
=== Guest8536 is now known as cB
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gabrirye, hi10:29
ryegabri, hi10:29
gabrimy client is still stucked on the infintite loop as yesterday10:30
gabriif U would try some approaches tells me what to do10:30
doktoreashello folks10:40
doktoreasI am planning to move from DropBox to Ubuntu One, but I'd like to know if there's a tool to check the status of operations pending (like the DB icon in the tray).10:41
=== JamesTait_away is now known as JamesTait
ryedoktoreas, there is an initial (but working) implementaiton of one - see http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/10/ubuntu-one-indicator-applet-gets-a-ppa/ - you may want to add it to the list of autostarted applications though11:10
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
shane4ubuntubug #597696  anyone got info on Tomboy notes syncing?  or not syncing rather?  They did the first time, but now nothing12:57
ubot4shane4ubuntu: Bug 597696 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/597696 is private12:57
shane4ubunturye after about 3 or 4 days with no problems, I tempted to put my sym link back in place and see if things start going crazy again.12:59
ryeshane4ubuntu, hi, re symlinks - i tried doing weird things with symlinks but syncdaemon just ignores all that :-/13:00
shane4ubuntuahh, ok, so I should be fine with the sym link13:00
=== jefferai-away is now known as jefferai
bladernrHey all... got a question about restoring from U1...  as in... how?  :-)14:51
bladernrthe situation is: I have some folders that are synced via U1 and I managed to delete those folders locally (actually, I moved them to /tmp and something deleted them for me :( )14:51
bladernrand I want to restore them from U1, but before i connect the syncdaemon, I wanted to be sure that doing so wouldn't cause the stuff in the cloud to disappear since they no longer exist on my local system.14:53
bladernrSo, any thoughts? reassurances?14:53
ryebladernr, sorry for not noticing  the message, "honk" is the keyword here15:27
bladernrrye:  heh15:27
bladernrno worries...15:27
bladernrjust ran into a problem... and trying to find a way to batch restore folders from the cloud because I was stupid and deleted them locally by accident15:28
ryebladernr, if you want to make Ubuntu One re-download the files from the servers you will need to remove all Ubuntu One metadata and make syncdaemon think this is a clean start15:28
ryebladernr, if that's ok, I 'll tell how this can be done15:28
bladernrthat's cool... yeah... just didn't want it to end up deleting the data in the cloud15:28
bladernrrye:  how do I delete the metadata?15:30
ryebladernr, first of all, open the terminal and shut down u1sdtool --quit completely15:32
bladernrsync-daemon is not running currently15:32
ryebladernr, ok, now move ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/syncdaemon folder to, say ~/tmp15:34
bladernrthen restart syncdaemon?15:35
ryebladernr, please re-check that there is no ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/syncdaemon folder15:37
bladernrrye:  it's gone... the only contents are ./Purchased From Ubuntu One and ./shares15:37
ryebladernr, ok, try starting u1sdtool --start15:38
duanedesignhello #ubuntuone15:38
bladernrrye:  started...15:38
bladernr-c is next?15:39
ryebladernr, could you please pastebin ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log now ?15:39
bladernrrye:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/525125/15:41
ryebladernr, 2010-11-03 11:38:49,566 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.fsm - INFO - initialized: idx_path: 0, idx_node_id: 0, shares: 0 - ok, we are at clean start15:41
ryebladernr, -c15:41
gabrirye, the solution proposed to bladernr should be applied to my case ?16:04
mahenrye : I'm around if you need to investigate this "move" problem, by the way. (and please tell me if I annoy you :)16:04
ryegabri, well, that applies only for one way sync - from server to client, well, in case the dirs already exist locally they will be merged...16:05
ryemahen, well, unfortunately I have nothing to answer now. We may resolve that by aborting the folder moves and continue with that though16:06
mahenrye : OK :) I'll stay logged most of the time, so don't hesitate to wake me up anytime if you need some input16:06
gabriok thanks rye16:11
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andyrogers /msg NickServ identify workstation18:19
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hallynif i strolled by naively saying i was hoping to compile ubuntuone-client and ubuntu-one-sso for n900/maemo at garage.maemo.com - would anyone have any warnings for me based on previous attempts?22:15
JamesTait_awayhallyn: Oddly enough, I was reading an article only today by someone who has done exactly that. I'll get you a URL.22:32
=== JamesTait_away is now known as JamesTait
hallynJamesTait: rockin'!22:34
JamesTaithallyn: Actually, I'm lying, it was desktopcouch that they did. http://thomas.apestaart.org/log/?p=110622:34
hallynwhich is a prereq iiuc?22:34
JamesTaithallyn: Sorry to get your hopes up like that. :/22:34
hallynheh, thx anyway :)22:36
JamesTaithallyn: No, desktopcouch is used for synchronising bookmarks, notes and contacts. To confuse matters slightly, it does replicate to Ubuntu One, which provides a web UI to manage them (well, the bookmarks UI is still in progress), but is separate from file sync.22:36
hallynok.  i would sort of like to have tomboy notes synch'ed to n900, so i'd still want it.  and he does say at the end he's tackling ubuntuone next22:37
hallynso maybe i should just wait a few days and see what happens :)22:37
JamesTaithallyn: Well that post is a few months old. ;)22:38
JamesTaitBut I think it's awesome that people want to try this stuff.22:39

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