:48
randaldli http://pastebin.ca/197684605:49
dlirandal, how did you get network again?05:49
huntz23blackshirt: did you get the link to my post?05:49
caleb_You guys know if playdeb.net is safe?05:49
jonas_i need some help05:49
randaldli,  i disconnected my eth0 and restart xchat05:49
blackshirthuntz23 : i'm sorry, i miss it.. where05:49
dw-sup jonas, can you be more descriptive?05:49
reem21312i install ubuntu 10.10, after i reboot it, it goes straight to terminal and not to th gui?05:49
blackshirtok wait a minute, i check it again05:49
huntz23blackshirt: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160870905:49
ActionParsnipreem21312: if you run: startx   after logging in do you get a gui?05:50
jonas_i cannot install plugins with my xubuntu05:50
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blackshirthuntz23 : wait a minute, just reading :)05:50
ActionParsnipjonas_: plugins for what?05:50
randaldli so i enabled eth0 is back on05:50
dlirandal, your wifi should work, eth0 on or not05:50
jonas_for see videos05:50
reem21312didnt try that yet05:50
ActionParsnipjonas_: install xubuntu-restricted-extras05:50
reem21312what is the problem actually?05:51
huntz23blackshirt: np05:51
jonas_like you tube or someting05:51
caleb_Guys, I'd like to know if the linux gaming site www.playdeb.net is safe to install games on or not, cause I saw some pretty interesting ones there.05:51
TireaAeanActionParsnip: thanks again! problem solved.05:51
randaldli,  i have them both on now. They are connected but no internet on my desktop it sees a network tho but without internet05:51
dlirandal, when you said 'lost'? what exactly does it mean05:51
ActionParsnipTireaAean: sweet, glad you got the gold :)05:51
randaldli now it shows i have interntet but i dont05:52
ActionParsniprandal: can you ping
randaldli my xchat times out05:52
jonas_plugins of adobde flash player05:52
randalActionParsnip,  how do you ping05:52
TireaAeanawwwww F<<<<<<<<<05:52
ActionParsnipjonas_: the package I named wil install java, flash and media codecs05:52
TireaAeani cant get into windows now05:52
randaldli,  ActionParsnip i get this from my desktop DNS server not responding05:52
ActionParsniprandal: same as in any OS you can name05:52
randalActionParsnip,  i dont know how05:52
blackshirthuntz23 : i have read your problems, why not use online repository to upgrade your installed ubuntu ??05:53
dw-randal: run ping <ip> from a prompt05:53
ActionParsniprandal: open a terminal with CTRL+ALT+T then type: ping -c 4   and hit enter05:53
ActionParsniprandal: you never did a ping in windows before?05:53
jonas_yes the web site of adobe give several options of linux systems operations05:53
Sean93im trying to install a program and i get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/522502/. shoild i just install what it says?05:53
dlirandal, can you reboot, and try again, make sure you don't mess up with DNS/gateway when configure eth0 on netbook05:53
dw-randal: i do start -> run -> cmd to get prompt.  Action has l33t h4x05:54
huntz23balckshirt: unfortunately my desktop is not connect to internet right now05:54
blackshirthuntz23  still there ??05:54
ActionParsnipSean93: if they are needed then yes05:54
jonas_i have xubuntu 9.04 and i dont know if is ubuntu 8.04 or ubuntu 9.0405:54
huntz23damn typo, lol05:54
TireaAeannevermind all is well. :D05:54
ectospasmSean93: it doesn't say what it will install instead05:54
ActionParsnipjonas_: jaunty is dead dude05:54
jonas_hahah what?05:55
caleb_Fine no one answer my question..05:55
TireaAeanmy life is happy now. time to get some sleep.05:55
ActionParsnipjonas_: if you run:  lsb_release -c   it will tel you the code name05:55
blackshirthuntz: you only have lucid cd ?05:55
randalActionParsnip,  i typed that in put it did not ping it it just gave me options05:55
ectospasm!ask | caleb_05:55
ubottucaleb_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:55
ActionParsnipjonas_: Jaunty is EOL now and not supported05:55
dw-noone knows cal05:55
jonas_ah ok im going to try05:55
randaldli, restart my desktop or netbook05:55
ActionParsniprandal: ok try: ping    instead05:55
dlirandal, netbook05:55
caleb_Is playdeb.net a safe ubuntu game downloading site to go on?05:55
randalActionParsnip,  it pinged fine i think sent 4 recieved 405:56
huntz23I saw something on the forums caleb_, that hints to it being ok05:56
caleb_huntz23: alright thanks :D05:56
blackshirtcaleb: i think it's safe05:56
ectospasm!cn | teasiu05:56
ubottuteasiu: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:56
randaldli,  ok i will restart now05:56
randaldli, brb05:56
dw-caleb_: are you harbouring files important to national security ? :/ :D05:56
Sean93this is what i get when i try to install them http://paste.ubuntu.com/522503/05:57
caleb_dw-: no they are all open source or emulators05:57
caleb_no roms05:57
dw-ya looks good i might try some05:57
JoeMaverickSett!cn | teasiu05:57
ubottuteasiu: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:57
ectospasmSean93: that looks OK, you should say "yes"05:57
huntz23Blackshirt, I also grabbed karmic because I read somewhere that hardy kubuntu was eol05:57
dliteasiu, this is an english only channel05:57
yagooSean93, apt-cache search <smaller string>05:57
andrew__eol /05:57
Sean93yagoo: what??05:58
ActionParsniprandal: sounds like your DNS sucks then. If you run: gksudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf    delete ALL text and add this line:  nameserver   save the new file, close gedit and all browsers then retry the browser, see if it flys05:58
jonas_i have to run lsb_release -c in the terminal?05:58
andrew__whats eol ?05:58
teasiuhow to getin UBUNTU-CN05:58
andrew__no answer ?05:58
JoeMaverickSettteasiu: /join #ubuntu-cn05:58
ownerdoes anyone know why my update manager says it was last updated 103 days ago05:58
andrew__becuase thats when u lats updated it05:58
huntz23blackshirt I was gonna update over my droid but thats only supported in lucid and up i guess05:58
OrphOk, #compiz isn't being any help.05:58
dw-!cn | teasiu05:59
ubottuteasiu: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:59
randaldli,  ok im back says im connected but then i get a DNS error from desktop05:59
Dan48pteasiu, server>join a channel      then type that in05:59
andrew__wicked dumb05:59
yagooowner, getout.. 103 days no update? someone hacked in it by now05:59
ownerno it says theres no updates05:59
dlirandal, can you run the nat.sh?05:59
randaldli, what do i type in terminal agian?05:59
owneri havent had linux on here for 103 days05:59
dw-randal: ping <ip>  !06:00
blackshirthuntz23: i think maybe better to use alternate cd or repository dvd to do upgrade to lucid06:00
andrew__goof ball yo06:00
dlirandal, first, can you ping desktop?06:00
yagooowner, 103 days. Why?06:00
andrew__then i don't know06:00
randaldli,  how lol06:00
syntax__We are more than 1% http://migre.me/1RU6p06:00
owneri dunno06:00
andrew__fah sizzle06:00
randaldli,  what do i type in terminal06:00
dlirandal, at netbook: ping
andrew__has the update manger said that after rebooting ?06:00
huntz23blackshirt I have the alternate cd for both karmic and lucid06:00
andrew__ i do winder ?06:01
andrew__wonder *06:01
andrew__i ahve the stanard gnome desktop on a netbook06:01
randaldli,  its taking awile06:01
andrew__hey i have map question06:02
randaldli,  how long is it aposed to take06:02
Geitenneukeri had to update some stuff to read BTRFS disks on my old 9.04, if i update to meowkat do i need to alter the kernel again?06:02
dlirandal, millisecond06:02
syntax__do not forget this campaign -- We are more than 1% -- http://migre.me/1RU6p06:03
huntz23blackshirt I am guessing its got to do with update-manager, but I dont understand why it is blacklisted06:03
andrew__any good map apps for ubuntu that can connect to web plus "cache" maps for offline viewing ?06:03
blackshirthuntz23: why not use aptitude or apt-get to upgrade06:03
andrew__basicly what i'm asking can view them with siad app then view everything i have viewed later in  an offline mode?06:04
andrew__thanks for any help with this06:04
dliandrew__, like : tangogps06:04
cjaeok so I if I uninstalled network manager and edited /etc/network/interfaces would I be able to get wifi on boot? and what about if I use wpa06:04
randaldli well this is what i get http://pastebin.ca/197686806:04
andrew__i don't have gps06:04
huntz23blackshirt will that work with an alternate disk?06:04
dlirandal, configure eth0 at netbook: sudo ifconfig eth0 up;sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask
randaldli,  my desktop is set to ip gateway dns
blackshirti think so, but if you have dvd repository, you can fully upgrade them to lucid06:05
dlirandal, modify desktop DNS to
Sean93what is a good screen recorder for linux? i only need to record part of the screen06:05
dlirandal, or anything you see in netbook's /etc/resolv.conf06:06
huntz23blackshirt that would be swell if that machine had a dvd drive06:06
randaldli, i did the
andrew__no idea any one on map app?06:07
Sean93blackshirt: a video recorder06:07
ryah_where can i get the package psb-firmware ?06:07
andrew__i need map app06:07
randaldli,  XD i have internet after the gateway change to
huntz23blackshirt doh, i can run that in a virtual drive like my cdrom couldn't I?06:07
randaldli,  holy crap that was hard06:08
dlirandal, better, use something in /etc/resolv.conf06:08
dlirandal, it's quite easy, but you have infinite ways to do it wrong06:08
blackshirthuntz23: yeah, you can iso image to ?06:09
dlirandal, it could be faster than google DNS
randaldli lol ya http://pastebin.ca/197687206:09
randaldli,  tell me what to use lol06:09
dlirandal, you can add eth0 settings in network-manager, or /etc/network/interfaces06:09
randaldli,  why do i need to add settings06:10
randaldli, what gate way should i use on my desktop06:10
dlirandal, you can use all three:,[67]06:10
huntz23blackshirt ifI can find the iso online I can use usb stick to move the iso like I did with eh alternate iso images06:10
dlirandal, your desktop need to know where to send request, if it's not within the 192.168.100. subnet06:11
randaldli,  thanks so much now will my netbook seting need to change depending on what desktop computer i plug it into06:11
dliif you want nat.sh be auto at booting, add the lines into /etc/rc.local06:12
bivousing the usb installer on a 4gb usb flash, what should I set persistence to?06:12
=== cpg|brb is now known as cpg
blackshirthuntz23: yes, use alternate cd or dvd repository iso. i am usually use the iso image to install packages06:13
dlirandal, of course, you can use firestarter, just don't touch DHCP/IP in firestarter, choose wlan0 as connected, and eth0 to share06:13
randaldli, ok and what is the code to run teh nat.sh06:13
randaldli,  incase i have to use it agin on later date im saving a file wiht theses commands06:14
element_mavhello every one06:14
blackshirtbut don't use live cd, i think it's use compressed file system, which makes it difficult to use deb packages from it to upgrade installed system06:14
dlirandal, open the nat.sh in gedit, open /etc/rc.local in gedit, copy nat.sh lines to the end of /etc/rc.local, but before exit 006:14
=== Pilif12p is now known as Pilif12p|afk
element_mavi need help regarding mouse extra button configuration...06:15
=== Pilif12p|afk is now known as Pilif12p
huntz23blackshirt how do I alter my sources.list for that and would I still apt-get -update then apt-get -upgrade?06:15
dlirandal, to run it as script file, chmod 755 it, and sudo to run it06:15
dlirandal, to run it as script file, chmod 755 it, and sudo to run it06:16
randaldli,  aorry i closed xchat06:16
randaldli,  lol can you give me the whol command from where my file is06:16
poutinerandal, doesn't soun like what you should have done06:16
randalpoutine,  why what should i have done06:17
randaldli,  i also need the file name to make it do this on boot i lost it06:17
dlirandal, open the nat.sh in gedit, open /etc/rc.local in gedit, copy nat.sh lines to the end of /etc/rc.local, but before exit 006:17
venilsuryaWhat is the command to launch google earth?06:18
randaldli,  ok now what is the chmod command06:18
venilsuryaI've tried googleearth06:18
venilsuryaand google-earth06:18
blackshirthuntz23: if it was used as cdrom, just mount it and you can use apt-cdrom add to add it to sources.list06:19
redbeanschmod changes the mode on a file06:19
randaldli,  the command to use nat.sh in terminal plz06:20
dlirandal, if you add the lines to /etc/rc.local, you don't need to chmod nat.sh any more. still, chmod 755 ~/nat.sh06:20
dlirandal, if you have done chmod 755, to run it: sudo ~randal/nat.sh06:20
blackshirtor. if we want its permanently, just mount iso images and add to fstab, and then modify your sources.list to access it, via file stanza06:20
randaldli i know but i would just like to know how whats the 755 mean?06:21
reem123435nothing happen after i type startx06:21
blackshirtrandal: it's permition bit set06:21
dlirandal, rwxr-xr-x , man chmod06:21
randaldli what06:22
pityonlineHello! Can anybody tell me how to detect some keys which don't work?06:22
dlirandal, man chmod06:22
Wyldkrd87hey guys, so I used Wubi to install 10.04 on the partition of my hdd that windows can see... what would be the easiest way for me to get 10.04 on to the ext3 formatted partition that windows can't see? do i have to reinstall the whole OS?06:22
randaldli,  where do you guys learn all this crazy stuff06:22
bullgard4[Base 3.2.1] What does effect the setting of Tools > Options > Language Settings > Languages > Languages of Locale setting?06:23
pityonlineI found some keys on my keyboard don't work, even in xev, but how to use them?06:23
dlirandal, try linux-101: http://www.linux.org/lessons/ , but google 'foo howto' 'foo wiki' will be good06:24
blackshirtrandal: it's not a crazy stuff..06:24
dlipityonline, if it's hardware, you may have to use another keyboard06:24
randaldli,  ill look into that06:25
blackshirtWyldkrd87: you can install it on dedicated partition for linux06:25
randaldli,  well thanks you for the hours of help . Thsnks so much06:25
reem123435help, still no gui after install and reboot. only terminal06:25
blackshirtreem12345: your terminal can connect to internet06:26
blackshirt ??06:26
dlireem123435, do you mean no X, only console?06:26
reem123435i'm on the livecd now06:27
reem123435i type startx but nothing happened06:27
reem123435only black screen06:27
pityonlinedli: Sorry but it's notebook keyboard.06:27
Nisstyre65reem123435: stype 'startx' and see what happens06:27
Nisstyre65nevermind : P06:27
blackshirtreem12345: i think you should configure your graphic card driver, x server and xorg.conf06:28
Nisstyre65I thought ubuntu did that for you06:28
dlipityonline, yes, that's hard :( you may try to clean the keys with compressed air06:28
reem123435blackshirt, how do i do that?06:28
huntz23blackshirt: I am gonna have to use the alternate cd and get the core kubuntu upgraded and try to do the rest through my droid, I dont think it will brick everything I might break a few packages here or there though06:29
Nisstyre65reem123435: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Beginners%27_Guide#Step_2:_Install_X06:29
dlireem123435, do you know your video card?06:29
Nisstyre65substitute pacman for apt=get06:29
CuervoDoes anyone use a hp fingerprint reader with fprint?06:29
pityonlinedli: I mean the hardwire works but some keys don't have right keycode or keysym.06:29
blackshirtreem12345: mostly, ubuntu would do it for you, but if something get problem...you can try manually fix it06:30
dlipityonline, does it work in console?06:30
reem123435nissty, its intel gma 450006:30
pityonlinedli: Well, let me try them in console.06:30
Nisstyre65reem123435: pretty much every video card in existence should be supported06:31
pityonlinedli: No, they don't.06:31
Nisstyre65reem123435: do "lspci > ~/lspci.txt and then paste that somewhere like pastebin and link it here06:32
reem123435nissty, do what???06:33
blackshirthuntz23: its working ??06:33
blackshirtreem12345: you can use dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg to configure your xserver06:33
bullgard4[Base 3.2.1] What does effect the setting of Tools > Options > Language Settings > Languages > Languages of Locale setting?06:34
pityonlinedli: Like this 0xB3 euro, 0xB4 dollar, I think wrong keysym on those keys.06:34
huntz23blackshirt: i was doing some reading before I tried anything else, I know I have compiz which prolly isnt on the disk, and I used the wine project and pidgin projects own repositories so there would be some things I would ahve to uninstall and reinstall late so it didnt brick it06:35
dlipityonline, yes, looks like a keymap issue, but I have no experience here06:35
BlackDalekWhat program do I need that will create a backup image of my entire drive? I found something called "back in time" but it doesn't seem to be what I am looking for. I just want a simple program that can take an image of my drive so I can save the image to another drive and restore it from the image later.06:35
pityonlinedli: Thank you all the same. :)06:36
Wyldkrd87blackshirt: yeah, i know but if already have 10.04 installed, is there anything i can do to not have to reinstall everything?06:45
Loshki!backup one of these I guess | BlackDalek06:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:45
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning06:45
BlackJamManare there any console email checkers other than mail, and pine ?06:45
ashtray Eua : !cloning06:46
LoshkiBlackDalek: oops, please see above re: backups06:46
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate06:46
BlackDalekLoshki, thank you06:46
ActionParsnipBlackDalek: mutt06:47
alexb92hey guys, i cant seem to upgrade to 10.10, says something about a redundancy cycle involving x1106:47
ActionParsnip!info mutt | BlackDalek06:47
ubottuBlackDalek: mutt (source: mutt): text-based mailreader supporting MIME, GPG, PGP and threading. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.20-9ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 1167 kB, installed size 3380 kB06:47
alexb92any ideas how to solve?06:47
BlackJamManActionParsnip: I think you mean me.06:47
ActionParsnipBlackJamMan: yeah, it's been a long shift :(06:48
BlackJamManActionParsnip: Can I install it myself locally ?06:48
BlackJamManActionParsnip: Or would the admin have to06:48
YeTr2trying to install ubuntu on one of my PC's... it's failing to show the boot menu, it's just displaying artifact garbage.06:48
ActionParsnipBlackJamMan: sure, just run: sudo apt-get install mutt06:48
rocket16When I try to add my Google Calendar with Evolution, I find that it is mentioned that SSL should be enabled for evolution, as per http://www.ehow.com/how_4488736_sync-evolution-calendar-google-calendar.html , but I don't find the option in evolution.06:48
ActionParsnipBlackJamMan: only members of admin can install packages06:48
YeTr2I guess the problem is that it's connected via hdmi to the monitor.06:48
BlackJamManActionParsnip: I don't have the root pass.06:49
ActionParsnipBlackJamMan: there isn't one06:49
ActionParsnipBlackJamMan: if you run: groups   are you a member of admin?06:49
BlackJamManActionParsnip: no.  It's not my 'box'06:49
ActionParsnipBlackJamMan: i see, then the owner will need to set it up for you06:49
BlackJamManActionParsnip: but there is no mail or pine.  He removed it for some reason and I can't figure out how to read my mail06:49
BlackJamManActionParsnip: I get "you have new mail" on login, but no way to read it I know of06:50
YeTr2... that was odd06:50
YeTr2I mashed escape before the graphical boot menu came up06:50
YeTr2then it just timed out and started booting.06:50
BlackJamManActionParsnip: So I have to wait on him pretty much ?06:51
YeTr2.... sure is taking a long time to boot..06:51
YeTr2Awesome! it can't find the USB disk06:52
ActionParsnipBlackJamMan: yes as you do not have access to instal things06:53
BlackJamManActionParsnip: I can't even run mutt as a user after ./configire06:53
BlackJamManand make06:53
BlackJamManActionParsnip: well even that wont work due to no 'curses'06:54
BlackJamManoh well06:54
YeTr2 /init: line 7: can't open /dev/sd*: No medium found06:54
ActionParsnipBlackJamMan: you can compile and run the command from where it stands, you will not be able to run 'make install'06:55
BlackJamManActionParsnip: It wont even work due to no curses.06:55
LoshkiBlackJamMan: does  'more /var/spool/mail/<username>' work?06:55
ActionParsnipBlackJamMan: you MAY be able to download the deb, extract it to $HOME then execute it there, it may work06:55
ActionParsnipBlackJamMan: i see06:55
BlackJamManLoshki: yeah I can atleast read it06:56
rocket16Evolution can't work with Google calendar, 'cause the "Use SSL" is not there in the Google setup calendar. Any help?06:57
LoshkiBlackJamMan: then my advice is to live with it till your sysadmin shows up....06:57
BlackJamManLoshki: the email I was looking for didn't show up though, so the other people's mail must be junk.06:58
YeTr2.... the USB thumbdrive install is FAIL..06:58
LoshkiBlackJamMan: emails do sometimes get lost. And I wouldn't assume anything about the state of other people's mail files....07:00
bullgard4[Base 3.2.1] What does effect the setting of Tools > Options > Language Settings > Languages > Languages of Locale setting?07:01
YeTr2... and ubuntu fails to support my cd burner..07:03
EighteensYeTr2, try k3b, works awesome for me07:04
YeTr2Eighteens: I use wodim. k3b is a wrapper for wodim. if anything, wodim will show failure faster than k3b since I don't have to view all that silly graphical stuff prior to getting a failure.07:05
Eighteenswoodim would consistantly fail in brasero, untill i installed k3b, now all my dvd's burn excellent07:06
sculpturedis there a channel dedicated to assembly?07:07
unitedpotsmokersguys, i install maverick on my laptop. go to hardware drivers, install nvidia accelerated graphic drver (recommended), then restart my laptop, no GDM & menu, only a blank screen, enter login name & password...07:07
asmcoswho know the upstart07:07
asmcosmy 10.04 upstart don't work07:08
Eventyrethaving an issue with Asus K70 not restarting, it will never shutdown prop. Anyone ?07:08
asmcosthe job_process can parse job07:08
asmcosbut it don't exec07:08
asmcoscom.ubuntu.Upstart.*.c ....07:08
asmcoswho know thath07:09
Eventyretguess most of the people are asleep07:11
sivakumari want to change my booting options by automatic login into ubuntu with out asking boot loader07:12
asmcosagree you07:12
asmcossivakumar: X ?login?grub?07:12
unitedpotsmokersmaverick really made me sick07:13
proudhawkok, am I being seen in here?07:14
velkoproudhawk, yes07:14
proudhawkok, I asked some important qiestions in #ubuntu-powerpc and got no response a/quit07:15
bivousing the usb installer on a 4gb usb flash, what should I set persistence to?07:17
asmcosupstart ...07:18
asmcoswho know upstart07:19
meaniefacebivo: persistence is only needed if you are going to change files to your usb, save settings07:20
meaniefacebivo: if you are using the usb to just install i wouldn't worry about that07:20
proudhawkok my connection reset07:20
proudhawkI need some help and the guys in powerpc (one of the ubuntu chans) were completely unresponsive07:21
bivomeanieface I'm not going to install to a disk, just theflash07:21
spinningcompassproudhawk: Sort of like their hardware07:21
sculpturedspinningcompass: whhhhhoooooaaa! zing!07:22
proudhawknot really, I have the hardware working, but I can't get speech up (I am blind and really need it)07:23
proudhawkI had to install openssh-server in the blind on a term to get speech access via ssh terminal07:23
proudhawkso far, what I have are these 2 log entries from espeak.log and speech-dispatcher log07:25
proudhawkInvalid instruction 0000 for phoneme <insert character here>07:25
proudhawk[Wed Oct 27 22:23:19 2010 : 302826] speechd: Fatal error [server.c:81]:Couldn't find settings for active client, internal error.07:25
proudhawksince the powerbook is my portable machine (I can't take this iMac anywhere without a plugin) I need some accessibility on there07:27
proudhawkbtw, the espeak.log file is huge (700 MB and it grows every time I start espeak under orca07:28
proudhawkum, am I still connected?07:28
meaniefacebivo: if you are still here, here is a video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSHB8-dBI2w07:29
proudhawkthats confirmation I am still in chan. ircII doesn't work the way I am used to via ssh07:29
seidosbinary file for eye of gnome?07:31
doc|homeseidos: eog07:32
proudhawkI need to masj these joins and parts. thats annoying hearing it in the voiceover program07:32
gunnargumpertok guys, is this a helpchannel for linux?07:32
doc|homegunnargumpert: for ubuntu07:32
gunnargumpertleute, ist das ein hilfechannel für linux07:32
ilovefairuz!de | gunnargumpert07:33
ubottugunnargumpert: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.07:33
=== ssmy_ is now known as ssmy
seidosdoc|home, thanks07:33
gunnargumpertok, i'll speak english now07:33
proudhawkhehehe danke07:33
gunnargumperthow to install the firefox-3.6.12.tar.bz2 on linux 10.10?07:34
gunnargumpertis there something like cmd.exe?07:34
gunnargumpertbecause i need to enter codes07:34
gunnargumpert$ cp /home/tom/Desktop/firefox- .07:35
gunnargumpert$ tar -zxvf firefox-
ilovefairuzgunnargumpert: the firefox version that ships with ubuntu will be automatically updated07:35
gunnargumpertilovefairuz: But i don't even have it installed07:35
gunnargumperti'm using cromus07:35
gunnargumpertbut, i don't want to use this bulls'''''07:36
ilovefairuzgunnargumpert: but if you still insist: tar xf firefox-3.6.12.tar.bz207:36
jbmdoes anyone know when the maverick kernel is going to get updated?  the arduino environment is crashing with a problem in __setup_rt_frame(), which is a real bummer07:36
ilovefairuzgunnargumpert: that should create a directory called firefox, click on the file 'firefox' inside it07:36
proudhawkbrb, I just got identd installed and need to restart my client07:37
jbm(and I'd rather stay on the release kernels than rebuild a new .deb of the image)07:37
gunnargumpertso i need to change the name from firefox-3.6.12.tar to firefox, just?07:37
ilovefairuzjbm: check the bug report for status07:37
gunnargumpertwhich bug error?07:37
gunnargumperti need help to install, not to update07:38
proudhawkok back07:38
gunnargumperti don't get it07:38
ilovefairuzgunnargumpert: no you don't need to change anything, here's an easier way, right click on the file you downloaded and click extract07:38
proudhawkthats better07:38
gunnargumpertgot it07:38
ilovefairuzgunnargumpert: a folder named 'firefox' will appear, INSIDE it there's a firefox file, click on it07:38
gunnargumpertbut what's next?07:38
proudhawknow, if I can just get a little help with orca on my powerbook07:38
ilovefairuzgunnargumpert: that's all, clicking on 'firefox' will run it07:39
jbmilovefairuz: I don't see one for the desktop, but I do see one for EC2 AMIs.  Currently unowned.07:40
Connor1Going back to Fedora if it supports my wireless card, bye everyone07:40
ilovefairuzjbm: comment on it and ask?07:40
proudhawkwow, something is either up with my connection or facebook just went up and down a bunch of times07:41
ilovefairuzConnor1: Fedora's support isn't that different. what's the output of: lshw -C network07:41
meaniefaceproudhawk: who is your isp?07:41
Connor1ilovefairuz my wireless card is a realtek 817207:41
Connor1It is the polar opposite of linux friendly.07:41
ilovefairuzConnor1: please the output of the command i gave you07:41
jbmilovefairuz: kthx.07:42
Connor1ilovefairuz my laptop isn't even on07:42
Connor1Getting it out07:42
gunnargumpertsorry guys, but i can't exctract the tar07:42
Connor1I used Fedora back in...9th grade I believe?07:42
Connor1Three years ago...07:42
Connor1Fedora Nine...07:42
dkostousovHi. I need some help. I have a very old book with ubuntu server 10.04 installed. Xorg is configured and works. Mode 800x600x807:43
ilovefairuzgunnargumpert: sudo apt-get install firefox07:43
Connor1Only reason I'm on Ubuntu was it supported my wireless card, normally I'd be all over Mint.07:43
gunnargumpertit says "permission denied"07:43
dkostousovHow I can configure framebuffer for 800x600x8?07:43
YeTr2ok, yeah... this computer just hates me.07:43
proudhawkwell, orca hates my powerpc powerbook G3 for some reason.07:43
YeTr2won't boot cdrom07:43
meaniefacegunnargumpert: do you have administrator rights?07:43
asmcosframebuffer ?07:44
ilovefairuzmeanieface: not needed to run a firefox tar07:44
Connor1ilovefairuz booting my Fedora live flash drive07:44
Connor1Also what would that command do?07:44
YeTr2can when it boots from USB, it can't find the volumes on either the USB or cd07:44
meaniefaceilovefairuz: well he said permission denied when you said to type sudo apt-get install firefox07:44
dkostousovasmcos: I want to configure console for hi resolution07:44
gunnargumpert<meanieface> yes07:44
gunnargumperti have07:44
gunnargumpertit's my own installation07:45
ilovefairuzConnor1: it should print the status of your card driver and some more info, but you should run it from ubuntu not from fedora07:45
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »07:45
ilovefairuz!who | gunnargumpert07:45
ubottugunnargumpert: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)07:45
gunnargumpertit was the wrong targed - my mistake07:45
asmcosmodify grub07:45
ilovefairuzmeanieface: sorry, missed it 't07:45
meaniefaceilovefairuz: np07:45
asmcos<dkostousov>:you maybe need modify grub07:45
Connor1ilovefairuz command not found07:46
gunnargumpertmeanieface and ilovefairuz: how to start it now?07:46
dkostousovasmcos: I use specific modeline for X. How can I use it for console?07:46
ilovefairuz!tab | asmcos07:46
ubottuasmcos: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.07:46
ilovefairuzgunnargumpert: from application menu07:46
ilovefairuzConnor1: did you run it from ubuntu?07:46
Connor1ilovefairuz I don't believe my wireless card is supported by Fedora07:46
Connor1Nope not yet07:46
Connor1I will right now07:46
meaniefacegunnargumpert: you can open a terminal and start to type fire and hit tab07:47
gunnargumpertok, meanieface and ilovefairuz, how should linux know, that firefox got extracted to "/home/gunnargumpert/firefox"07:47
Connor1I hate my wireless card so much07:47
ilovefairuzgunnargumpert: delete this firefox directory and the .tar, you don't need them07:47
ilovefairuzgunnargumpert: firefox is now installed as a package07:47
meaniefacegunnargumpert: yeah i was about to say that haha07:47
ilovefairuz!software | gunnargumpert07:47
ubottugunnargumpert: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents07:47
asmcosilovefairuz, ubottu,thank07:47
Connor1ilovefairuz what am I looking for?07:48
ilovefairuzConnor1: paste the output of lshw -C network to paste.ubuntu.com07:48
Connor1Let me start X first...07:48
asmcosdkostousov, framebuffer config vesa mode07:48
proudhawkgah! how to I mask out the join s and parts. this is frustrating following a conversation using text to speech07:48
meaniefaceproudhawk: what client are you using07:49
asmcosdkostousov, :you can modify grub config07:49
proudhawkircII meanie07:49
asmcoswho can tell me about upstart07:49
dkostousovasmcos: what should I put to grub config?07:49
Connor1I can't07:49
Connor1ilovefairuz fpaste.org/71Cy07:49
meaniefaceproudhawk: /ignore #mwsf * JOINS NICKS PARTS07:50
proudhawkk, thnx07:50
asmcosdkostousov, vga=0x???07:50
meaniefaceproudhawk: the # would be ubuntu07:50
Connor1Tell me what you get from that07:50
dkostousovasmcos: I tried it. Grub saied: unsupported parater, use gfxpayload07:50
asmcosdkostousov, unsupport ?07:51
proudhawkI had to arrow up to it, kb select it copy and paste07:51
asmcosdkostousov, vga don't unsupport VESA 3.0?07:51
ilovefairuzConnor1: both wired and wireless seem to be fine, check: iwlist scan07:51
drew212i'm getting a GPG error with ppa.launchpad.net how do i fix this?07:51
ilovefairuzConnor1: should scan for available networks07:52
proudhawkbeing blind sux big time. and here I've been total for all of three months07:52
Connor1It works in Ubuntu by default, I don't see why I'm doing this...07:52
ilovefairuz!who | Connor107:52
ubottuConnor1: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)07:52
Connor1ilovefairuz any reason I'm doing this?07:52
asmcosi compile a ubuntu to mipsel07:52
ilovefairuzConnor1: doing what? you said earlier you had a wireless problem07:52
asmcosthat ubuntu 10.04 can run in mipsel. use bash07:52
Connor1My card isn't supported by Fedora07:52
Connor1It works just fine in Ubuntu07:52
proudhawkmeanie, the joins are still showing up07:53
asmcosporting ubuntu to mips07:53
asmcosit's good07:53
ilovefairuzConnor1: i see, try #fedora then07:53
meaniefaceproudhawk: it's /ignore #ubuntu JOINS PARTS QUITS07:53
meaniefaceproudhawk: it's /ignore #ubuntu * JOINS PARTS QUITS07:53
Connor1ilovefairuz I already found the guide I need07:53
Connor1I'm going to be installing Fedora now...07:53
proudhawk /ignore #mwsf * JOINS NICKS PARTS/ignore #mwsf * JOINS PARTS QUITS07:54
meaniefaceproudhawk: no the #mwsf needs to be #ubuntu07:54
jaakkopHmm, anyone use Ubuntu server as a gateway + firewall?07:55
ilovefairuzproudhawk: check the settings of your irc client, probably has an option to disable it07:55
proudhawknot asure I can do that from here. stupid client isn't even supporting termcap right now07:55
chuy_maxis there a disadvantage to use Ubuntu 64 bit compared to 32 bit?07:56
drew212when i run apt-get update it's throwing me a GPG error saying that ppa.launchpad.net maverick release cannot be verified because the public key is not available07:56
meaniefacedrew212: you need the key for ppa.launchpad.net07:56
gunnargumpertok, some of you guys: i can't find the software center on lubuntu 10.1007:57
proudhawkI need to find BX07:57
drew212meanieface: it gives me the key i think how do i add it?(key is 620396F19C0042C8)07:57
meaniefacedrew212: you can add the key in the software sources07:58
ectospasmdrew212: or use apt-add-repository07:58
=== smalls is now known as bbsmalls
drew212ectospasm: it's telling me that ppa.launchpad.net is invalid07:59
ectospasmdrew212: yes, apt-add-repository handles getting the GPG key for you.08:00
drew212ectospasm: that command, is giving me the error08:00
newbie_bobDear all, I am about to buy a Toshiba Satellite R630 laptop and want know if Ubuntu will work on it. (please note I am completely new to Unix) Its not on the Recommended Hardware page08:01
ectospasmdrew212: you're not supplying the right URL then08:01
proudhawkwell, I need to make an ircII.conf file for this client. then find termcap and find out what its not working08:01
proudhawkhave a nice evening folks08:01
* YeTr2 waits for the usb boot disk creator to write to disk08:01
ectospasmdrew212: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/InstallingSoftware08:02
meaniefacedrew212: did you sign the ubuntu code of conduct?08:02
drew212ectospasm: this is a default install of ubuntu, something is broken08:02
drew212meanieface: yes, i have08:02
ectospasmdrew212: PPAs are NOT default08:02
naftilos76hi, is there a command line tool that lets me send email with attachments?08:02
ectospasmdrew212: see my link above ^08:03
newbie_bobere hello08:03
drew212ectospasm: then how do i remove ppa.launchpad.net?08:03
meaniefacedrew212: just go to software sources08:03
iLLf8dnewbie_bob you're gonna have to research the techspecs for that model and see if that chipset/chip/graphics adapter/etc... is supported with a bunch of google searches08:03
ectospasmdrew212: delete it from /etc/apt/sources.list08:03
drew212meanieface: that would require me learn to use gnome =P08:04
meaniefacedrew212: sorry i thought you were using gnome :)08:04
drew212meanieface: i am, but i prefer terminal08:04
meaniefacedrew212: use drew212's answer08:04
meaniefacedrew212: sorry ectospasm08:05
gunnargumpert!ilovefairuz: could you tell me, how to open the software center on linux ubuntu 10.1008:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:05
JoeMaverickSettnewbie_bob: http://webapps.ubuntu.com/certification/ although some aren't listed,as the manufactures or the laptop testing team haven't come across, but don't worry. :)08:05
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drew212ectospasm: it's not showing up in sources.list08:06
gunnargumpertilovefairuz: could you tell me, how to open the software center on linux ubuntu 10.1008:06
=== Guest6199 is now known as ishmael
drew212ectospasm: something is terribly broken08:06
JoeMaverickSettgunnargumpert: Application > (at the bottom) Software Centre08:06
ectospasmdrew212: it may be in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/08:06
ectospasmdrew212: no, it doesn't sound like it is08:06
Frijolieis there a way to do a bulk rename say...by regex (I need to cut the last three characters before the file extension and paste it at the beginning of the file name)08:06
newbie_bobiLLf8d: Thanks, you'll forgive my ignorace... The chipset,  is the cpu?08:06
gunnargumpertJoeMaverickSett: there is no "Applications"08:06
FrijolieI have at least 100 files that would be sweet in a rename at the terminal but I don't know how to "script" it08:07
JoeMaverickSettgunnargumpert: i assume you have the gnome-panel?08:07
ectospasmFrijolie: it should be quite simple, how are all the files the same?  Same filename extension?08:07
drew212ectospasm: not in there either08:08
JoeMaverickSettgunnargumpert: if so, right click > add to panel > Menu Bar.08:08
Frijolieectospasm, yes '.txt'08:08
Frijolie(e.g. blah 001.txt)08:08
Frijolieneeds to say 001 blah.txt08:08
newbie_bobJoeMaverickSett: Thanks, but although there are other Toshiba Satellites on there, my exact one isn't.08:09
ectospasmdrew212: try "apt-add-repository --remove"08:09
drew212ectospasm: and why is there a location pointing to http://ppa.launchpad.net?08:09
ectospasmdrew212: because you put it there?08:10
JoeMaverickSettnewbie_bob: even mine isn't but it works great. ;)08:10
ectospasmFrijolie: pm?08:10
drew212ectospasm: no, i didn't like i said, this is a fresh install of ubuntu08:10
drew212the only thing i changed off the default was i installed proprietary stuff08:10
ectospasmdrew212: why are you trying to add the PPA?08:10
drew212ectospasm: no i cannot update my system: W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net maverick Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 620396F19C0042C808:11
YeTr2eventually I'll understand why the usb startup disk creator creates a 500MB buffer of data while writing to the disk08:11
drew212ectospasm: i am trying to fix, remove or other to get it to update again08:11
jci am installing my intel-fortran08:11
newbie_bobJoeMaverickSett: Thanks08:11
JoeMaverickSettnewbie_bob: no problem.08:11
smallsCould someone please tell me (Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook) how to edit the items on the left-hand icon bar? Thank you.08:12
ectospasmdrew212: see about importing the GPG key manually08:12
jctype the full path to your license file(s),but i can't find it.what should i do08:12
iLLf8dnewbie_bob I'd recommend you getting a linux friend in real life to check it out for you08:12
cvrsedrew212: gpg --recv-keys 620396F19C0042C8 --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com08:12
iLLf8dif you dont have one find a local linux users group and show up to a meeting and ask08:12
drew212cvrse: thanks08:13
ectospasmdrew212: try the instructions on the PPA for old Ubuntu systems08:13
drew212ectospasm: old ubuntu systems?08:13
ectospasmdrew212: yes, it shows how to manually import the key08:13
newbie_bobiLLf8d: I have not bought it yet.. and I am a little hesitant to spend £700 and just hope08:13
drew212cvrse: didn't work08:14
drew212ectospasm: looking into it now08:14
iLLf8dyep I dunno the state of linux on modern laptops08:14
iLLf8dmost of my hardware is a few years old08:14
yapsolfor laptops and netbooks with linux that's good08:15
yapsolmodels too modern tend to lack drivers. and it's not like you'll use your linux laptop for 3d games, so08:15
iLLf8dto be honest if you dont know what a chipset is I doubt you'll be able to determine in advance if linux will run on that particular piece of hardware w/out having a linux friend help you out or w/out getting a bunch of live linux distributions burned off for testing08:16
smallsCould someone please tell me (Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook) how to edit the items on the left-hand icon bar? Thank you.08:16
yapsolan old one is good enough08:16
teratornhi, when I press the Win+s key shortcut it popups up the login/logout menu.... how can I disable this key binding?08:16
iLLf8dand you probably dont know what live linux dists are either so I really recommend you go to a friend or a LUG meeting in your area and ask for some direction/help if you're serious about running linux08:16
drew212ectospasm: thanks for all the help, don't have it working yet, but i'll finish up tomorrow08:17
jccome on08:18
iLLf8dlinux is fun to run but it does require alot of work on your part to work out the kinks at times altho sometimes you can get lucky and get full support08:18
doc|homeiLLf8d: I think canonical should sell hardware. Do an apple :/08:18
yapsoltoday for some unknown reason my keyboard layout got damaged, out of nowhere08:18
doc|home(Just on this!)08:19
yapsoland i was unable to boot because i couldn't type the luks password08:19
yapsoli needed the ubuntu cd to fix it08:19
iLLf8dI used to be big into opensource and linux but now I run mostly windows and dual boot into linux I got sucked into mmorpgs and the likes =P08:19
yapsoli almost never play any kind of games08:20
iLLf8dused to run freebsd/obsd/debian/gentoo/ubuntu08:20
iLLf8ddont start games are evil08:20
yapsolso here linux is fine08:20
yapsolgames aren't evil08:20
iLLf8dI popped into freeload to get some eclipse ide help but freenode seems dead lately08:20
yapsolanyway, for games you should buy a console08:20
smalls-- how can i configure ubuntu so that it can NOT mount my other partitions?08:21
yapsoljust my two cents08:21
iLLf8dI agree08:21
iLLf8dbut if you dont have a console you use what you have08:21
gunnargumpertPART Bye, guys!08:21
iLLf8dcya gunnar08:21
gunnargumpertwhy the heck doesn't work08:21
yapsoli like to play some old arcade games once in a while08:21
gunnargumpertit's not working /part, not PART08:21
gunnargumpertwhat do i need to do08:22
yapsolmetal slug, aliens, those things08:22
iLLf8dI'm done with gaming I've been missing coding so I'm getting back into it08:22
gunnargumperti user /part the first time08:22
gunnargumpertbut it opened the help08:22
iLLf8dI'd love to reload my lappy with a new debian or ubuntu but my hardwares a bit henke and it might not finish before it crashes08:22
gunnargumpertlike a poput08:22
iLLf8dseems my laptop is on the way out08:22
yapsoli'm not a computer scientist08:22
yapsoli'll try to code all my little things using lisp08:23
iLLf8dI took some cs at uni but am more of a hobbiest08:23
yapsolsame here08:23
iLLf8daltho I may try my hand at the mobile phone apps marketplace08:23
yapsoli use my computer mostly for browsing and to store digital media08:23
iLLf8dandroid apps maybe08:23
iLLf8dyeah computers are great for media and communication08:24
naftilos76hi, has anybody used sendmail ? I basically want to enter into cron in my remote server a few commands like 1) backup & compress my db 2) send it to my email everyday. Is that doable?08:24
newbie_bobiLLf8d: thanks for the advice08:25
blakkheimmailx + ssmtp08:25
iLLf8dyou're welcome good luck08:25
llutznaftilos76: use nullmailer or simple ones like ssmtp, msmtp for that. sendmail is a monster, oversized for this job08:25
naftilos76i'llhave a look, thanks man08:26
llutznaftilos76: ssmtp -> http://www.linux.com/archive/feature/132006 or http://msmtp.sourceforge.net/   for some info08:27
iLLf8dI know this is #ubuntu but are there any eclipse users on by any chance? seems most channels are dead at this time of night08:27
evilbughow can i change the keyring manager password on 10.10?08:27
YeTr2614465536 bytes (614 MB) copied, 9.53616 s, 64.4 MB/s08:28
iLLf8dwhatya talkin about bug? ssh keys?08:29
atoianyone know what package "initdb" for postgresql is in?08:29
atoiI'm using a backport of PostgreSQL 9 for Lucid.08:29
evilbugiLLf8d: the one that stores wifi passwords and things.08:29
bullgard4[Base 3.2.1] What does effect the setting of Tools > Options > Language Settings > Languages > Languages of Locale setting?08:30
iLLf8duhm apt-file search initdb?08:30
cvrseevilbug, just right click on passwords in seahorse08:30
llutz!find initdb08:30
iLLf8ddunno if ubu has that08:30
ubottuFile initdb found in language-pack-cs-base, language-pack-de-base, language-pack-en-base, language-pack-es-base, language-pack-fr-base, language-pack-it-base, language-pack-ja-base, language-pack-oc-base, language-pack-pt-base, language-pack-ru-base (and 12 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=initdb&mode=&suite=maverick&arch=any08:30
Karen_mfor some reason, my ubuntu bash no longer will complete usernames for expansion;   cd ~ka<tab> will not find ~karen, once I have:  cd ~karen/p<tab> it will expand properly, why is this and how do I fix it?  Thank you!08:31
iLLf8devilbug he get that for you?08:31
iLLf8dI'm runnin gnome on mine got an applet in the upper right that enables me to edit my wireless networks08:32
atoiI think this backported package is missing the initdb command08:33
evilbugcvrse: where's seahorse located? i'm not seeing it.08:34
cvrseevilbug, alt-f2 and type in seahorse08:34
n3rV3which seahorse08:35
iLLf8dhave a good night all =)08:36
evilbugcvrse: oh, i got you. thanks.08:37
soulicilyhi all08:38
evilbugcvrse: and also my volume icon disappeared in the top right section of the task bar and i'm wondering how i can get it back since i don't see it in the launcher list.08:39
ilovefairuzevilbug: add 'indicator applet'08:40
cvrseevilbug, which version are you using? its included in the inicator applet in the recent ones08:40
bullgard4[Base 3.2.1] What does effect the setting of Tools > Options > Language Settings > Languages > Languages of Locale setting?08:40
evilbugcvrse: 10.1008:41
cvrseevilbug, yeh indicator applet, it's tied in with a few other indicators on the tray u might have tried to remove08:42
MiMeI opened a folder with banshee once, and now, all of my folders are being opened in banshee (e.g. when I click on the home folder on the Desktop)08:42
mondayhas anyone been having issues with ubuntu 10.04 with intel graphics cards?08:43
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evilbugilovefairuz, cvrse: thanks for your help.08:44
MiMeI opened a folder with banshee once, and now, all of my folders are being opened in banshee (e.g. when I click on the home folder on the Desktop) any help to make it open with nautilus again?08:44
cvrseMiMe, right click on the folder and Open with other applications and select file browser08:46
MiMecvrse: but I want to make it the default way to open folders (the default one is banshee right now)08:46
Gneamonday: nope08:46
mondayits killing me.08:47
Gneamonday: what problem are you having?08:47
mondayI've been waiting for a bug fix08:47
ilovefairuzMiMe: gedit /home/a/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list  .. and delete the entry for nautilus08:47
mondaybut none has come out yet.08:47
mondayXorg just crashes randomly08:47
mondayall I can do is reboot to get Xorg back.08:48
ilovefairuzMiMe: /home/USERNAME (a is for example)08:48
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution08:48
blackshirtwhen i used ubuntu, it's happen to me08:48
mondayGLX has something to do with it.08:48
MiMeilovefairuz: thanks, this one worked08:48
mondaywhen I try to restart it will not render.08:48
mondayproduces an error.08:48
mondaywell when I /etc/init.d/gdm restart08:49
ilovefairuzMiMe: you're welcome08:49
mondaygot rid of all nvidia configs but something is wrong with the intel driver.08:49
meuahi all, it seems that while removing ruby and ruby on rails from my system, apt removes my texlive-full installation ??? just to say...08:50
rubydiamondMy laptop does not come out of suspend mode..08:50
rubydiamondIt's Dell Vostro 101508:50
rubydiamondI am using Ubuntu 10.10..08:50
mondayrubydiamond: did you upgrade?08:51
rubydiamondmonday: yeah I upgraded from 10.04 to 10.1008:51
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution08:51
mondayrubydiamond: was it via synaptic?08:51
rubydiamondmonday: yes08:51
Gneaokay, what happened to xorg.conf?08:52
Connor1I'm sticking with Ubuntu08:52
Connor1Fedora hated my laptop.08:52
GneaI thought it was in /etc/X11/ but it's no longer there08:52
Connor1I'm doing a minimal install \o/08:52
rubydiamondmonday: any known issue is this ?08:53
mondayhas a slight fix but sucks08:53
