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ebroderScottK: is it reasonable to INVALID a backport request for a bug fix? There's a separate bug tracking an SRU for the same fix01:06
ebroder(bug #666204; sru request is bug #619015)01:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 666204 in maverick-backports "Please backport dictionaries-common 1.5.15 to Maverick" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66620401:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 619015 in dictionaries-common (Ubuntu) "dictionaries-common versions of ispell.el and flyspell.el break recent emacsen" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61901501:07
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ebroderslangasek: i've been just pressing escape as soon as plymouth shows up to see the warning. more reliable than finding the right planetary alignment to see it :)01:00
Kaleothere is a bug in maverick fixed in the natty package and I cannot find the documentation for the process of requesting a backport of the fix02:13
Kaleohere is the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xdg-utils/+bug/66453102:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 664531 in xdg-utils (Ubuntu) "xdg-email fails with Ubuntu 10.10" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:13
ebroder!sru | Kaleo02:21
ubottuKaleo: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates02:21
Kaleoebroder: thank you very much02:22
slangasekebroder: oh; feel free to amend the test case07:00
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BlackZlucidfox: bug #608159: are you working on that merge?09:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 608159 in liferea (Ubuntu) "Please merge liferea 1.6.4-1 from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60815909:25
lucidfoxBlackZ> no09:53
BlackZlucidfox: ok, if you don't mind, I'd merge it :)09:53
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corecodei'm trying to package a setuid binary, but somehow that doesn't work13:14
corecodeis there something special i need to do?13:14
corecodethe permissions appear unchanged, already in the staging area13:14
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debfxcorecode: dh_fixperms might remove the setuid bit13:18
corecodeah, thanks13:19
corecodethat's it13:19
corecodeor not :/13:20
corecodeah yes13:21
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azeemdylan-m: please don't do that15:03
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corecodeany suggestions how to run a single command on bootup from a package?15:53
corecodeprovide an init script?15:53
corecodeor add a @reboot line to cron?15:53
debfxcorecode: I'd go with an init script or upstart job15:59
corecodei'd like to keep it compatible with debian16:01
corecodedo they use upstart?16:01
debfxdon't forget to check in the init script if the package is still installed16:05
highvoltagepersia: debian has yet another definition for 'flavour': http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPureBlends16:44
bgamariScott Remnant in the house?16:45
highvoltagebgamari: he's Keybuk on irc, so doesn't seem so16:47
bgamariIs it common that distribution specific changes to kernel parameters exposed through /proc/sys are changed in the kernel tree instead of /etc/sysctl.conf?16:51
bgamariScott seems to think that if a change in the default swappiness were to happen it should happen in the kernel tree16:51
bgamariwhich seems a little strange to me16:52
bgamariisn't this the precise reason we have sysctl(8)16:52
ogra_acbgamari, well, not if you can convince upstream to take the change17:00
ogra_acits one piece less to maintin17:00
ogra_acsysctl is to override defaults17:01
bgamariogra_ac: Precisely17:05
bgamariogra_ac: Upstream will not take a change in the default swapiness17:05
bgamarithis seems quite clear17:05
bgamariespecially not a change to what ubuntu should be using in its desktop distribution (probably between 10 and 30)17:06
bgamariI suspect Scott was suggesting that the swapiness should be changed in the ubuntu kernel tree17:09
bgamaribut still, as you said, sysctl is to override defaults17:10
bgamariwhy would we pollute the ubuntu tree with patches that have no hope of making it upstream when there is a perfectly good mechanism for overriding this value in userspace?17:10
ebrodersysctl can also be used to set defaults. c.f. /etc/sysctl.d/10-zeropage.conf17:11
ebrodererr, reading the comments, i guess that's actually a bad example17:12
bgamariEither way, this insistence on going through the kernel tree is one of the few reasons #516834 hasn't moved forward17:12
bgamariwe have known that the current swapiness is ill-suited for desktop use for almost a year17:14
bgamariit's been known for far longer than that17:14
ebroderreading the discussion, i agree with Keybuk. and it looks like the reason the bug isn't making any progress is because people were being stubbornly unhelpful while JFo was trying to triage17:16
ebroder(primarily that the different kernel flavors give you the distinction you want to figure out what swappiness should be set to, which you don't have in the procps package)17:17
bgamariebroder: Perhaps there could be packages containing bits of server- or desktop-specific configuration (e.g. sysctl.d files)17:19
ebroderwe have that already. linux-image-generic vs. linux-image-server17:19
bgamariI guess that would be the appropriate place in that case17:19
bgamariebroder: It's true that people weren't particularly helpful17:24
bgamaribut it's also true that a vague request for "testing" with no further qualification isn't going to get you particularly useful responses17:24
ebroderbgamari: people were actively unhelpful and antagonistic to the guy whose job it is to figure out what bugs the kernel team should be paying attention to. i think the result was fairly predictable17:26
bgamarifair enough17:27
bgamariebroder: The problem with dropping a file in sysctl.d from linux-image-* is that there is no dependency on procps17:29
bgamariebroder: Is it acceptable to carry a file in package A that has no use without package B, while there is no relationship between A and B17:30
ebroderis there not a config flag or something to set the default swappiness?17:32
bgamarilet me check17:33
ebroderhmm...looks like not. that might be a good resolution - come up with a CONFIG_SWAPPINESS or whatever, because that's easy to frob on a per-flavor basis17:33
bgamaridoesn't look like17:33
ebroderand that might be upstreamable17:34
bgamariI'll try working up a patch17:37
bgamariebroder: patch attached17:56
ebroderbgamari: i'm not really qualified to pass judgement, but that looks reasonable to me17:58
ebrodershould CONFIG_DEFAULT_SWAPPINESS depend on CONFIG_SWAP or something like that?17:59
ebroder(i don't really have a good understanding of how kconfig works)18:00
bgamariI'll fold that in and send it out as an RFC to see how repulsive the kernel folks find it18:00
* ebroder nods18:00
bgamariI don't have great hope18:00
bgamaribut you never know18:01
macohi ben18:01
bgamariby this logic, the kernel should expose all sysctl knobs in Kconfig18:01
bgamarimaco, hey!18:01
bgamarilong time18:01
macoaye! get back down to dc for a visit! :P18:01
bgamariheh, we'll see what happens18:02
bgamariFirst I have to pass my quals up here18:02
bgamariI probably shouldn't even be doing coding work at the moment18:02
bgamaribut a man can only take so much physics18:02
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* sanchaz brb19:29
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debfxScottK: what's blocking no-change backports? it's been over a month since you approved gcc-3.3 and virtualbox21:14
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