
adayJanC: of the Borchardt variety?10:28
adayJanC: ha ha. ok10:29
JanCI think he's JanCBorchardt or something like that on IRC10:31
JanCright, and accordign to my grep he hasn't been on-line here since 2010-10-17  ;)10:32
adayJanC: i was hoping he might have shortened his nick :) thanks for the info10:34
seb128klattimer, you didn't have any detail on the leaks in your valgrind log?10:36
klattimerseb128: no, I just ran a standard valgrind to ensure that I wasn't talking crap to tedg10:37
klattimerbut there's a a definite leak, I'm re-running with leak check full now and will upload a more complete log at the end of the run10:37
seb128well valgrind should display a summary of all the leaks before exiting10:37
klattimerI'm gonna leave it going all day so we get a better result10:37
seb128klattimer, well usually all day give extra logs to read but nothing better10:41
seb128I would do a 15 minutes run to start10:41
seb128it might spot the obvious issues already10:41
klattimerseb128: OK10:42
seb128then you can run it for a day to see if anything else shows up on that time10:42
klattimerwell it's running now10:42
klattimerI'll leave it going until 1110:42
klattimerUK time10:42
=== davidbarth is now known as dbarth
klattimerseb128: the full valgrind is up11:01
klattimerand I think it's coming from the menu icons11:01
seb128klattimer, would be nice to do the same with the debug symbols for dbusmenu and gtk11:04
seb128and libpng11:04
seb128klattimer, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash has details on how to set up the ddeb source if you don't have one11:06
klattimerseb128: yeah I noticed those symbols were missing11:12
klattimerI'll install them and re-run11:12
klattimerseb128: running now11:19
klattimer... and now back to deluge11:19
Cimidbarth: new nick?11:43
=== dbarth_ is now known as dbarth
kenvandinedbarth, i think the indicator-me problem is somehow related to the focus event problems that klattimer is fighting with in ibus14:21
kenvandinethe first time the mouse goes into the entry, entry_focus_grab_cb gets called14:22
kenvandinethen every other time the mouse goes in, entry_focus_out_cb14:22
kenvandinethere is never a focus-in14:22
kenvandineklattimer, does that sound similar to what you are seeing in ibus?14:22
seb128kenvandine, klattimer: could one of you review the patches on bug #653995?14:44
ubot5Launchpad bug 653995 in liferea (Ubuntu) "reversed order of items in indicator applet and missing icons (affected: 1, heat: 8)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65399514:44
seb128the merge request seems buggy but the bug has 2 patches attached as well14:45
kenvandineklattimer, do you have time for that?14:45
lamalexI really want unity to stop maximizing my windows15:44
klattimerseb128: kenvandine just got back from lunch sorry15:48
klattimerI'll take a look at them now15:48
klattimerseb128: one concern15:49
klattimerthe GdkPixbuf isn't freed15:49
klattimerand probably should be at some point15:49
klattimerbut the time that it requires freeing is on application close so it's kinda a hmm-mmm-hrrr-har thing15:50
lamalexugh I am so sick of osx comparisons/complaints16:23
=== DBO is now known as DBEvil

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