
bella-tthis is the version00:02
stlsainthrm, you are using an older version, the latest out is 3.200:02
stlsainti suggest removing and installing the update version, you can save your vm's harddrives for use with the new install00:02
bella-tremoving the Vm is obligatarry00:03
bella-tor optionnal00:04
stlsaintbella-t: you can just save the harddrive and recreate the vm itself and use the old vm's hard drive for the new vm00:04
bella-tand the data will be saved of course00:05
bella-tdo you know the command to save the VM00:06
stlsaintyes, are you aware of how to save the vm drive?00:06
stlsaintoh hehe00:06
stlsaintyou using cli or graphical?00:06
bella-twhat is cli?00:07
UndiFineDcommand line interface00:07
bella-tsome times i use CLI00:07
bella-tand about the saving of VM i've no idea about it00:08
stlsaintbella-t: open your home directory00:09
stlsaintopen your .vbox dir00:10
bella-tthere is no such dir00:11
stlsainthave you viewed the hidden directorys00:11
stlsainthit: Ctrl+h00:11
stlsaintyou should see a hard drives folder or machines folder00:13
bella-thardDisks and Machine00:13
stlsainthard drive folder?00:13
stlsaintin the hard disk folder you should see your vm disk00:14
stlsaintyep thats the one...feel free to copy that somewhere maybe to your desktop00:14
bella-tthank you veryyy much00:16
stlsaintyou will have to install vbox from the website00:16
bella-tthen the problem will vanish ?00:17
stlsaintbella-t: if you really are overly-cautious you can even backup your machine out of the machines folder to your desktop00:17
stlsaintbella-t: yes the problem should be gone00:17
bella-tI'am coping all the di .Virtualbox00:17
bella-tto my DD00:18
stlsaintlol well that will do the trick also00:18
stlsaintyou know how to install from website?00:19
lateniteHi folks, Is it possible to install ubunut on an external HDD, THEN take that hdd to "my gandfathers PC" and plug it in, SO his PC has Ubuntu? OR do I need his PC connected to the HDD while installing. He lifes in another city and I would like to send the "ready to go" HDD to him. So he does not have to do anything BUT plug it an and boot. ?? If so...how can I do that?00:20
stlsaintbella-t: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads00:20
bella-tthnk you00:20
bella-tevery version has its specefic file to download00:21
stlsaintlatenite: hey if you install ubuntu to a external harddrive than you will be able to plug in the ext to the "new" computer and ubuntu will boot if you boot to the external drive00:22
stlsaintlatenite: i tried that before some time ago and i think the only issue i had was the graphics driver00:23
latenitestlsaint, how would I make sure all his hardware is supported? he s a printer and webcam...und stuff? How do I install it to my external HDD? All i did do far is mount it.00:23
stlsaintlatenite: just point ubiquity to the external drive00:24
stlsaintlatenite: hrm with all those extra drivers i would suggest you have the system sent to you and you install it (if thats possible)00:25
latenitestlsaint, ubiquity??? I run gentoo here and just pluged in HIS external HDD...what would be next? shall I donwload the iso?00:25
stlsaintwell yea you will need the ubuntu iso00:25
stlsaintbella-t: everything going well?00:25
latenitestlsaint, no cant do taht...is s liek a suprise ... I want to send it to him and suprise him with his NEW linx00:26
latenitestlsaint, and what do I do with the iso? unpack it and dd it the drive?00:26
bella-t'im installig virtualbox00:27
stlsaintwhy dd?00:27
bella-tdownoading vb00:27
stlsaintlatenite: you will have to burn the iso to a cd and install it to the hard drive00:27
bella-tand copying the dir00:27
latenitestlsaint, so I would have to shoutr down my system...bozzt the cd and select the external HDD? is there a way doinf the install FROM WITHIN my running gentoo?00:29
stlsaintlatenite: from what i know, no...that is not possible00:29
stlsaintcollinp: ping00:30
lateniteI know it can be done with debina and a chroot+debootstrap..is there anything like that?00:30
stlsaintcollinp: is it possible to install ubuntu to a external drive without booting into the livecd (only thing i can think of is something with wubi)00:31
stlsaintlatenite: you want to chroot?00:31
