
asacfta: do you know if skia etc. all have the same contribution agreement?10:26
asacfta: do you have a URL for that text?10:27
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== asac_ is now known as asac
ftaasac, same contribution agreement? what do you mean?14:39
asacfta: chrome has contributor agreement to sign for patches to be landed, right?14:47
asacwonder if skia has something like that and if its the same text14:47
ftai think so but let me check15:04
ftaasac, can't find anything, i'd say submit your patches to codereview15:13
ftayou can also ask in the chromium dev m-l15:13
asacright thankx15:16
ftadpm, hi15:38
dpmhey fta, on the phone, I'll be back ~17:0015:38
ftadpm, ok15:39
ftajust wanted to say that i'm not sure langpack-o-matic is welcome for chromium.. lang-packs must more at the same speed as the browser15:40
dpmfta, what do you mean with move? Do you mean language packs should be released with every chromium update?15:47
ftadpm, most of the time, yes. not sure what's in the .pak files beside the strings15:48
ftadpm, grit also does resources, C headers, js files, etc.15:49
micahgchrisccoulson: so abrowser is officially going then?15:50
ftaalso, that would be bad for people using ppa builds, far ahead of stable15:50
chrisccoulsonmicahg - not yet, we still need to provide it. but we will provide it from xulrunner instead15:51
micahgchrisccoulson: so, we're going to build it on top of xulrunner then?15:53
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah :)15:53
micahgchrisccoulson: ok15:53
micahgchrisccoulson: still no word back about the artwork15:53
chrisccoulsonmicahg - that's ok, i might have found somebody to work on it15:54
micahgchrisccoulson: ok15:58
dpmfta, hm, I cannot think of any easy alternative, other than manually exporting translations from LP on every chromium update, which would basically put more workload on the maintainer, i.e. you16:02
ftadpm, lp auto-exports to bzr daily. During get-orig-source, i fetch that export, and merge with the upstream templates (so i take only the strings needed for that build). so it's no additional work16:06
ftadpm, so far, i ship all the lang packs in a single dedicated deb (upstream ships that with the browser), but lots of users don't even know it exists. otoh, the reason i split it initially is that it's big (1.1M)16:10
dpmfta, what does the langpack deb contain, the .pack files for all available languages?16:11
ftadpm, http://paste.ubuntu.com/525139/16:12
dpmfta, ah, yeah16:12
dpmfta, if directly distributing the upstream translations with each package update seems a reasonable workflow to you and you think that standard Ubuntu language pack updates would be too slow for distributing the .pak files, then it sounds good to me.16:15
dpmbut then again, my area of expertise is more on the translations themselves than on packaging workflow16:15
ftai don't plan to contribute strings upstream every day, only once in a while16:16
ftathey can also grab the script and fetch everything themselves, i will let them know how once it starts rolling16:17
hramrachHow do I report bug on firefox4?17:19
hramrachlaunchpad refusees to accept them17:19
hramrachI'm running firefox4 on Debian and the Extensions page is broken.17:19
hramrachnothing works in it anyway17:27
asacchrisccoulson: do we do backports for tbird still?18:00
chrisccoulsonasac - sort of18:00
asacchrisccoulson: what does that mean?18:00
chrisccoulsonwe still officially support TB2 for hardy and karmic18:00
asacchrisccoulson: but thats EOL upstream, right?18:00
chrisccoulsonand we did a backport of the security issue last week18:00
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's long dead upstream18:01
chrisccoulsonbut 3.0 has also just gone EOL, and we're not going to backport fixes to that for lucid18:01
chrisccoulsonwe're going to update lucid to 3.1 at the next point release18:01
chrisccoulson(in december)18:01
asacchrisccoulson: ack. thats the right decision18:02
asacchrisccoulson: hardy is EOL April 2011?18:02
chrisccoulsonit is :)18:02
chrisccoulson2 releases gone in 1 month. that's fantastic :)18:02
asacso nothing to be too bothered about i guess18:02
asacdapper was unfortunately slightly shifted to june, so i never experienced that joy ;)18:03
chrisccoulsonheh :)18:03
asacdavidascher: ^^18:03
chrisccoulsoni'll let you know what that's like in april!18:03
asaci can imagine the joy of pain flowing out of your bones18:03
asaconly major version upgrades everywhere ;) ... what a lif18:03
asacyou dont even need a job anymore i guess :-P18:03
davidascherasac: what?18:04
asacdavidascher: just FYI .... read a few lines of background. basically is same what i said in chat18:04
asacbacklog ;)18:04
asac(background ... /me is really too much in front of a computer)18:04
asacok i am on a call18:06
debfxchrisccoulson: any news on the firefox kde merge? :)18:52
chrisccoulsondebfx, will be this week18:52
chrisccoulsoni'm getting FF4 ready to upload now in time for b718:52
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micahgchrisccoulson: did you want me to work on abrowser on top of xulrunner or were you going to do that?18:59
