
Riddellulysses: kdesvn uploaded!00:01
Riddellyour ninja powers continue to grow00:01
Riddellulysses: please send the patch to the kdesvn upstream author00:01
Riddell** testers needed for 4.5.3 on 10.10 https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/staging00:08
DarkwingDuckRiddell: I'll test when I get get home from date night with the wife tonight.00:10
Riddellooh, DarkwingDuck has a date00:10
Riddelllet us know if you get a snog at the end00:10
DarkwingDuckRiddell: :D00:10
ScottKDarkwingDuck: I'd suggest that after a night out with one's wife, having testing software be on the TODO is some kind of a priority inversion.00:10
DarkwingDuckScottK: Nope, because she has some Unity testing to do :P00:11
ScottKOK.  That's double fail then, not a win.00:11
DarkwingDuckI can't get her to use Kubuntu...00:12
DarkwingDuckShe is a stubborn one.00:12
ScottKIt's fine.00:12
ScottKPeople should use what they prefer.00:12
DarkwingDuckAlthough, it was kinda cool today00:12
DarkwingDuckThe manager at Frys let me boot a Live USB onto the Lenovo IdeaPad today00:12
ScottKAlthough fundamentally if they work at Frys they're insane anyway.00:13
DarkwingDuckI was kinda surprised. Everything worked out of the box and it has multi-touch support so... Around Christmas when i buy it I'll be able to test multi-touch software for KDE00:13
e_t_Riddell: I'm interested.00:33
Riddelle_t_: they're here https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/staging00:34
e_t_The repo marked "DON'T USE"?00:35
Riddelle_t_: it's marked don't use because nobody has tested it yet00:36
Riddellwe need testers like yourself to test it then we can move it to the release PPA00:36
e_t_I was kidding.00:38
e_t_On a serious note, aptitude safe-upgrade shows 293 upgrades and 32 not upgraded.00:39
RiddellI don't think safe-upgrade is what you want00:40
e_t_Will it break?00:40
Riddellno but there's a renamed library00:42
Riddelland when I say "no" I mean, it works fine for me00:42
e_t_How about I do the safe-upgrade, see if that works, then full-upgrade?00:42
Riddellas you wish00:44
ScottKJust don't reboot in the middle.00:46
Riddelle_t_: how did you get on?02:09
e_t_The packages for safe-upgrade just finished downloading a few minutes ago. That all went fine. I feel some trepidation about proceeding with the full-upgrade because it will remove 193 packages.  Would I be able to add them back after?02:13
Riddellwhat will it remove?02:14
claydohRiddell:  e_t_ I just upgraded (using the standard apt dist-upgrade) with no issues02:14
Riddellthanks claydoh 02:14
claydohaptitiude can be too smart sometimes imo02:14
e_t_I confirm. Apt-get dist-upgrade doesn't remove anything.02:15
e_t_I've just gotten used to aptitude.02:16
e_t_Or rather, it removes libweather-ion4a in favor of libweather-ion5.02:17
claydohe_t_: I have seen it only a few times, but sometimes aptitude offers some somewhat insane resolution at times :)02:18
Riddellthat's expected02:18
e_t_Riddell: this is what aptitude wanted to do to me: http://pastebin.ca/198121202:19
* claydoh secretly plots to steal his wifes super shiny new smartphone and put kde mobile on it02:19
rbelemclaydoh, what's the model of her phone?02:21
claydohrbelem: samsung fascinate android 2.102:21
claydohit is our first wirless phone02:22
rbelemclaydoh, hum... i'm not sure if kubuntu-mobile can run on it02:22
e_t_OK. It looks like Ark, KCalc, kdeplasma-addons, kwalletmanager, sweeper, and kdeutils are holding back kde-standard and kde-full.02:23
claydohactualy we did have a motorola portfolio way back in the early '90's, but it had a corded handset :)02:23
claydohrbelem:  s'ok,  I woulld end up dead, or worse if i play with it02:23
rbelemclaydoh, do you know what is the processor?02:23
* claydoh is jealous as he doesn't have one :(02:23
e_t_Nevermind. Refreshing the package cache fixed my last comment.02:24
* claydoh contemplates adding an droid incredible to her service plan - it would probably be able to replace my laptop02:25
rbelemclaydoh, i know that n900 is able to run02:25
claydohrbelem: n900's don't come free w/contract  tho 02:25
e_t_Riddell: I'm all upgraded now.02:26
Riddelle_t_: lovely02:27
e_t_Is the updated kdepim in 4.5.3?02:28
claydohRiddell: only thing I see is the message indicator doesn't show kmail's icon or text, just a blank space02:29
claydohno way to tell if it is upgrade related just yet02:29
Riddellclaydoh: we don't have kmail turned on for message indicator by default02:30
claydohe_t_: no, kdepim is not updated yet02:30
Riddellalthough if you already had it turned on it shouldn't change anything02:30
Riddellbut neither the message indicator nor kdepim are part of this upgrade so I doubt it's related02:30
claydohI had it there before, the place for it is there, no text or icon there tho02:30
e_t_Someone on #kde suggested November 2 as the date for either a new beta or the release, so I wondered. I guess neither worked out.02:31
claydohit's back  I shut down kontact and it is all good now02:33
Riddellah, JontheEchidna, care to cast your critical eye over http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/kdevelop-pg-qt ?02:38
JontheEchidnaRiddell: sure02:42
