
john38nerdy_kid,  open00:00
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john38nerdy_kid, i got the propriertary but i dont know how to install it00:00
raulegastelo2what is the command line so i can find out info on x.conig or basic grafic card00:00
john38nerdy_kid, its a run00:00
ZykoticK9raulegastelo2, have you tried using the "Detect Displays" button on that same page  &&  what is the resolution set to on that monitor info page?00:00
nerdy_kidjohn38: ok, well I _think_ there is a version in the repos, one sec I will go check.00:00
Nayrraulegastelo2, look it up in google00:00
wilhartNaynay, options? eh where in options00:01
ZykoticK9raulegastelo2, the file is /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:01
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Nayrwilhart, what os are you using?00:01
wilhartNayr, ubuntu(k)00:01
nerdy_kidjohn38: it is a radon 9600xt?00:01
morpheusprDoes anyone here have ubuntu installed on a highend ATI graphics card. if so which drivers are you using ??00:01
raulegastelo2 /etc/X11/xorg.conf: Permission denied this is what i get00:01
Nayrwilhart, darn. lol I haven't used ubuntu in a couple years00:02
ZykoticK9raulegastelo2, if you want nvidia to generate a new one, simply copy your xorg.conf to a safe place, then run "sudo nvidia-xconfig" and reboot to get nvidia's best attempt at figuring stuff out ;)00:02
wilhartnayr in kde00:02
grid_how will ubuntu automatically mount /media/Data when i start it up?00:02
Nayrwilhart, just look around00:02
Nayrwilhart, you'll find it00:02
jimisrvroxhey guys how can I enable X so that I can ssh into my Ubuntu machine?00:02
wilhartNaynay, hm00:03
john38nerdy_kid, when i try to run proprietary driver this is what happens Created directory fglrx-install.mPPMcD00:03
john38Verifying archive integrity... All good.00:03
john38Uncompressing ATI Proprietary Linux Driver-8.593..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................00:03
FloodBot1john38: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:03
ZykoticK9jimisrvrox, ssh (other then X forwarding) has nothing to do with sshing into a box ;)00:03
LinTuxWhen I try to install Google earth I get this error, setup.data/setup.xml:1: parser error : Document is empty00:03
LinTuxsetup.data/setup.xml:1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found00:03
LinTuxCouldn't load 'setup.data/setup.xml'00:03
FloodBot1LinTux: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:03
macoZykoticK9: youmean X? :P00:03
nerdy_kidjohn38: yeah you dont want to paste that here.  Is your card a radon?00:03
ZykoticK9!paste | john38 LinTux00:03
ubottujohn38 LinTux: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:03
john38nerdy_kid, Radeon 9600xt00:04
LinTuxsorry, anybody got any ideas00:04
raulegastelo2/etc/X11/xorg.conf: Permission denied .... once again this is what i get00:04
morpheuspranyone here has a ATI HD5000 series ??00:04
Sonic132raulegastelo2: Did you do it with the magic words? Sudo?00:04
Nayrto solve all of your problems, just reboot!00:04
jimisrvroxZykoticK9: ok but there has to be a way that I can get X-Windows over ssh00:04
nerdy_kidjohn38: ok, it is usually better to use the version in the repos, so open up a terminal and run sudo apt-get install fglrx-amd-cccle.00:04
Nayrit fixes anything :D00:05
john38nerdy_kid, coulnt find package00:05
SpudDoggSomeone please help!  I'm installing Ubuntu, but for some reason the installer does not recognize my partition table.  I have a windows install on sda1, empty ext3 partitions on sda2 and sda3 and a swap on sda4.  Any idea why fdisk sees the table properly, but gparted and the ubuntu installer only see 1 big blank drive?00:05
ZykoticK9jimisrvrox, a buddy of mine sshed into his machine with X forwarding then started a local vnc connection.  doubt it was rocket fast.  good luck man.  X forwarding is pretty cool, if you're using linux/unix clients.00:06
raulegastelo2yes with tand with out the magic word00:06
meatbuni turned off update manager. it still pops out. how to fix it?00:06
jimisrvroxZykoticK9: yeah Im using all Linux clients...00:06
Sonic132raulegastelo2: Do it again with sudo before it. Then login and maybe whatever your trying to do will work.00:06
nerdy_kidjohn38: "sudo apt-get install fglrx-amdcccle" without quotes should work.00:06
ZykoticK9jimisrvrox, they just run the apps you need and not the whole interface...00:06
raulegastelo2Sonic, I did it with sudo and still it says permision denied00:07
john38nerdy_kid, it was without the quotes00:07
Sonic132raulegastelo2: Are you sure your user has permission? Are you set to Admin the System?00:07
SpudDoggIs anyone here a partition whiz?00:07
nerdy_kidjohn38: the package exists cause I tried it on a 10.04 machine, did you put the peroid in there by accedent?00:07
ZykoticK9!anyone > SpudDogg00:08
ubottuSpudDogg, please see my private message00:08
john38nerdy_kid, oh ok00:08
raulegastelo2yes, i am admin00:08
john38nerdy_kid, nope00:08
Sonic132raulegastelo2: Then no idea man. Keep asking around maybe someone else can help.00:08
SpudDoggZykoticK9, thanks...00:08
john38nerdy_kid, E: Couldn't find package fglrx-amd-cccle00:08
Nayrhttp://laughingsquid.com/wp-content/uploads/tech-support-cheat-sheet-20090824-085914.jpg if you have a problem, go here00:08
nerdy_kidjohn38: its  fglrx-amdcccle not  fglrx-amd-cccle, that is what is wrong00:09
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SpudDoggSomeone please help!  I'm installing Ubuntu, but for some reason the installer does not recognize my partition table.  I have a windows install on sda1, empty ext3 partitions on sda2 and sda3 and a swap on sda4.  Any idea why fdisk sees the table properly, but gparted and the ubuntu installer only see 1 big blank drive?00:10
NayrSpudDogg, http://laughingsquid.com/wp-content/uploads/tech-support-cheat-sheet-20090824-085914.jpg if you have a problem, go here00:10
john38nerdy_kid, i guess i already had it00:10
raulegastelo2hay thanks for trying all... i will come back later to see if i can get help with this problem00:10
jimisrvroxok ZykoticK9 are you good with SSH? because Ive got a pet project going and I could use some help.00:10
john38nerdy_kid, 0 installed 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded00:10
SpudDoggthis channel used to actually be helpful00:11
SpudDoggguess those days are long gone...00:11
nerdy_kidjohn38: ok, run lsmod in a terminal and upload the output to paste.ubuntu.com and send me the url00:11
Nayrtheyre not00:11
Nayrim just being bored00:11
ZykoticK9jimisrvrox, i use ssh quite a bit - but i'm not familiar with the more advanced features - but ask the channel if you have a specific question ;)  SSH is fun.00:11
john38nerdy_kid, http://paste.ubuntu.com/524159/00:11
honeypotwhere should I find mysql.sock plz00:11
SpudDoggso far i've been told not to use "anyone" to start a question and sent to a ridiculous jpg.  this place is definitely not what it used to be00:12
corrytonappleHello Guys. Is there a app for more features of Power Control?00:13
LinTuxHow do you use this paste bin then00:13
NayrSpudDogg, try making the partition larger. it may just be to small00:13
ZykoticK9!attitude | SpudDogg00:13
ubottuSpudDogg: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines00:13
mgwalkMy server lost apache2 boot on reboot how can I fix this?00:13
SpudDoggNayr: hey, thanks for the real response.  sda1 is 250GB, sda2 is 125GB, sda3 is 115GB and sda4 is like just under 10GB.00:14
LinTuxGoogle Earth Error - Couldn't load 'setup.data/setup.xml', HELP00:14
SpudDoggNayr, this problem is really bugging me00:14
nerdy_kidjohn38: ok, one more thing.  do "sudo apt-get install fglrx"  that _should_ be installed already, but I want to make sure00:14
SpudDoggZykoticK9, again.  thanks for nothing.  i am a little on edge because of this problem i've never had before.  please just ignore me.00:14
jimisrvroxZykoticK9: ok well like I said Ive got me a special project going..Ive got two boxes host A with PCLOS on it and thus far ive got it to where I can SSH into my headless Ubuntu machine, but Id like to be able to SSH into my ubuntu machine from another local machine on my net say my laptop problem being is at my other machines I cant ping the eth0 on my Ubuntu box00:14
NayrSpudDogg, I really have no idea, im sorry :(00:15
mgwalkor how do I check what is loaded on boot?00:15
john38nerdy_kid, yeah it is00:15
SpudDoggNayr, no prob.  thanks anyway00:15
StFSHi, is there a way to list a package recommendations? I installed ubuntu-desktop but just realized that I didn't want to install all the recommended packages too so I'm going to uninstall them00:15
NayrSpudDogg ill look it up and see if I can find a solution00:15
SpudDoggNayr, meh, dont bother.  im looking around too00:15
Agent001Paranormal Activity 2 is the scariest movie ive ever watched on ubuntu00:15
NayrSpudDogg, k. Good luck00:15
nerdy_kidjohn38: ok, now I hope you either have another pc around or know how to use recovery mode you might end up there.00:16
ZykoticK9jimisrvrox, when I ssh into my desktop I'm able to access the other machine's on my network?  I'm not sure why that would be an issue?00:16
sebsebseb!piracy > Agent00100:16
ubottuAgent001, please see my private message00:16
nerdy_kidjohn38: run "gksu gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf"00:16
jimisrvroxZykoticK9: well Im guessing maybe because my Ubuntu machine is on a different net...00:16
john38nerdy_kid, yeah i got another pc how do i use recovery mod00:16
jimisrvroxwithin my net but on a subnet00:16
john38nerdy_kid, in terminal?00:17
john38nerdy_kid, now?00:17
bruteforce_alltiIf, i run a script and somewhere in between it contains "sudo rm -rf /", then i am doomed. Right/00:17
nerdy_kidjohn38: well you might not end up there, but I will explain later.  yeah, that will just open a text editor ;)00:17
corrytonappleAnyone? Is there a app for more features of Power Control?00:17
jimisrvroxZykoticK9: I think what im missing is the ability to be able to access the net from my ubuntu box via wlan0 on my PCLOS box00:17
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john38nerdy_kid, ok00:17
sebsebseb!danger | bruteforce_allti00:17
ubottubruteforce_allti: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!00:17
LjLsebsebseb: he was offtopic, but why do you assume if one uses ubuntu to watch a movie, it must be pirated? :(00:18
john38nerdy_kid, ?00:18
ZykoticK9jimisrvrox, that's more a routing issue i think - and i'm certainly not familiar enough with your network setup to make suggestions on that!  but ya, until you can figure out the ping connection failure, i doubt ssh will work.  best of luck man.00:18
shcherbakbruteforce_allti: only if you run script as superuser or via sudo00:18
sebsebsebLjL: well that movie is  out in the cinema here, not out on DVD yet, and probably counteries like USA as well00:18
nerdy_kidjohn38: now you need to make sure that "blacklist fglrx" is not in the file, and you need to add "blacklist radeon"  to the end of the file.  Then save it.00:19
macoshcherbak: well the command includes sudo so if ze enters hir password when it asks, thatd do it too00:19
LjLsebsebseb: oh... i see00:19
shcherbakbruteforce_allti: normally you do not run scripts with sudo00:19
shcherbakmaco: you right00:19
john38nerdy_kid, blacklist fglrx is not there00:20
jimisrvroxZykoticK9: ok well setup is host A on PCLOS with wlan0 net connection and eth0 connected to Ubuntu eth0 via Xovr cable. Can ssh from pclos to ubuntu but do not have a net connection on ubuntu and I figure could be because there might not be ip_forwarding to the ubuntu box therefore cannot ping from other machines00:21
john38nerdy_kid, i just typed blacklist radeon to the end of file00:21
inductiveloadhello! this is a trival question, but i'd like to be able to change the icon a program (xscreensaver) uses in the alt-tab switcher and in the title bar of the window. I've recompiled the program with new icons, and it's working in other places and the icon in /usr/share/pixmaps/ has been changed, but it's still not changing in the taskbar, titlebar and alt-tab window. anyone got any ideas?00:21
ZykoticK9jimisrvrox, sorry man - i have no idea - not that into networking with actual computers ;)  good luck man, maybe someone else has a suggestion.00:21
nerdy_kidjohn38: now, what we have done is disabled the opensource driver.   Just make sure you can use your other pc incase this one decides not to login.00:21
john38nerdy_kid, ok00:22
nerdy_kidjohn38: ok now reboot.00:22
dration7I'm getting a harsh popping noise from my speakers with ubuntu 10.1000:22
john38nerdy_kid, so what might happen i wont be able to boot00:23
shcherbakdration7: what player?00:23
john38nerdy_kid, then just come back here00:23
nerdy_kidjohn38: it should be able to boot, but you might not get anything else beside text.  That shoudn't happen, but it might.  Yeah just come back here.00:23
linelevelHi guys. I have a Lenovo Thinkpad T410 which dual-boots Windows and Ubuntu. I really want to get rid of Windows entirely and only use Ubuntu, but Ubuntu is currently giving me serious problems. The first one is my wireless. It was fine in Ubuntu Lucid, but since I upgraded to Maverick my internet works for a few minutes after a reboot then just stops working. If I disconnect and try to reconnect to any network, it keeps me waiting forever00:24
linelevelhmm, did that cut off?00:24
dration7anyone get popping noise from their speakers with ubuntu 10?00:25
john38nerdy_kid, ok back but at bootup screen was weird colors for 6 sec00:25
nerdy_kidjohn38: yeah maybe fix that later.  run lsmod again and send me the url00:26
john38nerdy_kid, http://paste.ubuntu.com/524162/00:27
blackshirtjohn38: what the problems ??00:28
john38blackshirt, im gettin help00:28
nerdy_kidjohn38: hmm it is still running.  can you post /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf?00:28
nerdy_kidblackshirt: effects wont work with his radeon, I am trying to kill the radeon driver and enable the already installed fglrx driver.  if you wanna take over feel free, i gtg pretty soon anyway.00:29
john38nerdy_kid, http://paste.ubuntu.com/524165/00:29
nerdy_kidjohn38: well that is irrating, the driver is still running....00:30
john38nerdy_kid, i do have onboard VGA and i installed ubuntu through it00:30
john38nerdy_kid, did i put blacklist radeon in right00:31
Dwade09how do i add something to my start up that is in Applications/System Tools ?00:31
nerdy_kidjohn38: can you run "sudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg-video-radeon"  then paste the output from it.  dont press Y if it asks, just paste the output00:32
RoasterVIkHey, how do i know when a person is active?00:33
blackshirtRoasterVIk: who00:33
bwaldsomething really strange just happened to me: I did a fresh install of ubuntu, ran all the updates and used it successfully for a few hours, but now when I reboot I can't log back in; it says my password is wrong.  I'm using the same password I used to set everything up, and it worked earlier tonight.  I didn't do anything to change it, it just suddenly stopped working00:33
RoasterVIkhow do i know when a person is active? anyone can answer this question!00:33
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rwwRoasterVIk: on IRC? type "/whois theirnick theirnick" (yes, twice) to get their Idle time00:34
blackshirtRoasterVik: w command00:34
john38nerdy_kid, http://paste.ubuntu.com/524169/00:34
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nerdy_kidjohn38: yeah hit Y then enter.  Then reboot.00:35
nerdy_kidafter it is done00:35
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uLinuxGave someone point me a link to Linux Kernel Screensaver?00:36
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:36
uLinux*Can someone point me a link to Linux Kernel Screensaver?00:36
blackshirtuLinux: what you mean ??00:36
uLinuxblackshirt: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imgp-v9O-LM enjoy00:37
uLinuxsry OT00:37
john38nerdy_kid, low resol00:37
schnootopHas anyone had problems with several characters in the new ubuntu font ? the comma always comes out as a block for me00:38
nerdy_kidjohn38: figures, open up a terminal and enter "sudo modprobe fglrx" and paste the output if any00:39
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:39
john38nerdy_kid, http://paste.ubuntu.com/524172/00:39
mitchscan someone help,   i have a program that wont close.00:40
nerdy_kidjohn38: oh dear....just what I didn't want.  one sec...00:40
mitchsi suppose its cairo-dock   cant get it to close00:40
shiEvilanyone know why i got no sound, sound indicator works Acer Aspire 7730ZG?00:41
PJSingh5000mitchs: use System | Administration | System Monitor to kill the program00:41
mitchsthank you PJSingh5000 ill let you know the results in a minute.00:41
greenQguys, why my ubuntu won't get shutdown, it stuck on 'black page', so i need use 'ctrl+alt+del' to force it,,,can someone help me00:41
john38nerdy_kid, will using the right power cord for your PSU affect video card performance00:42
john38nerdy_kid, like blank and white screens00:42
mitchsits not in my menu.   is there a command for it PJsingh5000  im running kde00:42
nerdy_kidjohn38: idk, thats nothing to do with this.  you said you tried installing the .run file? what did that say?00:42
nerdy_kidjohn38: cause I can't fix that error00:43
john38nerdy_kid, hold on00:43
blackshirtnerdy_kid: hey..00:43
nerdy_kidblackshirt: hi, whats up?00:43
john38nerdy_kid, http://paste.ubuntu.com/524179/00:44
mitchsI have a program that wont close,  can anybody help?00:44
john38nerdy_kid, it extracts fglrx then removes00:44
mitchsOr, how do i figure out the process id number for a running program?00:45
nerdy_kidjohn38: yeah, try runing the .run with --iscurrentdistro00:45
john38nerdy_kid, how do i do that00:45
PJSingh5000: you didn't find cario in the list of running applications in System Monitor ?  (You have to click on "Processes" tab.00:45
mitchsPJSingh5000: i have no processes tab.00:46
nerdy_kidjohn38: open a terminal, go to where the .run is, type sudo ./  and then the first few letters of the file name and hit tab to autocomplete it, then add on --iscurrentdistro and hit enter.00:46
PJSingh5000mitchs:  You're running Ubuntu 10.10 ?00:46
john38nerdy_kid, ok i get options00:46
john38nerdy_kid, i've done this before00:46
nerdy_kidjohn38: what are the options?  (paste it?)00:47
john38nerdy_kid, if i remember correctly ubuntu lucid wasnt supported but i will try again anyway00:47
mitchsPJSingh5000: how do i know wich version?00:47
LaidBack_01hey, I'm going for a Kubuntu install.  I'd like to do root on raid.  Is there a decent howto/recipe that people here like?00:48
john38nerdy_kid, http://paste.ubuntu.com/524181/00:48
nerdy_kidjohn38: ok, well in that case I cant help you anymore with that.  the lines are the cause of the driver, so I can only say switch drivers or upgrade.  Since you cant switch drivers, then you can upgrade and hope it gets fixed.00:48
nanovanyI cant run zsnes help!00:49
connermcdwhat's it doing00:49
john38nerdy_kid, i just downgraded from a radeon X1600 pro to a 9600xt00:49
nanovanyI tried from terminal and from aplicattions, games, znes00:49
nanovanyand terminal shows me this http://paste.ubuntu.com/524085/00:49
john38nerdy_kid, at least video is stable now00:49
darthbatorHey guys I got my older version of flash 8 ruem font nning with wine, but fonts are all defaulting to the syst00:49
john38nerdy_kid, Intel 865G chipset00:49
darthbatorsystem fonts, so all my fla files look all jacked, does anyone know about how to import fonts into wine?00:49
john38nerdy_kid, the lines what lines??00:50
mitchsim using kubuntu00:50
nerdy_kidjohn38: yeah I cant help much more.  You will want to revert the changes I made though.  The lines are the colored bars you were talking about, sorry00:50
blackshirtmitchs: what your problem ??00:51
john38blackshirt, can you help00:51
mitchsblackshirt, i have a problem with a program that will not close00:51
blackshirtok john38, what the problem ?00:51
mitchsblackshirt, cairo-dock00:51
blackshirtmitchs: kill them through terminal00:52
mitchsblackshirt, how do i figure out the pid?00:52
john38blackshirt, i disabled fglrx or uninstalled and now im trying to install proprietary driver00:52
nerdy_kidjohn38: to revert, do "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-all" and remove the "blacklist radeon" line in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf.00:52
mgwalkhow do I see what ubuntu is loading at boot, my apache is not loading on boot00:52
john38blackshirt, http://paste.ubuntu.com/524181/00:52
blackshirtjust issuing ps -aux and search your pid program00:53
=== stjohnmedrano is now known as erick
TiKhow do I do this? /usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libavformat.a(allformats.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against `a64_muxer' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC00:53
TiK/usr/local/lib/libavformat.a: could not read symbols: Bad value00:53
blackshirtok john, wait a minute00:53
mitchsblackshirt,   thank you.00:53
TiKhow do I set it to recompile with those flags00:53
nerdy_kidjohn38: you can try enabling this ppa to see if a upgrade will fix it:  run "sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates" and check for updates.00:53
nerdy_kidjohn38: other then that, it is unfixible as far as I know.  sorry, hope you can get it working :|00:54
john38nerdy_kid, ok hold maybe i might be able to install proprietary00:54
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blackshirtjohn: have you completely remove your opensource driver ??00:54
nerdy_kidjohn38: I do need to go though.  blackshirt yup, its gone.00:55
nerdy_kidblackshirt thanks for taking over :)00:55
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john38nerdy_kid, appreciate your help00:55
sammyis there a way I can run a command on a .so and get it to tell me what version it thinks it is? ala a DLL in windows?00:55
nerdy_kidjohn38: np, hope that you get it working.00:55
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cousteau`irssiwhat's the command for the Hardware Controllers dialog?00:58
unitedpotsmokersguys, who knows how to install gyachi (lucid)?00:58
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sammynm, ldconfig can give it to me.00:58
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kyohave problems with permission with a hard drive00:58
SpudDoggSomeone please help!  I'm trying to install ubuntu, but the installer is not recognizing my partitions.  sda1 has windows installed, sda2 and sda3 are both blank ext3 partitions and sda4 is swap.  The installer sees the entire disk as blank space, but fdisk sees it properly.  Anyone please help?00:58
john38blackshirt, ??00:59
blackshirtjohn38: do you have installed in init 1 mode, where no X server running00:59
bruteforce_alltiif [ -d "$xyz-base"]; then is not working. Is it because of "-" ?00:59
john38blackshirt, what is that like Ctrl+alt F100:59
john38blackshirt, virtual00:59
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TiK03:56 <+TiK> /usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libavformat.a(allformats.o):  relocation R_X86_64_32 against `a64_muxer' can not be used when  making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC01:00
RoDiMuS-XUnity for 11.04 anyone pumped for it or is it all hype01:00
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GarandirAnyone know how/if I can change the default extraction folder in Archive Manager/File Roller?01:00
john38blackshirt, im doing it here in terminal01:00
blackshirtno, issuing sudo telinit 101:00
john38blackshirt, how and what do i do01:01
blackshirtJohn38: and then try install your ati installer, maybe firstly you have completely removed your opensource ati driver01:01
john38blackshirt, i am not programmer01:01
GarandirAnyone know how/if I can change the default extraction folder in Archive Manager/File Roller?01:01
blackshirtjohn38: i'm not too :)01:02
blackshirtjohn38: telinit 1 to enter single mode01:02
john38blackshirt, ? what is that01:02
blackshirtit will stoping your network service, x server and multiuser system01:03
xidicajohn38: single user mode is just that, only one user can be logged in, no network started, x server, etc01:03
john38blackshirt, im not asking what that is im asking what to do where do i type01:03
blackshirtjohn38: exactly like xidica said01:03
SpudDoggSomeone please help!  I'm trying to install ubuntu, but the installer is not recognizing my partitions.  sda1 has windows installed, sda2 and sda3 are both blank ext3 partitions and sda4 is swap.  The installer sees the entire disk as blank space, but fdisk sees it properly.  Anyone please help?01:03
xidicaSpudDugg: please paste the output of fdisk -l /dev/sda01:04
john38blackshirt, explain?01:04
xidicaSpudDugg: also, have you created the partitions properly01:04
blackshirtjohn32: in your terminal..01:04
xidicajohn38: login to terminal as your user and 'sudo su -' up to root, then do 'telinit 1'01:04
SpudDoggxidica: i used fdisk to create them, they should be fine.  pasting the output.  1 sec01:04
xidicaSpudDogg, message me instead so you don't get booted for pasting01:05
xidicawell looks like john38 figured out how to go to single user mode ;)01:05
SpudDoggxidica: http://pastebin.com/Y8LRYgY901:05
uLinuxfatal: corrupt patch at line 6101:05
uLinux*pkey, const char *cafile, const char *capath, gboolean verify)01:06
xidicaSpudDogg, what does the top output of smartctl -a /dev/sda output? what type of drive is this does it have a GUID partition table or something?01:06
blackshirtjohn38: still there ??01:06
xidicaSpudDogg, does fdisk give you a warning that you should be using parted or anything?01:06
xidicablackshirt, he went single user and dropped01:07
SpudDoggxidica: i think it does have GPT.  i dont know how that happened or how to fix it though01:07
xrfangI accidentally removed apt and apt-utils from a ubuntu server, how can I reinstall these 2 packages. thanks01:07
blackshirt xidica: i think he was on another desktop :)01:07
john38blackshirt, when it was booting it froze01:07
xidicaSpudDogg, what type of Drive?01:08
ProfessorBaconcan someone help me install ubuntu onto my microwave?01:08
SpudDoggxidica: yes it does.  sorry, what do you mean what type of drive?  sata?01:08
xidicaSpudDogg, yes, what model and SATA/USB or what01:08
honeypotanyone can help with pdo_mysql plz01:08
blackshirtjohn: you have reboot it ?01:08
SwianProfessorBacon what model microwave01:08
SpudDoggxidica: its a maxtor diamondmax something SATA 500GB01:09
john38blackshirt, i typed sudo telinit 101:09
xidicaSpudDogg, and what is the exact error? when you're in the installer it doesn't see the drive, or it doesn't see the partitions? you've followed something like http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/9059/dual-boot-your-pre-installed-windows-7-computer-with-ubuntu/ ?01:09
john38blackshirt, then it booted and froze01:09
furimy mouse input is gone after canceling an "input sha" command in a terminal. what is "sha"? frets on fire reccommended i use that command, but i got spooked after entering the command thinking it was the wrong place to put it, so i did ctrl+Z. how can i restore the mouse?01:09
ProfessorBaconSwian: Panasonic NNSD767B01:09
blackshirtjohn: it will drop you to single root mode01:10
furisorry, i mean import sha01:10
SpudDoggxidica: i should also mention that i've had several ubuntu installs on this disk before, just not it starts giving me problems.  it sees the drive, not the partitions.  im sure i could re-make the partition layout, but i dont really want to screw up that windows install01:10
SwianSorry ProfessorBacon, you'll need to go Fedora for that model01:10
ProfessorBaconnot fedora01:10
john38blackshirt, yes but it froze01:10
john38blackshirt, splash screen01:10
xidicaSpudDogg, I'd say boot up into a liveCD, remove the linux partitions, use 'w' to write the changes to the drive ... then recreate them manually01:10
xidicaSpudDogg, make sure you have your windows data backed up of course01:11
SpudDoggxidica: thats how i created them in the first palce01:11
xidicaSpudDogg, did you try manually mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdbX or whatever01:11
furiadding on to my issue, trying to use "import sha" again returns that the mouse is currently being used. also, the mouse is replaced by a + and i can't do anything except move it around.01:11
xidicaSpudDogg, and manually mkfs'ing them and mkfs.swap on the swap partition?01:11
SpudDoggxidica: trying that now01:11
xidicaSpudDogg, yeah may give that a shot, you using 10.4 or 10.10?01:11
john38blackshirt, am i in single mode now01:12
SpudDoggxidica: 10.1001:12
cousteau`irssiIs it possible to make the volume icon show a tooltip with the volume level?01:13
john38blackshirt, ??01:13
blackshirtjohn38: ok...install your ati driver installer, i assumed you have completely remove opensource ati driver01:13
xidicaSpudDogg, my guess is if you do the fdisk with a proper 'w' after and it writes the partition table properly the installer should see it no problem01:13
uLinuxim trying to "apply" this patch http://article.gmane.org/gmane.network.irc.irssi.devel/317  and it's showing  fatal: "corrupt patch at line 61"01:13
furimy mouse input is gone after canceling an "import sha" command in a terminal. what is "sha"? frets on fire reccommended i use that command, but i got spooked after entering the command thinking it was the wrong place to put it, so i did ctrl+Z. how can i restore the mouse? the cursor is replaced by a + and all i can do is move the mouse, clicking does nothing.01:13
john38blackshirt, how do i make sure01:13
SpudDoggxidica: yea, i think im going to have to re-make the partition table and re-install windows, thats all01:14
SpudDoggxidica: wish i could just do away with windows, but my wife isn't having it lol01:14
xidicaSpudDogg, The windows re-install may not be necessary, likely you just need to delete the linux partitions, write it .... and then recreate the linux partitions and write it01:14
blackshirtopensource driver for ati video card is on xserver-xorg-video-ati packages, you must remove it before01:14
xidicaSpudDogg, alternatively you could pick up a 500GB external USB drive and just install Ubuntu on that like I have01:14
john38blackshirt, http://paste.ubuntu.com/524191/01:15
SpudDoggxidica: i have drives laying around but have more ideas for them01:15
SpudDoggxidica: thanks man.  just gonna dump it and start over01:15
john38blackshirt, im running Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid01:15
blackshirtjohn38: is your system 32 or 64 bit ??01:16
furimy mouse input is gone after canceling an "import sha" command in a terminal. what is "sha"? frets on fire reccommended i use that command, but i got spooked after entering the command thinking it was the wrong place to put it, so i did ctrl+Z. how can i restore the mouse? the cursor is replaced by a + and all i can do is move the mouse, clicking does nothing.01:16
john38blackshirt, what do i do now http://paste.ubuntu.com/524192/01:16
john38blackshirt, 32 bit01:17
john38ubuntu 3201:17
john38blackshirt, ubuntu 3201:17
john38blackshirt, version01:17
grabarz186linuxsą tu jacyś  polacy?01:17
SpudDoggxidica: well, i did it lol.  it's installing01:17
xidicafuri, what is the output of 'ps aux | grep import'01:17
dmizerin evolution calendar, the weekend is compressed to one day even though the "compress weekends in month view" is disabled in preferences.01:17
xidicaSpudDogg, so it's working now?01:17
blackshirtjohn32: i think you get a wrong driver version, you should download 32 bit driver01:17
SpudDoggxidica: yea, dumped the partions and remade them all01:18
john38blackshirt, it is01:18
furixidica: import sha is in there01:18
SpudDoggxidica: i'll just reinstall windows for the wife, then fix grub afterwards01:18
blackshirtcurrent ati driver installer is for 64 bit system01:18
xidicafuri, have you tried a kill -9 on the 'import' process?01:18
xidicafuri, you suspended it, you need to either resume it or kill it01:18
furixidica: oh.01:18
xidicafuri, it's probably holding a lock on your mouse or something01:18
furixidica: alright, will try kill01:19
xidicafuri, if that doesn't work ctrl-alt-f1 and get root and restart gdm01:19
john38blackshirt, which ubuntu should i choose ubuntu/9.04 ....etc??01:19
furixidica: idk what number the ID is though01:19
himanshujohn38: new one01:19
furixidica: there's one 5 digit number and two 4 digit ones on grep01:19
xidicafuri, ps aux | grep import | awk '{print $2}'01:19
xidicathat should give you the PID01:20
blackshirtNo...if your ubuntu system installed is 32 bit, you should use 32 bit ati driver too01:20
furixidica: okay, thanks, it's working again01:21
himanshublackshirt: 10.04 doesn't support 32 bit ?01:21
EricThibaultHi!  Is there an admin online I could talk to in private?01:21
Swianof course it does01:21
ActionParsnipxidica: or just use: pidof import   if the process is named 'import'01:21
honeypotanybody knows how to solve this01:21
honeypotit's noted as solved but I'm having same issue01:22
ActionParsnipEricThibault: if you have an ubuntu question here is the place to ask, there in #ubuntu-ops but it's not a support channel01:22
xidicaActionParsnip, fairenough01:22
test34honeypot, see #php01:22
john38Package /home/bobcarlson/Downloads/libamdxvba1_8.593-0ubuntu1_i386.deb has been successfully generated01:22
john38does that mean its installed???01:23
honeypotok test34, anybody knows how to get pdo_mysql driver installed?01:23
cousteau`irssijohn38: no, it has generated a package01:23
john38so now i just gotta install them01:23
cousteau`irssijohn38: what are you doing exactly?01:24
EricThibault@ActionParsnip : It's not a question about the Ubuntu products, it's about something else! ^^01:24
test34honeypot, sudo apt-get install php5-mysql ?01:24
EricThibaultAre you an admin?01:24
john38cousteau`irssi, installing ati propietary driver01:24
Tm0Anyone have the long command that installs everything for a VPS on hand?01:24
test34EricThibault, just ask if it's about #ubuntu01:24
honeypotI installed both of them separetely but just got pdo and not pdo_mysql01:25
john38cousteau`irssi, these were the only options for installation http://paste.ubuntu.com/524194/01:25
blackshirthimanshu: 10.04 is a just ubuntu release...its difference with 32 and 64 bit meaning01:25
john38cousteau`irssi, i chose ubuntu/9.0401:25
UnholyTerrorOk, Administration->Users and Groups doesn't appear to do anything.01:25
test34honeypot, this is one package, not 2 (MySQL module for php5)01:25
cousteau`irssijohn38: well... I'm not sure how it works, but if after seeing that nothing happens, you just double-click the resulting .deb to install it01:25
honeypotok test34, I'll get back to you thanks01:26
ActionParsnipUnholyTerror: if you launch it with gksudo, you can modify any user01:26
ActionParsnipUnholyTerror: assuming the user launching it is a memeber of the admin group01:26
john38cousteau`irssi, im getting errro later version already install or availabel in software channel01:26
blackshirtjohn38: are you still there ??01:26
quesoI just received an older, used hard drive from a friend -- it appears to work fine but I'd like to run a thorough check on it.  What program could/should I use for this?01:26
UnholyTerrorActionParsnip, settings don't seem to work...01:27
Tm0Anyone have the long command that installs everything for a VPS on hand?01:27
john38blackshirt, yeah01:27
cousteau`irssijohn38: then better install that one01:27
john38blackshirt, i got these option which one should i choose http://paste.ubuntu.com/524194/01:27
UnholyTerrorActionParsnip, I want to restrict a user from using the internet but no matter what, a connection is established and the user can browse.01:27
blackshirtjohn32: maybe you should download ati driver again01:28
john38cousteau`irssi, i thougt proprietary drivers were diffrent not open01:28
jjcmTm0: Kinda ambiguous01:28
cousteau`irssijohn38: there are proprietary drivers on repositories01:28
Tm0jjcm, the ubuntu version of this sudo yum -y install php php-cli php-mysql mysql mysql-server httpd httpd-manual bind01:28
UnholyTerrorActionParsnip, I am making changes as root (unlock) as I am the admin.01:28
ActionParsnipUnholyTerror: you can edit the menu so it runs wih gksudo so its automatically unlocked01:29
john38cousteau`irssi, what is ati repos01:30
john38blackshirt, ??01:30
UnholyTerrorActionParsnip, is that going to be different than unlocking it? The changes I make are there... just not following the rules.01:30
jjcmTm0: aptitude install php5 php5-cli php-mysql mysql-server apache2 libapache2-modphp5 bind901:30
jjcmTm0: should do it01:31
jjcmTm0: alternately, there's a lamp package IIRC01:31
Tm0jjcm, thanks so much bro! And where is this lamp package?01:31
blackshirtjohn38: your system not there ??01:31
john38blackshirt, i cant choose any of them?01:32
blackshirtmay you show where is the link you download from ?01:32
olskolircsmooches all around :-)01:32
jjcmTm0: if you just type "tasksel"01:32
john38blackshirt, you talking to me?01:32
jjcmTm0: There's a selection grid for basic uses01:32
mitchsYou would have to pay for this support from "other" operating systems.01:33
blackshirtyes john3801:33
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)01:33
jjcmTm0: check dns server and lamp server, and you'll be good01:33
olskolirci was looking for nessus in the repo and its not there for karmic but this looks like a replacement http://ns2.canonical.com/karmic/harden-remoteaudit i don't know what it means can damage host?01:33
ActionParsnipUnholyTerror: just saves you having to click unlock etc, I use cli user admin personally01:33
xidicaolskolirc, what it means is running scans that are aggressive can cause problems on the target machine01:33
RetroGamercd #winehq01:34
john38blackshirt, http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Legacy/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.1&product=
RetroGamer..... iv been doing too much bash01:34
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olskolircthe target machine not my maching xidica?01:34
mitchsRetroGamer, lol01:34
olskolircok i get it01:35
benccwhat java package do I need if I'm getting: Unable to find a javac compiler01:35
jjcmbencc: jdk01:35
blackshirtjohn38: ok, wait01:36
jjcmbencc: default-jdk will be the most typical choice01:36
Linus_AsusHi I would like to know if there's a way to choose what the installation will install, is there a way to modify the image of ubuntu before to start install?01:36
jjcmbencc: but you have a myriad of choices01:36
Tm0Is webmin in the repos?01:36
benccjjcm: trying default-jdk01:36
LicuadoraSo i decided to Reinstall Ubuntu 10.10 cause i did not have any WIFI signal, now I can't install from the live CD for some strange reason - it just stays in "when you are ready..." Anyway, maybe some one here would like to read a log and tell me if ubuntu has a bug or something?01:37
LicuadoraIF, you tell me where can I find that LOG01:37
jjcmbencc: If you already have one installed though, you can run "sudo updatedb && locate javac | grep bin"01:37
PJSingh5000bencc: have you tried JDK from Sun?01:37
ns_tech1what is the command to install GTK 2.x?01:37
jjcmbencc: then just make sure that the bin files are in your PATH01:37
Tm0Is there any webmin or any webmin type product in the repos?01:37
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.01:37
jjcmTm0: Like a plesk kinda thing?01:37
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox01:38
Tm0jjcm, mhm, but in the repos prefered.01:38
jjcmYea can't help you there Tm001:38
xidicaolskolirc, what exactly is it you are trying to do again?01:39
Tm0jjcm, then i must run a .deb file?01:39
jjcmTm0: Not sure, I just dont know of any web admin products (Or rather, I haven't used any so I cant recommend one)01:39
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox01:40
Tm0I mean like i have to wget and run the .deb right?01:40
jjcmTm0: for what?01:40
Tm0For any webmin or plesk01:40
jjcmTm0: Check what ActionParsnip just alerted - webmin is no longer supported in debian/ubuntu01:41
blackshirtjohn38: before you ever install drivers ati ??01:41
ActionParsnipTm0: http://www.unixmen.com/linux-distributions/4-ubuntu/1213-install-webmin-in-ubuntu-1010-maverick-meerkat01:41
jjcmTm0: maybe google for "webmin alternative ubuntu"01:41
UnholyTerrorActionParsnip, settings do not take effect. I cannot drop or prevent the user from accessing wireless or ethernet connections.01:41
anonymous_1help! i cant open non-installed binaries!01:41
jjcmanonymous_1: what's the issue with them?01:42
Tm0Thanks Jccm thanks01:42
anonymous_1@jjcm they just dont work, in terminal it says 'command not found'01:42
olskolircxidica, i installed harden-remoteaudit and i can't find it no where not in the menu or the command line where is it01:42
UnholyTerrorActionParsnip, shouldn't that prevent internet/lan access?01:42
john38blackshirt, ??what01:42
anonymous_1@jjcm i tried to sh on them and it gives me many syntax errors and error dumps01:42
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ActionParsnipUnholyTerror: not sure, i've not done such a thing01:43
blackshirtpreviously, you ever install previous version ati driver ??01:43
jjcmanonymous_1: what about straight up ./ to run them anonymous_1?01:43
UnholyTerrorActionParsnip, I gotta try some other things... thanks.01:43
anonymous_1@jjcm didnt tried that, im not a linux wizard, brb01:43
john38blackshirt, no this is first time i try to install proprietary other than  open01:43
xidicaolskolirc, this is probably a question better asked in #nessus ... are you sure nessusd is configured and running?01:43
jjcmanonymous_1: if the name of the binary is "foo", just do ./foo01:44
john38blackshirt, how do i make sure i dont have any open source01:44
jjcmanonymous_1: while you're in the directory that they're contained in01:44
olskolircoh i have to have that too?01:44
olskolircok brb01:44
jjcmjohn38: You can't not have any open source code if you're installing linux.01:44
john38jjcm, not talking to you01:45
anonymous_1@jjcm it does not work01:45
john38i mean open source drivers for ati01:45
Guest40941PLEASE HELP. I had my ubuntu system installed in my 80 gb drive. i think i might have deleted all the information when i issued the comman "gzip -dc boot.img.gz >/dev/sda", it was supposed to be sdb (a usb drive) not sda, and i believe sda was the 80gb drive.}.01:45
jjcmanonymous_1: what's the output?01:45
blackshirtif you have purging it, i think it completely removed01:45
anonymous_1@jjcm first it says i have no permission, with sudo it says that command cant be found01:45
jjcmGuest40941: nicely done.01:45
KB1JWQGuest40941: Yeah, you blew a giant hole in something. :-)01:46
john38blackshirt, yes but how do i make sure01:46
KB1JWQIt's a good thing you've got a robust backup policy in place and can restore from backups though!  A lot of people with insufficient experience and bad administrative habits would not be in such a good position.01:46
KB1JWQGuest40941: ^^01:46
john38blackshirt, that everything is gone01:46
SingAlonghi all01:46
RetroGameranyone here good with iptables?01:46
xidicaRetroGamer, yes01:46
SingAlongis it possible to create an ISO install image of the current state of my system? (the extra packages installed + the base install)01:46
ActionParsnip!iptables | RetroGamer01:47
ubottuRetroGamer: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.01:47
jjcmanonymous_1: Sounds like the permissions aren't set right on it. What's "ls -l FILENAME" say about it (where filename is the name of the program you're trying to run)?01:47
RetroGamerActionParsnip, thank you...but its more complex than that...let me get my rules into pastebin01:47
blackshirtyou can try search in /usr/bin directory, still aticonfig reside on that directory01:47
Guest40941<jjcm>, <KB1JWQ> , so its done? no way to revover?01:47
ActionParsnipRetroGamer: thats all i know, i use a router which is enouugh for me01:47
KB1JWQGuest40941: Sure, restore from backup.01:47
anonymous_1@jjcm yes, filename is what i try to run, in this case these are game binaries, gotta get you that ls -l in a sec01:47
john38blackshirt, i got a Intel 865G 9600xt agp01:48
Tm0<ActionParsnip> i still get errors even after running that.01:48
Linus_Asuswell I think I got my answer is Ubuntu Studio, is it stable as much as the regular  ubuntu01:48
ActionParsnipGuest40941: restore from backup01:48
KB1JWQGuest40941: Other than that, you're boned.01:48
blackshirtyou have dual vga card on your system ??01:48
john38blackshirt, i installed ubuntu through onboard VGA xtreme graphics 201:48
Guest40941<KB1JWQ>, sorry for my ignoracne, but how? could yo point me out in some direction?01:48
jjcmGuest40941: You overwrote the information directly.01:48
anonymous_1@jjcm for openttd (x64 binary), it is -rw-------01:48
Guest40941jjcm, :S01:48
jjcmGuest40941: Unless you have that info backed up elsewhere, it's gone. Forever.01:48
john38blackshirt, then i plugged in agp card after that01:48
KB1JWQGuest40941: You take the separate removable media (maybe another drive, maybe an FTP server), and restore it.  If you don't have backups, you just learned a very painful lesson.01:49
john38blackshirt, should i reinstall through AGP card01:49
anonymous_1@jjcm the problem is that a lot of libs do that on me, mostly games01:49
RetroGamerxidica, http://pastebin.com/MPq2fr5S i'm trying to block port 80 on all users except the one with userid 6000 (squid)01:49
ActionParsnipjjcm: people love learning the value of backups the hardest way possible01:49
anonymous_1@jjcm bins*01:49
Guest40941KB1JWQ, yes I did01:49
KB1JWQGuest40941: That being said, depending on how big boot.img is when it's decompressed, you MIGHT be able to use something like testdisk or foremost to scrape data off of it.01:49
Guest40941thanks anyway01:49
jjcmGuest40941: There are some experimental/theoretical techniques for trying to find out the previous value of a bit on a magnetic media, but it requires an electron microscope01:49
jjcmGuest40941: and you have to do it by hand01:49
fishscene!ftp > fishscene01:49
ubottufishscene, please see my private message01:49
jjcmGuest40941: bit by bit01:49
Guest40941well the boot im wasnt too big01:49
ActionParsnipGuest40941: look into foremost01:49
xidicaRetroGamer, this is quite easy one sec01:49
RetroGamerxidica, awesome thank you01:50
ActionParsnipGuest40941: your backups are the most reliable way to get the data back01:50
KB1JWQGuest40941: Then you should pull the drive, get a working system up, and then use testdisk to attempt recovery of as much as you can.01:50
blackshirtjohn38: maybe you have to removed your another graphic card driver, deactivated your card through your bios and then try reinstall your ati driver..01:50
jjcmActionParsnip: We've all done it01:50
ActionParsnipjjcm: nope, ive always had backups since the beginning01:50
jjcmActionParsnip: I was foolish enough to give one of my clients root on one of their servers once.01:50
RetroGamerjjcm, thats clearly gonna end badly...01:51
jjcmActionParsnip: I figured, "Hey, it's their servers, they wont shoot themselves in the foot"01:51
jjcmActionParsnip: They wanted to see if the "rm -rf /" command was real.01:51
jjcmI kid you not.01:51
ActionParsnipjjcm: yeah but give users enough rope to hang themselves and....01:51
john38blackshirt, you mean go into Bios and disable onboard VGA??01:51
jjcmThat was what he told me on the phone.01:51
ActionParsnipjjcm: you are kidding...?01:51
RetroGamerohhhh god...thats just funny01:51
anonymous_1rm -rf? what does it do?01:51
ActionParsnipjjcm: damn!01:51
anonymous_1not a linux wizard btw01:52
john38blackshirt, and reinstall only through AGP card01:52
RetroGameranonymous_1, wipes out all directories and files01:52
ActionParsnipanonymous_1: there are videos online, go see01:52
himanshui have bunch of /dec/sd[1-5], while i don't have any external disk. Why is it like that?01:52
jjcmActionParsnip: recursively deletes everything in the folder / (the root folder)01:52
anonymous_1OH WOW01:52
ActionParsnipjjcm: ;)01:52
anonymous_1this is a cool command01:52
jjcmanonymous_1: recursively deletes everything in the folder /01:52
fishscenerm -rf completely and forcibly erases your entire directory01:52
anonymous_1like ED's Windows Optimizer 200901:52
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jjcmsorry, tabpwned there ActionParsnip01:52
anonymous_1except that EDWO2009 deletes system3201:52
ActionParsnipjjcm: np man01:52
blackshirtjohn32: you can try that..01:53
john38blackshirt, thats the problem i can't completly disable Onboard VGA just change boot priority01:53
Guest40941ok, tahnks, gonna go cry for the term paper that i have to rewrite from scratch for tomorrow at 701:53
ActionParsnipjohn38: you can in bios01:54
anonymous_1so jjcm, do you have any idea what could be the reason of my problem?01:54
jjcmanonymous_1: what was the output of ls -l?01:54
john38blackshirt, only options are INTEL_VGA ,,AGP/INTEL_VGA,,,AGP/PCI,,,,PCI/AGP or pci01:54
jjcmanonymous_1: that's why01:54
jjcmanonymous_1: so ls -l shows you the permission patterns of the file01:54
john38blackshirt, i dont see disable anywhere just priority01:55
himanshuwhich one of the /dev/sd1-5 is the hard disk?01:55
jjcmanonymous_1: ignore the first digit, it's the following 9 that are important01:55
blackshirtok..john..it's doesnt matter01:55
anonymous_1@jjcm ive seen such on ftp servers, what is the desired pattern?01:55
jjcmanonymous_1: they're in 3 groups - owner, group, and everyone else.01:55
blackshirtwith...maybe you just change your priority01:55
UnholyTerrorActionParsnip, it's weird, I can enable/disable 'Admin rights', enable/disable 'Configure Printers', but nothing has an effect on 'connect to wireless/ethernet networks'01:55
jjcmanonymous_1: so the first group, the owner group, has rw- set01:55
jjcmanonymous_1: that means that he can read, write, but not execute.01:56
jjcmanonymous_1: if it were able to be executed, it'd show up as rwx01:56
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john38blackshirt, maybe i should pick AGP/PCI where apg is picked first01:56
ActionParsnipUnholyTerror: you could make the nm-applet only executable by a certain group and add the users you want to have access in that group01:56
jjcmanonymous_1: full permissions is -rwxrwxrwx, meaning anyone can read,write, and execute01:56
blackshirtjohn32: what is your ati series do you have, ati radeon ??01:56
jjcmanonymous_1: so to change it you use the command chmod01:56
anonymous_1@jjcm but that would be dangerous to give rights to 3rd group, right?01:56
jjcmanonymous_1: i prefer to just set the changes to the exact state that I want it to be in01:56
john38blackshirt, Ati Radeon 9600xt 128mb 4x/8x agp01:57
jjcmanonymous_1: Generally, yes.01:57
jjcmanonymous_1: I'd toss in there a 75501:57
UnholyTerrorActionParsnip, Just wondering if anyone can duplicate this?01:57
jjcmanonymous_1: that means that only the owner (you) can rewrite the program01:57
jjcmanonymous_1: but anyone can run it01:57
Guest23749can anyone help me? i have pluged in my canon xti and it is not appearing in ubuntu02:00
Tm0Guest23749 is the camera on?02:00
dbdii407I have a question. I have to CD-Rs available at this time, I was wondering if I could just copy the contents of the .iso into my secondary hard drive and boot it from there?02:01
blackshirtwhat a complete message when your tyr execute the ati installer, ??02:01
dbdii407i have no*02:01
UnholyTerrorActionParsnip, Even now, my account is set to not be able to use modems or wireless/ethernet networks.02:01
Guest23749yes the camera is on02:01
UnholyTerrorActionParsnip, yet here I am?02:01
Tm0Guest23749 does the camera seem mounted like it does when it is pluged into windows?02:01
macodbdii407: i dont think you can do that, but if you have 2 computers you can PXE boot from the ISO02:01
Guest23749the camera says busy and then the screen goes blank02:01
dbdii407maco, I only have on02:01
dbdii407maco, I only have one*02:01
xidicadbdii407, No...Maco is correct you could PXE boot the ISO, or burn the ISO, or use a USB stick to make a bootable USB out of the ISO02:02
xidicadbdii407, best recommendation at that point is to make a bootable USB thumbdrive from the ISO02:02
dbdii407I dont think I can boot from USB02:02
xidicadbdii407, BIOS doesn't support it?02:02
macoxidica: get a friend to help then?02:02
xidicadbdii407, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick02:02
jjcmanonymous_1: sorry, had to afk for a sec02:03
MagnavoxHow many load cycles are standard hard drives good for?02:03
dbdii407I can't use USB though02:03
jjcmanonymous_1: if you just run, "chmod 755 FILENAME" you should be good02:03
Dr_Quantum+b *@*02:03
xidicaMagnavox, all relative imho02:03
jjcmMagnavox: a platter based drive?02:03
Magnavoxjjcm, yes.02:03
jjcmMagnavox: They'll typically measure the drive life in MTBF02:04
ev0_So apparently I fail02:04
jjcmMagnavox: I guess you could divide that by the time it takes to fully write a drive02:04
Magnavoxokay this drive was showing 55,000 load cycles...just curious02:04
jjcmMagnavox: then you'll get that load cycle02:04
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homehome@home-emachine:~/0ad/binaries/system$ ls /usr/local/lib/libboost_filesystem.so.1.44.002:05
homehome@home-emachine:~/0ad/binaries/system$ export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib $LDFLAGS"02:05
homehome@home-emachine:~/0ad/binaries/system$ ./test_dbg02:05
FloodBot1home: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:05
home./test_dbg: error while loading shared libraries: libboost_filesystem.so.1.44.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory02:05
ev0_psidof apt-get = 21042     ; killall 21042 ; no process found02:05
ev0_any ideas why?02:05
ActionParsnipev0_: try: sudo killall apt-get02:05
xidicaev0_, killall takes the process name, like 'killall apt-get'02:05
xidicaev0_, if you want to kill 21042 then do kill -9 2104202:06
ActionParsnipxidica: apt-get can only be ran by root, so it will need sudo as the user cannot kill root's processes02:06
safari09hye there. anyone can help me with wireless Broadcom Corporation BCM4322 802.11a/b/g02:06
dbdii407http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=137569 could I follow that and still be able to install like normal?02:06
ActionParsnip!broadcom | safari0902:06
ubottusafari09: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:06
ev0_kill -9 pid (worked) thanks02:06
safari09ok thank02:06
ev0_-9 is the flag for?02:06
ActionParsnipev0_: kill without care or grace, it's the biggest hammer02:07
xidicakill it immediately, don't send it any graceful or other signals02:07
ev0_okay cool thanks02:07
gdizhello everyone, I have been using mt-daapd, but I want to look into other options to stream music.  I would like a way to stream music like daap, but I would also like to be able to download the music through the stream if possible.  Is there anything like that?02:11
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anonymous_1@jjcm ive made a chmod 755 on the folder and the entire hdd, ls -l still says -rw-------02:12
histoanonymous_1: did you chmod /   ?02:12
jjcmthat woudl be a very bad idea02:13
anonymous_1@histo with a slash? why?02:13
jjcmanonymous_1: just chmod the fiel that you're executing.02:13
anonymous_1but id want to chmod the entire drive02:13
jjcmanonymous_1: dont run that command that histo said, he wants to know if you*did*02:13
anonymous_1its a dump drive02:13
histoanonymous_1: don't put the @ symbol infront of peoples names just type their name. That way the message gets higlighted02:13
anonymous_1all sorts of stuff go in there02:13
histoanonymous_1: what are you trying to do?02:13
Guest41476hey can anyone give me a hand with wine?02:14
anonymous_1im trying to run some games02:14
histo!ask | Guest4147602:14
ubottuGuest41476: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:14
jjcmanonymous_1: what's the name of the file?02:14
anonymous_1like quake3 for instance02:14
histoanonymous_1: okay so chmod +x nameoffile02:14
histoanonymous_1: then ./nameoffile02:14
jimisrvroxAnybody good with diagnosing errors with VLC player? Ive got some pastebin that I would like some assistance with..02:14
anonymous_1why not the entire drive? something wrong with that?02:14
jjcmanonymous_1: Yea, for two reasons02:14
histoanonymous_1: yes that would be bad. +x just makes the game executable02:14
jjcmanonymous_1: 1.) you didnt do it recursivley, which means it only affected the root of the drive02:15
akshu1hi i am searching for a virtual keyboard for girefox as well chrome02:15
jjcmanonymous_1: and 2.) never set permissions globally like that02:15
jjcmanonymous_1: it's bad practice02:15
histoanonymous_1: each file can have r - read  w - write x - execute02:15
jjcmanonymous_1: only give permissions to what you need to have permissions02:15
akshu1how to install virtual keyboard of web broweser02:15
histoakshu1: isn't there one in accesiblity options?02:15
anonymous_1but then id end up having to give permissions too often02:15
anonymous_1>windows uac02:15
jjcmanonymous_1: Only when you install something.02:16
akshu1histo, no02:16
jjcmanonymous_1: which you'd need to do anyway02:16
histoakshu1: system > preferences > assistive technologies?02:16
histoakshu1: I know there is a onscreen keyboard built it hold up02:16
connermcdakshu1 it's called onBoard... you may have to enable universal access by editing your Applications menu with right click02:16
macoconnermcd: it can be found in the assistive technologies popup as histo said02:17
tripelbI want to be able to do "print selection"  specifically for printing a web page. I used chrome and it'didnt work. AFAIK open(slow)office is the same. -- tired of printing extra pages.02:17
macothere's a button to choose which accessibility apps are used02:17
jjcmanonymous_1: only run "chmod 755" on the file of the game itself.02:17
jjcmanonymous_1: then just run it with ./quake3 or wahtever and you'll be fine.02:17
Guest41476ive got a problem with wine and microsoft office 2007 i cant click on the message box to enter a cd key02:18
histoakshu1: yeah you can enable onscreen keyboard in there02:18
akshu1histo, i am having only option in that is english i am looking for tamil language support02:19
jjcmGuest41476: Try including a config file with office, and include the cd key in there.02:19
histoakshu1: ahh no idea then.02:19
akshu1so that i can type in tamil in browser directly02:19
Guest41476how do i include a config file02:19
histoakshu1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145006202:20
anonymous_1@jjcm chmod is not making any changes02:20
anonymous_1>chmod 755 quake3-smp.x8602:20
dattadoes anyone know how to use dvd::rip? i need help with transcoding a dvd to avi02:20
anonymous_1ls -l still says only root has rw, but no x02:20
connermcddatta i recommend acidrip02:20
histoakshu1: is it on a mounted location?02:21
Guest41476ive got a problem with wine and microsoft office 2007 i cant click on the message box to enter a cd key is there some way fo manualy enter the cd key02:21
jjcmanonymous_1: what histo said, do you have write permissions on that drive?02:21
jjcmanonymous_1: and did it say that chmod ran, or were there errors?02:21
yagooGuest2056, excuse me did you say you need help to run M$office? get out man.. microsoft is bashful.02:21
histoGuest41476: I would ask in the wine channel02:21
histoGuest41476: /j #winehq02:22
jjcmyagoo: sometimes you need ms office to read things other peeps send you02:22
dattaconnermcd: all right, will try that02:22
histojjcm: thats what openoffice is for02:22
iceswordwhat's the lowest hardware requirements for running ubuntu 10.10?02:22
anonymous_1@jjcm chmod said nothing02:22
Guest41476yagoo: we are taught how to use exel at uni02:22
jjcmhisto: OO doesn't always do the best of jobs - it'll fuck formatting on occaision.02:22
Guest41476so i need it for that02:22
histo!requirements > icesword02:22
ubottuicesword, please see my private message02:22
dattain ubuntu's multimedia guide, they recommended dvd:rip02:22
Nin1wondering if someone can point me to a net install iso for x86?02:22
jimisrvroxanybody got any ideas? ive got these two errors going Xlib:  extension "SYNC" missing on display "localhost:11.0". and Xlib:  extension "XVideo" missing on display "localhost:11.0"02:22
IdleOne!language | jjcm02:22
ubottujjcm: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:22
jjcmGuest41476: If you're just using excel, just get open office02:22
ActionParsnipdatta: theres acidrip too02:23
yagooGuest2056, wrong place.. if I were you i would never dare ask for microsoft product installation help.. especialyl here.. just install vbox and smarten up..02:23
Guest41476its has difrent function though02:23
histoGuest41476: I would joine the #winehq channel and ask them they have more experience.02:23
jjcmGuest41476: Only use MS Office if you have clients/customers that require compatibility02:23
ActionParsnip!appdb | Guest4147602:23
ubottuGuest41476: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help02:23
jjcmGuest41476: the functions should be pretty transferable, some of the syntax may differ though02:23
histoyagoo: he's using wine to run it02:23
histoActionParsnip: ty02:24
connermcddatta I'm just a user like you that's been through that02:24
ActionParsniphisto: anytime02:24
Guest41476i tried to join #winehq but i was the only person in there lol02:24
connermcddatta not saying that dvd::rip is bad... I just like acidrip better and can help you with it02:24
yagoohisto, doesn't matter.. then he'll cry about wine not working for him.. and he'll come back asking for "microsoft" help02:24
Guest41476another question i have a problem i cant start google chrome02:24
ActionParsnipGuest41476: theres 130 users in there02:24
Guest41476it recons there is a dev error02:24
jjcmGuest41476: what output does it give you02:25
earthshadeAnyone know how to manually install drivers in terminal?02:25
dattaconnermcd: all right, i have no clue on how to use this, how do you use it?02:25
histoearthshade: which drivers?02:25
xidicaearthshade, depends on what drivers02:25
jjcmearthshade: from source?02:25
jimisrvroxconnermcd: hey im foolin around with dvd::rip right now so does acidrip give you title menus and shit too? because it doesnt seem to me like dvdrip does..02:25
dattathere is no preview that is coming up02:25
iceswordactionparsnip, hardware requirement of 10.10, cpu? ram? do you know?02:25
histo!requirements | icesword02:26
ubottuicesword: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu02:26
connermcdjimisrvrox datta the preview is on a tab, it shows all the titles but you usually need to preview to make sure its the right one02:26
earthshadeDrivers for canon pixma ip1700 printer... I was told to use the drivers for ip220002:26
ActionParsnipicesword: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements02:26
histoearthshade: what in cups?02:26
histoearthshade: opena  browser and go to localhost:63102:26
connermcdjimisrvrox you know... making sure its not the commentary etc.... when I burn TV show DVDs its usually the first titles lined up02:26
ActionParsnipearthshade: are there no drivers for it on the canon site?02:26
iceswordjust tell me02:26
earthshadeActionParsnip: Only for 220002:27
connermcddatta you need to select the title you wanna rip (load to get titles)02:27
ActionParsnipicesword: its on that page02:27
dattaconnermcd: well nothing comes up even when i did select it02:27
jjcmGuest41476: did you check the permissions on /dev/shm?02:27
histoicesword: is there a reason you can't look at that page?02:27
connermcddatta did you load the DVD on the first tab?02:27
earthshadeCups 1.4.302:27
ActionParsnipearthshade: i'd go for it, you can always remove the driver if its bad02:27
connermcddatta you have to load the DVD and select a title to preview it02:27
histoicesword: we cna't paste the page in here it's to long02:27
jimisrvroxconnermcd: well I ripped a dvd and I got all vob's and no menu's like I want..with dvd::rip..but Im guessing acidrip might be easier to navigate?02:27
Guest41476i think it says read only02:28
histoearthshade: open a web browser and navigate to localhost:631  then config your printer02:28
Guest41476can i change it somehow?02:28
dattaconnermcd: i have loaded it, it says the time02:28
jjcmGuest41476: Run that command that it told you to run in the error message02:28
earthshadeActionParsnip: Yeah I just don't know how to install it... Im still learning this linux stuff02:28
dattaconnermcd: there is no codec that i can select from or anything02:28
iceswordjust cpu and ram require02:28
ActionParsnipearthshade: they usually give debs or archives of debs02:28
jjcmGuest41476: sudo chmod 777 /dev/shm02:28
connermcdjimisrvrox it rips to .avi or .mpg not vobs... it doesn't use menus though like the actual DVD02:28
histoicesword: Why can't you click the link?02:28
Guest41476chmod: changing permissions of `/dev/shm': Read-only file system02:28
earthshadeActionParsnip: No like im a noob02:28
connermcddatta you may need to install ubuntu-restricted-extras... libdvdcss202:29
earthshadehisto: How to Config?02:29
Guest41476and then i get same error as before02:29
ActionParsnipearthshade: what file does the site give you?02:29
connermcddatta have you installed the restricted extras?02:29
earthshadeActionParsnip: One sec02:29
dattaconnermcd: have to check that02:29
histoearthshade: don't pay attention to my suggestioni if you found drivers from somewhere02:29
earthshadehisto: Ok02:29
StevethepirateActionParsnip: Random aside; do you ever reddit?02:30
blaxnuxhello. :) please help me. How can I configure compiz without using compizconfig setting manager?02:30
jjcmGuest41476: why is your filesystem mounted as read only?02:30
connermcdblaxnux why don't you want to use the setting manager?02:30
histoblaxnux: I think there is ccsm light or someting02:30
Guest41476jjcm: wouldnt have a clue can i change it?02:31
blaxnuxI can't update. my internet is not unlimited02:31
ActionParsnipStevethepirate: reddit? what's that?02:31
SingAlongis it possible to create an ISO install image of the current state of my system? (the extra packages installed + the base install)02:31
histoblaxnux: http://digg.com/news/technology/How_To_to_configure_Compiz02:31
dattaconnermcd: still you cannot choose codecs02:31
ActionParsnipSingAlong: you can customise the install ISO, i know that much02:32
jjcmActionParsnip: It's a social news aggregator.02:32
histoblaxnux: basically use gconf-editor and config02:32
ActionParsnipblaxnux: you can use simple-ccsm02:32
SingAlongActionParsnip: the pages on the wiki is too old.02:32
ActionParsnipjjcm: i see, thanks02:32
SingAlongActionParsnip: ya thats exactly what I need :)02:32
blaxnuxIs there is a way to configure it using only terminal and gedit?02:32
histoActionParsnip: he can't install any packages02:32
ActionParsnipSingAlong: for what?02:32
connermcddatta can you play the DVD?02:32
SingAlongActionParsnip: forking a distro :)02:32
histoblaxnux: no but you can use gconf-editor which is installed02:32
ActionParsnip!remaster | SingAlong02:32
ubottuSingAlong: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility02:32
jjcmGuest41476: It's probably your underlying issue - I gotta take off though. Best of luck with it!02:33
dattaconnermcd: well no but when i ripped it with dvd:rip it ripped even though i could not see it02:33
blaxnuxoh, I see. thank you very much. :)02:33
histoblaxnux: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/ConfiguringCompiz  Follow these directions plugins are in compiz > genereal > etc....02:33
dattaconnermcd: the problem with that was that it does not transcode to any format02:33
Guest41476jjcm:thanks for help cya02:33
SingAlongActionParsnip: thanks02:33
histoblaxnux: just hit alt+f2 and run gconf-editor02:33
ActionParsnipSingAlong: what pages are too old.....?02:33
dbowlbyHello all02:33
SingAlongActionParsnip: meant for 8.04 etc02:33
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blaxnuxthank you. :_02:33
Guest41476chmod: changing permissions of `/dev/shm': Read-only file system anyone know how to fix is02:33
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StevethepirateActionParsnip: :)02:33
econdudeawesomeHi all. What are the strengths of ubuntu over fedora?02:34
jjcmStevethepirate: Did you just migrate over to reddit?02:34
connermcddatta I mean can you play the DVD like in VLC or whatever02:34
ActionParsnipGuest41476: you cant change that thing, its a block device, you need to set mount options to modify how you can access it and by whom02:34
connermcddatta can you watch it02:34
dattaconnermcd: no02:34
dbowlbyecondudeawesome - I would say it's a matter of taste02:34
StevethepirateNo, I was just browsing /r/linux and wondered if many people in here use reddit.02:34
ActionParsnipSingAlong: what is too old, you never said02:34
dbowlbyecondudeawesome - try them both and decide for yourself :)02:35
connermcddatta well the reason it wouldn't transcode and the reason acidrip isn't working is because you can't read it02:35
Guest41476actionparnip: how do i set mount options?02:35
dattaconnermcd: then i have to use handbrake to convert it02:35
jimisrvroxhey connermcd are you good with diagnosing Xorg errors? I was playing my DVD via ssh and I would get: Xlib:  extension "SYNC" missing on display "localhost:11.0". Xlib:  extension "XVideo" missing on display "localhost:11.0".02:35
meatbuni turned off update manager. it still pops out. how to fix it?02:35
ActionParsnip!mount | Guest4147602:35
ubottuGuest41476: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount02:35
SingAlongActionParsnip: the page on the wiki for customizing install ISO. but no worries that was another page that google directed me to. the ones you just refered me to are awesome02:35
ActionParsnipGuest41476: also, use TAB to complete nicks02:35
connermcddatta sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras02:35
bouncingSo this is going to sound weird, but since installing Kubuntu-desktop, whenever I boot up, it crashes. In recovery mode, it crashes while it waits for mountall; in normal mode without the splash and quiet options, it crashes once the login screen appears (mouse pointer frozen, keyboard unresponsive); on older kernels, it crashes at various stages of booting, each different.02:36
earthshadeOk so I downloaded the drivers for ip2200 from the canon site... It is a .tgz file... How do I install?02:36
