
majorhi, i want to launch a program (icecc daemon) locally. Im changing in the chroot /etc/init.d/icecc to launch "ltsp-localapps iceccd" I dont know if this is the right approach. can anybody help me?00:05
Pavlzhttp://www.gopetition.com/petition/40352.html for untrusted hardware04:40
alkisgGood morning05:29
kca_teacherHi everyone. Just wanted to share my excitement with some fellow ubuntu users :) I have always been a fan of Ubuntu, but have never been able to incorporate it into my everyday life. Now, being a teacher, it has given me just that opportunity! Hello Edubuntu!! It's exactly what I have been looking for. This suite is going to help me in educating +- 105 young minds!09:24
kca_teacherCan't wait to get started09:24
highvoltagemhall119: hey, around?15:22
highvoltagemhall119: what's that social plugin/block thingy you suggested at UDS called again?15:25
mhall119I'm not sure what you mean15:25
highvoltageto replace the identi.ca block we currently have on edubuntu.org15:25
mhall119oh, twidenash15:25
highvoltageyes that's the one15:25
mhall119look at the loco.ubuntu.com homepage source code to see how to use it, but it's pretty simple15:26
highvoltageah, that maintainer name sounds familiar :)15:27
mhall119yeah, I haven't done much to it since taking over though15:27
mhall119it was originally authored by stuart langridge15:28
mhall119when I sent him several bugs and code patches, he just asked me to maintain it15:28
highvoltagerunning a bit late but edubuntu meeting starting soon!19:00
stgraberalkisg: ping (meeting)19:10
alkisgUgh I'm doing something, I'll read the logs later on, sorry... :)19:14
highvoltagemhall119: I'd like to toy around with the new gnome stuff, so if you get stuck and need some fresh eyes to look at something, please give me a poke :)19:46
mhall119will do19:47
mhall119gnome-panel is still marked "to-do"19:48
alkisgAh, about the EC update... I won't be able to contribute much for the next 2 years due to my phd, but I'll be around more or less, and I'll try to have a classroom administration tool ready for 12.04 :)19:48
highvoltageI'm quite confident that that's quite high on the list to fix up :)19:48
mhall119gnome-settings-daemon: to-do19:48
mhall119gnome-shell is "done", so gnome-panel may not be all that high19:49
mhall119nautilus is done at least19:49
highvoltagepessulus and sabayon is marked to do too (no big surprise there, but ":(" nontheless19:50
mhall119ok, I've gotta run, I'll continue looking at gsettings/dconf and try upgrading my vm to natty19:50
highvoltagecool, would be interesting to see how that goes!19:51
sbalneavhighvoltage: yeah, I need to start digging into that for sabayon.19:51
sbalneavIt's going to basically end up being a re-write, since sabayon's pretty much a gconf proxy.19:51
sbalneavI'm almost wondering if it might be easier to simply start from scratch.19:52
alkisgsbalneav: I still think it'll be better if it is "task based"... i.e. if it offers a GUI for tweaking some certain parts of gconf/gsettings, not arbitrary ones...19:53
sbalneavalkisg: Well, that's what pessulus was supposed to be, an interface for handling the lockdowns.19:55
alkisgRight, and it was very handy, but also very limited19:56
sbalneavI'm not sure how you'd control things like panel icons, desktop icons, etc, without a "desktop" like interface.19:56
highvoltagesbalneav: sounds like an opportunity to make it somewhat nicer :)19:56
sbalneavAs a systems adminitrator, what *I* personally would prefer would be some kind of text-based file that specifies things.19:57
sbalneavsomething like:19:57
sbalneavTop Panel::Far Left::Menu Applet19:57
sbalneavTop Panel::Next::firefox.desktop19:58
sbalneavTop Panel::Next::thunderbird.desktop19:58
sbalneavTop Panel::Right::FUSA applet19:58
alkisgI agree, but having also a GUI for that text file would mean that inexperienced users like e.g. teachers could also use it19:59
sbalneavthe "language" would translate into the appropriate gconf settings.19:59
sbalneavMaybe the way to go would be to write the backend, and text file parser.19:59
