
JontheEchidnastumbled on this: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/27390993/kdesudokvpm.png00:27
JontheEchidnaoxygen sure has come a long way as a widget theme00:27
CIA-41[libqapt] jmthomas * 1192088 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/ (cache.cpp worker/worker.cpp) (log message trimmed)00:38
CIA-41Revert the pkgCacheFile port in QApt::Cache for a bit. It introduced a00:38
CIA-41regression where canceling a worker action and then doing another would result00:38
JontheEchidna!find lvm2app.h01:42
ubottuPackage/file lvm2app.h does not exist in maverick01:42
JontheEchidna!find lvm2app.h natty01:43
ubottunatty is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, partner, stable, testing, unstable01:43
CIA-41jmthomas * 1192104 * branches/stable/extragear-kde4/sysadmin/libqapt/ChangeLog Add a changelog for branch02:24
CIA-41jmthomas * 1192107 * branches/stable/extragear-kde4/sysadmin/libqapt/CMakeLists.txt Bump version for 1.0.4 release02:36
rgreeningJontheEchidna: plungy02:36
JontheEchidnargreening: hi. do you recall discussing the removal of qtjambi last UDS?02:40
JontheEchidnaiirc we decided it should go, because it FTBFS and is dead upstream02:40
rgreeningyes. I believe this was the case02:41
rgreeningdead == drop02:41
JontheEchidnagood. I'll see about actually getting it done this cycle :P02:42
JontheEchidnabefore I forget again02:42
rgreeningI've been afk most this cycle. $work and $life02:42
JontheEchidnaoh, yeah. not blaming you at all.02:42
rgreeningbut here's to getting back into swing for nattyt02:42
rgreeningI know :)02:42
lucasicfcan i get kde apps source from subversion?03:42
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
hungerHmmm... Will the konq-plugins get a rebuild soon? They depend on libkonq5 which conflicts with libkonq5a which everything else seems to be using.08:28
persiaPotentially, but few folk concentrate on NBS much prior to preparing for Alpha 1, as the vast majority of packages are likely to get an upload later, making the rebuild superfluous.08:30
Riddellmorning, what did I miss?08:44
hungerlooks like kdeutils all still depend on libkonq5:-(09:34
* apachelogger slept through the morning since his cell was still using eastern time -.-11:31
Mamarokapachelogger: jet lag is worse traveling East11:52
\shapachelogger: tststs....11:58
apacheloggerMamarok: well, I am not really lagging as of yet12:01
apacheloggerit is just that my alarm clock went off later than it should ^^12:02
\shthe halloween party on sunday cost me 600 bucks now....:(12:03
Mamarok\sh: oops, what did you break?12:04
* apachelogger founds his prepared uds notes again ... left them at home along with maths stuff12:05
\shMamarok: I didn't break anything...my son did...daddy and mommy had a light hangover, and son was "repairing" daddies glasses...12:05
apacheloggeroh, and I have a maths test in 1 hour oh dear12:05
apachelogger\sh: oh dear12:05
\shapachelogger: yes..and visiting the optician this morning wasn't a good start....new glasses means 600 bucks but hey...my son was clever, he "repaired" my glasses, and put them back where I left them ... but the innocent look of son was priceless12:08
apachelogger\sh: I suppose that already unveales a job opportunity :)12:09
\shapachelogger: hahahaha...you don't know what this little guy is up to...I was buying a PS3 2 weeks ago..with guitar hero + drumkit and everything..now this little fellow sits on the drums and always says "bangbang" when he hits the the drums ;) so...I wonder, musician or optician...one of the two 12:11
apacheloggerlatter is surely less stressful, also you get to make money off people who were drunk on helloween and got their glasses repaired :P12:13
apacheloggerOTOH making music is probably more fun12:13
apacheloggerlol, reading my memolane is just horrible12:25
jussiapachelogger: what happened to our photos?12:25
apacheloggerusually goes like "drinking $randomalcoholicdrink ... a bit later ... have headache ... a bit later ... slept half a day"12:25
apacheloggerjussi: which ones?12:25
apacheloggersomewhere on kollide12:26
apacheloggerjussi: http://aplg.kollide.net/tmp/21766940000.jpg12:26
jussiopenstack got a good deal out of that...12:27
apacheloggerquite frankly the one with pluto is better12:27
jussiwhere is that? 12:28
jussior is it the one I took?12:28
apacheloggerthe one you took12:29
apacheloggerI believe12:30