ActionParsnipSingAlong: hardy is still fully supported on both desktop and server02:36
dattaconnermcd: it's installed02:36
ActionParsnipearthshade: right click it and extract it02:36
SingAlongActionParsnip: oh02:36
ActionParsnipSingAlong: and the method you use will be exactly the same02:37
ActionParsnipSingAlong: yuo will chroot into the CD and add / remove stuff, so the method being old is moot02:37
earthshadeActionParsnip: Ok now what?02:37
bouncingalso, how do I get a list of installed packages on a partition that's mounted (not on the running system)?02:37
connermcddatta sudo apt-get install vlc xine mplayer libdvdread302:37
ActionParsnipearthshade: you will have a folder, enter it and have a look around, you wil have debs you can install02:37
connermcddatta then try to play it in VLC02:37
connermcdjimisrvrox sorry can't help ya there02:38
dattaconnermcd: all right will try that02:38
dbowlbyI have ubuntu server 10.10 running on my box.  I told it to install the virtualization components.  So far it works great, I love it.  My only concern is that my hosts are on their own network.  I'm cool with this, but I really want to have the server to act as a gateway to the virtualized servers.02:38
dbowlbyThere is documentation on host only and bridged connections, but I can't find anything on port forwarding to the virtualized hosts.02:38
connermcddatta then install the CSS library... sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh02:39
dattaconnermcd: no does not work, dvdrip seems to copy the vob files fairly well without transcoding them02:39
earthshadeActionParsnip: See but im a noob to the point where I don't knowhow to install them if I find them02:39
ActionParsnipdbowlby: make the guest systems us a bridged interface and they will appear on teh LAN just like a physical PC and will be in the DHCP list in the router config page02:39
ActionParsnipearthshade: use your eyes, you can see the file extensions02:39
dattaconnermcd: maybe because the dvd is protected or something02:40
earthshadeActionParsnip: I don't know how to install them!!!!!!02:40
dbowlbyActionParsnip, I'm not wanting to eat up IP addreses on my network.  I like it to be seperate.  I want the host server to port forward to the internal hosts02:40
ActionParsnipearthshade: if yuo bang the "I'm a noob, I know nothing" drum you will never get any more proficient with the OS02:40
connermcddatta ah you need these codecs -> sudo apt-get libdvdnav4 libdvdplay0 libdvdread3 libdvdcss202:40
ActionParsnipearthshade: double click them!!!!!!02:40
connermcddatta oops... sudo apt-get install02:40
ActionParsnipdbowlby: are you using a home lan?02:40
rigvedhi everyone02:41
earthshadeSo im looking for deb files02:41
dbowlbyActoinParsnip, yes02:41
LicuadoraHow can I find out what happen to my system? I was trying to reinstall Ubuntu, but then got stuck in the "Who are you" section, so i cancel it, and now, when i try to boot normally, it asks me for a boot CD, but I can't install from the liveCD even though it has no errors, What can i do02:41
ActionParsnipearthshade: yes, there may be a readme in the files too. I dont have the data so cannot tell you exactly02:41
dbowlbyActionParsnip, I like the design of having the VM host front the ports02:41
earthshadeUm every file is .rpm it seems02:41
rigvedwhen i try to install remastersys, apt-get asks me to remove grub-pc. is this fine or will it cause some problem with my system?02:41
ActionParsnipdbowlby: do you anticipate having 254 PCs?02:42
rigvedi'm using ubuntu 10.0402:42
dattaconnermcd: everything is installed02:42
ActionParsnipearthshade: then you have the redhat driver02:42
earthshadeWhat's redhat?02:42
dbowlbyActionParsnip, I see where you are going, but I only want one IP per physical box02:42
connermcddatta k try playing it in VLC again02:42
nimbioticsIs there a WYSIWYG  tool to create web pages in ubuntu, something for a total noob? TIA!02:42
ActionParsnipdbowlby: thats what will happen, the other IPs will be for the software systems02:42
dattaconnermcd: seems like it will not work, as if it is a dvd you cannot rip. tried it before on windows did not work02:42
earthshadeActionParsnip: What's redhat?02:43
histonimbiotics: there are plenty of them. If you search the software center you will get many results02:43
rigved!redhat | earthshade02:43
ubottuearthshade: Other !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)02:43
dattaconnermcd: it says there is nothing on the cd/dvd drive02:43
nimbioticshisto: thanks02:43
ActionParsnipdbowlby: the host won't have multiple IPs, it will just be the same port for the next hop to then hit the virtual systems02:43
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:43
DiamondciteActionParsnip, dbowlby: Is bridging the interface a possible solution? or even an independent NAT.02:44
earthshadegbillings: Damn? Really?02:44
LicuadoraIs it ok if I upgrade when I am in a liveCD?02:44
spvensko_hi, can anyone recommend fun multiplayer games that do not require modern video cards? A good example would be TeeWorlds02:44
akshu1i have installed gok but in accestive technolgies not showing gok option for enable02:44
dbowlbyActionParsnip, I understand the dynamics of virtualization.  I'm wanting to forward ports from the eth0 of the host to the various virtual boxes on that host.  The idea is to have a single IP to reference and based on port it goes to the appropriate host02:45
ActionParsnipDiamondcite: sure, its in the config of the virtual system02:45
dbowlbyActionParsnip, similar to the nat options in vmware02:45
bonhofferanyone know how to make a cron task run at 5am 12pm and 7pm?02:45
ActionParsnipdbowlby: you can do it that way but its a bit messier02:45
ActionParsnip!cron | bonhoffer02:45
ubottubonhoffer: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm02:45
bonhofferadd three lines in crontab?02:45
dbowlbyActionParsnip, I figured that is why there isn't really a tutorial :)02:45
LicuadoraWE linux ppl don't play games, we are too busy trying to make Ubuntu work with out any issues02:45
gbillingsearthshade, i was pointing out how rediculous the ubottu commands are and how people abuse them :P didnt mean it personaly02:46
bonhofferi can specify a daily time, but it looks like i need three lines to do three times during the day02:46
schnootopHas anyone had problems with several characters in the new ubuntu font ? the comma always comes out as a block for me02:46
DiamondciteLicuadora: I'm playing games right now.. and I'm in linux..02:46
earthshadegbillings: Lol Oic02:46
mitchsneed help with my touch pad,   how to make it so its not so touchy, thanks.02:46
bonhofferActionParsnip: i got the basics, but three different times (or every 5 hours) is what i am trying to do02:46
LicuadoraPlay with me...02:46
DiamondciteIRC makes a good reading since the in-game chat is just spam =P02:46
rigved!details | mitchs02:47
ubottumitchs: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:47
bonhofferahh --i can enter in */2 for the hour field02:47
Guest41476when i try run google chrom i get :~$ /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome02:47
Guest41476[13757:13757:13188023739:ERROR:chrome/common/json_pref_store.cc(48)] Error reading Preferences: File doesn't exist. /home/jack/.config/google-chrome/Local State: No such file or directory02:47
Guest41476[13757:13757:13188167297:ERROR:chrome/common/json_pref_store.cc(48)] Error reading Preferences: File doesn't exist. /home/jack/.config/google-chrome/Default/Preferences: No such file or directory02:47
Guest41476[13757:13769:13188346374:FATAL:base/shared_memory_posix.cc(193)] Creating shared memory in /dev/shm/.com.google.chrome.6g28ke failed. This is frequently caused by incorrect permissions on /dev/shm.  Try 'sudo chmod 777 /dev/shm' to fix.: No such file or directory02:47
FloodBot1Guest41476: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:47
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:47
mitchswhen i typre my thumbs touch  the tyuch pad and mess everything up. i need help with it.02:47
LicuadoraI love bots02:47
gbillingsLicuadora, lol02:48
mitchsbesides correct posture02:48
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bonhofferActionParsnip: but is there anyway to run the crontab to see if it works?02:48
bonhofferother than waiting for time to elapse?02:48
froggymanall of the little minimized boxes on the bottom of my screen disappeared after I accidently right clicked on something and must have hit "remove from panel"02:48
xidicabonhoffer, crontab -l -u USERNAME02:48
froggymanany help on getting that back?02:48
xidicabonhoffer, sudo -u username cron_you_are_trying_to_run02:48
jaco:~$ /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome02:48
jaco[13757:13757:13188023739:ERROR:chrome/common/json_pref_store.cc(48)] Error reading Preferences: File doesn't exist. /home/jack/.config/google-chrome/Local State: No such file or directory02:48
jaco[13757:13757:13188167297:ERROR:chrome/common/json_pref_store.cc(48)] Error reading Preferences: File doesn't exist. /home/jack/.config/google-chrome/Default/Preferences: No such file or directory02:48
jaco[13757:13769:13188346374:FATAL:base/shared_memory_posix.cc(193)] Creating shared memory in /dev/shm/.com.google.chrome.6g28ke failed. This is frequently caused by incorrect permissions on /dev/shm.  Try 'sudo chmod 777 /dev/shm' to fix.: No such file or directory02:48
FloodBot1jaco: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:48
Diamondcitebonhoffer: There used to be a grpahical cron configuration app.. but I can't put my hand on the name at the moment.02:49
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:49
bonhofferDiamondcite: i am on a remote server02:49
xidicabonhoffer, crontab -l what is the output02:49
bonhofferxidica: nice02:49
Diamondcitebonhoffer: No X11 forwarding? "ssh -CY user@host"02:49
Licuadoraanyway... i am upgrading from a liveCD and then I'll try to re install again, if I cant reinstall Ubuntu, I'll change to backtrack02:49
Licuadorawell, maybe not but... I NEED HELP!!02:49
bonhofferDiamondcite: never thought about that -- from a mac, possible?02:49
bonhofferxidica: 0 2 * * * /home/tim/scripts/backup_fit_wit02:50
Diamondcitebonhoffer: Long as there is an X server.. try that command first and run somethnig basic.. like 'xclock'02:50
bonhofferDiamondcite: nice, thanks!02:50
icesword10.10 needs 1gb ram and 15gb hd space, why so?02:50
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mitchsWhats the program for configuring my touchpad?02:50
iceswordpm to me02:50
Licuadoramitchs: Unity02:51
mitchsthank you02:51
iisjmiiCan anybody tell me if Ubuntu-server includes Python? (base install)02:51
AbhiJitiisjmii, #ubuntu-server02:51
xidicabonhoffer, sudo -u tim /home/time/scripts/backup_fit_wit02:51
xidicabonhoffer, see what that outputs02:51
bonhofferxidica: which i don't get i don't know what that script is02:51
xidicaerr 'tim'02:51
froggymanall of the little minimized boxes on the bottom of my screen disappeared after I accidently right clicked on something and must have hit "remove from panel", how do I get that back?02:51
xidicabonhoffer, then cat the script02:51
ActionParsnipbonhoffer: you can cron a job for sooner rather than later and observe02:51
rigvedif i remove grub-pc, will i still be able to load grub2? i'm using ubuntu 10.04. anyone know this?02:51
bonhofferActionParsnip: that is what i've been doing02:51
xidicabonhoffer, just run it manually as the user tim and see what it does02:52
ActionParsnipbonhoffer: or you can use: at02:52
xidicabonhoffer, strace it if you want02:52
bonhofferxidica: i did cat for the script and it is what i expect --02:52
bonhofferxidica: i need to learn strace02:52
LicuadoraAnywho... goodbye, 'yall02:52
bonhofferActionParsnip: i don't know at02:52
xidicabonhoffer, strace /home/tim/whatever02:52
jaco123http://paste.ubuntu.com/524218/ can some one help02:52
bonhofferxidica: looks like i have some real reading to do02:53
xidicajaco123, sudo chmod 777 /dev/shm02:53
bonhofferxidica: i need to install strace it looks like02:53
bonhofferis strace the package?02:53
jaco123xidica, i tried that it says its mounted as read only02:53
Tweakyhi. i want to have a conversation with another ubuntu user and be able to use webcam and typing. any suggestions for software?02:53
xidicajaco123, what is the output of mount /dev/shm02:53
xidicajaco123, it should look like none on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)02:54
jaco123xidica, chmod: changing permissions of `/dev/shm': Read-only file system02:54
xidicajaco123, is your drive failing?02:54
bonhofferxidica: for crontab -l -- where is that file it is referencing?02:54
earthshade"wrong architecture i386"????02:54
jaco123xidica, everything else is working fine02:54
bonhoffermore /etc/ctontab is the file i am looking at02:54
osimuruI'm using Byobu, and wondering how I can create a "default window" with bash at a certain directory. I tried adding "screen -t test bash -c 'cd /home/me/random_folder'", but it didn't work (it automatically closes). How do you set the working directory of bash in such a startup script?02:55
ActionParsnipearthshade: your OS is 64bit isn't it?02:55
dbowlbyActionParsnip, thanks for the info.  I will go with the bridging approach and abandon the idea of fronting ports from the host.02:55
earthshadeActionParsnip: Yessir02:56
ActionParsnipdbowlby: home networks have addresses to burn02:56
dbowlbyActionParsnip, I'll just change my IP schema to accomodate :)02:56
ABGDhey dawgs02:56
dbowlbyActionParsnip, well that is true of most homes, not necessarily mine :)02:56
rigvedok, never mind i checked it online. grub-pc is the package name for grub2. so it will cause problems with my system if i remove it02:56
ActionParsnipearthshade: the drivers are 32bit, if there is only 32bit drivers you will need to install ia32-libs02:56
earthshadeActionParsnip: Command?02:57
bonhofferActionParsnip: xidica: http://www.pastie.org/126573902:57
bonhofferstrace won't install02:57
ActionParsnipearthshade: then you can force install the drive. This will most likely NOT work and you may need a 32bit OS to accommodate your printer manufacturers support02:57
jaco123hey help please http://paste.ubuntu.com/524220/02:58
ActionParsnipearthshade: search software-centre for the package name, thats what installs entail02:58
bonhofferActionParsnip: xidica: trying https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Strace02:58
bonhofferbut get that E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?02:58
bonhofferthose suggestions don't work02:58
ActionParsnipbonhoffer: gutsy is long dead and gnoe02:58
earthshadeActionParsnip: Its already installed..02:58
bonhofferActionParsnip: ok. and i don't have time to upgrade02:59
ActionParsnipearthshade: ok then you can force install the debs with: sudo dpkg --force-arch -i filename.deb02:59
jaco123hey help please http://paste.ubuntu.com/524220/02:59
ActionParsnipbonhoffer: then you cannot nistall any debs which arent on the install CD02:59
Tweakyanyone know of webcam softwar i can chat with in ubuntu02:59
bonhofferActionParsnip: thanks for letting me know02:59
ActionParsnipTweaky: amsn if you use the msn protocol02:59
veronhello alguien habla español? xd03:00
blackshirtbonhoffer: what are you doing03:00
TweakyActionParsnip: thanks i will try03:00
bonhofferblackshirt: trying to see if my crontab works03:00
blackshirtyour crontab not working ??03:00
bonhofferyak shaving . . . trying to get strace installed on gutsy so i can see what is going on with my crontab03:00
ghostnik11hi was wondering if anyone knows the package in synaptic that i have to download to get the connect (to ftp,http,and etc) feature that comes with most ubuntu distros on lubuntu 10.1003:00
bonhofferblackshirt: it might be working -- i just want to test it03:00
avohey guys, i'm running Ubuntu lucid (but using the same super-current proprietary ATI driver as found in Maverick.. though this issue has been occurred in all FGLRX drivers I've had). My problem is that when returning from Suspend, my computer will become so slow it is thoroughly unusable. Using the gnome system monitor panel applet, I can see that IOWait is maxing when this happens; however my processor is not. What is the cause of this? Is03:01
avo this a known problem? Does a solution exist? Thanks so much!03:01
bonhofferwithout setting time for one minute from now03:01
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bastidrazor!es | veron03:01
ubottuveron: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:01
ActionParsnipavo: mixing packages from different releases is not advised, and probably why you are getting the issues. The packages are not supposed to be interchanged between releases03:02
blackshirtbonhoffer: ok..03:02
bonhofferneed to man crontab, but thought there might be some easy crontab troubleshooting commands to run it and see if there are any errors03:02
earthshadeActionParsnip:  what was the command again?03:03
osimuruHow can I launch Bash with another working directory? For example: instead of my home folder, it starts in my downloads folder.03:03
ActionParsnipearthshade: ok then you can force install the debs with: sudo dpkg --force-arch -i filename.deb   you will need to use the path and filename for the file as I have no way of knowing that information]#03:03
julianacan anyone help me?03:04
connermcdosimuru just put cd Downloads in your .bashrc03:04
earthshadeActionParsnip: Space between force and arch?03:04
connermcd!ask | juliana03:04
ubottujuliana: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:04
avoActionParsnip, Perhaps I should have left that out. This problem has occurred on all versions of ubuntu, will a whole range of FGLRX drivers. On Maverick with it's out-of-the-box proprietary ATI driver, on Lucid with its', and with all of the ATI drivers in between. Mixing of packages, I can assure you, is not the cause.03:04
enferexIm trying to apt-get a common package but i keep getting "Could not resolve 'ar.archive.ubuntu.com'" yet I can still ping it03:04
xidicaenferex, cat /etc/resolv.conf03:04
ActionParsniposimuru: gnome-terminal --working-directory=DIRNAME03:04
ActionParsniposimuru: it's in the man page03:04
earthshadeActionParsnip: ^^03:04
blackshirtbonhoffer: just read man page03:05
ActionParsnipearthshade: no, its a minus sign03:05
osimuruconnermcd: I want to use it with screen, so certain tabs are automatically at certain working directories, so I can't change the .bashrc, since it would make it so for every new instance of bash?03:05
n2diyshould a joystick show up under lshw?03:05
osimuruActionParsnip: bash, not gnome-terminal03:05
julianaI chosed a existent NTFS partition as my swap drive, knowing not what was a swap. I had many many files in that partition... can I still access them?03:05
bonhofferblackshirt: agreed, but was looking for a quick command that i didn't see in the man-page03:05
earthshadeActionParsnip: Between minus and arch?03:05
xidicajuliana, doubtful lol03:05
enferexxidica: ok... i have valid server in there03:05
xidicaenferex, try first 'dig google.com' and also 'dig google.com @'03:06
avojuliana, Not without using data recovery techniques, no,03:06
ActionParsnipearthshade: ok then you can force install the debs with: sudo dpkg --force-arch -i filename.deb   you will need to use the path and filename for the file as I have no way of knowing that information < write it as it's written03:06
blackshirtbonhoffer: i think, still there bug on crontab..read fully03:06
earthshadeActionParsnip: Unknown force option arch03:06
bonhofferblackshirt: ??03:06
=== jack is now known as jack123
blakkheimjuliana: next time don't use something you don't fully understand03:06
julianawhat would you guys recommend for recovery?03:06
bonhoffer"still there bug on crontab"03:06
bonhofferyou think crontab is buggy?03:06
avojuliana, It's expensive software.03:06
ActionParsnipearthshade: ok then you can force install the debs with: sudo dpkg --force-all -i filename.deb   try that instead.03:06
enferexxidica: 'dig google.com' worked the 'dig google.com @' failed.  The first one used one of the nameservers in my resolv.conf03:07
avojuliana, An unfortunate lesson on keeping backups.03:07
blackshirtbonhoffer: each entry in crontab end in a newline character..03:07
earthshadeActionParsnip: Unknown option "/"03:07
bonhofferblackshirt: which is why i want to run it . . .03:07
ActionParsniposimuru: if its for a user every time, add:   cd /path/to/folder   at the end of ~/.bashrc03:08
linelevelHi guys. I have a Lenovo Thinkpad T410 which dual-boots Windows and Ubuntu. In Ubuntu only, I've been having a problem with my wireless recently. It was fine in Ubuntu Lucid, but since I upgraded to Maverick my internet works for a few minutes after a reboot then just stops working. If I disconnect and try to reconnect to any network, it keeps me waiting forever (until I manually stop it). The only way to get back online is to reboot agai03:08
julianaoh... how sad...03:08
connermcdosimuru there's also a .screenrc but I've never messed with it03:08
ActionParsnipearthshade: don't add spaces in the filenames because you feel like it, and use tab to complete pathnames and the filenames03:08
ActionParsniposimuru: every bash and terminal will start in the folder you specify03:09
earthshadeActionParsnip: Im dragging the file ibto terminal so it gives the exact location03:09
ActionParsnipearthshade: it's clearly not working is it....03:09
earthshadeActionParsnip: Got it nvm03:09
foxloverWhere I can ask about C in this server?03:09
jribfoxlover: ##c03:09
foxloverjrib: thank you :)03:10
=== foxlover is now known as PauloRicardo
connermcdosimuru this may help with screenrc - http://www.mail-archive.com/screen-users@gnu.org/msg01538.html03:10
earthshadeActionParsnip: Everytime it finishes it says ldconfig processibg now taking place03:11
ActionParsnipearthshade: yes, it will03:12
earthshadeHow long does that take?03:12
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earthshadeActionParsnip: ^^03:12
ActionParsnipearthshade: as long as it needs03:13
earthshadeHow do i know when its done?03:13
earthshadeActionParsnip: ^^03:14
StevethepirateJust had a look at python-twisted; but it seems like goddam overkill for what I need :< Just want a simple library for HTTP proxying.03:14
julianahow can I recover a partition that I'd turned into swap?03:14
bullgard4Cold-starting my Lucid Ubuntu computer does no longer obtain network access. '~$ route' is empty. The green link LED is on though. '~$ sudo dhclient eth0' brings back network access but no Avahi. To fix this, what should I look for in dmesg?03:14
jribStevethepirate: #python perhaps?03:15
Stevethepiratejrib: Doesn't _have_ to be python. Thats the problem :(03:17
CaneToadbullgard4 - I don't use avahi have you tried doing:  service avahi-daemon restart03:17
StevethepirateWish ##networking wasn't so idle :)03:17
StevethepirateI'll give them a bash.03:17
jribStevethepirate: what is your question?03:17
StevethepirateI'll ask on #python; judgement call here. Screw C idea; python it is.03:17
earthshadeActionParsnip: It is now recognized but the test pages will not print03:18
ActionParsnipearthshade: then the driver either needs tweaking if possible or the driver isn't the one for you03:19
MikeWUbuntu 10.10 Desktop does not work under Hyper-V, is anyone familiar with someone who actually did get it hacked to work under Hyper-V?03:21
lynxIs there a game hacking program or memory editing program for linux03:21
=== lynx is now known as Guest89746
ActionParsnipMikeW: http://www.vumesoft.com/installing-ubuntu-server-10-10-on-hyper-v/03:22
KB1JWQlinelevel: Sure, hexdump03:22
ndrofthelinedoes anybody know how to change the console resolution03:22
CaneToadGuest89746: bvi is a binary file editor03:22
MikeWActionParsnip: That's Ubuntu Server, it's Ubuntu Desktop that doesn't work03:22
ndrofthelinei have an external monitor on my headless laptop03:22
ActionParsnipMikeW: why not use something like vmware or virtualbox03:22
ndrofthelineand it displays boot text fine03:23
Guest89746will bvi edit the memory of a process?03:23
ndrofthelinebut then when it gets to a text login prompt it starts freaking out03:23
Guest89746What program that is prewritten can I use to change the memory of a process?03:23
=== fc is now known as Guest40177
ndrofthelineso i want to play with my resolution03:23
ActionParsnipMikeW: you could install the desktop on the server once its installed, you may need some boot options to make it fly03:23
Guest89746I know it's possible to write a program to do it... so which function?03:23
Guest89746you have to understand that I'm not a linux programmer...03:23
ndrofthelineit used to be under /etc/X11/xorg.conf but now i don't know what to do03:23
MikeWActionParsnip: Because Vmware Server doesn't run at the same time as Hyper-V, and I got ubuntu 10.10 desktop working amazingly well under vmware server, but it works less well with all my Windows VMs03:23
sosaitedWhere can I find latest stable and unstable Glib libraries for Ubuntu Lucid? I have a beta version of Tracker installed, but it says that "Journal rotating" is not enabled because Glib version installed doesn't support it03:24
ActionParsnipMikeW: sounds like a poor config ubuntu then03:24
ActionParsnipMikeW: all I can suggest is log a bug03:24
regeyasay, I have a machine with a builtin intel g31 card running ubuntu 10.10.  When I fire up firefox or chromium, X crashes.03:24
ActionParsnipregeya: log back in and read /var/log/Xorg.0.log03:25
bullgard4CaneToad: This obtains: "restart. restart: FRejected send message, 1 matched rules, type = "method call", "sender = ":1.54 "(uid=1000, pid=1936 comm=restart) interface= com.ubuntu.Upstart0-6.Job"03:25
CaneToadbullgard4: but does avahi work now after a restart?03:26
STFhi i need to know, is there a possibility to rune a wine windowed program without emulate a complete a desktop03:26
CaneToadSTF: yes, but depends on the program03:27
spvensko_hi, what's the program that can be used to download podcasts and free video media?03:27
ActionParsnipSTF: sure, just run winecfg  and disable the virtual desktop option, some apps need it though03:27
regeyaActionParsnip: looking through here...hm.  nothing really jumps out at me.  Bummer.03:27
bullgard4CaneToad: My problem is a different one. Please re-read what I asked at the outset. My problem is that a cold start does not obtain network access.03:27
* regeya goes googling some more...03:27
spvensko_i can't remember the name, it's short, ~4 letters...03:27
ActionParsnipregeya: i suggest virtualbox, its opensource so can be improved by community etc03:28
STFthx i forgot these option03:28
ZykoticK9spvensko_, miro?03:28
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spvensko_ZykoticK9, exactly! thanks! :)03:28
regeyaActionParsnip: I'm a bit sleep deprived right now; I'm trying to figure out how that'll help with a Firefox problem.  My guess would be an issue with Flash's hw accel03:29
CaneToadbullgard4: I found with Lucid that obtaining network access after a start was flakey...sometimes it worked, sometimes it doesn't...dhclient eth0 always fixed it though03:29
STFanother thing does someone of a expieriences with direct connect hubs in a local network?03:29
STFanother thing does someone of you have a expieriences with direct connect hubs in a local network?03:29
ZykoticK9regeya, to my knowledge there is no accelerated flash under linux03:29
bullgard4CaneToad: Where did you read that?03:29
CaneToadbullgard4: I didn't read it, I experienced it03:30
dliZykoticK9, not stable yet, but try lightspark plugin03:30
ActionParsnipSTF: can you expand on "direct connect hubs"?03:30
bullgard4CaneToad: Ah, I see. Thank you for your information.03:30
STFactionParsnip: i run a adchpp hub on my ubuntuserver03:31
Guest89746graal &03:32
Guest89746will bvi edit the memory of a process?03:32
Guest89746Is there a game hacking program or memory editing program for linux03:32
jimisrvroxhey guys im having problems connecting to the internet on my ubuntu machine...anybody good with networking?03:32
Guest89746Is there a game hacking program or memory editing program for linux03:32
ZykoticK9dli, thanks for the link - i'd never heard of lightspark before (don't plan on trying it anytime soon, but always good to know about alternatives)03:33
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack`
STFactionParsnip: it is open to an intranet where itself an my winpc are behind a router with the same ip now i try to connect from my windows pc apexDc++ client to the server, but the server revoke each time the client after connection03:33
lucasicfhi i'm new in programming (2 years), how can i contribute to opensource gnu/linux apps?03:33
dliZykoticK9, lightspark is based on GLSL and LLVM for hardware acceleration, should be better than adobe binary03:34
xidicalucasicf, what language?03:34
STFactionParsnip: do you use a dc-hub by now?03:34
macolucasicf: have a look at bugs tagged "bitesize" on http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs for simple ubuntu bugs, Junior Jobs for KDE, or GNOME-Love for GNOME03:35
lucasicfi'd like to explore and try to improve some kde apps03:35
lucasicfwith C++03:35
fishscene!ftpserver > fishscene03:35
ActionParsnipSTF: i use a linksys router which has an inbuilt switch03:35
fishscenea;lsdkfn Anyone know of any (working) ftp server software?03:35
macolucasicf: you are certainly welcome to hang out in #kubuntu-devel. ive had lots of mentorship from those folks03:35
STFactionParsnip: wow, do you use a wrt45gl?03:35
beinghumanI'm trying to install ubuntu 10.10 because 8.10 didn't work03:36
beinghumanand I'm trying to do this without a keyboard03:36
beinghuman8.10 would count down and choose english before it installed so this wasn't an issue03:36
beinghumanbut 10.10 just sits there and waits on keyboard input before starting installation03:36
beinghumanI'm out of options and I have to do this without a keyboard. Options?03:37
macobeinghuman: it wont react to mouse either?03:37
Jyggahmm should i really tr to put ubuntu on this G4 powerbook?03:37
beinghumanmaco: I have a mouse03:37
beinghumanand it responds03:37
Jyggai foresee brainhurts03:37
beinghumanthe problem is I physically don't have a keyboard to hook up to it03:37
beinghumanand I need this done tonight03:37
beinghumanright now it's on the language select screen03:37
beinghumanjust sitting there.03:37
macobeinghuman: and you cant select the language with the mouse?03:37
beinghumanpresumably waiting on keyboard input but I have no keyboard03:38
beinghumanmaco no03:38
STFactionParsnip: wow, which router type of linksys do you use?03:38
beinghumanthere is cursor but the light is on, on the mouse03:38
dlibeinghuman, get a livecd with auto-network, and sshd up03:38
beinghumanthere is no curor*03:38
beinghumanI thought this was a live cd03:38
macobeinghuman: uh oh :-/ more accessibility fail :(03:38
beinghumanyeah I think so03:39
macobeinghuman: it is... dli's suggestion doesnt make sense to me either03:39
ActionParsnipSTF: a wireless one03:39
beinghumanit doesn't make sense to me because I can't sshd up when the live cd just sits and waits for keyboard input for language select03:39
STFactionParsnip: wow, i ask i use wrt45gl (wireless too) with ddwrt soft03:40
bullgard4Cold-starting my Lucid Ubuntu computer does no longer obtain network access. '~$ route' is empty. The green link LED is on though. '~$ sudo dhclient eth0' brings back network access but no Avahi. To fix this, what should I look for in dmesg?03:40
dlibullgard4, can you run a network-manager?03:40
Jpwhy does ubuntu 10.10 show i have 3 hdd's?03:41
beinghumanmaco: I feel like I'm out of options here. I got 8.10 installed but *nothing* worked03:41
beinghumanbecause it wouldn't validate the password03:41
bullgard4dli: Do you mean if I have installed the program NetworkManager and can start it?03:41
dliJp, fdisk -l , ls -l /dev/disk/by-path/03:41
beinghumanI don't know why but that's how it was. So I'm trying with 10.1003:41
blackshirtJp: what exactly hd you have03:41
beinghumanI mean the password would validate but nothing that required admin access would work, period.03:42
AbhiJitafter installing eclipse my ubuntu becomes slow. is it true? should i remove eclipse?03:42
ActionParsnipSTF: if you hook up a wired hub or switch to it then it will give more ethernet ports on the same subnet03:42
beinghumanmaco: this was the server edition. I'll try with the desktop edition and see if that happens.03:42
dlibullgard4, network managers can auto-reconnect for you, try either n-m (from gnome), or wicd03:42
beinghumanI'm running out of CDs though03:42
Jpi only have 2 but it shows file system, 80gb reserve, and 80 gb reserve03:42
lkhello,I want to ask that can i use "cat" like this "cat file1 file 2 > file3"03:42
macobeinghuman: oh, server edition is not a live cd03:42
macobeinghuman: there is no way whatsoever to use a mouse with the server edition03:43
beinghumanokay then03:43
macoit is a command line based installer03:43
bullgard4dli: What does that help me? The problem is that networking does not start automatically after a cold start. It used to start automaticalle.03:43
beinghumani'll stick with desktop edition03:43
STFactionparsnip: what do you try to explain me?03:43
blackshirtJp: paste your output fdisk -l03:43
beinghumani'll get the server when I can get a keyboard access03:43
ActionParsnipSTF: from your first lot of text it sounded like you wanted to hook up more PCs to your router03:43
beinghumanthanks, maco. I figured that had to be the case03:43
dlibullgard4, a nm will auto-connect whenever possible03:43
dlilk, or, cat file2 >> file103:44
Jpin terminal i type fdisk -l and it doesn't show anything03:44
bullgard4dli: A great word, Very imprecise. Good for the bible.03:44
kmystanybody know why pvdisplay is showing PV name as /dev/dm-0 instead of what it used to be /dev/sda5? i'm thinking udev is creating /dev/dm-* devices03:44
rigvedwhen i use uck to create my own custom LiveDVD, i selected the package manager option. i want to know if the boxes marked in green will be installed or should i tick them (mark for re-install)?03:45
jaco123help with google chrome please http://paste.ubuntu.com/524239/03:45
blackshirtJp: it doesn't show anything ??03:45
Jpblackshirt: no i enter fdisk -l and hit enter and nothing comes up03:45
lkdli, i want to cover file303:45
kmystJp: use sudo fdisk -l ... fdisk -l quit showing output unless you use sudo for some strange reason03:46
AbhiJitafter installing eclipse my ubuntu becomes slow. is it true? should i remove eclipse?03:46
jaco123help with google chrome please http://paste.ubuntu.com/524239/03:46
ActionParsnipjaco123: i suggest: mv /home/jack/.config/google-chrome /home/jack/.config/google-chrome_old03:46
ActionParsnipjaco123: then rerun the browser03:46
hylianhello, i have ubuntu 10.10, and want to record my desktop, both video and audio, and i have googled it but really haven't come up with anything, and recorditnow does not want to work, can someone make another suggestion?03:46
blackshirtwhere you know the hard drive is detected03:46
yagoobullgard4, if you can set the network connectivity to "auto" for system via any graphical means, then you can look into using the interfaces file.. the network icon on the desktop allows separate user network settings (meaning the network starts when the user logs on graphicaly)03:46
Jpdo i paste it all here03:46
ActionParsnipblackshirt: run:  sudo fdisk -l03:46
jaco123ActionParsnip, hey cool ill try that03:46
blackshirtno, use pastebin03:46
ActionParsnipJp: use a pastebin03:46
yagoobullgard4, (if you can't set/if u can)03:47
rigvedAbhiJit: that may not be the case, something else might be causing the problem. check system monitor for which applications are using the maximum amount of resources03:47
Jpblackshirt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/524242/03:47
blackshirtJp: it was detected, two hardisk, /dev/sda and /dev/sdb...03:47
ActionParsnipAbhiJit: you can run: top   and observe03:47
dlilk, cat file1 file2 > file3 , as far as you don't do: cat file1 file2 > file103:48
blackshirtits' true ??03:48
vzee-labsHi... I did a fresh installation of ubuntu 30GB partition and I have only 100MB in my home directory .How do I increase the size?03:48
AbhiJitrigved, ActionParsnip it started to happen after installatin of eclipse03:48
jaco123ActionParsnip, hey i tried mv /home/jack/.config/google-chrome /home/jack/.config/google-chrome_old get the same error back when i rerun03:48
Jpblackshirt: but under computer i have what it looks to be 3 hard drives03:48
STFactionsparsnip: we talk at cross-purposes, i ask for support of direct connect hubs, dchub like uhub, or ynhub03:49
rigvedAbhiJit: start eclipse and then check system monitor. is eclipse using too much resources?03:49
ActionParsnipjaco123: then i'd see where else the browser holds settings. Did you recently reinstall with a seperate /home partition or restore data from backup etc03:49
hyliandoes anyone have a suggestion for a tool to record both the video and audio of my desktop in ubuntu 10.10? (recorditnow does not work.)03:49
AbhiJitrigved, dunno03:49
kmysthylian: istanbul03:49
ActionParsnipSTF: this is ubuntu support, not direct hub (or whatever) support03:49
rigved!info recordmydesktop | hylian03:50
ubottuhylian: recordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 54 kB, installed size 148 kB03:50
vzee-labsHow do I increase the home folder size in ubuntu 10.10?03:50
dlivzee-labs, what do you see: df -h03:50
hylianrigved, the first thing i said was that recorditnow does not work, but thanks anywayz.03:50
jaco123ActionParsnip, no i havent reinstaled ubuntu since i first put it on and have never loaded a backup where might i find info one where that browser holds setings?03:51
blackshirtJp: it's not a problem...maybe you can umount it03:51
hylianrigved, i didnt see the differecne untill it was too late, thanx03:51
Jpblackshirt: never mind i got it its a 100mb partition of the second drive03:51
STFactionparsnip: i know what the topic but it was a try cause you do not realy find any usefull support in web03:51
hylianthank you, i wil tyr those out03:51
STFactionparsnip: let's forget this03:52
blackshirtJp: ok :)...03:52
Jpblackshirt: i removed wine from the computer but it still shows under the applications menu thing, how do i remove it?03:52
vzee-labsdli: http://pastebin.com/h47sYj6203:53
rigvedAbhiJit: if you feel that eclipse is using too much resources and you want to remove it, then you can install netbeans as an alternative03:53
AbhiJitrigved, ok03:53
andysystem>preferences>main menu03:54
blackshirtvzee-labs: what exactly your need ??03:54
fishsceneDoes anyone know of an FTP server that allows me to change the ports?03:54
fishsceneserver program*03:54
vzee-labsblackshirt: I installed ubuntu on a 30GB drive but home folder is running out of space showing only 100MB left03:54
AbhiJitfilezilla fishscene ?03:55
fishsceneThat's for connecting to an FTP server.. unless I'm missing something03:55
blackshirtyou have placed home directory on separated partitions ??03:55
rigvedwhen i use synaptic, some packages have a green box (no tick inside them). will these packages be automatically installed or do i have to mark them (mark for re-install) to install them?03:55
Jpvzee-labs, i dont think 30GB hdd is enough space for an OS03:55
user88i need help to install beryl in ubuntu 10.1003:55
dlivzee-labs, is this from netbook OEM or something, you got a tiny rootfs on loop03:55
vzee-labsblackshirt: no on the same directory however df -h shows only 4GB usage out of the 30GB where has all the other space gone?03:56
ActionParsnipvzee-labs: close as many apps as you can and install bleachbit, avoid options which say they will take a long time and also watch the browser settings or it'll clean settings you want03:56
Jpvzee-labs: are you dual-booting?03:56
ActionParsnipuser88: beryl doesn't exist now, its compiz-fusion now03:56
fishsceneCorrection. Filezilla *does* have a server side. But it's for Windows-only?03:56
vzee-labsjp : yes it was a wubi installation03:57
dlivzee-labs, a quick tweak would be "mkdir -p /host/home;rsync -avxAH /home/* /host/home/;mount -o bind /host/home /home"03:57
user88awwww ok thanks are there any other good programs you would sugest03:57
ActionParsnipJp: my / is 3Gb usd and has a full slew of office productivity, ALL available plugins and codecs and the other usual suspects03:57
lastentHi, I'm learning Chinese an I want to write some characters in ubuntu, is it posible to do this03:57
vzee-labsdli: ok trying03:57
vzee-labsActionParsnip, ok trying03:58
yagoolastent, i bet its possible.. but wrong channel..03:58
Jpvzee-labs: under wubi you select what size you want the ubuntu partition to be, you must have put something like 3gb and its filling up fast03:58
dlilastent, you may install scim ibus, apt-cache search scim|grep -i chinese, etc.03:58
yagoolastent, what's wrong with romanji?03:58
ActionParsnipvzee-labs: also if you remove old kernels you can claw back ~120Mb per kernel03:58
yagoolastent, yeah.. the scim named packages .. there's a whole list of them03:58
Jpactionparsnip: vzee-labs used wubi and did dual boot i think he/she might have selected a low space amount and not the full 30gb or 15gb per partition03:59
lastentyaaar, what is romanji?03:59
vzee-labsJp: I think I gave the entire disk size of 30GB03:59
dlilastent, and ubuntu provides you a program im-switch (in preferences, input method switch)03:59
Jpzvee-labs: do you need windows at all?03:59
macolastent: romaji is writing japanese words using roman characters03:59
=== bullgard4_ is now known as bullgard4
macolastent: pinyin is what you use to write chinese words in roman characters04:00
Brownbearunable to use my webcam when using ubuntu 10.1004:00
dlivzee-labs, in long run, I don't like the very limited size of rootfs, you may have to redesign how you are going use the disk04:00
vzee-labsJp: yes other at home use it04:00
Brownbeardell s1440-022b studio04:00
vzee-labsdli: ok04:00
Brownbearhow do I get to make the webcam functional under ubuntu?04:00
Jpvzee-labs: the others will help you i don't really like dual-booting ubuntu and windows.04:01
yagoomaco, all the asian languages basically have roman character expression04:01
bullgard4lastent: Yes, it is.04:01
Jpplus i have no experience there either04:01
dliBrownbear, it should be auto, you may test it with mplayer: mplayer tv://04:01
macoyagoo: yeah, but they use different names for it ;-)04:01
xanguaBrownbear: is it supported¿04:01
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras04:01
yagoomaco, otherwise it'd be impossible to use modern computers...04:01
Brownbearthanks ubottu04:02
dliyagoo, chinese is not based on alphabetic04:02
macoyagoo: and roman characters do /not/ tell what a word means in any way.  in japanese, hashi means chopsticks or bridge, and nori means glue or seaweed. its the kanji that tells the difference. same in chinese... ma means horse or mother or scold, depending on the hanzi04:02
fishsceneThis is driving me nuts. Does *anyone* make a decent FTP server for Ubuntu??04:02
yagoodli, no chinese is written with romaji (latin based characters).. and of course the other (hieroglyphs)04:02
blakkheimfishscene: vsftpd04:03
ndrofthelinehow do i pass a vga=xxx parameter to the kernel using grub204:03
fishsceneblakkheim: that's the most promising of any I've tried, but you CAN NOT change the communication port from port 2004:03
macoyagoo: chinese is normally written with hanzi. pinyin (chinese do *not* call it romaji! that is a japanese word!!!!) is used as a way of telling the computer to narrow down the list to 20 or so hanzi so you can input the correct character04:03
yagoondroftheline, choose edit bootline, (it says to hit e).. than choose line and append04:03
dliyagoo, japanese is a phonetic language, even if it took chinese characters from china04:03
ndrofthelineyagoo: sure but that'll only work for that particular boot04:03
ndrofthelineyagoo: i'd like it to be persistent04:04
yagoomaco, i'm not debating this with you. I didn't invent this.04:04
fishsceneFor whatever reason, I can change the control port (port 21), but after I connect, vsftp won't send me a list of contents and disconnects me04:04
dlimaco, if you do: apt-cache search scim|grep -i chinese, you can see many encoding methods for chinese04:04
=== greenQ is now known as superbenjo
macodli: yeah i know there's more than just pinyin for chinese, but its the most common.04:05
macofor mandarin, at least04:05
ndrofthelinecan anybody help me with my display resolution problem04:05
macotaiwanese would use something else, i think, since they use bopomofo04:05
ndrofthelinei'm trying to pass a vga=xxx argument to the kernel04:05
ndrofthelinecan't figure out how to make it stick with grub204:05
ActionParsnipfishscene: sftp is more secure, ftp is really bad for security. If you are only using it for lan access then its fine but over www it will not be a good choice04:05
Brownbearxangua: yet to find out. just installing UVC. will update in a short while04:05
dlimaco, hard to say which one is the "common" :) since chinese is not phonetic, people are free to use whatever encoding for computers04:05
ActionParsnipndroftheline: add it in /etc/default/grub04:06
macodli: and by the way, i dont see "many" with that command...i see only "scim-chinese" :P04:06
macoand the scim-tables-zh which is the data set for scim-chinese04:06
fishsceneActionParsnip: I need something that will use FTP protocol (I don't care about web access) that give the user full access to their homefolder.04:06
adrock2are there any known issues with the printing subsystem with manual duplex in maverick?04:06
macodli: pinyin is what is taught in schools though, isnt it?04:06
ndrofthelineactionparsnip under GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX or what04:07
ActionParsnipfishscene: samba will do it, you will need to run: smbpasswd -a username   as they will need to authenticate as themselves for access to their $HOME04:07
ActionParsnipndroftheline: in the quotes with: quiet splash04:07
fishsceneSamba can host an FTP server?04:07
ActionParsnipndroftheline: then save the new file and run: sudo update-grub04:07
dlimaco, this one might be better: apt-cache search ibus-table04:07
ndrofthelineActionParsnip yes indeed thanks!04:07
radhruinApplications are freezing up quite frequently on my machine (they appear "greyed out"). I notice the following: Load average is very high (over 4 on a 4cpu system), but actual CPU use is low. Very little io is happening (according to iotop).04:08
radhruinThe processes that are frozen are "uninterruptable" and have wait channels like "do_get_write_access" and "blkdev_issue_flush", so seems to be waiting on io. Any ideas on how to diagnose this problem further? Sounsd like a hardware issue but SMART shows this drive as healthy...04:08
adrock2what does vmstat look like?04:09
dliradhruin, what about "free -m"04:09
fishsceneLike I said, vsftp seemed to be the perfect solution, but there seems to be no way to make it work through NAT if you change the port from port 21. (Yes, I forwarded the ports correctly)04:09
Brownbearxangua, dli: installed GUVCViewer, working good. thanks for the heads up.04:09
macodli: wowza. i never looked through all them before because i speak japanese not chinese (just know enough about chinese to know the difference ;-) ) but dang. though...hehe there's a LaTeX one in there04:09
AbhiJitwhat is unity?04:09
dlimaco, no, pinyin is only for PR China(maybe singapore), but not in taiwan04:10
fishsceneIs there a vsftp channel or something?04:10
AbhiJitis unity == gnome == kde (i.e. all are de)?04:10
macodli: i thought i said that in taiwan they probably use somethig diffrent...04:10
yagoodli,maco, romance romance.. romanization with love people.04:10
rigved!info unity | AbhiJit04:10
ubottuAbhiJit: unity (source: unity): Unity Interface for Ubuntu Netbook Edition. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.46-0ubuntu5 (maverick), package size 125 kB, installed size 484 kB04:10
macoAbhiJit: gnome and kde are both DEs. unity is just a shell04:10
AbhiJitrigved, maco ok04:10
macoAbhiJit: the difference is unity doesnt have a whole new set of default aps04:10
radhruindli, adrock2: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=y5vz08k604:11
AbhiJitmaco, so in naaty we will have unity on to of gnome?04:11
dlimaco, Chinese is the only major language which is not phonetic nowadays, that's why the confusion04:11
ndrofthelineActionParsnip why can't i tab your name? i see that the vga=773 is now in the kernel argument but it hasn't affected my console resolution.04:11
yagoofishscene, ftp uses 2 ports.. maybe vsftp uses two ports as well.. I know for a ftp server to work properly behind a NAT server.. the NAT server has to support it04:11
macoAbhiJit: yep04:11
AbhiJitmaco, ok04:11
zenmoweris there away to completely uninstall gnome04:11
zenmowerand just leave the command line04:11
radhruindli/adrock2: the drive also has 12gb or so free space remaining.04:11
adrock2radhruin: it's not a usb disk is it?04:12
macodli: japanese isnt really either... reading japanese thats written entirely in hiragana is *horrendously* painful. they dont have spaces! hard to find where words break if you dont use all the kanji you can04:12
radhruinadrock2: no sir.04:12
xangua!purekde | zenmower04:12
ubottuzenmower: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »04:12
dliradhruin, memory usuage seems to be ok to me, what about cpu usage? top04:12
macodli: and there are a *ton* of homophones in japanese just like in chinese04:12
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:12
radhruinadrock2: yes, WD velociraptor that, up until this point, was blazing fast :)04:12
xanguazenmower: you maybe would be more interested in minimal04:12
zenmoweryeah i dont want kde either04:12
AbhiJitmaco, where is unity web site?04:12
zenmoweri just want bash04:12
macoAbhiJit: i dont think it has a separate one04:12
fishsceneyagoo. Correct. By default, it uses port 20 and 21 (20 = comms port) (21= control port). If I forward JUST port 21 to the server, it works. I don't need to do anything for port 20. If I change the control port to say, 201 and forward port 201 to my server, I can connect and get my directory just fine. But the List command never gets a response from the server and I'm disconnected.04:12
yagoomaco dli, if the world was perfect there'd be like three languages.. Latin, Asian and African.. and maybe one or two more...04:12
adrock2radhruin: run 'vmstat 1' and let it go for a while, then paste04:13
macozenmower: follow the purekde directions minus the "install kde" part :P04:13
radhruindli: top shows no processes soaking up CPU, but as I mentioned, when apps are freezing up, the load average spikes. This is likely because hte processes are waiting on IO and I think this inflates load average?04:13
macoyagoo: thatd be no fun04:13
yagoomaco, dli, but sounds like you two want to create new languages.. comeon!!04:13
radhruinadrock2: what's a while? :)04:13
dlimaco, I'm chinese, but this is a ubuntu channel :(04:13
adrock2ionno 30s... until you seem something freeze up04:13
macoyagoo: hmm you're reminding me i havent studied any african languages, just romance, slavic, asian, and visual...04:13
adrock2er, see04:13
Basic_binarywould anybody know what theme is being used in this screenshot? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Glade_Screenshot_2.png04:14
Loshkifishscene: #vsftpd appears to exist. How lucky is that?04:14
adrock2try to capture vmstat output while it's acting screwy04:14
realeyeshey guys04:14
adrock2and you looked at the kernel messages with dmesg, yes?04:14
realeyesi need help with my grub screen04:14
fishsceneaha! I tried vsftp earlier... rofl. Thanks Loshki. :D04:14
dliradhruin, like updatedb, trackerd, or a busy server04:14
realeyesit wont show ver. 10.10 because i upgraded w/o a CD04:14
realeyesdo I need to re-install from live CD?04:15
yagoomaco, dli for yuo two -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esperanto lol04:15
yagoomaco, dli neutrality please! hahaha04:15
macoyagoo: not enough people speak it. being able to speak many languages seems more useful04:15
dliyagoo, no interest in that, already speaking the language of the most popular choice, no reason the switch to one of the least04:15
yagoomaco, actually impressively mentioned in wiki is alot speak it.. it is used internationally with certain organizations04:16
earthshadeI give up ubuntu, you win04:16
radhruindli: I have trackerd disabled, but top does not show anything taking large amounts of cpu.04:16
sakekasiis there an easy way to list all the dependencies of a metapackage recursively?04:16
blackshirtapt-cache depends04:16
sakekasithanks blackshirt04:16
blackshirtsakekasi: you're welcome04:17
earthshadeDoes wubi use 10.10?04:17
D3luSi0n4LHey all04:17
D3luSi0n4Lcan someone help me real quick04:17
dliradhruin, get some benchmarking tools, try the difference between normal login, and single user04:17
sakekasiis there any way to change that into a script to remove all said depends blackshirt?04:17
earthshadeUbuntu is destroying my life04:17
yagoofishscene, sftp is so much easier.. but somewhat slower of course.. (just port forwarding with NAT router simply works)04:17
blackshirtearthsade: are you using wubi to dual booting linux and windows ??04:17
earthshadeblackshirt: Mhm04:18
D3luSi0n4LI want to install Ubuntu 10.10 on my hp laptop but I don't wanna get rid of my restore partition. So I select specific partition but i don't know what i should choose to format it to?04:18
D3luSi0n4Lit gives me a long list04:18
radhruinadrock2: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=fGkxXYw4. Right around when the headers were printed a second time, pidgin froze up.04:18
D3luSi0n4Lntfs, FAT32 Journal, or something, etc etc04:18
fishsceneyagoo, would that be ssh FTP?04:18
blackshirtearthsade: i wouldn't recommend that  ...04:18
* sakekasi wants to install ubuntu netbook but also easily remove it.04:19
yagoofishscene, sftp runs under ssh.. yeah.. so by default its port 2204:19
adrock2radhruin: anything in dmesg output?04:19
D3luSi0n4Lanyone please?04:19
dliD3luSi0n4L, you can resize your existing partition, shrink the one with most free space04:19
circlezD3luSi0n4L: don't format your recovery partition.  Format the partition you want ubuntu on to ext404:19
D3luSi0n4Lya but how during installation?04:19
blackshirtsakekasi: you mean, convert output to script ??04:19
D3luSi0n4Lif i choose "Select Partition"04:19
fishsceneyagoo: If it will work with a regular ftp client, then I'll look into it04:19
D3luSi0n4Lit gives me a screen with my 3 partitions04:19
D3luSi0n4Lone my primary windows one04:19
D3luSi0n4Lother 2 are HP parittions04:20
sakekasiblackshirt: I want to install ubuntu-netbook but have a command that I can copy-paste into terminal to remove the whole thing with all dependencies.04:20
D3luSi0n4Lwhen I double click the primary windows one04:20
D3luSi0n4Li have to choose which format I want it?04:20
radhruinadrock2: /var/log/dmesg or someplace else?04:20
D3luSi0n4Lor something04:20
bullgard4yagoo, dli, CaneToad My bug seemed to be caused by a huge distant-upgrade in combination with a hard-disk error. --  Thank you for commenting.04:20
D3luSi0n4Lit won't let me choose " format partition" unless I choose one from the list04:20
yagooD3luSi0n4L, you want ubuntu natively on the HD? then do this- 1-backup data 2-chkdsk/defrag from within windows 3-use ubuntu installer&CustomPartition--(3: resize the Fat or ntfs partition, then make the ext3 or ext4 partition etc)04:20
adrock2radhruin: just type dmesg, it'll spit out the most recent messages04:20
radhruinmm k04:20
D3luSi0n4Lwoah im lost, sorry yagoo im new to this disk crap04:21
D3luSi0n4LPersonal Message me?04:21
ActionParsnipD3luSi0n4L: the partition you make will need to be extended, as you can ONLY have 4 primary partitions on a disk04:21
adrock2radhruin: also, have a gander at /var/log/messages and look for where the driver for the drive spits out messages.  it might be falling back to some weird slow/compatibility mode04:21
yagoofishscene, you need an sftp client.. btw if u dont want users to having to install sftp clients.. u can simply use a java-sshsftp front end from a webbrowser..04:21
* sakekasi was afk until now04:22
radhruinadrock2: Checked that already, it's good.04:22
rodolfohi, do you know what package do i need to use a sony camera?04:22
radhruinadrock2: I tailed /var/log/dmesg, found nothing, but typing dmesg shows recent messages that seem relevant. Give me a second.04:22
ActionParsnipD3luSi0n4L: you can then make logical partitions on the extended partition. I assume the others are primary04:22
yagoofishscene, konqueror, nautilus and filezilla support sftp04:22
fishsceneah. excellent04:22
ndrofthelinegrub2 makes it effin impossible to change my framebuffer resolution. anybody have a fix?04:22
D3luSi0n4Lso i should make another partition in windows, install ubuntu to that partition, then format the windows partition from linux, then merge my linux and formely windows now empty partitions together?04:22
adrock2radhruin: if you're having disk problems, the file may lag the message buffer that is printed by dmesg04:22
circlezD3luSi0n4L: no04:23
radhruinadrock2: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=vzqPbfGv04:23
yagooD3luSi0n4L, just do the first two steps at least.. the #2 i mention will speed up any resize on the ntfs or fat partition (ntfs or fat filesystems is used by windows)(ext3 or ext4 is used by linux(04:23
RoC_MasterMindanybody else playing with btrfs and get "btrfs: unable to remove the only writeable device" in their kernel log when removing a drive from a multi-drive btrfs?04:23
dliD3luSi0n4L, if you don't want to keep windows, choose to format the windows partition, otherwise, shrink it04:23
D3luSi0n4Lahh ok04:23
adrock2radhruin: yeah, that's bad.04:23
D3luSi0n4LI wanna get rid of windows04:23
radhruinadrock2: looks like a hardware problem eh? I'll try reseating the cable but otherwise... :(04:24
yagooD3luSi0n4L, yah but back it up .. if the resize gets screwed up u can lose alot of data04:24
D3luSi0n4Li dont have any data04:24
blackshirtsakekashi: just purging, you will remove dependencies to04:24
adrock2radhruin: reseat the cable, maybe try a different cable or different port.04:24
dliRoC_MasterMind, sometimes, you have to add a new one before you can remove04:24
radhruinadrock2: I bet it's the cable. No way it could be this bad but SMART isn't complaining...04:24
blackshirtsakekashi: just purging, you will remove dependencies too04:24
D3luSi0n4LIts a brand new laptop04:24
D3luSi0n4Labsolutely no data04:24
RoC_MasterMinddli, but....I have plenty of free space!04:24
circlezD3luSi0n4L: Than just delete the windows part.  Keep the two back up ones incase Linux doesn't work out for you.04:24
D3luSi0n4Lok but how do i got about deleting the windows part?04:24
dliRoC_MasterMind, try to add a new one and try again still04:25
radhruinadrock2: great ideas. Thank you for your help! I learned something new: just type dmesg instead of tailing the log :) I owe you a beer!04:25
yagooD3luSi0n4L, nah keep the windows part.. if u need an emergency access for anything (eg: bios upgrade or need a network working)04:25
sakekasihow do I change the default login session for ubuntu?04:25
ActionParsnipD3luSi0n4L: if you press CTRL+ALT+T you can run:  sudo fdisk -l   and show the partition names, what are they called04:25
adrock2radhruin: good luck!04:25
D3luSi0n4LI'm installing linux for a couple of days then im going back t owindows with a fresh start04:25
D3luSi0n4LAction I'm in windows right now04:25
blackshirtsakekashi: on option screen at login window04:25
D3luSi0n4Lmy wifi doesn't work in Linux without drivers04:25
yagooD3luSi0n4L, i know that's good.. but you'll learn how to fix the boot loaders too :p04:26
sakekasiblackshirt ok thanks04:26
sosaitedWhere can I find latest release of Glib for Lucid?04:26
yagooD3luSi0n4L, nmind :)...04:26
madavcan someone please tell, is there any application in the ubuntu which uses the phonet protocol?04:26
rodolfohi, do anyone know what package do i need to use a sony camera?04:26
D3luSi0n4Lok look so i click "choose partition"04:27
yagoomadav, never heard of that.. wtf is that?04:27
D3luSi0n4Li double click it04:27
D3luSi0n4Lthen it gives me a new windows "Edit Partition"04:27
zenmowerThat worked great04:27
dlirodolfo, I suggestion shotwell from gnome04:27
D3luSi0n4Lin their what format should i choose? by default its set to "do nothing" or something similar04:27
yagooD3luSi0n4L, how powerful is that laptop btw? (if it's powerful enough.. u can easily abuse virtualbox or vmware)04:27
rodolfobut there is an error when i connect the camera04:28
yagooD3luSi0n4L, or on any other machine pwoerful enough (toying around with vbox is very safe)04:28
D3luSi0n4Lyagoo I'm sending the laptop in for repairs and the windows I'm running is not legit I just want Linux on and then im gonna buy windows when it gets back04:28
madavyagoo, i dono about wtf, phonet is the protocol developed by the nokia, the source can be found in the net/phonet04:28
D3luSi0n4LIve used linux before04:28
yagooD3luSi0n4L, lol.. you're ditiching linux in 3-4 days .. why install it then?04:28
D3luSi0n4Land this laptop is fine Dualcore, 4gb ram, 17.3" led screen etc etc04:28
D3luSi0n4Lwell if the time comes and I'm used to it im gonna reinstall a legit copy of windows04:29
yagooD3luSi0n4L, lol04:29
D3luSi0n4LI also have linux on my old laptop04:29
D3luSi0n4Lbut that old laptop is slow as bawls04:29
D3luSi0n4L512mb ram, single core, etc04:29
yagooanyone wants to help D3luSi0n4L ditch his linux for windows in 3-4 days? be my guest hehehe04:29
D3luSi0n4LI'm going to keep it but thats another day04:29
circlezD3luSi0n4L: Damn Small Linux will turn the old laptop into something useable.04:29
madavyagoo, i wanted to study how that protocol works, what is the best way to do that, can you please help04:29
D3luSi0n4Lcirclez: lol I know you should of seen XP on it =)04:30
yagooD3luSi0n4L, actually u can make a reserve partition for the windows...04:30
yagooD3luSi0n4L, your laptop is in repairs.. ok04:30
D3luSi0n4Lok this is what i wanna do04:30
D3luSi0n4Llemme clarify just incase anyones confused04:30
D3luSi0n4LIm on my new laptop I want to boot into linux from the disk, then choose the primary partition, format this one partition and install linux on this one partition04:31
D3luSi0n4LI dont wanna touch the other partitions04:31
carlosHola ubuntureros04:31
=== carlos is now known as Guest72718
sosaitedD3luSi0n4L: I hope you mean a LiveCD ?04:32
D3luSi0n4Lwhen i goto choose my partition though, with windows on it it won't let me format it without choosing a format04:32
yagooD3luSi0n4L, how many partitions are there again?04:32
yagooD3luSi0n4L, you'll need a swap partition too04:32
=== Guest72718 is now known as CharlieBrown
D3luSi0n4Lwtf I never knew this was sooo damn complicated04:32
circlezD3luSi0n4L: ext3.  Don't worry about swap for the few days04:32
circlezD3luSi0n4L: use ext304:32
D3luSi0n4Lok ty circlez04:32
yagooD3luSi0n4L, minimal # partitions for linux would be two. One for "/" and the other for memory-swap..04:32
sosaitedD3luSi0n4L: ext3 or ext4 is fine04:32
D3luSi0n4Lthat was all I need lol04:32
D3luSi0n4Lis there a difference sosaited ?04:33
D3luSi0n4Lif it makes a difference its a 320gb 7200rpm drive04:33
yagooD3luSi0n4L, yeah, u can choose the default install and have the whole HD wiped out.. it'll do the swap partition automatically..04:33
circlezyagoo: Does ubuntu require a swap?  I've used other distros without a swap.04:33
D3luSi0n4Li mean between ext3 & 404:33
sosaitedD3luSi0n4L: Yeah a few. Like ext4 supports File Creation timestamps .. ext3 doesn't.04:33
D3luSi0n4Lok so which should I do?04:33
yagooD3luSi0n4L, i believe it chooses ext4 .. but dont worry about that...04:33
D3luSi0n4Lor would you recommend?04:33
ActionParsnipD3luSi0n4L: ext4 is default, i'd go for that04:34
D3luSi0n4Lok ty04:34
yagooD3luSi0n4L, doesnt really matter.. ext4 is made for futuristic =>1TB drives..04:34
sosaitedD3luSi0n4L: If this is your first time with Ubuntu BUT you have a laptop with no problems of power failures or improper shutdowns, ext404:34
D3luSi0n4Lill be back if this works!04:34
circlezHello #ubuntu.  How do I give additional users sudo powers?04:35
sosaitedD3luSi0n4L: Format the primary partition, and then  create an ext4 root ( / ) on it, and a smaller (2.5x or more your RAM) Swap one04:35
shuchenghi all04:35
ilovefairuz1circlez: sudo EDITOR=nano visudo04:35
blackshirtsosaited: you can add it to the admin user..04:35
blakkheimlol EDITOR=nano04:36
bastid_raZorcirclez: add them to the admin groups .... in a terminal type: sudo adduser username admin    ..change username to the user you want with sudo04:36
sosaitedSo, where do I get latest releases of Glib then?04:36
circlezbastid_raZor: Can the adduser command be used even when it is not a new user?04:36
sosaitedfor Lucid04:36
bastid_raZorcirclez: yes04:37
ilovefairuz1sosaited: what are you trying to accomplish?04:37
sosaitedcirclez: You are just adding the user in the admin group in this case04:37
circlezbastid_raZor: can't tell you how happy I am to hear this quick fix.04:37
rodolfohi do you know if i need a package to mount sony cameras?04:37
bastid_raZorcirclez: you're welcome.04:37
sosaitedilovefairuz1: I have been hitting my head with Tracker trying to index my 1.9TB of data, but for one reason or another I cant seem to succeed. Now I have found out that the reason it is slow when resuming crawling after a restart is because It cant enable "Journal tracking" because Glib version I have doesn't support it04:38
dlirodolfo, some cameras allow mass storage mode, while some don't04:39
rodolfoi know04:39
sosaitedilovefairuz1: I have tracker 0.9.27. Compiled it.04:39
rodolfobut ive got an error04:39
dlirodolfo, shotwell, digikam are the easiest way04:39
ilovefairuz1sosaited: and what version of glib supports such journal tracking?04:40
sosaitedilovefairuz1: I think >2.1404:40
rodolfoit says Could not open the device (null) from (null)04:41
kadgarHi, I installed ubuntu 10.10 on an external hard drive using macbook pro. I used super grub2 disk and booted in, for some reason I have to hold down enter when I select use usb *experimental and then it shows the ubuntu install. However, it freezes when I see the ubuntu install so I can't boot in :( anyone have any ideas???04:41
=== ilovefairuz1 is now known as ilovefairuz
rodolfoand it is on mass storage mode04:41
dlirodolfo, is your camera on and with computer mode04:41
circlezkadgar: esata or usb2.0?04:42
dlirodolfo, any file manager should read it then, try: nautilus --no-desktop04:42
kadgarusb 2.004:42
kwamakinganyone have any problems with internal speakers and headphones simultaneously playing audio04:42
circlezkadgar: no ideas04:43
dlikwamaking, it may not be possible due to hardware04:43
sosaitedilovefairuz: Or maybe it is >2.4 :s . I am trying to find out on #tracker at gimpnet. But no one is replying there for now.04:43
kwamakingdli i've got a strange jack, it doesn't disable the internal speakers when i insert the headphones04:44
rodolfoit says ** (nautilus:5674): WARNING **: Failed to get the current CK session: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.GeneralError: Unable to lookup session information for process '5674'04:44
kadgarHmm, well its kinda weird too because if I press use usb experimental and press enter it freezes right away but when I hold on enter it gets to screen where it shows available oses and then freezes04:44
kwamakingit does in windows, and earlier versions of ubuntu04:44
kwamakinghowever it doesn't in 10.1004:44
rodolfo(nautilus:5674): GConf-CRITICAL **: gconf_value_free: assertion `value != NULL' failed04:44
kwamakingbeen booting into an old kernal just to play music :(04:44
dlirodolfo, if it's noisy, try thunar04:45
=== ubuntu is now known as magn3tic
magn3ticwhat impact is there to me putting grub on a drive other than /dev/sda?04:45
kadgaris there something besides super grub2 disk i could use to boot into external drive on a mac book pro?04:45
magn3ticI'm installing ubuntu to /dev/sdc so is it safe to put grub there? Will my computer know to look there?04:45
xidicamagn3tic, as long as you tell the bios to look there to boot it should be fine04:46
dlimagn3tic, you may choose which disk to boot in bios04:46
kwamakingany suggestions dli ?04:46
yagoobye and be nice :)04:46
circlezkadgar: look into lilo04:46
dlikwamaking, no idea :(maybe, pulseaudio knows better04:46
magn3ticxidica: dli: do most bioses allow you to choose the drive?04:46
Ninjaanyone know of a linux game similar to rock band?04:46
magn3ticI guess I really don't care about NTLDR that much, I should just blow it away.04:47
Ninjaor guitar hero04:47
dlimagn3tic, usually, they allow you to decide the order for booting04:47
xidicamagn3tic, certainly...just go to the boot options and make sure USB boot is enabled and set the order you want04:47
circlezNinja: frets of fire is Linux, if I remember correctly (or frets on fire, something like that)04:47
ActionParsnipNinja: fretsonfire04:47
ActionParsnip!info fretsonfire04:47
ubottufretsonfire (source: fretsonfire): game of musical skill and fast fingers. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.110.dfsg-2ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 6 kB, installed size 36 kB04:47
Ninjacon it do drums?  (I was thinking about making my own usb drum controller from scratch)04:48
ilovefairuzsosaited: the one that ships with maverick is 2.2604:48
ActionParsnipNinja: there are songs for it on the frets on fire forum as well as numerous other sites etc04:48
ilovefairuzsosaited: there's no 2.404:48
Carl_hello everyone04:48
xidicaHi Carl_04:48
blackshirthello Carl_04:49
sosaitedilovefairuz: I found source of 2.27. I am on Lucid. Gonna try it. Do you know any tracker developer that is on Ubuntu channel at the moment:04:49
ilovefairuzsosaited: no04:49
=== roflwafflez is now known as dotdotdot
secoifHey, how much importance does everyone place on keeping server software up to date (e.g. apt-get upgrade)04:49
sosaitedilovefairuz: how can I see which Glib version I currently have?04:49
CaneToaddoes anybody know where ALT-PrintScreen has gone in Maverick?  Doesn't work for me.04:49
ilovefairuzsecoif: that's very important, particularly for security updates04:50
secoifilovefairuz: that's what I thought04:50
secoifhow often do you update?04:50
