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klattimerkenvandine: did the tomboy fix get released properly or is it still stuck in proposed? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tomboy/+bug/660525 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tomboy/+bug/62774409:46
ubot5Launchpad bug 660525 in tomboy (Ubuntu) "Pinned notes displayed as separator lines (affected: 5, heat: 187)" [Undecided,Fix committed]09:46
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tedgkenvandine, So what is a flickr account supposed to do in Gwibber?  I would have thought it'd show me when my contacts post photos...14:20
kenvandineexactly that14:20
kenvandinei assume it isn't working...14:20
kenvandinetedg, what version of flickr are you using?14:24
kenvandinegwibber that is14:24
tedgkenvandine, What ever is in Maverick.14:24
kenvandinethat is what i was afraid of14:24
tedgkenvandine, It's never done anything for me though.  I'm not sure if I have it all working right...14:25
kenvandineworking in my stock maverick VM14:25
kenvandinebut not on my laptop14:25
kenvandinewhich is trunk... so was hoping it was just broken in trunk14:25
kenvandinelatest photo in my VM is 2 weeks ago, but flickr says i have friends that posted just a couple days ago14:26
kenvandinetedg, do you have a flickr icon in the treeview on the left hand side?14:27
tedgkenvandine, No14:27
kenvandineok, same on my laptop, but i do in my VM14:27
kenvandinewell at least i reproduced the problem :)14:28
kenvandinetedg, mind filing a bug?14:28
tedgkenvandine, Sure, not quite sure what to say :)  "Flickr is broke-like" :)14:29
kenvandineyeah :)14:29
kenvandinei'll understand it... and i'll fix it quickly :)14:29
tedgkenvandine, bug 67041214:43
ubot5Launchpad bug 670412 in Gwibber "Flickr account doesn't appear in account tree (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67041214:43
kenvandinetedg, please run this for me14:57
kenvandineecho 'select count(*) from messages where service = "flickr";' | sqlite3 ~/.config/gwibber/gwibber.sqlite14:57
tedgkenvandine, 014:58
zapvandijkhi, i had a question regarding application idicators - do these work only for gnome? has any thought been given of how it would work with tiling window managers like i3?14:58
tedgzapvandijk, They mostly work in the panel -- so I'm not sure how a tilling window manager would effect them if you still had a panel.14:59
kenvandinetedg, humm, and your flickr account has been setup for a while?15:00
zapvandijktedg, ah, i see - i thought the app indicators were on the window - for some reason i thought that the indicators were window-local15:00
kenvandinetedg, also can you confirm you have friends on your flickr account that have posted images relatively recently?15:00
tedgkenvandine, Yeah, I don't know how long... a while.15:00
kenvandinei can't reproduce it in the maverick version... but did find a bug in trunk15:00
tedgkenvandine, They come up on the flickr website.  TheDoctor is a contact and he just posted UDS Orlando stuff.15:01
kenvandineand you put in the same username?15:01
tedgkenvandine, Yes15:01
zapvandijkthis links (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ayatana/Windicators) says that - windicators, are menus that appear at the trailing end of a window?s title bar, or in the panel when the window is maximized.15:01
kenvandineone problem i just found is if it fails, it fails completely silently15:01
tedgkenvandine, Hmm, so maybe it's failing and I don't know...15:02
kenvandineso i could see if you had a typo in the username or something15:02
kenvandineit would just return no results15:02
tedgzapvandijk, Windicators is a concept that hasn't been implemented.  We hope it can use a similar API to Application Indicators, but they're not really the same.15:02
kenvandinetedg, try removing the account and adding it again15:02
tedgkenvandine, k15:03
* kenvandine is adding some error handling to that plugin :)15:03
kenvandinereturning an empty list on failure is just not cool!15:03
tedgkenvandine, Still not seeing anything.  Could it be because I have a Yahoo! account connected to Flickr (after they got bought) and it's not an "official" flickr account?15:04
kenvandinedon't think so15:04
kenvandinealso... you shouldn't see the account in the tree15:05
kenvandinebut you should see the photos in the images stream15:05
tedgkenvandine, Then how do I filter to see only stuff from that account?15:05
kenvandineyou can't :)15:05
kenvandineyou could before maverick...15:05
kenvandinethe idea is i want to get image viewing out of the gwibber client15:06
kenvandineso you get "Photos" count in the messaging menu15:06
tedgHmm, then I'm not sure how to test it.  My 100 messages in the stream only goes back 4 hours.15:06
kenvandineand when you click it you open shotwell to that stream15:06
kenvandineah... that is a lot of images!15:06
tedgThat'd be cool.  It'd still be nice to get thumbnails in the stream though.15:07