mondaycause the resolution is 64008:53
blackshirt1Connor1: what your problem08:53
Connor1I started my Ubuntu minimal install08:53
Connor1But I need to go to sleep because I have work today08:53
Connor1What should I do?08:53
Connor1It's at "Installing the base system"08:54
Connor1I'd really rather not leave my laptop on for six hours.08:54
ubottuTo reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes08:54
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution08:54
rubydiamondmonday: checking08:54
mondayoops wrong link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/55557308:55
Connor1blackshirt1 any suggestions?08:55
mondaytry that one.08:55
rubydiamondmonday: that link iis not opening up08:55
blackshirt1Connor1: you want shutdown it ??08:55
mondayyeah I type-od the source part08:55
rubydiamondmonday: was it to me ?08:55
Connor1blackshirt1 sure08:55
Connor1I'd rather continue this after work08:55
Connor1Should I just do a hard shutdown of my laptop?08:55
blackshirt1issuing halt -p08:55
rubydiamondmonday: okay.. prob solved08:56
AlthIs there anyway to find what processes are using a disk using /proc ?08:56
blackshirt1or shutdown on terminal08:56
* Gnea notes that sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh no longer appears to work08:56
mondayrubydiamond: I think it was to ubottu08:56
Connor1blackshirt1 thanks08:56
Connor1Didn't think to do that08:56
sresuError while trying to chnage permissions using <gksudo nautilus> - 'Could not change permissions for /media/file/file'. and other error include 'Could not modify the ownership of file /media/file/file. You have insufficient access to the file to perform the change.' How to fix it?08:56
ilovefairuzAlth: iotop -oPa08:57
Connor1I turned it off, I'm going to bed.'08:57
blackshirt1OK :)08:57
Connor1Thanks for the help08:57
Connor1I'm creating a VERY minimal ubuntu install08:57
Connor1I.e., It will have busybox, vim, irssi, and links08:57
Connor1That's it08:57
Connor1I'm going to bed bye08:57
blackshirt1yess.. what the problem with minimal ubuntu install,08:58
aborticidewhere is the ubuntu kernel on 10.04live USB?08:58
mondayrubydiamond: I wonder if I upgrade to 10.10 if that will fix my intel driver issue.08:58
blackshirt1aborticide: what you mean ?? deb package or real linux kernel ?08:59
Gneaokay, can someone please explain to me why xorg.conf isn't possible in 10.04 and on anymore?08:59
mondayyou can still use it09:00
Althbecause it doesnt have a conf by default?09:00
mondaybut you have to Xorg -configure09:00
blackshirt1Gnea: 10.04 not use xorg.conf ?? i think we can manually configure it09:00
mondaythat will write a xorg.conf type file in your home dir.09:00
Gneablackshirt1: yeah, just found a ubuntuforums article09:00
allencchhello, i have a question about gdm09:00
mondaythe new X does auto config unless it has the xorg.conf in the /etc/X11 dir.09:01
Gneaand the post lied09:01
blackshirt1Gnea: ubuntu just automagically configure x server for you, but if it's not working, we can configure it09:01
allencchi am using ubuntu, recently, i installed xubuntu-desktop, now, can i login by choosing xubuntu session or ubuntu desktop edition session09:01
Gneathere is no xorg-configure09:01
allencchi am using ubuntu 10.1009:01
Gneablackshirt1: yeah but we're having problems doing that09:01
Gneait's 10.04, it should just *work*09:02
allencchso, now the login screen is xubuntu instead of ubuntu09:02
Gneawhy did they have to change this around? so annoying09:02
blackshirt1allench: :)09:02
mondayGnea: type man Xorg09:02
mondayyou'll see the option09:02
allencchi would like to know, how to configure the login screen to ubuntu screen, instead of xubuntu, just want to know the way to doing so09:03
mondaywhen you type Xorg -configure it will write out a config file in your home directory or whatever directory you typed the command09:03
mondaybut it will be called xorg.conf.new09:03
aborticideblackshirt1: do you know what a kernel is?09:03
blackshirt1allench : dpkg-reconfigure gdm may be09:04
Gneamonday: negative09:04
allencchblackshirt1: i tried the command, including sudo, there is no any option for me to choose09:05
mondayGnea: did you get an error?09:05
Gneamonday: no file materialized09:05
blackshirt1aborticide : yes09:06
mondayGnea: maybe you can do it while Xorg is running.09:06
mondayI know my system creates one.09:06
Gneamonday: it didn't create one09:07
mondayit doesn't put it in /etc/X1109:07
mondaycheck in ~/09:07
aborticideblackshirt1: somehow i highly doubt it.09:07
Gneamonday: I did, nothing there09:07
mondayI don't know what is wrong09:07
mondayall my ubuntus create one.09:08
mondaydid you sudo?09:08
mondaythat's what happend09:08
mondayGnea: you got sudo Xorg -configure09:09
deostrollhi. i spent hours downloading the alternative iso for maverick. But while installing why does it take a long time to install. I thought everything was already there in the cd...?09:09
Gneamonday: I tried it in a terminal and at console, it always complains that X is already running on display 009:09
mondayI have no Xorg running09:10
he2i've a problem concerning  aliases in ubuntu 10.1009:10
mondayif you are not using X then you can do it.l09:10
coz_deostroll,  did you download the alternate or the minimal install?09:10
coz_deostroll,  well there is a lot of stuff to install... however..did it install correctly?09:10
mondayGnea: I don't know if you're using Xorg for IRC but down it then sudo Xorg -configure, and it will work.09:10
blackshirt1aborticide: maybe you mean the linux kernel used by ubuntu..09:11
deostrollcoz_, no its unable to download frm some repos...09:11
coz_deostroll,   is your internet connection slow?09:11
deostrollsort of. i k 35kbps download speed09:11
mondayGnea: if you need to down Xorg or its hung up you can do the following: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop; sudo killall Xorg; sudo Xorg -configure09:11
aborticideblackshirt1: no i mean, can you prove it?09:12
mondayGnea: I can't run Xorg right now cause mine is crashing. I've done that command sequence about 30 times.09:12
mondayit should work.09:12
coz_deostroll,   oh! ok mmm   did you check the iso md5sum and then check the cd for errors?  I dont remember but I would assume there is a menu  that has an entry for checking file integrity09:13
Gneamonday: okay, yeah, had to stop X first, I used:  sudo service gdm stop09:13
mondayGnea: nice09:13
Gneamonday: I use irssi in screen :)09:13
coz_deostroll,  my guess is..if it took that long to download  then the iso was corrupt09:13
mondayGnea: nice09:13
coz_deostroll,   the other alterantive is to downlod and burn the  minimal install cd which is only 12 megs09:13
coz_deostroll,   this install directly downloads all  of the needed packages  instead of having to burn them to disk09:14
* RavenChan how to keep speaker on while headphone plugged in?09:14
mondayGnea: I just Xchat -display09:14
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
mondayuntil I get this intel thing fixed.09:14
allencchi think there is no option for me to choose because of both xubuntu and ubuntu uses same gdm09:14
coz_deostroll,   if you want to try it this is the link   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD09:14
deostrollcoz_, hw do i check the alternate09:15
minhHi everybody! I inserted a usb-stick which was automatically mounted to /media/usbstick...how can I determine to which /dev it corresponds? (i suspect /dev/sdc)09:15
RavenChananybody know how to keep speaker on while headphone plugged in?09:15
coz_deostroll,  I think  when that boots...do you see a keyboard icon at the bottom of the screen?09:15
mondayGnea: but screen is dope! I love that app09:15
coz_deostroll,   I mean... when the cd starts is there a keyboard image at the bottom of the screen09:16
coz_deostroll,  or a menu?09:16
EventyretMy computer wont reboot, meaning it shuts down and turns blank, and not completely shuts down Asus K70IO any help ?09:16
aborticideJimmyJ|zz: your name says 'jizz' in it09:16
deostrolli don't boot it. i mount it and run the ./cdromupgrade executable file09:17
Axlinminh: "df" in terminal09:17
coz_deostroll,   ok   download the minimal install cd   and burn that  I think it will work better for you09:17
lizhaoguihello,to everybody!09:17
mondayEventyret: every time?09:17
blackshirt1aborticide: you can find it in the casper directory, linux kernel and initial ramdisk used to boot up09:17
minhAxlin: damn...thank you!09:18
coz_deostroll,  one thing...you will get to a point where there is a list of things to install...use the arrow keys to scroll and the "Space"  bar to tick a box...I would suggest just instlling the   ubuntu-desktop09:18
Gneamonday: yeah, thanks for your help :)09:18
Axlinnp. and adding "-h" will show it in a "human-readable" format09:18
coz_deostroll,   it will then download and install all of the necessary packages09:18
Eventyretmonday: everytime. if i use shutdown from gnome it shuts down completey, but if i use reboot, it shutsdown and never "turns off"09:18
mondayGnea: Glad I could help, usually I get helped! ha haa!09:18
coz_deostroll,  very little worry about  corrupt cd09:18
deostrollcoz_, but tht would mean I hve to install all the other pckages ...09:19
coz_deostroll,  on that link ,,,just below the download for maverick you will also see the md5sum09:19
mondayEventyret: what about in textmode?09:19
lizhaoguiok,i'm a chinese,my english is bad!09:19
YeTr2wooo! you go ubuntu! keep failing to boot a live disk on my PC09:19
Eventyretmonday: i belive it is the same, one moment i will check09:19
coz_deostroll,   "all the other packages" ??09:19
bazhanglizhaogui, #ubuntu-cn for Chinese09:19
coz_deostroll,  I am not sure what you mean!09:20
mondayEventyret: I wonder if something is hanging up. Did you wait like 10 minutes?09:20
YeTr2I'm thinking I'll tftp an install and see if I can bypass all that disk detection nonsense.09:20
lizhaoguibut i'm so excite09:20
bazhanglizhaogui, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic not here; here is support only09:21
deostrollcoz_, apache, lots of python packages, etc. things that I've installed in my current lucid09:21
bazhangYeTr2, try the alternate cd09:21
blackshirt1aborticide: you can find it in the casper directory, linux kernel and initial ramdisk used to boot up09:21
aborticideyou said that already, is there anything new you'd like to contribute?09:21
YeTr2bazhang: I'm thinking that won't help in the least, unless the alt cd has a different kernel.09:22
mondayEventyret: did it restart?09:22
lizhaoguithere is a problem in my computer,i can't instanll ecllipse.09:22
Eventyretmonday: its the same there, noticed the only lamps that are "on" is num lock, wirless and that its ON09:22
Eventyretmonday: so no it did not restart09:23
mondaydid you use sudo shutdown -r now?09:23
coz_deostroll,   oh you are upgrading?09:23
Eventyretmonday: no i didnt.09:23
mondayEventyret: without the ?09:23
Eventyretwant me to try that09:24
RedLateXhey all09:24
mondayEventyret: command goes like this "sudo shutdown -r now"09:24
lizhaoguino,i use ailurus to instanll09:24
blackshirt1aborticide : hey, what you mean ??09:24
mondayEventyret: no quotes09:24
coz_deostroll,   if you are upgrading   open a terminal     sudo  update-manager -d09:24
Eventyretmonday: one min il test09:24
mondayEventyret:  to get into text mode you have to kill gdm09:24
mondayEventyret: or /etc/init.d/gdm stop09:24
mondayEventyret: then maybe you can see where it is hanging.09:25
mondaydoes anyone know how to kill the splash screen on ubuntu on shutdown? Is it hold the shift key down?09:25
RedLateXdoes anyone know the solution to execute .exe files with wine on mounted partitions in 10.10?09:25
lizhaogui sudo  update-manager -d? it return no this command09:25
mondayI think its just wine file.exe09:26
mondayRedLateX: wine filename09:26
mondaythat should do it.09:26
RedLateXit's turned off normally now in 10.1009:26
rwwcoz_: The -d switch to update-manager (and do-release-upgrade) is for upgrading to development releases. Please don't tell people to use it to upgrade to stable releases; offer the !upgrade factoid instead.09:27
coz_lizhaogui,   what about   sudo do-release-upgrade09:27
RedLateXright click > properties > permissions > allow executing file as a program09:27
coz_rww,   got it09:27
mondayRedLateX: maybe not. I have 10.0409:27
RedLateXwhen i try to check it09:27
rwwthanks :)09:27
RedLateXit unchecks itself09:27
RedLateXon ntfs (mounted) partitions09:28
RAWRjarHey, I've got a situation where "sudo which X" finds the command, but "sudo X" tells me the command isn't found. What could be causing this?09:28
coz_deostroll,   do   sudo do-release-upgrade   in terminal09:28
Eventyretmonday: no im sorry its the same.09:28
mondayI've got to upgrade09:28
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade09:29
coz_!upgrade | deostroll09:29
ubottudeostroll: please see above09:29
mondayis ubottu a bot?09:29
rwwmonday: yes09:29
mondayha haa!09:29
mondaythat's awesome09:29
EventyretEventyret: just a black screen as it would when it shuts down then it just stays there, and you have to shut it off with the button pressed09:29
coz_rww,   althouigh either of those commands  are not going to show natty at this point09:29
deostrolli've done tht. it shows no new release found09:29
mondayEventyret: maybe turn off the splash screen.09:30
coz_upgrade | deostroll09:30
mondayEventyret: I don't know how to do that.09:30
rwwcoz_: Correct, but they will soon, and offering the correct command avoids people passing on wrong information when they do.09:30
coz_!upgrade | deostroll09:30
coz_rww,  understood09:30
mondayEventyret: I wonder if that is causing your hang up.09:30
sarge1221Mouse cursor bounces,flashes, jitters. Anyways to make it stop.09:30
mondayEventyret: usually that splash screen pops up on a shutdown.09:31
rwwdeostroll: You need to set Prompt=normal in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades, as the UpgradeNotes page indicates.09:31
Eventyretmonday: well it has no "GFX" it just turns down to 640x480 but i sorted it :P it works now09:31
coz_deostroll,   ok go here    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:31
Eventyretmonday: wierd because it works if i just do a shutdown09:31
coz_deostroll,  or more directly  here    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades09:31
mondayEventyret: that is so strange. I've never ran into that. usually I run into startup issues with a black screen.09:31
lizhaoguiAre there any Chinese?09:32
jianfeimei o..09:32
JoeMaverickSett!cn | lizhaogui09:32
ubottulizhaogui: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:32
Eventyretmonday: i tested the acpi as well :p no diffrence09:32
mondayEventyret: I'm clueless at this point. I'm thinking about it, does it just go black and not scroll any text, and hang there?09:33
Eventyretmonday: it goes black like your computer is off09:34
sarge1221Can no one offer a solution for fixing a screwed up mouse pointer? O_o09:34
aborticideblackshirt1: i mean, repeating oneself is wasteful09:34
Eventyretmonday: like when you havnt turned it on. - execpt all the lights on the keyboard is on like num pad wirless and so on09:34
mondayEventyret: wait I've had that happen before.09:34
bazhanglizhaogui, yes, I told you in #ubuntu-cn09:34
mondayEventyret: with my older laptop.09:34
blackshirt1OK.. :)09:34
mondayEventyret: fedora core though.09:34
=== ubuntu_ is now known as jfiefj3
Eventyretmonday: wierd thing it works on 8.10 ubuntu or 8.409:35
mondayEventyret: so that means no disc errors.09:35
jianfeiwhen is gnome getting a facelift?09:35
Eventyretmonday: yeah shutdown works i suspect the wirless card09:35
mondayEventyret: probably no disc issues.09:35
Eventyretmonday: can i get a PRINT a log or something when it does a shutdown ?09:35
YeTr2christ the installer is slow on this machine.09:36
mondayEventyret: let me see.09:36
Eventyretmonday: var/logs09:36
bazhangjianfei, please discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic09:36
mondayEventyret: looking for the log that would have that info.09:37
qdbi have reported bug  -  no reaction. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/file-roller/+bug/66618509:37
YeTr2aww damnit.09:37
YeTr2'error!!!, input/output error during read on /dev/sda09:38
Eventyretmonday:  demsg gave something09:38
YeTr2damn SSD09:39
ectospasmYeTr2: ?09:39
mondayEventyret: I was think ing about messages logs09:39
mondayEventyret: mine system has been up to long to check.09:40
mondayEventyret: I've got way to much going on to down it.09:40
zzatsI'm about to host an ubuntu demo in two hours, and I'm having real problems with my only hdmi-capable (ATI) laptop: [drm:radeon_dvi_detect] *ERROR* HDMI Type A-1: probed a monitor but no|invalid EDID09:40
abhinav_singhhow to copy id_rsa.pub from server to my local machine09:40
zzatscan anybody help, it's a bit of a hurry09:40
ectospasmEventyret: is what you're trying to log an upstart job?  Look in /etc/init09:40
MooshiMuushiHey guys. I have this problem with my internet on GNOME ubuntu 10.04 ;)09:40
qdbhello. i have made archive with file-roller in ubuntu. i have tested it then . and see, file named SED: How can I replace a newline (\n)? - Stack Overflow.html is omitted09:41
ectospasmabhinav_singh: ssh-copy-id09:41
ectospasmabhinav_singh: but you need to do it from the server09:41
pkkmWhat's wrong with syntax: "openssl req -newkey rsa:1024 -x509 -nodes -infiles server.csr -signkey server.key -keyout server.pem -days 365" ?09:41
abhinav_singhectospasm but it is not working09:41
MooshiMuushiCan anyone help out o.o?09:41
Eventyretectospasm: ? me im trying to resolve my restart issue09:41
ectospasmabhinav_singh: what's the entire command string09:41
ectospasm!ask | MooshiMuushi09:41
ubottuMooshiMuushi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:41
abhinav_singhi used ssh-copy-id username@ip09:41
mondayEventyret: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1001038609:42
ectospasmabhinav_singh: does it prompt you for a password?09:42
OmNomSequiturjianfei, are you causing trouble in here?09:42
MooshiMuushiAh. Again :D09:42
abhinav_singhno it is saying lost connection ectospasm09:42
blackshirt1MooshiMuushi: describe your problem ?09:42
mondayEventyret: did you see that link already?09:42
ectospasmabhinav_singh: can you SSH directly to IP09:42
jianfeiOmNomSequitur, NOT THAT i AM AWARE OF09:42
abhinav_singhbut if i am using ssh username@ip it is connecting ectospasm09:42
mondayEventyret: that link sucks09:43
mondayEventyret:  screw that link09:43
ectospasmabhinav_singh: that's weird09:43
abhinav_singhhmmmmm ectospasm ...what to do09:43
ectospasmsimply copy the id_rsa.pub to the target machine, and "cat id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys09:43
SpiritsInsideHow do i run php scripts on apache 2 on my local server?09:43
ectospasmsimply copy the id_rsa.pub to the target machine, and "cat id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys, abhinav_singh09:43
MooshiMuushiHey everyone. I installed "privoxy" on my computer. Then I uninstalled it. Now for some reason the internet has slowed down. I *think* it might have been the "privoxy's" doing. So I was wondering if there is anyway to check out if my computer has some weird setup.09:44
abhinav_singhi generated key with ssh-keygen ectospasm09:44
ectospasmabhinav_singh: yeah, I figured you had that part already09:44
ectospasmabhinav_singh: or do you need to connect to IP on a nonstandard port?  By default, ssh-copy-id only does port 2209:44
abhinav_singhyup ectospasm i know that09:45
Eventyretmonday: i got a suggestion i read about if you might be able ot help me09:45
ectospasmabhinav_singh: the manual method I described should work if ssh-copy-id isn't09:45
Eventyretmonday: how do i add a reboot=b parameter to kernel09:45
atoi" The PostgreSQL server failed to start. Please check the log output."09:46
atoiand ... dum da da dumm... there's no log output.09:46
abhinav_singhscp is also not working ectospasm09:46
ectospasmatoi: did it specify what logs?09:46
ectospasmabhinav_singh: then that server is having problems.09:46
abhinav_singhbut how ssh is working09:47
mondayEverntyret: I have no clue09:47
ectospasmwhat about scp from the target IP?09:47
mondayEventyret: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159756709:47
ectospasmabhinav_singh: you got me, I haven't a clue09:47
mondayI saw that post09:47
atoiectospasm, that's... the exact output, I just copy/pasted.09:47
mondayEverntyret: to the kernal on startup?09:47
ectospasmatoi: yeah, did you check the system logs, or what is PostgreSQL supposed to log to?09:48
ectospasmatoi: I know nothing of PostgreSQL, so I can't tell you where to look09:48
atoioh, shit.09:48
atoiwrong room.09:48
FloodBot1atoi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:48
ectospasmSome services have their own log, others don't09:48
llutzabhinav_singh: use "ssh -vvv user@host" to get verbose output for debugging09:48
Eventyretmonday: there you have it il test it09:49
mondayEverntyret: yeah they talk about a kernel upgrade09:49
KainiHello. I've got a problem with the nvidia driver: http://nopaste.info/3f038cd0e5.html09:49
mondayEverntyret:  you are not alone with that issue. That is good.09:50
KainiThis is the newest version (260.19.12) from ppa (the stable does not work too)09:50
qdbi have reported bug  -  no reaction. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/file-roller/+bug/666185 . i hope somebody have rad it through email. can you see it?09:50
KainiThe machine locks up if i start xorg (this stacktrace is from a ssh connection)09:50
mondayqdg: I see it09:51
mondayfile roller?09:51
NeuroticHuskygood evening09:51
Eventyretmonday: il check something here out09:52
mondayEverntyret: now I'm scared to upgrade!09:53
ectospasmKaini: have you ruled out bad hardware?09:54
Eventyretmonday: think i found a solution its just that grub is arsy when you do sudo update-grub it just says 1:ub2# not found09:55
Kainiectospasm, the machine is a new one, the vesa driver works (but 800x600 is not funny) and the previously installed windows worked too09:55
Eventyretmonday: might be because i got burg09:55
sudiptai have installed ubuntu 10.10,but mouse clicking does not work well.Sometimes single click creates problem.09:56
MooshiMuushiAny idea anyone?09:56
ectospasmKaini: that doesn't rule out bad hardware09:57
Eventyretmonday:  testing now09:57
Kainiectospasm, how to do so?09:58
qdbhello. i have reported bug  -  no reaction. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/file-roller/+bug/666185 . i hope somebody have rad it through email. can you see it?09:58
ectospasmKaini: try it in a different machine, with same OS09:58
dimgrbefore i install ... is my card supported? ATI X60009:59
yahey, guys, can i point out which way is the vim indent??10:00
Kainiectospasm, I can't do that, i am talking of a laptop10:00
yai mean i am editting a php file, but it does not indent like html in the html part10:00
|alucard|how to install adobe flash in youtube...10:01
|alucard|how to install adobe flash in youtube...10:01
|alucard|how to install adobe flash in youtube...10:01
FloodBot1|alucard|: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:01
bazhang|alucard| youtube already has flash10:01
dragoneyeis there something in the last updates that effects the input device? I cannot get my mic to work anymore, and in mixer its greyed out.10:02
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:02
dragoneyehow to debug the microphone?10:03
sunitI am trying to run a jar file in boot up of ubuntu 8.0410:06
sunitcan anybody help me to do that10:07
aborticidesunit: java whatever.jar10:08
aborticidedragoneye: you can't debug microphones, once they're broken, they're broken10:08
roarkwhat does 70% memory in use as cache10:08
aborticideroark: that wasn't a logical statement10:08
dragoneyeaborticide: not the mic, but actually the mixer, the alsa/pulse and what not10:09
roarkwhat does 70% memory in use as cache mean?10:09
aborticidedragoneye: also has a debug utility10:09
zteamanybody know what reduces my bandwidth10:09
qdbhello. i have reported bug  -  no reaction. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/file-roller/+bug/666185 . i hope somebody have rad it through email. can you see it? ubuntu does not have enough people to check bugs?10:09
roarkaborticide: what does 70% memory in use as cache mean?10:09
aborticidezteam: less downloads10:09
aborticideroark: what part of that don't you understand?10:09
aborticidedragoneye: it produces a paste that you can pass to the people at #alsa10:09
ectospasmroark: it means that the kernel is caching things like frequently used files in memory10:09
sunitaborticide : I am trying to run in boot time10:09
zteamaborticide: no, I know it's something with my Ubuntu installation10:10
aborticidesunit: you want to run a java file during the init?10:10
mondayzteam: comcast does10:10
roarkectospasm: even when no program is using them10:10
dragoneyeaborticide: k, ill look into it, tnx10:10
roarkectospasm: even when no program is using them (temp files)10:10
mondayzteam: you on comcast?10:10
aborticidezteam: don't try debugging ubuntu, just reinstall it is faster10:10
bazhangaborticide, not helpful10:10
aborticidezteam: apt-get remove alsa, then clean, then reinstall10:10
aborticidealsa stuff10:10
ectospasmroark: yes, even when no program is using them.  THe kernel will page stuff out of RAM when it needs it for actual program data10:10
bazhangaborticide, reinstall is the last option not the first10:10
mondayzteam: comcast reduces bandwidth after 15 min of 75% utilization.10:11
aborticidebazhang: reinstalling alsa is quick and painless10:11
zteammonday: and what is comcast?10:11
mondayzteam: under certain plans.10:11
ectospasmroark: having 100% RAM usage with mostly cache actually means your system will be more responsive10:11
aborticidebazhang: debugging alsa is a huge mess, you don't even know how to do it yourself10:11
mondayzteam: good you're not on it.10:11
roarkectospasm: thank you10:11
mondayzteam: comcast is an ISP10:11
aborticideectospasm: not necessarily10:11
roarkectospasm: i was only thinking about expensive paging operations10:11
ectospasmaborticide: in general, that's true10:11
sunitaborticide : what shall I do ?10:12
aborticideectospasm: in general i can say linux is a piece of software, but that doesn't really describe it at all10:12
ectospasmaborticide: but my generalization wasn't that basic, now was it?10:12
aborticidesunit: have to find out what the ubuntu init system is, and then add a script to it10:12
ectospasm!ot | aborticide10:12
ubottuaborticide: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:12
zteammonday: Okey, but this is not related to my ISP, it's related to my Ubuntu-installation, I tested booted up the system from a live USB, and it worked perfectle there10:12
froncyHello everyone!10:12
roarkectospasm: if kernel wasnt caching paging doesnt have to happen and it would be faster to load something into memory?10:13
aborticideectospasm: quit abusing the bot feature, one line was hardly OT and you attacked me with 5 lines of text10:13
aborticidedo you not understand analogies or something?10:13
sunitshall I add the script in init.d , aborticide ?10:13
bazhangaborticide, lets move on please10:13
ectospasmroark: no, because it has to read it from disk10:13
mondayzteam: I use wireshark for stuff like that.10:13
chango93230Hello everyone :) , i used sudo ms-sys -m /dev/sda so i could fix my mbr for windows 7 but instead of fixing it i messed it up more... now i can't even see the c drive... can n e 1 tell me how to fix this?10:13
aborticidesunit: i'm nto exactly sure, does ubuntu use RC?10:13
roarkectospasm: but at the same time it is writing to disk also?10:13
mondayzteam: or tshark.10:13
ectospasmroark: only if you're using swap10:13
roarkectospasm: oh10:14
=== marcel01_ is now known as marcel01
zteamaborticide: Maybe, yes, but I'm tired of if.... Everytime I upgrade Ubuntu I just get alot of new bugs10:14
aborticidefroncy: fanscinating, please tell us more10:14
bazhang!cn | froncy10:14
ubottufroncy: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:14
bazhangaborticide, stop that10:14
mondayzteam: are you sure its a bandwidth issue?10:14
ectospasm!jp | froncy10:14
ubottufroncy: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい10:14
jsolerasomeone know where alsamixer's logs are ?10:14
mondayzteam: I had issues with dns that caused slowdowns.10:14
aborticidezteam: alsa insn't very big; compared to say a source based distro. you can't really predict errors, unless you look at the quality of the distro as a hole10:15
sebastien_qui parle francais ?10:15
froncyOK,I will.Thank you!10:15
rww!fr | sebastien_10:15
ubottusebastien_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:15
aborticidesebastien_: moi10:15
bazhangsebastien_, /join #ubuntu-fr10:15
sunityes ? there are rc0.d, rc1.d,.......rc6.d and rcS.d10:15
ectospasmsebastien_: je ne parle pas le français, mais un petit peu.10:15
aborticidesunit: what's the RC system called? openRC ?10:16
jsoleramoi aussi10:16
zteammonday: Yeah I googled and found that bug to, already tried disabled ipv6 but it doesn't work10:16
aborticidesunit: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/2810:16
chango93230Hello everyone :) , i used sudo ms-sys -m /dev/sda so i could fix my mbr for windows 7 but instead of fixing it i messed it up more... now i can't even see the c drive... can n e 1 tell me how to fix this?10:16
mondayzteam: I found my dns issues using tshark.10:16
mondayzteam: that was killing my performance to the net10:16
chango93230or could someone at least tell me who to ask and point me in the rite direction?10:16
aborticideectospasm: this is an english channel10:17
jsoleraI'm searching for alsamixer logs someone could help me?10:17
sunitaborticide, thanks10:17
ectospasmaborticide: yes, and someone has already told sebastien that.  Tit for tat, are we?10:17
zteammonday: Okey... can that eat half your bandwidth?10:17
jsolerawhere it is ?10:17
mondayzteam: not really reduce it just delay traffic.10:17
sunitaborticide, there is rc.local file in /etc/init.d10:18
sunitcan I do anything with this file ?10:19
mondayzteam: things that reduce bandwith are data point to point, slow processing (feels like bandwith), someone on your net, router/modem can't handle transfer rate.10:19
zteammonday: Well according to a webpage which I know should work my Ubuntu-installation can get 50-60 Mbit out of my 100 Mbit connection10:19
mondayzteam: what are you getting now?10:20
zteammonday: and it works perfectly if boot up the same computer with a usb-stick containing Ubuntu 10.0410:20
Neeianhi. I've ubuntu 10.04.1 installed with wine version 1.2, how do I update wine to 1.3?10:21
mondayzteam: what is your current bandwidth utilization?10:22
zteammonday: download: 68 Mbit/s upload 13 Mbit/s and that's from a 100/10 Mbit service10:22
mondayzteam: only thing I use to find out stuff like that is netstat, tshark, or wireshark and see what is talking.10:24
mondayzteam: maybe nothing is talking and its some hardware issue or driver issue.10:24
mondayztem: dmesg show any errors?10:25
zteammonday: if It were a hadware issue, then it shouldn't work from the live-usb either, but well a driver issue is'nt impossible10:26
banking30horas[AutoGreetz] HellCome !!!10:26
zteammonday: But which is the most easy way to tell what's eating my bandwidth?10:27
bazhangzteam, top in the terminal10:27
zteambazhang: does that show bandwidth info too?10:28
bazhang!find iotop10:28
ubottuFound: iotop10:28
bazhang!info iotop10:29
ubottuiotop (source: iotop): simple top-like I/O monitor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4-2 (maverick), package size 25 kB, installed size 164 kB10:29
skkeeperanyone knows a quick way to hear my mic througt the speakers with no lag?10:31
mondayzteam: nmon tool is ok as well.10:32
zteammonday: okey, I try that10:32
mondayzteam: I would use that with iotop10:33
mondayzteam: bandwidth issues are difficult to figure out.10:33
mondayzteam: tshark and wireshark are difficult to explain how to use. wireshark has a nice breakdown in the stats to show what kind of traffic is highest.10:34
kapunew to linux here, bsd background. why would ls suddenly not recognise -whatever and display the help?10:34
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mjwalker901i want something that my ubuntu machine password expires automatically10:34
mjwalker901and asks for a newer one is there any way to do so10:35
mjwalker901can any one help me10:35
kapuexample: ls -lah10:35
kapushell returns ls help stuff10:35
zteammonday: is'n there a single tool that can just show much a app is sendind and receveing10:36
rooksmjwalker901, for my bsc project i set up mounting remote directory when users logs in, im sure theres  way, look around PAM modules :)10:36
mjwalker901nothing like windows and all ?10:36
mjwalker901i want something like windows10:36
blackshirtmjwalker: passwd had a --expire options to set it expire10:37
mondayzteam: I don't know what it would be if there is.10:37
kapualso, what is the most similar *nix world thing to m$ html applications (.hta) ?10:37
zteammonday: okey...10:37
bonhofferwhat is the best way to edit my $PATH10:37
bonhofferexport it again just removing/replacing the part i want?10:37
bonhofferfrom a bash prompt10:38
kapubonhoffer: vim ~/.profile10:38
rooksbonhoffer, put this in ~/.profile : export PATH=$PATH:/something/new10:38
bonhofferthen re-login10:38
isaac_anyone alive?10:39
bonhoffero.k. that is appending to the path -- i want to update something10:39
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kapuI am lost. BSD is all i know10:39
bonhofferrooks: so that means setting the path to the modified string10:39
kapulinux is so differernt10:39
zacstonehave anyone got his 120hz monitor to display at  120hz with new ubuntu 10.10 with nvidia drivers? i couldn't figure out how to force it.10:39
rooksbonhoffer, then use export PATH=$(sed magic done on path)10:39
bonhofferwhich is cool -- thanks10:40
rooksbonhoffer, $() returns output of commands ran inside it10:40
zteammonday: well thansk for your help anyway, I'm gonna try that tools and see if works10:40
blackshirtkapu : i dont think so.. bsd and linux just a little bit different10:40
bonhofferrooks: thanks, that is new10:40
kapublackshirt: little bit enough to make me lost10:41
tsaknorrissed -n '/(\b\w+\b\s){2}/p' <--- why that doesnt want to give me any output...no errors no nothing10:41
tsaknorriscat test.txt| sed -n '/(\b\w+\b\s){2}/p'10:41
bonhofferrooks: ahh -- caught it in .bashrc10:41
blackshirtkapu; but if you understand bsd deepthly, you dont need a lot of time to understand linux habit10:42
rooksbonhoffer, youre welcome, PATH is regular string, and as such its possible to modify it using regualr bash scripting guides that are aplenty on net10:42
kapublackshirt: granted10:42
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tsaknorrisi know that -h is silence....but why it isnt working10:43
kapublackshirt: tell me, what is the easiest way to eliminate any graphical login?10:43
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bazhang!nox | kapu10:43
ubottukapu: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode10:43
kapui just want ncurses10:43
bazhangkapu, permanently?10:43
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kapuyes , bazhang10:44
galadudehi, I've installed the netbook remix, but when i choose the netbook version from the drop menu I cant see any menus, when I choose the desktop version everything works fine10:44
bazhangkapu, thats not ncurses though10:44
kapuncurses + tmux10:44
uni4dfxanyone know, will the old gnome-panel applets still be usable in Unity?10:44
Guest15284Hey guys10:44
Guest15284thanks for everything :)10:44
zteammonday: hmm... nethogs does exactly what I wanted :D10:45
blackshirtkapu : i think the best way you should remove desktop environtment if you not need it :)10:45
Guest15284Finally a linux that works on all my boxes!10:45
kapuwell maybe i'm more a noob than i thought10:45
Guest15284kapu ur not noob, the world is noob sometimes ;)10:45
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mondayzteam: I've never tried nethogs. I'm going to try that.10:45
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silver__is there anything else we can do to make the world better?10:46
blackshirtkapu: remove your ubuntu-desktop will send you to text mode10:46
kaputo the kernel line in the grub menu = what file?10:46
silver__im getting tired hehe10:46
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shatrixdoes anyone know about xenomai realtime??????????10:47
blackshirtsilver ??10:47
bazhangsilver__, please stay on topic10:47
mondayzteam: that's nice10:47
bazhangsilver__, #ubuntu-offtopic for chat please10:47
silver__blackshirt, im 28 yo guy working with linux since i 199110:47
mondayzteam: you seeing anything that is causing the issue?10:47
kapuapologies for the noobish question10:47
silver__im trying to get back to using the proper tools10:47
zteammonday: nope10:47
silver__i need something to call from ubuntu with voip10:48
kapukernel line grub menu in /etc?10:48
Zeu5hi there, i have the following dir /var/www/folder which has the permissions username:username drwxrwxr-x i want my apache to be able to access this folder and write new files. currently it cannot. please advise.10:48
silver__chmod 777 Zeu510:48
silver__guys what is your opinion about opensolaris?10:49
Zeu5hi silver__ thank you for responding. is that the only way out? i want to make it as secure as possible without resorting to 77710:49
zteammonday: and gnome-system-monitor doesn't show any high bandwidth usage either :s10:49
mfaroukghow can I ssh a my computer (ubuntu OS) in other country and I have some one there to help ?10:49
silver__Zeu5 try another distro perhaps? :)10:49
blackshirtkapu : if you using grub loader, append it on kernel stanza by editing grub menu10:49
silver__mfaroukg, ssh <ip/host>10:49
teratornZeu5: could you add the apache user to the username group?10:49
Zeu5silver__: so i have no choice but to use 777?10:50
teratornsilver__: great advise you have10:50
silver__how can i run windows stuff with wine? outlook express pls10:50
silver__or vm?10:50
kapublackshirt: i apologise, kernel stanza is not a term i know10:50
m3wtZeu5: chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html10:50
teratorncan someone kick the troll?10:50
silver__haha im not trolling10:50
sarge1221is it recommend to allow backport updates or can some updates potentially pose problems?10:50
kapublackshirt: a file?10:50
silver__i know a bit of everything but not all10:50
mfaroukgsilver__, is it that simple ? hence there is lots of IPs in between10:51
silver__mfaroukg, gimme host/ip10:51
zteamsilver_: Why don't use Thunderbird instead?10:51
silver__ill do it for ya and bgp will get fixed i think10:51
silver__zteam, i need my old mail pls10:51
kapublackshirt: nvm i'll google10:51
silver__google rules... do no evil!10:51
mfaroukgsilver__, is it that simple ? hence there is lots of IPs in between10:51
Zeu5teratorn: i dont think my apache server has a user called apache. how do i add?10:51
silver__mfaroukg,  check firewalls etc10:52
silver__Zeu5,  teratorn apt-get install apache and reconfigure10:52
zteamsilver_: why don't you just export your mail from outlook and then import them into thunderbird or evolution?10:52
teratornsilver__: why are you just saying random crap?10:52
silver__ah k10:52
silver__teratorn,i need to empty my head :/10:52
blackshirtkapu: when you boot your ubuntu, press shift key, you will enter grub menu...with kernel, initrd showed up10:53
silver__i want to relax hehe10:53
mfaroukgsilver__, how I know the list of firewalls and those stuff? and should I add a route between here and there?10:53
silver__mfaroukg, ask isp?10:53
teratornZeu5: the user is www-data10:53
teratornZeu5: if you don't want to change the ownership of the directory, then add www-data to the group that owns it10:53
kapublackshirt: ok ty very much for your help10:53
teratornZeu5: you may need to reboot for changes to take effect10:54
hookewhen i compile bochs-2.4.5 on my Ubuntu 10.10, I first run ./confiure --enable-plugins,the run make.the make process halted showing errors:/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXpm.anyone help me?10:54
silver__i need nexenta i think10:54
blackshirtkapu: ok.  i think, freebsd can use grub boot loader too..10:54
kapublackshirt: never used freebsd, just no x openbsd10:54
Zeu5teratorn: thank you for your suggestion. apparently i need to change /etc/group am looking at it. not too sure how to change it. if i still canot figure it out. will ask you again. if you dont mind of course10:55
silver__hmm bsd is getting kinda old no?10:55
silver__freebsd netbsd?10:55
kapublackshirt: so i am really noobish on any x stuff ty again10:55
rocket16In the Indicator-applet-complete, no support for Evolution is there, unlike the default Time and Date applet. Can it be integrated? ('cause I like the black and fast calendar).10:55
blackshirtkapu: opensbd ?? i have try it10:56
teratornZeu5: yes, you may edit /etc/group manually... it should be fairly self-explanitory... or you can use usermod10:56
kapusilver__: old is not necessarily bad, mature code base, staunch free10:56
teratornZeu5: sudo usermod -a -G username www-data10:56
kapusilver__: good for hard server10:56
teratornZeu5: where username is the group that owns the dir10:57
Zeu5teratorn: i edited the /etc/group manually10:57
kapusilver__: but shitty if you want easy fun desktop10:57
silver__kapu, i want all :)10:58
silver__all in 110:58
silver__so im thinking vm's10:58
blackshirtkapu: ok...but, exactly what the problems with your ubuntu ??10:58
silver__ubuntu is very nice for desktop usage imo10:58
Zeu5teratorn: let me restart my server. thanks in advance. will let you know how it goes.10:58
kapublackshirt: the prob is all me i am afraid lol.10:58
silver__never be afraid lol10:58
silver__knowledge is power imo10:58
YeTr2my SSD is awesome.10:59
silver__wow i need ssd :D10:59
silver__i have raptor crap10:59
YeTr2I just had to flash it 5 times to bring it's firmware up to date.10:59
silver__i hate closed source drivers10:59
YeTr2cause I can't go from what I had to current.10:59
YeTr2I had to follow the upgradation path of awesomeness10:59
m3wtsilver__, why do you have a response to everything said in this #?10:59
silver__i dunno10:59
blackshirtkapu: hmmm... you can configure your linux securely10:59
silver__i always tried to help everyone i my life10:59
silver__i dunno11:00
blackshirtsilver: hmm. good person :)11:00
commodoorsilver__, be quit and you helped me11:00
silver__you too man11:00
silver__times have changed since c64 days haha and amiga11:00
silver__gr8 systems back then!11:00
kapublackshirt: sure you can, and i am sure a pro linux guy can make linux hard. but openbsd is out of the box hard11:01
YeTr2I was gonna say it's cause silver__'s cat doesn't talk back to silver__ as much as silver__ wants the cat to.11:01
silver__haha i dont have a cat atm11:01
sinisterstufI sure you guys all know of the new 2010 Commodore computers running Ubuntu?11:01
silver__i want one :)11:01
silver__sinisterstuf, how they called again?11:01
silver__still powerpc ?11:01
YeTr2why get a cat when you can get a big dumb dog?11:01
silver__because i want girl :)11:02
sinisterstufsilver__, commodore phoenix11:02
sinisterstufsilver__, just google Commodore USA11:02
tsaknorrisdoes anybody know sed channell or something???11:02
YeTr2WOOOO firmware flashing is complete!11:02
tsaknorrisi could go to ask from them11:02
sinisterstufitś so cool I wish someone would send me one for xmas! :D11:02
alexb92hey guys i need help upgrading to ubuntu 10.10, it keeps mentioning somethong about a dependency cycle and it locks up11:02
alexb92any ideas on how to fix?11:02
YeTr2now to reburn my ubuntu disk11:03
blackshirtkapu: i believed that.. but in my subjective opinion, i would recommend linux or freebsd..i have try out openbsd box11:03
sinisterstufalexb92, rather do a clean install11:03
vigge_sWeWhy can't ubuntu coby files larger than 500MB to a USB stick (the USB is 8GB or 16GB)?11:03
vigge_sWeit alwasy get stuck att 500MB11:03
YeTr2I hope this firmware upgrade makes my SSD behave less like charles manson.11:04
sinisterstufvigge_sWe, because of the filesystem of the USB11:04
blackshirtalexb92: just using 10.10 repository on your sources.list ???11:04
sinisterstufvigge_sWe, I don think any OS can copy so big a file to a fat32 system because it is a limitation of fat32, although I thought the limit was 1gig11:04
kapublackshirt: i like your use of the word subjective. it tells me you will be able to appreciate the nuances between these nix flavors. ty again for your input.11:04
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
vigge_sWethe limit is 4GB11:04
vigge_sWenot 500MB11:04
anirudhrvigge_sWe, Check the filesystem type.11:04
silver__there are no limits11:04
silver__never ;)11:05
vigge_sWeit says msdos11:05
sinisterstufalexb92, save all the packages for all your current programs to a CD, download Ubuntu 10.10, do clean intsall, install your apps from your CD and voila! :)11:05
vigge_sWebut I formatted it with ubuntu11:05
silver__guys how can i use an on x86 xt hdd on ubuntu?11:05
silver__which hw/sw supports this?11:05
alexb92blackshirt: yeah just with using the update manager and clicking the upgrade link11:05
YeTr2damn... I should have taken care of my other drive before I reformatted the dvd-rm11:05
Zeu5teratorn: thank you. it worked!!11:05
sinisterstufvigge_sWe, what if you make it ntfs?11:05
silver__silver__> guys how can i use an old x86 xt hdd on ubuntu?11:05
alexb92sinisterstuf: how do i do that? haha ive already downloaded the alternate install cd, so i might give that a try maybe?11:05
sinisterstufalexb92, there is an easy way and a fun way11:06
sinisterstufalexb92, the easy way is to install AptOnCD11:06
alexb92sinisterstuf: hahahaha fun as in challenging?11:06
blackshirtkapu: its just based on my experience.. i have dual boot system, debian linux and freebsd.. so, i can figure it out flavour of different system11:07
silver__me too blackshirt11:07
sinisterstufalexb92, the fun way is to actually do it yourself, copy the files to a CD/usb do dpkg-scanpackages and so on, and add that directory to your sources list in the new OS11:07
silver__but with vm's too11:07
silver__so you can use any OS on any PC etc11:07
vigge_sWesinisterstuf: but can a xbox 360 read it too then?11:07
silver__or console11:07
silver__xbox360 and wii are working atm11:07
silver__ps3 i dunno they removed linux:(11:08
silver__fsck sony! :)11:08
silver__any good emulators out there for gaming consoles?11:08
blackshirtalexb92: i dont like update-manager too much.. preferly use apt-get or aptitude11:08
sinisterstufvigge_sWe, apparently not11:08
alexb92sinisterstuf: haha nah stuff that way hahaha, cant be bothered, i actually dont even mind waiting till 11.04 to come out11:08
vigge_sWeNow it goes to 702.1MB of 704MB and is stuck there11:09
alexb92sinisterstuf: yeah i sometimes use apt-get, if i just want it done quick and fast, then update-manager is what i generally use11:09
silver__compaq netbook i love it11:09
silver__mini ones are so nice11:09
sinisterstufalexb92, thatś a long time. upgrading to 10.10 broke my computer, so I did a clean install and works fine11:09
vigge_sWeeh, I'll copy it to my windows partition and use teracopy instead, this is going nowhere and I have to catch the train in 30 mins lol11:10
compaqsilver__, has been hitting the bottle tonight eh.  Its the weekend, work hard, play hard right, right,11:11
sinisterstufvigge_sWe, maybe thereś something wrong witht the file?11:11
kapublackshirt: k gnight people ty11:11
silver__right compaq :)11:11
sinisterstufalexb92, local repositories are also cool when you have lots of Ubuntu machines and they need updating, then you only need to download it for 1 computer and the others can download it from that one11:11
silver__2-3 beers is enough haha11:11
hcuiam new to ubuntu 10.04 , i just now intalled it, while installing from software center  its not able to connect internet becouse I have to set internet proxy and username and passwd for accessing internet..can any one help me out to set internet proxy with username and password for software center....? plz help me am new to linux11:11
silver__guys how can i use private bgp with ubuntu?11:12
alexb92sinisterstuf: so is it worth it then? i really dont have the time to be stuffing around with broken installs11:12
silver__and how does it tie into ipv611:12
sinisterstufhcu, at the menu at the top of the screen click System>Preferences>Network Proxy11:12
alexb92sinisterstuf: hmmm, sounds interesting, shame ive only got ubuntu installed on one computer at home, i was thinking of putting it on my netbook but i think its crammed enough as it is11:13