xidicasecoif, Very important IMHO...especially if you have anything public accessible04:50
ilovefairuzsosaited: apt-cache policy libglib2.0-004:50
blackshirtsecoif: i think, if your system on critical system and you are paranoid people, you must allways up to date04:50
ActionParsnipNinja: there are mods for it so you can make it look as you wish, if you grab a PS3 usb rock band guitar you can use it with linux with zero config04:50
ActionParsnipCaneToad: what does it do?04:51
CaneToadActionParsnip: takes a screenshot of your current window04:51
CaneToadActionParsnip: worked fine in 10.0404:51
ActionParsnipCaneToad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/metacity/+bug/64279204:51
linuxbiehello every104:52
ActionParsnipCaneToad: seems it needs setting to something then setting back and it works04:52
sosaitedilovefairuz: libglib2.0-dev Installed version 2.24.104:52
blackshirtActionParsnip: do you have experionce on access split between two different internet connection ?? i need help04:52
linuxbiei need help to reverse im ip my provider doesnt want to reverse my ip04:54
linuxbiethey wont do it04:54
linuxbieany help with this04:54
mitchsCan I get some Help?04:55
ilovefairuzlinuxbie: what do you mean by reverse it? to change it?04:55
ilovefairuz!details | mitchs04:55
ubottumitchs: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:55
linuxbieyap like i can make a vhost ip04:55
mitchsI didnt want to but in i lovefairuz04:55
ActionParsnipblackshirt: none, sorry04:55
rwwlinuxbie: no, the provider of the IP address needs to do that. if they won't do it, you can't.04:55
mitchsIm having a problem with ark,    its not unpacking anything..04:55
mitchsseems to hang,   after a reboot,  still hangs04:56
lkmain $1 $2 $3 2> /dev/null exit 1   is this right?04:56
blackshirtActionParsnip: do you know anyone here who can help me about that ??04:56
ActionParsnipmitchs: launch it from a konsole and the output may be useful04:56
ActionParsnipblackshirt: ##networking maybe04:56
maxagazhow to install eclipse for android on ubuntu 10.10 ?04:56
ilovefairuzmitchs: what's the file extension of the archive you're tying to unpack ?04:56
linuxbiewhat is the reason they wont do it for u reversing your ip is there any security issue?04:56
xidicamitchs, you should also strace the process as well04:56
blackshirtActionParsnip; ok..i will join later04:57
mitchsxidica,    strace?04:57
ilovefairuzmaxagaz: ask in #android04:57
rwwlinuxbie: ask them...04:57
mitchsi tried to unpack it from konsole actionparsnip04:57
xidicamitchs, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Strace04:57
ActionParsnipmitchs: no, launch ark from the konsole and use it, not use konsole and CLI to unpack04:58
linuxbiewell im i subscribe or upgrade my connection to a business type they will04:58
linuxbiewith residential connection they wont do it04:58
mitchsim sorry,  didnt use ark form the konsole,  i did   tar jx firefox-3.6.12.tar.bz2 -C $HOME04:58
linuxbieso sad04:58
mitchsdoes not unpack anythign04:59
mitchswhen i open the file with ark,  it showes all the files on my system, not the files in the package..04:59
linuxbiethey use mac addressing04:59
blackshirtmitchs: maybe problem with your tar.gz packages, it was corrupted maybe ??05:00
mitchsblackshirt,   no i have two seperate packages that wont unpack,   they hang.05:00
laelfrogis there a channel for mactel stuff?05:00
ilovefairuzmitchs: what's the output of the tar command?05:00
mitchsilovefairuz,  there was no output05:00
mitchsafter almost 2 hours05:01
mitchsboth packages05:01
ilovefairuzmitchs: tar xvf firefox-3.6.12.tar.bz205:01
blackshirtmitchs: are you sure ?? successfully try it with tar ??05:01
mitchsilovefairuz,   let me try that cmd05:01
palomerhello, I'm trying to create a patch using diff -crwB clean-trunk clean-gadts > temp.patch05:01
palomerbut that patch doesn't work05:01
ilovefairuzmitchs: j packes the file NOT unpack it05:01
mitchslol then the mozilla instructions on there webpage got it wrong.05:02
mitchsilovefairuz,  the command works05:02
mitchs, but still my ark does not unpack,  what a coincidence05:03
ilovefairuzmitchs: use xvf regardless of the suffix after .tar05:03
mitchsi only did it becase that was the firefox mozilla instructions from their website05:04
* Balsaq quietly enters the peaceful digital rainforest known as...Ubuntu!05:04
mitchshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion/MozillaBuilds   check it out05:04
ilovefairuzmitchs: you missed the f05:05
mitchsdamit, i would have felt a whole lot better if they messed it up,  i disregard your last statement ilovefairuz05:06
beinghumanokay so I installed ubuntu 10.1005:06
beinghumannow where is the on screen keyboard?05:06
ilovefairuzmitchs: in a terminal type: man tar05:07
mitchsshut up with your manuels,   making me look bad.      lol05:07
TiKilove if its .gz yo use tar -zxvf05:08
c0nv1ctbeinghuman, try installing gok05:08
D3luSi0n4Lhey all05:08
D3luSi0n4Lso i got ubuntu installed05:08
D3luSi0n4Lbut two things05:08
TiKif it .bz2 you use -qxvf i think05:08
TiKi forget05:09
D3luSi0n4Lthe wireless isnt working , theres a button next to the power and its orange which means off and rnadomly it will turn blue05:09
mitchstik  in a terminal type,    man tar05:09
D3luSi0n4Lthe laptop is a HP G7105:09
c0nv1ctTiK, it is no longer necessary to specify that, and it would be j for bz205:09
D3luSi0n4Lanyone know what i should do?05:09
beinghumanI got it05:09
beinghumannevermind, thanks though05:09
ilovefairuzTiK: and -z and the -j are NOT necessary to extract a file, xvf works just fine05:09
TiKineresting :P05:09
ActionParsnipD3luSi0n4L: use: sudo lshw -C network   and use the product line to find guides05:10
TiKinteresting :P05:10
mitchswhat version of ubunto are you runnint?05:10
D3luSi0n4Lproduct line?05:10
ilovefairuz!who | mitchs D3luSi0n4L05:10
ubottumitchs D3luSi0n4L: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)05:10
ActionParsnipD3luSi0n4L: run the command and you'll see05:10
D3luSi0n4Lok ty05:11
mitchs!who | ilovefairuz05:11
ubottuilovefairuz: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)05:11
ActionParsnipD3luSi0n4L: please tye the name of whom you are addressing, you can use tab to autocomplete nicks05:11
D3luSi0n4LActionParsnip: ok will do, sorry!05:11
mitchsFloodbot, lol!05:11
reeniginEesreveRi have installed ubuntu 10.10. It doesn't have g++ 4.1 but i need it. How can i install it?05:11
histo 05:12
D3luSi0n4LOk i did the command anyone know what to do from here?05:12
mitchsActionParsnip,   what you mean you can use tab to autocomplete nicks?05:12
c0nv1ctreeniginEesreveR, try installing build-essential05:13
ilovefairuzmitchs: type first few letters and press tab05:13
lkhow to judge a file is exist or not. is " if [ -e $file ] " ok?05:13
ilovefairuzmitchs: same for terminal filenames05:13
reeniginEesreveRc0nv1ct, wouldn't that stil install the latest version of g++ (i.e 4.4) ?05:13
mitchsilovefairuz,  OH SNAP!05:13
Cairois it possible to edit.flv's in PiTiVi05:13
D3luSi0n4LActionParsnip: i did, what now?05:13
c0nv1ctreeniginEesreveR, yes, why do you need 4.1 specifically05:13
ilovefairuzreeniginEesreveR: looks like the g++ 4.1 was last packaged for lucid05:13
sosaitedilovefairuz: Do you have some experience in compiling gtk/glib?05:14
D3luSi0n4LActionParsnip: it gave me a bunch of info, thats it05:14
ilovefairuzsosaited: ask your question and if anyone knows, they will answer05:14
sosaitedD3luSi0n4L: Did you install it?05:14
D3luSi0n4Linstall it?05:14
mitchsD3luSi0n4L,   start-network05:14
D3luSi0n4Lit just listed a bunch of info and thats it05:14
mitchsD3luSi0n4L,  try that command05:14
D3luSi0n4Lcommand not found05:15
D3luSi0n4Lmitchs: command not found*05:15
New0join #ubuntu-il05:15
sosaitedI am trying to install glib 2.27.2 and in the Install file it asks to first remove glib.h and gmodule.h before make install. But those files in my case were in other directories than specific in the Install file (Source folder/glib and Source folder/gmodule) Should I still remove them?05:15
ilovefairuzNew0: /join05:15
reeniginEesreveRilovefairuz, yes but anyway i could install on maverick?05:15
D3luSi0n4Lanything else?05:15
lkservice network restart05:15
secoifilovefairuz xidica how often do you update production servers and how do you minimise risk? Does your business have a policy on this?05:15
D3luSi0n4Lit seems drivers are installed its jut not turned on and the buttons not working, it does work though05:16
New0tnx man :)05:16
mitchsnew0 used to bash05:16
D3luSi0n4Llk: unrecognized service05:16
sosaitedD3luSi0n4L: Weren't you going to format your partition and install Ubuntu?05:16
D3luSi0n4Li did05:16
D3luSi0n4Lim on linux05:16
New0mitchs ?05:16
mitchsD3luSi0n4L,  are you running 10.10?05:16
D3luSi0n4Lmitchs: yes05:16
New0mitchs what do u mean ? used to bash /05:17
ActionParsnipD3luSi0n4L: read the info, the product line, as I said before, will help yuo find guides05:17
New0* ?05:17
metaphazeI would like to aplogize in the public chan for my behavior last evening. I had a few to many drinks, and took out my frustration on the channel.05:17
ActionParsnipmetaphaze: no worries dude, glad you are back :()05:17
metaphazeThank's ActionParsnip05:18
mitchsNew0,  sorry wrong name05:18
D3luSi0n4LActionParsnip: i did and i dont see anything05:18
D3luSi0n4LActionParsnip: i see driver=ath9k driverversion=2.6.35-22-generic05:18
NeuroneutronHello everybody! :). Glad to meet you all!05:18
mitchsD3luSi0n4L,  do you have wicd?05:18
lkhow to judge a file is exist or not in the bash shell05:18
New0Q: how many time (Days) take to master linux (or hours) ?05:19
ExploiterNew0: a lifetime is not enough05:19
D3luSi0n4Lmitchs: not sure? what is that?05:19
ilovefairuzreeniginEesreveR: find a ppa that packages it05:19
metaphazeNew0, May I suggest "Using Linux" by QUE?05:20
reeniginEesreveRerrr... engligh plz?05:20
circlezNew0: I've been using vim for the last two years and I'm still a vim noob.05:20
New0what is QUE ?05:20
metaphazeQUE is a publisher05:20
ilovefairuzreeniginEesreveR: or download the gcc, gcc-base and libstdc++ packages from http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/g++-4.1 and install using gdebi05:20
New0like gnome ?05:20
D3luSi0n4Lwhats wicd?05:20
ActionParsnipD3luSi0n4L: is the wireless USB?05:20
ilovefairuz!ppa > reeniginEesreveR05:21
ubottureeniginEesreveR, please see my private message05:21
metaphazeNew0, no QUE is a publisher, that publishes books.05:21
reeniginEesreveRthanks :)05:21
metaphazeIt is great for someone trying to learn the actual "Linux system"05:21
D3luSi0n4LActionParsnip: this is the product - "AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express)"05:21
metaphazeif you would like I could suggest more?05:21
ActionParsnipD3luSi0n4L: ok then websearch that to find guides05:21
New0ok i will google for QUE05:22
metaphazeNew0, I don't know if you can find this anymore, its an oldie, but a goldy05:22
Nikkkcan someone help me with my problem : functions keys for brightness in Lenovo Y450 are working...How do i fix it ? :(05:23
Cairois there any way to edit FLV files?05:23
metaphazeThe UNIX Programming Environment published by Prentice-Hall05:23
Cairoor string them together05:23
New0only know ubuntu for a month and keep count ! dunno what QUE is ?05:23
metaphazefantastic information in that volume05:23
New0distro ?05:23
bazhang!ot | metaphaze New005:23
ubottumetaphaze New0: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:23
bazhangCairo, you can re-encode them as mp4, for example05:24
New0bazhang tnx05:24
D3luSi0n4LActionParsnip: hey will you help me please05:24
D3luSi0n4LActionParsnip: i found the drivers and a link but i dont get how to follow it05:25
D3luSi0n4LActionParsnip: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/ath9k05:25
metaphazeNew0, you might find this link useful05:25
metaphazeNew0, http://www.linux.org/books/FEATURE_0789716232.html05:25
bazhangmetaphaze, #ubuntu-offtopic for chat05:25
ActionParsnipD3luSi0n4L: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Atheros/AR928505:26
D3luSi0n4LActionParsnip: awesome, which kernel should I choose from the download site?05:27
ActionParsnipD3luSi0n4L: the kernel which wil come down with updates05:27
magik-When first installing ubuntu i see a flash/logo screen and then it drops to the terminal.. basically: can not mount /dev/loop0 (Busy Box v1.15.305:27
D3luSi0n4LActionParsnip: im a little confused, should i just download the latest? Theres like 4 then 1 RC05:27
magik-there isn't any solutions on the forums05:27
D3luSi0n4LActionParsnip: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Download/stable/05:28
ActionParsnipD3luSi0n4L: those aren't kernels05:28
New0metaphaze someone also give me that:05:29
D3luSi0n4LActionParsnip: my bad man, like i said im new to this, i mean release05:29
ActionParsnipD3luSi0n4L: grab the one with the highest version number05:29
NikkkHello ! can someone help me with my problem i'm encountering ??? I've installed ubuntu 10.04 recently, the function keys for altering brightness in Lenovo Y450 are not working...How do i fix it ? :(05:29
D3luSi0n4LActionParsnip: ok but not the RC correct?05:29
ActionParsnipD3luSi0n4L: you should keep the source after too as you will need to recompile after each new kernel05:29
New0but the Q: how much time can it be done ?05:29
D3luSi0n4LActionParsnip: umm source? you mean the link to the site?05:30
phirestalkerok what is with bug buddy, I know I have installed all the dbg packages I can find and it still says it can't gather enough information????05:30
ActionParsnipD3luSi0n4L: the thing you download from the site is the source code for your wireless driver, it is going to be compiled against your kernel, so when you get another it will need redoing05:31
phirestalkerI guess the gnome bug system is just not as advanced as the kde bug system as the kde one will give you all the details of the errors so you can see what it couldn't find in symbols and install them, there is no details button for bug "buddy"05:32
phirestalkerwhat a dark day when kde is better than gnome05:32
quibblerNikkk-> have a look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159455105:32
Balsaqkde is better? i didnt know that?05:32
phirestalkerkde is better when programs who try to do too much ahem... Evolution crash and gnome can't give you the details you need05:33
Balsaqoh great05:33
Balsaqi just added ubuntu to 4 of my gd computers05:34
Balsaqi always thought gnome was king int he world of linux05:34
phirestalkerI'll tell you what user friendly is... NOT having to install separate packages for debugging symbols, I mean you don't see windows asking for that when reporting crashes05:35
snuxollphirestalker: why waste disk space?05:35
phirestalkerbecause it isn't a waste when shit crashes so much05:35
snuxollphirestalker: the installation disc is cramped as is, do you want us to require DVD's just to cram debugging symbols in?05:35
IdleOne!language | phirestalker05:35
ubottuphirestalker: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:35
sigjuiceis there a way to tell bash to skip all startup file initialization (/etc/profile, ~/.bashrc etc)?05:36
phirestalkersnuxoll, sure nowadays with all the fast internet and cheap dvds why not?05:36
sigjuicebtw, I was looking for bash-dbgsym or similar and can't seem to find it.05:37
metaphazephirestalker, because I live in Wyoming05:37
snuxollphirestalker: not everybody has fast internet or a DVD burner05:37
ActionParsnipsigjuice: you could have a script to run:  source ~/.nothing; commands   and have ~/.nothing as a blank file, after the comamnds make the script run: source ~/.bashrc05:37
Balsaqmaybe ubuntu could aslo offer a diagnostic disk separate to those who enjoy a lil extra bloat?05:37
Balsaqput all kinds of stuff-utilities on it. debugging software and everything!05:38
dhruvasagarHi guys, my gnome applications menu is empty...if I click on edit menu nothing happens05:38
phirestalkerwell either bug buddy is retarded or the gnome-dbg meta package doesn't depend on enough, how do I find out what dbg packages I need to install in the new "user friendly" bug buddy world?05:39
Balsaqdhruvasagar, i would do a repair installation05:39
snuxollphirestalker: the -dbg package for whatever is being crashtastic?05:39
dhruvasagarBalsaq: repair installation ? how ?05:39
ActionParsnipdhruvasagar: if you run: alacarte in terminal, do you get output?05:39
phirestalkersnuxoll, ya I have that installed, oh it's evolution by the way05:39
phirestalkersnuxoll, my guess is that it is some library that evolution depends on, but as much as evolution TRIES to do, I could be looking through thousands of libraries05:40
D3luSi0n4LActionParsnip: while doing the installation directions05:40
phirestalkersnuxoll, you see my dilemma?05:40
dhruvasagarActionParsnip: yes I do get some output http://paste.ubuntu.com/524266/05:40
D3luSi0n4LActionParsnip: i did the sudo make install, it went through its process now it was "INSTALL" a bunch of items then ti went to "FATAL" and id a bunch of a things, now its not moving?05:41
Balsaqsudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop              sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop         i dunno maybe like that?05:41
D3luSi0n4Lnvm ill btb05:41
sigjuiceActionParsnip: I'm not sure I follow. I am trying to get an interactive bash shell that has completely skipped /etc/profile and the like.05:41
Balsaqsudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:41
dhruvasagarBalsaq: was that for me ? that sounds quote stupid to me05:41
BalsaqWhile booting, Ubuntu provides a way to go into boot menu just like any other operating system and in the menu it provides an option to boot into recovery mode.05:42
dhruvasagarBalsaq: yes I am aware of that05:42
dhruvasagarBalsaq: I am not sure if you are talking to me...05:42
Balsaqdhruvasagar, di u ever have a good installation to begin with?05:42
sigjuiceActionParsnip: nevermind. I think I figured it out.  I need bash --noprofile05:43
dhruvasagarActionParsnip: there is an error, does it help you in identifying what's wrong ?05:43
dhruvasagarBalsaq: of course05:43
dhruvasagarBalsaq: I have been upgrading since ubuntu 8.04 on this very machine, never had to re-install05:44
dhruvasagarBalsaq: I am on 10.04 right now05:44
knightwisegood morning05:44
knightwisei havee a problem when i insert a usb key05:44
dhruvasagarknightwise: very good morning :)05:44
phirestalkerdhruvasagar, lucky you, I have to reinstall when I build my new system so I can start on 64 bit :P05:45
Balsaqdhruvasagar, i noticed some strange behavior when i installed 10.04, and i ended up sticking in ext 3 and for me the oddities disappeared ...coincidence..dunno.05:45
dhruvasagarphirestalker: I have been on 64 bit since the beginning05:45
knightwisethe default entry for the device name ( in /media/ ) is borked up to "test.txt" instead of the drives name05:45
knightwiseany ideas how i can fix that ?05:45
knightwisegood morning dhruvasagar05:45
dhruvasagarBalsaq: hmmm I am on ext4...05:45
phirestalkeroh my god!!! you killed kenny!!05:46
phirestalkeryou b*$tards05:46
Balsaqon certain computers, depending on what u are doing, ext 4 has had some issues.05:46
phirestalkersorry couldn't help myself :|05:46
dhruvasagarBalsaq: ok, although I have a difficult time believing that the menu problem has got anything to do with it05:46
dhruvasagarBalsaq: I was having perfectly good menu, I think my system crashed because of some memory issue in the middle of when I was editing the menu05:47
dhruvasagarBalsaq: its kinda clear to me that the config file or whatever the menu uses must have gotten corrupted then05:47
dhruvasagarBalsaq: I am trying to get some help fixing it05:47
Balsaqmine was crashing during updates and noone could help me05:48
dhruvasagarBalsaq: that's unfortunate05:48
Balsaqso i did some reading and did wut i had to do05:48
dhruvasagarBalsaq: but how can I migrate to ext3 without destroying my data ?05:48
Balsaqback it up05:48
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.05:48
dhruvasagarBalsaq: :)05:49
=== redfox is now known as Guest27780
dhruvasagarBalsaq: I will consider doing that sometime soon perhaps05:49
Balsaqfunny thing is i had the same issue with xubuntu 100405:49
dhruvasagarBalsaq: same issue ?05:49
Balsaqit would get seemngly deep inti the updates....05:49
bl01zkis Ubuntu 10.10 worth updating too/05:49
dhruvasagarBalsaq: ahh ok05:49
almoxarifeBalsaq: my facebook is broke, should I go back to ext3?05:50
dhruvasagarbl01zk: definitely05:50
Balsaqand then after hours i would ssat wtf is this?05:50
Balsaqand noone knew05:50
SilivrenionNeed some help... I have a laptop hooked up to an external monitor. At night, I shut off the external, and close my laptop screen (the residual light annoys me)... apparently ubuntu thinks that it should change my monitor configuration to use one monitor when I do this. How do I get it to not change configurations automatically?05:50
dhruvasagaralmoxarife: what do you mean your facebook is broke ?05:50
Balsaqso i would be forced to crash it myself05:50
netjunkcan scp copy a remote folder to the localhost??05:50
phirestalkerbl01zk, if you have nvidia then YES for sure05:50
Stormx2phirestalker, why is 10.10 good for nvidia users?05:50
dhruvasagarSilivrenion: you should check out your monitors preferences05:50
dhruvasagarBalsaq: hmm05:51
Silivrenionlaptop monitors don't turn off.. they keep powered on05:51
dhruvasagarphirestalker: I have nvidia, am I missing something ? :), I wanna know too05:51
phirestalkerStormx2, because the previous drivers sucked, in that they didn't handle vdpau very well at least for me and some other issues05:51
Silivrenionmy regular monitor would power off if I needed it to, but the laptop panel just stays brightly lit05:51
rdw200169netjunk: yes.05:51
Silivrenionthats why i need the monitors configuration to not change if i close the lid05:52
dhruvasagarSilivrenion: you mean when you close the lid of your laptop, it still stays on ?05:52
ActionParsnipnetjunk: sure05:52
dhruvasagarSilivrenion: you need to check your power management preferences then05:52
Silivrenionif i close the lid of my laptop, monitor resolutions are reconfigured to use single display05:52
Silivrenioni want to prevent that reconfiguration05:52
dhruvasagarSilivrenion: you can make your computer either go on stand-by or hibernate when you close the lid...I am sure you should be able to figure out which suits you best05:53
Silivrenionno, no05:53
dhruvasagarSilivrenion: hmm05:53
dhruvasagarSilivrenion: reading05:53
Balsaqnow when i stuffed 10.04 in my new i7 using wubi...it didnt do any of this wacky stuff....runs beautiful, but my older stuff seems to want it on ext 3?05:53
dhruvasagarSilivrenion: do you use nvidia ?05:53
phirestalkeralright all I'm out, unfortunately I have to work tomorrow05:53
Balsaq10-4 boss05:54
dhruvasagarSilivrenion: please check System -> Preferences -> Monitors05:54
Silivrenionchecking for?05:54
sresuUpgrading to Meerkat affects fonts and display?05:54
dhruvasagarSilivrenion: it will be a lot easier if you just open it :)05:55
Silivrenionit's open.. what is your suggestion?05:55
dhruvasagarSilivrenion: are both your monitors connected right now ?05:55
dhruvasagarSilivrenion: you should be able to see both the monitors configurations05:55
dhruvasagarSilivrenion: ur problem is the fact that the resolution gets changed after you close the lid, am I right ?05:56
Silivrenionyes.. the Laptop display is turned "off" in monitor preferences, causing the external monitor to take "Same Image on All Monitors" mode05:57
Silivrenionwhen i open back up the lid of the laptop, I have to reconfigure my monitor settings again05:57
Silivrenion(and that's a pain)05:58
dhruvasagarSilivrenion: doesn't just using the switch to monitor button do that for you ?05:58
dhruvasagarSilivrenion: or are you trying to use both the monitors at the same time ?05:58
Silivrenioni use both at the same time, or none at all05:58
Silivrenioni never switch.. it's not a "docked" configuration05:58
dhruvasagarSilivrenion: I use nvidia so its a little difficult for me to explain, but x display configuration allows me to control the way I want to use multiple monitors05:59
dhruvasagarSilivrenion: can you show me a screen shot of your monitor prefs ?05:59
Silivrenionsure, one moment05:59
WXZhow do I automatically lock my screen after a certain amount of time05:59
blackshirtyou can configure it through screensaver properties06:00
WXZdon't have preferences > screensaver06:00
dhruvasagarWXZ: check power management06:00
nebzHi all... i need some suggestions ... my network looks like this Internet ---> Router ---> eth0 - ubuntu server eth1 ---> client machine..... i want the client to be on the same net as the server so i did use brctl (brctl addbr bridge0, brctl addif bridge0 eth0 eth1) and bridge seems to work fine to reach the internet... but i cant ping the server from client and vice versa.... any tips/suggestion are welcome :)06:01
dhruvasagarWXZ: although you should have preferences -> screensaver too06:01
Silivreniondhruvasagar, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/71284/Screenshot.png06:01
WXZdoesn't seem to be anything related to lock screen06:01
WXZin power manager06:01
dhruvasagarWXZ: Put computer to sleep when inactive for ...06:02
dhruvasagarWXZ: under Actions06:02
WXZok, testing it now06:03
rdw200169nebz: easy! just give the bridge0 interface an ip on the subnet06:03
dhruvasagarWXZ: what is it set to ?06:03
WXZ1 minute06:03
dhruvasagarSilivrenion: checking06:03
rdw200169nebz: if you want the server to surf the net, just assign the gateway/dns to bridge0 as well06:04
_vaibhav_Am not able to run netbook edition on Vbox on Ubuntu 10.04 it says No required Driver Detected for Unity... What should I do to fix it??06:04
WXZthat doesn't really lock it :s06:04
WXZit just turns off the display06:04
dhruvasagarWXZ: hmm06:05
WXZis it put computer to sleep, or put display06:05
dhruvasagarWXZ: and you don't have System -> Preferences -> Screensaver ? are you sure ?06:05
WXZno dhruvasagar06:05
WXZI think it's because I did it from a minimal install06:06
ActionParsnip_vaibhav_: run: lspci | grep -i vga06:06
WXZ"put computer to sleep"06:06
WXZwould that work?06:06
john38Damn Intel 865G crappy chipset06:06
WXZok, I have to wait 10 minutes *sigh*06:06
JoeMaverickSettWXZ: try installing gnome-screensaver from synaptics?06:07
Silivreniondhruvasagar, I found that xset dpms force off is a workaround that will turn off the monitors nicely06:07
_vaibhav_ActionParsnip: Gives:- 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)06:07
Silivrenionit doesn't fix the reconfiguration problem, but it does mean i won't have to close the laptop screen06:07
john38is there such thing as defective AGP slots06:07
dhruvasagarSilivrenion: hmm06:07
dhruvasagarWXZ: I think it should be display to sleep06:08
nebzrdw200169: im not sure how to do it... i mean my router gives my server eth0 and ip with dhcp, and when bridged my client get an ip from router to, should i manualy give the bridge0 and ip? or can it be from router dchp to?06:08
WXZI installed screensaver dhruvasagar06:08
john38theres only so much driver scrutinizing you do06:08
ActionParsnipSilivrenion: dhruvasagar: add this in xorg.conf and it'll never sleep: http://pastebin.com/15maVDvq06:08
WXZso let's wait a minute06:08
ActionParsnip_vaibhav_: oh one of those :(06:08
dhruvasagarWXZ: ok06:08
dhruvasagarActionParsnip: cool06:09
ActionParsnip_vaibhav_: i've only seen them work with xorg.conf files personally06:09
SilivrenionActionParsnip, i'm not trying to prevent sleeping.. i'm trying to prevent monitor reconfiguration when the lid is closed06:09
dhruvasagarActionParsnip: although did you get to look at my problem about the menu ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/524266/06:09
rdw200169nebz: considering that your server is a relatively 'static' device, you're gonna want to give it a static IP address.  let me suggest the second IP in the subnet, like, that way, you can remember it... in the future, i suppose you're gonna want to do more with your server than just run it like a expensive switch!06:10
ActionParsnipdhruvasagar: are you the owner of all of your $HOME06:10
WXZwoo, success06:11
rdw200169nebz: regardless, you can assign bridge0 to receive dhcp instead of eth0.  reference /etc/network/interfaces and read the man file on the interfaces file06:11
_vaibhav_ActionParsnip: so How I can make it work??06:11
ActionParsniprdw200169: having servers at the top end of the network is a good idea as DHCP pools start at the bottom and work up, fewer IP conflicts :)06:11
dhruvasagarActionParsnip: I am the only user of this laptop...yes I am the owner of $HOME06:11
dhruvasagarWXZ: I am glad :)06:12
nebzrdw200169: ok thx, i think i will change my router settings and set static ip on the server as it seems better06:12
ActionParsnip_vaibhav_: search for sample xorg.conf files based on that chip description you gave, you will need: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf  to get write access#06:12
rdw200169ActionParsnip: well, if it were me, i would just use the server as the router, and run dhcp from it... NAT on the server is much better for me, but i know what i'm doing to prevent firewall/security issues06:12
_vaibhav_ActionParsnip: Ahh... Thanks.. :)06:12
john38Has anybody else here had weak splash screen with 10.10 maverick weird shutdown06:13
john38why does that happen06:13
rdw200169nebz: once you can ping the server, i suggest you go to town and install some fancy web servers and monitoring software just to get comfortable with the things you can do with a server, like set up a ftp server, etc...  :)06:13
Silivrenionnow here's the question.. I want to run the monitor shutoff command on one computer, and have another ubuntu computer also run it from that press... is it possible to script up the ssh connection that would cause that to happen?06:14
ActionParsniprdw200169: i'd rather have a hard device doing routing so if the server goes down or needs a reboot it doesn't take the LAN with it06:14
dhruvasagarActionParsnip: ...06:15
rdw200169ActionParsnip: and i would completely agree with you if i could afford routers fancier than the servers i can afford!06:15
kuattohey guys, running ubuntu here and I noticed somthing weird. running `lsof | grep TCP` I noticed "evince" the pdf viewr had a bunch of tcp connectinos open. is this normal?06:16
_vaibhav_ActionParsnip: In my Vbox, am getting  00:02.0 VGA compatible controller InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH VirtualBox Graphics Adapter.06:17
nebzrdw200169: hehe ya, well i know what to do.. im planing to set it up as a nas with torrent and more, but my linux skills are kinda rusty, not been using linux in awhile, i just wanted to bridge my main client machine becouse i wanted to use the giga card with the server for faster transfer, but soon i think i go buy a new router :) so i can skip the bridge and connect everything throu the router instead06:17
ActionParsnip_vaibhav_: thats because the video is virtualized06:17
ActionParsnip_vaibhav_: install the guest additions and you will be ok06:17
_vaibhav_Okie... Thanks Let me try out by xorg.conf...06:18
rdw200169nebz: well, once you've got an ip on bridge0 you should have no problems with those file transfers!06:19
ActionParsnip_vaibhav_: once you install the guest additions, you wont need xorg.conf in the virtual system06:19
_vaibhav_ActionParsnip: yup!06:21
New0have a few prob with ubuntu if u can help i will be glad06:22
circlezWhat is the command to change file ownership?06:22
GentoonI Had Windows installed and now I have decided to just run it in a virtualbox, so my partition table is all messed up. I would like to just have 2 large partitions both ext3. Here is my partition table http://tinypic.com/r/15wf40g/7 Is there a way to accoumplish this w/o delteing my sda8 partition?06:22
ActionParsnipcirclez: chown06:23
dhruvasagarActionParsnip: ping ?06:23
endhiransystem requirement for playing hd06:24
ActionParsnipdhruvasagar: ping what?06:24
ActionParsnip!ot | endhiran06:25
ubottuendhiran: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:25
dhruvasagarActionParsnip: just checking what your thoughts are on my problem...u were mid way helping me06:25
dhruvasagarActionParsnip: the menu problem - http://paste.ubuntu.com/524266/06:25
GentoonAnyone get a chance to look at my partition table?06:26
seidoswhat's a good dock to use?  i tried conky and couldn't get it working06:26
ActionParsnipdhruvasagar: if you run: cd /home; sudo chown -R $USER:$USER ./$USER   it will ensure you are the owner06:26
macoseidos: conky isnt a dock...06:26
dhruvasagarActionParsnip: I said I am the owner...06:26
ActionParsnipdhruvasagar: is there a bug logged for the activity?06:26
dhruvasagarActionParsnip: no06:26
seidosmaco, ah, thanks06:28
maco!info avant-window-navigator | seidos06:28
ubottuseidos: avant-window-navigator (source: avant-window-navigator): A MacOS X like panel for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.0-2ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 250 kB, installed size 880 kB06:28
maco!info docky | seidos06:28
ubottuseidos: docky (source: docky): Elegant, powerful, clean dock. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.7-1 (maverick), package size 656 kB, installed size 2872 kB06:28
dhruvasagarActionParsnip: oh you meant if there's a bug logged already ? let me check06:28
sosaitedCairo dock is also good06:29
Axsuulhow do I found out what group apache/php user belongs to?06:30
seidosah, docky isn't in karmic repositories...forget it i'll just use standard gnome.06:30
ActionParsnipAxsuul: groups username06:31
Dr_Willis!info docky06:31
ubottudocky (source: docky): Elegant, powerful, clean dock. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.7-1 (maverick), package size 656 kB, installed size 2872 kB06:31
New0hi guys have Q: have a 6600, was is the driver that good for it ?06:31
ActionParsnipseidos: http://www.unixmen.com/linux-distributions/4-ubuntu/1200-install-cairo-dockawn-and-docky-in-ubuntu1010-maverick-meerkat06:31
Dr_Willis!info docky karmic06:31
ubottuPackage docky does not exist in karmic06:31
ActionParsnip!nvidia | New006:31
ubottuNew0: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:31
sosaited!info cairo-dock karmic06:32
ubottucairo-dock (source: cairo-dock): A light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.9-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 8 kB, installed size 36 kB06:32
sosaited!info cairo-dock seidos06:32
ubottu'seidos' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, partner, stable, testing, unstable06:32
blakkheimsince when is "eye-candy" an adjective06:33
New0ubottu tnx06:33
sosaited!info cairo-dock | seidos06:33
ubottuseidos: cairo-dock (source: cairo-dock): A light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.0~4-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 8 kB, installed size 36 kB06:33
New0ActionParship tnx06:34
mkquistim of the opinion that Cairo-dock is great!... random post06:34
ActionParsnipsimdock is ok if you must have a dock06:35
ActionParsnipnice and light06:35
New0ActionParship lol i was thinking that ubottu help me so i :ubotuu tnx06:36
New0ActionParship intead for u tnx :) lol06:36
seidostrying to set up a panel-less wm environment, but i'll probably end up going back to standard gnome06:36
Dr_WillisI found most all of the 'docks' too limiting..  the latest AWN had some nice features however.06:37
Dr_WillisI still liked how WindowMaker handled it years ago. Simple 'warf' apps you ran and built your own dock basically.06:38
mkquistDr_Willis: just curious on that... how are they limiting?...  no flame, just curious06:38
circlezseidos: fluxbox is a great wm to go without a panel.  With .fluxbox/keys you can set up keyboard shortcuts to all your favorite apps!06:38
New0vm=virtual mechine ?06:39
andyccNew0, yes.06:40
ActionParsnipcirclez: totally, fluxbox rocks06:40
Dr_Willismkquist:  for most of them You have to work 'their' way  and use their applets.  seems Dock #1 always has some feature Id like in dock #2's, and then dock #4 has a really cool way of doing other things that 1 and 2 need to steal.. (err.. borow)06:40
n2diyanybody using gEDA for PCB fabricating?06:40
Dr_WillisIve ran without a panel for years. :) Us old timers rember the old days.06:40
ActionParsnipI just use guake to launch stuff, then ALT+TAB to switch between, much easier and fewer used resources06:41
mkquistDr_Willis: ok, i think i see what ur getting at, but, I still have to say I'm happy with cairo tho...  i see the 'their way' thing tho...06:41
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: amen (although not such an old timer as some ;D)06:41
cr0ssHey, this is a newby question.  I've done crontab -e.  How do I save and exit?06:42
ActionParsnipcr0ss: what editor are you using?06:43
cr0ssI don't recognize it06:43
cr0sscould be vi06:43
cr0ssWhat ever it is, it doesn't respond to CTRL+x or CTRL+O06:44
ActionParsnipcr0ss: i'm not personally conversant with vi, maybe someone else can advise. if you run: export EDITOR=nano    you can use nano, which is much friendlier06:44
CaneToadcr0ss: press ESC capital Z then capital Z06:45
cr0ssdidn't work06:45
sosaitedwhy don't you use gedit06:45
cr0ssfreakin' weird stuff06:45
cr0ssCause I'm not using a GUI06:45
CaneToadcr0ss: maybe press control D ???06:45
Dr_Willisvi --> <esc> :wq       also06:45
cr0ssThat's delete06:45
cr0sswtf is this thing!?06:46
CaneToadif it is emacs, then control X then control C06:46
Dr_WillisNo idea what editor you areusing then. :)06:46
Dr_Willishit escape a few dozen times, then try :help06:46
cr0ssWhat's ^KD?06:46
cr0ssthat's the command06:47
cr0ssthat's the stupidest shit I've seen06:47
Dr_Willis^ = ctrl key.06:47
maco!language | cr0ss06:47
ubottucr0ss: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:47
CaneToad^KD is control K then d06:47
cr0ssYea, but what editor would have that?06:47
Dr_WillisI found some consoel based editor ages ago that was basically like the old dos edit. with menus.. but i forget its name..06:48
cr0ssshit is a swear?06:48
cr0ssmy lil niece says it...06:48
macocr0ss: yes06:48
Dr_Willisnano uses the ctrl-stuff all the time.06:48
cr0ssWelcome to the <CENCORED> inet...06:48
Dr_Willisnano has the ctrl-coded at the bottom of the screen.. its just that beginners often dont realize theat ^ = ctrl.06:48
Dr_Williscr0ss:  get over it.06:48
cr0ssWhat you talk bout willis?06:49
Dr_WillisIn nano -->  ^O WriteOut06:49
Dr_Willisin vi -   <esc>:wq06:49
Dr_Willisin emacs... I forget.. :)06:49
CaneToadDr_Willis: ^X ^C in emacs06:49
CaneToadso cr0ss, try control O control X06:50
Dr_Willismcedit - F206:50
cr0ssIs there a way to edit this in nano?06:50
Dr_WillisI dont even recall what you are editing...06:50
ActionParsnipcr0ss: nano to exit and save use CTRL+X, Y, ENTER06:50
andycccr0ss, nano is not exactly known for its customizability.06:50
sosaitedIf you were creating a new one, it gives an option to chose the editor06:50
sosaitedDr_Willis: crontab06:51
quiescenshow can people make something so complicated06:51
trackerdoes anyone know what is the best book for learning python?06:51
ActionParsnipandycc: maybe but it doesnt have all that command mode, input mode confusion when you just want to add a few lines to a text file06:51
Dr_Willistracker:  theres dozens of them out there. For total beginners - most of them cover the same topics.06:51
Dr_Willistracker:  you proberly want a book that you wont outgrow in 5 days. :)06:51
Dr_Willis crontab  -e06:52
Dr_Willis crontab  -e    --> asks what default editor to use here.06:52
sosaitedDr_Willis: He said he used that command.. Yeah I said that as well. that he can use nano by selecting it from the option06:52
CaneToadcrontab -e doesn't ask here06:52
CaneToadcr0ss: what editor are you familiar with?06:53
Dr_Willisnano is the default for crontab -e, if you just hit enter after it asks.06:53
cr0ssSorry, I figured it out:)06:53
Dr_Willisthe 'select-editor' command changes your default editor.06:53
andyccEDITOR=vi crontab -e06:53
sosaitedDOes anyone know of a list of laptops Ubuntu 10.10 supports without a problem? I am trying to get someone to migrate to Linux, but as I can't be there to set it up for her, I need to make sure she wont have big problems with it06:53
cr0ssenv EDITOR=nano crontab -e06:53
cr0ssused that06:53
cr0ssworked pretty well06:53
sosaitedcr0ss: Nice.06:53
blakkheimlol nano06:53
cr0ssMerci buckets06:54
cr0ssnano ftw baby06:54
CaneToadsosaited: I'm running 10.10 on Dell Vostro 171006:54
cr0ssnano > * for doing minor edits06:54
CaneToad17" notebook06:54
Dr_Willisnano needs replaced... badly...06:54
quiescenscr0ss: for future reference, you can probably run "select-editor" to set your default06:54
SwedeMikesosaited: I've never seen such a list.06:54
ActionParsnipcr0ss: nano is super easy :)06:54
andyccsosaited: http://linuxhcl.com/06:54
Dr_Willissosaited:  there are some sites that sell Linux preinstalled laptops..   theres so many laptops out.. the best you can proberly do is find linux laptop reviews and look for ones with the fewest probpeklsm06:54
sosaitedCaneToad: I need to find about Dell Inspiron 1564. Apparently people had problems with 10.04, but I cant find much about 10.1006:55
Dr_Willissosaited:  even then.. its always possible theres some bug/quirk/issues with the next OS releases06:55
ActionParsnipcr0ss: you can add the export ni ~/.bashrc and it will always be set06:55
sosaitedDr_Willis: small bugs I will be able to fix/work around via RDP. but people couldn't even boot on <10.04 on that laptop06:55
ActionParsnipcr0ss: ni == in06:55
andycccr0ss: or ~/.zshrc if you use zsh, which I wholeheartedly recommend.06:56
cutoutI have a machine, when it start the memory check gives 16 GB, but on ubuntu when I check with free -m command I get only about 4GB of RAM, how can this happen?06:56
sosaitedandycc: Thanks . I'll look that06:56
ActionParsnipcutout: you are using 32bit kernel06:56
Dr_Willissosaited:  with the move to plymouth. for my Nvidia machines I have to use the 'nomodeset' option to get a working GUI to install from. and boot from, Untill i get the nvidia-drivers installed.06:56
ActionParsnipcutout: install the pae kernel to access the rest06:56
cutoutActionParsnip: how can I tell?06:56
andycccutout: or the 64-bit version of Ubuntu if it's a 64-bit machine.06:56
Dr_WillisI suggest the 64bit version of ubuntu.06:57
ActionParsnipcutout: uname -r   i686 == 32bit, x86_64 == 64bit06:57
sosaitedDr_Willis: I think Dell used to sell a lot of laptops with preinstalled Ubuntu, but apparently they discontinued that?06:57
ActionParsnipandycc: not always, most 64bit CPU can run 32bit OS06:57
Dr_Willissosaited:  theres other sites  that still do. System76 i recall is one.06:57
Dr_Willissosaited:  i think dell still does.. but havent looked into them,06:58
ActionParsnipcutout: if you install linux-image-generic-pae then you wil be able to access all the ram using extra software addressing#06:58
ActionParsnipcutout: 32bit PAE kernel can access 64Gb RAM06:59
giuliaI am annoyed with a window problem06:59
giuliaI don't have the focus any more06:59
peturiHow can I configure Ubuntu 10.10 to show the network-manager gnome applet to all users?06:59
giuliaany idea on how can I solve my problem ?06:59
peturiUsually it only shows up for the first user who logs on.06:59
cutoutActionParsnip: the macjine is 64-bit but It has ubuntu 32-bit, is it possible to install the package you sayed? will fix the problem? or do I have to reinstall ubuntu 64?06:59
giuliapeturi, someone will tell you better than me06:59
giuliabut you have to put it in the /usr/share directory07:00
SwedeMikecutout: pae kernel will give you access to all memory.07:00
Dr_Williscutout:  the pae kernel on 32bit os  -> lets you access all the ram. but if you ever reinstall. Youmay want to use the 64bit version of the OS.07:00
ActionParsnipcutout: if you install the pae linux image you can address all the ram07:00
cutoutThanks ALL, do I just "sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic-pae"07:01
ActionParsnipcutout: after running: sudo apt-get update   ,yes07:01
cutoutActionParsnip: OK thanks07:02
reeniginEesreveRwhat is hardened-c++ ?07:02
giuliawell, should I quit Compiz Fusion ?07:02
giuliaI am annoyed with not having the focus for my windows07:02
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giuliaI mean, when I don't have my windows in the task bar07:03
giuliaI have to click on Esc to fix it07:03
giuliabut it comes back07:03
Dr_WillisYou may want to try running without compiz going.   alt-f2 -> 'metacity --replace' and see if the system works better..07:04
sosaitedIs it better to install 64-bit or 32-bit Ubuntu 10.10 on Core i3 processor?07:04
Dr_Willissosaited:  i always use 64bit OS on sysmtes that are 64bit.07:04
giuliagreat Doctor :)07:05
andyccsosaited: I'd say 64-bit, but I think you'll have problems with Flash.07:05
giuliayou solved my problem :)07:05
giuliacan I offer you a rose ?07:05
cephalopodrandom question: does anyone know about irssi config?07:05
sosaitedDr_Willis: I just read on forums that its better to install 32-bit if you dont have AMD processor. Though that might have been just one mans experience/opinion07:05
sosaitedandycc: Its not me who has to install, someone else who isn't that experienced in computers. But I can RDP in to set up/fix some stuff.07:06
Dr_Willissosaited:  ive used 64bit on amd and intel.. - with no real issues for  quite some time now.07:06
sosaitedandycc: The flash problems are fixable?07:06
sosaitedDr_Willis: Hmm. Notebook or desktop?07:07
Dr_Willissosaited:  Yes :) both..07:07
andyccsosaited, http://nxadm.wordpress.com/2009/04/26/install-64-bit-adobe-flash-player-on-ubuntu-904/07:07
andyccmaybe that helps07:07
Dr_Willissosaited:  i have 1 machine now that 32bit. thats the netbook...07:07
Dr_Willis3+ Desktops, 3+ Laptops all 64bit07:07
Dr_WillisThe theres that little bitty netbook.07:07
cephalopodrandom question: does anyone know about irssi config?07:07
Dr_Williscephalopod:  irssi homepage has loads of docs. I havent used irssi much since ive switched to 'weechat'07:08
sosaitedandycc: Thanks andy. I hope though that maverick wont have much problem07:08
Dr_WillisI much perfer weechat to irssi these days07:08
cephalopodthat might just be the solution07:08
sosaitedDr_Willis: Hmm. Not even Hibernate/suspend or ACPI problems on Laptops?07:08
rwwcephalopod: try #irssi07:08
Dr_Willissosaited:  i rarely use that feature. I rarely use that feature under windows either.. It can be problamatic depending on your hardware setup. I notice it did work on my new X505 laptop the other day.. but i rarely use it.07:09
sosaitedhmm. ACPI is such a BS thing. I recently chanaged one bit in my BIOS, and both my karmic and lucid wouldn't let me browese, and XP wont even boot. Then I changed it back, and also enabled ACPI 2.0 and Lucid gave a /dev/null error at startup but it is working anyway07:11
WillWill56I installed apache2 and it came with no modules, but the default apache2.conf file tries to use features from the mod_access module (which isn't installed or built into the binary). Is this meant to happen or am I doing something wrong?07:13
sosaitedDr_Willis: DId you ever need to use ia32-libs to use some 32-bit apps?07:16
Dr_Willissosaited:  Proberly have. but they got installed automatically for flash i belive.07:20
Dr_Willissosaited:  so ive never had to worry about it.07:20
Dr_Willissosaited:  i can only think of a few programs there were 32bit only. and that was some old apps.07:22
sosaitedDr_Willis: They work fine ?07:25
Dr_Willis'they' as in what? I cant recall any specific issues with anything ive had  with 64bit - in perhaps the last 2+ years...07:26
Dr_Williszsnes = 32bit only  - the only app i can even recall thats been  affected. :)07:26
Dr_Willisand theres other 64bit snes emulators out.07:26
sosaitedDr_Willis: You use something else instead of zsnes now? or compiled it with ia32-libs ? I have absolutely no experience with 64-bit so I need to be prepared when I'll need to set up one for someone else. Especially when you are trying to prove that Ubuntu is better than Windows .:)07:28
Dr_Willissosaited:  I imagine you could install the 64bit version of Ubuntu.. and just go... i doubt if you will encounter any issues.07:29
Dr_WillisUnless you just hae to have zsnes.. :)07:29
Dr_Willisive had more 64 vs 32bit issues in windows.. then i have in linux.07:29
obsidiethif you ignore flash, 64bit is glorious07:30
ActionParsnipI believe there's a 64bit build of zsnes on getdeb/playdeb07:30
Dr_Willisi dont really have any flash issues in 64bit either.07:30
circlezfor the record: steam also is 32bit only.  Need the 32bit libs to compile it.07:30
ActionParsnipobsidieth: there's a 64bit flash ppa07:30
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  that would mean they redid their assembly code. :)  or some how did some tricks to it.07:30
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: not sure, worth a looksee07:31
Dr_Williscompile steam? I just used wine to install steam. or am i missing somthing...07:31
obsidiethit was a pain last i tried, but that was some time ago.07:31
circlezdedicated server07:31
Dr_WillisThere are 64bit versions of flash. but ive not tried them. because ive not needed to.07:31
ActionParsnipobsidieth: means you can ditch nspluginwrapper :)07:31
obsidieththe last i saw there was a beta that got pulled07:32
obsidiethwhat happened after that?07:32
ActionParsnipobsidieth: its back :)07:32
ActionParsnipI think its 10.1 too07:32
ActionParsnipNot sure07:32
Dr_WillisLike many people said..  'its not dead... just taking a break'  :)07:32
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: I'm currently dead but have 4 days of break now :)07:33
Dr_Willisfor now the biggest issue i have with anything in linux, is NetFlix not supporting it for their streams. :(07:33
obsidiethback without the ridiculous security implications?07:33
snehachitrethere must be some channel to ask python doubts. can anyone please tell me the name??07:33
Dr_Willissnehachitre:  doubts?07:33
Dr_Willissnehachitre:  #python07:34
snehachitrei tried that.. it says u need to be registered07:34
ralliashow do i delete files from the command line?07:34
Dr_Willissnehachitre:  so register your nick.07:34
ActionParsnipHa there's a 64bit flash 10.2 ppa07:34
snehachitrefrom where07:34
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode07:34
Dr_Willissnehachitre:  takes all of a few min to reg your nick.07:34
_GoRDoN__rallias: 'rm filename' for more information type 'man rm'07:35
ralliaskk tyvm07:35
MagusOTBwhat do I install in order to be able to build 32 bit things?07:35
ActionParsnip!chroot | MagusOTB07:35
ubottuMagusOTB: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot07:35
=== mcorazza_ is now known as mcorazza
Dr_WillisMagusOTB:  the build-essential package installs the basuic compiler tools07:36
=== _GoRDoN__ is now known as _GoRDoN_
h4x0rbOyhi ubuntu cuntz :D07:36
snehachitrei ahve to type this HERE?07:37
ActionParsniph4x0rbOy: keep it PG please07:37
ralliasMy server is being stuborn. It is refusing to upgrade to maverick from lucid. How do i correct this behavior?07:37
ActionParsnipsnehachitre: type what?07:37
ActionParsniprallias: use the alternate iso07:37
snehachitre<</nick snehachitre>>07:37
Dr_Willis /whatver are IRC commands.. yes.07:37
ravihow do i retrieve image in django by using pk as arg07:37
ralliasActionParsnip: It doesn't have a cd drive07:38
maquisIs there a way to open a directory in the Unity interface?  I can't even find this directory, and it's in my home dir07:38
sosaitedWhere can I request a local mirror for Ubuntu to be changed because the current one (Which is hosted on one of my local uni's site is damn slow. like 9KBps)07:38
ralliasActionParsnip: The only access I have to it is via an ssh prompt07:38
Dr_Willissnehachitre:  -->  Registration help available by typing /join #freenode07:38
ActionParsniprallias: you can mount isos in linux07:38
ActionParsniprallias: you can mount with command line07:38
Dr_Willismaquis:  make a launcher to open a specific directlry you mean?07:38
maquisDr_Willis: that would work07:39
ralliasActionParsnip: Isn't there an easier way?07:39
Jointhey how can i check my udev error log and where is located it at?07:39
maquisI'm just trying to find *some* way to get to it in the gui07:39
JointI'm having some errors with it07:39
Dr_Willismaquis:  'nautilus /path/to/open' as  the command line.07:39
jaco123google chrome run error help please http://paste.ubuntu.com/524301/07:39
maquisDr_Willis: ok... so it has to be accessed from the command-line?07:39
Dr_Willismaquis:  make a launcher that does that perhaps.07:39
Dr_Willismaquis:  You could make a icon that runs that command i imagine..07:40
maquisDr_Willis: So, what's the point of the folders section of the panel if it ignores most of my folders?  (Just curious... and I don't know where else to ask)07:40
ActionParsniprallias: ifits stubborn and you cantdo it I recommend thatway,read the !upgrade factoid link. You need to change the lsb_release file from lts to normal. Why you are upgrading a server from lts is beyond me07:40
Dr_Willismaquis:  i dont use the netbook interface. so no idea.07:40
Dr_Willismaquis:  ive not even tried the new netbook interface.07:40
jaco123google chrome run error help please http://paste.ubuntu.com/524301/07:40
ralliasActionParsnip: Bug in php that makes my MediaWiki installation extremely slow07:41
Dr_Willismaquis:  it could be its for the 'special' folders like documents, downloads, and so forth07:41
ActionParsnipmaquis: if you run alacarte and make a launcher it will appear in the remix interface afaik07:41
maquisDr_Willis: ah... interesting07:41
ActionParsniprallias: shame. Server + lts rocks07:41
maquisActionParsnip: alacarte?  ok... i'll look at that.  thanks!07:41
h4x0rbOyjaco123: Please file a bug report.07:41
ralliasActionParsnip: Yeah... about that...07:41
ActionParsnipjaco123: tried the daily build via ppa?07:42
Dr_Willismaquis:  thats  basically how the places menu in gnome works. You can add a folder tot he sidebar in nautilus, and it might show up there also. drag/drop it to the left side panel in the file manager.07:42
maquisDr_Willis: ah.  Interesting.  Thanks!07:42
jaco123ActionParsnip, no i have not tried the daily build how would i go about doing that07:42
snehachitre? :(07:43
ActionParsnipjaco123: websearch fo: chromium ppa ,you'll findguides galore07:43
snehachitrewith my details?07:43
ActionParsnipjaco123: its a bleeding edge chrome without all the google tracking stuff07:43
blakkheimit's not without all07:44
blakkheimjust with less07:44
ralliasSomeone hijacked my server and did a sudo apt-get install Ubuntu Desktop. How do I undo that action?07:44
ActionParsnipLess is ok, personally I don't care either way07:44
greppyrallias: define "hijacked"07:44
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obsidiethblakkheim: less?07:44
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jaco123ActionParsnip, cheers ill give it a go07:44
ActionParsniprallias: uninstall xorg and a lot of it will be removed when you autoremove07:45
obsidiethwhat google stuff remains in chromium07:45
ralliasgreppy: john'd up my ssh server and broke in.07:45
blakkheimobsidieth: it has less of the "google tracking stuff"07:45
greppyrallias: are you sure that is all that they did?  the few times I have had to deal with a rooted server, the best action was wipe it and start clean.07:45
Sanshihi, im thinking about to install kubuntu 10.10 on my netbook but im worried about that my cpu (1.6) may to way to slow, is that true?07:45
circlezHow do I unzip a tar.bz2 file?07:45
obsidiethi thought the 'google tracking stuff' was what made chrome actually different to chromium07:45
obsidiethchromeium is open sores. how could google have trackign stuff in there.07:46
h4x0rbOyHey does Google really track what I do and send this to FBI ???07:46
ActionParsnipcirclez: tar jxvf filename.tar.bz207:46
ralliasgreppy: I hash-checked everything else. That was the only thing they did.07:46
ActionParsniph4x0rbOy: maybe not the fbi07:46
greppyrallias: ok, your call, but I would wipe it.  You should be able to just remove the packages that were installed.07:47
magn3tsHelp!!! I did something and now my QT apps look like crap. http://imgur.com/k4LRb.png07:47
greppyrallias: you may want to take a look at /var/log/dpkg.log07:47
ralliasgreppy: webmin rotated that out allready07:47
greppyrallias: oof, good luck.07:47
circlezActionParsnip: thanks.  tar jxvf?  Need to add that to the cheat sheet07:48
magn3ts:( :(07:48
ActionParsnipcirclez: zxvf for tar.gz jxvf for tar.bz2 ,there's a single command which looks at the input file and uses the right method. Dr_Willis knowsit07:48
snehachitrewhy is my email adress showing invalid when i am trying to register my nick name07:49
ActionParsnipsnehachitre: ask in #freenode07:50
ralliasis there a reason that packages.ubuntu.com keeps returning empty responses?07:50
ActionParsniprallias: it may be being updated,try changing servers07:50
ralliasActionParsnip: :( Uh... oh did I mention I was using google chrome?07:51
rwwrallias: because the server it's on sucks, basically07:52
Dr_Willis!info unp07:52
ubottuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0~pre4 (maverick), package size 13 kB, installed size 100 kB07:52
ActionParsniprallias: not sure. I'm pretty tired so I'm only remembering what's on the 10 lines on this screen07:52
rwwActionParsnip: the website for looking up package information, not a repository mirror.07:52
ralliasrww: oh.07:52
Dr_Willistheres proberly 5+ commands taht can unpack an archive automatically. :) i just dont rember them all07:52
ActionParsniprww: ah I see07:52
rwwActionParsnip: go to sleep ;P07:52
ActionParsniprww: working on it, justtravelling to bed and a cuddle07:53
ralliasOh joy I get to go to school with no sleep whatsoever... and I'm watching a movie over an ssh connection. Which sucks more?07:53
ActionParsniprallias: paris hilton07:54
ralliasActionParsnip: No "The Social Network"07:54
* ActionParsnip feels the joke was missed07:55
* rallias tells ActionParsnip that there was no joke.07:55
rww#ubuntu-offtopic is ------> that way ;P07:55
=== oscar_ is now known as OscarEee
* jpds hands rww a →07:56
* rallias tells ActionParsnip that I have a contract with Colombia Pictures that I can download torrents as long as I report others downloading the same torrents.07:56
rwwjpds: your arrow is too small :(07:56
* rallias trys to repress the obvious joke.07:56
ActionParsniprallias: I'm inclined to nod and smile07:56
brontosaurusrexwhat would usb or pcmcia wifi card supported out of the box (by 10.04 or 10.10)?07:57
* rallias gives ActionParsnip my email, which is rallias@ralliasubernerd.com07:57
ralliasemail me07:57
brontosaurusrex(for an older laptop)07:57
ActionParsniprallias: I have better things to do plus this battery is dying07:57
ralliasActionParsnip: Well remember the address.07:58
ActionParsniprallias: I can't remember what I did an hour ago dude07:58
magn3tsMy Qt apps have stopped looking normal07:58
magn3tsAny tips07:58
ralliasActionParsnip: add me on facebook07:58
ActionParsniprallias: I've just done 48 hours in 4 days07:58
Dr_Willisclarify what looking normal means..07:58
magn3tsDr_Willis, they don't take on the GTK theme07:58
magn3tsDr_Willis, http://imgur.com/k4LRb.png07:59
magn3tsDr_Willis, I don't know how it happened. Something glitched when I was installing a bunch of pkgs on a fresh install07:59
vinushello,i cant install softwares from softwarecenter it is showing like this"Requires installation of untrusted packages".what should i do?07:59
freedayhow to execute script on ubuntu server mysql on vmware? my script is found on drive e:08:00
Dr_Willisfreeday:  what language is the script in?08:00
ActionParsnipvinus: can you run: sudo apt-get update and pastebin the output please08:00
magn3tsDr_Willis, a reboot seems to have fixed it actually. sorry for the false alarm08:00
ActionParsnipfreeday: drive e doesn't mean anything in linux08:00
Cairowhen is this channel least active08:01
freedayfor mysql08:01
Dr_Willisfreeday:  you have to somehow access your E: from  the virtual machine,..  then you would run it as you would if it was on a local drive i imagine.08:01
Dr_WillisCairo:  depends  on the holidays and so forth.08:01
greppyCairo: probably around now, but there are generally people here 24/7 as ubuntu is world wide :)08:01
ActionParsnipCairo: this is supportonly, i'd ask in #ubuntu-offtopic08:02
Dr_WillisCairo:  Most active after a new release.08:02
vinussudo apt-get update is running08:02
Cairowould installing a nvidia driver manually autouninstall the nouveaou ones or do i need to uninstall those first manually?08:02
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: too right08:02
Dr_WillisCairo:  it blacklists them i belive. Ive never had to Manually remove them08:02
Cairobut did you manually install your driver?08:03
ActionParsnipCairo: no but udev will use the proprietary if it can. You can remove nouveau and nv if you wish08:03
Dr_Willissudo apt-get install nvidia-current08:03
Dr_WillisCairo:  clarify what you mean by 'manually' install08:03
CeazeMy Ubuntu Software Center is not working!! Help Someone!!!!!08:04
Eventyretanyone able to help me with this, i have the problem in step 10, and step 7 does not work http://vip.asus.com/forum/view.aspx?board_id=3&model=X50N&id=20080921231843718&page=1&SLanguage=en-us08:04
ralliasCeaze: Try Synaptic08:04
Dr_Willis!details | Ceaze08:04
ubottuCeaze: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:04
brontosaurusrexwhat would usb or pcmcia wifi card supported out of the box (by 10.04 or 10.10)? older laptop08:05
llutz-nbrontosaurusrex: cards with atheros-chipset should be fine08:06
CeazeI am running Ubuntu 10.10 and when i try to download anything from software center it says some like, an error, please report bug at launchpad.net....and then retry!! Help08:06
=== makuchaku is now known as maku|away
CeazeDr_Willis: I am running Ubuntu 10.10 and when i try to download anything from software center it says something like, an error, please report bug at launchpad.net....and then retry!! Help08:08
Dr_WillisCeaze:  try installing somthing via the command line,  'sudo apt-get install SOMTHING' and see if that works08:09
Dr_Williscould be some servers are down. or other networking issues08:09
blackshirtCeaze: yeah, try it on terminal08:09
WillWill56Can anyone with apache2 quickly post the results of ls /etc/apache2/mods-available/'08:09
CeazeDr_Willis: OK08:10
CeazeDr_Willis: It's Working08:11
LanToHi all.08:15
zookai wanna to setup vmware in linux mint 908:15
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware08:15
zookaeny body know how08:15
Dr_Williszooka:  and see the mint support channels... not ehre for mint.08:15
=== holmst is now known as damns
jaco123hey im having trouble with chromuim please help http://paste.ubuntu.com/524314/08:16
LanTo... hello people... I've a trouble using Sane/simplescan with 10.10, (work fine in 10.04) there are instruction for debug my trouble ? (I've goggled but...)08:17
Diverdudeim trying to copy a flder like:  sudo cp ARproj personalWiki    but i get: cp: omitting directory `ARproj'      what am i missing?08:17
rambo3DeathCrawler,  -r08:17
rambo3Diverdude, -r08:17
jaco123hey im having trouble with chromuim http://paste.ubuntu.com/524314/08:18
zambahow can i do a md5sum over a set of files?08:21
zambaoh, nevermind.. i can use cat08:21
zambait just occured to me08:21
Dr_Williszamba:  md5sum foo*08:22
jaco123how can i mount /dev/shm as rw08:22
the_germanhi @ all. I need a mp3tag utility for the CLI! Any ideas?08:22
Dr_Willis ls -ld /dev/shm/08:22
Dr_Willisdrwxrwxrwt 2 root root 360 2010-11-02 04:00 /dev/shm/08:22
zambaDr_Willis: yeah, but that gives me one md5sum for each file08:22
Dr_Williszamba:  so what were you wanting to do?08:23
zambaDr_Willis: i want the md5sum for all of the files combined08:23
zambaDr_Willis: so i just did cat * | md5sum08:23
_GoRDoN_jaco123: sudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/shm might work08:23
Dr_Williszamba:  that seems... weird...08:23
zambaDr_Willis: why?08:23
sporediwhen i tryed to login to my vnc server it only ask for host and passwd it did not ask for username how do i fix this issuse08:23
zambaDr_Willis: i want to make sure that all files are identical08:23
Dr_Willisso later.. the sums dont match.. now WHICH file is bad zamba ?08:23
Dr_WillisOh.. so thats the actual problem.. :)08:23
zambaDr_Willis: then i'll investigate further08:24
zambaDr_Willis: especially since i have different sets of files in the directory08:24
jaco123Dr_Willis, that didnt help08:24
Dr_Willisjaco123:  what didetn help? I posted the permissions on my /dev/shm    Ive never had to touch the thing.08:25
jaco123_GoRDoN_, hey could you explian a litle more what is the exatc code i need to remount it in rw mode08:25
Dr_Willisthe idea of remounting /dev/shm seems like there may be bigger issues causing the problem.08:25
jaco123aprently its one of the packages i have installed a while ago that made it read only08:26
jaco123no i cant run google chromuim because of that08:26
jaco123so im trying to change it back08:26
blueghost谁帮我换算一下 dpi08:26
Dr_Williswhats your mount command say abou it..08:26
Dr_Willismount | grep shm08:26
Dr_Willisnone on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)08:26
blueghostqt4 怎么换算的结果不对08:27
rambo3how do i restart sound server08:27
jaco123mine says tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (ro)08:27
Dr_Willisrambo3:  sudo service pulse restart  (or somthing)08:27
administrator__wherer are you form?08:27
blueghostqt4 换算的结果是 A4纸是729像素, 手动计算的是 792.95997462508:27
blueghost谁帮我换算一下 dpi08:27
blueghostqt4 怎么换算的结果不对08:27
blueghostqt4 换算的结果是 A4纸是729像素, 手动计算的是 792.95997462508:27
FloodBot1blueghost: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:27
Dr_Willis sudo service pulseaudio status08:28
Dr_Willis sudo service pulseaudio (status/start/stop/restart)08:28
jaco123PulseAudio configured for per-user sessions08:28
seidosrambo3, or sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart08:28
h4x0rbOyblueghost: ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????08:29
Dr_WillisYou dont want to use the init.d method any more. Use the service  ommand08:29
EventyretTalk about having alot of ? xD08:29
jpdsh4x0rbOy: Hi.08:29
h4x0rbOyjpds: Hi.08:29
blueghostsorry, i join in fail chanel. i want to join #ubuntu-cn. sorry08:29
rambo3ok thanks08:30
eureka_hi all!08:31
eureka_how to use webcam in ubuntu?08:31
_GoRDoN_jaco123:What does "sudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/shm" say?08:32
vadi01eureka_, use cheese program08:32
h4x0rbOyeureka_: plug in webcam and fire up cheese08:32
eureka_trying it08:32
eureka_thanx guys08:32
vadi01eureka_, Applications-->Ubuntu Software Center  n intall cheese08:33
eureka_i know08:33
eureka_many thanx08:33
linuxruleshello room08:35
linuxrulesim on 10.04 on wifi having problems connecting to wiki. anyone else the same?08:36
* greppy has flashbacks to late '90s AOL users connecting to IRC. FYI, IRC has channels, not rooms :)08:36
suigenerisI have a weird problem. I have a 500 gb usb hdd, and it has like 450 gb of data in it. however, windows sees this as 9gb while ubuntu sees the correct size. any thoughts how I can fix this?08:36
linuxrulessorry greppy08:36
greppylinuxrules: which wiki?08:36
linuxrulesjust the main one08:36
greppy... wiki.ubuntu.com?08:37
linuxrulesis it wiki or me?08:37
vadi01suigeneris, ubuntu is never wrong :))) windows brrrrrr08:37
h4x0rbOyi need to poop08:37
greppylinuxrules: I can get to it just fine.08:37
Dr_Willissuigeneris:   what filesystem is the hard drive? whats its partuition layout " sudo fdisk -l "  You may want to pastebin the fdisk output.08:37
suigenerish4x0rbOy nobody needs to know08:37
linuxrulesthanks greppy08:38
greppylinuxrules: might want to bookmark: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/08:38
Dr_Williswhat if   http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/08:38
Dr_Willisgoes down? :)08:38
linuxrulesthanks greppy08:38
greppyDr_Willis: then we are all screwed :)08:39
Dr_Willisthe internetz will explode08:39
linuxrulesive ctrl+d it08:39
llutz-nlinux wll be ready for all desktops then08:39
suigenerisDr_Willis /dev/sdb1               1       60801   488384001    7  HPFS/NTFS08:39
Ichatlol  that would be ammagheddon08:39
Dr_Willissuigeneris:  you may want to have windows check the filesystem.08:40
progre55hi guys. I've been getting "perl: warning: Setting locale failed." messages on jaunty. googling didnt help, cant seem to fix the problem. Any suggestions, please? btw, this started when I tried to install some packages from the karmic repos.08:40
Dr_Willisprogre55:  its a warning - so shouldent affect programs.08:41
ubottuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf08:41
greppyprogre55: give "sudo locale-gen en_US en_US.UTF-8" a shot, see if that helps :)08:41
progre55Dr_Willis: I know, but it's really annoying..08:41
progre55greppy: thanks, let me try that08:41
EvaLuaTehello world08:42
EvaLuaTeis there a tool to see the current upload/download speed?08:43
progre55greppy: well, it says they are up-to-date, and the problem still exists.08:43
EvaLuaTeI don't mean something like speedtest.net, to test the maximum upload/download speed, but rather something that will show the _current_ speeds at which I'm downloading/uploading...08:44
shomonhi, I would like to resolve a problem with updates I've had for ages:08:44
joeArpaioEvaLuaTe, system monitor08:44
shomonI have a wee orange triangle that says my stuff is outdated, caused by network problems08:44
shomonbut when I click it, it says it's all up to date...08:44
h4x0rbOyIs Ubuntu better than Suse for a linux beginner ???08:44
shomonso is it up to date or not, and how do I find out for sure?08:45
EvaLuaTe joeArpaio, wow, thanks, didn't know the system monitor would do that. Now, is there a way to see this for individual processes (as in, what process currently uses the most bandwith or something like that)?08:46
suigeneriscan I drag several icons in panel at once?08:47
joeArpaioEvaLuaTe, not too familiar, but you can do a search for bandwidth in synaptic or run "apt-cache search bandwidth | more" in a terminal08:48
Dr_Willissuigeneris:  as in add several launchers to the pannel at once? or what exactly? Try it and see if you can..08:48
EvaLuaTejoeArpaio, ok, thanks again :)08:49
