
jcastrocjohnston: pong!00:08
jcastrocjohnston: got the configs, much <300:08
cjohnstonya man00:08
doctormoIs it time to stop playing angry birds when your thumb hurts?02:45
dholbachGOOD MORNING!06:28
doctormohey dholbach06:34
dholbachhi doctormo06:34
doctormoAnything good happening today dholbach?06:34
dholbachwhat kind of question is that? there's always something good happening - especially in the Ubuntu world!06:35
doctormodholbach: I should have had dinner with you at UDS, I always seem to miss you there.06:39
doctormodholbach: So what glorious happening are we partaking in today?06:40
dholbachI'll continue writing specs and probably work on some statistics about the sponsorship queue, so we can get an idea if the new approach is going to work or not :)06:41
dholbachand you?06:43
jussimy body is still on US time. so this is horrible being up now :(06:58
dholbachI'm still a bit tired myself, but I'm getting there - I'm almost cured :)06:59
kim0good morning folks07:08
kim0nigelb: dholbach o/07:09
dholbachhey kim007:09
doctormodholbach: Trying to find a solution to my lonelyness issue, 2 years without a job is starting to grate my nerves and sap my motivation.07:52
doctormoAlso drawing some wacom tablets and am egar to hear back from mpt about apt-cat07:55
dpmgood morning everyone!08:09
dholbachhey dpm, hey ara08:14
aramorning dholbach, dpm08:14
dpmgood morning dholbach, morning ara!08:16
kim0dpm: howdy08:21
dpmheya kim0 :)08:21
* nigelb yawns and waves08:32
nigelbmy sleep cycle is out of whack08:32
doctormonigelb: You didn't even come to UDS08:35
nigelbdoctormo: but I was awake last night for 24 hours after 4 hours of sleep the previous night :/08:35
doctormoer, yea I was asleep for about 14 hours I think. It was hard to tell, it was a long time I know that.08:36
doctormoFrom 2am to 6pm... 16 hours.08:36
nigelbdoctormo: I did the opposite.  too much time awake08:41
nigelbhola kim0 :)08:41
kim0hey hey :)08:42
nigelbtoday I'm late - I just got up an hour ago or so :/08:42
nigelbdoctormo: jcastro is Jorge Castro :p08:43
nigelbnot Jeorge :D08:43
doctormonigelb: right right, why does no one allow me to spell their names how I remember mispelling them!08:49
nigelbdoctormo: oh, people are very picky about spelling08:55
nigelbI get irritated at how my name gets misspelled08:55
nigelbIts a very common British name but not so much in India.08:56
doctormoNigel? do people think it's nay-gal?09:07
nigelbdoctormo: Nygyl,Naigyl are some of the fun spellings09:37
doctormonigelb: You say that goodness gracious me with the British guy coming over to India and no one can pronounce his name?09:38
* nigelb clicks09:45
dpmhi daker10:11
dakerhi dpm10:13
nigelbmorning huats10:43
nigelbIts wonderful to see people difusing ubuntu-debian tensions in #debian-ubuntu10:48
nigelblooking back to maybe 1 year back, its definitely become better :)10:48
czajkowskiPendulum: wllo11:41
nigelbczajkowski: across the pond? :)11:48
* nigelb waves to Pendulum 11:48
Pendulumhiya nigelb11:49
Pendulumczajkowski: it's weird not to have you here :(11:49
czajkowskiPendulum: aww *hugs*11:49
czajkowskiI had an hour delay this morning arriving11:49
czajkowskicame home and napped for 3 hours11:49
czajkowskinow to get back up and about again11:49
* Pendulum hugs czajkowski 11:50
czajkowskiluggage was last off as well :(11:50
czajkowskiit's also lashing rain!11:50
PiciGood morning... I think.11:50
nigelbczajkowski: rain ehre too.11:50
nigelbczajkowski: did you finish packing round 2? ;)11:50
PiciIts raining and rather unpleasant outside here as well.11:51
PendulumPici: here too11:51
* nigelb loves rain.11:52
nigelbooh, via mdz: http://www.neatorama.com/2010/11/02/geek-optimism/11:52
czajkowskinigelb: in the middle of it now11:58
czajkowskiPendulum: all good your end ?12:00
Pendulumczajkowski: yep. got home safely. just fairly sick at this point.12:00
* nigelb hugs Pendulum 12:05
Pendulumbetter sick here than at disney!12:06
czajkowskithis is true12:07
czajkowskistil :(12:07
Pendulumnigelb: I thought you were off for the rest of the week?12:16
nigelbPendulum: In a bit.  Finishing up things at work.12:22
* dpm lunches12:28
nigelbok, I gotta go.  Catch y'all Monday \o/12:56
nigelbIts an extended weekend here and I'm gonna have some fun for 3 days away from technology :D12:56
AlanBellhappy diwali12:57
Pendulumnigelb: get some sleep :P12:58
nigelbAlanBell: thanks12:59
nigelbPendulum: very less likely12:59