JontheEchidnaRiddell: there appears to be a debian-changes-0.9.0-0ubuntu1, don't know if that was intended02:44
JontheEchidnalooks fine otherwise02:44
Riddellhmm, good question02:45
RiddellI'll look at it in the morning02:45
JontheEchidnayou're welcome02:45
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shadeslayerapachelogger: complain to lex ...03:55
shadeslayersomething is broken03:58
shadeslayer kdebase-bin : Depends: libkfile4 (>= 4:4.5.3) but 4:4.5.2a-0ubuntu1~ppa2 is to be installed03:58
shadeslayer               Depends: libkio5 (>= 4:4.5.3) but 4:4.5.2a-0ubuntu1~ppa2 is to be installed03:58
shadeslayerRiddell: ^03:59
shadeslayer( upgrading from staging looks fine )04:04
shadeslayeri still see 4.5.2 packages :O04:04
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zegenie_hmm, the 4.5.3 updates seems to bork stuff up here07:21
zegenie_wants to remove a lot of the base packages because of several missing dependencies07:21
zegenie_seems libkio5 and libkfile4 aren't upgradeabe07:33
zegenie_am I doing it wrong?07:33
alvinaptitude wants to upgrade 81 packages, install 1 new and remove 1. I didn't hit OK though.08:00
alvinapt-get wants this: 52 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 19 to remove and 15 not upgraded. KPackageKit only mentions 52 upgrades. (Why don't they do they same?). Anyway, it doesn't look like accepting the apt-get proposal will lead to a stable situation.08:05
markeyis the 4.5.3 update safe? working well?08:32
* markey heard about some issues08:32
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apacheloggershadeslayer: I thought you did koffice?08:43
apacheloggerclearly we did not discuss QA enough at UDS08:43
hrwI see that libraries transition in kde land is done with 4.5.3 by return to old names09:29
ulyssesRiddell: I opened a ticket in the bug tracker of kdesvn, but I can't see it now09:35
hrwops. had kubuntu ppa enabled09:41
hrwbtw - is there a page which lists which kde components are in which versions in natty?09:43
apacheloggerhrw: what do you mean by components?09:46
hrwkdebase 4.5.3-0 | kdelibs5 4.5.3-0 etc09:47
hrwapachelogger: kde source packages09:47
apacheloggerhrw: all whatever kde4libs is (well, except for kdepim that one is stuck on 4.4.something)09:48
apacheloggeralso excluding minor differences such as a/b/c... suffixes09:49
nigelbahoy folks, just fyi bug 67078810:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 670788 in Kubuntu PPA "Updating KDE 4.5.1 -> 4.5.3 in Kubuntu 10.10 requires removal of necessary packages" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67078810:33
geekosopheranyone know about bug 670788 ?10:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 670788 in Kubuntu PPA "Updating KDE 4.5.1 -> 4.5.3 in Kubuntu 10.10 requires removal of necessary packages" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67078810:40
ali'd add the output of `aptitude -vs full-upgrade` to that bug report, just in case it isn't obvious what's missing from the ppa10:43
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ulyssesI installed ktechlab on Lucid, and didn't get bug 661580, can I close it?10:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 661580 in ktechlab (Ubuntu) "package ktechlab (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/icons/hicolor/22x22/actions/dbgstepout.png', which is also in package kontrollerlab 0:0.8.0beta1-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66158010:56
Riddellnigelb, geekosopher, al: kde4libs failed to copy over to the PPA.  Now copied and will be published in a minute.  Sorry for the hassle.11:33
Riddellulysses: you should ask where kontrollerlab comes from, we don't have it in the archives11:35
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nigelbRiddell: great, tks11:48
ulyssesRiddell: kontrollerlab is a free AVR IDE, it comes from sourceforge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/kontrollerlab/11:57
apacheloggernot bug on our end12:08
ulyssesmark as invalid, and close? kontrollerlab last update was two years ago, for Gutsy… which is also abandoned12:10
apacheloggerinvalid on launchpad eitherway12:10
apacheloggerpersia: should we create a proper spec for the address book thingy?12:14
persiaI think specs are only useful if they help workflow.  So, if you think we need a good way to properly document requirements and concerns, or if you want to document work to be done, sure.  Otherwise, little point.12:16
* persia has discovered that using specs to track fun projects ends up being more trouble than benefit12:17
apacheloggermaybe an informal spec then. I really think we should at least write down requirements and concerns12:21
* apachelogger wonders why some people need to use all animation features powerpoint got, in one single presentation... -.-12:26
nigelbapachelogger: trying to show 'advanced' powerpoint skillz ^-^12:30
apacheloggerit is madness, I tell you12:35
nigelbapachelogger: the true sign of an expert is to use content rather than effects.  Its too distracting.12:40
* apachelogger just wants pictures of kittens12:43
nigelbmoar distracting :p12:44