sugoruyohi all, i have a network consisting entirely of ubuntu server machines and would like to be able to talk to them on the lan using hostnames instead of IPs could anybody point me to some docs or howtos on that?08:49
Dr_Willisshomon:  try a 'sudo apt-get update' 'sudo apt-get upgrade' then  and watch what it suggests. 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'08:49
MagusOTBWhat's a good graphical (s)FTP client?08:50
Dr_Willissugoruyo:  if they are all static ip's you could edit the hosts file on each one. thats teh simpilist way.08:50
Dr_WillisMagusOTB:  the gnome file manager can do ftp.08:50
Dr_WillisMagusOTB:  theres many other ftp clients out there. Or use the fuseftp stuff and mout a remote ftp server as a local directory.08:50
MagusOTBhow do I do it with nautilus?08:51
sugoruyoDr_Willis: that's exactly the approach i wanted to avoid08:51
=== dr_jimmy is now known as hw
MagusOTBoh hey, found it08:51
shomonthanks Dr_Willis08:51
Dr_Willissugoruyo:  then you need to look into setting up a dns/bind server.. id rather edit hosts file.08:51
Dr_Willissugoruyo:  how big a network anyway?08:51
sugoruyoDr_Willis: 4 machines08:51
Dr_WillisHosts file would be rather trival then. If you set them all to static ip's or set your dhcp server to always assign the same ip  to each box.08:52
Dr_Willisthats how my homelan is setup.08:52
sugoruyoDr_Willis: hosts file is probably easiest, but it's a testbed and configuration is still quite fluid08:52
n2diyshould a joystick show up under lshw?08:52
Dr_Willisrouter always gives pc #1 -     and so on.08:53
Dr_Willisn2diy:  perhaps under lsubb08:53
Dr_Willisn2diy:  perhaps under lsusb08:53
sugoruyoDr_Willis: they all have static IPs but i'd rather have one place to change name resolution rather than have to go through 4 hosts files08:53
amarcolinocan anyone provide any good guides/links for password policy based on /etc/pam.d/common-password, password character length and password protection... those lines?08:53
h4x0rbOy"    localhost.localdomainlocalhost machineNAME"08:53
Dr_Willissugoruyo:  you can sync the hosts file  with scp and a script.08:53
n2diyDr_Willis: I gameport joystick?08:53
Dr_Willissugoruyo:  or other ways...08:53
Dr_Willisn2diy:  an actual OLD 'game port' type controller?  They still exist? :)08:54
Dr_Willisn2diy:  you may need to load the proper modules for the gamepad in that case.08:54
sugoruyoyeah the problem is the hosts file also includes a lot of other stuff like loopbacks08:55
h4x0rbOyHi. I have my medical cannabis card, I'm medicated :D08:55
sugoruyowhich pertain only to the local machine08:55
n2diyDr_Willis: yep, didn't show up with lsusb, roger on the modules.08:55
Dr_WillisI just append the new machiens to the end of my hosts file. I rarely touch the stuff above it.08:55
n2diyanybody using gEDA for PCB fabricating?08:56
Dr_Willisnetwork manager might alter your  hosts also.. so that may be an issue08:56
sugoruyoif i can have a separate hosts file included somehow i could put into an NFS mount or something to simplify things but i'd rather not go into ediing startup scripts and the like08:56
Dr_Willissugoruyo:  how often are these things going to be changeing? You could always make up a script that scans the network and gets the hostnames :)08:57
Anarhisthi, i have a question, i've just installed the new ubuntu and there's one very important feature which is missing. i use to press F2 and only the name (not extension) would be highlighted08:57
sugoruyoDr_Willis: maybe on a weekly basis for now08:57
Dr_WillisAnarhist:  i recall someone else mentioning that rename bug also...08:57
sugoruyoDr_Willis: how would i go about scanning the network and getting hostnames?08:58
Dr_WillisAnarhist:  not seen any fix/settings for it.08:58
Dr_Willissugoruyo:  i basically can use 'findsmb' and get a hosts file (with a little editing) but all my machines have samba going.08:58
sugoruyoDr_Willis: smb is a no-go here08:58
Dr_Willisand my hostnames are the same as my netbios names08:58
AnarhistDr_Willis, thanks08:58
Dr_WillisI think nmap can scan and get similer info also..08:59
llutz-nsugoruyo: do you have a router/dns-server in your network? just add the hostnames to routers /etc/hosts or its dns-config then08:59
sugoruyoDr_Willis: no use for it in my case, i'm setting up a linux only thing, not even GUIs08:59
Dr_Willissugoruyo:  sounds like you need to learn some more advanced topics then. :)08:59
sugoruyollutz-n: no access to the router it's part of a larger network where i have no say on such things08:59
Dr_WillisIve never ran a dns server on my systems.08:59
sugoruyoDr_Willis: problem is a dns would be total overkill for 4 machines09:00
=== CraHan[zZz] is now known as CraHan
llutz-nsugoruyo: things like dnsmasq are easy to setup and make live much easier09:00
sugoruyoDr_Willis: if testing goes well i might deploy on hundred of VMs and dozens of physical hosts where a dns server would be reasonable09:01
sugoruyollutz-n: what's dnsmasq's function?09:01
h4x0rbOysugoruyo: Please consider DD-WRT on a embedded device on layer 3.09:01
llutz-nsugoruyo: dns-caching dns-proxy09:02
Salvogiorno a tutti09:02
sugoruyoh4x0rbOy: why would i do that?09:02
sugoruyollutz-n: looking up dnsmasq on WP & Google seems like the right sort of thing09:03
MagusOTBbecause dnsmasq has a config file structure that takes 10 seconds to set up properly and will respond to DNS requests based on /etc/hosts on the server. It's pretty convenient.09:03
Dr_Willisn2diy:  speaking of joysticks  USB atari 2600 joystick --> http://www.thinkgeek.com/electronics/retro-gaming/2600/09:03
suigenerisDr_Willis no, my menu had been lost and I added it again, therefore all the icons were shifted to the right. now I  need to move all of them to left09:04
h4x0rbOysugoruyo: Cause DD-WRT supports DNSMasq.09:04
MagusOTBit can also serve DHCP as I remember.09:04
loltphAnyone know of any Ati drivers for 10.10 maverick?09:04
sugoruyoh4x0rbOy: ok, but i have 4 machines that are always on so why not setup dnsmasq on one of them rather than go get a device to run dd-wrt on?09:05
Dr_Willisloltph:  it depends on your ati chipset. (i dont use ati)09:05
sugoruyoMagusOTB: sounds exactly like what i'm looking for, i looked at bind but it seems too much for my current needs09:05
blemishmaybe I'm asking this in the wrong channel09:06
sporediwhen i tryed to login to my vnc server it only ask for host and passwd it did not ask for username how do i fix this issuse09:06
blemishbut if I want to send a reply to a particular ubuntu bug09:06
blemishwhich address do I send to?09:06
llutz-nsugoruyo: bind would do too but its overkill for your setup09:06
loltphDr_Willis: ATI RADEON XPRESS 1150 Chipset, for a hp nx632509:07
sugoruyollutz-n: yeah that's what i just realized, i'd seen dnsmasq mentioned before but i didn't know what it did09:07
n2diyDr_Willis: ok, that page looks like it is going to time out? anyway, lsmod shows the game module is loaded, so I have to look a little deeper here.09:07
lorenzo_join #ubuntu-it09:07
sugoruyollutz-n: do you know were i can find a proper howto for dnsmasq on ubuntu?09:08
Dr_Willisn2diy:  for my old gamepads. I had to load teh moduile for the port. THEN load the module for the actual controller.09:08
Dr_Willisn2diy:  actually it may be just manually loading the modile for hte gamepad may load both..09:08
llutz-nsugoruyo: no not really, but just have a look at the config-file, its well commented and should make configuring easy09:09
CeazeWhen I try to Install a Software from software center in ubuntu, it says There seems to be a programming error in aptdaemon, the software that allows you to install/remove software and to perform other package management related tasks. Please report this error at http://launchpad.net/aptdaemon/+filebug and retry. PLEASE HELP!!!!09:09
Dr_WillisCeaze:  so did you report the bug and read the bug reports and see if others are having issues?09:10
n2diyDr_Willis: ok, I'm going to try running a calibration routine on it, and see what happens.09:10
sugoruyollutz-n: ok thx09:10
brontosaurusrexwhat would usb or pcmcia wifi card supported out of the box (by 10.04 or 10.10)? older laptop09:10
Dr_WillisCeaze:  could be some known bug in aptdeamon thats being worked on.09:10
CeazeDr_Willis: I can't register at the website as I don't  get a confirmation code09:10
Ceazeat my email09:10
LanTo... hello people... I've a trouble using Sane/simplescan with 10.10, (work fine in 10.04) there are instruction for debug my trouble ? (I've goggled but...)09:11
joeArpaiobrontosaurusrex, you need to check the make model and version to see what chipset it has, and then that will help you09:11
brontosaurusrexjoeArpaio, i'd need an answer like: "d-link 320 w", otherwise i would not ask at all09:12
HackeMatehello, I have installed a dhcp server in an ubuntu 7, it is very old, so I want upgrade it, my question is: is possible run a liveCD with the dhcpd.conf on the fly?09:12
cedersAnyone know a good tool to edit video properties of AVI or MPEG? i.e. Title, Year, Duration?09:12
CeazeDr_Willis: When I see more details about it, it show:09:13
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llutz-nbrontosaurusrex: since you cannot be sure what chipset is used in those types, ot makes no sense to give you a product name.09:13
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CeazeDr_Willis:Traceback (most recent call last):09:13
Ceaze  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/aptdaemon/worker.py", line 768, in simulate09:13
Ceaze    return self._simulate_helper(trans, status_path)09:13
Ceaze  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/aptdaemon/worker.py", line 936, in _simulate_helper09:13
Ceaze    return depends, status, self._cache.required_download, \09:13
FloodBot1Ceaze: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:13
Ceaze  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/apt/cache.py", line 218, in required_download09:13
n2diyDr_Willis: sudo modprobe joydev loaded joydev, so, maybe I'm in business?09:13
Dr_WillisCeaze:  Im not a programmer, so stuff like that is of no help.09:13
Dr_WillisCeaze:  there are some bug reports on the aptdeamon  im seeing.09:14
joeArpaiollutz-n, i was thinking more like compare it against ones that need that wrapper09:14
Dr_WillisCeaze:  the 2nd url - suggests a fix.09:15
CeazeDr_Willis: OK09:15
marinahi guys09:16
CeazeDr_Willis: Thanks a Lot!!!!!!!!!! :) =)09:17
marinaI've a problem with a Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY wireless card, I can connect to wifi but I can't use broadband mobile , I got it working once then I reboot to windows and it stopped to work on ubuntu 10.10, any hint on how can I enable the broadband connections?09:18
marinaI suppose is a network card that works in both mode, wireless and broadband too (it does on windows)09:18
sosaitedIs there some tool that can tell the total disk space used by files and folders by all the drives (Mounted NTFS inlucded)09:21
marinasosaited, df09:21
linuxzocome mai kde sembra che siblocchi mi va a tratti molto lento qualcuno mi puo aiutare?09:22
DJones!it | linuxzo09:24
ubottulinuxzo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:24
sosaitedmarina: Thanks a lot. that saved me a lot of time09:25
rigvedsosaited: there also disk utility under System > Administration09:26
MohammadR91what commend on terminal show me system config?09:27
EarlOfEgoHey, i have a problem: my eclipse(ganymede) isnt starting anymore. It is loading workbench and so on, but than it freezes. what can i do?09:27
Dr_WillisMohammadR91:  depends on what exactly you are interested in09:27
sosaitedrigved: That doesn't show the space used by them09:27
MohammadR91Dr_Willis: system configure09:28
MohammadR91Dr_Willis: Ram CPU hard and ....09:28
brontosaurusrexMohammadAG51, there are plenty, you can install 'inxi', which shows some info collected nicely imho09:28
Dr_WillisMohammadR91:  memory used 'free' command ' disk space. 'df -h'09:28
Dr_Willis!info sysinfo09:29
ubottusysinfo (source: sysinfo): display computer and system information. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7-3ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 106 kB, installed size 392 kB09:29
rigvedsosaited: sorry about that. it's Disk Usage Analyzer under Applications > Accessories09:29
sosaitedMohammadR91: I would also suggest sysinfo, as Dr_Willis suggested. It is graphical.09:29
brontosaurusrexabout inxi - http://code.google.com/p/inxi/09:29
sosaitedrigved: Thanks man. That even saved me to add each mounts capacity .09:30
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rigvedsosaited: np09:33
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amarcolinoif I wish to not give an account shell access would I change it to /bin/false or /bin/null?09:35
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rigved!pm | samosa09:36
ubottusamosa: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.09:36
rigvedsamosa: if you have a question you can ask it in the channel, and everyone can try to help you09:36
Dr_WillisHmm i dont see /bin/false or /bin/null in the /etc/shells file at all.09:37
TheSargeHow do I switch to 32bit color mode? I do not see an option in the monitor screen?09:37
Dr_Willis$ cat /etc/shells09:37
TheSargeIs there a way?09:37
nondrajDr_Willis: thats list of available shells09:37
samosaNo wireless internet on ubuntu?09:39
fepsamosa: what?09:39
fepsamosa: ofcourse wifi is supported09:39
Dr_Willisamarcolino:  given that there is no /bin/null   :)  try the /bin/false ?09:39
TheSargeI think his driver needs to be configured is what he is saying09:39
suigeneris!find php5-mcrypt09:39
ubottuFound: php5-mcrypt09:39
nondrajsamosa: Try to turn on physically your wifi.09:39
TheSargeMy virtual box says I am running 24 bit color?09:40
castTheSarge: ok?09:40
TheSargeI see no way to switch color modes in the gui?09:40
TheSargeNot in the Monitors section09:40
Dr_WillisTheSarge:  virtualbiox is special. You did install tejh guest addations?09:41
TheSargeDoes anyone know where I can change to 32 bit color?09:41
rigved!find wifi | samosa09:41
ubottusamosa: Found: plasma-widget-wifi, wifi-radar09:41
TheSargeDr_Willis: never had to before?09:41
Dr_WillisI was thiniking 32bit color is 24bit + some sort of alpha settings.09:41
TheSargeNo its is millions more colors lol09:41
Dr_WillisTheSarge:  I always install teh guest addations for vbox - it enables a lot of features.09:41
rigved!info plasma-widget-wifi | samosa09:41
ubottusamosa: plasma-widget-wifi (source: plasma-widget-wifi): A Plasma widget that displays WiFi connection strength. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5+repack-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 21 kB, installed size 328 kB09:41
TheSargeI know but this issue is on my host machine09:41
rigved!info wifi-widget | samosa09:41
ubottusamosa: Package wifi-widget does not exist in maverick09:41
nondrajTheSarge: you dont need that09:42
TheSargeI have never needed the additions before..09:42
rigved!info wifi-radar | samosa09:42
ubottusamosa: wifi-radar (source: wifi-radar): graphical utility for managing Wi-Fi profiles. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.s05-1.2 (maverick), package size 50 kB, installed size 268 kB09:42
TheSargeSo does anyone know how to switch color modes?09:42
TheSargenondraj: I do not need what?09:42
Dr_Willisthe 'color depth' on my system is 24bit. from what the nvidia drivers say.09:42
rigvedsamosa: have you tried wifi-radar?09:42
TheSargeNo one knows a way to switch this lol? In the old days you would edit Xorg.conf or Xfree86.conf?09:43
nondrajTheSarge: yes09:43
TheSargeYes what?09:43
banksyJust done  10.04 > 10.10 ubuntu upgrade, running startx brings up a black screen with a functioning mouse cursor but nothing else.  Prior to upgrade it would load xfce desktop.  Any idea which log to look in to debug?09:43
nondrajTheSarge: you still can modify xorg conf for few things09:44
nondrajbanksy: hal09:44
TheSargeOk but I am asking how to change the color depth with the GUI...09:44
castbanksy: what happens if you put your WM in ~/.xinitrc? :)09:44
Dr_WillisTheSarge:  i think you are confused as to what 24bit vs 32bit colors mean.09:44
Dr_Willis24-bit Truecolor uses 8 bits to represent red, 8 bits to represent blue, and 8 bits to represent green. 28 = 256 levels of each of these three colors can therefore be combined to give a total of 16,777,216 mixed colors (256 x 256 x 256). Twenty-four-bit color is referred to as "millions of colors" on Macintosh systems.09:44
suigeneriswhy doesn't karmic have a php5-mcrypt?09:45
Dr_Willisn reality, 32-bit color actually refers to 24-bit color (Truecolor) with an additional 8 bits either as empty padding space or to represent an alpha channel.09:45
samosaNot working for me,  idk why :/ how do I get wifi radar?09:45
nondrajsamosa: compile it from source09:46
banksycast: you lost me there!  just googling .xinitrc09:46
castbanksy: well, mine has '/usr/bin/e1609:46
irvkenhow can I identify my processor?09:46
samosaare you being serious? :p09:46
castirvken: less /proc/cpuinfo09:46
bindiirvken: cat /proc/cpuinfo09:46
TheSargeDr_Willis: lol no I am not... They are color depths.. it starts at 8bit then 16 then 24, then 32. each one adding more colors..09:46
Dr_Willisirvken:  cat /proc/cpuinfo09:46
rigvedsamosa: or you can install it from Software Center09:46
TheSargeIn windows it is a simple drop down next to your resolution..09:47
Dr_WillisTheSarge: good luck then.. every time ive ever seen someone ask about 32bit colors. they are confusing the terms.09:47
irvkenwhat happened to system > preferences > hardware in 10.04 ?09:47
TheSargelol yes go read it09:47
TheSargeyou are the one confused lol09:47
irvkenis there an equivalent09:47
TheSargeHave you ever changed your color depth in windows?09:48
samosaIs only way to download is from software center, no mirrors?09:48
TheSargeOr even in linux by editing Xorg.conf in the video modes section?09:48
Dr_WillisTheSarge:  yes. and the windows box here can do 24bit - the term 32 they have used referrs to 24bit + the alpha channels.09:48
* TheSarge sighs09:48
amarcolinoDr_Willis, will try that, I saw /bin/null but that was for gutsy I think it got replaced by false but will test it09:49
nondrajDr_Willis: he wants +8 bit alpha channels implied !09:49
TheSargeNevermind lol I figured out how to do it lol09:49
amageehey if i buy a laptop with a vga out and an hdmi out, and i want to use the laptop screen and two external screens, all simultaneously, is there anything i need to watch out for?09:49
Dr_Willisamarcolino:  i think there may be a more proper way to do it..09:49
dancekTheSarge, so is your current color depth 24bit?09:49
TheSargenondraj: At least someone understands lol09:49
irvkenhow can I find how much ram I have?09:49
TheSargedancek: Yes.09:49
amarcolinoDr_Willis, any suggestions are always welcome09:50
nondrajirvken: free -m and do math !09:50
banksycast: can't find ~/.xinitrc, only have .xscreensaver (-getimage.cache) and .xsession-errors (+.old)09:50
castbanksy: one makes it.09:50
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amarcolinoDr_Willis, what I am doing is removing sheel access from /etc/passwd I don't see the need for those accounts to have them on this specific server09:50
nondrajirvken: meminfo is the way to go09:50
rigvedsamosa: you can visit their website and download it from there: http://wifi-radar.berlios.de/09:51
Dr_Willisnondraj:  ive have the +8 alpha here. and its called 24bit as far as i can tell under all the tools.09:51
sijiHi All09:52
TheSargeWow virtual box is retarded.. it likes to jump to my focused workspace everytime the screen changes wtf.09:52
nondrajDr_Willis: i agree09:52
dancekTheSarge, I'm quite sure there's no difference between using 24bit vs. 32bit colors in Xorg. Most drivers use 32bit [eg. 8bit padding] with the display adapter regardless of Xorg color depth, and I don't know of a way to utilize the extra 8bits as an alpha channel.09:52
nondrajTheSarge: thats feature09:52
Dr_Willisnondraj:  I was thinking the +8 alpha is actually handled by the software some how. but  I guess it dosent matter much.09:52
TheSargeTo get 32 bit mode you just have to create an Xorg.conf09:52
sijiHow to enable Multitouch feature of ubuntu 10.10 with Accer Multitouch monitor09:52
dancekTheSarge, if you can provide a source proving me wrong, I'd be glad to hear it.09:53
nondrajDr_Willis: i agree that was irony from my side :)09:53
Dr_Willisnondraj:  as long as its calling it 32bit i guess hes happy...09:53
dr0idI installed the lamp-server , but now when I type php in the command line it says -bash: php: command not found , why so ?09:53
rigveddoes qemu have support for creating a shared folder between the host OS and the virtual OS? something like virtualbox has...09:53
banksycast: that .xession-errors file has a fair bit in it, such as x-window-manager: fatal IO error 11 (resource temporarily unavailabe) on x server :0.009:53
jiohdiI overloaded PAN newsreader... now its locked up... how do I remove its data so it will start fresh, or how do I uninstall all of it so it does not leave any data behind for the reinstall?09:53
nondrajdr0id: thats not proper name09:53
TheSargedancek: All I know is my virtualbox was all messed up as far as the colors untill I added the new mode in my Xorg.conf to run 32bit09:53
Dr_Willisrigved:  not that ive noticed. You could set up samba in the virtual enviroment.09:53
n2diyI just built a test box, and I'm trying to move /home to it with gftp, but gftp isn't coping recursively, and isn't creating missing directories, ideas?09:53
dr0idnondraj: ?09:54
banksycast: is the creation of .xinitrc at all 10.04>10.10 related or just part of debugging?09:54
rigvedDr_Willis: thanx09:54
irvkenthe right (and easiest) answer was "install sysinfo"09:54
Dr_Willisbanksy:  if you have a .xinitrc there used tobe a gdm menu item that would run that as a custome entry instead of a normal desktop09:54
Dr_Willisjiohdi:  look in your users home dirs for the pan info. and remove/rename it perhaps.09:55
nondrajirvken: not right :P09:55
dr0idI installed the lamp-server , but now when I type php in the command line it says -bash: php: command not found , why so ?09:55
Dr_Willisjiohdi:  removing a package by the package manager. does NOT NOT NOT touch the users settings/data  in their home dir.09:55
banksyDr_Willis: I don't have a .xinitrc09:55
dancekTheSarge, that's very strange but i see your point. I can't really help, I've always had success with virtualized Ubuntu/Debian out of the box...09:55
Dr_Willisbanksy:  so make one? :)09:55
nondrajn2diy: scp09:55
jiohdiDr_Willis: right, which is a problem09:55
Dr_Willisbanksy:  example .xinitrc  - 2 lines.. --> xterm &     exec windowmanageryoulike09:55
sugoruyoDr_Willis, llutz-n: thanks for the info on dnsmasq, just got a chance to set it up and it works like a charm09:55
Dr_Willisjiohdi:  start exploreing  Ive not used pan in years.09:55
llutz-nsugoruyo: life can be so easy :)09:56
Dr_Willisjiohdi:  perhaps .pan :)09:56
TheSargedancek: I am running linux, windows in the virtual box.09:56
Dr_Willisguest addations in virtual box may of fixed it also..09:56
sugoruyollutz-n: :D if you know what you're looking for or where to ask what does what you want done ;)09:56
dr0idI installed the lamp-server , but now when I type php in the command line it says -bash: php: command not found , why so ?09:56
banksyDr_Willis - I use xfce (default on mythbuntu), so is line 2 going to be /usr/bin/xfwm4 ?09:57
jiohdiDr_Willis: it was one file in .pan2 called tasks.nzb09:57
Dr_Willisbanksy:  no idea what xfce uses. but that looks about right09:57
banksyDr_Willis: that first line includes the ampersand doesn't it?09:58
suigenerisPHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20060613+lfs/mcrypt.so' - /usr/lib/php5/20060613+lfs/mcrypt.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory <--- how can I fix this?09:58
suigenerisI see that karmic has no php5-mcrypt09:59
llutz-nsuigeneris:install php5-mcrypt09:59
Dr_Willisbanksy:  yes.09:59
suigenerisllutz I see that karmic has no php5-mcrypt09:59
Dr_Willisbanksy:  i got the xterm &  in there as a 'failsafe' in case the window manager fails. :)09:59
rigvedif i chroot into an unpacked filesystem (like squashfs) and then if i add/remove programs in it using the package manager, will this also affect my host system?10:00
Dr_Willisbanksy:  otherwise the X server can startup. then exist. if the wm dosent start.10:00
nondrajdr0id: you can run it as scripts defining absolute path10:00
dr0idbut it should'nt say command not found10:00
VirusTBIs their a way i can see all the MAC addresses of other computers connected to my wifi? (im not the routers admin)10:00
Dr_Willisbanksy:  i seem to rcall ubuntu moving to using .Xsession or .xsession instead of .xinitrc  but iven ot tested it in ages10:00
suigeneris!find karmic php5-mcrypt10:02
ubottuphp5-mcrypt is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, partner, stable, testing, unstable10:02
banksyDr_Willis: the xterm is up!  Progress!  My /usr/bin/xfce4 didn't do much for me though - I'll start the googling10:02
suigeneris!find php5-mcrypt karmic10:02
ubottuFound: php5-mcrypt10:02
dr0id!find apache2 karmic10:02
ubottuFound: libapache2-mod-auth-kerb, libapache2-mod-auth-mysql, libapache2-mod-auth-pgsql, libapache2-mod-auth-plain, libapache2-mod-axis2c, libapache2-mod-macro, libapache2-mod-perl2, libapache2-mod-perl2-dev, libapache2-mod-perl2-doc, libapache2-reload-perl (and 81 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=apache2&searchon=names&suite=karmic&section=all10:02
Dr_Willisbanksy:  now you can try other commands IN the xterm.. ie 'xfwm &' and see if any bring u the window maanger10:02
rigved!info zenmap | VirusTB10:02
ubottuVirusTB: zenmap (source: nmap): The Network Mapper Front End. In component universe, is extra. Version 5.21-1~build1 (maverick), package size 662 kB, installed size 2400 kB10:02
red2kicI haven't been using linux for only 1 month. So I'm a bit rusty with terminal. How can I sort my du -Sh ?10:02
Dr_Willisbanksy:  the xterm has a title bar? or what exactly?10:03
rigved!info nmap | VirusTB10:03
ubottuVirusTB: nmap (source: nmap): The Network Mapper. In component main, is extra. Version 5.21-1~build1 (maverick), package size 1737 kB, installed size 7052 kB10:03
kuruso I just installed mysql-server-5.1 and I can't seem to find the /etc/mysql/my.cnf10:03
Dr_Willisred2kic:  command | sort  | less   is one way10:03
kuruwhere are the configs?!10:03
banksyDr_Willis: typo in that last msg, my command tried was /usr/bin/xfwm4.  Title bar of xterm is richard@myth: ~10:03
red2kicDr_Willis: It does not sort it accordingly to the space. Only characters, though.10:04
Dr_Willisbanksy:  if xterm has a title bar and you can move it.. then your window manager is running...10:04
Dr_Willisred2kic:   sort can take options as to where to sort by/what colum i recall.10:04
pal3rid3rhello all!10:05
pal3rid3rneed help; My older CRT monitor died on me, and I only have a 17" flat panel monitor that cannot support the resolutions I have set at Optimum 1280x 1024 60Hz and I can't login to Ubuntu to make the changes to a lower resolution my 17" flat panel can support...10:05
Dr_Willisred2kic:  http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-do-i-find-the-largest-filesdirectories-on-a-linuxunixbsd-filesystem/10:06
banksyDr_Willis: it's movable.  Doesn't look like xfce did before the upgrade!  It's what I recall as old school X.  No xfce taskbar etc10:06
Dr_Willisbanksy:  XFCE is the 'desktop'  xfwm is  the window amanger used by the desktop...10:06
Dr_Willisbanksy:  so thats correct...10:06
Ced_Heya, i ran into a weird problem with windows/ubuntu combo, windows is the DNS server, i can ping the DNS server on IP but i can't ping it on it's hostname10:06
Ced_And i CAN do an nslookup on it10:06
Dr_Willisbanksy:  thers some xf??? command to start the whole xfce desktop i imagine.10:07
Ced_Can anyone point me in the right direction?10:07
StaRetji1grub wont autoboot? I mean, I've experienced power loss, and not grub gives me option to boot, but it doesn't counts down or autoboot, only waits for keyboard action. Any clues?10:07
red2kicDr_Willis: Ah. Thanks. ~/.local/share/Trash was the culprit for taking up so much space. :)10:07
Dr_Willisred2kic:  empty your trash :)10:07
red2kicDr_Willis: I will. I backed up my $HOME awhile ago and I was wondering why this would be taking long. :o10:08
Dr_Willisred2kic:  watch out for .gvfs also10:09
n2diymondraj: I chickened out with scp, and went with grsync, thanks anyway.10:09
red2kicDr_Willis: Virtual filesystem. Yes. I avoided that. Thanks. :)10:09
pal3rid3rCan anyone help out with monitor resolution?10:10
noirlordI'm experiencing frequent crashes (at least once per day) that completely freeze the machine (Ubuntu 10.04 LTS) even magickey fails to bring it back have to hard reboot, I've looked in syslog etc and nothing is getting written, how do I go about figuring out what is causing the crash?10:10
nperrynouveau seems to be loosing my cursor on my 2nd monitor, in theory it is still there as I can click on things but just isn't visible.. Any ideas?10:10
banksyDr_Willis: just went to run 'sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop' and it's saying 'Need to get 192MB of archives, ... additional 625MB will be used'.  Sounding like I destroyed xfce during my last few days?10:11
Ced_Heya, i have a DNS related problem on ubuntu, can anyone help me?10:11
Dr_Willisbanksy:  you had xubuntu isntalled befor? or just gnome and xfce?10:12
phasmabanksy: apt-cache showpkg xubuntu-desktop :p10:12
phasmait installs a LOT10:12
banksyDr_Willis:  Whatever mythtbuntu comes with (9.04>10.04>10.10), which is probably xfce and gnome10:13
pal3rid3rWell I'll try you guys later on today...10:13
StaRetji1Ubuntu was booting and in between I had power loss. Now, Grub offers me prompt, but actually never times out? Wtf? I mean, shouldn't it autoboot after 30 seconds or something?10:13
Dr_Willisbanksy:  i imagine mythbuntu comes with a LIMITED set of tools from xubuntu10:13
Dr_Willisbanksy:  not the full xubuntu-desktop10:14
StaRetji1I don't have keyboard as it is HTPC, but I will get it. The thing is, I want to avoid this next time, I would just like to autoboot after some timeout.\10:14
banksyphasma: yes that was a few screens worth!  I said no the xubuntu option.  Will try and find more targeted packages to reinstall - Any ideas?10:15
karthick87Which is the best video editing software for ubuntu..?10:17
Dr_WillisStaRetji1:  never seen that happen. unless grub got messed up. perhaps reinstall grub. check its /etc/default/grub file also.10:17
Dr_Williskarthick87:  depends on your needs.10:17
banksyDr_Willis / phasma: is there an apt-get command to get apt to audit what I have, versus what 10.10 mythbuntu should have?  During my past view days with no window manager, I have removed gdm*, and nvidia*, and who knows what else10:17
Dr_Willisbanksy:  sudo apt-get install mythbuntu-desktop should pull in what mythbuntu uses.10:18
Dr_Willisbanksy:  the use of the XXXX-desktop packages. is a bit of a kludge in many ways. It makes it easy to isntall lots of things.. but harder to keep track of the things needed for whatver desktop.10:18
karthick87Dr_Willis, I want to remove all the voice tracks from the video and insert new one..What software would you recommend10:19
n2diyok, I have /home synced between this box and my test box, but not all my apps made the trip, should I load them manually with synaptic, or can I rsync some other directories to do the same thing?10:19
phasmabanksy: sudo apt-get install --reinstall mythbuntu-desktop should pull any missing deps back in10:19
phasmaassume that is what you meant?10:20
banksyDr_Willis: nice one, some of the 22Mb of packages listed include xfce4-session, xfce-utils, xorg - they sound important!10:20
Dr_Williskarthick87:  i rarely do that type of editng. theres a few video editor tools out for that.  Check the package manager tools. Ive not used any of them10:21
Dr_Williskarthick87:  if you jsut want to replace the soundtrack with a differnt one.  and no other changes. then ffmpeg/mencoder/winff can proberly do it also10:22
banksyDr_Willis / phasma : what should I do with my custom .xinitrc after the packages are installed?10:22
Dr_Willisbanksy:  to do what exactly?10:22
phasmabanksy: Just back it up and copyover once the install completes10:22
* Dr_Willis missed the final goal.10:22
banksyDr_Willis: should I rename it prior to restarting X?10:22
Dr_Willis!info kino10:22
ubottukino (source: kino): Non-linear editor for Digital Video data. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.3.4-1ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 4595 kB, installed size 9276 kB10:22
Dr_Willisbanksy:  I guess you could.. not like its hard to remake.10:23
Dr_Willisbanksy:  nothing will touch it i imagine...10:23
HackeMateOnce I tried to create an USB installation and when it runs ubuntu installation, it search the files in an inexistent CDROM, how can I fix this=10:23
karthick87Dr_Willis, how to install it..?10:23
Dr_Williskarthick87:  kino is int he repos.10:24
Dr_Williskarthick87:  the software center probelry has more lited10:24
sandGorgonis there an linux/ubuntu advocacy channel - there are some FOSS issues that I would want to talk about10:24
Dr_WillissandGorgon:  try #linux perhaps.10:25
Dr_WillissandGorgon:  and #ubuntu-offtopic10:25
Dr_Willisperhaps #foss10:25
banksyDr_Willis / phasma: success - I know have an xfce desktop! It's not styled as per the old one, nor is it using the nvidia drivers but I can tackle them.  Thankyou so much10:25
Dwade09hey guys, i have no sound when i go to play a video on www.hulu.com10:25
drdnghtI'm on a laptop, and my middle mouse button on the touchpad acts like it's the left mouse button, any ideas?10:26
phasmabanksy: no prob, mate. Anytime10:27
drdnghtsidenote, I installed ubuntu when an usb mouse was plugged in, and while that usb mouse is plugged in, the middle mouse button on the touchpad works like normal10:27
Dwade09take it back i have no sound at all10:27
karthick87Dr_Willis, Thank you :)10:27
zetheroois it possible to have more than one Ubuntu One folder on a single computer?10:28
Dr_Williszetheroo:  each user can have their own  :) does that count?10:28
Dr_Williszetheroo:  theres #ubuntuone channel also.  I just use UbuntuOne for my tomboy notes.10:28
zetherooDr_Willis: oh but not the same user having two accounts logged in simultaneously ?10:29
Dr_Williszetheroo:  you could login the 2nd user i guess via vnc, or somthing.. and start the ubuntuone service for them. (never tried)10:29
Dr_Willisfigure out how to sync ubuntuone via command line and you could proberly set up several accounts.10:29
zetherooDr_Willis: true10:30
* noobuntu hello10:30
drdnghtI'm on a laptop, and my middle mouse button on the touchpad acts like it's the left mouse button, any ideas how to solve/reconfigure?10:30
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad10:31
drdnghtmy face when you guys guessed the touchpad brand10:32
Dr_Willisdrdnght:  synaptic are rather common.10:32
drdnghttrue though10:32
zetherooyep ... hehe10:32
Dr_Willisdrdnght:  saw this howto.. but its not ubuntu specific. but it MIGHT give some intereting info to read...10:32
karthick87How to download a website using wget..?10:33
Dr_Willis!info gwget10:33
ubottugwget (source: gwget2): GNOME front-end for wget. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.4-1.1ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 211 kB, installed size 1288 kB10:33
dancekkarthick87, see `man wget` but if you want a single page with all content [images and such], try `wget -r -l1 <url>`10:35
dancekkarthick87, i also often use the switches -np -nd -nc -A<ext> -R<ext> -m10:36
n2diywhen rsynced /home did I screw up xorg-conf? The borders on test box don't go to the edges, and webpages are showing a lot of white space.10:37
Dr_Willisn2diy:  /home/ dozent touch /etc/xorg.conf10:37
Dr_Willisn2diy:  could be your home/settings dident get synced right. or permissiosn are wrong.10:38
karthick87dancek, what is  -A<ext>10:39
=== Quazar is now known as JPSman
n2diyDr_Willis: I don't think I have a home/settings dir? Anyway, the screensaver kicked in, and that is full screen, don't know what is going on? Anyway, this box is backed up to the test box, so that is a good nights work.10:41
stupidideahi everyone ;)10:41
dancekkarthick87, see `man wget` or http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/manual/wget.html#Recursive-Accept_002fReject-Options10:41
zookawanna to setup vmware server in mint910:41
salbitohello…does anyone know where the deb files are located on an install disc10:41
stupidideadpkg: warning: files list file for package `mp3blaster' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed. <- does anyone know how to fix that?10:41
Dr_Willisn2diy:  you have  a /home/username  with dozens of setting files and dirs in there.10:42
Dr_Williszooka:  see the Mint channels for Mint support.10:42
stupidideasalbito, /var/cache/apt perhaps?10:42
salbitothank you10:43
n2diyDr_Willis: yes of course, I thught you meant /home/settings literally, its late here, and I need some resetting.10:43
salbitosorry but monitor is crack…only have lower 1 inch of screen so hard to look10:43
Dr_Willisn2diy:  :)10:43
stupidideasalbito, just have a look, i'm just guessing10:43
blackshirtsalbito: it's live cd disc ??10:43
Dr_Willisn2diy:  the trend is to start putting things in .config it seems10:43
blackshirtstupididea: you try install mp3blaster or other thing ??10:44
salbitoi have ubuntu server installed on the box but i need build-essential to build the network drivers10:44
stupidideablackshirt, i was trying that ... now apt is b0rked10:44
blackshirtstupididea: update your apt database firtsly...and then try install agains10:45
abhi_hello all10:45
stupidideablackshirt, i cannot install anything anymore ... so i'm trying to rebuild that filelist10:45
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stupidideablackshirt, YES thats the plan ... but HOW?10:46
abhi_how to install unity desktop under Lucid (ubuntu 10.04)?10:46
abhi_any info.?10:46
abhi_will this work under desktop?10:47
abhi_i want to test Unity under my ubuntu desktop10:47
blackshirtstupididea: try dpkg --configure -a10:47
sosaitedWhere did the option to chose PCM as record option go in Lucid?10:47
blackshirtabhi: i think it was work on ubuntu desktop10:47
stupidideablackshirt, exitstatus 0 ... but no change10:48
abhi_blackshirt: how to install it?10:48
JoeMaverickSettabhi_: i think it will work, if you just install unity-desktop from software center. but tbh, i'm not really sure.10:48
blackshirtapt-get udpate10:48
abhi_is this an independent desktop like KDE?10:48
drdnghtyea, about that touchpad issue, I kinda need to reconfigure the buttons10:49
JoeMaverickSettabhi_: ah, it's unity in software center. i think you can choose when you log in.10:49
blackshirtabhi: i don't experience with it10:50
stupidideablackshirt, didn't help still same error10:50
karthick1987How to remap a key..?10:50
salbitohmm….i dont see any debs in /var/cache/apt10:50
salbitoanywhere else they could be?10:50
drdnghtexactly remapping a key10:51
simon_hi @all does anybody know: can I install Maverick Meerkat behind my LTS 10 System and can I select whom to start then?10:51
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blackshirtsalbito: if you want install something packages, just using apt-get or aptitude10:51
salbitono network10:51
Dr_Willissimon_:  you mean have 2 ubuntu versions installed on the same system?10:52
stupidideaany idea how to rebuild filelist for a package?10:52
Dr_Willissimon_:  grub2 configs are supposed to auto detect that and add proper entries to the grub menus.10:52
salbitoessentiall this is my situation….screen is broken only enough to see max 5 lines at bottom of terminal. so i need to install build-essential to build my network drivers where there i can do everything from ssh10:52
blackshirtstupididea: i don't know exactly what your problem, but i try figure it out.. can you update your database with apt-get update ??10:52
sosaitedDr_Willis: Do you know where can I enable PCM recording in Ubuntu Lucid?10:53
drdnghtIRC sure is getting wired10:53
Dr_Willissosaited:  not really. ive rarely messed with recording. Proberly some pulse config tools10:53
sosaitedI wanted to record what is being played on my system...10:53
blackshirtsalbito: just issuing sudo apt-get install build-essential maybe help you10:53
salbitoblackshirt: just like i said…no network10:54
stupidideablackshirt, dpkg: warning: files list file for package `mp3blaster' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed. (Reading database ... 60%dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:  files list file for package `libc6-i686' contains empty filename10:54
salbitono sources without network10:54
simon_does that mean that is possible? because i had some problems with booting with grub with the LTS Version on my acer notebook. my friend solved it but the system works not very fine. so i want to test Maverick meerkat.10:55
blackshirtok, salbito.. on debian-like system, deb packages resides on under /pool directory..on your disc too10:55
stupidideablackshirt, aptitude update is done 30sec ago ;)10:55
salbitoblackshirt: thank you10:56
blackshirtstupididea: look at /var/cache/apt/archives directory, and remove packages causes trouble..aka libc6-i68610:56
blackshirtstupididea: and then try again apt-get -f install10:57
karthick1987How to remap a key..?10:57
drdnghtseconding karthick1987 request10:57
drdnghthowto find inuptkey and then remap it10:58
drdnghtkinda like autohotkey for linux10:58
Dr_Willisdrdnght:  what key are you refering to ?10:58
drdnghtsome touchpads have 3 buttons, left, middle, right10:58
drdnghtissue here is, the middle acts like it's the left one aswell10:59
karthick1987you can find inputkey using xev xommand but how to remap the key..?10:59
M1By the way, what are the other Ubuntu IRC channels (if any)?10:59
Dr_Willisdrdnght:  mouse keys would be differnt then from keyboard keys.10:59
Dr_Willisyou are awanting to reorder the mouse buttons? switch 2 and 3 or somthing?11:00
drdnghtyea, due some reason xev displays my left mouse button exactly the same ass the middle mouse button11:00
Dr_WillisThat sounds like an odd bug in the drivers for the touchpad. or X is useign the wrng /dev/input device11:00
drdnghtthought so aswell11:00
drdnghtthe kicker is, when I plug an usb mouse in, the middle mouse button (on my touchpad) works just fine11:01
stupidideablackshirt, i cannot remove the package ... it also causes the error11:01
drdnghtso perhaps a reconfigure of the input devices would work?11:01
blackshirtstupididea: you must root access to remove that..it reside on system file11:01
stupidideablackshirt, whoami: root11:02
Sabri_Question 1:  Where's the user list in this client?11:03
karthick1987Dr_Willis, The key "A" on my keyboard is not working.Can i make some arrangement by which i can use "Z" instead of "A"?11:03
Dwade09can someone help me on the sound? everytime i want to turn it up or down i have to left click the sound icon at top near the clock, then hit sound preferences then i have to move the output volume bar up or down, i cant just left click the sound icon at the top near the clock and drag the volume bar up or down it wont work how can i fix that?11:03
Sabri_I'm using XChat-Gnome.11:03
blackshirtwhy you cannot remove packages ???11:04
Dr_Williskarthick1987:  Hmm.. that might get harder.. does it also not work on the Console? ie: its definatly a hardware issue? and not a config issue?11:05
blackshirtmv /var/cache/apt/archives/libc6-i686-*.deb11:05
stupidideablackshirt, (Reading database ... 60%dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting: <- thats what scares me ;)11:05
blackshirti'm sory, rm /var/cache/apt/archives/libc6-i686-*.deb11:05
blackshirtstupididea: not using apt11:05
bvkhow to fix the IP address to the one I want, in hostname.local resolution when there are multiple IP addresses assinged to a machine?11:06
blackshirtbut remove like aka remove files usually11:06
Dr_WillisDwade09:  i recall having to tweak with that once. had to set the slider to use the pcm  channel vs the 'master channel' but i forget where/when i did this. it was back during beta.11:06
Dr_WillisDwade09:  theres the old gnome-mixer-applet (i think) tool that can give you an alterantive icon up there that may work better.11:07
clemHello,what is the similar command to rpm -qa?11:07
blackshirtclem : dpkg -l11:07
Dr_WillisDwade09:  nome-volume-control-applet11:07
Dr_WillisDwade09: try running the -->  gnome-volume-control-applet11:08
stupidideablackshirt, ok files moved to secure location ... i'm pretty scared by libc6 ...11:08
clemblackshirt: Thank you.11:08
djinoHello. To which folder does apt-get with the -d option save the packages?11:08
blackshirtdjino: downloaded packages reside on /var/cache/apt/archives11:09
djinoblackshirt : thanks!11:09
blackshirtstupididea: there still problems ??11:09
stupidideablackshirt, remains the same11:10
Dwade09Dr_Willis,  thanks ill try it now.11:10
ProNihilistproblem with touchpad on Acer laptop, it works on the login screen but stops working once I login (this makes trying to fix it a bit of a pain)11:11
stupidideahow to rebuild a apt filelist for a package?11:11
blackshirtstupididea: what are you doing before that ??11:11
till__how can I change the username in xchat? it seems to always show ~$myusernae@mydns in the whois... no way to change without creating a different user?11:13
stupidideablackshirt, installing stuff ... wait ... now i remember there was a problem with /var/lib/dpkg/triggers/Unicorp11:13
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stupidideablackshirt, but apt-file returns no answer where that comes from ...11:15
Sandkinganyone can recommend an s3 backup utility for ubuntu?11:16
Dr_WillisSandking:  s3 means what?11:16
SandkingDr_Willis: Amazon's online storage11:16
Dr_Willistill__:  check teh xchat configs, and homepage/docs - its proberly setable somehow11:17
till__Dr_Willis, did, nothing there :-/11:17
Dr_WillisSandking:   Never used it. Perhaps check teh forums.11:17
Dr_Willistill__:  xchat homepage had decent docs at one time..11:17
Dr_Willistill__:  may be a setting you change via commands.. not the gui11:17
rigved!info deja-dup | Sandking11:17
ubottuSandking: deja-dup (source: deja-dup): Backup utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 16.0-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 415 kB, installed size 2976 kB11:17
=== cbush15_ is now known as cbush15
Sandkingrigved: thx11:18
blackshirtstupididea: if apt-get -f install doesn't work, try removing manually file that caused problem..11:18
phasmaanybody recommend a browser similar to dillo that is available in maverick that would be suitable for running over LTSP? Thanks11:19
rigvedSandking: yrw11:20
arun123 hi,  i cant see my desktop items.getting this error "cant update .ICEauthority" . I also changed the permissions by going into shell mode. But still unable to see the anything11:20
stupidideablackshirt, rm /var/lib/dpkg/triggers/Unicorp seem to do it :D thanks a ton ...11:21
till__Dr_Willis, cheers! got it: /set irc_user_name11:21
till__any way to make the userlist always show on the right by chance? :)11:22
arun123 hi,  i cant see my desktop items.getting this error "cant update .ICEauthority" . I also changed the permissions by going into shell mode. But still unable to see the anything11:22
=== ydz is now known as Yandzee
YandzeeПривет всем11:23
FloodBot3Yandzee: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:23
=== RonaldH is now known as Ronald
rigved!ru | Yandzee11:24
ubottuYandzee: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:24
Dr_Willistill__:  i always hide the user list.. its pertty useless in HUGE channels :)11:25
till__Dr_Willis, but is there a way to always show it at all? seems like not according to this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xchat-gnome/+bug/17462411:25
karthick1987How to delete an user completely including his home folder...?11:25
Dr_Willistill__:  i dont use xchat-gnome, i dont use xchat any more either.. I perfer weechat11:25
rigvedtill__: you can always drag to open up the user list. it's useful when you want to query the bots directly :)11:26
Dr_Willisuserdel - delete a user account and related files11:26
Dr_Williskarthick1987:  see userdel. and man userdel11:27
karthick1987userdel not deleting the home directory of hte user11:27
till__rigved, can't seem to drag it  :-/11:27
DarkStar1Hello ppl. I changed my appearance theme earlier and lost all my window borders. Restarting hasn't solved anything. how do I re-enable them again?11:27
till__rigved, should this work with xchat-gnome ?11:27
Dr_Williskarthick1987:  it has an option to do that11:27
Dr_Williskarthick1987:  its not the default11:27
icerootkarthick1987: -r is doing the job11:27
Dr_WillisDarkStar1:  'alt-f2   compiz --replace'   as a test11:28
karthick1987iceroot: thankyou11:28
rigvedtill__: sorry i dd not read your earlier post. i am using empathy. i can use drag to open up the userlist. do not know about xchat-gnome, but i think i have used it on debian. no such option...11:29
Sabri_PHP is not processing php files if the filename and extension are not given.  It just sends the unprocessed PHP script.  How can I resolve this?11:29
DarkStar1Dr_Willis: Thanks. Alt F2 does nothing. but I assume that's the shortcut to call up the terminal window?11:29
anacHi all11:29
till__rigved, oh okay, no worries and thx ;)11:30
karthick1987Which is the best antivirus to scan NTFS drives from ubuntu..?11:30
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »11:30
linuxruleshi all11:30
Dr_WillisDarkStar1:  supposed to be. can you get to a terminal at all?11:30
Dr_Williskarthick1987:  theres like 3 out for linux. best would be to use them all...11:30
linuxrulesi need totroubleshoot m track pad11:30
rigvedDarkStar1: you can set the shortcuts from System > Preference > Keyboard Shortcuts11:31
Dr_WillisDarkStar1:  try compiz --replace, or metacity --replace, and perhaps install teh 'fusion-icon' tool.11:31
DarkStar1gkt-window-decorator -- replace does the same thing but change is only temp11:31
karthick1987Dr_Willis, What are those threee..?11:31
DarkStar1Dr_Willis: Oh nvm it's persisted the change now11:31
stupidideablackshirt, no didn't help :( still all the same ... the web says to remove that unicorp trigger but it doesn't help11:31
Dr_Williscompiz = fancy 3eyecandy,. metacity = no eyecandy. fusion-icon =  a gui helper tool to controll compiz11:31
daincredibleholgi am searching for the acpi_hp kernel module in ubuntu maverick. regarding to the manpage here: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/maverick/man4/acpi_hp.4freebsd.html it seems as there is such a module available, but i cannot find it at the moment11:32
Dr_Willis!find acpi_hp.ko11:32
ubottuPackage/file acpi_hp.ko does not exist in maverick11:32
Dr_WillisHmm. cant find it here either.11:33
DarkStar1!install login theme11:33
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:33
Dr_WillisDarkStar1:  gdm2 the login manager. is not very themeable. there is a few tools out that let you tweak it a little bit. 'gdm2setup' is one such unofficial tool11:33
blackshirtstupididea: can you completely paste your output apt-get -f install command... i want to know..11:34
Sabri_Where should I go for help with PHP on Ubuntu?11:34
DarkStar1Dr_Willis: YEah been googling and getting nowhere fast11:34
Dr_WillisDarkStar1:  i dont find it worh bothering with - other then to change the wallpaper.11:34
Dr_WillisI still wonder at who ok's these default wallpapers...11:35
DarkStar1Dr_Willis: Yeah It's just that there are some cool wallpaper art at http://art.gnome.org/themes/gdm_greeter and I'm getting fed up of the same purple window11:36
rigveddaincredibleholg: doesn't the link at the top give you the kernel module (it gives the file packaged as a .gz, i think)11:36
Dr_Williswallpaper is trivial to change for the LOGIN screen.11:36
tr3ntonkarthick1987: apparently there is clamtk for a gui... but maybe take a look at this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus , might be helpful11:36
Dr_Willis /usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-ubuntu.png <----------- change this file.11:36
* DarkStar1 salutes Dr_Willis. "Sir yes SIR!!" :D11:37
Sabri_Dr_Willis, Am I in the right place for PHP on Ubuntu help?11:37
Dr_WillisSabri_:  as close as any other place.. I dont do PHP. :)11:38
suigenerisSabri_ ##php11:38
ubottuPHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. A command-line only version can be installed in Ubuntu with the "php5-cli" package. See also !lamp for integrated server PHP. The Ubuntu server PHP5 guide is found at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/php5.html11:38
bazhangblackshirt, /msg ubottu11:39
rigved!info bind9 | blackshirt Is this what you were looking for?11:40
ubottublackshirt: bind9 (source: bind9): Internet Domain Name Server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:9.7.1.dfsg.P2-2 (maverick), package size 313 kB, installed size 1012 kB11:40
waza-ariHey all, i have a bunch of files called filexxx.rar.html - i now want to remove this .html suffix for all files at once - any ideas? Thanks in advance11:40
rigvedwaza-ari: use rename from CLI11:41
blackshirtanyone here had experienced with apt-build ??11:42
=== Sabri_ is now known as Sabri
waza-aririgved: i dont have that much experience with regex/perlex11:42
waza-aririgved: forget it, its the first example in the manpage... thanks :)11:43
rigvedwaza-ari: yes11:43
rigvedwaza-ari: rename 's/\.rar.html$//' *.rar11:45
tr3ntonwaza-ari: something like  for i in *.html; do mv $i ${i%.*}; done11:45
waza-ariyeah, i found it in the manpage - but in fact i hat to use rename 's/\.html$//' *.rar.html11:46
rigvedwaza-ari: ok, i got it. it's the other way around11:46
waza-ariyep. okay, thanks rigved, and thanks tr3nton, i solved it using rename :)11:47
waza-aribye then11:47
rigvedtr3nton: that is a python script, right? i do not much experiance with python...11:48
tr3ntonrigved: no, just shell script11:48
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rigvedtr3nton: ok11:49
jpdsloip: Hi.11:50
tr3ntonloip: what hill?11:50
loip ;)11:52
DarkStar1Anyone know when the fabled gnome 3 is slated for release?11:52
Dr_WillisDarkStar1:  the next ubuntu release dosent seem it will use it by default :) so no idea.11:53
tr3ntonDr_Willis: I didn't think there were any intentions to use it by default?11:53
Dr_Willistr3nton:  Its still early.. they could change their minds 100 times in the next 5 mo...11:54
Dr_WillisI will mention that KDE in 10,10 - has gotten VERy good.11:55
tr3ntonDr_Willis: ah yes. fair point! Just thought they seemed very committed to unity, they I couldn't see that they would change their minds back11:55
Dr_Willistr3nton:  like they did with the 'move buttons to the left for no real reason at this time' :)11:57
Dr_Willistr3nton:  the next release will be.... interesting.11:57
Dr_Willisbut for now we have to watch the ubuntu guys and the gnome guys  make snide comments at each other. :)11:58
Dr_WillisIm so old i see circual patterns in OS devlopment..  The netbook screen shots.. remind me of my old C64 GEOS :) simple laid out icons on pages.12:00
sebsebsebDarkStar1: Gnome 3 March 201112:00
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Dr_Willissebsebseb:  will we able to set actual screensaver settings with it? :)12:00
DarkStar1sebsebseb: Where'd you find that info?12:00
daincredibleholgrigved, yes - but the name indicates that it is the "traditional" bsd source, isn't it?12:01
sebsebsebDarkStar1: and Ubuntu will be the only distro that will be using Unity instead of Gnome Shell next year it seems12:01
ZykoticK9_Dr_Willis, gnome is dead - long live gnome.  But seriously, the interface would probably work very well for touch screens (i like it on my netbook, not so wild about it on my desktop)12:01
TimothyAI have a question; where does the weather gadget in ubuntu get its information from?12:01
Dr_WillisZykoticK9_:  touch screens.. another thing i see pop up, then fade away...12:01
ubottublender is a free application for 3D modelling, animation, rendering, etc. You can install it from Ubuntu's repositories, and tutorials are at http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro12:01
sebsebsebDarkStar1: Gnome Shell will be in the repo like it is now though, but  may as well use other distros, if not going to use Unity, thats what I think :)12:01
Dr_WillisZykoticK9_:  wife dident like the touch screens when whe was in teh store last week..12:01
ZykoticK9_Dr_Willis, honestly, i've never tried any computer-touch screen devices - not an area of interest for me really12:02
tr3ntonso its going to be effectively the same as the netbook edition?12:02
Dr_WillisZykoticK9_:  if they made Farmville easier to play - they would take over the market in a week.. :)12:02
sebsebsebDarkStar1: you can get that kind of info from the Gnome site I guess, but I know since I get told stuff on IRC and read stuff on the web :)12:02
DarkStar1I love to eat oily food and touch screen... So sexy :)12:02
Dr_Willistr3nton:  its suposed tobe changed for desktops...12:02
Dr_Willistr3nton:  so similer.. but differnt.12:03
sebsebsebtr3nton: it will change for the desktop version, even use Compiz instead of Mutter12:03
tr3ntonoh.. so netbook doesn't use compiz?12:03
allooshhello, since I upgraded to 10.10 the spell check in firefox and thunderbird is not working, am I missing something?12:03
Dr_Willistr3nton:  in 10.10 its using mutter.12:03
Dr_Willis!info mutter12:03
ubottumutter (source: mutter): lightweight GTK+ window manager. In component main, is extra. Version 2.31.5-0ubuntu9 (maverick), package size 297 kB, installed size 816 kB12:03
DarkStar1Gotta bounce peeps. catch ya later12:04
tr3ntonwill there be a desktop? from memory, the netbook doesn't really have one... i.e. minimze all apps to see the desktop12:04
Dr_Willistr3nton:  not in the normal sence.. No.12:04
Dr_Willistheres been an anti-desktop (place junk accumulates) movement for some time now. :)12:05
sebsebsebDr_Willis: uhmm?12:05
Dr_Willis'junk dwarer' vs desktop. :)12:05
Dr_Willisits scary when i see people with 200+ icons on their desktops.12:05
tr3ntonsounds ghey12:05
Dr_WillisDesktop is not that good an idea in many ways. it just gets to be a Junk yard.12:05
sebsebsebDr_Willis: yeah loads of icons on the desktop is so Windows12:06
tr3ntonbut you get to see the pertty wallpaper!12:06
Dr_Willisbut its not a wall.. its a desktop...12:06
Dr_Willistake a picture of the wall behind your pc/monitor. and set that as your wallpaper.. make it look like you got 'x-ray' monitor12:07
tr3ntonyeah on my actual desktop I also have 200+ post-it notes to mimick the computers desktop12:07
Dr_Williswe need to revitilize the 'set a webpage as a desktop wallpaper/image'  gimmic that  pops up every so often. :)12:08
bumblebeehow much canonical funding on ubuntu?12:09
=== bumblebee is now known as minja
robertfone people is mail bombing ubuntu-users mailing list?12:11
mapdanyway to fix /dev/mapper/cryptswap112:11
mapdits waiting for it mount etc12:11
minjarobertf: sure he is windows user12:11
robertfthis ip address is sending many e-mails to the mailing list12:12
minjamapd: reformat?12:12
mapdminja reformat what?12:12
tgywaHow can I copy the difference of two directories only?12:13
minjamapd: disk12:13
mapdand why?12:13
minjarobertf: located at: unknown, unknown - unknown12:13
tr3ntontgywa: rsync?12:13
tgywaCos ... my copy was intruupted in the middle of the process12:13
minjathat was ninja12:13
robertfminja: it's an australien internet service provider12:13
mapdrobertf is right12:14
=== ydz is now known as Yandzee
robertfdo you also receive many mails from this user?12:14
robertfhe's mail bombing the mailing list, isn't he?12:15
theadminrobertf: Who is?12:16
robertftheadmin: look at the ubuntu-users mailing list12:16
minjame? nope. Avoid mailing list :p12:16
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napsterhow to set my default browser?12:17
theadminnapster: Are you using the GNOME edition?12:17
robertfthis is the Subject: nQgrËx12:17
DJonesrobertf: Have you seen https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2010-November/233161.html the mails aren't from the official mailing list, its somebody spoofing & trying to cause problems, it should have been blocked now12:17
mapdwhat about this error GLIB WARNING ** GLib - getpwuid_r():12:17
theadminnapster: If so, visit System -> Preferences -> Prefered Apps12:17
napstertheadmin: Is there a command?12:17
reenignEesreveRI have a program that compiles under g++-4.1 but not under 4.3+. i am using ubuntu maverick 10.10 and it doesn't have g++ 4.1. is there anyway i could install g++ 4.1?12:18
napstertheadmin: envvariable12:18
robertfDJones: i know..12:18
tr3ntonnapster: system -> preferences -> prefferred applications12:18
robertfi know. I say it to block this ip address
theadminnapster: Hm, you could try this: "update-alternatives --set x-www-browser /usr/bin/firefox" or something12:18
napstertheadmin: thank you :)12:19
jakedhi, is it possible in the ubuntu installtion (with the alternate disk) to manually set a mount option? (I want  to install ubuntu into an btrfs partition using compress)12:19
napstertheadmin: update-alternatives: error: unable to make /etc/alternatives/x-www-browser.dpkg-tmp a symlink to /usr/bin/firefox: Permission denied12:19
napstertheadmin: SUDO?12:19
Mrcheesenipsnapster, use Sudo12:20
napsterMrcheesenips: ok thank you12:20
theadminnapster: Yeah %) It's a system-wide app... for one user, I think there should be some other way, but no idea. Except maybe trough Gnome's settings12:20
MrcheesenipsUsually when it says ""Permission denied" it wants sudo12:20
MrcheesenipsI'm my experience12:20
napstertheadmin: thank you12:20
theadminMrcheesenips: Oh, not always :D12:20
mapdanyone GLIB WARNING ** GLib - getpwuid_r(): <- when booting 10.10?12:20
afidegnumhello, pls how do i fix this? "   Reading package lists... Done12:20
afidegnumW: A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used.GPG error: http://debian.wgdd.de jaunty Release: The following signatures were invalid: KEYEXPIRED 1287271627 KEYEXPIRED 1287271627 KEYEXPIRED 1287271627 KEYEXPIRED 1287271627 KEYEXPIRED 1287271627 KEYEXPIRED 1287271627 KEYEXPIRED 128727162712:20
afidegnumW: Failed to fetch http://debian.wgdd.de/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/Release12:20
afidegnumW: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.12:20
FloodBot3afidegnum: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:20
theadminMrcheesenips: Sometimes you just messed permissions up.12:20
MrcheesenipsYeah, I know12:21
GormatjoffAnyone know if there's a way to remove the "has joined" message from irssi?12:21
ferricoi have a problem with my ubuntu running on macbook12:21
theadminGormatjoff: /ignore * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS << I think so, but am not sure.12:21
ferricokernel disabling irq 2112:21
afidegnumhow do I fix it ?12:21
ferricoany solution??12:21
pavanhello everyone12:22
theadminmapd: This sounds like a problem of /etc/passwd. Try this: sudo passwd -p '!' root12:22
tangoany one here use Acronis True Image to back up Ubuntu 10.1012:22
pavanI deleted a partion of 13GB, how to format it into new ext4 drive12:22
theadminpavan: Create a partition, format it :D12:22
theadminpavan: What partition editor are you using?12:23
* reenignEesreveR is missing g++ 4.1 on Ubuntu Maverick12:23
pavandefault installed by ubuntu12:23
mapdtheadmin which error? cryptswap?12:23
theadminmapd: Nah, the getpwuid_r() one12:23
pavanit gave a little long error12:23
mapdeveryone is complaining on site12:23
=== cbush15 is now known as cbush14
* uLinux hello12:24
Gormatjofftheadmin: Seems to work, thx12:24
theadminpavan: The default one... gnome-disk-utility? That is, "Disk Utility"?12:24
pavanrror creating partition: helper exited with exit code 1: In part_add_partition: device_file=/dev/sda, start=66023587840, size=12996709376, type=0x8312:24
pavanEntering MS-DOS parser (offset=0, size=80026361856)12:24
pavanMSDOS_MAGIC found12:24
pavanlooking at part 0 (offset 32256, size 22019042304, type 0x07)12:24
pavannew part entry12:24
FloodBot3pavan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:24
pavanlooking at part 1 (offset 22019105792, size 58004643328, type 0x0f)12:24
=== cbush14 is now known as cbush15
theadminpavan, please use http://susepaste.org (or any other pastebin of your choice) to paste messages longer than 1 line.12:25
freedayhow to change drive to hard drive in ubuntu server?12:25
h4writerHi, yesterday I tried to upgrade my computer from LTS to 10.10, but during the progress my power was cut, so was unfinished. I restarted my pc and started in commandline. There I had to sudo dpkg --configure -a. After that I noticed if I use the newest kernel I go to commandline (gdm doesn't work) if I use the kernel of the lucid I can do everything. Any idea's how come and how to solve it?12:25
theadminfreeday: Sorry, what?12:25
=== cbush15 is now known as cbush14
freedayi need to view files on the hard disk...12:26
=== techshaddy is now known as sharad152
freedaycd /media?12:26
theadminh4writer: Run the upgrade again. new kernel ain't gonna work with Lucid.12:26
theadminfreeday: mount DEVICEID FOLDER12:26
napsterGraphics:  Card Intel Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller X.Org 1.9.0 Res: 1366x768@60.0hz12:26
napster           GLX Renderer Mesa DRI Mobile Intel® GM45 Express Chipset GEM 20100330 DEVELOPMENT  GLX Version 2.1 Mesa 7.9-devel Direct Rendering Yes12:26
theadminfreeday: An example: mount /dev/sda2 /mnt12:26
napsterbrightness hotkeys are not working! How can I fix it?12:26
freedayok ill try12:27
tangoh4writer I had same problem  did a fresh install12:27
h4writertheadmin, but I don't get any option to run the upgrade again?12:27
theadminh4writer: huh. Does this one work? su-to-root -c 'do-release-upgrade'12:28
h4writertheadmin, let me try12:28
tangoh4witer  I downloaded a full version of 10.10 and used that disk12:28
pavanhi sorry, I didn't expect the error was so lengthy12:29
h4writertheadmin, is sudo the same of su-to-root? (cuzz su-to-root ain't installed here)12:29
pavantheadmin are u there12:29
theadminh4writer: So they removed it... last Ubuntu I used was Lucid, sorry.12:29
theadminh4writer: Yes, you may use sudo if it's configured on your system12:29
theadminpavan: Yeah12:29
karthick87If i want to download this url "http://www.intowindows.com/how-to-enable-remote-desktop-connection-in-windows-7-home-premium-edition/" alone with wget what syntax is hould give..?12:29
pavantheadmin: what do u suggest for my problem?12:30
theadminkarthick87: wget 'url' -O file.html12:30
h4writertheadmin, it says 'no new release found'12:30
theadminh4writer: Well, that's pretty messed up -_- I guess you should restore from your backup, or reinstall.12:31
theadminh4writer: Or... wait. It might identify the release as Maverick already. Try "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"12:31
kresp0Hi, I'm having problems to connect to an AP... WITHOUT the network-manager. More info here: http://pastebin.com/Vv7pSCrH12:32
h4writertheadmin, well 0 upgrades, 0 newly ... 0. The sources already points to the mav.12:32
theadmin...apt-get is the ubuntu's package manager, right? %)12:33
theadminikonia: I heard they wanted to replace it with aptitude, so had to make sure.12:33
pavanso any solution for my question?12:34
dattahow do i use ffmpeg so that the video file is 700mb?12:34
ikoniatheadmin: I believe that is the long term plan, not happened yet12:34
jrib!helpme | pavan12:34
ubottupavan: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude12:34
dattai cannot find a option to do this12:34
yao_ziyuandoes ubuntu open up bittorrent ports by default?12:34
theadmindatta: You want to split the file? Use the "split" command...12:35
ikoniayao_ziyuan: nothing is blocked by default12:35
dattatheadmin: can't i set up the codecs so that it becomes 700 mb?12:35
horribledatta: you can, set the bitrate accordingly12:35
dattahorrible: i tried a avidemux but it does not fit the size into 700 mb. i do not want to change the bitrate12:37
theadminhm, speaking of. Just wondering whether other package management systems (specifically, zypper and yum) work with Ubuntu12:37
horribledatta: well changing the size = changing the bitrate12:37
_sudowho asked about irssi before?12:37
greppy!cn | flh12:37
ubottuflh: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:37
horribledatta: if you don't understand this, then we can't help you12:37
dattahorrible: oh sorry never knew that before, i thought changing the bitrate will make the video and audio go at two different possitions12:38
theadminflh: 没有,只有Ubuntu的。对于Debian的具体问题,请造访的debian.12:38
theadminHope that made some sense :D12:38
h4writertheadmin, would it be possible to trick update-manager that it is still lucid and try the upgrade again?12:39
horribledatta: the bitrate is the number of bytes per second12:39
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kresp0anybody has a clue about how can i associate with an ap using iwconfig without network-manager? See this: http://pastebin.com/Vv7pSCrH12:39
dattahorrible: thank you12:39
theadminh4writer: hm! Modify /etc/lsb-release correspondently. Try that, I currently can't say how (am using SuSE, and at tha moment - Windows), but it shouldn't be too hard.12:39
MangledBodyhi everybody!!!12:39
h4writertheadmin, ok I'll try12:39
MangledBodyI've got a question... Can anyone recommend me an alternative to Adobe After effects for Ubuntu??12:40
salbitodoes build-essential not come with ubuntu-server?12:40
MangledBodyI found just Jahshaka, but I can't install it :(12:40
jribsalbito: not installed by default12:40
StaRetji1I've just checked /etc/default/grub and notices this line: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash xbmc=autostart,nodiskmount,setvolume loglevel=0 video=vesafb"12:41
StaRetji1video=vesafb is for what?12:41
salbitohow can i install it off the server install?12:41
jrib!apt > salbito12:41
ubottusalbito, please see my private message12:41
theadminStaRetji1: Forces the usage of vesa driver.12:41
MrsBkresp0: have you tried with 'ap'12:41
kresp0MrsB, nop12:41
salbitowithout network12:41
jrib!helpme | MangledBody12:41
ubottuMangledBody: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude12:41