kenvandineso run that sqlite query again15:07
kenvandineand make sure you force a refresh first15:07
tedgStill don't have anything, but I can't really tell if it's done refreshing.15:08
kenvandineah.. appmenu?15:08
kenvandineusing appmenus hides our progress spinner15:09
tedgYes, of course I have appmenu :)15:09
kenvandinesticking the spinner in the menu was cool for saving space... but appmenu doesn't support that :)15:10
zapvandijktedg, thanks - that makes sense.  do you know if the menubar (File, Edit, View, etc) will also be moved to maximize screen space?15:11
tedgzapvandijk, yes, they'll appear in the panel instead of individual windows.15:11
kenvandinetedg, flickr count still 0?15:13
zapvandijktedg, :) wow that's just like the mac!  i was assuming it would be like chrome with a window indicator on the right side of each window15:13
tedgkenvandine, Yup :-/15:14
tedgkenvandine, It didn't ask me for a password... is that expected?15:14
kenvandineno auth15:14
kenvandineit is just the public stream15:14
kenvandinemaybe that is the problem?15:14
tedgzapvandijk, Heh, yes it is similar to the Mac in that regard.  Hiding all the menus in a button just...well... hides all the menus :)15:14
kenvandinenot public?15:14
tedgkenvandine, I don't think so, I think TheDoctor's photos are public.15:14
kenvandinebut i wonder if your stream is15:15
kenvandinewhat is your screenname?15:15
kenvandineah... humm15:16
kenvandinei get an oops page15:16
kenvandinei guess we need some guide text in the accounts dialog explaining it is your public stream15:16
tedgkenvandine, I don't want *my* public stream, I want my contacts stream, right?15:17
kenvandinewell the public stream is that15:17
tedgAh, okay.15:18
* tedg has never uploaded a photo to Flickr before15:18
kenvandineis the API we call15:18
kenvandinei actually want to expand the flickr plugin to support private and posting15:18
kenvandinebut that is below a ton of other things on my todo list :)15:18
tedgI don't use Flickr much, but that's mostly because I don't have a client.  I'd *like* to use it more.15:19
tedgSo I can't say it's a priority -- but it might make my life better :)15:20
kenvandinetedg, good... :(15:21
kenvandinei am hoping we can get shotwell as a client, just using libgwibber for access15:21
lamalexdidrocks, Can I rename the title of https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/632526 to something more of a problem statement than a solution, and mark https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/617483 as a duplicate?15:39
ubot5Launchpad bug 632526 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity should allow for 3 rows of text below program shortcuts or programs (affected: 6, heat: 109)" [Medium,Triaged]15:39
lamalexdidrocks, I'm more asking *should* I, than can I15:40
didrockslamalex: sure, go ahead, just keep the solution in the text though15:41
lamalexdidrocks, well the solution is more for the design team to decide on, but I will not edit the content of the report, just the title15:41
lamalexdidrocks, "File and application names in Dash become elipsized too quickly and are unreadable" ok title?15:43
didrockslamalex: the solution came after designer discussion in fact, hence the title15:43
didrockslamalex: it's in "places", but apart from that, ok :)15:44
seb128lamalex, better to have key words early in the title15:44
lamalexplaces and elipsized aren't good keywords?15:45
seb128you will often have bug titles only partially display in bug lists, etc15:45
seb128they are15:45
seb128but "File and application names in Dash become" is probably enough to have those not displayed15:45
seb128usually better to the start the other way15:46
seb128like "the place elipsizing leads to..."15:46
seb128ie something which tell you what the bug about reading the first 25 chars15:46
lamalexseb128, Places elipsizes file and application name too soon, making them unreadable15:47
seb128seems better ;-)15:48
seb128well I'm just doing some comments, take what you want from those15:48
seb128just keep in mind that title can be shortened in bugs lists etc and it's nice to know what the bug is about without having to open the webpage to get the title15:49
lamalexseb128, yeah15:53
lamalexi think the keywords there are all in the front15:53
lamalexthanks for the tips15:54
lamalexdavidbarth, ;)16:47
lamalexdavidbarth, so I'm looking at the indicators for tarmac, and there are .. a ton of different lp: projects, some of which I don't think we want tarmac for16:48
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didrocks\o/ dbarth16:49
dbarthlamalex: right16:49
lamalexdavidbarth, the list which I'm building from https://code.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers is: -sound, -application, libindicator,  -me, -appmenu, -messages, -applet, -session, libindicate,16:50
dbarthlamalex: the critical ones for now are probably dbusmenu, libindicator (tedg wanted to start with this one i think) libappindicator16:50