collinpIt's certainly possible, but fairly difficult to do.00:31
stlsaintcollinp: i have never done nor seen it done so i have no idea of how to00:32
stlsaintlatenite: a chroot wouldnt install to a drive (i dont think)00:32
collinpIn essence, it's not feasible.00:32
stlsainti didnt think so00:32
latenitecollinp, that s ok? would you tell me how?...just the idea of it? In general I nstall gentoo like taht: make a chroot-> mounf hdd-> copy system tree-> install grub-> DONE00:32
collinpGentoo and Debian are two different beasts. I have never really gotten deep into the installation process, but I think it's something along the lines of: The installer lays the foundation (kernel and apt), then goes and installs the packages that go into the system.00:34
collinpOr I could be completely wrong. I've never had to go and install Ubuntu to a system without shutting down and using the livecd.00:34
collinpI'm at least fairly sure that the CD does not ship binary files explicitly, but they are packaged in .deb files that have to be installed onto the base system.00:35
stlsaintnor have i ever installed without livecd00:35
stlsaintlatenite: tbh in your case google would probably be your best bet00:35
collinpLet me go find one of my Ubuntu CDs.00:36
latenitecollinp, well imagine a remote sever...You wouldn't have a chance to put a live CD into it...All you have is ssh into SOME sort of live system...you know?00:36
collinpYou deploy remote systems differently than a normal desktop/laptop system.00:36
collinpOften with imaging, which is putting a image of an already installed system onto the hard drive.00:37
latenitecollinp, well leaving the "image" idea aside...how would ubuntu be installed remotely?00:37
bella-ti'll reboot my system00:37
collinpYou're not copying the CD to the hard drive, because everything is packaged in .deb files which the installer installs onto the base system.00:39
collinpAnd, to be honest, I don't know of another system used instead of the "image" system for remote deployment.00:39
collinpMost everything in a rapid-deployment environment is based around images or something very, very similar to it.00:39
collinpErr, remote-deployment00:40
collinpBasically, you would have to go and install each and every .deb file - manually - onto a base system on the hard drive.00:40
collinpIf you were doing this from another operating system.00:41
collinpnhandler: Ping00:42
latenitecollinp, hmm well. I realy "hate" the idea of having to boot the life cd....for the fact that I could ONLY do that by shutting down my box...thats "iiiaks" somehow00:42
bella-tstlsaint, there is a conflit with virtualbox-ose00:43
bella-twhile executinng00:44
bella-ta backup of the hole system will solve the problem ?00:47
nhandlerYes collinp ?00:48
collinpnhandler: Imaging aside, do you know of another method of installing Ubuntu/Debian without booting into the LiveCD environment?00:48
collinpEr, more specifically, without rebooting from another operating system at all.00:48
nhandlercollinp: Without rebooting? You could use wubi or a VM00:49
collinpI know very little about the subject. latenite was wanting to install Ubuntu without booting out of their Gentoo install.00:49
nhandlercollinp: Well, if they want to do a proper installation, they will want to reboot. Partitioning a HD is rather unsafe if the disk is in-use00:50
latenitecollinp, nhandler RIGHT::: I could boot the iso into a kvm vm...and whe done copy all the files to the external hdd? right? or am I off track here?00:50
szczurcollinp, https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/linux-upgrade.html but i think it is a bit outdated00:52
nhandlerlatenite: It might work, but I have a feeling it probably won't work well00:52
latenitenhandler, what could go wrong? any forsight ideas?00:52
nhandlerlatenite: I can't remember, but I thought Ubuntu did some checks for the type of hardware that is being used to try and make sure things work. All of those checks would get messed up00:53
nhandlerlatenite: So if you go with that approach, you should probably install something like the ubuntu minimum iso and then add the extra packages you need00:54
latenitenhandler, taht was my question in the first place..since i ONLY have the HDD....that will GO into a box that s not with me.00:54