StaRetji1theadmin: hm, but is it before you actually boot ubuntu?12:41
theadminStaRetji1: It's a grub option, so.12:42
salbitohow can i install build-essential with all of its dependencies right off the server install disc?12:42
StaRetji1theadmin: I mean, I guess when I boot proper driver is selected (ie intel)12:42
MangledBodyjrib: OK...12:42
kresp0MrsB, i'll try and then i'll back here12:42
kresp0thank you12:42
MrsBgood luck12:42
theadminStaRetji1: I guess it's sorta like Gentoo's "nox" option which disables GUIs, and is a grub parameter as well %)12:42
jribsalbito: do you know how to use apt?12:42
kresp0MrsB: ap: not found12:43
salbitoyes i know how to use apt12:43
kresp0ahh, ok12:43
kresp0iwconfig ap12:43
salbitoare you saying just go to command line after install and run it from there?12:43
jribsalbito: if you want to install build-essential, install build-essential, yes12:43
h4writertheadmin, hmmm it did all sorts of things. Gonna restart now to check if it worked12:44
MrsBkresp0: man iwconfig shows you some examples12:44
StaRetji1theadmin: I'm confused, should I remove it, leave it. If it doesn't affect my intel950gma driver it's ok, but if force ubuntu to use vesafb, that sux :/12:44
theadminStaRetji1: Remove it then12:44
flh请教:ubuntu 10.4最小安装,再xorg,fluxbox,如何直接登录?只修改/etc/init/tty1.conf  及/usr/bin/autologin  失败了?12:44
StaRetji1theadmin: thx12:44
kresp0MrsB: ok, thanks. I'm trying12:44
Tonus!cn | flh12:44
ubottuflh: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:44
jribsalbito: oh you said "without network" later (try to keep things on one line and address me if you're replying to me).  Is the build-essential package on the cd?  I don't know if this is the case.  In that case, just add the cd as a repository and then use apt12:45
theadminflh: 请访问了ubottu点#ubuntucn作为。12:46
h4writertheadmin, hell yeah that worked :D. Ty for your help12:46
huangweini men zai gan sm ni12:47
theadminh4writer: No prob, just some blind guessing12:47
h4writertheadmin, now update-manager is still showing the upgrade to 10.10. Should I do it or just update /etc/lsb-release to 10.10?12:48
theadminh4writer: Do the upgrade. It has to finish, right?12:48
pksadiqI have found some thing in Lucid that could be called as a bug, I need some one to confirm it12:48
=== AbhiJit is now known as Guest95389
burhanpksadiq: check lp12:48
h4writertheadmin, well I already did do-release-upgrade ...12:49
karthick87if i want to download a page in ubuntuforums using wget,for example "http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=77107906" and i want all the links in the page to be viewed..What is the syntax12:49
=== AbhiJit_ is now known as AbhiJit
theadminh4writer: Honestly I dunno %)12:49
h4writertheadmin, well I'm gonna try :P12:49
pksadiqburhan: lp? launchpad?12:49
theadminkarthick87: Hm, try this: "httrack http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=77107906". httrack has to be installed with "sudo apt-get install httrack" beforehand12:49
karthick87what about wget..?12:50
h4writertheadmin, well it errors that it is already upgraded, so I'll update the file ;-)12:50
burhankarthick87: -r12:51
coder2ubuntu 10.04,help in editing fstab file12:51
h4writertheadmin, again ty for the help and cya later :D12:51
Propelhmmmm... what happens if you use an expired ink cartridge?12:52
elghHow do I run an .exe file in Ubuntu? Through wine...12:53
pksadiqIf I select "copy disc" from Computer> Right click On CD/DVD, Until I press Copy I couldn't select any of the files/folders in any nautilus window, Is this too a problem in 10.10?12:53
pksadiq!wine | elgh12:53
ubottuelgh: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu12:53
UndiFineDcoder2 : alt+f2; gksu gedit /etc/fstab12:53
elghI know about Wine. It worked in 10.04 but not in 10.10..12:54
theadminelgh: Like this: "wine filename.exe"12:54
elghUsually I rightclick on it...12:54
coder2UndiFineD: done,whats the next step,i am not getting my cdrom and usb mount/unmount12:56
pksadiqIf I select "copy disc" from Computer> Right click On CD/DVD, Until I press Copy I couldn't select any of the files/folders in any nautilus window, Is this too a problem in 10.10?12:56
theadminpksadiq: Please refrain from repeating too often12:57
UndiFineDcoder2 : usb should be left to (G)VFS automount12:57
pksadiqtheadmin: Ok, but waiting for someone to check it and answer12:58
coder2UndiFineD: can u tell me how to do that12:58
theadmincoder2: It's automatic. You don't.12:58
coder2UndiFineD: lastly i was having problem withkernel panic not syncing12:59
theadmincoder2: That happens when you boot off USB randomly, or when something's wrong with the hard disk.13:00
coder2theadmin:i was having a trouble with kernel something called kernel syncing panic13:00
mapdhey is there a way for grub to generate a new .cfg13:00
theadmincoder2: Did the message look like "? Kernel panic: NOT SYNCING! \n System halted."13:01
theadminmapd: sudo update-grub13:01
theadmincoder2: (\n is a linebreak)13:01
raidghostthe jungle of laptop is to high and to hard.13:02
coder2theadmin: there was a lot more u can find it on google,please just check it out  with filesystem not found+kenel panic+not syncing13:02
theadmincoder2: I know, it also produces a ton of debug output. It happens with hard disk problems, mainly.13:03
coder2theadmin: then i applied some fix on that afterwards this problem occured13:03
mapdtheadmin i did and it cant detect my dual boot13:04
mapdit doesnt add the windows line13:04
coder2theadmin: and some of applications like chrome and diskutility stopped working13:04
theadminmapd: Oh. Hmph. Can't help here :(13:04
coder2theadmin:i have also installed here windows7 on the same laptop13:05
Propelanyone had any issues installing a windows printer into ubuntu?13:05
theadminPropel: There is no such thing as a "windows printer".13:06
theadminPropel: You mean a Microsoft one?13:06
Propeli should rephrase that lol13:06
mapdtheadmin whats this (hd0,msdos5)13:06
theadminmapd: Disk 1, partition 5.13:06
coconutzim trying to install mcrypt php5 , i got 5.2.10-2 and ubuntu 10 ... but i cant success? its returns me : Package php5-mcrypt is not available, but is referred to by another package This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted13:06
Propelwhat i mean to say is i have this HP all in one printer that needs to be installed onto the OS by the HP CD13:06
mapdtheadmin but "msdos"13:07
Propelit seems as though it only works under windows and mac13:07
Propelnot sure if wine can handle th einstallation process13:07
theadminPropel: Oh. This ain't gonna work with these drivers... Wine wouldn't cut it13:07
Dr_WillisPropel:  thate proberly because the linux drivers and tools for it are in the package manager...13:07
theadminmapd: Well, you have a MBR partition table, right?13:07
Dr_WillisPropel:  theres no need to use the cd.13:07
JoeMaverickSettPropel: i've a hp all-in-one f2410 deskjet but it works without that need to install from cd.13:07
Dr_Willis!info hplip13:07
ubottuhplip (source: hplip): HP Linux Printing and Imaging System (HPLIP). In component main, is optional. Version 3.10.6-1ubuntu10 (maverick), package size 137 kB, installed size 540 kB13:07
Propelyeah, willis. i figured why wold you need a CD? should be plug and go13:07
theadminmapd: If you'd have a Mac or a GPT-style table I would be surprised :D13:08
mapdwhy theadmin?13:08
Propeljoemavericksett, i have the f4135 deskjet13:08
mapdbecause of bsd?13:08
pksadiqIf I select "copy disc" from Computer> Right click On CD/DVD, Until I press Copy I couldn't select any of the files/folders in any nautilus windows, Is this a problem in 10.10 too?13:08
Dr_WillisPropel:  my printers are plug and go... well Ubuntu downloaded some stuff from the repos...13:08
Propelyou recon i sould be fine?13:08
airtonixPropel, have you even tried yet ?13:08
airtonixPropel, then save the doom and gloom till it fails13:08
theadminmapd: Cuz of "msdos". MBR partition tables are reffered to as "msdos" by Linux tools, some of em.13:08
Dr_Willispksadiq:  is this a comercial video dvd?13:08
JoeMaverickSettPropel: i plugged it and it detected.13:08
Propellol just woondering before i switch over to ubuntu13:08
mapdtheadmin its first time i saw this13:09
Propelight. good to know joemavericksett13:09
Dr_WillisHP stuff is normally decently well supported.13:09
Dr_WillisCanon  - HOWEVER.. is often a pain.13:09
pksadiqDr_Willis: it's Just the Ubuntu Server CD13:09
airtonixPropel, i often find my life is much happier if i spend less time worrying about trivial matters13:09
theadminmapd: Hm. Well, try replacing that with "hd(0,5)" if you want.13:09
Dr_Willispksadiq:  you could use the dd command.. 'dd if=/dev/sr0 of=ServerCD.iso'13:09
Propelairtonix, i should heed that advice :(13:09
pksadiqDr_Willis: I'm just asking whether this is a bug?13:09
brontosaurusrexis there a parental control mechanizem in existance, the one that requires just some clicks?13:09
Dr_Willispksadiq:  no idea. Ive never tried it that way. :)13:09
airtonixPropel, indeed, it takes more energy to frown.13:09
theadminbrontosaurusrex: What do you want it to do? %)13:09
brontosaurusrexdue to kids13:10
pksadiqDr_Willis: Could you please try it now?13:10
Dr_Willisbrontosaurusrex:  to controll what exactly?13:10
brontosaurusrexDr_Willis, porn13:10
airtonixPropel, that aside, does the printer have a lan port ? or is it just usb ?13:10
Propelwillis, works just as it was on windows?13:10
Propelusb and power13:10
theadminbrontosaurusrex: pfftcht. Use hphosts.13:10
Dr_WillisPropel:   I find printing works better on Ubuntu then in windows.13:10
Propelha! nice :)13:10
Dr_WillisPropel:  128mb driver install on windows for a printer.. vs.. about a 1mb diwnload on linux....13:11
mapdisnt there makeactive +1 anymore?13:11
theadminbrontosaurusrex: sudo wget http://www.montanamenagerie.org/hostsfile/hosts.txt -O /etc/hosts13:11
=== azarian is now known as Azarian`brb
mihacan somebody tell me how to make .patch ?13:12
brontosaurusrextheadmin, the list of ips? isnt there something a bit more inteligent? or is that really the way to do it?13:12
Dr_Willismiha:  normally by use of the diff command on  your code.13:12
pksadiqDr_Willis: did you check? please13:12
mihasure, i have two .java files, how to make patch?13:12
theadminbrontosaurusrex: Not exactly. It just points all those domains to Actually, I'd make that, but that's just me :D13:13
Dr_Willispksadiq:  i got no disks handy to even copy... other then comercvial video dvds13:13
brontosaurusrextheadmin, yes i understand13:13
Dr_Willisheres one. :)13:13
mapdi needed boot+13:13
* mapd hates grub213:13
mapdany way to delete old kernel and such?13:14
pksadiqDr_Willis: I mean, at the time you just select the copy disc option, minimize that and open any other nautilus window and check whether you can select files/ folders there, that's all13:14
Dr_Willispksadiq:  it let me make a copy to /home/willis/brasseri.iso just fine13:14
B-r00tmapd: go to synaptic and search for linux-image13:14
Dr_Willispksadiq:  youy mean the disk copy dialog is 'blocking' the use of nautilus?13:14
coder2theadmin: any solution for my problem???13:15
theadmincoder2: Sorry, no idea.13:15
pksadiqDr_Willis: yes, that is what I mean13:15
mapdthe same get_pwuid erro13:15
Daniel___Can someone help me? I have burnt 3 cds of ubuntu 10.10 when i restart it starts booting then after some minutes i see parts of my windows desktop in random places of the screen, this have never happend before :( any suggestion?13:15
coder2theadmin: ok no problem13:15
zubin71hi guys, i was trying to boot up ubuntu(10.10) from the pendrive. I used usb-creator. however on booting from the usb, i get a prompt saying "boot:". what am i doing wrong?13:15
B-r00tzubin71: press enter xD13:16
brontosaurusrextheadmin, that hosts file wont even survive basic language barrier, like: sex vs seks13:16
Dr_Willispksadiq:  nautilus just now crashed when i cancled the copy. and tried it again. :)13:17
coder2my cdrom and pendrives are not showed in system13:17
absencei have an old cdr with rock ridge extensions, but the filenames are encoded with a different charset than the system, so i get weird filenames and errors. i tried adding the iocharset option when mounting, but nothing happens. is it possible to have mount (or anything else) convert the filenames to utf8?13:17
theadminbrontosaurusrex: Gosh :/ If these people want this porn, let em view it %) All in all I'm not sure there is a system for this.13:17
brontosaurusrextheadmin, seems to be google based13:17
zubin71B-r00t: tried that, lemme check again.. thanks!13:17
Daniel___So no one have any suggestion on what todo? :/13:17
pksadiqDr_Willis: After you select Copy disc By right clicking, don't select The copy button , but just minimize that, then test13:17
llutzbrontosaurusrex: that hosts-file is just a collection of known pr0n-sites.13:18
coconutzim trying to install mcrypt php5 , i got 5.2.10-2 and ubuntu 10 ... but i cant success? its returns me : Package php5-mcrypt is not available, but is referred to by another package This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted13:18
Dr_Willispksadiq:  looks like nautilus is using some sort of lock/modal dialog.  correct. File manager is 'waiting' untill you dismiss/continue the copy dialog one way or another.13:18
coconutzany ideas?13:18
brontosaurusrexllutz, of course...13:18
julianhi all13:19
pksadiqDr_Willis: Can this be filed as a bug?, or Is it already submitted as a bug, If not , please Carry on13:20
minhI'm trying to ssh into a local virtual machine (both host and guest running ubuntu) - however I want to be able to do this even when not having internet acesss13:20
minhI tried to give the host and guest machines static ip-addresses for eth0...13:20
minhSo i'm able to log in via ssh...but after the first command the connection freezes13:21
dliminh, what's the guest os?13:22
minhAfter the freeze I have to kill the entire terminal session...once setting up the host's static ip AGAIN, it'll work for another single command...and will freeze again13:22
minhdli: both ubuntu13:23
dliminh, what's the host NIC interface to be paired with guest?13:24
minhdli: what's NIC?13:24
pksadiqDr_Willis: checked for the bug at Launchpad?13:24
dliminh, network interface13:25
minhdli: I do set static IPs for eth0 on both sides13:25
commodoorHi is it possible to encrypt usb stick in Ubuntu, and when it mounts it auto decrypts it. The stick is Ext3 ???13:25
airtonixminh, no they mean : are you in bridge or NAT mode ?13:25
minhdli: e.g. ifconfig eth0 on host...and ifconfig on guest13:25
dliminh, I suppose the host side eth0 is a hardware device13:25
Dr_WillisPropel:  I dont have a fancy HP printer. but i thought the hplip tools managed all that stuff.13:25
theadmincommodoor: See www.truecrypt.com - a great encryption software. But, you'll have to format it.13:26
Propelhplip, from ubuntu?13:26
Samueli have downloaded nvidia kernel + glx but when i edit xorg.conf it fails to restart X13:26
Dr_Willispksadiq:  that could be the way that copy image script is working. not sure if its a normal naugilus feature or a scruiot13:26
JoeMaverickSettPropel: hplip from synaptics package manager.13:26
minhairtonix, dli:  oh, I set virutalbox to use bridged interface...and once again: I DOES WORK for a single command...I AM logged into the virutalmachine via ssh SUCCESSFULLY...but it'll freeze after the first command13:26
pksadiqDr_Willis:  feature? :D13:26
airtonixminh, so you are having the virtualbox using a NAT mode network ?13:26
airtonixminh, or not...13:26
Samuelto i only add "Driver nvidia" in xorg.conf?13:26
minharcsky, dli: in fact, I AM ABLE to do a ls and see the output13:26
ks3minh, I take it you've disabled / uninstalled NetworkManager?13:27
b0otI'm trying to get my ubuntu desktop online. I have a wireless connection on a windows xp laptop, is there a way to share it over its lan port to get wirelss13:27
minhairtonix: no, bridged interface (eth0)13:27
Dr_Willispksadiq:  could be the script has to lock things down.13:27
commodoortheadmin, formating isn't the issue but does it auto decrypts on mount?13:27
BluesKajSamuel, how are you editing xorg.conf ..nvidia requires the command nvidia-xconfig13:27
minhks3: no, network manager is enabled13:27
theadmincommodoor: How do you imangine it auto-decrypting without entering the password you encrypted with xD13:27
pksadiqDr_Willis: I think, that's a bug, Billgate :D13:27
SamuelBlue, i never used that last time13:27
ks3minh, Is it possible that after you set your IP manually, Network Manager is trying to assign via DHCP?13:27
Propelohh ok. got it, joemavericksett13:27
minhks3: perhaps...I think the problem is on the host-os since it'll work for ANOTHER command when resetting the host's static ip13:28
theadmincommodoor: But, I think I can provide a udev rule for this %) altough... I doubt udev can interact with x... hm, how would we request the password *thinks*13:28
BluesKajSamuel, well if your going use xorg.conf then it's probly required13:28
SamuelBluesKaj, should i download nvidia-xconf aswell?13:28
jbwiv__how does one tell what /dev/sd* device a usb drive has been mapped to?13:28
commodoortheadmin, haha that the key is stored in ubuntu, like cryptfs when you login it decrypts13:28
BluesKajno Samuel , just run sudo nvidia-xconfig in the terminal13:29
airtonixjbwiv__, without using something palimpset ?13:29
commodoortheadmin, a password prompt wouldn't be a problem13:29
icerootjbwiv__: dmesg is telling that, also fdisk -l would show it13:29
jbwiv__airtonix, I'm not familiar with palimpset13:29
Samuelit gets an error13:29
airtonixjbwiv__, it's called Disk Utility in the gnome menus13:30
jbwiv__iceroot: I'll look at dmesg. the problem with fdisk -l is that I have a lot of drives and it's a lot to sort through13:30
jbwiv__airtonix, ah, gotcha. yeah, I was looking for a command-line way13:30
airtonixjbwiv__, cat /etc/mtab13:30
cmyrlandOkay, I'm in dire need of help. I want to play Fallout New Vegas, but I simply cannot get the game to run. I've made a step-by-step list with what I've done, so if somebody could take a look at it and perhaps giveme some advice I'd appreciate it very much. Complete list of proceedings: http://pastebin.com/DiqH64Qx And yes, I've asked over at winehq too :)13:30
Samuelbrb Blue, think its fixed now13:31
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
sipiorcmyrland: as far as advice: run it in windows. seriously, life's too short.13:31
jbwiv__airtonix, well, it's not mounted. I have auto_mount disabled. I'm doing a forensic recovery on the disk (or trying, at least)13:31
theadmincmyrland: Go to #winehq13:31
cmyrlandsipior, okay, if you'll buy Windows for me I will.13:32
minhks3: so I did /etc/init.d/network-manager stop on the host...I still freezes after each single command...but when resetting the static IP on the host (while the ssh-session is running) it will accept another command...and then freeze again until resetting the static IP on the host once again13:32
airtonixjbwiv__, well it will only be "mapped" if its mounted13:32
airtonixcmyrland, don't hold your breath.13:32
sipiorcmyrland: have fun wasting your time.13:32
rusivicmyrland: Check out winehq app database, which notes it works good in newest WINE dev -> http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=2169213:33
cmyrlandtheadmin, I'm already there.13:33
mapdwhat does insmod ntfs do?13:33
dliminh, I'm quite confused, because the default virtualbox setting doesn't require you to set host side eth0, can you disable it, and clean up all 10.* network in "route"13:33
rusivisipior: One should use Windows if they like viruses on their computer ;)13:34
airtonixrusivi, its all lies.13:34
cmyrlandrusivi, If you read my pastebin post you'll see that I've searched through both the Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas threads to get it running.13:34
theadminjbwiv__: Keep trying, look trought the output produced by: "udevinfo -a -p /dev/sd*"13:34
sipiorrusivi: your opinion is of no interest to me.13:34
jbwiv__airtonix, actually, it'll be assigned a /dev/sd* letter without being mounted13:34
theadminjbwiv__: Find some stuff with SUBSYSTEMS=="usb".13:34
theadminjbwiv__: Should be it13:35
minhdli: thank you...give me a second13:35
shadow98http://pastebin.com/uivn0WVF  this is syslog from me trying to start heartbeat13:35
jbwiv__theadmin, udevinfo doesn't appear to be installed on my system. let me check apt13:35
BluesKajminh, I suggest you add all the LAN IPs in /etc/hosts.allow , add a line , portmap , then underneath list the Ips like this , ALL:192.168.x.x13:35
sipiorrusivi: sorry, that came across harsher than intended :-)13:35
dliminh, but it doesn't explain why you could still login and run one command at all13:35
jbwiv__theadmin, are you sure it's udevinfo? apt-file search shows no results13:35
rusivisipior: np13:35
llutz!find udevinfo13:36
ubottuFile udevinfo found in libhd-doc13:36
llutzjbwiv__: ^^ unikely13:36
tgywaHow can I remove packages installed from source code?13:36
theadmintgywa: Find where you installed them, remove.13:36
theadmintgywa: All I can suggest... they can be in all kinds of places )%13:37
jbwiv__theadmin, let me update apt-file and see if that changes13:37
airtonixcmyrland, why are you using sudo to edit fallout.ini ?13:37
theadminjbwiv__: Well, I don't know much about ubuntu. There might be another way, let some ubuntu user guide you13:37
jbwiv__tgywa, you can use checkinstall to created dpkg's from source tarballs if you haven't installed them yet. makes them easy to uninstall13:37
jbwiv__theadmin, ok, thanks13:37
evelyetteI just downloaded ubuntu 10.10 iso livecd install13:40
mapdis there a way to hide "e" and "b" options where it says the msg13:40
evelyettebut the X server is very small ... how can I change that ?13:40
evelyettethere's no randr or something13:40
mapdive seen a grub where does options didnt work13:40
dlievelyette, apt-get install x11-xserver-utils13:42
mr_boo_ltpdid you guys know that linux is only 1.3% of the operating systems used out there13:43
mr_boo_ltpi was really shocked13:43
evelyettedli, ok, and what then?13:43
evelyettedli, it says: unable to locate package13:43
mr_boo_ltpi would've expected around 10%13:44
dlievelyette, check your sources.list, or Sources in software center13:44
anygivennameanyone into LogWatch ?13:45
shadow98anybody on that can help me with heartbeat configuration it doesn't seem to be creating the virtual interface13:45
olskolircwhat is the best video editor for ubuntu please?13:46
samli have a .deb, can I install it on my $HOME without root privilege?13:47
minhBluesKaj, dli, airtonix: it's sooo weird...after doing setting the static IP on both sides for about 4-5 times it actually seems to work "permanently"13:47
nikolaj_basherHi :D Is ther any off you who have installed a printer XEROX Workcentre M128 and it isn't a pro model... I can't get it to work13:47
anygivennameanyone uses LogWatch ?13:47
fghim looking for a very basic and simple email-client for X/ubuntu/gnome. anyone could help?13:48
mr_boo_ltpolskolirc: i think ubuntustudio has some good13:48
dliminh, now, do you have access to the guest from other boxes within the LAN?13:48
minhBluesKaj, dli, airtonix: despite the connection being ULTRA slow13:48
Picianygivenname: What about it?13:48
minhdli: I have no resources to test that at the moment, sorry13:48
minhdli: the connection is SOOOOOO slow even though it's "local".13:49
anygivennamePici: it sends me a daily mail with logs.....power went off during today's send time....i want to see the log on the machine13:50
dliminh, I run qemu-kvm in gentoo, the host to guest scp gives me about 100KB/s, and ping time is about 9ms13:50
BluesKajminh, are running wubi or VB or some such13:50
awantihi, I am using AMD dual core CPU and i have 3 Gb of RAM. Running Ubuntu 10.10. My question is i am not able to  utilize fully of my 3Gb RAM. I have tested many ways (running more application on my pc) but its utilizing maximum 800-980 MB of RAM. So plz. help me how do i Utilize every Hardware resource on from my pc.13:50
minhBluesKaj: VirtualBox13:51
Devilz_108awanti, Is it the 64bits?13:51
BluesKajawanti, run free -m , in the terminal13:51
awantiits 32 bit13:51
minhdli: pingtime 0.600ms13:51
dliawanti, I suppose system is using all it needs13:52
Devilz_108awanti, You might need the 64 bits but also Ubuntu is not a RAM hugger so 800-980 is enough for it13:52
Picianygivenname: It generates it when it does the send.  Just run it again manually.13:52
dliminh, let me try another guest, the 9ms is from HURD13:52
anygivennamePici: how?13:52
Devilz_108awanti, It shouldn't be using the 3GB full time13:52
awantiok but when i am running any VM-WARE so still its is using maximum 980 MB of ram13:53
Devilz_108That what it needs13:53
Devilz_108If it needs more than that it will take don't worry ;)13:53
Devilz_108If the programs are working well and less RAM is being used then that's good for you and for your PC awanti :)13:54
suigenerisI installed compizconfig-settings-manager, but I still don't have a System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Advanced Desktop Effects Settings. any thoughts?13:54
minhdli: so the speed is ok for commandline stuff....but X-forwarding is unbearable13:54
llutzanygivenname:  sudo /usr/sbin/logwatch --mailto you@foo.bar13:54
nemptori would just like to know how to check if i have a dsp installed?13:55
awantiBecause, when i am running vm ware my pc gets slow... its not utilizing my ram... why? i don't understand!!!13:55
dliawanti, if you really want to see all RAM used up, you may run fork bomb as user (not as root): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fork_bomb13:55
Devilz_108It might be something with VMWare13:55
mr_boo_ltphow come linux only draws 1.3% of all operating system users?13:56
Pici!ot | mr_boo_ltp13:56
ubottumr_boo_ltp: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:56
mr_boo_ltpPici: thanks13:56
Devilz_108mr_boo_ltp, There aren't much Linux users13:56
PiciDevilz_108: Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for discussion13:56
Devilz_108Roger that Pici :P13:57
nemptorhello anybody here who can help me with my gtick problem?13:57
anygivennamellutz: thanks a lot13:57
minhdli, airtonix: anyway...thank you both very much for yor help!13:57
fghim looking for a very basic and simple email-client for X/ubuntu/gnome. anyone could help?13:57
anygivennamellutz: asked for pw then blinking.....13:58
DJonesfgh: The common email clients for ubuntu are Evolution or Thunderbird, I've not used anything outside of those13:59
dlifgh, evolution is too complex?13:59
nemptorhello anyone13:59
ping__luce hi. How can I check if this video capture card: kmc-8800 (http://www.allproducts.com/manufacture98/ankotech/product2.html) is supported by v4l2 and can be used on ubuntu 10.04 ?13:59
fghdli: for my old man, yes :)14:00
anygivennamellutz: greeeeeaaaaat thanks....received mail14:00
nemptorcan you help me with gtick? ulinux14:00
llutzfgh: gui-clients are all bloated, try claws-mail14:00
realcooluserI really just have gone to web-only for email, and forgone clients altogether (outside of browser)   it's good for users, they only have to learn gmail once (or whichever service) and they can sit at any computer and get their mail14:00
dlifgh, I found thunderbird simple enough14:00
llutzfgh: or better: xterm -e mutt14:00
dlifgh, or just gmail14:00
nemptoruLinux: can you help me with gtick?14:01
dlifgh, my mother-in-law uses gmail/firefox to send out unbearable amount of junk, I suppose it's simple enough too14:01
cmyrlandairtonix, sorry I had to go help my gf with some cooking ;) I'm using sudo because nautilus showed a small lock-symbol on the file and I wanted to make sure that I had write permission on the file.14:02
dean_Hi there peeps anyone like to help a noob?14:02
fghdli: gmail/firefox is what im about to replace with something simplier. maybe there isnt anything14:03
jpds!ask | dean_14:03
ubottudean_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:03
nemptoranybody who can help me with my problem with gtick?14:03
SabriHow do I get a static userlist in Xchat-GNOME on Ubuntu?14:03
dean_no probs ubottu14:03
airtonixcmyrland, what does ls -oal show about it ?14:03
dean_How do I get adobe reader to install from software centre?14:03
brukerHi, does anyone know howto change the display driver 10.04?14:03
cmyrlandairtonix, -r--r--r-- 1 carl 19959 2010-11-02 13:01 Fallout.ini14:04
airtonixcmyrland, doesn't the game need to change this ?14:05
nemptorneed help with gtick anyone who can help?14:05
anygivennamewhen I ssh in remotely I see different desktop view than what I see on the machine usually.....how can I fix that ?14:05
dean_Needs help installing adobe reader if someone can help?14:05
icerootanygivenname: desktop-view with ssh?14:05
anygivennamevnc viewer14:06
airtonixanygivenname, define "different"14:06
Devilz_108dean_, Adobe Reader isn't available for Linux as I know14:06
cmyrlandairtonix, I can't see any errors concerning that. Maybe I should try changing permissions. However the game normally just has to read the ini-file, doesn't it?14:06
icerootDevilz_108: of course it is14:06
dean_its on software centre Devilz_10814:06
cmyrlandDevilz_108, yes it is. It's in the partner repositories14:06
commodooris there an app for ubuntu that looks like > visual C++14:06
anygivennameonly one icon on panel14:06
dean_but i cant install it14:06
Devilz_108I'm sorry then my mistake14:06
nemptorneed help with GTick anybody who can help me?14:06
anygivennamenot all showing14:07
gryllidahow do i delete user with his usersettings and ~ content?14:07
erUSUL!ide | commodoor14:07
ubottucommodoor: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator14:07
icerootdean_: enable the partner-repo and do "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install acroread"14:07
airtonixcmyrland, i would of thought that it would need to make changes to that based on what you modify in the settings (ingame)14:07
iceroot!partner | dean_14:07
ubottudean_: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »14:07
macocommodoor: ive been using and liking KDevelop for C++14:07
gryllidacommodoor, qt creator14:07
dean_you have confused me ubottu lol14:07
airtonixcommodoor, KDevelop comes pretty close but you will only be able to use QT4 widget set for guis.14:07
macogryllida: can Qt Creator be made to know about KDE libs? that worry is whats got me using KDevelop14:08
StaRetji1HELP http://pastebin.com/WRCfiizj Nvidia drivers instal14:08
cmyrlandairtonix, I can change graphics settings etc and they are remembered betwwen sessions, so I think the game has another file for that14:08
StaRetji1I really don't know how to make nvidia drivers to work14:08
macoairtonix: KDevelop doesnt have the GUI stuff built in. you're thinking of Designer-Qt4, maybe?14:08
dean_or is there a linux pdf reader?14:08
anygivennameairtonix: icons on panel are not the same14:08
macodean_: evince is the default pdf reader in ubuntu14:08
macodean_: okular in kubuntu14:08
airtonixmaco, isn't Kdevelop the over-arching name for the four programs that put it all together ?14:08
maxicepdf can be read by default on ubuntu14:09
macoairtonix: no, its the IDE piece14:09
gryllidahow do i delete user with his usersettings and ~ content?14:09
commodoorthnx guys, i'm using eclipse but not for c++ now i want to learn it but all the tuts that i have are for visual c++ now i don't have win14:09
icerootgryllida: userdel -r username14:09
macoairtonix: at least, if you run the "kdevelop" command the only thing thats launched is the codey / debuggy bit14:09
gryllidaok iceroot14:09
dean_I have ubuntu but no evince?14:09
Sabridean_: on my system, evince was installed by default...  It works just fine for viewing PDFs.14:09
airtonixdean_, what makes you think that ?14:09
maxice@dean seems so14:09
mrpotatoalgun español14:10
macodean_: it is called "document viewer" in menus and in the title bar14:10
Pici!es | mrpotato14:10
ubottumrpotato: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:10
maco!es | mrpotato14:10
YuviPandai'm trying to install ubuntu (netbook edition) on a dual core desktop (don't want to download again)14:10
dean_its not in my packages airtonix its my first day using ubuntu so I apologise if I am getting it wrong14:10
Anomie2Can anyone help with sites-enabeld/apache2 ? My servers IP is directing to one of my domains instead of to my /var/www listing14:10
YuviPandai'm trying to create ext3 partitions in free space (created by removing ntfs partitions from xp)14:10
airtonixdean_, have a look in your menus... or double click a pdf file (i think you'll find that it is installed )14:10
YuviPandaand i'm getting14:11
maxice@dean try systems>preferences>main menu14:11
dean_fair enough airtonix thats great can I just ask if there is a equivalent to winrar?14:11
YuviPandaThe ext3 file system creation in partition #6 of SCSI2 (0,0,0) (sda) failed14:11
YuviPandai tried ext4, ext3 - all same issues14:11
maxiceand see if u can find it in that list and enable the menu item14:11
airtonixdean_, ? right click on a rar file.14:11
dean_or an equivalent to winrar?14:11
nemptor_anybody who can help me with my problem with gtick14:11
Devilz_108dean_, You can extract most of the archieves but to the rar files you have to download something14:11
Devilz_108Give me a minute14:11
macocommodoor: i definitely recommend looking at Qt if you're looking for an easy-to-use C++-based toolkit that'll work on Linux, Mac, and Windows14:11
Pici!rar | dean_14:12
ubottudean_: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free14:12
airtonixdean you might need to install p7zip-full14:12
macocommodoor: ive used its python bindings before, but last week i wrote my first C++ patch with it. was relatively painless14:12
commodoorthnx maco will look into it14:12
nemptor_please anyone here who can help?14:12
Devilz_108Yes as ubottu said that what I was looking for the "unrar-free" software14:12
airtonix!anyone | nemptor_14:12
ubottunemptor_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:12
Devilz_108You can find it in Synaptic14:12
dean_p7zipfull I've heard of 7 zip actually14:12
commodoorkdevelop looks great but i don't want to use KDE apps in ubuntu14:13
airtonixdean_, on windows it's actually better than winrar14:13
nemptor_i already asked questions14:13
christopher_Anyone know about grub?14:13
nemptor_nobody seems to listen14:13
maxice@nemptor tell me14:13
christopher_Anyone know about grub? and how to configure it?14:13
nemptor_i already asked if anyone who can help me with gtick14:13
RabidGoblinhey, i have an hp laptop, and my trackpad is completely not responsive with my user.  before i log in, works fine.  log in as guest, works fine.  I think it may have happened after i touched the button to disable the trackpad, it always acts up when i do that.  Usually a reboot will set things back to normal, but this time i cant get any response out of it14:13
christopher_Anyone know about grub? and how to configure it?14:13
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:13
erUSULnemptor_: we have to figure out the gtick problem ourselves or are you going to describe it?14:13
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:13
shibuindiehi all14:13
Mohan_chml<nemptor_> anybody who can help me with my problem with gtick and this is not enough. ask what you want14:14
airtonix!lart hateball14:14
shibuindieUbuntu 10.10 32 bit not detecting 4 gb ram14:14
maxice@naptor dont know what it is but i'll try to help by installing it myself14:14
christopher_Im stuck with grub I have lost my windows partiton and need to reconfigure it14:14
icerootshibuindie: that is normal14:14
Devilz_108It's becuase 32 bit shibuindie14:14
dean_I am installing 7zip now I assume this is the program?14:14
ks3shibuindie, Most 32 bit systems won't detect a full 4GB14:14
Mohan_chmlchristopher_, What was your issue? for what you want to configure? what happened?14:14
shibuindiepreviously it was detecting properly as 3.9 but after a reinstall it shows only 3.414:14
hateballshibuindie: You'd have to use a PAE kernel on 32-bit14:14
airtonixdean it should provide archive manager the ability to deal with a wide range of compressed files14:14
Mohan_chmlchristopher_, you re-installed Ubuntu?14:14
dean_ok thanks airtonix14:15
christopher_I had windows 7, created a partition for lubuntu. now on the grub bootloader i have lost windows 7.14:15
shibuindiehow to use PAE kernel on 32 bit?14:15
* Rhun Hi 14:15
nemptor_now that i got your attention. my problem is when everytime i start gtick i got this message Couldn't start metronome. Please check if specified sound device and sample file are accessible.14:15
maxice@naptor what is the prob.... No data aailable?14:15
erUSULshibuindie: install it.14:15
dean_One final question is ktorrent the best bittorrent client?14:16
shibuindieyou mean from synaptic?14:16
erUSULnemptor_: run it like this ( from a terminal ) « padsp gtick »14:16
iceroot!best | dean_14:16
ubottudean_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:16
SyriaHi, how can i control a remote machine on the LAN please?14:16
dean_ok will ask them14:17
erUSUL!ssh | Syria14:17
ubottuSyria: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)14:17
Mohan_chmlnemptor_, try looking http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=727372 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85960714:17
socramSyria: ssh? ssh -X? vnc?14:18
shibuindiethanks all14:18
SabriIs it possible to get a static userlist in Xchat-GNOME on Ubuntu?14:18
nemptor_erUSUL: terminal shows that /usr/bin/jackd permission denied everytime I press start14:18
Syriasocram: VNC is too slow and ssh is hard for me but i will give it another try.14:18
n3rV3shibuindie, sudo aptitude install linux-generic-pae14:18
erUSULnemptor_: you are using jackd?14:18
shibuindien3rV3:  ok..thanks a lot :-)14:19
erUSULnemptor_: ubuntustudio ?14:19
xibalbanHello folks, I have a strange issue with web browsing on Maverick14:19
maxice@namptor: read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=72737214:19
EventyretWhat logs can i check if i get a modprobe Fatal error on boot ?14:19
nemptor_erUSUL: not ubuntu studio14:20
elwillycdhello, i have a problem with remote desktop and keyboard14:20
nemptor_erUSUL: im using ubuntu 10.1014:20
xibalbanI use deluge bit-torrent client and firefox web browser14:20
n3rV3shibuindie, np14:20
shibuindien3rV3:  "aptitude: command not found" :-(14:20
Devilz_108What type of problem xibalban ?14:20
Eventyretshibuindie: apt-get oO insted14:21
theom3gaHi, I'm using ubuntu 10.04 and I've installed the new ubuntu font from the repositories. Do I have to manually set the new font, or is there a way of doing it automatically?14:21
ubottuxdmcp is the X Display Manger Control Protocol -- look at http://tldp.org/HOWTO/XDMCP-HOWTO/ to find out how to configure it14:21
Cmdr_W_T_Rikertheom3ga: you might just want to change the theme14:21
Devilz_108What is the name of the new Ubuntu font?14:21
icerootDevilz_108: ubuntu14:21
Devilz_108From where again I can get it for Ubuntu 10.04?14:22
xibalbanI cannot browse/slow browse websites on firefox. However, if I fire up deluge I get enormous download speeds (say 200 kB/sec)14:22
Devilz_108xibalban, Limit your upload speed14:22
erUSULnemptor_: but you installed jackd?14:22
Devilz_108It's deluge eating your internet connection because of high download/upload speeds14:22
exebatHi is there anyone here that is awesome in networking that can help me by answering some questions?14:22
Devilz_108Mostly the upload xibalban14:22
n3rV3shibuindie, if you are using lucid or later it could be your path variable is not set properly14:23
xibalbanBut, as I quit deluge and try to browse using firefox, it slows down.14:23
n3rV3nm i'll give you the complete command14:23
nemptor_erUSUL: yes14:23
shibuindieI am using Maverick14:23
shibuindieUbuntu 10.1014:23
Devilz_108xibalban, Try another browser (Google Chrome)14:23
fepwow, this is caotic14:23
shibuindiehow to correct this path variable?14:23
erUSULnemptor_: maybe gtick can be made to work with jackd. but i duno how.14:23
brianritchieexebat depends, whats the question14:24
SyriaWhat is the difference between XDMCP and vnc please?14:24
n3rV3shibuindie, sudo /usr/bin/aptitude install linux-generic-pae14:24
xibalbanThat's exactly what I did. I downloaded Chromium, Opera and even text-based browsers, but the issue persists.14:24
shibuindien3rV3, will try14:24
xibalbanIt seem only my http requests aren't processed. Torrents run fine. Apt-get too runs great but browsers just crawl14:25
nemptor_erUSUL: in some websites that i've looked their sound device is /usr/dsp but mine is different its /usr/bin/jackd. how do i install or do i need to install a dsp?14:25
erUSULnemptor_: is /dev/dsp14:26
xibalban@Devilz_108, I await your advice please.14:26
filleokusI have a 160 gig disk that is empty. And a 750 GB disk with 20 gig data on it (win 7 system and crap on it). Can I somehow clone the system to a smaller disk?14:26
nemptor_erUSUL: i dont have dsp when i looked in my dev folder14:26
elwillycdanyone with a problem in remote desktop and keyboard14:26
Devilz_108xibalban, I'm sorry I didn't pay attention well14:27
n3rV3shibuindie, first tell me what is the output of -> sudo echo $PATH14:27
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Devilz_108xibalban, Your internet run well while you're running Deluge and when you shut it down it become slow?14:27
n3rV3ohh you'll try that later never mind then14:27
xibalbanThat's exactly what I did. I downloaded Chromium, Opera and even text-based browsers, but the issue persists.14:27
xibalbanIt seem only my http requests aren't processed. Torrents run fine. Apt-get too runs great but browsers just crawl14:27
uLinuxim trying to open a .theme file but i cant choose any program, i need to open gedit and then open from there14:27
erUSULnemptor_: dsp is an old interface, try with « aoss gtick »14:28
uLinuxhow can i associate .theme with gedit14:28
Propelanyone here use tripwire?14:28
nemptor_erUSUL: oh ok, but i14:28
shibuindien3rV3:  /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games14:28
Devilz_108Are you running some sort of Proxy in the browsers?14:28
AbhiJithow to install all of these in one terminal command: perl, wget, Net::IRC, Net::SMTP , IO::Select , IO::Pipe14:28
erUSULnemptor_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70624814:28
nemptor_already tried that but still have the same problem14:28
xibalbanNo, my internet rocks always but I cannot browse14:28
erUSULAbhiJit: perl an wget are installed by default.14:28
erUSULAbhiJit: the others you will have to search in synaptic14:29
Devilz_108That looks weird to me xibalban , do you have another PC or operating system to test from there if the internet works fine?14:29
AbhiJiterUSUL, they are in synaptic. i need terminal way14:29
uLinuxAbhiJit: sudo apt-get install <program> <program> <..>14:29
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX14:29
uLinuxAbhiJit: you just need to know the package names14:29
xibalbanIt works great when I download packages using apt-get, it rocks when I use Deluge but it simply wouldn't browse using ANY browser14:29
nemptor_erUSUL: does not work with me14:29
AbhiJituLinux, that is what i am asking14:30
Devilz_108xibalban, Check in the browser settings of Firefox/Chrome for some Proxy settings14:30
erUSULAbhiJit: apt-cache search perl | grep '-perl'14:30
n3rV3shibuindie, then aptitude should work as well14:30
xibalbanYes, I have Vista dual booted with Maverick, and browsing is a breeze on it.14:30
Devilz_108xibalban, Otherwise it might be a problem with the Internet Service Provide so you might need to call them14:30
uLinuxAbhiJit: IRC and SMTP are not programs.. but protocols14:30
erUSULAbhiJit: apt-cache search perl | grep '\-perl'14:30
n3rV3shibuindie,  did you try the complete command i gave you?14:30
Devilz_108What do you mean by "Breeze" you mean it's working fine in Vista?14:30
nemptor_erUSUL: do you know how can check why is jackd denies permission to gtick?14:31
shibuindiei copied and pasted it14:31
xibalbanYes, it rocks it is super fast14:31
erUSULnemptor_: sorry is all i can help with this. you may want to ask in #ubuntustudio. jackd is specialiced  for pro audio ) software14:31
nemptor_erUSUL: do you know how to can check why is jackd denies permission to gtick?14:31
ayushwhy can't evolution handle mails with 5 or 6 jpg attachments? My computer hangs everytime I try to open such a mail.14:31
n3rV3xibalban, depends on your torrent speed as well14:31
Devilz_108xibalban, Then it must be something in the settings in Ubuntu I'm smelling some Proxy settings or bad settings somewhere.14:31
nemptor_erUSUL: ok thanks14:31
AbhiJituLinux, erUSUL ok14:31
BluesKajxibalban, which browsers are you trying ?14:31
erUSULnemptor_: is not denying anything, gtick is an old program that does not support jackd14:31
Devilz_108n3rV3, He said the internet is slow even if Deluge is not running14:31
xibalbanI've checked and compared preferences in firefox with Vista and it's the same for Ubuntu maverick. No proxy used.14:32
Devilz_108BluesKaj, He tried several browsers Chrome , FF ..14:32
n3rV3as far as i remember he said torrents were running14:32
n3rV3nothing else14:32
nemptor_thank you for all your help here sorry i cant mention your name thanks again14:32
suigeneriscan somebody help me identify my printing problem? I've added the printer as socket://, it seems to send a test page but the printer doesn't print14:32
xibalbanThis is where it gets more weird. The browser does work (very slow though) sometimes but it's dead mostly14:33
Devilz_108I'm nearly out of ideas for you mate but I must go.14:33
tomas__which kernel is fedora 14 using? 2.6.35 or 2.6.36. it a little of topic but i do not want to download it only to be sure14:33
awantiIf i have enough RAM in my pc so is it necessary to i have swap partition?14:33
n3rV3tomas__, wrong channel14:33
shibuindien3rV3: I have installed through apt-get, now going to reboot and see if the memory is detectd14:33
xibalban@BluesKaj, I've tried several Firefox, Opera, xlinks14:33
Devilz_108awanti, It's better to have some SWAP Partition but if you have a good amount then you can go without Swap14:33
Devilz_108Good luck all I'm out for now14:33
commodoorDoes pidgin still saves passwords in plain text?14:34
Devilz_108Bye :)14:34
dattain avidemux i a want to keep the same resolution but change only the bitrate14:34
erUSULtomas__: ask in #fedora14:34
uLinuxawanti: if you suspend/hibernate you should have swap14:34
BluesKajxibalban, explain your situation pls .home , office/work or ? and what kind of network connection router / lan ?14:34
uLinuxi guess14:34
dattawhen i change the codec to H.293 it shows me a error so i cannot use h.29314:34
tomas__thx and sorry. :D new to irc14:34
xibalbanI use a 3G usb modem14:34
xibalbanI connect using wvdial14:35
dattadoes anyone know any way i can change the size of a video file without changing the resolution, only change the bit rate14:35
xibalban...so, it's directly connected without any router, lan to mess with. I know internet works coz it works in Stupid Vista14:36
Rabbitbunny10.04, I can only click on the first thing I clicked on when I booted. the mouse moves fine, but I can only click on that one panel drawer applet. not it's sub drawers. Just that one 32x32 pixel square.14:36
dattaplease does anyone know how to encode videos?14:36
Rabbitbunnydatta: transcode?14:37
Dcitedatta: I think there is alot more to video encoding than just a bitrate...14:37
dattaRabbitbunny: yes14:37
xibalban@BluesKaj, I've installed loads of applications using apt-get which downloads packages off the internet. It provides the download speed average as 200 kBps14:37
n3rV3datta, vlc does it, for more options use ffmpeg14:38
xibalban..also, bit torrent works great (I use Deluge) with about the same speed.14:38
dattan3rV3: i do not understand anything of ffmpeg14:38
w3pt w3pt_14:38
=== w3pt is now known as w3pt_
Dcitedatta: mencoder is also an option, adds more options ontop of ffmpeg.14:38
Infinitushello. grub punches me with error: unknown filesystem; I cannot (it simply won't) boot from cd/dvd. While I was working with Kile (on my laptop which is an old inspiron) I got a write error for the hd. so I only have the rescue console and no idea what to do.14:39
xibalbanHowever, web browsers simply refuse to display web pages inspite of shutting down all other applications like deluge, etc14:39
dajhorndatta: If you want to encode for a cellphone or transcode a DVD, then Handbrake has a nice GUI with useful presets:  https://edge.launchpad.net/~stebbins/+archive/handbrake-snapshots14:39
Dcitexibalban: How does it refuse? Never loads? page timeout? DNS error?14:39
xibalbanpage timeout14:40
giovanni_[EWG]-BabyToeJam xdcc send #814:40
Dcitedajhorn: Where is the handbrkae gui for Linux?14:40
xibalbanhey, I just pinged yahoo.com14:40
xibalbanlet me copy and paste the response14:40
MPXJust had an essay about "Giovanni" today :)14:40
wkf5566I want a girlfriend.14:40
dattadajhorn: tried handbrake but the transcode shows me that it's down and then when i open the file, it is still transcoding14:41
BluesKajxibalban, why are you using wvdial . why not just use /etc/network/interfaces, no need for a network client14:41
Piciwkf5566: This is a support channel, not a dating service.14:41
AbhiJithow to install Net::IRC ?? google of no help14:41
xibalbanIRC too works, I'm on maverick using xchat right now14:41
dajhorndatta: You can't use a stable release on Lucid or Maverick.  The gnome stuff is broken.  You need to use a snapshot from the PPA.14:41
suigeneriscan somebody help me identify my printing problem? I've added the printer with socket://, it seems to send a test page but the printer doesn't just print. when I add with smb://, it gives printer-state-message="Bad URI - need printer name!"14:41
xibalbanping: unknown host yahoo.com14:41
PiciAbhiJit: Insteall the libnet-irc-perl package.14:42
h_2_2121I can't get onto the #ubuntu IRC channel, could someone help?14:42
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BluesKajxibalban, read my post above14:42
dattadajhorn: i am using lucid14:42
xibalban@Abhijit, try this "sudo apt-get install xchat"14:42
Dcitexibalban: Check your DNS resolver in /etc/resolv.conf14:42
DJonesh_2_2121: You're in the #ubuntu channel14:42
dajhorndatta: If Handbrake is broken for you, then VLC is probably the best alternative.14:42
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h_2_2121DJones, my apologies, I thought this was the unregged channel still14:42
=== dav is now known as zenmower
xibalban@BluesKaj, What is the difference/advantage?14:43
AbhiJitPici, wow thats great. only one more question: i also wanted Net::SMTP   IO::Select IO::Pipe   please tell me their library names?14:43
DJonesh_2_2121: No worries, it happens to us all at some point14:43
PiciAbhiJit: I'm just searching myself. apt-cache search perl | grep smtp14:44
AbhiJitPici, ok14:44
BluesKajxibalban, no client needed , no NM , just the settings in /etc/network/interfaces are required , very simple to set up, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/14:44
dajhornDcite:  handbrake-gtk package.14:44
xibalban@BluesKaj, how do I configure my 3G USB Modem for "why not just use /etc/network/interfaces, no need for a network client", a link/walkthrough would be great.14:45
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Dcitexibalban: Use network manager for your USB 3G modem.14:45
AbhiJitPici, is it libauthen-simple-net-perl14:45
Dcitexibalban: Unless.. you don't have a GUI?14:46
xibalbanThanks for the link. Err!!!   Too bad, the link fired up firefox which displayed "Timed out"14:46
tianshaohi all14:46
karthick87How add users to particular group14:46
ujjainHow can I change my IP address via gnome when it's not listed in the preferences -> network tabs.14:46
Dcitexibalban: Any proxies in use? DNS resolution working?14:46
karthick87How to add users to particular group14:46
suigeneriskarthick87 gpasswd -a user group14:47
PiciAbhiJit: I don't know, look at the package description.14:47
Dcitekarthick87: Look inside System -> Administration -> users and groups14:47
suigeneriskarthick87 sudo gpasswd -a user group*14:47
AbhiJitPici, ok. thanks btw14:47
xibalban@Dcite, no proxies used. I've verified them. Appreciate your help.14:47
karthick87ujjain: Edit /etc/network/interfaces file14:48
BluesKajxibalban, oops sorry , I didn't notice the post about the USB modem ...sorry :(14:48
kroimpahi alll14:48
n3rV3AbhiJit, aptitude show <packagename>14:48
Dcitexibalban: Can you ping  (yahoo.ca's IP address) ?14:48
kroimpacan i ask a question about VoIP, i have a presnetation in a few minutes and i cant find any info!14:48
AbhiJitn3rV3, ok14:48
=== MashTomato is now known as MashPotato
Pici!ot | kroimpa14:48
ubottukroimpa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:48
karthick87suigeneris: Should i want to give group*14:48
kroimpathanks Pici :D14:49
ujjainkarthick87: hehe, will try,14:49
xibalbanI'm curious. Why doesn't pinging yahoo work while xchat works!! As you can see, I'm online chatting with you guys.14:49
suigeneriskarthick87 yes14:49
Dcitexibalban: So.. even the IP ping doesn't work?14:49
karthick87suigeneris: What group* mean?14:49
xibalban@Dcite, yes it gives me a "Hostname not found" error14:50
suigeneriskarthick87 * is there because I made a mistake and corrected it14:50
Dcitexibalban: What was your ping command? can you copy and paste that line alone please?14:50
suigeneriskarthick87 sudo gpasswd -a user group <--- correct one14:50
AbhiJitPici,  which is the safe server and channel for testing bot for first time14:50
xibalbanAre there any command I could type at the terminal and paste here, for your convenience?14:50
Dcitexibalban: please type this and see if it works "ping"14:51
xibalban"ping yahoo.com"14:51
AbhiJitif anyone knows please tell me14:51
karthick87suigeneris: Oke how to get all users list..?14:51
SabriWhy is my mac's screen in the Remote Desktop Viewer strongly-tinted yellow?14:51
PiciAbhiJit: #test14:51
morg-morghi everyoe. please help me. i want to update bios ;asus p4s8x-x acpi bios revision 1004. i didn't find through google. does anyone know this?14:51
xibalban@Dcite, just copied the command. Trying now and shall paste the response14:52
AbhiJitoh right Pici :)14:52
Dcitexibalban: Don't paste it all , just tell me if it pings.14:52
xibalbanWow!! PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.14:52
xibalban64 bytes from icmp_req=11 ttl=49 time=3277 ms14:52
xibalban64 bytes from icmp_req=12 ttl=49 time=3322 ms14:52
xibalban64 bytes from icmp_req=13 ttl=49 time=3157 ms14:52
xibalban64 bytes from icmp_req=14 ttl=49 time=4369 ms14:52
FloodBot4xibalban: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:52
xibalban64 bytes from icmp_req=15 ttl=49 time=4537 ms14:52
xibalban64 bytes from icmp_req=16 ttl=49 time=4408 ms14:52
rusivimorg-morg: if you want to update your BIOS you should call your mfg and check their website for instructions14:52
xibalban64 bytes from icmp_req=25 ttl=49 time=5308 ms14:52
xibalbanSorry, that must have flooded.14:52
xibalbanSorry, that must have flooded.14:53
dajhornSabri: Go into the preferences, look for the JPEG options, and notice the color depths.   You may need to change the color depth to get a better view.14:53
suigeneriskarthick87 cat /etc/passwd | grep home14:53
Dcitexibalban: First your ping sucks.. second only wanted to know if it pinged.. third, I think you DNS provider maybe down or bad...14:53
xibalbanSorry, that must have flooded.14:53
Sabridajhorn, unfortunately, preferences is only two checkboxes.14:53
xibalbanYes, it worked14:53
dwayneI used to disable ubuntu desktop gdm by moving /etc/rc2.d/S30gdm to /etc/rc.2/K30gdm, but it doesn't exist in 10.04.  How should I disable gdm ?14:54
dajhornSabri: Which client are you using?14:54
xibalbanI'm a bit relieved!14:54
xibalban@Dcite, how do I correct my DNS?14:55
Sabridajhorn, the in-built Remote Desktop Viewer for GNOME.14:55
xibalbanThe IP and DNS are set to automatic14:55
karthick87suigeneris: It shows the following http://paste.ubuntu.com/524464/14:55
Dcitexibalban: I can give you a temporary measure...14:55
thefedsD-Bus fails to install on 10.1014:55
xibalban@I'd be grateful, please!14:56
Dcitexibalban: Since I don't know anything about wvdial, I can only say.. replace the dns completely..14:56
trismdwayne: it is started by upstart in 10.04, moving /etc/init/gdm.conf to /etc/init/gdm.conf-disabled should have a similar effect, or you can edit the file and add "and never" to the start on line, so you can still start it manually14:56
suigeneriskarthick87 you  are the only real user14:56
xibalban...and how do I go about doing it?14:56
niewodI have tried to find PDF version  "Ubuntu Installation Guide" for 10.4  from some time without sucess. Any ideas wher to go? Google is not very helpful14:57
Dcitexibalban: sudo echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf14:57
karthick87suigeneris: it says that i have users syslog,usbmux,saned,karthick and guest14:57
dwaynetrism, thanks!14:57
k4r4mb4can anyone help me with creating for loop?14:57
dajhornSabri: The "Depth Color" pulldown menu is available in the "Connect" dialog.  If you're using a bookmark, then you might need to recreate it.14:57
Picik4r4mb4: In bash?  Scripting help is more on-topic in #bash14:57
Dcitexibalban: If that works, you'll be using google's DNS service.14:57
blackshirtk4r4mba: what you need... ??14:57
k4r4mb4in windows :(14:57
karthick87suigeneris: what is saned,syslog and usbmux..?14:57
xibalban@Dcite, permission denied14:58
Dr_Williskarthick87:  sane = the scanner subsystem, syslog = the system Logger.14:58
suigeneriskarthick87 ask someone else, I'm kinda busy now14:58
Picik4r4mb4: Well this is #ubuntu, if you're looking for Windows support, use ##windows14:58
Dcitexibalban: sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf14:58
k4r4mb4they know nithing about windows cmd usage there14:58
jpds!gksudo | Dcite14:58
ubottuDcite: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)14:58
NickyLI am having trouble with my wired connection.  I have a wireless router plugged into a wired router.  My laptop works fine, but my desktop stopped working a few minutes ago14:58
Picik4r4mb4: And how would we know about it here?14:58
k4r4mb4coz for is a command from dos14:59
Dcitejpds: Err oops, thankyou for pointing out.14:59
k4r4mb4and you are more knowledgable people.that's why i ask here14:59
Picik4r4mb4: We don't support dos here. end of discussion.14:59
xibalban# Generated by NetworkManager14:59
Sabridajhorn: That's much better.14:59
Pici!paste | xibalban14:59
ubottuxibalban: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:59
karthick87Dr_Willis: usbmux..?14:59
Dcitexibalban: Replace those namesever lines with and instead of those numbers.15:00
shibuindien3rV3:  Hi..after rebooting there is option to log into generic-pae, but it gets stuck at plymouth splash screen and no progress15:00
shibuindien3rV3:  Can boot into  generic-pae-recovery15:01
xibalban@Dcite, changed and saved15:01
Dcitexibalban: Then please do try and ping yahoo.com again and see if it works.15:01
SabriSlow as dirt, though.15:02
n3rV3shibuindie, do you have a graphics card on your system?15:02
shibuindieNvidia GTS25015:02
SabriThanks, wireless-b.15:02
xibalbanPING yahoo.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=48 time=627 ms15:03
n3rV3shibuindie, you need to install graphics drivers again15:03
xibalbanIt does work, but slow!15:03
GravHi. Can I make "save as" dialog box wider in firefox/nautilus ?15:03
IsennDo anyone know a "good" guide for php 5.2 on ubuntu 10.10?15:03
xibalban14 packets transmitted, 4 received, 71% packet loss, time 42567ms15:03
Dcitexibalban: The last time you pinged you had a 4 second latency.. your 3G is not the fastest ^_^15:03
shibuindieso I should log into recovery mode of generic-pae and install graphics drivers?15:03
n3rV3shibuindie, this time as you can access only the recovery option you will have to do it from there15:03
CharlieSuIs there a way to do automated Ubuntu installs?  Is it done w/ the alternate CD?  Could someone send me a URL w/ the most recent 10.04 documentation on doing this?  I have similar hardware and want to just pop in a CD that does partioning and package installation15:03
shibuindieok thats fine..I will try15:03
Da_WreckaDoes anyone know of a text editor that can open a 23MB XML file without locking up?15:03
shibuindielogging out15:04
shibuindiewill be back15:04
macoDa_Wrecka: maybe vi?15:04
n3rV3shibuindie, wait15:04
NickyLcan anyone help me set up a wired network connection in ubuntu?15:04
Da_Wreckamaco: Maybe... I'm trying nano right now, but it looks like it's locked up too.15:04
n3rV3are you familiar with the terminal (text prompt)15:04
SabriIsenn, a guide for doing what with php5 on ubuntu?15:04
xibalban@Dcite, I agree. But, I should be able to browse as good as in Vista.15:04
dattausing avidemux, what is the best option to keep quality but change file size?15:04
IsennSabri: Installing php 5.2 on ubuntu 10.10.15:04
shibuindieI just started with linux last week :-(15:05
xibalbanShall I fire up firefox and test15:05
n3rV3Da_Wrecka, will take some time bu tthe file will open15:05
IsennSabri: 5.3 comes with ubuntu 10.10.. but i need 5.2 for my projects15:05
Dcitexibalban: Firefox should be caching some of the DNS names and start the conections sooner after it remembers a few of them.15:05
SabriIsenn, I see, I see... No, I don't know anything about that, sorry.  I just use what it gives me. xD15:05
n3rV3shibuindie, well wait give me a few mins15:05
shibuindiebut I try my best to use terminal whenever possible15:05
Da_WreckaI've tried Abiword, gedit, Wine Notepad, Notepad++ via Wine, and on the Windows machine I've tried Notepad, Notepad++, Wordpad, even Winword... Wordpad opened it successfully. Everything else hung. I even left gedit for at least an hour and it was still hung after all that time.15:06
macoDa_Wrecka: something you can do is use "split" to break it into manageable size files then "cat" to reassemble when you're done15:06
BluesKajxibalban, is using irc on 3g the same as texting or are you charged for use as a cellphone call15:06
dattadoes anyone know using avidemux, what is the best option to keep quality but change file size?15:06
Da_WreckaThat could work I suppose. Be a royal pain in the ass, but I suppose it would work.15:06
jribDa_Wrecka: 23mb isn't that much tbh...15:06
Da_Wreckajrib: And yet, it's still enough to make every text editor I've tried bar one hang when opening it.15:06
xibalbanI'll clear all cache and restart firefox. What say Dcite?15:06
jribDa_Wrecka: try vim, disable syntax highlighting etc.15:07
DciteDa_Wrecka: Maybe vi or vim? Assuming you don't have everything on ONE line.15:07
SabriWhere can I ask about the best text-editor for Ubuntu?  I want to provide a list of features I want.15:07
Dcitexibalban: cache clearing should not be needed.15:07
xibalban@BluesKaj, well I've subscribed to an unlimited data plan. Hence, no charges per message!15:07
dattadoes anyone know using avidemux, what is the best option to keep quality but change file size?15:07
Hatrix76I was used to the IOSTAT command and at some debian installations the iostat utility give ma all information in one line, as in (vmstat 1) ... but now on lucid iostat gives me statistics vertically, it's so hard to read changes if you do a iostat 1 ... is there a way to change the format to be on one line again? I did not find anything in the man pages .... or is this a new iostat?15:07
Da_Wreckanano seems to have hung too.15:08
blackshirtSabri: you mean just editor or something other with complet feature ??15:08
Da_WreckaKilled nano, trying vi15:08
Da_Wreckaokay, vi seems to have loaded it... Apparently the whole XML file IS on one line. (machine-generated, not manual)15:09
jribDa_Wrecka: the real question is why you are editing it with a text editor15:09
Da_Wreckavi's loaded it, but it's really sluggish15:09
xibalbanI searched for Ubuntu using Google toolbar. It says at the status bar (at the bottom), "looking up google.com" and stays there forever15:09
Da_Wreckajrib: Because I wanted to check its contents and, if applicable, do a find-and-replace.15:10
BluesKajxibalban, that's not what I mean , perhaps your network is filtering web-browsing because your router appears as a text source rather than a browser sources to the 3G network ...does that make sense ?15:10
david506Can I use certificate signing on my SSH server to avoid having to remember my server's fingerprint ?15:10
jribDa_Wrecka: why don't you use some xml library in your favorite language or something like xmlstarlet?15:11
xibalban...somewhat! But, hey I can now see the google search results. Let me try a link!15:11
Da_Wreckaxmlstarlet? Not heard of that before.15:11
Sabriblackshirt, I just want a text editor, but I want it to have code folding, syntax highlighting, snippets and a project drawer or project pane.  Heh... essentially, I want TextMate.15:11
xibalbanUbuntu homepage it is, waiting....15:11
tgywaHow can I get the list of uniq entriies with two different files15:11
david506Sabri wants vim15:12
h_2_2121Sabri, have you tried geany?15:12
n3rV3shibuindie, well here are some commands15:12
Hatrix76Sabri: I hear you, TextMate *sigh*15:12
n3rV3apt-get install linux-headers*15:12
SabriSee... my MacBook took a water spill...15:12
n3rV3apt-get install nvidia*15:12
n3rV3and it could work15:12
shibuindiein the terminal window?15:13
Hatrix76Sabri: that's saddening, really, I feel with you15:13
shibuindieshould i log into recovery mode of pae?15:13
blackshirtSabri: maybe emacs/xemacs..it's not just editor..but fully feature editor..15:13
n3rV3shibuindie, yes15:13
jribtgywa: some combination of cat, sort, and unique?15:13
SabriSo far, vim, xemacs and geanny are things I should look at?15:13
xibalbanAlas, it hangs around at "connecting to ubuntu.com" at the status bar15:13
shibuindieok..will try it out15:13
Hatrix76blackshirt: emacs ... tz, Sabri is better of with vi than emacs15:13
shibuindiewill be back15:13
n3rV3shibuindie, prepend sudo to those commands15:13
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shibuindien3rV3: why is there a star after the commands?15:14
xibalban@Dcite, thanks for your assistance. We could al least get to something. At least a page was displayed, though late!15:14
Hatrix76Sabri: If you are comming from TextMate, It will be hard to move to something like xemacs, gvim (graphical vim) .... they are all really different!15:14
n3rV3hi all do we get networking enabled by default in recovery mode15:14
n3rV3shibuindie, that is so that it autocompletes with viable options15:15
blackshirti don't think so... emacs is written by Richard Matthew Stallman aka RMS, GNu Hacker..15:15
shibuindieok..fine fine15:15
xibalban@Dcite, I remember you stating that this would be a temporary workaround. What ought I do to resolve it permanently? Talk to my ISP, maybe?15:15
n3rV3shibuindie, one more thing15:16
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Hatrix76blackshirt: and your point being?15:16
SabriHatrix76, blackshirt, I just need those basic features.  Tabs, project view, code folding, syntax highlights, and snippets.15:16
n3rV3it would be better if you boot into you older kernel and then try those commands out15:16
User88need help with grafix drivers :s15:16
n3rV3it would be easier15:16
User88nvidia-xconfig doesnt work, screen just goes into power save15:17
blackshirtSabri: maybe you need IDE,15:17
Hatrix76Sabri, take a look at this: http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/features.html   it should have everything you need and it's more in the look and feel to TextMate than emacs or (g)Vim15:18
n3rV3good luck15:19
Routershow to kill this processes.. 10598 pts/1    Ds+    0:00 /usr/bin/dpkg --status-fd 24 --unpack --auto-deconfigure /var/cache/apt/archives/libnet-ssleay-perl_1.35-2ubuntu1_amd64.deb /var/cache/apt/archives/lib15:19
NickyLcould anyone help me troubleshoot my wired connection in ubuntu?15:19
Hatrix76(althought personally I am a huge vim fan for over the last 10 years ...) it's the best way of editing a textfile for me, because how you control it makes so much sense to me, but I would not recommend it for someone used to TextMate15:19
uLinux!anyone NickyL15:19
uLinux!anyone | NickyL15:19
ubottuNickyL: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:19
Hatrix76Routers: reboot the machine15:20
BluesKajNickyL, ok tell us your situation15:20
n3rV3Hatrix76, really :)15:20
NickyLMy wired connection stopped working suddenly.  My wireless (which is plugged in the wired router) works fine.15:20
n3rV3Routers, try sudo pkill -9 dpkg15:20
n3rV3bu tbe carefull15:20
NickyLI rebooted the machine, and rebooted the routers15:20
Hatrix76n3rV3 this is an a D state, which means uninterruptable sleep, you can't kill it, not even with -915:21
dliRouters, if it's state is D, it's uninterruptible15:21
Routersn3rV3 : its still there15:21
GH1234Hey folks... I have a problem :D I have a file which name is encoded wrong, I can't move it using bash then I think because it says file not found... I can't delete it with nautilus either because nautilus crashs everytime I open the dir :D Any suggestions what to do to rename or delete this file? -.-15:21
Hatrix76NickyL: I guess you have a harddrive problem dpkg seems to be trying to read off your disk and the disk can't deliver, that's probably the cause of the D state15:21
BluesKajNickyL, pls expalin , are you connecting the pc by ethernet -wired or wifi ?15:21
Hatrix76Routers: I guess you have a harddrive problem dpkg seems to be trying to read off your disk and the disk can't deliver, that's probably the cause of the D state15:22
erUSULGH1234: tried bash autocompletion ?15:22
NickyLI am currently on a laptop, I am having trouble with the desktop15:22
=== Jack is now known as Guest12942
herziGH1234, did you try something like "mv foo*bar foobarfixed" (where the * replaces the location of the encoding problem)?15:23
n3rV3Hatrix76, sorry it seems i have a lot of outdated info15:23
n3rV3Routers, reboot is your only option15:23
GH1234erUSUL yep... it's listed but I can't complete as there are two files with the same beginning... adding � leads to not found :D15:23
SabriHatrix76, Ohjeez, that's got a lot of buttons.15:23
GH1234herzi: I'll test that :=15:23
InfinitusSo now I booted with live USB. I now get an error accessing my HD: [16:22] <Infinitus> Error mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1,15:23