sbalneavThen the gui just creates text files.20:00
alkisgThat sounds much better to me than the sabayon approach20:00
sbalneavI like the idea of the text file because, as a systems administrator, you say things like:20:00
alkisgI've only looked at sabayon a little - I think it shows the user a bunch of keys that changed, and he then has to select which ones he wants to keep or not. I don't think that the task of key "approving" could be handled by inexperienced users... while a dialog to "add that applet to the right side of the panel" would be much easier.20:00
sbalneav"Secretaries should have the same desktop as lawyers, but they need the openoffice icon on the top panel."20:01
sbalneavso then you could just copy "lawyer.foo" to "secretary.foo", and add in the appropriate icon.20:01
sbalneavProlly an XML file would be the way to go.20:02
sbalneavalkisg: agreed.20:02
dindawell shoot, thought the meeting was now instead of an hour ago - bloody timezone changes20:02
sbalneavsabayon's very overwhelming.20:02
* alkisg hopes gsettings offers a nicer interface for managing panels and the rest of the list-based gconf stuff20:02
sbalneavSo you could say in xml:20:03
sbalneav<panel id="panel0" name="Top Panel">20:03
sbalneav  <applet id="applet0" name="Main Menu">menu.applet</applet>20:04
sbalneav  <launcher id="launcher0" name="Firefox">firefox.desktop</launcher>20:05
sbalneav  <launcher id="launcher1" name="Thunderbird">thunderbird.desktop</launcher>20:05
sbalneavI like that.20:05
alkisgSounds good.20:06
alkisggconf-editor also has some good potential, if somehow group-based-settings support was added to it, that would also help in many cases (just brainstorming here). E.g. "open mandatory gconf-editor for group=secretaries".20:06
sbalneavyeah, I don't know yet if gsetting will have group permissions.20:06
sbalneavcurrently that's handled through the sabayon-apply process.20:07
highvoltagesbalneav: nice20:07
alkisgThe sabayon-apply process (as I imagine it) is very powerful, and it could also be applied for other front-ends too, right?20:09
sbalneavsabayon-apply's no powerful at all.20:09
alkisgSo someone could make a wrapper to run gconf-editor, gather the modified settings, and pass those to sabayon-apply for a specific group... no?20:09
sbalneavAll it's doing is unzipping a set of gconf settings into the user's home directory :)20:10
sbalneavalkisg: yeah, that would work.20:10
alkisgAh, so the user can delete his "mandatory" settings?20:10
sbalneavthe problem with sabayon is, when you make a change to the desktop, a HUGE number of gconf settings are modified.20:11
alkisgThat's exactly why I would prefer a different front end, either gconf-editor or a new UI...20:11
sbalneavalkisg: no, since they'd need to re-start gconf, which would mean restarting their session.  When they log in again, the settings are re-unzipped.20:11
alkisgHmmm... aren't gconf settings read on the fly? E.g. if he runs gconftool-2 to change the settings, aren't they applied immediately?20:12
sbalneavright, so having some kind of back-end that reads a well formed XML file, and produces ONLY the setting changed you want is the first step20:12
sbalneavthen it's just a case of coming up with a nice gui to generate the xml file.20:13
sbalneavan experienced admin can just stick to editing the XML directly20:13
sbalneava teacher can use a gui to generate the XML file.20:13
sbalneavHm.  I like it.20:13
sbalneavalkisg: not if they're set as mandatory settings20:14
alkisgIs a new .xml format needed? Or can the same xml format as gsettings be used?20:14
sbalneavthe user can't modify those.20:14
sbalneavalkisg: Well, possibly.  I need to sit down and read the gsettings docs.20:14
alkisgsbalneav: btw, nice to have you back on track :)20:15
sbalneavwell, having a two week break from the grind has been a much needed respite.20:18
mhall119sbalneav: did sabayon change the system defaults, user settings, or what?22:23

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