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Riddellrbelem: going to http://community.kde.org/KDE_e.V./Sprints/KDEMobile-2010 ?12:55
geekosopherRiddell: PPA again cool as always, thanks! :)12:56
Riddellgeekosopher: thanks for testing.  sorry about the mess up12:56
rbelemRiddell, i dont know, but i would to go :-)12:57
geekosopherRiddell: what should the guys do who got their systems fried up? would the normal apt-get upgrade work?12:57
Riddellgeekosopher: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:58
* geekosopher thinks 'fried up' was an exaggreration12:58
rbelemRiddell, do you know if is there sponsorship?12:58
geekosopherRiddell: ok, thanks again :)12:58
zegenie_"fried up" is a perfectly good term for people that are lost when they're dropped to the shell and not inside X anymore12:58
geekosopherzegenie_: hehe12:59
zegenie_I would be fine, but several of my shell-impaired coworkers would scream and reinstall immediately ;)13:00
Riddellrbelem: you can ask KDE e.V.13:00
rbelemRiddell, hum... i just notice that the date is closer to my baby birth :-)13:02
Riddellrbelem: bring the baby with you!13:02
rbelemRiddell, but he is still inside his mother belly13:03
Riddelleven better, you won't need to pay for an extra seat on the aeroplane13:04
rbelemRiddell, :-D13:05
rbelemRiddell, i discovered why kubuntu-mobile was so slow on n90013:07
rbelemRiddell, i was using an micro sd class 2, the most slow :-(13:08
rbelemI just bought a class 10 for ebay13:09
* rbelem needs to wait half month until it arrives :-(13:09
apacheloggeroh dear13:18
apacheloggerI want mobile!!!13:18
apacheloggeron that note, I find netbook way too slow too13:18
rbelemapachelogger, on that arm netbook?13:19
apacheloggernah, on a regular netbook13:19
apacheloggeror maybe in general even13:19
apacheloggerKDE IS TOO FAT!13:19
* apachelogger blames it all on mysql though13:20
apacheloggeranyhow -> break13:20
apacheloggermy lock widget thing does not work13:20
* apachelogger finds that supremely interesting and shall investigate later on13:20
rbelemapachelogger, yup! akonadi and nepomuk are performance killers :-(13:21
rbelemapachelogger, i had to remove them to get kubuntu-mobile usable13:22
rbelemeven my desktop13:22
rbelemapachelogger, we need to check the KDEDIRS loading time too13:23
rbelemapachelogger, Riddell, ScottK, http://ervin.ipsquad.net/2010/11/04/kde-platform-profiles-help-me-help-you/13:24
Riddellrbelem: interesting13:28
_Groo_hi/2 all13:33
_Groo_is jonathan around?13:33
_Groo_JontheEchidna: ping13:34
_Groo_kdeutils is missing in action the kubuntu-ppa, is it  being uploaded?13:39
Riddell_Groo_: let me check13:42
_Groo_Riddell: k tks :)13:43
_Groo_kdemultimedia, utils, network and plasma-addons to be correct i believe are missing13:44
_Groo_kdepimlibs too13:44
rbelemRiddell, how could we avoid these profiles? I think that it would be nice if we book a chat with him and discuss this13:47
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Riddellrbelem: why avoid?13:53
rbelemRiddell, because we have to had many different build for kdelibs13:54
Riddellwell we avoid it by not using it13:56
Riddellthe question is if we want to make it available for people who do want to use it13:56
Riddellin which case we'd have to work out how to build kdelibs twice13:56
persiaWell, also, what sort of issues will be encountered if many applications decide to use it?  What essential functions are lost?13:57
Riddellit just removes depreated parts of the APIs, so they'll either not compile and need a bit of porting or they'll work fine13:59
rbelemRiddell, it would be much better to have kdelibs built with mobile profile for kubuntu-mobile, but is there a way to have this benefit without need another build of the kdelibs?13:59
Riddellrbelem: it will need another build of kdelibs13:59
rbelempersia, that's a good point13:59
rbelemRiddell, do you think it is ok have kdelibs and kdelibs-mobile? if you are ok with this i think that we do not need to discuss this futher :-)14:01
rbelempersia, that is the point that ervin talks about in his blog post14:02
Riddellrbelem: ideally we would have one source package kde4libs which builds twice and produces two of each binary package14:02
rbelempersia, http://ervin.ipsquad.net/2010/11/04/kde-platform-profiles-help-me-help-you/14:02
Riddellthat requires some fancy debian/rules though14:02
rbelemRiddell, will we have libs with same name? maybe we need to take a look on that14:03
Riddellthe binary packages will be libkio5-mobile or similar14:05
rbelemRiddell, will them conflict between themselves?14:06
Riddellyes, or maybe install into a different prefix14:06
rbelemRiddell, i think that install on different prefixes are better, so we will not lose some software 14:09
Riddell_Groo_: fixed now, sorry for the hassle14:16
_Groo_Riddell: no hassle :D i know you guys have tons of things to do14:17
_Groo_Riddell: btw someone needs to fix the kwebkit control file, its still broken14:25
_Groo_Riddell: its missing a ~ and cant install correctly with latest kde14:26
_Groo_not kwebkit per se, but the -dev part14:26
Riddell_Groo_: debdiffs welcome :)14:27
_Groo_Riddell: for a ~ change? :D14:28
_Groo_Riddell: let me see exactly wheres the issue14:29