dbarthlamalex: and for the indicators themselves16:50
dbarthlamalex: sound will be the first to do the jump16:50
dbarthronoc: ;)16:50
lamalexah, dbusmenu! hm I guess that's not run by indicator applet developers16:51
dbarthand appmenu is probably next after that16:51
lamalexdbarth, what about libindicate16:52
tedglamalex, You can look at http://launchpad.net/ayatana for a list of all the projects17:02
lamalexha, long list :P17:03
lamalexwhat is upanel?17:03
lamalexis that .. the unity panel?17:03
* lamalex reads17:04
lamalexsee, ones like that don't really need tarmac set up because they're not really projects, am I right?17:04
tedglamalex, Well, upanel was supposed to be a very light indicator loader.  For things like 2d on ARM boards.17:08
tedglamalex, It works okay right now, but it needs a GTK patch for right align before it'll really work.17:08
Technovikingafternoon all18:22
Technovikingis there a place to gran a copy of the universal header?18:23
Technovikingfor Ubuntu webpages?18:23
nigelbTechnoviking: #ubuntu-website :)18:28
tedgklattimer, Did you ever find anything about your indicator-appmenu memory bug?  I don't see any lost timers :-/18:32
klattimertedg: nope :/18:32
klattimerjust that today it hit 8% of 2Gb and I thought, hmm, wonder how ted's doing finding that loose timer18:33
tedgklattimer, The only timer is the registration one, and it'd put a bunch of info in your ~/.cache/indicator-applet-appmenu.log if it was unhappy.18:33
klattimeris there any chance the timer is getting started twice18:33
klattimertedg: just checked top18:33
klattimerand i'm at 7% of 2Gb18:33
klattimerso that's nearly 200Mb18:34
klattimercannot be right!18:34
tedgklattimer, It's in _init() so it seems very unlikely it's being started twice...18:34
klattimertedg: is it possible that it's in bamf?18:34
klattimerI have a bunch of failed lookups from bamf in my log file18:35
klattimerthat's about it18:35
tedgklattimer, Possible.  But, I don't know as much about that :)18:35
klattimerdo you have a bug report?18:35
klattimerI'll file one if you like18:35
klattimeras I'm the one experiencing it18:35
klattimeralso, this is on gnome panel, maybe there's an issue with the panel applet?18:35
tedgklattimer, Sure.  Can you do a "killall indicator-applet-appmenu ; valgrind /usr/lib/libindicator/indicator-loader /usr/lib/indicators/3/libappmenu.so" and see if that finds anything first?  Note: Do not interact with the window, bad focus things will happen :)18:36
klattimertedg: actually it's the applet process which is growing18:36
tedgklattimer, Possible, but it doesn't do very much.18:36
tedgYeah, but the .so is loaded into the applet -- so it's likely in the .so.18:37
klattimertedg: ^^ above line18:38
klattimernot 418:38
tedgOh, forgot the bump there.18:38
klattimeralso, /usr/lib/libindicator/indicator-loader <-- not found18:38
seb128you can get the memory use detail for the process in gnome-system-monitor for example18:39
seb128it should tell you what .so is using a lot18:39
tedgklattimer, apt-get install libindicator-tools18:39
klattimertedg running now18:41
klattimertedg: should the window change when I change focus?18:42
klattimeror is it meant to be showing a 0px application window?18:42
tedgklattimer, It should change menus.18:50
tedgklattimer, It might not get the well-known-name if you've got the applet still running.18:51
klattimertedg: other applet killed but no menus ever showed up19:39
klattimeralso, only 118 bytes lost after an hour19:39
klattimerso that doesn't seem to be a realistic test19:39
tedgklattimer, :(  I'm surprised no menus ever showed up though.19:41
tedgAnything on the command line about it?19:41
klattimertedg: nothing output19:42
klattimeroh hang on19:42
klattimerok, I think that was my bad19:42
klattimerI still had the 3 in the command line19:43
klattimernever mind, rerunning now, but still doesn't show any actual menus19:43
klattimeroh, menu's have now started showing up19:43
klattimerall is good19:43
tedgNow I'm a little concerned that it lost 118 without loading an indicator....19:43
TechnovikingDo people think it would be ok to use the Dark Purple #2c001e instead on the warm grey #aea79f for the one menu in the forums19:52
Technovikingit is much easier to read19:52
jcastroklattimer: heya, if you have time, don't forget about deluge indicator please. :)19:53
tedgTechnoviking, Not sure on the requirements there, perhaps the people in #ubuntu-website would know more?19:56
klattimerjcastro: I'll keep it in mind, ibus has been kicking my ass20:23
klattimeris this a personal request?20:23
jcastroklattimer: more of a "upstream has been hoping for us to get something to them for a while now" kind of request20:30
jcastroand yeah, I also use it. :D20:30
DanRabbitjcastro: what are we using?20:32
jcastroDanRabbit: I'm talking about an appindicator for deluge20:34
DanRabbitjcastro: oh I see20:34
klattimerjcastro: I'll see what I can do, sense left it mostly done afaik20:36
klattimerand a break from ibus would be nice20:37