sinisterstufalexb92, do you have a LOT of programs installed that didnt come installed with ubuntu?11:13
sinisterstufalexb92, what OS is your netbook currently running?11:13
hcusinisterstuf okey i opend it..11:13
sinisterstufhcu, do you know the proxy settings for your network?11:14
nbubuntuhi , anyone know how to set screensaver picture folder "slideshow timer" for ubuntu .Duration for next slide show ?11:14
WXZmy quicksearch in synaptic is always disabled11:14
nbubuntuthank you in advanced11:14
sivakumari had delete applications ,system from my ubantu panel...but i cant add all the items to the panel at a time ...is there any one to help me11:14
WXZhow do I enable it?11:14
sinisterstufhcu, if you select manual proxy configuration and enter them there and the click ¨apply system wide¨ when youŕe done, software centre should work  gine11:14
sinisterstufWXZ, maybe you need to wait for it to reload all the packages first?11:15
hcusinisterstuff ya i set it ... i have to check it now11:15
WXZno, I've left it for long amounts of time11:15
YeTr2the graphical boot menu still fails on my machine11:15
rocket16Does Ubuntu Me Menu really show a photo and name of the user? It doesn't work in my case.11:15
sinisterstufsivakumar, what specifically do you want to do?11:15
rocket16I have indicator-me applet installed and details enterned11:16
rocket16* entered11:16
sinisterstufrocket16, me neither, strange, because it showed yesterday11:16
sivakumarsinisterstuf :i have lost all the menu items of applications from my panel11:17
rocket16sinisterstuf: I see. I believe there might be some problem related to the indicator-me package. :( I never got it working in 10.1011:17
sinisterstufrocket16, maybe itś an update that removed it11:17
alexb92sinisterstuf: yes, a heck of alot over 20,000 packages from memory11:17
hcusinisterstuf but it still giving error Failed to download repository information due to inter net connection11:17
sinisterstufrocket16, I didnt actually check it, it could be the last time I saw it was in 10.0411:17
YeTr2damn... really fails hard11:17
alexb92sinisterstuf: currently i have a dual boot config with windows 7 and xp home, i did try the netbook remix but i didnt really like it11:18
rocket16sinisterstuf: Me as well. :(11:18
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silver__what can ubuntu do that windows can't?11:18
silver__just wondering since im on dual boot with ubuntu/xp etc11:19
sinisterstufalexb92, if youŕe using winXP or > then I think Xubuntu should really work much faster on your computer than windows, I think ubuntu netbook remix is possibly too oversimplified11:19
sinisterstufsilver__, a lot, I sure you will discover as you use it11:19
sinisterstufsivakumar, is the panel still there?11:19
sivakumarplease is there any one tell me way that how can i add menu items of applications to  my panel of ubuntu 9.1011:20
silver__sinisterstuf, thnx man11:20
sinisterstufalexb92, if you have that many packages I recommend doing a clean install and reinstalling the porgrams because a direct upgrade with so many untested packages is not gfuarunteed to work11:20
silver__is it possible to do HAM stuff with linux/ubuntu? pls11:20
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
sinisterstufsivakumar, do you still have a panel?11:21
silver__older guy at work needs it11:21
sinisterstufsivakumar, then you can right-click on the panel and click ¨add to panel¨11:21
sinisterstufsivakumar, all your panel applets can be added from there11:21
sivakumarsinisterstuf:yes i have the panel11:21
sivakumarsinisterstuf:but it showing me to add single single item only..but how can add all these at once11:22
sinisterstufsivakumar, just add them one by one11:22
sinisterstufsivakumar, did you delete EVERYTHING??11:22
rocket16sivakumar: Restore your panels, in the case you deleted them.11:23
rocket16!resetpanels | sivakumar11:23
ubottusivakumar: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »11:23
alexb92sinisterstuf: hmm fair enough, thanks for all the help mate :)11:23
sinisterstufrocket16, thanks for that! :)11:23
rocket16sinisterstuf: No problem. You're welcome. :)11:24
sinisterstufalexb92, youŕe welcome, if you need help with your packages I still here11:24
sniperjoif i want to send commands from another computer, but only a select few, what would be the best way ? ssh and a user with limited permissions ?11:24
yamoI have seen a strange behaviour of  apport retracing service : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cron/+bug/66867511:24
sinisterstufsniperjo, probably11:25
alexb92sinisterstuf : cheers :D11:25
sinisterstufsniperjo, otherwise if itś something you are able to do, it might be more secure to have a single program that can perform those tasks, and that program can be run over network11:25
kapuif dmesg shows sdf 1 and 2 after plugging in usb hd. what is the proper mount verbage? mount -t vfat sdfn no workie11:25
SpiderFredhi I think I fucked up my ubuntu when I was trying to encrypt my second disk and now I cant boot up I see just black screen11:26
u456503Hi all, I wand to compile http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/ov51x-jpeg-source11:26
nilsmausing firestarter on ubuntu 10.04 LTS, it lists program python from local source, destination to an (for me) unknown ip ... what would this mean?11:26
hcusinisterstuf I just now int stalling ubuntu...now  I want to install cheese but it showing error that Failed to download repository information due to unable toconnect to internet...but am able to conect to internet with firefox by setting internet connction proxy followed by user name and passwd.....can any one solve my problem11:26
sniperjosinisterstuf: like what, some sort of socket ?11:26
sivakumarrocket16; how can i restore them11:27
rocket16sivakumar: Open terminal, and type: ? gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel ?11:27
jstooneHey peeps, is there a way to make a Remote Desktop Connection to a windows PC(non-local)11:27
rocket16sivakumar: Then press enter11:28
sivakumarubottu; it showing the error11:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:28
kapuspecial device sdf1 does not exist11:29
uni4dfxanyone know, will the old gnome-panel applets still be usable in Unity?11:29
nilsmausing firestarter on ubuntu 10.04 LTS, it lists program python from local source, destination to an (for me) unknown ip ... what would this mean?11:29
sinisterstufsivakumar, to open press Alt+F2 and then type gnome-terminal and click Run11:29
kapuspecial device sdf2 does not exist11:29
sivakumarrocket16 ;it showing that command not found11:29
lapionHello, I have been using an external usb drive as my main boot/root drive ever since 09.04, and for long time with 09.10, however since the upgrade to, lucid lynx the drive gets disconnect at random times, and since it i the boot drive all logs get lost11:29
blackshirtkapu: hello kapu11:29
TuGai have ubuntu 10.10 desktop with w2003 and win7 on the same disk11:30
sinisterstufhcu, did you enter username and password in the global proxy settings in System>PreferencesNetwork Proxy? otherwise it probably won work11:30
sivakumarsini;after that11:30
kapublackshirt: hello11:30
kandinskiI am having trouble connecting to a VPN under Ubuntu 10.1011:30
TuGai need to control from windows the grub bootloader, how can i do this?11:30
sinisterstufsniperjo, well similar idea to what you mentioned before, with a limited used, except that the user is lmited to only running that program/script11:30
rocket16sivakumar: In terminal, enter: gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel11:30
mfaroukghow can I ping ip has pingable gatway
sinisterstufsivakumar, now you should have a command line and in there you type: gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel11:31
kandinskiI have configured everything correctly for pptp, and go to the Network manager, VPN Connections, [My conection], and click11:31
sniperjosinisterstuf: ok, so for example, user remote only has Read / execute on a directory with my scripts inside ?11:31
kandinskiwhat should happen now?11:31
kandinskiifconfig does not reveal a new IP11:31
sivakumarrocket16:thanks i got them11:32
sinisterstufmfaroukg, ping ...or what?11:32
DjNeoXlong life ubuntu!11:32
sivakumarsini:thanks for helping me i have got them11:32
kapuo geeze i give up. will try in the am :-P11:32
sinisterstufsniperjo, exactly!11:32
sinisterstufsivakumar, youŕe welcome!11:32
kapumount deeze nutz lol11:32
rocket16sivakumar: You're welcome11:32
mfaroukgsinisterstuf, the gatway is pingable11:32
mfaroukgsinisterstuf, I want to ping another IP has this gatway11:33
kapukernel is different sdf??11:33
Jordan_UTuGa: If you're trying to re-install grub after windows clobbered it, follow this guide: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide11:33
sinisterstufTuGa, read this site in the section about adding grub/linux loader to windows boot loader: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows11:34
mfaroukgsinisterstuf, do you want the IP?11:34
hcusinisterstuf But in network proxy user name,password option is not there...?11:34
sinisterstufmfaroukg, also see System>Administration>Network Tools for more11:34
blackshirtkapu: sdf ??11:34
nilsmausing firestarter on ubuntu 10.04 LTS, it lists program python in active connections connecting from local source, to an ip adress i do not recognize ... what would this mean? should i assume it is something harmful?11:35
sniperjosinisterstuf: what would be the best way to add a user with no permissions ?11:35
sinisterstufmfaroukg, then type the previous command I wrote into a terminal window11:35
Goodswhats the best way to uninstall X11:35
sinisterstufmfaroukg, to open the terminal either press Ctrl+Alt+T or go to Applications>Accessories>Terminal11:35
blackshirtGoods: just remove your ubuntu-desktop11:36
sinisterstufmfaroukg, in the terminal type: ping
mfaroukgsinisterstuf, can you resend the command?11:36
jstooneGoods: why would you like to uninstall X?11:36
GoodsWindowing enviroments aren't my thing11:36
blackshirtGoods: remove your desktop and  X server environtment11:36
jstooneGood: Have you tried Awesome?11:36
GoodsNo, jstoone11:37
sinisterstufmfaroukg,  ping
TuGaJordan_U, nope all OS work perfect, the thing is this, i need remotely to choose which OS i want to start, after a reboot the machine, and because its remote i'm not there to choose at the moment of restart witch OS to start i want to control the gub boot loader from windows. like in windows i can choose which i want to start on the next reboot.11:37
ilovefairuznilsma: no, just a program written in the python programming language11:37
=== swoody_ is now known as swoody
jonnixHi everyone. CONGRATULATIONS Ubuntu developers, Ubuntu community and all Ubuntu contributors. I thought it might be another couple of years before I could start deploying Linux solutions to my clients on the desktop but 10.10 looks like it will deliver the goods.11:38
sinisterstufhcu, it is there, when you select Manual Proxy Configuration and enter the address and port number, after that there is a button that says ¨Details¨ click there, and enter username and password11:38
jonnixOf course the acid test is going to be support. I _am_ a Mac, Windows, Linux support person (many years) but I don't have time to trouble-shoot every small problem; So …11:38
jstooneGoods: You should try it out, 'cause i've got the same feeling as you about dragable windows and other needless stuff. So one of my friends said to me, dude install Awesome and i did and i'm very glad (:11:38
nilsmailovefairuz: oki, but why would it be connecting to an external ip? would you assume it is part of different program?11:38
sivakumari want to unmount permanently my drive..can any one help me11:38
jonnix… first deployment is on Toshiba Satellite A100 laptop. Installation OK. First boot OK. Updates installation OK. However, installed (recommended, restricted) nvidia graphics driver and now 'no video signal at login screen'. Video signal _is_ present during boot sequence. Help please. (I don't mind if we just circumvent the problem driver during boot). Thanking you all in advance.11:38
ikoniajonnix: I would consider seriously if 10.10 is a deployed to busineses due to the small support (non LTS) window it has11:39
ilovefairuznilsma: perhaps. in a terminal, what's the output of: ps aux | grep python11:39
jonnixnot to business11:39
jonnixUnix (Macs) to business clients11:39
sinisterstufsniperjo, remove him from groups that have privelages to do things, and use chown to set the ownership of everything you dont want him to see, and chown the folder for him, to him, sorry that came out complicated, does it make sense?11:39
Jordan_UTuGa: The standard solution for that is to set GRUB_DEFAULT=saved in /etc/default/grub then use "grub-reboot <entry title or number>". That will make it so that the default entry will be changed for the next boot only, so after booting into windows once the next boot will be Ubuntu again.11:39
nilsmailovefairuz: mintupdate and ubuntuone-syncdaemon :P11:39
m3wtjoin #ubuntu-developers11:40
shatrixCan anyone help me in a Xenomai application running on embedded debian dist with xenomai patch support???????????????11:40
nilsmailovefairuz: from /usr/lib11:40
sinisterstufsivakumar, in terminal type: umount thenameofyourdrive11:40
printf_1shatrix: Whats Xenomai appplication ?????????????????????????????11:40
ilovefairuznilsma: so there you go11:41
nilsmailovefairuz: i guess its safe to assume its nothing harmful then :) thanks for the help, ill keep that cmd in mind for future reference :)11:41
jstooneGoods: Here's a link http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-tiphow-to-removeinstall-and-reconfigure-xorg-without-reinstalling-ubuntu.html11:41
hcusinisterstuf justnow set but still it showing same...:(11:41
ilovefairuznilsma: you're welcome11:41
shatrixxenomai realtime kernel11:41
sniperjosinisterstuf: sort of, is there a nopermission group or something11:41
Jordan_UTuGa: There are ways to allow editing the default entry from within windows, but they require more setup (installing grub to a filesystem that windows can write to, and making sure that that filesystem is mounted to /boot in /etc/fstab).11:41
YeTr2bah... looks like the installer is unable to handle my SSD/Chipset11:41
=== WXZ is now known as notWXZ
TuGaJordan_U, so i have to came back to ubuntu one time to choose windows for the next reboot, and wen in windows wend i reboot again by default ubuntu will be the default?11:42
sivakumarbut it still asking for root password11:42
silver__how can i use cakewalk ua-1g with ubuntu please11:42
sivakumarsini;but it still asking for root password11:42
Jordan_UTuGa: Correct.11:42
sinisterstufsivakumar, try typing sudo umount yourdrivename11:42
AnxiousNutokay this is terrifying! I was installing ubuntu 10.10 on my sister's netbook but during the installation, the installer crashed! it was downloading additional packages (codecs i think)! The thing is, when i restarted the pc, grub was there!!! and now it works! THE installer crashed, what... ?! Im dont know what to do! It's running now, apt had a catalogue issue/broken-packages and i fixed them, But, it this okay or should i reinstall it??11:42
silver__i think someone hacked a driver, but i forget the name11:42
adfasdfsdahi, how do i stop gnome opening folder tree?11:42
sinisterstufsivakumar, then enter your password11:42
blackshirtshattrix: ??11:42
silver__adfasdfsda, try nautilus11:42
printf_1How can I run Reason 4.0 in Ubuntu so I can produce Dubstep music ?????11:43
adfasdfsdayes i mean stop it on nautilus11:43
sinisterstufsivakumar, when you enter passwords no text is displayed, otherwise people could read it, just type the password and press enter11:43
silver__yeahhhhhh me too printf_1  :)11:43
adfasdfsda, silver__11:43
printf_1Hehehehe silver__11:43
silver__adfasdfsda, um --desktop? no-desktop or smth11:43
silver__bgp prive peer ukonline.co.uk11:43
sinisterstufprintf_1, have you tried native linux programs for audio editing, eg. Ardour & Muse?11:43
rocket16Is Nautilus-Elementary faster than Nautilus?11:44
silver__can we get packages for those sinisterstuf ?11:44
printf_1sinisterstuf: Ardour was difficult for me to understand last time I tried it, I'll look at it again.11:44
adfasdfsdajust to go sure: i mean the arrows on the folder icon..basically disabling this feature, silver__11:44
printf_1Never heard of Muse before.11:44
sivakumarsini:it showing like this ......umount: os: not found11:44
Jordan_UAnxiousNut: I would personally re-install, and if it crashes at the same place again use the alternate install CD. That said, your installation is probably fine, you just can't know for sure :)11:44
rocket16!tab | sivakumar11:45
ubottusivakumar: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.11:45
TuGaJordan_U, this command i need to type it on the bash shell wend on normal user session of ubuntu?11:45
silver__Ardour Muse bgp11:45
adfasdfsdahow is this feature called anyway so i can google for it?11:45
redsandrols -lah11:45
Jordan_UTuGa: Yes.11:45
sniperjosinisterstuf: what about jail ?11:45
silver__private bgp king.nl.eu.org clay.nl.eu.org11:45
silver__jail is old :P11:45
adfasdfsdagnome folder tree displaying?11:45
redsandroHeyy so if one disk in a simple LVM breaks, can I still access half of my data?11:46
sinisterstufprintf_1, ardour will be easy to work with if youŕe familiar with the Windows program called Pro Tools11:46
silver__you can access everything redbeans11:46
silver__but you need to haxx the partitiontable etc11:46
silver__its kinda nasty lol11:46
Jordan_Uredsandro: No, at least not easily.11:46
sinisterstufsilver__, packages just wait, i getting so many questions :/11:46
silver__sorry for that sinisterstuf  :)11:47
nbubuntuhi , anyone know how to set screensaver picture folder "slideshow timer" for ubuntu .Duration for next slide show ?11:47
nbubuntuthank you in advanced11:47
redsandroJordan_U: What is not easily?11:47
silver__google slideshow timer?11:47
sinisterstufAnxiousNut, I think it should be fine11:47
silver__how can i get my EFS data back on ubuntu11:47
silver__i lost keys etc11:47
silver__!google EFS data back ubuntu11:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:47
adfasdfsdaanyone knows how to disable nautilus's arrow-on-folder displaying?11:48
Jordan_Uredsandro: Using photorec to basically grep through the drive recovering files.11:48
silver__whats the let me google you url thingy again?11:48
sinisterstufadfasdfsda, what are you trying to do?11:48
AnxiousNutsinisterstuf, dist-upgrade gave me tons of packages!11:48
adfasdfsdadisable it :D11:48
Jordan_Usilver__: Don't use that URL here.11:48
adfasdfsdait's annoying if i move files in folder and it show the content!11:48
silver__ok Jordan_U11:48
YeTr2.. yeah... so, I think that ubuntu is not wanting to operate on this PC at all...11:48
silver__YeTr2,  try livecd?11:49
YeTr2silver__: after a while, live cd will boot...11:49
YeTr2it's when I try to perform a read action from the disk11:49
redsandroJordan_U: Indeed not easily. So I'd better NOT LVM my old hard disks together because one is prone to fail soon and I would lose all data in stead of just the data on the crappy drive.11:49
sinisterstufAnxiousNut, yeah, I think those are probably updates for every single program you have installed as well as the core11:49
adfasdfsda, sinisterstuf11:49
sinisterstufadfasdfsda, yep?11:49
YeTr2the disk being the internal SSD11:49
blackshirtYeTr2: the problem with your flashdisk ??11:49
blackshirtSSD aka solid state drive ??11:49
Jordan_Uredsandro: Correct.11:50
YeTr2blackshirt: not as far as I can tell, Windows is able to read and abuse it just fine.11:50
YeTr2I can write to the silly thing all day long as well11:50
adfasdfsda<sinisterstuf> adfasdfsda, what are you trying to do? <adfasdfsda> disable it :D <adfasdfsda> it's annoying if i move files in folder and it show the content!11:50
shatrixI have ported xenomai 2.5.3 to the kernel 2.6.26 on an embedded debian dist. , I have already built it before. then i compiled the xenomai package, and every thing is great, xeno-test runs very well. but when I have downloaded the xenomai examples from the git repository and compiled them, most of these examples give an error while running11:50
AnxiousNutsinisterstuf, ... aptitude does not exist on this installation! Did they remove it from 10.10?11:50
YeTr2but as soon as I try a ready, dmesg gets filled with vomit11:50
xharxworks now11:50
YeTr2AnxiousNut: it's jnot installed by default11:51
Jordan_UYeTr2: Can you pastebin the output of dmesg?11:51
sinisterstufAnxiousNut, don know, I never used it, unless itś exactly the same as apt-get11:51
AnxiousNutYeTr2, in my case, it's different! Crashed installation!11:51
sinisterstufAnxiousNut, sudo apt-get install <packagename>11:51
Jordan_UAnxiousNut: Aptitude is no longer installed by default.11:51
AnxiousNutJordan_U, thank you!11:51
sinisterstufadfasdfsda, what you mean the content?11:51
YeTr2Jordan_U: not likely.11:51
redsandroJordan_U: Know of any alternative to LVM that loses just the data actually on the failing disk, and keeps on going with the happy hardware?11:52
Jordan_UAnxiousNut: You're welcome.11:52
sinisterstufadfasdfsda, you mean that it shows you whatś in the file in the thumbnail?11:52
adfasdfsdasinisterstuf, i mean it shows what's in the folder11:52
silver__redsandro,  let me think.. um you can look at zfs11:52
silver__or any other fs11:52
Jordan_Uredsandro: No.11:52
silver__kernel module zfs ?11:52
silver__private bgp session oracle sun11:52
adfasdfsdaif i click of the arrow of the folder or move files to folder and it take a bit so it thinks that i want to see the folder content, but i don't11:53
sosaitedDoes anyone know a file manager which already supports File Creation time columns?11:53
adfasdfsda, sinisterstuf11:53
YeTr2hmm.. I guess I'll get to typing11:53
silver__nautilus does that11:53
silver__mc did it11:53
redsandrosilver__: Oracle trademarked, that troubles me :P but Ill look into it, thanks11:53
sinisterstufadfasdfsda, have you tried holding control and scrolling while over the folder, it will change the size of the icons, when theyŕe small enough it doesn show the contents anympre?11:53
Jordan_Usilver__: Who are you taking to with "private bgp session oracle sun" ?11:53
silver__redsandro, dont worry id say ;)11:53
silver__Oracle is good11:54
sinisterstufsilver__, no...11:54
Vamp898silver__: no11:54
sivakumaris there anyone to fix my problem...that i want keep my unmounted drive in desktop11:54
adfasdfsdanono if there are hundreds of files (i'm using 33% anyway) .., sinisterstuf11:54
FloodBot1shatrix: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:54
silver__sivakumar, uum... let me think11:54
redsandroJordan_U: Too bad, so you might as well stripe your LVM for speed gain in stead of keep it separate, the array goes down with one bad disk\ either way.11:55
silver__sivakumar, ubuntu can do it for sure11:55
sinisterstufadfasdfsda, I dont get you11:55
silver__sivakumar, complicated hdd setup in install11:55
silver__not that hard rly11:55
sosaitedsilver__: You said that to  me?11:55
silver__sivakumar, i dunno11:55
sinisterstufsivakumar, you want to unmount a drive and have it still be on your desktop?11:55
Jordan_Uredsandro: With striping file recovery is much more difficult, usually impossible with any file larger than the stripe size.11:56
Vamp898Hi, i reproduced the following case on 3 machines (GeForce GTX 240, GeForce 8600 M GT, GeForce 8400 GS) and all had the same problem. You have a fresh install of ubuntu. you do updates, restart, install nVidia current and get a black scren at boot11:56
Vamp898with 10.04 it works, with 10.10 not11:56
shatrixI have ported xenomai 2.5.3 to the kernel 2.6.26 on an embedded debian dist. , I have already built it before. then i compiled the xenomai package, and every thing is great, xeno-test runs very well. but when I have downloaded the xenomai examples from the git repository and compiled them, most of these examples give an error while running11:56
nokia3510isn't journaled quota supported on btrfs ?11:56
sivakumarsilver;yes when i am trying to open that drive it is asking for a password can we remove that asking password.and opens when clicked directly11:57
shatrixI have ported xenomai 2.5.3 to the kernel 2.6.26 on an embedded debian dist. , I have already built it before. then i compiled the xenomai package, and every thing is great, xeno-test runs very well. but when I have downloaded the xenomai examples from the git repository and compiled them, most of these examples give an error while running11:57
blackshirtshatrix: i think you might hack it :)11:57
adfasdfsdasinisterstuf, i just wan't to disable nautilus's feature to display open tree view if i click on the arrow icon very near the folder (let it be accidentally so i don't want the content displayed in tree view)11:57
adfasdfsdawan't= want*11:57
sosaitedSo can anyone please tell if any File manager in Ubuntu supports File creation times? Now that ext4 also has this feature11:57
sivakumarsini;yes when i am trying to open that drive it is asking for a password can we remove that asking password.and opens when clicked directly11:57
nmvictorhi guys, i am using nodoka engine for the Nodoka-Midnight theme in ubuntu 10.10 but the progress bar is not  stripped, i am using the same in 10.04 and the progress bar is stripped. Any one know why? i have the line "stripes = TRUE # enable or disable stripes in progress bar" in the /usr/share/themes/Nodoka-Midnight/gtk[dir]/gtkrc file.11:58
sinisterstufadfasdfsda, at the top left of the natuilus window, click Tree>, then select Places instead?11:58
jonnixVamp898: noted. Thought it might just be a Toshiba Satellite thing. ref. https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/2373511:58
sinisterstufsosaited, you can probably do it using gnconf-editor and going to Applications>Nautilus11:59
blackshirthello ymlf11:59
redsandroJordan_U:PhotoRec cannot recover file- and dirnames, right?12:00
adfasdfsdasinisterstuf, i don't see any "..Tree.." or "..Places.." hm12:00
adfasdfsdai have File Edit View Go ..12:01
YeTr2Jordan_U: http://pastebin.com/PAe0NQP312:01
adfasdfsdathere to start..12:01
Jordan_Uredsandro: Correct.12:01
sivakumari want to mount my drive permanently and wants it to be showed in desktop ..can any one help me12:02
sinisterstufadfasdfsda, yes, and underneath that it says <-- back, --> forward etc12:02
sinisterstufadfasdfsda, and underneath that is the tree/places option that youŕe looking for12:03
sosaitedsinisterstuf: What would the value I should add ? date_creation ?12:03
YeTr2happens when setting mode to both ahci and ide12:03
sinisterstufsosaited, sorry, i´m not sure, i´ve never tried it12:05
adfasdfsdasinisterstuf, hm there i have that buttons (folders) ..see the arrows on the folder icons? and i wan'T disable if one clicks on the arrow (just to clear the problem) hm12:05
sinisterstufsilver__, to install ardouer: sudo apt-get install ardour12:05
swordzHi. I've just used the command `rsync -a ./* /backup/`. It's mainly worked exactly as desired, but hasn't copied hidden files12:06
sinisterstufsilver__, muse; sudo apt-get install muse12:06
swordzI've tried adding them as a specific include option, still not copied12:06
swordzI thought rsync copied hidden files by default though?12:06
redsandroJordan_U: Aah, there goes my plan to use my smaller old drives to create one big heap for media files. Well thanks for the help!12:06
sinisterstufsilver__, printf_1 muse is a midi editor which can use soft synths, and can be routed through JACK to ardour, ardour is a Linux DAW (Digital Audio Workstation)12:06
Jordan_Uredsandro: You're welcome.12:07
sinisterstufsilver__, printf_1 also google for a list of LADSPA and LV2 plugins that can be added to ardour for cool effects12:07
sinisterstufredsandro, as far as I know photorec can recover almost any files, what is it youŕe trying to do?12:08
teolicyHi. I need to add/remove a source from sources.list with a script. Is there a utility that does that?12:09
redsandrosinisterstuf: I thought I'd create one big volume out of my old small annoying disks, for my media center. It's okay if one disk dies and I lose the contents on that disk. But if I lose the entire volume, and PhotoRec leaves me with a thousand nameless files, it's too much risk/trouble.12:10
sinisterstufteolicy, it´s not difficult to write one yourself, what exactly do you need it to do?12:10
sinisterstufredsandro, are your disks likely to fail?12:10
silver__badger :)12:11
redsandrosinisterstuf: Well at least they are prone to fail. Two are okay and two have a nice collection of reallocated sectors12:11
teolicyGiven a deb, uri, distribution and components, (1) tell if this combination is in my sources.list (2) add this combination, without otherwise harming the file's structure, (3) remove this combination, without otherwise harming the file's structure, (4) support wildcards.12:12
silver__badger badger badger mushrooooom :)12:12
teolicysinisterstuf: ^^12:12
printf_1Are there any tools available in Ubuntu for kernel hacking?12:12
silver__bg badger12:12
redsandrosilver__: ZFS can go up to 16 ExaBytes, exactly what I need ;) But it's a bit too complicated for me, I wasted an arm and a leg already on LVM.12:12
silver__apt-get install zfs-fuse i think12:12
teolicysinisterstuf: This isn't a lot to accomplish, but since I'm already elbow deep in someone else's code who just did more or less the equivalent of echo ... >> /etc/apt/sources.list, I prefer keeping his code for now unless there's something standard which comes with debian.12:13
silver__not that hard really and really nice fs12:13
silver__i like xfs myself12:13
silver__or ext4 but i think the author died or smth lol12:13
silver__or was that reiser12:13
jonnixVamp898: it's true /etc/X11/xorg.conf doesn't exist. ref. Solution 3 here http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html12:13
silver__i dunno12:13
redsandroand sir reiser is in jail12:13
silver__well he should get out imo12:14
Karen_mI want to generate a lot of CPU load to test my laptop cooler, my laptop has been shutting off due to heat over extended periods.  How do I generate a lot of cpu load to test this?12:14
silver__i can donate some cash if needed12:14
cutiyarhow can i find my localhost?12:14
silver__BitchX irssi12:14
sinisterstufteolicy, you can search for a string in a file using grep, eg: cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep -i ¨I like to eat dogs¨12:14
redsandrohaha well even smart criminals are criminals12:14
silver__what did he do wrong?12:14
silver__he kill someone?12:14
i_is_brokehis wife i believe.12:15
jstooneHi guys how do i mount my External Hard Disk?12:15
redsandrohe killed his wife yes12:15
silver__really? :/12:15
teolicysinisterstuf: Yes, well, when I was asking if someone already did a sources.list manager with a decent API, I was thinking about more then grep.12:15
silver__i cannot believe that tbh12:15
sinisterstufteolicy, you cann append a string to a file (add it to the end without damaging the file structure) using the >> redirectore eg: echo ¨I like to eat dogs¨ >> /etc/apt/sources.list12:15
ten10hey everyone, i cant connect wireless12:15
silver__another q if i may, how does private mediawiki work?12:15
jstoonei know it's located inside /dev but is it in /dev/disk or?12:15
sinisterstufteolicy, that will add I like to eat dogs as a new line at the last line of the sources list12:15
rocket16redsandro: Who?12:15
silver__i have mirrored part of a wiki12:15
ten10why has ubuntu changed the connection program12:15
teolicysinisterstuf: Suppose I have deb http://teolicy.com karmic main contrib, but I grepped for deb http://teolicy.om karmic contrib main?12:15
Karen_mif the glove doesn't fit, you MUST acquit12:16
redsandroThey don't need Reiser, right?12:16
redsandroAlready working on Reiser412:16
teolicysinisterstuf: a shell script's expressiveness is about an order of a magnitude below what I meant. Anyway, thanks for the suggestion.12:16
sinisterstufteolicy, you can deselect a source by commenting it, i.e. search for the string and then edit it using sed to add a # to the begging12:16
Karen_mwhat is a really cpu intensive program?  I want to test my laptop heat problem12:16
sinisterstufteolicy, google for information on how to use Sed and Regular Expressions, itś really cool12:16
silver__you can bash forkbomb Kardos_12:16
silver__Karen_m, i mean12:16
sinisterstufteolicy, regular expressions will probably allow you to use wildcards too12:17
silver__telecity leaseweb online.nl bgp12:17
silver__private peer12:17
redsandrorocket16: Reiser did12:17
sinisterstufteolicy, I will do it for you if I get time to day, g2g now, bye12:17
rocket16redsandro: Oh, I see. Thanks. :)12:17
silver__xchat mirc12:17
teolicysinisterstuf: kindly, I suggest http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2008/06/regular-expressions-now-you-have-two-problems.html12:18
redsandroWell.... I'll be going to the store to buy a new drive since I can throw those old drives away12:19
printf_1Does Mark Shuttleworth ever come in this channel?12:19
silver__redbeans, WD is nice12:19
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silver__look at the line of "grey" hdd's passport perhaps?12:19
redsandroprintf_1: No he is in #ubuntucrew12:19
TuGaJordan_U, i'm trying grub-reboot "Windows OS" or "7" and nothing happens...12:20
Karen_mwhat setting controls the bash expansion on  usernames?   It used to work in 10.04, now maverick does not expand usernames...   cd ~ka<tab><tab>*....  will not ever find ~karen, but if you do ~karen/pr<tab> it will12:20
sophia N00b Alert! Please help me! I created a separate "/data" partition (ext4, for storing movies) while installing Ubuntu. Now when I boot, the /data partition gets mounted, but I can't write data to it. What should I do so that /data gets mounted everytime with write permissions? Thanks. [I wanna get rid of Micro$**t Losedows and its NTFS partition forever]12:20
silver__sophia, let me think12:21
Dr_Willissophia:  set its ownership and permissions same as you would a directoruy.12:21
silver__sophia, you need ntfs drivers for ubuntu12:21
Dr_Willissophia:  you want a single user to have full access?12:21
Dr_Willissilver__:  he said its a ext4 partition.12:21
sophiaok, i'll do that now12:22
redsandrontfs-3g is built-in12:22
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Dr_Willissophia:  sudo chown username.username /media/data             after its mounted. to let the 'username' user have full access to it.12:22
rocket16In Ubuntu, when minecraft is run, Internal exception: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset is shown.12:24
cirtopozDo someone use here gconf-cleaner here ? I've used it. I don not have any problems now. Now i will backup my system. But i don't trust this program. Can someone tell me if the system can damage from this program ?12:24
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SaciDiPatinetFala galera, bom dia12:25
Dr_Williscirtopoz:  if you are running it as a user. i imagne the worse thing it could do would be mess up your users settings..   that wont damage the 'system'12:26
SaciDiPatinetestou montando um PDC com Samba no ubuntu server12:26
sophiaDr_Willis: Yes, single owner full access12:26
printf_1Is it possible to install a minimal installation of Ubuntu so that I only have free software that respects my freedom? Such as free as in free speech, not free as in free beer, like Richard Stallman says?12:27
SaciDiPatinetsem profile movel dos usuarios, mas toda vez que a maquina win loga no dominio ela cria um novo perfil para o usuario e apaga o antigo...12:27
SaciDiPatinetalguma ideia de como posso solucionar isso?12:27
printf_1SaciDiPatinet: I don't think its allowed to speak Mexican in here.12:28
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:28
ekristencan anyone help me with my lirc modules? I upgraded to 10.04 and now I am getting error messages when lirc tries to start, I've done pkg-reconfigure lirc-modules-source, but it doesn't seem to work12:29
cirtopozDr_Willis: can i send you a pm ?12:29
Dr_Williscirtopoz:  i tend to auto ignore them.12:29
Dr_Willisor i just dont notice them, when they do happen...12:30
SaciDiPatinetprintf_1:  ok fuck u..12:30
cirtopozDr_Willis: ok.12:31
LjL!language | SaciDiPatinet12:31
ubottuSaciDiPatinet: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.12:31
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printf_1SaciDiPatinet: Pardon ?12:31
codewizis there a descent disassembler and a descent debugger in the ubuntu repository?12:31
LjLprintf_1: you do realize "Mexican" is not a language, and even then, the language in Mexico is Spanish, and he was speaking Portuguese...12:31
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Dr_Willisprintf_1:  i seem to recall some 'free-libre' ubuntu variant. but i forget what it was even called12:32
printf_1LjL: Oh. I see.12:32
AnxiousNutUbuntu removed all virtual terminal from ubuntu 10.10?!!!12:32
printf_1Dr_Willis: Ah, great. I'll do a search. Cheers.12:32
Dr_WillisAnxiousNut:  you mean the consoles ?12:33
printf_1AnxiousNut: Removed?12:33
Dr_WillisIf you mean the consoles.. no they hae not been removed. but ive seen driver issues that make them unuseable..12:33
AnxiousNutDr_Willis printf_1, yes, i am not getting anything when i press AltF1~F612:34
hermanonHow do I setup ubuntu-desktop on lucid12:34
epsonhello folks12:34
epsonEpson stylus dx4450 - Printer works, scanner doesn't12:34
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sinisterstufAnxiousNut, press Ctrl+Alt+F1 instead12:35
AnxiousNutsinisterstuf, that's what i meant12:36
sinisterstufAnxiousNut, when youŕe in the terminal that has X in it (tty7) you cant just Alt+F1, you need to add Ctrl12:36
TuGacan i use grub-reboot command with grub bootloader on Ubuntu 10.10?12:36
sinisterstufAnxiousNut, well I don know, my ttys work fine12:36
Dr_WillisAnxiousNut:  and whats your video card? what drivers are you using.12:37
AnxiousNutDr_Willis, a net book , no graphics card12:37
AnxiousNutsinisterstuf, i know, thanks anyways :)12:37
hermanonwhen trying sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop  it gives me depends errors how should i install it ?12:37
W4RH4WKhermanon, try tasksel12:39
Dr_WillisAnxiousNut:  You do have a video card..   even if its built into the motherboard.. :) proberly an intel chipset.12:40
printf_1Has anyone had success running Xmonad in Ubuntu?12:40
sniperjohow would i go about making a shell command whitelist for a user ?12:40
Dr_WillisAnxiousNut:  you m ay want to check the forums for your exact netbook. see if others have issues with it.12:40
Dr_Willisprintf_1:  ive tested it in the past.. what issue are you having with it?12:41
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printf_1Dr_Willis: None yet. I'm going to try it out.12:42
vagastormany one remember the comand to echo what key is beeing pressed?12:42
LunaVoraxHello everyone !12:42
hermanonW4RH4WK: is there any other way ? It depends on x11 and i'm using lucid12:42
nerdy_kidhello, I am trying to get my ftp server to work through a router and need to know, what are the 39 68 numbers in this message? "227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,2,39,68)"  I think they are ports but they do not correspond to tcpdump data12:42
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The_Janitorhey guys, i am trying to troubleshoot my iptables policy but nothing is appearing in the logs. i have a home server running ubuntu minimal, so i am not sure if there is a log daemon even running. where do i start? thanks12:43
epsonEpson stylus dx4450 - Printer works, scanner doesn't...any suggestion?12:44
LunaVoraxI'm trying to help my France in South Korea via vnc over the internet (I'm using the sharing desktop option in empathy). It works but it's insanely slow (so it's unusable), is there any way to make if go faster (like compression of the images shown or anything) ?12:44
W4RH4WKhermanon, you wont to install ubuntu desktop without x11?12:44
LunaVoraxmy friend from France to South Korea*12:44
silver__epson, open source driver?12:45
hermanonW4RH4WK: I want to install desktop without worring about the depends thing ,I mean automatically12:45
silver__LunaVorax, cisco empathy12:45
silver__hermanon, ubuntu livecd12:45
silver__or opensolaris12:45
silver__whatever you like i dunno ;)12:46
bazhangsilver__, that makes no sense. please stop12:46
silver__bazhang,  why not?12:46
The_Janitorhey guys, i am trying to troubleshoot my iptables policy but nothing is appearing in the logs. i have a home server running ubuntu minimal, so i am not sure if there is a log daemon even running. where do i start? thanks12:46
silver__as long as its open right?12:46
LunaVoraxsilver__, two words are good, a sentence is better hehe12:46
silver__ah ok12:46
bazhangsilver__, just saying random things. please desist.12:46
W4RH4WKhermanon, still wondering why apt-get install ubuntu-desktop .. fails it should resolve the dep automatically12:46
silver__sry m812:46
silver__ttyl guys12:46
The_Janitori had that happen to me before, ubuntu-desktop not installing, it was annoying.12:47
hermanonaha that's odd !12:47
LunaVoraxAnyone for my vino/vinagre speed problem ?12:47
The_Janitorhey guys, i am trying to troubleshoot my iptables policy but nothing is appearing in the logs. i have a home server running ubuntu minimal, so i am not sure if there is a log daemon even running. where do i start? thanks12:47
Dr_WillisVNC oveer the internet is sluggish. - if you really wanted to tweak vnc speeds - you could reduce the # of colors displayed, use a lighter desktop or just a window manager, and of course be sure compiz is disabled..12:48
The_Janitordoes syslog-ng log iptable rules?12:48
hermanonI used -f hope it works12:48
Dr_Willisreduceing the res of the shared display can be handy also.12:48
W4RH4WKhermanon, you could try apt-get check12:49
xyz10.10 netbook remix any one else having prob ?  wheres the md5? not my first time tried 3 different download images and 2 different usb sticks ,tried fedora and ubuntu usb creator12:49
W4RH4WKhermanon, for broken deps12:49
The_Janitordoes syslog-ng log iptable rules?12:50
hermanonIt worked thanks :)12:50
LunaVoraxmkay Dr_Willis unfortunately I'm afraid my friend mess up with her system more so I'll just dont do vnc12:50
DeaConepson: what scanner software you using?12:51
azetyhi got this error : http://paste.ubuntu.com/414906/12:51
albert-geertvnc has options to minimalise network trafic12:51
LunaVoraxIs there a command line to paste in the terminal to be sure all translations are installed ?12:52
Dr_Willisvnc has loads of options.. but im not sure that the gnome vinigre/vino tool has a similer set of options12:52
albert-geerti havent workt whit that vnc program yet so dont no12:53
azetycan anyone help ?12:53
azetyhi got this error : http://paste.ubuntu.com/414906/12:54
albert-geertyou could try real vnc12:54
Dr_Willisazety:  You  may want to at least summarize what the error is about.12:54
sophiaN00b Alert! I have created a separate /home/Data partition while installing Ubuntu. If I reinstall Ubuntu  will /home/Data be lost?12:55
sinisterstufazety, did you write something wrong in the asterec.sql file? cos thatś what it looks lie12:55
Dr_Willissophia:  you tell the installer to not format it. if its a seperate partition.12:55
sinisterstufsophia, depends how you reinstall ubuntu12:55
Waffle my custmized bot screen image didn't work how do i fix this?#12:55
sinisterstufsophia, what Dr_Willis said12:55
albert-geerthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/414906/ looks like you have an error in youre mysql settings12:56
sinisterstufWaffle, don know but if you want nice boot loader with graphics try BURG12:56
sophiaThanks Dr_Willis and sinisterstuff! Bye Bye Windows! Yess! :)12:56
Wafflei want an image insted of the ubuntu thingy12:56
Wafflecan anyone help12:57
trojan_spikeWaffle, youtube.12:57
xyzmd5 for netbook?    hate new download page, wheres the mirrors wheres the md5?12:57
silver__argg my  hdd just died lol12:57
epson->DeaCon XSane Image Scanner12:57
epsonmsg->DeaCon XSane Image Scanner12:58
sinisterstufWaffle, BURG bootloader12:58
Dr_WillisWaffle:  you mean you want a static image instead of the 'plymouth' ubuuntu and dots.. animation?12:58
sniperjois it possible for a script to listen on a socket ?12:58
WaffleDr_Willis,  yeah12:58
sinisterstufWaffle, download a different plymouth theme12:58
Wafflesinisterstuf,  but i have an image i wish to use]12:59
Dr_WillisGiven that Plymouth shows up here for all of like 5 sec as the system boots.. I dont worry about it. :)13:00
commodoorWaffle, maybe this is what? http://www.webupd8.org/2010/10/install-and-change-plymouth-themes-in.html didnt try it13:00
Waffletell me some other day bye13:00
stnick5Wonder if someone can help me. I've got two laptops, one running Ubuntu 10.04 and the other is running Windows 7. I'm trying to network them together. I can see the Windows 7 laptop in the network screen on Ubuntu, but I can't see the Ubuntu machine on the Windows 7 laptop.13:00
sinisterstufWaffle, maybe this is helpful: http://joekuan.wordpress.com/2010/08/05/plymouth-create-your-own-splash-screen-with-scrolling-boot-messages/13:00
sjamaanHi. I'm trying to install Ubuntu on an old box which has an untrustworthy CD drive. Sometimes it boots, sometimes it does not. When installing it tells me the CD is damaged. Is there a way to boot from CD but then install from FTP?13:00
stnick5When I go to Places - Connect to server, I enter all the details. When it asks for the username and password of the Windows 7 computer, I enter them, then it just asks for them again and again.13:01
stnick5Does anyone know how to fix this?13:01
commodoorsinisterstuf, waffle is goen :P13:01
albert-geertsjamaan can you boot from usb?13:01
Goog_Joshafter trying to start kaffeine - displayed message: Loading of player part 'XinePart' failed.13:01
Goog_JoshAll Video Drivers failed to initialize!13:01
Goog_Joshdoes anyone know how to fix it?13:01
sjamaanalbert-geert: I don't have a spare USB disk lying around, and I'm not sure if this box boots from USB13:02
sinisterstufyeah, he left a second before I posted that13:02
galadudewhich IM should i use?13:02
sinisterstufgaladude, IRC?13:02
albert-geertsjamaan you could try a network boot13:03
galadudeno, for MSN13:03
albert-geertbut thats a litle hard13:03
sjamaanalbert-geert: Are there any instructions for that?13:03
commodoorsinisterstuf, but thnx for link13:03
sinisterstufgaladude, pidgin13:03
stnick5I dunno if it's because I'm behind a firewall or not, I'm in university accomodation so I don't have any control over that, but they're both connected directly through an ethernet hub I have in my room, so I wouldn't have though a firewall would affect that?13:03
galadudeokay thanks :)13:03
sinisterstufcommodoor, youŕe welcome, also check cool looking bootloader here: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/06/get-animated-themed-icon-only-grub-menu-using-burg-now-simple-to-use/13:04
Dr_Willisstnick5:  a HUB or a router?13:04
albert-geertsjamaan yep there are you can find them on google13:04
commodoorsinisterstuf, yhea thn x i already know that but the only OS is UBuntu for me13:04
stnick5It's a hub.13:04
Goog_Joshdoes anyone can help me with kaffeine?13:04
Dr_Willisstnick5:  check the ip's of the machines. see if they can ping each other. also check the 'findsmb' and 'smbtree' commands to scan for shares.13:05
stnick5I have an ethernet port in my room, but only one. So I bought a hub so I could connect both laptops to the internet at the same time.13:05
sjamaanalbert-geert: I struck a lot of broken links. Do you know a good up-to-date, working instructions?13:05
sinisterstufcommodoor, you can still make the bootup look cool :)13:05
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Dr_Willisstnick5:   I think you really need a router to do  shareing like that..13:05
incandenzasjamaan: Google ubuntu netinst13:05
stnick5It says it's a Switch on the box.13:05
commodoorsinisterstuf, you'r right there hahaha13:05
sjamaanI found https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/Netboot on the wiki but the page is empty13:05
Dr_Willisstnick5:  but it may depend on how the stuff is wired up.13:05
sjamaanalbert-geert: Thank you13:06
albert-geertno problem13:06
azetyi m sure the file is correct13:06
azetybut i got this error13:06
Dr_Willisstnick5:  for example from my Cable Modem. I can not go to a 'switch' or 'hub' it has to be a router. that handles the NAS/ipmasq type work..13:06
stnick5What's the Ubuntu equivalent of ipconfig?13:07
sjamaanhm, I'll try my luck with the minimal CD instead13:07
incandenzasjamaan: wiki.ubuntu.com/netinst13:08