stlsaintbella-t: did you remove the vbox you had on there?00:57
bella-tyes i've deleted it from the logitheque00:58
bella-tI've fogot a packet01:00
bella-twhich is related to vm01:00
bella-tthat's why the installation was blocked01:01
bella-ta backup is it able to resolve the problem ?01:02
stlsaintsudo apt-get -purge remove virtualbox-3.101:03
stlsaintunless you jsut removed it from synaptic01:03
stlsaintbella-t: a backup?01:03
stlsainthave you gotten the new vbox installed with no errors?01:03
bella-ti've installed the new VBox01:05
bella-tbut there is an error01:05
stlsaintwhat error?01:05
bella-tdriver not installed01:05
bella-tThe VirtualBox Linux kernel driver (vboxdrv) is either not loaded or there is a permission problem with /dev/vboxdrv. Please reinstall the kernel module by executing01:05
bella-t'/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'01:05
bella-tas root. Users of Ubuntu, Fedora or Mandriva should install the DKMS package first. This package keeps track of Linux kernel changes and recompiles the vboxdrv kernel module if necessary.01:05
latenitenhandler, ok another VERY differnet approach: I have a usp pendirve with a INSTALLED (no live iso) ubunut on it. I booted my laptop of it and connected the HDD. Now I miss the "install" button that on a regualr liveCD. Is that be found on my realy (non live) system too?01:06
lateniteso in other words. How to install ubuntu FROM ubuntu?01:09
stlsaintbella-t: oh have you not installed dkms yet?01:15
stlsaintbella-t: sudo apt-get install dkms01:15
stlsaintits whats used to build kernel01:15
bella-tthey aren't installed01:16
bella-tI've installed it01:17
szczurlatenite, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux#Without%20CD01:18
bella-tand now should I reboot my system ?01:18
szczurthis may be helpful to you01:18
bella-tbecause the error still there01:18
lateniteszczur, nice thats just waht I want :) cool01:20
stlsaintbella-t: sure01:21
bella-tstlsaint, the problem persist01:26
bella-tCode d'erreur :01:26
bella-tNS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)01:26
bella-tComposant :01:26
bella-tInterface :01:26
bella-tIMachine {6d9212cb-a5c0-48b7-bbc1-3fa2ba2ee6d2}01:26
bella-tKernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)01:26
stlsaintbella-t: can you open synaptic package manager and ensure you have removed the ose version of vbox01:29
bella-ti've verified and there is any other packet installed but virrtualbox-3.201:32
stlsaintsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:33
bella-tthat needs the root privileges?01:35
bella-tImpossible d'ouvrir le fichier verrou /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission non accordée)01:36
bella-tE: Impossible de verrouiller le répertoire d'administration (/var/lib/dpkg/). Avez-vous les privilèges du superutilisateur ?01:36
szczurbella-t, close synaptic before doing this01:36
stlsaintbella-t: close synaptic then run command01:36
bella-tit is already closed01:37
stlsaintrun command and enter password01:37
bella-tsame probleme01:40
stlsaintwhat kernel are you usign?01:45
stlsaintuname -a01:45
bella-tLinux sghaier 2.6.32-25-generic #45-Ubuntu SMP Sat Oct 16 19:48:22 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux01:46
stlsaintbella-t: have you installed the kernel headers?01:47
bella-ti've taped the command that you gaved to me01:47
bella-ti've installed the headers01:51
stlsaintsudo apt-get update01:55
stlsaintwhats the error again?01:56
bella-tno error01:56
bella-twith the CLI01:56
stlsaintwhats error for vm?01:57
bella-tFailed to open/create the internal network 'HostInterfaceNetworking-pan0' (you might need to modprobe vboxnetflt to make it accessible) (VERR_INTNET_FLT_IF_NOT_FOUND).01:59
bella-tUnknown error creating VM (VERR_INTNET_FLT_IF_NOT_FOUND).01:59
bella-tCode de résultat :01:59
bella-tNS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)01:59
bella-tComposant :01:59
bella-tInterface :01:59
bella-tIConsole {6375231a-c17c-464b-92cb-ae9e128d71c3}01:59
stlsaintbella-t: this is a continued interface error02:04
stlsaintsomething is still wrong with your interface file i think02:04