apacheloggerthere is one version floating around on my facebook profile12:30
apacheloggerof the ones I saw it was the best12:30
Riddellapachelogger, jussi: everyone get home alive?12:30
jussiRiddell: well.. Im alive... obviously :D12:30
apacheloggerRiddell: AFAIK, are you home as well?12:31
Riddellback on my very own sofa12:32
jussiwhat? Riddell has a sofa? :D12:33
jussiapachelogger: I think Rohan's head lookskinda skewed  in that photo... dont you think?12:34
apacheloggerjussi: which one?12:37
jussithe one on kollide...12:37
apacheloggerjussi: yes, it is a crapy pick altogether12:39
apacheloggercolors and whatnot12:39
apacheloggeralso it is (c) disney12:39
=== muesli_ is now known as muesli
ScottKapachelogger: Progress on getting KDE built on armel is pending you turning a bit of your giant brain to the question of how best to deal with "CXXFLAGS += -Wa,-mimplicit-it=thumb" (e.g. in pkg-kde-tools or package by package).14:00
* ScottK is fixing Qt packages in the mean time.14:01
jussiScottK: nice work... resorting to "head swelling" to get things done :D14:03
RiddellScottK: actually doko said I should forward that change to him since he thought it's a bug that it didn't compile without compiler flag changes14:10
* maco attempts to recruit #ubuntu person to Qt14:13
maco(was looking for C++ IDE and a toolkit to use instead of Visual C++)14:17
persiamaco, That's not recruiting: that's just showing folk the best supported C++ environment in Ubuntu.14:20
shadeslayer_persia: apachelogger make is zomg14:25
shadeslayer_ive read about 30 pages or such.. but it is really awesome14:26
persiashadeslayer_, *best* scripting environment ever.  There's a reason most folk recommend using this for debian/rules.14:26
macohuh what?14:27
* gaurav was wondering if a new amarok package was on its way.14:27
shadeslayer_who's the new recruit ^ 14:28
sheytanapachelogger hey14:29
sheytanapachelogger can you link that logo again?14:29
persiamaco, context is that apachelogger and I insisted shadeslayer_ needed to read the entire make manual before complaining about debian/rules hacks14:29
Riddellgaurav: should it be?14:29
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
macopersia: oh. i should do that some day maybe...14:31
macoshould also read that book i have on gdb14:31
macothen maybe i could do something about all those bugs that have stacktraces attached14:31
Riddellyou can do things with stacktraces without having to know gdb14:32
persiaOne doesn't need to read a book on gdb to read a stacktrace.  I tend to be the person who gives the most stacktrace-reading training for Ubuntu, and I don't use gdb in the process at all (except perhaps as a lower-level for automation)14:32
Riddellyou just have to be able to read the stacktrace enough to find out where the crash is and the code path to it14:32
Riddellor course gdb can be useful for creating the stacktrace or debugging once you know there's a problem but aren't quite sure what caused it14:33
gauravRiddell: I was talking to jefferai the other day, about songs not getting indexed properly in the amarok's library. He told me that he was in contact with the package maintainers about that bug.14:34
Riddellgaurav: ok don't think I've heard of that issue but we've been at the Ubuntu Summit last week so things may have gone unnoticed14:36
gauravno problem :) i'll just build amarok from trunk till we get the fix.14:38
macoi always get confused at the bit where the stacktrace goes all the way to telling me glib had a freakout, and then i dont know if its the app or the library thats buggy14:39
ScottKRiddell: OK.  I know he's offline this week, so I guess we'll have to wait.14:43
Riddellanyone know what this means from the kubuntu coding notes? "investiage setting grab server to through in kdmrc"14:44
Riddellsheytan: which logo?14:44
sheytanRiddell apachelogger wants me to do a header for his blog with uds logo14:44
Riddellthe one on http://summit.ubuntu.com/ ?14:45
sheytanRiddell yes, thank you14:49
sheytanRiddell apachelogger http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/2208/udsheader.png :D14:59
shadeslayerjussi: dude... be patient, i havent uploaded all of them yet ^_^15:01
shadeslayer~3 more to go15:02
shadeslayerjussi: all done.. now go tag yourself :P15:03
apacheloggersheytan: beautiful15:18
apacheloggerScottK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Thumb215:20
apacheloggerScottK: I think doko needs to be poked, according to that thumb should be default in gcc...15:20
