
scott-upstairsholstein, actually audacity will be there if anyone installs video01:41
scott-upstairsi know that seems counterintuitive, but...01:41
scott-upstairsif someone is making a movie and needs to edit sound, say for a menu, or for a soundtrack01:42
scott-upstairsor even to edit a sound effect01:42
holsteinScottL: yeah03:57
holsteini like that actually03:57
holsteinaudacity in the video meta-package03:57
ScottLholstein, it seemed more appropriate, but if there is enough desire from users, say enough to make a workflow ;), then it certainly can be put back into one of the audio seeds04:03
holsteinScottL: i dont think it has a place in a pro audio workflow personally04:04
holsteinbut, i know lots of new folk use it04:04
holsteinand podcasters04:04
holsteinfor simple editing04:04
holsteinjust pulling in a stereo track and cutting it up04:04
holsteinworks great04:04
holsteinand easy04:04
holsteinno JACK required04:04
ScottLi wanted to create a podcasting workflow and gave it quite a bit of thought, but didn't come up with a complete one, at least with applications direct from the archives04:05
ScottLi've been thinking about this too, however04:06
holsteinScottL: ardour would be ideal04:07
holsteinits really just the JACK set-up04:07
ScottLi was thinking about trying to get Ubuntu Studio merchandise created (this is not a new idea)04:07
holsteinScottL: totally04:07
holsteingreat idea04:07
ScottLand using the proceeds to perhaps fund getting a developer to make mumble jack aware04:08
ScottLincidentally this could fund other directions that ubuntu studio would like to go04:08
holsteinScottL: i like that04:08
holsteinput it toward whatever development is needed at the time04:08
* holstein gotta run04:09
ScottLbut, this is not a unilateral decision for me to make, i expect to need to clear the use of "ubuntu" and perhaps "studio" as well04:10
ScottLand at least two people should be accountable (no pun intended) for the proceeds to avoid the appearance or occurrence of impropriety 04:14
stochasticScottL, why is Lilypond and Denemo being ditched in Natty?06:34
* stochastic reads the full e-mail and highly disagrees with some of the package removals06:36
stochasticIf I do recall correctly, all of the packages currently included in the metas are there because they serve a distinct workflow purpose that no other package/app serves.06:40
stochasticWhy are all the DJ apps being removed?  Why is CSound being removed? JDelay!?!06:42
stochasticRather than removing everything that someone doesn't list on the workflow page, why not take out the items that people can prove are redundant in the meta?06:45
ScottLstochastic, the decisions were worked over with persia, among them replacing denemo and lilypond with mscore06:59
* ScottL realizes that persia is not the be all, end all however06:59
ScottLstochastic, can you provide some workflows that will utilize the applications you mentioned?07:00
ScottLreplacing applications back into the seeds is not objectionable, far from it07:02
ScottLi hope to see community involvement to keep the applications, actually07:03
ScottLstochastic, i'm presuming you are away at the moment, however, when you get back i would like to discuss possibly creating a audio-dj task/seed07:05
stochasticScottL, I'll copy the current wiki onto my netbook (as I do have time to work while on my commute) and edit up some tasks07:24
stochastican audio-dj seed seems redundant to me at first (i.e. would contain many of the same low level basics that the audio meta would)07:25
ScottLstochastic, i have been updating the seeds but they haven't been pushed yet or the -meta updated13:52
ScottLi had been waiting for input from users13:52
ScottLalso, the audio seed has been split into three seeds: audio-common, recording, and generation13:53
ScottLthe idea is to try to give a user a smaller subset of the audio applications as they desire13:53
ScottLthe premise is that someone who does not play an instrument would not want several additional applications like guitarix, et al13:54
ScottLhopefully this will also help with the length of the menu13:54
ScottL 14:02
ScottLstochastic, i would expect many of the "low level basics" that you mentioned would be included already in the audio-common seed14:03
ScottLwhich an audio-dj would then depend on as well in the same manner as the generation and recording seeds14:04
TheMusoHey folks. Just checking in briefly before boarding my flight to Boston.14:53
paultagTheMuso, Hell yeah! Where abouts?15:53
paultagTheMuso, That there is my homeland15:53
TheMusopaultag: Flew from Orlando to Boston.21:12
paultagTheMuso, I grew up in Boston21:18
paultagTheMuso, good flight I hope :)21:18
TheMusoYeah wasn't too bad, a few screaming children though.21:20

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