stlsaintplease show me the contents of it: cat /etc/networking/interface02:05
stlsaintplease show me the contents of it: cat /etc/network/interface02:05
bella-tauto lo02:08
bella-tiface lo inet loopback02:08
bella-tauto eth202:08
bella-tiface eth2 inet dhcp02:08
bella-tif we add auto eth2 vbox to the file02:10
bella-tthe problem could be resolved ?02:11
stlsainti dont think so02:17
stlsaintbella-t: did you ever comment out those lines i asked you to?02:19
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bella-ti don't undrestand !02:20
bella-ti've wrote the commends02:21
bella-tbecause may be i'll need them later02:22
bella-tis that what you're asking for ?02:22
stlsaintyes did you have # next to the last entries02:26
bella-tya these commands were very helpful for me02:29
bella-ti think the key of this problem is to get back the old version of the /etc/network/interfaces02:31
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stlsaintthats why we comment out the lines you entered yourself02:34
bella-tis it possible to have a backup of a file in such case02:37
bella-ti've commented the lines that i've added now02:38
stlsaintto make a copy of it simply use the cp command as so:02:38
stlsaintcp /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.bak (or .old)02:39
bella-tnot a copy but i want to know if it is possible to get an older version of a saved file02:41
stlsaintnot that im aware of...once you change and save it its pretty much a done deal02:41
bella-tah ok02:42
stlsaintbella-t: hrm02:48
stlsaintim not sure why your having a interface issue02:48
bella-ti think that i've used the interface which was allocated to Vbox while modifying the file interfaces02:50
bella-tprobably this is the cause no ?02:51
stlsaintbella-t: i would suggest posting a thread on the ubuntu forums in the virtualization section for a more global view on your issue02:51
bella-tok I'll post the problem in the forums but I hope that i'll find the solution02:52
stlsaint i do too02:52
stlsaintyou may be missing some kernel headers or something but i cant be sure02:53
bella-tyep maybe02:53
bella-tthank you so much for all the time you've passed with me trying to find a solution02:54
stlsaintbella-t: sorry i could not be of more help02:57
bella-tno problem if I'll find a solution i'll inform you in this channel02:57
Cheri703is it possible to do a sudo cp -R across an sftp link?02:58
Cheri703i.e. I want to copy my netbook stuff across to my desktop02:59
Cheri703it is saying it can't locate it02:59
stlsaintCheri703: why not use ssh or scp?03:15
Cheri703I don't know how to use ssh to copy from one computer to another03:15
Cheri703I am working on another way of doing it, so it's not a huge deal03:15
stlsaintwell how are you trying to do it then?03:15
stlsaintoh alright03:16
mjeamiguelhi guys :)05:12
mjeamigueljust needed help if someone can direct me to a chennel for benchmark software?\05:12
aveilleuxmjeamiguel: What kind of benchmarks?05:18
mjeamiguelhi aveilleux.. dhrystone05:18
mjeamiguelI'm just wondering if there are any channels for benchmarking in general05:19
aveilleuxmjeamiguel: Not that I'm aware of, it seems too much of a niche thing to me05:20
aveilleuxmjeamiguel: What do you want to know about Dhrystone?05:20
mjeamiguelI just downloaded it, i wanted to know about it in detail05:21
mjeamiguelthe white paper online doesnt say much05:21
aveilleuxmjeamiguel: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhrystone05:21
aveilleuxmjeamiguel: When in doubt, wiki it!05:21
mjeamiguelhahahah..did that already but thanks05:21
mjeamigueldo you think phoronix channel might know?05:22
mjeamigueli mean05:22
aveilleuxmjeamiguel: I'm sure they have a better understanding of it than I do.05:23
mjeamiguelaveilleux cool! thanks so much for your help :)05:23
aveilleuxmjeamiguel: No problem05:23
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UndiFineDgood morning07:18
geekosophergood afternoon UndiFineD07:20
Puck`good morning team08:29
nlsthznPuck`: Top of the morning to you :D08:41
Puck`why thank you (:08:41
bioterror /2709:08
bioterrorwutz so funny?10:51
nlsthznThe interwebs11:00
andyportI'm trying to load the netbook version of Ubuntu on to my Acer One Aspire netbook but it won't boot from a USB stick, any ideas?11:13