stnick5I get a reply from both machines when I ping them13:08
albert-geertazety you have a syntax error are you sure al youre parameters are set right13:08
rocket16How to solve Internal exception: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset in Ubuntu?13:08
albert-geert<sjamaan> i told you its the hard way13:09
stnick5When I type in smbtree, my Windows 7 laptop is listed13:09
sjamaanalbert-geert: yeah, the page you linked me to provided the minimal CD link which I needed13:09
sjamaanI've done netboots of other OSes before, but it's finicky13:09
willembHi.  I am sure I read an article recently that described how to set up apt-cacher or something similar in such a way that, if I took my laptop elsewhere, updates will still work, automatically bypassing the cacher because it is absent.  Does anyone know of some setup like that?13:11
incandenzaYou don't have to do an actual net boot13:11
incandenzaFollow the link I just pasted13:11
incandenzaThere's a specific net install CD image13:11
AnxiousNutIf i want to install the full unity package just like the one in ubuntu netbook edition, should i be installing unity or ubuntu-netbook?13:13
Deihmosubuntu is getting slower and slower. just tried the netbook remix and it's really slow.13:13
stnick5That's what I'm using13:14
willembDeihmos:  Last time I tried it, it was very slow until I installed the proper drivers for my video card.  After that, it few.13:14
mojojojoJOIN #rubyconfuy13:14
mojojojoLEFT #ubuntu13:15
Deihmosthere are no drivers for the onboard video in the netbook13:15
DeihmosWindows 7 runs a lot faster on it13:15
Dr_WillisDeihmos:  the drivers may be included in ubuntu, and may have some bugs.13:15
willembDeihmos:  What machine do you have?13:16
Deihmosasus 1005ha13:16
Dr_WillisDeihmos:  there have been many complaints about the Netbook edition being sluggish sadly...13:16
trijntjeDeihmos, try the default install instead of the netbook, somehow it requires a quite strong vid card13:16
albert-geerthave you updated al drivers?13:17
trijntje(or install the proper package to switch to gnome desktop)13:17
Deihmosthere is no updated drivers from what I can tell13:17
albert-geerthave you installed the correct vid driver?13:18
Deihmosthere is no other video driver for the netbook13:18
willembDeihmos:  Have you seen this:13:19
Deihmosold thread13:20
willembjust because the trhead is old doesn't mean that 'there are no drivers for your video card'.13:20
muixirthi, I like to know how to find out what packages depend on a particular package (ubuntu 10.10)13:21
Dr_Willisivve seen many reviewss mention that 'mutter' (i think) the default windowmanager/desktop tool for the netbook edition is a bit of a slow dog.13:21
willembAnyway, does no-one here know how to make aptitude/apt only use my apt-cacher if I am on my home network, and ignore its absense otherwise?13:21
willembmuixirt:  apt-cache show 'packagename' will tell you13:21
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llutz_muixirt: apt-cache depends <package>13:22
Deihmosthere are no drivers I already know that13:22
incandenzaThere are intel video drivers, but they're included with the distro. There aren't separate drivers that you install like with nvidia or something13:22
hudoHi, after upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 the new system started perfectly. Then I removed qith ubuntu-tweak old packages, especially old kernels. After new start, there is no graphical login13:22
hudoany ideas13:22
incandenzaIt will already be using them by default13:22
imamiHello everyone!13:22
=== SpaceTravel is now known as SpaceTraveler
albert-geertsudo apt-get install ubuntu desktop13:24
epsonhello there13:24
epsonI have got everything all the files to run epson dx4450 printer/scanner but the scanner is not shown in XSane Image  Scanner.....13:25
imamihey guys. I think my apt sources list is messed up. :(13:25
muixirtllutz, I meant the reverse one: given a particular package tell me what packages depend on it13:25
epsonany help13:26
muixirtwillemb: thanks, i look into it13:26
llutz_muixirt: apt-cache rdepends <package>13:26
n00byd00byHow to make a partition mount automatically ?13:26
willembn00byd00by: /etc/fstab13:26
DeaConepson:  may look here   https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/printing/C/scanning.html13:28
n00byd00by@willemb: thanks! and can I link it to ~/  ?13:28
willembmuixirt:  Looks like you want apt-orphan13:28
SpiritsInsidehi does anyone know a terminal command that searches a text file for a string, then edits it?13:28
imamiI used the online sources.list generator for 10.04. It worked like a charm. When i upgraded to 10.10, it disabled those sources. when i tried to re enable them, i got gpg errors.13:28
willembn00byd00by:, if you need to be root to mount it, no, you have to edit fstab as root.  if you can mount it as yourself, you might put a mount command in your .bash_profile?13:29
willembSpiritsInside:  look at sed13:29
willemb*bump* on using a cacher for package management only if it is available?13:29
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imamiand then i generated one again online and replaced my originally modified one, it started giving me gpg errors.13:30
n00byd00by@willemb: thanks! have a great weekend. :)13:30
epsonthanks i'll give it a try13:30
imamiand now that i've run every command, it gives me cahce errors. :(13:30
muixirtllutz, that seems the right one, thanks (reading apt-cache manual)13:31
SpiritsInsideso willemb it would be sed -n Filename Stringtoreplace Whatitwillbereplacedwith ?13:32
imamiwillemb: hello13:33
nox-HandAfter installing the nVidia Driver through Additional Drivers app, the X-based (or is it framebuffer? I am sure it is X, though) does not show, and I get a terminal-based bootup (though still the ascii-based purple bootup screen). How might I go about getting it back to full res lovely-ness? I do also like my tty's nice resolution :)13:33
ekristencan anyone help me get lirc working on 10.4 with my pvr 15013:34
ekristenI've tried every website's suggestion, and I just can't seem to get it working13:34
ekristenwhen I was on 9.04 it work perfectly13:34
ekristenafter the upgrade not so much13:34
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willembimami:  hello13:35
imamiwillemb: I think my apt sources list is messed up. :(13:35
imamiwillemb: I used the online sources.list generator for 10.04. It worked like a charm. When i upgraded to 10.10, it disabled those sources. when i tried to re enable them, i got gpg errors.13:35
imamiwillemb: and then i generated one again online and replaced my originally modified one, it started giving me gpg errors.13:35
imamiwillemb: and now that i've run every command, it gives me cahce errors. :(13:36
willembimami:  I have never tried the automated stuff13:36
bazhangimami, gpg errors? perhaps this might help13:36
bazhang!gpgerr | imami13:36
ubottuimami: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <key> && gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »13:36
nox-Handekristen: Assuming you have read the Wiki entry for it, right? I have not ever used lirc (actually, not true, I did for a hack project a few years back, but I forgot all about it and it was on Gentoo Linux, so... can't help, sorry) if not, try looking at this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LIRC13:37
imamialready did13:37
imamiadded every repository by hand13:37
imaminow i don't get gpg errors13:37
ekristennox-Hand: already did that13:37
bazhangimami, please pastebin sources.list and the errors as well to paste.ubuntu.com13:38
guest9211i am using ubuntu 10.10, when i switch user, sound does not work in 2nd user (newly logged in), is it a bug or something else?13:38
nerdy_kidhello, I am trying to get my ftp server to work through a router and need to know, what are the 39 68 numbers in this message? "227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,2,39,68)"  I think they are ports but they do not correspond to tcpdump data13:39
imamibazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/522672/ this is the sources.list13:40
imamibazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/522679/ this is the error file13:40
epsonI've tried but ubuntu don't give me the permission to modify /etc/sane.d/dll.conf13:41
ikoniaepson: use sudo13:41
bazhangimami, comment out the getdeb repos save and refresh13:42
=== bsod1 is now known as bsod1_
epsonI thought the reason was because I wasn't in root13:42
epsonso now How can i go back as a normal user13:42
mortalahh, what are the changes of recovering a keyboard on which a soft drink has been poured13:42
AbhiJitmortal, ##hardware13:43
MrsBnerdy_kid: you should be able to tell the server what passive port to use and then open those ports on your router13:43
xuekanhi everyone why my vmware workstation-6.5 cann't be loaded? it pops up a message says before you can run vmware several modules must be compiled, and it just failed to do that.anyone can help?13:43
epsoni want to go back as a normal user not root,13:43
MrsBnerdy_kid: port range I mean not port13:44
nothingspecialepson su username13:44
ikoniaepson: you shouldn 't be the root user13:44
epsonthx guys13:44
epsonI know that....i was tempted to become...13:44
epsonsudo /etc/sane.d/dll.conf13:45
ikoniaepson: no13:45
ikoniaepson: you don't execute a config file13:45
silver__you could tho ;)13:45
epsonsudo: /etc/sane.d/dll.conf: command not found13:45
imamibazhang: it worked. But now what do i do with the getdeb repos?13:46
nothingspecialepson sudo nano13:46
ikoniaepson: because a config file is not a command13:46
ikoniaepson: what are you trying to do13:46
silver__vi /etc/sane.d/dll.conf13:46
silver__or pico/nano even better yes13:46
bazhangimami, leave them commented out? seems to be an issue with them for the moment.13:46
epsoni was simply following this post13:47
bazhangimami, with the number of PPA you have I'd be thankful you have a working machine13:47
epsongiven by DeaCon13:47
silver__pff how does ppa work?13:47
silver__i just use main13:47
bazhangsilver__, to whom are you addressing that comment13:47
silver__anyone who can answer13:47
imamibazhang: I've always had this many repos. :)13:47
bazhangsilver__, please tab-complete the persons name and dont just make random comments13:48
imamibazhang is there a problem with having too many of them?13:48
nothingspecialepson: Yes, you need to edit it, sudo nano /etc/....13:48
bazhangimami, stability wise could be. I'd always have *everything* backed up, and frequently13:48
imamibazhang, me too. i always backup all of it. :)13:49
Jef91When trying to load the gnome nm-applet it fails to load with this message in terminal: "nm-applet debug old state indicates that this was not a disconnect 013:49
Jef91When trying to load the gnome nm-applet it fails to load with this message in terminal: "nm-applet debug old state indicates that this was not a disconnect 0" Any idea what this means and how I can fix it?13:49
nerdy_kidMrsB I did that in vsftpd config file, and I forwarded them, but I still get the a connection refused error13:49
MrsBnerdy_kid: did you forward the port range in your router to your ftp server?13:50
nerdy_kidMrsB my config file is in this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10047834#post1004783413:50
nerdy_kidMrsB yes13:50
Jef91Anyone know if chromium supports apturl?13:51
MrsBnerdy_kid: Is the server itself firewalled?13:51
nerdy_kidMrsB normally, but I disabled it.  and the ftp works over LAN.13:51
imamibazhang, Thanks for the help. :)13:53
silver__whats the best virus scanner for ubuntu?13:53
ikoniasilver__: you don't need one13:53
imamisilver__: clamtk13:54
imamisilver__: clamav. clamtk's its frontend13:54
silver__imami,  thnx13:54
imamiBut, you probably won't need one, unless you have usb from window machines13:54
MrsBnerdy_kid: you probably need to set the pasv_address13:54
silver__imami,  yeah i do, plus iphone413:55
imamisilver__: Then clam av. Its available through synaptic.13:55
nerdy_kidMrsB I tried that, I get the same "connection refused" error.  :-/13:55
silver__imami,  exactly what i needed13:56
imamisilver__: You could compile it too. either way its great. :)13:56
imamisilver__: Glad to be of assistance :)13:56
MrsBnerdy_kid: it isnt in the config file you gave before, did you add it afterwards?13:56
nerdy_kidMrsB yeah, I added it after.  It is commented out in the config file cause I had been experimenting with it.13:57
silver__imami, any viruses that are not added to signatures?13:57
silver__imami, i have data since 198x13:57
lafferwine exits setup for photoshop with a bunch of messages. fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet13:57
lafferand more13:58
nerdy_kidMrsB I can login into the server, it is just the data port(s) that are screwed up.13:58
MrsBnerdy_kid: If it is working inside the lan it really points to a problem either with the pasv_address setting or the router forwarding - beyond that Idunno13:58
nerdy_kidMrsB I think it is the router forwarding, but I have forwarded the pasv port range I specified in the config file.  I cant think of what might be wrong.13:59
MrsBnerdy_kid: What have you got set as pasv_address now?14:00
nerdy_kidMrsB my external IP --
SAngelican anyone help me out with a modem setting? I need to set my external seral port modem to work as Pulse and not Tone. Here is the string I use in withing Hylafax settings: ModemDialCmd:           ATX3DP%s14:01
SAngelithe modem is this one: http://www.mediacomeurope.it/Prodotti/Scheda.aspx?XRI=123414:01
Kurdistanguys I need help. I buyed bluetooth usb adapter14:01
SAngeliI know that ATX3 is for disabling the tone detection14:01
SAngeliDP should be for Pulse14:02
SAngelibut it does not work14:02
llutz_SAngeli: have you tried "atdp%s"?14:02
SAngelino, let me try14:02
Kurdistanit fineds14:02
Kurdistanhow can I connect to my mobile phone?14:03
MrsBnerdy_kid: Sorry, I've run out of ideas! If the router settings are correct and your IP is correct and you can connect inside the lan then it ought to work :|14:03
llutz_SAngeli: ATX3 is "don't wait for dialtone"14:03
SAngeliok. let me try llutz14:03
nerdy_kidMrsB well LAN does work as long as I dont set the pasv address cause then it uses my lan ip.  ick, I suppose I will figure it out eventually.  thanks for your help :)14:04
SAngelillutz no it does not work14:04
renegaidhow do i see what speed my cpu is running14:05
MrsBnerdy_kid: you want me to try and connect to it?14:05
SAngelillutz is there a way to test it manually outside hylafax? Also, is it case sensitive? the command?14:05
llutz_SAngeli: did you checkk manual dialing using minicom or similar? does it work?14:05
imamisilver__: It has almost all signatures. :)14:05
llutz_SAngeli: it shouldn't be case-sensitive14:05
SAngelillutz, I did use wvdial and it did detect the modem. I did not try to dial14:05
nerdy_kidMrsB sure.  Can I PM you the temporarly password to my blog user?14:06
imamirenegaid: use the system monitor. It's in System > Administration14:06
mesgerI'm having trouble installing a cir device. this is what i get from dmesg : http://pastie.org/126003114:06
MrsBnerdy_kid: sure14:06
renegaidthat does not say what speed they are running at14:07
Mau189gbuenos dias14:07
llutz_renegaid:  grep MHZ /proc/cpuinfo14:07
EightEighthow can I prevent other users from deleting files from a directory, while still able to add new files14:08
llutz_renegaid:  grep MHz /proc/cpuinfo   sorry14:08
SAngelillutz, here is the output: --> Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=014:08
SAngeliATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=014:08
FloodBot1SAngeli: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:08
epsonwhy when i put sudo /etc/sane.d/dll.conf14:08
llutz_SAngeli: edit /etc/wcdial.conf to add a phone-number and try dialing14:08
epsonsudo: /etc/sane.d/dll.conf: command not found" this is the reply14:08
ikoniaepson: why do you keep typing that command14:10
ikoniaepson: you don't execute a config file, I've told you that twice now14:10
SAngelisorry llutz how do I add a phone number? I am unable to find the string14:10
tsaknorrisi just noticed that my ctrl+alt+d shortcut doesnt work....i mean that default to see desktop14:10
tsaknorrisit was this newest update what i did...hmmm14:11
SAngelillutz, I think I found it14:11
SAngelillutz, let me try14:11
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llutz_SAngeli:  "phone 555 0815"14:11
llutz_SAngeli: or "phone = 555 0815"  not sure, haven't used it for a while14:12
epsonikonia what do u read here: Edit the /etc/sane.d/dll.conf and enable the right driver for your scanner. Look for the lines that say:14:12
ikoniaepson: ok - so you need to use a text editor14:13
ikoniaepson: what text editor do you like to use normally ?14:13
dlublinkI need to connect to a vnc server that requires a password and username, what software do I use in UBuntu fo rthis ?14:13
ikoniaepson: ok, so gksudo gedit /etc/sane.d/dll.conf14:13
drcodehi all14:14
epsonwell, not yet14:15
drcodecan I tell linux to automuont  pendrive?14:15
drcodeeach time it connect or disconnect automticly?14:15
epsonikonia it doesn't work yet14:16
tsaknorrisok i fix it :)14:16
tsaknorrisim too drunk to see all tje lines lol14:17
ikoniaepson: what do you mean it doesn't work14:17
epsonikonia it doesn't work yet i still have this:"no devices available"14:17
ikoniaepson: I just told you how to edit a file, not how to fix your printer14:17
epsonthought you were following from 3 hours ago14:18
xerox1is there a way of easy video chats within a network?14:18
epsonit seems a little problem, i have an epson dx4450, the printer works great, but the scanner doesn't...14:19
SAngelillutz, I tried and either with  ATDT or  ATDP it uses Tone14:19
epsonso i read every post on internet about that, and i synapticazed al the packages, but nothing...14:20
llutz_SAngeli: add a line "Dial Command = ATDP" to /etc/wvdial.conf14:20
SAngelillutz, I already have it: Dial command = ATDT%s  and also tried as Dial command = ATDP%s14:20
llutz_SAngeli: without %s14:21
SAngelillutz, sorry. I tried also as you advice me to14:21
llutz_SAngeli: try minicom to dial manually14:22
SAngelillutz, I am also reading this article: http://blog.serverbuddies.com/setup-wvdial-to-dial-your-isp/14:22
SAngelillutz, once installed what do I have to do as I do not know it14:22
llutz_SAngeli:  seee http://bit.ly/b1MEsg14:24
SAngeliok llutz14:24
zthmy sound dies after like 5mins of play, then i have to stop the sound/start it again for it to work. seems to be a problem with pulseaudio, any ideas?14:24
Error404NotFoundI have a very peculiar problem after upgrade from karmic to lucid. First i don't get a login prompt, ssh doesn't start as well, rest of services run fine. In single user i get errors when reinstalling udev, also in single user ssh starts fine if i do it manually, i have check and also done "update-rc.d ssh defaults" to make sure but no use.14:24
kikikunbonjours tout le monde14:24
Error404NotFoundhttp://pastebin.com/CACFh0i1 contains all the data14:24
kikikunje suis un peu un noob sur IRC, vous auriez deux trois conseilles a donner a un novice ?14:25
sniperjohow do i remove the ^M telnet keeps on adding to my input in bash ?14:26
epsoncan somebody help me?14:26
cutiyarhow i can show my internet to other computer?14:26
llutz_SAngeli: basically you have to setup your serial-port and speed/handshake (likely 8n1). then type "atz<enter>" "atdp<your isps number>enter>"14:26
cutiyari mean other can connect my interenet wirelwess?14:26
=== bsod1_ is now known as bsod1
kikikunok, this is an english language CHan14:27
epsonEpson DX4450 the printer works the scanner doesn't...i'm desperate...14:27
SAngelillutz, how do I get out of it? I see a blank screen with a white bar at the bottom14:27
confused_ i want to choose an open source license in my project14:27
llutz_SAngeli: oooh its so long ago... ctrl-a-h   for help?14:27
confused_can some one give me the right license14:27
SAngelillutz, I had to kiil the process the last time14:28
epsoni found this14:28
llutz_SAngeli: ctrl-x  quit14:28
epsonbut i don't see ubuntu14:29
confused_can you give me one14:29
epsonother versions  but ubuntu 10.0414:29
confused_i hate little the gpl14:29
cutiyarhow i can show my internet to other computer?14:29
cutiyari mean other can connect my interenet wirelwess?14:29
SAngelillutz, I am unable to quit as last time.I will kill the process14:29
SAngeli and start again14:30
llutz_SAngeli: ctrl-a x  to quit (ctrl-a  generally starts commands)14:30
confused_any help ?14:30
llutz_SAngeli: ctrl-a o (oh)  for the setup-menue14:30
=== kid__ is now known as kid__MU
SAngelillutz, once I have set it up what do I have to do? Exit and then?14:32
BluesKajhowdy folks14:32
llutz_SAngeli: its just a test if pulsedialing works. it wont affect other apps14:32
cloversghello, does anyone here know how to rsync adjust the date/time of files over 2 platforms (sizes are the same)14:32
fazlHi everyone, I need some help. I am running Lucid Lynx Ubuntu 10.04 and I am having problems burning CDs. Can anyone help?14:32
fazlI've put up some reports on Launchpad and Ubuntu forums but no responses14:32
hudoHi, after upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 the new system started perfectly. Then I removed qith ubuntu-tweak old packages, especially old kernels. After new start, there is no graphical login14:32
fazland I'm running out of ideas14:33
fazland at the limit of my Linux skills (i'm still not very good at it :-(14:33
cloversgfazl try /etc/init.d/gdm start14:33
fazlclover, what problem would that be for?14:33
cloversgare you using any hardware drivers?14:33
fazlMy problem is strange. Sometimes the CDs burn, most of the times they dont14:34
cloversgit could be that the hardware driver for your video card is not compatible14:34
fazland not I am getting an error saying that it cannot read the buffer (CDRecord)14:34
cloversgfazl how do you burn your CDs14:34
fazlI'm using Gnomebake right now14:34
fazlbut i've tried using K3B14:34
fazland CD DVD burn14:34
cloversgthrow away Gnomebake use Brasero14:34
fazland Brasero14:34
fazlI've used Brasero also14:35
fazlthey all screw up14:35
fazlI was using K3B andgot some luck wiht them14:35
cloversgI think its the speed of your burning, why not create iso fist and then burn iso to cd14:35
fazlI'm running the speed at 4X14:35
fazlthats the lowest I can go14:35
cloversgwhat error do you see14:35
jimi_anyone know why this captures a black image? streamer -c /dev/video0 -b 32 -o /home/jimi/Desktop/snapshot.jpeg ? if i switch to 16b it captures a partially green and black image from my webcam14:35
fazli can copy and paste sections of the reports14:36
fazlbut i think it would be too big for a Chat14:36
cloversgwhat is the main error?14:36
fazlcan you do a one on one chat and I can send you a copy of the gnome bake, or K3B or the other failures14:36
nerdy_kidfazl use pastebin or http://paste.ubuntu.com/14:36
fazlnerdy, what is pastebin?14:37
liminalubuntu wont shut down14:37
liminalit hangs when trying to unmount the local file system14:37
liminalhowever restarting is no problem14:37
cloversgliminal, there's always the power switch14:37
fazli think this is the main problem14:38
fazlDriver flags : MMC-3 SWABAUDIO BURNFREE14:38
fazlSupported modes: TAO PACKET SAO SAO/R96P SAO/R96R RAW/R16 RAW/R96P RAW/R96R14:38
fazlDrive buf size : 1644048 = 1605 KB14:38
fazlFIFO size : 4194304 = 4096 KB14:38
fazlcdrecord: Warning: Cannot read drive buffer.14:38
FloodBot1fazl: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:38
liminalthere is.. its not the cleanest way to shutodwn14:38
cutiyarhow i can show my internet to other computer?14:38
jimi_anyone know why this captures a black image? streamer -c /dev/video0 -b 32 -o /home/jimi/Desktop/snapshot.jpeg ? if i switch to 16b it captures a partially green and black image from my webcam? however streamer -c /dev/video0 -f rgb24 -r 3 -t 00:00:30 -o /home/jimi/Desktop/snapshot.avi records video perfectly14:38
cutiyari mean other can connect my interenet wirelwess?14:38
cloversghello, does anyone here know how to rsync adjust the date/time of files over 2 platforms (sizes are the same)14:38
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »14:39
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liminalalso when i start up  my computer it says Loading Operating system14:40
liminaland then boot from CD/DVD14:40
outofthemadnessdoes anyone know how I might change the refresh rate of my display? In the Monitors dialog there's only one option14:40
liminalwhy am i getting this?14:40
aeon-ltdliminal: is there a cd in the cd drive?14:41
liminalaeon-ltd not unless im a complete moron.. no14:42
liminalhang on .. let me check..14:42
aeon-ltdliminal: is this before grub shows?14:42
fazlI posted my problem on the post bin paste.ubuntu.com/522706/14:42
liminalim also having problems shutting down14:42
aeon-ltdliminal: go into your bios and disable cd/dvd boot or change the boot order14:43
liminalit hangs at the unmounting local file system stage14:43
aeon-ltdliminal: no idea on your 2nd problem, sorry14:43
liminali dont' want to disable cd booting.14:43
liminalits useful14:43
fazlAnyone have CD burning issues?14:43
aeon-ltdliminal: change the order so its after hdd booting then14:44
sniperjowhats the best secure telnet?14:44
llutz_sniperjo: telnet-ssl but ssh is to be preferred14:44
liminalno.. whats the point of booting after the HD?14:45
liminalwhen would i ever boot without a HD..14:45
drumstik31566Hi people14:45
sniperjollutz_: for example, ive just made a script listen on a port for a connection, i can use ssh for that ?14:45
llutz_sniperjo: no14:46
oivoodooHi, everyone. I downloaded ubuntu 10.10 amd64, my machine is core i5 760, 6Gb kingmax. My machine doesn't load. I see just "request_module: runaway loop modprobe binfmt-464c". I've installed to one hard drive 64 bit system. for root primary drive with 60 Gb and for home primary drive with 920 GB. What's the problem with boot? Do you know?14:46
incandenzausually you can press a key to override the default boot order anyway (if you're worried about being able to boot from a CD)14:46
sniperjollutz_: diddnt think so, can i use telnet-ssl ?14:46
drumstik31566 I installed wubi and began the Ubuntu 10.10 installation within WinBlows with 17GB selected as deicated space. When I boot into Ubuntu, I get and error message stating that there is no boot record; resolve this in the partition step.. Well, Ii can't get past that error message. Any suggestions?14:46
llutz_sniperjo: if your script uses ssl14:46
scobiwanHi liminal - I prefer only to enable the cd boot in bios when I need it - only takes a minute14:46
sniperjollutz_: my script is just a simple bash at the moment14:47
incandenzasniperjo: you can use ssh to forward a port, which you then connect to in the clear and it forward over the ssh connection14:47
liminalshould be ingored unless theres a cd in there.14:47
drumstik31566 I installed wubi and began the Ubuntu 10.10 installation within WinBlows with 17GB selected as deicated space. When I boot into Ubuntu, I get and error message stating that there is no boot record; resolve this in the partition step.. Well, I can't get past that error message. All I can do is shutdown the PC. Any suggestions?14:50
aeon-ltdliminal: ok point is this, imo it sounds like a bug that could only be fixed by updating the bios and (again imo) its not worth it (both in risk and in time)14:50
SAngelillutz, no matter what I do still get Tone. I believe I have to pass another statement different that ATDP or ATDT14:51
KayAteChefhas anyone else recently had trouble with gnome behaving weirdly after playing a video in totm player?14:51
sniperjoincandenza: nice, thanks14:51
liminalbut the message comes after 'loading operating system'14:52
llutz_SAngeli: i thought all modems can use pulse-dialing, but are you sure yours can too?14:52
liminalwhich makes me think its ubuntu14:52
liminaland not the bios14:52
SAngeliit is an italian verison and should do. Let me check again14:52
aeon-ltdliminal: yeah, but you said its before grub even loads hence its sometime after POST and before grub14:52
drumstik31566OK so, is anyone seeing what I type?14:53
vins_xbyes  <drumstik31566>14:53
eksunozI'm join in, helloo.. :)14:53
polarbrodhey, anyone up for a ipod question?14:53
aeon-ltdpolarbrod: are you on ubuntu, if so yes14:54
outofthemadnessdrumstik31566: yes, but I can't answer your question unfortunately14:54
oivoodooHi, everyone. I downloaded ubuntu 10.10 amd64, my machine is core i5 760, 6Gb kingmax. My machine doesn't load. I see just "request_module: runaway loop modprobe binfmt-464c". I've installed to one hard drive 64 bit system. for root primary drive with 60 Gb and for home primary drive with 920 GB. What's the problem with boot? Do you know?14:55
polarbrodyes on ubuntu, latest 10.10 but the thing is i havent used my ipod with itunes yet, its brand new,, a shuffle, but i cant seem to get itunes installed.. The pod tells me to restore ipo with itunes14:55
polarbrodin my ear, hhee kinda vool14:55
polarbrodaeon-ltd,  yes on ubuntu, latest 10.10 but the thing is i havent used my ipod with itunes yet, its brand new,, a shuffle, but i cant seem to get itunes installed.. The pod tells me to restore ipo with itunes14:57
polarbrod in my ear, hhee kinda vool14:57
SAngelillutz  it does not specify and cannot find a manual for it.  It is a MEDIACOM Hermes v.90 Modem Esterno Seriale 56 Kbps14:57
=== xumuk_ is now known as XuMuK
polarbrodgot any clue?14:59
aeon-ltdpolarbrod: try itunes with wine maybe?15:00
=== deotec_ is now known as deotec
eksunozdoes anyone here using asus p5q?15:01
alorilhas anybody seen or heard this kind of problem (I haven't yet found suitable search terms at google or nobody else has same problem and written about it at net):15:02
alorilwhen scrolling window in kubuntu only part of window updates: when scrolling down, then at top updates, when scrolling up, then bottom updates (firefox, xchat, konsole and evolution, no problem in xemacs)15:02
pelmenguys having trouble with suspend and hibernate. ubuntu tries to suspend, but immediately wakes up. usbcore.autosuspend does not help15:02
alorilrestarting xorg fixes problem for a while, also going to another virtual desktop and back redraws ok, pageup/pagedown works ok, faster scrolling updates bigger area15:02
Geitenneukeranyone No such nick/channel15:02
Geitenneukeranyone End of /WHOIS list.15:02
alorilKubuntu 10.10, ATI Radeon HD 5570, Catalyst 8.78.3-100920a-105558C-ATI15:02
dolodoes anyone have any idea how to turn off the browser history dropdown menu on firefox?15:02
Error404NotFoundany ideas on http://is.gd/guiYa ?15:02
grid_if i do smbpasswd -x <user>, and i add it again, why the windows profile will be corrupt?15:03
Error404NotFounddolo, you can't turn it of without editing firefox code and rebuilding it, or may be via a plugin. Why not use private browsing mod if you want it that way?15:04
qwdMy friend has these problems https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cheese/+bug/594699 https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=605549 is the only way to solve this to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10? How can we do video conversations otherwise?15:04
chrissharp123dolo: go to Edit -> Preferences -> Privacy tab -> and set the Location Bar dropdown to "Nothing"15:04
qwdJust to clarify, my friend uses Ubuntu 10.04 and when trying video conversation on Empathy with telepathy-gabble it crashes the client. When opening Cheese it crashes on startup.15:05
aeon-ltddolo: do you mean the menus or the locationbar?15:05
Travis-42since upgrading to ubuntu 10.10, sound is messed up in Flash, movie players, and about 70% of my applications. What might be causing this?15:05
aeon-ltdTravis-42: have you updated all pkgs since then to latest?15:06
Travis-42aeon-ltd: yep, everything is up to date15:06
aeon-ltdTravis-42: in process manager is anything showing high cpu usage?15:07
Travis-42aeon-ltd: not really, less than 10% on each core15:07
=== m00se is now known as CoUnTm00sula
aeon-ltdTravis-42: what gpu?15:08
Travis-42aeon-ltd: GeForce 9800 GTX15:10
zealiodwhen a static ip on a laptop moves on the network from on switch port to another I loose sight of it from the server, even though they still have connectivity - if i clear the arp table on the server everything is fine... how can i prevent this15:10
aeon-ltdTravis-42: latest nvidia drivers aswell?15:10
Travis-42aeon-ltd: I'm using the latest that come with Ubuntu. Might be slightly later directly through nvidia15:11
chrissharp123Travis-42: depending on what you mean by "messed up", I have problems with the same card with the proprietary driver using Lucid15:11
chrissharp123skipping, stuttering audio15:11
Travis-42chrissharp123: low volume, garbled, skipping, yes15:11
aeon-ltdTravis-42: then i've no idea, the only thing i could suggest is reinstall pulseaudio and alsa15:11
Travis-42not in every single application -- pandora and rhythmbox work. movie player, vlc media player, flash don't15:12
chrissharp123I don't have the low volume/garbled issue, but the skipping is maddening - I don't listen to music on my PC anymore :-(15:12
konraddowhy is Broadcom so crappy :(15:12
coz_chrissharp123,  which card is this?15:12
DormantOdenhey, I'm having trouble getting crontab -e jobs to actually run. Anyone know how I can log whats going on?15:12
chrissharp123GeForce 9800GTX15:12
Travis-42err, cut that, rhythmbox doesn't work. only pandora15:12
coz_chrissharp123,  for sound??15:12
erUSULDormantOden: make your jobs writte output to a log file15:13
chrissharp123coz_: heh - sorry - ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) (rev 40)15:13
coz_chrissharp123,  open a terminal   type   alsamixer15:13
tomcatjoshhey guys15:13
coz_chrissharp123,  the audio card should be listed at the top left15:13
ubuntufirst of all can i say im really dissapointed that i have had this problem again ang again15:14
chrissharp123HDA ATI SB15:14
asad-ahmadchrissharp123: I have Intel HDA chipset as well, and I had some problems on Karmic, but not anymore in Lucid15:14
chrissharp123coz_: ^^15:14
coz_chrissharp123,  ok hold on15:14
ubuntui reallly need help15:14
asad-ahmadchrissharp123: Did you change any default settings?.15:14
chrissharp123asad-ahmad: nope15:14
tomcatjoshim about to install Ubuntu Server edition onto this laptop.. Im a N00B when it comes to servers, should i know anything? Thanks15:14
ubuntuim not able to boot into ubuntu anymore15:14
tomcatjoshubuntu: Put in the CD??15:14
Travis-42coz_: chrissharp123: I've got a HDA Intel Realtek ALC889 and have the same types of problems15:14
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chrissharp123coz_: asad-ahmad:  when I output sound to ALSA, it's better (though not perfect)15:15
ubuntubasically i had a crash on and now im not able to get into the system15:15
asad-ahmadubuntu: You can edit and see if the Grub entry has some extra command, and try to boot by removing that15:15
ubuntusomething like inframs15:15
coz_chrissharp123,  mm  ok then maybe what you should do is go to both the #pusleaudio channel and the #alsa chaneel ,, I think they are more equipped to deal with these issues15:15
tomcatjoshubuntu: when you boot, of course, put in the cd, and press one of the F buttons and fix the broken system15:15
Travis-42actually, and even pandora... works sort of on some songs, but really, there's some weird echo sound. argh every ubuntu upgrade seriously screws something up15:16
chrissharp123coz_: sure, though it was really Travis-42 who brought his problems up :-)15:16
spiderwhy nobody talk15:16
tomcatjoshubuntu:I believe thats how it would work15:16
chrissharp123!question | spider15:16
ubottuspider: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:16
coz_Travis-42,   oh I see... did you try the pusleaudio and alsa channels for t his?15:16
vgehi, I have machine on network which have a disc including 2 partitions. One is ntfs parition and other is ext3 partition that to my knowledge cannot be seen from windows. How can i access that dist via my other machine (which i'm using now) over network? I need some files from that partition to be transferred, but cannot add that disk to the comp im using now, anyone? :)15:16
chrissharp123spider: sorry15:16
asad-ahmadchrissharp123: Have you tried removing Pulse all together and then try ALSA? and vice versa?.15:16
chrissharp123!details | spider15:16
ubottuspider: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:16
Travis-42coz_: no, I will try them. everything worked perfectly for sound in 10.0415:16
ubuntuok so i cant boot into linux as it has this inframs thing15:16
chrissharp123asad-ahmad: that's my next step15:16
spiderbye everyone15:17
asad-ahmadchrissharp123: Just the music playing is messy, or the startup sound as well?15:17
coz_Travis-42,  I understand   there has been changes  but  I think the people in those channels will have more troubleshooting techniques than I do15:17
eksunozhow to change my output channel on alsamixer-terminal?15:17
ubuntuand you suggest i put the cd in try to fix it?15:17
chrissharp123asad-ahmad: startup sound is often garbled, yes15:17
ubuntuhas anyone else had an issue like this15:17
Travis-42coz_: do you know if pulse or alsa tends to work better for most people?15:17
mlazzari2sera a tutti15:18
ubuntureally getting pist about having to do this once every couple of weeks15:18
aeon-ltdTravis-42: same thing, pulse is a extra layer for alsa15:18
asad-ahmadubuntu: I had that a couple of times on Karmic, but removing the extra parameter in the Grub menu, which I cant recall at the moment what it was, fixed it15:18
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coz_Travis-42,   I have always had issues with pulseaudio ... I also have a pro sound card but I prefer to compile alsa for that card specifically  and then I have no issues at all15:18
Travis-42aeon-ltd: coz_: ok thanks.15:18
coz_Travis-42,  but I would still speak with the poeple in that channel first15:19
ubuntu<asad-ahmad> ok thanks15:19
ubuntudoes anyone know how to fix it though15:19
asad-ahmadchrissharp123: That is the same thing I get on Karmic. I messed up some settings in there trying to get 4.1 working via getting output from the Mic channel.15:19
ubuntuas i always reinstall and if i have to do that one more time ubuntu is going bye bye15:19
asad-ahmadchrissharp123: Which motherboard?15:19
coz_ubuntu,  is this dropping to  intiramfs?15:19
ubuntuyeah, thats the probs im having15:20
asad-ahmadubuntu: Does that happen when you hibernate/suspend? Or always?.15:20
ubuntugoes straight to there before going to login screen15:20
coz_ubuntu,  ok and if you wait a few seconds  like maybe 5 seconds and type   exit    dose it them boot?15:20
ubuntui have not tried it15:21
chrissharp123asad-ahmad: Gigabyte 870A UD315:21
SAngeliSorry a simple question: I am working in window with  PUTTY and need to upload into my Windows PC a file from ubuntu server. I have a shell ssh windows active15:21
coz_ubuntu,   well  give that a try first ,, I may know the issue and solution15:21
SAngelihow do I do so?15:21
ubuntuis that a common issue then?15:21
jolleI can't get my sound working, I've tried speaker-test -c2 -Dhw:0,1 and that does give me sound.. but not in anything else such as Spotify and Youtube15:21
jolleIt's really annoying15:21
ubuntuok, i will give it a go thanks15:22
jolleI've been into alsamixer and unmuting everything, still no sound ..15:22
vgeSAngeli, you can use winscp15:22
coz_ubuntu,  this happens to me all the time  but I use scsi drives  and I have to edit default-grub  for it to boot properly15:22
chrissharp123asad-ahmad: I followed the debugging instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems15:22
ubuntuthough atm it hangs before it gets there15:22
wickedwackguyjolle: do you have more than one soundcard?15:22
jollewickedwackguy: Not that I know of..15:22
coz_ubuntu,   come back here and let me know15:22
SAngelivge somehow I do not have enablet ftp in my ubuntu server. I use FileZilla to ftp but it does not let me in15:22
ubuntuok, good stuff15:22
chrissharp123asad-ahmad: and it worked on ALSA fine but was stuttery on pulse15:22
ubuntuit only happens to me when i have a crash15:22
coz_ubuntu,  oh?15:23
ubuntuok will do15:23
SAngelivge, winscp should be simila to FileZilla15:23
vgeSAngeli, if you can ssh to that machine, you can use sftp for same effect15:23
wickedwackguyjolle: what are you runing?15:23
coz_ubuntu,  a crash of what?15:23
jollewickedwackguy: I just wiped Mythbuntu from my server .. that worked just fine but now I've installed the Ubuntu 10.10 desktopedition15:23
ubuntuwell i was running 10.10 and it did hang so i did ctrl-alt-f115:24
vgeSAngeli, method between sftp and ftp are totally different, FileZilla will do fine if it can sftp15:24
ubuntuthen sudo reboot15:24
SAngelivge, got it15:24
coz_ubuntu,  ok  and then it dropped to initramfs then?15:24
ubuntuyeah thats right15:24
SAngelivge, as you told me I used SFTP and worked out. I did not think of it15:24
Travis-42hmm... also wasn't 10.10 supposed to have a new sound menu? I don't have a sound menu anymore...15:24
vgeSAngeli, np, gl15:24
coz_ubuntu,  that's odd     ...ok reboot and see if it drops again15:24
ubuntuok, will do15:25
ubuntui am on live cd so will try and come back as the same name if i have probs15:25
coz_ubuntu__,  ok15:25
zealiodArp and bridging dont seem to ne working... i have 3 interfaces on br0, eth1, eth2, eth3 - ARP is not reliable, one i move a device that is attached to eth1 to eth3, then I can not ping the device again, unless I clear my arp cache, can this be avoided?15:25
vgehi, I have machine on network which have a disc including 2 partitions. One is ntfs parition and other is ext3 partition that to my knowledge cannot be seen from windows. How can i access that disk via my other machine (which i'm using now) over network? I need some files from that partition to be transferred, but cannot add that disk to the comp im using now, anyone? :)15:26
eksunozhelppp!!! does anyone know how to change my output channel on alsamixer in terminal? there's 6ch or 8ch for my pc, HDA Intel Realtek ALC1200, but actualy I just use 4 ch..???15:26
mrnelson1986vge, you want to access a linux filesystem (ext3) from a windows computer?15:26
vgemrnelson1986, no, the machine im using now is ubuntu15:27
m3asmimy srssion deconnect only15:27
chrissharp123asad-ahmad: I just removed pulseaudio* and sound is working much better - funny - I've been doing all these workarounds but had not tried that simple solution :-)15:27
mrnelson1986vge, you want to access an ext3 from an ubuntu machine on the same network? there are several options15:27
m3asmisession deconnect only15:27
BluesKaj!ssh | vge15:27
ubottuvge: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)15:27
vgeBluesKaj, machine im trying to connect has win7 on master disk15:28
wickedwackguyi am trying to bind my NAS into my system as a drive. (like under windows) i cant seem to figure it out though. i tried winbind. no luck. am on 10.10. any ideas?15:28
vgeBluesKaj, i mean it don't have ssh server running to connect15:29
mrnelson1986vge, i am unclear what you are trying to do.  what OS is the system running that you are trying to connect to from your ubuntu machine15:29
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asad-ahmadchrissharp123: If you still think it could be a bit better, try updating ALSA as stated in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=658981015:29
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chrissharp123asad-ahmad: thanks!15:30
asad-ahmadchrissharp123: I am glad you have most of it sorted. Having pulse and ALSA both will definitely mess stuff up.15:30
m3asmiasad-ahmad: my session ubuntu deconnect only15:30
asad-ahmadchrissharp123: My pleasure. I wasn't of much help to be honest15:30
asad-ahmadm3asmi: Sorry, I didn't get that one?15:30
vgemrnelson1986, i have a computer that has  disk with "dead" linux install (master record overwritten), and need for those files basically15:31
fuorviatosHello there15:31
StaRetjiFolks, I've installed xbmc and now my xfce4 desktop disappeared :/ If I killall -9 xbmc.bin xbmc just restarts. What to do? How to revert back xfce4 desktop?15:31
fuorviatosPlease forward me to a channel on Netbook version15:32
m3asminow I'm connected with my session in my ubuntu   after some minetes my session deconect only like I press Ctrl + Alt  + Del15:32
mrnelson1986vge, ok, the first step is to recover the ext3 files to your windows partition...this can be done by using a live cd OR using a program called ext2explore to save the files to the NTFS partition15:32
vgemrnelson1986, thanx, i do some googling15:32
mrnelson1986vge, after that you would use Samba sharing to transfer the files to your ubuntu machine from the windows machine15:33
coz_fuorviatos,  I am not familiar with a netbook specific channel15:33
asad-ahmadm3asmi: Are you connected through VNC/RDP, Or are you talking about X-server?15:33
mrnelson1986I need to "unencrypt" my home folder permanently, is there an easy way to do that in ubuntu 10.10?15:33
fuorviatosDoes installing Unity on a Desktop version make sense? I'd like to check it out but I've got no netbook.15:33
m3asmiX-server I think15:34
mrnelson1986fuorviatos, you can do that by installing the unity package in  the software center...it isn't the most efficient for desktop yet (imo)15:34
LiquidDemocracyWhat is a good virus scanner for Ubuntu to scan windows files?15:34
erUSUL!av > LiquidDemocracy15:34
m3asmiasad-ahmad: I'm morocan15:34
mrnelson1986LiquidDemocracy, clamav15:34
ubottuLiquidDemocracy, please see my private message15:34
coz_mrnelson1986,    look here    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113412115:35
asad-ahmadm3asmi: That happens sometimes in Karmic. If you are on that, I will suggest you to upgrade to Lucid.15:35
fuorviatosmrnelson1986: Thanks what about this? https://launchpad.net/~canonical-dx-team/+archive/une15:35
m3asmiasad-ahmad: I'm using now the last virsion15:35
asad-ahmadm3asmi: This is a known bug, and I don't think there has been a fix for it yet, at least for karmic.15:35
rajiv_b nb15:35
LiquidDemocracymrnelson1986, thx15:35
asad-ahmadm3asmi: 10.10? Hmm. Does it happen after you have stayed idle for some time? Or while you are doing something?15:36
mrnelson1986coz_ thanks for the link i  will read15:36
coz_LiquidDemocracy,  however ... be careful... clamav may see some essential windows stuff  as  possible viruses15:36
coz_LiquidDemocracy,  also the front end to clamav I believe is clamtk15:36
LiquidDemocracycoz_, because WIndows is a big virus15:36
mrnelson1986fuorviatos, i haven't tried that ppa, but they haven't made any huge changes to unity yet, maybe in a month or two15:37
coz_LiquidDemocracy,  I once long ago scanned my windows partions and let clamav remove the viruses  which then made window un bootable :)15:37
vgemrnelson1986, thanx, ext2read was exactly what i was looking for15:37
fuorviatosmrnelson1986: thanks so much15:37
asad-ahmadm3asmi: English is not my first language either, so don't feel weird :), I will try to understand you to the best of my effort.15:37
m3asmiasad-ahmad: I don't know  it's happen usuly15:37
mrnelson1986vge, not a problem, i recently had to do a similar thing, it is also useful in a dual boot setup15:37
coz_LiquidDemocracy,  yes clamtk is the front end so install that as well ...easy to deal with :)15:38
m3asmiasad-ahmad: you speak arabic15:38
m3asmiasad-ahmad:or frensh15:38
asad-ahmadm3asmi: Nope. I can read Arabic only.15:38
LiquidDemocracycoz_, thx15:38
eirikbHello. I get "undefined reference to `__stack_chk_fail'" when trying to build something (make clean;make). This builds fine on another computer. I have 64bit, and it should build for 32bit, so I have installed libc6-dev-i386 (as well as build-essential). Any ideas?15:39
ubottuFor Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية15:39
asad-ahmadm3asmi: DO you get a dialogue box saying .... is running in low graphics mode?15:39
m3asmi /join #ubuntu-arabic15:39
jukeirikb: /join #programming15:39
erUSULm3asmi: no space before /15:39
coz_m3asmi, oops  a space :)15:39
mrnelson1986coz_, have you tried this method before? (unencrypting home folder)15:39
eirikbjuk: Since it builds fine on another machine I guessed it could be related to libs and other things that are installed prior to Ubuntu?15:40
coz_mrnelson1986,  I have not so  be carefule  for sure  ... let me know if it succeeds15:40
m3asmiis running in low graphics mode?15:40
juk!ot | eirikb15:40
ubottueirikb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:40
Bakedwhy do you not get more choices on the install as far as Wm and De go?15:41
m3asmiasad-ahmad: the room is empty :D15:41
coz_Baked,  live cd?15:41
