
ToyKeeperHi.  Er, what's a good way to replay some revisions (but not all) into a new repo?  Like, if I wanted to build a new repo with only the odd-numbered revisions from and old repo?01:56
ToyKeeper(or more accurately, copy the history for some files but not all)01:56
ToyKeeperI don't care about preserving revision IDs, but I'd like to keep the original time stamps and commit messages and preferably info about the original committer.01:58
bob2is fastexport still a thing?02:22
ToyKeeperYes, looks like fast-import / fast-export is still around, and includes a promising-looking filter command.02:33
ToyKeeper(much better than last time I tried to filter its output manually)02:33
ToyKeeperNow, if I can just get the fast-import command to produce a repo instead of a traceback...  I should be golden.  :)02:44
jbowtieI want to build a cache of metadata for my foreign VCS (tfs, of course) - can I just put it in a file/directory under .bzr?03:50
lifelessthere is a per-tree plugin namespace - IIRC its bzr-meta/ in the working tree03:51
jbowtieI know jelmer wanted to build something common for all the foreign VCS to leverage off of, but I've got a server that is giving me grief.03:52
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jbowtielifeless: thanks; figured it was so but just checking04:05
spivOur version numbers in trunk seem a bit odd: doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.3.txt says 'bzr 2.3b3', but __version__ in bzrlib/__init__.py says 2.3.0dev304:26
tenchiHi everyone07:42
tenchiPlease help me: I updated a ubuntu server to which I connected with bzr explorer. I tried to push a new revision and got the following error:07:43
tenchissh_askpass: exec(/usr/bin/ssh-askpass): No such file or directory07:43
tenchiPermission denied, please try again.07:43
tenchiIt was working allright before the update07:44
tenchior is this missing on my computer?07:44
tenchisolved it07:48
tenchithanks anyway07:48
eagles0513875|2hey guys :) quick question do i just install the bazaar package in the lucid repos and im good to go?08:18
henningeWhat's this error message supposed to mean? I don't have a clue.08:32
henningehenning@dustpuppy:$ bzr branch lp:chromium-browser/translation chromium-browser08:32
henningebzr: ERROR: Permission denied: "Cannot create 'translation'. Only Bazaar branches are allowed."08:32
fullermdI think lp: branches are usually 3-level.  lp:user/project/branch08:33
henningefullermd: this is a series branch, I got the url straight off Launchpad08:34
henningemaybe that's the error, though08:34
fullermdLooks like.08:34
fullermd% bzr info lp:chromium-browser/translation08:34
fullermdbzr: ERROR: Permission denied: "Cannot create 'translation'. Only Bazaar branches are allowed."08:34
henningefullermd: never mind, I missed a character while coping ...08:34
* henninge feels silly08:35
henningethe branch is called lp:chromium-browser/translations08:35
fullermdSilly declensions.08:36
eagles0513875|2hey guys is there a portable client of bzr or a portable cli for bzr?09:14
eagles0513875|2Tak: something i could install on a pendrive09:17
eagles0513875|2would somethign like that be easy to develop for those developers who are constantly on the move so to speak?09:18
fullermdWell, bzr by itself, as a pythong script, runs just fine out of a source tree.09:21
eagles0513875|2does one already exist or is it something that would need to be coded09:21
fullermdSo on *nix it's trivial.09:21
fullermdI don't know how much difficulty bundling it up with an interpreter makes it.09:22
luksI think the windows package would work fine09:23
luksbut you would need some batch file to set up env variables with the config file location09:23
eagles0513875|2im using launchpad to host my bzr but i have no way of pushing to it09:24
eagles0513875|2thats why im asking if there is a portable app09:24
lukssee the accepted answer09:26
luksthe main idea is to set the BZR_HOME environment variable09:27
eagles0513875|2thanks luks :)09:32
eagles0513875|2will email that link to myself to setup when i get home09:32
maxbWhen I have a MP in Approved state, am I supposed to ask someone to land it if the reviewer didn't, or will someone deal with it presently anyway?11:06
jelmermaxb: The patch pilot will generally deal with it.11:14
jelmerI think spiv's out sick today though.11:14
dashit's really great that bzr-svn makes 'bzr merge' work in svn working copies15:10
dashit's not so great that it wants to fetch 180M+ from the svn server in order to make it work15:11
dashand doesn't seem to cache much15:11
dashok 200M+15:13
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eagles0513875hey guys if i install bzr on windows what would that allow me to do16:20
eagles0513875does that give me bzr command like push to my bzr repo on launchpad?16:20
vilaeagles0513875: yes16:30
eagles0513875ok sweet thanks vila i thought it was to host on your own machine a bzr repo16:30
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vilaeagles0513875: well, that's only slightly harder than on *nix but possible too16:31
eagles0513875i would rather have it hosted on lp tbh16:32
jelmerdash: That's a disadvantage of lightweight checkouts (as svn working copies are)16:37
jelmerdash: imho caching would be a bad idea, it would mean that we basically turn the local working copy into a heavyweight checkout which seems besides the point.16:38
jelmer'evening vila, eagles051387516:39
vilajelmer: _o/16:39
jelmervila: before you disappear, I wanted to ask you if you had any idea what's going on here: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/524514/16:39
jelmerI've been getting this error in bzr.dev for some time now16:40
vilajelmer: I'm disapearing ? (Working from an unsual place, will be back at home Thursday (but off tomorrow))16:41
jelmervila: for dinner I mean :-)16:42
vilajelmer: Ha ! My favorite failing test :-(16:42
vilajelmer: maverick ?16:42
jelmernatty, I live on the edge16:42
vilajelmer: suffer from it then, kthkbye16:42
