
robert_ancellRAOF, what ISP are you using?01:56
RAOFrobert_ancell: Internode.01:56
RAOFWith what porpoise?01:57
robert_ancellRAOF, good?  I'm thinking of changing from TPG because the performance has been bad for months01:57
RAOFYeah, Internode have been generally great.01:57
RAOFThey may be more expensive, although I also bundle in a VoIP phone for free, so it's less so.01:58
RAOFBut I consistently pull ~ 1.4MiB/sec from the Ubuntu mirror on mirror.internode.on.net, and 300 ~ 1000KiB/sec from various overseas places.02:00
robert_ancellRAOF, hmm, they have a lot of plans, what's the difference02:00
RAOFThey've really only got about 5 plans, but 4 different ways of actually being connected ):02:01
RAOFDepending on how much you love Telstra's phone service you probably want one of the Naked ADSL2+ plans.02:03
RAOFIf Internode have some dslam hardware available at your exchange, of course.  They probably do, Sydneysider!02:03
RAOFYou can have my old port on the Cammeray exchange :)02:04
robert_ancellheh, so I don't get the difference between "Easy" and "Extreme"02:04
RAOFI don't think they had them when I signed up.02:05
RAOFI think “Extreme” == ADSL2+02:07
ajmitchwhy wouldn't they all be on ADSL2+ now, if there's the option?02:08
robert_ancellIt says "Easy" is 2+ as well.02:08
* ajmitch really needs to find out how to get this laptop cooling better before it dies02:09
robert_ancellok, weird.  "Easy"=internode or optus wholesale network, "Extreme"= internode only, "Ultra"=optus only.  I have no idea why they're exposing these details to customers02:11
RAOFThere's probably some cash involved, but yeah.02:12
RAOFIt does seem rather silly.02:12
robert_ancellRAOF, do you use a hardware phone for SIP?02:28
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RAOFrobert_ancell: Yeah, I do.02:59
RAOFI got a SIP router/adsl modem with a rs-whatever port :)03:00
robert_ancellI was thinking is it better to get that or a SIP phone03:00
RAOFOh, right.03:02
RAOFWell, I already had a regular phone, didn't have an ADSL2+ router, and IIRC they gave it away for free with a 2 year contract, so it wasn't much of a decision for me.03:03
kenvandinerobert_ancell, hey03:56
kenvandinerobert_ancell, i haven't looked at that branch yet... but is it just this patch http://launchpadlibrarian.net/57067390/light.debdif-style.patch03:56
robert_ancellkenvandine, yes03:58
kenvandinerobert_ancell, the light-themes package is done a bit different... probably be easier for me just to apply that patch :)03:58
robert_ancellkenvandine, yeah, that's what I thought!  Is there a problem with the upload to maverick-proposed though?  (i.e. you probably want to take into account the version number I used)03:59
kenvandineok, i'll grab the changelog :)03:59
kenvandineand fix it in trunk03:59
kenvandinelp:light-themes is upstream and packaging03:59
kenvandineand it is a native package04:00
kenvandinei messed it up a couple times when i was getting to know it :)04:00
robert_ancellkenvandine, add the Vcs-Bzr link into the control file - that will make it clearer :)04:01
kenvandinegood idea :)04:01
kenvandineactually i think i did once, and kwwii took it out again04:01
kenvandinethx robert_ancell04:05
robert_ancellpitti, can you let vala out of the new queue in natty? thanks05:24
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RAOFHm.  Are we going to be shipping the new pane-based gnome-control-centre in Natty?07:16
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didrocksmorning rodrigo_08:47
rodrigo_bonjour didrocks08:48
rodrigo_hmm, where do I file a kernel module bug? https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel-team doesn't have a 'report bug' link08:55
rodrigo_ah, Kernel Bugs!08:56
rodrigo_no, https://edge.launchpad.net/~kernel-bugs doesn't have the link08:56
rodrigo_ok, found the package08:59
ricotzrodrigo_, hi09:07
rodrigo_hi ricotz09:07
ricotzrodrigo_, have you seen my merge proposal?09:08
rodrigo_ricotz, hmm, no, still going over mail, looking now09:08
rodrigo_ricotz, ah, adding the online patch09:15
ricotzrodrigo_, i also would suggest to clean up the changelog, i think there is no need to document ppa uploads, all changes for the official upload should go into one changelog entry09:15
ricotzrodrigo_, yes it got dropped ;-)09:16
rodrigo_ricotz, on my branch?09:16
ricotznot sure, it was an inline patch, to might be happened while the upstream import09:17
seb128hey rodrigo_, ricotz09:18
rodrigo_hi seb12809:18
ricotzseb128, hi09:18
seb128rodrigo_, ricotz: keeping the ppa uploads in a changelog is fine09:19
seb128what update are you working on?09:19
rodrigo_seb128, https://code.launchpad.net/~ricotz/libcanberra/ubuntu/+merge/4005109:19
rodrigo_ricotz, looks good to me, if seb128 agrees, I'll merge it with my branch09:19
seb128seems fine, just don't use 0ubuntu2 yet09:20
seb128still use a ppa version until it lands in natty09:20
seb128it can't land before gtk3 lands09:20
ricotzseb128, hmm, keeping the ppa revisions will create quite some clutter in the changelog, it can be added locally before the upload?09:21
seb128why clutter?09:22
seb128it's just the package history09:22
rodrigo_seb128, I think we can do what ricotz says, keep the correct version in the merge proposal09:22
rodrigo_ah, ok09:22
seb128well it's the same story that people tweaking git history before merges09:22
seb128some people like to keep things the way they have been done09:22
seb128some others like to tweak history to make things cleaner09:22
ricotzseb128, i mean noise, it will look cleaner, and the official upload will get a nice changelog09:23
seb128it's a matter of taste, none is better than the other09:23
ricotzok, just my opinion09:23
seb128I've no strong opinion but I just want to point that either is fine09:24
seb128whoever is doing the work can decide09:24
ricotzok ;)09:24
seb128I tend to debuild -v<version_in_archive> to include the ppa upload changelog entries09:24
seb128but if other people prefer to merge things before upload that's fine as well09:24
rodrigo_ricotz, are you using natty already?09:25
ricotzrodrigo_, so it is up to you then ;-)09:25
ricotzrodrigo_, yes09:25
rodrigo_I guess I need to upgrade asap09:25
seb128rodrigo_, keep a ppa version in the changelog for now09:26
seb128I mean 0ubuntu2~something09:26
seb128to not conflict with the official natty upload09:26
rodrigo_I'll leave it as 0.26-0ubuntu1~ppa109:26
rodrigo_well, 0ubuntu2, yeah :)09:27
seb128didrocks, evo bug your way ;-)09:29
seb128didrocks, bug #67074709:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 670747 in evolution (Ubuntu) "cannot import outlook pst file (addressbook, calendar, email) (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67074709:30
didrocksseb128: nooooooo, not from the morning!09:31
seb128didrocks, this one seems a one liner in the rules09:31
seb128but I'm not sure if you did it on purpose on not09:31
didrocksseb128: let me have a look09:31
seb128didrocks, the pst-import is still listed in the control and .install09:32
seb128you just let the --disable-pst-import from debian it seems09:32