nigelbI will, however, take lots of pictures of the beautiful place I'm going to stay :)13:00
highvoltagejcastro: I'd like to link to askubuntu.com from the edubuntu website, what's the right way to link there? should I just link directly to the askubuntu.com page or is there some kind of tag or category or section it should link to?14:16
jcastrohighvoltage: is it for something like "ask us edubuntu questions!" or something?14:17
jcastroyou can send them to a page which will pretag it for them with edubuntu or whatever if you want14:18
highvoltagejcastro: I guess we just want to let our users know that askubuntu.com exists. I think I'll just link to askubuntu.com directly.14:28
jcastroor you can do "Ask us a question about edubuntu" and take them directly to the question page with an edubuuntu tag already selected14:29
jcastroup to you14:29
Pendulumjcastro: is there any way of reporting problems with askubuntu and/or stack exchange in general other than to ask a question? neither site is screen-reader useable :(14:30
Pendulum(and based on a question asked on stack exchange over the summer, that's actually a regression and stack exchange used to be mostly accessible)14:31
jcastroIf you mail me I'd be more than happy to forward it on to the team14:32
jcastro(sorry I can't report a bug, I can't use your site, nice one!)14:32
PendulumI'll find what I know and see what I can pull together14:33
jcastroPendulum: so it used to be and it isn't now? I wonder if it's the theme14:33
czajkowskiPeeka boo14:35
popeyknew there was one channel missing14:36
* Pendulum hugs popey 14:36
czajkowskiohh a saussage sambo, frie egg and a bucket of tea14:37
czajkowskiperfect :D14:38
popeytonight I'm planning to record 10 screencasts :)14:38
czajkowskias you do..14:40
czajkowskicrazy loon14:40
czajkowskiwant to reply to mails as well on your to do list :D14:40
* popey selects all mail14:41
* popey clicks "delete"14:41
popeywhat mail?14:41
* czajkowski prods popey I'll be in poking distance in less than 24 hours buddy! 14:41
czajkowskijust sayin'! :)14:41
jcastrodpm: have you broken down any of your WI into milestones yet?14:42
* jcastro needs an example as I always get the syntax for the titles wrong14:42
paultagczajkowski, you like poking popey, eh?14:42
jcastropopey: \o/14:42
dpmjcastro, no, not yet, but I've got an example from past bps, gimme a sec and I'll link you to them14:43
czajkowskiwell one of ye needs to reply to mals, before I get more flack from nixteral :(14:43
paultagczajkowski, ME?14:43
czajkowskinice guy though14:43
paultagczajkowski, I reply to my mail, thank you :)14:43
dpmjcastro, https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-m-launchpad-translations-reporting-api14:43
jcastrohighvoltage: FYI http://askubuntu.com/questions/ask?tags=edubuntu would do a direct question14:44
jcastrodpm: perfect, thanks!14:44
czajkowskipaultag: darkwingduck is a cool guy! lotta fun14:44
paultagczajkowski, he rocks. I keep good friends :)14:44
paultagczajkowski, He's another UBT guy. Born and bread.14:45
dpmjcastro, no worries. Here's perhaps a better example with the actual milestones for natty:14:45
dpm  https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/packageselection-desktop-n-firefox-414:45
jcastrodpm: poor micahg!14:45
dpmat least he'll have the fun to spam everyone to death when completing work items :)14:46
jonokim0, want to hop on the phone?14:59
kim0jono: yeah14:59
jonokim0, lets do skype14:59
jonoand I am going to make some coffee while we chat if that is ok15:00
kim0jono: sure thing :)15:00
dpmjono, we had a call scheduled. Do you want to postpone it until you and kim0 are finished?15:00
dpmjono, oh, sorry, that's in 1h15:00
* dpm goes back to work...15:00
kim0dpm: you get the decaf Jono15:00
kim0jono: call at will15:01
jcastrodecaf? booooooo.15:11
highvoltagejcastro: great, thanks15:14
paultagyo doctormo, you in?15:18
jonokim0, thanks for putting up with all the coffee making noises at the beginning of the call15:34
jonoand hearing me get more and more energetic as the caffiene started to kick in15:34
czajkowskican you send some energy over this way please15:35
Pendulumjono: how many cups of coffee do you have in a day?15:35
* popey looks at the stack of cups next to his laptop15:35
Pendulumpopey: coffee or tea, though?15:36
Pendulumodd people15:36
popeyno accounting for tastes huh15:37