vilayou're doomed until spiv provides a natty package from his PPA with his patch to paramiko16:43
vilajelmer: 90% sure16:43
jelmerah, it's a paramiko bug?16:43
vilajelmer: if I'm right that's paramiko trying IPV6 when it should try IPV4 and wrongly failing16:44
jelmervila: that would make sense as I have some amount of IPv6 set up here16:45
vilagiven that paramiko upstream still haven't take spiv's patch into account, I guess he'd better propose it for Ubuntu itself16:45
jelmervila: do you know where his patch lives?16:45
vilajelmer: you don't have to to hit the bug :-(16:45
vilahmm, gimme a sec16:46
vilaspiv's PPA: https://launchpad.net/~spiv/+archive/packaging-test16:46
vilabug #57953016:48
ubot5Launchpad bug 579530 in Bazaar "paramiko does not try all available address families (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57953016:48
vilawith associated branch16:48
jelmervila: Much appreciated, thanks16:50
vilajelmer: let me know if it works for you or file a bug if it don't :-) I will add a natty slave on babune soon anyway so I *will* know too soon enough ;)16:51
eagles0513875hey gusy i have a question why does my bzr url say +junk in it ? bzr push lp:~eagles051387/+junk/BRANCHNAME17:00
jpdseagles0513875: Because it's not assigned to a registered project?17:01
eagles0513875ahh ok17:02
eagles0513875are there any restrictions to the types of projects one can register?17:02
vilaeagles0513875: I'm sure this is fully answered on the lp site itself, but roughly, as long as it's free, it's allowed17:06
vilaeagles0513875: https://launchpad.net/+tour and https://help.launchpad.net/ comes to mind17:06
eagles0513875ok will look17:07
vilaeagles0513875: and don't get afraid by all the features, you can generally start by using only the ones you're interested in17:09
eagles0513875vila: ok question for you. licensing what would i need to do for that since im not goign to be releasing this under the gpl or any other open source license17:10
vilaIANAL :)17:10
* eagles0513875 confused as to there being a hidden innuendo17:11
vilaI have no idea about what the default is in this case, if your code is public... anybody can download it, but you should still retain the copyrights even if you don't explicitly says so17:11
mgzyou need to pay a fee to have a private, non-free launchpad branch17:11
vilaI Am Not A Lawyer17:11
eagles0513875mgz: even if i dont register the project17:12
eagles0513875vila: wouldnt recommend saying IANAL not very family friendly :p17:12
mgzthere are other places you can host code with bzr that don't cost anything, but you want fancy launchpad features but don't want to share your code, you need to pony up17:12
vilaeagles0513875: well, I'm not a native engrish speaker but I've read the acronym in many places ;)17:13
eagles0513875lol vila17:13
mgzjust sticking your project under ~me/+junk and hoping other people don't branch it might be okay, but the source is available then, you may as well include a clear license17:13
eagles0513875mgz: thats not my issue my issue is i would like to make some money off the project i have coded, so if i license it under the gpl i could charge people for support or something like that?17:14
mgzyou could. personally, I'd *either* worry about money now and do business plan before code, *or* start hacking now and worry about how you'll get fed later.17:16
vilaeagles0513875: hmm, yes you can, you can even charge them for selling your code, the GPL doesn't forbid that, it only requires that people can also get it for free, as amazing that it may sound, this has worked for decades17:16
eagles0513875i need to sit down and read the gpl17:17
vilamgz: by the way: hi ! :-) And bye, I'm off ;)17:17
mgzbye :)17:17
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peitschiemornin everyone :)22:36
spivGood morning!23:02
jelmerhey peitschie, spiv23:02
spivjelmer: fwiw, I have submitted that paramiko fix to Ubuntu as well as upstream, but have got no response from either place :/23:03
jelmerspiv: oh, ok23:03
peitschiehi spiv, jelmer :)23:04
jelmerI didn't see it in the upstream bts so I filed it there again and I filed a bug in Debian23:04
mgzupstream paramiko were using launchpad for tracking bugs.23:04
mgzeven after they git switched.23:04
mgzbasically, the problem seems to be there is no more upstream.23:05
spivjelmer: https://bugs.launchpad.net/paramiko/+bug/579530 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/paramiko/+bug/63867523:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 579530 in Bazaar "paramiko does not try all available address families (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Medium,Confirmed]23:05
spiv(I see your comment on the first one, justing listing here for completeness)23:05
jelmerspiv: upstream no longer uses launchpad though23:05
mgznor "commit" apparently.23:06
spivjelmer: well, http://github.com/robey/paramiko/ says to use Launchpad for bugs23:07
jelmerspiv: oh, I hadn't seen that. It has "issue tracking" enabled in the Github repo though23:08
* jelmer is confused23:08
spivAlthough I agree that as a matter of observed fact there doesn't seem to have been much activity on the Launchpad bug tracker...23:08
spivjelmer: I think it's basically as mgz says: upstream is basically inactive23:08
spivSo the question of where the active bug tracker is is a bit academic.23:09
jelmerthere have been 3 issues filed on the github repo in the last week (including mine)23:09
jelmerand robey's followed up there a couple of days ago23:10
spivHmm, but only about the website being down?23:12
spivStill, some response is better than zero.23:12
spivMeanwhile https://bugs.launchpad.net/paramiko is still accumulating bugs, most recent open bug filed less than 2 weeks ago...23:13
mrfrenzyanyone here uses bazaar with zend? I really can't find any docs about integration23:30
bob2what is there to integrate?23:31
mrfrenzythere are nice plugins for svn and cvs that lets you do commits etc from within zend23:31
AfCsystem("bzr commit") ?23:35

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