
FourDollarsAttemps to update UserPreferences bounce with message “This email already belongs to somebody else.”17:28
FourDollarsThis problem happens at https://wiki.ubuntu.com17:28
FourDollarsDoes anyone know how to fix it?17:30
geekosopherFourDollars: you might want to get in touch with the ubuntu-website team, this channel is for discussing the content of wiki and system documentation17:38
FourDollarsgeekosopher: thanks17:41
geekosopheralways welcome :)17:41
rusiviHello, I had a quick comment, immediately after installing virt-manager, launching the application, then File -> Add Connection -> QEMU/KVM I received a variety of error prompts regarding libvirt-bin, libvirtd process, etc. What resolved this was restarting, then installing the qemu-kvm package. It is recommended in the  Ubuntu Community documentation page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/VirtManager  that in the section "I17:59
rusivinstallation" it is expanded to include restart the OS after install of virt-manager and optionally install package qemu-kvm.17:59
rusivi^ lsb_release -rd18:05
rusiviDescription:        Ubuntu 10.1018:05
rusiviRelease:        10.1018:05
rusiviapt-cache policy virt-manager18:05
rusivi *** 0.8.4-7ubuntu1 018:05
rusivi        500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick/main i386 Packages18:05
rusivi        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status18:05
geekosopherrusivi: i suggest you use paste.ubuntu.com to post so many lines., by the way, what are you trying to say by posting these18:07
rusivigeekosopher: I'll pastebin in the future. What I am saying is what I already posted, the Ubuntu Community page should be updated, wanted to get fellow Community member opinion about it.18:09
geekosopherrusivi: iirc, what you were trying to say is that the KVM/VirtManager page whould warn users to restart the computer after installing virt-manager and optionally install the qemu-kvm package. Since I have not used this software personally, I would like to know if after installing virt-manager, were you prompted to restart? if not, then it was not intended to. If you faced any problem by not restarting, may be it is a bug which you would l18:15
geekosopheralso, if qemu-kvm was required for smooth working of the software, it would have been added as a dependency18:15
rusivigeekosopher: ubuntu software center, nor virt-manager suggested a restart. Regarding qemu-kvm agreed as virt-manager offers to work with qemu-kvm or xen, this is why I suggested "optionally install package qemu-kvm."18:16
geekosopherhmm, offcourse software center must have suggested to restart to complete the installation. I will probably agree with you, that we can add a line to bring extra attention of the user to restart the computer after installing. Can't say about qemu-kvm though18:21

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