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smoserpatrickw, no way to set it on per-instance01:02
smoseri believe it is configurable for a give size01:03
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Makerehow do I know if the node have registered correctly and the cluster is using them?12:54
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TeTeTMakere: try euca-describe-availability-zones verbose and sudo euca_conf --list-nodes14:07
TeTeThggdh: just a quick update, I got init scripts for apache and wget, a broker for recording and querying servers, and a scheduler written. now I'm trying to integrate these. hopefully done by end of tomorrow15:33
hggdhTeTeT: fantastic :-)15:34
TeTeThggdh: do you know of a reliable way to get eth0 ip address from python? I use ifconfig eth0 | grep inet\ addr | sed \"s/:/ /g\" | awk '{ print $3 }' but it fails15:39
hggdhTeTeT: not really, no15:40
hggdhhold on15:41
hggdhTeTeT: this seems to work: ifconfig wlan0 | grep "inet addr" | sed "s/:/ /g"|awk '{print $3}'15:42
hggdhas this: ifconfig wlan0 | grep "inet addr" | tr ":" " " | awk '{print $3}'15:44
Makerewhat do you use clouds for btw? Doing a school thing and we haven't really decided yet what to try/use 60-70 PC cloud with15:54
TeTeThggdh: I found a python function that does it, will use that15:54
TeTeThggdh: I encounter this problem fairly often, like 1 out of 10 launches with -f <script>: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/525732/15:54
TeTeTMakere: I only use it for testing UEC and giving the UEC classes, so only lab work, not production15:55
Makereso in the end the whole thing is pretty much useless15:55
hggdhMakere: well, not really, we still find errors ;-)15:56
hggdhTeTeT: this is on 1.6.2, or 2.0?15:56
TeTeThggdh: maverick, 2.015:56
Makereis it possible to run one VM with all the nodes CPU's/Mem/HDD compiled? some sort of cluster15:57
TeTeThggdh: I updated the training cloud to it, so it was lucid first, then upgrade to maverick. Upgrade went smoothly15:57
hggdhTeTeT: at least that... can you open a bug against cloud-init on this?15:57
hggdhMakere: you mean run a cloud on a VM?15:58
TeTeThggdh: directly upstream at cloud-init on LP? Can do that15:58
MakereI mean forming a cluster with cloud15:58
hggdhTeTeT: at LP first; if no dups, then of course we would be happy to also have an upstream bug15:59
hggdhMakere: it should be possible, yes15:59
Makere2 things I hate with cloud is, one that everything should be possible but in reality it's probably really annoying shit, second that all the material related to clouds seem to be like 90% bullshit16:00
TeTeThggdh: bug 671000 filed against ubuntu/cloud-init16:02
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 671000 in cloud-init "Maverick: cloud-init fails during boot of instance" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67100016:02
hggdhMakere: mind your language, please.16:02
hggdhMakere: (1) not everything is possible; (2) there is a lot of hype around clouds, this is for certain16:03
hggdhMakere: for example: can you set a cluster in a cloud (which is different from clustering the cloud itself)? Yes. But I have never done it16:04
hggdhtheoretically it should be possible, it is just a question of setting up, which should be pretty similar to a cluster on bare-metal16:05
hggdhTeTeT: can you please add versions of cloud-init and euca?16:06
TeTeThggdh: ok, as soon as I get an instance up again16:09
TeTeThggdh: hmm, I was using a lucid instance, maybe upgrade to maverick there?16:13
hggdhTeTeT: you can try with a maverick one, but a lucid image should also work16:15
hggdhif it does not, this is good data for the bug16:15
TeTeThggdh: I pushed the scripts here: https://code.launchpad.net/~tspindler/junk/uec-scheduler16:33
TeTeThggdh: I'm testing them now, hope the integration of them will be smooth16:34
hggdhTeTeT: cool, thank you, will branch from there16:34
smoserTeTeT, i believe your bug is a dupe of bug 571271 which was fix-released in 0.5.10-0ubuntu1.116:44
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 571271 in cloud-init "uec images should wait longer for metadata service" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57127116:44
smoserTeTeT, also, regarding https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/67100016:46
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 671000 in cloud-init "Maverick: cloud-init fails during boot of instance" [Undecided,New]16:46
smoserit is marked as "Maverick", but the version reported (0.5.10-0ubuntu1) is lucid GA (current in lucid-updates is 0.5.10-0ubuntu1.3)16:47
smoseroh. i see, maverick host.16:48
TeTeTsmoser: I'm using a maverick image now and it seems to work just fine16:49
smoserright, as will more current lucid images.16:50
smoseri'm guessing the one you have is from the imagestore, right?16:50
TeTeTsmoser: yes, that's what I show the students during class usually16:50
smoserwhich brings us to the next question of "Why are there not updated images in the store"16:50
smoserwhich i'm hoping nijaba is going to address sometime shortly16:50
TeTeTsmoser: the image store is a bit useless right now, IMO16:50
smoserTeTeT, useless due to out of date images ?16:51
smoseror other?16:51
smosernijaba, has shown an interest in getting the out-of-datedness addressed.16:51
TeTeTsmoser: yes, due to out dated images. I also wish I could delete an image from the store, so I can demo the installation to students more often16:51
smoserTeTeT, "delete an image" meaning remove the data that says this image has been installed16:53
smoserright ?16:53
TeTeTsmoser: and the image from the bucket16:53
smoseri'm guessing theres some data on the CC that you could wipe to do that. the image from the bucket wouldn't really hurt, and can be deleted other ways, right ?16:53
TeTeTsmoser: I can manually delete it from the command line, but afaik it is still displayed in the shop16:53
TeTeTsmoser: what happens if you d/l the image again? Will the old data just be overwritten?16:54
smoseryeah, i'm guessing you can kill some data16:55
smoseryou might try:16:56
smosersudo apt-get --purge remove python-image-store-proxy  && sudo rm -Rf /var/lib/image-store-proxy/ && sudo apt-get install python-image-store-proxy16:56
TeTeTsmoser: I don't have root privileges on the main training machines for the students16:56
TeTeTsmoser: just eucalyptus admin rights16:57
smoserhm.. yeah, then from that you proably can't do it.16:57
TeTeTwhich I believe is a valid use case, that UEC admin and root are different entities16:57
smoserTeTeT, at very least it would make sense to be able to kick the image store to tell it to check its inventory17:04
smoserTeTeT, you could open a bug :)17:04
TeTeTsmoser: I feel that I opened to many bugs already17:05
TeTeThggdh: the scripts seem to be running, I check if this is still the case tomorrow morning. out now17:11
smoserhm.. TeTeT, i don't think anyone feels you've opened too many bugs.17:13
smoser(i realize you're gone)17:13
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