Riddellmaco: do you have the bug number for the qt file dialogue on gnome issue?14:40
sheytan_Riddell hey14:44
sheytan_Riddell i'm sorry, i can't write that page today :(14:44
sheytan_maybe someone else could?14:44
=== sheytan_ is now known as sheytan
Riddellsheytan: no rush14:45
sheytanRiddell, k, if not me, i'll find someone :)14:46
sheytanRiddell, btw there's a untrusted package when try to upgrade to 4.5.3. Is that known?14:46
Riddellyou probably haven't imported the PPA key?14:47
sheytanRiddell Launchpad Kubuntu updates?14:48
sheytanname of the key14:48
sheytanRiddell i've got that one14:50
sheytanRiddell i readded the ppa with key and works now :)14:55
RiddellScottK: no boost changes planned in natty?15:12
Riddellhello jcgs 15:18
macoRiddell: ummm.... i'll have to look for one. i saw it mentioned and debugged in a comment on mdz's blog15:20
jcgshi Riddell, just came out of stand by, so wasn't expecting a greeting :)15:23
apacheloggerScottK: can you lock the netbooky?15:31
* apachelogger has no krunner running -> no locking15:31
ScottKRiddell: No boost changes planned.15:41
ScottKapachelogger: What do you mean by lock?  Screen locking works.15:42
apacheloggerodd, then maybe my system is the broken15:42
Riddellapachelogger: it does require krunner to be running I believe15:44
macoScottK: ah, but does screen-UN-locking work?15:48
ScottKmaco: AFAIK, yes.  I didn't re-set up my netbook since Martin got done playing with it at UDS, so I can't try it directly at the moment.15:49
macoi still dont know why 2 of my laptops are able to unlock and the other isnt15:49
ScottKDifferential solar flare exposure.15:50
apacheloggerRiddell: yes, but my system does not start krunner for some reason15:51
ScottKQuintasan: How is the python3 stuff coming for whichever package you were working on?15:52
jussiwrote several simple Java programs today \o/15:53
* apachelogger pokes jussi in the ear15:54
ScottKIsn't that a bit oxymoronic (simple and java)?15:54
jussiit was first "Intro to programming class"15:54
jussiif anyone sees darkwing duck, get him to grab me please?15:56
\shs/java/python/ is simple15:56
jussi\sh: ssshhhh15:56
jussiIm just learning :)15:56
\shjussi: I'm not a java pro too, but I can speak better java then some of our java devs ;)15:57
\shanyways, I just implemented an asynchronous CA tool in python, with rabbitmq, pyopenssl and python-carrot now I still need to write asap my puppet worker, which will receive all created hostcerts and then I'm ready to rock...(dc)² is in it's alpha state rock15:59
jussi\sh: nice work!16:00
shtylmandon't bring that weak java stuff in here :p16:00
jussishtylman: its a stepping stone! be nice!16:01
ScottKshtylman wasn't being mean.  He was being accurate.16:02
macoso apparently this is fixed in 4.5 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/soprano/+bug/590088 ...how do you recommend the fixy commit be hunted down?16:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 590088 in soprano (Ubuntu) "nepomukservices[2448]: segfaults error 4 in libsoprano.so.4.3.0" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:04
ScottKmaco: If it's fixed in 4.5, it's not a soprano bug.16:18
ScottKSoprano isn't released as part of the KDE SC.16:18
macowas a new libsoprano released in the last 6 months?16:19
ScottKNo idea, but that would be the first thing I'd check.16:19
ScottKWhat is this "10.10 Release Candidate" that's spoken of here: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.5.316:39
RiddellScottK: fixed16:41
ScottKRiddell: Thanks.16:41
apacheloggerstartkde has the ugly code16:42
apacheloggeralso I should do my calculus homework16:43
apacheloggeroh dear oh dear16:43
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apachelogger  CDROM=`lshal | grep "storage.drive_type = 'cdrom'" | awk '{print $3}' | sed "s,',," | sed "s,',,"`16:49
apacheloggerRiddell: something tells me the same could be done with solid16:49
Riddellisn't bash great?16:49
apacheloggerultimately also without awk and seddddddd16:49
Riddellstartkde runs before kdelibs is loaded16:49
ScottKSince it's starting KDE ...16:50
ScottK(sound rimshot)16:50
apacheloggerRiddell: at the time you do the check kdelibs is in memory already16:50
apacheloggerunless the user turned off the splash screen that is16:51
apacheloggerkstartupconfig4 also loads it apparently16:51
* apachelogger finds that odd though16:51
Riddellsplash screen doesn't use kdelibs16:52
apacheloggerRiddell: well, it certainly links against it...16:52
Riddellldd /usr/bin/ksplashx | grep kde   says it doesn't16:52
apacheloggerkonsole on top konsole, aint no good16:53
apacheloggernevermind me16:53
apacheloggerhere is a thought16:55
apacheloggerRiddell: how about only detecting this once?16:55
apacheloggeras it is the whole netbook if stuff will be executed at every start for no good reason16:55
Riddellapachelogger: yes that would be good16:59
ScottKAnd that may be why valorie's netbook was reverting to the shell she didn't want before it died.16:59
Riddellbut you need to work out how to save that in the relevant autostart files17:00
Riddellhmm, debhelper has some new svg tool that requires valid xml namespaces17:16
Riddellthis is going to be troublesome17:16