czajkowskiyeha though mental note Pendulum not ordering tea again from starbucks that was hard15:37
popeyordering tea in starbucks is hard?15:37
popeyI love their chai latte15:37
Pendulumwe went to the most incompetant starbucks ever15:37
Pendulumasked for one grande tea with milk and one tall tea15:38
czajkowskihow they managed to get confused over 2 teas I will never understand15:38
Pendulumfirst they thought the tall tea was a tall coffee15:38
Pendulumand they thought the grade tea was a chai latte15:38
Pendulum(this was when ordering)15:38
Pendulumthen got the tea and they had prepared it correctly15:38
popeywho spoke?15:38
Pendulumbut they'd forgotten to clear out the charges for the things they'd gotten confused over15:39
Pendulumso wanted to charge almost $8 for 2 teas15:39
duanedesignafternoon all15:39
popeydude, _I_ have to watch your mouth when you talk!15:39
Pendulumit was using a drive-thru, but still shouldn't have been that messy15:39
PendulumI order tea at starbucks all the time, just that one didn't understand15:39
czajkowskipaultag: ye keybuk  had a simlar issue15:39
popeyahh the magic drive through voice-corrupting intercom huh?15:40
* czajkowski makes a mental note to speak slowly in UK!15:40
* popey will be teaching czajkowski the queens english when she comes over15:40
Pendulumpopey: keybuk had to ask her to speak English at one point.15:40
PendulumI generally do okay, but I've got CAPD so I 1/2 read lips anyway15:40
czajkowskiyes in between trying to scare me shitless15:40
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
jonoPendulum, I have two largish cups each day usually15:41
jonoone in the morning, one at lunch15:42
jonoI used to drink more, but I am transforming into an old man15:42
Pendulumthat's not so bad15:42
jonoso I replace my coffee with vodka and meth15:42
JFoexcellent choice15:43
duanedesignmartin introduced me to some proper english tea at UDS. That stuff was potent. I had half a cup and didnt drink any coffee for the rest the day15:44
czajkowskipg tips15:44
duanedesignczajkowski: yep :)15:45
czajkowskiI had my barrys I was happy15:46
popey15:44:38 < czajkowski> pg tips15:46
czajkowskijono: enjoying your tea!15:46
jcastrojono: I'm running late on reorganizing my WI, I told you by lunch today but more like EOD today my time, is that ok?16:53
jcastrojono: did you want to review them today?16:53
jcastrolike on the phone?16:53
jonoczajkowski, :-)16:53
jonojcastro, no, I want to review it today16:54
jonoI made it pretty clear I need them completing by the EOB yesterday16:54
jcastroright that's what I mean, review EOD my time?16:54
jcastrook, when do you want to have our call?16:54
jonojcastro, I don't think we need a call unless you have business to discuss - next step is reviewing the 11.04 strat16:54
jonook, I will review your content after you finish16:55
jcastrook, I'll have them sorted in an hour16:55
jonojust please get them done ASAP16:55
jcastroI have them just not milestoned yet. #$%@#$%@#$Q%16:55
dholbachok my friends16:57
dholbachI call it a day16:57
dholbachsee you tomorrow16:57
duanedesigni created a map showing the geographic diversity of the Beginners Team. http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/kwcKJKsnHGfWIKUgWgMu6A?feat=directlink17:04
jcastrojono: ok all set.17:11
jcastrojono: any idea why our stuff doesn't show up in the graph?17:26
jcastrosame with our team-specific graph17:26
jonojcastro, you finished all your WI?18:06
jcastrojono: yessir18:07
jonothanks jcastro18:07
jonomuch appreciated18:07
jcastroSP is all updated too18:07
jonoI will review then, and then we can see what is going on with the graphs18:07
jcastrotheoretically there should be no work items outside of what I mention18:08
PendulumAlanBell: were you in the diversity at UDS session?18:32
AlanBellno, I think I was in the colour management session in that slot18:35
AlanBellyou were in it though were you not?18:36
Pendulumyes. just wasn't sure if you'd been there and had taken some notes ;-)18:36
AlanBellah no18:36
AlanBellI was in the roundtable when it was initially discussed I think18:37
jcastrojono: how am I looking so far?18:38
AlanBell^^ hot or not18:39
jonojcastro, still stuck in a world of shit and email, will check soon18:45
jonoI have a lunch meeting and then I am processing the 11.04 stat18:46
jcastrogood, whatever takes attention off of me19:11
* jcastro continues to stare at the wall19:11
* JFo practices his navel gazing19:14