ricotzrodrigo_, "bzr merge" is your friend on this09:33
didrocksseb128: probably a merge error, right, as my previous SRU is still not accepted, I'll upload a new one09:33
rodrigo_ricotz, yeah, I know, just that I got the patch in .txt for reviewing it, so it was easy to just patch < ...09:33
didrocksseb128: can you kill my previous evolution upload to maverick-proposed?09:33
seb128didrocks, thanks ;-)09:33
ricotzrodrigo_, no you didnt patched it right ;)09:34
didrocksthank to you :)09:34
rodrigo_ricotz, oh?09:34
ricotzrodrigo_, the patch itself is missing09:34
rodrigo_ah, forgot to bzr add09:34
seb128didrocks, upload cleaned from the queue09:34
didrocksseb128: thanks09:35
rodrigo_ricotz, fixed now09:35
* rodrigo_ upgrades to natty09:36
ricotzrodrigo_, ok :P, but using "bzr merge" is the right thing09:36
rodrigo_ricotz, yeah09:36
rodrigo_seb128, you are going to upload the gnome3 ppa packages to natty this week, right?09:38
seb128rodrigo_, yes, likely later today or tomorrow09:39
rodrigo_seb128, just wanted to know :)09:39
seb128well things in order, we will start this week09:39
seb128we might need to wait until gtk3 built to upload other things09:39
seb128so maybe earlier next week for some of the sources09:39
rodrigo_yeah, right09:39
seb128rodrigo_, could you triage https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution-couchdb?09:46
rodrigo_seb128, yes09:46
seb128rodrigo_, there is only 19 bugs on it so it should be easy enough09:46
seb128I just reassigned a bug about contact not being editable but I'm not sure what to ask on that09:47
seb128rodrigo_, thanks09:47
seb128there is also a "not synchronizing" bug with quite duplicate09:47
rodrigo_yes, that's the couchdb error09:47
seb128it might be due to the server issues during the maverick cycle and fixed09:47
seb128in any case if you could drop some comments in bugs you have a clue about that would be nice ;-)09:48
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seb128lut huats10:48
huatshello seb128!10:49
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asacchrisccoulson: this paste being broken thing in gnome-terminal ... will you fix it? :)11:24
chrisccoulsonasac - oh, i think i said i'd fix it ;)11:26
asacchrisccoulson: you said "today" on oct 13 ;)11:27
chrisccoulsoni'll try and look at that this week ;)11:27
asacchrisccoulson: it works if you open the top level Edit menu once11:58
asacso its probably a keyboard shortcut lazily getting initialized :)11:58
nessitagood morning everyone12:34
nessitaseb128: would you be able to sponsor https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu/maverick/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-client-1.0.7/+merge/40077 ?12:34
seb128nessita, hey12:34
seb128it's a stable update right?12:35
pittiseb128: are you waiting for anything in NEW?12:36
* pitti just NEWed vala, as requested by Robert12:36
pittibut I can't see anything GTKish12:37
seb128pitti, not yet, got sidetracked by post UDS reviews and catching up12:37
seb128pitti, GTK will probably be latter today or tomorrow, I will drop you an email when I land it12:37
pittiseb128: that's fine; just want to make sure you aren't blocked on me12:37
pittiseb128: sounds great12:37
seb128pitti, thanks for checking12:37
* pitti hugs seb12812:37
seb128pitti, how if you ubuflu today?12:37
* seb128 hugs pitti12:37
seb128pitti, how is your ubuflu today?12:38
seb128I meant12:38
pittiseb128: it never reall broke out; I guess I'm just fighting with the very dry air here12:39
nessitaseif the question was for me, yes, is a stable release12:41
nessitaseb128: ^12:41
seb128nessita, it was, so don't panick if it doesn't go through until next week12:41
seb128nessita, the proposed queue is frozen until next week for linaro12:41
nessitaseb128: ah, ok12:41
pittisession o'clock, cu later12:53
* rodrigo_ -> lunch13:07
nessitahey guys, I'm building the natty package of ubuntu-sso-client, and when using bzr merge-upstream I'm getting:13:43
nessitanessita@dali:~/canonical/ubuntu/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-client-1.1.2$ bzr merge-upstream --version 1.1.2 ../ubuntu-sso-client_1.1.2.orig.tar.gz13:43
nessitaUsing distribution natty13:43
nessitabzr: ERROR: Unknown target distribution: natty13:43
nessitaAny idea what's wrong?13:43
kenvandinenessita, distribution is ubuntu13:46
kenvandineyou'll just need to manually change it to natty in debian/changelog13:47
kenvandineuntil you are on natty, then it will default to natty13:47
nessitakenvandine: but I'm not explicitly setting the distribution anywhere (I've never had)13:47
nessitaI'm just running "bzr merge-upstream --version 1.1.2 ../ubuntu-sso-client_1.1.2.orig.tar.gz"13:48
kenvandineoh... weird13:48
kenvandinei have always added a --distribution ubuntu13:48
kenvandinebecause it had complained to me about not having that13:48
nessitakenvandine: for maverick packages, the exact same command always said "distribution maverick"13:48
seb128nessita, you are on natty?13:49
kenvandinemaybe it just doesn't know about natty yet13:49
nessitaseb128: nopes13:49
seb128ok, the maverick version probably doesn't know about natty13:49
* kenvandine moved to natty yesterday, went smoothly13:49
seb128james_w or didrocks might know what you need to tweak to teach it13:49
kenvandinebut now i fear upgrading every day :)13:50
nessitaseb128: thanks, I'll ask13:50
nessitakenvandine: you, brave man!13:50
nessitajames_w: ping13:50
seb128kenvandine, hey13:50
seb128kenvandine, bug #65525213:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 655252 in indicator-me (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "Hint not always hidden when the broadcast field is in use (affects: 22) (dups: 6) (heat: 84)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65525213:50
seb128what's going on with this one?13:50
seb128seems it has been fixed in trunk? is there any release planned for natty or sru?13:51
kenvandinesigh... i don't know, dbarth_ has a fix that works for him13:51
kenvandinebut not me13:51
kenvandineand his fixed worked sometimes for bratsche13:51
kenvandinebut we couldn't figure out why!13:51
kenvandinedbarth_, ping ^^13:51
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dbarthkenvandine: yep?13:53
dbarthoh, the hint issue is still there?13:53
kenvandinedbarth, can you look at that bug again?13:53
kenvandineyeah... your fix never worked for me13:53
kenvandineand only worked for cody sometimes13:53
kenvandinebut we couldn't figure out why13:53
kenvandinei also tested in a pristine, fresh install of maverick13:53
didrocksnessita: it's written in debchange script13:53
didrocksnessita: /usr/bin/debchange13:54
didrocksnessita: add "natty" to unless ($opt_D =~ /^((dapper|hardy|jaunty|karmic|lucid|maverick)13:54
dbarthkenvandine: i remember, the fix only worked with indicator-loader, but there was more of the same grab issue when running on the panel13:54
didrocksalso $DISTRIBUTION = 'natty'13:54
didrocksand finally $distribution = $opt_D || "natty";13:54
nessitadidrocks: awesome, thanks!13:55