coz_Baked,   if you want complete choices you may want to download and but the minimal install cd15:41
coz_Baked,  not a live cd however15:41
asad-ahmadm3asmi: Do you get a window telling you that Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode, and X-server needs to restart. Or something of this sort? What sort of disconnection you meant other than this?15:41
coz_Baked,  rather download and "burn"  the minimal install cd15:41
Bakedcoz_, ah see now thats interesting i didnt know there was one of those15:41
coz_Baked,    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:42
m3asmiasad-ahmad: no think just deconnect15:42
coz_Baked,  the only thing to remember... is that eventually you will be presented with a whole list of options.... use the arrow keys to scroll and the "Space"  bar to tick a box  NOT ENTER key15:42
m3asmiand I connet after15:43
coz_Baked,  still I would  only install one of the DE's  avaiable there  and install the   kubuntu-desktop   luubuntu-desktop etc  afte install iscompleted15:43
Bakedcoz_,  see ive used many differnt distros and came back to ubuntu cause its simple and easy and i dont have the time to mess with everything anymore... but ty cause im a hugh fan of Tiling Wm lawl15:43
Bakedah i gotcha15:44
mrnelson1986coz_, i'll try that method later, i was hoping for a way other than copying and recopying my home folder (it is quite large, lots of documents and video, music) will take almost a full day15:44
coz_Baked,  ah understood... you should probably later install xmonad?15:44
asad-ahmadm3asmi: Disconnect from what? I am guessing you lose your desktop and stuff, so after that what sort of a message or warning or window do you get? Or just a log in screen?15:44
Jef91Is there a way I can easily compile multiple .deb packages I have into a single package?15:44
wickedwackguythis is starting to piss me off. i want to bind my NAS into my sytem as a harddrive. NOT a network folder. can anybody help me?15:44
coz_mrnelson1986,  yeah that  post seems a bit much to me as well   but off hand I cant think of another way15:44
Bakedi perfer Awesome, i love to script in Lua15:44
mrnelson1986coz_,  but that is the only way i have found, i have seen that method from several locations and can't find another way either, thank you for your assistance, however!15:45
coz_wickedwackguy,   if no one can help here  try the ##linux channel15:45
coz_mrnelson1986,  no problem :)15:45
wickedwackguycoz_: thanks15:45
m3asmiasad-ahmad: I  see nothink just the log screen to log on15:45
mrnelson1986wickedwackguy, there is a way to modify your boot so that it automounts a network folder15:45
mrnelson1986wickedwackguy, i can't remember off the top of my head, let me see if i still have it in my bookmarks15:46
wickedwackguymrnelson: that would be great15:46
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SpiderFredubuntu daily live on unetbootin is 10.10???15:46
asad-ahmadm3asmi: That usually happens in Karmic, but maybe it also happens in Lucid+ when the x-server crashes all together. If it happens when your computer has been idle for a while, try to disable screensaver [System > Preferences > Screensaver] and any Power manageement options.15:47
asad-ahmadm3asmi: Which graphics card do you have?15:47
mrnelson1986wickedwackguy, i would start here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=283131&highlight=auto+mount and google how to edit your fstab for more specific examples...i just remember bookmarking this and leaving it to read until later15:49
llutz_wickedwackguy: you'll need nbd-client/server to access network-blockdevices15:49
mrnelson1986i did successfully edit my fstab to mount my NTFS partition from a dual boot setup, so it in theory will work for networked folders15:49
wickedwackguythanks alot15:50
jukwickedwackguy: also try sshfs15:51
m3asmiasad-ahmad: how can I know it15:52
wickedwackguyllutz_: thanks for the tip. this looks promising15:53
llutz_wickedwackguy: just to make clear: you want access your NAS as harddisk not folder? so nbd or iscsi is the way to go15:53
SpiderFredbtw why doesnt ubuntu support encryped instalation like in 8.04 and debian? I want to install it encrypted but have no idea how to do it..15:53
zthmy sound dies after like 5mins of play, then i have to stop the sound/start it again for it to work. seems to be a problem with pulseaudio, any ideas?15:53
wickedwackguyllutz_: yes, thats the idea15:54
bbwhi all15:54
mrnelson1986SpiderFred, it gives you an option to encrypt your home folder during install15:54
eksunozim using kubuntu amd64 10.10 dvd why does the sound out soo bad??15:54
asad-ahmadm3asmi: type "lspci" in terminal, and then tell the line which starts with "VGA compatible controller:"15:54
wickedwackguyllutz_: installing nbd right now. looking good :)15:55
llutz_wickedwackguy: good luck15:55
andyb12345wow i think i am now actually in the ubuntu room15:56
eksunozim using kubuntu amd64 10.10 dvd why does the sound out soo bad when playing mp3s??15:56
nigelbandyb12345: yes, you are.15:56
pelmenguys, my udev hangs for 180 seconds on boot due to irReceiver... If i remove receiver - it boots fast..15:56
c0derzHey everyone, I have a problem can I ignore 404 error with wget and download the reponse ?15:56
bbwquestion i have ubuntu 10.10 for 2 days know , i want to change splash screen i have also downloaded a program to change te the splash screen but cant see the change of te bootscreen still have a blank screen at startup. can someone help my out.15:56
andyb12345im currently having problems booting int the system it keeps going to initframs15:56
andyb12345does anyone know how this can be fixed15:56
coz_eksunoz,  you may want to go to the #kubuntu channel15:56
eksunozcoz, how to get there? im totally newbie :(15:57
chrissharp123c0derz: 404 means whatever you were wgetting does not exist at that URL15:57
yakamodoes ubuntu support power saving features on laptops15:57
c0derzOn pastebin15:57
pksadiqeksunoz: type /join #kubuntu15:58
c0derzI would like to download pastebin code with wget but pastebin=404 error15:58
test34How can I change the default display options for the graph in the Invest applet?15:58
c0derzpastebin reply every 404 error15:58
chrissharp123c0derz: can you share the URL?15:59
c0derzYes wait15:59
outofthemadnessCan anyone help me change my graphics settings? My monitor says that 1440 x 900 offers the best definition, but when I switch to 1440 x 900, the refresh rate is wrong15:59
andyb12345has anyone had a problem loading linux because it goes to initframs or something like that?15:59
outofthemadnessand when I try to change it, I'm given only one option in the monitors dialog15:59
c0derzwget http://gfgfdg.pastebin.com/8V3aNPWj < 40415:59
wolfric_is there anyway to make a user with no permissions to use the basic commands? Just a dummy that can login but that's about it? as in you can't change directory can't do ls or read files that are readable to all users?15:59
c0derzI tried with Firefox and Firebug, Firebug reply 404 error but show the content16:00
andyb12345=having some serious problems and need some serious help and solutions16:00
coz_andyb12345,   yes I have  and it drops to initramfs16:00
llutz_wolfric_: use rsh16:00
erUSULwolfric_: so why would you want it to be able to login ?16:00
m3asmiasad-ahmad: troller: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN896/VN896/P4M900 [Chrome 9 HC]16:00
pksadiq!language | c0derz16:00
ubottuc0derz: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:00
llutz_wolfric_: use rbash  sory16:00
ikoniawolfric_: no, not really, what you are asking for is a pointless requirement16:00
andyb12345ohh hi coz_ i spoke with you before under a different name16:00
coz_andyb12345,   ah ok16:00
coz_andyb12345,   still dropping then?16:01
andyb12345what you suggested did not work for me16:01
erUSULwolfric_: make a systyem user with no shell and not able to login16:01
andyb12345coz_ yeah16:01
wolfric_ikonia: ErUSUL: i want to create a dummy user i can use for tunnelling using ssh without actually having access to the box16:01
coz_andyb12345,   not sure about your particular issue...does it eventually go to login ?16:01
andyb12345no not at all16:02
coz_andyb12345,   and typing   exit  after a few seconds did not work either?16:02
coz_andyb12345,  did you wait long enough to type exit?16:02
andyb12345i got the error "can't open /root/dev/console16:02
ikoniaandyb12345: /dev/console is where the console is16:03
andyb12345i waited a while and still have the error16:03
pksadiqIdleOne: are you here alive?16:03
IdleOnepksadiq: what's up?16:03
coz_andyb12345,  ah   ok that is a different issue.... is this an old install or a new install?16:03
andyb12345thats after i type exit16:03
andyb12345its my newest install16:03
pksadiqIdleOne: can I have a Private chat, I need a help for ubottu16:04
coz_andyb12345,   did you check the live cd for errors?16:04
andyb12345ok sorry it is an old install, it has already been installed16:04
coz_andyb12345,   when the live cd boots  you should see a small keyboard image at the bottom of the screen... when you see that  hit "Enter"  and you should get a menu16:04
andyb12345after rebooting my system went back there16:04
coz_andyb12345,   are you trying to install  again?  or upgrade?16:05
andyb12345no i dont want to install again or upgrade16:05
andyb12345thats the prob im having with the current system16:06
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andyb12345i just want my previous system back again without this error16:06
coz_andyb12345,   when did this begin to happen?16:06
andyb12345well this error actually happens frequently in ubuntu i have found16:07
coz_andyb12345,   on that system...regardless of the ubuntu  version?16:07
andyb12345but today my system was running slowly and so i ran ctrl-alt-f116:07
andyb12345its happend on 10.04 and now 10.1016:07
coz_andyb12345,  ok do you have the live cd16:08
andyb12345yeah im running the livecd now16:08
Linuturkso, I've got a strange problem16:08
coz_andyb12345,   restart with the live cd...when you see the keyboard image at the bottom of the screen  hit "Enter" to get a menu...you want to test 2 things  ,,first test   the cd for errors or   check fil integrity...then restart again  ,, get to that menu and test the memory16:09
coz_andyb12345,   you want to be sure both the cd and your system memory  report any errors16:09
Linuturkif I press two keys on my keyboard at the same time, my trackpad freezes for about 2 seconds, then I can move it again16:09
coz_andyb12345,  rather you dont want any errors16:09
andyb12345i have run them both before and they are ok16:09
Travis-42all of a sudden, my mouse point clicks about 1 cm away from where the pointer is. any idea?16:10
andyb12345tbh this is the last time im going to put up with this error as i have had the same prob over the last few months16:10
ikoniaandyb12345: what error16:11
andyb12345loading initframs16:11
ikoniaandyb12345: exactly what error are you having16:11
andyb12345cant boot into system16:11
ikoniaandyb12345: what did you do that started the error16:11
andyb12345well computer was running slowly and ran ctrl-alt-f116:11
andyb12345then sudo reboot16:12
andyb12345and went straight there after that16:12
ikoniathat's all you did16:12
ikoniaandyb12345: and what is the exact error you have16:12
andyb12345well it loads initframs and i cant boot in16:12
ikoniaandyb12345: what is the exact error16:12
andyb12345i type exit and it says cant open /root/dev/console16:13
ikoniaandyb12345: no16:13
ikoniaandyb12345: what is the error you are getting16:13
andyb12345just says it cant open cause it doesnt exist16:13
andyb12345thats basically the error16:14
ikoniaandyb12345: stop, listen very carefully, if you want help read the questions I'm asking and respond to them16:14
andyb12345nothing else more16:14
coz_ikonia,  I believe he is dropping to busybox  initramfs16:14
ikoniaandyb12345: what is the error you are having, it must be doing something to allow you to get to a point where you can type exit16:14
ikoniaandyb12345: what is the first thing you see that makes you think there is a problem16:14
ikoniacoz_: not quite certain of that, but maybe16:15
gkasinathHello everyone, happy halloween16:15
coz_ikonia,   yes that is what he was reporting... but when typing exit  at the initramfs  prompt he gets that error16:15
andyb12345ok <ikonia> i will answer from when i first boot the system, i turn on my computer go to boot ubuntu and it does not go to login screen goes straigt to initramfs16:16
andyb12345that is where i run the exit comand16:16
andyb12345it does not show a particular error as such16:16
andyb12345thats why i am very confused16:16
gkasinathcan someone help me with Tv tuner card and scanning for channels?16:17
coz_well the "exit" command reveals the error you reported earlier16:17
andyb12345yeah exactly16:17
ikoniaandyb12345: are you sure you didn't edit your /etc/fstab file16:17
coz_andyb12345,   let me  check something16:17
andyb12345<ikonia> lol16:17
ikoniaandyb12345: why are you laughin ?16:18
allu2Hello, i'm on ubuntu 10.10 and i try to copy my /home directory to other hd while i rezize my other hd, do i just do something like rsync /home /new/home_back (/partition is on other hd and i try give /home own hd) and then when i have partioned disc i put it as /home and do the same but this time with destination on /home ?16:18
busybeeHi i am trying to setup apache for UserDir, I get a 403 forbidden error. Could someone guide me on this issue16:18
andyb12345because i have said the computer has basically stopped running and and went through the steps earlier and have not done anything technical to cause that problem16:18
ikoniaallu2: don't need to rsync, just use cp -Rp16:18
coz_andyb12345,   to you have  sata drives?16:19
andyb12345yeah i do16:19
coz_andyb12345,   do you know how to get to and maneuver in the bios?16:19
ikoniaandyb12345: that problem doesn't just happen, something must have changed16:19
gkasinathhow does one scan for channels with a tv tuner card on 10.10?16:19
allu2ikonia: cp -Rp /home /new/home_back ? and other way around later?16:19
ikoniaallu2: bang on16:19
allu2thanks :)16:19
ikoniaallu2: always keep it simple16:19
andyb12345<coz_> im not sure16:19
Dr_Willisgkasinath:  what tv tuner program are you using?16:19
gkasinathDr_Willis - I've tried me-tv and kaffine.16:20
allu2ikonia: i read somewhere i should use rsync when moving with hd's :S i wonder why16:20
andyb12345<ikonia> i realise what you are saying and i beleive something must have become currupt or something16:20
gkasinathDr_Willis - The card is FusionHDTV Hybrid. dmesg reports card=4616:20
ikoniaallu2: no need for anything like that16:20
coz_andyb12345,  well you would have to get into  your motherboard  bios  either with F2 as soon as you start the system or  Delete key./.   once in there you want to look for    sata mode  and change it from  ahci  to raid    ...  this may be your issue   ...it is not the only bois setting that could help but that is one to try16:21
allu2ikonia: ok thanks again :)16:21
andyb12345tbh i cant even access that partition in the live cd16:21
Dr_Willisgkasinath:  you sure it has linux support?16:21
frimendanyone who have a pulse clock/meter ?16:21
ThomasHi there16:21
frimendAny such clock that is good and compatible with ubuntu?16:22
andyb12345ok i will give that a go16:22
coz_andyb12345,   I cant see your bios from here so I cant see what settings may need to be changed...but if you have had,,,as you said...this same issue with ubuntu forseveral versions.. then it is most likely a bios settings or bad hardware... i am betting bios setting16:22
Dr_Willisfrimend:   what does that clock do exactly?16:22
andyb12345missing codepage or helper program, or other error16:22
andyb12345       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try16:22
andyb12345       dmesg | tail  or so16:22
frimendmeasure my pulse, perhaps speed and such as well.16:22
frimendI would like to download the data to my computer and analyse it.16:22
gkasinathDr_Willis, well, dmesg says it's recognized the card and all. There's the usual files in the /dev folder too,16:22
frimendand also, be able to see the pulse on the fly.16:22
frimendas I run/work out etc.16:22
coz_frimend,  mm you would have to have a piece of hardware ..usb perhaps that is used with some piece of software16:23
coz_frimend,   I am not familiar with any but let me check ...sounds interesting16:23
andyb12345i will change the settings to raid16:23
Dr_Willisgkasinath:  about the only tv tuner app ive used is mythtv. So im not sure how to make other programs tune it in.. this was also with an old analog card.16:23
andyb12345that shouldnt be a problem16:24
evonhey everyone. I'm trying to access a home computer via VNC. It was working fine until i changed the colour depth on the host computer to 16. Now I get just a black screen when i connect no matter what VNC client i use. any ideas?16:24
gkasinathDr_Willis- Hhmm, ok. I tried MythTV a while back with 09.04 in vain as well.16:24
frimendpulse clocks are quite common hardware.16:24
frimendSold in sports and fitness stores.16:24
coz_frimend,   do you have one now?16:24
frimendBut I guess that most of them only have windows/mac software, and have quite bad APIs16:25
frimendI wish to get one that has a good open API. :>16:25
coz_frimend,   you might want to read up , online.. any of those  pulsemeters that will run on linux16:25
coz_frimend,   or with wine16:25
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shuvamIs dre ny 116:26
TheCommieDuckHi, I'm a total newbie to ubuntu. But I'm trying to migrate to it from Windows. Question:16:27
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Mumrahanyone know how to make Amarok add music from network shares (shared on both a Linux based NAS and Vista based NTFS drives) to its media library? so far, I haven't found a better solution than simply navigating to the individual mp3s in Amarok and dragging them to the playlist.16:28
jack__Hello, how do I use my mousewheel by vlc player?16:29
shuvamyeah i knw16:29
LantiziaHey I'm booted into the ubuntu CD on Ctrl+Alt+F1 and I want to change keyboard input from american to british because I can't find the bloody pipe char... any ideas how?16:29
TheCommieDuckFrom the small amount of messing I've previously done, I can't seem to have an 'absolute' path to any of my existing files, all of them being in D:, E:, etc. drives rather than the standard (I think) /usr/ directory. I can disk mount them, but...um...16:29
Sean93what is the keyboard shortcut to hide windows and show the desktop16:29
TheCommieDuckIs this to be expected, since I'll have to continually run both OSes on this PC?16:29
ikoniaTheCommieDuck: what is your question, as what you've just said makes no sense16:29
evonhey everyone. I'm trying to access a home computer via VNC. It was working fine until i changed the colour depth on the host computer to 16. Now I get just a black screen when i connect no matter what VNC client i use. any ideas?16:29
ikoniaTheCommieDuck: what is the problem you are trying to have16:30
Dr_WillisTheCommieDuck:    You can mount your windows 'D' drive to /media/D/ if you wanted to...16:30
TheCommieDuckiknoia: Sorry, I'm useless at trying to explain. Another try.16:30
Dr_WillisTheCommieDuck:  Filesystemns are normnally mouynted to /media/SOMNTHING/   not /usr/stuff16:30
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W4RH4WKhello there, i'm looking for something like Yadis! Backup, but for linux (http://www.codessentials.com/products/yadisbackup.html), somebody?16:32
TheCommieDuckI have all my data in what I take to be Windows style drives, so C:, D:, E: etc. I've only used ubuntu a little before, or anything other than my windows system, but I seem to have to 'mount' the disk drives to use them. (Don't know what it means). Is there a way to avoid having to mount them, and instead keep both a linux and windows filesystem with the same files? Sorry if I'm missing something big.16:32
jack__How can I use my mousewheel in VLC Player?16:32
ikoniaTheCommieDuck: ok, work with me a little here and we'll sort it16:32
Dr_WillisTheCommieDuck:  time to read up on some linux basics i think.    linux dosent use Drive letters.. a drive gets 'mounted' to a setable locatuion so it appears the same as a directory.16:32
ikoniaTheCommieDuck: is the end game to have just windows or just linux, or do you want to keep both ?16:33
Dr_WillisTheCommieDuck:  I have my windows drives mounted to /media/WindowsBoot and /media/WindowsData and so forth.16:33
gkasinathDr_Willis, Thanks for your help, mate. I guess I m all on my own for now. Bye and Happy halloween everyone.16:34
TheCommieDuckikonia: I would have to keep both in the end game.16:34
TheCommieDuckDr_Willis: I knew the first part, and I think the second part is what I was meaning.16:35
justTomHi All, just updated my system from ubuntu 8.10 to 10.10 and am having some trouble16:35
hell_razerby default grub2 in ubuntu uses uuid for hdds? i wanna to isntall it on on usb flash and have it all time with me.16:35
ikoniaTheCommieDuck: ok, so you want your windows data to be mounted in your linux install at boot so you don't have to manually mount it yes/no ?16:35
justTomI have 3 TV tuner cards 2x pctv 800i and 1 PVR-150.  If I have all 3 installed my nVidia card won't run with the nVidia driver16:36
Dr_Willishell_razer:  I installed grub2 to a usb flash drive  - it uses the uuids by derfault i beliove.16:36
TheCommieDuckikonia: I think the answer is yes.16:36
xanguajustTom: when you say 8.10 to 10.10 you mean you forced the updates and manually added maverick repositories¿ or did you di a fresh install¿16:36
justTomif I remove any 1 of my 3 TV cards nVidia driver works no problem16:36
Dr_WillisTheCommieDuck:  you can use the ntfs-config tool to automate the setup of mountpoints for your windows drives. Its a little flakey. but it works decently well for me.16:36
justTomxangua - Fresh install16:36
Dr_WillisTheCommieDuck:  Its worth reading up on how mount points work. and how ntfs-3g works. :)16:37
justTomanyone have any idea hot to troubleshoot this?16:37
Houguinnihi everyone16:37
W4RH4WKhello there, i'm looking for something like Yadis! Backup, but for linux (http://www.codessentials.com/products/yadisbackup.html), somebody?16:37
Lantiziathis is utterly insane... the loadkeys util is there on the boot cd... but none of the keymaps!16:37
TheCommieDuckJust before I go and try to understand all this and read up, is wubi a good choice for being able to dual boot ubuntu/windows?16:37
TheCommieDuckI think it's wubi. The one that stops you having to manually disk partition.16:38
ikoniaTheCommieDuck: I would personally recommend against wubi16:38
Dr_WillisTheCommieDuck:  i hate WUBI... :)16:38
Dr_WillisTheCommieDuck:  i suggest a normal install.. or running in virtualbox to 'test' linux out.16:38
TheCommieDuckHeh. :P16:38
sefo40Hi. I'm trying to install linux on a netbook eyo, but I can boot it by the usb. Someone can help me?16:38
* noobuntu den ti palvw (i cant handle it)16:39
HouguinniHi, I'm having some trouble setting up ubuntu on ps3 anyone can give me some hints?16:39
evonsefo40: did you create a bootable USB?16:39
evonsefo40: did you check your boot order settings so that it will check for USB before HD16:39
TheCommieDuckI'm starting to generally dislike XP, mostly due to speed and Microsoft issues..and looking to migrate to using mostly linux, then windows for a few bits I can't do otherwise. Dr_Willis: if I did a manual install, I guess that I'd have to do all the disk partioning manually?16:40
srihariI would like to use cisco vpn client in ubuntu to access a oracle server, can anybody help me on this please16:41
Dr_WillisTheCommieDuck:  the installer can resize windows parttions for you16:41
Houguinnianyone as set up ubunto sucessfully on PS3?16:41
Dr_WillisTheCommieDuck:  personally I keep windows and linux on their own Hard drives.16:42
Dr_WillisHouguinni:  Sony sort of disabled the 'install other os on the ps3' feature i thought.16:42
brick_Anyone know of a multiple ISO to DVD burning software for Ubuntu?16:42
justTomDoes anyone have an idea how TV tuner cards can interfere with a nVidia video card?16:42
TheCommieDuckDr_Willis: I'm taking your use of hard drives is going to be physical drives, not the windows lettered ones? :P16:42
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Dr_WillisTheCommieDuck:  letters are not 'hard drives'  those are partitions..16:42
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:42
Dr_WillisTheCommieDuck:  MS has trained people poorly.16:42
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto16:42
TheCommieDuckDr_Willis: Sorry. Something I'm hoping to gain from the move is greater knowledge of this stuff.16:43
TheCommieDuckOk. I shall probably be back later, with a fresh linux install. Thank you very much Dr_Willis and ikonia, much appreciated. :D16:44
srihariI would like to use cisco vpn client in ubuntu to access a oracle server, can anybody help me on this please16:44
HouguinniDr_Willis but the option still there, I formatted and partitioned the disk16:44
Houguinnithen I've runned from the cd, but I get some error trying to boot from the CD16:44
sefo40I've created the bootable usb, but I can access the bios to change the order of the boot16:45
sefo40Does anyone know how to change the order of the boot?16:45
srihariI would like to use cisco vpn client in ubuntu to access a oracle server, can anybody help me on this please16:46
sefo40I have a netbook EYO 716:46
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evonis there any way to get a vnc server to start even before you have to login16:46
TheCommieDuckSomething that always seems to get me: Should I go for 10.10 beta, or the stable 10.4?16:46
veldarwhy does ubuntu have too much updates !!!16:46
coz_TheCommieDuck,  well 10.10 is no longer beta16:46
evonsefo40: there should be a message when you turn it on "press _____ to enter setup"16:46
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coz_TheCommieDuck,  it is released16:46
wolfric_ thecommieducK 10.10 is stable16:46
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evonsefo40: if there isn't the typical buttons used are del, f11, f12, f216:47
TheCommieDuckOh. The fact 'Ubuntu 10.10 Beta' came up on Google as a first result for Ubuntu slightly confused me. :L16:47
evonsefo40: you could also do a good search16:47
coz_TheCommieDuck,  oh i see :)  no it is stable16:47
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evonsefo40: you could also do a google search16:47
fazldoes anyone know how to use the CDRDAO command to burn a CD?16:48
fazlCDrecord isnt workin for me16:48
fazland i wanted to try CDRDAO16:48
pksadiqsefo40: also note that some pendrives are identified as Hsrd disks, so try to select the hrd drive to boot first16:48
pksadiqHard *16:48
noob-tuxhow can i change my time? got dualboot win7 and ubuntu lucid....and i got this problem from updating in my ubuntu...gpg error.....someone told me it might be from my time that doesnt sync from the actual time as he had said....or maybe from my win7 sys time doesnt sync on my ubuntu system time.... :(16:49
evonis there any way to get a vnc server to start even before you have to login?16:49
TheCommieDuckTaking from earlier conversation, what is actuallly so bad about wubi?16:49
fazldoes anyone know what an OPC error is when using CDRecord?16:50
veldarwhy does ubuntu have too much updates !!!16:50
fazli get a medium error and a power cal error16:50
TheCommieDuckveldar: Open source?16:50
fazlbut they are intermittent16:50
lorenzo_Because is upgrade time!16:51
veldaropen source ?16:51
fazlany CD burning gurus in the room?16:51
sebikulveldar, in windows updates are released once a month, not when the bug was found. in ubuntu as soon as a bug is found, it's fixed and tested for a stable release, so users can ejoy more stable software16:52
veldarTheCommieDuck, more like headache source16:52
fazldoes anyone know what Hald is?16:53
ubuntuhey guys16:53
akshit_What is the default password for root in Ubuntu 10.10?16:53
veldarsebikul, but not like huge updates i tried opensuse and windows does not have this much updates at all16:54
ubuntuuser password16:54
ubuntuhey everyone16:54
akshit_Anyone Help - What is the default password for root in Ubuntu 10.10?16:54
Kepedrothere in no default root user in ubuntu16:54
sebikulakshit_, there is no default, you can not install ubuntu without setting up a root password16:54
PsstComeHereHello? Can anyone help me?16:54
ubuntuiam still having problems with initramfs16:55
Kepedroyou need to create16:55
akshit_sebikul: So, it is my Account Password?16:55
Kepedroa root user16:55
ubuntuthat problem is a real ball ache16:55
ikonia!root > akshit_16:55
ubottuakshit_, please see my private message16:55
pw-toxichi, im getting the following error message when booting: "The disk drive for /dev/sda5 is not ready yet or not prsent. Continue to wait; or Press S to skip mouting or M for manual recovery"16:55
pw-toxicwhat shall i do?16:55
Kepedrobuts not recomended for security issues16:55
Kepedrout if you want to run a command with temporary root permission16:56
PsstComeHerecan anyone tell me where I can find some help?16:56
ubuntucan i ask everyone a quick question here16:56
Kepedrojust type sudo before the command16:56
ikonia!sudo > akshit_16:56
ubottuakshit_, please see my private message16:56
ikoniaubuntu: if it's related to ubuntu, sure16:56
Kepedroand type your regular user account password16:56
ubuntuhave people here had some major problems with ubuntu?16:56
ubuntu<ikonia> i spoke with you before about the initrams problem16:57
ubuntudo you think this could be caused by hardware?16:57
fazldoes anyone know what a sense key medium error and a sense code power calibration error are when using cdrecord?16:58
pksadiqdid you try something linke nomodtest ?16:58
akshit_ikonia: Thanks!16:58
Jef91Looking for HALP on this one - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10048411#post1004841116:58
KepedroHow do I list the ubuntu channels on this server?16:59
PsstComeHereI am trying to install ubuntu on an older sony vaio I have it on my Dell and Acer netbook and it works fine there17:00
Kepedroor the whole channels list17:00
b3rz3rk3rKepedro, go to the main server window and type: /list17:01
TheCommieDuckKepedro: /msg alis list *ubuntu* I think.17:01
sebikulKepedro, the ubuntu channel list can be found in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList17:01
HumashoomHello, I'm trying to play an online game and keep receiving the following message:  bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111)17:02
HumashoomAny thoughts?17:02
Kepedrothanks b3 ;-) , thanks Duck ;-), thanks sebikul ;-)17:02
cyprysHi there17:02
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cyprysI accidently overwrote the first line of /etc/passwd and now have no root, can't sudo, can I reboot to live CD and repair it? what should I put in?17:03
doc|homecyprys: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash17:03
ubuntuwithout being biased to ubuntu, what would you say is your fav distro?17:04
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ikoniaubuntu: that's nothing to do with ubuntu, you may find ##linux a better place17:04
jack__Hello, does anyone know how to use the mouse wheel?17:04
cyprysdoc|home: Thanks! Will I be able to put it in after LiveCD boot?17:04
ubuntu<ikonia> thanks for the feedback17:04
ubuntuU was going to say i have been using ubuntu for over a year now and think it is ace17:05
ubuntubut i have had some real problems with it here and there17:05
kumarhello, i am trying to install nctuns on ubuntu it is giving error zlibs.h not found, which package should i install17:05
ubuntuhaving to reinstall again 2/3 times in 1 month17:05
doc|homecyprys: if you mount your drive, I would think so17:06
ikoniaubuntu: it's a support channel, we are here to help you,17:06
HumashoomHey guys,  I'm trying to play an online game and keep receiving the following message:  bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111)17:06
cyprysdoc|home: Thank you very much!17:06
HumashoomAnyone know what I need to do?17:06
ubuntuhas anyone else here had some mayor issues with ubuntu17:06
ikoniaubuntu: it's a support channel, people in this channel will have had issues17:07
magicianlorddo you?17:07
ikoniaubuntu: we are here to help you, but this isn't a chat channel, it's here for support17:07
HumashoomI guess nobody can help me.  8(17:07
ubuntu<ikonia> yeah i understand that17:07
magicianlordHumashoom: with what17:07
HumashoomI'll paste again.17:08
pw-toxichi, i want to mount my swap partition, but my swap partition doesnt have an UUID17:08
pw-toxicso how do i mount it with /etc/fstab?17:08
ikoniapw-toxic: it should do,17:08
ubuntu<ikonia> its just a general question tbh17:08
ikoniapw-toxic: you can reference it by device name, or you can use a uuid17:08
HumashoomI lost what I copied.17:08
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HumashoomJust a moment.17:08
pw-toxicikonia, when i type in blkid every of my 10 partiotions has a UUID except of my swap partition17:08
ikoniapw-toxic: then there is something wrong with your partition17:09
pw-toxichm and how can i fix it?17:09
magicianlordswap doesnt have a uuid17:09
pw-toxicikonia, i just performed an ubuntu update17:09
HumashoomThis is my error message when trying to play a game:  bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111)17:09
ikoniapw-toxic: what is your swap partitions device file ?17:09
magicianlordHumashoom: no idea. that's very specific. what game?17:09
ikoniapw-toxic: ahh, hang on, swap partitions don't have a block id17:09
luis_hey, how can i open the gcc compiler?17:09
pw-toxicmagicianlord, how do i mount it then in /etc/fstab when i dont know the /dev/sd.. number?17:09
magicianlordikonia: why?17:09
ikoniamagicianlord: why what ?17:10
magicianlordikonia: why do swap partitions lack a uuid17:10
pw-toxicikonia, do i need to mount it in /etc/fstab anyway? my pc bootet succesffully although i skipped mounting in on startup17:10
luis_someone can help me¿? i just installed linux rigth now17:10
ubuntuhas anyone come accross this issue: Error mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1,17:10
ikoniamagicianlord: I'm not %100 certain why, possibly because there is no file system to create a checksum size on17:10
ikoniaubuntu: yes, it means either a.) your file system is wrong b.) your file system is corrupted17:11
fazlcan anyone help me? I am still having problems burning cds17:11
fazlthey arent burning and i keep getting the same OPC error17:11
ubuntu<ikonia> ok thanks17:11
pw-toxicikonia, in /etc/fstab there is currently /dev/sda5 as swap, but somehow my swap partition is now /dev/sdh5 .. so now i want my fstab to be independent from the /dev/sd number17:11
FishFaceHumashoom: bt refers to Bluetooth from what I see on Google. bt_audio17:11
ikoniapw-toxic: check change the device file17:11
fazlit doesnt seem to matter which mode i use (DAO SAO TAO Raw )17:11
ubuntu<ikonia> so with the crash i had earlier it has caused this issue17:11
ikoniaubuntu: I don't know17:11
pw-toxicikonia, i dont understand what you mean with this ;(17:11
ikoniaubuntu: are you trying to mount that disk, or is it being auto mounted17:12
HumashoomMagicianlord, the game is DDO = Dungeons and Dragons Online.17:12
fazli've been trying to burn through K3B, Brasero, FBURN, Gnomebake, noting works17:12
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ubuntu<ikonia> this is what caused the initramfs issue i stated earlier17:12
pw-toxicikonia, maybe i can find out if my ubutnu is currently using a different swap file/partition?17:12
ikoniapw-toxic: come on, it was /dev/sda5, now it's /dev/sdh5.....what do you think you should change /dev/sda5 to17:12
ubuntu<ikonia> i was unable to boot into inux17:12
ikoniapw-toxic: in /etc/fstab change /dev/sda5 to /dev/sdh517:12
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fazli've been using the cdrecord but that gives me an error as well17:12
HumashoomYes, I saw the BlueTooth reference.17:12
pw-toxicikonia, no thats not the question.. the thing is that i need my /etc/fstab to be independant from the sdx number17:12
pw-toxicor is this impossible?17:13
HumashoomI didn't know what it had to do with my sound though.17:13
ikoniapw-toxic: for swap it needs a device file17:13
pw-toxicikonia, ok thx then i just do it and be sad ;(17:13
FishFacefazl: Maybe its your burner. Can you try to boot from a live CD and do a burn?17:13
ubuntu<ikonia> seems to be a frequent issue i have been having and thought it may of been a hardware problem17:13
ikoniaubuntu: it may well be a failing disk causing it17:13
fazlfishface, the strange thing is that sometimes it works17:14
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fazlbut it hasnt it a few days17:14
fazli tried cleaning it and still nothing17:14
FishFacefazl: Blew it out good?17:14
fazlas for booting from a live cd, no, i can't because i don't have one17:14
HumashoomShould I try another channel for this paticular  error message?17:14
fazland i can't burn one cuz my burning isnt working17:14
ubuntuikonia:  thats what i thought but the disk is in very good shape17:14
ubuntuikonia>  i have had a HD failiure in the last month as well17:14
fazli blew it out as well as I could,.. unfortunately no access to compressed air hose!17:15
Kepedrocon que luis?17:15
magicianlordHumashoom: forums or try later here, or google17:15
luis_como puedo abrir el compilador gcc?17:15
magicianlordopen a ticket17:15
`soulbuntuhey all, has anyone had any luck with the juniper_networks vpn client in ubuntu 10?17:15
fazlfishface, my main problem seems to be two errors i keep seeming to get. One says a medium error and the other gives me a power calibration error17:15
Kepedrotype gcc17:16
ubuntuikonia> htis harddisk i have had for less than a year17:16
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fazlI have no idea what those could be about because the CDs i've used before burn fine and they were all from the same spindle17:16
ikoniaubuntu: so ?17:16
Humashoommagicianlord:  thank's for the advice.17:16
Kepedroooh ok17:16
D4rCl0udkepedro: it doesnt work17:16
fazlat first I thought it was a wodim issue, but i am using CDRecord 3.0 which isn't supposed to have those issues17:16
FishFaceHumashoom: Also, try running the game as root. Just for laughs.17:16
ubuntuikonia> the HD is fine17:16
KuehlschrankHow can I update my OpenSSH (Version OpenSSH_4.7p1 Debian-8ubuntu1.2, OpenSSL 0.9.8g 19 Oct 2007) on my Ubuntu Hardy ?17:16
HumashoomOk, I'll try it.17:17
magicianlordok man17:17
ikoniaubuntu: how do you know ?17:17
fazli've also tried to run the K3B as root because some googling showed that you need ot be root to burn17:17
ikoniaKuehlschrank: if there is an update available, ubuntu will offer it to you17:17
ikoniaKuehlschrank: why do you need that version of openssh ?17:17
ubuntuikonia> I have tested that hard drive and there were no errors on it17:17
Monotokofazl, nahh...disk burning is in the user space17:17
ikoniaubuntu: how did you test it17:17
magicianlorddoes anyone know how to copy text or url links from within terminal in irrsi?17:17
Kuehlschrankikonia: I did an rkhunter --update and rkhunter -c today and it said that my version was too old17:18
ubuntuI ran fdisk on it before17:18
dave65anyone know of any open source automated email account creation like yahoo and google?17:18
FishFacefazl: In my experience if Brasero doesn't work every time, then you have a problem with the burner. I'd try a burn on a fresh boot just to be sure.17:18
Mahawoki14i can't configure exim4 to use a smart host :( can anyone help me?17:18
ikoniaubuntu: fdisk doesn't test it17:18
fazlI know Mono, it is supposed to be.. but i am just trying everything17:18
ikoniadave65: no, that's for spammers17:18
dave65ikonia: huh17:19
Monotokofazl, whats the problem? Haven't kept up with you im afraid17:19
fazlFish, you mean you think i should just reboot and see if that works?17:19
The_Janitorhey guys, i have a small problem with a line of code.  when it is executed, sudo doesn't properly function and fails to promt for a password. i suspect the & that proceeds the line. here is an example: http://pastebin.com/bN3BU8PK17:19
fazlMono my problem is that I cannot burn CDs17:19
D4rCl0udhow can i open gcc compiller?17:19
fazlits because i keep getting an error17:19
magicianlordThe_Janitor: gksu?17:19
fazli get an OPC fail17:19
ikoniaD4rCl0ud: type "gcc"17:19
The_Janitori am remote managing it17:19
MonotokoD4rCl0ud, in the terminal? You need to use the gcc command17:19
fazlregardless of what speed or mode i choose17:19
The_Janitorthrough ssh17:19
ubuntu<ikonia> well i have checked the disk using some of the applications and that disk has been fine17:19
fazland i get a Medium error and a power calibration error17:20
FishFacefazl: Yeah. I mean you might have something else running that will interfere. That is a long shot. Just a guess because I think it is the burner going tits up.17:20
ikoniaubuntu: what applications17:20
D4rCl0udi type gcc but it says command not found17:20
Monotokofazl, have you tried using another disk burner?17:20
ikoniaubuntu: how did you check the disk17:20
MonotokoD4rCl0ud, do you have build-essential installed?17:20
ikoniaD4rCl0ud: install it from the package manager17:20
dave65ikonia: I just want people who sign up to my site to create an account on the domain with out me having to set it up, be busy with thousands lol17:20
fazlwht do you mean by another disk burner? A different program?17:20
Monotokofazl, yes17:20
The_Janitorhey guys, i have a small problem with a line of code.  when it is executed, sudo doesn't properly function and fails to promt for a password. i suspect the & that proceeds the line. here is an example: http://pastebin.com/bN3BU8PK17:20
ubuntu<ikonia> i cant remember im on the live cd atm and dont have it installed17:20
ikoniadave65: then you don't need it for yahoo/google mail, you just need to run a script on your server to create an account17:20
ubuntu<ikonia> but i installed a disk checker application17:21
ikoniaubuntu: come back to me when you can remember the tool you used to check it17:21
fazlI've used K3b, Gnomebake, Brasero, FBurn, and CDrecord17:21
dave65ikonia: thats what I asked any OS stuff, done a search but come up with anything17:21
fazlI was trying to use CDRDAO17:21
ubuntu<ikonia> this is what flagged up my previous drive17:21
fazlbut i dont know how...17:21
ikoniadave65: simple shell script17:21
ikoniadave65: what mail server are you running ?17:21
dave65ikonia: simple for you lol, ty anyway17:21
ikoniadave65: what mailserver are you running,17:21
ikoniadave65: are you using maildir format ?17:22
dave65yes I believe so17:22
ikoniadave65: what version of ubuntu ?17:22
zulaxi would like my localhost to be accessible only by my server itself, and not be the entire network17:22
fazlright now, just using K3B i got an OPC failed. writer probably does not like medium17:22
zulaxwhat would be tishe iptables command for th17:22
The_Janitorhey guys, i have a small problem with a line of code.  when it is executed, sudo doesn't properly function and fails to promt for a password. i suspect the & that proceeds the line. here is an example: http://pastebin.com/bN3BU8PK17:23
dave65No 8.4 sry17:23
ubuntu<ikonia>ok i think it was the "Disk Utility"17:23
fazlany idea Mono? Fishface?17:23
ikoniadave65: (ok side issue, 8.10 is no longer supported) however all you need to do is use the command "maildirmake" $username" to create a mail account17:23
dave65ok, thanks, sure what I am using is supported till 2013 let me check17:23
FishFacefazl: Short of trying a different brand of CDR, I don't know17:24
fazlanother thing I get is that the debugging reports say that the CDREcord cannot read the drive buffer17:24
Mahawoki14i can't configure exim4 to use a smart host :( the smtp server for smarthost is smtp.portugalmail.pt . How can do i configure exim4? thanks :)17:24
yeatsdave65: 8.04 server is supported through 2013 - yes17:24
dave65I will go to ubuntu server, thanks17:24
reenignEesreveRi have multiple network interfaces which can connect to internet. How can i make one of them default interface17:24
dave65yeats:  ty17:24
Mahawoki14i can't configure exim4 to use a smart host :( the smtp server for smarthost is smtp.portugalmail.pt . How can do i configure exim4? thanks :)17:25
b3rz3rk3rreenignEesreveR, I think Ubuntu defaults to wired over wireless as standard. If you want to go more in depth than that though I'm not sure17:25
tacomasteris there a easy way to encrypt swap after you have your computer installed with ubuntu17:25
fazlalso, is CDRDAO, CDRECORD and GROWISOFS all supposed to be root?17:26
fazlroot permissions that is17:26
ubuntu<ikonia> is the "Disk Utility" the correct software to use to check disks?17:26
ikoniaubuntu: no17:26
pw-toxicman the ubuntu update totally killed my machine.. may software raid isnt working anymore17:26
pw-toxicwhen i startup ubuntu, my raid5 is working perfectly but my raid1 isnt detected17:27
ubuntu<ikonia> ok, what do you use?17:27
pw-toxici need to do mdadm --assemble --scan to get it working17:27
fazli mean, even my device /dev/sr0 says 660 root.cdrom17:27
Luija1006is there a program to sync my ipod touch with kubuntu?17:27
pw-toxicwhen i do mdadm --detail --scan the raid1 doesnt even get recognized...17:27
fazlMono, Fish, you two still there?17:27
ikoniapw-toxic: is your /etc/mdadm.conf file still ok ?17:27
FishFacefazl: Yeah. But I have run out of ideas :o\17:28
Mahawoki14Luija1006, there is a nice way of doing ipod touch in kubuntu17:28
pw-toxicikonia, /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf is still having the up to date information of mdadm --detail --scan17:28
fazlok, thanks fish17:28
Luija1006Mahawoki14: what way?17:28
Mahawoki14Luija1006, i'll find out17:28
ikoniapw-toxic: should auto re-create the arrays then17:28
fazlI think my problem has managed to confuse everyone17:28
Luija1006Mahawoki14: thansk :)17:28
pw-toxicikonia, the problem is, that the raid1 isnt recognized.. so i have to do mdadm --assemble --scan manually... only then i can run the mdadm.conf17:28
ikoniapw-toxic: run mdadm.conf ??17:29
pw-toxicikonia, auto re-create is mdadm --assembe --scan right?17:29
evonis there any way to get a vnc server to start even before you have to login?17:29
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ikoniapw-toxic: are your raid1 devices in /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf ?17:29
sniperjoim trying to see how long i can get by net book to run off battery, im on tty1 using powertop, my biggest cause for "wakeups" is upowerd, cursor_timer_handler and hald, can i get rid of any of these?17:29
pw-toxicikonia, yes   there is a line for my raid5 and for my raid117:29
edbianevon, Yeah.  write a script for it and sudo update-rc.d that script.17:29
pw-toxicthe UUIDs are still correct for both17:29
starnhey is is possible to run windows in VM if its on a Physical partition. a real partition.17:30
ikoniapw-toxic: then they should be autostarted unless they are defgraded17:30
fazlhey Fish, any idea what this means "/var/tmp/kdecache-fazl" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.17:30
ikoniastarn: with tools like kvm, yes17:30
starnok i'll check out kvm than17:30
pw-toxicikonia, what is defgraded?17:30
ikoniadegraded sorry17:30
fazli'm seeing that in the command prompt17:30
fazlwhen i run K3B17:31
FishFacefazl: Never saw that one17:31
edbianstarn, Yes.  But it's difficult.  You can't point the VM at a physical partition.  You have to create a file for the VM to use as a HDD.  You can migrate a physical partition into a file though.17:31
fazlit looks like an ownership problem17:31
fazlcan i use the CHOWN command to change ownership?17:31
ikoniafazl: yesw17:31
fazlhow would i do that?17:31
mzuverinkI have a gnupg key, which sys>preferences>keys and encryotion have, however, I cannot get it to list it, how can I do this, if there another proggy that wii tell me, for somereason, seahorse is installed but not showing in my mentues17:31
FishFacefazl: Well, if you do a burn as root and it doesn't work - then you know its not a permission problem. Thinking.17:31
edbianfazl, sudo chown <yourUserName> /var/tmp/kdecache-fazl17:31
Mahawoki14Luija1006, sudo apt-get install gtkpod17:32
Mahawoki14Luija1006, have u tryed that?17:32
starnhow would i go about doing that?17:32
Luija1006Mahawoki14: no, thanks ;)17:32
fazlok, i wil try the edbian17:32
pw-toxicikonia, /proc/mdstat says that both raids are active (after i have executed the command mdadm --assemble --scan manually"17:32
ubuntu<ikonia> im sure with the "Disk Utility" you can do some sort of checking on your disks17:32
ubuntummmm :S17:32
fazli agree fish... but just trying everything you know17:32
