
Goog_Joshdoes anybody khow why cron can't exec some applications like totem, kaffeine etc.?12:58
bilalakhtarkenvandine: Back?18:09
bilalakhtarkenvandine: ah, leave it, 'twas about sponsoring18:12
lamalexanyone know if chris has a ppa for firefox 4?18:13
* bilalakhtar checks18:13
* lamalex just realized he can check himself18:13
lamalexim still tired from uds :P18:14
bilalakhtarlamalex: https://edge.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-next18:21
bilalakhtarbye, hafta go18:21
lamalexanyone know if there's a maverick ppa for gtk3? is it possible to install gtk3 along side gtk2?19:51
lamalexah, I've just found https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/gnome3-builds19:52
lamalexhey, do any of you know if we'll be using the same gnome-appearance-properties in Natty as we use in Maverick, or if we'll be changing to gnome-control-center20:05
TheMusolamalex: I think seb128 can give you a better idea of that, and of course he is not around, being a weekend.20:09
* lamalex should probably not be around either20:10
lamalexand you too20:10
chrisccoulsonTheMuso, are you still in orlando?20:10
TheMusoNo, I am in Boston, for plumbers later this week.20:10
TheMusoCurrently in my room, hoping to hook up with others later for a drink/some communal hacking if I can find them.20:11

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