kenvandinedbarth, yeah, but it didn't even work for me in the loader13:55
didrockswell, look for maverick, you will see what to change :)13:55
didrocksnessita: yw13:55
seb128or just use --distribution ubuntu13:55
seb128or copy a natty debchange version on your system13:55
didrocksseb128: it will apply "maverick" in maverick13:55
dbarthkenvandine: ok, i'll have another try with bratsche13:55
seb128didrocks, well then you can edit it by hand ;-)13:55
kenvandinedbarth, there was an assert too that we weren't sure if it was related13:56
seb128dbarth, kenvandine: thanks13:56
didrocksseb128: sure, but lazyness is sometimes good :)13:56
didrocks"# In Ubuntu uploads should go to maverick" <- wasn't changed in natty, not sure it worth an upload :)13:56
nessitadidrocks: I don't think that's the issue since in /usr/bin/debchange I have natty already. And the error starts with bzr:13:58
nessitabzr: ERROR: Unknown target distribution: natty13:58
seb128nessita, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bzr-builddeb/+bug/66876413:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 668764 in bzr-builddeb (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Add Natty to the list of known distros (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,In progress]13:58
didrocksnessita: it's not "bzr warning: Recognised distributions are"… ok, then it's not debchange (dch use "$program to fake it's the software which speaks to you :))13:59
seb128nessita, edit /usr/share/pyshared/bzrlib/plugins/builddeb/util.py13:59
seb128nessita, try adding natty to UBUNTU_RELEASES14:00
nessitaawesome, works14:00
didrocksI'm puzzled why we have it there as well and not only in dch, that will be a question for james_w :)14:00
seb128nessita, great ;-)14:01
didrocks(also having that list just once in /etc will be nice, instead of multiple copies and own list in ~/.pbuilderrc as well)14:01
james_wplease file a bug :-)14:03
seb128hey james_w14:05
james_whi seb12814:06
seb128how are you?14:06
seb128kenvandine, bug #652771, do you know if that's still an issue?14:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 652771 in light-themes (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) ""Post message..." text in MeMenu is unreadable with default Ambiance theme (affects: 6) (dups: 2) (heat: 46)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65277114:06
seb128Cimi, ^14:07
seb128pedro_, hey14:07
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pedro_hello seb128!14:07
seb128pedro_, how are you?14:07
kenvandineseb128, imo it is still a problem14:07
james_wseb128, good thanks, how are you?14:07
kenvandineit hasn't gotten any better, but from what i hear it is how design wants it14:08
seb128james_w, I'm fine thanks ;-)14:08
seb128james_w, nice to be back without ubuflu this time14:08
pedro_seb128, better now, recovering from the darn ubuflu :-/. how are you?14:08
kenvandineseb128, it is supposed to be insensitive, but in ambiance that is really hard to see14:08
seb128pedro_, I'm fine thanks14:08
kenvandinein radiance it looks fine14:08
seb128kenvandine, it's hard to read it seems14:08
kenvandineCimi, any more insight?  I was told that was on purpose14:09
kenvandineit's just with the dark theme, insensitive is nearly impossible to read14:10
* kenvandine wonders why people actually subscribe to my identi.ca test account.... 14:18
kenvandinedo they really enjoy reading "testing" "test 1 2 3"14:19
Cimikenvandine: we might want to change it14:23
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rickspencer3kenvandine, hey, have you thought of creating a test that the QA team could automatically run daily?14:33
rickspencer3a set of daily tests to make sure Gwibber is still working?14:34
rickspencer3could ensure that libgwibber keeps working too14:34
jcastrohey seb12814:34
seb128hello jcastro14:35
jcastromark says "Jorge, I believe the current plan is that the GNOME 2 session (panel etc) would always be installed on every system anyway, so will be an option at first login and not require a special trip via the Software Center to get it "14:35
jcastroI just want to double confirm. :)14:35
kenvandinerickspencer3, have thought about it, but haven't figured out how to automate it14:35
seb128jcastro, ^14:35
kenvandinerickspencer3, i am also thinking about trying to use dbus-test-runner14:35
seb128jcastro, it will be used as a 2d session anyway14:36
rickspencer3kenvandine, well, the QA team is going to run tests daily, automatically, using mago14:36
jcastroseb128: thanks14:36
rickspencer3so you can drive Gwibber through the UI, and ensure that if it breaks, you find out right away14:36
dobeythe hard part of testing something like gwibber, will be the authentication bits14:36
rickspencer3and don't have to worry about it14:36
kenvandinerickspencer3, i would like to find a way to run tests with auth and real data from the services14:37
rickspencer3dobey, well, mago should be able to automated the sign on and such14:37
rickspencer3I think webkit is sufficiently accessible at this point14:37
kenvandineactually i hadn't really thought about mago14:37
dobeyrickspencer3: i don't think you can do much with webkit with mago?14:37
rickspencer3ara ^14:37
kenvandinerickspencer3, afaik, it isn't completely not a11y14:38
kenvandineone of the reasons we are trying to get away from webkit14:38
rickspencer3kenvandine, I think it might be sufficiently, so14:38
rickspencer3they've done a lot of work on it recently14:38
seb128speaking of webkit14:38
seb128TheMuso, there?14:38
rickspencer3anyway, it's an HTML DOM, so you can just inject whatever you want, anyway, with a little work14:38
kenvandinebut has it made it down to pywebkitgtk14:38
seb128TheMuso, you said webkit accessibility was still an issue for the GNOME documentation?14:38
dobeykenvandine: a11y being there has nothing to do with the bindings14:39
rickspencer3knowing right away that auth broke for twitter and/or facebook would be really handy14:39
kenvandinerickspencer3, indeed!14:39
kenvandineif the API changes14:39
dobeykenvandine: what matters is finding the form buttons in the a11y tree, which may difficult as some sites do some crazy stuff for that14:39
rickspencer3right, that would be part of it breaking, they break us ;)14:39
arayes, I don't think webkit can be automated using a11y, but maybe with a combination of a11y for the gtk parts, and some other (dbus api?) for the rest14:39
rickspencer3ara, do you think you can automated signing into a twitter account with gwibber?14:40
kenvandinerickspencer3, ara: also... all the bits of the UI that we would be driving is webkit currently :/14:40
rickspencer3kenvandine, I have no doubt that this can be automated14:41
ararickspencer3, mmm, my first thought is that it is going to be complicated,  but we can always try something out14:41
rickspencer3I'm not willing to accept that it's not possible14:41
rickspencer3it could be "work", yes, but not impossible14:41
dobeyit's software, nothing is impossible14:41
dobeyit's just a matter of how much tedium it is14:41