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i don't mind, when do you think you'd have time to look at it?18:59
micahgchrisccoulson: is it higher priority than thunderbird daily branches?18:59
micahgchrisccoulson: I was going to try to get that done next week18:59
chrisccoulsonmicahg - no, i'd get the thunderbird dailies done first19:00
chrisccoulsoni don't want abrowser to block anything else really ;)19:00
micahgchrisccoulson: ok, so before the end of the month I should be able to get to that then19:00
chrisccoulsoncool. i might do it before then if i get a chance19:00
micahgchrisccoulson: I have to finish up the shell wrapper so we can upload thunderbird 3.1.x to lucid, I should be able to have that by mid next week19:01
micahgunless we need it sooner19:01
chrisccoulsoni wouldn't mind getting it in there sooner. i've not had a chance to look at it yet though to figure out what we need to do19:02
micahgchrisccoulson: the script isn't too bad, it'll be the update testing that's time consuming19:03
chrisccoulsoni'm going to make these scripts simpler this week, by writing a more intelligent profile migrator :)19:04
chrisccoulsonand hopefully avoid these issues where19:04
chrisccoulsonalthough, that doesn't help us for lucid ;)19:05
debfxchrisccoulson: cool, when is the new beta going to be released?19:06
chrisccoulsondebfx - "early november" is all i know. i've not looked at the remaining blockers though to know if that will happen19:07
chrisccoulsonbut it will be soon19:08
chrisccoulsonand i want to get b7 in to natty ASAP :)19:08
shirishchrisccoulson: hi!19:08
shirishchrisccoulson: is b7 already out?19:09
chrisccoulsonshirish, not yet19:10
shirishI have a query, I found an addon https-anywhere, the EFF people are behind it19:10
shirishhas it been packaged or something within the ubuntu universe.19:11
shirishone way is to download the .xpi file from the site itself but would be nice if the mozillateam has packaged it or something19:11
shirishanybody have any idea?19:11
chrisccoulsonwe generally don't package extensions anymore, except in exceptional circumstances19:12
chrisccoulsonthey are a PITA to maintain19:12
chrisccoulsonif they're easily installable with a xpi and don't contain binary components, there is no compelling reason to ship it in the archive19:12
shirishchrisccoulson: ah ok, I do understand the PITA comment19:13
shirishand I agree. I asked as I remembered about a year or more ago that was the norm.19:13
shirishchrisccoulson: very true. It was just it was the norm that's why I didn't download it and asked it.19:14
shirishchrisccoulson: any idea about chromium packaging, IIRC it was some people from this team that were also looking at the chromium browser packaging19:14
chrisccoulsonthat's fta ;)19:15
=== micahg changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team (Chromium too!): | Natty Mozilla builds are broke (see LP: #663294) http://pad.lv/663294 | No updates in http://is.gd/dsudW need testing | Firefox 3.6.12 in Hardy-Maverick | Thunderbird 3.1.x Now in Maverick/Daily PPA, Coming to Stable PPA Soon | Firefox 4.0 Beta PPA http://is.gd/f6TM4 | Report Mozilla PPA bugs here: http://is.gd/dPML
chrisccoulsonheh :)19:16
shirishfta ?19:16
shirishwhat's fta?19:19
shirishah, that's name of a person19:20
ftait's me19:20
shirishfta: sorry, couldn't see that, I'm using ircci and it doesn't highlight names19:20
shirishfta: or have different colors for name.19:20
micahgfta: you ok with the new topic?19:20
ftamicahg, i don't mind. it's confusing, but i'm used to it now19:21
shirishmicahg: what are *Natty* Mozilla builds? What does Natty indicate here?19:22
micahgshirish: Natty is Maverick + 119:22
=== micahg changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team (Chromium too!): | Natty Mozilla Daily builds are broke (see LP: #663294) http://pad.lv/663294 | No updates in http://is.gd/dsudW need testing | Firefox 3.6.12 in Hardy-Maverick | Thunderbird 3.1.x Now in Maverick/Daily PPA, Coming to Stable PPA Soon | Firefox 4.0 Beta PPA http://is.gd/f6TM4 | Report Mozilla PPA bugs here: http://is.gd/dPML
shirishmicahg: ah ok, apologies then, should have been updated about that.19:24
shirishthe names the devs. come up with.19:24
micahgshirish: it's actually sabdfl that comes up with the names19:25
shirishI am guessing sabdfl is the name of our sublime dictator19:25
micahg!sabdfl | shirish19:26
ubot2shirish: Mark "sabdfl" Shuttleworth is our favourite cosmonaut, the founder of Canonical and the primary driver behind Ubuntu. You can find pieces of his thinking at http://www.markshuttleworth.com19:26
shirishmicahg: thanx19:27
micahgchrisccoulson: autogenerated control files, nice :)19:33
micahgchrisccoulson: I'll be borrowing that for Thunderbird :)19:34
jcastrochrisccoulson: xulrunner appmenu done yet?19:36
ftaok, i seriously doubt the rosetta bugs will get fixed any time soon. i guess i'll see if i can find workarounds19:59
=== davida is now known as davidascher

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