Riddellapachelogger: doko requested to be poked15:20
Riddellfeel free to do so15:21
apacheloggerdont see him in ubuntu-devel :(15:21
Riddell14:43 < ScottK> Riddell: OK.  I know he's offline this week, so I guess we'll have to wait.15:22
Riddellapachelogger: that's about doko15:22
apacheloggermaybe we need to do some change research15:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: Riddell ive uploaded pics to fb15:23
* apachelogger is wondering when Riddell will upload something :P15:23
Riddellapachelogger: after I've tidied up all these session notes :)15:24
apacheloggerRiddell: next time you might consider distributing that work load ;)15:25
apacheloggeroh my15:26
apachelogger<3 good changelogs15:26
apacheloggerthumb introduction to gcc-4.4 is documented, removal apparently not15:26
apacheloggershadeslayer: nice pix15:27
apacheloggershadeslayer: though flickr would be more useful to the wider public I think :)15:27
shadeslayerapachelogger: ill upload to flickr as well15:27
apacheloggerduplication ftw!15:27
apacheloggerstupid online service providers15:27
shadeslayerit would have been awesome if fb could import from flickr15:28
macoshadeslayer: it cant? 15:28
macoyoud think thered be an app for that15:28
shadeslayerdont think so15:28
apacheloggerthere even is one for the picasa15:28
sheytanapachelogger thanks :D15:29
shadeslayeruploading to flickr15:32
Riddellshadeslayer: you can get flickr to notify facebook of new uploads, I have that set15:35
shadeslayerRiddell: as apachelogger put it... data duplication ftw15:37
Riddellhow is that data duplication?15:39
apacheloggersheytan: http://aplg.kollide.net/tmp/apachelog.wordpress.com.html what do you think?15:41
apacheloggerRiddell: it isnt, what shadeslayer is doing is data duplication ;)15:41
apacheloggerScottK: ^ I revised the more clients part a bit, probably still a bit vague on the thunderbird side of things15:42
* apachelogger is not entirely sure what to write about it though15:42
sheytanapachelogger cool :D15:43
apacheloggerNightrose: what do you think about http://aplg.kollide.net/tmp/apachelog.wordpress.com.html15:44
Nightroseapachelogger: sorry honey - still at work :/15:44
apacheloggerNightrose: you need to get rid of busyness15:44
apacheloggeryou barely have time to snuggle with me15:45
Nightroseit pays the bills you know15:45
apacheloggeryou could just litter the bills :P15:45
Nightrosei wish15:46
apacheloggeroh dear, we just signed up goethe for a course on software paradigms :O15:49
apacheloggershadeslayer: ping15:54
apacheloggershadeslayer: what do you think of the content http://aplg.kollide.net/tmp/apachelog.wordpress.com.html15:55
apacheloggerpersia: can we call the Ubuntu Addressbook "Butterfly"? :D15:57
persiaIsn't that reserved for use with MSN?15:57
apacheloggeroh, possibly15:58
persiaMaybe "Moth"? or is that too bright?15:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: Since KDE is involved the Kubuntu team is of  << maybe add a comma there?15:59
apacheloggerpersia: not fluffy enough ;)16:00
shadeslayerpersia: not as fluffy16:00
persiaOn Sunday, valorie and I were talking about it a bit more, and wondered if it didn't make sense to try to find a way to hook up diaspora and LP instead of creating a special tool, because of the many places that have laws related to storage of things like names, addresses, and phone numbers.16:00
* persia , having inspected both moths and butterflys under microscopes, knows that moths have wing hair and butterflies have wing powder, making moths "more fluffy", but understands the widespread misunderstandings on this topic related to colours16:01
apacheloggeroh dear, kobby needs a search for documents16:02
alis kolab still using good old cyrus?16:02
apacheloggeral: yeah16:02
aldealbreaker :>16:03
apacheloggerpersia: question is if diaspora meets the requirements16:03
persiaYeah, dunno.16:04
persiamaco, ?16:04
Riddellal: Dovecot is being looked into16:04
alRiddell, sounds good16:04
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://www.flickr.com/photos/45059736@N02/sets/72157625297087490/16:06
apacheloggershadeslayer: did you tag them uds-n?16:06
shadeslayerim doing that16:06
shadeslayerok..i cant figure it out -.-16:10
shadeslayerzomg.. i have to tag each and every one of these?16:10
apachelogger  * gcc-arm-implicit-it.diff: Only pass -mimplicit-it=thumb when in16:12