=== hrw is now known as hrw|gone
apacheloggerulysses: ping17:43
apachelogger# If the session should be locked from the start (locked autologin),18:08
apachelogger# lock now and do the rest of the KDE startup underneath the locker.18:08
apacheloggerif test -n "$dl"; then18:08
apachelogger  kwrapper4 kscreenlocker --forcelock &18:08
apacheloggerstartkde is so full of crap!!!!!18:08
apacheloggerno wonder kde startup takes a billion years!!!!18:08
apacheloggerthis is outragous18:09
apacheloggerrbelem: from a purely scientific pov it would be interesting if a c or c++ version of startkde would be signifcantly faster18:11
* apachelogger doubts it, though one never knows18:11
shadeslayerlol... locked startup18:12
rbelemapachelogger, let's try write one :-)18:12
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* apachelogger thinks that one could only optimize ksmserver and greater18:22
apacheloggerstartkde, even though an obvious target does not leave much space for improvement18:22
ScottKMore important is what's started and in what order.18:22
ScottKapachelogger: I've got boot charts for my laptop going back as far as Jaunty if you want data.18:24
apacheloggeralso bashism18:25
apacheloggerslipped through review18:25
apacheloggerScottK: that would be cool, though bootchart only monitored until kdm I think18:25
apacheloggerrbelem: in sh there is no ==18:25
apacheloggeronly =18:25
apacheloggerwhich is either assignment or evaluation depending on context18:26
rbelemhunrum :-(18:26
ScottKapachelogger: Shows plenty of KDE stuff.  Here's the most recent http://kitterman.com/kubuntu/scott-laptop-maverick-20101030-2.png18:30
ScottKapachelogger: If you decide more such would be useful, let me know.18:34
shtylmanbootchart!! woooo18:35
apacheloggerreal    0m2.058s18:35
apacheloggerthat is only until it gets to ksmserver 18:35
apacheloggeron a warm start!18:35
ulyssesapachelogger: pong18:35
shtylmankde is slow18:36
apacheloggerulysses: oxygen nuno is looking for a minion ^^18:36
ulyssesapachelogger: not today, I go out, and I have a task from Riddell to package UPnP Mediaserver KIOslave first18:37
rbelemapachelogger, try commenting the KDEDIRS 18:38
apacheloggerthat stuff is not kicking in for me18:39
rbelemapachelogger, or using just kubuntu-mobile or kubuntu-netbook default settings dir in the KDEDIRS18:39
rbelemapachelogger, who takes care of run KDEDIRS desktop files?18:40
rbelemdo you know18:40
apacheloggerLD_BIND_NOW=true /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/start_kdeinit_wrapper +kcminit_startup18:41
apacheloggerthat thing is almost only responsible for the 2 seconds time to ksmserver18:42
apacheloggerbefore and after that only marginal time gets spent18:42
apacheloggerrbelem: what desktop files?18:42
rbelemapachelogger, sorry. I did not mean desktop18:45
rbelemi mean confi files18:45
rbelemapachelogger, /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/share/config/18:46
apacheloggerkcminit_startup makes about 0.3 seconds of the overall increase caused by that line18:46
* apachelogger notes that the speedup from this better be worth the 1.5 seconds18:47
apacheloggerrbelem: why would one run a config?18:47
apachelogger0.6 seconds to ksmserver :D18:49
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rbelemapachelogger, by the KDEDIRS line?18:53
apacheloggerrbelem: I am not following18:54
* apachelogger waves with fist18:58
apacheloggerstupid akonadi18:58
apacheloggeroh my god19:01
apachelogger7 seconds to desktop19:01
apacheloggeralso I still should be doing calculus homework19:01
apacheloggeroh my19:01
sheytanapachelogger hey :D19:04
sheytanapachelogger something that can make your wordpress wish a bit http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/3125/ffheader.png :D19:04
apacheloggerdoesnt fit in :P19:06
sheytanapachelogger but it's pink :D19:06
apacheloggerits aubergine19:06
sheytanRiddell page is almost done :)19:06
rbelemapachelogger, do you know why libqt4-multimedia is not in archives?19:07
sheytanapachelogger how about now http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/3125/ffheader.png :D19:08
apacheloggerrbelem: because it is crap19:08
apacheloggeralso it got renamed19:08
apacheloggerand moved19:08
apacheloggerbreaking ABI, API and good manners all at once19:08
rbelemapachelogger, what is it called now?19:08
apacheloggerbrisbane knows how to piss off tao programmers right there19:09
apacheloggerrbelem: something with multimediakit19:09
apachelogger!find multimediakit19:09
ubottuFound: libqtmultimediakit119:09
sheytanRiddell http://ryrych.pl/null/kubuntu/kubu.html19:11
rbelemapachelogger, but libqtmultimediakit1 is part of qtmobility19:12
apachelogger<apachelogger> rbelem: because it is crap19:12
apachelogger<apachelogger> also it got renamed19:12
apachelogger<apachelogger> and moved19:12
apacheloggerthat would be the moved part19:12
apacheloggerthe rnamed part would be multimedia -> multimediakit19:12
rbelemhahaha :-D19:12
apacheloggerand the crap part is it being it19:12
apacheloggerrbelem: what business do you have with this bugger?19:13
apacheloggersheytan: that looks funny in rekonq19:13
