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johnny77I added a submenu to the applications menu. It works, but the icons for the submenu are not appearing. Any ideas?00:57
johnny77When I login, in the sessions menu, I have a choice for XFCE and Xubunut. What is the difference?00:59
charlie-tcajohnny77: the difference is the customizations done for Xubuntu.01:00
johnny77charlie-tca: Customizations I did? Or was made to XFCE as it was packaged into Xubuntu?01:02
charlie-tcacustomizations the Xubuntu Development Team does01:03
charlie-tcaYou can try each session to see what it looks like.01:04
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ubottuLaunchpad bug 652444 in gnome-media (Ubuntu) "C-Media USB Headphones no longer work in 10.10 / gnome-volume-control crash" [Medium,Invalid]01:54
charlie-tcayes, that is closed. Are you having an issue similar to that?01:58
xGrindcharlie-tca; me?01:59
charlie-tcaxGrind: yup01:59
xGrindI went back to 10.0402:00
charlie-tcaSo... it is no longer valid for you?02:01
charlie-tcaThat report is formatted in a way that is very difficult for developers to read. That's why we ask for the new report02:01
xGrindthe sound is bad. arrives to crash the system02:02
charlie-tcaDid you file the report like I asked earlier?02:02
charlie-tcaGreat! Maybe we can get it fixed then.02:03
xGrindI read that kill pulseaudio and restart it solves the problem02:04
charlie-tcaSometimes we have to compare many reports side-by-side to find the actual issue. It may turn out to be a single line of code causing the problem.02:06
xGrindcharlie-tca; and if I remove the pulseaudio?02:26
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charlie-tcapulseaudio is a sound server. It allows more than one input to the sound card at a time if needed.02:49
charlie-tcaExample, in Virtualbox installs, I can have sound from both the host and the guest at the same time using pulse audio02:49
charlie-tcaIf I don't use pulseaudio, I can have sound from either the host or the guest, but not both02:50
charlie-tcaRemoving it will simply change the controls to alsa instead of pulse audio. It is a valid workaround for some issues02:51
charlie-tcaTry removing it. It is easy to reinstall02:53
xGrindand if installand if I remove and install the pulseaudio mixer again?02:54
xGrindLer foneticamente02:54
xGrindand if I remove and install the pulseaudio mixer again?*02:54
charlie-tcaIf you don't need it, it could work02:54
charlie-tcaThe other one that sometimes works is to reinstall "alsa-base" or "alsa-utils"02:55
charlie-tcaI am trying to pin down another bug now, involving sound disappearing completely.02:56
xGrindyou are programming team of xubuntu?02:57
charlie-tcano, I don't program02:57
charlie-tcaI am the bug triage guy and the testing guy02:57
charlie-tcaI also triage the accessibility bugs, kernel bugs, and test accessibility02:58
charlie-tcaxGrind: I pretty much look at every bug filed against Xubuntu, and get to help a user once in a while03:03
xGrindi tI help to translate the xfce03:04
xGrindi help to translate the xfce03:04
charlie-tcaGreat! I admire the translators a lot03:04
charlie-tcaIt is very hard to be able to do translations03:04
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charlie-tcaWell, that's it tonight. Going to bed now.03:19
xGrindcharlie-tca; good night03:24
Balsaqgood morning engineers, coders, technicians, software junkies and casual observers....05:02
KenranI'm having a problem with my xubuntu which I installed yesterday08:08
KenranI use xubuntu dually to Win708:09
Kenranand yesterday evening, everything still worked fine. when restarting, I could choose what OS to boot08:10
Kenranbut right now I started my computer, and I just got a GRUB error08:10
Kenraneverything I saw then was a prompt where I didn't know what to type08:13
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub208:14
Kenranhm okay, I'm gonna try this, thank you08:14
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delirusis anyone else having a problem with the buggy beta nvidia drivers?16:59
moetuneslots of ppl are apparently17:00
delirusah, I suppose that means it'll be fixed soon then17:02
moetunes"could" be - nvidia make no money from it tho17:02
deliruscould be that it's clearly marked "beta" and shouldn't have been included in ubuntu? :\17:03
moetunesaren't all there linux drivers betas...17:04
delirusthere are plenty of stable nvidia drivers to choose from17:12