kenvandinerickspencer3, yeah... question is finding the time to do it :/14:42
rickspencer3it's also html in a browser, which is inherently easy to get control of14:42
kenvandinerickspencer3, it will get much easier soon, i think14:42
rickspencer3kenvandine, well, automated testing is the QA team's biggest priority this release14:42
kenvandineexcellent :)14:42
kenvandinei will take any help i can get :)14:42
rickspencer3did I not make this clear at UDS?14:42
kenvandineyes... you did :)14:42
dobeyrickspencer3: well, as soon as you alter the html, you end up with a higher probability that an breakage is actually you, and not the site you're trying to interact with14:42
rickspencer3Unity, 2d Experience, Software Center, *Testing*, Contributions14:43
kenvandinei have talked to developers from other twitter clients... amazingly none of them have unit tests!14:43
rickspencer3dobey, you don't have to alter it, just get control of the widgets and inject your strings into textboxes and click the buttons14:43
rickspencer3c'mon, you can't tell me that it's rocket science to automate driving a web page, people do this all the time14:44
dobeyrickspencer3: right, and we should really require the a11y framework to do that. becuase if the a11y framework can't do it, it's a bug we should be gettinf xied14:44
kenvandinei am hoping in the next couple of weeks we can string together a minimally functional client which is pure gtk14:44
dobeyrather than writing some JS to inspect the dom and insert text and submit forms14:44
rickspencer3dobey, right ... we always wait to start testing and ensure quality until some other condition is met14:45
rickspencer3that's bs14:45
dobeythat's not what i said14:46
rickspencer3I'm just saying, we could write a test now that would detect breakage right away, we shouldn't wait until we have a perfectly testable platform14:46
kenvandinerickspencer3, so i would rather start testing the backend, independant of the client14:46
dobeyusing the JS method as a crutch is fine, but it should be a fallback for when the a11y is failing, and we should report that the a11y is failing14:47
rickspencer3kenvandine, interesting discussion there in the testing community14:47
rickspencer3some people think you should always test the GUI, because that drives the backend, and you get testing for both in one go14:47
kenvandinebefore spending a bunch of time creating tests for piece of the UI that is very likely going to be replaced very soon14:47
kenvandinerickspencer3, i agree completely...14:47
rickspencer3kenvandine, well, if there are tests in place for the GUI, then when you change the GUI, you change the tests at the same time14:47
kenvandinebut there are cases where you can't, especially with gwibber14:48
rickspencer3if you always wait until the GUI is "done" you never write those tests14:48
seb128well testing the GUI is nice14:48
dobeyi wonder how much even basic stuff gwibber isn't doing14:48
kenvandinerickspencer3, in theory... but if the new GUI has now webkit...14:48
seb128but it's somewhat harder so usually people start by testing the backends14:48
dobeylike, using pylint/pep814:48
kenvandinedobey, oh god, i don't want to even know :)14:48
rickspencer3in any case, Gwibber is core to the desktop14:49
rickspencer3we should be testing it daily14:49
rickspencer3it integrates all over the place14:49
kenvandinei know it will bitch like crazy over the indenting :)14:49
kenvandinerickspencer3, yes... i agree14:49
seb128dobey, do you need to be pep8 to work with testing tools?14:49
dobeyyou really need to separate integration/acceptance/unit/etc... tests properly too14:49
dobeyseb128: no, you can write totally shit code and have passing tests if you want14:49
=== zyga-coffee is now known as zyga
seb128well the number of spaces you use doesn't really reflect code quality14:50
dobeyseb128: but better code == better software, and using the lintian tools helps ensure better code quality14:50
rickspencer3they are both important14:50
rickspencer3if you care about your code lasting, anyway14:50
kenvandinerickspencer3, my point is if the amount of effort to get automated GUI tests with the current webkit stuff is high, better to make the new UI with real a11y a higher priority so the testing is easier... right?14:50
rickspencer3kenvandine, I don't believe it is that high14:51
kenvandineinstead of investing a bunch of work and throw it away14:51
rickspencer3but I am skeptical that the "new GUI" is going to be ready any time soon14:51
dobeywhich is why we're working on making all the u1 python code pass pylint and pep8 cleanly14:51
rickspencer3you always "throw tests away" when the thing that you are testing changes, or goes away14:51
kenvandinerickspencer3, i was until UDS... but it seems to have traction now14:51
dobeyand why we're building with -Wall -Werror when landing code now14:51
kenvandinerickspencer3, of course...14:52
rickspencer3also, it would only be the code that drives the UI that changes14:52
rickspencer3all the code for loading the fixtures, checking for results, etc... would all remain in place14:52
rickspencer3and gwibber is not the only thing that uses webkit, so knowing how to test it would be generally good, anyway14:52
dobeykenvandine: gwibber would probably benefit a lot from some of the stuff in ubuntuone-dev-tools14:53
kenvandinei don't know much about js and manipulating the DOM, but from what ryan and others have said it is nearly impossible with our current python-mako/python-webkitgtk stuff14:53
kenvandinedobey, i'll look today14:53
dobeykenvandine: like the test runner, to run tests against a private dbus-daemon instance14:54
kenvandinerickspencer3, one thing we can't test for in current gwibber with the UI, is all the transient errors we ignore14:54
kenvandinedobey, have you seen dbus-test-runner?14:54
dobeykenvandine: and i'm making that bit more generic so we can add other private instance services for testing, like keyring14:54
dobeykenvandine: no14:54
* kenvandine suspects you guys recreated what tedg did 14:54
dobeykenvandine: but i think it's different14:54
dobeykenvandine: our thing doesn't drive test through dbus, it's to prevent your dbus-using code in tests from interacting with live services14:55
kenvandinerickspencer3, i'll talk to ara to figure out what we should do asap14:55
rickspencer3kenvandine, ack14:55
kenvandinedobey, ah, i think dbus-test-runner does both14:55
rickspencer3don't forget, automated testing is a top priority14:55
kenvandinerickspencer3, gotcha!14:55
rickspencer3if you have to choose between writing a test and a feature14:55
rickspencer3choose wisely ;)14:55
dobeykenvandine: well it's written for dealing with stuff in C/Vala too14:56
dobeykenvandine: and our thing is for python unit test stuff :)14:56
dobeykenvandine: as i understand it, anyway14:56
kenvandinedobey, let me get opinion from you?  i know you rarely have strong opinions15:05
kenvandinedobey, i have toyed with the idea of splitting the service modules out into separate dbus services, like telepathy does15:06
kenvandineinstead of having a big monolithic dispatcher that does everything and is long running15:07