Mahawoki14Luija1006, but there is another nice way. It's on my other computer... i cant seem to find that now.... :(17:33
fazlget every kink out and then maybe all the superfluous problems being gone will illuminate the real one17:33
evonedbian: I'm afraid I don't know what you mean. I know how to write a script but the update part i don't know about17:33
jukfazl: mke2fs -b 2048 /dev/scd0 to wipe it17:33
yeatsubuntu: you can - what kind of check do you need to do?17:33
fazlJuk.. what would that command do?17:33
evonedbian: Also, when does the networking service start? after or before login?17:33
jukfazl: dd if=image.iso of=/dev/scd017:33
ubuntu<yeats> i just wanted to find some tools to check my disks17:33
qwdmzuverink: seahorse is probably showing up as "Passwords and encryption keys". Otherwise start it by doing Alt+F2 and typing seahorse17:33
Luija1006Mahawoki14: it says the package could not be found, is that the correct name?17:34
Luija1006Mahawoki14: nvm17:34
jukfazl: first creates blank filesystem17:34
fazlJuk... what is the image.iso? I am not trying to burn an image17:34
edbianevon, Networking starts before login.  However you don't connect to wifi networks until after.  update-rc.d is a program (used at the cli) to set scripts to run at boot time.  read man update-rc.d17:34
fazlok, I will try that17:34
ubuntu<yeats> i had some real problems with some of my previous disks17:34
jukfazl: second to burn17:34
Friardoes handbrake work with 10.10?17:35
edbianFriar, yep17:35
ubuntuso wanted to find some good toolsto check them17:35
jukfazl: what are trying to do?17:35
evonedbian ok i will check it out17:35
Friaredbian, just download it from the site and use the 9.10 version?17:35
edbianFriar, It's not in the repos?17:36
Mahawoki14Luija1006, gtkpod17:36
Mahawoki14Luija1006, yes, i think so...17:37
fazlJuk, I am trying to back up my harddrive to transfer some files from another computer onto it17:37
Friaredbian, I don't think so...I tried sudo apt-get install handbrake and it wasn't there. I even searched in synaptic and it wasn't there either.17:37
fazlbasically backing up my computer and my wifes and then going to wipe out the windows on hers and put on Lucid17:37
Mahawoki14Luija1006, do a sudo apt-get update17:37
Mahawoki14Luija1006, then sudo apt-get install gtkpod17:37
Luija1006Mahawoki14: i typed the name wrong, do not worry :)17:38
Luija1006Mahawoki14: i am installing in this moment :D17:38
edbianFriar, The web confirms.  Doesn't appear to be in there.  Yeah just try the 10.04 version.17:38
fazli did the CHOWN command and I still have the same warning about ownership of the UID17:38
Mahawoki14Luija1006, ok. Do you now something about exim4?17:38
Mahawoki14Luija1006, :P17:38
Friaredbian, it actually doesn't show up on the handbrake site...it looks like they are working on a new release or something.17:38
snipei have to reset my ubuntu sound panel back to internal analog audio input and output , close it , and then re open it to set to head set each time i start mangler with plantronics headset. don't have to if i use logitech. any ideas?17:38
fazlError: "/var/tmp/kdecache-fazl" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.17:38
Mahawoki14i can't configure exim4 to use a smart host :( the smtp server for smarthost is smtp.portugalmail.pt . How can do i configure exim4? thanks :)17:39
zulaxufw reject in http -> however i can still see localhost17:39
edbianFriar, http://mybroadband.co.za/vb/showthread.php/276018-No-Handbreak-for-Ubuntu-10.10-%2817:39
Luija1006Mahawoki14: no, what is that?17:39
edbianfazl, typo before sudo chown root /var/tmp/kdecache-fazl17:39
Mahawoki14Luija1006, its a thing to send mails via command line17:40
Mahawoki14Luija1006, i dont seem to configure it right..... =(17:40
hudocant remove some entries with alacarte. What may be the reason ?17:40
pw-toxicikonia, maybe you havent understood my problem correctly, so i tell you the full story now: When I boot ubuntu, it says on startup something like "cannot mount /share/sullivan because disk is not ready" ... then i press "S" for skip and ubuntu starts successfully. Then I type into a console "mdadm --assemble --scan" and "mount -a" and everything works .. i can access /share/sullivan17:41
fazli did that edbian and still... same thing17:42
rudy__Hi, I need to mount an img file so that my computer actually thinks it is mounted at /dev/sda1 so that a program (epsxe) actually thinks it really is the CD drive17:42
rudy__i have tried several things, even telling wine that when mounted it is a cd rom drive17:42
rudy__and so far I haven't been able to get it to load the rom17:43
edbianfazl, cd /var/tmp17:43
rudy__so now I am trying to use mount to mount it at /dev/sda1 because wine has that hard linked to the D drive which for it is the cd drive17:43
edbianfazl, Look at the file using ls -l   who owns it?  What are the permissions on it?17:43
fazlhow do I do that edbian... I'm always getting lost with commandline17:43
jukfazl: cp -rf /forbackup /mybackup17:44
pw-toxicno one here who could help me with my raid and boot problem?17:44
fazlno such file or directory as /forbackup17:44
edbianfazl, ha :)  cd /var/tmp17:45
edbianfazl, That moves the cli around the filesystem.17:45
jukfazl: ok, what files you have to backup?17:45
edbianfazl, ls -la  lists everything in the folder you're in with the permissions17:45
ikoniapw-toxic: if your disks are in /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf and valid, it should auto create the array at boot up17:45
ikoniapw-toxic: if it's not working you need to log a bug to get it resolved17:45
fazlok, I got the message edbian17:46
fazlI am sending it to directly17:46
edbianfazl, don't paste a ton of stuff in this channel!17:46
fazlno, not pasting it on this17:46
Friarthanks edbian, i installed the pre release version...we'll see how it works tonight.17:47
pw-toxicikonia, the entries of /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf is the output of mdadm --detail --scan .. when I execute this command manually right after boot, the raid1 isnt displayed17:47
fazli did it on the messenger thing to you17:47
edbianFriar, Have fun17:47
sniperjowould it be a massive problem if i killed the kernal core  cursor_timer_handler ?17:47
rudy__anybody know how to mount an IMG file in /cdrom ??  i'm trying to mount it like it's a cd, and so far no programs I have tried work.  They mount it in my home directory, and WINE can't recognize it as a CD.17:47
ikoniapw-toxic: ok - so either a.) your mdadm.conf file is wrong b.) there is a bug and you need to log the bug17:47
fazljuk, I am trying to back up the files in my video folder17:47
ikoniapw-toxic: if your entries in mdadm.conf are correct, then arrays should be assembled and started at boot time17:47
pw-toxicikonia, but looks like this problem i need to write a forum thread.. seems to be a major problem. thanks anyway for your help!17:47
rudy__i don't understand the man page for mount17:48
ikoniapw-toxic: why do you need to write a forum thread ?17:48
magicianlordwhat's a proper dial up program for 10.1017:48
ikoniapw-toxic: you need to log a bug17:48
ikoniapw-toxic: either a.) your mdadm.conf file is wrong b.) it's right and there is a bug, you need to log the bug and push to get it resolved17:48
songerhello, some to install this app : https://launchpad.net/~chris-debenham/+archive/lyricue17:48
[thor]rudy__: are you limited to the command line? or are you just looking for a way to mount images?17:48
jukfazl: to? /media/pendrive ?17:48
pw-toxicikonia, a forum thread in the ubuntu forums where i tell the story in full detail so maybe someone has an idea what i have forgotten maybe... if it is really a bug i can submit a bug17:49
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starncan some one help me make kmv/qemu using aqemu boot a grub?? like what files are for what?17:49
pw-toxicikonia, i will paste my mdadm.conf etc17:49
pw-toxicin thed thread17:49
ikoniapw-toxic: you don't need a forum thread17:49
pw-toxicikonia, you only got few details from me17:49
dtownzeroanybody know why I can't install gimp on 10.10?17:49
ikoniapw-toxic: I don't need any more17:49
dtownzeroseems like that is something that should be fixed... :(17:49
ikoniapw-toxic: either a.) your config file is wrong b.) your config file is fine and there is a bug, that you need to log a bug and get resolved17:49
magicianlordyou cant install gimp? i installed it17:49
fazlit would be /home/fazl/Videos     and its supposed to go to the CD17:49
songerhelp to install this, https://launchpad.net/~chris-debenham/+archive/lyricue17:49
magicianlordrefresh your sources: sudo apt-get update17:50
fazlwhich is i think dev/sr017:50
jukfazl: whatever, cp -rf Video/ /media/my_usb_stick17:50
AbhiJitdtownhero, you are getting some error?17:50
pw-toxicikonia, do you know the difference between mdadm --assemble --scan and  mdadm --detail --scan?17:50
[thor]rudy_: http://launchpad.net/furuiusisomount17:50
CJOHow come opening a file ( reading a html file ) from the virtual terminal isn't on the wikis basic commands17:50
ikoniapw-toxic: assemble checks what's running, detail shows full details of running arrays17:50
songerwhre ai must to add the signing key?17:50
CJODo I have to allow access first via cat or nano17:50
AbhiJitCJO, you can contribute to wiki. more help in #ubuntu-beginners-wiki17:50
fazlsays, cannot stat "video/" no such file or directory17:50
pw-toxicikonia, so it is ok that mdadm --detail --scan does not show my raid1  while it shows my raid1 after i have executed mdadm --assemble --scan?17:51
jukfazl: *V*ideo17:51
ikoniapw-toxic: pastebin me your /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf file please17:52
NaznazHi, can I easily switch to Usplash from Plymouth (I'm on 10.10), as I find more Usplash-themes on gnome-look.org17:52
pw-toxicikonia, ok.. will take some time17:52
CJOCan I open a file to read given IK have the permissions for the file, from the terminal? And given It's in "17:52
CJO*in /17:52
fazlJuk, what are you trying to locate?17:52
fazlI mean, are you looking or the path to my videos folder?17:52
jukfazl: where you store you videos, very interested you know17:53
=== CJO is now known as C_Okie
NaznazCan I switch to Usplash from Plymouth in 10.10 without problems?17:54
mulamboneed to specify xrandr settings when x starts17:54
fazlmissing destination file operand after `home/fazl/Videos/my_USB-Stick17:54
fazlthats the error i get17:54
anyoneofusdungnt: alo17:55
mulamboneed to specify xrandr settings when x starts before xbmc-live script on ubuntu 9.1017:55
alex_I installed the nvida-current driver/server for my geforce card but now everything is "bigger" is there a way strink it back to as it was before installing the driver?17:56
pw-toxicikonia, http://pastebin.com/BwnBJGye17:56
ikoniajuk: calm down17:56
jukikonia: :D im calm17:56
SpiderFredI asked before how to install ubuntu encrypted and somebody said there is option for that, but I dont see any..17:57
fazlJuk.. i am not trolling17:57
fazlI am totally confused17:57
fazlI've been trying to get this thing working for a week already17:57
pw-toxicikonia, i just see that there are 2 entries for raid1.. interesting17:57
AbhiJit!encrypt | SpiderFred17:57
ubottuSpiderFred: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory17:57
magicianlordalex_: from terminal, run sudo nvidia-xconfig, then logout and back in17:58
ikoniapw-toxic: yes, I'd assume that is a problem17:58
sosaitedSpiderFred: You should look into TrueCrypt for general encryption needs.17:58
Mumrahcan you use the "write [username]@[hostname] [message]" in terminal to communicate with a user on a Vista machine on the same LAN?17:58
alex_magicianlord I tried that but it doesn't do anything.17:58
pw-toxicikonia, it worked for some months now with this configuration.. i remove the first one and reboot and then report to you what happened17:59
AbhiJitMumrah, ##windows17:59
MumrahAbhiJit, sorry?17:59
AbhiJitMumrah, ask in the channel ##windodws17:59
magicianlordif the driver was installed properly and you let it write a new xorg.conf, then it should18:00
Mumrahbut I'm asking about Ubuntu - using Terminal to communicate with Windows ... hmm, k, I'll ask there too18:00
SpiderFredok but those are encryption methods just for folders and I ofc can make encrypted container with truecrypt but I am looking for full disk encryption of ubuntu18:00
=== Terminator_ is now known as Terminator
pw-toxicikonia, it works. thank you so much for just telling me to look closer ;)18:01
alex_it writes a new xorg.conf but it doesn't fix the problem. The driver seems to be installed fine.18:01
pw-toxicnow lets see if i can resolve my remaining 10 problems since my last ubuntu update ;)18:01
ikoniapw-toxic: as I said, you don't need a forum thread, either the config is wrong, or there is a bug ;)18:01
sniperjoi want to make my netbook as lightweight as possible , for battery life, where should i start ?18:02
pw-toxicikonia, yes but in the forum thread i would have pasted my mdadm.conf anyway and then people would have told me what you told me when i pasted you my config18:02
SpiderFredthere isnt even option for setup crypt disk when I am manually partitioning it18:02
AbhiJitMumrah, see if samba works18:02
NaznazCan I switch to Usplash from Plymouth in 10.10 without problems?18:02
AbhiJitSpiderFred, there is. for /home directory18:03
AbhiJitthough i dont remember it now! :P18:03
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alex_sniperjo start with the minimal install and stack what you want on top that's what I did18:03
sniperjoalex_: minimal being what ? server edition ?18:04
alex_sniperjo https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD18:04
AedolonI'm using AWN and pigdin, can I somehow have the icon highlight if someone tells me something?18:04
AbhiJit!minimal | sniperjo18:04
ubottusniperjo: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD18:04
MumrahAbhiJit, how would I use samba to do that? (I'm a Linux novice)18:04
AbhiJit!samba | Mumrah18:05
ubottuMumrah: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:05
sniperjoalex_: how much do you get off your laptop ?18:05
AbhiJitMumrah, more documents on www.samba.org/18:05
pw-toxicI want to set up NAT for my ubuntu... i did it with ebox recently but i dont like it for several reason... what would you suggest me to do to set up NAT18:06
alex_sniperjo: as in packages?18:06
sniperjoalex_: as in battery life ?18:06
alex_sniperjo I couldn't say exactly I've never measured it but there must be at least a noteworthy difference with less resources being used18:08
alex_sniperjo https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems18:08
MumrahAbhiJit, I am already sharing files with Windows, using Samba. I actually got help with that from the people here :-)18:09
MumrahI am now trying to get Ubuntu's Terminal to send messages to the Vista machine.18:10
AbhiJit!ssh | Mumrah18:10
ubottuMumrah: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)18:10
sniperjoalex_: ah nice, is it possible to open only vlc in xorg ?18:11
BluesKajwth ?18:11
Mumrahthanks AbhiJit18:12
magicianlordis there a good tron game for linux?18:12
AbhiJitMumrah, welcome18:12
AbhiJitmagicianlord, 'tron'?18:12
NaznazCan I switch to Usplash from Plymouth in 10.10 without problems?18:12
alex_sniperjo not to my knowledge I tried a few applications but it just gave me an error about display variable not set or something18:12
magicianlordyes, tron18:12
magicianlorddont tell me that you dont know what Tron is18:12
magicianlordNaznaz: no. plymouth is required now18:13
sniperjoalex_: it would be perfect if i could have a text based system, that can watch videos on aswel18:13
Naznazmagicianlord, thanks18:13
* AbhiJit dont know tron!18:13
evonedbian so if i typed update-rc.d /my/script/location/scriptname it would work?18:14
Diamondcitesniperjo, alex: Can't this be done by changing xinitrc to start you a blank X with an xterm or VLC?18:14
the_rogue_smilerdoes ubuntu have an off topic channel?18:14
Diamondcitesniperjo: Also do you think mplayer's fbdev would work for your 'text based' situation?18:15
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:15
alex_diamondcite I tried running gedit after starting x but it just gave an error would that kind of be the same?18:15
Diamondcitealex_: How about something simpler like xclock?18:16
denis_hi every body18:16
edbianevon, yeah I think that's how it's used18:16
AbhiJithello denis_18:16
evonedbian didn't work actually. could i just add it manually?18:16
Diamondcitealex_: I'm not sure if gedit would run on that system even in normal situatiosn.18:16
edbianevon, Yeah but it's more complicated.18:16
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edbianevon, Put a copy of it in rc2.d   to get it to run at startup18:17
evonedbian where is that file?18:17
edbianevon, /etc/rc2.d   (it's a folder)18:17
edbianevon, You also have to name it by their naming conventions.  It's usually easiest to make a symlink18:18
karthick87Hello friends...how to make ubuntu to boot in text mode..Am using ubuntu 10.0418:18
evonedbian i don't even know what a symlink is. you know where I can find info on these naming conventions?18:18
Steven_Krebskarthick87 install "startup manager" and tick "show text"18:18
alex_diamondcite I don't know the error was still due to the lack of a display manager to my knowledge18:18
AbhiJit!nox | karthick8718:19
ubottukarthick87: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode18:19
Steven_Krebsevon symlink means symbolik link. it's a method to symbolicaly link tow places in your filesystem18:19
edbianevon, S is for start, the number is the order in which they're called.  The letters after that are just for you.  Look at the other files it should make sense.  A symlink is called a shortcut in windows.  It's like a pointer to a file.18:19
edbianevon, K is for kill  (as in the system is shutting down)18:20
alex_diamondcite sorry window manager18:20
edbianevon, rc2.d is for runlevel 2  (the default run level) 0 is for halting, 6 is for rebooting, 1 is for single user.  The others aren't used by Ubuntu18:20
karthick87I am using dual boot with XP..Is it possible to hide grub menu..?18:20
mikitetoHi all18:20
evonedbian So how about the filename "S101startx11vnc.sh"?18:21
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sosaitedkarthick87: Hide Grub menu? How will you chose the OS then ? :D18:21
edbianevon, Looks good to me18:21
edbianevon, I'm not sure you can do 3 digits but you probably can.18:21
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karthick87like pressing the Esc key should show the grub menu..18:22
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:22
fazlreboot the computer and now... k3b is working normally again18:22
The-JagIs there anyone who has a Vaio Z series 2010 with ubuntu on it?18:23
peppy_shift doesn't open the grub menu for me -maybe its my wireless keyboard?18:23
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com18:23
=== ahmed is now known as Guest81609
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!18:24
adrianocstaff, anybody have a problem with cheese ? when i start it, it shoots to take pictures uninterruptedly18:24
karthick87Is it possible to compress a 500 MB file to 250 MB18:24
adrianoci'm using maverick18:24
evonI've been trying to add an sshfs drive to my fstab but it doesn't seem to work. I can do it manually from terminal no problem. I think the prob is that i need a password to mount it.  should i just write a script to load at boot?18:25
edbianevon, The boot process still won't ask for the process.  I wrote a script and made an icon for it.  (I do the same thing)18:26
Naznaz!ch | yajun18:27
ubottuyajun: Das Schweizer Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-ch, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie aber in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Aus regionalen Gründen ist im Schweizer Channel nur Englisch erlaubt. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.18:27
evonedbian. ok so in the script would have to write gksudo mycommand so that it will ask for the password right?18:27
Naznaz!cn | yajun18:27
ubottuyajun: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk18:27
yajunWHAT MESNS?18:28
edbianevon, yeah18:28
songeryajun: no escribas todo en mayusculas, va contra las normas. La proxima vez seras expulsado.18:28
adrianocanyone, have a problem with cheese ?18:29
meaniefaceadrianoc: lol18:29
sniperjo!cn | songer18:31
ubottusonger: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk18:31
Naznazsonger wrote Spanish if I'm right :-)18:31
yajunHOW  TO  JION?    ubuntu-cn18:31
NaznazOn gnome-look.org I only find GDM themes, how can I use them in 10.10?18:32
ubottuUnity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity18:32
adrianocmy english is very bad, i mean: someane, had a problem with cheese ? it shoots to tak pictures no to.18:32
Naznazyajun, /join #ubuntu-cn18:32
JoeMaverickSettyajun: /join #ubuntu-cn18:32
songeri always have this misunderstood18:32
songeri didn't write somthing in spanish  or chinise18:33
songerwhat can i doo to solve this issue, there are some other guy with my nichname18:33
lunganIf I open an .iso with "Archive mounter" it mounts, but there's nothing in the .iso? And if I try to extract the .iso I get "CD-ROM is NOT in ISO 9660 format"18:34
YeTr2so... ubuntu fails hard on an nvidia MCP79 chipset using HDMI as the video out.18:34
YeTr2during the installer18:34
yajunIs anyone speak  chinese?18:36
FriarI just popped in a DVD on my laptop and for some reason it isn't playing. The laptop is from the US, but I'm in germany right now, but that never caused a problem before. I'm running 10.10 . I have no idea why this won't play.18:36
test34yajun, try #ubuntu.cn or something similar18:36
gnHi - I'm trying to increase screen res. but stuck at 800*600 on a monitor that can handle 1280*1024 - can someone help me please? Graphics card is "VGA compatible controller: Cirrus Logic GD 5480 (rev 23)" - all info i found on Google refers to xorg.conf which i don't have on Ubuntu 10.18:36
karthick87Is there any transliteration software available for ubuntu...?18:36
AbhiJit!ibus | karthick8718:37
ubottukarthick87: IBus is used to allow multilingual input such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean (CJK), Devanagari and Dravidian characters in !GUI applications - see also: !SCIM. For more info on Ibus see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibus18:37
yajunok  thanks18:37
ecolitan_no matter what file I try and open, the file browser sees it as filetype text/plain and cant choose the correct program to open it with18:37
ecolitan_regardless of if avi, .txt or anything18:37
lunganCD-ROM is NOT in ISO 9660 format18:37
StaRetjiI need help with grub.cfg --- I don't have keyboard, just remote control (HTPC) so if I unplug while booting ubuntu, or soemthing goes wrong it will offer me menu Standard and Recovery mode. Can someone help me edit grub.cfg so it never bring this menu, just log on standard. I don't have keyboard, so each time this happens, I have to drag keyboard just to press OK. Here is my grub.cfg http://paste.ubuntu.com/522837/ THX!18:38
YeTr2yay fail install18:38
FishFaceadrianoc: Cheese. Sort of. Troubles getting out of the effects window at times18:38
YeTr2lets try one more time, with feeling this time18:38
gnWhere is xorg.conf on Ubuntu 10? Thx18:38
AbhiJit!x | gn18:39
ubottugn: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution18:39
cookiemadIs it possible to have GRUB automatically boot into Ubuntu, and not have to press enter?18:39
adrianocFishFace, with me, it shoots to take pictures nonstop.18:39
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afif8eeeeethhs room looks diffrent18:40
FishFaceadrianoc: I just tried it. It took just one photo. Let me see if I can break it :)18:40
jfr34kgreets all, has anyone been able to load adobe flash cs5 in ubuntu 10.10... or any other ubuntu flash is the only reason I go back to windows18:40
afif8eeeeei goy no moticons18:41
DiverdudeIs there a single command which creates a new dir and cd'es to that dir?18:41
arniokas_:/usr/include$ ls | grep *.h | wc -w <---with this pipeline i wanted to count all headerfiles i this folder, why it doesn't work?18:41
karthick87ubottu: Like azhagi software,do we have any equivalent package available for ubuntu..?18:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:41
ActionParsnipDiverdude: you could script it easily18:41
FishFaceadrianoc: You are not in burst mode right?18:41
YeTr2gn: depricated. xorg usually does a good enough job with detection and setup. you can still create the /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:41
phenomSo what was ubuntu's line of thought for dropping gnome in replace of unity on their next release?18:42
afif8eeeeehi every one18:42
atoghi, Can somebody paste the line for /home in the fstab=18:42
ActionParsnipkarthick87: what does azhagi do?18:42
atogfor ubuntu 10.1018:42
cryptoamitycookiemad: at grub.conf insert hiddenmenu to hide the menu list and automatically boot your default selection18:42
StaRetjiI need help with grub.cfg --- I don't have keyboard, just remote control (HTPC) so if I unplug while booting ubuntu, or soemthing goes wrong it will offer me menu Standard and Recovery mode. Can someone help me edit grub.cfg so it never bring this menu, just log on standard. I don't have keyboard, so each time this happens, I have to drag keyboard just to press OK. Here is my grub.cfg http://paste.ubuntu.com/522837/ THX!18:42
adrianocFishFace, how so, mode burst?18:42
StaRetjiI have ssh access18:42
ActionParsnipatog: I can but it'll take a bit. Gimme a sec18:42
jiohdiunity is a replacement for the netbook remix, but its a bit slow and still a work in progress18:42
atogno problem, thanks : )18:42
karthick87ActionParsnip: its a transliteration software available in windows to type easily in tamil..18:43
atogI read (I think) that unity is the future interface for desktop edition too18:43
phenomjiohdi, Yea but they are replacing gone with it in it's entirety18:43
AbhiJitkarthick87, see the link given by ubootuu18:43
jiohdiphenom: in what distro?18:43
arniokas_$ ls | grep *.h | wc -w why it doesn't count all headerfiles?18:43
FishFaceadrianoc: To the left of Take a Photo, you see 3 icons. The 3rd one is burst mode. By default it will take 4 pictures. You can change that. The far left icon is for one picture.18:43
phenomatog, nod18:43
jiohdiphenom: unity is designed for touch screens18:44
phenom> 10.1018:44
jiohdiphenom: I am using gnome in 10.1018:44
ActionParsnipAtog: http://pastebin.com/N0zGtdaC18:44
adrianocFischFace, i understand, no ... i not in this mode.18:44
Ashfire908How do I import an existing ssh key into seahorse?18:44
blue112Hello here.18:45
phenomjiohdi, right,, after 10.10 will use unity default18:45
afif8eeeeeمن علم الطير18:45
TheEyesAraboc. Typical.18:45
atogthanks ActionParsnip18:45
=== arniokas_ is now known as arnoldas
blue112I don't understand why glxgears and glxinfo segfault : Should i put something in my xorg.conf ? I'm using the ati driver.18:45
ecolitan_nautilus isnt detecting the correct filetype of any file, what to do?18:45
jiohdiphenom: so far that is only for UNR18:45
phenomI can't seem to agree why they would push out a buggy, incomplete UI in replace of Gnome18:45
StaRetjiI need help with grub.cfg --- I don't have keyboard, just remote control (HTPC) so if I unplug while booting ubuntu, or soemthing goes wrong it will offer me menu Standard and Recovery mode. Can someone help me edit grub.cfg so it never bring this menu, just log on standard. I don't have keyboard, so each time this happens, I have to drag keyboard just to press OK. Here is my grub.cfg http://paste.ubuntu.com/522837/ THX!18:45
ActionParsnipphenom: could just drop gnome and use something else. Its not the only desktop18:46
StaRetjiAnyone? :/18:46
afif8eeeeeحد يكلمني ياجماعه18:46
ActionParsnipStaRetji: you don't edit grub.cfg as its generated18:46
IdleOne!arabic | afif8eeeee18:47
ubottuafif8eeeee: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية18:47
mkquistanyone have any experience with lirc?18:47
jfr34kgreets all, has anyone been able to load adobe flash cs5 in ubuntu 10.10... or any other ubuntu flash is the only reason I go back to windows18:47
phenomWell, I see more fragmentation in the Linux world. The only* thing I use Ubuntu for is because I'm tired of configuring x/sound/wireless etc every time I set up a box. But Ubuntu seems to do what ever it takes to introduce features at the cost of system stability18:47
HumashoomHey guys, I resolved my earlier issue that was giving me the following error message:  bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111).  I just  had to remove the bluez-alsa package.  But now I have another issue.  When I try to run my game Wine replies with "***Finished***".18:47
StaRetjiActionParsnip: so what's the solution? I can recall I was editing it before, no matter if it's generated18:47
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IdleOneyajunCN /join #ubuntu-cn18:47
ikoniaHumashoom: you may want to try #winehq for wine issues18:48
sresuyajunCN: </join #ubuntu-cn>18:48
phenomActionParsnip, I understand, but from what I understand unity doesn't fall under the GNU licensing either.18:48
=== a is now known as zx
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Access_ViolationyajunCN: What is CN?18:48
ActionParsnipphenom: configure it all once then backup the configs. You can simply restore after each reinstall18:48
=== _donvito is now known as Nertil
blue112I don't understand why glxgears and glxinfo segfault : Should i put something in my xorg.conf ? I'm using the ati driver.18:48
=== a1 is now known as cvd
AbhiJitAccess_Violation, china18:48
IdleOneAccess_Violation CN is the country code for China18:48
=== Alexandre is now known as newby
yajunCNjoin #ubuntu-cn18:48
ActionParsnipphenom: I ignore all that rubbish and use lxde. Simpler times18:48
Humashoomikonia:  I'll give it a shot.18:48
Access_ViolationOK, Thanks.18:49
[thor]yajunCN: /join18:49
phenomActionParsnip, It's a tragedy how that has become a viable solution to their inability to maintain quality control.18:49
=== Nertil is now known as _donvito
afif8eeeeeany one know luvlee from china18:49
phenomActionParsnip, but yea, I hear you18:49
ActionParsnipStaRetji: you can edit it but next time update-grub is ran, all changes will be lost18:49
=== cvd is now known as suv8
phenomEvery upgrade has broken something18:49
FishFaceadrianoc: Hold on a minute18:50
phenomblah any way, is there a place you can rant to ubuntu dev's and have them actually listen to you heh?18:50
=== newby is now known as Alexandre
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=== sol is now known as suv8
ActionParsnipphenom: I use it to maximize ram for apps / disk cache as well as maximize battery life18:50
AbhiJitphenom, there is channel #ubuntu-devel. also if you submit bug you can discuss it in #ubuntu-bugs18:50
=== suv8 is now known as gel
StaRetjiActionParsnip: I will not run it, I will make backup of my usb stick (image) so if something goes wrong in future, I will restore it. I really need help here, I can't fetch keyboard from the neighbour each time this pormtp come up :)18:50
ActionParsnipStaRetji: you can tell your bios not to halt on any keyboards18:51
afif8eeeeebye u all18:51
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StaRetjiActionParsnip: no, it's not that18:51
ActionParsnipStaRetji: could ask in #grub18:51
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StaRetjiActionParsnip: It's my boot menu offers me option 1 or option2. Grub channel, all idle for hours :(18:52
Access_Violationdoes anyone have a reference, of a motherboard for a HP PAVILION a6000la RZ442AA#ABM?18:52
sparrOn 10.10 I have the "Guest Session" option available when I am logged in as my user, but I can't log directly into that session, nor can I access that session from the Switch User dialog once my screen is locked. How can I enable that functionality?18:52
StaRetjiActionParsnip: anyway, thx for trying18:52
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ActionParsnipStaRetji: I can pastebin my /etc/default/grub as it should time out18:52
AlexandreprHi all. Problem loading ubuntu after installation. the ubuntu logo freezes.     I use windows 7 32 bit  on a intel celeron D CPU 3.46GHz Installed memory 2.00 GB18:52
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Access_ViolationAlexandre: Maybe is a conflict.18:53
FishFaceadrianoc: Just see if your settings look like this - http://oi56.tinypic.com/55npg5.jpg18:53
StaRetjiActionParsnip: thx, my own never times out, so even if I set timeout like 5 seconds18:53
ActionParsnipStaRetji: http://pastebin.com/At5hR6BH18:54
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phenomActionParsnip, Do you noticve an improvement in battery life with lxde?18:54
phenomI've never used it18:54
ActionParsnipStaRetji: compare the 2 I disable ipv6 too18:54
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ActionParsnipphenom: sure as the cpu can run slower as the desktop is lighter18:55
ActionParsnipphenom: adding tonnes of desktop crap needs cpu power, keeping it at higher speed and using more power18:55
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StaRetjiActionParsnip: thx, will try anyway, if something goes wrong I can mount it and revert back18:56
ljsoftnetcan i make ubuntu go back to its default boot setup?18:56
Access_ViolationAlexandre: Check out visual effects18:56
Alexandrehow do I do that? Sorry!18:57
ray9naHi. I'm planning to upgrade from 9.04 (netbook) to 10.10 (netbook) and I can't find the Startup Disk Creator.18:58
dolcemy desktop pc has 2 partitions: Ubuntu and Windows. When loading Ubuntu, how can I AUTOMATICALLY mount the Windows partition? (a link to it i have on desktop doesn't work until I manually load...)18:58
Access_ViolationAlexandre: So, you told us that you can go beyond the ubuntu logo, right?18:58
Alexandreyes thats rifgt18:58
Access_Violationray9na: Do a fresh install.18:58
ray9naA_V: that doesn't answer my question.18:59
sparrdolce: you could make an entry in /etc/fstab, but there's probably a less technical ubuntu-way18:59
AlexandreI did it I can't even try ubuntu before install18:59
Access_ViolationAlexandre: Hmm. It's a little difficult, in that situation. Hold on.18:59
Access_Violationray9na: You can't upgrade. So maybe you screwed up your system.19:00
ray9naI've had no problems so far. I guess I'll just make the USB install on a different computer, then.19:01
ljsoftneti followed this tutorial http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Fix-the-Big-and-Ugly-Plymouth-Logo-in-Ubuntu-10-04-140810.shtml but how do i undo it?19:01
Access_Violationray9na: Well, i'm not sure how does it works but, ubuntu has a tool that allows you to create a startup disk. Go to System-Management-StartUp Disk Creator.19:04
zeldhi all19:04
zeldi've a problem whith the latest ubuntu19:04
zeldthe 10.0419:04
blue112I don't understand why glxgears and glxinfo segfault : Should i put something in my xorg.conf ? I'm using the ati driver.19:04
zeldwhen i poweroff the os, they say to me " Will now halt" and after "System halted."19:05
zeldbut the pc remains alive19:05
zeldi tried to disable acpi but nothing to do...19:05
FishFacezeld: Older computers will do that. Is it old?19:05
ljsoftneti followed this tutorial http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Fix-the-Big-and-Ugly-Plymouth-Logo-in-Ubuntu-10-04-140810.shtml but how do i undo it?19:05
zeldFishFace: no19:06
zeldis new19:06
zeldis an msi gx63319:06
ecolitan_nautilus isnt detecting mime file types at all19:06
HairyDudeIs there a way to make Firefox use IPv6 where available instead of only when v6 is the only option?19:07
ecolitan_i tried to run update-mime-database .local/share/mime/ but still not working19:07
zeldFishFace: do you think that acpi do not support the driver of msi gx633?19:07
PillusHi, im running the newest version of ubuntu, and beeing trying to get it to work on a normal HP compaq 8510p with wireless, and it's just the wireless that is the problem. I tried with the builtin, and i also tried with an usb wireless. It has worked before on the same computer, but on both unsecure, and secure wireless i now get that it's unable to get an IP from the AP when i tailed syslog.19:08
Pillusany hints?19:08
Pillusor any more info you want, i can paste it :)19:08
FishFacezeld: I don't know. Maybe someone else will. I do see some hits on the problem in the ubuntu forums though.19:08
Access_ViolationAlexandre: I found something. You can enter to the root shell while starting, press ESC many times, until you get to a kernel menu, choose the recovery mode kernel, and you will be in a menu, and then select the root option, and now you will be prompted to a root shell without password.19:08
Pillusi also tried to google, just for peopels info :)19:08
gnAnybody know how to change color depth from 24 to 16 bit on ubuntu 10?19:08
zeldFishFace: could send me the link?19:08
ActionParsnipPillus: run: sudo lshw -C network ,use the product line to find guides19:08
FishFacezeld:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=52154019:09
ActionParsnipgn: you may need an xorg.conf for that19:09
ljsoftneti followed this tutorial http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Fix-the-Big-and-Ugly-Plymouth-Logo-in-Ubuntu-10-04-140810.shtml but how do i undo it?19:09
zeldthanks FishFace19:09
StaRetjiActionParsnip: thx man ;) it works :)19:09
ActionParsnipljsoftnet: I use that guide :)19:09
FishFacezeld: Welcome. I might try that also on one of my older ones. Some day :)19:09
gnHow can i dump current setting to xorg.conf so i can then modify it?19:10
ActionParsnipljsoftnet: unedit the files you edditted19:10
zeldFishFace: oh!!!! shit!! ahahahah19:10
ActionParsnipStaRetji: cool, glad you got the gold :)19:10
AlexandreOK, you mean without trying the live CD?19:10
PillusActionParsnip: yeah i tried that, it just return "PCI (sysfs) without making it possible to look further down. And this has worked untill recently. i also tried a reinstall since i needed it anyway19:10
HairyDudegn: what graphics hardware are you using? if it's NVidia with the binary drivers look in System -> Administration -> NVidia X Server Settings19:10
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ActionParsnipGn: there's a switch on the Xorg command to do that19:10
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gnOld Cirrus Logic!19:10
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Pillusi can also see that everything works, untill it runs a DHCPDISCOVERY, then it just tries over and over19:10
ActionParsnipPillus: it'll get there dude, you pci bus must be slow or busy19:11
HairyDudeistr there being a more generic GUI tool to change display settings, probably also under System -> Administration19:11
Pillusand this is on multiple wlans, both unsecure, and secure19:11
Access_Violationgn: i heard that it requires a xorg.conf modification, i'm not sure.19:11
Pillusnah, waiting a few moments just returns nothing ActionParsnip19:11
Pillusjust brings you back to the shell19:11
HairyDudeI'd be surprised if wading in xorg.conf is necessary these days19:12
ActionParsnipPillus: did you use a capital C for the -C bit?19:12
PillusOfcourse :)19:12
Access_ViolationAlexandre: Yes19:12
Pillusi never really had problems with linux at all, not even on that computer19:12
gnActionParsnip: i don't have xorg command (sorry i'm a n00b)19:12
ActionParsnipHairyDude: if the monitor doesn't provide info about itself then you will have to, also crappy sis chips very often need it19:12
karthick87Hi friends...do anyone know..?How to force all my traffic to go through proxy..19:12
dabukalamI just installed ubuntu 10.10 netbook on a HP Mini, and while trying to install the Broadcom drivers I get an error "SystemError: installArchives() failed"19:13
HairyDudeActionParsnip: ah yes, true19:13
ActionParsnipGn: you do, or you wouldn't have a desktop UI19:13
gn:) Can you give me a hint what i should type in the Terminal plz?19:13
ActionParsnipkarthick87: export http_proxy and ftp_proxy to your proxy settings, there are guides online19:13
ecolitan_karthick87: all your traffic or just browsing?19:13
ActionParsnipGm: man Xorg19:13
Alexandrethanks Access Viol I'm going to do it now19:13
Alexandreanything else I need to do while there?19:14
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ActionParsnipGn: I can't remember the syntax, you could also websearch to find it also19:14
Access_ViolationAlexandre: So when you are prompted you must type this: for example: xrandr -s 1280x102419:14
Access_Violationobviously you must type your preferred resolution.19:14
ljsoftnetActionParnsip: how do i undo this part echo FRAMEBUFFER=y | sudo tee /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/splash ?19:14
karthick87ecolitan: just browsing19:14
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karthick87ecolitan_: just browsing19:14
gnActionParsnip: On it now - thanks19:15
Alexandrecool thanks access :-)19:15
=== Pinna is now known as CowTippper
=== CowTippper is now known as Pinna
Access_ViolationAlexandre: Or this: xrandr -q19:15
Access_Violationthis will give a random resolution.19:15
ActionParsnipljsoftnet: just empty the file. You can use: echo "" | sudo tee /etc/initramfs-tools/blah...19:15
Pillushmm, it deauthenticate with "reason 2" = 2...previousAuthNotValid...Client associated but not authorized.19:15
Access_ViolationAlexandre: OK you're welcome.19:15
istvanhello, i'm trying to configure pure-ftp to use port 5901 on my computer - however, when i change the settings my ftp clients can only connect, but don't receive a welcome messege. to change the port I use echo "*,5901" > /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/Bind -- upon reloading the client i get: Restarting ftp server: Running: /usr/sbin/pure-ftpd-mysql -l mysql:/etc/pure-ftpd/db/mysql.conf -l pam -E -u 1000 -S *,5901 -O clf:/var/log/pure-ftpd/transfer19:15
istvanIf i remove the Bind file I also get no connection, so it's obviously changing something in the connection19:15
ecolitan_karthick87: there is a network proxy settings button in the menus somewhere19:16
ActionParsnipistvan: can you telnet to the socket?19:16
istvanActionParsnip: sorry, never tried that. also, this is redundant, but my ftp client says: Connecting to Status:Connection established, waiting for welcome message...19:17
ActionParsnipistvan: ahh so it connects, that's fine. That's all the telnet would test :)19:17
testitocan i use creative common license in software19:17
testitosuch desktop program19:18
testitoor i can't19:18
istvanActionParsnip: indeed (thats what i figured). If i remove the bind it says the same thing.19:18
karthick87ecolitan_: if i give like that is it easy to bypass proxy so i want all the traffic to go through my proxy19:18
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ActionParsniptestito: you can use anything you can get hold of and run legally19:18
ecolitan_karthick87: to force other users of the machine to go through the proxy?19:19
istvanActionParsnip: if i remove the bind, port 21 works fine. if i add in the bind i posted above i get: Connecting to Status:Connection attempt failed with "ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server".19:19
testitoActionParsnip: can you explain more19:19
testitoActionParsnip: i can use or no19:19
ActionParsnipistvan: considered sftp? It a lot more secure than ftp which is very weak. If its only for lan access then ftp is fine19:19
Dr_Willistestito:  i think you need to claify what you are meaning also.19:19
ActionParsniptestito: if you can satisfy the license then you can use it19:20
Dr_Willistestito:  can you write your own software using the Creative commons license.. Yes you could if you wanted to...19:20
Matthes_hello, my overall display colors seem to be a little too yellow, how can I change it?19:20
istvanActionParsnip: i'm using the pure-ftpd-mysql just for file sharing with friends and in my LAN19:20
Dr_WillisMatthes_:  whats your video chipset?19:20
karthick87ecolitan_: yes you are right..19:20
testitoDr_Willis: for exemple i create programe with c++ and qt19:20
ecolitan_karthick87: iptables19:20
testitoDr_Willis: i can use creative common or no19:21
ActionParsnipistvan: that's cool :) ftp is fast but wasteful with ports as it uses port 22 for data19:21
Dr_Willistestito:  you can write your code to follow whatever license you want.19:21
Matthes_Dr_Willis: I have a radone x1300 onboard chipset19:21
testitoDr_Willis: are you sure19:21
Dr_WillisMatthes_:  Hmm.. well the nvidia-settings tool has settings for that no idea on ATI19:21
karthick87ecolitan_: I am not familiar with ip tables,i dont know to set it on a local box19:22
istvanActionParsnip: yeah - but I have 200 GIGS of stuff to share with a friend a few hundred miles away, so if he sets up an ftp client he can let it go for a day or two in the background19:22
testitoDr_Willis: can you tell me this from the cc website19:22
Dr_Willistestito:  why wouldent you be able to follow the CC. License?  If you follow all the guidelines the License sets out.. you arenot breaking it.19:22
ActionParsnipistvan: cool, watch attacks on the service though19:22
cnfi'm trying to install ubuntu netbook on an asus 1001px19:22
istvanActionParsnip: i'm a VFX artist, (all open source for most projects!) so the large data is easily explained19:22
cnfand the installer just sits there, doing nothing19:23
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istvanActionParsnip: any ideas on what I should try next for make it work for me?19:23
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testitoDr_Willis: look here http://wiki.creativecommons.org/FAQ#Can_I_use_a_Creative_Commons_license_for_software.3F19:23
testitoDr_Willis: this is what i mean19:23
cnfany suggestions where to look for thus?19:23
testitoDr_Willis: exactly : Can I use a Creative Commons license for software?19:24
testitoDr_Willis: do you understand what i mean19:24
ActionParsnipistvan: i'd setit back todefaults and build up the functionality you need slowly so you know the culprit. Maybe could ask in #ftp if it exists, or the channel for the package19:24
Dr_Willistestito:   they say its not reccomenede.. You coudl do it.. but i dont see why you would want to.19:24
ActionParsnipcnf: at a black screen?19:24
istvanActionParsnip: thanks19:25
ecolitan_karthick87: well if you want something the users can get around...19:25
sefo40hi. Anyone can help em to install debian on a netbook EYO? Please?19:25
ActionParsnipcnf: did you md5 test the file you downloaded?19:25
Dr_Willissefo40:  #debian for debian support.19:25
ActionParsnipsefo40: debian isn't supported here19:25
testitoDr_Willis: because i search a license that have this law : http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/19:25
sefo40sorry about that19:26
fpoHi there!19:26
sefo40really, I want to say: LINUX19:26
testitoDr_Willis: this law that i want19:26
ActionParsnipHi fpo19:26
sefo40i. Anyone can help em to install UBUNTU on a netbook EYO? Please?19:26
cnfActionParsnip: no, but it got written to the usb stick just fine, and it boots just fine19:26
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karthick87My friends usually use my system to browse sites..So i have installed squid in my system to restrict porn sites and downloads..But the simply bypassing the proxy by disabling it..How do i restrict bypassing..?19:26
cnfActionParsnip: i'm connected to wifi, and the life desktop works19:26
ActionParsnipsefo40: linux iss the kernel only. The distro is debian, which isn't supported here19:26
cnfit's just the installer that's not working19:27
testitoDr_Willis: what is your mind19:27
=== kid_ is now known as kid__
cnfit just sits there19:27
Dr_Willissefo40:  make a bootable flash drive from the iso with unetbootin or some other tool. boot the flash drive.. follow the installer directions..19:27
ActionParsnipcnf: the app will write any data you throw atitto the usb until itisdone. Youhave not checked the file, so you have no idea if it is complete or consistent19:27
ActionParsnip!md5 | cnf19:28
ubottucnf: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:28
cnfyes, yes, i know how md5 works19:28
sefo40I donne the bootable drive, but i can't do the but by the usb19:28
ActionParsnipcnf: then why did you not test it!?19:28
rt1729is there any .deb file available for mysql19:28
testitoDr_Willis: tell me19:28
cnfbecause it boots just fine19:28
guntberttestito: please keep your questions to ubuntu support19:29
Dr_Willistestito:  tell you what exactly?19:29
cnfalso, checked19:29
grid_if i do smbpasswd -x <user>, and i add it again, why the windows profile will be corrupt?19:29
guntbert!enter | cnf19:29