jcastroklattimer: right, I was counting on the fact that this one won't motivate you to kill yourself and it'd be a good break. :D20:37
jcastroklattimer: https://lists.launchpad.net/ayatana/msg04090.html20:37
jcastroklattimer: I think an indicator one from you about every other week would be a good idea20:38
jcastrojust a report on how things are going, what you need help testing, etc.20:38
lamalextedg, where does dbus-test-runner come from?21:05
lamalexI'm trying to run make check on dbusmenu but it fails with a missing dbus-test-runner21:05
lamalexanother project?21:05
lamalexnm, I googled :P21:05
tedglamalex, Yeah, it's a little tricky to find.21:08
tedgkenvandine, Do you have on your TODO list to get dbus-test-runner into the archive?21:08
kenvandinetedg, might be good to file a bug and assign it to me though :)21:10
tedgkenvandine, Where do new packaging bugs go?  On ubuntu?21:12
kenvandinesame as always ?21:13
kenvandinefile it against something that needs it21:13
kenvandineand once the package exists i'll switch it21:13
lamalextedg, I'm setting up tarmac for indicator stuff, you're going to see a lot of lp spam from me. Sorry21:15
tedglamalex, No issue.  Thanks for doing it!  :)21:16
tedgkenvandine, bug 67063221:16
ubot5Launchpad bug 670632 in libdbusmenu (Ubuntu) "Needs dbus-test-runner in the archive to run "make check" (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67063221:16
kenvandinelamalex, good stuff!21:16
lamalexjust needs uploading though right? There's already packaging and stuff21:16
tedglamalex, Well, usually the distro team likes to make the packaging good rather than "ted quality" ;)21:17
* kenvandine wasn't going to say that :)21:17
kenvandinetedg, like the copyright file... people care about that :)21:17
* kenvandine thinks it is a little silly21:17
tedgkenvandine, The debian guys have some new automatic format for it.  They changed a bunch of packages.21:18
tedgkenvandine, Actually I think davidm was the one pushing for that.  He had to do a license audit for a customer at some point, and decided we really need a machine readable format :)21:18
lamalexhmm, so i dont understand these tests. lots of gassertions are failing, can the tests fail?21:22
lamalextedg, ^21:23
tedglamalex, Hmm, no, that'd be bad.21:24
tedglamalex, In dbusmenu right?21:24
lamalextedg, yes21:24
tedglamalex, hmm, pastebinit?21:25
lamalexthe tests are passing, but lots of errors/warning about assertions failing21:26
lamalexa lot to pastebin, hold on let me dump it into a file21:26
tedglamalex, Oh, warnings, those are fine.21:26
tedglamalex, There are a bunch that are useful if you're doing an app (like can't connect) but for the tests they're kinda stupid.21:26
lamalexhow do you make a test fail?21:26
lamalexI want to make sure that this does the right then when the tests dont pass21:27
tedgI don't know, I only write perfect code :)21:27
tedgLook at the proxy test and remove one of the proxies.21:27
lamalextedg, will returning 0 from test-glib-proxy-client be the same as a test failure?21:36
tedglamalex, No, returning a 1 should be a failure.21:36
lamalexthat's what I meant21:36
lamalexbut I was looking at a 021:36
lamalexhmm it just causes a hang :\21:39
tedglamalex, Hmm, the timeouts in that test may be longer.21:40
lamalexok ill just wait and see it it keeps going21:41
lamalextedg, I can't get these tests to fail, I think you're doing something wrong..21:50
tedglamalex, :(  That sucks.  They've failed before :)21:55
tedglamalex, My fault...21:56
tedglamalex, The proxies are calling dbus-test-runner with "--ignore-return"21:57
tedglamalex, I gave you bad test to play with, sorry.21:57
lamalexthat explains that21:57
lamalexwhy would you have them doing ignore return21:57
tedglamalex, For instance if you want to reuse a binary that would fail, but you don't care.21:58
tedgAlso, the test-runner won't block waiting on the return value of processes that it doesn't care about.21:58
lamalexso what do I do to have the tests legitimately run, take that out? That's not so good for automated branch landing21:59
tedgThat is legit.  The person doing the check is the client, it's just ignoring the returns of the proxies.21:59
lamalexOk, I want to force failure- what do I do22:00
tedglamalex, You could tell dbus-test-runner to --invert-return22:00
lamalextedg, what about in the case of legitimate failure, will this actually fail if a test fails? (although I don't understand how a test fails)22:01
tedglamalex, Hey, I need to run.  Drop me an e-mail and I'll try to answer it tonight.  I'm traveling tomorrow so I probably won't get to anything from tomorrow until the evening as well :-/22:01
lamalexok ill send on right now- if you can do it before you leave i'd appreciate it22:02
tedglamalex, Do a make test-glib-proxy and then vi test-glib-proxy and you can see how the command line is setup.22:02
tedgWill do.  'night!22:02

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