Infinitus[16:22] <Infinitus> missing codepage or helper programm, or other error15:23
herzidon't test, just succeed15:24
diogo_79hi guys is there some alternative to dia diagram?15:24
blackshirt1Infinitus; is your hd was windows partition formated ??15:24
n3rV3diogo_79, bouml15:24
dlidiogo_79, not the same type, try: xfig, qcad15:24
Hatrix76Sabri: yeah, <sarcasm> welcome to the world of choice </sarcasm> .... i read you loud and clear, you could also try http://www.scintilla.org/SciTEImage.html15:25
Infinitusblackshirt1: It just wasn't writeable, so I rebooted. and got the grub rescue console15:25
GH1234Nice :) The willcard works fine... THX: herzi15:25
Infinituswith wrong fs15:25
Quantum_IonIs there an automatic way to update Oracle Java in Ubuntu Linux ?15:25
herziGH1234, you're welcome15:25
Sabriherzi: There is no try, only do?  I beg to differ:  <?php try { } catch() { } ?>15:25
herziSabri, I program with c, no exceptions and trying there15:26
NickyLafter I try rebooting, if there's still no connection, is there any way to test what the problem could be?15:26
Infinitusget with dmesg | tail the follwoing: EXT4-fs (sda1): couldn't mount because of unsopported optional features (80008000)15:26
Sabriherzi: At least you don't dabble in PHP.  I've had enough of PHP written by C coders. ;)15:27
BluesKaj!who | NickyL15:27
ubottuNickyL: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:27
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blackshirt1Infinitus: your live usb maybe doesn't support ext4 file system, is that right ??15:27
herziSabri, I used to (before I got sucked into C completely), but php really isn't a language made for me15:27
zhengshiI love ubuntu do you?15:27
Hatrix76Sabri apart from SciTE, you should check this out as well, maybe you will fall in love with vim afterall: http://cream.sourceforge.net/features.html15:28
herzikde has umbrella for diagrams, AFAIK15:28
anygivennamehow to extract all zip files in one folder ?15:28
BluesKajNickyL, I recommend this setup, network manager not required http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/15:28
Infinitusit is ubuntu 10.10 created with unetbootin15:28
InfinitusI have no idea if it supports ext4 or not.15:28
BluesKaj!who | Infinitus15:29
ubottuInfinitus: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:29
dlianygivenname, it could be messy, but: for f0 in *.zip;do echo "${f0}";unzip "${f0}";done15:29
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BluesKajanygivenname, install unp , it works best15:29
anygivennameexcuse me15:29
dliInfinitus, lsmod|grep ext415:29
Infinitusdli: no reply at all. does still not work.15:31
dliInfinitus, is it a custom kernel?15:31
anygivennameinstalled unp...where did it go ?15:31
Infinitusdli: it is the ubuntu 10.10 from unetbootin15:31
dliInfinitus, uname -a15:32
anygivennameinstalled unp...I do not see it Applications15:32
anygivennamedoes it run by command line ?15:32
Infinitusdli: Linux ubuntu 2.6.35-22 generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Sun Sep 19 20:34:50 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux15:33
dliInfinitus, then, I suppose ext4 is supported there15:33
blackshirt1anygivenname: just using ark could help you15:33
dliInfinitus, what's the error message from: mount -t auto -oro /dev/blah /mnt/blah15:34
anygivennamewill ark show up or just like unp15:34
b0otI'm trying to connect probe a device connected to a serial port, parse the input, and send it out udp to specific port/ip. So far I have figured out that I could use socat to create a connection to the serial device with socat READLINE,history=$HOME/.cmd_history /dev/ttyS0,raw,echo=0,crnl but I'm not sure how to use socat to connect in a way that would let me parse and send it out UDP15:34
anygivennamehow to extract all zip files in one folder ?15:34
jribanygivenname: use a for loop15:34
dlianygivenname, it could be messy, but: for f0 in *.zip;do echo "${f0}";unzip "${f0}";done15:34
h_2_2121anygivenname, use the command line15:34
RabbitbunnyHow would I delete my gnome settings from the command line?15:35
anygivennamewhat is the command line for it?15:35
Rabbitbunnyanygivenname: man tar15:36
Infinitusdli: replace blah... with?15:36
BluesKajanygivenname, time you learned to use the cli type unp pathtofilename in the terminal , if the file is in your home folder , right click on the file choose properties/permissions , check the executable , copy the filename from the title box and paste it after unp in the terminal, the file will uncompress into a folder in your /home dir15:36
dliRabbitbunny, within ~/.config ~/.gconf* ~/.gnome*15:36
KrishnanduHey guys, when I try to make an SVCD with Brasero, and click burn after selecting the movies, it closes. What's the problem guys?? Though brasero works fine for ISO's. Haven't tried anything other else.15:36
Rabbitbunnydli: Thank you.15:36
Roasted_are there any other good alternatives to email aside from thunderbird and evolution?15:37
RabbitbunnyRoasted_: claws-mail15:37
herziKrishnandu, use something like gnome-terminal and type "brasero" to start brasero15:37
Roasted_Rabbitbunny, does it support integrating google calendar?15:37
herzimaybe it prints out some useful message15:37
Krishnanduherzi, Okies :)15:37
RabbitbunnyRoasted_: Probably not.15:37
Roasted_Rabbitbunny, awesome. don't want it then.15:37
Roasted_any other suggestions?15:37
Roasted_evolution is like exactly what I want but I'm kind of sick of its problems. :(15:37
Hatrix76Roasted: try the Zimbra Desktop Client, it can integrate with nearly everything and is a GREAT mail client15:38
Krishnanduherzi, Closed again :(15:38
kk9822can any one tell me how to upgrade ue to latest version using terminal15:38
Picikk9822: sudo do-release-upgrade15:38
ikonia!upgrade > kk982215:38
ubottukk9822, please see my private message15:38
dliInfinitus, device as you see in "fdisk -l", and a mount point should be an empty folder, you may create one mount point: sudo make -p /mnt/mydisk15:38
anygivennameBluesKaj: do u mean I should do that for 20 files just to have them unzipped in the same folder15:38
Hatrix76Roasted: http://www.zimbra.com/products/desktop.html, and of course, it's free and opensource15:38
anygivennamei run 20 commands !!!!!!15:38
herziKrishnandu, and it didn't print out some error message?15:39
Infinitusdli: fdisk -l does not reply anything15:39
ikoniaInfinitus: sudo fdisk -l15:39
bastid_raZoranygivenname: just a guess here.. are you extracting a multiple rar file? like r01 r02 r03 etc?15:39
wsRabbitbunny, you can also access a lot of the gnome configurations from gconf15:39
InfinitusID 83 is ext4?15:40
dliInfinitus, or in "ls /dev/disk/by-id/15:40
Krishnanduherzi, Well...in CLI it printed something...lemme pastebin it15:40
jribanygivenname: dli has given you a one line command a couple of times now, but you don't seem to acknowledge his suggestion15:40
Infinitusdli: ID 83 is ext4?15:40
ikoniaanygivenname: how would you do it on Windows ?15:40
dwxreaperwill cifs shares in fstab be mounted before networking comes up?15:40
anygivennamedid not understand anything from dli's command15:40
honeypotcan I make my desktop a gateway with (wifi router + DSL modem + usb dongle + NIC) ?15:40
dliInfinitus, try to mount -t auto -oro, it doesn't hurt15:40
ikoniadwxreaper: then can't be, you have no network15:40
BluesKajanygivenname, if it's a media file choose the first one with video content , it will then unzip/uncompress the rest of the files in order into one video / media file15:40
jribanygivenname: well if your goal is to *understand*, then you need to read15:41
Krishnanduherzi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/524488/15:41
jrib!terminal | anygivenname15:41
ubottuanygivenname: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal15:41
dwxreaperikonia: when I do networking restart there is a problem with the share15:41
dwxreaperikonia: my only option is to change the timeout?15:41
Rabbitbunnybah, How would I kill gnome/logout my gui session from the command line?15:41
ikoniadwxreaper: if you restart network while a network mounted share is mount, it will cause a problem15:42
dwxreaperikonia: so I have to put something to find what's using it, and unmount it?15:42
dwxreaperwhat a pain15:42
yohannhello all !15:42
ikoniadwxreaper: just don't restart networking15:42
wsRabbitbunny, killall gnome15:42
dlihoneypot, -DSL modem - wifi router, your router should be your gateway already, do you want - DSL - ubuntu - wifi ?15:42
wsdepending on what version15:43
FloodBot4ws: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:43
shibuindien3rV3:  Hi, now pae mode working fine :-))15:43
Rabbitbunnyws: Thank you.15:43
honeypotyah dli, I need to install a captive portal15:43
bastid_raZorRabbitbunny: that is a bad idea.15:43
shibuindien3rV3:  Thank u )))15:43
n3rV3shibuindie, congrats15:43
n3rV3:) np15:43
Krishnanduherzi, Well, I checked for Audio project and Data Project, they are working fine, just the Video project closes unexpectedly15:44
Rabbitbunnybastid_raZor: My mouse stopped clicking, I'm in the middle of calculations, I need to restart my GUI. You have a better method?15:44
shibuindien3rV3:  I can clear my cache now right?15:44
dlihoneypot, so, you setup dhcpd on ubuntu, and set router in bridge mode, or routing all to ubuntu15:44
n3rV3shibuindie, you mean aptitude's cache?15:44
n3rV3yes sure15:44
Picishibuindie: sudo apt-get clean15:45
dobakdont spam15:45
Infinitusdli: it says: "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error15:45
bastid_raZorRabbitbunny: sudo service gdm restart     or   alt + SysRq + k15:45
honeypotdli: my usb wifi will have to be in client or AP mode?15:45
shibuindiePici:  ok15:45
Infinitusdli: in some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so"15:45
potteralguien q hable español?15:46
uLinux!es | potter15:46
ubottupotter: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:46
dlihoneypot, http://www.ex-parrot.com/~pete/upside-down-ternet.html15:46
Rabbitbunnybastid_raZor: I am burning that key combo into my memory. thanks.15:46
B45h_V|roline usb 2.0 multi plus card reader/writer: compatible?15:46
pottertoc toc?15:46
Hatrix76could you all please be quiet for a minute? :-P15:46
potterio solo keria q me recomienden un programa para mis dvds15:46
potterporque con el que viene mi ubuntu se come los subtitulos15:46
potternada mas15:47
Hatrix76potter: vlc?15:47
bastid_raZorRabbitbunny: you're welcome.. doing a killall on some applications is fine, doing it on your gnome session is insane. things need to shutdown properly15:47
anygivennameBluesKaj: should it be like unp /home/Downloads/Symantec.Norton.Ghost.v15.0.Incl.Keymaker-CORE/cr-ngh1a.zip15:47
uLinuxpotter: speak english :)15:47
www2hi all15:47
dliInfinitus, are you sure the fs on disk is ok? fsck -nf15:47
Rabbitbunnybastid_raZor: This may explain my initial problems. Point noted.15:48
wsdoes gnome have locks?15:48
sipiorws: locks?15:48
wsI use gnome-shell --replace to replace my gui normally15:48
wslock files that hold session info so that it doesn't start cleanly if killed15:48
www2i want to know is there any plangs to fork virtualbox?15:49
honeypotdli, "set router in bridge mode, or routing all to ubuntu" do most routers support that?15:49
Rabbitbunnywww2: Why? it works fine.15:49
Infinitusdli: I hope it is, I was writing a tex file while it happened. "fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2"15:49
KrishnanduNo help here :( Ok posting it in Ubuntu Forums, looking forward to get something from there15:49
www2@Rabbitbunny i mean fork from oracal15:49
potteri dont know speak in english, there are other canal in spanish?15:49
Pici!es | potter15:49
ubottupotter: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:49
Pici!ot | www215:49
ubottuwww2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:49
yohannis ther an IRC in french please ?15:50
dlihoneypot, all router need a gateway, even if it doesn't support bridge mode, then, you need DHCP support at the wifi router side15:50
Rabbitbunny!fr | yohann15:50
ubottuyohann: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:50
SandCubemy ubuntu got errors on the file system. Now it keeps giving some messages saying there is an 'unexpected inconsistency: run fsck manually'. how to do it if it does not start?15:50
sipiorws: occasionally gnome registry information gets corrupted, if that's what you mean, but i don't think gnome uses lockfiles per se (i could be wrong)15:50
SandCubeit keeps rebooting15:50
ViN86SandCube: could try a live disc, then run it15:50
ViN86if it keeps rebooting15:51
insane_kangaroov.v why can't a release be named after a kangaroo?15:51
yohannthank it's my first conection on irctcht linux ...15:51
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:51
Pici!ot | insane_kangaroo15:51
ubottuinsane_kangaroo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:51
dliInfinitus, I suppose it's hardware, if you have to recover the data, leave it to professionals, otherwise, try to backup the whole disk image. if you don't care about the data, fsck -pf15:51
rstacruzhola. I seem to have  gotten rid of my sound menu. how can I get it back?15:52
Dr_Willisrstacruz:  what sound menu?15:53
Infinitusdli: thanks.15:53
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »15:53
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bastid_raZorrstacruz: indicator applet   is where the sound icon resides.15:54
NecrogamiI have 2 interfaces on my Ubuntu 10.10 server and i'm trying to set 2 public static ip's to the interfaces when one is up i can publicly access the machine but when both are active i can't what is going wrong?15:54
rstacruzDr_Willis, this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundMenu15:54
BluesKajanygivenname, yes, but Norton ghost is a windows application , are you going to use wimne to run it ?15:54
rstacruzbastid_raZor: OHHH15:54
pottertoc toc15:55
Infinitusdli: will -pf wipe?15:55
insane_kangarooPici: fine, I'll just create a trouble ticket ^_^15:55
rstacruzbastid_raZor: I managed to switch it for the notification tray by mistake. thanks. :)15:55
pottersomebudy said me how i can run my dvds with subtitles?15:55
bastid_raZorrstacruz: you're welcome15:55
sipiorNecrogami: can you pastebin the output of ifconfig -a, and route -n?15:55
potteror any program for this?15:56
Necrogamisipior: with eth1 up or down?15:56
anygivennameBluesKaj: just need to edit one file which my antivirus on Win machine removed it15:56
sipiorNecrogami: both, ideally.15:56
Necrogamione sec15:56
anygivennameBluesKaj: which command is the right one ?15:56
dliNecrogami, is the networking normal at the server end?15:56
Shtlhello all15:57
Shtli have wifi networks available around my area, some show a lock kind of thing and one without it. if tried connect it, it will connect and i see the message "wireless connection established" but i am unable to get any web page, any one help me solving this?15:57
honeypotdli, first of all dsl modem --> NIC right? and then plug wifi usb dongle and connect to wireless router right? now wifi clients don't have internet... What's the next step?15:57
anygivennameBluesKaj: pls tell me which command is the right one15:57
BluesKajanygivenname, why are trying to install norton ghost, it's not an antivirus , it's a disk manager -diskimaging application15:57
Da_WreckaShtl: That's kind of odd... the lock icon means that the network in question is secured, you shouldn't be able to establish a connection at all without the key15:58
anygivennameBluesKaj: i know.....pls tell me which command is the right one15:58
Necrogamidli sipior: http://pastie.org/126692815:58
ikoniaanygivenname: https://help.ubuntu.com look at that, and get a high level oveview of how ubuntu works15:58
ikoniaanygivenname: your not listning, your using the wrong applications15:58
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ikoniaanygivenname: read the URL I've just sent you and try to get a basic understanding of how ubuntu works,15:58
BluesKajanygivenname, norton ghost won't run on linux without wine , if at all15:58
ShtlDa_Wrecka: but i can see one signal which dont show the lock15:59
anygivennameBluesKaj: i know...i will not run it....i wil look into one file in the zip only15:59
anygivennameBluesKaj: pls tell me which command to use16:00
NecrogamiWhen just eth0 is up i can route and ping the server from the world16:00
Necrogamiif eth1 is up aswell i cannot16:00
Necrogamionly from local machines16:00
dliNecrogami, if a packet comes in for eth1 IP, the server replies via eth0, I guess this is a problem16:00
anygivennameikonia: i will not use this sw on ubuntu16:01
elTigrehey, I have extra keys on my keyboard which aren't recognized by ubuntu. The keyboard model isn't supported by keytouch (or at least not the exact model). Basically just 15 extra keys numbered 1-15, but they don't seem to register with X11 ... any idea?16:01
BluesKajanygivenname,if you want to learn how to uncpompress files to a folder in linux/ubuntu , unp /pathtofile16:01
dliNecrogami, maybe, you can not run both NICs within the same subnet16:01
Dr_WilliselTigre:  its one of those Logitech G15 keyboards?16:01
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sipiorNecrogami: what happens if you delete one of the default routes (you should only have one)?16:01
elTigreDr_Willis: no, it's a genius slimstar 33516:01
getpwnamI left my system on overnight, but this morning it had shut off. It booted back up okay, but I'd like to know if there is a log(s) I can read to see what happened?16:02
BluesKajikonia, one can lead a horse to water..... :(16:02
anygivennameBluesKaj: did so...it did not unzip the file nor the serials16:02
jatthow do I tell if the processor of my laptop supports hardware virtualization (VT-x)16:02
Pici!piracy | anygivenname16:02
ubottuanygivenname: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o16:02
Paddy_NIgetpwnam, Do you have it set to go in to hibernate/sleep mode?16:02
dlijatt, it's called vmx on intel, "cat /proc/cpuinfo"16:02
rstacruzdoes network-manager appear in the indicator applet?16:02
Paddy_NIrstacruz, not yet16:03
sipiorNecrogami: "sudo route del default"16:03
ferricowhen i download and build a tar.bz2 kernel source package16:03
BluesKajanygivenname, tell me the name of the file ...I gave instructions earlier , but you didn't read them , I guess16:03
rstacruzPaddy_NI: so basically, i have to have both "notification area" and "indicator applet" on my panel?16:03
ferricowhats the location por the kernel header files?16:03
Paddy_NIthe only real legacy notification area applet that is currently being replaced16:03
getpwnamPaddy_NI: no. the system had been up for a couple of weeks.16:03
=== Kyngdom is now known as NSFW|KYNG
jattdli: thanks I see vmx in the flags line of cpuinfo so I guess this laptop supports it16:03
Necrogamisipior: now i can ping eth0 but not 116:04
Paddy_NIrstacruz, there is "indicator-network" in the repos but its certainly not ready16:04
sipiorNecrogami: what's the routing table look like now?16:04
anygivennameBluesKaj: i read & asked u which commands out of the 2 i pasted but u never answered16:04
Necrogamisame thing minus the last line16:04
rstacruzunderstood :)16:05
sipiorNecrogami: so the eth1 line remains?16:05
Necrogamithe eth0 line remains the eth1 line was deleted16:05
rstacruzis there a way for Empathy to /not/ have a notification icon?16:05
Infinitus|usbdli: fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.216:05
Infinitus|usbe2fsck 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)16:05
Infinitus|usbfsck.ext4: Filesystem revision too high while trying to open /dev/sda116:05
Infinitus|usbThe filesystem revision is apparently too high for this version of e2fsck.16:05
FloodBot4Infinitus|usb: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:05
Infinitus|usb(Or the filesystem superblock is corrupt)16:05
Dr_Willisrstacruz:  check its plugins/settings16:05
Infinitus|usbthen ext 2 blabla16:05
Dciteanygivenname: Is this a zipfile you are trying to open?16:05
Agent001My mouse pointer automatically clicks into things when I hover over it. How do i disable this feature?16:05
sipiorNecrogami: (nice syntax highlighting on pastie.org, by the way :)16:05
Necrogamilol thanks16:05
n3rV3Agent001, sys> pref>mouse16:06
rstacruzDr_Willis: I can't see anything of relevance there16:06
Dciteanygivenname: If so try "unzip filename.zip"16:06
Necrogamisipior: i've been fighting this for 2 days since i installed these servers into my colocation16:06
anygivennameDcite: i want to unzip 20 files into one folder in one step16:06
Agent001I can't seem to find the option on there. I thought I had it when i disable secondary click16:06
Dr_Willisanygivenname:   unzip '*.zip'   *note the quotes* has worked for me in the past.16:07
Paddy_NIanygivenname, Are you dealing with a split archive?16:07
BluesKajanygivenname, I'll say this only once . Windows applications may or may not have linux equivalents or couterparts , but windows apps , most of them anyway won't run in linux unless you try to run them in wine and even then they may not work16:07
Dciteanygivenname: unzip -d dest_dir filename.zip16:07
anygivennameDcite: but this will unzip only one file16:08
anygivennamePaddy_NI: yes16:08
Paddy_NIanygivenname, then you only need to unzip one file16:08
Infinitus|usbhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/524497/ that is about it, if anyone has a better idea than "fsck -pf" tell Infinitus16:09
Paddy_NIanygivenname, are they named "r00, r01, r02" etc?16:09
Quantum_IonPat and Pocket16:09
=== jacob is now known as Guest38516
BlueMattInfinitus: have you tried looking for the backup superblocks as it recommends?16:10
Paddy_NIanygivenname, what is the archive type?16:10
anygivennamePaddy_NI: r0a to r0t then r15 to r1916:10
Paddy_NIhmm.. just a moment my gf needs help with something16:11
sipiorNecrogami: still thinking, sorry.16:11
anygivennamePaddy_NI: zip16:11
Necrogaminp sipior thanks for the help so far16:11
InfinitusBlueMatt: the command given below, yes. It says bad magic number.16:11
BlueMattInfinitus: sorry I had not read the dmesg tail, it looks to me like either a drive failure (most likeley a controller failure) or a mobo failure16:13
BlueMattInfinitus: have you tried with another computer/other OS/kernel version/usb drive adapter16:13
sipiorNecrogami: what happens with "sudo route add gw eth1"?16:13
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:13
Necrogamigw: Unknown host16:14
Infinitusit is a laptop, its hd seems broken, its CD/DVD seems broken too from what I read from ata2 tail.16:14
Agent001I still cannot disable auto mouse click on ubuntu16:14
InfinitusBlueMatt: it is a laptop, its hd seems broken, its CD/DVD seems broken too from what I read from ata2 tail.16:14
NecrogamiInfinitus: that would make me believe more that the mobo controller was going dead16:15
sipiorNecrogami: sorry "...add default gw..."16:15
=== andrewsinclair is now known as andrewsinclair-l
BlueMattInfinitus: Id assume its a problem with the controller on the mobo then, can you try removing them both and try them in a desktop/usb drive adapter16:15
sipiorNecrogami: that should take us back to the previous situation.16:15
Necrogamisipior: yes16:16
InfinitusBlueMatt: I can, have never tried though, this will be a fun evening.16:16
Necrogamiand can ping 138 but not 13716:16
anygivennamePaddy_NI: anything16:16
=== NSFW|KYNG is now known as kyngdom
StaRetji1Folks, I have usb stick with Ubuntu on it. I'm using it on Intel gpu laptop and on nvidia gpu laptop. Can I edit xorg.conf to recognize which laptop I'm using. Can I put both drivers in Device Section?16:16
sipiorNecrogami: even from the local network? that should be reachable.16:16
bastid_raZoranygivenname: sounds like your zip archive is broken16:16
Necrogamioh it is16:16
Necrogamiput from public it's not16:16
StaRetji1please, I need urgent help, thx16:16
BlueMattInfinitus: well it only has an actual error on ata2, and an apparent filesystem fail on sda1, so maybe it is actually a corrupted drive and a failed cd/dvd drive16:16
sipiorNecrogami: try setting the "Metric" value of the interface.16:17
Necrogamisipior: to ?16:17
sipiorNecrogami: anything but 100. 101 will be just fine :-)16:17
BlueMattInfinitus: do you happen to know if they are connected to the same controller on the motherboard/are they connected with the same connection type16:17
adam_Does anyone know if Shotwell (or something?) can be configured to automatically ask to import photos when you plug a camera in? F-spot used to do this.16:17
NickyL1my wired connection on my desktop died suddenly, and it won't connect.  I'm currently on a laptop.  I tried to run ifup -a, but it wouldnt work.  I also don't have the folder /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/16:18
Necrogamisipior: how?16:18
anygivennameif windows does it...i am sure ubuntu does it....it is just that i am not getting simple guidance16:18
sipiorNecrogami: remove the default route as before. then "route add default gw ... metric 101 eth1"16:19
BlueMattanygivenname: what are you trying to do?16:19
InfinitusBlueMatt: no idea; I am pretty ignorant concerning the hardware, the first HD died too, it had a partial write block. when it was just windows.16:19
bastid_raZoranygivenname: have you followed the links provided to you?16:19
anygivennameyes & was not able to do it16:19
BlueMattInfinitus: do you know the model number/manufacturer16:19
LantiziaHey does anyone here know much about how GParted moves partitions?16:20
Necrogaminow 137 works but not 13816:20
InfinitusBlueMatt: yeah, but getting a new one would probably be better, it is at the moment just about saving about 3-4MB of tex-files my bachelorthesis... and other stuff.16:20
Necrogami(from public)16:20
anygivennamebeen here for an hour trying to get help for something that takes 3 secs on Win16:20
Necrogamiwait one sec16:21
BlueMattLantizia: GParted will copy partition piece by piece (it tries different piece sizes before starting to see which is the fastest), i believe it does this through libparted16:21
BlueMattanygivenname: what are you trying to do?16:21
anygivennameeveryone is talking like i am an expert in ubuntu16:21
BlueMattanygivenname: can you repeat what you are trying to do?16:22
LantiziaBlueMatt, ok well I moving a ext3 partition down by 12 cylinders (from... "13 - 243137" to... "1 - 243126") but the PC reset for some reason16:22
anygivennametrying to unzip multiple zip files in one folder16:22
Necrogamisipior: now 37  but not 3816:22
LantiziaBlueMatt, testdisk has managed to pick up the old partition that was between 13 and 24137... but I'm worried that data is between 1 and 1216:22
BlueMattanygivenname: are you on a desktop or on a server ubuntu platform, and are you getting a particular error message/what is happening (sorry im a bit late to the party)16:23
anygivennameso when i run the rar files they run in sequence16:23
duffydackanygivenname, same as you would in windows. select them all and extract here16:23
anygivennamethere is no extract here16:24
BlueMattLantizia: what computer are you using PC/Mac bios/efi, and what does GParted show as the partition table type16:24
goltoof_trying to get google earth... software center says "there isn't a software package called "Googleearth" in your current software sources16:24
anygivennameif there was it'd have solved it all16:24
sipiorNecrogami: right, one default route too many. you'll need to do a bit more policy routing. there's a useful guide here: http://kindlund.wordpress.com/2007/11/19/configuring-multiple-default-routes-in-linux/16:24
goltoof_i already added medibuntu repo to package sources16:24
LantiziaBlueMatt, it's intel/dos type... just a normal pc16:24
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duffydackanygivenname, are they rar files or zip files, and if rar, are they part of a set16:25
BlueMattgoltoof_: there is no google earth in the repos, it is closed source and must be downloaded from google16:25
sipiorNecrogami: there they assume a multi-homed host, where yours is technically "multi-homed" on the same network. principle should be the same.16:25
anygivennameextract here....extracts each to its own folder16:25
Necrogamithanks sipior16:25
goltoof_BlueMatt,   funny that it doesnlt mention it here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GoogleEarth16:25
Wipsterhey all, can I get a notification to fire up if my CPU issues its PROC_HOT signal when its at tjmax and throttling?16:25
bastid_raZorgoltoof_: googleeearth-package is in the multiverse repository16:25
BlueMattgoltoof_: the googleearth-package is designed to take google earth and make a package out of it, I dont really know why google hasnt added it to the partner repos, but as it stands it must be downloaded from google.com16:26
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goltoof_BlueMatt,   in that case I'll do it the easy way  :)16:27
LantiziaBlueMatt, why ask the part table type?16:27
maticHallo Ubuntu humans!16:27
bastid_raZorapt-cache policy googleearth-package     goltoof_ type that in a terminal.16:27
BlueMattLantizia: well i dont know of a problem with regular pcs but with a mac or a pc with a different part table type it can cause problems16:28
LantiziaBlueMatt, what can?16:28
samfisherHi. I connect to my ubuntu 10.10 box with putty (from winxp) and I use X11 forwarding (Xming). After some random time, X11 apps become unresponsive and draw really slow? any idea why?16:28
samfisherthe same issue when testing it from lan, so distance is not the answer16:28
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goltoof_bastid_raZor,   how do i go about installing from cli ?16:29
BlueMattLantizia: it might just be something that your computer is doing that is special.  can you try moving back to just cylinder 12, and go back and see where the problem starts16:29
anygivennamewindows is the best solution for what i wanna do....although it is ironically simple16:29
bastid_raZorgoltoof_: sudo apt-get install googleearth-package16:29
goltoof_bastid_raZor,  thanks16:29
bastid_raZorgoltoof_: you're welcome16:29
guampais there a way to start a vbox guest headless *without* it starting vrdp?16:30
LantiziaBlueMatt, do you think that between 13 and 24137 is the original data?16:30
BlueMattLantizia: trying to move a partition to cylinder 1, but it should work fine on a regular pc.  are you trying to move a mounted partition?16:30
Lantiziano it wasn't mounted16:30
Lantizialike I said the PC reset in the middle of the move16:30
Guest34541hi all my update manager has not been working since the 10.10 beta keeps returning an error check internet connection obviously i'm conected to the internet any help?16:30
Dirty_Snipeanyone here know much about phpmotion?16:30
BlueMattbastid_raZor goltoof_: the description of package googleearth-package is "This utility makes it possible to build your own personal Debian16:31
BlueMattpackage of Google Earth. "16:31
goltoof_bastid_raZor,   not quite.. got the package, what about the software?16:31
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Dirty_Snipekeep getting 404 errors on links in menus16:31
LantiziaBlueMatt, shit happens... but what I really need to know is *how* gparted goes about moving data to know what I'm missing16:31
Guest83432Hi All, When I start X (Gnome) it prompts me for password (I mean not the GDM), but when I already see my desktop, how I can turn it off ?16:31
goltoof_BlueMatt,   not quite what i had in mind  :)16:31
BlueMattbastid_raZor goltoof_: ie googleearth-package is not google earth but will help you make a package of it16:31
IdleOne!language | Lantizia16:31
ubottuLantizia: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:31
BlueMattgoltoof_: try http://dl.google.com/earth/client/current/GoogleEarthLinux.bin and execute it16:32
Guest34541hi all my update manager has not been working since the 10.10 beta keeps returning an error check internet connection obviously i'm conected to the internet any help?16:32
BlueMattLantizia: what did you originally do/how far was it when copying when your pc crashed16:32
maticUbuntu-10.04 has offered a strike notice on my Dell Inspiron 510m sandbox...anyone with an idea if it has ever striked somewhere else so?16:32
LantiziaBlueMatt, about 20GB of 1.83TB16:33
BlueMattLantizia: i believe i had misunderstood, I though you said it started always crashing everytime you tried to move the partition16:33
Lantiziano it didn't crash, the PC reset - probably power issues16:33
goltoof_BlueMatt, "setup.data/setup.xml:1: parser error : Document is empty16:34
dean_Hi is there a way of organising music files in track order like in windows because its listed my tracks in alphabetical order so now I have no idea what listings they go in?16:34
goltoof_BlueMatt,   when i try installing the GoogleEarthLinux.bin16:34
BlueMattLantizia: well then you may have a problem, it looks like part of the data was moved and now you will have something like ABCDCDEFGHI, this could create a problem reparing it and you will need special software (not just GParted) google is your friend here16:34
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Dirty_Snipeanyone here got phpmotion?16:35
crashanddieHi, under Ubuntu, what is the sound piped through? esound? How to enable oss compatible mode? There usually is a command to prepend other commands with.16:36
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit16:36
crashanddieunder ubuntu 10.1016:36
duffydackanygivenname, you must have folder structure in the zips for it to etract to folders. Ive just tested with zips with no folder structure, works fine.16:36
goltoofgot disconnected....   trying to install Google Earth,  the .bin i downloaded for it is not working16:36
ciganim running ubuntu server 10.10 when i try to save a file width nano i got this error: permission denined, can some one help me?16:37
BlueMattgoltoof: http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/earth/thread?tid=6f59e15bf811d4e216:38
goltoofcigan   sudo16:38
Fro0z3nsudo su16:38
duffydackanygivenname, you could use shell, say all your zips are in your home in a folder called zips  then cd into zips and find . -iname "*.zip" -exec unzip -j {} \;16:38
Fro0z3ne entra como administrador16:38
=== hl_ is now known as hl
Fro0z3ntem algum brasileiro aqui?16:39
xangua!pt > Fro0z3n16:39
ubottuFro0z3n, please see my private message16:39
elzoogI have a question not directly related to Ubuntu.   Was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction16:40
dajhorn!justask | elzoog16:41
ubottuelzoog: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:41
Necrogamisipior: well i won't make that mistake again ... fuck16:41
ikoniaelzoog: if it's not an ubuntu issue, please take it to the correct channell16:41
ikoniaNecrogami: control the langauge please16:41
sipiorNecrogami: what's that?16:41
Necrogamiaccidently deleted all the routes table16:41
sipiorNecrogami: ah.16:41
gladiatorhow can i mount a macos drive for read and write ? is there a way?16:42
ikoniagladiator: HFS is read only in the linux kernel16:42
elzoogI was wondering, I once had a program that would boot my windows partition inside of linux.   It meant that I didn't have to worry about wine compatability because it would actually boot windows (it had the disadvantage that I had to already have windows installed).   What program was that?16:42
user13Hi, I created a wrong entry to the places menu (a smb-connection), how can I get rid of it?16:42
gladiatori have dual booted macos with ubuntu ..16:42
ikoniaelzoog: most virtualisation applications can do that16:43
dajhorngladiator: Look at the hfsplus package.16:43
elzoogikonia:   What virtualization application do you recommend?16:43
remi_hi, since a week, i can't read a share folder on a win7 PC. A window ask me a login/pass again and again. i can read this share folder with a mac. someone can help me plz? (sorry for my english...)16:43
gladiatorikonia, thats sad .. while it may not be relevant here .. but can i wipe away the hfs partition and claim it back somehow?16:44
ikoniaelzoog: it's all personal taste16:44
goltoofBlueMatt,    still underway,  not a very intuitive install...16:44
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shashwatpnsRemember we used to have those one file flash applications which would just be like a game you know, can ne1 tell me what kind of programme was it and/or how to develop it?16:44
gladiatordajhorn, hfsplus would let me write to HFS too?16:44
ikoniagladiator: just put a supported file system on it, that is the same as formatting16:44
brahemAnyone know because I will xwinwrap?16:44
=== Quaxir_ is now known as Quaxir
elzoogikonia:  I want something like that because I already have the program in windows, and the program requires an activation license that I don't want to have to "redo" in wine, only to discover the program doesn't work well with wine.16:45
bobecmy network card just gets 100 Mbps.. other computers connected with the same cable gets 1 Gbps. ive updated the drivers. Ive tried ethtool -s eth0 speed 1000 duplex full autoneg both on and off. when I run modinfo r8169 (my eth0 module) I get "speed:force phy operation. Deprecated by ethtool". that mean I have to "force phy operation"?16:45
=== UNBELIEVABLE is now known as asshole
ikoniaelzoog: personally, I use kvm16:45
ikonia!kvm > elzoog16:45
ubottuelzoog, please see my private message16:45
duffydackelzoog, by '  already had to have windows installed' do you mean you wanna use your existing REAL windows partition, or create one in a virtual guest.16:45
=== asshole is now known as jibs
dajhornelzoog: VMware can do this with a "raw disk".   VirtualBox can probably do it at the command line.16:46
user13@all: How can I remove an entry from the places menu? I accidently addes a wrong samba-share.16:46
elzoogduffydack:  I want to use my already existing windows partition because I already know that everything works there.16:46
brahemAnyone know because I will xwinwrap?16:46
duffydackelzoog, back it up before you mess around with using it as a raw disk16:47
elzoogDuffy:  What's the difference between that and running as a virtual guest?16:48
BlueMattuser13: the places menu syncs with the sidebar of nautilus, you can delete them by opening any folder and removing the entry from the sidebar (right click->remove)16:48
user13@bluematt: thanks!16:49
duffydackelzoog, both are virtual, just 1 uses your actual windows installation and not a newly created one.16:50
elzoogikonia:  What's the difference between kvm and vmware?16:50
user13@bluematt: it works :-)16:50
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
crashanddieelzoog, "KVM": Keyboard, video, mouse.16:52
crashanddieelzoog, KVM usually refers to a device that allows you to switch the monitor, keyboard and mouse components between multiple physical computers16:52
user13KVM=Kernelbased virtual machine16:52
housami need hellp16:52
Picicrashanddie: Unfortunately it now means two different things :(16:53
user13KVM=Kernelbased virtual machinemonitor16:53
crashanddieoh, and what user13 mentioned. My bad.16:53
=== hl_ is now known as hl
elzoogNo, I asked the difference between kvm and vmware16:54
housami have wirless Arthro Atheros AR5007EG16:54
BlueMattelzoog: vmware is a proprietary closed source virtualizer.  it is often considered feature complete.  KVM is an opensourced solution, but it is only the kernel module its not the gui and the feature set depends on what you use to manage the vms16:54
BlueMattelzoog: it depends on what you are trying to do: if you want a simple desktop vm solution try vmware player or virtualbox (free and opensource), if you want server vms kvm is a pretty popular solution but vmware also has options for them16:55
duffydackelzoog, is it too much to activate it again?   also look in appdb on winehq.org for info about wether your program works.16:56
crashanddieAnyone using PJSIP, or more specifically, PJSUA on Ubuntu 10.10? For some reason it doesn't detect my soundcard.16:56
elzoogDuffy:  Yes it's too much to activate it again.   I can only activate it for 3 computers.   I also don't want to deactivate it for actual windows, activate it again in kvm only to find out I don't like how it runs in kvm.16:57
BlueMattelzoog: whether you use wine of a vm with a raw disk, you will almost certainly have to reactive, as the vm has very different hardware from your native computer even if it is the same files16:58
elzoogbluematt:  If the vm is actually using my already existing windows, then it's already activated16:59
BlueMattelzoog: it depends on the program, it is possible, but most programs will check your hardware to make sure it is the same computer16:59
jpentlandHey. I've manged to mess up my grub configuration. How do I just get ubuntu to reconfigure it all in the same way it did when I first installed? Bear in mind i'll need to do this through chroot on a live cd.17:00
delirusis anyone else having a problem with the buggy beta nvidia drivers in 10.10?17:00
BlueMattjpentland: mount the root filesystem, mount /proc and /dev (not sure if proc is required, but dev is), chroot to the mounted filesystem and call grub-install /dev/devicename probably /dev/sda17:02
Dwade09ok guys i got my folder shared and i got it set into vbox's shared settings permanent and i still can not get the folder to show up17:02
prellerim getting the following error when trying to boot ubuntu 10.10 32bit via CD or USB stick:17:03
preller(initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system17:03
dajhorndelirus: Yes, Maverick shipped with dud drivers.17:03
dajhorndelirus: Get the stable release from x-swat.17:03
* delirus googles x-swat17:03
jpentlandBlueMatt: I tried that but grub is telling me that filessystems don't exist. Its the actual config of grub i need to regenerate because I removed me /boot partition. I can't seem to figure out the new system either after menu.lst was removed17:03
chroweLooking for a cheap UPS solution that will power on a Ubuntu system17:03
Tr3LoSHello people, I have a major problem with grub. I tried to make it show every time I boot the OS I want to run and now it says only grub rescue17:04
dajhorndelirus: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates17:04
Tr3LoSNow I am running with Live CD17:04
delirusty! :D17:04
delirusyou've saved me!17:04
BlueMattjpentland, then you need to create a new /boot partition, mount your root filesystem, then root/dev root/proc and root/boot then grub-setup...17:04
dajhorndelirus: Upgrading from the beta drivers in Maverick reduced my CPU time in X11-land by 90%.17:04
BlueMattjpentland: what version are you using, still grub1?17:05
deliruscpu time?17:05
Dwade09 ok guys i got my folder shared and i got it set into vbox's shared settings permanent and i still can not get the folder to show up in my windows xp setting.17:05
dajhorndelirus: The nvidia driver that shipped in Maverick consistently eats 30% cpu time on my computers.17:05
dajhorndelirus: The stable driver in x-updates idles normally.17:06
jpentlandBlueMatt: whatever comes with the new ubuntu. I installed from scratch. The problem I was having is that I came from archlinux and had a 32mb /boot which wasn't large enough to acommodate ubuntu's kernel images. I wanted to remove the /boot partition and just have it as a folder within /17:06
delirusI'm not getting that17:06
freedayhow to change directory in ubuntu server into my USB17:06
delirusjust total system lockup when I use blender17:06
Tr3LoScan any1 help me with the grub question I did? :)17:06
BlueMattjpentland: oh ok, do you have a /boot folder in your root filesystem?17:06
raidghostWhat laptop manufactory should not be choosen when bying laptop?17:07
jpentlandBlueMatt: Yeah, I just copied the contents of the old /boot partition17:07
ganeshranHi is there some compatibility issue in Digichat and Ubuntu ?17:07
BlueMattjpentland: can you post the commands you have executed and the output of each on paste.ubuntu.com17:08
ganeshranIts a java based chat which works well in Firefox on windows. But on Linux I face issues like the chat window doesnt close and sometimes the whole chat goes blank17:08
jpentlandBlueMatt: All I did was copy /boot to /boot-old, delete the partition. Rename /boot-old to /boot. Then I chrooted and ran grub-install a couple of times.17:09
BlueMattjpentland: try reinstalling the current kernel, as it should automatically reconfigure grub to ubuntu's default17:10
Dwade09ok guys i installed samba and i set the folder up to be shared but in vbox using xp i do not see the folder.17:11
jpentlandBlueMatt: Ok, how do I do that?17:11
Tr3LoSPlease, can any1 help me with the grub?17:11
kubanchas anybody ever installed simprocess on ubuntu?17:12
_bthow do you mount an audio cd from an iso in ubuntu?17:12
blackshirtTr3loS: hello..what the matter with your grub ??17:12
blackshirt_bt: what you mean ??17:12
jpentland_bt: You can mount any iso with 'sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop diskname.iso /path/to/dir'17:13
BlueMattjpentland: sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-2.6. and press tab a couple of times and enter the lastest one (on a 10.10 desktop you probably want linux-image-2.6.35-22-generic)17:13
blackshirthello Zendule17:13
Tr3LoSthank god, I was trying to follow some guides so I can make it when booting to show which OS to run (XP, linux) and now I restarted and it just said: sudo rescue> and waited for instruction17:13
nave_hi evrybody17:14
transhello everyone, by mistake I have formatted the partition with grub, now I have booted up from live cd, how to install grub17:14
murbanican i install apache2 mysql and run a cold fusion app on ubuntu17:14
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jpentlandBlueMatt: It's saying it needs to download the package but can't because it can't access the network from within chroot :/17:17
BlueMatttrans: try mounting all your filesystems to a folder ie /media/root/ including a /media/root/proc and /media/root/dev partition and call sudo grub-setup /dev/drive usually grub-setup /dev/sda17:17
BlueMattjpentland: if you have /dev/ and /proc mounted and your computer can access the network, network should work fine17:17
Tr3LoSblackshirt can it be fixed?17:18
jpentlandBlueMatt: Not sure why it doesn't work then. I have done that. It says 'no address associated with hostname'17:18
transBlueMatt: I'm new to Linux, don't understand could u give commands17:18
BlueMattjpentland: can you ping or ping your routers ip17:18
jpentlandjpentland: ah I can ping my router but dns is completely non-existant17:19
Tr3LoSWhere can I get help about Grub rescue?17:19
BlueMatttrans: sure, im assuming you only have one drive/your root filsystem is on your first hard drive, can you give the list of partitions and their original mount points by calling ls /dev/sd* and pasting it on paste.ubuntu.com17:19
najwa_Tr3LoS: yes, exactly.. there are many problem like you17:19
_btjpentland: you cannot mount audio cd's this way17:20
_btthey need presenting as a device surely17:20
najwa_Tr3lOS: is your system dual booting windows and linux ??17:20
Tr3LoSnajwa I know, just Blackshirt asked what is my problem and he is not in chat now17:20
dpackardHi all, anyone out there with experienced with tftpd-hpa ??17:20
Tr3LoSYes I have windows an linux17:20
BlueMattTr3Los: can you boot to a livecd and mount your root filesystems, chroot and call grub-setup?17:21
Tr3LoSI am now booting with livecd17:21
jpentland_bt: It might depend what app you're using. I know vlc will play it if you just point it at the location you mounted it17:21
_btjpentland: it doesn't mount cos there is no filesystem??17:21
najwa_Tr3loS: boot with your livecd and enter to rescue mode, or if there option to reinstall grub, choose it17:21
transBlueMatt: I called that command, it showing non of the partions as mounted17:21
freedayhow to view files on my USB on ubuntu server, im using VMware?17:22
Tr3LoSI am now with livecd, without livecd nothing opens. It only says "grub rescue>" and it waits for a commant17:22
BlueMatttrans: yes none of them will be mounted on the livecd unless they are mounted manually, I just wanted to see the drives you have so that i can help you with the mount /dev/sd... /media/root/... command17:22
TendencyDrivenWhat's with the #ubuntu-unregged channel? ;O I'm registered...17:23
jpentland_bt: I've not heard of that error before. All I can say is make sure you specified the right file and a valid mountpoint and that you included it '-o loop' option17:23
BlueMattTr3Los: the livecd should boot fine even if grub is completeley messed up, are you sure you have your bios set to boot the cd before the harddrive17:23
PiciTendencyDriven: You aren't identified.17:23
TendencyDrivenAnyone have any experience with the customisation back MacBuntu?17:23
manhunterwhat's the command to unrar a file17:23
Dr_Willismanhunter:  unrar can do that..17:24
Tr3LoSyes, the livecd boots fine.. If I have no livecd inside it just says "grub rescue>" and it doesnt open windows or linux17:24
BlackToW3xits unrar17:24
manhunterDr_Willis: yes,what's the full command?unrar -e ?17:24
Dr_Willissyntax may be unrar -e foo.rar (or x)17:24
Dr_Willismanhunter:  try  unrar --help or man unrar17:24
Jef91Anyone know what the package for fspot is called in 10.04?17:25
BlueMattTr3Los: ok can you boot the livecd and open a terminal and mount your root filesystems the chroot and call grub-setup, if you need more detailed instructions please ask?17:25
transBlueMatt: I have mounted the partions as at /media, now what to do?17:26
jpentlandBlueMatt: ahh, resolvc.conf was empty because networkmanager wasn't running to fill it in17:26
Tr3LoSblueMatt if you can give me some more directions how to mount through terminal would be wonderful :) I am now running with livecd17:26
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount17:26
BlueMatttrans: once you have your root, boot mounted and have a proc and dev mounted call sudo chroot /media17:26
NativeAngelswhat is the lightest version of ubuntu for using on old hardware, but with wireless support17:27
tensorpuddinglubuntu, maybe?17:27
Dr_WillisNativeAngels:  any of them should have wireless support.17:28
BlueMattTr3Los: what you need to know is where your root filesystem is and any other filesystems that you may need (only really neccessary if you have a seperate /boot partition) they should be in the form /dev/sda1 or /dev/sda2 /dev/sd3...17:28
tensorpuddinghow weak is the hardware?17:28
Dr_WillisNativeAngels:  Lubuntu - smallest with a 'full' desktop./17:28
NativeAngelsits a old dell latitude17:28
Sean93what should i suse to backup my system? CLI preferred17:28
BlueMattTr3Los: you can find out what there is by calling ls /dev/sd*17:28
BlackToW3xTr3Los first creat a an empty folder with "mkdir test" then mount your partition with "mount /dev/sda* test" change the * with the number of your hard disk to see wich number type this "fdisk -l"17:28
tensorpuddingNativeAngels: you might be able to run plain-old Ubuntu on it if it has 256 MB of RAM or more17:29
NativeAngelshave tried xubunu but its sluggish17:29
BlackToW3xTr3Los just type this "fdisk -l"17:30
freedaywhen I enable USB on VMware, ubuntu server detect: [1546.000858] sd 5:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through. How do I able to view files on my USB through this?17:30
Tr3LoSI did it BlackToW3x17:30
Tr3LoSlinux is on  /dev/sda1 and windows on /dev/sda217:31
BlackToW3xTr3Los what did you get as result ??17:31
Tr3LoSsda3 and 4 are extended and swap17:31
BlackToW3xTr3Los good17:31
BlackToW3xwhich one you want to mount ?17:31
BlackToW3xwindows ??17:32
Tr3LoSI want to make dualboot17:32
BlueMattTr3Los: call mkdir test mount /dev/sda1 /test then call mount --bind /proc test/proc and mount --bind /dev test/dev17:32
Tr3LoSso that it asks everytime which os to choose17:32
BlueMattTr3Los: sorry that should be mkdir test; mount /dev/sda1 test17:33
Tr3LoSmount: only root can do it17:33
BlueMattTr3Los: place a sudo in front of each mount command17:33
neek__not only17:33
Tr3LoSright :P17:33
Sean93what should i use to backup my system? CLI preferred17:33
Tr3LoSaccording to mtab, /dev/sda1 is already mounted on /home/ubuntu/test17:33
BlueMattTr3Los: good that just means that it already succeeded earlier, so just continue17:34
neek__what can i do for install DNS17:34
Tr3LoSmount --bind /dev test/dev returns nothing17:34
BlueMattTr3Los: thereafter you should be able to call "sudo chroot test" and get a root prompt on your root filsystem17:34
BlueMattTr3Los: if mount returns nothing it succeeded17:35
Tr3LoSok I got root17:35
m_fulderhow can I check who is connected to my network? I.e. all the used local IPs?17:35
BlueMattTr3Los: ensure everything is good my calling ls /dev and ls /proc to ensure it all mounted well17:35
ClvrRt_join #python17:35
llutzm_fulder: sudo lsof -i17:36
qsmaCO tam??17:36
BlueMattTr3Los: they should just return a lot of files17:36
CedaraQuestion regarding MKV and Totem: I had it recently that Totem suddenly ended playing an mkv file. When I reopened it, set it shortly before that bit and replayed there, it went fine. Freakish error or where should I look to as the why?17:36
Tr3LoSls /proc returns nothing17:36
jpentlandBlueMatt: Ok I've reinstalled the kernel, but at generating grub.cfg I gave me "Cannot find list of partitions" :/17:36
Tr3LoSls /dev returns a lot of files :)17:36
NickyL1My network connection stopped working on my computer.  The router works fine, since I'm connected to it on a different computer.  I rebooted the whole system, and I did ifconfig, and everything seems fine.  When I try to access the d-link router, I can not open the IP address17:37
BlueMattTr3Los: good now we will install grub17:37
Tr3LoSgreat :D17:38
BlueMattjpentland: try grub-mkdevicemap17:38
warpihello! do anyone know why my usb device dont show up under /dev ?17:38
coraxxrusivi: hi there ... did you see my update to the PDF/Evince bug report ?17:38
jpentlandBlueMatt: ok. Thanks for this btw17:38
m_fulderllutz, that command only shows my own IP and some of the ports Ive opened?17:38
BlueMattTr3Los: call "grub-setup /dev/sda"17:38
rusivicoraxx: not yet, what is the bug number?17:39
Tr3LoSok It returned nothing17:39
llutzm_fulder: + the tcp-connections17:39
jpentlandBlueMatt: Ran apt-get again and it gave me the same message17:39
_Neytiri_how do i create a fake netwrok interface so i can connect with vm's running onthe mahcine and have that local only17:39
andrew__can anyone tell me where to find drivers for ati 9200se?17:39
m_fulderllutz,  I wanted to see all the computers local IP connected to my router (LAN)17:39
nwebie454i built a new ubuntu kernel and installed the debs for uimage & headers. For the installed kernel : /lib/modules/2.6.36-1-generic/build is missing . google says kernel-smp-devel package  is missing. how do i generate this if i building from sources?17:40
coraxxwarpi: only when a module is loaded for the USB device will you see it in devices.17:40
BlueMattTr3Los: ok now im not sure about that it should have given some diagnostic info, let me check really quick17:40
Tr3LoSshould I quit root maybe?17:40
BlueMattTr3Los: no, let me check what it returns on my system17:41
coraxxrusivi: the bug no. is 66775217:41
llutzm_fulder: sudo nmap -sP         or whatever your network is17:41
BlueMattTr3Los: no it should return no output, but it doesnt do quite what i thought it did, so i need to recheck and figure out exactly which command you need17:43
Lars_GIs there any way I can set a skeleton resolv.conf so no matter what entries the dhcp adds nameserver will always be the first?17:43
Tr3LoSok dude, I will be waiting. Thanks a lot for your help17:43
Lars_GTr3LoS: What you're trying to do?17:44
jpentlandBlueMatt: Ok it booted despite that error. Thanks for the help17:44
andrej_hi. can anybody help me? my new headphones dont works on my Ubuntu 10.04 after I plug them. my notebook ASUS F3KA. thank you17:44
warpicoraxx, hi! i made a "diff" now before and after plugging in the device. and after plugging in the usb device i get "hidraw0" and "hidraw1"... how come there is no ttyUSB0 for example?17:44
vigge_sWeI am dualbooting with ubuntu and win7 and I had to reinstall win7 today, but that disabled GRUB so I can't boot into ubuntu anymore, how could I fix this?17:44
BlueMattjpentland: ok well you should be able to reinstall with a new config with grub-install --recheck /dev/sda17:44
andrew__anyone know where I can get drivers for ati 9200se?17:45
Tr3LoSI am trying to dualboot my PC (win,linux) because it says at booting grub rescue and I cant open neither OS17:45
BlueMattTr3Los: ok, can you try grub-install --recheck /dev/sda17:45
coraxxwarpi: I think it's because the ttyUSB dev. is for the serial-module ... when USB "acts" like a regular serial cable17:46
Tr3LoSBlueMatt: "Installation finished. No error reported."17:46
hovefirseHi folks! I just plugged in my wireless networking USB-adapter, and now I'm struggling to activate it. "sudo ifdown wlan1" gives me "ifdown: interface wlan1 not configured" and "sudo ifup wlan1" gives me "Ignoring unknown interface wlan1=wlan1." The drivers seem to be in place...now what?!17:46
BlueMattjpentland: yea grub-install --recheck will regenerate the device map and should fix the error if you want the grub error to go away17:46
coraxxwarpi: if the usb-device you are attaching is not a serial (COM-port) device, then that might explain it17:47
warpicoraxx, ok... because, this device have been showing up as ttyUSB0 before i installed ubuntu 10.10 i think...17:47
sipiorLars_G: yep, you want to set the "prepend domain-name-servers" option in dhclient. have a look at the dhclient.conf manpage (the example file at the end specifically adds localhost to the resolv.conf)17:47
coraxxwarpi: what kindda device is it ?  (is it a composite device ? -meaning 2 in 1)17:48
rusivicoraxx: Good work, just checked out the example pdf, it demos the error your referring to, I'll mark the bug as confirmed and we'll take it from there.17:48
Lars_Gsipior: thank you sir17:48
warpicoraxx, its a cheap usb temperature device17:49
goltoofgnome-panel bug, recently the area to toggle workspace moved over to the left side... any way to move it back over to the right?   dragging etc does nothing17:49
MrsBvigge_sWe: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows17:49
coraxxrusivi: thanx  :-)17:49
sipiorLars_G: no trouble. actually, looking through the /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf file on my system, i note that the line appears in the file already: you should just have to uncomment it.17:49
BlueMattTr3LoS: now call update-grub and it should check for your windows partitions and if it lists Windows as found, you should be good to reboot and try it17:49
ikhiderGreetings all, I have a video camera and a still camera. I want to do video conferencing. Do I still need to buy a webcam?17:50
Tr3LoSBlueMatt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/524566/17:50
coraxxwarpi: ok ...so if the previsous Ubuntu (linux kernel) couldn't identify the USB method of connecting, it probably assumed SERIAL ...and the later version might have figured out the real method ..the raw-thingy.17:50
BlueMattTr3Los: could you have forgotten to call "mount --bind /proc test/proc" before you called chroot.  if so just call "exit" the "mount --bind /proc test/proc" then sudo chroot test again17:51
vince2678I have an EVDO modem and it is NOT detected by ubuntu. What do I do?17:51
Dusty_Hey guys!17:52
Dusty_I just upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04.17:52
goltoofDusty_  why not 10.10?17:52
Dusty_the intel driver loaded and worked great for me on my gma 950 chipset17:52
Dusty_but now its not loading :(17:52
Dusty_because 10.10 did not load my intel driver17:52
Dusty_so I installed 9.04, which did17:52
Tr3LoSBlueMatt: It shows me the same again17:52
Dusty_not 10.04 is not loading my intel driver again17:52
aidangBig reinstall 10.04 to 10.10 a few days ago17:53
BlueMattTr3Los: that seems very odd, when you call "mount" after chroot does it show any errors?17:53
ikhiderGreetings all, I have a video camera and a still camera. I want to do video conferencing. Do I still need to buy a webcam?17:53
Dusty_does anyone know why my Intel driver isnt loading anymore? D:17:53
goltoofso either way you go intel driver won't load... i'd focus getting it loading in 10.1017:53
ikhiderHow can I video conference with a video camera?17:53
Dusty_I think im going to downgrade to 9.10. 10.x just seems to suck hard17:53
ikhiderThe video cam has both firewire and usb connector17:54
goltoofikhider  skype17:54
Tr3LoSBlueMatt: mount: mount point test/proc does not exist17:54
ikhidergoltoof, Yes, but how?17:54
Dusty_I camped in this IRC channel for a few days, and no one was able to figure out why Intel wasn't load, Goltoof17:54
ikhidergoltoof, How do I get ubuntu to recognize the video camera17:54
Sean93" You can even remove every single file of a Linux system while it is running with one command." what is the command?17:54
goltoofDusty_    if you don't configure it properly,, yes it will suck hard17:54
BlueMattTr3Los: are you still within the root chroot prompt17:54
goltoofikhider   sudo apt-get install skype17:54
Dusty_I'm not exactly a linux genius, but I know how to configure X.org. There's something *wrong* with it17:55
ikhidergoltoof, Yes, I have it. But the computer does not yet recognise the video camera17:55
vince2678if you have a webcam and want to login using face recognition, go to http://code.google.com/p/pam-face-authentication/17:55
goltoofikhider,    what kind of camera?  if it doesn't include drivers you'll need to snoop around for an installer package17:55
ikhidergoltoof, I have a panasonic video camera17:55
Nach0zhello hello. How would I use ubuntu terminal to show me how many computers are connected to the LAN that the computer's on at that moment?17:55
Tr3LoSBlueMatt: I had exited, mounted and then root again17:55
opers_alertgnaa here17:55
goltoofikhider,   model17:55
Dusty_goltoof: How do I tell what Driver linux has loaded?17:56
BlueMattTr3Los: ok if you call cat /proc/uptime do you get two numbers?17:56
vince2678Ubuntu rocks!17:56
ikhidergoltoof, PV-GS70D17:56
vince2678lsmod : list drivers in use by system17:56
Tr3LoSBlueMatt: Yes: 3794.49 3339.6217:57
opers_alertgnaa member here17:57
ActionParsnipvince2678: if you run:  sudo lshw | less   you can see what modules drive what :)17:57
BlueMattTr3LoS: and you still get the error when you try to call update-grub?17:57
Dusty_uhhh... it looks like its loading i915 drivers >_>17:57
SabriYour homework is due in less than twelve hours.  Now is not a good time to set up Evolution with a six year old Gmail account that you've never pruned.17:57
besogonAnyone who can help me in recognizing what  udevd[81] is at boot time!17:57
Sean93" You can even remove every single file of a Linux system while it is running with one command." what is the command?17:57
ActionParsnipSean93: don't17:58
Peloafternoon folks,  I heed a little help with sudoers I need to run the shutdown command without  root or sudo17:58
vince2678Intel graphics are troublesome : I cant play Runescape High Def. online17:58
BlueMattTr3LoS: and can you call just "mount" and get a list of mounted filesystems or an error?17:58
Tr3LoSBlueMatt: when I time mount on root it gives this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/524569/17:58
goltoofSean93,   alt+f417:58
Sean93goltoof: orly??17:58
Sean93ActionParsnip: why not??17:58
BlueMattTr3LoS: good can you try calling "update-grub" again?17:58
Dusty_say Goltoof, do you know why it might be loading i915 drivers and not intel? I have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf...17:58
ActionParsnipPelo: http://linux.byexamples.com/archives/315/how-to-shutdown-and-reboot-without-sudo-password/17:58
ActionParsnipPelo: I recommend you run:   export EDITOR=nano    first17:59
PeloActionParsnip, thanks17:59
Tr3LoSBlueMatt: Still the same17:59
goltoofDusty_  purge current one, install proper one?   just a thought...17:59
alex_anybody here run ubuntu on a SSD?17:59
ActionParsnipSean93: you know why, its not funny17:59
=== WXZ1 is now known as WXZ
Wicla_Hello. Are there any way to supress debconf after a package is installed (with apt-get) or similar tools?17:59
PeloActionParsnip, already running nano can't get the hang of vi17:59
blakkheimPelo: i recommend you run: export EDITOR=vim  first17:59
ActionParsnipalex_: many do17:59
Wicla_it's going to be used in a script17:59
ActionParsnipPelo: me neither17:59
vince2678does anyone use ubuntu with BTRFS?17:59
BlueMattTr3LoS: from within the chroot what does cat /proc/mounts give?17:59
Sean93ActionParsnip: I'm just curious17:59
anonymous_1I can't run my binaries, ubuntu 10.10 amd64 gives me msg "there is no application installed for executable files"17:59
Kartagis!find glxinfo18:00
ubottuFile glxinfo found in libgtkglext1-dev, mesa-utils, xmanpages-ja18:00
alex_ok. i was reading something on newegg about people complaining about SSD's compatibility. though it seems to me like they just didn't know what they were doing. i didn't realize a piece of hardware could be so sensitive about what type of filesystem is on it18:00
besogonAnyone who has made 'power button' work in lubuntu need your advise18:00
Tr3LoSBlueMatt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/524574/18:00
goltoofgnome-panel bug, recently the area to toggle workspace moved over to the left side... any way to move it back over to the right?   dragging etc does nothing18:00
alex_i just got my kingston 64GB SSD and am in the process of installing faildows 7.18:00
anonymous_1I can't run my binaries, ubuntu 10.10 amd64 gives me msg "there is no application installed for executable files"18:00
alex_but i already made a partition to put ubuntu on18:00
anonymous_1@alex why do you install windows if you dont like it?18:01
ActionParsnipSean93: I PMed it you18:01
BlueMattTr3LoS: and you still get /proc/mounts: No such file or directory on calling update-grub?18:01
blakkheim!repeat | anonymous_118:01
ubottuanonymous_1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:01
vince2678alex: Install windows first then Ubuntu18:01
Nach0zdoes anybody know how to see how many computers are on the local network through Terminal?18:01
besogonanonymous_1: Evidently you haven't properly Mime typpe18:01
ActionParsnipNach0z: use nmap18:01
anonymous_1@besogon what does that mean?18:01
vince2678alex: Windows will mess up Linux MBR and might delete Linux partitions18:02
anonymous_1@besogon and how to fix it?18:02
Nach0zthanks action18:02
Tr3LoSBlueMatt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/524576/18:02
anonymous_1@vince2678 it doesn't, AROS does it18:02
ActionParsnipNach0z: easier is to look in your routers dhcp client list18:02
goltoofActionParsnip,   any a specific command to view that with nmap?18:02
Tr3LoSIs it ok now?18:02
=== vince2678 is now known as anon
besogonanonymous_1: For instance, txt files should be opened by gedit. There should be mime type for that. Purely binare files don't need it. They starts if they can18:03
ActionParsnipgoltoof: http://nmap.org/book/man-host-discovery.html18:03
BlueMattTr3LoS: im not sure, i dont think so as it didnt find your windows partition/ie currently only ubuntu will be bootable18:04
Nach0z@actionparsnip Nmap is showing me open ports, not which computers are on the network.18:04
anonymous_1@besogon i had 10.04 i386 and amd64 before and binaries worked18:04
lafferhi. when I run glade it returns some errors. can someone help me18:04
Tr3LoSShould I try to boot with ubuntu and then can I make it dualboot?18:04
m_fulderah works great chanks llutz :)18:04
anonymous_1@besogon i wanted to check if i didnt screw up anything, but 10.10 amd64 live has same problem18:04
Wicla_Hello. Are there any way to supress debconf after a package is installed (with apt-get) or similar tools? It's used in a automated script and would prefer not to get the dialog18:04
BlueMattTr3LoS: i would reboot and see if ubuntu boots then try sudo update-grub there18:04
Tr3LoSok man, Thanks a lot for your help! I will return If I face any problems :)18:05
BlueMattTr3LoS: no problem18:06
Dusty_hmm.. actually, it looks like Intel driver is loading. I just cant enable compositing anymore18:06
coder2i cannot mount my disk drives in my ubuntu lucid18:06
ActionParsnipNach0z: then use a different option18:07
ActionParsnip!mount | coder218:07
ubottucoder2: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount18:07
ActionParsnipcoder2: you don't mount drives, you mount partitions18:07
Dusty_goltoof: hmm.. actually, it looks like Intel driver is loading. I just cant enable compositing anymore18:07
laffercan someone help me with glade outputting some errors on the terminal18:08
coder2ActionParsnip: YUP ofcourse18:08
coder2ActionParsnip: will you help18:08
Tr3LoS_BlueMatt: Great News! It found Windows!18:08
dliWicla_, I wonder whether FAI would work for you? http://wiki.fai-project.org/wiki/FAI_multi-distribution18:08
Tr3LoS_But still it boots Ubuntu :P18:08
Tr3LoS_ Found Microsoft Windows XP Professional on /dev/sda218:08
besogonanonymous_1: very strange situation. I have never heard about such things. May be there have to be special binaries for amd64... Anyway. imho if you have right permission for the file you can start it. If you sill can't start it it's bad binary file. you can't do anything else but run it with Virtual Box or wine18:09
capmtrippscan anyone answer me as to why my keyboard doesn't respond in the GRUB screen (that is the bootloader if I understand correctly)?18:09
anonymous_1@besogon ;_;18:09
dlicapmtripps, hope it's not a wireless keyboard18:10
coder2my ubuntu lucid is not showing other partitions,help18:10
anonymous_1quit /bawww18:10
capmtrippsDLI> you called it man18:10
=== Tr3LoS_ is now known as Tr3LoS
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ActionParsnipcoder2: run: sudo fdisk -l   to see your partitions18:10
capmtrippsDLI> anything to be done?18:10
BlueMattTr3LoS: great18:11
dlicapmtripps, if the wireless keyboard can not be handled by BIOS, you may have to use a wired one18:11
capmtrippsDLI> it works fine in the bios, but not inbetween loading an OS18:12
x[x]hey is there a program like netlimiter for ubuntu?18:12
dlicapmtripps, I guess it's more likely to work if it's not bluetooth18:12
capmtrippsshould I just get a wired one?18:12
=== Waligali is now known as GreaT
Dusty_does anyone know why I cant enable compositing after upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04?18:14