ubottucnf: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:29
cnfActionParsnip: md5 is dead on19:29
ActionParsnipcnf: test ram. Test usb for consistency19:29
testitoDr_Willis: i want an advise about this license if i can use it in software WITHOUT ANY PROBLEM or no19:30
cnfActionParsnip: ok, maybe i should elaborate. i have used this usb stick to install on other systems19:30
cnfit worked on those other systems19:30
ActionParsnipcnf: test ram health then19:30
cnfthis netbook is brand new19:30
guntberttestito: that is off topic here, please don't insist19:30
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ActionParsnipcnf: doesn't matter,ram can be DOA19:30
Dr_Willistestito:  the faq says you can use it.. it also says they suggest using a license specifically for software.. ..  so do what you want. Have fun.19:30
cnfyes, it can19:30
=== cpg|away is now known as cpg
cnfit's unlikely though19:30
cnfand ram tests take time19:31
testitoDr_Willis: good19:31
ActionParsnipcnf: so test it. You may have a netbook made with bad ram19:31
cnfi'll try debugging first, and ram test when i go to bed19:31
cnfstarting with a ram test is silly19:31
Dr_Willisunless the ram test shows ram in the first 10 sec... :)19:31
rt1729 is there any .deb file available for mysql?19:31
cnfDr_Willis: if it did, the win 7 on it wouldn't run fine19:31
ActionParsnipcnf: its not as the live environment runs 100% in ram so if its bad it will cause errors. You need to reduce things that may be an issue to narrow down issue causers19:32
testitoDr_Willis: in the factran this sentense histate me "We do not recommend it"19:32
cnfActionParsnip: there are no errors19:32
cnfit's just not doing anything19:32
ecolitan_filebrowser shows files with the wrong mime-type, does anyone know how can fix this?19:32
maxbrt1729: yes, mysql is present in the ubuntu archive itself19:32
rt1729 is there any .deb file available for mysql?19:32
testitoDr_Willis: i mean on the fact this ..19:32
rt1729 is there any .deb file available for mysql?19:32
cnfit's not crashing, it's not throwing errors that i can see, i can cancel it, and start it again19:33
cnfit just doesn't do anything19:33
ActionParsnipcnf: you need to test it all so you know its all healthy, then all I can suggest is bootoptions19:33
bildir_gCan someone tell me why Enlightenment is not a desktop manager but windows manager ?19:33
guntbertrt1729: why not install it from the repos?19:33
maxbrt1729: Don't repeat yourself, especially when you've already been answered19:33
cnfright, so anyone have any idea on this?19:34
donkeyboyHow can I get the default xorg setting file alone with all the drives / packages that where added during installation without reinstalling ubuntu (10.10)?19:34
taiyalis there any way to get SMB mounting to revert to the old 10.04 behaviour with mount points in ~/.gvfs ?19:34
donkeyboyhave tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg19:34
donkeyboyX -configure19:35
donkeyboyno joy19:35
taiyalwith the new SMB mounting behaviour, most applications can't access network shares19:35
taiyaland you can't do the old workaround of pointing applications to ~/.gvfs anymore19:35
rt1729@ guntbert : i don know how to do it with repos19:36
bildir_gCan someone tell me why Enlightenment is not a desktop manager but windows manager ?19:36
cnfhmz, doesn't the installer keep log files somewhere?19:37
test34taiyal, why dont you use smbmount ?19:37
guntbertrt1729: sudo apt-get install mysql-server (or use your favourite package manager)19:37
taiyaltest34: I know I can do that, but Canonical should provide a sane way to mount SMB shares and not leave control only to Nautilus (locking out 90% of applications including Firefox and Chrome (can't save to shares))19:38
=== Shaul is now known as Elisha
bildir_gCan someone tell me why Enlightenment is not a desktop manager but windows manager ?19:38
TheCommieDuckIf I have my, say music, sorted on a windows partition, is there a way to *also* have it in the Ubuntu music location without copying all the files? (/media/music/ I think it is)19:38
guntbert!repeat | bildir_g19:38
ubottubildir_g: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:38
ReliantI just did a new install of Windows and I'm trying to reinstall the grub (GRUB Legacy). I've booted off a LiveCD like every guide I've found says, but the LiveCD doesn't come with grub. Any tips?19:39
taiyalReliant: are you using an Ubuntu live cd?19:39
ecolitan_the nautilus filebrowser shows files with the wrong mime-type, does anyone know how can fix this?19:39
ReliantI downloaded it today19:39
cnfargl, this is driving me nuts!19:40
intiim trying to connect to a pc by vinagre, must i specify a port?19:40
Reliantmaye it wasn't the LiveCD I downloaded. I just grabbed what was on the front page, lol19:40
taiyalthe LiveCD does come with grub2... as far as installing older GRUB versions, you might have to build it yourself in a temporary directory19:40
intiit tries in 5900 but it doesnt connect, is the first time i use it19:40
cnfanyone want to help me debug this?19:40
karthick87ecolitan_: "sudo iptables -I OUTPUT -d -p tcp --dport 80 -j REJECT --to-port 3128" is this right?19:41
Reliantthe guide on Ubuntu for installed the grub legacy involves running grub19:41
taiyalalright, I'm going to open the SMB mount point problem as a bug on Nautilus' bug tracker19:42
ecolitan_karthick87: i really dont know19:42
Dr_WillisReliant:  you can install grub package. it will 'install' to the ram disk and you can use its tools..19:43
karthick87A common question: How to keep my system secure if i am connected online19:43
Dr_Williskarthick87:  its proberly more secure by default. then  you are used to. :)19:43
ReliantI wasn't aware that the LiveCD could do that :)19:43
Dr_WillisI dont use grub1 any more :)19:44
ReliantI just use whatever Ubuntu does by default, I never really knew that it was still using an outdated bootloader19:44
karthick87Dr_Willis: People say it is possible to hack anyone on internet easily,is it true..?19:45
NaznazHm is there a way to preview the Plymouth splash screen? plymouth --show-splash displays something but that's certainly not my splash screen :D19:45
guntberttaiyal: (no help from me) could you point me to some place where I can see those changes (regarding smb and nautilus) ?19:45
ljsoftnethow do i hide all the text, showing up at boot?19:45
njaini want to use the tata photon+ with ubuntu 10.419:46
yagooljsoftnet, check for bootline arguments19:46
lolocannot login to ubuntu 10.10 livecd and it is not my first time i installed ubuntu from but after installing windows i tried the live cd but it wont let me log in19:46
Dr_Williskarthick87:  how paranoid are you wanting to be? someone could hold your dog hostage and demand your farmville passwords....  Security is a system of practices and habbits  not just somthing you do once and its done.,19:46
ljsoftnetyagoo how?19:46
taiyalguntbert: do you happen to have SMB shares available on your network? (I assume you're asking me to explain to you how to reproduce the problem)19:46
loloi tried the user name ubuntu but it didnot work19:47
mkquistanyone have any experience with lirc and remotes? cant seem to get it to do anything, but lsusb 'sees' it and its supported by lirc...19:47
Dr_Williskarthick87:  the biggest danger i see to a ubuntu system. is new users not understanding what htye are doing.19:47
yagooljsoftnet, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions (quiet splash)19:47
mkquistDr_Willis: I'd just encrypt my dog....19:47
taiyalguntbert: if you "mount" an SMB share by browsing to it (under "Network") from Nautilus, it will only then be available to Nautilus19:47
raven_Maverick released on 10.october but no option to upgrade in update-manager???19:47
guntberttaiyal: though I have, I only wanted to understand a little about what is/was  happening under the hood19:47
BrdavsHello everyone19:48
njaintata photon+ is a usb modem19:48
Dr_Willismkquist:  my dog encrypts me. :)19:48
ironsightraven_, it's a non-lts release, you might have to enable non-lts in the software sources19:48
Dr_Willisguntbert:  it may be in  your ~/.gvfs directory somewhere.. I rarely do it that way19:48
taiyalguntbert: in 10.04, Nautilus-mounted SMB shares were fully accessible via their mount points in ~/.gvfs/ . I used to use symlinks to those mount points in lieu of Ubuntu providing a sane way for applications other than Nautilus to access SMB shares.19:49
suprengrmkquist: I encrypted my dog once...v but I forget the password so now it want listen to me ;)19:49
raven_ironsight, tnx19:49
guntbertDr_Willis: no real issues here - I only wanted (in passing by) gather a little more knowledge :-)19:49
njainplease i am need of a suggestion to get that modem working on ubuntu. It works fine with windows..19:50
ironsightraven_, goto update manager, click settings, you should see release upgrade, make sure it's set to Normal Releases19:50
taiyalguntbert: However, in 10.10 those mount points are gone, leaving only Nautilus and a few compatible GNOME applications able to access SMB shares. This set of applications sadly does not encompass Chromium, leaving one unable to download files from Chromium into an SMB location.19:50
ikarwhat is htye?19:50
guntberttaiyal: understood, thx for the explanation19:50
ljsoftnetyagoo hey man do you know how to restore my default boot setup?19:51
ljsoftnetyagoo you know the original 10.04 boot setup19:51
progre55hi people! has anyone tried installing ubuntu on a macbook? is it even possible? )19:52
twinkie_addicti got my netbook today :)19:52
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages19:52
yagooprogre55, if it's intel.. many people have..19:52
twinkie_addictdowloading ubuntu 10.4 now19:52
taiyalguntbert: should I file this as a bug against Nautilus?19:52
ironsighttwinkie_addict, you know 10.10 is out?19:53
yagooprogre55, you'll need to look into the refti project19:53
progre55yagoo: umm.. is macbook air intel? =) I dont have one yet, but thinking to buy..19:53
twinkie_addictyes but 10.4 is lts19:53
yagoo(rather "refit" project)19:53
ironsightkk :)19:53
ljsoftnetcan i restore the original default boot settings of 10.04?19:53
karthick87What are mime types..?19:53
chango93230Hello everyone :), i have a question.   I used (sudo ms-sys -m /dev/sda) to try and fix my mbr for windows 7 after uninstalling ubuntu 9.10 and it only made it worse. now i cant even see my c drive when i boot to the cd. so i reinstalled ubuntu 9.10 and i still can't see the c drive. can n e 1 help PLZ??? :(19:53
yagooprogre55, http://refit.sourceforge.net/19:54
guntberttaiyal: not reproducible here, I just mounted a hare with nautilus and got the mountpoint in ~.gvfs19:54
progre55but I dont want to switch ubuntu to osx )19:54
ironsightKartagis, mime types is like, what way to use different files19:54
progre55yagoo: thanks, I'll have a look at it19:54
chango93230n e 1?19:54
yagooprogre55, I would personally use the installer dvd to shrink (if possible) the hfs+ partition..19:55
guntberttaiyal: wild idea: do you run nautilus as someone else (root...)?19:55
taiyalguntbert: Interesting. Thank you for testing, I'll now go and double-check the behaviour I was describing19:55
karthick87chango93230: what is the output of sudo fdisk -l19:55
taiyalguntbert: No, I run it as taiyal19:55
chango93230karthick87 hold on i'll check again19:55
yagooprogre55, or u can use possibly some other tips to shrink the hfs+ partition... but am not too sure how efficient bootcamp would be..19:55
torsthaldoSo, I formatted my SSD and swithced to Ubuntu/Linux full time as of today. Yay!19:55
Nicon-heya. Trying to build a kernel for ubuntu 10.04 & 10.10. I misserably fail to boot them. Seems like I am missing something importent. The init just hangs mid boot process, --verbose doesn't show much relevant. Is there some guide for required CONFIG_ options for custom kernels?19:55
taiyalguntbert: I'll be back in about 10 minutes, I'm now going to reboot into 10.10 again to see if the unwanted behaviour has stopped.19:56
Nicon-the kernel worked just fine in 9.10 with the old init19:56
progre55yagoo: okay, thanks. but how about the compatibility? the keys, etc. do they all work?19:56
guntberttaiyal: Good luck :-)19:56
ljsoftnetcan i restore the original default boot settings of 10.04?19:56
chango93230Disk /dev/sda: 1000.2 GB, 1000204886016 bytes19:56
chango93230255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 121601 cylinders19:56
chango93230Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes19:56
chango93230Disk identifier: 0x9d450f4e19:56
chango93230   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System19:56
chango93230/dev/sda1               1        1567    12582912   27  Unknown19:56
chango93230/dev/sda2   *        1567        1580      102400    7  HPFS/NTFS19:56
rocket16After I installed 10.10, I couldn't find my photo and name on the Me Menu. Is this a bug? I have Indicator-me installed, and my photo integrated.19:56
FloodBot1chango93230: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:56
progre55yagoo: say, if I install and boot it from an external hard, would it work?19:56
chango93230sda3 is the windows 719:57
yagooprogre55, you probably don't need refit to boot from usb.. I'm just guessing-- you'd best ask #refit19:57
reenignEesreveRis it possible to connect to two modems of the same type at the same time using WVDIAL?19:57
yagooor some similar discussion channel..19:57
TheCommieDuckI was looking at how to mount my windows drives, and accidentally mounted the wrong one. Is there a way to unmount it, without causing harm to the files?19:57
chango93230karthick87 u there?19:58
TheCommieDuckI tried sudo unmount.19:58
karthick87wait a min19:58
progre55yagoo: cool, thanks man, appreciate19:58
=== ng_ is now known as NG_
justinthetechguyAnybody here know anything about the Asterisk PBX?19:58
yagooprogre55, http://refit.sourceforge.net/help/usb_disk.html -- your firmware may support usb boot.. btw you may wish to see if there's an apple update for your efifirmware...19:59
trojan_spikechango93230, just make sure u didnt delete windows 7,, if u havnt u will just need to put in the windows OS and fix errors<< (repair my computer) option19:59
test34justinthetechguy, I think they have their own irc channel #asterisk19:59
progre55yagoo: I havent got a macbook yet, next week20:00
ljsoftnetcan i restore the original default boot settings of 10.04?20:00
progre55yagoo: I really want the mac design, but not a fan of osx)20:00
Nicon-noone has a suggestion for it? :)20:00
yagooprogre55, you should keep an install of osx, just for those simple firmware updates..20:01
progre55yagoo: sure thing =)20:01
Reliantsweet, I have my dual boot working again. Thanks for the help20:01
chango93230windows still there but i tried a repair disk and it shows an error of... status: 0xc00000e920:01
guntbertTheCommieDuck: its sudo umount (not uNmount)20:01
yagooprogre55, you'd probably be able to shrink the hfs+ partition to about 7-8 gigs..20:01
test34progre55, OSX is the only reason you should be paying a Mac premium in my opinion (because you can get a laptop with pretty much the same hardware for less then half the cost)20:01
TheCommieDuckguntbert: Ah, ok. Thanks.20:02
lolocannot log into live cd it neded a username and password what should i do?20:02
yagooprogre55, if u never intend to use osx... there's no point in buying a macbook20:02
chango93230if i would have took the time to burn the repair disk ahead of time i could have avoided this withbootrec /fixmbr20:02
TheCommieDuckIf I umount the partition (which is the windows system partition), will it affect anything?20:02
guntbertlolo: the username is ubuntu, the password is empty20:02
magicianlordTheCommieDuck: big Stalin fan?20:02
yagooprogre55, www.linux-laptop.net/20:03
lolotried that didnot work20:03
TheCommieDuckmagicianlord: Not amazingly, username comes from something I drew a few years back.20:03
progre55test34: yeah actually now I'm trying to find a vaio, but I want the same sexy-looking design =)20:03
ljsoftnetcan i restore the original default boot settings of 10.04?20:03
magicianlordmaybe communist mario also. remember that? heh20:03
guntbertTheCommieDuck: no, the system will only unmount it if there are no files open on it20:03
progre55yagoo: thanks)20:03
trojan_spikechango93230, go into your BIOS on boot and set the boot to it's default settings.. think its f9 or f10 shortkey,, something like that#20:04
guntbert!ot | magicianlord20:04
ubottumagicianlord: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:04
wolfric_is it possible to set a different hw address for a virtual interface set up using ifconfig for example ifconfig eth0:120:04
trojan_spikewolfric_, goolgle free vpn20:04
chango93230trojan_spike how will that help the mbr? is it connected to the bios?20:05
toe_need help getting my presonus firepod working on ubuntu studio maverick meerkat20:05
TheCommieDuckguntbert: Sorry, will get back after I finish reading up what mounting actually is. I have a habit of being..naive? about these things.20:05
trojan_spikethe bios will find the MBR20:05
wolfric_trojan_spike: why would i want a vpn?20:05
test34wolfric_, search MAC address spoofing ?20:05
WrajtInvalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character20:05
trojan_spikeu want to change ip in VB?20:05
guntbertTheCommieDuck: no problem :) have fun reading20:05
chango93230i'll try that... hope it works and i don't have to come back ... if so thanx ahead of time , otherwise i'll be back. :D20:06
lologuntbert> do u have another username to use ?20:06
wolfric_test34: mac address spoofing isn't an issue... i want to bind a second mac address and ip to the interface that the os will handle20:06
trojan_spikethen do a repair again20:06
toe_need help getting my presonus firepod working on ubuntu studio maverick meerkat20:06
TheCommieDuckguntbert: Ok. I think I have it. :)20:07
chango93230karthick87 did u have any last suggestions?20:07
guntbertlolo: no, why do you need a username anyway - did you log out of the session?20:07
guntbert!yay | TheCommieDuck20:07
WrajtInvalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character - this when i want to copy folder with wrong encoding. how i can repair encoding or something20:07
ubottuTheCommieDuck: Glad you made it! :-)20:07
TheCommieDuckI take it that mounting one of my windows partitions isn't going to cause any issues?20:07
lolono i tried boot from the live cd but it does not ler me in automaticlly20:07
guntbertTheCommieDuck: not with the linux system :-)  (and neither with the windows system if you don't delete/overwrite files there)20:08
test34wolfric_: sorry don't know then20:08
TheCommieDuckguntbert: Ok. :D20:08
guntbertlolo: what version of the live CD?20:08
rigvedhas anyone heard of ext4 drivers for windows?20:09
guntbert!who | lolo20:09
ubottulolo: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:09
test34rigved, last time I checked I couldnt find anything to mount ext4 in Windows20:09
TheCommieDuckguntbert: Last thing, can I safely mount one of the  partitions to something other than /mnt? i.e. mounting the drive with all my music to /home/username/music?20:09
Dr_Willisrigved:  ive not seen any either.20:09
guntbertlolo: what happens when you boot the live CD?20:10
rigvedtest34, Dr_WIllis: ok, there's one guy in my class who has taken this up as his final year project. Is this possible?20:10
lologuntbert: it gives me the username screen20:10
guntbertTheCommieDuck: yes, no problem (the directory must exist before and should be empty)20:10
rigvedif so, then why hasn't itbeen done yet?20:11
test34rigved, everything is possible, but I dont know how much work it is20:11
TheCommieDuckguntbert: Ok. I think I can get this to work; thanks very much for the help. Appreciated. :)20:11
Nicon-this blows. :(20:11
Dr_Willisrigved:  given the demand for it.. I think its a LOt harder then it appears. :)20:12
toe_rigved http://www.ext2fsd.com/20:12
guntbertTheCommieDuck: glad to help :-) (its really easy with someone who reads ....)20:12
WrajtInvalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character - this when i want to copy folder with wrong encoding. how i can repair encoding or something20:12
Wrajthelp plz20:12
rigvedtoe_: wow20:12
TheCommieDuckguntbert: Heh. :P20:13
sniperjois there a way to let a non root user run a root command ?20:13
rocket16Why doesn't this work in my 10.10? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeMenu#about-me20:13
ironsightsniperjo, use sudo in front of the command20:13
Dulaksniperjo: you can allow that user sudo access, and even restrict it to allow only that one command20:14
rigvedDr_Willis: i think you are right, but how long has it been since ext4 has become mainstream? it should have been done by now. It's coming soon, i guess20:14
guntbertlolo: I have never seen that before, are you certain that it is the ubuntu live CD?20:14
=== jack is now known as Guest90912
sniperjoDulak: thats exactly what i want todo, for one command, where do i set that up ?20:14
Guest90912Hello, does anyone know how to use the mouse wheel under Ubuntu v10?20:15
loloi read that it is about time and date in the machine so i get to the blue screen but the time and date was correct20:15
guntbertlolo: press <ctrl><alt>F1 to get to a virtual terminal20:15
toe_need help getting my presonus firepod working on ubuntu studio maverick meerkat20:15
DulakYou have to edit the config file for it with 'sudo visudo'  see this for examples: http://www.sudo.ws/sudo/sample.sudoers20:16
rocket16Does anyone have this sort of About me menu? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeMenu#about-me20:16
Stuart__Guest34003: Your mouse wheel isn't working? What mouse do you have?20:16
Dr_Willisrigved:  i had issues with the ext23 drivers for windoews.. i dont trust them very much20:16
Dr_Willisrigved:  of course BTRFS maybe the next big thang. :)20:16
=== Guest90912 is now known as Daniela
rocket16Which config file governs the me menu and indicator applet?20:18
rigvedDr_Willis: wikipedia says that Ubuntu 10.10 offers btrfs. Have you tried it yet?20:19
lologuntbert: then what should i do ?20:19
ljsoftnethow do i restore my default boot settings?20:19
lindsaymobil22Hey, i have just ran an update, and now my plymouth themes are set to the text version, so instead of the nice ubuntu logo i get white text saying ubuntu 10.10, any help with that?20:19
brontoeeehow would i go about sandboxing my edgy compiles from the rest of the system and the repos?20:20
guntbertlolo: what do you read there?20:20
noob-tuxhow can i change my time? got dualboot win7 and ubuntu lucid....and i got this problem from updating in my ubuntu...gpg error.....someone told me it might be from my time that doesnt sync from the actual time as he had said....or maybe from my win7 sys time doesnt sync on my ubuntu system time.... :(20:21
test34brontoeee, virtual machine?20:21
lolook i will go to my live cd and then i will come back20:21
brontoeeetest34, is that the only way?20:21
lolothank you guntbert20:21
Dulakbrontoeee: a virtual system would be the easiest20:21
brontoeeeok, thanks test34 & Dulak20:21
test34brontoeee, you could get another real machine20:21
=== Pilif12p is now known as GoHawks
bodavis6Hi, can anyone tell me how to uninstall UBUNTU?20:22
LjLbodavis6: you don't "uninstall" an operating system. you can overwrite it with some other operating system.20:23
test34bodavis6, just format the partition or repartition your HD20:23
evonis it possible to get the computer to stop asking me for a keyring everytime i connect to a wireless network>20:23
sresu_Is it possible to find out which particular thread is being used during communication as part of DBus, when running application?20:23
bodavis6I installed it under windows.20:23
Stuart__bodavis6: In that case just uninstall like any other program20:23
bodavis6Is it a file on the hard drive?20:24
Stuart__bodavis6: via Control Panel->Uninstall programs20:24
bodavis6I find no unistall routine20:24
bodavis6No information to do so.20:24
yagoobodavis6, it's probably called wubi in your appinstalled list20:24
bodavis6Thank you.20:24
bodavis6Can I install any version of Real Player in Ubuntu?20:25
SmokeyNITKNameError: global name 'channel' is not defined (file "/home/shashi/phenny/modules/logger.py", line 123, in save_logs)20:25
tonyyarussoOkay, so I have a system with multiple version of Ubuntu on different partitions, and I'm trying to get the grub menu to show them all.  update-grub finds all of them, but the resulting grub.cfg doesn't list what update-grub said.  Any idea why?20:25
SmokeyNITKNameError: global name 'channel' is not defined (file "/home/shashi/phenny/modules/logger.py", line 123, in save_logs)20:25
Stuart__bodavis6: https://player.helixcommunity.org/ is equivalent to realplayer on Linux20:26
SmokeyNITKNameError: global name 'channel' is not defined (file "/home/shashi/phenny/modules/logger.py", line 123, in save_logs)20:26
Stuart__bodavis6: there are .deb downloads20:26
FloodBot1SmokeyNITK: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:26
ironsightbodavis6, when I installed ubuntu ultimate edition it came with it installed, so I figure there is a way :)20:26
sniperjoive just made a bad configuration in my sudoers file.. how do i fix it ?20:26
Stuart__bodavis6: I'm not sure you need it if you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed though... I never use real media files to test20:26
guntbertevon: yes, it is possible though not recommended20:26
test34sniperjo, use visudo to edit sudoers file20:27
SmokeyNITKNameError: global name 'channel' is not defined (file "/home/shashi/phenny/modules/logger.py", line 123, in save_logs)20:27
evonguntbert.  how do i do it?20:27
Canadian_PirateDoes anyone know any good docks? I mean other than AWN, Cairo Dock. It needs to have a network manager and be able to be on the side of the sceen without a problem.20:28
sniperjotest34: ok, but i cant use visudo now, because im not root20:28
brontoeeeCanadian_Pirate, maybe docky, ask in the #docky20:28
test34sniperjo, ~$ sudo visudo20:28
Canadian_PirateOk. Thanks brontoeee20:28
sniperjotest34: ?20:29
guntbertevon: open applications/accessories/passwordsAnd encryption20:29
brontoeeeCanadian_Pirate, it will take the side if you generate a new dock, not sure how to handle that if there is only one..20:29
test34sniperjo, use sudo to gain superuser privileges20:29
sniperjotest34: i cant, i just made a bad config in my sudoers20:30
Shai124Hello , I've got a major problem with firefox. Sometimes without any reason when I right click on a web page's flash object the firefox stuck any idea ?20:30
SchizoidOn resetting a macbook with 10.10 installed I have lost all keyboard input. Can anyone help me or give me a place to start?20:30
evonguntbert.  I have no such option20:30
test34sniperjo, oh yes sorry next time you'll know.. for now, you could boot with the live CD and mount your root partition and fix it20:30
yagooShai124, not firefox problem.. it's flash..20:30
Canadian_Piratebrontoeee I have tried docky before, but have not found a network manager. I am asking on #docky20:30
yagooShai124, try upgrading flash?20:30
evonguntbert.  nvm. i'm trying to take it off a xubuntu system. guess i'm in the challenge20:31
lindsaymobil22Hey, i have just ran an update, and now my plymouth themes are set to the text version, so instead of the nice ubuntu logo i get white text saying ubuntu 10.10, any help with that?20:31
evonguntbert.  nvm. i'm trying to take it off a xubuntu system. guess i'm in the wrong channel20:31
Jef91Is there a way for me to enable notification daemon under lxdm?20:31
brontoeeeCanadian_Pirate, there is, want a screenshot? ;)20:31
test34lindsaymobil22, try to reinstall your theme ?20:31
Stuart__lindsaymobil22: Could be a regression in a graphics driver? I know if you install the Nvidia closed source drivers for example you get an ugly loading screen at boot20:32
Shai124yagoo: how can i upgrade flash ? (i am new to Ubuntu)20:32
guntbertevon: well I don't know if that tool exists there, but try to run seahorse there20:32
lologuntbert : is says authentication failure20:32
Stuart__test34: plymouth themes are when booting, I don't think it can be changed (easily)?20:32
Canadian_Piratebronteee Sure. Can you move to #docky, so we don't clutter this channel20:32
SpiderFreddoes enyone have problems with truecrypt on 10.10?20:32
guntbertlolo: let me try20:32
test34Stuart__, I thought this was some customization to the default Ubuntu theme20:33
Canadian_PirateStuart__ I dont get that problem20:33
yagooShai124, well if u want the simplest solution to try and see if it's either the video driver or flash.. try googlechrome(has flash builtin).. if u get the same symptom with googlechrome, then u should try seeing if u using the proper videodriver20:33
terrenceTKwhich program can I use to record video and audio from tvcard20:33
lindsaymobil22Stuart__, i use integrated intel gma20:33
SpiderFredI can mount any volume in truecrypt, I get" mount: you must specify the filesystem type" or passwd is incorect error20:34
yagooSpiderFred, latest version of tc is v720:34
Stuart__lindsaymobil22: sounds similar to this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bug/55564020:34
bodavis6I am an old MS user and I can't figure out how to install anything on Ubuntu unless it's in the software center.20:34
noob-tuxhow can i change my time? got dualboot win7 and ubuntu lucid....and i got this problem from updating in my ubuntu...gpg error.....someone told me it might be from my time that doesnt sync from the actual time as he had said....or maybe from my win7 sys time doesnt sync on my ubuntu system time.... :(20:35
test34terrenceTK, maybe ffmpeg20:35
guntbertlolo: step by step: what happens when you boot - do get the menu to select "try ..." ?20:35
terrenceTKtest34, thanks20:35
SpiderFredyagoo, I have latest I just downloaded it20:35
bodavis6I think Linux is for programming professionals only.20:35
brontoeeeterrenceTK, vlc, mplayer20:35
Canadian_Piratebobavis6 Download DEB packages, then double click them. Also you can use "apt-get" to download packages.20:35
guntbertlolo: then it is not the live CD, what do you get instead?20:36
yagoonoob-tux, have them both to UTC.. http://www.experts-exchange.com/OS/Microsoft_Operating_Systems/Windows/2000/Q_21802612.html20:36
Thor^^Hi, I've tryed looking for mod_rewrite for apache in the repositories, anyone know what the package may be called other than libapache2-mod-rewrite?20:36
terrenceTKbrontoeee: vlc won play my audio from /dev/dsp20:36
loloit gave me  the ubuntu background and in the bottem of it keyboard figure20:36
loloi installed ubuntu by this cd20:36
Stuart__Thor^^: libapache2-mod-proxy-html20:36
yagoonoob-tux, same registry location for the later windows as well20:36
bodavis6I downloaded the deb packages then double clicked on them... it asked for a location so I gave C:\Helix then it did nothing except copy it's files there.20:37
Thor^^Stuart__: thanks J20:37
Stuart__Thor^^: oops that's wrong20:37
bodavis6It didn't install.20:37
yagoonoob-tux, have linux hwsync the clock..20:37
guntbertlolo: please use my nick or I might overlook your answer - on that screen you press a key and get what?20:37
brontoeeebodavis6, there is no c:\ on linux20:37
terrenceTKtest34,brontoeee: Thanks guys - Ill try mplayer20:38
test34terrenceTK, something like this: /usr/bin/ffmpeg -r 24 -t 30 -s 720x480 -vd /dev/video0 -ad /dev/dsp -tvstd NTSC -deinterlace tvout.avi20:38
Stuart__Thor^^: It's already installed, you just have to enable mod rewrite in your httpd.conf20:38
bodavis6Oh, well it said it made one...20:38
test34terrenceTK, might need to adjust resolution or other settings20:38
bodavis6Brontoeee. I just want to be able to watch movies on my computer.20:38
terrenceTKThanks test3420:38
bodavis6Can't find a way to do that.20:38
Thor^^Stuart__: never mind, rewrite.load is located in mods-available, so all is needed to symlink it to mods-enabled20:39
lologuntbert : i donot press any key i wait until it goes to the login screen20:39
brontoeeebodavis6, what kind of movies? what are their extensions? online movies (give the example url?)?20:39
guntbertlolo: did you even boot from the CD, could be you are looking at your own system's log in20:40
bodavis6Just rented movies. I can watch anything I rent on Windows.20:40
bodavis6brontoeee, I want to learn LINUX but it's very difficult.20:40
loloi put the cd and the first boot is from cd20:40
Stuart__bodavis6: Have you search google for "Play DVD ubuntu"?20:41
avoDoes anyone here use Flyback?20:41
TheCommieDuckUm. Sorry, I have another question.20:41
ubuntuhow do i check to see what video card driver i am using?20:41
brontoeeebodavis6, DVDs?20:41
TheCommieDuckWhen I boot up, (since I dual boot), the default choice is windows not ubuntu. How can I change this?20:41
bodavis6Brontoeee, no I haven't, I just supposed that a video player on Ubuntu would have the necessary codecs.20:41
TheCommieDuckI looked around and it said to change stuff to do with grub. The screenshot seems to be of the second window, though.20:42
bodavis6Brontoeee, yes, DVD's20:42
lologuntbert: i put the cd and the first boot is from cd20:42
Stuart__bodavis6: That would require licensing/fees to Canonical20:42
twinkie_addicthow is the onboard graphics suport for dels netbooks in ubuntu ?20:42
twinkie_addictmainly 3d exel ?20:42
brontoeeebodavis6, just install vlc, that should do the trick, i think it is in the repos20:42
guntbertlolo: listen to the drive - does it really boot from it?20:43
bodavis6Brontoeee, why can't I install Real's deb player in UBUNTU?20:43
SchizoidOn resetting a macbook with 10.10 installed I have lost all keyboard input. Can anyone help me or give me a place to start?20:43
TheCommieDucki.e. the first says: 'Windows XP Home, Ubuntu' and the second is something like 'Ubuntu 10.10 generic, Ubuntu 10.10 generic (safe recovery), Windows XP Home'20:43
lologuntbert : yes20:43
bodavis6I will look for vlc. Thanks.20:43
brontoeeebodavis6, why realplayer? i dont think realplayer can play dvds20:43
bodavis6Sure it can,20:43
lologuntbert: should i download the live cd again ?20:44
yagooTheCommieDuck, change "default" choice in the grub conf.. numbering starts from 020:44
bodavis6Even quicktime.20:44
twinkie_addictfigured id ask wile unbootin is getting ubuntu20:44
bodavis6brontoeee, does quicktime have a LINUX version?20:44
yagoobodavis6, no20:44
brontoeeebodavis6, not that i know of20:44
TheCommieDuckyagoo: I was going to do that, http://www.hackourlives.com/change-default-boot-order-for-grub-in-ubuntu-10-10-maverick-meerkat/ like that article...but the grub screen is shows is the second one I get. I get one before it.20:44
bodavis6Ok, I'll look for VLC.  Thanks everyone.20:44
yagoobodavis6, but there are libquicktimes having nothing to do with apple and are not 100 percent20:44
TheCommieDuckI wasn't sure if that affected it.20:45
guntbertlolo: sorry, that seems impossible to me, before you download it again please run and md5 check on the iso file from which you burnt the CD20:45
guntbert*run an md5 check....20:45
lolook thank you guntbert20:46
evonguntbert.  well i have seahorse up and running now. what should i do?20:46
Canadian_PirateIf anyone knows awn well join me an #AWN20:46
guntbertevon: on the first page (passwords) there is a "folder" passwords:login20:47
evonguntbert.  ok got it20:47
guntbertevon: right click on that, select "change password"20:47
evonguntbert.  ok ...20:48
ubuntuguys im running live cd how do i find what drivers are running?20:48
test34ubuntu, lsmod ?20:48
kai696Is there a VirtualBox (Vbox) channel?20:49
ubuntuthanks test3420:49
guntbertevon: enter your system password in the 1st field, let the other two empty, select ok, you get a warning, read it, confirm what you want to do20:49
guntbertkai696: #vbox20:49
Sean93i need to copy the /etc/apt/ folder from the install cd, wher eis it located?20:49
Sean93where is*20:50
ubuntutest34,  is this what it looks like?20:50
evonguntbert.  thanks a million20:50
test34ubuntu, it lists modules that are in use/loaded20:50
test34ubuntu, is it what it looked like?20:51
guntbertevon: you're welcome :-) but keep in mind that in that folder may be more sensible data than just the wlan key, have a look what is actually stored there...20:51
bsmith093how do i do a video passthrough without reencode in handbrake, cause i just want to not have subs20:51
roulsmy kubuntu has been updated with last pakages but it crashed at the end, and i think the grub was not updated, and i still boot on the previous kernel20:51
kai696thanks guntbert20:51
roulshow can i modify correctly my grub??20:51
guntbertkai696: cu there :-)20:51
evonguntbert.  this is not my main system. it's just a media centre PC that will be accessing files from my network20:51
ubuntulooking for my graphics driver test3420:52
brontoeeebsmith093, what file is it?20:52
TheCommieDuckI tried sudo fdisk -l to try and list all the partitions I had, but it doesn't list (and it doesn't show up as a mountable disk drive in the file viewer) the partition ubuntu is installed on. Can I access this partition?20:52
yagoorouls, follow any hints, you may need to use "## "20:52
guntbertevon: thats ok with me, just have a look please20:52
test34ubuntu, i915    I think ?20:52
yagooor "# " i forget..20:52
* noobuntu reboot :p20:52
evonguntbert.  will do thanks20:53
brontoeeebsmith093, and the subs are burned in or what?20:53
guntbertevon: no problem :) have fun!20:53
ubuntuthanks test3420:53
test34np ubuntu20:53
bsmith093brontoeee: no they arent burned in i can turn them off but id rather not have them at all20:53
yagooTheCommieDuck, you may be using "gpt" styled partition table-- fdisk can't list gpt style..20:54
TheCommieDuckyagoo: It lists all my other partitions?20:54
yagooTheCommieDuck, on the same harddrive?20:54
brontoeeebsmith093, then there is a separate file next to that avi, delete it20:54
bsmith093brontoeee: theyr not a seperate srt file they are muxed into the avi by handbrake and i want them out preferably w/o a reencode20:54
TheCommieDuckyagoo: I have the harddrive, then...5 windows partitions? (System, programs, gaming, documents, media). The Ubuntu was installed on the programs one, and it's the only one not showing up.20:55
yagooTheCommieDuck, are you using Wubi ?20:56
brontoeeebsmith093, no idea handbrake can still do avi in the 1st place, have you tried avidemux?20:56
TheCommieDuckyagoo, I might be. But I downloaded and burned the image of the ubuntu installer since it was 10.10 and wubi was 10.4. Though I am dual booting with windows.20:56
bsmith093oh sorry i meant mp420:57
Scunizibsmith093: check out openshot .. it's in the repo20:57
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »20:57
magicianlord10.10 uses different booter20:57
yagooTheCommieDuck, then don't touch anything to do with the bootloader/partitions.. just leave it as it is..20:57
brontoeeebsmith093, use mp4box, should be in the repos20:57
TheCommieDuckyagoo: Ok then, I was just trying to mount the partitions.20:57
brontoeeebsmith093, its a cli app20:57
bsmith093so which is it openshot or mp4box20:57
yagooTheCommieDuck, if you don't know if you're using wubi.. you shouldn't be touching anything sensitive that can disrupt the bootloading20:58
aminehello guys ! i installed git-core but when i type git clone git://git.cinelerra.org/j6t/cinelerra.git my_cinelerra it gives me a problem20:58
Scunizibsmith093: missed the first part of what you were trying to accomplish.. but openshot is a fairly decent video editor/transcoder20:58
TheCommieDuckyagoo: I think I am using wubi; as the installer asked me, I chose to run alongside windows.20:58
GoldenFish4UNO, I did gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel and now I got 1 panel20:58
GoldenFish4UI want my default setup back!20:59
yagooTheCommieDuck, linux is running within a loopback file..20:59
aminesome help please20:59
brontoeeebsmith093, warning: do all the tests on the copy of the movie20:59
sommer07Hello can someone help me with a ATI driver problem?20:59
yagooTheCommieDuck, it's complex to explain it.. but you're not running the ideal linux setup..20:59
TheCommieDuckyagoo, I know I'm not.21:00
aminesome help please !21:00
GoldenFish4USay it ain't so21:00
sommer07Can anybody help me?21:00
GoldenFish4UI did gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel and now my panels are messed up21:01
guntbert!help | sommer07, amine21:01
ubottusommer07, amine: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:01
yagooTheCommieDuck, an idea of a loopbackfile is this-> mounting a regular file (eg: mycdromimage.iso), and making it appear as a physical drive.. Linux is seeing itself on ext2 or ext3 -- but it is all in a "file" on ntfs..21:01
amine i installed git-core but when i type git clone git://git.cinelerra.org/j6t/cinelerra.git my_cinelerra it gives me a problem21:01
TheCommieDuckyagoo, I think I see you.21:02
yagooTheCommieDuck, don't try to understand it.. because it is too hard to explain without illustrations21:02
TheCommieDuckyagoo, Linux cannot mount the ntfs because it sees itself on there, and therefore cannot mount itself?21:02
GoldenFish4UCome on people, this is important21:03
ubuntuhey guys, i am on live cd im at the partion i set it for 241gb but its been at 0% now for the last 4 minutes its not moving, i opend an app to think it may work to get it going the app opened fine but its not moving from 0% on the partition21:03
sommer07Ok, so my 3D isn't working I have installed the drivers and the glxinfo hangs at Name of display :  I have tried the drivers from their site aswell... I have ATI Radeon HD 5750 and SSE(1,2,3) capable intell processor21:03
yagooTheCommieDuck, you're confused already :p.. the point of wubi is not to look at all at this stuff but to toy around the desktop..21:03
amine i installed git-core but when i type git clone git://git.cinelerra.org/j6t/cinelerra.git my_cinelerra it gives me a problem21:03
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »21:03
yagooTheCommieDuck, you can toy around the shell.. but don't touch anything to do with partitions/bootloader..21:03
TheCommieDuckyagoo, I probably am confused. :P21:04
GoldenFish4UHelp! that command ubottu gives doesn't give me the 2 panels21:04
Sean93i need to copy the /etc/apt/ folder from the install cd, where is it located?21:04
TheCommieDuckI guess I'll just have to reinstall a couple of programs then.21:04
noob-tuxjust installed python2.5 doesnt this language got a GUI? if it does how can i have one on my distro?21:04
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meaniefaceGoldenFish4U: if we don't know we don't know, please don't spam the channel21:04
GoldenFish4Ubut this is horrible21:04
GoldenFish4UI can't work like this anymore21:04
sommer07Does anybody know what I can do21:05
magicianlordGoldenFish4U: you need two panels?21:05
k5673GoldenFish4U: what's your issue?21:05
GoldenFish4Uk5673,  I did "gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel" and it messed up, now I have 1 panel with a weird setup21:05
SarajevoHey guys21:05
yagooTheCommieDuck, if u want to play with partitions.. you should install virtualbox.. then you can do anything without worries..21:05
SarajevoI came here to be a nice and constructive chatter21:05
yagooTheCommieDuck, anything, meaning within the virtualbox of course21:05
ubuntuhey guys, i am on live cd im at the partion i set it for 241gb but its been at 0% now for the last 4 minutes its not moving, i opend an app to think it may work to get it going the app opened fine but its not moving from 0% on the partition21:06
magn3tsWhat is the fastest way for me to get 0.9.2 compiz in Meerkat?21:06
hawkalCan anyone think of why the same nvidia driver settings on different ubuntu installs using the same screen have different model names?21:06
magicianlordGoldenFish4U: just right click on the panel and create a new one21:06
magicianlordand add parts to it21:06
GoldenFish4Umagicianlord,  I want the default setup21:06
k5673GoldenFish4U: You can try apt-get remove --purge gnome-panel, then apt-get install gnome-panel21:06
k5673GoldenFish4U: Dirty and quick21:06
TheCommieDuckyagoo, all I really wanted to do was access the data on my windows partitions from linux (since I'm finally trying giving up on windows).21:06
GoldenFish4Uthat command should work, why did it mess up?21:06
magicianlordit's easy to replicate the default21:06
magicianlordi dont know what command. maybe its the wrong command21:06
GoldenFish4UNo, I did "gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel" before21:07
GoldenFish4Uand it worked then21:07
sommer07Does anybody have a solution to my problem?21:07
k5673GoldenFish4U: Configuration issues.... Any tool is unbeatable21:07
yagooTheCommieDuck, you can't mount the ntfs partition the Linux loopbackfile is on.21:07
GeitenneukerI have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass...and I'm all out of bubblegum.21:07
magicianlordGoldenFish4U: open up the terminal, run the killall first, then the former part second21:07
TheCommieDuckyagoo, ok. That shouldn't stop me mounting the other partitions.21:07
TheCommieDuckI thikn.21:07
yagooTheCommieDuck, I have no idea..21:08
TheCommieDuckyagoo, ok. Thanks for the help. :)21:08
k5673sommer07: try to use again the radeon module21:08
GoldenFish4Uthat didnt work magicianlord21:08
k5673sommer07: not fglrx21:08
magicianlordok. then right click on the panel and create a new one at the top or bottom, then add custom menu, window by button list, and notification area21:08
ubuntuguys this is getting creepy21:09
GoldenFish4Ubut why did it suddenly mess up?21:09
magn3tsWhat is the fastest way for me to get 0.9.2 compiz in Meerkat?21:09
eraggoubuntu: why?21:09
shine1hey~ my ubuntu 10.04 recently shows a problem of moving around windows, when the bottom edge of one windows touches the top edge of another window, those windows  can only move one direction--horizontally toward the right, no matter which direction I actually want to move them, anyone has similar experiences?  I am using ubuntu in vbox so it might be a problem with vbox as well, just asking for ideas, thanks!21:09
ubuntumy resizing partition to install ubuntu will not move from 0%21:09
magicianlordGoldenFish4U: i dont know gnome. i run openbox21:10
sommer07k5673: What? I'm sorry I'm kinda new with linux21:10
magicianlordi mean, i use gnome, just not primarily21:10
magicianlordi structure my own desktop with componentns21:10
eraggoubuntu: duh..? and restarting installation wouldn't help? :<21:10
k5673sommer07: you say you have problems with 3d for an ATI GPU, right?21:10
sommer07k5673: Yes21:11
Sean93i need to copy the /etc/apt/ folder from the install cd, where is it located?21:11
SchizoidOn resetting a macbook with 10.10 installed I have lost all keyboard input. Can anyone help me or give me a place to start?21:11
k5673sommer07: the radeon driver supports 3d.21:11
sommer07k5673: Ok. So what should I do? use the "ati-driver-installer-10-10-x86.x86_64.run" or download something else?21:12
k5673sommer07: try to disable the propietary one from jockey-gtk21:12
sushi-mashiTrying to install JAVA SDK and it seems the java.home environment variable is not set. How do I do that in Ubuntu?21:13
yagooSchizoid, do u get a grub prompt?21:13
k5673sommer07: menu>system>administration>hardware drivers21:13
sommer07k5673: Ok, How do I do that? can you just point me in the general direction?21:13
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »21:13
=== nouitfvf is now known as nouitfvf|aw
k5673sommer07: menu>system>administration>hardware drivers21:14
Schizoidyagoo: yes, and the keyboard works there fine21:14
sommer07k5673: I'm on ubuntu 10.10 I guess its Additional drivers?21:14
yagoosushi-mashi, you developing? you only need sdk if u in devlopment21:14
k5673sommer07: that is. sorry. I'm on 10.0421:14
Schizoidyagoo: if I boot into recovery the keyboard isn't functioning by the time I get to that blue menu21:14
sommer07k5673: Ok so I removed the driver.21:15
Canadian_PirateIs anyone here using Unity?21:15
guntbert!u > yagoo21:15
ubottuyagoo, please see my private message21:15
yagooSchizoid, ?21:15
sushi-mashiyagoo, I want to upload my app to the appengine servers. But it keeps giving me this error "appcfg.sh: command not found"21:15
Schizoidyagoo: ?21:15
shine1anyone has any suggestions on my window sticking problem?21:16
hawkalwhy would two ubuntu installs using the same display name the display differently in nvidia x server settings?21:16
sushi-mashiyagoo, And if I cd into the bin of appengine java sdk and then give the .appcgf.sh command it shows me the error "No such file or directory"21:16
sommer07k5673: My AMD/ATI FGLRX driver is now gone (was removing on the last comment)21:17
yagoosushi-mashi, that has nothing to do with ubuntu.. sounds like you want commercial help21:17