nlsthznandyport: What did you use to make the USB bootable?11:19
andyportI followed the instructions on the Ubuntu download site11:20
andyportmy problem is that I cannot select to boot from a USB stick on the netbook11:20
nlsthznandyport: Check and make sure that booting from USB is enabled in your bios11:20
nlsthznbbl, lunch time now ;) hope you get it working11:20
head_victimandyport: when you boot up with the USB plugged in if you hit F12 it should give you a list of devices to boot from correct?11:28
andyportyes it does but it lists USB DVD drive, USB FDD but not USB stick that I can see11:29
andyportI tried USB FDD but it didn't work11:29
head_victimDoes selecting the USB DVD drive do anything?11:30
andyportI've tried creating an ISO DVD from the netbook ISO file but that doesn't work either, it talks to the DVD but nothing happens11:30
head_victimandyport: sorry was just checking some forum posts, no one else is mentioning any problems so looking further11:34
andyportOK thanks11:34
head_victimandyport: http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/ubuntu-netbook-remix-acer-aspire-one-netbook there is a section in about the third paragraph about what you need to do in the bios if that helps11:35
andyportthanks, I'll take look11:36
Puck`is anyone around who can help me out with the Wiki?11:39
Puck`ubuntu Wiki, login problems11:39
head_victimPuck`: I had some a little while ago wasn't sure if it was just me or not, I reset my password and it let me ok then so not sure11:41
Puck`head_victim: my problem is that everytime i need to log in, i have to choose another username, it doesn't let me in with the same one after logging in through launchpad11:43
head_victimPuck`: yeah that's the error it gave me. It asked me for a password to link the accounts but I couldn't get it right. I wasn't sure if it was just me (as I wasn't sure if I'd logged in on this computer before) so I just reset the password and then it worked ok.11:44
Puck`head_victim: but when i want to reset my password, i get to https://launchpad.net/+forgottenpassword, which is a 404 page, page not found ..11:45
head_victimPuck`: https://login.launchpad.net/+forgot_password11:48
head_victimTry that one11:48
Puck`now i'm getting errors11:56
Puck`oh boy :\11:56
bioterrori had to read ur nick twice :D12:01
head_victimGood luck Puck` I have to head off for a little bit.12:02
Puck`thx head_victim12:04
Tsar_EvitsaHi all12:50
Tsar_EvitsaDoing fine, thanks, and you?12:53
stlsaintgreat, though only here for a brief moment12:53
stlsaintTsar_Evitsa: anything you need assitance with?12:53
Tsar_EvitsaI would like to become a developer/more active in the community  and I was advised to check out things here first12:54
Tsar_EvitsaSo here I am :P12:54
stlsaintTsar_Evitsa: oh awesome13:00
dog_could someone direct me to the # that covers panel volume control missing?13:00
Tsar_EvitsaThanks. It's a bit unclear how to get started though. There is a clear guide on how to register and how to install the tools etc, but not really on how to get involved13:02
stlsaintTsar_Evitsa: started in ubuntu dev?13:03
stlsaintdog_: you looking to file a bug?13:03
Tsar_EvitsaYes there, and the group that does the packaging, that's also interesting to me13:04
dog_I'm not sure.  I installed 1004 from factory disk and when I upgraded to 1010, the volume control in the panel disappeared13:04
stlsaintTsar_Evitsa: well we have a -dev channel but its not dedicated to packaging13:04
stlsaintTsar_Evitsa: maybe interested in the MOTU13:04
stlsaintdog_: have you tried adding it back through panel options13:05
Tsar_EvitsaYes, the dev channel I am also already, I'll find more info on MOTU. Thanks13:05
dog_I didn't see that listed in panel options.  what is it called?13:05
head_victimdog_: it's a part of the indicator applet13:08
dog_OK,head_victim, I found it.  I really appreciate the help13:10
head_victimdog_: we do what we can :)13:10
dog_Actually, I think this may be the ONLY chat I ever got legitimate information from!  Ha!  :>)13:11
dog_...and you do it well.  Thanks again.13:12
head_victimNo worries mate13:12