apachelogger    thumb mode (Andrew Stubbs).16:12
apacheloggerScottK: to me it looks as if something were broken... also it seems we could use -mthumb16:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: anything else? ... I was more interested in understandibility and overall consistency etc. :)16:16
shadeslayerapachelogger: imo it looks good16:16
persiaUse of mthumb significantly reduces code size, which can improve performance in some cases (because more code can fit in cache)16:16
Riddellapachelogger: "KDEPIM Enterprise is a special branch of KDEPIM tweaked for Kolab." are you referring to KDE 3 or KDE 4 PIM there?16:20
apacheloggerRiddell: is enterprise not seperate in KDE 4?16:21
Riddellapachelogger: not for KMail 2 (if I remember correctly)16:21
Riddellenterprise 3 == KDE 3 PIM , enterprise 4 == branch of KDE 4 PIM with KMail 1, enterprise 5 == branch now merged into trunk of KDE 4 PIM with KMail 216:22
RiddellI think16:22
Riddelland enterprise 4 branch isn't very interesting, not many kolab users for kde 416:22
Riddellsince they're waiting for kmail 216:22
RiddellI think16:23
steveireRiddell: Yep, e5 is current trunk16:29
steveireIt will probably eventually be KDE 4.7 i tihn16:29
Riddellsteveire: you don't think there will be another KDE PIM release before 4.7?16:29
steveireOh, there will be, yes, but we wont' call it e516:30
steveireand maintain it for 10 years16:30
Riddellah I see16:30
steveireI'm just guessing though too16:30
steveireRiddell: Where will KDE be for the next kubnutu lts?16:35
shadeslayersteveire: possibly 4.7 or 4.7.116:45
shadeslayerapachelogger: did you get your signed keys?16:46
steveireSo that's April 2012?16:46
shadeslayersteveire: Next LTS is due in April, 201216:47
shadeslayerif 4.7 can come out before the feature freeze i suppose it can go in16:47
steveireInteresting, thanks16:48
Riddellit'll be KDE SC 4.8 by then16:49
shadeslayerRiddell: can i export the default kde cache and kde config folders before starting startkde?16:50
Riddellshadeslayer: I'm afraid I don't know16:52
Riddellprobably there's some way to do it16:52
* shadeslayer cant believe this16:53
Riddellshadeslayer: get home ok?16:53
shadeslayerRiddell: yus :)16:54
shadeslayerwhat about you?16:54
shadeslayerRiddell: http://pastebin.com/1qj4j4Hw << look at that.. its sandboxed by default16:54
shadeslayerQuintasan: yofel_ we are epic16:54
Riddellwhat am I ment to look at?16:54
shadeslayerRiddell: line 8416:55
shadeslayerand afaik we havent patched anything 16:55
shadeslayerso everything is set by buildd i suppose16:55
Riddellthat'll be a patch16:56
shadeslayerdont think so16:56
Riddellthen it's set with cmake arguments16:56
shadeslayerthats why its epic16:57
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Riddellmaco: do you have the bug number for the gvfs issue in Qt?17:04
yofelyeah, I think startkde get's modified by cmake at some point, which makes that stuff much easier17:04
Riddellstill leaves the /tmp files17:05
shadeslayeraye ^17:06
yofelwe'll still have to add a file to /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ I think 17:06
shadeslayermgraesslin: back home?17:06
shadeslayeryofel: whats in there?17:06
mgraesslinshadeslayer: you and I am already working again :-(17:07
shadeslayermgraesslin: im just working today, i have my exams from next week :P17:07
mgraesslinhmm on second thought: working is better than exams ;-)17:08
shadeslayeryeah .... 17:08
yofelshadeslayer: maybe I'm totally mistaken, as I'm not sure how the .so stuff is done, but we might have to tell it to look in /opt at runtime too (or I'm just confusing that with something else)17:08
shadeslayeri think that is what apachelogger was trying to tell me17:09
shadeslayerbecause the folderview plasmoid doesnt work17:09
yofelat build time we set LD_LIBRARY_PATH currently, but startkde doesn't set it by itself on runtime17:10
shadeslayersomeone ought to clean the ppa of source packages17:15
RiddellScottK: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/ServerNattyKolab is from before UDS I think, are there any notes from after?  are there any action items?17:15
hungerThere seems to be some conflict of libkonq5 with libkonq5a in natty. Is somebody working on resolving that?17:16
* hunger got stuck halfway in an maverick->natty update.17:16
shadeslayerhunger: natty is not supported17:16
Riddellhunger: fixing that is next on my todo list after the paperwork from UDS17:17