sushi-mashiyagoo, Alright thanks21:17
k5673sommer07: reboot21:17
k5673sommer07: sometimes, fglrx give me some headaches21:18
sommer07k5673: Ok brb, also the glxinfo now didn't stop at the Display name.   Also, Thanks :D21:18
GoldenFish4Uk5673,  were u the one running openbox?21:19
aguitelwhat is the last stable kernel verison number ?21:19
yagooSchizoid, does the keyboard work on runlevel 1?21:19
k5673GoldenFish4U: No21:19
rigvedaguitel: on ubuntu?21:20
GoldenFish4Uwho was then?21:20
xangua!info linux | aguitel21:20
k5673aguitel: http://kernel.org21:20
GoldenFish4UI forgot the guy's name ><21:20
ubottuaguitel: linux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component main, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)21:20
GoldenFish4Umagicianlord,  can i c a screenie of ur desktop?21:20
sommer07I'm back :D21:21
k5673sommer07: it works now?21:21
k5673sommer07: run glxgears21:21
sommer07k5673: YES :D21:22
sommer07Thank you so much!21:22
k5673sommer07: OK21:22
aguitelk5673, xangua .i am in lucid ,how install it ?21:22
sommer07k5673: Blender works too :D Better go work on those 3D Models :D21:23
starnwhy does wrestool randomly start up and hogs littarly all my memory?21:23
k5673sommer07: free drivers is the way on ubuntu21:23
k5673sommer07: almost all of the cases21:23
k5673sommer07: ...21:23
guntbert!u | GoldenFish4U21:24
ubottuGoldenFish4U: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.21:24
sommer07k5673: Ok :D I'll remember that :D Thanks for telling me, I can't tell your how many times I've downloaded blender and rage at it lol :P21:24
rigvedaguitel: lucid automatically updates to the latest stable kernel version for lucid whenever it is released21:24
elv1hi i get this error compiling tracker (http://projects.gnome.org/tracker/) from sources : http://paste.ubuntu.com/522900/21:25
rigved!info linux lucid | aguitel21:25
ubottuaguitel: linux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)21:25
hawkalwhat part of the system is used to check what hardware the computer has and would all programs that needed to check use the same fuction?21:25
aguitelrigved, only security updates21:25
k5673aguitel: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile21:25
Canadian_PirateDoes anyone know the kernel version that started to support touchscreens?21:25
aguitelk5673, using the ppa repo ?21:26
k5673aguitel: if you want the lastest one, download it: http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-2.6.36.tar.bz221:27
GoldenFish4Uaight guntbert21:27
elv1anyone can help? http://paste.ubuntu.com/522900/21:28
hcuJust now i installed ubuntu.. I dont understand why software center is not able to access internet connction.....even I setted proxy , username and passwd in Networkproxy settings...Do i need any further settings plz any one help me out....21:28
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sniperjoim going nuts, i cant seem to make nopasswd work in sudoers21:29
yagoohcu, im guessing you're trying to setup internet connection and not running a proxy server. you seem very confused21:30
=== aaron is now known as aaron210
=== Riku is now known as Guest72926
AV3if you have two HDDs /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, how could you install Ubuntu on sdb without changing anything on sda? Another way to put the question: Is it possible to install both Ubuntu and it's bootloader (I guess it's grub2) on sdb and then use the BIOS boot device selection to boot either from sda or sdb, without any changes on sda?21:31
yagooAV3, yeah.. just tell the installer going on sdb not to write the mbrbootcode to sda but to "/dev/sdb"21:32
elv1no one compiled tracker?21:32
AV3yagoo: yes, that's what I indended to do. Do you know by chance if the standard Ubuntu installer offers this option?21:32
Jordan_UAV3: Unfortunatley with 10.10 the only way, as far as I can tell, would be to remove sda during the install.21:32
hcuyogoo,  Actually am trying to install cheese from software center but it giving me the error Failed to download repository information21:33
aidan_Try going into Administration and adding the missing repository?21:33
* eeffoc waves at everyone. how goes it?21:33
yagooAV3, just check the "advanced" button when at the partition scheme part of the installation i forget exactly where it allows u to check this.. but not to worry.. the grub conf for sda is on the sda drive..  but ..21:33
aidan_Alright o:21:33
hcuyogoo, even am able to access internet through firefox..21:33
yagooAV3, i believe the grub installer offers to update the grub on sda if you need it too21:33
AV3ok, thx21:34
yagoo,/ubuntu installer/21:34
yagoo,/ubuntu installer/grub installer21:34
AV3I understand ;)21:34
newbie_bobHas anyone got Ubuntu to dual boot on a Mac book pro?21:34
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=== Gentle is now known as Read
=== Read is now known as Read_
=== Read_ is now known as Reading
eeffocAnyone happen to remote into terminal servers through a webvpn interface using java? im having trouble doing so on my xubuntu box using chrome. O_o21:35
yagoohcu, Question is, if you don't know what a proxy server is, there is no need to touch anything to do with proxy connections21:36
Jef91anyone know if there is a way I can make nautilus always launch with the --no-desktop option?21:36
Geitenneukeri can smell you21:36
newbie_bobAnyone got ubuntu to work on any mac at all?21:37
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages21:37
ReadingI'm fairly certain you could do that o-o.21:37
* yagoo thinks there should be in topic to check out "refit" for mac owners wanting to install linux21:37
Geitenneukeri recommend virtualbox21:37
shawnboyI have Jaunty happily on pc. I played with Lucid server but now want to remove. How do I do it without messing up boot options, Grub 2 vs old Grub w/Jaunty?21:37
newbie_boberUSUL: !mac?21:37
Reading!mac displays the message above.21:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:37
erUSULnewbie_bob: read what ubottu ( the bot ) said. follow the links21:37
newbie_bobubottu: thanks21:38
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)21:38
Geitenneukeri am only a human, please don^t think humans are intelligent21:38
=== altF4 is now known as Guest63812
Geitenneukerpress alt-f4 to continue21:38
Guest72926& thats why humans created ubuntu21:38
italysOutput the number of lines in the standard input that contain the word a or A.21:38
italysany clues as to what command this is?21:38
=== Guest72926 is now known as GanonKiller
ReadingUse grep?21:39
yagoosomeone is thanking the bot21:39
erUSULitalys: grep21:39
Geitenneukermay the ubuntu be with you21:39
hcuyogoo No..I know proxy server ip/port and username/passwd for my connection I setted for firefox and Global network proxy ..its working for browser but why its not working for software center...21:39
ReadingI'm no command line expert, but yeah. Grep it up.21:39
italysgrep doesn't output the number21:39
GanonKillerhas combat arms been released for linux yet?21:39
shawnboyi'd thank the bot too if it would help me with my problem21:39
HumashoomHello, I'm trying to play an online game and keep received the following message from Wine:  ***Finished***   Any ideas?21:39
Geitenneukergrep sounds like a french baguette21:39
ReadingGrep is at least a step on the path to getting the number.21:40
erUSULitalys: "man grep" ( hint grep -c )21:40
ReadingI'm sure you could find something to count the -21:40
HumashoomAnd I can't seem to update to 1.2.121:40
Geitenneukereverything counts in larger mounts21:40
yagoohcu, find out what kind of proxy server softwarecenter supports.. i don't think anyone else here currently does..21:40
ReadingSo lets say I downloaded xChat and having used mIRC in the past, I'm used to being able to make scripts. But xChat runs scripts in Python, Perl and whatnot.21:41
rigved!details | Humashoom21:41
ubottuHumashoom: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:41
ReadingCould anyone recommend which one is the more useful of the two, and whereabouts I can get started with them?21:41
hcuyagoo, but how?21:41
shawnboyspeaking of broccoli... how to I remove Lucid server with Grub2 and leave bootable Jaunty with old Grub?21:41
Noldorinhello. i recently upgraded my ubuntu distro, but i'm experiencing a horrible window bug now21:41
Noldorinall my apps startup and their windows get stuck to the edges21:41
yagoohcu, google?21:41
ReadingThen re-install the previous distribution.21:41
Noldorini can't undock from the edge of the screen21:41
HumashoomThe game is Dungeons and Dragons online.  It's installed.  When I try to run it I receive the message ***Finished*** from Wine.21:42
ownerMy mouse has disappeared, I have enabled the 'ctrl' to show where it is but this is a pain to keep pressing 'ctrl' everything else works fine?21:42
Noldorinis this a documented issue?21:42
HumashoomOh.  Ubuntu 10.0421:42
ReadingWere you doing anything odd.21:42
erUSUL!appdb | Humashoom21:42
ubottuHumashoom: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help21:42
ReadingPrior to that?21:42
NoldorinReading, such as?21:42
Noldorinnot that i can think of21:42
ReadingRunning a command as root that you might've done incorrectly?21:43
yagoohcu, http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160617521:43
HumashoomI tried that channel and didn't get anywhere.21:43
NoldorinReading, pretty sure i didn't. all was working fine before the upgrade21:43
ReadingGoogle is always a good resource o:21:43
ReadingYou upgraded to what specifically? o:21:43
hcuyagoo, thanx i will now go throw it21:43
HumashoomI'm also having troubles upgrading Wine to 1.2.121:43
avogadroodd, my network-manager seems to have been uninstalled, any idea what could have caused that to happen ?21:43
HumashoomThat's might be my only issue with the game not playing.21:43
ownerIs there additional information you need?21:44
ReadingFaulty upgrading could have deleted it, maybe?21:44
ReadingJust a guess.21:44
ReadingShouldn't be much trouble to re-download though, I wouldn't imagine.21:44
HumashoomI downloaded the wine-1.2.1 package but now I don't know what to do with it.  Can you tell I'm new?  8P21:44
NoldorinReading, not sure, just performed the recent security upgrades21:45
avogadroReading: is that as simple as doing apt-get network-manager ?21:45
Noldorinhadn't used it (the ubuntu VM) for a week or so21:45
erUSUL!software | Humashoom21:45
ubottuHumashoom: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents21:45
ReadingShould be.21:45
ReadingOr going through the Software Center.21:45
shawnboyhow do I turn on the lights with ubuntu?21:45
ReadingTurn on the lights?21:45
erUSULHumashoom: use the wine ppa to get newer versions of it21:45
ReadingWhat lights.21:45
erUSUL!ppa | Humashoom21:45
ubottuHumashoom: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.21:45
avogadroReading: I just found it really odd that it is no longer listed in services. Do you know of any package in the repo that would remove it ?21:46
FriGiNanyone know if this will work in my pc for ubuntu .. my wireless usb doesnt.. http://3btech.net/fafc8054wipc.html21:46
ReadingNothing as far as I know.21:46
shawnboythe lights of removing lucide & grub2 to let Jaunty and old Grub remain.21:46
ReadingI haven't a clue.21:46
ReadingA lot of fixes are tracing your previous steps backwards, and doing some research on google.21:46
HumashoomOk, I read all that guys.  I already know some of it.  I'm going to go to that website and check it out.  Thank you guys.21:47
Alphanautcan anyone reccomend a good openvpn client gui for ubuntu?21:47
ownerMy mouse has gone invisible, it works correctly but I can't see it. I use the 'ctrl' to locate/use it. Any ideas out there?21:47
ReadingDoesn't it come with one?21:47
shawnboyhonesty. I can handle that.21:47
pw-toxic   hi, i have deleted /etc/samba because i wanted to reset everything.. i thought this folder gets reinstalled if i do apt-get install samba ;( how can i reset this samba folder?21:47
ReadingSystem -> Administration -> Network Tools?21:47
linxehpw-toxic: you have to do a purge iirc and a reinstall of the package21:47
ReadingWrong thing.21:47
pw-toxiclinxeh, do you mean "apt-get purge samba" ?21:47
Alphanauthmm nobody uses openvpn with a gui?21:48
Reading@Alphanaut, I'm almost 100% certain Ubuntu comes with it's own VPN client.21:48
Alphanautyah where?21:48
ReadingTaskbar @ the top of the screen, click on the network button.21:49
ReadingVPN Connections.21:49
Alphanautdoesnt work with openvpn tho21:49
ReadingRude of it.21:49
pw-toxiclinxeh, i have already done an apt-get purge samba and apt-get install samba afterwards but it didnt help21:49
Alphanautthere arent any provisions to put in certificate info into that one21:49
ReadingDunno :/21:49
ownerMy mouse has gone invisible, it works correctly but I can't see it. I use the 'ctrl' to locate/use it. Any ideas out there?21:49
FriGiNanyone know if this will work in my pc for ubuntu .. my wireless usb doesnt.. http://3btech.net/fafc8054wipc.html21:50
AV3owner: maybe problems with accellerated mouse cursor in your video drivers?21:50
=== Sir_Konrad_ is now known as Sir_Konrad
PrettyLightsOnFiLooking for a bit of advice guys. Does anyone know of a better way to permanantly mount a window's network drive without editing the fstab?21:51
yagooFriGiN, maybe -> http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsview.aspx?langid=1&pnid=1&pfid=1&level=6&conn=5&downtypeid=3&getdown=false&downloads=true  .. if it is really 8185l chipset21:51
pw-toxiclinxeh, ;(21:51
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FriGiNyagoo: the problem is is havnt bought it yet. ihad to go back to win 7 because this peice of junk wireless card doesnt work properly.21:51
FriGiNi dont want to spend 8 more bucks and get another one that doesnt work21:52
linxehpw-toxic: apt-get --purge remove samba && apt-get install samba ?21:52
ikoniaFriGiN: check the supported hardware list21:52
pw-toxiclinxeh, ill try that  thx21:52
Sir_Konradok, fresh Ubuntu install, installed latest nVidia driver, and now the Ubuntu bootscreen is low res. What to do?21:52
ownerUm could you direct me where to look . . . thanks21:52
altF4_Hi, How to boot Ubuntu in console mode? I have problem with graphic drivers and computer stuck in loading Ubuntu 10.1021:53
ikoniaSir_Konrad: how did you install the nvidia driver ?21:53
MonotokoSir_Konrad, System->Administration->Additional drivers21:53
pw-toxiclinxeh, didnt help.. /etc/samba still doesnt exist21:53
Sir_Konradikonia, from the Restricted Drivers section.21:53
halvorsI have problems with nvidia driver.21:54
halvorsWhen install it GNOME is unthemed...21:54
ikoniaSir_Konrad: whats the desktop like when you login ?21:54
intickhello all21:54
halvorsWhen remove it again theme works again...21:54
Sir_Konradikonia, fine.21:54
linxehpw-toxic: what about with samba-common ?21:54
ikoniaSir_Konrad: so it's just the bootsplash21:54
Sir_Konradikonia, just the boot screen looks like crud.21:54
yim10.04, anyone have hda-intel audio mutes when raising volume21:54
altF4_I have also problem with nVidia drivers, computer stuck on load Ubuntu 10.1021:54
ikoniaSir_Konrad: sounds like the frame buffer21:54
hcuwhile using software center iam geting this error "Failed to download repository information. Check your internet connection." even iam able to browse ...21:55
Sir_Konradikonia, ok.. How would you fix that?21:55
MonotokoaltF4, do you only want it in text-mode temporelly?21:55
ikoniaSir_Konrad: with the new plymoth stuff, I'm not %100 certain to be fair21:55
altF4_Monotoko, yes21:55
pw-toxiclinxeh, thank you very much - it worked21:55
yagoohcu, did u try that apt conf?21:56
linxehpw-toxic: doing that with samba-common works for me.21:56
Sir_Konradikonia, Ubuntu 10.04?21:56
linxehpw-toxic: cool21:56
MonotokoaltF4_, you can boot into safe mode from the GRUB prompt at the startup21:56
ikoniaSir_Konrad: yes21:56
Sir_Konradikonia, hmm... :\21:56
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MonotokoaltF4_, its usually your second option21:56
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intickdo somebody uses krusader21:56
hcuyahoo, means? Iam new to unix21:56
altF4_Monotoko, yes but how to see GRUB, i have one OS and auto boot and don't see it21:56
linxehpw-toxic: it is worth learning to read the messages too - samba didnt work because the samba package doesnt exist (therefore you needed to find which package did exist and need reinstalling, ie samba-common)a21:56
hcuyagoo, i dont know iam new to ubuntu21:57
altF4_Monotoko, I tried to pressing keys Esc, F8, F1021:57
pw-toxiclinxeh, i already head installed samba-common, but the problem was, that i manually deleted /etc/samba21:57
halvorsCan anyone look at the bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/66864121:57
MonotokoaltF4_, give me a sec21:57
karthick87Pls help me to  force all my browsers to use proxy using iptable..?21:57
Sir_Konradikonia, ok one more thing. My cursor is jumping around. A lot. Messing up my typing. I have a touchpad on this laptop(of course) and it's messing me up on both GNOME and KDE.21:57
GanonKillerhas combat arms been released for linux yet?21:57
ownerI slowed down the pointer speed acceleration and it appeared, I'm gonna reboot and see if that was it, Thanks, bye bye21:57
MonotokoaltF4_, its shift21:57
linxehpw-toxic: yeah, but when you remove/purged samba that I told you, you said it didnt work - reading the error would hvae explained why21:58
ikoniaSir_Konrad: not sure about that21:58
Sir_Konradikonia, ok.21:58
ikoniaSir_Konrad: need to pop out, back in 15, I'll be happy to look into it then21:58
pw-toxiclinx removing samba worked ;/21:58
Sir_Konradok ikonia, thanks. :)21:58
yagoohcu, i'm guessing the "agent-string" can be changed to fool the proxy server.. maybe the proxy-server is filtering what program can connect to  it21:59
linxehpw-toxic: oh I see :) my box must have had different packages installed. my bad22:00
FishFacetimer applet installed 04:52:46 PM today. Cant find it anywhere. Console or list of apps. Where can it be?22:00
Kevin147I have a Dell Inspiron 1545 and now that I upgraded to 10.10 my graphics have been lagging REALLY bad. How do I fix this?22:01
outofthemadnessCan anyone help me with my display problem? I can't change the refresh rate for my monitor; I know in previous versions I could edit xorg.conf, but I don't know how I'd accomplish this in maverick22:01
wolfric_for some reason when i go to software sources it says "need administrative powers" instead of prompting me for password. it says to run with kdesudo (i'm running gnome btw)22:01
wolfric_any ideas?22:01
MadsTeinKevin nomodeset22:01
yagooKevin147, make sure u using the right video driver.. the optimal one22:01
Kevin147yagoo: I am using the right one, it just lags like really bad unless I move my mouse22:02
hcuyagoo, i think its not...22:02
CarlFKcan a P3 be throttled - I have a duel p3 server box that is idle most of the time.  trying to get the fans to slow down. proc says model name: Intel(R) Pentium(R) III CPU family      1400MHz22:03
rigvedwolfric_: are you sure that in System > Administration > Users and Groups, you have ticked the option to 'administer system' for your user?22:03
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Kevin147MadsTein: What do you mean by nomodeset?22:03
hcuyagoo, the problem is to make software center to access to internet i think so.....as it saying that failed to connect ....22:03
Sir_KonradGRUB >= 1.98-1ubuntu5 <-- What does that mean?22:04
yagoohcu, your proxy server in your company?22:04
MadsTeinsudo gedit /etc/default/grub22:04
gabe_hello fellows, how do I make videos with this kind of format play? video/x-asf22:04
MadsTeinsudo update-grub22:04
hcuyagoo, Iam a student its my university server22:04
rescI just upgraded my server from Ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10, and Samba started panicking/segfaulting every day.22:04
rescIf you had that problem, would you upgrade to the newest version, or downgrade to the older working version?22:05
Sir_Konradhttp://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/ <-- Trying to use that.22:05
JoshuaL_is it still possible to get the Ubuntu Certified Professional certification?22:05
gabe_I can't play wmv videos, it says I'm missing video/x-asf. Is there a fix for this?22:05
Sir_Konradand what's the difference between GRUB 1.98-1ubuntu5 and GRUB 1.98-1ubuntu7?22:06
MadsTeini has a question22:06
FishFacegabe_: Are you using VLC?22:06
MadsTeinany one having problems with arpwatch and sendmail upstart ?22:06
MadsTeinon maverick22:06
MadsTeinroot      2008     1  0 21:47 ?        00:00:00 sendmail: MTA: accepting connections22:06
MadsTeinmadstein  2326  2131  0 22:06 ?        00:00:00 sh -c ps -ef | grep sendmail22:06
MadsTeinmadstein  2328  2326  0 22:06 ?        00:00:00 grep sendmail22:06
gabe_no, just the movie player ubuntu comes with by default.  A forum said to install gnome mplayer but still does not work22:06
gabe_yes, Maverick :)22:06
magicianlordubuntu should come with vlc22:07
gabe_vlc is not here22:07
alzieJoshuaL check here: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/training/course-descriptions22:07
MadsTeinnew upstart is a goo22:07
MadsTeinaint working why22:08
gabe_but still, vlc does not play video/x-asf I guess22:08
magicianlordit plays a lot more than mplayer22:08
FishFacegabe_: You can install it from the software center. It will play wmv's22:08
rigved!info vlc22:08
magicianlordwhich is zero, unless you're connected to the net22:08
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.4-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 1998 kB, installed size 4508 kB22:08
gabe_let's see... I'll install it right now then22:08
star3amhey all22:08
rigved!info vlc lucid22:09
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.6-1ubuntu1.2 (lucid), package size 1598 kB, installed size 3792 kB22:09
FishFacegabe_: Then it might play choppy. We will get to that once you see it playing22:09
adv_how can i disable apache from autostarting on startup?22:09
star3amI have ubuntu 10.10 with encryoted partition, but today I try to boot and it says init not found22:09
MadsTeini want the opusite i want arpwatch and sendmail on boot again22:09
Sir_Konrad/etc/default/grub <-- If there's a # before a line does that mean it's commented out?22:09
jribadv_: use sysv-rc-conf for example22:10
FishFaceSir_Konrad: Yep22:10
rigvedcan vlc also play .mpg videos?22:10
Nattgewis there any way to control zoom and stuff on a webcam?22:10
gabe_yeah I can see that coming. Gnome Mplayer played them on Fedora but I really wanted to try Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit and now I can't get it to play those video/x-asf videos :(22:10
FishFacerigved: Yep22:10
Sir_Konradthanks FishFace. :)22:10
star3amI have now booted with a live cd, how do I mount the encrypted partiton ? Device /dev/sda5 is not a valid LUKS device22:10
ownerIs there a location to verify if a piece of hardware is supported with Ubuntu?22:11
jrib!hardware | owner22:11
ubottuowner: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection22:11
jribowner: probably your best bet22:11
gabe_do I need any additional package with vlc or it's going to play the wmv videos as soon as it's installed?22:11
Sir_KonradFishFace, can I have a break in a line of code in that file?22:11
Sir_Konrador should I have it be all in one line, FishFace?22:12
ownerthank you22:12
FishFacegabe_: You will also want to try Gstreamer. Add that in also22:12
FishFaceSir_Konrad: No #'s in the middle of the lines will stop anything if that is what you mean22:13
gabe_ok I'll add it when vlc finish installing :)22:13
magicianlordgabe_: vlc will play almost all formats out of the box, and you can also use it to view and record your webcam, and listen to radio stations or tv shows22:13
gabe_wow that's awesome. I didn't know so22:14
mtemmermevening everyone22:14
FishFacegabe_: Its all you will ever use :)22:14
QtILVMZrany remote virt-manager users here?22:14
magicianlordthat's why i said it should be included with ubuntu22:14
gabe_ok bad news: it doesn't play the videos :(22:15
hcuWhile ./config ing cheese it giving configure: error: Your intltool is too old.  You need intltool 0.40.0 or later....can any one help me out22:15
gabe_No suitable decoder module:22:15
gabe_VLC does not support the audio or video format "MSS2". Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this.22:15
mtemmermdoes anybody here have any experience installing ubuntu (10.10) on a software raid (raid-0) root partition? I tried installing it, and it did install but after reboot grub doesn't see the md0p0 partition... any ideas?22:15
gabe_that's the message I get, the audio is all I get22:15
magicianlordnever heard of mss222:15
magicianlordmtemmerm: did you install from cd or usb22:16
mtemmermI used to have the same setup with Debian but that was several years back...22:16
mtemmermmagicianlord: cd22:16
magicianlordok, no idea22:16
magicianlordi had an issue with usb installer22:16
ownerI was interested in a Hauppauge 2250 but it looks like the newest support was over 3 years ago for the Nova-T.22:16
gabe_mplayer asks for this: video/x-asf which I found out to be a windows thing22:16
Sir_Konradthanks FishFace. Rebooting. :)22:16
mtemmermwell, the installation went fine, md0 device spanned over 3 scsi disks, installer put everything in place, boot partition is on a separate ide drive i use for data22:17
FishFacegabe_: What is the file extension again?22:17
gabe_well, the video itself says name.wmv but when I open it, mplayer searches for video/x-asf22:17
ownerIs there another location for drivers/support for the Hauppauge HVR-2250?22:17
mtemmermgrub finds the boot partition but then can't mount / on /dev/md0p0 because it doesn't ... well... exist at that point22:17
FishFacegabe_: Hold on22:18
gabe_when I right click on it to see its properties, it says Windows Media Video video/x-asf as Type22:18
The_Janitorhey guys i am having trouble with an iptable policy, i want a policy that will block all transmissions that are destoned for eth0, but in doing so i block the initial vpn connection.  here is my policy: http://pastebin.com/g8jaxwGa  this line in particular 'iptables -A OUTPUT -o "$ethdev" -j DROP', it says i cannot access the tun tap device when it is enables.  the policy compensates by allowing connection through the tun device, but the initial con22:19
The_Janitornection is obviously not going through. where am i going wrong? :S22:19
=== Lenin_Cat is now known as Elder_God
FishFacegabe_: Looking around for a solution. You are not alone22:19
ikoniaThe_Janitor: try #netfilter22:20
ikoniaThe_Janitor: #netfilter sorry22:20
gabe_thank you so much. That's why I switched to Ubuntu, its community is undoubtedly the best22:20
Nattgewis there any way to control zoom and stuff on a webcam?22:20
rescI just upgraded my server from Ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10, and Samba started panicking/segfaulting every day.  If you had that problem, would you upgrade to the newest version, or downgrade to the older working version?22:21
ikoniaresc: you can't downgrade22:21
=== Elder_God is now known as Lenin_Cat
rescikonia, i could try and pin samba to the older version22:21
ikoniaresc: it won't work, but your welcome to try22:21
rescikonia, ok, that's good to know22:21
acidubthirdhello . is there a way to install the drivers that come with the graphic card in ubuntu 10.10?22:22
ikoniaacidubthird: what graphics card ?22:22
acidubthirdikonia : a xfx 5200 nvidia22:23
ikoniaacidubthird: if you go to system -> administration -> hardware drivers menu, you should be able to enable supported nvidia kernel drivers22:23
rickhIs it or does chromium loose its search engines between starts and restarts and log ons and offs.22:23
rickhIt is quite anoying to have re add them all the time.22:24
acidubthirdikonia : those dont work well.22:24
ikoniaacidubthird: define "not well"22:24
xivenI installed the latest Kubuntu via Wubi two days ago, the wireless connection manager sees a wireless network available (not mine), but it won't connect to mine (not-broadcasted) even though I've entered the configuration information.22:25
acidubthirdwhen using web browser firefox i get black screens and after a while computer stuck22:25
MindVirusHow do I fix that?22:25
MindVirusdpkg isn't installing dependencies.22:25
ikoniaMindVirus: check your repos22:26
jribMindVirus: dpkg isn't supposed to install dependencies22:26
MindVirusI have it.22:26
MindVirusikonia: libportaudio2 is in the Ubuntu repos.22:26
jribMindVirus: what did you execute exactly to get your pastebin?22:26
ikoniaMindVirus: yes but what external repos do you have enabled22:26
MindVirusjrib dpkg -i <file>.deb.22:26
MindVirusikonia: Nothing that would interrupt this.22:26
ikoniaMindVirus: that's never going to work then22:26
jribMindVirus: then see my first comment22:26
acidubthirdikonia : when using web browser firefox i get black screens and after a while computer stuck22:27
MindVirusjrib: That is not helpful.22:27
MindVirusikonia: ?22:27
Jyggawhats the naming convention on ubuntu package versions?22:27
ikoniaMindVirus: it's the truth22:27
MindVirusSo how do I install this?22:27
ikoniaMindVirus: dpkg doesn't pull in deps22:27
ikoniaMindVirus: install the dep manually22:27
Jyggai just see -1ubuntu1 appended all the time and im wondering22:27
MindVirusI really don't want to do that.22:27
ikoniaMindVirus: then you can't install it22:27
jribMindVirus: sure it is.  It tells you that dpkg does not install dependencies.  You are expecting it to do something it does not do...  Just double click on your .deb if you are sure it is meant for your ubuntu version22:27
juizmillolá galera blz22:27
MindVirusThe problem is that it is unauthenticated and the stupid Ubuntu Software Center won't install it.22:28
d3v0hi i lose a folder with lots of pictures in it22:28
juizmillsou novo no ubuntu ou seja no linx22:28
d3v0anybody know how i can find it22:28
jribMindVirus: and when you double click?22:28
ikoniaMindVirus: your using dpkg - so install the dependency, then re-use dpkg to install it22:28
MindVirusjrib: That's what I'm talking about.22:28
juizmilltem como alguem me ajuda a instalar uma parada aqui22:28
FishFacegabe_: Not getting anywhere. Still looking22:28
MindVirusikonia: Yes, but that will make the dependency manually installed.22:28
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:28
ikoniaMindVirus: so ?22:28
jribMindVirus: is it opening gdebi?22:28
ikoniaMindVirus: what is it your actually trying to install ?22:28
MindVirusjrib: No. It opens Ubuntu Software Center.22:29
MindVirusikonia: python-pyaudio.22:29
jribMindVirus: then use gdebi, maybe something changed recently...22:29
juizmilltem algum Brasileiro aqui22:29
ikoniaMindVirus: where did you get the deb ?22:29
jrib!br | juizmill22:29
ubottujuizmill: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.22:29
rootboxhow i setup rxvt _22:29
gabe_thanks for the effort FishFace. I'm in google looking around as well :)22:29
rootboxhow i setup rxvt _22:29
MindVirusikonia: http://people.csail.mit.edu/hubert/pyaudio/#downloads22:29
jribrootbox: configure? install? what do you mean by "setup" exactly?22:29
d3v0anybody know how i can do a search for file extensions22:30
MindVirusOh, nevermind, we're good. apt-get install -f did what I wanted.22:30
ikoniaMindVirus: what version of ubuntu are you using ?22:30
rootboxuse it22:30
rootboxuse rxvt22:30
rootboxi dowalod it and just got txt22:31
ikoniaMindVirus: I'd check what it's just pulled in. make sure it's not pulled in deps for an older version22:31
jribrootbox: do you know about APT?22:31
myth_just type in search *.your exste. in search place22:31
MindVirusikonia: It pulled in the right thing.22:31
ikoniaMindVirus: sorry, I worded that bad22:31
jrib!software | rootbox22:31
ubotturootbox: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents22:31
MindVirusI am excited. I finally get to turn my computer into a drum brain.22:31
jribrootbox: you don't download software yourself in ubuntu, you use APT.  Read ubottu's links to learn more22:31
outofthemadnessCan anyone help me with my display problem? I can't change the refresh rate for my monitor; I know in previous versions I could edit xorg.conf, but I don't know how I'd accomplish this in maverick22:32
rootboxa thx22:32
MindVirusPyAudio is great.22:33
mtemmermdoes anybody here have any experience installing ubuntu (10.10) on a software raid (raid-0) root partition? I tried installing it, and it did install but after reboot grub doesn't see the md0p0 partition... any ideas?22:33
acidubthirdikonia : when using web browser firefox i get black screens and after a while computer stuck22:33
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erUSULmtemmerm: i doubt many people will be willing to take the risk of a raid-0 root partition ...22:35
acidubthirddoes anyone know if it is possible to install drivers that come with graphic board on ubuntu 10.10?22:35
gabe_just wanted to thank you all for the help. I gotta go but I'll come back later to see if I can get this fixed :)22:35
Steve^How does mysqld get started when I boot?22:35
jribSteve^: what is your real question?22:35
Random_Foolhey hey all, having problems booting up a wubi installation of 10.04 on an hp tm2-2050,, i get a beautiful blank screen on boot22:35
Steve^jrib, that's it22:35
erUSULSteve^: a init script in /etc/init.d/ or /etc/init/22:35
jrib!upstart | Steve^22:35
ubottuSteve^: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/22:35
mtemmermerUSUL: I fail to see why... have been using it for years with nightly backups on a large data drive22:36
mtemmermerUSUL: works lightning fast22:36
alzieacidubthird you can d/l the most recent drivers from the nvidia site and install those22:36
Steve^jrib, doesn't upstart still use the rc2.d directory, or has that changed?22:36
jribSteve^: for backwards compatibility, sure22:36
xivenWould an SSH key file (for web server) be generated via server shell or on the client machine?22:37
Steve^jrgp, I ask because mysql isn't in rc2.d, so maybe it's in upstart somewhere22:37
erUSULmtemmerm: to each his own; i guess ;P22:37
jribSteve^: what version of ubuntu?22:37
men1970hola a todos22:37
xivenI believe Ubuntu has a couple of commands to make ssh live easier...right?22:37
Steve^jrib, 10.1022:37
acidubthirdalzie : how do i install them on ubuntu 10.10?22:37
erUSUL!es | men197022:37
ubottumen1970: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:38
jribSteve^: /etc/init/mysql.conf (upstart)22:38
mtemmermerUSUL: fair enough ;) it's not a production critical machine anyway... it can take downtime if necessary, just like the speed of launching applications on it, seeing as it's a fairly old box22:38
alzieacidubthird give me few to find the link with the instructions22:38
Steve^jrib, excellent, thanks22:38
acidubthirdalzie : wow! ok thanks22:39
alzieacidubthird these are the instructions I followed to install mine: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99097822:40
acidubthirdalzie : i ll try to install the ones that came with the cd once my board it s from xfx22:41
BlitzBopcould anyone help me with a wine(probably) issue?22:42
alzieacidubthird it's an nvidia cared?22:42
alzieacidubthird it's an nvidia card?22:42
Guest44128is there any reason to run 10.04 if i'm not a paying support customer?22:42
xanguaGuest44128: you can pay support to canonical22:43
jribGuest44128: you don't want to upgrade every 6 months22:43
Guest44128yes i want!22:43
acidubthirdalzie : i guess it is. xfx 520022:43
alpha_My sound is not working anymore and I think it was Realplayer which killed it. I am pretty sure it will return if I reboot my computer but is there any command that could "reboot" my sound without having me to shut down my whole system?22:44
alzieacidubthird the driver you're looking for will likely be called NVIDIA-Linux-version.run22:45
=== the_rogue_smiler is now known as lap_dragon
SvendbennoHi. I'm having some problems getting drawings from geogebra into OpenOffice. They end up unreadable. Any idea on how to do this?22:47
yggdrasilhello, how can i change the amount of time my laptop waits before it goes to sleep ?22:49
magicianlordyggdrasil: power management22:49
emrhi, on ubuntu when installing (with apt.) i'm getting File must be owned by the database user or root, must have no write permission for "group", and must have no permissions for "other". but i cant find server.key file, any where, under /etc/postgresql22:49
yggdrasilwhy are the options so limited in there ? 10 or 30 minute ?22:49
yggdrasili just want like 18 minutes22:49
VCoolioalpha_: try alsamixer in a terminal, or gnome-alsamixer, or try restarting sound daemon (sudo service pulse restart  or  sudo service alsa restart)22:50
=== eZet- is now known as eZet
nimbioticshello. I created a couple of users that are not necesary any more. How do I delete ALL traces of such users? TIA!22:51
jribnimbiotics: deluser and then delete their home directories22:51
nimbioticsjrib: Thanks22:52
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ljsoftnethow do i restore boot to its default settings, i just wanted a blank background22:55
smallsHelp please: Im running 10.10 netbook remix. How do I enable the desktop to display, allow right clicking, and also be able to edit the bar on the left with the icons?22:56
=== JimmyJ_ is now known as JimmyJ
star3amcan anyone help with Device /dev/sda5 is not a valid LUKS device.22:59
not_davidhello gang, how would i display a message to the screen of a locally logged on user while im ssh'd into the box?22:59
QtILVMZrstar3am: I guess that means /dev/sda5 isn't a valid LUKS device :)23:00
QtILVMZrstar3am: made any changes to your disk layout?23:00
star3ami know :/ when i installed ubuntu i said encrypt partition23:00
QtILVMZrstar3am: okay and?23:01
QtILVMZrstar3am: it's complaining about that on first boot/23:01
star3amQtILVMZr: I installed ubuntu on encrypted partition, then updated to ubuntu 10.10 now whn i start my lapt top i get no init fount23:01
star3amQtILVMZr: so i downloaded ubuntu to am now in a live cd23:02
bzrknot_david: wall23:02
bzrknot_david: echo foo | wall23:03
QtILVMZrstar3am: I think you may need to do something like sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda5 pvcrypt23:05
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QtILVMZrstar3am:  but verify before you do23:05
star3amQtILVMZr: yes, that is what I tried reading the wiki, just it sayd it's not a valid LUKS device :/23:06
michael_2which button makes me enter grub at boot?23:06
not_davidbzrk: thats only for a term right? or will it popup a lil dialog to the gui too?23:06
star3amQtILVMZr: not sure what to do now, fdisk -l shows my partitions23:06
erUSULmichael_2: in grub2 --> shift23:06
QtILVMZrstar3am:  star3am are you sure you are using the correct parition/23:06
michael_2erUSUL: thanks23:07
bzrknot_david: its terminal only23:07
star3amQtILVMZr: yes23:07
michael_2erUSUL: doesnt work :(23:07
erUSULtry "Esc" ( for grub1 )23:08
michael_2tried that before :/23:08
erUSULmichael_2: one of the two should work23:09
michael_2there is no countdown23:09
michael_2ubuntu starts instantly after bios23:09
star3amQtILVMZr: is there anything else than LUKS ?23:09
erUSULmichael_2: you can change that in /etc/default/grub ( grub2 ) or on /boot/grub/menu.lst ( grub1 )23:10
michael_2erUSUL: yeah but i cant do much since gnome is weird23:10
michael_2i only get desktop23:10
michael_2no menus or anything23:10
michael_2after i blacklisted my nic driver23:10
erUSULmichael_2: blacklisting a nic driver module should not have that ill consequences.23:11
ThreeOfEightHallo, I am experiencing some problem with Wifi on a Lenovo IdeaPad S10, I have tried several instructions to make it work, but none has worked so far. The Wifi adapter is recognised, but when I try to scan, it says "Failed to read scan data : Invalid argument", and Network Manager returns no networks in range.23:11
michael_2i think so too :P23:11
michael_2erUSUL: do you know the keys to kill x and get to console?23:12
erUSULmichael_2: alt + crtl + f123:12
michael_2thank you23:12
michael_2try unblacklist now23:12
michael_2and fix grub23:13
not_davidbzrk: i found 'xmessage' but thanks anyway.23:13
shomonhi, I've got a samba share on a windows network23:14
shomonand I'm trying to access it23:14
shomonany idea how I do that? I'm currently getting an error message of...23:14
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shomon"unable to mount location"23:14
shomonfailed to retrieve share list from server23:14
smallsHelp please: Im running 10.10 netbook remix. How do I enable the desktop to display, allow right clicking, and also be able to edit the bar on the left with the icons?23:14
k1ngi need help with gparted23:14
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Guest64537i cant move partitions23:16
Guest64537please help me23:16
michael_2erUSUL: unblacklist didnt seem to help though :(23:16
liminal_I have an error whenever i try to shutdown23:18
Guest64537anyone please help23:18
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liminal_the process seems to hang at the local file system unmount point23:18
Guest44128why is html tooltips in firefox ugly? white text on black background. should it be like this? (every website, looks nice in ff/ie on win)23:18
liminal_restarting doesn't have the same problem23:18
juan__ hola alguien en casa23:21
not_davidjuan__: por favor, utilice el canal de ubuntu-es23:23
=== UNBELIEVABLE is now known as unbelievable
Farbe_Ubuntu is klasse http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOk0a9e7Opw23:24
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brophyin the latest version of pidgin, is the buzz for all protocols ?23:25
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canadap36ubuntu server help?23:27
canadap36mixed domain23:27
canadap36or not23:28
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Guest44128when will ubuntu switch to Libre Office?23:28
SJrHow can I get a history of dpkg installations?23:31
linxehthere is a way to get a set of the packages so you can clone the install23:32
linxehhttp://www.debianadmin.com/clone-your-ubuntu-installation.html and similar23:32
canfropialthi all. I have erased two swap partitions in a drive, and grub doesn´t start23:32
linxeh think there is a cleaner way though23:32
nanovanyhey hi23:33
not_davidSJr:   /var/log/dpkg.log23:33
nanovanyhow can I use borland c++ 3.1 in  ubuntu :S..23:34
canfropialthow do i re-build automatically the grub in a hard drive with partitions?23:34
switch10_linxeh: dpkg --get-selections > package_list   will give you a list of installed packages.  dpkg --set-selections < package_list  will reinstall all of the packages on the list.23:36
michael_2is there a way to get an older linux kernel from apt? can only find 35-2223:38
linxehswitch10_: I wasnt asking )23:39
veeblesswitch10_: I think that will work, but doesn't that method lose track of packages that were installed only because they were dependencies?  For example, if you install gimp and then gimp has a dependency on (say) gimp-print, then the new system will think that both gimp and gimp-print need to be installed independently.23:39
veeblesso if you later uninstall gimp, then gimp-print will still be there23:39
ljsoftnethow do i fix blank screen at boot startup?23:40
GentooGeoffCheck your xorg log23:40
bizohello anybody out there???23:40
GentooGeoffcat /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:40
VisualMediadoes anyone know how to fix problem described here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132610023:41
VisualMedia"DHCP3-server doesn't start at boot - but works when started afterwards"23:41
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GentooGeoffVisualMedia: Try changing the runlevel23:42
michael_2can anyone help me with my gnome panels, they dont appear after boot anymore. tried delete .gnome2 and .gconf :/23:43
pw-toxichi, when i run phpmyadmin i get the error "cannot load mysql extension" i have installed apache2  php5 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 .... i cant fix this problem by my self and i dont know what else i could do ;(23:43
GentooGeoffpw-toxic: Install the mysql extension23:44
pw-toxicGentooGeoff, how?!23:44
pw-toxicGentooGeoff, apt-get install php5-mysql should do it23:44
pw-toxici thought23:44
GentooGeoffpw-toxic: run php -i mysql23:44
ljsoftnethow do i fix blank screen at boot startup?23:45
GentooGeoffpw-toxic: You may have installed it, but you haven't enabled it.23:46
pw-toxicphp -i mysql prints a lot to the console23:46
pw-toxicGentooGeoff, how do i enable it?23:46
GentooGeoffEdit your php.ini file23:46
mbroekerpw-toxic, he meant: php -i | grep mysql23:46
GentooGeoffYeah, what mbroeker said23:46
ljsoftnetGentooGeoff what should i be looking for in the xorg file log?23:46
corey_hey guys i just installed ubuntu and at startup i get this fuzzy screen, but then it cuts on, is that okay or should i redownload ubuntu and try to reinstall to make sure its okay. although everything seems fine its just that so i dont know if its faulty.23:46
GentooGeoffljsoftnet: An error message of some sort23:47
pw-toxicmbroeker, now a lot of "mysql" strings are highlightend in the output23:47
GentooGeoffAlthough perhaps I don't know what you mean by blank window when you boot up. Are you referring to logging in X doesn't start or what?23:47
ljsoftnetGentooGeoff i think there's no error23:47
Esigolosomebodu cam help me with the headphone jack sensor?? it is not working23:48
ljsoftnetGentooGeoff i cant find any23:48
corey_anybody else get a fuzzy screen when they startup there pc?23:48
mbroekerpw-toxic, without mysql, the screen would be empty. you can assume that php5-mysql is installed23:48
pw-toxicmbroeker, so why is phpmyadmin telling me that the mysql extension is missing?23:48
GentooGeoffYou need to uncomment the mysql extension libraries in your php.ini file23:49
Felip0nsomeone know23:49
=== GoHawks is now known as HawksWin
tensorpuddingknow what?23:49
ljsoftnetGentooGeoff im referring to plymouth not showing up23:50
GentooGeoffljsoftnet: Your splash file is missing probably23:50
ljsoftnetGentooGeoff you know how to fix it?23:50
pw-toxicmbroeker, where do i find php.ini?23:51
mbroekerpw-toxic, check /etc/php5/conf.d/,mysql*23:51
GentooGeoffljsoftnet: Try and see if this works, http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=953754423:51
oliver602is slow printing in ubuntu a common problem atm?23:52
VCoolio /ja23:52
pw-toxicmbroeker, there is a mysql.ini with the content "extension=mysql.so"23:52
mbroekerpw-toxic, have you restarted your server?23:52
pw-toxicmbroeker, several times but i do it once again to be sure23:52
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mbroekerpw-toxic, sudo service apache2 restart23:52
pw-toxic/etc/init.d/apache2 restart i did do23:53
shomonhi, how do I access a named (not anonymous) samba share from ubuntu?23:53
pw-toxicmbroeker, restarted apache2 with init.d and service and still phpmyadmin doesnt work ;(23:53
mbroekerpw-toxic, now do: tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log and re-visit myadmin23:53
ljsoftnetGentooGeoff i already tried this but still displays a blank screen23:54
GentooGeoffmbroeker: Have you tried following this guide? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP23:54
shomonfindsmb gives nothing, but on a windows xp computer it says it's sharing23:54
mbroekerof course not: i am a postgresql fanboy23:54
pw-toxicmbroeker, done23:54
TrimeRtem brasilero I ?23:54
GentooGeoffOops, I meant that to be  for pw-toxic23:54
TrimeRtem brasileiro ai ?23:55
pw-toxicGentooGeoff, i try this guide now23:55
kapui am stuck on a very low resource 250mb ram laptop. can someone tell me what man page describes removing encryption that was enabled during install of ubuntu?23:55
pibarnasTrimeR: tem mas vá ao #ubuntu-br23:55
pw-toxicGentooGeoff, ah yes thats the guide i used... but i try it again from start ;)23:56
GentooGeoffkapu: Is this a new install?23:57
GentooGeoffI would suggest just re-installing, it would be the fastest route23:57
GentooGeoffAnd easiest23:57
aeon-ltdkapu: not sure if ubuntu actually encrypts the fs it was installed on, but you would save much ram by disabling encryption, you'd save a coupled of cpu cycles23:57
kapui see23:58
GentooGeoffIt encrypts the home folder, not the entire fs iirc23:58
kapuin top it shows cpu top of list often23:58
aeon-ltdbut not a lot, i'd work on other things like changing gnome to something lighter23:58
aeon-ltdkapu: what is this process called?23:58
kapuim using wmii23:59
GentooGeoffI would suggest re-installing kapu, unless you are good at working inside grub or chrooting.23:59

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