Wicla_dli: hm. I'm not sure. We are using a bash script which installs the packages right now (libnss-ldap is showing dialog). Would be preferable if it's possible to skip that step and parse the files with sed or something instead18:14
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erle-how to get rid of the indicator applets?18:15
Tr3LoSBlueMatt: Does it need configuration now to dualboot or is it ok?18:15
dliWicla_, in long run, FAI would be the way to go, better with PXE booting. but debconf preseed might be what you are looking for: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/39418:16
JoeMaverickSetterle-: right click on them > remove from panel ?18:16
coder2ActionParsnip: on giving command this message is coming18:16
erle-JoeMaverickSett, then they come back on relogin18:16
JoeMaverickSetterle-: ah, haven't thought about that, sorry. :-/18:16
coder2ActionParsnip: sudo:must be setuid root18:17
erle-they consume not less than 70 MB RAM and do nothing useful18:17
erle-(i don't use evolution)18:17
ActionParsnipcoder2: http://pastebin.com/RkxJ8twD18:18
BlueMattTr3LoS: it should have Windows in the list of kernels/OSs when you boot automatically now. you just need to move down and select it before it times out and boots the default (ubuntu)18:18
klawdhi! what's the easiest way to ugrade from 10.04 to 10.10?18:18
ibayleycan someone pls help wz https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/13218018:18
ActionParsniperle-: then remove evolution packages but don't remove evolution-data-server-common as it's a dep of gnome-panel18:19
erle-ActionParsnip, it is removed since 7.1018:19
ActionParsnip!upgrade | klawd18:19
ubottuklawd: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:19
Tr3LoSok, Thanks again dude, you saved me!18:19
ActionParsniperle-: me too :), same release too18:19
BlueMattTr3LoS: np18:20
erle-but there are still two ubuntu notification applets consuming 70 MB of memory18:20
ko_i have got a usb camera that is connected via a usb Genesys Logic, Inc. USB 2.0 Hub [ednet])18:20
klawdActionParsnip: thanks18:21
ko_when the camera is connected directly via usb to my laptop (ubuntu hardy heron) it is able to communicate with my laptop, but through the usb hub it is NOT, what can be done?18:21
blakkheimko_: don't use the hub :/18:21
ActionParsnipko_: the cam uses the USB to provide power, you more than likely have an unpowered hub18:21
Dr_Willis or an underpowered hub..18:22
ActionParsnipor its a cheap POS18:22
sivakumari have a problem on drpes start up can any one help me18:23
=== Hatrix76 is now known as Hatrix
=== Hatrix is now known as Hatrix|away
commodoori have a huge problem with wifi in ubuntu, i get "wpa_supplicant[1263]: Association request to the driver failed" it works perfect but at one point i just crashes and i'm unable to connect again, only fix is reboot18:24
erle-without notification area, there is no volume control ...18:24
ko_the cam usually should work onyl with powered hubs18:24
ActionParsniperle-: you can run alsamixer in terminal and do it there, so, not true18:24
ko_myaybe it is underpowered, but with windows it works18:24
freedaymount vfat /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb = error: mount : only root can do that?18:25
erle-ActionParsnip, i am talking about the applet, of course18:25
nothingspecialfreeday sudo !!18:25
ActionParsniperle-: sure but you can still control volume without it18:26
nothingspecialfreeday: oh and -t b4 vfat18:26
erle-works now18:26
erle-i run gnome-volume-control-applet18:26
freedayyou mean sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb <---this way?18:26
ActionParsnipfreeday: looks good, also /mnt/usb folder MUST exist18:27
sivakumaris there any software like movie maker in ubuntu18:27
nothingspecialfreeday: yep18:27
freedayaw..i need to create folder in /mnt first18:27
ActionParsnipfreeday: i'd add -o rw,uid=1000    too18:27
commodoordid anyone get a "wpa_supplicant[1263]: Association request to the driver failed" error?18:27
ActionParsnipfreeday: the /mnt folder exists, you'll need to make the usb subfolder though18:28
coder2ActionParsnip: the link you posted i followed but getting another error18:28
freedayyeah i know but /usb isnt there yet...i need to create one18:28
vigge_sWecan I upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 without loosing my files and apps etc_18:29
nothingspecialvigge_sWe: Yes18:30
ActionParsnipvigge_sWe: sure, the binarys will be upgraded to maverick, your user data not only should be backed up regularly if it's important but will be untouched by the upgrade process18:30
ActionParsnip!upgrade | vigge_sWe18:30
ubottuvigge_sWe: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:30
vigge_sWewhen I run install I only get options to use the whole disk, create partition18:30
ActionParsnipvigge_sWe: you dont boot to the desktop CD to upgrade18:30
nothingspecialDo it from 10.0418:31
nothingspecialvigge_sWe: ^^18:31
errrso was support for intrepid dropped today?18:31
vigge_sWewell, I can\t access 10.04 anymore18:32
vigge_sWeI reinstalled my win7 partition as it was broken18:32
ko_i want to compile kdevelop 4 on hardy heron, should i facse any problems since hardy heron is a bit older ?18:32
Picierrr: No. It was dropped on April 30th.18:32
vigge_sWeso I have to enable grub first18:32
vigge_sWebut I lost the link again >18:32
nothingspecialvigge_sWe: Either fix grub or create a home partition18:32
errrPici: well I guess I mean by dropped was it removed from mirros today?18:32
goltoofgnome-panel bug, recently the area to toggle workspace moved over to the left side... any way to move it back over to the right?   dragging etc does nothing18:32
Picierrr: Its possible.18:33
errrPici: I started getting 404s today from trying to apt-get update on the following: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid-security/*18:33
Kevindeuxiemegoltoof, >even when it's unlocked?18:33
neko_my Ati radeon 9200 keep makes my 10.10 randomly freeze18:34
freedayman this linux commands ... i need to memorize everything...thanks for the help..i able to view contents of my USB now...18:34
ActionParsnipgoltoof: is the item locked?18:34
coder2ActionParsnip: can live cd help me18:34
ActionParsnipgoltoof: are the other items locked?18:34
ActionParsnipcoder2: sure you can chroot to the installed OS and do what you need18:34
goltoofKevindeuxieme,  ActionParsnip don't see an option to lock or unlock.. where do i find it?18:35
nothingspecialvigge_sWe: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows18:35
MaverickMaverickHi I cant connect my 2 maveric laptops with Wifi - connection created on 1 of them cannot be joined by the other18:35
Kevindeuxiemegoltoof, right click, lock18:35
Kevindeuxieme(on the workspace thingie)18:35
goltoofKevindeuxieme,   negative18:35
sivakumarcan any one knows how to install kino software18:35
MaverickMaverickset up like here: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/creating-an-adhoc-host-with-ubuntu.html18:36
wildc4rdevenin' all18:36
coder2ActionParsnip: but what i have to do ,i am not getting that18:36
goltoofKevindeuxieme,   can't drag when unlocked18:36
Kevindeuxiemewell bug then :/18:36
MaverickMaverickcan any1 help me?18:36
goltoofKevindeuxieme,   it just all of a sudden started wigging out18:36
ironfroggy_Is there a channel for Ubuntu Netbook?18:36
ironfroggy_or should i ask things here?18:36
beinghumanWhat's the username/password combination for ubuntu 10.10 live CD?18:36
goltoofgnome-panel has to be the buggiest thing I've ever experienced in ubuntu18:37
MaverickMaverickbeinghuman, its ubuntu/18:37
beinghumanubuntu ubuntu?18:37
beinghumanbecause that's not working18:37
MaverickMaverickblank space18:37
malfredyne_alguem ai18:37
malfredyne_posso ajudar18:37
beinghumanblankspace for password?18:37
FloodBot4malfredyne_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:37
goltoofhow do i properly purge/reinstall gnome-panel...  sudo apt-get remove does nothing18:37
beinghumanMaverickMaverick: authentication failure18:37
malfredyne_alguem do Brasil ai18:38
MaverickMaverickIm on 10.10 netbook and ubuntu works with blank pw18:38
Kevindeuxiemewhat about purge?18:38
beinghumanMaverickMaverick: well nevermind that18:38
ironfroggy_with ubuntu netbook, does anyone know how to edit entries in the launcher?18:38
beinghumanhow can I access onboard keyboard18:38
ikhidergoltoof, you there?18:38
ironfroggy_i cant figure out how to add items, only remove18:38
beinghumanNOT at th elogin screen18:38
sivakumargoltoof, no need to reinstall gnome panel we can set them18:39
goltoofeven with purge it doesn't even close gnome-panel18:39
goltoofsivakumar,   yes?18:39
sivakumargoltoof, what are u suppose to say18:39
transhello everyone, I have deleted the partion which has all the info regarding grub n patition table, now I cant install grub to another partition as there is no partion table18:39
goltoofsivakumar,  ?18:39
ActionParsnipgoltoof: lock or unlock what?18:40
MaverickMaverickhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=c8e1cfd3a3bc09a3434d3cb7ef17329a&p=10062739#post10062739 similar problem - any hints?18:40
sivakumargoltoof, what is u r problem18:40
transso what should I do to install partition table with exsiting patitions18:40
ironfroggy_trans: the partition table is not in any partition. thats kind of the point.18:40
shomonI get this weird message on my local webserver (just installed, to try some php5 stuff) - Download ... which is a PHTML file. How do I fix this?18:40
ironfroggy_what did you do exactly? or, rather, how?18:40
goltoofActionParsnip,  the workspace toggler... can't drag when unlocked18:40
ActionParsnipgoltoof: if you right click items in the panel you can unlock then move them. If you are using the netbook remix then this is disabled18:40
goltoofsivakumar,   i have absolutely no idea what you're talking about18:40
ikhiderokay, what is a good linux friendly webcam to buy?18:40
transironfroggy_ I had grub at /dev/sda6, it was needless for me, so I deleted n tried to reformat as ext4,18:41
goltoofActionParsnip,   yes it's unlocked but i still can't drag, i doubt i'm using netbook this is my desktop18:41
vigge_sWecould you send the upgrade links again, fixed grub now?18:41
transnow I restarted my sys, it showed no grub18:41
ironfroggy_trans: so you removed grub, not your partition table. what boots at the MBR right now?18:41
ActionParsnipgoltoof: you need to unlock the other items so it can move18:42
sivakumargoltoof, sorry ...i have seen that you want your gnome panel back is it right or wrong18:42
LancePhey there, quick question, i have an ar5b93 wifi card and it doesnt work with ubuntu because a package is missing. last time i was here someone suggested the package but i cant remember it now. any help would be greatly appreciated.18:42
goltoofsivakumar,    yes, i would like my gnome-panel back :)18:42
transI have logged in through live cd ironfroggy_18:42
LancePoh and also as far as i remember i think the package had something to do with backend util or something like that but i could be totally wrong18:42
ikhiderI have a video cam that appears to have a webcam option--but my Linux system fails to recognise it18:42
ikhiderthus, what is a good linux friendly webcam to buy?18:42
goltoofActionParsnip,   nothing else is locked... i'm still wondering why it moved in the first place18:43
nothingspecialvigge_sWe: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:43
sivakumargoltoof, then open terminal and type this command.....gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel18:43
goltoofsivakumar,    will this reset my icons?18:43
Wicla_dli: Found a solution to the problem. Using DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive before apt-get. :P18:43
ActionParsnipgoltoof: notsure dude18:44
karthick87What is OpenPGP key?18:44
vigge_sWeupdate manager doesn't tell me there is a new release18:44
sivakumargoltoof, add a new panel to u r window by right click at the top18:44
vigge_sWeit says I am up to date18:44
ActionParsnipgoltoof: i'd go with sivakumar's command and reset the panels to default18:44
starlayskarthick87:  http://www.google.ro/#hl=ro&source=hp&biw=1680&bih=857&q=OpenPGP&btnG=C%C4%83utare+Google&aq=f&aqi=g7&aql=&oq=OpenPGP&gs_rfai=&fp=d26476ce4c0c5e5c18:45
ZykoticK9vigge_sWe, if you are using 10.04LTS it won't (by default) show anything until the next LTS is released18:45
transironfroggy_ I tried to reinstall ubuntu through live cd but it showed no partition n showed my whole hard drive is unallocated18:45
ActionParsnipvigge_sWe: did you edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades ?18:45
baderHi there am new user in ubuntu and i just download the latest version , the problem is am try to click on any file right click but dosent show menu list, any one can help18:45
AuroraXWhy do I have to tape the "^" key twice to have a ^? I mean, when i want to write "^^" i need to tap "^" 4 times. How can i change that? I tried dead keys, but that way i cant write "~" or other special chars...18:45
ironfroggy_trans: oh. that sux :-(18:45
AuroraX(Correction sorry): Why do I have to tap the "^" key twice to have a ^? I mean, when i want to write "^^" i need to tap "^" 4 times. How can i change that? I tried dead keys, but that way i cant write "~" or other special chars...18:45
sivakumarActionParsnip, is there any thing wrong what i had told to him18:46
ActionParsnipvigge_sWe: wait, i gave you the link with the how to, it says to edit the file. did you not edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades  ??18:46
vigge_sWeZykoticK9: well that link says I can upgrade directly from 10.04 LTS to 10.10 from the update manager?18:46
ActionParsnipsivakumar: no i was agreeing. start from a clean slate18:46
vigge_sWeActionParsnip: it didn't tell me that18:46
goltoofsivakumar,    that did it!   thank you18:46
transironfroggy_ I feel like now I'm in the middle of nowhere,18:46
ActionParsnipvigge_sWe: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades18:46
ZykoticK9vigge_sWe, you can  - but not by default18:46
wikidjeffIs there a way to have a non-root java application listen on a port below 1024? I am trying to make a simple web server.18:46
ActionParsnipvigge_sWe: search for the filename18:46
transironfroggy_ thats why I said no partition table18:47
sivakumaru r welcome18:47
wikidjeffWould setcap work for this?18:47
ActionParsnipvigge_sWe: i copied it from the page myself so I KNOW it's there18:47
jribwikidjeff: use a port higher than 1024 then18:47
wikidjeffjrib: this is for an assignment which specifically calls for port 8018:47
ikhiderWhat do i install to get a computer to recognize a webcam?18:48
jribwikidjeff: unprivileged user can't do that afaik18:48
ZykoticK9ikhider, start by testing if your webcam works in cheese18:48
sivakumarwhat do i install to get a computer to fingerprint reconigation18:49
AuroraX(Correction sorry): Why do I have to tap the "^" key twice to have a ^? I mean, when i want to write "^^" i need to tap "^" 4 times. How can i change that? I tried dead keys, but that way i cant write "~" or other special chars....18:49
sivakumarikhider, install cheese18:49
beinghumanhow do I access the onscreen keyboard18:49
ActionParsnipikhider: you can test by installing cheese and seeing if you can see yourself18:49
beinghumanI can't access it on the login screen18:49
beinghumanthis is live CD18:49
ikhiderZykoticK9, So far it does not work with cheese as the program keeps crashing18:49
ActionParsnipbeinghuman: launch:  onboard18:49
baderHi there am new user in ubuntu and i just download the latest version , the problem is am try to click on any file right click but dosent show menu list, any one can help18:49
beinghumanActionParsnip: that's a great thought18:49
vigge_sWeActionParsnip: not what it says there, from the first link you sent: http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t179/viggesWe/Screenshot-6.png ;)18:49
beinghumanhow the fuck am I supposed to do that18:50
beinghumanwithout a keyboard18:50
FloodBot4beinghuman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:50
goltoofanyone here use a ps3 eye for a camera?  :)18:50
ZykoticK9ikhider, sorry - the cheese suggestion is all i've got for suggestions with webcam.  best of luck.18:50
ikhiderMaybe I have to buy another webcam?18:50
wikidjeffjrib: ok, I guess I'll just try using a higher port and then switching it to 80 when I submit the assignment18:50
seeker7a client has just been given a eee pc900a with a gnu linux os it looks like kde and we can not find root terminal to uninstall various programs where is it18:50
ActionParsnipthats not the link ubottu gave18:50
jribwikidjeff: yes, that's a good idea18:51
ZykoticK9ikhider, see if your webcam is listed here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras18:51
ActionParsnipseeker6boot to root recovery mode and run:   cd /home18:51
slipp3ddoes anyone know a good place to go to help me to figure out why my blue tooth headset won't connect18:51
thevishywhile trying to load Chromium browser  i am getting error attempting to load libmoon segmentation fault18:51
beinghumanis onboard in /usr/bin?18:51
ActionParsnipseeker7: boot to root recovery mode and run:   cd /home   you can the run: ls  to see the users and run:  passwd foo    replace foo with the username you see18:52
ZykoticK9thevishy, isn't libmoon part of silverlight?  i'm not sure...18:52
ActionParsnipseeker7: what is the output of:  lsb_release -c   ?18:52
beinghumanfound it18:52
commodoorok nobody knows about "wpa_supplicant[1263]: Association request to the driver failed"18:52
thevishyNo it comes with chromium loading18:52
seeker7when we turn on it auto goes to desktop18:53
ActionParsnipcommodoor: apparently not or they would have replied18:53
cimehi! is there anything new about fglrx driver in 10.10? is it working or still not?18:53
madpingerAnyone have an ideal how to deal with this ?  http://pastebin.com/unSqHwpy18:53
ActionParsnipseeker7: ok run: lsb_release -c   what is output?18:53
seeker7ActionParsnip: sorry computer is not availabel at this moment18:54
thevishyZykoticK9, sees like it is and that chrome doesnt seem to support it wel enought or something there si some bug registeree with th issyue18:54
sivakumaranyone know about how to set drapes to run on start up18:54
beinghumanokay so in the live CD I'm trying to put fix the grub MBR18:54
ActionParsnipseeker7: well when it becomes available, you need to run it. We need the output18:54
ZykoticK9thevishy, i had the same segfault with 10.04LTS and Firefox (a while ago), i resolved by removing silverlight "sudo apt-get remove moonlight-plugin-mozilla" you can see my page on http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/quick-fixes18:54
beinghumanand when I do sudo grub18:54
beinghumanit says it's not there18:54
slipp3dZykoticK9, yes libmoon is part of moonlight18:54
thevishythanks ZykoticK9 so i cant use silverlight is it ?18:54
ZykoticK9slipp3d, sorry, yes "moonlight"18:54
goltoofsivakumar,   system > prefs > startup apps ... add drapes18:55
ActionParsnipbeinghuman: http://odzangba.wordpress.com/2007/03/10/how-to-restore-grub-using-the-ubuntu-live-cd/   there are literally thousands of guides for this online18:55
ZykoticK9thevishy, ? i played with it 6+ months ago, not sure what current support/functionality is...18:55
sivakumargoltoof, i had done this but is still not working18:55
thevishynow chrome comes fine when I uninstall that , so Icant use silverlight ?18:55
Dr_WillisI can only think of a few sites that use silverlight/moonlight.18:56
ActionParsnipthevishy: maybe there is a bug between the two? did you check18:56
ZykoticK9thevishy, is it chrome or chromium - not that it makes a difference, i'm just curious.18:56
Dr_Willisthevishy:  what site were you trying to use?18:56
seeker7ActionParsnip: at boot it give screen with normal boot or restore to defaults boot the minilaptop has no cd drive on it18:56
ActionParsnipseeker7: you dont need a CD, nor did I ever mention one18:56
beinghumanActionParsnip: i dude18:56
beinghumanI just said sudo grub18:57
beinghumansays grub doesn't exist18:57
goltoofsivakumar,   can't even open drapes, sorry18:57
ZykoticK9thevishy, actually, are you also running 64bit?  i was, again just curious.18:57
beinghumanand you sent me a link where the first command is sudo grub18:57
ikhiderZykoticK9, So basically if I get another brand it should work out of the box18:57
transironfroggy_ I tried to reinstall grub at /dev/sd7, I got error msg "probing devices to guess Bios, /dev/sda8 not found"18:57
sivakumari have problem on wine un-installer even after removing any windows software it is not removing from the wine application .......is there any sollutiion18:57
beinghumanalso with a condescending clause in it18:57
beinghumannice job18:57
FloodBot4beinghuman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:57
ActionParsnipbeinghuman: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6fpIe-QnVE18:57
ikhiderAs listed in the wiki18:57
transany idea?18:57
ubuntuwhy would bash say a program doesnt exist even though it does?18:57
ZykoticK9ikhider, i don't know.  was your webcam not listed?18:57
ubuntuls file, shows file ./file  file doesnt exist18:57
Dr_Willissivakumar:  you mean from the wine MENU?18:57
goltoofubuntu, shouldn't you already know this?  ;)18:57
ActionParsnipbeinghuman: no, there are TONNE of guides as well as videos, if you try websearching a little first you wil learn more about the OS18:57
slipp3danyone know why my bluetooth would have an issue with connecting my headset?18:57
ubuntunever encountered this before18:57
ikhiderZykoticK9, It is a video cam with a webcam option. The wiki lists webcams exclusively18:57
ZykoticK9ubuntu, are you running 64bit?18:57
sivakumarDr_Willis, yes18:57
ActionParsnipubuntu: is it in $PATH?18:58
ubuntulet me check proc/cpu18:58
ubuntuXeon system18:58
thevishyI installed silverlight pluggin when I was using FF , now thought of trying Chromium=browser ( NOT Chrome ) and it says libmoon trying to load but segmentation fault and browser terminates ....so removed the plugin for silverlight ... hence is it possible to use silverlight now ?18:58
goltoofslipp3d,   is bluetooth enabled?18:58
Dr_Willissivakumar:  those are in one of your users home dirs hidden directories. You can delete the proper .desktop files. or try using alcarte to edit the menus and remove them18:58
slipp3dgoltoof, yes bluetooth is enabled18:58
ActionParsnipthevishy: i'd see if there is a known issue18:58
thevishy32 bit and its an old compueter18:58
ubuntunot in $PATH but I'm manually specifying  cd /home/me/path; ./program18:58
thevishyActionParsnip, there is a bug registered18:58
ActionParsnipubuntu: ok is the file marked as executable?18:58
ActionParsnipthevishy: then its a known issue, watch the bug to see if it gets resolved18:59
ubuntuchmod +x file18:59
ActionParsnipubuntu: and does your user have execute access?18:59
thevishyRight thanks18:59
ubuntuit's root18:59
Dr_Willisubuntu:    you do have the Case Correct?18:59
ubuntuyup using tab to autofill19:00
=== Aaron5367|detach is now known as Aaron5367
ubuntu./c (tab) auto fill19:00
ActionParsnipubuntu: can you give the output of the command please19:00
ubuntuhave a site you prefer?19:00
ikhiderI just don't want to buy something else and find out that it does not work either19:00
ActionParsnip!paste | ubuntu19:00
ubottuubuntu: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:00
ubuntuone sec19:00
ActionParsnipubuntu: any pastebin will do19:00
sivakumarDr_Willis, is there any command relating to this19:01
ikhiderSo I will get one of the wiki items and hope it works. It would have been nice if my videocam with the webcam option worked19:01
r1k0how come when I do apt-cache search sources I get a bunch of results that don't match 'sources'?19:01
Dr_Willissivakumar:  use  the alcarte program. or explore yoru users home dir and find the wine related .desktop files and remove them.19:01
ubuntuI'm testing out a Amazone EC2 machine btw :)19:02
ubunturunning irssi from it now actually19:02
ActionParsnipsivakumar: look in ~/.config/menus/applications-merged  too19:02
Dr_Willissivakumar:  they seem to be in .local/share/applications also..19:02
slipp3ddoes anyone know where I can go to reset all of the bluetooth options19:03
slipp3dI'm thinking that I have a broken config or package19:03
goltoofikhider,    good list here  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeWebCams19:03
Dr_Willisslipp3d:  options the user set woule bein their home dir somewhere.. system wide would be in /etc/ somewhere.19:03
ActionParsnipubuntu: why are you messing with user commands as root, can you give the output of:   groups fics     it will be ok to paste here as it's one line19:03
ubuntunot user fics19:04
ubuntuI jsut created that directory in /home19:04
ubuntucould go anywhere, I prob shove in /opt19:04
goltoofslipp3d,   search and remove everything bluetooth in synaptic, then you can reinstall19:05
ActionParsnipubuntu: can you give the output of:  file; /home/fics/chessd/bin/chessd; uname -a   thanks19:05
glaucousDo anyone know what nolapic_timer does in practice? Using this is the only way to make my boot not semi-hang multiple times (fixed by pushing power button). But it also seems to make some applications weird, such as qjoypad (emulates mouse/keys), gets unsmooth mouse.19:07
ubuntuLinux ip-10-122-183-248 2.6.35-22-virtual #33-Ubuntu SMP Sun Sep 19 21:05:42 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux19:07
ubuntuchessd: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.15, not stripped19:07
snuxollwells: hi19:08
ubuntuthe program was built on a 32bit system could that be the problem?19:08
ubuntuif so I thought 64bit could run 32bit apps19:08
snuxollubuntu: you need the 32bit libraries installed19:08
snuxollubuntu: also, what app is this?19:09
ubuntuchess server19:09
ubuntucustom code19:09
ubuntuapt-cache searching now for 32bit guessing libc?19:10
ActionParsnipubuntu: the binary is 32bit and your OS is 64bit19:10
snuxollubuntu: install ia32-libs19:10
ActionParsnipubuntu: you need ia32-libs  it won't do it OOTB19:10
ubuntukk tyvm installing now19:10
ActionParsnipubuntu: for maximum compatibility, use a chroot19:10
ActionParsnipubuntu: if its custom code then compile for 64bit19:11
wellshoe to have /etc/init.d/bluetooth being executed at startup?19:14
DiogenesWgute nacht19:14
beinghumani found my real problem is that the live CD isn't mounting the drive19:15
ActionParsnip!boot | wells19:15
ubottuwells: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto19:15
oliver602is there a tool somewhere for validating pdf's?19:15
zombieji have a netbook running ubuntu netbook 10.10 how woulkd ubuntu desktop run on a netbook?19:17
Nerd_Herd_Chuckhi all19:18
MaverickMaverickwhat gateway do I need for adhoc wifi connection?19:19
zombiejanyone know how well ubuntu desktop runs on netbooks?19:20
brushpeople, how to check via apt-get is exists package on repository or not?19:20
Nerd_Herd_Chuckdepends if you want internet19:20
brushzombiej: very well19:20
zombiejok cool im running netbook 10.10 now butt would like to try desktop19:20
Nerd_Herd_Chuckuse the gateway for the network your on19:20
dajhornbrush: `apt-cache show MyPackage` or `apt-cache policy MyPackage`19:20
zombiejthanks brush19:20
brushzombiej: np)19:21
brushdajhorn: thanks man19:21
skooternbbrush: do you have a particular netbook you would recommend?19:21
MaverickMaverickHow to figure it out?19:21
dajhornbrush: Welcome.19:21
dinuhi everybodyyy19:22
Nerd_Herd_Chuckgo to a machine on te network and at a prompt do either ifconfig or ipconfig /all19:22
Nerd_Herd_Chuckdepending on if it win or nix19:22
MaverickMaverickDo I need to set up a route? I actually want to use internet connection sharing, setting lan to "shared with other computers" breaks the connection19:22
dinuhow can i config  my wireless adapter19:22
Drecticskooternb: If you're worried about running ubuntu desktop edition on a netbook, use a lighter desktop environment19:22
dinudell wireless mini card19:22
Nerd_Herd_Chuckwhat OS?19:23
dinuubuntu linux 10.1019:23
blakkheimNerd_Herd_Chuck: do you realize what channel you're in?19:23
skooternbDrectic: Thx19:23
MaverickMaverickipconfig doesnt work at all and ifconfig doesnt give gateway19:23
beinghumanmy hd has ubuntu installed already but with corrupt grub. when I boot into live CD to fix my drive isn't mounted19:24
Nerd_Herd_Chuckyes but he may be ICS on a windows box19:24
Nocturnal_hey umm how do I get the hd audio drivers for my sound card?19:24
nasserYou have to be a root19:24
MaverickMaverickboth 10.1019:24
beinghumansudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt says it doesn't exist19:24
beinghumandoesn't matter which19:24
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blakkheimNerd_Herd_Chuck: this channel only supports ubuntu, though. windows help goes to ##windows19:24
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cyberbobwhen i installed ubuntu with gnome it was working perfect and i can change the device settings from analogue-output or analogue-headphone for my speaker or headphone19:25
beinghumanubuntu 8.10 had no problems mounting these things in live CD19:25
cyberbobcan someone help me in that19:25
xi_Does anybody know a easy way to play audio stored in a float array in c++? I wrote a little audio-editing program and just want to be able to listen to what I edit.19:25
pietro10Is there a way to use update-manager to go from 10.10 beta to 10.10 final? update-manager -d doesn't show me the option.19:26
Nerd_Herd_Chuckblakkheim, ok19:26
Nocturnal_hey umm how do I get the hd audio drivers for my sound card?19:27
MaverickMaverickwhat do I need to take from ifconfig and put into gateway on the client machine?19:27
pietro10Nocturnal_: try preferences > administration > additional drivers19:27
prellerim getting the following error when trying to boot ubuntu 10.10 32bit via CD or USB stick:19:28
preller(initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system19:28
prellerany idea what that means?19:28
honeypot>is it possible to turn a server into a proxy with 1 DSL modem (RJ45 interface) 1 wireless router, 1 network card (rj45), 1 usb wifi dongle19:28
Nocturnal_pietro10: I did that, and it just brings up drivers for my video card, which is allready updated.19:28
honeypot>is it possible to turn a server into a proxy with 1 DSL modem (RJ45 interface) 1 wireless router, 1 network card (rj45), 1 usb wifi dongle19:28
pietro10Nocturnal_: then IDK sorry19:28
pietro10what card is it?19:29
honeypotI need to make wireless clients to go through the server as a captive portal for example19:29
PemeqHi everyone. I recently installed Ubuntu 10.10. And updated the nvidia recommend driver update. Now, after rebooting, all I get is 10.10 with a ubuntu loading bar, and after that, my screen goes black. And the computer stops working, you can hear that clearly.19:29
Nocturnal_umm its a realtek HD audio card.19:29
Nocturnal_I can't remember exactly which model19:29
beinghumanfdisk -l doesn't return anything19:30
joeyeyepreller, does your PC have 2 CD drives on same IDE channel ?19:30
martijn_Hi all iḿ just a newbie and started to learn as much as possible19:30
beinghumancyberbob: live CD isn't detecting my drives. fisk -l doesn't return anything19:30
beinghumani'm trying to fix grub from live CD19:30
prellerjoeyeye: it doesn't have a cd drive normally. just 2 usb ports19:30
=== cyberbob is now known as ab2new
martijn_did u setup your cd drive in bios?19:31
joeyeyepreller, ok, and do you have 1 or 2 USB devices connected while booting/installing ?19:31
martijn_you can boot it from there i belive19:31
PemeqHi everyone. I recently installed Ubuntu 10.10. And updated the nvidia recommend driver update. Now, after rebooting, all I get is 10.10 with a ubuntu loading bar, and after that, my screen goes black. And the computer stops working, you can hear that clearly.19:31
prellermartijn_: it boots ( isee the splashscreen) but fails right after the splash screen.19:32
prellerjoeyeye: just one19:32
joeyeyepreller, are you using 32bit or 64bit live image ?19:32
prelleri get similiar errors with archbang, ubuntu netbook edition. arch linux didnt fail.19:32
prellerjoeyeye: 32bit19:33
adi_hy,i wanna install ubuntu 10.10,but i don't konw if it work with RV350 AP [Radeon 9600]19:33
PemeqAnyone wants to help me with Ubuntu not booting after installing a nvidia driver update?19:33
martijn_i guess you have a netbook?19:33
Nerd_Herd_ChuckMaverickMaverick, do a netstat -nr19:33
joeyeyepreller, what options did you choose when you made the USB image ? (wirteable/saveable config) ?19:33
prellerjoeyeye: i tried it with dd at first. after that i tried this usb image creator that comes with ubuntu on another machine.19:34
prellermartijn_: did you mean me? yes, it's a netbook (sony vaio x)19:35
joeyeyepreller, there are known issues with 10.10 and booting installing with CD and USB - you may be a victim of such bug...19:35
adi_now i run 9.0419:35
=== davide_ is now known as giorgio1
prellerjoeyeye: ok, i'll try 10.04 then and update to 10.10 if it works19:36
ZykoticK9preller, during Maverick development, not sure it still applies, if you created the bootable Maverick USB with USB Creator in Lucid there was some problem with it being non-bootable.  some sort of initrd mismatch or something?  sorry i'm not super clear on the details.  best of luck man.19:36
ubuntu__Pemeq, hi.19:36
=== giorgio1 is now known as giorgio
PemeqHi Ubuntu__19:36
ubuntu__Pemeq, an update of the nVidia driver, or a fresh install of it?19:37
PemeqNo, an update of the driver.19:37
ubuntu__Pemeq, so the previous one functioned fine? :)19:37
joeyeyepreller, I remember having issues, and ended up re-creating the USB image several times, eventually I was successful with 10.1019:37
PemeqWell, yes. But I haven't updated my drivers yet.19:37
grimgrimHi I have a ubuntu 10 install and Im trying to get into single user mode during boot - however I never see the grub prompt (not even a flash) just a ubuntu loading screen19:37
grimgrimI've tried to alt+f<n> over as well19:37
ubuntu__Then you're not having the same problem as me, luckily.19:37
ZykoticK9Pemeq, are you talking about an update from Ubuntu - or you downloaded/install an nvidia driver?19:37
Picigrimgrim: Hold down your shift key while booting to see the grub2 menu.19:38
grimgrimthank you19:38
PemeqNo, an update from Ubuntu itself.19:38
PemeqThe Additonal Drivers program.19:38
ZykoticK9Pemeq, so it was a new install of an nvidia driver - not really an "update"...19:38
PemeqI have no idea to be honest.19:39
StaRetji1need help with zotac zbox ion nvidia driver. I've installed latest NVIDIA.run19:39
StaRetji1driver works, but glx doesnt19:39
StaRetji1EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)19:39
StaRetji1please help19:39
nasserI wonder If am connected or not19:40
subay^^i wanna send a 400 mb files another ubuntu users. how can i do?19:40
=== Genocyber is now known as Wolfham
adi_haw can i change boot sequence in grub on 9.04 ubuntu?19:40
ZykoticK9Pemeq, one option (assuming you currently have an xorg.conf) would be to try "sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup" to move/backup your xorg.conf - then try restarting19:40
PemeqWhere can I find xorg.conf?19:40
ZykoticK9Pemeq, /etc/X1119:41
StaRetji1I've installed NVIDIA-Linux-x86-260.19.12.run and driver seems to work just fine, but GLX doesn't. Anyone can help out?19:41
nasserIf some one see this message can he/she say hi to me, so I know I am connected.  I am new here19:41
subay^^any suggestions?19:41
adi_hi nasser19:41
PemeqI do not see a file called xonf.org19:42
Pemeqxorg.conf I mean, sorry.19:42
BluesKajStaRetji1, how did you install the latest driver , in the cli or tty , and if so did you stop gdm first ?19:42
kayroscomo posso decompactar um arquivo sem q o unbuntu nao bloequei dizendo q eu nao tenho permissao ......19:42
Kartagishow can I enable compiz for my SiS graphics card? glxinfo | grep render says yes but I can't enable desktop effects19:42
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz19:42
StaRetji1BluesKaj: Hi and thx for reply. I've installed over ssh, sudo sh ./NVIDIA...19:43
Dustyguys, my screen looks like that19:43
StaRetji1BluesKaj: I did servise gdm stop19:43
Dustyafter I enable Compiz19:43
nasserNo time to talk today, I will talk to you later, bye19:43
yahyai-0any one know how to make like (ubuntu-text-logo or kubuntu-text-logo .......)???19:43
BluesKaj StaRetji1 , ok which driver on which nvidia card?19:44
StaRetji1BluesKaj: nvidia ion, zotac zboc gt21819:44
=== znik is now known as trackersp
StaRetji1BluesKaj: driver nvidia is xorg.conf19:44
DustyHey guys. When I enable graphics acceleration, my desktop looks like this: http://www.steelw.com/files/UbuntuScreenshot.png19:45
BluesKajStaRetji1, which nvidia.run driver ?19:45
StaRetji1BluesKaj: NVIDIA-Linux-x86-260.19.12.run19:46
PemeqTheres no such file as xorg.conf in my X11 folder.19:46
blakkheim!repeat | Dusty19:46
ubottuDusty: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:46
ZykoticK9Pemeq, "sudo nvidia-xconfig" to create an nvidia xorg.conf19:46
StaRetji1BluesKaj: glxgears returns Segmentation fault19:46
PemeqOk, let me try that ZykoticK9.19:46
PemeqIt says command not found?19:47
BluesKajStaRetji1, did you run sudo nvidia-xconfig ?19:47
Kartagishow can I enable compiz for my SiS graphics card? glxinfo | grep render says yes but I can't enable desktop effects19:47
blakkheimKartagis: you can't19:47
=== Dusty is now known as Bunsly
ZykoticK9Pemeq, then you haven't install the nvidia driver yet?!19:47
StaRetji1BluesKaj: no, I didn't. Here is my xorg.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/524631/19:47
blakkheimKartagis: well, let's just say SiS doesn't provide very good linux support19:47
PemeqOkay, so I must first install the driver from Additional Drivers?19:48
skooternbin ubuntu where is the equivalent of the "device manager"19:48
Kartagisthanks blakkheim19:48
blakkheimskooternb: lshw19:48
skooternbblakkeim: thx!19:48
baderhello guys, how i make ubuntu new version like the old version i mean by the main menu list and enable right click mouse in desktop panle19:49
PemeqZykoticK9, do I pick version 173 or version current?19:49
BluesKajStaRetji1, then run  sudo nvidia-xconfig in the terminal , you need to reconfigure xorg.conf19:49
ZykoticK9Pemeq, depends on your card really.19:49
baderany one?19:49
PemeqZykoticK9, okay. Well, I already tried installing either the two, and when rebooting, Ubuntu didn't start up anymore.19:50
StaRetji1BluesKaj: did that, nothing changes19:50
ZykoticK9Pemeq, "lspci | grep -i vga"19:50
PemeqZykoticK9, after installing a driver that is I assume?19:51
jwattdoes usb-creator.exe actually work?19:51
ZykoticK9Pemeq, no, now - it lists your exact gfx card19:51
XerossHey, my notification area and related items tend to move around a lot and sometimes not load some icons, is there any way to prevent this19:52
PemeqOkay. It is a GeForce 8400 GS.19:52
jwattif I try to run usb-creator.exe with ubuntu-10.10-dvd-i386.iso it just gets stuck at 22% and will go no further19:52
StaRetji1BluesKaj: it seems that glxgears crashes, also xbmc (media center) crashes19:52
Raydiationhm i just installed a 1gb ddr ram and it shows me only 741mb available mem19:53
tortoise_Can someone tell me what exactly is the point of having your own dns server?19:53
jwattif I try to run usb-creator.exe with ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso then it seems to work, but when I try to boot from it, it just gets stuck at the very first line of output on the screen "SYSLINUX 3.82..."19:53
sebikul!repeat | jwatt19:54
ubottujwatt: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:54
ZykoticK9Pemeq, bad news - see the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/660596 you should look through it and see if any of the comments help (i didn't read them all!)19:55
PemeqZykoticK9, Alright. I hope it is not too bad.19:55
epictetuswhoa, big channel.   I have a laptop with nvidia restricted video drivers, won't successfully wake up from sleep mode with the restricted drivers installed.  I got it to wake up once, not sure how (some combination of hitting power over and over, maybe hitting the CRT/LCD switch a few times, holding down power a bit, etc).  Tried disabling compiz.  Anyone know of an easy way to get this working with the restricted drivers?19:56
jwattand I can't install from DVD, since I'm hitting https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/63671119:56
ZykoticK9Pemeq, near the someone suggests removing proprietary and using nouveau...19:56
jwattsebikul: I'm not sure what "repeat your question quickly" means - should I just repeat what I said over and over in a tight loop?19:57
PemeqZykoticK9, And what would that all be if I may ask?19:57
jwattthat will surely get quite tiresome for a lot of people here19:57
BluesKajStaRetji1, did you run nvidia-xconfig ?19:57
grimgrimHow can I keep a process running that I created via ssh/putty running after I exit the putty window?19:57
aeon-ltdgrimgrim: wouldn't 'nameofapp &' work?19:58
dajhorngrimgrim: `screen` or `nohup`19:58
epictetushah sounds like nvidia bugs are popular today19:58
grimgrimYes what about an already running process dajhorn?19:59
epictetusanyone have an idea about mine?19:59
StaRetji1BluesKaj: yes, I did it, it created new xorg.conf Driver seems to be installed properly, but glxgear crashes Segmentation Fault19:59
dajhorngrimgrim:   You can't.  You need to wrap the persistent process at start time.19:59
ZykoticK9Pemeq, not really sure... i've never had to undo the proprietary -- not having the Proprietary driver would be a HUGE issue for me - i'm not sure why your 8400 is so special, my 8800 has always run as expected.  sorry for your hardware compatibility issue (personally amazed it's nvidia).  best of luck man!19:59
BluesKajStaRetji1, hang on , let me check something20:00
StaRetji1BluesKaj: If I trid apt-get install nvidia-current, my gpu wont work at all. So, I'm confused, I thought Zotax Zbox with ion card will work out of the box20:00
PemeqZykoticK9, Thank you for your help. I'll try to ask around some more.20:00
StaRetji1BluesKaj: Here is xorg.log just in case http://paste.ubuntu.com/524631/20:00
dajhornStaRetji1: Maverick is bundled with a flakey beta nvidia driver.  Get the stable release from:  https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates20:01
StaRetji1dajhorn: Should I uninstall NVIDIA.run I've installed manually?20:02
StaRetji1dajhorn: I mean, it didn't work for me on Lucid also20:02
tortoise_Where can I get named?20:02
dajhornStaRetji1: Hmm, your pastebin actually looks okay, and you have the stable 260 driver installed.20:03
st_ironTorianna: aptitude search named?20:03
StaRetji1dajhorn: Yes, that is confusing. And if I install via ppa, it wont load driver at all20:03
st_ironhamdi: hozsanna20:03
tortoise_I have no man page for named, so I'm assuming I dont' have named20:03
tortoise_Can anyone help me?20:03
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st_irontortoise_: dpkg -l |grep named20:04
Dreadcan anyone recommend a simple CLI based ftp server for ubuntu? preferably one where i can just setup users in a config file and jail them to a directory20:04
aussawhat exact file do I have to install to extract .rar files?20:04
Picitortoise_: Install bind9 then.20:04
StaRetji1BluesKaj: even glxinfo crashes20:05
st_ironDread: pureftpd?20:05
tensorpuddingaussa: unrar20:05
aussaok ty20:05
Steve[cug]afternnon everyone.....I seem to be having an issue and woudl like to request some help.  I just performed an apt-get dist-upgrade on a server to upgrade the kernel so that I can reboot it.  The server crashed midway through the upgrade and I was forced to perform a hard-reboot.  after the reboot I was unable to boot the server (it looked like the kernel would start up but nothing else).20:05
dajhornStaRetji1: You may have clobbered your GL libraries by installing from the upstream .run file.   If you have time, then uninstall and try again from the Ubuntu repository.20:05
Steve[cug]as a result I booted from the CD and ran in recovery mode to finish installation of the packages in question.  After that the kernel looked like it was successfully upgraded to current and all of the other packages as well, however once i reboot I have the same issue as before.20:05
Steve[cug]here is a pastebin of the packages that I upgraded: http://pastebin.com/Ya9BVW5r20:06
Steve[cug]I am unfortunately at a complete loss20:06
aussathe nonfree version? or unrar-free?20:06
blockyis anyone aware of way I can feed 100 or so queries into wikipedia and retrieve the first paragraph (or entire article) for each one?20:06
StaRetji1dajhorn: ofc, I will what ever is necessary. But for some reason, if I uninstal NVIDIA and install from Ubuntu repo, it wont work, DKMS will fail20:07
aussatensorpudding: the nonfree version? or unrar-free?20:07
StaRetji1dajhorn: glxgears[3401]: segfault at fffffff8 ip b6a327a5 sp bfff5ba0 error 4 in libnvidia-glcore.so.260.19.12[b5bf6000+1644000]20:07
dajhornStaRetji1: That is probably the problem.  Library mismatch.20:08
tensorpuddingaussa: unrar-free is the free version, you can use it for extracting rar20:08
dajhornStaRetji1: Reboot after the uninstall so that DKMS isn't surprised by an unexpected nvidia.ko module.20:08
epictetuscan I ask my question again? i was running into the nvidia-restricted-driver can't-resume-from-suspend issue, i am finding tons and tons about this online but it's a matter of finding too many answers (many of them old)20:09
aussatensorpudding: "We are sorry, Akr closed unexpectedly" :S, now what? hahahahaa20:09
dajhornSteve[cug]: At power on,  hold the right shift key to get the grub menu (or push <esc> if prompted) and boot the system into an older kernel.   If that works, then reinstall the new kernel.  You probably have a busted initrd.20:09
StaRetji1dajhorn: Sorry for being dumb, but how do I uninstall now?20:09
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dajhornStaRetji1: The .run file that you used should have an --uninstall switch.20:10
BluesKajStaRetji1, I had trouble with the latest nvidia driver on my 8400gs , but it runs well on the 260.19.06  nvidia-current , make sure you uninstalled the
BluesKajask your question, adelson20:13
pookeyhi all - anyone know where I can download the previous version of netbook remix?20:13
pookeyoh, sorry - ignore htat, I think i've found it20:13
abstraktis there a decent CLI utilit or option to revert a patch that was applied with patch -p0 < somefile.patch20:16
dean_hi does anyone know how to get faster speeds on ktorrent mine is well slow?20:16
blakkheimdean_: the speed is irrelevant to the OS and client20:16
derylcan someone tell me how Ii can rebuild my mime types? I'm getting LOTS of errors about not being able to find things like inode-* x-* mime-types20:17
dean_sorry blakkheim I didnt realise it is my first day using ubuntu and was using windows previously20:17
deryli think adding the mime-type support for gedit to act like textmate screwed things up20:17
VirusTBwhat happened to the #ubuntu IRC?  i got s spambot??20:18
blakkheimdean_: no problem, you might want to do a bit of reading on the bittorrent protocol if you want more info.20:18
xanguadean_: the speed of a torrent depend of the seeds of the file(s) you are downloading20:18
EvilPhoenixquestion, Ubuntu keeps resetting my BIOS clock to UTC time, and it interferes with Windows 7's clock when i need to use it.  Any way to fix it so it doesnt set the BIOS clock to UTC time?20:18
dean_well xangua I have 10 seeds and 1 leecher and I am only getting 31kib/s20:19
aussathe unrar-free packege isn't working for me, any alternative?20:19
derylthat and when I run update-mime-database /usr/share/mime I get errors like Unknown media type in type 'uri/mms'20:19
derylso not sure if I'm on the wrong track ot something20:19
derylerr or20:19
blakkheimaussa: unrar, 7z20:19
dean_7zip is ok aussa20:19
protoss_111hey can someone help me with wireless issues?20:20
aeon-ltd!ask | protoss_11120:20
ubottuprotoss_111: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:20
aussa7zip, p7zip or p7zip-rar ?20:20
dliEvilPhoenix, edit /etc/default/rcS, set UTC=no20:20
dean_7zip i got aussa20:21
protoss_111i cant load iwlagn driver20:21
EvilPhoenixdli: thanks20:22
evelyettewhy do I get this error:20:22
GrievreHi all20:22
aussado I have to reboot or something, isn't working yet?20:22
Grievreso... ubuntu's install of slapd now uses the cn=config method of configuration by default20:23
dean_what are you trying to do aussa ?20:23
Grievrebut there is no documentation about how to get this working20:23
aussaextract .rar files20:23
Grievreboth openldap's own documentation and help.ubuntu.com are outdated20:23
Grievreshould I submit a bug report about this?20:23
protoss_111when i do "sudo modprobe iwlagn" it gives me a fatal error message and i cant load it20:23
protoss_111what do i do now20:23
dean_Have you right clicked on the file?20:23
EvilPhoenixprotoss_111:  what error exactly?20:23
protoss_111EvilPhoenix: unknown symbol in module20:24
L_how can i re-title the grub manu??20:24
L_or edit20:24
aussashould I use Open with... to open it using 7zip?20:24
EvilPhoenixprotoss_111:  hmm... interesting... which version of ubuntu is this?20:24
L_in kubuntu 10.1020:24
GrievreI'm sure no one here knows the first thing about ldap though :(20:24
Starnhello, i know this is an unusal question but is there any thing better than Lynx for windows? i dislike how it can not full screen. i was impressed to even find windows version.20:24
StaRetji1dajhorn: Dude, if I install via ppa, dkms will not work (tried it before) Could it be due to running latest rc1 kernel?20:25
Grievreit is a fine art20:25
blakkheimaussa: 7z x /the/file.rar20:25
dean_Yes aussa or try double clicking on the file20:25
blakkheimStarn: try ##windows20:25
blakkheimStarn: we don't do windows support here20:25
protoss_111EvilPhoenix: 10.04, but i got the latest compat-wireless drivers and compiled them20:25
Grievreanyone? anyone?20:25
Starnbut this is an linux app as well so figured someone may know altritive20:25
blakkheimStarn: doesn't matter20:26
llutz Starn its an open source app, not linux app20:26
Grievrenobody knows? :(20:26
jhamboI'm trying to run a program using this command `./tcltk84+ expgui` and I get "./tcltk84+: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory".  How can I get this library??20:26
aeon-ltdStarn: when applications are ported, it doesn't always work the same20:26
blakkheim!patience | Grievre20:26
ubottuGrievre: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:26
ddnhi, I have lost my file and printing sharing since the last big ubuntu updating, is it a known problem?20:27
Kriss-|-why is that after so many years, the problem with linux is still the same problem ? do all developers imagine someone is working on it ?20:27
jhamboOr in other words, how do I get libstdc++.so.5 onto my system?20:27
Grievreblakkheim: I've already looked there, it's outdated20:27
GrievreKriss-|-: and that problem is...?20:28
llutzjhambo: install libstdc++520:28
dlijhambo, apt-file search libstdc++.so.5 , ia32-libs libstdc++520:28
blakkheimGrievre: the point was repeating "please" "anybody help??" etc isn't going to make anyone help faster20:28
Grievreblakkheim: I understand. I am on the clock right now, though, so perhaps my impatience could be forgiven :)20:29
jhambollutz: how do I install  libstdc++5?20:30
xerox1i am using the bash program "at": now i would like to pass a date and time as arguments; how is the calling syntax? didnt find an example for date and time; "at 11210 23:30" for ex. didn't work20:30
aussablakkheim: is there a way of extacting without using the terminal?20:30
Grievrexerox1: man at?20:30
mewayhello I asked this question before but I forgot the answer. I have a folder full of files with the extension .conf.example I want to know how to remove the .example part of the extension (note the file just the extension) of every file at once. Can anyone help me?20:30
llutzjhambo: sudo apt-get install libstdc++520:30
Grievremeway: man rename20:30
Grievremeway: might have to install it first20:31
blakkheimaussa: probably, but why? terminal is much faster and simpler20:31
protoss_111i think ill just reinstall linux-backports-compat-wireless20:31
jhambollutz: that package doesn't exist20:31
mewayGrievre, I don't think that is quite what I am looking for20:31
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blakkheimmeway: try "gprename" for that20:31
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Grievremeway: it isn't?20:31
david506Can I run a mount command and specify a non existant directory that will exist until unmounted ?20:32
mewayGrievre, how do I make it rename every file at once just taking off .example extension20:32
Grievremeway: rename 's/.example//' *.example?20:32
llutz!find libstdc++.so.520:32
ubottuFile libstdc++.so.5 found in ia32-libs, libstdc++520:32
mewayfrom that folder?20:32
Grievrewithout the ?20:32
Grievrewell with that directory as your cd that is20:32
mewayok that should work :)20:32
mewayGrievre, thanks20:32
aussablakkheim: mmm.... i don't think the same, but thanks, now, I got this at the end of the extract, "Sub items Errors: 3202, what is that?20:32
dlixerox1, at -f ~/at.sh 23:30 2010-11-2120:33
blakkheimaussa: it's.. a lot of errors20:33
Sir_KonradAny MacTel Team members in here?20:34
BluesKajprotoss_111, are you sure if the command isn't iwlan20:34
aussablakkheim: so, I should think that the extracted files are corrupted?20:34
Kevichåñòü ðóññêîãîâîðÿùèå?20:34
lopezeHello. I recently made a clean install of 10.10 and now my windows keep on losing focus rendering me unable to click anything. Is there anything I can do to fix this problem?20:34
xerox1Grievre: i looked at the manpage...; dli: thx will try that20:34
blakkheimaussa: most likely. i'd try the regular version of unrar first, though20:34
aussablakkheim: I used it, but it crashes when I try to extract20:35
dlixerox1, don't worry, the manual will make more sense after you know some working examples20:35
davihello i need help20:35
davihow can i install java and flash on lubunto20:36
xerox1dli, works perfect; thanks20:36
BluesKajdavi , most ppl here need help , just ask your question20:36
xanguadavi: sudo apt-get install frlashplugin-installer20:37
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.20:37
BluesKajdavi, run sudo apt-get install flsahplugin-installer20:38
daviok thanks and java20:38
BluesKajhehe flashplugin-installer20:38
BluesKajdavi , also run sudo apt-get istall lubuntu-restricted-extras20:40
lopezeHas anyone installed Starcraft II with wine before? I'm trying to install from the disc and this how to tells me to follow these two commands to make the disc usable for installation. sudo umount /media/SC2*    followed by     sudo mount -t udf -o ro,unhide,uid=$(id -u) /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom. I changed the /dev/cdrom to /dev/sr0 however even after using the second command I couldnt find the disc for installation. ANy ideas?20:40
BluesKajmy KB suckls !20:40
BluesKajdavi , also run sudo apt-get install lubuntu-restricted-extras20:40
xanguaBluesKaj: that doesn't exists20:41
BluesKajdavi , also run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras20:41
duffydackwouldnt plain old ubuntu-restr.....work20:41
xanguaonly for ubuntu, xubuntu and kubuntu BluesKaj20:41
duffydacknothing really ubuntu dependant there I dont think.20:41
BluesKajduffydack, it might ..i I don't use lubuntu ...merely assuming they have a deb pkg in the repos with that name20:42
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duffydackdont use it either..  just assuming with whats in the package that it might** work20:43
lourenseplease help...I have ftp'ed a file from 8.04 to 10.04....the files look identical when using HEAD filename to view, but when I use HEAD filename | MORE some lines show up as blank..STAT and WC show identical results but FILE shows different results...20:43
BluesKajduffydack, for kubuntu it's kubuntu-restricted-extras20:43
BluesKajBBL ...stuff to do20:43
duffydackis it a different metapackage than the ubuntu version? or just named that for convenience.20:44
guntbertlourense: if I understand correctly you want to check if the files are identical - how about you run md5sum on them?20:45
alkisglourense: try md5sum file20:46
lourenseguntbert...will do thanks..20:46
MaahesWill the new ubuntu notification system wrap growl or libnotify notifications?20:46
lourenseguntbert...I have done md5sum and the results are identical...20:50
guntbertlourense: then the files should really be identical...20:50
lourenseguntbert..the only difference I can see is when I use FILE..on the one server it shows DATA and one the other it shows PostgreSQL custom database dump - v1.10-0...20:51
MohammadAGSigh, BCM4353 (broadcom) has such shitty drivers on linux20:51
lourenseguntbert...the file is a Postgres backup...20:51
guntbertlourense: by default md5sum checks in text mode, with -b you can tell it to check in binary mode (see man md5sum)20:52
lourenseguntbert...thank you...will check that...20:52
guntbertlourense: that difference might be because of file having another database - you could check that by sending the file back to the old server (different place) and running md5sum and file again20:53
Kriss-|-gotta hate sites like www.directhit.com20:53
daviSudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer      sudo apt-get install lubuntu-restricted-extras those are to java and fash or just flash?20:54
lourenseguntbert...it took 36 hours to send the file with my connection...it is 5.1 GB...what do you mean with differnt database?20:55
xangua!java | davi20:55
ubottudavi: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.20:55
Jordan_Uguntbert: On *NIX systems there is no difference between opening a file in "text" or "binary" mode. This applies to md5sum.20:55
gNewPowerI have a Venus USB2.0 webcam which used to work perfectly with Ubuntu 10.04.  Now, since the upgrade to 10.10 the Sound Preferences menu "sees" the webcam under "Hardware" but does not "see" it in the "Input" tab and I cannot select it.  Thus I now still have video, but no sound is recorded when I try to use the camera.  Can you help please?  Thanks!20:55
nixboxhi all20:55
duffydackdavi,  both, ans some extra bits20:56
lourenseguntbert...md5sum with -b gave same answer...20:56
guntbertJordan_U: thx for the reminder20:56
xanguayou could try ubuntu-restricted-extras or xubuntu-restricted-extras but i don't know if that will install extra dependencies davi ; there is also #lubuntu if you want to ask there20:56
Jordan_Uguntbert: You're welcome.20:56
cousteauI'm a bit bugged because hitting F2 on a file on nautilus selects the whole file name including the extension, it didn't before and that was cool20:56
duffydackxangua, according to my maverick install, apt-cache shows lubuntu-rest.... exists20:56
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Jordan_Ulourense: file uses a database to map that for instance a file beginning with "#!" as the first two bytes is a shell script. Some systems have a more extensive database than others.20:57
xanguaduffydack: not using maverith, use the lubuntu-restricted-extras davi20:57
duffydackwhich is what I assumed..I`d bet (u)(k)(l)ubuntu-restricted-extras are the same metapackage for standard codecs and stuff.20:57
guntbertlourense: then I'd say be satisfied, I didn't really read about "file" recently, but the program must have a way to identify the files (thats what I meant with "database")20:57
S0LIDUSHey guys, I just wondered what the status of gigabit ethernet on ubuntu server?20:58
nixboxhow can i compile a custom vanilla kernel along with its ddeb (not deb) used for debugging? When i use make-kpkg i can specify kernel_debug which builds a debug version, and is installed under /usr/lib/debug but the problem is even when i boot into the new kernel, systemtap complains about no being able to find debug info20:58
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guntbertlourense: read man file for this20:58
lourenseguntbert: thank you...20:59
cousteauok, the F2 thing is an already reported bug20:59
Sidehi ppl21:00
Raydiationhi i just encrypted my second hd with luks: cryptsetup -c aes-xts-plain -s 512 luksFormat /dev/md0 then opened it with cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/md0 md0. do i need to partition and format /dev/mapper/md0 first to use it?21:00
guntbertJordan_U: not to argue, but do you have an idea why the man page of md5sum makes that difference (binary/text) - I supposed that the handling of white space would be different21:00
Sidehi ppl21:00
beyecixramda friend of mine messed up his gnome desktop. instead of restoring all applets, what's the folder for the GNOME panels settings?21:00
Sidecan i see all hardware somewhere in ubuntu 1010?21:01
QTipHi everyone21:01
QTipI'm using an iMac 27', and I can't install ubuntu 10.10, all I get is a black screen21:01
Bboy Good evening every body, I'm trying UNE live usb, But I can't log in, what is the default password?21:01
Jordan_Uguntbert: It's because it matters on windows, and so someone might see "md5sum -b" and wonder what the "-b" did. If you look at "info md5sum" it explains that on GNU/Linux there is no difference.21:01
SabriSide, Are you trying to view all the hardware that's compatible with 10.10, or are you trying to see something line Windows' Device manager?21:02
QTipI've googled for a few hours and I did not find anything quite usefull, is there anyone who could help me ?21:02
S0LIDUSHow would I check to see if my ethernet adapter was gigabit?21:02
guntbertJordan_U: thx, I read that now - I was never too comfortable with info....21:03
nixboxS0LIDUS: maybe check the output of "lspci | grep -i 'ethernet' "21:03
goltoofQtiip... boot up in restore mode so you at least get cli21:04
hallo'ello people21:04
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SideSabri, i want to c the hardware I have , like you could c it in windows21:04
hallocan anyone assist me installing ati drivers?21:04
Jordan_Uguntbert: You're welcome.21:04
Sidei just want to know if its possible21:04
S0LIDUSnixbox, Thanks mate!21:04
Sideand where21:04
goltoofhallo, get Nvidia instead... trust me21:04
Sabrigoltoof, would that also be txqueuelen under ifconfig?21:04
nixboxS0LIDUS: np21:05
SabriSide, you can do that.  You have to install Device Manager.21:05
Sidefrom the download center?21:05
Sideof wit sudo apt-get?21:05
hallo@goltoof :)) i agree but that's what i have now...so i really need to set it up21:05
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FrEaKmAn_is linux adding \r? or is this only windows thing21:06
klawdlxml is kind of overwhelming me. what is the best way to just get a subelement with a specific tagname and a specific attribute (+ value)21:06
ddnhi, I have lost my file and printing sharing since the last big ubuntu updating, is it a known problem?21:06
Sideor with the terminal => sudo apt get commend?21:06
QTip@goltoof, what do you mean by booting in restore mode ?21:07
SabriSide:  You can install it in the Synaptic Package Manager.  That means it's available from apt-get, but I don't know what name it is.  I'm looking to see if it's in Ubuntu Software Center.21:07
nixboxFrEaKmAn_: well end of line is usually a one character in windows, whereas its two chars in Linux, there used to be a utility called dos2unix to convert between format and i am pretty sure there is an sed one liner that could do that as well21:07
Sidety sabri :)21:07
Bboy Good evening every body, I'm trying UNE live usb, But I can't log in, It keep asking for login info, what is the default password?21:07
goltoofQTip, if all you're getting is a blank screen then you at least need cli..  reboot into recovery mode by holding shift down21:07
SabriSide:  It's in Software Center. :)21:08
Sideok ty21:08
Sideand sabri, would you know where i could get some tutorials or info for the use of ubuntu?21:08
supplicantnixbox: no, it's two in windows and one in linux21:08
ActionParsnipBboy: there isn't one. Press CTRL+ALT+F1   and run:  passwd ubuntu    and set the password21:08
supplicant\r\n in windows, \n in linux21:09
zidohI've got a clean install of ubuntu with a Intel GMA HD card. For some reason, like once a minute, the screen blinks black, and returns to normal.. anybody got a clue what might do this?21:09
Jordan_UFrEaKmAn_: *NIX line endings are LF, or \n. Windows line endings are CR+LF, '\r\n'.21:09
nixboxsupplicant: yeah i might have said the other way around :)21:09
ActionParsnipBboy: did you MD5 test the ISO before you transferred it to the USB?21:09
FrEaKmAn_nixbox, Jordan_U thanks21:09
Jordan_UFrEaKmAn_: You're welcome.21:09
QTip@goltoof, I'll give it a try, thanks21:09
DarK^NiGhTPershendetje Dhe Miresejugjeta Te Gjitheve :):)21:09
SabriSide: Actually, I don't.  You might try the ubuntu website and forums, though. :)21:10
DarK^NiGhTWhere Can I Find UBUNTu ???21:10
Sideok , ty :)21:10
ActionParsnip!download | DarK^NiGhT21:10
ubottuDarK^NiGhT: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Maverick, and help keeping the servers' load low!21:10
goltoofQtip, my bad hit esc after bios, not shift21:10
DarK^NiGhTUbottu Thanks21:10
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)21:10
* DarK^NiGhT * LooOOOooL!!!! LooOOOooL!!!21:10
DarK^NiGhTIs Free21:10
DarK^NiGhTOr With Pay ?21:11
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing21:11
DarK^NiGhTThe Programs From XP Works With Ubuntu ?21:11
QTip@goltoof, you mean after the "typical wall-e/mac sound" ?21:11
ActionParsnipBboy: np bro21:11
SabriDarK^NiGhT, Ubottu is just a bot.21:12
goltoofQTip,   don't have a mac, sorry :)21:12
nixboxDarK^NiGhT: tried Wine emulator?, depends on the windows application though21:12
DarK^NiGhTIts Ubuntu21:12
Sidebtw, someone know where i can get the blueprints of laptops? to know how to open the laptop and parts?21:12
DarK^NiGhTThe New One21:12
tangodown40i have a little problem here -- yesterday, I installed kubuntu-desktop in addition to my ubuntu-desktop. But shortly after, I decided to remove it and just stick with Ubuntu-desktop. Now, for some reason, whenever I use a browser the fonts are rendered differently from the rest of the desktop. Is there a way to fix this?21:12
QTip@goltoof, no problem, thanks for you help anyway21:13
goltoofSide, OEM21:13
nixboxDarK^NiGhT: http://www.winehq.org/download/deb21:13
inckiei followed this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixCompleteVirtualMailSystemHowto but i cannot login. i can see this in my log: http://pastebin.ca/197990721:14
inckieand my /home/vmail dir is empty, no mailboxes were created.21:14
tangodown40can anyone help?21:15
f00bar80tried to install vnstat got "WARNING: untrusted versions of the following packages will be installed!, Untrusted packages could compromise your system's security. You should only proceed with the installation if you are certain that this is what you want to do. " , any comment ???21:15
GugagoesGuys, dou you know how to fix the headphone jack problem on Toshiba laptop?21:16
Sabrigoltoof, does the txqueuelen value listed under a wired interface in ifconfig refer to the connection speed?21:16
Lars__hi ubuntuusers21:16
xanguaf00bar80: add the key of the repositorry you added21:16
ActionParsnip!ot | Side21:16
ubottuSide: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:16
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ActionParsnipf00bar80: can you give the output of: sudo apt-get update   use http://pastie.org   to give the output21:17
GoldenFish4UHow do I go to a new page in OpenOffice Writer? Ctrl-Shift-Enter doesn't work.21:17
ActionParsnipGoldenFish4U: you can add a page break21:17
Lars__oh there left you have button21:17
cousteauf00bar80: translation: "WARNING (but not ERROR): You have added an external repository but not its pgp key, so I can't check if it's safe. However I will continue if you press OK, but you should add that key. Using add-apt-repository makes this unnecessary."21:17
GugagoesDoes someone with problems on Toshiba laptop?21:18
goltoofSabri,  got no idea  : /   are you sure you meant to ask me?21:18
Lars__no none21:18
ActionParsnipGoldenFish4U: insert -> manual break21:18
GoldenFish4Uthx ActionParsnip21:18
ActionParsnipLars__: can you expand on your issue21:19
Sabrigoltoof, Yeah, actually.  You answered that one user's question about how to determine their Ethernet class.21:19
Lars__oh there yes21:20
rikmor18how do i clear a bios password on a dc7100 if the cmos/password jumper is not on the motherboard?21:20
ActionParsnip!ot | rikmor1821:20
ubotturikmor18: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:20
goltoofSabri,   http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LinuxTutorialNetworking.html21:21
dewyfacehey guys, i installed ubuntu sunday from cd. And now occasionally the whole computer just cuts of and starts again.  Does a disk check and finds errors but cannot resolve them. Any ideas?21:21
Lars__!ot | ActionParsnip21:21
ubottuActionParsnip: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:21
ActionParsnipLars__: when was I offtopic?21:21
dean_Hi could someone help me with my firewall?21:21
ActionParsnipdewyface: boot to liveCD and check the disk for errors there. I also suggest you test your RAM for errors21:22
Raydiationhi how can i set the network domain of my pc? e.g. workgroup21:22
rikmor18dewyface: maybe your pc is running too hot with ubuntu?21:22
dewyfaceActionParsnip how do i test the ram?21:22
dean_Can someone tell me how to configure my firewall to allow incoming connections?21:23
dewyfacerikmor18 maybe i have a pretty good fan on here, how can i check this?21:23
Sideubuntu is great :D21:23
ActionParsnipdewyface: reboot, hold shift, select memtest21:23
rikmor18dewyface: my acer aspire 5100 would do the same thing when I installed lucid lynx.  was able to adjust the temperature setting, but it kept saying "critial temperature reached: 95 C" and shut down.21:23
ActionParsnipdean_: by default it will allow all connections21:23
delirus_eh... the nvidia drivers on x-swat didn't fix my problem.  any way to get the ones that came with 10.04?21:23
bytesaberthen link it to Google STD Edition21:23
rikmor18dewyface: i'm not sure.  someone walked me through it on here.21:23
dewyfaceActionParsnip straight after bios or when loading21:23
AedolonOn Ubuntu 10.10 my Pidgin just randomly shuts down, is this known?21:23
ActionParsnipdelirus_: remove the ppa and remove the driver you installed21:23