moetunesit seems to work for most folk going back the opensource drivers when the nvidia ones don't work17:13
Sysithere's no 3D acceleration but otherly no problems with nouveau17:14
Sysieven dualhead works great17:14
delirusyeah.... but what if one actually got their nvidia cards sothey could... y'know... use 'em for 3D? :\17:16
Sysiif you got old nvidia, nvidia don't want that you use it17:18
Sysidownside of propietary17:19
delirusnever had a problem with (stable) nvidia drivers here17:19
Sysii had17:19
Sysii think i reinstalled my system about three times for that17:20
Sysifourth time was success, on kubuntu17:20
Sysinow i would like to update but i really don't dare17:20
Sysi(first time it happened i fixed it on more linux way but couldn't now find solution)17:21
factranhi, I've got a wifi problem with my xubuntu.19:22
factranthe interface wifi0 is up,19:22
factrannetwork manager doent'connect : it stay gree, trying to connect.19:23
factranthe passwords are corret19:23
factranHave you an idea ?19:23
likemindeadYou can see the network you want to connect to?19:24
factranno, i have to pass throught "connect to an invisble network"19:24
factranthat is strange.19:24
likemindeadIs it a hidden network?19:25
factransudo iwlist scan says "wifi0 : no scan result"19:25
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:25
factranarf. It works sudenly and I don't know why :/19:31
likemindeadHmm... You might try using Wicd as an alternative.19:33
factranwhile i was updating, i saw taht my pc was completely out of date. I think I should upgrade19:37
mark76Is it a Pentium III?19:38
charlie-tcaUpdate before upgrading , please. It can mess things up pretty bad trying to update old packages19:43
charlie-tcarather trying to upgrade old packages19:43
rikmor18how do i clear a bios password on an HP dc7100?  it doesn't have the jumper cable on the cmos/password terminal.  i can't load a live cd because the bootpath looks in the hard drive first, and I can't change it without a bios password.21:26
delirus_any clean way to get the nvidia drivers that came with 10.04, into 10.10?21:27
Sysireinstall them?21:27
Sysirikmor18: take bios battery off for a moment21:27
delirus_if I reinstall them, then I'll still have the ones from 10.1021:27
Sysii guess there should be same drivers available21:27
delirus_the ones provided with 10.10 are buggy to the point of being criminal21:28
Sysidifferent version?21:28
rikmor18sysi: for how long?  and would it matter if that cmos/password jumper isnt installed? in other words, do i need that jumper o nthere for the computer to run properly?21:28
delirus_ooooh yeah21:28
delirus_a version that I read cases permanent damage to graphics cards :p21:28
delirus_I was shocked when I saw the version number21:28
Sysirikmor18: i know nothing about jumpers, not very long21:28
rikmor18not very long?21:29
rikmor18oh the battery. got it.21:29
rikmor18I'll try that. thanks.21:29
sinisterstufI installed SLIM now my computer doesn't start anymore, what can I do?21:49
likemindeadIt doesn't start at all?21:50
sinisterstufwell it does21:50
sinisterstufbut it seems to be frozen21:50
sinisterstufthere is a black screen with a white 'underline' cursor  which usually flashes until the login screen loads21:51
sinisterstufit isn' flashing, it just does nothing21:51
sinisterstufI tried rebooting twice21:51
likemindeadYou removed GDM and installed SLiM?21:51
sinisterstufand I've left it like that for 5 hours no still no change21:51
sinisterstufGDM is not removed, it told me I can have 2 lopgin managers installed but only once can work at once so I selected SLIM21:51
sinisterstufGDM is still there21:51
sinisterstufjust isn't used21:52
sinisterstuf*login managers21:52
likemindeadCan you Alt-Ctrl-F2 to get a CLI login?21:53
likemindeadYou might read up on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery ...21:54
sinisterstufhehe thanks!21:55
sinisterstufI just pressed Ctrl+Alt+Backspace and that seems to have done something21:56
sinisterstufnow I can Ctrl+Alt+F221:56
sinisterstufvery strange21:56
sinisterstuffixed it by reconfiguring to use gdm, shame that slim doesn't work22:10
mlsmithMy laptop screen doesn't turn off when I shut the lid but I do have it set up to do that. Any thoughts? It's set to turn the display off after 15 minutes but I haven't seen that happen either.23:30
mlsmithSorry if somebody answered me on Sunday when I asked this the first time..my Internet was acting wonky.23:30

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