jappieI am having trouble installing (or actually rjunning) google earth in Ubuntu 10.10. I followed instructions via http://labtu.blogspot.com/2010/10/how-to-install-google-earth-in-ubuntu.html and it seems to go ok. It installs Google Earth but when I launch it, it opens for a few seconds and then it closes...any ideas/solutions?13:54
head_victimjappie: I'm not 100% certain myself but post #9 of http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1595339 might give you some hints13:59
Goog_Joshit is amazing os!!!14:06
head_victimGoog_Josh: that it is14:06
Goog_JoshI rush to this operating system14:08
Goog_Joshwhere can i read about hack iis server?14:42
nlsthznGoog_Josh: Uhm?  What exactly are you looking for?14:50
UndiFineDtime to do some cooking, back in a few hours15:16
nlsthznsebsebseb: Hi :)15:18
sebsebsebnlsthzn: hi15:19
ubot2Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:25
ubot2For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:26
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aveilleux'lo Silver_Fox_15:36
jledbetterHello Silver_Fox_15:37
vu1kanWhenever I reboot my tower I have to redefine my multimedia keys(i.e. play/pause, vol +/-) in gnome-keybinding-properties.  If I don't redefine them, the pc doesn't respond when I press any of the media buttons.  Both before and after I redefine them, the entry under "shortcut" is the same for each key(XF86"Something", such as XF86AudioPlay)...is there something I should be doing to 'keep' the keybindings after a reboot?  I should note that no15:51
geekosophervu1kan: are you using kubuntu?15:52
vu1kannope, ubuntu 10.0415:53
geekosophervu1kan: then asking in #ubuntu would be your best bet15:53
geirhavu1kan: It should save those immediately after setting them. Maybe you don't have write permissions.15:53
paultagvu1kan, interesting15:54
vu1kani've asked there, with no response...i popped over here while waiting a decent amount of time to repost my q15:54
geirhavu1kan: In a terminal, does this command output anything?   find . ! -user "$USER" -print15:54
paultagvu1kan, the entry should look like XF86* -- those are the extra keys on the keyboard15:54
geirhaerr,  find ~ ! -user "$USER" -print15:54
vu1kangeirha: it outputs alot15:55
geirhavu1kan: That means you have files in your homedir which are not owned by you. A typical reason for that is running something as root (with sudo) that shouldn't be run as root.15:56
paultaggeirha, you rock, great call15:57
geirhavu1kan: If the directories gnome-keyboard-properties need to save to are not owned by you, it won't manage to save those settings.15:57
vu1kanmost of the files it was returning are from playing around with UCK15:57
geirhavu1kan:   sudo chown -R "$USER:" "$HOME"   #should fix that issue.15:59
geirhapaultag: I'm more into jazz actually ;P15:59
paultaggeirha, :)15:59
geekosopheroops! my attention was divided between here and tv, didn't notice I was on #ubuntu-beginners, thought that I was on #kubuntu, sorry vu1kan :)16:01
vu1kangeirha: it appeared to resolve correctly...i'm gonna reboot and see if it works16:02
geirhavu1kan: Logging out and back in again should be sufficient to test.16:02
vu1kanthat's what i ment16:02
paultaggeekosopher, It's OK. No harm no foul16:02
vu1kanbad habits left over from windoze16:02
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vu1kangeirha: worked like a charm, thanks much16:05
geirhavu1kan: Great. :)16:06
PhantomStringHas anyone came across the problem of your wireless interface just disappearing?16:33
jledbetterPhantomString, No, I haven't but you might want to try #ubuntu17:13
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tronyxping nhandler21:28
zkriesseCheri703: !21:29
zkriesseCheri703: My mentee!21:29
* zkriesse gives Cheri703 a cookie for showing up21:29
Cheri703I lurk most evenings :)21:30
paultagzkriesse, dude, Cheri703 is online almost every day21:38
paultagwhere have you been? :)21:39
* Cheri703 has no life ;)21:39
paultagCheri703, shit, thanks a lot, what does that say about me?21:39
Cheri703heh, no comment21:39
zkriessepaultag: You? + a life? I don't see the connection....21:39
paultagahahah :)21:39
zkriessesup dude...21:40
zkriesseWe've not had a talk in a while....although now that i think about it that might actually be a good thing21:40

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