rbelemapachelogger, some stuff that i'm working on19:13
apacheloggeralso I greatly dislike the 64bit stuff being same size as 32bit19:13
sheytanapachelogger it's not done. those red lines (if you see them) are only to help :)19:13
apacheloggerrbelem: use phonon!!!19:14
apacheloggersheytan: there is more funnyness about it19:14
sheytanapachelogger may i have a sshot? :D19:14
rbelemapachelogger, hum... i think i will start using it19:15
rbelemapachelogger, thx dude :-)19:15
apacheloggermarkey: ^ phonon has a naming problem19:16
markeyhm? :)19:16
apacheloggergoogle qt multimedia19:16
apacheloggeryou get19:16
rbelemit would be better to say thx buddy :-)19:16
markeythx buddy!19:16
apacheloggersheytan: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/avatar/snapshot88.png19:17
* persia vaguely remembers a discussion about coordination to migrate everyone to use Qt phonon and away from qtmultimedia: what happened to that?19:25
apacheloggerwritten down in my notebook from hell, waiting on apachelogger to take action19:26
persiaAh, OK.  As long as it's not lost :)19:27
apacheloggeryeah, good thing I wrote it down :D19:28
ScottKRiddell: Is libqyotoshared2 meant to be an empty package in the new kdebindings?20:26
ryrychhere you go: http://ryrych.pl/null/kubuntu/index.html :D20:41
ryrychsheyta: it's been ages ;D20:45
sheytanryrych oh :D come on, show the cool stuff :D20:47
sheytanRiddell ryrych've got something for you :D20:47
* apachelogger thinks ksplashx is a monster straight from hell20:50
sheytanapachelogger why?20:51
apacheloggereven without plasma, or akonadi, or krunner I get a minimum startup of 4.5 for kde20:51
apacheloggerI take that back20:52
apacheloggerakonadi is started20:52
apacheloggernot that I know why though20:52
KubuntiacHey guys, not sure, but there seemed to be a packaging problem with KDE 4.5.3 for me. My system wasn't starting after the update until I did multiple rounds of sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install -f20:52
apacheloggerah, it is not20:53
apacheloggerjust had it hanging around in background20:53
apachelogger4.5 is quite longish20:53
apachelogger3.4 without kwin20:56
KubuntiacIs it worth filing this on the kubuntu-ppa?20:56
sheytanKubuntiac you prropably did the upgrade to fast. I mean, you always need to wait some after the packages appear ;)20:58
sheytanFor me the update was without problems20:58
apachelogger^ that is QA fail20:58
apacheloggerrbelem: unless I dream of a way to get rid of knotify4 I will surely not get below 3.4 seconds startup on my machine ^^20:58
apacheloggerthat means that roughly half the time of app starts is actually spent on doing stuff in kded, ksmserver and kdeinit20:59
apachelogger(note: I turned off all kded modules that are configurable && turned off session restoring && this was with data already in disk cache)21:00
* apachelogger wishes he had a device with FD/SSD and slow cpu -.-21:02
* apachelogger runs killall rekonq the 3rd time today21:04
apacheloggeradd plasma ... goes up to 9.5 seconds :O21:06
apacheloggeroh dear21:06
Kubuntiacsheytan: /me is impatient :) I'd be running Kubentoo if I was smart enough (ie compiling *everything*)21:06
apacheloggeralso I am getting debug.... I hate it when I get debug... 21:06
apacheloggershadeslayer: can you please make kubuntu not debug into my terminal21:07
apacheloggerDEBUG OUTPUT!21:07
shadeslayerkdebugdialog? 21:07
apacheloggertake a look at your .xsession-errors21:07
apacheloggereven with kdebugdialog turned off !!!21:07
apacheloggeri.e. coming from Qt and akonadi and libakonaid being all smart and overriding my decisions or something21:08
apacheloggerif we built without debug support we would surely have smaller debs21:08
apacheloggersmaller binaries in general that is21:08
highvoltageyay smaller debs21:09
highvoltage(especially since edubuntu pulls in pretty much all of kde at this point :) )21:09
apacheloggershadeslayer: there all sorts of crap, plz do something about it21:09
apacheloggerhighvoltage: someone was supposed to do something about that IIRC21:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: convert to gnome?21:10
apacheloggerthat is a workaround!21:10
apacheloggerI hate workarounds21:11
shadeslayerno idea then :P21:11
highvoltageapachelogger: yep! I heard that too :)21:11
* shadeslayer is only good at workarounds21:11
ScottKhighvoltage: I understand kdm is getting pulled in on Edubuntu installs.  If someone could give me the output of "aptitude why kdm" on such an install, that would help narrow it down.21:20
apacheloggershadeslayer: supposedly Qt wants to be built in release mode21:23
shadeslayeroh my21:23
shadeslayerapachelogger: IIRC doesnt that disable dbg symbols?21:23
ScottKWe want the debug symbols so we can strip them.21:24
shadeslayeri think it does21:24
shadeslayer^ exactly21:24
apacheloggerI do not want fat code21:24
apacheloggerfat binaries21:24
shadeslayerwe should have deb delta support then21:25
apacheloggershadeslayer: QT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT21:25
shadeslayerwhat about it?21:25
ScottKapachelogger: real_ate has to KDM magic he'd like to discuss.21:25
apacheloggershadeslayer: fat binaries aint got nothing to do with delta21:25