kenvandineso having the dispatcher that really just handles when and what gets done and handles the results15:07
kenvandinethen the service modules could be independent, and even kill themselves after they complete their job15:07
kenvandineit would also simplify testing, because we could use dbus to test running operations15:08
kenvandineand... i think it could help us improve the threading situation we have now15:08
dobeywell you could test each module independently and in better isolation too15:08
nessitamay I have a sponsorship for a natty package? https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu/natty/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-client-1.1.2/+merge/4010315:08
kenvandinedobey, right15:09
kenvandinei also don't think it would be much work15:09
dobeykenvandine: i suppose the main issue (which is probably a currenty issue anyway), is dealing with the timing and coordination of services, so you don't end up refreshing twitter 5 times simultaneously, if it's taking too long15:10
kenvandinethat isn't an issue right now15:10
kenvandinebut we could handle that15:10
kenvandinei think it would be a huge improvement for testing purposes15:11
kenvandineand make the long running process more efficient15:11
dobeyif the code is done right, i don't think it much matters one way or the other, but the current code is definitely not right :)15:11
seb128nessita, ok15:11
kenvandineand, people could then write plugins in any language they like15:11
nessitaseb128: thanks!15:12
seb128you're welcome15:12
dobeyhrmm, need to do several MIR for narwhal15:12
jcastrokenvandine: hey, for tomboy in unity for A1, we're doing the quicklist thing so that tomboy only appears in the launcher right?15:14
jcastrowe don't need it in the panel any more right?15:14
kenvandinei think so15:14
kenvandinethey need to add a flag to make appindicator only display in unity15:15
kenvandineor quicklist rather15:15
kenvandinewhich i ran into with gwibber15:15
seb128mvo, https://code.launchpad.net/~kelemeng/software-properties/bug657835/+merge/3808815:15
seb128mvo, can you review that please?15:15
jcastrokenvandine: when you run into how to do that lmk or throw it in the wiki, I'll need to point app developers to it.15:16
jcastroso they can just go in the launcher and not clutter up the top bar15:16
kenvandineok, you can't right now15:16
jcastroright, I know we're blocking on ted. :)15:16
mvoseb128: sure15:16
seb128mvo, thanks15:16
kenvandinejcastro, right now i am exploiting a bug in unity to make it not show in both places15:16
kenvandinebut lets not make tomboy do that15:16
kenvandineif njpatel fixes that bug before tedg adds the flag... i'll get both back15:17
kenvandineit's a race :)15:17
jcastrokenvandine: what are we calling it when we blacklist apps from the top bar? Surely not "launcherify", which is what I've been calling it.15:20
kenvandinenot sure15:21
kenvandinei like that term :)15:21
=== rodrigo__ is now known as rodrigo_
cyphermoxI wrote this quick-ish script to parse entries from NEWS files and massage them into changelog -compatible format16:05
seb128cyphermox, great, we had some hackish scripts to get number or formatting changelogs going around with didrocks16:06
seb128yours seems better though16:06
seb128we should probably start standardizing those in the team16:07
seb128I usually just use "- bug title (lp: #)"16:07
cyphermoxjust going a bit farther but it's inspired on a previous discussion on this with didrocks16:07
seb128no upstream bug numbers or (authors), it becomes hard to read otherwise16:07
cyphermoxit ends up looking like this for evolution: http://paste.ubuntu.com/525742/16:07
cyphermoxit's easy enough to filter out those, at least for the names I had already written the regex for it16:08
seb128I will start a discussion about collecting those and making them standard16:08
seb128it's probably a meeting topic for next week or at least worth mentioning then16:08
cyphermoxcool, yeah16:11
seb128do we have anybody there still running lucid somewhere?16:14
cyphermoxpbuilder chroot fine?16:14
seb128bug #50120716:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 501207 in brasero (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 2 other projects) "sound-juicer, rhythmbox, nautilus crash at audio CD insertion (affects: 18) (dups: 2) (heat: 106)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50120716:19
seb128looking for somebody to work on the sru basically16:19
seb128if somebody wants feel free to claim it16:19
seb128we might just want to do the 2.30.3 update16:19
seb128or backport the fixes, which seems to be https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/brasero/+bug/501207/+attachment/1465325/+files/brasero.working.lucid.patch16:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 501207 in brasero (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 2 other projects) "sound-juicer, rhythmbox, nautilus crash at audio CD insertion (affects: 18) (dups: 2) (heat: 106)" [Medium,New]16:19
cyphermoxwow, that's pretty bad16:25
rickspencer3seb128, still around at all?16:25
seb128rickspencer3, yes16:25
rickspencer3seb128, any progress this week specific to the 2d experience?16:25
seb128cyphermox, it seems to not happen to everybody or every time but yeah it can be annoying16:26
seb128rickspencer3, in which regard? I would think the response is a no since we don't plan to change lot...16:26
cyphermoxseb128, there's just one thing I want to get out of the way but then I could steal a machine here and provision it to lucid to try to work on this16:26
rickspencer3seb128, yeah, understood16:27
rickspencer3it's a priority, so I was hoping to report on some progress for it each week16:27
seb128rickspencer3, but in any case "no", just catching up post UDS and merges from debian16:27
rickspencer3but it doesn't seem very specific16:27
didrocksseb128: the only change is the first applet, isn't it? to use the one with the ubuntu logo?16:27
seb128didrocks, change to what?16:27
seb128didrocks, lack of context I think16:27
seb128rickspencer3, I can do weekly summaries but there is not a lot to say for this week16:28
seb128rickspencer3, you will get one next week ;-)16:28
didrocksseb128: for the 2D experience, the first applet presented would be the "main menu" applet with only the ubuntu logo16:28
seb128didrocks, ?!16:28
rickspencer3seb128, don't do weekly summaries16:28
seb128didrocks, where did you get that from?16:28
didrocksseb128: was discussed in the 2D experience session16:28
rickspencer3I'll glean what I need from activity reports and running the system16:28
rickspencer3didrocks, can you paste a link to the blueprint16:29
seb128rickspencer3, ok, feel free to ping with questions in any case16:29
rickspencer3seb128, I think didrocks is correct, there were some modest changes planned to make 2D a bit more like Unity16:29
seb128we said we would match unity16:29
rickspencer3and there would be the global menu, of course ;)16:29
seb128just use the indicator complet applet basically16:29