jcastroJFo: dan, come up here, and bring your knife19:21
* JFo gets his knife19:21
duanedesignPendulum: where you looking for notes from that session (diversity)?19:22
Pendulumduanedesign: I just wasn't sure if there was anyone who was taking notes who wasn't physically in the room since I got an e-mail looking for notes19:23
duanedesignahh, ok19:24
jcastroPendulum: you've got mail!19:24
Pendulumjcastro: erm. I'm not the one with the screen reader (I can access ask ubuntu), but I'll talk to the people who tested it and see what they say19:25
PendulumI just keep bringing it up since some one needs to :P19:26
jcastroPendulum: yeah I am just trying to connect people together, any help there would be lovely19:27
Pendulumyeah, i'm going to see what info I can get :)19:27
* jcastro goes off to try unity places so I'll be in and out19:28
jcastrosense: have you tried to play with the unity sample neil showed at UDS?19:30
sensejcastro: I haven't had time to do so, I'm preparing for a test week—starting next weekU201419:31
senseand I just took over leading Ubuntu NL.19:31
senseSo it has been quite busy here. :)19:31
senseand I will be quite busy next week as well19:32
jcastroI am trying it now!19:32
sensebut I sure want to play with Unity Places as soon when I've got time19:32
sensejcastro: How is it going?19:32
senseHaving fun?19:32
jcastroI just started, still pulling deps down19:32
jcastrohopefully by tomorrow/early next week I'll have a video for people to watch19:32
sensewould be nice19:33
jcastroI would /love/ an imdb place for example19:33
jcastroah easy19:40
jcastroit's just autotools, make, make install19:40
jcastroall that I need to do is figure out how to run it19:40
senseOh god, someone actually started defending his views that there are things men are better in (parking) and women are better in (multi-tasking) in the 5%-women-in-Ubuntu-Members-thread on the Ubuntu NL forums. Sigh...19:43
sensefollowed by our only female moderator trying to confirm the fact that women are more sensitive than men19:44
senseand that men often know it better...19:44
Pendulumoh dear19:44
Pendulumjcastro: do you have reputation on meta.stackoverflow.com ?19:46
jcastroPendulum: yeah19:48
doctormopaultag: back, how can I help?19:51
jcastrosense: ok so it all works, I have it, but I needed to --prefix=/usr it, I've filed a bug19:56
senseDo I need to triage it? ;)19:57
jcastroand one on synergy not working in unity19:57
jcastroand I'm about to file another one on the dash19:57
jcastrono I got vandine to confirm it19:57
senseThat probably works better for getting them fixed.19:59
jcastro3 unity bugs today20:13
jcastro2 more and I get a prize!20:14
* AlanBell really wants unity on compiz fairly soon20:15
jcastroyeah me too20:15
jcastroI have a 9000-series gforce in this thing and it's already dragging20:16
AlanBellI keep wanting to look at things with the compiz colourblind simulation filter so flip to compiz then back to unity and it just gets so confused doing that20:16
duanedesignjcastro: did you install unity-place-files and unity-place-applications?20:19
jcastroduanedesign: I have those already20:25
Pendulumjcastro: can you upvote http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/68898/how-accessible-are-the-stack-exchange-sites-for-users-of-screen-reader-software20:25
jcastroPendulum: done20:26
Pendulumthanks :)20:27
PendulumIMO needing a script that has to be done every time to make it work is not "accessible"20:27
duanedesignjcastro: ahh, i thought maybe that was what you were talking about.20:28
jcastrolint for locos21:44
jcastronice paultag21:44
paultagjcastro, it works killer21:44
paultagjcastro, I'm working on having it let people file bugs too. It's going to be solid after I'm done with it.21:44
Pendulumpaultag: speaking of which did you remember to join the loco council channel? :P21:45
paultagPendulum, yes :321:45
paultagpaultag, thanks :)21:45
Pendulumczajkowski: :P21:46
czajkowskideep down paultag you know we love you dearly :p21:47
paultagczajkowski, Oh pfft, yeah :)21:47
paultagczajkowski, I don't think you know how much I chuckle to myself in this room :)21:47
czajkowskilongest brb ever paultag23:37
paultagczajkowski, I'm here23:38
paultagczajkowski, just in other channels and working on loco lint23:38
czajkowskiI'd like to sleep now23:39
Pendulumso go sleep23:40

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