apacheloggerScottK: magic and KDM sounds scary21:26
apacheloggerreal_ate: hi21:26
ScottKapachelogger: Sure.  What about KDM doesn't sound scary.21:26
apacheloggershadeslayer: setting that apparently turns of qDebug21:26
apacheloggeror so says the documentation21:26
apacheloggerScottK: true true21:26
highvoltageScottK: I just talked to stgraber about it, we're going to conflict against it (and pretty much the rest of KDE) in the livdcd package so that it doesn't get pulled in at build time21:26
shadeslayerbut then...21:26
apacheloggerThis function does nothing if QT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT was defined during compilation.21:26
shadeslayerwhat if we do want qDebug foo21:27
highvoltageScottK: it wasn't just kdm, also an entire kde session :)21:27
apacheloggershadeslayer: then I do not care21:27
ScottKhighvoltage: That would be a work around to the real problem.  We should see what the real problem is and fix it.21:27
apacheloggeruser profiles21:27
apacheloggerdid not say no nothing about having debug output21:27
apachelogger-> removed it can be21:27
highvoltageScottK: ok21:27
highvoltageScottK: I'll get that info for you21:27
ScottKhighvoltage: That would also be good to know for other stuff you don't want pulled in.21:28
real_atehi all... sorry i had some stuff to do 21:28
apacheloggershadeslayer: other option is silently shutting up all the stuff Qt is whining about21:28
* shadeslayer finds previoust option better now21:29
ScottKapachelogger: real_ate has a patch he's backported from trunk to make KDM and Gnome play nice together.  Maybe we could add it to our 4.5.3 packages?21:29
* ScottK needs to go.21:29
highvoltageScottK: I'll add the output to the bug report and poke you with the bug number tomorrow then :)21:29
apacheloggerwhere is that patch?21:29
ScottKhighvoltage: Sounds good.21:29
* shadeslayer has mini headache21:29
real_ateapachelogger: I'll post it to the bug now 21:29
real_ateone second 21:30
* real_ate is starting up his VM21:30
apacheloggershadeslayer: there is no other option21:31
apacheloggerakonadi uses a crap load of qDebug calls21:31
shadeslayerfix upstream?21:31
apacheloggersupposedly the verbose nepomuk stuff does too21:31
apacheloggershadeslayer: fix = ?21:31
shadeslayerlesser qDebug calls21:31
apacheloggerlesser is not enough21:31
apacheloggerwhat would you use instead?21:31
shadeslayerkDebug? :P21:32
apacheloggerakonadi is largely not kde21:32
apacheloggerneither is nepomuk21:32
shadeslayerah ok21:32
shadeslayerFreedesktop thingie21:32
apacheloggerwe should just build without debug messages -.-21:34
apacheloggereverything a piece of junk is writing as debug consumes disk space and consequently ram and consequently cpu and consequently will prevent your disk from sleeping because it needs to write crap to .xsession-errors21:35
shadeslayernight all21:37
rbelemapachelogger, how much time did you manage to lower?21:37
rbelemshadeslayer, g'night :-)21:37
apacheloggeraha, now is he is hiding in his bed :P21:38
apacheloggerrbelem: pre-ksmserver by almost 2 seconds21:38
apacheloggerpast is hard t say21:38
apacheloggerbecuase what I removed was all essential stuff :P21:38
real_ateapachelogger: I've attached the new patch to the bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18619821:38
ubottuKDE bug 186198 in general "support GDM 2 21+'s control interface" [Wishlist,Resolved: fixed]21:38
apacheloggerthough it turns out primarily plasma takes long21:39
apachelogger+    if (DMType == Dunno) {21:40
apacheloggerkdm is epic ^^21:40
DarkwingDuckHey guys21:40
real_ateapachelogger: :D21:40
rbelemheheh :-D21:40
apacheloggerthese whitespace changes are sick 21:41
real_ateI hate when that stuff happens21:41
real_ateespecially when I was discussing my fixes on #kde and they gave out to me for using a tab instead of spaces or something like that :P 21:42
apacheloggerreal_ate: please backport ossi's change in KDE SVN rather than that bugger21:42
real_ateapachelogger: I don't understand21:42
real_ateapachelogger: you mean clean up the whitespace stuff? 21:42
apacheloggeruse that as base, so no whitespace creeping appears21:43
apacheloggerpretty much impossible to review with all the whitespace changes 21:43
real_ateapachelogger: i think you have it the opposite way round... ossi changed all that whitespace in revision 118688121:44
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=1186881&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 1186881 | add support for GDM 2.21+ shutdown and session switching FEATURE: 186198 FIXED-IN: 4.621:44
apacheloggerreal_ate: I am looking at http://bugsfiles.kde.org/attachment.cgi?id=5314321:45
apacheloggerwhich is impossible to read21:45
apacheloggeroh oh oh21:45
real_ateapachelogger: yea.. ok 21:45
real_atei'll just clean up the whitespace changes 21:45
real_ateso that they are not there anymore21:45
* real_ate assumes thats what he should be doing21:46
apacheloggerreal_ate: you might want to tell ossi to replace the .call(QLatin1String("GetX11Display")) thingies with an interface proxy21:46
apacheloggerIIRC call() will trigger an introspection on each call21:46