rickspencer3there, I said it16:29
seb128but still keep the 2 bars and most of the layout16:29
didrocksrickspencer3: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-dx-n-2d-experience-fallback16:30
rickspencer3seb128, yeah, I think you'll need to think through the upgrade experience vs. the fresh install experience16:30
rickspencer3and be conservative in the upgrade case16:30
ricotzseb128, hi16:31
seb128ricotz, hey16:31
ricotzseb128, thanks for vala ;)16:31
ricotzif you did that16:31
seb128no, pitti did16:31
seb128but you're welcome ;-)16:31
pittivala FTW16:32
ricotzseb128, have you noticed that libvala-0.12-dev isnt providing libvala-dev?16:32
ricotzis this intended?16:32
ricotzpitti, ^16:32
pitticertainly not; there should be a libvala-dev IMHO16:32
ricotzlooks like robert dropped that provide16:33
ricotzlibvala-dev is still provided by the old 0.10 package16:34
ricotzso it this might need to be fixed :(16:34
seb128didrocks, ok, the spec was not really clear by calling the applet [XXX correct name required] Gnome Menu applet,16:43
seb128we need to change the indicator applets to use the unified one as well16:44
seb128and add the appmenu one16:44
didrocksseb128: agreed16:44
didrocksand datetime as well?16:44
seb128well that's not an applet16:45
seb128it will be in the unified indicator16:45
seb128we just need to seed it16:45
didrocksand deal with removing the older one then?16:45
didrocksas what was done with the user switching?16:45
seb128I don't plan to try to tweak updates16:46
didrocksso, two date/time widget on upgrade?16:46
seb128no way ;-)16:47
didrocksyou want to make datetime indicator hide if the applet is present?16:47
seb128the way we handled the user switching is by providing the same bonobo id16:47
didrocksok, not possible for datetime then16:47
seb128in the new case I think I will just make the first session run script delete the applet of the config if the indicator is on16:47
didrocksI was sure it was hackish :)16:47
rodrigo_ok, rebooting into natty (/me crosses fingers)16:48
seb128it's a bit hackish as well16:48
seb128but I don't have any better idea right now16:48
seb128well "if the indicator is on and datetime installed"16:48
didrocksseb128: TBH, I think I'll need this script as well for compiz settings migration (enabling unity plugin and such) so can be useful (but hackish, right)16:48
seb128I will probably do an email to collect migrations we need to do this cycle at some point16:49
seb128then we can decide where we put the migration code16:50
didrockssound like a plan :)16:50
seb128 16:50
seb128hey english speakers16:50
seb128-    N_("Show user own process"), MY_PROCESSES }16:50
seb128+    N_("Show user owned processes"), MY_PROCESSES }16:50
seb128sounds fine to you?16:50
rodrigo_ok, natty works, we can release today :)16:57
seb128didrocks, new evo bug your way16:58
seb128didrocks, you need to keep the one evo bug a day running ;-)16:58
didrocksseb128: it's two for today! "count exceeded" :)16:58
seb128didrocks, keep it for tomorrow ;-)16:58
seb128didrocks, it's just the manpage not describing the --express16:58
didrocksseb128: depends, can treat it today if you upgrade to the "premium count" :)16:59
seb128didrocks, no hurry to fix nor sru needed16:59
seb128didrocks, I've a premium whip, does it work as well? :-p16:59
* didrocks runs…16:59
* seb128 hugs didrocks16:59
* didrocks hugs seb12816:59
didrocksseb128: ok, let's got that SRU accepted first, can queue it later with other bugs16:59
seb128mpt, hey17:03
mpthi seb12817:03
seb128 -    N_("Show user own process"), MY_PROCESSES }17:03
seb128 +    N_("Show user owned processes"), MY_PROCESSES }17:03
seb128does that seem fine to you?17:03
seb128that's the statusbar text for the gnome-system-monitor entry to display only the processes of the current user17:03
mptWhat are user owned processes?17:03
seb128mpt, https://launchpad.net/bugs/21414817:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 214148 in gnome-system-monitor (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Bad status tip on My Processes menu (heat: 7)" [Low,Triaged]17:04
mptoh, I see it17:04
mptseb128, should be "user-owned", not "user owned"17:04
seb128mpt, can you drop a comment in the bug saying that?17:05
seb128thanks ;-)17:05
seb128mpt, thank you17:08
jcastroseb128: didrocks: I split up the work items in the application selection blueprint to be more milestone based, adjust if needed.17:09
seb128jcastro, ok17:09
mptseb128, in return, could you please let through the message that ckpringle has just sent to gnomecc-list@? :-)17:10
seb128mpt, done17:11
rodrigo_hmm, we have a lot of patches in g-s-d package, looking at applying them upstream17:12
didrocksjcastro: ok, thanks :)17:12
seb128jcastro, could you change mono-team for an existing one?17:13
seb128rodrigo_, great17:13
seb128rodrigo_, ask there if you don't know what patches do17:13
rodrigo_seb128, so far they seem easy17:14
rodrigo_but yeah, will ask17:14
rodrigo_we need to review them all, since most of them won't apply17:14
rodrigo_in 2.91, so it'd be better to have them upstream17:14
jcastroseb128: well, it needs a person right? I didn't just want to assign them to laney without asking17:15
Laneyjcastro: we have ubuntu-cli-mono-dev which is a LP team17:15
Laneydunno if that works17:15
Laneyotherwise I am fine for that17:15
seb128jcastro, sorry got some wifi installability17:17
seb128changing ap in use17:17
rodrigo_seb128, one question, why do we change the .ad files installed by g-s-d in /usr/share/gnome-settings-daemon/xrdb/* to /etc/gnome/config ?17:17
seb128jcastro, I think a team works as well17:17
Laneyyeah i suggested ubuntu-cli-mono-dev17:17
seb128rodrigo_, because /etc is for system config I think17:17
seb128rodrigo_, the debian and ubuntu systems preserve changes to files in etc on upgrade17:18
seb128where it just replaces those in /usr17:18
rodrigo_ah, ok17:18
seb128rodrigo_, so if we put something in /etc sysadmins can tweak them17:18
rodrigo_so not sure why g-s-d installs that stuff in share17:18
seb128dunno either17:18
rodrigo_well, it installs it there, and then it reads from /etc/xrdb17:19
seb128seems buggy17:19
seb128I guess nobody cares about xrdb out of us17:19
seb128jcastro, thanks!17:19
seb128rodrigo_, 02_fix_randr.patch might just need to be dropped17:20
seb128we might want to look what happens without it17:20
rodrigo_yes, I was waiting for federico to ask him17:20
rodrigo_but he's not around17:20
seb128I doubt configs just fail to apply for other distros, it probably got fixed differently17:20
rodrigo_yes, looks so17:20
seb128rodrigo_, 02_missing_libs.patch is probably safe to apply17:20
seb12803_maintainer_mode.patch is a matter of taste17:21
seb128it's useful for distro because it means autotools will not be ran when you do any patching17:21
seb128rodrigo_, you can ignore 08_xrandr_command.patch for trunk17:22
seb128rodrigo_, it just reverted a commit that changed the command for the new g-c-c17:22
seb128but since 2.32 still had the old g-c-c...17:23
seb128it might be something to commit to gnome-2-32 though17:23
