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bdrungmicahg: are you involved in the firefox package?20:51
micahgbdrung: yes20:51
bdrungmicahg: i tried the ff 4.0 daily from the ppa and webm didn't work.20:52
micahgbdrung: hmmm, well chrisccoulson has been doing most of the maintenance for 4.0, but I can take a look a little later20:52
bdrungmicahg: is webm expected to work?20:53
micahgbdrung: I would think so20:53
chrisccoulsonit works here....20:53
bdrungchrisccoulson: with which site did you test it?20:54
bdrungchrisccoulson: that works. i tried youtube html5. maybe it's a youtube issue20:57
chrisccoulsonhave you got a link which doesn't work?20:59
micahgbdrung: Youtube HTML5 was H.264 last time I checked, did they change that?20:59
bdrungmicahg: they provide both (some h.264 and some webm)21:00
micahgbdrung: ah, ok21:00
bdrungchrisccoulson: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QSgNM9yNjo - you have to enable html5 first21:01
bdrungthen you should see "html5 webm"21:01
bdrungchromium uses webm - on ff 4.0 i see only the flash player21:02
chrisccoulsonbdrung, it's just a user agent issue, it works fine in the beta 6 release build21:15
chrisccoulsonmicahg - when did you get home?21:16
bdrungchrisccoulson: how can i adjust the user agent?21:16
chrisccoulsoni didn't see you on friday evening ;)21:16
micahgchrisccoulson: about an hour ago21:16
micahgchrisccoulson: yeah, I went somewhere to spend the Sababth21:16
chrisccoulsonbdrung - you can re-enable the old format in about:config21:17
bdrungthx. where can i see which user agent is used? the about window doesn't show the user agent any more21:18
chrisccoulsonbdrung - http://whatsmyuseragent.com/21:18
chrisccoulsonyoutube just needs to fix their check, which i suspect will happen once b7 is released, and people start complaining about it21:19
bdrungyou can't get the user agent directly from the browser?21:21
ftachrisccoulson, micahg: you have prism/natty/i386 stuck for days on a builder21:22
chrisccoulsonfta - i guess that's the same gcc issue that affects all mozilla i386 builds atm21:24
micahgfta: can you stop the natty dailies for the moment?21:24
ftachrisccoulson, yep, xul stuck in malloc()21:24
micahgI'll ping someone for the failed build, thanks for the heads up21:24
ftaeasy to reproduce locally21:24
chrisccoulsonfta - yeah, that's bug 66329421:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 663294 in gcc-4.5 (Ubuntu) "Firefox built with gcc-4.5 is a non-starter on i386 (affects: 2) (heat: 16)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66329421:25
ftayep, read it already21:25
* micahg added to topic already21:26
ftai have some issues with chromium too21:26
ftabut it's tougher to identify the issue21:26
chrisccoulsoni talked to kees at UDS last week, we're going to switch off pie for the time being21:27
chrisccoulsononce i've checked it with gcc-snapshot, i'll send the bug upstream to gcc21:27
ftafor ch, it's not pie, nor the rest of the hardening, i tried21:28
ftacould be a gcc 4.5 bug though but i doubt it and a gcc 4.4 ch has the bug on natty21:28
chrisccoulsonthat's not good. what's the actual issue?21:29
chrisccoulsoni guess i should kick off a build of firefox with gcc-snapshot, whilst i'm not doing anything else21:29
ftach already has this: http://codereview.chromium.org/download/issue4116008_1.diff21:29
ftathat fixed a regression for searches in the omnibar21:31
chrisccoulsonwhat does -fno-ipa-cp do? it's not in the GCC manual?21:31
chrisccoulsonoops, the last sentence actually wasn't a question21:32
* chrisccoulson needs more sleep21:32
fta       -fipa-cp21:32
fta           Perform interprocedural constant propagation.  This optimization21:32
fta           analyzes the program to determine when values passed to functions21:32
fta           are constants and then optimizes accordingly.  This optimization21:32
fta           can substantially increase performance if the application has21:32
fta           constants passed to functions.  This flag is enabled by default at21:32
fta           -O2, -Os and -O3.21:32
ftawe should have a wiki page or something for the regressions in natty21:34
ftai'm sure there are plenty21:34
ftai have another on in emacs23 with ucb21:34
chrisccoulsonyeah, and based on what i've seen in firefox, i bet there's a whole load of regressions we haven't found yet21:35
chrisccoulsoni'm sure once people start upgrading to natty in larger numbers, more of these issues will appear21:35
chrisccoulsonscary ;)21:35
chrisccoulsoni'll probably upgrade tomorrow21:35
micahgchrisccoulson: fun :), we have less than 6 months to find them :), it'll probably go fasterc-4.5 once upstream switches to gc21:35
chrisccoulsonheh :)21:36
ftai doubt they will21:36
ftafunny, the chromium translations are not open yet, but i already received almost 700 strings21:43

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