real_ateapachelogger: does that matter so much? this code is only called very seldomly21:48
apacheloggerthat is no excuse for being crappy code21:49
apacheloggernot being called at all would be one, but then there would be the thing that the code would be pointless and should be removed ;)21:49
apacheloggeranyhow, if you get me a patch without whitespaces I am sure we can arrange for inclusion in the 4.5.3 package21:50
real_ateapachelogger: i'll work on the patch without whitespaces and i'll send an email to ossi suggesting your improvements21:52
real_ateapachelogger: do you mind me refering to you when I do? just i don't really have the othority to suggest improvemtents when I don't really understand them :/21:52
real_ateapachelogger: i've attached a new patch with no whitespace changes 21:57
apacheloggerreal_ate: nevermind the mail22:01
apacheloggerit seems they fixed the issue in Qt22:01
apacheloggeror at least I cannot find it anymore22:01
* real_ate deletes his draft22:01
real_ateapachelogger: so if this gets included in the 4.5.3 pachage does that mean it will be in LTS? 22:02
apacheloggersince next LTS is 1.5 years away, yes22:03
real_atewell i meant as an update to 10.0422:03
apacheloggerif 4.5.3 gets into 10.0422:03
real_ateoh hold on a sec... 22:03
apacheloggerwhile the regression potential is very low, I would not feel comfortable putting that in via 4.5.322:04
apacheloggerconsidering ossi did not backport it to 4.5 either22:04
real_atei guess you're right 22:04
real_ateapachelogger: i have requested that he look into backporting it to 4.5 22:05
real_ate... if that happens would you feel more comfortable? 22:05
apacheloggerstill the decision would be with the SRU team and/or the ubuntu tech board22:06
apacheloggerwe only only propose it22:06
apacheloggerminus one only ^^22:07
real_ateapachelogger: i understand, and that is at least a good start ;) 22:08
real_ateapachelogger: is the fact that it wasn't backported to 4.5 a blocker for this patch being included? 22:13
real_atei'm discussing it with the kde guys now 22:13
real_ateapachelogger: the long and short of it is that from a KDE point of view this is a new feature that was added 22:15
real_ateeven though from a desktop point of view it is a bugfix or a regression fix 22:16
real_ateand it is KDE policy that new features can only be added to trunk and not backported 22:16
apacheloggerwell, for us it is a new feature too :P22:17
apacheloggerwhich disqualifies it for updates really22:17
apacheloggernot for PPA packages though22:17
real_ateapachelogger: really? I thought it was deemed to be a regression, that you can't say shutdown anymore when GDM is in control 22:17
apacheloggerthe issue is a regression22:18
apacheloggerthe fix for it is a feature22:18
apacheloggeras it provides support for the new gdm system22:18
real_ateinteresting... 22:18
apacheloggerwhich is completely new22:18
apacheloggerso from an impact POV it fixes the regression but it does so by means of introducing new functionality22:18
real_ate... which is unfortunatly the only way to resolve the issue 22:19
apacheloggerwhich is why I said it would be a call the SRU team or the tech board had to made, since it is arguable that resolving the regression outweighs the possibility of having introduced an issue with that patch22:19
real_ateapachelogger: so i suppose the next step is to "apply" to the SRU team? :/ i'm not really familiar with the system yet22:23
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates22:23
apacheloggerreal_ate: well need a launchpad bug and actually the patch needs to be backported to 4.422:24
apacheloggersince 4.5 is currently not an update for 10.0422:24
real_ateactually hold on 22:24
real_atei may have lead you up the garden path 22:24
real_ate... I did a debdiff against what i got from apt-get sources and what what in trunk 22:25
real_ateso the one that fixed the issue22:25
real_ateso that must be a 4.4 backport then :/22:25
real_ateyea... that diff is for 4.4.222:26
real_atei'll update the bug report now22:26
real_atesorry for the confusion 22:26
real_ateapachelogger: ok there is a bug already in there for it ( i couldn't find it before)22:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 459695 in KDE Base "KDE has not Shutdown/Restart buttons if started from GDM" [Unknown,Fix released]22:32
real_ateapachelogger: I will try to updat the bug report with the details as I see them, I would appreciate your help with the "statement of impact" if you have time22:35
apacheloggersure, not today though22:35
* apachelogger should go to bed soonish22:35
apacheloggerI'll take a look at it tomorrow22:35
real_ateapachelogger: thanks for all your help btw :) 22:37
apacheloggerreal_ate: no problem22:51
=== tazz_ is now known as tazz
real_ateapachelogger: i've updated that bug, i know you're away off to bed but i hope you get this ping in the morning 23:52
real_ateapachelogger: apparently i need to get you to nominate that bug, i'm a mere mortal and not worthy ;) 23:53
persiaapachelogger, For context: Nominate was recently restricted to bug-control, and we weren't sure you had confirmed you wanted to process as SRU.23:59

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