seb128rodrigo_, 70_migrate_touchpad_config.patch can be dropped17:24
seb128it was a migration from our old capplet tab to the one which went upstream17:24
seb128some of the gconf keys were different17:24
seb12891_update_gvc_source.patch has a bug upstream17:25
chrisccoulsonyeah, we probably could have dropped the touchapd one last cycle, sorry, i forgot about that ;)17:26
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, don't worry, I'll drop it now :)17:26
seb128rodrigo_, 99_ltmain_as-needed.patch is a debian thing to workaround libtool issues17:26
seb128rodrigo_, don't worry about it17:27
rodrigo_seb128, so, can be dropped17:27
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
seb128it's fixed with the dso build in the new toolchain17:27
seb128ie --as--needed by default17:27
=== zyga is now known as zyga-nc10
Laneythat's awesome!17:28
Laneycan it be upstreamed? debian has been arguing about this for ages it seems17:29
seb128Laney, http://wiki.debian.org/ToolChain/DSOLinking17:29
seb128I think it's fixed by that17:29
seb128Laney, but it's for next cycle for debian17:29
Laneylook forward to dropping those17:30
* rodrigo_ needs to do some shopping, bbl17:38
didrocksseb128: I'm quite unclear if there is still needed to patch ltmain.sh to take -Wl,--as-needed by default or if it's passed directly to the linker now (as ltmain.sh comes from upstream autotools)17:43
seb128didrocks, doko asked me to drop those ltmain.sh patches17:43
seb128he said it breaks things with the new toolchain rather17:43
didrocksseb128: ok, great then :)17:43
hyperairooh, if those 99 ltmain patches are dropped, then i can use 3.0 (quilt) for autoreconf'd packages! right now i need to hook onto dh_quilt_patch and make sure autogen is run first17:43
didrocksso, it's directly the linker dealing with it17:43
seb128didrocks, right17:44
didrocksseb128: good news, thanks for the info17:44
seb128didrocks, you can read the first lines of http://wiki.debian.org/ToolChain/DSOLinking about that17:45
didrocksseb128: well, even after reading it yesterday, I was still unclear if it was just -Wl,--as-needed by default but if ltmain.sh was still needed or not to be patched to take that option17:47
seb128I think not17:47
seb128I could be wrong though but doko asked to drop those patches so I think we should be ok17:47
didrocksyeah, if doko told you that, it should be ok :) (just I don't like black magic. Hope to get some time to ask him/have a look :))17:48
ari-tczewseb128: about bug 470550: it won't be applied. see more on branch comments.18:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 470550 in coreutils (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "uname -p and uname -i reporting `unknown' (affects: 5) (heat: 44)" [Low,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47055018:02
seb128ari-tczew, thanks, I unsubscribe the sponsors18:03
ari-tczewSure. Dunno why ubuntu-sponsors exist there.18:04
seb128didrocks, could you sponsor bug #84853?18:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 84853 in yelp (Ubuntu) "too many instances of "Ubuntu" on yelp frontpage (dups: 1) (heat: 17)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8485318:04
didrocksseb128: sure18:05
seb128mvo, could you add https://code.launchpad.net/~ronj/software-properties/doubleclickSourceline/+merge/23891 to your review list as well?18:10
mvoseb128: sure, thanks18:11
mvoseb128: looks like you are on a review freezy today :)18:11
seb128mvo, thanks you18:11
seb128mvo, yeah, trying to clean the sponsoring queue a bit18:11
seb128it didn't get much work since release18:11
seb128or at least main didn't18:11
seb128the universe part is clean ;-)18:11
mvoreally? crazy!18:12
and471hey mvo how was uds?18:15
mvohey and47118:16
mvoand471: nice, you saw us on the live stream, right .) ?18:16
and471mvo, well yeah I heard you :)18:17
mvoand471: heh :)18:20
mvoand471: kind of spooky to be on TV18:20
mvo(well, stream)18:20
and471mvo, I watched at bit of the video recordings afterwards tho, so for the general ui session, yes I did see you guys :D18:21
mvoand471: you have the advantage over us now! next uds you will be able to identify us18:22
and471mvo, it was quite spooky as well when I typed in a question, and then I'd hear later "There is a question on IRC from andrew ...."18:22
and471mvo, well yeah, during the video stream I tried to look at launchpad profile pics to see who everyone was18:23
and471mvo, or guess from the conversation18:23
and471mvo, I guess that it quite a shock at uds, especially for those who live farther away form you, you have no clue what they look like, or how they sound, just their IRC nick :)18:25
and471mvo, I have been working on this just recently, I used nzmm's great developerweek session http://videobin.org/+2d2/2nm.html18:27
and471it is an iphone style on/off toggle switch18:27
and471mvo, also more SC related, here is something to think about http://videobin.org/+2ao/2l8.html , with the actual video here http://ubuntuone.com/p/Nlk/18:31
mvoand471: thanks, watching18:32
and471mvo, np18:33
mvoand471: heh :) a video18:33
mvoand471: a video in a video! (video (video))18:33
mvoand471: that is actually a longer term goal18:33
and471mvo, the ubuntuone link is a better video that I improved18:33
and471mvo, cool18:34
mvoand471: but we don't have a good server yet18:34
mvoand471: it should be easy on the client, the server part needs a bit of love18:34
and471mvo, I had the idea of 30-second videos, so that we can really squeeze it all in and be at a good file size18:34
mvoand471: how big are those?18:34
and471mvo, the webm file is only 1.3mb18:34
and471mvo, and that it quite good (I think)18:34
mvoand471: I think thats a great idea, the server code is not hard18:35
mvoand471: woah18:35
mvoand471: \o/18:35
and471mvo, webm is pretty awesome and open as well!18:35
and471mvo, also I figured that without sound, it seems a bit strange, so I had the idea that you can use sound, but only sound from the package itself18:35
mvoand471: sounds good - the stuff in use is "debshots" on the server18:37
mvoand471: I think it should be straightforard to extend that18:38
and471yeah, I guess you would have to merge that and videobin to get what we want :)18:38
mvoand471: its all nice python18:38
and471mvo, I have to confess I have never used djanjo18:38
and471(i think it is in djanjo)18:38
mvoits something else, but I forgot what it was - but it is18:39
mvoI hacked a little in it18:39
mvoand the upstream guy is super nice18:39
and471yeah I emailed him a bit about something..can't remember18:40
and471and he seemed cool18:40
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
and471mvo, anyway if you see nzmm tell him thanks for that custom widget tutorial18:40
and471and if you see mpt, could you show him that custom widget screencast? His networking mockups have that widget, this was actually the inspiration to start making it :)18:41
and471mvo, I shall start trying to do some SC stuff soon, I have just been floating around between projects, but SC is a lot nicer to work on :)18:42