shadeslayerits like ... pre alpha17:17
Riddellbut I may not get to it today, lots of paperwork17:17
Riddellshadeslayer: he knows the risks :)17:17
hungershadeslayer: I am aware of that. But you guys want to get it to alpha state, so I guess you will be working on any issues that come up anyway:-)17:17
shadeslayerah well17:17
hungerRiddell: That would be great.17:18
hungershadeslayer: I am not complaining that I am stuck, I am just curious for how long I'll end up being stuck:-)17:18
shadeslayerhunger: use project neon if you want bleeding edge :P17:18
shadeslayerah ok17:19
hungershadeslayer: Or whether I'll just switch to my own KDE builds for a while:-)17:19
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | Lots to do https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | SRUs http://goo.gl/iDJ6 | Merges! https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/NattyMerges
Riddelllong todo list! https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo17:43
Tm_TI should take something for me in this cycle17:44
RiddellTm_T: you're into locos?  working out the "integrate kubuntu into locos" bit with darkwingduck would be a good start17:45
Tm_Tooh, that could be it yres17:47
jussican I volunteer, and if I try and fail then take my name off? (Im thinking of plasma media center packaging)17:47
Riddelljussi: of course17:50
Riddelljussi: for that item the first step is to check with upstream what the status is and if it makes any sense at all to package 17:50
jussiRiddell: yeah, I downloaded it yesterday and got it to build, but its not working right _yet_ Ill contact upstram soonish17:52
shadeslayerjussi: getting into packaging?17:53
jussishadeslayer: *back* into packaging? :P17:53
jussishadeslayer: !!!!!!17:54
ubottuU is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.17:54
jussiahh now then... I think I actually found it in playground...17:57
shadeslayeri can only take up stuff after 12th November17:58
jussidid you know sometimes Im an idiot? :D18:03
jussihrm, just built it on maverick... vaguely works - cant seem to get it to open much though...18:11
jussiwhat are the soprano bits here? http://paste.ubuntu.com/524579/18:17
Riddelljussi: do you have nepomuk running?18:20
jussino idea...18:21
jussijussi     1711  0.0  0.4  87224 16908 ?        Sl   17:55   0:00 /usr/bin/akonadi_nepomuk_contact_feeder --identifier akonadi_nepomuk_contact_feeder18:23
jussijussi     1744  0.0  0.1  43316  7060 ?        Sl   17:55   0:00 /usr/bin/nepomukserver18:23
jussiRiddell: see above18:33
apacheloggerRiddell: so e5 will not be a seperate branch? in that case I should drop mentioning its branched nature19:43
apacheloggershadeslayer: cant see any19:45
=== mgraesslin_ is now known as mgraesslin_lapto
apacheloggerRiddell: http://aplg.kollide.net/tmp/apachelog.wordpress.com.html better?20:04
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
apacheloggerNightrose: are you home yet?20:15
Nightroseapachelogger: i am now yes20:15
apacheloggerNightrose: time to read that page?20:15
Nightrosei'll try ;-)20:15
* apachelogger still feels something is odd about it20:15
NightroseThe enterprise 5 release will however be based of regular KDEPIM.20:18
Nightroseshould probably be off20:19
Nightroseb/a) 20:19
Nightrose? ;-)20:19
Nightroseapachelogger: ^20:21
Nightrosebesides that i think it's good20:21
Nightrosethe intro is a bit apprupt20:21
apacheloggerNightrose: ideas for better intro20:22
Nightrosenot really sorr20:22
apacheloggerScottK: kolabsync is the broken with thunderbird 1.520:22
apacheloggerin particular it does not want to install20:22
apacheloggerbecause it is not compatible20:22
apacheloggerthis is god horrible20:22
* apachelogger hates rekonq20:37
apacheloggerNightrose: I add an question to the intro, how is that?20:37
Nightroseapachelogger: sounds good20:37
apacheloggeronly waiting for ScottK and Riddell then20:38
apacheloggerNightrose: thanks20:38
apacheloggerdarkwingduck here :(20:45
* apachelogger snuggles Nightrose21:33
* Nightrose huggles apachelogger21:33
apacheloggershadeslayer: btw if you do not license the flickr stuff CC the nice people of ubuntu marketing will not be able to utilize it ^^21:39
apacheloggeralso remember jono's introductionary talk ;)21:39
EagleScreenI see the new natty todo21:40
EagleScreenwhat happened to the postponed fix samba file sharing?21:41
apacheloggereaten alive21:45

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