
=== SpockVulcan is now known as AndrewMC
metaphazeIs there anyway to get a ban removed on #ubuntu for being an asshole04:11
rwwmetaphaze: For #ubuntu stuff, try #ubuntu-ops.04:36
metaphazethx, posted my msg there.04:40
metaphazeoff topic, what happened to bitchx?04:41
rwwubottu: bitchx04:41
ubottubitchx (also known as ircii-pana) was dropped from Debian and subsequently Ubuntu (see: http://dy.fi/afb). Consider using irssi or weechat instead.04:41
rwwin general, iono. in Debibuntu land, see the link ^^04:42
metaphazedoing the irssi now, but am heartbroken i cant get bitchx04:42
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l
JamieBennettcan I have my nick cloak changed please? http://www.launchpad.net/~jamiebennett20:31
m4vJamieBennett: an Ubuntu Member cloak?20:40
JamieBennettm4v: yes20:42
JamieBennett(please :) )20:42
m4vping jussi, topyli, Pici, tsimpson ^20:42
m4vJamieBennett: they need to show up for approve the cloak, it might take a while, so wait for a bit :)20:48
persiahey lag.  Congratulations.21:00
lagpersia: Thanks buddy21:00
lagHow do I have my Ubuntu Membership detail cloak my IRC address on FreeNode?21:00
drubinlag: give your LP url and make sure you current nick is in there :)21:00
persiawe're waiting for an ircc member to process the reqests.  just hang out here a bit.21:00
* lag checks21:00
drubinstill needs his LP url though21:00
persiaI suppose.  I saw it about an hour ago in a different channel, so just happened to have it up.21:01
drubinping jussi, topyli, Pici, tsimpson ^21:01
hajniI've just become an ubuntu member21:03
hajnicould someone give me a cloak? :)21:03
persiaYou'll want to paste your LP URL, making sure it correctly identifies your IRC nick and wait a bit.21:03
m4vor ts2: ping, lots of cloak requests :P21:04
ts2looks like I'm on duty today, give me a sec21:07
ts2VorTechS: you about?21:10
ts2lag: you're all set21:17
persiats2, Shouldn't that read "ubuntu/member/lag"?21:18
ts2persia: their primary nick is not lag21:18
persialag, Do you want to fix that?21:18
* persia has not seen lag under "since" in many many months21:19
ts2it's mostly a matter of changing the default nick for the account then poking one of us to change the cloak21:20
ts2but it's not really important (see my cloak)21:20
persiaHeh, true.  I just like to make sure things are intentional, and I know lag has been very excited about getting a cloak the past few weeks leading up to the recent approval as a member21:21
ts2for the record, hajni is cloaked too21:23
lagWhat was since?21:24
lagI've never heard of that21:24
ts2give me a sec21:24
m4vts2: JamieBennett was asking for a cloak too, you joined after that21:25
m4vts2:  http://www.launchpad.net/~jamiebennett21:26
ts2m4v: yeah, I think staff are waiting for a reply from him21:26
m4vok then21:27
ts2I got the ping from tsimpson|n800, but the prospect of messing with cloaks with a stylus is not nice21:27
m4vhehehe :P21:28

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