ActionParsnipAedolon: tried the pidgin ppa?21:24
rikmor18still looking for some help myself: how do I clear a bios password?21:24
dean_on bittornado its stating I have no incoming connections and I am getting slow speeds?21:24
dewyfaceAedolon same whats going on haha21:24
ActionParsnipdewyface: yes, before the plymouth splash21:24
dewyfaceok ill try it21:24
AedolonActionParsnip: No, I'll do that now.21:24
delirus_ActionParsnip:  already done... but now I have the default ones from 10.10, and the exact same problem21:24
GugagoesSomeone aobut Toshiba headphone jack?21:24
ActionParsniprikmor18: your question is a hardware question and not ubuntu so is offtopic, ask in ##hardware21:24
dewyfaceif i find errors what can i do21:24
ActionParsnipdean_: do you use a router?21:25
f00bar80vnstat -i ra0 returns =>  ra0: Not enough data available yet., any comment ?21:25
dean_I do ActionParsnip but at mo I have it wired to see if it helps but not much21:25
tangodown40i have a little problem here -- yesterday, I installed kubuntu-desktop in addition to my ubuntu-desktop. But shortly after, I decided to remove it and just stick with Ubuntu-desktop. Now, for some reason, whenever I use a browser the fonts are rendered differently from the rest of the desktop. Is there a way to fix this?21:25
ActionParsnipdewyface: try removing RAM til you isolate the bad stick, then replace. If you only have one stick then replace it21:25
ActionParsnipdean_: then look into port forwarding there21:25
dewyfacei dont think its the ram, everything was running fine before hand i think tahts a bit extreme21:25
goltooftangodown40,  did you already reinstall ubuntu-desktop?21:26
ActionParsnipdean_: if your ISP throttles torrents then tis will affect you and you will need to use a proxy21:26
ActionParsnipdewyface: its not extreme at all, its a simple test using a well respected ram tester. How is it extreme?21:26
zmityahi Gents21:26
dean_ActionParsnip, could you put that in laymans terms lol21:26
umutdoes anybody use snippetsEmu Vim Plugin? I don't get the installation process described here : http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=131821:26
zmityait seems that I hit this netbeans bug: http://forums.netbeans.org/post-87466.html21:26
dewyfaceActionParsnip hehe sorry just a bit nervous of doing that21:26
zmityahow can I use gdb 7.1 in my maverick ?21:26
zmityaI mean how can i downgrade ?21:26
ActionParsnipdewyface: what? testing the ram?21:27
dewyfaceActionaParsnip: Everything was working fine on debian though:|21:27
tangodown40ubuntu-desktop was already installed, but after removing kubuntu-desktop I reformatted the / partition and installed ubuntu again.21:27
ActionParsnipdewyface: well there will be a time when it works and a time when it doesn't, you may have just passed that time21:27
Notorious_I'm having some trouble to install my ubuntu, I made a bootable pen-drive and with this pen-drive I've already installed ubuntu in one machine, but in this machine when the Install window appears both mouse and keyboard stucks, no matter what mouse is or keyboard21:27
dewyfaceActionParsnip: ok cheers buddy im gonna do it hahah21:27
ActionParsnipdean_: if you forward the port in the router which you are using with your torrent client on the same port, it can help21:28
dean_Earlier I was getting fast speeds but now its slowed down but on Bittornado its showing a yellow light which means I dont have a incoming connection21:28
goltoofif you're dealing with a fresh install then what you did before has nothing to do with your problem, less you formatted the partition improperly21:28
Notorious_can someone help me?21:29
Lars__yes i @notor21:29
tangodown40goltoof: I didn't format /home, so whatever was on there is still there21:29
Lars__where is your question21:29
dlublinkI want to encrypt a file using a public key that I have from ssh, but I don't want to import the key or make a key ring. I just want to reference the file directly. How would I do this É21:29
Sabri!patience | Notorious_21:29
ubottuNotorious_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:29
f00bar80any comment ?21:29
ActionParsnipNotorious_: have you tested the USB health? Did you test the RAM?21:29
ActionParsnipf00bar80: on what?21:29
goltooftangodown40,   then your problem most likely is in /home, eh?21:29
f00bar80ActionParsnip, vnstat -i ra0 returns =>  ra0: Not enough data available yet., any comment ?21:30
ActionParsnipf00bar80: what are you trying to achieve?21:30
tangodown40goltoof: Yeah, but I already deleted any leftover KDE files21:30
dean_I think maybe I will stick with windows seems alot of hassle with Ubuntu21:30
f00bar80ActionParsnip, monitor my monthly bandwidth21:30
Lars__windows buh ubuntu ya21:30
delirus_dean_  go for gentoo.  much simpler than ubuntu :p21:31
meowsusIs it possible to download a .deb package from the repositories to my desktop as opposed to using apt-get install?21:31
Notorious_I'm using windows fine, but it's only when the Install window appears in the installation boot, before it the mouse can move properly, but in the exact moment when the "Install" window appears asking me for language and option both stucks21:31
ActionParsnipf00bar80: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/bandwidth-monitoring-tools-for-ubuntu-users.html21:31
dean_gentoo how is it easier delirus_21:31
delirus_was a joke21:31
goltoofplease clarify, if you purge ubuntu-desktop and isntall kubuntu-desktop... that's only going to change your desktop interface?  it's nothing like a fresh install21:31
Lars__delirus_: dpkg -i name.deb21:31
fcuk112if i want to cp files with only extensions xxx, yyy and zzz, how do i do this?21:31
delirus_(but a true one)21:31
ActionParsnipNotorious_: try these boot options: i8024.reset    i8024.nomux=1     irqpoll21:32
f00bar80ActionParsnip, i want it to append bandwidth usage , not to reset on every new session/connection21:32
cousteaumeowsus: you can use packages.ubuntu.com, or use synaptic to generate a downloader script to download from another ubuntu21:32
meowsusThanks cousteau21:32
Notorious_ActionParsnip, where to put this?21:32
aeon-ltdfcuk112: wildcards, cp *.yyy21:32
Lars__delirus_: dpkg -i name.deb21:32
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | Notorious_21:33
ubottuNotorious_: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions21:33
Sabritangodown40, it is possible that the browser is using the stylesheet left over from kubuntu.  That's what it sounds like.21:33
dean_So is there an easy way to configure router to allow incoming ports?21:33
tangodown40goltoof: I had both ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop installed - ubuntu-desktop was never removed from my computer, only kubuntu-desktop.21:33
felipellrochahey. i got a headless ubuntu server running virtualbox... i wanted that my host os to show in the monitor whenever i plugged a monitor to it.... not ubuntu... is it possible?21:33
umutany vim geeks aroun?21:33
ActionParsnipumut: try in #vim21:34
GugagoesMan! Please! Someone know how to fix the headphone jack for Toshiba L655?21:34
damian-felipellrocha, from what you just said Ubuntu was your host..21:34
goltooftangodown40,   i suggest you sudo apt-get remove --purge ubuntu-desktop then21:34
Sabri!patience | Gugagoes21:34
ubottuGugagoes: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:34
umutActionParsnip: thx21:34
tangodown40Sabri: How do I remove that stylesheet?21:34
felipellrochadamian-: yeah. pretty much21:34
ActionParsnipGugagoes: is audio coming out of both when you plug in a headphone set21:34
goltooftangodown40,   and reinstall21:34
damian-then you mean show your guest when a screen is plugged in?21:34
JayPhill89is there a folder that has all the installed applications listed21:35
damian-felipellrocha, if you're running a headless ubuntu host without gui, you can't show the guest at all (because there's no gui to display it)21:35
tangodown40goltoof, Will anything happen to my files / programs by doing that?21:35
fcuk112aeon-ltd, i want to do something like cp *.[xxx|yyy|zzz] how do i do that?21:35
goltooftangodown40,   no21:35
felipellrochadamian-: so id have to install a gui for it to work?21:36
GugagoesActionParnship: There is no audio on both.21:36
ActionParsnipJayPhill89: you can make one with: dpkg -l > ~/Desktop/applist.txt; gedit ~/Desktop/applist.txt21:36
dean_Ok I think as I am being ignored I was informed incorrect that ubuntu chat was friendly21:36
ActionParsnipGugagoes: ok let me see21:36
tangodown40goltoof: And that'll also remove the leftover KDE stylesheet(s)?21:36
ActionParsnipdean_: I ave you direction, use it21:36
damian-felipellrocha, correct. i don't know why you'd want/need that anyway unless you're having networking issues. virtualbox allows you to RDP to the guest system, not just the guest os21:36
JayPhill89thanks ActionParsnip21:36
goltooftangent3,   not sure, but it won't cause any damage to reinstall, for sure21:36
dean_I am a noob ActionParsnip I have no idea it looks difficult21:37
ActionParsnipdean_: its nothing to do with Ubuntu, its networking21:37
guntbertdean_: try ##networking21:37
dean_I dont have this problem with windows though ActionParsnip it dont affect my speeds21:37
felipellrochadamian-: because i just got this new computer that i want to run the server 24/7. and sometimes i might need to use it for presentations, for which id like to have win7...21:38
ActionParsnipdean_: find your router manual and look how to port forward, if you flick around in your torrent client you will see the port used, port forward that port using TCP to the IP addrress of the system. I recommend you use a static IP so DHCP lease expiration doesnt sever the link21:38
damian-dean_, it's a very hard question to answer anyway, it depends on your router / network setup. look at your routers manual, there should be a part in there on how to forward ports21:38
aeon-ltdfcuk112: i would assume (i'd test on some copied or dummy files first though), cp *.{xxx,yyy,zzz}21:38
ActionParsnipdean_: if you sit in here and bang the "i'm a noob" drum you will ALWAYS be a noob, if you research some and ook around you will learn a great deal and get as good as I am sure you are at some other oprating systems you have used for ages21:39
damian-felipellrocha, i don't quite understand .. you have your server (ubuntu) running a vm (win7) and now you have a new computer, or?21:39
ActionParsnipdean_: you dont run the sam client in windows so it works differently21:39
felipellrochadamian-: sry. yeah. the new computer is the computer running ubuntu + win7-vm...21:40
Sabritangodown40, What browser is it again?  Firefox?21:40
Notorious_ActionParsnip, is this valid for 10.10 setup? coz I don't saw anything like that when I installed on the other machine21:40
fcuk112aeon-ltd, cool that worked, thank you!21:40
felipellrochadamian-: and i am constantly ssh-ing into it...21:40
tangodown40Sabri: Firefox, chromium, google chrome, and some programs21:40
skismso I'm the guy with wubi problems installing xubuntu21:40
skismmainly maverick wouldn't work21:41
ActionParsnipGugagoes: can you use a pastebin to give the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh   thanks21:41
damian-felipellrocha, ah. then yeah you need your host os (ubuntu) to be running a gui21:41
skismlucid didn't, barfed graphical garbage even in safest graphics21:41
Sabritangodown40, Have you tried resetting your theme?21:41
ActionParsnipNotorious_: is the system identical?21:41
felipellrochadamian-: alright! thz man!21:41
skismmaverick even game me pretty plymouth21:41
JayPhill89is there a fast way to switch between GNOME and Unity21:41
tangodown40Sabri: my firefox theme?21:41
damian-felipellrocha, i MAY be wrong, there COULD be a way to passthrough a device (such as a video card) straight to the guest os, but i'v enever seen it / used it21:42
adrian_kxhi ppl21:42
Sabritangodown40, No, your Ubuntu theme.21:42
ActionParsnipJayPhill89: press ALT+F2   and run: mutter --replace   then run whatever it takes to get the unity bar21:42
adrian_kxanyone tryed to use ati catalyst with 2.6.36 kernel?21:42
Notorious_ActionParsnip, how so?21:42
adrian_kxor isnt supported by ati yet21:42
ActionParsnipNotorious_: in every way.21:42
Notorious_dunno :/21:42
f00bar80ActionParsnip, which one monitor that i can use to know toTal internet traffic usage per month ?21:42
Notorious_ActionParsnip, but there's no menu like this21:43
tangodown40Sabri, well, I did change it to something else, but it didn't affect the fonts.21:43
ActionParsnipNotorious_: if the systems in hardware are identical then they will act the same, if one has a different motherboard then it will directly impact the install process and be different21:43
zkamf00bar80, mac or windows?21:43
ActionParsnipf00bar80: not sure dude21:43
f00bar80zkam, ubuntu21:43
zkamoh can't help you there f00bar8021:43
felipellrochadamian-: aah. thatd be the perfect solution21:43
felipellrochadamian-: ima take a look into it...! thz man!21:44
Notorious_ActionParsnip are you meaning from the machine i've installed earlier?21:44
ActionParsnipf00bar80: you could use snmp to monitor sent packets and once a month take a reading then reset the counter21:44
ActionParsnipNotorious_: yes21:44
JayPhill89ActionParsnip: mutter --replace acted like it was working but the screen that came up again was still Unity21:44
goltooftangodown40,   is it just your browsers messed up, or is it system wide?21:44
Notorious_ActionParsnip, no they're differente21:44
ActionParsnipJayPhill89: unity ises mutter as it's WM, it will be compiz in natty21:44
ActionParsnipNotorious_: then thats why its acting different21:45
Sabritangodown40, Try changing the fonts to something else and then changing them to you preference.  Tell me if that makes a difference.21:45
f00bar80ActionParsnip :(21:45
Notorious_ActionParsnip, but it was not supposed to act like this, this is very strange21:45
tangodown40Sabri, it's system wide, plus the buttons are also affected.21:45
ActionParsnipf00bar80: thats all i can recommend, using snmp is simple21:45
docmurmy sound cards not showing up in the sound app so I when I dmesg I get http://pastebin.com/dBYE4pKA21:45
X-Sleepy-Xdoes ubuntu make use of an already existing swap partition located under the same partition table as the intended installation partition during the installation procedure?21:45
docmurbut I don't know what it means21:45
ActionParsnipNotorious_: the hardware is different and may not work with zero options, so you may need some switches and stuff to make the kernel talk to the hardware right21:46
Sabritangodown40, That's what I'm thinking.  Try changing the font and then changing it back.  See if that makes a difference.21:46
ActionParsnipX-Sleepy-X: i believe so21:46
duffydackf00bar80, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMonitorInternetTrafficTotals21:46
dlublinkCan I use my ssh key pair for gpg ?21:46
=== gianluca_ is now known as zfe_
Notorious_ActionParsnip, I though this pen-drive boot setup was supposed to work right on every hardware, hmm21:47
X-Sleepy-XActionParsnip: so that would in theory compensate for shortage on ram?21:47
=== zfe_ is now known as zfe
tangodown40Sabri, changing the fonts didn't help.21:47
ActionParsnipNotorious_: how can it, the number of hardware variations are astronomical, yes it tries to accomodate most but some setups need special options21:47
boxbeatsyhi, does anybody know why i am getting a white box at the top left of my screen when i'm using wine?21:47
Sabritangodown40, Did you update any programs (firefox, for example) while under Kubuntu?21:48
ActionParsnipX-Sleepy-X: you can use: top  to see whats chewing the RAM, launch a terminal via CTRL+ALT+T and see whats going on21:48
tangodown40Sabri, In fact, in Firefox a lot of the words are in a different language (i changed the fonts back to Ubuntu)21:48
tangodown40Sabri, No I did not update any programs.21:48
ActionParsnipboxbeatsy: what app are you running, oris it all apps?21:48
X-Sleepy-XActionParsnip: i was planning to use the alternate cd... :)21:49
ActionParsnipboxbeatsy: some make a tray icon (like spotify)21:49
danktamagachiare there any disadvantages to using kubuntu over the normal version?  will I miss out on any apps? any lost functionality?21:49
ActionParsnipX-Sleepy-X: ah, i see21:49
Sabritangodown40, You have me stumped.  Of course, my understanding of Ubuntu is more limited...21:49
Notorious_ActionParsnip and how to set this special options that you told me? I don't see any menu like that from the wiki article21:49
kv102tanyone know if you can use eToken SSO on ubuntu 10.4 or 10.10 ??21:49
boxbeatsyActionParsnip: i'm running a random app called ICC, and it only happens for thsi one app21:49
Firartixhey therere :D21:49
ActionParsnipdanktamagachi: you can run gnome apps in kde if you wish. Depends on what apps you use. If you use a lot of KDE apps then use KUbuntu. If you use gnome apps then use gnome21:50
ubuntu4shaneis there ANY smartphone that is compatible with Ubuntu (ie that syncs with evolution) ??  I want to sync contacts and calendar21:50
Firartixi would like to know if there is any way to get a plain standard graphic file explorer on 10.11 Netbook edition ?21:50
ActionParsnipboxbeatsy: is there a fix on the wine appdb?21:50
=== oracle is now known as kish
ActionParsnip!ot | ubuntu4shane21:50
ubottuubuntu4shane: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:50
lopezeHey. I'm attempting to install StarCraft II and how to's tell me to follow these commands to unhide the necessary install files. sudo umount /media/SC2-L100-D1     sudo mount -o ro,unhide,uid=1000 /dev/sr0 /mnt                          cd /mnt           . From there I'd use wine to install it but it hangs and as such I need to copy the CD's contents but I don't know how to. Anyone know how to transfer the data to the desktop?21:51
X-Sleepy-Xdanktamagachi: the only thing i noticed in a previos version of kubuntu was that the network manager didn't find any hidden wireless network but i guess there is a way around that...21:51
pthakkar#join virtualbox21:51
Firartixi am seriously disappointed by the way you can't open anything :|21:51
goltooftangodown40,   reinstall ubuntu-desktop...   your previous kubuntu install must have compromised your settings.  reinstalling should reset your settings21:51
ActionParsnipX-Sleepy-X: could use wicd, its DE independant21:51
coz_Firartix,  not sure .... I have not use netbook much... did you try opening a terminal and   nautilus   as the command?21:51
Firartixaside from that strange "files & folder" window that find 1/4 the stuff21:51
Firartixhmmm no21:51
ActionParsnipFirartix: can you expand on "open anything" please21:52
Firartixi mean getting a file explorer21:52
Firartixi see none accessible by any graphic mean on 10.11 netbook21:52
ubuntu4shaneActionParsnip, ok, will check there, although I don't really think this is off-topic, it is a Ubuntu compatibility thing, non-the less.21:52
kv102tanyone know if you can use eToken SSO on ubuntu 10.4 or 10.10 ??21:52
ActionParsnipFirartix: if you use the files and folders item on the left, it runs nautilus which is EXACTLY the same as the desktop OS21:52
tangodown40goltoof, alright, I'll try doing that. Do I have to use --purge?21:52
ActionParsnipubuntu4shane: this is for users having issues with their OS21:53
Firartixare you kidding o_O ?21:53
Firartixi can't get to open any folder21:53
ubuntu4shaneActionParsnip, understood, thanks21:53
Firartixi can just "search through my documents folder"21:53
Firartixwith 20% accuracy21:53
coz_Firartix,  then try in terminal   nautilus  see if that is what yo u want21:53
ActionParsnipFirartix: sure you can, your user can navigate and read almost any file, you will have limited write access due  to your user being a user21:53
goltooftangodown40,  i would anyway21:53
coz_Firartix,   or   gksudo nautilus for more permissions21:54
guampai have an issue with virtualbox, every time i reboot my machine i have to recreate a second "host" adapter21:54
FirartixActionParsnip: ... i'm talking about SEEING what is actually on your disk and stuff21:54
Firartixbesides, the file & folder is just giving me a black screen now21:54
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ActionParsnipFirartix: do you mean the stuff OUTSIDE of $HOME?21:54
Firartixand stuff inside it too, since half of it doesn't seem to be shown in there21:55
denndaOn my apple keyboard the F1-F12 keys are per default used as media keys and I have to press an additional key to get to their FX meaning. How do I swap that?21:55
ActionParsnipFirartix: then click the up arrow in nautilus to navigate to /home then to / and you can navigate from there21:55
guntbertFirartix: coz_ : running nautilus with root permissions is *very dangerous™21:55
guampawhy the second adapter dissapears?21:55
ActionParsnipguampa: i'd ask in #vbox21:55
coz_guntbert,  you dont use  gksudo nautilus at any point?21:56
FirartixActionParsnip: well i don't see any21:56
ActionParsnipguntbert: true but its good for users needing to copy plugins and such21:56
guampaok, thanks ActionParsnip21:56
Firartixit just open up a window with files sorted under 3 category21:56
Firartix"Recent" "Favorite" "Download"21:56
kv102tHow to i change he login page?21:57
Firartixand buttons at top to select wether i want "Images" "Documents" "All files" or something21:57
Firartixbut that's about it :|21:57
guntbertcoz_: very rarely, and never when I might get distracted - so please if you recommend it give a word of caution as well21:57
ActionParsnipFirartix: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b6/Ubuntu_Netbook_Remix-is_(Nautilus).png    see the orange arrow pointing up in the toolbar, after then one pointing left and the one pointing right, hit that21:57
ActionParsnipFirartix: youo can even press ALT+F2 and run:  nautilus /21:57
Firartixi like don't have this thing at all21:57
bekorhello friends21:57
ActionParsnipFirartix: why do you want the / folder to show?21:58
Notorious_ActionParnsip to edit boot options I need a live desktop cd?21:58
Firartixis it the stuff that get opened when you press "File and Folders" ?21:58
bekoranyone available for a question?21:58
ActionParsnipNotorious_: are you installing or is the OS installed?21:58
X-Sleepy-X!ask | bekor21:58
ubottubekor: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:58
ActionParsnipFirartix: yes, thats pretty much the default layout21:59
Firartixi have a total different one21:59
X-Sleepy-XFirartix: Ctrl H21:59
Notorious_ActionParsnip I'm installing through a pen-drive, I've burned the ubuntu 10.10 image like told in the site21:59
TeknoenieIf there are any developers here are they looking into https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kickseed/+bug/42090322:00
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Firartixum X-Sleepy-X22:00
Firartixwhat is that supposed to do :o ?22:00
TeknoenieIt still doesn't work22:00
bekordoes anyone know why when i dual boot with windows on my ubuntu start up i have the windows chess pieces icon?22:00
Firartixdoes nothing22:00
ActionParsnipFirartix: or like this: http://www.tuxradar.com/files/unr6.jpg22:00
FirartixActionParsnip: what is your "Application" window looking like then ?22:00
ActionParsnipFirartix: ?22:00
X-Sleepy-XFirartix: shows hidden files and folders....22:00
kv102tAnyone help me with changeing my login screen to one i have downloaded from the ink in the theme area.22:00
Firartixgot nothing to do with it X-Sleepy-X >_>22:00
X-Sleepy-XFirartix: in nautilus that is....22:00
Firartixneither ActionParsnip22:00
ActionParsnipFirartix: i dont use netbook remix but i've been around the block a few times22:00
ActionParsnipFirartix: can you give a screenshot please22:01
Firartixwell i used 10.04 for a few days ago22:01
Firartixit looked like opening nautilus or something22:01
Firartixbut with 10.10 it got replaced by some mean stuff22:01
FirartixActionParsnip: well, how :| ?22:01
ActionParsnipkv102t: the login screen isnt very themable, you can change the colour of the login box and the wallpaper but thats about it22:01
ActionParsnipFirartix: use printscreen to make the shot, then host it on imageshack22:01
ActionParsnipFirartix: or if you can find a similar shot online thats just as good22:02
bekori have a dual boot with ubuntu 10.10 and windows xp my ubuntu start up page has the windows chess pieces icon any idea why?can I change it?22:02
ActionParsnipbekor: use the about me in preferences, you can change your image there22:03
Firartixmmmh okay wait22:03
kv102tActionParsnip: i followed link from ubuntu install to. http://art.gnome.org/themes/gdm_greeter22:03
number_kI enabled autologin and having done so, on my next restart nautilus didn't come up.. and I'm not entirely sure where to look.. any ideas?22:03
bekorthank you.do you know why it has the windows thingy?is that normal?22:03
ActionParsnipkv102t: yes they work in the old login app, the new one wont work with those22:04
ActionParsnipbekor: maybe they have a similar image22:04
ActionParsnipnumber_k: add it to your users startup items. May help22:04
kv102tActionParsnip: oh, same in 10.10  Do you know if this is comming back or anything like that?22:04
bekorthanks but it is obviously a windows thingy22:04
number_kActionParsnip: it has tried to start.. but can't, because it seems it didn't have the correct permissions or something, I'm not really sure, none of the gnome panels came up either, I'm trying to find the startup messages atm22:05
ActionParsnipkv102t: not sure, i dont pay attention to stuff like that as its on the screen for 3 seconds tops so i dont waste my time22:06
Notorious_ActionParsnip: I'm installing ...22:06
ActionParsnipnumber_k: you should be able to add to your own startup22:06
Sonic132Broken packages day 2. Now that I got rid of the other broken package. It's not listing another one when I click on the notifications applet on the panel. Any ideas?22:06
Sonic132*not = now22:07
Firartixokay ActionParsnip i got something22:07
Firartixi pretty got a window like that22:07
Sonic132!broken packages22:07
Firartixaside from the fact it lists stuff in home instead of applications22:07
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ActionParsnipSonic132: what is the output of: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get --reinstall nano22:08
Sonic132One second Action. I'll let you know.22:08
number_kActionParsnip: when I try to run it I get "EggSMClient-warning... none of the authentication protocols specified are supported"22:08
tangodown40does anyone know of a way to remove KDE font hint settings?22:09
number_kActionParsnip: I'm fairly sure its related to having tried to enable the autologin, but I'm not sure how to go about fixing it! :)22:09
Firartixum anyone22:09
Firartixwhat's the key to bring up the launch window ?22:09
Firartixi thought it was alt-f2 but22:09
Firartixit's not working22:10
Sonic132ActionParsnip: 'E: Invalid operation nano'22:10
Firartixfor some reason22:10
gurrneywhats the problem?22:10
ActionParsnipSonic132: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get --reinstall install nano     my bad22:10
ActionParsnipSonic132: use a pastebin to give the output22:11
nothingspecialFirartix: Have you removed gnome-panel?22:11
Firartixaaah i finally found the way :D22:11
inckiei followed this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixCompleteVirtualMailSystemHowto but i cannot login. i can see this in my log: http://pastebin.ca/197990722:11
Firartixnothingspecial: uh ?22:11
inckieand my /home/vmail dir is empty, no mailboxes were created.22:11
Firartixwell i don't quite know what that gnome panel is22:11
Firartixyou mean the left panel ?22:11
ActionParsnipFirartix: why do you want access to the whole of the fiesystem, very strange22:12
peppe__ciao a tutti22:12
nothingspecialFirartix: never mind, just started looking. Disabling gnome-panel borks Alt-F222:12
Sonic132ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/524699/22:12
Firartixbecause the file & folders window doesn't show ANYTHING ActionParsnip22:12
zmIf I make a RAID using a nvidia raid controller (the fakey kind), will I be able to access the same raid if I dual boot ubuntu and windows, (using ext2 IFS for windows) or will the drivers not be compatible?22:12
Firartixthere's just one dir, 2 packets, and that's about it22:12
Neo--a bit late, but still... http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs006.ash2/33686_10150112239388452_636243451_7618575_4723825_n.jpg ;)22:13
Firartixeven though i saved other stuff in my home dir22:13
ActionParsnipFirartix: wow, thats pretty crazy, you can populate that by running nautilus and dragging the folders you want to the left panel22:13
Firartixyea i ran nautilus in a console and added it to panel :|22:13
guampai'll repeat my question as i haven't had success in #vbox22:14
guampai have an issue with virtualbox, every time i reboot my machine i have to recreate a second "host" adapter22:14
guampawhy the second adapter disappears?22:14
ActionParsnipFirartix: good move :)22:14
Sonic132ActionParsnip: Did you read that? http://paste.ubuntu.com/524699/22:14
guampaall i've found is http://www.mail-archive.com/vbox-users@virtualbox.org/msg02293.html , and doesn't look good22:14
ActionParsnipguampa: are you the owner of ~/.virtualbox ?22:14
ActionParsnipSonic132: yes, you need to satisfy that dep, let me see what I can find22:15
Sonic132Also, I thought nano was a text editor? Why would I need it?22:15
ActionParsnipSonic132: can you give the output of: lsb_release -c   thanks22:15
ActionParsnipSonic132: it's in a default install and will highlight the package structure corruption22:16
nameless`hi there22:16
GeekManhello all, i run ubuntu 9.10  I'm planning on upgrading my desktop to the latest version of ubuntu. first i have a few questions to ask. 1. my update manager tells me i need to update to 10.04.1 LTS, but if i remebered right with one of the distros LTS usually wont be upgradeable after you upgrade the release version. I'm not sure about this though I might be going crazy about that. plus the update is older. Also I would agree that do22:16
GeekManing a fresh install is the best way to upgrade but it is time consuming in a way. 2 what is the benfits of a fresh install as to a upgrade. 3. the update to 10.04 is old so would a update still be an option or is it going to cause problems with the kernels and what not. anyways opinions are appreciated22:16
Sonic132ActionParsnip: steven@ubuntu:~$ lsb_release -c22:16
GeekMan:P sry for the large post22:16
nameless`my question is not at all related to ubuntu, but since there is a lot of people here i'm looking for an alternative to the ipod 160go, is there anyone i can speak with in private about that ?22:16
jribGeekMan: you can upgrade LTS22:16
zmGeekMan: You can easily upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 to 10.1022:17
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ActionParsnipGeekMan: you will need to upgrade to lucid then to maverick, you can tweak LTS so it upgrades to the next release or you can wait for the next LTS after lucid and jump directly from LTS to LTS22:17
jrib!upgrade > GeekMan22:17
ubottuGeekMan, please see my private message22:17
nothingspecialnameless`: not in private, but I have one22:17
nameless`nothingspecial: go ahead22:17
nothingspecialnameless`: what`s up?22:17
brianUsing jolicloud, how do i enable the touchscreen on my computer?22:17
ActionParsnipSonic132: 1.6.4-0ubuntu1 is in the main repo so should be installable, try: sudo apt-get --reinstall install gvfs22:18
GeekMan:P thnc ubottu22:18
nameless`nothingspecial: you have one alternative ?22:18
jribbrian: this channel is for ubuntu support22:18
GeekManor every one22:18
brianTheres no jolicloud channel22:18
jribbrian: http://www.jolicloud.com/support22:18
nothingspecialno, I have an ipod like yours, do you have a problem with yours?22:18
ActionParsnipbrian: /j #jolicloud22:19
nameless`nothingspecial: hehe you didn't understand me :) i don't want anything from apple, and i'm looking for an alternative to the ipod 160go22:19
Sonic132ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/524701/22:19
GeekManso in general the lts22:19
jrib!enter | GeekMan22:19
ubottuGeekMan: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:19
ActionParsnipSonic132: that is also in the maverick repo22:20
docmurmy sound cards not showing up in the sound app so I when I dmesg I get http://pastebin.com/dBYE4pKA22:20
docmurbut I don't know what it means22:20
zaxonspoxhello, how to disable Compiz before plaing on Wine? does Fusion-Icon with desselecting Compiz is enough?22:20
nothingspecialnameless`: oh I see. I find sandisk, if a little plasticky, to be a great alternative. However you should /j ubuntu-offtopic for this22:20
ActionParsnip!ot | nameless`22:20
ubottunameless`: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:20
GeekManyeah i hit the enter key i was gonna type LTS'S but what ever it means long term support right?22:20
ActionParsnip!lts | GeekMan22:20
ubottuGeekMan: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)22:20
jribGeekMan: yes22:20
GeekManthanx ill just back up also when im backing up the files for the other users will they be encrypted in anyway22:21
nameless`nothingspecial: sandisk is 8/4 or 2 go22:21
ActionParsnipzaxonspox: i'd make a script to switch to metacity, then run the game, when the game is done, rerun compiz22:21
Sonic132ActionParsnip: Well I have all the sources except the CD as it as an acquintance of mines CD. So he has it now.22:21
nameless`nothingspecial: i'm looking for much more :)22:21
Sonic132ActionParsnip: Perhaps giving you a copy of the contents of sources.list would help solve the mystery?22:22
zaxonspoxActionParsnip, but does Compiz-Icon enough? i have then no compiz process in process lists22:22
nothingspecialnameless`: Archos then, but like I say /j ubuntu-offtopic22:22
ActionParsnipSonic132: you may have to tell apt-get to pull down the debs only then use dpkg to force install them to make the packages square, this kinda of thing is one of the huge weaknesses in package based distros22:22
Sonic132ActionParsnip: My acquintance also said that this is an Alpha version of Maverick.22:22
guampaActionParsnip: sry lost connection. Yes i own ~/.virtualbox , i store the guest's xml and vdis in other directories and also own every file22:23
zombiejis there a setting i can change to make myself superuser? so i  dont have to type my password all the time?22:23
Notorious_ActionParsnip, understand my problem?22:23
ActionParsnipSonic132: if you installed the alpha then got fully upgraded, you are using the released OS22:23
Sonic132ActionParsnip: I haven't a clue how to do that. I haven't much experience with dpkg.22:23
ActionParsnipNotorious_: i havent seen any text from you in ages22:23
nothingspecialzombiej: Yes, but this is unsupported here, I believe22:23
ActionParsnipSonic132: time to learn22:23
Cairowhat's the best IRC client for ubuntu?22:24
zombiejahh ok im a noob wasnt sure22:24
Sonic132ActionParsnip: I haven't gotten it fully upgraded. I did get some of them though before it went into broken package hell.22:24
ActionParsnipguampa: ok thats good22:24
ActionParsnipSonic132: is this a clean install?22:24
nothingspecialzombiej: No problem22:24
Sonic132ActionParsnip: It all started when I got the nvidia-current driver. Then I had a broken package that mentioned it. So I deleted them both and now I have another broken package.22:25
ActionParsnipCairo: there is no best app for anything22:25
Sonic132ActionParsnip: No...not quite. But close.22:25
coz_Cairo,   I use xchat and I know many that use irssi22:25
deathanatosHelp: I can't drag windows, or switch workspaces, or alt+tab. Alt+Space says "Window manager warning: GtkMenu  failed to grab the pointer."22:25
guampaCairo: KVirc is good imo22:25
ActionParsnipSonic132: apt-get has a switch to download only, debs are stored in /var/cache/apt/archives22:25
D4rkCl0udwho can help me? i cant install apts22:25
Sonic132ActionParsnip: Ubuntu doesn't have anything similar to system file checker (sfc)?22:25
Notorious_ActionParsnip you ask me if I am installing or if it's already installed, I answered that I'm installing the ubuntu, and when I boot with the installation pen-drive, in the "Install" screen, where it asks my language, etc, my mouse and my keyboard (hardware) stucks22:26
ActionParsnipCairo: you are using an OS advocating freedom and choice, yet you wander in here for some strangers to tell you what to like and use? Smacks of microsoft don't you think??22:26
Sonic132ActionParsnip: How would downloading it only help?22:26
Cairojust a bit22:26
Cairobuy Empathy is horrible22:26
ActionParsnipSonic132: because it won't install so you need dpkg's --force-all option to push the package in and make things square again22:26
Cairofor me at any rate22:26
duffydack!irc | Cairo22:26
ubottuCairo: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines22:26
Sonic132Ok I think I see what your saying.22:27
ActionParsnipCairo: so if everyone said empathy was the best, would you use it?22:27
duffydackthats the one22:27
duffydackthere 'was' one somewhere22:27
D4rkCl0udi cant download apts, who can help me?22:27
ActionParsnipCairo: so why ask in the first place?22:27
zaxonspoxActionParsnip, but does Compiz-Icon enough? i have then no compiz process in process lists22:27
Cairobecause i wanted to know what was the most popular22:27
guampaduffydack: it says "as well as IRC clients"22:27
coz_Cairo,   check out the screenshots of all menioned... you wont get an idea of how they actually feel to use but you may get an idea of what you might prefer22:28
coz_Cairo, ` :mentioned:22:28
ActionParsnipCairo: the link ubottu gave has a list of available irc clients, try a few and see what you like :)22:28
Sonic132How would I find out the switch to download deb only with apt-get?22:28
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)22:28
ActionParsnipCairo: popular doesnt mean anything, just like other people's opinions of which app is best for something22:28
duffydackman apt-get22:28
nothingspecialSonic132: man apt-get22:28
GeekManill just back up also when im backing up the files for the other users will they be encrypted in anyway22:28
coz_Sonic132,  generally apt-get downloads .deb packages and installs them22:28
ActionParsnipSonic132: man apt-get22:28
guampagod i wish i could solve this freakin virtualbox problem22:28
GeekManapt get moo22:29
Sonic132Thanks everyone.22:29
SolvedIs there a terminal command to temporarily disable use of the internet and then a command to get it to work again?22:29
nothingspecialduffydack: just -d will do22:29
duffydacksudo ifdown eth0 (ety0 for example)22:30
ActionParsnipSolved: sudo ifdown interfacename22:30
duffydacknothingspecial, oh,cool.22:30
ActionParsnipor: sudo service networking stop22:30
dliSolved, easier with n-m, like /etc/init.d/network-manager down22:30
nothingspecialSolved: sudo service networking stop ..... I think, then change stop to start22:30
SolvedActionParsnip: and how do I get it to work again?22:30
* duffydack doesn't use networkin manager :022:31
ActionParsnipSolved: sudo ifup interfacename    or sudo service networking start22:31
Sonic132--download only didn't quite work. http://paste.ubuntu.com/524705/22:31
GeekMancool thats usfull22:31
Sonic132Still wont let me because of unmet dependencies.22:31
coz_Sonic132,  then  type  sudo apt-get install -f22:31
SolvedI get error stop: Unknown instance:22:32
Sonic132If only it were that simple coz_22:32
coz_Sonic132,  I wasnt paying close attention...what are you installing22:32
SolvedActionParsnip: I get "stop: unknown instance"22:32
nothingspecialSolved: because you`ve stopped it22:32
Solvedbut internet still works22:32
Solvedi g2g in a min22:32
nothingspecialSolved: Ah??22:33
ActionParsnipSolved: pull the interface down and it sould be ok22:33
llutzSolved: sudo ifconfig eth0 down22:33
Sonic132coz_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/524706/ That's what I get.22:33
guampamaybe he is connecting via wlan / ppp / usb22:33
duffydackcould also use synaptic to generate download script22:33
Sonic132I'm trying to reinstall my nvidia drivers and any other upgrades Ubuntu sees fit to grace my presence with.22:33
Solvedllutz: what is command to make it work again22:33
llutzifdown/ifup won't work when using networkmanager, because they aren't configured in /etc/network/interfaces22:34
llutzSolved: sudo ifconfig eth0 up22:34
Sonic132ActionParsnip: If your still there. You could take a look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/524706/ as well.22:34
rmausquestion regarding GNU Screen: how do you print the current screen's name or title, or how do you print whether you're currently viewing a screen or not?22:34
Sonic132Isn't it just like windows 'Print Screen' button?22:35
nothingspecialSonic132: I get a not found22:35
dlirmaus, screen -ls22:35
ActionParsnipSonic132: great. run:  sudo dpkg --force-all -i /var/cache/apt/archives/gvfs*.deb    should do it22:35
cobblewifflehi all22:35
goltoofrmaus,   ctrl-a, t22:35
rmausdli, for me that prints all screens on my box, not necessarily the one I'm connected to22:35
cobblewiffleevery time I start some 3d app my whole computer just freezes after a while22:36
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Sonic132ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/524707/ nope :(22:36
dlicobblewiffle, better, I get GPU hang, if I start compiz22:36
goltoof*  crt-a w22:37
ActionParsnipSonic132: try:  sudo dpkg --force-all -i /var/cache/apt/archives/gvfs-backends_1.6.4-0ubuntu1.1_i386.deb22:37
rmausthere we go, ctrl-a w worked22:37
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rmausthanks guys22:37
cobblewifflei mean22:37
cobblewifflei can't use any 3d app at all22:37
cobblewifflesince i put on maverick22:37
Jordan_USonic132: Can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list and all files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ?22:38
ActionParsnipcobblewiffle: if you run:  lspci | grep -i vga   it will show the video chip and you can websearch for guides22:38
Sonic132ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/524708/22:38
Raydiationhi im having a problem22:38
Sonic132Jordan_U: Just a sec.22:38
Raydiationwhen i boot my pc i got my system partition as sda122:38
Raydiationwhen i shut down adn boot again the same but when i reboot i got it as sdc122:39
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cobblewiffledid that22:39
cobblewiffleno dice22:39
Notorious_ActionParsnip, I know you're only one, but if you cannot solve my problem tell me >.<22:39
Criscoso, today my dell laptop22:39
Criscos touch pad was upgraded22:40
ActionParsnipNotorious_: if i had anything else to add, i would22:40
Criscoand when I came home from school I found that scrolling along the edge wasn't working anymore22:40
Criscoand that the tap to click function was turned on22:40
Sonic132Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/524715/22:41
Notorious_ActionParsnip, I am not using ubuntu, I'm installing so I don't have acess to the menu you told me22:41
CriscoI went to fix these problems, but I don't have a touchpad tab in mouse settings22:41
nothingspecialRaydiation: And the symptoms are?22:41
Sonic132Ok back. Sorry I'm slow. I'm on a laptop.22:41
ActionParsnipNotorious_: you do, you can press spacebar when you see the stcikman, then press e to edit the kernel line22:41
Notorious_ActionParsnip, dunno, now you heally helped me! thanks! =D22:42
docmurOkay so my sound cards works this morning and then I rebooted and now it's gone, I don't get it22:42
Cubbywhy ubuntu22:43
ActionParsnipCubby: why not22:43
Sonic132Damn my first ubuntu program crash.22:43
nothingspecialdocmur: I think more info is needed22:43
Jordan_USonic132: Try running "sudo mv /var/cache/apt/archives/ /var/cache/apt/archives-bak" then "sudo apt-get -f install".22:44
ryu_does anyone know how to connect Eucalyptus up to bare metal Windows servers?22:44
docmurI literally don't know how to give you guys much more, my sounds card was fine yesturday and now it's missing from the sound app in gnome, when I msg there is probe error22:44
=== DodgeThis_ is now known as DodgeThis
Cubbyeeek sound in linux22:44
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nothingspecialdocmur: aplay -l22:45
Cubbydocmur, did you try restart alsa?22:45
docmur**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****22:45
docmurcard 2: Generic [HD-Audio Generic], device 3: ATI HDMI [ATI HDMI]22:45
docmur  Subdevices: 1/122:45
docmur  Subdevice #0: subdevice #022:45
FloodBot4docmur: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:45
Sonic132Jordan_U: Ok it's downloading. We'll see what's up when it's done.22:45
ActionParsnipdocmur: can you use a pastebin to give the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh22:45
Notorious_ActionParsnip, should I try these boot options all together or one by one?22:45
Criscoshould I upgrade ubuntu to see if that fixes the problem?22:45
nothingspecialdocmur: pastebin22:45
martianlobsterwhat is the best way to install flash  on  netbook remix 10.04  ?22:45
CubbyI used USB mem stick to install it on my netbook22:46
Cubbywas very easy22:46
Sonic132Jordan_U: No errors and the notification for broken packages disappeared off the panel!22:46
Sonic132Anything I can do to try and make it less likely broken packages will occur?22:46
martianlobsterCubby:     what  did you have on your usb stick?   something you downloaded from adobe?22:46
ActionParsnipNotorious_: i'd try noe by one, and then combinations, if the system is a sony viao then try: psmouse.proto=imps22:46
aeon-ltdmartianlobster: adobe flash?, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer22:47
martianlobsteraeon-ltd:    thanks   that sounds  nice and easy22:47
docmurDoes ubuntu build the sound cards in as modules????22:47
Notorious_ActionParsnip, It's a desktop, Intel Pentium 4, ATI video hardware, should I try anymore or just these three: i8024.reset    i8024.nomux=1     irqpoll ... ?22:47
docmurbecause that would be a really really really really bad idea22:48
docmuras any module is a bad idea22:48
martianlobsteraeon-ltd:    after I install theinstaller,  do I need to run it?  or does the installer run inself automatically and install flash for  me?22:48
=== STF_ is now known as STF
Jordan_USonic132: Somehow many of your package files were corrupted, did you have a power outage recently?22:48
Devilz_108A question : What is the name of the new font in 10.10 I want to DL it for 10.0422:48
ActionParsnipNotorious_: those are good for mice things, could also try nodma and irqpoll22:48
Sonic132Jordan_U: No not really. But I am using a laptop. Perhaps someone else killed the battery and it died.22:48
Notorious_ActionParsnip, gonna try, thx for the info, cya22:49
ryu_does anyone know how to connect Eucalyptus up to bare metal Windows servers?22:49
LantiziaHey, how can I use lvcreate without specifying a size (as in... use all available space in the volume group)22:49
=== Crisco is now known as zz_Crisco
_Neytiri_is there a active directory liek server on ubuntu?22:50
Sonic132Jordan_U: Jeez but that seemed like such a simple solution. But your the first one in about a day. That knew how to fix it. Thanks!22:50
Jordan_USonic132: You're welcome.22:50
docmuris what dmesg says22:50
Jordan_USonic132: Just to be sure, check your drive's SMART status and run fsck. The drive and filesystem are probably both fine, but it can't hurt to check.22:51
ActionParsnipdocmur: try launching: alsamixer    in a terminal and make sure none of the channels are muted and all are cranked22:51
docmurcannot open mixer: No such file or directory22:51
Sonic132Jordan_U: So when I'm not updating stuff. Should I get rid of all the packages? So that there'd be less chance of deb corruption.22:52
nothingspecialdocmur: This may be useful  http://alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-emu10k122:52
ActionParsnipJordan_U: wtg dude22:52
nothingspecialdocmur: or not22:52
Sonic132Jordan_U: SMART is in Bios correct? Also it outputted a ton of stuff with fsck.22:53
Jordan_USonic132: No, only do it if you actually have a problem.22:53
Jordan_USonic132: You can check the SMART status via System > Administration > Disk Utility. And run fsck by running "sudo touch /forcefsck" then rebooting.22:54
Sonic132Thanks...I copied that down. So I'll remember.22:55
ZykoticK9Jordan_U, <slightlyOTbut> do you happen to know if the /forcefsck would work on another distro?  say Fedora?22:55
docmurthat post has to do with building the new driver, but the old driver worked this morning22:56
docmurso sometime from then till now in a reboot the card stopped working in Ubunut22:56
docmurwell I may as well compile my own kernel then and do it correctly unlike the one that is bundled with Ubuntu22:57
docmurthey clearly built the sound card in as a module22:57
docmurwhich is a very wrong concept22:57
ZykoticK9docmur, if Ubuntu was to build EVERYTHING into the kernel - it would be use, and a waste for most people.  Modularity makes sense.22:58
docmurmodularity never makes sense,  I've built my kernel for years when I used Gentoo and never ever had driver issues, as soon as I start using modules the drivers go to shit and I'm left with a broken system.   If everything is built into the kernel then you'll have everything when you need it, so what give up the extra space and just move on it's not a big deal23:00
IdleOnedocmur: please watch the language23:00
hakumeI am trying to connect a Creative Zen V mp3 player to my Ubuntu  desktop which was made in the win2k era.23:03
hakumeIt is not recognizing.23:03
sakohey guys, i am kind of confused on how to get a package onto my ppa.. I want to get http://packages.debian.org/source/squeeze/puppet23:04
hakume'm thinking it might be that the player needs to have  USB 2.023:04
sakodo i have to rebuild it or anything?? theres already a .deb23:04
nasserDoes anyone know of Readon TV programe for linux?23:04
hakumeBut I'm not sure.23:04
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banisterfiendhow do i find the location of a library ?23:05
banisterfiendand a header?23:05
banisterfiendi need to knwo where tcl.h and the tcl library is installed23:05
nasserDoes anyone know of Readon TV programe for linux?23:05
evelyettewhy do I get seg fault when I try to do "sudo su" ?23:06
gh0stwheelanyone understand how to use openbox-xdgmenu?23:06
sachaelare the cool black popups in ubuntu from a normal gnome theme or some ubuntu magic? does anyone know a similar theme with kde-styled popups?23:06
clincher_how do you make a partition active on ubuntu?23:06
obsidieththey're not gnome23:06
obsidiethi forget what its called, but you can use them in any wm/dm23:06
ZykoticK9evelyette, not sure why you're getting a segfault (probably not a good sign) BUT use "sudo -i" if you REALLY need a root prompt (you probably don't)23:06
sachaelobsidieth: I guess I could. I'm wondering if there is a gnome theme that integrates with kde, popups including23:07
banisterfiendHOW do i find the location of a library??23:07
rypervencheI'm having a problem with running something very simple in a shell script. Can I get someone's help with it? It's rather specific.23:08
grimgrimls /usr/lib* | grep -i name23:08
grimgrimetc etc23:08
obsidiethfind, too.23:08
gh0stwheelsachael, im pretty sure kde has its own popup notifications23:08
evelyetteZykoticK9, works, but still curious why su is causing segfault23:08
obsidiethevelyette: can you su to other users23:08
evelyetteobsidieth, no23:08
sachaelgh0stwheel: sorry, I'm talking about the tooltip popups, they are black as well23:08
obsidiethhow strange23:08
obsidiethdoes the md5hash of your su binary match what it should23:09
sachaelgh0stwheel: kde has these cool blue rounded tooltips as well23:09
ZykoticK9evelyette, your not really suppose to run that command anyways - i'm kinda glad it's segfaulting.  best of luck though - root shell is almost never required, if you need it you're probably doing something incorrectly.23:09
obsidiethis there really a functional difference between sudo su and sudo -i.23:09
evelyetteZykoticK9, no I'm not, I just don't want to type sudo always23:09
evelyetteobsidieth, how to check?23:10
ZykoticK9evelyette, lol my point exactly ;)23:10
ZykoticK9evelyette, do what you want man - it's your system!  (i used to log in root under gentoo all the time, on freebsd too - i just don't see a need for it anymore).  Enjoy Ubuntu, and be extra careful when you type things!23:11
kid__my hibernate button is missing23:11
obsidiethgot acpi packages installed.23:11
StrangeCharmhow can i start a program in the background from the command line?23:11
mlqhello, is it possible to update from ubuntu 6.06 directly to ubuntu 10.10?23:11
obsidiethwith &23:12
obsidiethor pipe it to dev null23:12
evelyetteZykoticK9, yes I'm using freebsd and gentoo too, that's why I think it's stupid that I need to type sudo23:12
Sir_Konradevelyette, get used to it.23:12
gh0stwheelmlq, that would likely be a disaster23:12
obsidiethits stupid that it segfaults.23:12
Sir_Konradmlq, no not a good idea at all.23:12
blackshirtmlq: i think it is possible23:12
aeon-ltdmartianlobster: sorry for the late reply, i do not know for sure23:12
mlqgh0stwheel: that does not matter - it is just a virtualbox :)23:12
Sir_Konradmlq, I recommend going to 10.04 if you need LTS23:13
blackshirtmlq: with a lot of attention sure23:13
ZykoticK9evelyette, that's what excellent about ubuntu actually - it is very much a departure from the regular "unix" way of thinking about "linux" ;)  sorry i'm OT.23:13
rypervencheI'm having problem with something in a shell script that I made to play a video game. I have it "killall ibus-daemon" since the game can't play with it on, then I run the java game, and afterward I have it set to "ibus-daemon --xim &" then "disown". This works when I run it in a terminal and when I double click on the .sh file and choose "run". However when I run it from a launcher or double click on it then choose "Run in terminal" it does execute "ib23:13
rypervencheus-daemon" once I close the game. Any help?23:13
martianlobsteraeon-ltd:    i just tried it out,  it installed without any fuirther work23:13
obsidiethprobably be bumpy.23:13
aeon-ltdmartianlobster: good :)23:13
martianlobsterye :)23:13
mlqSir_Konrad: so an upgrad to 10.04 is easily doable?23:13
obsidiethsudo's benefits dont lie in dump you into a root shell, theres more to it.23:13
Sir_Konradmlq, Doable? Yes, but I seriously recommend formatting.23:13
swimI just installed 10.04 and for some reason when I have number lock on, the right half of the letters part of my keyboard does number and wierd stuff..  i've ran 10.04 on a computer exactly like this before and never had issues..  can somebody help??23:14
banisterfiendcan someone give me an exact command to type to locate the tcl.h file somewhere on my system? (sorry not experinced with linux)23:14
Sir_Konradmlq, it's a disaster if you skip versions like that.23:14
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blackshirtmlq: i think upgrade was possible directly..ubuntu is like debian system23:14
jimisrvroxid like I know how I could start Vino through ssh...right now im using TightVNC and its just not working at all..I can get a connection to my ubuntu box but I cant click on anything or move anything at all..23:14
guampaevelyette: you can just "sudo -s" if you want to stay root23:14
ZykoticK9banisterfiend, it might not be there!  Try "locate tcl.h" - my system doesn't find it!23:15
mlqblackshirt: ok, i guess i will give it a shot - is there, besides adding the new sources, something i should care about?23:15
clincherhow do you make a partition active?23:15
Sir_Konradblackshirt, I wouldn't do that...23:15
banisterfiendZykoticK9: how do i refresh the locate database?23:15
Sir_Konradgood luck mlq.23:15
mlqSir_Konrad: it is just a virtualbox image, i did a snapshot :)23:15
ZykoticK9banisterfiend, better yet - do a full search "find / -name tcl.h 2>/dev/null"23:15
Sir_Konradmlq, oh LOL! I thought you must have been dealing with a server or something. XD23:16
rypervencheI'm having problem with something in a shell script that I made to play a video game. I have it "killall ibus-daemon" since the game can't play with it on, then I run the java game, and afterward I have it set to "ibus-daemon --xim &" then "disown". This works when I run it in a terminal and when I double click on the .sh file and choose "run". However when I run it from a launcher or double click on it then choose "Run in terminal" it does execute "ib23:16
rypervencheus-daemon" once I close the game. Any help?23:16
mlqSir_Konrad: ok :D - its just that i want to try if this would work - so i installed myself now a clean 6.0623:16
Sir_Konradmlq, ok then, give it your best shot. Hope it works. ;)23:16
guampai'm having issues with virtualbox "host" adapters, the second adapter just disappears on each reboot, and i have to recreate it from the UI23:17
guampait still shows up in VirtualBox.xml though23:17
Sir_Konradguampa, sure it's not a VBOX issue?23:18
Sir_Konradguampa, did you install the Additions properly?23:18
teemoim not seeing a boot screen, while ubuntu is booting, is that normal? Is it an option?23:18
ZykoticK9banisterfiend, no tcl.h on my system.  you could try installing the dev version of tcl (i don't have any knowledge of tcl really, don't use it myself)23:18
tgywaIs there anyone here ... familier with ...checkinstall23:19
_16BitSubsystem_tgywa: hi23:19
guampaSir_Konrad: as to the additions, they relate to a guest instance, the host adapters are global to virtualbox (the second host nic goes away without even starting a vm)23:19
lucas__Hi everyone. I want to format a partition on usb flash drive for use as casper-rw. Any ideas for the best file system?23:19
tgywa_16BitSubsystem_, hi23:19
clincherhow do you make a partition active? i cant seem to find an option for it23:19
Sir_Konradhmm... ok guampa, you seem to know a good bit more about VBOX then I do. :P23:20
guampai', asking in #vbox too, i still can't determine it's a vbox or ubuntu issue, still trying23:20
blackshirtlucas_: it was for live system ??23:20
guampaSir_Konrad: maybe, thanks anyway for tryin'23:20
Sir_Konradguampa, no problem, just wish I could do more. :\23:21
tgywa_16BitSubsystem_,  I am compiling PHP 5.2 from source .. how can I get it in .deb format ... some one told me that I can use checkinstall tool ...23:21
lucas__blackshirt: yes. I used a customized live cd made by remastersys. IO seemed really SLOW on ext4 after time23:21
blackshirtsquashfs filesystem maybe..but it was ro23:22
luiso88Hola a todos23:22
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:22
teemois Xsplash the software i should install if i want a ubuntu boot screen?23:22
sakohey guys, how can i put an existing debian package into my own ubuntu ppa?23:22
luiso88me gustaria saber si qlguien puede ayudarme a ver si puedo hacer que el sonido en ubuntu23:22
luiso88se me escuché mas nitido...23:22
blakkheimluiso88: ingles23:23
lucas__blackshirt: squashfs was for the system already. Was thinking about the persistent partition. What about btrfs?23:23
luiso88porque me da coraje que tenga que irme a windows23:23
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:23
clincherluiso88, intenta preguntar en #ubuntu-es23:23
rypervencheI'm having problem with something in a shell script that I made to play a video game. I have it "killall ibus-daemon" since the game can't play with it on, then I run the java game, and afterward I have it set to "ibus-daemon --xim &" then "disown". This works when I run it in a terminal and when I double click on the .sh file and choose "run". However when I run it from a launcher or double click on it then choose "Run in terminal" it does execute "ib23:24
rypervencheus-daemon" once I close the game. Any help?23:24
mlqSir_Konrad: when i directly get the maverick package list, the old apt-get fails parsing them23:24
Sir_Konradmlq, hmm...23:24
swimmy keyboard doesn't work right with number lock on23:24
Sir_Konradmlq, would you mind jumping updates?23:24
blackshirtlucas_: yes, it was greats filesytem available for linux..but i have no experience with it23:25
Sir_Konradmlq, you could jump to 7.04 > 8.04 > 9.04 > 10.04 > 10.10. :P23:25
ynkCan we ask questions about editing the linux kernel here?23:25
guampaynk: maybe ##linux is better for that23:26
mlqSir_Konrad: this would be too boring :D23:26
Sir_Konradmlq, LOL! :D23:26
ynkguampa: thanks, pal.23:26
Sir_Konradmlq, you could grab a new version of apt...23:26
guampanp buddy23:26
clinchercan someone please answer how to mark a partition as active?23:26
Sir_Konradmlq, but seriously, you'd be replacing 50% of the system just doing that.23:26
mlqSir_Konrad: thats what i checked right now, the deps are qute huge23:27
guampaclincher: from the command line you can use the fdisk program23:27
Sir_Konradmlq, yeah...23:27
lucas__blackshirt: Thanks anyway! I will put it on the test to see how it does23:27
swimfresh install 10.04 on hp pavilion dv9500 has faulty keyboard with number lock23:27
NickyL1my ethernet card on my desktop stopped working suddenly this morning.  I can not bring up my router through its IP address.  When I look at the Network Manager, it says that "wired network connection is active".23:27
Sir_Konradmlq, are you doing this just for fun? :P23:27
mlqSir_Konrad: yes23:28
duffydackclincher, or could use the Disk Utility.  fdisk and 'a' to mark bootable anyhow.23:28
Sir_Konradmlq, ok. ;)23:29
clincherduffydack: ah, didnt know "bootable" meant active23:30
Jef91Anyone know if there is a way to change to a different tty in virtual box?23:31
=== Elive_user28_en is now known as Fito
swim10.04, my keyboard isn't working right when NUM LOCK is on23:32
Sir_Konradmlq, seems like a lot of trouble to do. When I get that itch to do something I usually get involved with either helping with Ubuntu or take a small distro (aka Puppy) and turning it into a full fledged desktop OS.23:32
Sir_Konradswim, turn NUMLOCK off.23:32
duffydackJef91, host key and Fx23:32
swimare you serious23:32
Sir_Konradswim, um... yes. What kind of keyboard?23:33
Jef91diffydack Fx?23:33
Sir_Konradswim, desktop or laptop?23:33
Jef91duffydack Fx?23:33
Diamondciteswim: Laptop? Desktop? Keyboard with an actual number pad?23:33
swimyeah, it's got a standard keyboard setup23:33
Jef91thanks duffydack23:33
Diamondciteswim: So it has the number pad on the side?23:33
Diamondciteswim: If so how does it 'not work' with numlock?23:34
duffydackJef91, host as in the host key assigned to vbox.23:34
duffydackJef91, right ctrl by def.23:34
swimDiamondcite: yes, numbers on the side23:34
Sir_KonradDiamondcite, I doubt. Sounds like an X issue.23:34
swimDiamondcite: when num lock is on, the letters display numbers and funny characters23:34
DiamondciteSir_Konrad: I'm more wondering if his keyboard was mis-detected and assumed the wrong key layout..23:34
Sir_Konradswim, so a letter will display a number?23:35
swimi'm changed the layout to a few other things since i noticed this and none of the other layouts work either23:35
avohey guys, im not even kidding, but my spacebar is not registering as a space in ubuntu lucid. (I'm typing this because I have a space copied to my clip board..) Ubuntu recognizes the spacebar, the text entry boxes in GTK flash for a bitwhen i hit them. How can I fix this?23:35
swimSir_Konrad the letters on the right half of the keyboard will all display number and astericks and whatnot23:35
avoWoah, this is interesting, if i do shift-space it works..!23:35
Sir_Konradswim, a lot of laptop use the letter section of the keyboard as a keypad.23:36
Sir_Konradswim, check those keys. They probably have little numbers on them.23:36
_16BitSubsystem_NickyL1: I had the same problem but with a modem HUAWEI E156B23:37
Sir_Konradactually one of my laptops has that... :\23:37
swimI actually just replaced a computer just like this, same model, with this one, the previous one I had ran both 10.04 and 10.10 without any problems like this23:37
NickyL1_16BitSubsystem_ how did you fix the problem?23:37
swimno numbers, my last computers motherboard had went out so i replaced it with exact same model, old one never had this issue...23:38
Sir_Konradswim, check your BIOS then. Maybe you applied keyboard settings there.23:38
_16BitSubsystem_avo: maybe the problem is in your keyboard23:38
avo_16BitSoft_,  Like a hardware thing?23:38
_16BitSubsystem_avo: yeah23:38
swimhmmm..  i'm not familiar with how to do that on ubuntu..  is there a bios update app in ubuntu???23:38
avo_16BitSoft_,  Certainly not, it only happens in GTK interfaces.. e,g, gnome-do isn't affected23:39
Fitofriends: I have a problem with Function Keys..FN+Fx (suspend, volume works. Other like brigth control , wifi control doesn't)23:39
_16BitSubsystem_NickyL1: I couldn't23:39
_16BitSubsystem_NickyL1: sorry23:39
clincheris it normal that i dont have a menu.lst file in the boot/grub directory?23:39
Sir_Konradswim, no reboot and press F11 or whatever key.23:39
swimokay, what will i be looking for???23:39
Sir_Konradswim, it'll tell you which to press. ;)23:39
swimonce i've done that???23:39
Sir_Konradswim, let me check...23:39
Fitoswim: Try to press CTRL + Enter ..and test again23:40
nonamehi guys i'm new with linux , can someone guid me how to install a new theme using command line , for exmpl wanna install a theme colled Dark Matrix Theme23:40
swimctrl + enter has no response23:41
nonamehelp me plz23:41
Sir_Konradswim, look for a numlock settings tab in the keyboard section.23:41
Sir_Konradnoname, what's your problem?23:41
swimokay...  i'll check this out, thanks Sir_Konrad23:42
Sir_Konradswim, here's a link: http://www.wikihow.com/Change-the-Default-Numlock-State23:42
boxbeatsyhi why does the command : shift+<enter> tilda "." exit a frozen ssh terminal for me?23:42
Sir_Konradno problem swim. Hope it helps. :)23:42
Jordan_U!grub2 | clincher23:43
ubottuclincher: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:43
nonameSir_Konrad:wanna install a theme from command line23:43
Sir_Konradnoname, why from the command line?23:43
docmurI need to edit the grub menu.lst23:44
docmurwhere is it stored in Ubuntu 10.0423:44
docmurit's not in /boot/grub/menu.lst23:44
nonameSir_Konrad: i thought it's the best and the easy way , if you have another way tell me :)23:44
blakkheimdocmur: nowhere23:44
nonameSir_Konrad:the theme colled dark matrix theme23:44
Sir_Konradnoname, you're talking about a GNOME theme, right? :P23:44
docmurokay so how do I add a boot option to grub23:44
TiKdocmur: /etc/default/grub23:44
blakkheimdocmur: you need to replace grub2 with the old grub if you want that23:44
Sir_Konradnoname, here's a lot easier way.23:45
nonameSir_Konrad:cool ,can u guid me plz23:45
Sir_Konradnoname, ^23:45
Sir_Konradnoname, right there is an install button.23:45
Sir_Konradnoname, give it the file you downloaded.23:46
nonameSir_Konrad: how ?23:46
Sir_Konradnoname, browse to it.23:46
Sir_Konradand click it and then open.23:47
Leijon7hello.  I installed Ubuntu on my desktop pc some days ago, but i could not get Open GL work, neither access the tv out23:47
k-radmy firefox isn't launching and i've no idea how to revive it, at the very least i'd hope to revive it without losing my bookmarks.  is -safe-mode the way to do that ?   it's been so long since i've used -safe-mode23:47
Sir_Konradhope it works for you noname23:47
Leijon7when i try to reinstall windows XP, the installation disk don't find the disk23:48
noname<Sir_Konrad>: i need to donwload this theme ,but i'm confusing which file is the theme can u check the link :http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Dark+Matrix+Theme?content=13408123:48
k-radi got itunes 8.0 working just fine under the latest maverick repo wine, i'm hoping it supports audiobooks23:48
goltoofk-rad, del.icio.us extension for firefox... if you never want to lose your bookmarks... just my $.0223:50
k-radgoltoof, i don't necessarily want to share my bookmarks though23:50
Baikonurwhat's good for ubuntu netbook edition23:50
goltoofk-rad,   understood. you don't have to share them though, there's an option to make links private23:51
SpacemonkeyadbAnyone use smxi when installing linux? I used it and seem to like it...23:51
=== Crisco is now known as zz_Crisco
cruzThis is my first time using Ubuntu, and I must say it is very nice and easy23:52
goltoofi just love it, haven't lost a bookmark in years23:52
scotly1234cruz: thank you. I can take most of the credit for the nice and easy.23:52
cruzI use to use Mandrake, and Suse. thanks scotly123423:52
scotly1234cruz: Yeah, Suse used to be the nicest looking distro (IMHO) and easiest to use, but Ubuntu quickly caught up in looks and usability.23:53
SpacemonkeyadbWhat about the distro Ubuntu is based on?  Debian!23:53
mlqSir_Konrad: ok, i guess i will give it another try tomorrow - i know build a newer apt version, but the checksums are failing :\23:54
scotly1234Spacemonkeyadb: Debian? debian who?23:54
cruzYeah, I remember when Ubuntu had to be compiled and the copied to a CD if I remember right.  That was my first experience with it and didn't like it23:54
Spacemonkeyadbscott...without debian...there would b no Ubuntu23:55
=== _ is now known as Guest65169
cruzmy question is how do you set the su password23:56
Ninjaubuntu is the only level distro that i can trust myself with23:56
cyphasewhy why oh why does firefox not load pdf's inline using evince?23:56
obsidiethcruz: what are you su'ing to23:57
Jordan_U!noroot | cruz23:57
ubottucruz: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.23:57
blakkheimcruz: watch out asking that here, they will get mad23:57
Ninjacause they're all too complicated23:57
scotly1234Spacemonkeyadb: I was kidding.23:57
cruzok my mistake23:57
obsidiethhaving a root password is fine23:57
rypervencheYou just need to know what you're doing.23:57
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo23:58
Scunizicruz: if you need extended root access use sudo -i ... don't forget to "exit" before closing the terminal23:58
Jordan_Uobsidieth: It is not supported here.23:58
obsidiethi didnt say it was supported here.23:58
Spacemonkeyadb@scott...I thought so.23:58
Ninjato make a root password, first get to a root shell (easy, just "sudo bash") and then type "passwd" and set a root password23:59
cruzgot it guys, thanks for the info23:59
obsidiethjust for the love of god, dont set it as a misc female name or a 'password'.23:59

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