and471hey kiwinote18:42
kiwinotehey andy18:43
mvoand471: heh - yeah! with gstreamer he video should be straightforwward18:43
mvohey kiwinote! did you had a good trip back?18:43
and471kiwinote, are you in the uk?18:43
mvoand471: network widget?18:44
and471mvo, not for SC, this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Networking18:44
and471under “Network Settings” window18:44
kiwinotehey mvo - yep it was quite a smooth trip back. How about you - did you manage to find something to do during your wait at the airport?18:44
mvoand471: aha, ok18:45
and471mvo, mpt is a busy guy :)18:45
kiwinoteand471: yep, in the uk during term time, nl most of the rest of the time18:45
mvokiwinote: yeah, plenty of other people around18:45
mvokiwinote: so it was fine :)18:45
mvoand471: indeed18:45
and471kiwinote, ah I never knew! where do you go?18:45
kiwinoteuni of warwick18:45
and471kiwinote, studying?18:46
kiwinoteyep - maths18:46
and471kiwinote, nice :)18:46
kiwinoteand471: how about you - coming to uni soon, or still at high school?18:47
and471kiwinote, sixth form college18:47
and471kiwinote, so in two years uni :)18:47
kiwinotecomputer science or something else? (or undecided as of now ;) )18:48
and471kiwinote, probs maths or computer science18:48
kiwinotenice ;)18:48
kiwinoteif you happen to come past for an open day, be sure to give a shout ;)18:49
and471will do :)18:49
and471kiwinote, mvo, anyway gotta go, nice speaking to you both, and see ya soon!18:49
kiwinotesee you18:49
mvohave fun18:49
didrocksok, dinner, sport and sleep :) see you tomorrow18:54
mterryseb128, heyo, was gtk3 good?  Should it go to natty?19:12
tremoluxrickspencer3: heyo, around?19:34
tremoluxrickspencer3: I want to runs something by you about the new-apps spec:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/appdevs-desktop-n-opportunistic-apps-stable-release19:35
tremoluxrickspencer3: basically, after related discussions at UDS, I can identify no additional work that needs to be done in Software Center for this in Natty19:37
tremoluxrickspencer3: so I'm thinking of retargeting back to maverick, as it is essentially complete19:37
tremoluxkiwinote: hey!19:40
rickspencer3tremolux, yeah, I believe software-center itself can sit tight for this cycle19:53
rickspencer3(related to new apps)19:53
rickspencer3mterry and didrocks have a different reality ;)19:53
tremoluxrickspencer3: well, we do have stuff to do/fix, but so far it seems manageable19:54
tremoluxsorry for didrocks and mterry  8^O19:54
* mterry rocks out in his reality bubble19:55
tremoluxmterry: haha!!19:55
tremoluxrickspencer3: but ok, yes, for new-apps, we seem good19:56
tremoluxrickspencer3: sorry, back...so, I'm not sure how to close out the blueprint, do I just reset the Series Goal to Natty?20:07
tremoluxrickspencer3: sorry, reset to *Maverick*20:08
tremoluxrickspencer3: I'd JFDI, but, sometimes with blueprints in LP there's a way to do it, and a way not to do it20:09
dobeyafaik blueprints don't get 'closed' but rather just get their status changed to 'completed' or 'implemented' or whatever it is20:12
tremoluxdobey: yeah, except this blueprint from maverick was retargeted (and approved) for Natty20:21
tremoluxdobey: so it went from "Implemented" in maverick back to the "Unknown" state20:22
tremoluxdobey: so, I would think I should just reset those two fields..20:23
dobeywell i wish the worst of my problems right now was deciding the best way to mark a blueprint as done :)20:26
rickspencer3kenvandine, check this out! http://www.gnu.org/software/pythonwebkit/20:45
rickspencer3seems like it could make webkit UI a bit more testable!20:45
kenvandineyeah... i actually tried building that during UDS :)20:47
kenvandinebut fails in all kinds of strange ways20:47
rickspencer3oh well20:48
rickspencer3we'd only need it to run well enough for a testing environment20:48
rickspencer3kenvandine, did it fail to build, or not work after it was built?20:48
kenvandinefail to build20:48
kenvandinewell, it needed webkitgtk from git20:49
kenvandinewhich failed to build20:49
kenvandineaquarius and ryan were very keen on that20:49
tremoluxrickspencer3: did you see my comments about the new-apps blueprint?  shall I reset the series goal to "Maverick" and reset implementation to "Implemented"?20:52
rickspencer3tremolux, if it's done, set it to implemented20:53
rickspencer3if there are more work items, set it to Maverick20:53
rickspencer3hth, I'm not sure what you need there :/20:53
tremoluxrickspencer3: no, all work items are DONE20:53
rickspencer3then set it to Implemented!20:54
tremoluxso I just set it to Implemented, but it still shows up in the Natty list20:54
tremoluxrickspencer3: assume that's ok?  sorry for annoying questions  :-/20:55
rickspencer3tremolux, np, man, any time20:55
tremoluxrickspencer3: thx  :)20:55
rickspencer3tremolux, can you paste me a link?20:55
tremoluxrickspencer3: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/appdevs-desktop-n-opportunistic-apps-stable-release20:56
kenvandinethis indicator-me bug is definitely a weird race condition, it gets the focus-out signal the same time it gets the grab-focus and focus-in signals!20:57
rickspencer3tremolux, I untargetted it from Natty20:58
tremoluxrickspencer3: ah great, thanks21:00
XVampireXHey what's up again?21:25
ricotzrobert_ancell, hi, could you have a look at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vala/+bug/67110421:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 671104 in vala (Ubuntu) "libvala-0.12-dev missing provide for libvala-dev (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]21:46
robert_ancellricotz, ok21:47
=== marrus is now known as marrusl
pittichrisccoulson: do we still need the 500.000 files in tracker? Debian has 65.000 dirs, which ought to be enough for a reasonable home dir, and avoids some overhead22:30
chrisccoulsonpitti - not sure. that's currently the only change isn't it?22:30
pittichrisccoulson: I'll sync the Debian package now (I need it to drop the second-last libdevkit-power dependency)22:31
pittichrisccoulson: right22:31
chrisccoulsonpitti - last time i checked, the debian maintainer added a patch which changed an ontology22:31
pittichrisccoulson: I just discussed it with mbiebl, and we think that 65.000 ought to be enough22:31
chrisccoulsonplease don't sync that change if it's still there :)22:31
pittichrisccoulson: I think he reverted it, I'll check22:33
pittichrisccoulson: yep, confirmed that this was reverted22:35
pitti-fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 6553622:35
pitti+fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 52428822:35
pittiit's our only diff22:36
chrisccoulsonpitti - cool, thanks22:36
pittichrisccoulson: are you okay with squashing this?22:36
chrisccoulsonyeah, can do22:36
pittiso the only remaining one is packagekit-gnome22:36
pittiI'll get that ported, then we have one crufty library less and can update upower22:37
ricotzrobert_ancell, thanks23:02
robert_ancellricotz, np23:03

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